THE . OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORT LAND, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6,- 1918. 4 4 4 LOST ASP potncp tl LOST stmall black pun containing about 137 enrrrm-jr and silver; aba (100 merehandiae , iIm return to 'Edith Collins. Olds, Wortman eYl "ins. & noor, crocs ry aepsrunont, receive reward. HELP MTAKTBD MALE I Young Men With Motorcycle 1 Two twin motorcycles for city delivery work, food hh, pily Elmer L. Baijey T 84 at. i EXPERIENCED rotomobn washer wanted at one. Good salary. Tha l"sed Car Exchange, 827 Washington at.. "Where Waahlngton and Burn aide Meet." (SO par week earned by eaen of aaB ainee July I, selling oar guaranteed shrub, rosea, troaa and barrlaa; others earning front 129 per week up. No experience necessary. Exclusive territory. Free outfit. Bent season for year Open territory la thle and neighboring states, Washington Nnrnery Co.. Toppewlsa. Wanh. TOUNG man who ean talk to the public, keep booka and write letter and invoices on typewriter can find and create for himself a p'oniUing future In a growing retau and whoieaale cotntnercisl bouae. C-762, Journal. WANTED Well dreaaed atnele man. 21 to 85. to travel with manager and solicit; experience not neceatsry; out of town man preferred; ealary and expenses. Apply Clifford hotel, Mr. Steia heii"r ii, ft to 4 p. an. WANTED Men to qualify for conductor. Ap ply room 810 Electric blag., hour from 8:30 a. in. to 4 p. m. and Sundays 10 a. m. lien with dependent preferred. P. R.. L. at P. Co. WANTED Bright young man wiahlng to learn permanent business, splendid future; muat hare good references . A. J. Spalding tt Broa., Broadway at Aider. L A. Spangler. WANTED Flint claaa maehlniet for lath work; muat ba quick and accurate; good wages, ateady work. Fred Dundee, Broadway and Flanders. YOUNQ man under 20 for store work; good pay and ataady work; murt furnish good refer ences. Apply In person only. Jewel Tea Co., x l uranq are. JEWELRY JOBBERS AND STONE SETTERS, 8 HOUR HHOP; HH1HL8T WAGES. W. 8. MYERS CO., BELLINU-UIKSCH BLIXL GOOD real satate salesman, commission baaia; muat hav own ear; experienced, lira man ran mere good money. C-648, Journal. JEWELRY POLISHERS, HOUR SHOP; HKJHEST WAf.Ed. W. 8. MYERS CO.. BKlaiaNU-tllKHCii 11LDO. EXPERIENCED rurd repairman, good wagea. permanent employment. Ford Agency, Grant P. Or. ; - ; ' vTNTED Man to "drive Ford laundry ds- llrery; must be ateady and over draft age. ' rot Exchange laundry, Vancouver Barracks. WAXTED Man to take timber contract; big money: also man to dig potatoes on ahares, 'city. C-769, Journal. TuTNU men for billing and traffic course. Will place you In a good poaition. Mr. Hner- lors. woreeiuar Ding. l'OL'NO man to do delivering tor grocery. 107 Kllpatrick at.. Kenton. v WANT stable man able to milk cow. 548 Front at. BOY WANTED to learn trade Add1 Port- land Mraaa Foundry. 290 Union avenue. WANTED Y oung man to run felting machine Portland Furn. Mfg. Co.. 1249 Macadam rd. WXnTED Experienced piano player; ateady poaition. can uoiumoia oi. WANT oil wall driller. J. W. Green. 890 Vancouver ave., Portland. Or; WANTED Second cook, (28 week. Iighton's Dairy Lunch. Broadway and Washington. 1 HELP WASTED MISC. 49 TJ S. GOVERNMENT STENOGRAPHERS WANTED. Cods Bam will employ every graduate of our' civil ssrviea course at salariaa of from (1000 to (20v a year. Positions guaranteed all graduates. Enroll now. LINK'S RCSINESS COLLEGE. 10th and Morrison, Portland, Or. Phones: Slain 088, . A-8485. A WAR JOB FOR YOL'i Civil service needs thousands meu, women. Fine salaries; psid vsrations, promotion. No "pull" needed. Free lnformsticn, money back guarantee, and spe clsl offer to citisens over 18. Ask for book (Jl snd nsms position wanted. Washington Civil Service School, 803 Alaruen bldg... Wash- lugton, D. C. -. ' ON CLE SAM needs 10,000' rtenog rsphers. Enroll now for shorthsnd, trpev. ruing, bookkeeping. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BittlNEaS COIXEUE. 8d floor Allsky bldg. IU'RSELL PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL 426 Lumbermen bldg., 5th and Stark. Individual instruction. Intensive training for office positions. lake advantage or our special rate. LADIES' desiring crochet wora or DSviag some lor ssl. send 10c for "Book of Designs" and da tails Call and see large display hand crochet work. Int. Trading Crochet Co.. 218 Fleidner bids HA VVTHoRNE AUTO Bt llDOL. 403 HAWTHOIINE AVE. SPECIAL NIGHT CLASS RATES. PAT AS YOU LEARN. THE ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL, 880 Wasco st. , corner I Dion ava. Call, write or phone E. 74 45 about free trial offer. Day and night classes. fcAHT HIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, liiil GRAND AVE.. EAST 427. BRINGING UP FATHER I I VnaAVraT 8n. -rrs. TJ ' VJW W DO TQV) "ENm HAD OCH A 4000 TIME I THINK. wEl.U .sV a WTBV 1 6J i ' HELP WAHTEP MISC. UNCALLED for tailor made suits. (9.(0 op. Taylor tha Tsiloi,. 289 V, Burnsid. J HELP WATTElS PEMALE WANTED Woman to help with" housework In country, . no objection to emails child; atate wage expected. J. F. AC. Route S. Box 16S. xiooQ rtiver, vn. WANTED Young lady to assist In light house work... small , family, no children. Apply la mornings. 780' PettTgrore. CAPABLE of flea girl. experienced accounting department whoieaale house; atate age, refer- ami parol aunpw. journal. WANTED A girl for general housework. Most do gooa piata cook, do waaaing, (5 a wear. Bell. (. WANTED Ta rase Jot partly paralyaod man. 8 mall wacea and food country home. - Apply 121 Portland bird.. Kenton. GIRL for general housework, no washing or cooking. Apply Immediately at office! i 8d. WANTED A cook, Riverside hotel. St. John. CoL 200. WANTED Woman for second work; institu tion. 278 . 22d St. . f WA NTEI Experienced eook and housemaid. gooa wsgea. t all Main 6481. HELP WAITED MALE A3TD FEMALE DRIUINAL MOLEU BAItBEK COLLE;B Tesehes the trade In eight weeks. Givea scholar ships and transfer cards. Pays yon while learn ing. Big demand for both men and women. Heennd and Burnetdo. ORIGINAL MOHLKR BARBER SCHOOL Teaches men and women berber trade In 8 win. Special rates for short time only ,(15, including good sat of tools, giving diploma. 234 Conch St. OREGON Barber College will teach you tha bar ber trade in 8 weeka; tools free; scholarship diplomas given; paid while learning; poaition sjuennteea; muion reauceo. zoo aiaaison. WANTED -Good capable man and wife with out children for wheat ranch. Eastern Ore gon; man mut ba experienced teamster, (10U per month. Room 80S Imperial hotel. WANTED Good Japanese man and wife for eook and second girL Horn phone A-7628 - SITUATIONS MALE REGISTERED pharmaeiat, 20 years' experi ence; good references; wants position: rea sonable waff mm ' thnrotiffhlv .TtvflMiwd. A .ft K 7 Journal. A FIRST-CLASS mechanic, 20 years' experi ence on lathe and bench work. Precis work preferred. X-482, Journal, WI8H to secure inside shop work aa machinist' helper. 1'hone Bell. 2978. Day work pre ferred. lot NG man wanta garage work er driving: experienced trSuble man, good references. Out-of-town work preferred. G-722, Journal. YOCNG man with family, wishes position, store work or collecting preferred. Phone Broad way 2582. Ask for Mr. Green. STRONG young married man, to work in wa rehouse. (75 per month. A-856, Journal CORRESPONDENCE law student operating type writer desires clerkship. Box 206, Canby, Or. A-l CARPENTER, builds and repairs cheap, by contract. Call Wdln. 128. RELIABLE elderly man, janitor or houseman. W-7B8. Journal. GIHL to care for child afternoons. Apply eve nings. 1224 Gladstone sve. FOR plowing in Lents on Mt Scott car line, call Tabor 8783. WANTED A position aa night watchman; good raferenc given; inside. A-695, Journal. SITUATIONS FEMALE EXPERIENCED typesetter, lady, wants work in city or country printing shop. Box 103, Vsnoonver. Wash. MII'DLKAGED woman for light housekeeping. East 6708. PUBLISHED BOOMS Transient and H. K. rooms, (2 week up. 853 H .Tsmhill st Phone Msr. 162,8. RYAN Hotel Annex. 269 5th, new brick; hot-rnld water every room, steam heat, Opp. City Hall. Main 9375. LAUREL HOTEL Rooms (2 per week. 8 team beat Also housekeeping rooms. Modern. SECOND AND YAMHILL STS. TJNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Princess Hotel, E. 8d and Bunuide, COe dsy trp, (2 week up. Esst 171. ROOMS in modern hotel. (1.75 week and up. 455 Alder. THB HAZEL Furnished rooms, steam heat running water. 88.1 8d st i (l.ftu WEEK up, clesn. warm, modern furnisneo rooms, central. The King. 309 Jefferson. FURNISHED ROOMS PBITATE FAMILY IBVINGIiON Three rooms, on carline. .Piano, fireplace, lsrge yard, on ground floor (25; includes phone, water, garbage; no children. East 4884. REASONABLE Large front room, kitchen and bedroom, newly -furnished. Alberta, Union ave. or Woodlawn car. Near Holladay. Call after 6 p. m. 207 Union ave. N. ; CLEAN looms, modern, walking distance. 825 1 2th st. TVO fine rooms with hot-water heat in re fined home; gentleman. Phone Wdln. 1080. 1040 BELMONT St., 8furnished room US FURNISH ED ROOMS 18 THREE small unfurnUhed rooms, electric light, gss. heat and water. Best downtown loca tion. Phone Main 5494-. - TWO large front unfurnished rooms. 167 H 1st -r (Copyright 1918. CVC - WCsa, oh: Cxjt vooxvi 1 I I AUtrsvrs. I Fm'i fAv.i SNA CSV I I '"il-rtU . f J B "i "7 V C vs.,. ABB IS ROOM and boa id for buaiaeaa girls, modern eosy- Teniencea. vraUrlng distance, (3; SO weak, 13 E. 7th st Eaat 47S2. THE Martha Washington. 880 10th. for buas- giria ana students. Marshall 1201. i BOOMS ATTD BOABT PBITATE PAMILT TWO Urge connecting rooms, one with open fireslsca: A few select aueeta onlv. Beat of hem tables. . Terms reasonable. M. H. Allan. fcaas 9tia. on l xiawxnorne, WANTED Children to ears) for in say en neme, cnuarem tram 4 to a yeara . eg agaw Reasonable terms. Tabor 8587. - A CHILD to board in my home; aplendld earaC Eaat 8298. SEASONABLE room and board, west aid. fia 8188, close in. HOrSEKEEPLSTO BOOMS S PTJBITISHED ANI U5PUBKISHED 8 ROOM apartment for housekeeping, Msrr apt., 880 H Morrison at. opposite Olds, wormian at King store (lesm flrvo Free bath. hot. cold water. (1 APIS, week up. 401 1st St. HOrSEKEEPINO BOOMS 1 PtTBSISHED OR L'N FDBNISHED PBITATE FAMILY THREE furaiehed rooms, walking distance. Call after 6 p. m. 207 Union ave. 4 ROOM apartment, ga heat, garage. 8287. Cheap rent Tabor FOR BE5T- HOtTSES U TJTf FlBITISHED NEW 8 room modern bungalow, built in eon Tenlences and sleeping porch, wash tray in basement, comer lot 60x100, 1 block from ear line; street improvements paid, (2100, half cash, bal. terms. Tabor 8078. A BN'AF 9 room house, hath, lights, gas, cor ner lot. near car, good location, only I160O with (100 down, bal. (15 per month and in terest 2 rooms can be rented out furnished for (10. Phone Ball. 181, day time or Sell. 2938. evenings. MODERN1 6 room bungalow. 1451 Division st. ormosite Franklin man school: 8 room noose, 1207 Belmont, ground 100x100, with fruit trees and flowers. Wm. G. Beck, 213-210 Fail ing twg. ' (20 Modern newly tinted T room house with garage and yard, at 893 Guild st, electricity and gaa Installed. Inquire at 894 N. 24th st lake N. S. or 28d st oar. 8 BOOM hoosa, eleetrto lights and gas. cement . floor, walks and steps, naroxurrace streets : walking distance Beed college; rent (20. Phone Esat 4989. EIGHT room, bonis, concrete basement 2 lots. Both and E. Harrison sts. 1108V Harrison). (10 per month, Inquir next door or phona Oak i.rove 128U. LARGE living rooms on Montavill carline. close to achool, store, etc., (io per montn. Clsude Cole, sou Henry Diag. JTJ8T across Broadway bridge, 7 rooms, electric lights, bath, fruit, Som furniture, vacated 15th. Owner, Main 8ie (12.50 6 rooms, gs, bath, yard, near shiiv yards... ttJO 1st Tsbor 1114. (5 6 room house, gaa, free water. Jeweler, 633S Foster road, cot. 64th st Tahor BZ, 6" ROOM house. 892 Hall at Phona Mil- waukie 66M. (10, FOUR nice clean rooms, pantry, bath, etc.. close to car. 409 Bwetland wag. FURNISHED HOUSES 8 5 ROOM furnished house, bath and toilet. (12 Houck, 110 Tenth St. 11 a Three room honiic. modern, gaa. eleotri city, water included, garden, berries. 405 at. 44tn St., iiswinorne car. FOR RENT 6 room furnished house, 2 lots. (14 a month, including water. 6625 85th st. 8 E. WANTED Furnished house. 0 or 9 rooms, adults. T-644, Journal. MODERN 4 room cottage, E. 25th, Bear S. P. R. B. shops, (20. Phono- East XX0. NICELY furnished 5 room bungalow, with fire place for rent; close in. Call Bellwood 1096 FOR RENT Furnished house, walking distan Marshall 8461. APARTMENTS 43 FURinSHEB A5 USF UBKISHET KING ALBERT APTS. New. strictly modern 2 and 8 rooms. 11th ft t Montgomery itOSE FRIEND APTo., corner Broadway and Jefferson. Elegant unfurnished apt., bast serv ice, walking distance. Marshall 1410. HISLOP HALL. E. 6th and Hawthorne. Mod ern 1, 2 and 8 room apt., (12.60 up. walk ing distance. East 882. - FOR BENT FLATS 1$ 8 ROOM upper, 573 Union, near Russell. East 2195; 5 ROOM modern flat, in factory district west side, only (15. Morris, 481 Chsmber of Com. FOR room fist 434 Sandy blvd. (8 5 ROOM flat Phone Tabor 2840. FURNISHED FLATS (6 FIVE room furnished flat for rent lower flat, 666 Market st Apply at STORES AND OFFICES 11 4(1 DESK room for rent in fine location. - Chamber ot Commerce. International News Service.) tHOVf IO IN aVTMTS TO THE siAVrr., TELL HER VJHKT "'Hi Yy'E HAD! ' BOOMS ATO BO lijFi foo I HAVE 1 YV I I T LIE FOR lirlk Jp wo?F no tjsXnk- r 'rVVE H.D roOR rfrJ I : ,SrOCElVFOLLS (y) 9 11 lontt. store xoosna, uv. osv un? r win rvna separate or aa a vans - -.uwm jwmr- wju. cneap rent, jrnone ouwy. uw. hXOIts! tor rent, good location , ior dresa maker. ladies' tailors or notions. E. 19th and E. Broadway; 'v--t - - -- - VTASTEi TO BE1TT LIST your Vacant Houses. Flata gnd Apart- mania rnrvHchawt " Af nnfttnilahefL with US. HAt long waiting Bat J. U, WKBia UVMraJI, maraaau pee. NEED MORE HOUSES. BENT AND BELL Vsrinna h-irt lntiane and Brie. Try BENEDICT. 267 H Oak. near 4th. Main 1T4S After 6 p, m.. Tabor 7888. WANTE1 Furnished 3 or 8 room apt., house or list by young couple. Call Tabor 8591 Del or iz a. m. WANTED Furnished house, 4 or 5 rooms, in Albert Out. ; best city xercrene. u-box. Journal. WANTED Furnished house and garage. Phone Woodlawn 8982. - FOB SALE HOUSES 1 $950 Cash or Liberty Bonds T m ra. . ei.rnnfii mnHarn linnse: full line ataiwterfl nlumhina.' hest ersrle 1 new window shades; electric fixtures; Dutch kitchen with large cooling closet ana couapeiDi uui. kitchen, bedroom and bathroom finished in white enamel- all .walla nawli- decorated; 60 by 100 ft lot; several Urge fir tree: a Urge fruit tree: chicken house; 1 H bloc irom Bos City Park car. No trade: no agcnia. vwner, . 0113 mhi5 uius. a Rnnxisi viiamiri in anle 11500. 6 rooms. Missouri ava.. furnace, imp. all paid, only (2000. - 1 rooms, modern, z nut, ear, oniy .. 5 rooms, modern, 1 blk. car, only (2250. TO BUX OR SELL REAL ESTATE Se Wickman. 104 8th st Main 6869 aaonn HivtTnriRSE DISTRICT 8SO00 a mm hnnesilow. modern. garage, pared streets, east face, all built-in convenience. This la a beautiful place ana is surrounaea oy um homes. . Price includes all city liens. Tnm. See Mr. Bender at J. L. HAKIjIA-'n wsl PANT. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. S9in HiWTHfiRXE BUNGALOW 82500 ft roema and sleeoine oorch. cast face, all built-in conveniences, fireplace. . etc. paved streets, 2 Block from ear; an artistic wu ar ranged name, priced right aor terms see asr. Bender with J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 5 Room Cottage $1250 rssust hsatment KOxlOO lot. fruit trees. berries and roses: Irrington carlin, (500 will handle. L. A. HALL, 512 PANAMA BL.PP. BOSS CITY PARK, large 5 room house, big attic, . large closets and wardrob in bed rooms, cement basement with wash trays; all modern; lawn, trees, rose and berry bushss all in; 598 E. 61st and Sandy bird.; (2700. Phone Tabor 2962 evenings. $2650 Irvington $2650 19TH NEAR BROADWAT. 5 room modern bungalow, great bargain, on terms. FRANK L. M'GCIRE, ABIN'GTQN BLDG. ON PAVED STREET AND CARLINE (2200. (160 caah, (2 monthly buys this well built two story 6 room house, full base ment, stationary tub, som fruit trees, street work all-paid for except about (80. Fred W. German Co., 782 Chamber of Commerce. ACHE AND HOUSE ONLY (800 8 rooms, water, lights, some fruit acre of ground; lOe fare, close to station; easy terms. Call at 600 Concord bldg. Portsmouth Snap 7 room house, 100x110 corner, only (2150, 8660 canh takes equity, bat must sot quickly. 214 Lewis bldg. BOSS CITY bungalow, 6 rooms, full aiza oon creta basement hardwood floors two rooms. bath, electrio lights, gaa, furnace, attic, corner lot paved street 33000, terms. J. C. CORBIN COMPANY. Marshall 899. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 31450. 8800 cash, balance monthly, buys 5 room bungalow near. 84th; house needs painting but is a mighty fine bny at thla price. Fred W. German Co., 782 Cham, ot Comm. 120x105. all fenced, 4 room plain house. All Kinds ot trait ana ziowars; outnousea, giooo. Houck, 110 Tenth St. 4 ROOM modern house for aale by owner leav ing city; cash or terms; hardwood floors. 77 E. Terry st between Mississippi and Minnesota ave. MODERN bungalow. Rose City Park, choice lo cation, close to car, good income, price (5000. Will accept clear residence not over (3000 value. A. K. HILL. 419 Henry Bldg. OCCUPANT planning France trip. Handsome (2625 splendid 6-room. sunny bungalow, .now lor (192 6, part mdse., auto. Write C. M. Thoma- snn, 4481 osa ave, B ROOM house completely furnished ; building ana all goea lor (400; ground rent 32.50 per month; located tn South Portland. Peters, 15 N. 6th st A REAL bargain, bungalow of 8 rooms, Ladd addition. Call Esst 7634. 6" AND 7 room modern houses, walking dis tance. Bargains. Terms. Phone East 1922. BEAUTIFUL horns, very attractive, reasonable. Woodlawn 4244. WILL SELL my five room house, garage and lot for (1000 cash. East 717T. By George McManus TA1 W sun a Nice STORE S A1CT OFFICES i i ill 81 City Bargains S lots. th gad Emeteon, $(00; half rain. S room house, Albert district, $600.' Quarter block, fads- RL Jahaa osr haed mrfae street, J1 paid. (600. 8 room honsa. nearlv new mT1 Imrtt Pin St. $850. ' S room honsa. hetn at ai sns make offer. ...... .77 , (poja bungsJow, modern. M bloek ar, all nrnished. (2000. ..T- fulsheJ houses, 5 rooms each, rented. (27.60 per month. (2400. -Hargrove Realty Co. 122 X. 6th at Phone Broadway 4881. -J1580 580 58 7.50 down. 17.50 mnnthlv dsn ... unfinished cottage on the Woodstock line, s aauuix iiiie coancs to get a a tart. JTIM W. German. 732 Chamber of Commerce. FOB SALE LOTS 18 3595 50x100. Clinton st near 89th. (275 50x100. Albert distl E. 17th. dear. 839550x100, corner, top of Mt Tabor, 8450 75x100, 8 blocks W. Kenton b-" $400 Ross City Park car 2 blk.. E. 67th. flS5 Ir 010 aoj. o. p. .hoj-. (625 75x100, cor.. It C. Pk. car; $50 down. ja ju. afatiKE, Aolngton bldg. GARDEN HOME lot Nothina down, no na meat for 3 year. Price only (250. Electrio lights, gas, water, phone. Ulose to station; 7e cuiomuauoB i re. Bee McvormaC, owner. In quire at Red More. ACBEAOE S7 lOLK CUANCk: IS IN CANADA RICH Und. and busines opportunities offer yon inde pendences Farm lands. (11 to (80 acre; irri gated lands, (35 to (50; Twenty year to pay; (2000 loan in improvements, er ready made farm. Loan ot livestock; Taxes averse under atu cent an acre; no taxes .on improvement, per sonal property, or livestock: Good market. churches, achookt, roads, telephone; Excellent climate crope and livestock prove it Special homeaeekera' fare certificate. Write for free Dooua. Allan Cameron. General Superintend ent Lend Branch. Canadian Pacifi Ky. 113 g"" ve.. jigary. Albert. Cheap Acreage Fir acres, (250: (10, down. (8 per month buys 8 acre of land between Portland and Centralia. on the main Una of a rilmli 1 u. miles from a town of 800 tvmnlntinn lamiiii and shingle mills; some partly cleared and som all cleared, running stream, some bottom ana some oencu; can give yon any kind of fKV. JUU WB11U BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 818 Railway Exchange Bldg. HOME FOB THE OLD FOLKS 600 feet to station. Dandy little 8 acre tract, bottom land that will raise onions, celery, etc. all in cult. 2 room house. -frontage on une. so cniiea irom x'ortiana, (1000; caan, oaiance o years. STea W. uer man Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Gibson Half Acres Good soft, city water, close in carline, easy terms; win nuiia to sun purensser. rnone Mar shall 1885 or Bellwood 476. John H. Gibson. cwnerv FOIt SALE 70 acres timber land in Timber valley. Wash., on K. K., next to mill. (SO per acre. Aaaresa 4Z4 Williams ave.. City. A. j. auiis. R irpra rivr.v a 1 qaa Onlv A anila V mm .rnirlnniK. . muS l.l land, fine for chickens, berries, 'garden'; very easy terms. aee owner, ouu tjoncora bldg. FIVE acres logged off land, close to Colunv bia highway and Astoria, (100 if taken at once, la. I.. Morn, aio is. 76th st N., city. CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDavM ranches ir Portland; 8, 5. 10 acre tracts. (63 to (200 per acre, sacrsrisnd. f03 Teon bldg., Portland. IOK aALE Two acreswell improved, good orchard, all kinds of fraita. fine water, Jen- hipk uoast. near station. . uag urove lOtfM SUBURBAN HOMES 73 (3300 TRACT FOR 31850 Five acre near Orenco, 12 miles from Port land. 600 pear trees, 200 choice rosebuehea, very expensive and rustle log bungalow with fireplace: 8500 cash, balance' to suit 732 Chamber of Commerce. Fred W. German. FOB SALE FARMS 17 160 ACRES. WILLAMINA, 34000 A good cheap ranch l 8 acre id- cultivation, 9 seres bearing orchard, 1 hi acres strawberries; a fin stream through place: som bottom tsnd; bsrn lsrge enough for 12 besd of stock, fmsll shack bo one; 8250 down, 8250 yearly, er will take lot or small house and lot as first Kyment Fred W. German Co., 782 Chm r of Commerce. TAKE NOTICE I 800 acres, highly improved Alberts farm, raises big crops wheat, oats, barley and flax; every foot fine farm land, fully equipped and a going concern, (40 per acre. Will take a clear farm or city income here at caah value ss part payment, no commission to pay. Claude Cole, 800 Henry bldg. FOR SALE 20 acres, cheap if taken soon; some cleared, balance timber. Some cash, terms on balance. R. 2. Box 66, Newberg, Or. 70 ACRES. 4 milee from Portland limits. cheap for cash, on terms. 105 H 12th st, room 302. . FOR SALE 120 acres under Ochoeo irrigation ditch. Write box 12, PnnevUle. Or. FOR SALE HOUSES WOULDN'T IT BUMP YOU? UMm YoQ WAVE EKdoYED YoUR "FllE OPEK PRE, HCMT AFTER tQ T, NOU6F TALKING LIKE AI4 OPEM BRE ' - -AkID YoW HAVE -INSISTED II FARM FOR REST To seas my ranch of about ISO A. as nsra n sell atoek and implements and rent the land; plenty of feed in barn and all crop to- - (Hock consists of 28 cow, i bull. 4 sows, V pigs, 4 horses, chickens, furniture, etc. X-4S3, JournaL FAB MS Tf ANTED BENT OB BUT IS WE want small eaulDDed farms, well located. W have cash customers. Also Portland prop erty to exchange for farms. Send p- icnlars to Mc&nre Bchmanch. 814-516 Ger linger bids. TIMBER 28 NullCE is Here try given that subject to the condition and limitations of the act of June . 1918 (89 out. 2181. and the instructions f the secretary of the Interior of September 16. tat 7 1 . m. ik. fl',n!. tBwu 1 1 be eold March 1. 1918. at 10 o'clock a. am., at pnblie auction at the United States land office at Boseburg. Or., to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value a enown by this notice, sale to be snbiect to the approval of the secretary of the interior. The purchase price. wun en aadioonai ion or on luin or one per cent thereof. Being commission allowed, must be deposited at tun of aale, money to be re turned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber, which most be re moved within 10 ynars. Bid will be received from dtiaen and corporations organised under the law of the United State eg any State, ter ritory or district thereof only. Loon applica tion of qualified purchaser, the timber en any legal eubdivtsion will be offered separately be fore being inciuaea in any oner or larger unit Following- is schedule ot the timber to Ka ; T 1A R J 2 W 91- VWU KE. yellow fir 1500 M feet: KWlf'g,, red fir 760 M. feet, yellow fir 300 M feet; SE in. K , red lir ouu as. reei; nw i hb. red fir 650 M. feet; NEK XWfc, red fir 900 M. feet: yeUow fir 400 M. feet; NW 4 NVU, red fir 12(0 M. feet; SE hi NWH, red fir 875 M. feet; SW M NW hi , red fir 860 M. feet; NEV SE Hi red fir 500 M. feet: NW hi SE hi , red fir 676 M, feet; SEti SB),, red fir 600 M. feet; SW hi SE hi . red fir 800 M. feet; NEU SW hi , red fir 500 M. feet; NW hi SW hi , red fir 775 M. feet: SE hi SWK, red fir 600 M. feet: yellow fir 800 M. feet; BW hi 8W. red fir 700 M. feet; yellow fir 800 M. feet; none of-the above timber to be sold at less than (1.25 per M. CLAY TALI .MAN. Commis sioner, (General Lend Office. BHIP KNEES wanted. Gamble-Rleg Ship-En Co.. Uerlinger bldg. HOMESTEADS 4T SPLENDID 820 acre homestead of wheat land. good house and plenty of water. Sale or exchange.- E-696, JournaL EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 84 No Junk 15 acre on Oreeon Election. sTl fn m!rivb tion. will exchange for residence and assume. 20 acres near Greahanv, all In cultivation, new house, barn, one acre in orchard, be la no in wheat and clover, worth (6600. Will take residence worth (3500; time en balance. txooa b room noose, nearly new, 100x100, snap at 38000. Win take smsTlar honwi worth 82000. a. p. OSBURN, 610 McKay bldg. IDEAL STOCK PROPOSITION Abundance splendid grass nasrure now! 120 acre choice unimproved farm land, over 100 acres tillable: grass green year round: pure spring water; scnool. rocked road, telephone, etc Lucrative employment tn mills and lumber camps, convenient to river and railroad transportation, tributary to Portland and other good market. down Columbia river. It can't be beat any- lie re. Price only (8000. Will sell on terms or accept clear city residence riot over (2400 value. A. K. HILL 419 Henry Bldg. 10 ACRES, all tillable, level, rich loam soU. 7 acres in high state ot cultivation, email orchard. new bungalow, new barn, thickly settled com munity, all rural advantage, adjoining land sell ing at (560 an acre, 4 miles from Vancouver on good auto road. Price (3750. will take house and lot in Vancouver or Portland for one half Tain. THOMPSON as SWAN. 5th and Main Sts. Vancouver, Wash. WANTED Farm -to exchange for (20.000 in come property, bringing net Income - per year of (2070 after paying taxes. Owner only. A. P. Adams, 007 Iaumbmnens bldg. CITY lot wanted, if clear, In part or full ex change for (750 Player Piano, music and bench. Becnnt Btorage Co.., 109 4th at FOB TRADE 80 acres, for Vsnoonver home; clear for clear. J. Bert man. Vancouver. Waahu, Route , Box 84. IMPROVED 20 acre farm, 8600 i change for clear house and lot Cole. 800 Henry bldg. Claude 10 ACRES fine land, for house equity er city v AVvAu sura snsnii t vi ai lota. 409 Bwetland bldg. FOR RESULTS list your property with th Heaa hastate exchange. 201 Bd at WANTED BEAL ESTATE SHACKS WANTED We bar eold 18 pieces of this clam ef property in the last four weeks and still have people waiting who desire on monthly payment ranging from 87.60 down to (12.50 monthly. 1 let with us and get quick c action. Fred W. German Co.. 733 Chamberpot Commerce. ItAVE several clients wanting housea frorfJ(2005 to (8600. Rose City, Alameda, Alberta or any other good restricted district J. O. CORBIN CO.. 805 Lewi Bldg. I WANT a bargain in modern 5 room bungalow, furnished; 60x100 lot; not over (2500. Will pay (1200 down. Q-657. JournaL HAVE customer for small houses. List with us. Zimmerman Ac Co. Main 1676. BOOMING HOUSES M BRICK rooming house of 43 rooms, 27 rooms furnished, new since Jsn. 1. '18; close to Northwest ehipysrd; 2 year lease (60; price 31600. 431 Lumber Ex. Harry BalL 10 ROOMS close to courthouse, all full. 1261. for alt Peters. 10 N. 5th at - ... . , - 0h A toUPLt OF rbUR. FOR RBNTw PARKS 1.1 1 yixjSEvEj lllM x t . rAsct 1 111 1 it . 60 RoomvRent $30 Steam heat good furniture, i elena. nil fnQ. ir sold Monday, 31100 for all; half Peters, ot course, 15 N. 5th at,; 12 H, K. Rooms$500 S blocks from White Temple; rent (Hi all fall: term. Best buy in the city. JU A. HALL. 612 PANAMA BLDQ. ' - COUNTBT HOTEL Beet town in Oregon; clean as a ntni well furnished; big dining room and office, and 2ft rooms. Rent (26-- Price (795. terms. Peters. 16 N. 5th et 33 Rooms Income $250 Brick building :" centrally located: ehaas tent: snap at (1250. It. A. HAIAa. Q1Z FANAXA BlaPt. Ak I AttlQ ' Ti t.- V- If A . 's.i nwiij, a.a.i s : e V . Tlsndv lnflstlnn. sf.rv vmm ! full all Istm Hght rooms. Prioe (1200. terms. Peters, IS is. otn st BUSINESS OPPOSTUSITIF.S M CONFECTIONER T ndlight lunches in Use valley town: growing bus in sea : clean stock: good . tourist trad; good reason for eaHing; moderately priced. Add res HX-6TO, Journal. FOR SALE Two hundred (200) h. p. saw as guaning milL well eonipped. in good run ning condition. Inquire AX-866. Journal. DONT WORRT I ean cell er trade anything anywhere. Ley man. 145 hi Broadway. FOR SALE, TRADE OR RENT Cheap, barber shop and property., Barber, Aumsvilie, Or. FOR SALE Country store. Take Ford auto aa part rnone atuwsusm saw MONET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE IT OUR Installment plan at the oM and method of paying a loan. (82.26 ster month for 80 m antral a (21.24 for 60 months or (15.17 for 96 mouth, pays 81000 snd interest Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city p ur for building pnrposea. No commission eharaed. EQUITABLE SAVIN tia LOAN ASSOCIATION Z4x stars St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS Any amount on lmx roved city and farm .-.Ww. will a kMSalaa V. wa .uv, avuv ,wii "m . THB lAWKEKCB COMTAHI. Main 6915. 168 4th St A-S816. (250. (360. (400. (500. (660. 76u. eiwwo and larger amounts at current rates. Quick action. Fred W. German Co, TI3 Chamber ef Commerce. - MONEY to loan on improved property in most every town In Washington. Oregon ana Idaho; same is paid back monthly like rent &. A cnadwscc, ezz-zs w. w. Bans cidg. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property; money advanced a work prsgiie. W. O. Beck. 215 end 216 Failing bldg. Main 2407. WANTED To nlace for client on farm land 81000. (1500 and SZ00O. at low rate, owners only. A. P. Adams, 007 Lumbermen bldg. For mortgage loans OREGON LNV A MORTGAGE CO.. Stock Exchange bldg,. 3d and ism bill sts. ' MONET to loan In amount of (100 to (600w on city properta, yk. H. BELL. 201 Oerlrnger bldg. I HAVE (1000' to (40,000 to loan el or cHy property. P. O. Box 878. ten CABH tor mortgagee, loans, contracts. F. Lewis. Boom 4. Lewis bldg. Msin 688. (100 to 81600. oonaider lota. E. H. DomliaZ 416 Chamber of Commerce. Main 367. MORTGAGE loan. and 7 per cent Lents Balmon Co.. 408 Belling Mdg. MONET TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES (2 FL'RNITCRJt SALARt LOANS LOANS 81 LOAN MONET On abort .notice to salaried aw working as sa en their own notes. asy paymente. buslnsm atrleUy oonilucntiai. ABSOLUTELY NO SSCTJRTTX ; MO INDORSES . W also loan on nous hold furniture, glsn , etc, wltbont removal. Call and See U COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANT. (Licensed) (IT FAILING BPILD1NO. If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS . Leans mad to person on salary er fixe 1 income, on household farnitnre, plane, dla- SI Imenda and ether personal property: lag 1 business confidential; private of fioee. Mgat rata. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANX Licensed. (06 801 Dekum Bldg. LOANS WANTED 88 FOR SALE (200 first mtg. on improved fi 8 per cent payable Sept 16. '18; no 4 mission; no expenses paid, Claude Cole, com- 30Q Henry bldg. Wanted $1000 on income city property. Claude Cole, 300 Henry bldg. HORSES. VEHICLES, ETC 18 SMALL ranch team, good wagon and harness. 8135; must sell. 824 B. 26th st Wood stock esr to Gladstone av. MUST-sell team of gray horse; good worker; weight 2600 lbs.. 3100. 690 E. 34th st 10 HEAD good farm work horses, well fed. over winter. 650 to 3180. 228 Alder st, WANT pasture for horse or will rent for his keep. Phone East 869. AKp Yt7U HAVE &RAQOEP Y0UFELUArJ3 J0nT KNOW WHATCOrtrWT IS. YOU OKrVAT To.StETH GAWp OPEN vKE VEG at home ROOMING HOUSES -IT YOUR. OPEN TlRETAKE9 A K0TtCM To ACT A ivilVf S T71 rZTii BELIEVE ME MtHfftll " HORSES, VEHICXES. ETC IS FOR SALE Team of young -mares, weight 360O lb. ; 1 teem matched sorrel snares 9 years old, weight 8100 lh.; 1 team of mares, 0 years, okl. weight 270O Iba.; 1 team of mares, 'Weight 2800 lbs.; 1 team, mare and hone, 4 And 6 yean old, weight 2750 lhs, team -of orchard chunks coming 5 years old. weight 2675 lb.: team of snares 8 years old," weight 2358 lbs., price (178;" team, mare and horse S years old. weight 2200 lba., price 3150; bay mare. 8 years old. weight 1400 lb., in foal to Shire stal lion, prioe 3126. Call 240 East 8th and Msin. JL'ST in from country, muat dispose of fol lowing stock: 2650 lb. team, t and S years. old, with double harness good as new, (285;. . 2300 lb. team and harness 8185; 2200 lb. . team, harness and farm wagon (110; gray bars. wt 1200. ((5. 463 rUndera. cor. 12th. - CLOSELY mated span of sorrel mares, 5 And 7 1" years eld. both fat and I' lock y build, weight S40O lbs., with good ball top heme and breach- , I ing harness; auto takes their plane, (a!19 takes outfit 263 Hnseell st PVBLIG auction aale every Monday and Tuura- .' day at 2 p. m. Horse, wsgons and harness. -W will sell your stuck at S per cent commis sion. Star Stables, SOS Front st John 8. . Willlsmaon, Prop. - - - " MIST sell at once, S mare and gelding,' wt from 1100 to 1400 lba., from (36 to (75; also 4 sets of harness and 8 farm wagons, 3 h inch lumber wagon. 2 spring wagons. . Call up transfer barn, 263 Russell st - ' BARUAIN Good pair ot ranch horses, harness . ana wagon. gw jrront st Trial allowed, also , 1180 lb. mare. Huttabi and wagon. 8125 day; 3 horse sad wagon. (3.00. 546 Front Main 2203. DEAD stock taken quickly. We nay the most to dead and crippled stock. Tabor 4308. DEAD stock and old horses bought Cell as tor servte and beet rash results. Milwaukee 69-J. A TEAM ot work horses. 6 and 8 years aid, for saie cneap. B4Z I'owell valley. SMALL team, true to work, at your awn prioe.' 1029 E. Tsmhill st - DEAD bone and animals hauled away ft. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. LIVESTOCK i ; 88 ACCTION SALE, mile south' of ' Jsggy sts- tion. Orchards-Slftoa earUne. 4 miles east and north of Vancouver, Wash. Take Fourth Plain road. Thursday. Feb. 7, 10:80 a. m. Three fine young Jersey cows, 1 will freshen about ken, 13: 3 100-Ib. hoas: good work . teem. weight 280O light driving team. 4 year old; driving mare, '2 coming 3-year -old eolta; coming -year old mare colt; farm wagon, spring wagon, cart, set work harness, set double driving harness, heavy aingle harness, light single harness. 1 1 e- -H. P. gasoline engine, 2 pumps. 100 feet hose, kale planter, riding cultivator, mower, spring tooth cultivator, walking cultivator, 3 steel frame : narrow, orchard disc, scalding vat spike tooth -fcsrrow. 6 -shovel cultivator, good a new 600-lb. platform scales, double shovel, 1 -horse corn' Vlsnter, single shovel, feed (cutter-, bone grinder, onion aeeder. weeder. X Oliver plow, J. . 1. breaking plow, small De Laval separator, endless lot of small tools: 8 tons oat and vetch bar. 3 . dosen fine B. L hen, about 850 lbs. nitrate of- la. 150 lbs. vetch. 14 sack fall wheat 7 sacks spring .wheat about 60 bushel Shadeland seed oats, about 26 bushels mixed ests and ratch. A. St Goiey, owner; W. o.. Wood, Auctioneer, . Vancouver, Wash, - ' - - . 85 ANGORA goats; 230 Ramboulett ewes, bred: 100 choice CoUwoUl ewe, some with young lambs by side: 80 choice sheep, yearling -we: 100 good grade ewe, bred; 100 choice. Cotswold ewe lamb. Will sell any number ef above stock. All now at North- Portland t'nlon stockyards. Address 1187 Cleveland ave.. Port land. Phone Woodlawn 4202. E. U. Myers, D. E. Myers. FOR SALE or .Trad Extra large registered Holstetn cow. - Tabor 6D. Ik yon have fat cattle, nogs, lor sale, call East PO to a p. on. after call Tabor 413. IF yon have any fat cattle, bogs, veal or sheep ' for sal call East 390 or C-2611. TWO young cows for sale. Call Tabor 7645. POULTRY. PIrEON. PF.T STOCK 'tl DAT OLD CHICKS EGGS FOR HATCHING O. A. C. Barred Rocks. It L Reds, White or Brown Leghorns, heavy laying Hoganised etuck on liberal range; Leghorn chick 615 per 100. eggs. 18 per 100: Hock and Bed chicks, (IB per 100: eggs 810 per 100. - J. R. MAGCIRE. Eaat 1 808, 787 Oregon st BARRED BOCK sitting eggs, (2.60. (5 ana (10 for 16 eggs. Silver Campine setting, (2.50. My mating are from prise winning egg S reducing stock. Murray. Phone T4bor 1261. 126 62d st 8. E. IwAKLX catena make early layers, guar antee safe arrival ef White Leghorn baby chicks from heavy hying (Hoganised) stock Write for price, eta.. The Pioneer Hatchery, Petahrma. CaL 8. C. WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS and egg from selected heavy laying Mock. Chick (16 per 100; eggs (9 per 100, and (3 per setting.: Order now for February, March and April delivery. Twin Oak Farm. Donald, Or. THOROUGHBRED Barred hock hatching aggs, (1.60 for 16. (8 per 100. 4904 84th ave. 8. E. Phone Tabor 4658. FOR SALE lit White Leghorn pullets, all laying. labor dob. CHOICE White Rock cockerel, 10 month. Trade for eock bird same value. Main 4481. FOR SALE cheap, thoroughbred White Leg horn cockerel or trad. Bellwood 1680. EIGHT1 thoroughbred R. L Red cockerel, ill Portland blvd. POOS. BIRDS. PETS. ETC '46 -BEAL'TIFVL singers, choice femalie for mating; orange color, breeding and other cage. Wood town 2871. - . FOR SALE Padigreed Bnetoa Terrier Ptii fine marking; (26 to (36. Marshall 5626. REGISTERED blue and orange . rsrslaa cabs at etud. (5. Eaat 8228. BELGIAN hart iol Vssle. 4081 E. Lincoln st Call morning. By F. OPPER AoUT IT AT "JVAE C?Ff i CE ; V ft :t A WvTF AMI . I -- 7II I si