THE OREGON -DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1918. ir EUROPEAN PRICES CAUSE COMPLAINT ;Coal f $30 a Ton in Belgium, ; Shoes $30 Pair in Brussels, ' Butter $4 Pound in Antwerp. " London, Jan. 25. L N. . 8.$ Persons ltTing- In tha United States may think they have cause to complain of the high cost of living-, but let. thera view some of Europe's war price and they will change thelr minds and thank their lucky stars, - A traveler who arrived here today : from Holland said that coal is selling: in . Belgium for 130 a ton, when It canibe ..secured at all. In Brussels a pair of shoes costs $30. Eega sell at f 3 per doxen. ; Butter, when available, sells in -. Antwerp at from f 3 to f 4 a pound. Fo ' tatoes, which can seldom be bought, or dinarily sell In Belgian cities at BO cents a pound. - There is no sugar at alL A caDtegram irom fetrograd says utl m members or tns German com' merclal and naval mission to that city are complaining or tne exorbitant prices. One- German was charged $10 for a pair .-' or oversnoes. jn ordinary slice of roast . beef In a Petrograd restaurant sells at $1.60. .Strictly fresh eggs were quoted In London at $1.80 per dozen. Cold storage eggs were cheaper. vooa conditions in Austria are apr palling." General Hoefer, the Austrian food controller, is alarmed over the ln fant mortality in Vienna, due to the "scarcity of; milk. A pint of fresh milk In Vienna sells at 25 to 35 cents. BIRTHS KIDD To Mr. And Mm, Hoy William SUdd, 1880 E. Main, Jan. 2. a danghtar. BBOWER To Mr. and Mrs. Anton fihowax. 618 N. f 5th. Jul Sa son. - . - . Hansen To Mr. and Mra Barry Hansen, 201 N. JOthX Jen, 8. ton. v ; - MARQUIS To Mr. and Mr, v Orln Marrruie, 718S 43d a., Jan. . daughter. GHEGORT To Mr. and Mra, Junes Hafl Ore orr. Cs t hlamet- Wuh. . Jan. 18. a dsaghter. - M'KEOWN To Mr. and Mr. Jay Beott Mo Keown, Aloha. Or., Jin. 17. a daughter. -CKOCKER To Mr. and Mrs. Earl Yineent Crocker. 828 Saner. Jan. 12. a son. MILLS To Mr. and - Mrs. Charles B. Mm. 832. 04th. Jan. 18. a daughter. GTESBRECaiT To Mr. - and Mrs. Oearhard Gieebrecht, 318 Beach, Jan., a ion. MORKLSON To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 8. Mor rison. 828 H N. 17th. Jan. 20, a son. CBOFT To Mr. and Mrs. Wflbert W. Croft, 17 hi Clay. Jan. 21, a son. - KLUTZ To Mr. and Mrs. Best Slots. 811 Ever ett, Jan. 21, a son. LFONHARDT To Mr. and Mrs. . Walter W. Leonhardt, 835 17th. Jan. V.Xson. ELLSWOBTH -To Mr. and Mrs, Iran Case Ells worth. 2173 E. Yamhill. Jan. 12, a dsnfhter. SAITO To Mr. and Mrs. ' E. Balto, 88 ' 4th, Dee. 13, a son. . SHAN Da To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bhend. 6835 87tb, Jan. 18. a daughter. -- V MUBAKAMI To Mr. and Mrs. Isabore Mura kami. 41 S. 3d. Jan. 16, a eon.- SMITH To Mr. and Mrs. Balph M. Smith. 868 E. Ash., Jan. IS. a son. COBB To Mr. and Mia Orrflle Cobb, 1809 K. Msin. Jan. 19, a daughter. DICKEY To Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dicker. 1 107 E. Grant, Jan. 21, son. JOHNSON To Mr. and Mrs. Charles I John son, 1880 Corbett, Jan. 8. a son. HOMEB To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Homer, 1985 E. Morrison. Jan. 19. a son. MILLER To Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, 63 9 naught. Jin. 18. a asughter. PU3TEBAL IIRECTOKS Edward Holmea ,-, ' t- I . Vf. J". Holaaaa - president Secretary - f J. E. TTerleJn, Traasarer THE EDWARD H0LMAN UNDERTAKING CO. ;. r-. ; v- - ESTABLISHED 1 877 - , Third street, corner Salmon A MODERN SPACIOUS FAMILY BOOM WITH PRIVATE ENTRANCE , LADY ASSISTANT Phones Main 607. A-1311 ' J. P. FINLEY & 0N . ProgTereive Funeral Directors PBIVATE DBITE Womn Attendants ,; Montgomery at JTUta. Mala 8. - A-1B88 last 84. WILSON & ROSS Lady assistant. MnRnoraeh at Seventh, et. Undertakers, Modern fat C-8180. Dunning St McEntee HELP YTATsTJ-D MALI WANTED v ' " , V'-': .i Boys ever 18 with wheela We pay repairs. Work si eJesn and steady. Can jnake $80 to 8 1 pec month. Good chance lot promotion, , v' ' Elmer L. Bailey " :.: .288 Oak st. . ' 8lAM.Fi JEWELERS "aTTd 8THV.VR XKTTKM' EIGHT HOtJB SHOP, HIGHEST WAUES. W. , 8. MXSBS CO SELLING-HI KACH BLDQ. ' - - - RITTJATIOS MAL WANTKD By high-grade aahamaa wll3T 17 yean road eram-iMsa with. an aatabUahed trade ea the racUio coast. Win work on straight salary or oasmissioa and ean aire the beet kind hf local teferonee. If yoa bare any. thine inside that - would ajspeal to a ana at my experience would be glad to eonaWr A . T 838, JovrnaL . , a- ITA-TTyg--''gMAI'g jpOSITION wanted as poetry assists ns, sosso ex - perience. of would consider other eeaploysaesit; strong and willing to . take ioatrtictioBsv Tabor WAN XEi--steal awn Vo cuius aaily. swup ly ing the Increastna deaaad for asu line. . Cask weekly. Address Capital City Saner? eosn- paay. Salem. Or. WANTED Men to qualify for eondoctoia. Ap ply room 810. Electric building: -hours from 8:80 i. s. to 4 u n. and Sundays 10 t a Men with dependents preferred. V. B... L, eV P. Co. A WOMAN- wanu to work for hoosekeepiBS - rooms, dose in; nan- wants work after 8 o'clock, store preferred. X-478, Journal EXPEIUENCED lady will do washinc. Gas -tea mngs eleanine ' eooklne and aewinat eo Kast 4401. or camp. eXderly" eoosework woman eook wants position, mill Main 8876, room 12 tioa as helper in woman wiahas noei east aide preferred. Wdln. 1788. WOMAN wants work by hour or day. references. Wdln. 4876. Reliable " -TTmI8Hi:i HOrSES -18 fOB BENT 8 room luroiihed boose. Apply toe jeusry apta. cor. etnaseu ana asroy so. ' - A'PARTMFJfTS ' - ' U ytTRKISHED A5D UKTTJKinSHED kOK rRlE'D APTS., sonM Broadway an Jeffei Elesent anlnrnished aptSL. beat MarshaB 1410. ink lEITK BY New 3 rsa. fnralabed ApSX 81A np. Cor. Bnesall and Kerb, bet, Miaa. and WOhame ITes. iUSLOP HALL. E. 8lk and jUwthom. Mod . ern 1. and 8 room apta. 818.6ft up. walk ins distance. Eeet 688. 80 eerea. 20 acres In euldeatiasa. tl aaras slashed and seeded, good buildings, team, t eews. aetrera. tans tools, fSTOS, 62000 ease, to. se years at per cent. 28 acres, new heuss. barn, enlefeeej besasa. 8 tn euttivatlon. snore easily ilea red: seed yosraa tease, eow, heifer. 8 deaen ehlrksne. seed waon, enrrey. tiirsess. plow, barrow. 621 (HI, 61iee aaetv bale nee teraaa. 44 H eras, near ehoreh. store and saaseoL wau stocaed: ssoov, f iooo eaaa, oal DILLMAN as HO w LAND. 8th and Main St.. Oreton City. Or. 17 88-100 ACRES. II la Iran, tin ass. nara, m 8288 rooma. new, modern, elaaa. eontplstely fnrnhhnd. 672 Mia Broadway 2167. 6 ROOM lower flat, elesaat. eeatral. faraUhedl 640; sell fnrnttnre. terms. 280 12th et. lWi rise and spplee, 4 rooaa boose. 1 - noise, aaexy. waaon. all afrlenltnral kaskuustt. 250 miles mm anmaruie atauoa. B muea from Salem, for ansa .for 837 as. ec more cash. baL terms. Kell aamttb. 8618 Fos ter Toed. Tsbee 1881. ' srery detail R roadway and rins ata 480. A-45B8. Lady assistant. WANTED Cormer slate and- steel die encrayer. Broadway I aD wao w tanullar with oonuneraai ana so- ' cisi stationery; steady position assured. San- 1 WANTED Dry ' lumber bandlers and common I eina anadars. Waeas 84 to 84.50 rer dar. ae- i ne ueiaen now unaenuers, i u. aiasc St. oordins to ability. East Uresoa Lumber Company. WIDOW woman wants janitor ark OTsninss. STORES AlfD OTFICES 8TOBE for rent, good location for " maker, lediee' tailors or notions. I and E. Broadway. FOB RENT Good location for confectionery 11 "27: lth Fs .Sv DUNNING, Inc. rbone East 82. B-0226. A, D, KEN WORTHY C07 Tabor 8267. 8802 2d St.. Lents. Tabor 6898 6th at and Foster Road. Arista Mrs. LereE LERCH Assistant DEATHS AITD FCXERAIS 7a. POWELL In this eity. Jan. 24, CapUin Wil liam.S. Powell, aged 83 Tears, lata of 286 11th at., fattier of Mrs. J. J. Shipley and Mrs. Harry A. Ilaaeltlne of this eity. The funeral serriees will be held - Saturday, Jan. 28, at 2 p. m. at the First Methodist church, 12th and Taylor st. Friends inrited. Interment at RWer View cemetery. J. P. Finlcy & Son, directors. - . Great Famine Is Feared m Europe ' 9 , ' " Nottingham, England, Jan. 25. (I. N. ,8.) The threat of famine hangs over Europe, V. c, Anderson, a member of , the house of commons, told the labor convention here today. ; i Mr. Anderson warned his hearers that food must be conserved to the. utmost . during Wis and used very sparingly, . . . Mr. Anderson, who is a member of the labor partv. said the industrial situation .la menaced by danger. : MEETIKG KOTICE S 41 AL KADER TEMPLH A. a . O. N. Mi S. SUted session Saturday. Jan. 26. at Maionio Temple. W, Park and Yamhill eia,, at s p. m. Visiting nobles cordially inrited. By order of w" roientate. HUGH. J. BOYD, Recorder. OREGON LODGE NO. 101. A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication tomorrow (Saturday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work in the E. A. degree. Visiting brethren cordially Inrited. By eraer or toe v. i. LESLIE S. PARKER, See. IdNCOLN CAR FIELD POST NO. 8. 3. A. R. IMmrade' Captain Poweu bas passed on. Fu neral serrtre will be held -in the First Methodist church, 12th and Taylor, Saturday, 2 p. m. AU comrades Inrited. A MASQUERADE ball . will be siren by the Highland nocial club Jan. 80, L O. O. F. bail, Atberta and 17 th sts. All are welcome. EMBLEM Jewelry a specialty, buttons. charms, jaeger Bros., 181-8 6th. pins, Vital Statistics mrriagts.Birtbs. Deaths. FSNSKE On ths Base Line road. Jan. 23. Susan Fenske, age 61 yean, belored wife of William Fenske and mother of Bessie and Anna walma Fenske and Mrs. Nettie Lendiman. Fu neral will take place tomorrow (Saturday). Jan. 20. at p. m. at ths Adrentbt church, 80th, near Glisaa. Funeral la charge of Miller A Tracey. ROBERTSON At Jennings Lodge. Jan. 24, Harry Robertson, ace 48 years, belored bus- bend of Anna May Robertson and father of Miss Iry Kinney and Mary Robertson. Serriees will be held Baturday at 2:30 p. m. at the Jennings Lodge Congregational church. Ar rangement in care of Miller A Traoey. WALKER In this city. Jan. 28. Dorothy ijouise. miant oaugnter of Mr. ana Mrs. Ed ward E. Walker of this eity. The funeral serriees will be held Saturday, Jan. 28, at 2:30 p. m. at too residence eatabuaament or J. p. Finley tc. Son, Montgomery at 6tK Friends Inrited. Interment at Lone Fir cemetery. ALTER Jan. 25, Mrs. Marion Alter, aged 88 yean, belored wife of Fred EL Alter. Funeral serricas will be held at Dunning A Mc- cntee s cnapci nainraay, Jan. zo, at 2 n. m. unenda tnnted. lntermsnt Mount Calrary cemetery. HUBBARD -In this city, Jan. . 25, Cordelia Hubbard, aae 48 rears, belored wife of R D. Hubbard. Funeral serriees Saturday at 10 .a m. at the residential parlors of Miller as Tracey. Interment. Multnomah cemetery. Kast 781 B-1888 Cndertakera " ' ' E. 1 1th and Hawthorne MILLER A TRACEY. Independent Funeral Di rectors, pncea low as 8XO. 840. 860. Wash ington at Ella Main 2881. A-788. PIEDMONT UNDERTAKING CO. R. J. Gr kopf. C-1185. funeral director. Woodlawn Killings worth and Kerby. 4840. MATJSOLEITMS Enterprise, Or. FIRST class machinist for automobile work; wages 85.50 to 88.60 per day, depending; an acuity, cook GUI Co., 408 Dana st. SITUATIONS WASTED MAXK AND FEMALE It MYSELF and son are exp. woodsmen; wife and daughter are clean, competent oooks; want long lob. Who wanu nst A-892. Journal. POSITION wanted as kitchen helper or second oook. Broadway 4620. BOY or girl to feed platen printing pi Ztf4 atark. WANTED Men to cut cord wood. Albina Fuel Co., 61 Broadway. , Smith. Inquire DRESSMAKING WB DESIGN and make the children's di 48 especially reasonable price. Tabor 6882. HELP WASTED MISC. 48 FURNISHED ROOMS Riverview Abbey Mausoleum 62 Pittock block. Phone Broadway 891. V. 8. GOVERNMENT STENOGRAPHERS WANTED. Uncle Sam will employ erery graduate of ear etril serrice course at salaries of from 81000 to 82000 a year. Petitions guaranteed all graduates. Enroll now. LINE. S BUSINESS CUL.LBUK. 10th and Morrison, Portland, Or. Phones: Mala 8083, A-3465. MONtrjIEJsTS PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 204-268J4th ONCLE SAM r.eeds 10,000 . rtenogTsphera. Enroll bow for shorthand.V typenriting. bookkeeping. M19S DECavER'B FRIVaiki D L UJLLLdi, 8d floor yUisky bldg.' st., opp. city hall. Sons for memorials. Main 8584. Philip Neu LAE5IN6 GRANITE I J 67- 3RD" ST. AT MAniSfJ lost AifP roxnyp 11 A LIBERAL reward offered for the return of one 84x4 straight side Royal Cord easing, mounted on Firestone rim. to Can's Serrice sta tion, 04O K. Burnsids st. The serial number of casing will be fnraianed on application. LOST la Sunset theatre, Saturday niiht, lady's little black watch and chain. Finder please call Main isaa. aac tor ausa autcneu. steward. LOST Books at Swetland's. 12 E. 41st st. N. wari Kindly return to or call Tabor 5065. Be- THORNE The funeral serrice of the late Ida T borne will be held at the East Portland church, E. 11th and Krerett ata, Saturday at 8 p. m. Remains at P. L. Lerch undertaking par lors. Interment Mount Scott cemetery. LOST Young Airedale bitch, black and tan markings, strayed from kennels last week. Co- lnnibia 814. Mcaenna ran kennels. LOST Jan. initial .' I? 'i'A, small gold wrist watch with J. B." on back. Beward. Re turn to L. Vedder. 888 H Mill at. SHAMBCRG At Salem, Or.. Jan. 24. August Shamburg. age 40 years, betored son of Gott fried Sliamburg. Arrangements in care of Miller A Tracey. DO LAN In tlua city, Jan. Notice of funeral later, care of Miller ' A Tracey. 25. John Doian. Arrangements in WAX Charles G. Wax. Good Samaritan hos- pital, Jan. 23, 35 years, hemorrhage. EH 18 Florence, N. Ehr. 1008 Mississippi are., Jan. 21, 23 years, lobar pneumonia BROWN ELL George Brownell, 8t Vincent hospital. Jan. 19, 48 years, cerebral throm bosis. COLBY Ruth Bella Colby j 241 Glenn are.. Jan. 20, 79 years, aortic regurgitation. DtFRANClSCO Leo De Francisco. 810 8d, Jan. 22, S months, conrulsions. ORMSBY- Norris Ormsby. 705 Daris. Jan. 2. 82 years, malnutrition. LLND Robert Lind. San Pedro hotel, Jan. 21, 63 years, acute dilatation of heart. FLORIST LICENSES MARRIAGE John Hog&n, 32, 418 Minor street north. Kleren, 84. 1101. East Heattle, and Elsie Twenty-first north. - Vv. Robert Smith. 80, 999 East Tenth north, and Mario I Noyes 50, 229 Fifty-first street. William James Barrett, 4 5 210 Market . street, and May P. Cook., 40, 423 East Morri- CLARK BROS.. Florfcts. 287 Morrison st. Main or A-1805. Fine flowers and floral designs. ?o branch stores. . MARTIN A FORBES CO., -Florists, 824 Wash. Main 889. A-1289. Flower for all ocean one aitistically arranged. . - LUBLIN ER, Portland Hotel. 828 Morrison. LOST -Wednesday, bar pin, pink set, on Broad- way bridge or in downtown district. Call Mar- snau 1187.' LOST Black handbag on Alberta car. Friday, January 24. Reward. Cau MaranaJl 2730. SMALL ' diamond ring, in Albina era. n Lombard. Woodlawn 922. Reward. FOUND A stray cow. Call Woodlawn 6188. HELP WANTED MALE JEWELRY JOBBERS. EIGHT-HOUR SHOP. HIGHEST WAGES. W. S. MYERS CO.. SELLING-HIRSCH BLIKj. WANTED Experienced helper in hard candy department. Russell A Gilbert Co., 24th and Uouaday, Rose city cariine. BOY WITH WHEEL WANTED Good wages and steady employment for right boy. Bushong ft Co.. ow ysrn st. A FOUNDRY helper wanted foil night work steady job. Apply to Paciflo Iron works at East 29th and Clackamas sta JEWELRY ENGRAVER8, EIGHT-HOUR SHOP, HIGHEST WAGES. W. 8. MYERS, CO., SELLING-HIRSCH BLDG. WANTED Man to clear small second growth fir fttumpe from lO to 25 acres pasture, 624 EluabetA St. Mir. 441 0. 50o AND 75o day, 82 up week, large, clean. comfortable rooms; hot water all hours'; hatha free. Also housekeeping rooms. 32.50 week up. 288 H 3d St.. near Jefferson. LAUREL HOTEL Rooms 32 per wfk. Steam heat, Also housekeeoinc rooma Modern. 2D AND YAMHILL STS. KxAN hotel annex, 269 Va 6th; brink, hot and cold water erery room, steam neati transient. Opposite eity halL Msin 9375. , SAN MARCO IIOTEIT BATHS. PHONES. TRANSIENTS 60o UP. MODERN ROOMS, 82.00 AND UP. 422 H WASH. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Princess Hotel. K. 3d and Burmide, 60a day trp, sz week up. East 171. NICE, warm, modern rooms 60s dsy, 82.80 week: free readina room, chona and I Commercial hotel. 15 th and Washington. AIMJOX AUTO SCHOOL TTrdon are. and Wasco at. Portland. Or. Call or write for free 60 page catalogue. It tells how we be Is yowTto a good posiUon. Pay and night els saws - VTTUlFiFn m.n ant mti t A n. Mrs lor teiegrapa sernce to neip xui Taeaa- i xiis, nAiU4, kumiahed rooms, steam neat. Mm MtiMtft h nBuenal drartine men for war. 1 rannins w&ter a&k kd .f fSI 0CU",t.. irr?" ."VJJ1 i"ni"1 CLEA14 and deslrshl. rooms. (7 and .8. Phone I larr. aiarahau 2941. BOOMS in modern hotel. 81.75 week and us. oa aiaer. K1??8 tiZl'kJ"ri'tl 5" 81.60 WEEK up. c4e.nLw.r, -od.r. fnmiahed .rr"V, ..JT"'r eentraL The King. 809 Jefferson. ball lew. U aai4 swarwJ ewaa se aaisya w work. Int. Trading Crochet Co., 215 neidner bldg. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 76 482 HAWTHORNE AVE. SPECIAL NIGHT CLASS RATES. PAY AS YOTJ LEARN. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. 122 GRAND AVE - EAST 427. UNCALLED for tailor made suits. FURNISHED ROOMS FKIVATE FAMILY LARGE room, suitable for two gentlemen. 88. 66 a week: including light, bath, phone, la fined home. 488 E. 9th N. C-1483. store aad bakery. XX-477. Journal. 82fr ACRES near BrownewtOe, Imiia 60 80 m culllraUoo. a reora assase. nara ine Whsrd. on rood eouacxr road, teas croaa fenced; plenty of waur for stock; located in sec z ana is, X. xm eonus. siensw m Cheapest ranch la Oregon. 626 acre,. , eU Smith. 6314 Foster road. Tabor jaai FOR RENT Furnished offlcee and desas. cheav "23 Chamber of Cmaseree bids. WANTED TO RENT t WANTED By adults by February 1. Urge room and kitchen t. 1st .Xloor, rumiaaea or unfurnished; root must bo reasonable. Giro location aad phone number. C-746. Journal. WANT to rent 1 to 3 acres, under curUeaUoa, with bouse, barn and family orhard; must be fenced and within 1 mile of eity car line or Oregon City car una. X-484. Journal. ONE of that ahoireat farms la CUrke Gey. 86 27 cleared, aa boulerard. 20 mum tear geotor ride from. Vaaeowrer: attracUre aaacaaowx rally equipped, partly stocked. Going into Berries; moat seU: will consider any reesnnsnie oner. . Manioa. 1010 Sailing bldg. Main 223. FRANK L. M'GUIRE can rent your boose. manage and collect; client waiting, a Ding ton bldg. FURNISHED house, bungalow or apartment. wun a tMdrooma. west sida nreferred. V sea. journal. WAN"T desk room or office in connectl da witS general offices. N-454. Journal. WANT to rent beach house; will ' era! montha Chapin. 70 6th st To FOR SALE HOUMES 61 Big Snap I wfll seU you for 8550 cash a email, neat. well built house and a 60x100 foot lot: lot alone worth the price asked; three blocks from Itose City rark ear tins: no trade, no agents. Owner, 618 Corbett bldg. $1890 TERMS $1890 UewtsaM wnsaswaalsMsa. " tMlleV aaweei aa sa vwaeai aw saaw sven iv w , sAlWVsasgsj. VHUI BSS effects, expeet draft, must eelL See this today. 994 E. 27th at. North. Alberta ear. Phone Wdln. 3911. 6 ROOM house, bath, alec trio liahta. gaa. sta tionary waah tube, eornsr lot 43x124 feet. 8 blocks from earliae. for 8900. 8260 cash. (15 snonth. including interest. Kail Baslth. 51 cosier roao. liDor iii. Taylor the Tsiloi, 289 H Burmide. 69.50 up. HELP WANTED FEMALE . -i V ill, -. nil die aged lady to keep bouse; gooa home and I . . . - good wage. J. it. Btarenaoa, ateaiora. vr.. xl F. D. No. 2, Box 17. I NICELY furnished rooms In prirato family, with or witnout board. 601 Taylor. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 ROOM and boaid for business girls, modern con- reniencea, walking custancf, 33.00 week, 12 liUUlld, Imp. paid, omy ll&Ou. apartment house siu near Wash. St.. 8908. For bargains see J. A. WlCkLMAX 104 8th St. Msra 6889 BARGAIN Lot 66x120. 4 room house, eiec tria lights, fenced all around, chicken yard. fruit of all kinds. 0748 78th st, S. E., near Woodmero school. Mt- Bcott car. 6 ROOM bouse, well built, 120x120; electricity, water; price 81800. 3100 down. 310 per mo. fl per cent Int. M. c Ijh, oob Corbett bldg. THE Martha Washington. 880 10th. for busi ness girls and students. Marshall 1251. WANTED Housekeeper orer 88; oat of city; one who crelers camp Hie and noma Ba-HTB. Journal. A HOUSEKEEPER in the country for man. 2 email burs 820 a month; reliabla 788 CleTeland are. GIRL wanted to assist la boma with house work. Tabor 6699. BOOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY WANTED Children to care for in home, children Reasonable terms. from 4 to 6 Tsbor 8587. my of AND BOARD STENOGRAPHERS Must bare good experi ence; state all particulars. C-749, Journal. WANTED ROOM HOME wanted for a good ' 1 6-year-old Where she can go to school: reference asked. I Call Wdln. 1218. 89 girl. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMA 8 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED 88. HELP WASTED MALE AXD - . FEMALE M -raasj a. Aa-s awaxravejoaa ua ata n A vvAVs.rai, I ....nviti-Ttr-n 1 r fer 5 7 Teaches the trade in eight week Girea scholar- liURNISHED H. K. 8 room eoUage, ships and transfer carda Faya you while learn tag. Bis demand for bota men and womaa Second and Bornsldc. ORIGINAL MOHLER BARBER SCHOOL Trachea men and women barber trade in 8 wka Special rates for short time only 815, including I good set or tools, siring diploma. 234 Couch st. and 1 room with kitchenette. Marshall 2941. 610.50, Phone f-iom Anp Vn bath. hot. cold water,61 Uem APISi week up. 401 1st sU HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 71 FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY OREGON Barber College will teach yon the bar ber trade in. b weexa: tooia tree: aenoiaranm diplomas girenT paid while learning; positions I TWO clean newly furnished housekeeping rooms. guarantee! ; m it ion reauceq. aoo siaaison. 1 moo. roe., cioee In. 1 O per gno.; ao callr SITUATION8 MALE dren. S7 12th st. Main 4879. FOR SALE FARWS Toa sale. 11 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE Si nnATesM yoa to offer for soy equity In a oaafortable bosne oa 4614 64th are. S. I t bnabttset 61 KM)." rain 32JOU. XT, A Vin cent. Newberg. c . . . - ' . . r AJJ3ER Springe lot to trade Oa smaJ bo-a-e sil hit a tor ItoasikaaC - J. M. tberk. 79a GUaaa WANT acre or awre srtih- a-oe svW, eloe la; .will gire (nod rwddeswo eteac.-8tMJ0. and we some. D-T98, Journal.- - - IUtE 81 seres. 16 la erchaed: will trade lot 84-a hoeae. PsjotM Woodss-rn 3T. FOR KEdCLTS list yosu proverty wuA tee Keel WANT beach h am 1 . and " Portlaod teiSsaoe ta aebaaee lor good aalmprtrred land clear of sennbranoa. Whoa stalaaaa-Lraa . diMTicU Chaptn. 7 6tb SC - BKaSELEX lota lor eaah; aaast. mi ast it aoo acre wheat ranch, at 360 ne acre: 140 scree lenceu. oa in owum- tlon and 28 acres in tall wheat, small barn, granary and well, owner going away, mast sell. Write owner. W. A Balaiord, Lamina, Mont. Are You a Judge rf mnnx rem land Bee me abrmt Alberta. hare it for sale aad exchaaga. Claude Cote. AO Mann bide FOR SALE 26 aeree af One land near Eagle Creek station. 13 acres la eulli ration. 7 scree fir and 5 of oak, buildings; pnoe 31000; terms if wanted. H. M. Tanas. jujsasuBi. 80 ACRE farm for sale near Lebanon, all cleared. 23 acres in culti ration; big grating range ad Joining place. For particulars write John Bothee. lyebanon. Ore., route 8. 18 ACRES. 11 miles from Portland, oa pared road, by owner, at a anap If taken at W-aae. Journal. 40 ACRES tmprored. 12 mUea out, 12600. Wolf item, 114 Ittst. 14 FOR RENT FARMS SPLENDID DAIRY TtA M.f ska elt limits of Portland. e sued nared road. 40 acres of good vrodoetiee l.-wl .fi in aultfratian. with a good 7 .IukmI and nalnted house, hot aad oold water, rent souu per year. niu eau. e m bunch of dairy cattle, hay. all farm Imple ments, on team, for 61800. Bee it. m. aiaioney. BITTER. LOWE 00., JOB 6-7 Board of Trade bids. r.iVin A ENXRAL FARM. 100 ecree, 60 in culuratioBV 60 of which ta in grensiag eroa. good 6 room huee, large Kn nth.r miul bulldinaa. eu rwhoed, close to a good town, near Correllav Ben 8500 per year; complete equipment, for sale at 31Z00. See H. M. Msloney. RITTER, LOWE A OO 207 Board of Trade bldg. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUT M Kerete eaehaage. 801 84 ec WANTED REAL ESTATE St I-ahlgr-m. 66th. Lexington. BUSINESS -OPPORTUNITIES 88 FOR SALE or lease. Ma 1 Basse II ports Ms sawmill, with 13 boreepeeret aawtaalo eawine with yarding drum, with arumpage. dees ta rail teas, at Lowell. Or. ltsaoy money sting ee port unity tot small seal. J. a. , Basil. Per Esd. Or. LARGE atoraaw bettery saeaedaeraror will es tabbah direct rspresentaUre for. Utett line in Portland, exclnetre territory. Biggest Ssonsy making ouportuaity ta eanaeotiaa wita the aute asobile Una today. L786. Journal, - BARBER SHOP Lis, wp-to-oeie a-chair. beta aad ttaadry -: well established: tin elaaa trade; low pnoe: terms U desired; war risna let eelltng. UX-68S. Journal. C EN' sTRAT7"8 TO RI Good loeatioa, ateek aad : well estabbehed. Owner sraats ta Will dtosount for cash U tafcaa before 1. NX-460. Joerrnat LOST WORRY . I ean tsQ or trade aartluna aaywhsra. Lap. Bis. 146 Breadway. DELICATESSEN aad cash grocery with, apart- 0 February atsacnod. Ucaag good mssinaea. aiust ata. Mike me aa offer. Mala 1804. FO R8ALE fUVm ill. 120.000 Cap., good dtudta and ready to run a be main. . ad dress R 812. Trumbull St.. St. Johtrs. Or. IOR SAUC CJtrr!a el Northwest Steel shop; BiC biaiiuees. l'tvune Mela 4S. - SIT rlond. LOANS on any good svr-anty. kiwset rata. Mor rill. 106 Sherlock bldg. ; IOM SALE The Land OoOur-g store, ' ii Washington et. A saao for the right nany. WANXED Second hand bnrfrTeas WU1 rf cwaa. uitb .run ertr-ier-. vi.hi. MONET TO LOAN REtL ESTATE tf atbt r aaoauba. pays 81008 Joaa FOR SALE 6 and 7 room modern homes. Walk fug disUnce. Esst side, liar gains. Eaay terms. Owner. Phone East 1922. NEW 6 room bungalow, not Quite finished, large lot: builder tailed. Must be sold. 81400: easy terms. Geo. C Howard. 814 Ch. of Com. GOOD 7 room house, ,80th and E Taylor; a bargain at 82100; turn 633 C. of C Main 2061. FOR SALE 8350 mortgage on house and lot; well secured: will discount liberally (or cash. N-448. Journal. 1 WANT to rent a good tmprored dairy farm, located within 100 miles of Portland: wul pay caah rent in ad ranee and bay all personal property U the price ie reasonable. See H. M. M alone T BITTER. LOWE CO.. 208-6-7 Board bf Trade bldg. OUR installment plan Is ti method of paying loan. ' 332.36 per month for 36 il.zt lot ww 1 316.17 for 96 and interest. Other amounts ta pitmortioa. ' We loaa ea tesprored city property T - -Or for building porpaaea ? f - No oesnmkeii.n charged. ' EQUITABLE BAV1NU8 A LOAN ASSOCIATION 342 Stark St.. Portland. Or. 6260. 6860. 64rU.'86O0. 6V. 675vt 6lut and larger amounts at current ratsa. tjuick , action. "Fred W. Genevan Co.. t33.Cbaniwst of Commerce. , MONEY to loan en improved property ta mast jneMo; iL It. erery town In Waslimcton. Oregoei ana llano; same la peM baek moatliiy like real. Chadwick. K22-28 N. W. Hank bldg. II FOR SALE LOTS 3400 U. C I'k.. E. 67th, 2 blocks car. 3050 Lauremurst, reduced from 3 1900. 3760 To settle estate, 2 40x100 lota. adj. S. P. shorm. H. S. st. in and pdi 3250 E. b7th near Stark, 310 down. FRANK L. M'GUIRE). Ablngton bldg. ACREAGE 37 MAXM. SMITH. Florist. 141 Vt 6th st. HB9G 1NV,Ir8 SMITH A CO. Morgan bldg. ; XlRKSS SUITS for rent, all sixes. Unique Tai- loring Co.. 809 Stark st BIRTHS fewtTltrWTo Ur. aadMrs. Bay "Ernest Swit- : ser.afll Holman. Jan. 16. a son. .-.WISE To Mr. and Mrs. Loren W. . Taylor, Jan. 20, a son. . . 1 . . . 1 Wise. 484 FUNERAL DIRECTORS nnlVIIL.1 Ult nejfci trrices. -Tabor 4813. Breeze & Snook B-2646. Tabor 1238 Skewes 321. . Corner Main 4162. 8d 'and Clay. A. R, Zeller Co.t Williams ara 088. C-1088 it T. Byrnes, new reticence estabiishmeDt. 891 Williams are. Woodlawn 220. C-1943. CHAMBEBS-KENWORTHY CO.. 1111 Kerby st, Woodlawn 8306. C-1133 YOITNG men tor billing and traffic coarse. ELDERLY man . with knowledge of French, rrii piece you in a gooa position, air. aoer lock, Worcester bldg. EXPERIENCED men oa spray paint machine iui mmivDii wore. Apyij aieuuiie mi. Co., 500 E. Lincoln, INVOICE clerk by wholesale house; must be fast and accurate with figures. Call Wdln. 2800. YOUNG man, 18 to 21, office work; oppor tunity far adrancement In wholesale Una State all particulars. C-748, Journal. RELIABLE the assistant bookkeeper. wholesale and retail firm desire serriees of Skrst class ! stenographer and bi i atenogri 8-995, Journal. ELDERLY man to do light work for board and room and some wagea 621 Saner st. WANTED Lincoln high school "boy to work on news stand. Apply 6th and Morrison sta WANTED Boy Journal. for morning work. C-745, B0TS wanted between 16 and 21 Portland Broom Co. B-2141. years FOR RENTf-HOUSES UNFURNISHED IS Italian. German and Latin, desires home where he can do light work in ex change lor j FOR BENT Modern 4 room eottage. just right board. A-871. Journal, ' - ,for young coupla 421 East 8th sL Phone BOY 17 who has had 2 years high school train- East 288. ins. wants work: good hand writing. Phone SelL 1483. ALL around handy man wants care of heating plant ehinery. running elemtor. Can care for Mr. Preecott. 83- N. 10th. B'way 19. SEVERAL ' hoars' work, erenlnc. ' wanted by man 01 so. aiert ana capable. Address 10 03 Minnesota. - CeOT WALL PAPER .5258. remnants cheep. Tabor I WISH a position as eterator operator ; good reterence ana experience. rs-401, Joarnai. MARRIED man, 40 years old. wants work day or night watchman. Woodlawn 666. ELDERLY MAN as Janitor or houseman. X-485," 312 ROOM, walking distance of N. W. Steel, suitable z iimuiee or rooming. Osa Montgomery. Woodlawn 129. PRIVATE garage. Rose City Park, cement floor, water, liahta 600 E. 66th st- N. Phone Tabor 8885. FOR BENT 6- room bungalow, 2 lota, fenced. chicken park: garage; Mt. Scott oar. Tabor 4800. 5 rooms, west 'aide. 818: 820. Journal. EXPERIENCED auto truck dnrer wants posi- f uuu. Quiwuu-i see-.. HOUSES from 36 up 9 rooms, fruit, gsrden. Hawthorne ara Mam i a. MODERN cottage, well located, close to ear. Main n7B, 1 ONE 5 room modern house. crick sta Sellwood 2128. MODERN 7 room house for rent at 661 Pat- tont roaa. 12th and Fred- YOUR CHANCE IS IN CANADA RICH laada and busineaa opportunities offer yoa inde pendence: Farm lands, 311 to 630 acre; tori, gated lands, 833 to 850; Twenty years ts pay; 32000 loaa la lmproremante. or ready made farma Loaa et livestock ; Taxes average ander SO easts aa acre; no taxes est impro reman ta. per sonal property, or livestock ; Ooo4 markets. churches, schools, roads, telephones; Excellent climate crops and 11 restock prove ft. Special bomeseekert' fare eartifieatea Write for free bookleta . AHaa Camaroa. General bupe -inter-dent Land Branch. Canadian Pacilla Rj 113 Ninth ara. Calgary, Alberta. TIMBER 18 the Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close la carttno, easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Mar shall 1588 or Sellwood 476. John U. Gibson, owner. ta ACRE tract, west side, nice big 4 room resi dence, attic large enough for 2 additional rooms; 6c fare, west side; city water and gas; for 81600; 8200 caah. 810 per mo. M. E. Lee. 603 Corbett bldg. 83000 EQUITY in 4 V aeree, bard surface road. close to Ore. Elec depot, to trsde for bouse. ctty. D-799. Journal. CHICKEN. FRCn GARDEN ranehea near PorUand: 8. 5, 10 sere tracts, 605 to 3200 per acre. McFarland. 603 Toon bldg., Portland. (JOOD 40 acres, Portland. 26 miles. "good water 8650; terma 422 1st st. NOTICE Is hereby siren that aubeet to .Aitirm and hmitatioaa of the act e J' a 1111 nt utmt.. 2181. and the instrnctlone ol the secretary of the interior of September 16 1917 the tanner on ue 10.10 wins aw wui be sold March 1. 1918, at 10 o'clock a m., at public auction at the United States land office at Rceeburg. Or., to the highest bidder at not lea than the appraised rains as ebons by this notice, sals to be subject to the approral of the secretary of the interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of on fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, mast be deposited at time of sale, money to be re turned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber, which moat be re moved within 10 years. Bide will be received from eitixene and corporations organised .ander the laws of the United States or any state, ter ritory or district thereof only. Upon applica tion of a Qualified purchaser, the Umber oa an lecal subdivision will be offered separately be fore being included la any offer of a larger unit, Following is a schednle of the timber ta be- sold: T. 16 S . R. 2 W. Bee. 21: NKV NE. yellow fir 1600 M feet: NW 1 NEU. red fir liO M. feet. Tallow fir 800 M. feet: BE VI NEK, red fir 600 M. fret: BW St NE H , red fir 630 M. feet; NE NW hi , red fir 900 M. feet; yellow fir 400 M. feet; w NWVi. red fir 1268 M. feet : - EE U NWH. red fir Ml 11. feet; SW hi NWV. red fir 850 M. feet; NEU SE H . red fir 500 M. feet: NW Si SE H . red fir 676 M. feet; SESi BE . red fir 600 M. feet; SW Si SE Si , red fir 600 M. feet; NE Si SW-4, red fir 600 M. fee; NW Si BW Si , red fir 776 M. feet: SEH SWSl. red fir 600 M. feet; yellow fir 800 M. feet; SW Si 8WS, red fir7 7O0 M. feet; yellow fir 300 M. feet; none of the above timber to be sold at lees than 81.26 per M. CLAY . TALLMAN, Commis sioner (Jenersl Land Of fire. TIMBER 88000 caah and 64000 oa time, 6 interest, buys 760 acres, estimated 18. 000.000 feet, mostly fir end tamarack, 4 to 7 miles from town. 8 to 1 1 miles from R. R. station, good auto mad, 230 acres fenced, IS seres cleared, good 5 room boose, large barn, bonk house and other buildings, plenty of water, good 20 hone aStr-nfll. double saw, edger, cutoff and planer. Writs to Frank Fox. B. F. D., Chesaw, Wash. SHIP KNEES wanted. Gamble-Rieg EVSp-Kaee BUILDING loane on cify or suburban proven ! - money advanced ae wort progTsasss, ti. Beck. 216 end 216 FeUrng bldg. Msin 84S7. MONEY to loaa la eawuaia of siaa te awi oa city property. ' . . .A H. BE1.L. 207 nerttnser kleg. 860,000 to loaa in eosouaie to initt a eay property et 6 aad 7 pee cent. M KEN IE A CO.. 618 Oertlagot bdg. - . 82000 to 85000 to loaa on improved real es tate. Billings. 509 McKay bldg. - fTlAfir"fi600 to 140,000 to loaa ea (aim or rty property r. O. net si a- - flKW tor Lewfa. Room 4. Lewie bldg. - Mesa 668. 1 8100 to 31601. oonsids-r iota 416 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE I a and 7 per Salman A Co.. 408 Bel ling bldg. K. H l -T piiae. Mala MT. Louis MONET TO LOAN- f l CIIATTKLH. SALARIES aALakl LOANS 1 Co., Gerunger bldg. FURNITURE LOANS MI IX) A. -V HU.ial Oa abort notice to salarlsd oworUngatea ea their own notes, easy payments, businsm atrietly eonUdentlal. , - ABSOLUTELY NO BECUBrTT NO INDORSE It We- also lean on boweebwld faraJtartv V-aaca, etc.. Without removal. Call and See C . COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMTANT.; (Ueeneedl - ' : BIT FAIUNO BCTt.PINO. " If You Need Money See, Us SALARIES CHATTELS -Loans made to pereowe aa salary or. fixed teeotne. on hoosehold twrnhare, ptaaos, aia- Bkonda aad other personal property: sags llmlrtses eonfideiitial; private offieee. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. licensed. 306 301 Dehara Bids. LOANS WANTED 8. i600 ANTED 7 plt CNT t One bstf secOoa of aamleared JaadJ la CltrVl county. Waah. A food eo-aeervetrea loaa. Fred w German Co.. 73J Chamber of Comtneree. wIStEb 6608 i y-ata at 85.. ee Uouca". 110 10 th st. .V" BRINGING UP FATHER (Copyright, 1918. International News Berrloa) By George McManus DID "YOU HEAP M 7 c, I HEARD SiONE THING- -v 1 r OF COURSE XOO KNOW ivi- DONT KNOW IP SHE CtM. IbUT I fA I a, I PA AND MA (Copyright. 1919. International News Service.) By T. E. Powers WELL H0WL.0M5 Dolou EX PECTMElo VJAIT For DINNER.-1- VJHE.N 00 NC EAT "THE. BOTCHER 5 EXT TFiE..TuRKE1 BUT IT Ll Ac Lev- - -T- U-L ET "THE PEOPLE j HWT DOOR. COT IT BY ' JA STAKE. Ttm go NEXT door, and find OUT-ITS QTTTNq "Jo BE A nuisance: people TAKih q FOD TBTT Do NT PELDNqTolrfDH ILLQIVE EM A iGOOt CAUU. lT5FY t UH 5o SoRR'i- TTHOLQHT THE TUR was siHrToE.-MsomMi it hoy , THAT tHOW f0u 00NT urtutK-bTATSO - HE PIAX THE MOST f; v ' . , j DIFFICULT ? T1 , ysjv VwS 5E-NT lOrf- JVOAniN IT HOW I ' tiT&O Y r Yffl)EAJip3s7UBBW. 'WY ) r0oN0TlTfT & STRESS r 7 Ai J J You-JTS NOJhiNQl OPEN A CAH Op) SARDINES J jJ ' -t -,, ' ' ' 7 - via?:- LITTLE LUMPS OF 1CB lTV. w VJI K a "W I PW wsaV Jla1 A-H A