THE . OREGON DAILY - JOURNAL; PORTLAND, THURSDAY, vf JANUARY ) 24, 1918. WOTTltr TO IrANTtF.AT. F,WTATK tl OUR Installment plan 1 the boot and surest Method of parte loan. ' . ' 112.84 per month for SO months or , 821.24 for 00 month or 15.17 for S month, psy $1000 loan . mh! Interest. Of bar amounts In proportion. . Ws loan on improved city property , ' . Or for building purposes. No commission cbsrged. EQUITABLE 8AVLVG8 A LOAN ASSOCIATION 342 Htark St., fort land. Or. : 1260. 8850. $4U0. 50, 875U,, $1000 and larger amount, at current rates. Quick artion. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber HONEY to loan on improved property in mml every town in Washington. Oregon and Idaho; tame is paid back monthly like rent. K. E. Chadwirk. 822-23 N. W. Hank bldg. MORTGAGE loan. 8 and 7 per cent "Xoul Salmon Co., 408 Helling bldg. MOSKY TO tOAX 7 CIIATTKLS, HALARIFIS FURNITURE" SALARY LOANS V LOAMS WE LOAN MONET : On abort notice to aalarled or workingmen on . their own no lea, easy payments, buaineaa strictly confidential. ' ABSOLT'TET.T NO SECURITY V , NO I.N'DOHSER . W also loan on household furniture, pianos, ate., without removal Call and See Ui COLUMBIA. DISCOUNT COMPANY. - . (Licensed) ' lit FAILING BUILDING. If You NeeH Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS r Loan, made to person, on salary or fixed Income, on household furniture, pianos, dia mond and other personal property: legal rata. Business confidential; private office. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY Licensed. as 80S 807 Dekum Bldg. FORTLAND REMEDIAL 1XAN ASSOCIATION Katablished by Portland buiiness men to protect borrower. C. MYERS HERMAN, Mgr., 894 STARK ' LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. PIANOS, HOUHEHOLD FURNITURE LOANS waited JO $1000 WANTED 7 PEK CENT One half section of uncleared lsnd in Clarke anunty, Wssh. A good conserratire loan. 1 red W German Co.. 782 Chamber of Commerce. FINANCIAL SI 1ST aad 2d mortgages purchased, also sellers" Interest in contractu. Oregon and Washington. II. K, Noble. Lambermen bldg. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 13 fTIrj fltf.K A hsndsome team of bay mares, 7 and 8 years old; weight 2860 lbs. Price 9QA T.m of Touns- mares, weight 24 00 lbs.. price $195 l'air of dapple iron grays, weight 2550 lbs., $180. Two sets of double wore nar ess. cheap- Call at 24 0 E 8th and Main. Villi ha I. If. tttirht head of work horses, weigh Ing from 1000 to 1600; sli good workers and gentle; also wagons Snd buggies, 10 sets or sin gle and double harness. 292 Union avenue I'M but 91. V0R SALE A 2000 lb. team of horses, good puller ; will let you try them, for the small Price ol $4 6, or will trade for a cow or chickens. kirk Hoover. Sherwood, Or GOOD rsnch team. 2400 lbs., mare and horse. harness and farm wagon; also one 1200 lb. horse, bargain. 380 Front t. Trial allowed. IiUlVlNii liUlt.SE. hack and harness, all in good- condition; sell or trade. Phone CoL P41 liKAIl stock and old bought. Call us for service and best cssh results. Milwaukee 69-J fil'ST be sold. 4 horses, 3 wood? wagons, dump wagon. Call Tsbor 03B4. 10 HEAD good fsrm work hores, well over winter. $50 to 150. 228 Alder t. ted. DEAD horses and animal hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. HOK8E and wagon. $125 day; 2 horses and wagon. $2.60. 646 Front Main2208, DEAD -stock taken quickly. We pay the most for - dead and crippled stock. Tabor 4203. 'BARGAIN. $75 takes llOO lb. delivery horse, harness and top wagon. 380 Front st. LIVESTPCK 85 IF you have fat cattle, hogs, for (tale, call East 290 to 6 p. m After call Tabor 4123. IF you have any fat cattle, hogs, veal or sheep for sale call East 200 or C-MU. FRESH cows, large Holstein. Guernsey and Jer- Hers. 466 Hherrit ave. , FINE Toggenburg milk goats for sals at Front st. 302 ' rOCLTRV, P EONS, PET STOCK 37 8. C. WHITE Leghorns, hatching eggs and baby chicks from vigorous, healthy breeders, pen finished, on honor roll, first Pullman lay ing contest. Eggs $6 per 100. chick, $12 per 100. Place your order early now. K. Uam- Bierbsrher. G rents Pass. Or. FOR SALE Bargain. ttO-egg automatic electric incubator, A-l condition. H74IS 78th st. S. E-, near Woodmere school. Mount Scott car. WANTED One extra good young bronze gob bler. One extra good yonng White Orpington eock. J. S. Beall. l'ortlsnd. Or. Wdln. 3171. FOR " HALE -80 single comb White "Leghorn yearling hens. 1 Paiadise brooder, 1 Buck eye Incubator. Call Tabor 3i. BETTrNU ' egg. O. A. "C. "strain. White Leg- horns. Sell. 1696. . 'FOR SALE, Thoroughbred Barred Rock cock- erel. Msin 5504 ! FOR SALE 20. very fine thoroughbred single oomb R. I. It. pullets, 2 each. Main 5504. . WANTEI -Setting hens. 74 3 E. 10th st. Sell- wood 8192. DOGS, BIRDS, PETS . ETC. 46 HIGHLY pedigreed English Bull, female; whits fan tail pigeons. T-oao. journal. WANTED Pedigreed Rufus Red buck. K. 75th st. N. 68: BARON BEAN - The Only Possible Solution . 1 1 1 . J , . I OVER HERE - Some Folks You Could Die Dancing With j ' ' ' . '' ' OF ALLTHE'TOICK" T$onEOtiE MUS? ) THIS BIRD DOES MOPE" ( t KKlOU I'LL NEVEJ ( rOW CO ou Llk J "HOM" AMP "DEAWE." THI5 15 SorlrlTHIKiq WE it LEARAlED TO DAMCE fCrfXt otVVi& CfUp" f v . e TERP5lCHOclEAr45 WAVE SPREAD U Domo" uiTH His ELBOuT2 LEARN "R OArsiCE.r' MV HAT.ABUE ?! (7ZZT ABE JL5T WPpY COULD NEVEfi ( A GXLQ?OHD&)CE HOOL.PO1 00f?5 ! . ', 7 ? - m THIS HOUND TAKEt Als OM THrS HIS FEET. CAwJf 7 fg ABOUT PSgnG UMDERSTAMO. so PLEAsH DON'T MiMD IF UAM ! J ; The cake, rolls. plqqI ihkzav of 1 . e teiVnH SZe - &Bl) fecSa a . . I rswr try feet a bit. J T y Vq AMD U3A .1 "C C t AMD ( Ei-Mvl , fT552 7iTsn?.KEi good excuse foK A A ?yw, 7Ju-fkY, Tr" . -S. yrm-f SMIL lk TO . ATJTOyTOBTXER A CCE SSOttTRW 44 WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING BARGAIN'S IN USED CABS: sjs, 1917 Jaffa 4 cyL 7 psas... 1917 Briscoe 4 eyt S pan... 1610 Overland B pass. 1916 5 pass. 1018 Hudson 7 paaa...... .$800 . 650 . 600 . 428 . 750 1013 Cadillac 7 paaa. 1913 Cadlllao roadster , 50 600 Wa hare many high grade used ears on hand, including Packard, 4 cylinder, 6 cylinder and 1 2 cylinder models which wa will dispose , of at bargain prices. PORTLAND MOTOR CAB CO.. 10th and Burnaida. Broadway 621. Open Sunday until noon. FORDS FORDS FORDS 1917 Ford touring. 1917 Ford roadster. 1917 Ford touring. 1917 Ford chassis. 1918 Ford touring. 1916 Ford touring. 1916 Ford roadster. 1916 Ford delivery, panel body. 1916 Ford delivery express 1914 Ford delivery, panel body. 1915 Ford touring. 1915 Ford touring. 1914 Ford touring. 1913 Ford touring. 1915 Ford chassis. A number of these cars are nracttally new. Terms if desired. You will be surprised when you m, mem. tor they are real bargains. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. East 8770. East 13th and Hawthorne are. USED CARS. 1918 Dodge tourina. like new. snan. 1917 Buick. light 6, touring, like new... $950 luin uiasmooiie H, ask (or demonstration. 1918 Scrtpps-Booth, nifty job 7 B0 ! 1914 Buick, roadster, special body 475 1918 Hupmobile. splendid condition 900 1913 Cadillac roadster 650 Auburn touring 175 I .ate model Ford touring 325 Buick touring 350 v.DSMUnjLi2 uo. OF OREGON. Broadway and Couch. Broadway 1640. Garages $35 Up lee Samples. 544 Hood st Phone Mali 1167. Miilmade Construction Co, NEW TIRES What brand of new tires do yrm prefer f We hare them. all masea and sizes. Also we make the famous O-V-C Double Tread (sewed) tires and do all manner of tire repairing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. 833-335 Bumside, near Broadway. LAMER' Mfg. 4k Ra pairs. 8000 guaranteed springs in ttock. pnees reduced. 84 N. 16th st. OWING to war must sell stock, complete set of brushes, tools, effects In auto paint shop; invoice tzou. iir. uoDorsxy, 104 Main et- Phone East 1035. CASH paid for old ears; condition no object: pert for all makes of cars. Oregon Auto Ex change, 120 Lownsdale St., at 15th and Wash ington. Phone Main 1161. BIG STOCK Used Cars RIGHT PRICES COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., 2 1st and Washington sts. Main 6244. DUBBUILLE TOP CO.. i Oak. Broadway 1684. 9th GUARANTEED AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING or overhauling, 75c sn hour or by contract. Al blns Garage. Woodlawn 1114. Corner Shaver and Garfield ave. MOTORS, gears, bearing,, wheels, axles; we wreck all makes of csr, and sell their parts at half pries. Auto Wrecking Co., 89-91-93 North Broadway. Broadway 196. GENEMOTOR electrio staxtins; system snd elec trio horn, all complete, A-l condition. Broad way 3304. 1917 STUDEBAKER. bargain if taken at once, 214 E. 19th st. N. WANTED Used Ford touring car. bor 1699. Phone Ta- 1916 MAXWELL Journal. for sale cheap. K-406. 1917 FORD touring car, with ell equipments. Will sscrUIce. 514 Alder L Main 3966. ' AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES - 44 . ' ' '" i . ! - HEBE IS YOUB OFPOHTOITT. GET TOUB CAB BEFOBE r THE GOOD WEATHER SETS IN. USED CABS ABE GOING TO COST MORE THEN. FOB BEAL VALUES INVESTIGATE THESE: Ford roadster Ford roadster ........ Ford 6 -passenger .$280 . 278 . 260 . 275 . 800 . 175 Ford delirery ........ ...... Ford delivery Kord chassis ' Ford worm-drive truck Overland roadster, 11 Overland, 5-passenger, w-cylinder . . . . . . 840 25 . 4 . 800 . 200 . 460 . 250 . BOO . 850 . 675 . 400 ICadillac, 6-passenger) 1911 v cue, o-paseenger Pierce Arrow, 1011, 4 -passenger .... . Briscoe, 5-passenger White gas, 6-paenger, 1911........ AH these cars are guaranteed - to be In good mechanical condition. Terms if desired. W. H. WALLING FORD, Main 2492. 622-528 ALDER ST. IF YOU WANT A BEAL BARGAIN in a used car, don't fail to see what wa hare to oner. 1917 Hnirk Six s-ood hnv 8 950 1917 Dodge sedan, almost new 1150 I 1918 Dodge touring 860 I 1916 Ford roadster, electric lia-hta and starter zo I Ford 1-ton truck, like new 660 485 I 1917 Maxwell, used very little 1913 Reo, electric Lights and starter great buy 875 475 1913 Studebaker sedan, good car 1916 Chalmers Light Six, first class.... 600 ! 1000 1914 Cole Big Six, first class 1915 Cadillac Eight, overhauled and re painted 1260 1916 Cadillac Eight, first clan 1917 Studebaker Six, like new . .. 1650 1060 760 375 1913 Packard Six, great buy . . 1914 Paige, first class Many others to choose from. It will pay you to see our stock before buying. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. Main 6244. 21st and Washington. USED AUTOMOBILES. LIBERA I. TERMS GIVEN. 20 CARS 20 Of We various makes 2. 4. 5 and 7 passenger. are going to move them within the next 60 days. See our stock of used cars before you buy. Wa will save you money. USED CAB DEPT. MITCHELL, LEWIS A STAVEB CO.. E. 1st at Morrison at. East 7272 Phones B-1218. T PASSENGER PIERCE-ARROW. $500. This csr has seat cover, and all equipment and is in fine mechanical condition and would be a splendid car for stage use. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. 10th and Bumside. Broadway 621. OUR stock include, at present a large number of bugs, many high-powered, all in fine me chanical condition. Among them are: Chalm ers, Cadillac, Pope Hartford, Hupmobile, V in tern, Chevrolet and Franklin. These are being offered at extremely low prices for ths bal ance of the week. Call today. The Used Car Exchange, 627 Washington st., where Wash ington and ourside meet. Broadway ostt-. THAYER. SHAVER-GULLY MACHINE COMPANY 1 Ton. $370 I BUILDERS OF 1 H Ton, $420 EVERREADY TRUCK 2 Ton. $470 ATTACHMENTS Cspscity Mfg. in Portland 193 E. Water st- Phone East 7487 T , IX - L- 1 . . . 1 I - vulcanizing, re-treading, general tire repairing, H. B. Black. 634 Alder st. Msin 1810. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 PAINT your car. Wa make old cars look like new at very little cost. Marshall 4659. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO.. 525 Alder st. I WILL PAY YOU SPOT CASH FOB YOUR FORD FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE. 1190. E. 13th and Hawthorns are. $1200 6 room house, lot 50x100. 2 blocks to car, 2 blocks to Franklin high school; will take Ford. Tsbor 8651. WANT Ford delivery csr as first payment on acre and half good soil in Hillsdale. Or. D 777, Journal. 5 ROOM house and lot 60x100, H block from .Alberta st- Will take Ford and $650; terms. Call Woodlawn 4695. WANT Dodge or similar car; give price and terms. A-869, Journal. HIGHEST prices paid for automobiles ; condi 2620. tion no object. 121 N. 3d st- Bdwy. AUTOS FOR HIRE AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS Brand new cars. Reasonable rates Fearing & Robnett, City Garage, 86 10th. Between Stark and Oak. Broadway 840. AUTOS for rent without drivers. G. N. Smith. corner 3rd and Glisan Sts. Phons Broad way 2629. AUTOS without drivers for hire! Couchman ek Sullivan. 10th-Yamhill. Mar. 232. A-1236. MOTORCTCLE8-BICTCXE8 U FOB SALE 1917 H. IX motorcycle, psrfost eondition. fulls eo. aimed. Tabor 5104 O. V- 51. Journal PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 21 . SECURITY Storage Co., dosing out; $350 square piano, 12 eaxn; 1213 npngnt, B40 cash; $825 upright. $95 cash; $425 upright. 8115 cash; nearly new modern pianos, $875 upright. aiwo easn; fjio upngnt, eaan; 8550 player piano. $265 cash; 8250 player. $25. and parlor organ. $18 cash. Pianos stored 60e monthly. 109 4 th at. at Washington at. Phonographs and Records BOUGHT. SOLD. RENTED. nrRiKCia .Newman Record Exchange 199 1ST ST.. NEAR ALDER. MAIN 445. id $3 EE VERM L WEMHSER " Phonograph, and inwida bought, sold, exchanged and rented. Expert repair ing. 142 H 2d, near Alder, upstairs. SENDS home a piano. $10 Dlarer Diano. balance $9 or $10 monthly, subieet to ex change within one year allowing full amount paid. Schwan Piano Co.. Ill Fourth St. BETTY organ. 22 stops, $28; 10 per cent dis count on up to date 885 phonograph. uauuuu a. UlLBEKr, B84 Tamhin at. GEORGE T. PECK. PIANO TUNER Graduate New England . Conservatory of Music, Boston, Mass. Tuning. 3 00. Tabor 8574. MILL, care lor piano or player piano for use of same. No children. Heferencee. V-842, Journal. PIANO, Hamilton mahogany case, good eor take $100. 0-822. Journal. dltion PHONOGRAPHS, records, bought, sold and ex. changed. Hall A Cassidsy, 124 1st sV M. 7098. BENT a piano, most reasonable terms in Port- land. Harold S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill t VICTROLA for sale, bargain. Sell, 8155. TYPEWRITERS NEW REMINGTON, rental plan, rent applies to purchase. V table models. REMINGTON TYPEWBITEB CO.. 88 Broadway. Broadway 4621. WE SAVE you from 50 to 75 per cent on all maces 01 typewriters. Send lor our illus trated folder. Retail department. Wholesale Typewriter Co., 821 Washington. ALL MAKES typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon Type Co.. 94A 6th. Main 3668. REBUILT typewriters, supplies. Corona dealer. fc. w. rease Co., 110 6th. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE 8$ Your Opportunity Iron beds 85c. Drins"s $1.85. mattresses $1.85, gas pistes $1.25. cook stove $5.75, ranges 811.60, 3-burner Perfection oil stove 82.46. dining table $8.90. chain 45c. new all iron spring, $3.90, oak tabouret 45c, magaxine helves 85c. heaters 81.80. rocker, 51.16. J child' iron bed $3.90, breakfast tables $1.95, - -iitnin wfc aimns cuun. muivr rocscrv. library tables, kitchen utensils, tubs snd every- toing to complete s home. ine original prices on these articles are as much as four times greater. A big yellow tag on each article talks for itself. 208 MADISON FOR SALF. Mtsff FT.r.ANFOUst 19 HOT-WATER tanks, slightlj used. 80-40-60-gal. guaranteed in good serviceable condition: ao- gaL $5 each; over 400 of our boiler installed in city; pipes and fitting, cheap. . 189 Adams t. Esst 7659. . ONIONS. $ .50 o $3 00 per sack. Potatoes, $1.00 to $1.75 per sack. Apples, $1.00 to $2.00 per box. AT 244 YAMHILL. We buy good potatoes, bring sample. I MAKE the genuine whole wheat flour, made from the clean pure wheat. tall Woodlawn 8675. Will gladly tell all about it. L. Sigenthaler, 833 Colonial ave.. Portland. Or. 600 BOND letter heads. $1.50; 600 envelopes $1.50; 60 wedding In t s or An c m t s 13.60. Smith, printers. 204 Stark st. $40 SET of books. Writings of Thomas Jef ferson, cneap or exenange lor ictroia or any thing. Might pay difference. A-870, Journal. REDUCED prices on Cable roofing paper, all kinds tools, j. ive. lov front it., between Yamhill and Taylor. FERTILIZER Rotted bona and cow manure. Phons East 181. C-2274 I W ri fit I n Or Will do it for less, quicker snd I 1 -o better than others advertise. Boss City Printery, 8d. corner Tsylor. ! SLIGHTLY used computing scales, sll kinds; also cheese cutters, coffee mills and meat ilicers; very cheap. Call at 384 Stark t. FOR 8ALE Second hand lumber, all sizes; also windows, doors, brick and wreckage wood. Phone East 4325. JAEGER'S VACUUM CLEANERS. $8.00 Guaranteed 6 years. Cash or terms. Telephone Tsbor 1275. rOR 8 ALE Reynolds-Corliss engine, 20x42. In good condition. Fairbanks Moras A Co., 5 1st t NO. 1 Bnrbsnk potatoes delivered. $1.50; med ium and small ones, $ 1 ; also apples. Call Sellwood 273, forenoons. $55, COMPLETE BATH ROOM OUTFIT $55. Northwestern Pipe Co.. 187 Front St. $74 SINGER sewing machine, latest model, $25. 191 Park St., near Yamhill. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. Btark- Davis Co.. 21Z 3d st. Msin il. HORSE snd cow manure for sale ; bi loads. Sellwood 206. WHISKEY bbls. new and 2d sale. Panama Cooperage Co., hand kegs 212 Front. for BATHTUBS, sinks, toilets, pipe snd fittings. A. L. Howsrd, 212 4th rt. Phone Msin 1806. VACUUM clesner, toli, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought- Bentley Co.", Main 8582. BARBER shop for sale, bargain for cash. Port land Cutlery Co., 86 6th st, near Stark. WELL rotted cow manure. Marshall 4055. ALL kinds berry plant. 25c. Tabor 4213. rOB SALE MISCELLlyEOUg It ALL m,rhtna sold for leas; no agents employed; maehlnea rented, repaired. A-8828. U. 481. Sewing Maehlna Emporium. 10 84. near Taylor at. Electric Motors Bought, sold, ranted and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 418 Bum side, corner 10th. Broadway or A-5874. JS 1 0.00 Ten dmpbeed sewing maehtnee V 1 with attachment: all are in very good condition. Sewing machines rented at $3 per month. Phone East 2359 of B 8307. E. R Bteeu. 152 Grand are., near Belmont. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Typewriters' and "Household Goods" are separate clasaifi tions. All advertisements of the a coods are published under their respective clasaUicationa, LOOK THEM OVER AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES or boats are, separate classification. A large Bating can be found under these different classifications FOR SALE- or trade. Tube skates and shoe. 38. A bargain. Call Marshall 1407. FURNITURE WANTED 74 CASH PAID. Wa need an kinds of old furniture, eareeta. stoves, ransrea and office furniture and home- bold goods generally and will pay top prices for same. uau alarsbaU 687 and our buyer will call at once. Gerurta Furn. store, 206-207 1st rt. Levin Hdwe. & Furniture Co. buy furniture, hotel and restaurant outfit and tools of any description; full value for them assured. 221 Front. Main 9072. A-7174 Call East 636 Hh ,or used furniture, stoves, mars, anything in household goods. Will ex ehsnge your old furniture for new. PHONE Esst 7815 When you want to sell your lurmtnre; we you CASH. M will come at once and pay B. BEATER, 380 Hawthorne ave. cor. Union. WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE for used fur niture, carpets, stoves, etc Call East 294. Grand Rapids Furniture Co. Pifer-Hamilton 88-90 Grand avenue Phone East 7766 Highest prices paid for used furniture, carpet, stoves, ranges, etc. We call promptly. Want Household Furniture WILL PAY CASH Phone Main 8332. WOULD like to buy some second hand house hold goods snd clothing; will pay high prices. Mr. Washburne. Marshall 4783. RUGS. DRESSES. RANGE. FURNITURE wanted; no dealers. Msin 4495. Tabor 6798 CASH for furniture. Msin 7098. 126 1st. SWAP COLUMN 5 PIANO tuning for 32.50 or anything useful. Webater, 1008 Belmont. Tabor 6716. TRADE electric Incubator and Cyphers brooder for anything of like, value, 'labor coo i. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS Pacific Junk Co. MAIN 4768. HIGHEST PRICES JUNK. TOOLS. 231 FRONT STREET. FOR ANY KIND OF HARDWARE. ETC. WANTED The people of Portland to know I pay the highest cash prices for household roods. rrompt attention. xs iivi. is. as. Beater, 143 Russell st- REPAIRS YOUR WATCH IB n KLfAllia It I Reingold's Jeweler U 124 6th St.. near Washington. 812 Front Hide L Shank Co. Portland, Oregon i Metals Rubbers. Write for prices snd Shipping tags. Main 1699. WANTED A gasoline tractor engine of at Wi 20 horse draw bar Dower in good con dition for slowing : prefer a caterpillar. John S. Beall. Woodlawn 8171 Old False Teeth We pay $1 to $5 per set. Mail to DIXIE TOOTH CO.. 232 V. sisrset st.. lxjuisTiim, n.j. RITTCHERS 1 What have you E shop fix t nrn end sausage machinery for sale J N 446. Journal. DON'T sell your cast off clothing until you get Krr-kler s nrices: up to SB paia lor suuk Broadway 2155. 7 N. 3d st. II Q IIIMl f'(. Mschinery. Junk, etc Ui CM Jt-M.i wi gpa 1 prices for job lota. 195 Front st- Msin 4711. Will caU. LISTEN 11 2d hand clothe, trunk, bought; highest prices paid. We call immediately. Broadway 365. HIGHEST prices for guns, musical instruments. kodak, and high grade lenses, vines xiros., .a 8d st. near Oak. Main 6905. BEST cash pnesa paid for used office desks, chairs snd filing csbinets. PACIFIC STA TIONERY PRINTING CO. Main 1971. GOING EAST! reduced rates. 201 Wilcox bldg. Household goods shipped st Pacific Coast Forwarding Co., Msrshsll 2487. WAN TED Second hand tools, bicycles, etc. Bittman Hardware. 218 Front. Main 3611. WANTED A National cash register; must be cheap. Call East 294. FULL value paid for 2nd hand goods and junk, any quantity. Phone Main 4627. 204 1st. PAYS highest prices for second hand clothing, tools, etc 273 Front. Main 4802. BOOKS bought, sold navian Book Store, and exchanged. 4 N. 3d st. Scandi- WANTED Rifles, shotguns, cameras. lenses, Hoehfield. 85 3d st. Phone Main 3581. WANT organ : spot cslh or trade something usef uL Main 4 4 9 5. Neuman. 1 28 1st. WANTED Good bicycle; must be bargain; give full particulars. A-891. Journal. CASH for office furniture. Main 7098. . , .ill i vTAKTED-MISCELLANEOUS Second Hand Clothing J. MEYER. THE TAILOR. PAYS $7.80 AND UP FOR 5D HAND BUTTS. HE FAYS MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. PHONE MAR SHALL 1221 TODAY. 229 MADISON ST. ID HAND CltDTHIKC HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR YOUR CAST-OFF CLOTHING. 8HOES. ETC. 129 N. 6TH ST. CALL BROADWAY 2845. WANTED Second hand furniture, ranges and atoree, etc' WE PAY Tnc BEST PRICES. MORGAN FURNITURE CO. . 890 East Morrison. Phone East 2288. 7,1 PERSONAL LADIES T A KARA Anttseptie powder is s soothing, rooting, cleans ing antiseptic wash. Tea spoonful dissolved in quart of water. Indorsed by physicians for catarrhal troubles, female disorders and is sssen tisl to personal hygiene. 60c snd $1 packages. Sold by Portland Hotel Pharmacy. GLASSES AT A SAVING The same service and quality you pay double the money else where: correct! v fitted elasaes s low s, 81.50. Thovfssnds of sstified custom er. C. W. Goodmsn, Optometrist. 209 Morrison. LOCISE NETZEL. trained nure and masseuse. gives treatment for rheumatism, lumbago, neu ralgia, etc. tub baths, massage and electric blankets; lady assistant. Msrshsll 5033. 288 13th, near Jefferson, frpen Sunday. CORINNE JOHNSTONE Drugless and mag netic, electro, auto Intoxication, rheumatism, dropsy, nervousness, dyspepsia, etc. B-2335. Hour 10 to 8. 546 E. Madison, corner 12th. SPIRITUALISM Mrs. M. L. LA MAR. 233 5th st.. cor. Msin. teaches palmistry and card reading; also lessons in science of health and success. DR. MARIE JOHNSON, chiropody, blanket sweats and bath. Electric treatments. 613 Northwest bldg.. th snd Wash. Main 504. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by 10 needle method: trial $1. Josie Flnley. 14 Eilers bldg. Msin 6368. DR. G. V. KETCHUM, women's maladies and acuta diseases of men. Washington bldg., 4lh and Washington. Mar. 448. NOTICE I will not be responsible tor any W. or Lora Piper. debts msde by Mrs. J. W Piper Lawyer 612 semng bwg. VIBRATORY massage, fsee. e?p treatments. 886 H Wash., office 58. Hs.ahall 4727. ELECTRIC-CABINET BATHS. Open Sunday. 827-29 Pittock blk. MME. G REN" ELL. hair culturiat. face massage' dandruff, itching scalp. 230 Fliedner bldg. PROF. SMIDT. steam bath, scientific massage. 212 Swetland. Main 1941.. NOTICES S$ SEALED bids for text books to be adopted for the use of pupils in the district for a period of four years will be received at the office of the undersigned, 401 courthouse, Portland, Or., until 4 p. m., Msrch 1. 1918: snd win be opened, st s meeting of. the board of directors to be hM at 4 p. m.. March 7. 1918. The board of directors reserves the right to reject any and aH bids. Specifications may be ob tained at the office of the undersigned. R. IL Thomas, school clerk. Jan. 21, 1918. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCORDION PLEATINO HEMSTITCHING.. 6c A YARD. PLEATINu ALL LATEST STYLES. EASTERN NOVEU TY CO.. 85 6TH ST.. BET. OAK AND STARK STS. PHONE BROADWAY 200 bTEfHAN. licuutitcluus, bratdms. c lis is stitching, box. accordion: ide and (unburst plaiting, scalloping, buttons covered. Good sponged. 219 Pittock blk. Broadway 1099 AGATE CUTTING AND MFG. JEWELERS AGATES cut and poiisned. jewviry sod . repairing. Miller's. 343 Vk Wssbuigton St. BLANK BOOK MAKERS DAVIS ex aouilAN. LNC. lutf 2d -. biaus book maonfacturer. A-31H3. Msin 188. BRASS AND MACHINE WORKS HARPERS BRASS WoUEB. Bra cuung aad machins work. 108 N. 6th. B'dway 234S. CARPET CLEANING IFLiiFP IKllllaS s rule old carvets. rag ruga, rpi clesaing. NORTHWEST RCO CO. 188 K. 8th rt. Phones East 36H0. B -12.n JOYCE BROS., Electne Cleaning Works Carners cleaned and laid, refitting oar ape- eialty. East 440. B-1963. 204 East ltb rt. N. CHIROPODISTS DR. W. E. LA MONTE. French sanitary method. 807-8 Swetlsnd bldg. OHIROPRACTORS Die McMAHON I making good: 81 adjust ments. $16; wren. $5. Easiest terms. COAL AND WOOD DRY cordwood. slab wood and block wood, alse eoaL Prompt delivery. Acme Fuel Co.. 28th and Holladay. East 3551. B-3188. NATIONAL FL EL CO.. E. 2d and Oregon i. Short alabwood and block wood, mixed. 2 load loU. $4. Blockwood. East 2041. MARION FL'EL CO. Country slabs, railroad ties, blocks, tnsids snd cordwood. Main 27o. A-2R62. 825 Front near Clay. OREGON FUEL CO. Wdln. 6 10. Beech near Union ave.; short block and slab mixed furnace wood. 2 load loats $4. good DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL DR. G. R HUTHMAN. VETERINARIAN, hos pital. 415 K. 7th st- East 184 7. B-1S82. EVE. EAR. NOSE. THROAT. LUNOS Dr. F. F. Caaaaday. treatment; glasses fitted. 700 E. Burnaid. cor. 20th. B-1393. E. 4737. PROFESSIONAL -ND BLSISESS DIRECTORY IDUCATIONAL DANCINO sUNOLKH Dancing Academy. All brasicnas of fancy, stage and ballroom as net as. Classes and private seasons fee adults and esul- I dren. Main 3 $ 80. Montrose Bingler. director. 1HE BECKETT-HEATH SCHOOL Danetns ts tight Ua: all its bra ache. P rivals, day or evening. Iliew Tusa, and FrL. 8-10. As- I psssblv sfter 886 V, Wssh. at. Main 8308 I hits. (LtL&B ACADsiJJ k . 10 tstu.Nu ml. Ballroom and elasste dsnciag. Privste kee- ' sons daily. Classes Monday and Thnnday eve- ' mng. H to 10. Indies tree. Mats HOP. ', MISS IRELAND 50 DeSum bsda. lo pr.vsie ; lessons. i. Hour 9 5U a. m. to n, as. LAW SOMOOLS OREGON LAW bCHOOL A thorongh. practical course In law. Beelta Mons evening. Main 977. AKsky bids. MUSIO SCHOOLS AND TIACHIRS PROF. L E. LA W SUN . Piano lrssun at your home. 60o. Phone Tabor 7206. E. THIELHORN Violin teacher, pupil Seveik. 107 Fliedner bldg Itroadwsy 12 L. CARROLL DAT. piano, vocal lessons with practice piano. 1 hour day. $5 mo. Main 8210 VIOLIN, piano, mandolin, guitar, banjo in structions. 409 YsmhilL FLUFF BUQ8 A HQ HnO 8981 NORTHWEST RCG CO. Established 1908. Fluff Run and Rss Rues woven, all E 8th and Tsjlor East S-lftO. B-1280. WESTERN FLCKF Itl'U C. PHONE EAST S16: B-1473. HAIR OOOOa AND HOIK OWI38IHO FEMVk.1' HA.Nfc.MUT. leadiu, wig and toui makers, finest stork of human hair hair dressing, manicuring, face and scalp treat ment Krssoved to 840 Alder, near Broadway. PAINTING. TINTING. sliM ANOlNtl hits yuu mxu uur be wsll pairsi 'I be beat price on psinting. pspcring. tinting ia the city. Tsbcr 7598. C H. Mork. TOCHLE PAINTING t'O.. psinting. tinting, papering. 183 N. 17th st- Broadway 4414. eTI8T TTOfNIV8 (.Ol.i'HEKG. 31 Worcester bHtg, alsin U3J6. PHYSICIANS DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. 905 Broadway bids. Rheumatism, female disorders? akin troubles, stomach, liver, kidney, bowels, throat, goitre, high blood pressure. PLUMBINO SUPPLIES WHOLESALE A RETAIL PLUMBING SUP PLIES. Fleming. 112 4th t. nam iwu. PRINTING, ENGRAVING. BINDING PRIN M . W. BAL'lEo CO., 1st IINU and Oak sta. M. 185. A lls. ilia. IVY PRESS, st. Broadway 408. 882 Stark A-408S REAL ESTATE DEALERS CARL K. JONES. 404 Wilcox bldg. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALSO STENCILS. Trade Checks. Metal Signs. PACIFIC CO As I sTAMr W'OKks, 83 Brosdwsy st Brosdway 710. A 2718 SHEET METAL WORKS REPAIRING u and gravel roots. Jacusi LosU. 810 lt t Phone Msin 1424. TOWEL SUPPLY PORTLAND lAUNDY lor prumpt. ettieieal service. Phone Broadwsy 410. A 4410. TRANSFER AND STORAGE Oregon I ranster Co. Established 1870. Transfer aad Forwarding Agents. Storage Free Trackage. Office and Stoiage. 4 74 Glien st. 18th and Gluan. Brosdsv 12sl. A-1169 Ai-WAYS "PICK' THE BEST UOlSEHoLD GOODS SPECIALIST slorag. packing. ' shipping and moving. ciorae and auto vau ."special rates to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO.. Second and Pine. Broadwsy 690. A -1 996. PACKING MOVING STORAGE BECLR1TY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO.. 106 Park st- Main $195. A-1031. MANJFACTUPLRS JOBBERS WHOLESALER Si FLUFF RUGS AND RAG RUQS Send Us Your Old Carpets FLUFF MO! ' Mads from old Ingrain. Brussels. Ax minster. Snurna. Aio rag rugs, all sua. Mali orders prompt. Send tor boosiet. Carpet Cl'ning, Refitting, Etc. xl2 rugs, steam or electric cleaned. $1.00 8x10 rugs, steam or electne cleaned 76e WESTERN FLLFF BUG CO.. 64 Union ave. N. Phones East 6318. B-147S. TRANSPORTATION Change of Sailing (Without Change En Routs) S. S. ROSE CITY SAILS FROM AINSWORTH DOCK 8 A. M. Friday Instead ef 3 P. M. Thursday SAN FRANCISCO LOS. ANGELES Th San Frsnclacs at Port I sod S. S. Co., Third and Washington Street (with O-W. R. A N. Co.) Tel. Broadwsy 4S00, A-8121. 1 ! 1 I KRAZYKAT Copyright by International Kew Servtee Becisured C sited States Palm Office 0 3 A F0vs.sup?Q.,evrf x MMas HJA W TV T&to CDUO . Ijsawm THAT CoU ?CAST