THE OREGON .DAILY- JOURNAL, POR TLAND, FRIDAY," JANUARY 23.' 1918. 10 FQOD 'ROTS ON THE FARM WHILE THE PUBLIC HOOVERIZES Edited by EGG5 TRADE HERE IS i uirinirn i rriin ft VKCftintn HrrftiR; CHINOOK IS FEARED Prices Will Instantly Respond to Any Rise In Temperatures Throughout .the Country; Local Trade Is On the Fence Just at Present Time. The egg market eontlnues s weather affair, and a flight moderation in condition in the east U naturally having tb tha effect of weakening the view regarding egg price. T I u,ie U1BIB uu w f.M, v w weaker undertone to tha local trad at tba moment because of Ulia fear of milder weather la tha east, actual trade condition ibow Jit tie change. ' Soma of tha local trade feel that tha abippera are playing a game again to beat down values. A l was vuij a wni w m. .... mum Interests and papen were talking about a depressed market price for eggs and a lack of altera demand, when Jt waa generally known among the trade that the price then wa ad vancing 1 to 2c a dozen each day. . Thia may not be tbe case at ' tha present mo ment, but the trade is Tery suspicious of an Bouncementa made in aome papers which in turn are generally traced to certain interested dealers. Sales of case count eggs are made along Front street during tha last 24 hours at 61tf52o a . eoseu, aitnoucn at me last rainni some re ported tha situation as easier, with tha price lower. In any event the market is a weather affair, and any rising of temperatures throughout tba country would . instantly result in a broken etc price. Local receivers are therefore inclined to clean up from day to day. Eastern Hog Price C Sharply Reduced Thar waa a further sharp decline ia tha price of hogs in the big Eastern markets during the day. Killers were sitting tight on tha price lid. Provision prices is tba East were sharply reduced but no changes vera announced locally. Early Advance Is Made in Stocks; Low Ones Affected CLOSE IS IRRtaULAR New York, Jan. 28. (I. N. -a.) Tha stock market closed Irregular this afUrnoon following reactions by most of thf leading Issues from niche of the day. U. S. Steal Com. dropped to Sales: 401.000 shares: bonds, 94,200,000. FOODSTUFFS ROTTING J)N THE FARMS WITH THE PUBLIC HUNGRY Potatoes, Onions and Apples Going to Waste Because of Various Condi tions; Holding for Higher Price and Weather Conditions Are Factors. v , BY HYMN It. OOHKM Hundreds of thousanda of dollars" worthx of foodstuffs are Totting in tha state of Oregon and tha same is tone of other states along the I'acific coast, on account of rations conditions. Many thousands of dollars' worth of onions are rnttine in tha Wfnmt-t nll. and this stock 80 s, and American Smelting to 83. Utah Oop- Urfvj dumped within a short time Than ia par declined to SI 4. t much good stock left, but considerable decaying product la also indicated, RUN OF SALMON MAY FORCE SHARP DECLINE IN LOCAL QUOTATION Fish Are Coming From Every Direc tion and Values Are Being Gradu ally Redueed; Old High Cost or Living Hay Be Ousted. LOSS IN FLOUR PRICE MAY BE FORCED BY GOVERNMENT RULING Millers Must Use 25 Per Cent or Other Grain in Making or Product and This Should Cause Reduction in Quotations in tbe Country. Trvrrvrt Tvtrwrs "DrkTTrs V Dymaa H. Cohen X- O W O i 1 UU1 JUUJ O In Nation's Service CHICKEN TRADE EtLWO GOOD Excellent tone is showing in the market for all poultry, with the possible exception of turkeys, along .the street. Chickens are firmer and high er, with heavy Plymouth Rock hens as high as 24 9 29a a pound. .COUNTRY MEATS ARE FIRMER : Firmer tone is showing for country killed stuff lm the dressed meat market. Bales' of fancy block hogs continue readily at 19 Ho a pound, while fancy calves of proper size are selling up to 1SV4 19c. New York. Jan. 25. (1 N. S.) Trading was dull and without feature at the opening of tha stock market today, price changes being generally confined to fractions. ' Steel Common ranged between 00 H and 80 compared with 90 at the aloaejester day. Mexican Petroleum waa in good demand and rose 1 to 91. Atlantic Gulf advanced Is to 102 tt. while Marine Preferred sold higher to '90. Tba low-priced (specialties scored fractional gains. National Enameling rising to 43. while gains of about lower were made in Corn ITodueta. American Beat Hnaar and 17. 8. Rubber. . In tha forenoon Atlantic Calf -moved an S U points to 104 44. The Marine issues made moderate gains, the common advanced to 24 and the preferred to 90 4 . Htudebaker moved up 24 to 60. and Gen eral Motors sold up 2 points to 115. Goodrich also advanced 2 points to 43. Strength was also shown in Corn Producta. National Enamel and the inseed issues. Union I'acitic rose 1 point to tl 2 vk . In the afternoon Union Paeifie had a a nick advance of 2 points to 114, followed by a reaction to 113 H. New York Central rose 2s to 7014. and gains of about tha same extent were made in Chesapeake A Ohio, Can adian racuic, . ft u. and. Beading. General Motors continued stronc. sellinz at 110 ana Tobacco products advanced to 54 Range of New York prices furnished by Over- Cooks Co.. 210-217 Board jt Trade WALL A . WALLA Rh'eBARB HERE Th...W W t .1 TT' .11. Walt. W.. ' being , offered along the street during the day. The stock was only In fair shape but wss bet- - tar than recent arrirala from, California. BAXA7TA FIGHT LOOKS LIKELY Another fight for control of tha banana trade f Portland and the Pacific Northwest ia likely. Local banana prices are generally shown at 5 IHi i pound for tha day. ' Tha tralnload ar rived in good shape. TOMATO SUPPLY YERY SCARCE Great scarcity of good quality tomatoes is shewn on the local market. Recent arrivals from ' Mexico Were not as good as expected, and much lues in handling resulted. Prices are generally firm. BRIEF OTES OF PRODUCE TRADE Fancy Rooeburg broccoli offering at $1.75 2.00 per crate. Another car Florida grapefruit in. Rut., in tmum m.rk.ta Vi f i i1 , ,. -Demand for beans continues good; 9o gen eral buying price. l'otsto market very quiet locally; onions steady. WEATHER NOTICE FOR SHIPPERS Weather bureau advises: Protect shipments during the next An hours against the following temperatures: Going north, 86 degrees; north ' east over 8 , P. tc 8. R. R.. 26 degrees; east to Baker, 20 degrees, and south to Ashland, 80 de grees, i Minimum temperature at Portland tomor row about 38 degrees. JOBBING PRICES IN PORTLAND beck & building DESCRIPTION Open! High Low Bid Alaska Gold Allis Chalmers, o. . . Am. Beet Sugar . . . Am. Car Found., c. Am. Cot. Oil, c. . . . Am. Linseed, c . . . . Am Loco, c Am. Smelter, c . . . . Am Bugar, c Am. Tel. A Tel. . . . Am. Woolen, c . . . Anaconda Min. Co. . Atchison, c Baldwin Loco, c . . . Bait. & Ohio, c . . . Bethlehem Steel, B. Brooklyn Rapid T. . Butte A Superior . . 11. fetroleum c. ( snsdian Pacific 2 hi 'is" ' 704 "ni 54 81 107 104 14 4714 60 83 59 49 74 42 T" 70 83 56 88 107 10414 47 1 84 , 60 41 75 -42 (130 141 65 58 43 2 77 U 170 B2M 54 8L 106 108 47 14 60 88 59 49 74 42 Central Leather, c . , I 65 inesapeaxe ft Uhlo.l 52 Chic. A Gt West. e. 6 Chi. Mil. 4 St. Paul 4 2 Chi. A Northwest c.l Chiuo Copper 42 42 col rruel & iron c Consolidated Gas. . . 88 Corn Products, c. . . 82 Crucible Steel, c. . . 63 Denver & Rio G. pfd 9 Distillers 37 Krie. c. : General Electric . . . 1130 These prices are those at which wholesalers atU to retailers, except as otherwise stated: Dairy Products BUTTER Creamery, prints, in " paraffine rapper, extras, 63e; prime firsts, 50 51c; firsts. 4950e; cubes, lo less; cartons, le advance, dairy. A4.A 35c per lb. BUTTERFAT Portland delivery basis. No. 1 soorcresra, 56c per lb. CHEESE Selling price: Tillamook fresh Oregon fancy full cream triplets. 27 nr 27 He lb.; Young America. 2828e lb. Price to job bers: Flats, 5c; Xoung America, 26o. f. o. b ; brick. 35c; limburcer, 35c; brick Swiss, 40o per lb. EGGS Selling; price, ee count, 61 52o per j dozen; buying pTice, 49 50c per dozen; selling prire, candled. 63o: selected candled, in cartons, 66c; storage. 40 (9 46c LIVE PO0LTRY Hens, heavy Plymouth Rooks, 24 26a lb.; ordinary chickens 28a Ib.i stags, 15(fl8o per lb.; small springs, K5e; turkeys, 25a per lb.; dressed, fsney, 80(j ' a2c; lb.: No. 2s. 27c per lb. ; squab. 82. 6U ?ir dosen; geere, live. 18 20c: ducks, 25 Tc par lb.; pigeons, f 1.25 per dozen. Fresh Fruits and Vegetable ; FRESH FRUITS Oranges, 4.60.B0 per box: bananas, 55c; lemons, $7.00(3 8.00; ' California grapefruit, 13.50 3.75; Florida, 5.25fl 60; pears. $2 00 per box. BERRIES Crsnberries. local, per box, $5.75 6.20; eastern. 1 17.60 per barrel. APPLES Ortley. extra fancy, $2.00; Ortley. fancy, $1.75: Winter Banana, extra fancy, $2.86 i Winter Banana, fancy. $2.10: fancy Hood River Bpitsenbergs, $2.00; Hood River w extra fancy BpiUenbergs, $2.25 per box; Bald wins, wrapped. $1.50: Newtowns, 4 tier. $1.25; fancy table apples, 4 tier, $2.23; fancy table apples. 4 tier. $1.75: fancy Bpitzenbergs, not wrapped. $1.50: cooking apples, 4 tier. $1.10. ONIONS Selling price to retailer Oregon. $2.26 2.86: garuo. 6 8 per lb. Carload . prire of association, $1.76 cental, f. o. b. POTATOES Belling price: Table stock, local. $1.26 1.50. Buying price: Choice shipping, $1.00 per cental country points: sweet potatoes. ff 5 oner lb. VEGETABLES Turnips. $1.60 per sack; carrots, $1.25 per Mck; beets, $1.75 per rack; parsnips. $1.75 per sack; cabbage, local. $1.00 2.00 evrt ; green onions. 85c dozen bunches' ' peppers. 26o per lb.; bead lettuce, bBc dozen; .celery, howwuc per dozen; artichokes, $1.00 1.10 per dozen; cucumbers, hothouse. 81.60a 1.75-per doaen: tomatoes, California. $2.25 per rue; eggplant, i i c per 10. ; string Deans, 10(5 12 c per lb.; peas, ( ) per Ih. ; cauliflower. California, $2.10 2.25 per crate; pumpkins. ATI M j'ruuu. iveiig per ID. Meat, Fish and Provisions DRESSED MEATS Selling price: Country auieo uwi aw, nwunc; oral nary, l&tjt 18 He; best veal. 18 19c: ordinary teal. lisnn per io-; ruugn neavy, i4e per lb. goals, 6 6c rer lb.; lambs, 17 20c per lb.; eaivjA&.iy nAAia nams, I W al!o per id.; omiiiH wcun. aaiffiac per id.; picnics. S2o per Jb.; cottage roll. 28o per lb.; short clears. 8134o pe- lb.; Oregon exDorts. imnti 84o per lb. LARD Kettle rendered, tlereea, 29o per lb - i - (i a i . . i i ., OYSTERS Olympia. gallon. $4.60; canned eastern. 6 So per can. $6.50' per dozen cans eaatera oysters, per gallon, solid pack, $3.50. - , FISH Dressed flounders, 6c ; steelhead sal mon, 20 21e; ehinook 2228o; perch. 7 $c; soles, 7e; salmon trout, 18o per lb.; halibut. ( ) per lb., black cod, llo; herring, 6o -per lb.; smelt. 8o per lb.; clams, hard shells, 4 a , per lb.: $2.75 per box;, crabs. $1.752.60 per doaen; Columbia smelt. 6 7o lb. ' SUGAR Cube, $8.65; powdered. $8.40; fruit r berry, 17.90: D yellow, $7.30; granulated. 87.90; beet. $7.90; extra C, $7.60; golden C. f I iu per cwb HONEY New, $4.280 4.50 per ease. RICE Japan style No, 1, 7c; New .Orleans, head. 9c: bine rose. 8 e. SALT Coarse, half ground. 100s, $15.00 per ton; 60. $16.00: Uble dairy. 60s. $19.76: 100s. $19.26; bales. 82.45; fancy Uble and oairy, ig,ni ram. BEANS Nominal white, 18e; pink, e iv hoi m, iuac Hops, Wool and Hides HOPS Nominal, 1917 wrap. 28 080a per ft.; Eastern Oregon. 50 66a per lb. ( HIDES Salted, 25 lbs. and wp, 14ej salted . bolls. 60 lbs. and up, 12c; salted and green kip, 16 lbs. to 25 lbs.. 15c; salted and green calf! wp to 15 lbs.. 21c; green hides, 25 lbs. and up, 14c; green stags, 50 lbs. and up. 10c: dry flint. 26a; dry flint calf, up to 7 lbs.. 28c; dry salt. 21a; dry horse hides, each, $1.25 to $1.60; salted horse hides, each, $3.0004.00; horse hair, tail. 25c; horsehair, mane. 16c; dry long General Motors Goodrich Rubber . . Gt. North Ore Lnda. Gt. Northern, pfd. . . Hide tc, Leather, c. Illinois Central .... Iudustrial Alcohol.. Int. Mer. Marine . . Kan. City South, .c. Kennecott Copper . . Lehigh Valley., Louis. A Nash. .... Maxwell Motors, c. . Mexican Petroleum . Miami Copper. . . . Midvale Steel .... M.. K. & T., o Missouri Pacific. . . National Lead Nevada Cons. New Haven N. Y. Air Brake... N. Y. Central N. Y.. Ont. AW... Nor. A W . c Northern Psctftc. . . Pscific Mail Penn. By People s Gas Pittsburg Coal. c. . Pressed S. Car, c . . Kay Cons. Copper. . Ky. Steel Springs. . Heading, c Rep. I. i S , o. . . . Rock Island Sears, Roebuck Co. . Shattnck Studebaker. o Southern Paeifio . . . Southern Ry.. e. . . Tenn. Copper Texas Oil Tobacco Products. . . Union Pscific, c... V. 8. Rubber, c. . , U. S. Steel, c . . . . , Utah Copper Virginia Chemical, i Wabash W. V. Telegraph. Wostinghouse Elec. Ex. dir., 1 per cent. 113 41 27 S8 14 '94" 117 23 16 82 56 112 26 91 81 48 4 21 69 19 82 23 45 45 23 494 72 74 19 150 49 81 22 15 160 54 112 66 90 81 40 8 91 40 88 33 54 9 37 181 42 -88" 82 63 9 36 130 ' 116 1113 43 41 27 25 89 I 88 1 94 I 94 2 18 77 70 2H 82 65 83 106 104 47 61 83 59 60 74 42 18 15 189 141 65 65 51 I 53 6 . 6 42 I 42 92 Many carloads of apple are about to rot in the Paeifio Northwest, meaning tha loss of many thousanda of dollars. The rotting of hundreds of carloads of pot-.. toes ia assured in tha Pacific Northwest alone. unless the movement soon shows the greatest Increase in years. This stock is rotting on the farme for various reasons. Onion growers, (or instance, nave neia their stock for adequate values, while the mar ket's demand has been small. Owing to the fact that much of tha stock was pnlled after the rains, and therefore did not curs properly, much loss is shown. in supplies. Word to this effect was brought to the city., by W. H. Seward, a prominent grower of tha A1 Labish section. "They call this Hoovenzing." says Mr. Seward. "but I call it plain waste. In our section alon about $30,000 worth of foodstuffs is going to waste. I Price of fish ia being gradually lowered in tha lneal market, although values are still too high for some offerings, and tha public seems to share thia view. That there la going to be a serious break tn the price of fresh salmon before long la indicated oy the way stocks are at present piling up in the wholesale houses. Receipts of ehinook are in creasing very liberally from -the Columbia river, and the price is slightly lowered at 22 023a a pound with tha head on. although tha movement into consuming hands is nominal. aunon u now coming from practically every direction, and threatens to have something to aay about the high cost of living. Steelheads were quoted down to 2021e a pound during tha day. but sttn further price loasea are necessary ia .order to creata a general demand from' the publia. Columbia river smelt were not in quite as good supply as tha previous day, and the price was generally held at 6 0 7e a pound. Quality of the fish is perfect. Halibut is scarce, with medium No. 1 at 23c a pound, and chickens at 21c a pound. k few rasor clams are coming forward, but they are so high priced that the general public is not at all interested. OAT BREAK .OORD Oats bide advanced SI a ton the Poet. land March an tT Exchange) during tha day. AH previous high records were broken a $M bid. 120 24 17 82 56 113 26 92 31 43 5 22 70 19 83 23 46 45 117 23 16 32 56 112 28 90 31 43 4 1 68 19 82 23 45 45 23 60 73 74 20 150 60 82 23 15 150 64 114 66 91 81 40 8 91 40 23 a 49 71 74 18 149 49 81 22 35 149 53 113 56 90 90 40 8 90 40 42 35 87 32 54 9 37 14 131 116 43 264 88 12 94 11S 24 17 82 57 112 26 91 14 31 43 4 21 44 18 28 121 70 19 102 83 24 45 44 40 61 23 60 72 74 19 150 j 18 60 81 22 15 140 54 113 56 90 81 40 8 89 40 AMERICA 1IYISTOCK PRICES Chicago, Jan. 25. (I. N. S.) Hog prices gain broke sharply at tha opening Of tha live stock market here today,' opening 2So lower than tha aveeaoa of yesterday. Coupled with receipts of 60,000 head today, which, with yesterday's carry-over, made 80.000 head on hand at tha yards, the Eastern rail blockade was assigned ' the chief cause of tha break. This blockade la forcing shippers out of tha market, and is hold chiefly responsible for the 40o break or yesterday and the further drop today. OhicMO Is drawing heavY shipments from Missouri rhror points because prices hero are from sii to S-1'.BO higher. Chicago Hogs $1.SB Chicago, Jan. 25. (I. N. 8.) Hogs Re ceipts 60.000, slow, '25o lower. Mixed and butchers.. $15.60 16.25: good heavy. $15.60 016.25; rough heavy, 516.60 15.75; light, $16.25 016.05; pigs, $12.25 014.65; bulk, $15.90016.20. Cattle Receipts 15.000. slow. 10 15e lower. Beeves, $8.30013.70; cows and heifers, $6.10 011.65; stackers and feeders, $7.10010.60; calves, s.uu 15.76. Sheep Receipts 11.000, weaV. Native and westerns, $9.75 013.40; lambs, $14 .50 0 17.35. Omaha Hogs 916.0B Omaha, Jan. 25. L N. 8.) Hogs Re ceipts 13.900, 15 0 20c lower. Top, $16.05 range, $15.50 016.05; mixed, $15.80 015.95 good choice, $15.90 016.05; rough. $15.75 g 15.85; light. $15.60015.75; bulk. $15.75 16.90; puiv $12.00 015.00. Cattle Receipts 2300. steady. Beeves, $8.75 M13.uu: stockers and feeders. S6.2511.15 cows and heifers, $6.25 010.00; western. $8.75 (ffii.ou; calves, au.uuwia.uo. Sheep Receipts 650O, steady. Wethers. li.oue la.un; yearlings, $11.50015.00 lambs, $15.75 017.25; ewea, $11.00 012.35 Kansas City Hogs $16.25 - Kansas City, Jan. 25. (L N. S.) Cattl. Receipts 4O0O, slow, steady to weaker. Steers. in p w ia ; eows ana neuers, 0 00 f; siocxers ana leeaers, $6.00011.50 .cajres, to.uuwu.13. Hogs Receipts -11.000, 25a lower. Top, ao.aii; snippers.- tio.211 Dacxera. S1H.OO bulk, $15.85 016.00: heavies, $15.90 16.25 mediums, $15.85 016.20; lights, $15.76 1Q.VU, Sheep Receipts 9000. 15 025a lower. umn, tm.uu Seattle Hooa sMs.2B Seattle. Wash., Jan. 25. I. N. H )- Hop Acceipia 101, strong. sio.iu m 10.ZS. Cattle Receipts 189; strong. $10010.60 oneep .Receipts, none. Denver Hogs 918 ' Denver. CoL, Jan. 25. (U. P.) Oattlo Receipts 800; steady; prices unchanged. Hogs Receipts 800; 10 to 20 cants lower. Top, $16; bulk.-$15.90 16. Sheep Receipts 1400; steady; prices unchanged. Portland. Fri. 1 1 ear aero. . 17 Season to dateS810 Year ago. .8629 'coma, Thurs 18 Year ago. . 6 n to data.8641 Year ago. .4791 attle, Thurs. 5 Year ago. . 14 'ason to date 3343 Year ago 3780 Cattle Are Higher With a Big Demand At North Portland No Tops Available in Steers but Cows Sell at New High Mark, Some Quotations Reaching $9. LIVESTOCK DEMAND KEEN Demand for livestock I keen at North Port. land, with top quality cattle especially sought. Killers ware bidding against ana another far tha limited offering) of cattle hare during tha day. resulting In mora firmly ostanllenad values. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN Friday Thursday Wednesday . . . . Tuesday ....... Monday Saturday Week ago Year ago Two years ago . . . Three years ago . , Four years ago. , Hogs. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. 363 242 6 1610 840 101 8 67 562 . 295 1 28 208 80 1707 1054 S 75 650 66 . . 1060 460 - m 100 r 1 2 941 656 8 4 786 . 13$ .. 1626 588 . 401 . 1 41 763 61 .Sj 872 POTATOES AL& ALONG THE COAST San Francisco Market Ban Francisco; Jan. 25. (TJ. P.) Onions Per cental Brown or yellow. $1.90 2 for good stock; ditto white. $2 0 2.25. Potatoes Per cental Delta, $1.6001.65 for fancy, do. choice, $1.1001.35; do. Wash ington Netted Gems, $1.60 $1.75; do. Oregon Burbanks, re-packed, $1.75 0 2; do. Nevada. $1.7501.90; do. Humboldt, $1.7501.90; do. Sonoma untisn uneens, l.oo4 1.7&. Sweet potatoes Per 100 pounds $3.75 ex. r. Seattle Market Seattle. Wash.. Jan. 25. in. p.) Onions California yellow, 2 M 0 2 e lb. ; Yakima. 80 lb. Potatoes Local. ' $27: Yakima Gem. $310 82. Lot Angeles Market Los Angeles, Jan. 25. (L N. 8.) Pate. toea, northern Burbanks, $1.4001.95; rus sets, $2; sweeta, $4 0 4.25 sack, x 1 DAIRY PRODUCE OK THE COAST Total sales, 401.600 shares. few York Bond Market . Bid. Atchison Gent 4 s 8$ Baltimore A Ohio Gold 4s. . 76 Bethlehem Steel Ref. 5s.... 85 Central Pacific 1st 4s 77 C, B. A Q. CoL 4s 92 St. Paul GenL 4s Chicago N. W. GenL 4s... 84 L. A N. Uni. 4s 85 New York Railway 6s . 17 Northern Pac. P. L. 4s.... 82 Reading Gent. 4s. ...... . 84 ' Vnion Pacific 1st 4s 88 Cnited States Steel. 5s 99 L'nion Paeifio 1st Ref. 5s.. 75 Southern Pacific Con v. Ta. 87 Southern Paeifio Conv. 4s. 75 Pennsylvania Conv. 4 s . . 78 Pennsylvania 1st 4s 89 H Chesapeake A Ohio Conv. 5s 77 Oregon Short Line 4a 82 Ask. 84 78 87 79 . 93 83 86 88 18 84 87 90 99 76 87 79 81. H 90 77 84 Foreign Bond Jffarkrt. A. P. 5s Oct. 1920 TJ. K. 5s Sept. 1918 U. K. 6s Feb. 1918.. .. IT. K. 5s Nov. 1919... V. K. 5s Feb. 1919.... U. K. 5 Not. 1921 A. F. Sec 5s Aug. 1919., Paris 6s Oct. 1921 Marseilles 6i' Nov. 1919... Russia Extn. 6s 1921... Russian Intl. 5s 1926... Dom. 5s Aug. 1919..., Dom. 5s April 1921...., Dom. 6s April 1931 , Dom. 6s April 1926 , Argentine 6s May 1920.., Dom. Canada 5s 19371... French 6s 1919 amp rock. $20.00 per ton. Inal. Small white, 13 e: lam umaa, i.a; bayous, New Perkins Hotel Fifth and vTashlartog, Stt. Clot to W Bolesalo and la Cental- t Uata.ll District. ' Rata 7441 per day sp. ' Special Low Rates to Permanent Guests Bid. Ask. '88 89 97 98 99 100 96 96 98 98 93 94 95 96 85 ,86 86 87 40 43 82 86 95 95 95 92 93 92 92 94 95 91 98. 98 96 wool pelts, 880: dry short wool pelts, 25o; salted and green pelts (January takeoff). $2.50 0 3.60 each; dry sheep shearlings, each. 15 80c; salted sheep shearlings, each, 25 050c; dry goats, long hair, 25c; dry goat shearlings. sacii, if uvu , iuf,Hwit ijmi goat, oacn. BUC Urn $1.00. , " T WOOL Coarse valley. 60e: medium Taney. 65c: valley lamb wool, 45 0 60c nor lb. CiOTTIM OB CASCARA BARK Buying DTKTC, PW 'i-"e O 71 VCT ILK TALLOW- No. 1, 14e; No. 3, 12o; 810operlb. MOHAIR 1917. 40 060c per lb. Rope. Paints. (Mia ROPE Sisal, dark, 23c; white. 22e peg ID. , Blsa-inAatltA nauug, OAC LINSEED OIL Raw. bbla.. $1.41 per gallon aeius mun, ma, fito; raw, oases, $1.51: boiled, cases, $1.53 per gallon; lots of 250 gallons, less. , ..- COAL OIL Water wbita, in drums sad iron barrels, 10c P"r gallon. WHITE LEAD Ton lata, .12a pat lb.: 800 lbs.. 12 c . TURPENTINE Tanks, 65c; cases, ?5at 10 ease lota, la lesa. . IV. P.) extra San Pranetsoo Market , Baa Francisco. CaL. Jan. 23. Butter Extras, 68 c Eggs Extras. 67c: extra firsts. B4er pullets, 53 c Cheese California flats, fancy. 25 c Seattle Market Brattle. Jan. 25. (TJ. P.) Bnttev NiHni vtasningion creamery cuoe, oc; do. brick, 63c; wragv aiiLorxu cuoe, f jc; ao. one, a fie. Eggs Select ranch, 65c; pullets, 45c; stor age, i toe. Cheese Oregon triplets. 24 2 Br- OiHnn T. A.. 2fc; Washington triplets. 2426o: Washington T. A.. 27c: Wisconsin T. A. 2a: Young America, 26c Los Angeles Market Los Angeles. Jan. 25. (L N 8.1 1C. 55c; butter. 62c There waa a very firm tone for cattle and sheep and the bog market situation was steady at North Portland .Only a small showing of cattle was made in the yards during the day but the demand waa very keen. Some cows brought a new high record of $9 for tops. Steers did not sell above $10.75 during the morning, but, quality consid ered, these were about 10 to 15c higher than tba steers that brought $11 during the last few days. General cattle market range Medium to choice steers . . $10 35 A 1 1.00 Good to medium steers 9.35 10.3 CcmmoBr to good steers 7.75 9.25 Choice cows and heifers 8.00 0 9.00 Common to good cows and heifers 6.60 7.73 Canners 8.00 6.00 Hulls 6.00 7.50 Calves 7.50 11.00 Blocker and feeder steers 6.00 8 00 Mutton Situation Controlled There were 1 0 loads of stuff reported in the mutton alleys of tbe North Portland yards over nisht- and of thia amount eight loads came direct to local killers from their own feedlots, and therefore did not enter the general trade. Killers are therefore in full control of the nrice situation, and every advance at this time money in their pockets because or tne UDerai holdings on their own reeaiots. wnicn were pur chased when values were materially lower. What mutton and lambs were offered oa the open market during the day quickly sold at ex treme quotations. General sheen and Iamb ranaa Western lsmbs $18.0015.50 VaUev lambs 14.50(915.00 Tearlinga . 13.00 1$.50 Wethers 12.50 018.00 Ewes 10.00 11.00 Msrket on shorn sheep, 2 to 80 under quo tations. Swing Trads Is Steady While badly breaking values, due to congested supplies, were shown in the eastern trade during the day, the local hog market waa just about steady at former prices. Only a email run waa shown m tne yarns over night, and the movement was restricted. General swine market range: Prime light $15.751.00 Prime heavy 15. 75 016.10 pigs 18.75 0 14.50 Friday Livestock Shippers Hogs O. E. Lucke. Molalla, 1 load: Tim Derr. McMinnville. 1 load. Cattle B. Herskovtta, Sisaon. CaL, S loads; W. Willets. Medford. 1 load; H. Blackwell. On tario, 2 loads; H. O. Boches, Winch. 1 load. gheep L'nion Meat Co., Ljle. 8 loads direct; P. A. Haggerdorn. Biggs, 2 loads. Mixed stuff Beatty Bros.. Beaver Creek, 1 load cattle, hogs and sheep; C. P. Hembree, Monmouth, 1 load oattlo, and hogs. United Statea bureau of markets revolts live stock loaded January 24 (carloads reported west of Allegheny mountains; double decks counted as two cars) : Cattle and Mixed Calves- Hogs. Sheep. Stock. Tot. Totals 1785 2059 847 295 4709 One week ago.. .1638 1756 879 286 4285 Four weeks ago. .1408 1858 319 268 4075 State origins of livestock loaded January 24: For Portland NORTHWESTERN GRAIN RECEIPTS Wheat. Barley. Flour. Oata. Hat. -Car 2 S S 4 4.1 5 10 210 SOL 895 1817 144 1006 1620 1516 1 .... S 2 '68 i2 1225 108 244 1410 13 4 10 18 8 2 4 7 236 169S 952 2342 271 1068 1004 2673 Central ia. Wash.. Jan. 25. A lettor haa ben received from Sertreant Will iam Priest, who is la tha aviation serv ice in France, statlna; that he had been in Winchester, England, on sick leave. The letter was written on tha avs of Priest's return to France. Russell 1 Ldttell, a former CentraUa high school boy who enlisted In tha navy, Is now seeing- service in the Brit ish Isles, according to a letter received from him yesterday by his mother. Mrs. C. R. Lamb. Dan McGUlkruddy, superintendent of Wilson Bros.' logging camps at Inde pendence, has gone to Washington. TX C. He has been given a commission as lieutenant in tbe 20th engineers, forest. part or which is already in France. Deaths at Centralis Centralis, Wash.. Jan. 25. Wednes day night Mrs. Adelbert Tuttle died at her home on West Walnut street- She waa S7 years of acre and is survived bv jj ; her husband, and three children Mrs. j. j? . snui or mis city. jars. w. u. Denio of Onalaska and W. A. TutUe of Aloha, Wash. Gustaf Mattson. aged SO years, died yesterday in a CentraUa hospital. He was 30 years of age. The remains will be sent to Hoqutam. his former home. Firia ncg: Tim her: Industry. City Gab Announces New Series of Popular Lectures oa Inrestl . gating and Financing New Local Industries Lumbermen 'Trust Company Offers Sandy Drainages Per Cent Bonds. soon show a reduction regulations which go Flour prices should because under tha new Into effect within a raw days millers must util ise 25 per cent of grain other than wheat la ... ... . . - - - tne maaing 01 in proaucw iua m grains are selling as yet as high as wheat, al though the greater demand that will be forced aa a result of tha government ruling and the lack of restrictions regarding the pneo may force values even higher. The new ruling regarding the prohibition, of tha use -of straight wheat for chicken feed baa caused aome concern among the trad. Oats and barley market continue to snow strength here, but the trade is confined almost exclusively between dealers. While there are greater onenngs 01 au eissses of hay the market price ia ahowing practically no change at the moment. fold. $2.03; club. $2.01; Rnaslan. $1.98. tide water track basis. FLOCrt Selling price: Patent, $10.00; Wil lamette valley, $9.60; local straight. $9.20 0 9.90; bakers' local. $9.80 010.00; Montana spring wheat, patent, $10.60 10.80; whole wheat, $9.60; graham, $9.40; rye flour. $10.75 ner barrel. nix Bavins price, new crop: winsmwiw timothy, fancy. $26.00 v ashington fancy tnsoi falfa. 825.00- 11. wtrh clover. $22.00 per ton; grain. $24.00 0 25.00 per ton. GRAIN BACKS Nominal. No. 1 Calcutta, 18 H 0 20c in carlots; lesa amounts higher. UILLHTUFFS Bran. $30 0 80.60: anorxa, $32.00032.50; middlings. $39.00 0 $9.50 ton. KULLISU OATS Per ton, $66. CORN Whole, $72.00; cracked. $T 00 ton. ROLLED BARLEY Per ton. $63 00 65.00. Word from San Francisco says 7000 balea of hope arrived from the Orient Wednesday. Merchants Exchange January bids: OATS Week Prt Thur. Wed. Tues. Bat. ago. 1918 1917 1918 Feed 6200 3600 6000 5950 5900 5900 5900 Feed BAR LET Flaaaelag of I a das try.- The last of a series of lectures on Investigating' and financing new local industries will be given by Hudson B. Hastings, profess or of applied economics. Reed college, in the story hour room of the public library. Tuesday evening. The subject of Tues day night's lecture is "Financing of Industry.' and will deal with instru ments of finance, plana for financing and methods for raising funds for egtr rent and future needs. This lecture wtll be the last of eight talks, by Mr. Hast ings given under the auspices of the City club, and will be followed by a! second aerie: along the same general lines by men from the University of Oregon. The program for the second series Is now being arranged and will be published later. First Polley Paid oa Amerleaa Lift Lost la i'raaco. Charles Gramra. Port land manager of the Kansas City Life Insurance company, announces that his company was the first In the United States to pay a policy on an American killed in action since the United States entered the war. The claim waa paid to this mother of Lieutenant William T. FltrAlmmona of Kansas City, who" was killed In France September by the ex plosion of a German bomb. . The policy was paid promptly upon official an nouncement of the death of the officer. Saady DraJaaga District Geld Beads. The Lumberraens Trust company is offering the per cent gold bonds of the Sandy drainage district, Multnomah county, Oregon. The bonds are In dennmlnstlnna nf mrA HAM t.t. Kelso, Wash., Jan. 25. County Agent bssVT.rn.blaa Mm 1 .sarin 11 A 1 1 w In Tuna m wA TVaa L. a Keyes of Cowllt county, who re- cember. Bonds are dated December 1 turned home this week from the county 117, and become due serially. 1922 to agents' conference at Pullman, has ar- 1916 inclusive. Lands In the district ranged -for a busy month for Cowllta sxcluslve of improvements, had an as- farmers In February. In addition to the sensed value of 1100,660 In His. Bonded mcwuna o " v-ouniy agricultural coun- debt Is Of this issue only, 1(0,000, vii. vttiivu 1 cauieu lor renruary 4, no hs arranged for a farmers' extension him. Cowlitz Farmers To Be Kept Busy school for Kelso, February 27 and 28 and March 1. This school will be held in cooperation with the Kelso Commer cial club. A crop disease specialist will also visit the county early In February and will Aarora State Bsak la Good CoadlUoa. At the annual meeting of the Aurora State bank all officers and directors wese re-elected with the addition of Oscar A. Wilson as assistant cashier. Cashier Hlckok submitted to the stock holders a comparative statement of the view emo" wTJlsmetxa 1 uie vuuuij ij 1 11 r curuarr bau viu . , . - peTTonTEartron-! hold meetings m several parts of the nUon eoverlng a number of Hr ?200'0.00: V: county, and Mr. Audrain, district leader ahowing an Increasing prosperity "ch- A K-.VTirU of clubs, will .rend the weak of Febru- ?f .conservatively managed financial of clubs, will spend the week of Febru ary 11 to IS in Cowlitz county. Germans Reminded Of Registration Vancouver, Wash., Jan. 25.---A notice has been issued Intended for all German alien enemies calling their attention to the fact thai, commencing at 6 a. m. on February 4 and continuing until Feb ruary 9 inclusive, they will be required kqaa eanA Rlfin RT)S KVKA K9KA Brewing ' 6225 4100 6225 6900 6900 6900 5725 . Thirty day delivery was quoted: OATS ! Feed 6200 I BARLEY Feed 5900 Brewing 6250 'enemies Involves a great deal of clerical xjwueru corn in ouia. work as a complete record of each per VIA 1 O No. 3 whits $800 White 38 clipped 6950 No. 8 5800 Clipped 6950 COR No. 8 yellow 6300 No. 3 mixed 6200 Yellow 6850 Mixed 6250 There were 145,000 bushels oata delivered on contracta Institution. Ksw State Baak Fresno r The newly organised Monitor State bank at Moni tor, Or., opened for business January 2. with twice the surplus funds required by the state banking laws. Its equipment Is modern throughout and the business built up ao far Is a source of gratifica tion to the stockholders. Officers of the Monitor bank are: A. W. Giles, presl dent; Grant B. Dlmlck. vice president ; C. W. Conyne, cashier; directors, be sides the officials named, are B. F. Glesy and Guy N. Hlckok. Staadard Maaa for Logglsg Camas. to register at the police station at 710 The loggers of Oregon and Washington Washington street, this city. They can fcave promptly tackled the problem of register any time between the hours of working out a standard menu for log- 6 a. m. or 8 p. m. The notices are signed glng camps, following suggestions msde by L. E. McCurdy, as" chief register, and I by the federal food administration In a cmei 01 ponce. rtegistrauon 01 alien recently published aeries of mentis for 15 days. The loggers have prepared menus for 14 days which take aa little v meat, wheaV and fata as possible. Ia . preparing the menu , the loggers have kept la mind tha fact that snen who perform the vigorous, outdoor, physical work of logging must have a hearty diet, and that meat ia one of tha arlnolpai articles of diet required tn a well-con-, ducted logging camp. - , s i - , Farm Leaa AsseelaUea Makes Prog-restv-The Upper Valley and East Hood luver .National Farm Loan asaoclatioaa are making satisfactory progress, ac cordmg to reports of R. B. Soctt, secre tary of both erganlsatlona. Loans to the extent of $2G.00 have been approved by the Spokane Federal Land bank for the former organisation, while the letter's subscribers have been granted loans of tSO.SOO. and aa addi tional is,too are In the process of being clolad. Fifteen new applications have been approved locally and are now . ia the hands of the Land bank, officials of which promise that an appraiser will be here about the middle of February. Off Ice ra of the upper valley orgaaisv , tioa have been elected for tha ensuing year aa follows : Director. EL. C MUler. president ; J. O. Smullln. vioe president ; L. H. Rose, Robert Leasure and L. W. Tomllnson. W. D. Allen and A. L Mason hava bees elected respectively president and Tioa president of the East Hood River asso ciation. Other members of tha board are: V. Wlnchell. F. P. Friday, J. O.' Cameron and J. P. Naumea. At Of laterest te Importers of Saw all rt. -The American consul at Ran goon. Burma, has transmitted the name of a person In his district who deslrea to get in toucn with American Importers of , rawhides. The name of tha inquirer can ' be obtained at the bureau of foreign and domestic commerce or by addressing tha . Portland Chomber of Commerce. Refer to fUe No. 95M1. Siamese rTaat Flreeroef BoeflBfv ' In connection with the construction at public warehouses for storing rloa, tba Siamese government has encountered difficulty, says the Rangoon (Burma) Gasette, in securing suitable fireproof roofing material. This Is largely tha result of the present high prices of, gal vanuea iron (the material mainly used for this purpose In tropical countries), apart from certain inherent objections to Its use under any clrcumstaneoa. This roofing question has aroused much interest for a long time all over tropical Asia and the East Indies and has never been wholly satisfactorily solved. It la ; thought that the matter ia one that might well engage the attention of American manufacturers and exporters, both In Slam (which Is at present in a . prosperous condition) and in other coun tries of the Far East, particularly tha Philippine Islands. To obtain a really good market, any material of this kind should be as low in cost as possible, but it should be fireproof and waterproof to a high degree and easily applied b relatively unskilled native labor. - Chicago Provision Market Has Break Loss in Swine Price in Yards. Brings Quick Decline ; Oats Situation Is Still Holding Good. BY JOSEPH r. t"IITCHAHD Chicago. Jan. 25 (L N. 8.) OaU led in the matter of strength and activity, and dosed at sd varices of 14 Sle. There was talk around that the buying was led by James A. Patten, and this report caused tha entire trade to trail oa It will be remembered that Patten withdrew from speculation some time aco, right at the opening of the war, and said that he would not speculate again until tha war was at aa end. Com was np 9 He, and firm. Provisions were all lower 10 15s for pork. Be for lard, and 12Vi 25c for ribs. son must be made in triplicate form, and Includes finger prints, photographs and many other details of Information. Body of Soldier Will Arrive Today Oregon City. Jan. 25. The body of Corporal Harry Melvin, eon of N. T. XV 1 n t TXT... V Inn wk Jt mJt . days ago at the base hospital in New Government Offers Fertilizer at York city, win arrive in Portland to day accompanied by the brother, J. L. Melvin. also a member of the same company. The funeral will be held Sunday aft ernoon from the Holm an chapel, in Oregon City, at S o'clock. Rev. W. MllUken officiating. CLARKE FARMERS TO BE GIVEN CHANCE TO BUY NITRATE OF SODA Cost Through Department of Agriculture. T. Vancouver, Wash., Jan. tS. M. J, Newhouse, county agent, has received of ficial notice that the United Statea gov ernment, through the department of eg rtculture, will aell at cost, a supply of nitrate of soda to farmers In this county, The nitrate was purchased through the war Industries board ;nder the authority of the food control act as a part of the program for stimulating agricultural pro duction. The nitrate of soda will be unloaded at Atlantic ports and sold at $75.50 a ton f. o. b. cars at the port of arrlvaL In addition to this price must be added cost of transportation and the state fertiliser tag fee. Applications for this fertflUer must Km msuta thrmiarh t"!Atinrv A n t Vaw. iJni? tTXJn.VrXTXt,.'h3j. ,ow!Lf? 1 Croam, Wednesday forwarded the larg- house and should be made at once, as all Chicago. Jan. 25. (1. N. S.) In sympathy with a aharp decline In hog prices at the yards, prices in the provisions msrket were lower at the opening today. A feature of the provisions market waa weakness in May rfba, which broke under scattered liquidation. January ribs were only slightly affected. Lard and pork also snowed moderate deennee. Premier Wekerle Resigns, Is Report Copenhagen Jan. 25. fTJ. P.) Resignation of Premier Wekerle, Hun garian premier, was again reported here today. Indicating continued po litical unrest in Austria-Hungary Red Cross Makes Big Shipments Kelso. Wash.. Jan. 26. Mrs. P. M. Carothers. director of knitting of the Cowllta county chapter of the Red I-ACIFIC COAST BANE STATEMENT Portland stank . Clearings This week. Monday Tuesday . . Wednesday 1 nursday . . Friday Clearings . . Balances . . . Clearings . . Balances . . , Clearing. , Balances .. . Oleartnga -. . Clearings . , .$ S.228.728.1S . 2,595,905.96 . 2.918.230.64 . 8.056,767.42 . 2.616.875.21 Seattle o)ank :''' Spokane Bank T aco ma .Banks Tear ago. 2.676.294.82 S, 127. 864. 48 2.090.711.40 1.780.811.07 1.75,9.083.65 4,142,171.00 1.102,887.00 - . 961,908.00 . 261,480.00 882.489.00 86,754.00 California S Idaho 1 Oregon ' 6 Totals Portland 10 One week ago ... 6 Four weeks ago. - ... For Seattle Idaho S Washington .... 1 Totals Seattle. 7 One week ago ... S Four weeks agw. . San Francisco Banks ' .14,469,65L00 Los Angeles Bank $ 4.286,601.00 Eastern Grain Market Omaha Cash com. No. 4 white, SI. 56 0 r.58; No. 4 yellow. 81.63 1.50; No. 4 mixed. 81.48. Kansas City Cash com. Wo. S white, $1,69 9 1.70; No. 4 wNe. SL67 01.64; No. 4 yel low. 11.51 1.63: No. S mixed. 81.60- v A mixed, $1.50 1.52. Oata, No. 2 white. 4 lis: No. S, 84c v , - v-;- Bt. lxrais-iS;fcra. No. t. $1.62; No. S yello, $1.80r-No. "2 -whit. 81.85: No. S wnite, 1.7O1.7-.,N0, 4 white. $1.70. Oata. standard. 84 H e; No. 8 white, 84 H 9 84 Ha; No. 4 wbita, 83c . "PALACE HOTEC Clean, islet, modern, homelike and d town, rrae sea from all depots. Sates 75a- te pc y- wsisisfMB si. . aarssan sad Merchants. Bea do Barters .,, t . S..- ' - Chicago Dairy Prodaee Chicare Jan. 25. (I. N. S.) Batter So eelpts, 7042 tubs. Creamery extra, 49e: extra 22: 4SHe: Egg Koceiptn 704 easea Current receipts. 49 & 67a; ordinary ftrsta, SSASSe; ftrsts. 87 a 6&e; extra, 62 68c; checks, 40$ 42e; dirUea, V s Fraaeitea- Grata Market San irranclaco, Jan. : 25. (TJ. P.) Cash gram: Barley, per cental Toed, around $2.85. Oata, per cental New red. $2.801 2.90; do. soea sraaa, -. - Barley calls: . Jan. 25. Jan, 24 May .................... 800A 295 Seattle Barley Market ' Seattle. Wash.. Jan. 25. (L N. 8.)- Bar u. man d n . u 7 r ... .-vr wiv, 4t can; '82 62 8 Tnursday Afternoon Sales STEERS 8 88 17 78 27 10 6 2 8 4 2 in .njji foe, by comrnis- st ehlpment of knitted goods yet shipped applications must reach Washington. prices ware lower. . , y tne local chapter, it consisted of 57 1 (J-, by February 4. . sweaters, 44 pairs or socks, Zk wristlets, I Prune growers are practically the only S mufflers and 2 helmets. About half I ones in this county who use this variety or xercuizer ana a numoer or tnem wnen selling by local traders. able baying of May si on houses. Opening Tha oata market was steady at tha opening: but aommission houses were active on the buy ing side. Although opening prijea a noted May oats at 78 a most of tha baying was around 774o. Chicago rang of prices famished by United Trees: CORX Open. High. ... 127 127 ... 126 127 . .. 124 H 125 H OAT8 ... 81H 8S4 ... 804 82 ... 774 7914 PORK ... 4710 4712 . .. 4580 4686 LARD OREGON CITY PICKETS RELEASED FROM JAIL ON RECORDER'S ORDER Argument on Writ of Habeas Corpus Scheduled to Bp Heard This Afternoon. Pebmary March . . May January . March .. May .... January , May Tjow. Close. 127 127 H 125 126 124 126 No. " Ave. lbs. Pries. No. Ave. lbs. Price. 2.... S60 $ 6.60 I 1 480 0 6.00 BULLS 1 1890 $ 7.25 I 1 S20 $ S.60 4 930 7.00 I 1 1650- 7.00 1 COWS S.... 875 $ 6.76 1 840 $ 8.25 1.... 650 6.60 1 720 4.00 1.... 700 4.00 2 785 6.75 10 722 6.50 9 780 8.00 7 690 3.75 1 870 7.50 1... 880 8.50 1 850 6.00 1 870 6.00 1 800 7.00 1.... 980 7.60 1..,.. 710 6.75 1.... 950 6.60 1 680 7.25 2 870 6.25 1 840 8.25 HEIFERS 1 710 $ 7.50 I 4 612 $ 6.75 HOGS 12.... 225 $16.76 Tii . ., 286 $15.89 4.... ISO 12.60 1 88 Sl82 14.60 6.... 180 16.75 I 91 200 15.80 8 $17 14.80. No, 27. 24 18. , 2.. 1.. 1.. 8. . 2.. 1.. 1.. 4S. Friday Morning Sale f s STEERS . Awe. lbs. Price, I Ra Ave. Tba Price. W1140 110.76 ' 1.....1070.S 9.76 asw .10 1 ia.... ivb b.uu 1 81 80 77 4710 457S 88 82 79 4712 4682 January May ... Jsnnary May .. . 2485 2487 RIBS 2365 2385 2425 2430 e a 2480 2363 2422 2457 2487 2866 2426 COKIT TRADE 18 SUSPENDED WITH OPTIOX ABOUT OVER Chicago. Jan. 25. (L N. 8.1 Tha hoard af directors at tha Chicago Board of Trails at a special meeting today decided to dlscontinos trading In corn for January delivery. A commit tee established tha settlement price on open con tracts at $1.28. the articles came from the Castlerock branch and Its auxiliaries, and the oth ers were turned In by local knitters in the past week. A shipment la being made each week. Colored Chauffeur Fined John Lowe, colored chauffeur, waa fined $25 in the municipal court this morning Jot assault and battery on M. Stewart, an attorney. Lowe gave notice of appeal. DAILY BITER BKiDIKGS SHORT COVERING AIDS EARLY COTTON PRICES New York, Jan. 23. (L N. S.) Covering by shorts In January at the opening of the cotton mar ket caused a comparatively firm tone, and that month was up $5 points, but it was noted that tha supply in the later positions waa quits largo, and as a result mora moderate advances were recorded tn these months, tha range being from 4 to 21 points with tha latest options showing tha smallest gains. STATIONS. . I! i Pi isi T mstilla I 25 O OTl 5To" Kngene 10 4 2 0. 0.09 Albany 20 7.8 0.5 0.16 Salem 20 67 0 4 0.12 Oregon Cite. 13 6.S -0.4 0.76 Portland 15 8.9 0.1 0.66 interviewed by the agricultural agent stated that for best results the fertiliser should be applied by March 1 and that with present transportation facilities they are doubtful If the nitrate would be received this far west in time to use it this season. Mr. Newhouse. how j ever, is going to interview a number of the growers in other parts of the country, and it is poewible that an order for a quantity of the nitrate will be made. Approximately 200 pounds of this fer- jtlliser la required per acre, making It possible to well rertlllze 10 acres with each ton of the nitrate. At thia rate the cost per acre would be something like $9. rsone ot thia nitrate will be sold to retailers, but Just to actual farmers or owners of land for use on their own property. BITER FORECAST The Wfllaasette river at Portland srD vwanata nearly stationary during the next two or thro city Recorder Porter of West Urm for obstructing a sidewalk was a atrlke- Ultlog Is l'nion Maa Oregon City, Jan. it. Tha Journal In advertently erred Thursday In saying W. K. Uttllng. whoee application for a writ of review from m fine of Sis by Oregon City, Jan. 25. Facing tba. problem of continually feeding the 11 strikers arrested Thursday morning,' the city officials decided that the situa tion waa one that the city treasury -would not stand up under. And conse quently City Recorder Lodsr lata that afternoon ordered the release . of tha men. upon their promise to appear for a hearing whenever called. Tha strikers spent the day in JaU. where they were furnished breakfast and dinner, being liberated in time to get their supper elsewhere. Soon after their arreet Attorney Chrts Schuebel secured an order from Judge Campbell of the circuit court granting the habeas corpus In behalf of W. li. Pickle, a resident of West Linn, whe waa crossing the bridge at the time tha picket line was marching over, and waa arreeted with the men. He waa era hla way to catch the early morning train for hla work In Portland. Tbe petition In his behalf questioned the Jurisdiction of the arrest on the ground that It waa made on the suspension bridge, which la county property, that the recent anU- picaeung ordinance was pas sea oy ut city council, which haa no jurisdiction on the bridge. The city officials attempted to fcava the arreeted men furnish bail bond in the sum of $10 each, but this was re fuaed.- Karl Frost, one of the strikers ar-. rested, wss kept In jail less than two) hours, when it waa learned that ha was not of age. -. The argument on the writ of tiatiasa corpus Is to be made this aftse-noo before Judge Campbell, and the trials of the arreeted men will be held ta abeyance pending the outcome. Tbe picket line last night and again thia morning waa large, but tha police made no axreata. days. 9.75 1 IS. COWS .1170 $ ft.00 10.. ...1168 $ 8.00 . 740 7.25 1..... 810 6.76 . 880 5.50 1 720 7.60 . 980 6.00 T 840 7.26 .1080 860 , . HEIFERS ' . 800 $ 6.50 I 7 661 $ 6.73' . 900 8,761 BULLS . S50 $ S.00 1 1$4 $ T.76 LAMBS -. Tl $18.50 I 84..., TS $18.50 I EWES . Tl $11.00 I WETHERS . 140 $13.60 I $..... 200 $18.75 HOGS . . 277 $15.76 1 5..... 148 $14.56 . S60 14.75 1 79..... 197 J6.76 -. 145 14.50 l e.....170 1A25 When wrftxsa- to - or eauxns ''asi" sdrarfsieis g please aay 70a saw ad la The Journal. : . - 4.. 5., 12.. Month. Jsnnary March ... April . . . , May .. . . , Juno July ..... August .. , October . December Open. 8110 $100 High. 8185 810$ Low. S08S 8089 Cloae. 8100 Meaty aai Exeaaaga New York. Jan. 25. (L N. SO Call money on the floor of the New York stock exchange to day ruled at per cent; wgn. ear cent; low. 4 par cent. i Time money waa eniev. Sates were: $0 days. 69S per cent; 90 days, 4 asoerthe, i smbus, a moo ins, a s ey a per aeon. Tha market for prinsa mercantile paper was dull. Call money tn London today was S par cent, Sterling exebanga was steady wKh bwdnoss la bankers' bula at $4.7680 for demand: $4.71 breaker. Aa a matter of fact, TJttinx ia a strong anion man and haa been on strike since tbe men quit their Jo be in the paper mil la No Thursday Llrenseg -Vancouver, Wash, Jan. Se Thera have been Fridays when smpersttrien baa been responsible for no licenses ta wed being Issued, but aa far as can be learned yesterday waa tha first day since Vancouver became really a "Gretna Green" that no marriagea h a were Issued on Thursday. .. 8050 8058 2994 1 $012 $014 2960 2860 2841 2865 2844 2837 2806 8045 80O5 2998 2964 1964 2989 2827 2804 for SO days bula, sad 84,69 811 New tort. 84.69 for 99 87a Loodoe, aas", f for SO day bula 48 4V ICe Iaeeae Tsx ta Par New York Sagar and Coffee Now Tort. Jaa 25. (O. P) Coffee, spot. Ha 1 me. o v ; no. a naaioa, A a. Sugar Centrifugal. $6,906. Kane Is Potato Inspector Salem, Or., Jan. 25. TJta public service com- 1 mission has appointed Charles Kane of Portland ( as potato inspector for tba Portland district. I Other inspectors are to be appointed for the Salem and Eugene cUstrkta Spraying for Profit . As instructive hook oa the method of spray ing for profit has been written by Howard EYart Weed, a Portland landscape architect. It has been published is the East. . New York Metal Market Now York. Jaa. 25. h N. 8.) Lead oniet: spot. 7 7 ; Feb. and March, 7 Md. . .B5IiCT' 4uU; January. February sad Marsh, T v - - , . -,- Swift A Ce, Shares Boston. Jan. 26. Swift A Oa. shares. 116.- tacks. Beads, Cattea, Orata. Xte, . Sie-Si, seeaxd ad Xrade Kallalaa, Oyerbeck&CookeCo. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO jVLL EXCHANGES Mesa bare Cmleage - Beard et Trade' . tiecresaeadaau ef Araa A Brjes . CaAsaga, Jlew lerfe Small Ijnvestors V The time rite of interest tnd tbt nme decree of safety tre available to those, of small means ts received by those Investing: treat tomi. : s to ey4 ; ; Setni-Aannal Interest cm Municipal' Hondo -.$100 $500 ,siboo;.V:'- Ttftn". Near Stark