The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 20, 1918, Page 24, Image 24

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v if furnished oiw
SnmU 12 DM Watt BtMS
hat. aim bou-ekeeptng room. Hodtn. XV t
, fcYAN hotel mb. 26814 5th; brick hot and
cold water every room. steam beats transient
Otpont city hall Main 9878.
" 1 iTvoirft' HiVW UlIKtEllKNT
Hotel, K. J ana wwwt, ovc .j
vp, 8'J week up, Kant 171.
. Ber yon bar choic. of the .combined list
of all desirable vacant houses, apartment and
j flats In the city, with definite, reliable informa-
f" RANCIS HOTEL ' 162 W. Park, under new to data, new listing being added each day.
.management; neat, eleaa, deeirabl itngto , Ther ia absolutely do obligation or chare
. ; room and housekeeping raK. Priaw reaaonabla. for this service. It ia maintained solely ai an
11 """ I'l iVkl'K MP.AT "ROOM. 81 24 WEEK accommodation to the public.
: tlLlZtotlr b-yl clean 194 Low"- , Newcomer, fa PortUnd will find thta bn
, daSnWtamhnl. Suqlf "' " pRerl7 loo-u4
fioO-S in modem hotel, $1.76 week and op. , phona Maraball 4600. A-610L
4o Aiaer. i w
rTiirtlAifcr, Furnished roonu. ateam heat,
--running water. 883 8d st .
(EfSXKlt hotel, 12a 12tK"t Hoomato rent j
li.Io'WilK up. clean, warm, modern furnished . Powers Rental Bureau
room, oentral. The King, 808 Jefferson, t A
" rWarrrrRoom, $1.25 Week
' . Small furnished room 2 of them clean. Suit
;' able for man or boy. lleatad. Phone, bath, ate
department oceratina for the convenient
ai oar patron and rnentiv A service aosointely
70 wKliout charge to you. Our lilting of bonne,
bungalow and Apartments i moat complete.
Powers Furniture Co.
Third and VamUU Streeta
iu r-rl t.. near Yamhill.
"' E-RGE l-Fn-ZT heated room for 1 or 2 gen- $156 R s,". cor- Broadway.
Tilemen. Home cooking; modern and with all 7 8 It. No. 1457 Winona st
orTe"eneT Main 41S7''2Q5 X. gist st $14-6 It. No. 1502 E. Pin at l Otu.
ik... .. r : 7 i i .,.. f, $28 6 It. house, mod.. So. Portland.
TOli. REST 2 niceljf furnished wra rnace ,,25 h
heat. bath, electricity, reasonable rental. 906 -j.,, K 3950th at Harrison at.
tlVE room modern bungalow, eloaa-ln. yTd J iaO PER MONTH KmaU payment down. Five
pUee, Dutch kitchnn. bnffet, etc , Hardaarfaoa
.Tementa paid - (or. Oa earlioa. and jitney
aarric. 15 minntea' ride. East aide, Richmond.
$2000 lasa than it cost. room modern tran
calow" and 8 , lots, caraae. anmmer houac. 25
frmt trews, street inpRnemnnt ia and trOd tor.
15 manatee-1 torn tha coarthoose. on the east
aide, awry hih and sightly. This was built for
a faonut and is A real bargain. Terms.
128(9 bay T room bungalow. Everything
built in. Fireplace', hardwood floors, etc. Ht.
improreanemts all in and - paid - for. Cement
floor in the basement. Easy terms.
$8150. , One of the best built bungalows.
Fire rooms. Room npwtaira for S mere. Fireplace,
hardwood fhtora, buffet, Dutch kitchen. Bard
surfaee in paid for. 8300 down. $30 a
SIT Railway Exeh. bldg.
street. 1 DO ft. ear. 82350. Good
- 6 . room modern bungalow, furnace, garage,
nearly new. $2800. Terms.
room modern bungalow. $1800. Easy tarma.
; ft room .modern bungalow, $900. Terms.
' room modem bungalow, new. - R. C. ea.
$2630. $250 cash. bal. easy. .
7 room modern house, near Hawthorne, close
In. $2400. Tarma.
6 room house. $ lota, fruit. $1400: terms. -Half
acre, fruit and berries, ft room and S
room houses, fie fsre, $1400. Easy terms.
R, M. OATEWOOD 165 V 4th st
Tlswthnrna ara.
451 ldfli". Few rery attractlra rooms, hand-J-
iomaly furnished, well heated. 2 blocks from
, ' J 1th sti car line. Reasonable rent.
. ;Tl":iffiONTli71ean well 7urnUhed front
" : , room, modern conTenlence, walking ,ditance. ,
S25 12th st. ;
i FOB BENT A large pleasant room in a pri-
-x '; vate bom for a confinement case. Price rea-
tenable. Phone Bat 1471.
For Rmults List With
FIVE room house, lama yard, water, garbage.
For information call Woodlawn 478H.
tiiu ui-VT t'uriiUhed roomi in private family ;
. close to houth Portland shipyard. 730 C'or
bett St.. near Porter.
FL'RNITI'RE 10 room house, central, rery rea
sonable; money maker. Also crtripletely fur
nished 5 room flat, eentral. phone Marshall
5839. No dealers. '
WHY, see the cottaaes, 524 Hall st.. cheapest
rent; finest view of mountain, city. Yon can
heat with Izanl heating syRteni and not be both
ered with wood; cheapest heating.
nt. iamUy to refined lady for company. Ear. 1974 E. PINE, furnished 6 room house in
7055 ' eluding piano, 1 block from school and Mon-
TWO nicely situated roomi for rent with or with
out board. Wdin. 3074.
XjtKGK, cheery front room. Imngton districU 4f m
. refined borne, referem-es. C -14H3. r,., rTcTv
- iGKEFfNOToom suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. ,h,L ,
tarilla carline.
5 ROOM furnished house, cltwe in, no small
children. Phone Woodlawn 664, mornings, or
iErTEFINO room suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. . district: adults only: owner going
, ' ' 2J!L!L!LJ"5J;'l'I away. 984 Stephen St.. near Olenn are.
fnt'BJtOOM. steam heat, walking distance. 414 MOt.EIlN 5 room cottage. neSfyHhIrnffhT59
Market, corner 11th t.
" K04JM for gentlemen or employed lady; private.
with bom privileges; Irvington. East 7860.
m i j ? fcOOM- and board "for business girls, moderu
- conveniences, walking distance, 83.50 week.
; ; ?J2 K. 7th t. East 4782.
' CUE Martha Washington, 880 10th. for bui
neas girl and students. Marnhall 1251.
McMillan t..
Including water.
near Broadway bridge. $22
MODERN 5 room house, well furnished, $20.00.
including water. 850 E. 8th N. Phone
Eat 52B1.
$5.80 Furnished" houes. Myrtle Park. 5709 42d
ave. Mt. Scott car.
NK'ELY furnished rooms, furnace heat. 405
Madison at Trnd 1 0th st. References.
812 THKEE room furrmhed cottage, close in.
4 9 V, E. 7th, bet. Oak and Pine.
GOOD home given to woman employed through
f , CsU 683 E. 87th t.
'.WNTED Children to care for in my own'
""- home, children from 4 to 0 year of age.;
Reasonable terms. Tabor R537. !
ROSE CITY PARK, nicely furnished 3-room
flat. Tabor fill 40.
Lucretia Court
, U,i hh-'xit i fn, B.nii..- Lucretia st.. between Washmcton and Ever
' men; board it desired;' private family. Phone tt streetv Most beautifully located high class
i. Woodlawn 4U24 apartments. 2, 3. 4, C rooms. All modern con-
. t : venienres. first class service. Price reasonable.
: tOMFUKTABLE room with breakfast, in private Reference required. Manager. Marshall 1513.
. . family; walking distance. Main 94sa.
FAMILY room and board for 2. 4 70 Columbia.
Marshall 5188. Main 4190.
bOAHD and care for briglit." healthy "girl, 7 years.
i Tabor 0743.
HJSHK are strictly clean and desirable, comfort
, - able furnished light . housekeeping rooms for
- adults or working girls, reasonable. 187 20tb,
' ' Washington.
LARGE front furnished housekeeping, 1 and 2
room suites, clesn snd cosy; corner E. 6Ui,
. near Grand. 421 H E. Morrison.
, PARTLY or fully furnished" rooms, sleeping, or
12th and Taylor
Modern, completely furnished apartments
Walking distance; reference.
8HKFFIEIJJ APT., 270 Broadway One. mod
la bast location of Rose City Park. 1 block
from car, east facing; T rooms,- hardwood
floors, i furnace, fireplace, 7 fine fixtures, all
bulH-in conveniences ; price $4250. Owner
leaving city; most sell at once.
See C. A. Wsxriner,
208-6-7 Board of Trade bldg.
ilAVE house and lot. 50x100. on E. 7th at.,
near Prescott, 4 rooms and bath, 2 alcove
rooms upstairs, gas. electricity, paved 'street,
stone sidewalks, all in and paid; fruit trees snd
berrie; all clear Want 5 room bungalow,
Hawthorne district. Will assume up to $1000.
F-048. Jonrnal.
FOR SALE 8 good 4 room houses. Some
choice farm lands. Beautiful home in small
village on main line 8. P.. near good town; good
house, 1 acres choice land, abundance or
fruit of all kinds, in one of the nicest and. hap
piest communities of the state; $2400. Good
8 room house on Williams ave., a good buy
for $2000. W. T. Ooukler, 710 Chamber of
$750 2 'Bit HOME $750
$1875 Al'.BEttTA SNAP $175
$ rm. coxy bnnvalow, modern, at. liens paid;
1 blk. car. Cost 42500. See owner, 1131 E.
29th N.
50x100, fairly good house, near Broadway,
must ba sold at once; few minutes' walk to
Thiion depot and new poetoffice. Price $3000.
No trades.
See C. A. Warriner,
R1TTER. IX) WE it CO.,
203-5-7 Board of trade bldg
TO AVOID foreclosure and account sickness
in family, must sacrifice my beautiful Irv
ington home, 0 rooms, sleeping porch, 2 extra
rooms finished on third floor, modern through
out, garage. You can't afroi-ilfto mws this if
in market for bargain at 852 50. No trades, no
commissions, but $1000 cash can handle. 584 E.
11th N., near Knott.
$2450 92" 11 IRVING $2450
ft rm. mod. Firepfeee and all builtin. 15
min. ride. Paved sts., $125 liens, terms. Ele
gant buy. Close in (Liwrelhurst dist.) ,
$2750 HAW: BUNGALOW $2750
6 large cosy run, furnace, fireplace, hard
wood floors in every room, sleeping porch. Paved
sts. paid. No mortgage. Terms. Go look.
388 Glenn sve.
7 Room Modern House
40x120 feet, corner lot, lot of berries snd
roses, 3 blocks from car, cost $3200; leaving
for the front, will saorifice for $2000; $800
will handle.
8 rooms, on lot 100x100, 1 block from ear,
good garden soil, fine place for large family,
price $1750.
See C. A. Warriner, -RITTER.
203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg.
See What Williams Has
5 room house, plumbing, cement basement,
house wired. Price $1500; terms $30 cash
and $12 per month, including interest.
Williams Realty Co.. Grays Crossing.
Phone Tabor 4 934.
H acre well manured ground; a well started
house, chicken .hoiibe, cow barn, 20 fine chicp
en, 3-year-old Holstein cow, gas and water,
fence, 20 minutes on Ore. Elec. $300 cash.
$15 per month. This will stand investigation.
Owner, R-5S5, Journal.
FOR SALE by owner, a home. Good house
with garage, chicken coop, 7-year-old fruit
trees, cement sidewalk and curb, aU clear of
debts. $1600. Terms to suit. See this bargain
today. 1340 Wilbur st. St Johns car to Port
land blvd., 2 block east and H block south.
or call Monday, 461 Washington st.
4 ROOM cottage. 1328 E. Main; electricity and
gas, paved streets, cash or installments. Will
House Bargains
Hargrove Realty Co.
Furnished Bungalow, $2100
This splendid bungalow ia Vi block from car,
on east side, full lot. 5 rooms, all furnished,
hot and cold water, hath. etc. Price S210O.
These two houses, both furnished, rented for
J 7 0O per month, near car. in Lower Alblna.
fnce isitno.
8 -ROOM HOUSE FOR 81600.
Located 80th and East Ankeny. 6 room borne,
good lot. nice fruit Price $1600. Everything
pam. jiot about Talue of lot
Hargrove Realty Co,
122 North 6th St. Phone Broadway 4881.
4 room cottage, large chicken house, barn,
3 room house, plsstered. $750.
4 room cottage, ' shingled, chicken house
4 room cottage, modern, corner, streets psid,
$1350. '
House snd two lot. 5 room down (tairs
finished, upstairs unfinished, chicken house, 40
bearing trees, all kinds small fruit. 1 .'..
5 room, bsth, fireplace, fine view. $1700.
ft room bungalow, modern, large attic, fruit
S room cottage, hardwood floors, Dutch kitch
en, 20U0.
Reasonable payments and rery easy terms.
509 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963.
1 f,r,;.l,..l . ,lu,morln tied , i nirerw, casu or insiajimenu. win
ern a room lurnisnea spt, utsappeanng oea, TJ1i.w onrui 1017 sm.ii
Private phone walking distance; adults only, nnd Vccepled Ta. ca. CashicelToo;
Phone Main -506. absolutely clear. Write Fred N. Florine. box
19, rendieton. Or.
HI8I.OP HALL. E. 6th and Hswthorne. Mod
ern 1, 2 and 3 room apts., $12.50 up. walk
ing distance. East 882. -
5 room old cottage, plastered, bath and tnflet
ROSE-FRIEND APTS., corner Broadway and electric lights and gas, concrete foundation and
Jefferson. Elegant. unfurnished apt., best serv- oasement, corner lot. 2 blocks from ear; house
ice. walking distance. Marshall 1410. , In poor state of repair but really wonderful buy.
r nee rTea n. Germau .Co.. 73a Cham.
THE JEFFERYNew 2 rm. furnished Apts., ;f"JJ0
L irre in, i" up. i-ur. nuwii uuu xinuj.
uouseseeplng, modern; close, cheapest price DAVENPORT APTS. 505 Jefferson.
. '. yet 887 12th. Main 4879
, 'i- TO RENT Nicely furnished H. keeping rooms.
207 Union are. N near Holladay. Call Sun-
; way.
' Crm Arin Free bath, hot. rold water.$l
UCIll nPlSi week up. 401 1st st.
" HOUSEKEEPING room for rent. Gas, sink,
; 5J - tove. Close in. Cheap. 266 Ross.
ViELL furnished liouekeepini room, suitable
;. ' for bschelors. 447 Main. Phone Main 1334.
f ; ?. THREE modern furnished II. K. rooms. $15.50
-'J;'--, per month. Tabor 1463.
.- THREE H. K. rooms with sleeping porch, com-
2 house
keeping rooms. Main 5438.
SHIPYARDS Grover apt., furnished;
Portland car. 1S1 Grove St.; $12 up.
6 rooms, nice location in Rom Citv Park. 1
block from car, lot 50x100. Price $3300.
See C. A. Warriner,
203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg.
5 ROOM modern flat, west side, close to factory
district, on carline. Price $15. Morris. 724
Chamber of Commerce.
$1 890 TERMS $1 890
Modern 5 room bungalow, firenlaee. bnilt in
effects PTIwt Hraft mint 11 tt Klo .wl. .
SAVE car fare modern 4 room and alcove, fine 994 E. 27th st North, Alberta car. Phone
322 14th st. near Clay. Main Wdln. 3911.
$85 ROOM flat. Tabor 2840.
5 ROOM bouse. 50x150 lot: lots of fruit.
block to good school, close to Piedmont car
barns: street improvements all paid. Price
81600. Terms.
5 room modern house. 2 fireplaces, full ce
ment basement. 60x100 lot; garage. Restricted
district, close to car; partly furnished. $2400
4 room house, large attic, 60x100 lot: close
to car. in the Alberta district, all for what the
lot cost, $1250. Terms
724 Chamber of Commerce.
. EIGHTY ACRES. $200 .
One . mile from ' the Columbia rtrer
where there is ' a -steamboat sanding, a
railroad station and the pared lower Co
lumbia highway, oa a Jock road; 90 per
eent he splendidly, fertile aoal. no rocks
or gravel. 40 auto from Portland.
No hffls, no rocks, fertile soil, crossed
by a creek, on a good road, 1 mile from
rock road, ft miles from a Tillage on the
Colombia river and the railroad. 40 miles
from Portland; schools and neighbor;
small cash payment, long time ou bal
ance. 600 acres good land, 60 miles from
Portland, for $10 an acre; will divide.
SI 7-5 21 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
Main 9313.
Cheap Acreage ' ,
Fire acre. $250: $10 down. 83 rer month
buy ft acre of land between Portland and
Centralia. on the main line of 8 railroads, 1 H
miles from a town of 800 population, sawmills
and shingle mills; some partly cleared and
some all cleared, running stream, .soma bottom
snd some bench; can give yoa any kind ef a
piece you want
318 Railway Exchang Bldg.
FOR SALE 84 acres. 70 acre to cultivation.
10 acres second growth fir stump well de
cayed, 4 acres timber, modern house, new barn
and silo, gas water system. 23 acres prune 5
years old. 9 acres 4 years old. Sandy loam
soil. Well located to Corvallie. Price with
equipment and stock. 8150 per acre. No
incumbrances. Will consider modern home in
Portland . as part payment, balance cash or
terms. Miller Ac Walter, Corvallis. fir.
28 ACRKS. 15 in cultivation, balance wood pas
ture, rich loam soil, enough fine wood to pay
for place, fair buildings; good orchard, cherries.
pears, apples, prunes and grapes; 2 wells. This
beautifully located place is 2 miles from Ore
gon City, Gladstone 2 miles, on good graveled
road. $4600. $1500 cash, no trade. Oarer
Freytag, Gladstotf-. Or.
6 CLEARED cultivable acres, fenced, good road.
about 12 miles to Portland. 1 'i miles to
Durham. 2 mile to Tigard. H mile to Pacific
highway. 1 mile to school and churches, splen
did soil, 1 room house, root house, running
spring, stream. Return Portland to Tigard fare
S9.SD monthly; ideal location for family man.
F. K. Steams. 202 Wilcox bids. Main 3S17.
evening Marshall 3770.
SN A I'. Owner must "cell
80 acres, 4 0 wluat Price
60 acres, 8 7 wheat Price
40 acre. 28 wheat Price
10 acres. 48 wheat Price
With IT acres wader plow; aaore can
be easily cleared. It i ail good aoiL .
I AJhd very easy rolling, aearry Wvet
Has some good timber, running . water.
Nice little bungalow, bans and other
nini'ssary bnikiinea, young orchard all
fenced. - Personal property: 1 good
horse. 1 Jersey oow. will be fresh next
month; buggy sad some farm tools.
Pnrw $800. Tha place is about IS
miles from Portland. Terms can ba
Otto & Harkson Realty Co.
4 IS Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
. Wheat and Stock Ranch
1874 acres right oa the railroad; wostoffiea.
ware bows sad d-aat oa the luaea; 12UO acres
cultivated. iOO acres u fine stand of wheat. SO
acres teativ far nrns Mdla. hala-ac-a .na ewlti-
I sated land for summer fallow: 474 acres fuMet
pasture lend divided into 4 fields with run mix
water tat each: all well fenced and exoas fenced;
S good booses, beat bams tn the county, fnt
large gsrage. blacksmith shop e-julpprd. stork
yards on ranch: everything in oatbaikliags ta
the least requirement ; splendid water system with
water prped to all buildings: to give detailed Hat
of stock sad Implements would take too much
space; one Hem of stock 40 fine bmod
snares; land Ilea fine. eoU kt A-l. bwitdinrs first
elaaa, equipment complete. One of the best
producing and finest borne farms tot Sherman
Wheat a lose last year from true farm
Klickitat Wheat Lands
broacht 8 1 7.O0U in tha drvast taasoa for years.
. . , n,,. v..l,lr- I " m maraex ror snca a larra .
ACRE farm for MO, money. I for particular, once. The 80 pr
Ia on Issirr creek, between Banks ana . ,. ., ... i ..
Buxton. H. $0 acre, in "f cannot be bought at that price after that date.
pastureGood house, aarn and $30,000 can st.nd at $ per c-nt. payable l crop
acres bearing orchard in t rm':t" paymenU. Ncai Brown. 207 Panama bldg.
place oniy aooui ew aiwi in
a good wagon road, has abundance of pasture ,
atwi wr. There is a mortarare now due on
the property and the owner will sell at a sac- t 4,0 soo rnK,vti. balance pasture,
riftee. The price is $4200. bat for cash we be- fenrj hog light, good building, st ring water,
here it can be bought for lea. 76-5. volcanic ash soil, lightly rolling, ft and mile
RALPH ACKIJEY LAND CO., to raiiay station Price $16,000. half cash
287 H Waatiington st ,nd ruo terms
A FARM of 170 sc-. ch-e to PortUnd. In Uoinini above and aimiksr. $12.
the best part of the Wiamejalbry nieely 40o . ,-. 4,s
Improved with orchsrds of the beat fruib. aini lcr. , ,..-,- wht ,1 ftn. rtandl. 720
running water in the house and barn. This is ,ubb, . VM t.tu.hy. fet-ce.1 b-
an ideal dairy farm only about one and a half ou t ttlKjivtion. g.-xi build-
bours' ride from the city of Portland. This . . ,.., flJ. tarmina oa
farm can be bought for corsJderably tm tnan tnclude-L All ,i ked. Price $70 per
its value and there will be takrn in exchange . .. , , ,..
and all stocked
ia eouoty seat.
T ' P5rL.lJ . .' ."..MTThV. Jairy farm of 80 a. re.
lot in Portland to the ismw ol J.400' and equipped, with retaU busine-a
farm ia eutirely clear and no other projierty ., .V K
fir.lT ! V. - Alvord Co.. .m Bord Trad. Portland.
Abington bldg.
SOS a res - 840 In eultlrstioa. near nsrtie
R. F. D-. tieiaS-. goed aet et ,
tsrm assiUing. rent 8la00 per. year I .
eqnrtHTnrnt, whs-h lacladea a tractor, for
ml at ahont 88000.
-98 aenw Near Eugene. 0 tn emltivatioa.
good on-hard, good Imltdinca. rent 1 -3 eewp.
$131 10", eosaslete euntpatem lor aoout
200. sere, h. Clsrke county. W aahtugtoo. aa-scrt -17
miles from V a or oarer, lair farm baiio
tng. Wilt give a tea on this farm for
a term of yars at $100 per year. Will
sell 16 head of cattle. 3 aorses. hoc,
about 2 tun of nay. gram and feed, cam
ple. art of farm isaplemenU for $2000. if
are rooking for a real buy ia personal
I ro-.wny nd good farm to rent st a
, . . reais.r.hle rental fee. look thi one an.
"- s m ralttvatioa. near Albany, fair
building, rsnt $830, sum eaumsaant far
40 aires, all j rul-ivatlcm. good orchard, fina i
h--e. ,th h.t and ruld water, good eVaary
tarr. n . (td road, about 1 milee from
lVr:Uiv4. Una tii per month. 1$ good ..
uairj cs. of horse, two Wags,
'-r.,T "' ' fsi. lor al at $ltOw.
Tfif. a, . Urm aiaj . pos.
siderabl. amuum of paxare caa s ob
tain! ad)ming the 4l screa.
50 ai-tvx, Ut,1 in Washington county. 4ft "
a rrm in rultitatton. all first cla bajud
f" rent a-. io per r. Rase a
esin.i-tr -;n:pmmt to rll tu the party "
o r. i,; tin., (arm.
26 arn-a. hx Usi rear Gre-tlam. about 20 ia
cultivation, gttud boikiin.. i-rtd aa a
. goud nd. rent SSutl j-1 y-ar
II M JJ.;.wy.
203$.. 7 H.ard ..f Tri Ml.lg
Fine Sheep Ranch
Flsc is located -Vuth ' of Eorest Crove on "-. 4 50 acres ovenjpa.ture fre from
"'" i1'-"?. r r JmV flne''nliV m"' 1
.rm n aii ! 7" mostly .i,erp tight. Two creeks. New buiv
I,k"--,,UI ? nd r?l tJl Klo. 2 Uri. JTeep bams and outbuild! ngv Also
balarvre. Plentv of seeded Mature with airtng f -.... . . ... .
- 1 1 in. em.s-i on ait un
water. Comfortable house, waters piped. 2 berus
8 500
Good soil, splen-
Some cash: terms: close in.
did location.
502 Dekum bldg. Marshall 1753.
600 feet to station. Dandy little S acre
tract, bottom land that will raise onions,
celery, etc, all in cult, 2 room bouse, frontage
on electric line. S3 miles from Portland. 81O0O;
$4 00 cash, balaace 5 years. Fred W. Ger
man Co.. 732 ChSm. of Com.
PHONE MAIN 2600. 1305 N. W. RANK BLD.
adjoining . plenty good
and outbuildings. 1 mile to school, to town. gf-f.p
Team. 4 cows, chickens, an farm machinery in- 2 h,.rr, good youI14 teaTO;. p---, mM, alM)
eluded. D. McChney. 332 Chamber of Com- uridle. Oa auto highway. 14 mile from OIm-
merce bldg. Min 7102. pi. Mat capital. 1 s mile to railway station ;
... . - . , w ' . i , , . i,K school 1 mile, phone. R. T. IK. good neigb-
FOR HALE A nice 40 acre dairy farm, with rlA-, wi aVfrt 5o0 .. now. and
or without stock and machinery ; river bot- . n,.,,,,-, Pnc- 14.000. Terms: $60uo
torn, greater part highly improved, very best of ry,h, balance 5 per eent. or good clear praj
soil. gKl bam and dweUing; mils from rail- ,,-tj for part. P. E. Alvord. 218 Board of
road station, poatoffice and high school: l"e- ( "I rarU Bldg.. Portland. Or.
nori, i youna cow, e neiiers, - nuwa. " iuuw , , p. l 1 1 V 1 1
wants U sell and return to ber origflial borne in , ril I APFP.. KPPflVlllP. t" tJllV
the East Part cash down: will -ire terms on UU rL.IOJ HCCUU1C I UI1JT
balance to suitable purchaser.. For further par
ticular writ or call on G. W. Adams. Lebam.
Farm for T.eame-
82 sca. betmern
10 seres, sll in rultivstion. S acres of good
prune orchard, other mixed fruits and nuts, lo
cated 1 mile, from a good town close to Port
land, has a 5 room house, new bam. garage,
chicken house, wood home : for ssle st $4 500.
See H. M. Maloney.
203 5-7 Board of Trade bldg.
Nothing better than Oil In the farm line. 60
1 DO aeH MIO nnrfe
ruluratlon. 80 i.r to sere more easily rUared.
7S acre of green tml-r. balance gar) pa.
tarr, no rough Und on place, about 22 3 err-)
good bottom Ian. I. 2 uir lull trout atnaam
through plre. -verai inngs. a new 10 room
house with firr-piarr. fair barn, atone dairy,
dandy h h-Q and mnn outbvuMta-. 5V
acres fenced ho- tight snd A-l garden and track
lead. 2 gmmi orrhsrtl. of assorted fruits in fail
bearing Place fenced and eras fenced.' on
floe auto ruad the year round, wrthiu mile
of LsCsrua lake All rural adiant---. 12 milea
from Vancouver Prrisinal prm-erty eonss-aa
of 16 mllt b cow, rrguten-d liolateta hull, sev
eral he.l of yiHing mtrk. i heed of fine www
hi-rw- snd mam. '1 enha and good pony. fwa
sows, blooded nraxr and 4 3 pig snd .i"f
rhirkeu. ducks, all (aim impleinenu. Kir,
etc . om fine potato-, grain, har. fed. etc. "
l"nc of iK-rs-oial prots-rty ara.ut $4 80U. Fsrm
for lese.
5th and Uitn t . Vancouver. Wah.
FINK IltKl'.A . l;. I ARM
235 a re.. - .ne. irrii.-at.--i. 1 in eultl
vatwm. ah well frii'-rd, with a rou'.Jel eel of
good farm buil.lina. a his wn trricallrtn
ystern. rlertrir light ars'.rm atvt wateri-iwvr.
2 plows, harrows, surrey. 25 urns hay. grain, etc.
Machinery and stock very best Pnc $12,000.
One-half cash.
On which aEc.i1u7c. do ..11 27 ' WM&XWZ CO,
acre sloping ju-t enough for good drainage: 20 . j-2 tjih t Phone Brradway 4881
acres under plow, acre grove, o acre wiin
only few stumps left Better buildings than
usual on place of this fdxe. Pine fsmily orchsrd.
Cow, fsrm machinery included $3760. IV Eighty acres of which is the finest Lewi
McChesney, 332 Chamber- of Commerce bldg. ( river bottom land, balance bench land, wtth only
Main 7102. 20 acre too rough for cultivation; about 60
- - - 1 1 - .1 L, I -..11 tA . ...), ..'!
BaUrice pwture and Umber. Uving water. 6 tn " i"".,' -ier ..Tl'.h 7 ."T
hotise. finT dairy bam. bt,re bam. aU ontl.uiWl- "n"" " '?.rrL fe; bearing fruit rer-mal: Fin. tear. 12 M "J
Z'-x'hir- :onl XrXor. "
179 Acres Riverfront
FOR RENT 4 or 6 room furnished upper flat;
USht rnd water furnished, $8 per month.
32 r 7Ulh st. aiontsvilla car to. Pins.
1 .,"
pletely furnished. $12 a month. 4235 48th TT4d niiTf
T'.r . sleeping porch. Phone East 3077.
, $1.60. FURNISHED hoj-sekeeping room, lower ROSE CITY PARKT nicely furnished 3-room
floor; gas, phone; wslking distance. 44 E. tlat- Tabor 5940.
i in aoum.-
. NICE aingle room, luriiiihed lor housekeeping ;
dandy location, walking distance; rent $7 per
tec-nth. 604 Edward st
DESIRABLE room. modern Improvements ;
privilege of light housekeeping. 1291 E.
Alder, near 45th. Please call after 5 o'clock. :
TWO clean, light, dry H. K. rooms, for two
, respectable working men. 294 Jefferson.
I OR ' RENT 7 room modern hou-e In the
i:' Richmond district Furnace, fireplace, etc.
I block from liivision street. Kent $20. Call
Tabor 1478 Sunday, Broadway 2346 week days.
" Jordan. 301-2 Lumbermcns bldg., 5th and
- 6 ROOM modern lioue, $7 50.
V ft room modem upier flat, $7.60.
ft room modern lower flat, $12.50.
SEE HOCK, 11.0 10th St,
FOUR large nicely furnished rooms, with piano.
7 09 Williams ave. Call Wdln. 2480.
Very neat and well built 5 room and modem
bungalow, on beautiful corner lot, 2 V4 blocks
from car; $300 cash, balance to suit; a very
decided snsp. Fred W. German Co.. 782
Cham, of Com.
FOR SALE House and lot, $750; part cash.
baL reasonable terms. House ha 4 rooms.
with gas and electricity, lot 68 2-3x109, nice
garden spot, some fruit Inquire 1519 Knowles
ave. Take St Johns car.
IRVINGTON home for sale, i rooms sud
sleeping porch. Modem in every wsy. Ixit
50x100. 2 block from carline. Offered $1000
below cost on easy payments. AU assessments
psid. Csll Sunday or mornings 499 E. 13th N.
$350 DOWN
6 rooms and attic. 5 rooms and bath on
floor, 1 large room finished in attic; furnace
heat in all rooms, full basement, hardwood
floors in entrance hall, living and dining room,
built in buffet, fireplace and Dutch kitchen ;
corner lot: lots of light: some fir trees in
yard. J. L. Hartmsn Company. No. 7 Cham
ber of Commerce' bldg., 4th and Stark sts.
Main 208. A-2 0 SO .
, Modem bungalow; lots of wall space; 6 fine
rooms besides breakfast room and attic, higli
class bathroom fixtures, built in oak buffet, also
oak paneled doors, best grade oak floors in
3 rooms, comer lot, psved streets in and all
paid. Price $4500. half cash. J. L. Hart
man Co.. No. 7, Chamber of Commerce bldg.,
4th and Stark- at.
ACRES, few minutes" walk to Oregon City 400 AGRES. 250 in culUration. eompl
carline, 4 acres in cultivation, balance poul
try park; plastered bungalow, full basement, on
improved street in Gladstone, nightly location.
For quick sale $3500. part cash. Oscar Frey
tg, Gladstone, Or.
Gibson Half Acres
Good soil, city wster, close in csrline. easy
terms; will build, to suit purchaser. Phone Msr
shall 1585 or Sellwood 476. John 1L Gibeon.
of farm buildings, located near
sell this fsrm for $30,000: will
reasonable exchange; we can show
cent on the above valuation that this
See H. M Maloney.
203 5-7 Board of Trade bldg
rtM Mt. acres of bottom in cultivation, 10 acre more
almMt elearMl Balance nastux. with om tim-
Tei.t n ber. New bam. new granary. 2 new bogtiouM-a,
. .TirJt rr poultry bou . no dwelling, all fenced. Include
a good per " .. ., . , . . 1
. i ran. 1 1 jm , 111 1 11. num. , uiwo. . viwv
sows. 1 boar, chickens and ail kinos or larm
tooLv 1 Vi miles from good town, front on
I river, and highway through place. Boat land
ing at place. Price $18,500. eaah. balance
. i on esss; terms (Consider some trade. P. E.
160 ACRES. WILLAMINA. 84000 Alvord Co.. 218 Board of Trade. Portland
A good cheap ranch; 8 acres in cultivation. ; wfYrw.v-., i.,- 7 ,ii. nnth nf Hi.
2 acres bearing orchard, 1 V acres tTawberrie; i n yakima o. All in cultivation 530 acres
s fine stresm through place; some bottom ' ,.,,, rfr, voir-nH-
' tend
I: bsm Urge enough for 12 heed of .tock. I m", .r.r f7.1,ns
11 hk house; $250. dowa. $250 yearly. , J,".'
XS. l,nni' f vlpr anil ul.-frl ranno- STAal
tiou. al o sidewalks in front of pniperty. Now or wiU take lot or unaU house, and lot as first
is the time to bnv suburban acreane. J I. If-'"1-. ' r "eiiaau w.. ia. -"'-
ONE lighted storeroom lOOxlOO ft. $10
month. Also 1 storeroom 45x100 ft, $5
month. Apply J. D. O'Donnell, Spalding bldg.
TWO good private office- for attorneys, in suite
of 3 room with common reception room; good Call at 800 Concord bldg.
library; best building m city. O-920, Journal.
ONLY $800
3 rooms, water, lights, some fruit acre of
ground; lOo fare, close to station; easy terms.
4 ROOM cottage. $850. Will sell furniture.
5 room modern, well furnished, $1800, easy
terms. 27 minutes out
8 room cottage, furnished, I960; term.
6 room house, close in, east side, $3250,
D. E. CARLOCK, 1011 Yeon Bldg.
Msin 5456.
FOR RENT Furnished offices snd desks, cheap
723 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
STORE for rent. E. 19th and E. Broadway.
WHY pay high carfare Rent this 6. room house WANTED- To lei
within walking distance, only. $12.60 month. nmTe .tori an
on sjivisroa ., oeiween oimnu ave. ana i nion,
near lnman-Poulsen mill. Phone Main 2173. Call
129 Front st
$18-5 room modem bungalow, concrete base
ment, fireplace, built-in bookcase and buffet.
Dutch kitchen. 483 E. 41st. near Division.
Phone Tabor 6575.
FRANK L. McGUIRE can rent your house; cli
ents waiting; rental specialist managing rental
department: we show property with auto; we col
lect rei,t and manage property. Abington bldg.
Main 1008.
COUPLE want to rent modem small furnished
clean cottage or apartment, close
F-644, Journal.
6 ROOM bungalow, close in, near carline, fire
place, all built-in conveniences, hardwood
floors, street improvement all in. For sal
cheap. Will accept city lot in trade. Phone Ta
bor 4635.
0 ROOMS, imp. paid, oniy $1500.
Apartment house site near Wash, st, $900.
- For bargains see
104 5th St. Main 6869.
9 rooms, close in, extra well built artistic,
convenient, up to date home, mahogany, white
enamel, 2 fireplaces, 2 batn rooms, water in
bedrooms. Beautiful view Mount Hood. Lot
100x116, secluded vgnong trees; 1 block ear.
BROOKE, 641 Montgomery Drive.
Corner Elm st, call mornings.
Marshall 4827 A-8889
You Cant Make $2000
Here is a strictly modem np to date house,
rooms and sleeping porch. In choice restricted
district All improvements in and paid. Buy it
from mortgagee, $3500.
219 Lumbermen Bldg. 6th and Stark.
Hart man Co., No. 7 Chamber of Commerce
i -ber of Commerce.
well of water, equipped
with pump, wind and gas powsr. 12.0OO gal
reservoir supplying water under pressure for sll
purpose, now watering two bands of sheep and
100 hrsd of horses. This snd surrounding lands
Terr attractive, commanaing excellent view
Hee II M. MMiiNhV.
203 3 7 Urd..f Tr.; Building.
IS ACRKS. near" ndburn.t. rent The lead
I s. II liaim wil. Ha hmme. barn, east
building and orrhani part of the piece a
nw in rnip lla A m. 3 helfrra. 2 hog,
teem and all kind if farm Uls, potato, grata
and other m-oIi for eeeditif the pLare Thai
plsc ean be i-utrd for 1230 snd th owner
will sell the tiork and other equipment at a
reasonable J rvrr.
27 s ,h. St.
bldg . 4th and Stark st. Main 20S. A 2050. i WHEAT FARM EQUIPPED
nXR fin. .-re i rrmm cnttao-e s mim.i-s 1250 acres in Central Oregon. 1050 in cultt- ! Ro-,1, admit of maximum load to railroad
highly improved, all kinds of fruit. $1500. 'ration. 600 acres to be in crop this year, fair, warehouse. Other nearby lands available for
One acre on bank of Willamette river, nice bnildlnv well and gas engine, stock and machm- farming at low rental, making it desirable for
bungalow. Price $1900. Easy terms. R- Price $35 per acre for everything. Thu nMi grain growing. Price $20 per acre.
595, Journal. ' oin ,rm nd w'1 n ' ,or '" at Owner, apt 1, 778 Glisan t
ONE acre, all nnder cultivation, 5 room house, I.UEDDFMANN COMPANY
abundance of fruit. 1 block from station and t ', ' .' 1 " '
near i iciik diku.ii, . ' m v -j
. . . ' 1 1 .. T. to I
1-ocair-l soutn oi r-oniana. ou o. r. aw n.
highway. $1500: terms $300 down, balance to
suit TliU place is 10 miles from Portland.
Millership, 724 Chamber 'of Commerce.
120 acre farm. in cultivation, bale nee
good pamrr. s mile from Portland, on, grav
eled I igheay. t -h ol. Place i fully
equipped. V ill aril etiui) ateht awl rent farm
lor term of year. Tbi will merit your r
vntigalion. Pl-e is do, to market and well
altuated. Rent $4 00 lr year.
24 Henry Bklg Main 726
FOR SAI L Oue r lssw oa 2 5 acrv. 1 9 ia
cultivation. BaL pasture S A. aeeded.
Family oviard S A. Inganbeme. Fair bldga,
E:ulpmrM if dei red. Phone Wdln. 17 WW or
addrr J. N. Maui. Wood barn. Of
11 H ACRES, Clackamas river, auto road. part
112 ACRE farm, stocked and equipped, 60 tr pasture, balance timber, good soil, ranch
acres in cnltivstioB. balance pasture and fuel, fenced and eroas-fenced. family orchard, 2 cod
2 fine springs snd creek, good set bnildings, : plete set of buildings. New 8 room bungalow,
orchsrd. 11 hesd stock, fine team, machinery. n-w dairy bam, concrete foundation; bam holds
I have 6 rsjh burer tor Improved far
Ther hare from $51100 to JlO.oou in cash.
rThey wdl asum aume if farm suits, and pnr
i nght. See Mam llrwty at J . L- lunia.l.s
COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bklg
ivr HAVE-chent-with a good Unit and rh
. for a farm worth $5000 or 86OO0 Co A.
McKrnna A Co. 727 I bamber of Commerce.
... . . , . . , ta . ... . t.;i - - - - - - . ' " - ' - "- j new uairy vera, coocrrui, u-.u ,.v,n.,
2?' .r, nTVi.f,!"'; f'" nd ! .r f . fPe B0 ton. hay; good Bio. nr. horas b.rn, other
good house, in fir grove, trout fishing, dandy
country borne, Xl&Ol), casn or terms.
Vi mile from town, sidewalk to land, owner old I outbldgs. Personal: 4 good mare. 6 cows.
Nine miles from courthouse; lies level, good
roil; fine for gardening, chicken or berry ranch.
Small payment down. Call at 500 Concord bldg.
uarstiaii ko- alck. Price is absolutely right. 8 18.000. ' heifer, about 40 hoes, rr.rur.lel set of farm-
I J. R. WOLFF, 618 C. of C. Bldir in- implements Part ca-h, term on balance.
20 ACRES for $1800. $1000 down. 2 V mile He Sam liewey at J. L. IIARTMAN COMPANY.
of Kalama. county seat Cowbtx county. Wash., i No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bklg.
40 miles north of Portland: 5 room house, bam
84x36. wood and chicken houses, 60 fruit trees:
some strawberries, gooseberries and loganberries ; ,
ease ranch, 40 acre or more.
tools, or would buy if terms
could be arranged. K-OSe, Journal.
5 OR 10 acres, close in, for potatoes. Phone
Main 341.
WANTED TO RENT Close-in acteage. with
nouse. rnone woodlawn 0240.
GOOD 5 room house, close to Jefferson high
school. Iots of big fruit trees on place. Lot
KAvlOn PstmI streets rlnut tn O -... ,
j . ' , .vw . V ...17. I (Jt
m. sale on terms or trade for close-in acreage.
tjwner, iui. vernon ave. --non. U-2003.
SMALL house and 2 lots. 88th, Mt Tabor car"
6 room modern. Rose City. $3000.
6 room, 11th and Alberta, $1600. Broad
way 4246.
5 Room Modern House $1450
S7Hxl35-foot lot. 9 fruit trees, chicken
house. 3 blocks from car; half cash.
THOROUGHLY modern 7 room house! finished FOH S A I.E. BUSINESS PROPERTY $1
avue. nice ground, witn up to aate doubl.i r 1 nv.s.r. miuuinK on west, siae, contam
garage, 66 E. 15th. corner Madison. East 3008. ing four 4 room flats. Now paying 5 per
; stent aoo. cent net on price 8UOO. 8400O will handle.
FOR RENT 4 room house, 1 bam, 2 miultry balance long time. Q-P21. Journal.
. nouse and H acre of ground at 949 E. 450x106 on waterfront with trackage. South st N. Tsbor 1839
- " a., L .1 I, i'.' it urr. Irlltf. journal. I rTITI i i.v- - r ' j .
Aider st, afternoons. i ; . .-.. -r I LACELI.ENT 7 rohm house near Anabel station
One of best home in city. Cost owner
20.000 cash. Must sell at sacrifice. No
better location in city. 8 large room and
sleeping porch. Builtin garage. Overlooks en
tire city and surrounding country. Is brand
new and up-to-date in every detail. nest nuy
in city today. See Ay re A Englehart, 624
Kenry bldg. "
Best Cash Buy in the City
Four room house. 40x100 feet, comer lot-
good chicken house, fruit trees; $1200.
Three room house. 40xl00-foot lot, $1050,
4 blocks from St Johns car line.
FOR SALE 5 room House with lot 40x125
House in good condition. Bearine fmit tr .
in back of lot. Will sell reasonable. 30 E. 78th
art .--. i; - -l i , . . '
i -u . iium ui inn.. rmirpn-a
a I and Khrarv I.nt lOftsrlSQ- fir,- v. -.!. d-..-
FOR RENT Modem 12 room residence, west ! GENERAL REAL ESTATE
fe,?-"ent 'PSV10" Ior roomers and board- A CORNER lot 50x106 feet, with threo houses $3600: easy terms. Tabor 4 29
SEW 1 rooom bungalow. Lakewood 1 station, on west side. Two houses face 6th street anri Lv v.--f pl . . complete
Oregon City line: sleenlns norc.he. h.r-wi the other facine the street n.nnir.. -.nH -a,sywrms. 7S3 Mason
floor, gas, heating system, everything strictly west This cornrr is worth $12,000, but you
mou-iti. wi m. nunc, m. suo arter 10 a. m. can nave it tor goiirti.
tlOL'SES. FLATS AND STORES ! MJJ. CLOHESSY. 415 Abington bldg.
Real Estate and Rentals
Grand Ave, at E. Ankeny
near 23rd. Owner. East 535.
$1100 WILL take this 6 room him ,ih
fireplace, lot 50x105. paved streets, located
in Portsmouth ave., St Johns csr; will make
terms, i. r.. neainger, liroadway 1940.
room bouse, modem, large lot fmit 996
Front st Rent $20.
JORDAN A GARRADE, 212 Alisky bldg.
. HaW n T- - i
7. ini, . modem house and ga- cement basement and furnace; fir shade trees
ti w , "-, -n-amooa. ai. n. m yara.
j.m, oa -uc-vay oiag.
Just outside city limits: 2 blocks to carline
and paved street; bungalow has fireplace, full
6 ROOM modern house, high comer lot cement
wall, good lawn and i-brabbery; small cash
payment., d ma nee use rent ana (listen) no in
. . T, V. .. II" a,
. r" -... , iiuii- nuuuiiRii D.t.
, FOR RENT Small house. Dartlv furnished her of Commerce bldg. ,
U.,n .P1""00- Lots -of fruit Good! NEAR KENTON. $1100
place to raise chickens. Ul E. 22d N. inol-K .11 in -i,
, . $8 HAVE two 6 room flata. east side R. 1 bouse. $25 down. $15 monthly. Fred W. Ger
ear. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY.' No. 7 ' m" Co 782 Cbam. of Com. !
. , v --.-. . commerce LPiag. : MODERN 6 room house with
$8 PER month. 6 room plastered home on ' 80x100; improvements in, closi
pared street and car line, modern plumb- 2 carline; $4500; $2500 cash
' Jlng. Main 9461. VK I sion. R-B 91. Journal.
' FOR SALE by owne
6 room honse. lot 60x100. on E. 24th north
In yard. This is a real suburban 1,. -,i... -uaeuy. ueuer. urana ava at E.
Terms, cash. J. L. Hartraan Co . No. 7 Cham-I - "
FOR SALE Modem house. 5 rooms, lar.a li.
ing room, furnace, fireplace, bath, polished
floors; $2200; possession immediately. Phona
u-iun. -v
WE HAVE some of the best buys in the city
or smau nouses on easy payments.
724 Chamber of Commerce.
owner A small houa and lot ! NEAT 4 room cottage, large yard, fenced. Lenta. . " "n'; 3 blocks
11 cultivated, at Brentwood: terras, $800; term. Also modem 6 room bunga- VTH SF tnule ,or cioa,r-5ir
r. Phone Woodlawn 294. I low. Division t, $1760; terms. Owner C- 10,9 fnMn C-25S3-
MODERN 6 room house, 50x100 lot located
on Peninsula. 2 blocks to car, for sale on
acreage close in. Owner.
SEVEN room house and H 'acre in Hillsboro.
All kinds fruits. What have you? Phona Ta
bor 8306. Address 1182 Milter st
j I
1:00x100. well
Mount Scott car.
- FOR RENT Modern 6 room U- o 71, Journal.
" A','1. flr on Sumner st $20 per month. , LENTS 1 full lots and nice 6 room house"
, ; aii-niv viooa or call at 1U7 Vemon av. . i close to business center. and chn-i louui
i FOR RENT ft room house, with 2 lots in -rxvi 2re?on. Investment A Mortgage Co., 202 Stock I 5 ROOM modern bouse, finished in white enamel
location. 1 block from Settwood carline, near fcIcn- Dlu- - full lot. fmit and rose bushes; $1600. Call
i wuo. is. i4tn and Tolman ave. ' SALE or rent 6 room bungalow clean 2 lot. 1 mornings. Tabor 3985
ft ROOM house, with garden. $10; close In. 3',, Vf fenced, c1'"" psrk. Located oh Mt LACRELHURST. strictly modem. 8 rooms and
. 11 e-re ena oi steel bridge, in rear Pv"- iu seu on easy terms,
of 2 20 Occident t . , key cU 205 E. 34th.
' . a,'arT sTEsa.-aa "a - . , . 1 , -.. ' I - . . . . ,.
V.-iTT ""L, , rooIn house, good fur- M"'r n-; ron bouse, furnished bungalow 1 8 ROOM moderu house, lot 60x100. walking
-LI JIMnlln-l I4 ass. & s --- -. n n i r - . vrvsraaa r esna --, -.--!-. sj-. . ... 1 m-. w - -
' xi . .. n,.. r-. oiit . i.iip-rev, .mien gitcnen, gar-I aistance. in central r-asx fort-ana, ine
.-- .,.,.,. !, ' J? Tea sweet, close in: 10 minutes $3250. J. J. Oeder. Grand are, at E. Ankeny,
. joorn modern house, beat locality; ' "T..T. " " lw34- 4 ROOM bungalow, west side, for only $850
. -rftk-T. ai - i' . .. u"ta"c- Garage " hwm. nouse- in outneast part of town, half! 8100 cash, balance $15 per month. M. E.
or without New shades. A or Broadway 2474.
tOOD 7 room house. 898 Schuyler st. $10. tn-
quire 896 E. Broadway. State Laundry Co.
MODERN ? room house for rent at 661 Pat
toa road.
st Phone
8 ROOM house. $6$
Woodlawn 2461.
FOR BEliT Boarding house, good location.
Call 1290 CorbeU t ,.-
OR RSNT 1 acre, house, barn, fruit and
berrlee. on 82nd at. $8. Tabor 6810.
t OR RENTA cottage, 6 rooms. 87 Michigan
are., 8 blocks from sehoolhouse. Rent $5.
6 ROOM cottage. Hawthorne district Call Ta
bor $5S.
. f "t.-.. ' . 1 .
ron iiL.xi a room modem cottage in A-li
condition. Call 620 E. -itark st East B756
. Vi HI nay rent? W will build you a horn on
- ens terms. M, E. Lest. 60S Corbett bldg.
sere aood orchard and r.m . ri. 1 r a iuik rmt-H hM,
..T. ' r"4tt5-- ournal. FOR SALE Modem 8 room house on Ladd
m Dy'S cottage, nam, chicken house, fmit I Ta-. worth $6000; taken for mortgage fore
43x100 lot Price SKftft v... .--i. ,i" I .I-, f- canon v... n.sfia t i
W. Bryan. Mam 1968. 500 Cham, of Oorrcaerc: for rit.f ft .na T r-n, l v.-,,.-.
w ti'vss .A W,1 "treet. North Irv-J Walking distance. East side. Bargains. Easy
P O Box 853 lerms. owner. 1 terms, owner, fnone r.ast a.
t.-v 1 je-. . , ......
wLJwtLv -r-in T . modern home in J " terras. 1H blocks from Union ave. carline.
f-M ,.1 uwim, uif vrvrewwr oiug.
STTfTTi it's as "' t---.. 5 -- - 1 LATJ RELHC RST, 0 rooms. Just finished, ga-
' Mitie ouei W -.J. i.'Z "?i-?'nne ot . modern, good loca-
, skb: , " jr-. w. i aon. owner, oo E. irvmg st East 736S.
FIVE room hnn-.l-w rtmA BOOM, bouse, plastered, at a bargain, or wiU
- ' a. aa n a n-- 1 UsTUjnB U A W A I V UgtJU U I llO unirs ax. n.
10 Acres at Reedville
GARDEN tracts, west side, city conveniences. Bcf 3 acre of timber. 12 acre in cultivation, run- ; Splendid buy. 10 arte. 1 miles from
fare, for only $360. $25 down, balance $5 nlng water on one corner of place. G. O. Smith. Reedv.ll; very best soil; seres cleared, 7
per month. Will furnish you money to build 515 11 rk st. Vsnconver. Wssh.. owner. room plastered house; bam and outbuilding:
at 6 per cent. M. E. I-ce, 505 Corbett bklg. j FOR"saTE ' bearing orchard. Personal: Horse, hames.
4 ACRE garden tract, vrith fruit and -6 room 74 acre farm, ell plow tend, well improved ?.V' sTotiT ilfui.i c.h haUr-i i , V
nnni a in u rr.nt-n K 1 1 M 1 1 Inn. Trt H it n. nl.r 11 ..-wnm h-n-a hi harn All i -
D. Kelson. Warrenton. Or crt. 7 miles from Salem, right on the rail- i
4 ACRES for sale. $f50, at Valla Vesta, or will rcJ- Wiu uke home in Portland. Tacome ;
rent Call 32S Glisan.
or Seattle as part payment; some cash and bal- 122 North 6th ft
ance long time. Route 1. Box 78. Indepen
dence. Or,
Hargrove Realty Co.
Phone Broadway 4311
.' 62 Acres Fronting Columbia
WANTED to rent, a good dairy or grain ranch
on snare, experienced; best of refer oce. VX-
563, Journal
TWO reliiujoi-i.ed hmrtrteads, Tillamook cosm
ty, 23 miles frm McMinnville; water in boa-
dance Tatxir 4 7 85.
TIMBER" claim otu fr filing, no ra.Ll.nce te
quir.d: cruise g'taranteed over ft.OOO.vOtt. tog
SPlio;ntinent phone fjist 7511
A 5 ROOM bungalow, new, with 1 acre of
ground, all in garden and some selected fruit
This place will be sold for about the cost of the
bungalow. I have also bungalows with 2 or 8
seres of ground for the tame price.
bungslows are located close to the stations on
the Oregon Electric and Portland rsilwsv. The !
prices for either oidy $2500. M. J. Clohessy, i
415 Abington bklg.
L'HD . I t, V- ,,v. -L-u
Dairy ranch 62 i acTes. 50 i fin. cultlva- I . do.Tn.,h Columbia river. 1 14 0 rods
tion hMilrlin.. nrrh.M - .-M trtt Kigm on oiumoia nignway ana
road. 1 H miles to 3 stores. 4 14 miles to rail-
.. " road, high school in dlurict; price $7250. stocked
l ueee .. . .. . , v. i , i . . ; , . . .
uu era, u . i'i -va, iiaii i. a - n . .1 j mites ui.iiu oi run
tend. Addreas Box 43. Amboy. Wash.
railroad. Good 6 room bouse and outbuilding.
Bearing orchard. 9 acres cultivated. Alo 20
acre tWleland affording best of pastur. Price
only $3000. $1000 rah
Hargrove Realty Co,
$3300 TRACT FOR $1850
Five acres near Oreneo. 12 mile from Port
land, 000 pear trees, 200 choice rosebushes, very
I to town. R. R. and boat landing: $2400. small
expensive snd rustic Tog bungalow with fireplace; ! f,aTmCT,t nd.,lon ttm on L Owner. Box 97.
Chamber of
Castlerork. Wash.
FOR SALE $1400, new 4 room house, electric f . Ji" .TM' 1 "IT .
lights. BuU Run water, 1-3 acre with fruit;""'.' V .'.li .. w-v.T.,,-. .TX " ' '
S room modem bungalow, fireplace, furnace.
all built-in features, street improvement all in
and paid; lot lOO ft deep; price only $2100.
About $500 cash, balance monthly, 0 per cent
See u for bargains.
CHAPMAN, WINTLER Co.. 1078 Hawthorne
ave. Open Sunday.
Has 4 bedrooms, is well built. 1 H blks. from
the carline and is insured for $1000. On a
good lot with roses, fruit trees and garden spot
Someone can pick up a snap nere at iouu.
Part terms. 68 R. Ralph Ackley Land Co.
287 H Wash, st
On Sandy bird, and carline; newly painted;
story; 6 rooms and sleeping porch: full ce
ment basement, fireplace, comer lot paved
street Terms. J. L. Hart man Co.. No.
Chamber of Commerce bklg.. 4th and Stark
sts. Mam ZU8. A-2050.
ft room bungalow: hardwood floor- in -ntr.n--
nail, living ana aining room; built in buffet
fireplace, full cement basement and fnm.e.
nice lawn. ,J. L. Hartman Co., No. 7 Chamber
oi commerce DKig. Main 208. A-205O.
o r.fvi ai nouse, partly iuraisnea, with 4 acre
ground, only 2 blocks from car. 2U mil-.
inside city limits. For only $850, terms. Rented
now ior so per month. j. E. Shears, 214
xienry uiug.
ROSE CITY carline. 6 room modern home
$4200, easy terms, eremhimr oaid. Owner
P. O. Box 855.
BUILDERS, take notice. We must have
houses in Vancouver. Why not buv -nod lots
paveu eireetB. ecwer, eiecrnc ugnu. gas, lm
provements paid, $600, terms.
Vte buy. sell, trade real estate. . Bur mart
gages, loan money and write insurance.
422 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland. Or.
112 vv. atn St., Vsncouver, Wanh.
Must sell at once 60x100 on E Irvine at.
close in.
203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg.
CORNER lot 60x103, comer 9th and Rhone
ta., very reasonable, easy terms, 692 2d at
Csll Marshall 2591.
ONE or two hits on Onuvha st. 1 block north of
j-iiungswortn ave., $450 each, easy terms.
sio sjoucn Diag. main eel 3.
FOR SALE or trade, lot in Overlook addition
make offer. Address A. L. P.. 217 Russell st
LOT in Alameda Park, cheap. R-596. JouraL
FOR SALE 30 acres good timber for 83000
on good road and near R. R. and Columbia
rtrer, or will trade for house and lot or amall
rancn. M-, Journal.
v ..-,-- , - : " . - "- i bum ior
a. i, t-uuvi. i erms. t -a l m. jnnrn.l 1 rw. ooi i oj a s-n f
w iig.. , v , 7j a. nh, iwm uin vvvsitn.
JS2M-..m0d5!S' o!00'. iM "on". CELL, trade, suburban horn, on K. GUsao st.
'"" .u- w, mil ntn 8. E. i 83000. Tabor 657ft.
my- nome: 1Jin Jor the East I A MONEY investment ft room modem bungaT
New 6 room bungalow. Phone East 5654.
low. $1475. Tabor T502.
Ft82000t termarnl01L-? MtV fiOITER.N 6 room lowelTflat $15. corner Grand
" Brenner. East 8070. i , -- avenue and Failing. Y-661, Journal. ,
74 ACRES, J4 in cultivation. Coat $1800
Will take lot r auto aa part payment. It
097, JoutnaL
UI ICKEN. FRCIT. GARDEN ranches near
Portland; 8. 6, 10 acre tract. $69 to $200
per acre. MeFariand. 603 Yeon bldg.. Portland.
7 V ACItES cloee is , on Terwilliger bird. 20
traiaa daily. $1600. Add rem National Stamp
neat, vtorxa, . ; .. .
j two sets of buildings. 1 80 acres cleared, soma ' 12- North 6th St rnone Mro.iway ii.
$2250. 0 acres on the Big Red line 28 tZl -kt y . acres : BO Atu..-. ou acres in caiuvauon. extra gor-i
and equipment Price only $65 per acre. M. drains well, good buildings, orchard.' deep weli
station, neat house.
minutes from Jefferson
earn anu cuicseii nouse, goou lanu, one nan j,- r - ,. hM.
72 7Chambej of Commerce.
water piped to buulings, fenced and ernes
80 ACRES. 15 acres mnatlv creek Vwvttom .- fenced, auto road. mile It K. station and
cultivation, balance all aood Und : dalle snail. d w-nooi. l - mue pi
ui nes district Portland.
telephone and county road nast th.' door! do, .tort and equipment $8000. Terms, $30O0
to school: 0 room bungalow, bam. fmit; cloe
$300 cash, balance to suit 732
ommerce. Fred W. German.
trees, berries, etc. Multnomah sta.
R. Mcltae. Milwankie. Of.
. ACRES Near Newberg, with" good build
ings. for sale at $30OO. See II. M. Maloney.
Ritter. Lowe & Co.. 203-3-7 Board of Trade bid.
We bay. sell, trade real estate, bay mort
gages. Iran money and write insurance.
422 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland. Or.
112 W. 6th street Vancouver. Wash.
71 acre in Washington Co., near Forest
Grove, all in cultivation eicert mall wood lot
80 acres fall sown crop. Best of soil and
fine natural drainage, living water in two place
Good 7 mom house, large bam and silo. Water
piped. On. of the desirable place not often
25 acres on Canyon road. 6 miles from court
house. Partly cleared, spring water, buildings.
state. lxjcaiea near McMinnville: jfoo acre
bottom land. Price $50 an acre; terma J.
Haas. Dekum bMg.
FOR SALE 62 acres, 11 mile east or
courthouse, close to It R, atation and graded
school; all cleared but 3. acres. Building I for sale. On dally mall and milk route, school
new; owner aick; close to hrdsorfac road; j mil. Owner has made money here; is now
stock, grain, potatoes, tool, etc. For par- buying larger place so as to keep hi sons busy,
ticutera and price address S-lOoO, Journal. n;,lil), immediate possession I Mc-'hrmey.
FOR HALE- One of the best farms on Crabtree ! $32 Chamber of Commerce bldg Main 7102.
creek, at a bargain, owner going away. 114 Mia ACRES $1630
820 acre of timber Und in Douglas county.
Oregon, southeast S section 82. township lt,
range 8 west, WiUametu meridian, rontaining
19.765.OO0 feet of yellow fir. 31$. 000 fret
cedar. 471 cedar pile. Cruised In Jane. ItlS. .
Write Scott M. Rowan, No. 985 N. fttu at.
Steubenwlle. Ohio
A 80 M fully equipped sawmill. 1b operatic.
with Umber: one 25 M. fully equipped, wvt
or without timber; one 15 M. tally equipped,
with tmlier.
SEE HOCK, 110 10th St.
160 ACRES of timber in CUtsev county. Or.
Craved 7,620.000, one third spruce, balaar
cedar nd ln-miock ; 60 cents law thonsand.
Walnut Park grocery, 1047 WlllUmaava. I'lKHM
UoodUwn 1237.
VTNT to buy 10.0OO.000 to 1400.000 ea-
liacity Mvmtll. with or without timber; giva
dtUihd list of equipment. locaUoa and praea.
H I43. Journal .
TIMBER for aale. cheap: lal acrea, avmr Lav .
Und. For irtlcuiar writ fc. A. La ag-
ttn I 'L.veeiU le. R. C.
10 Mfr.LfoN feet fine timber, with wmill, 20
acre Und. partly Improved. A anap, ft- M.
Venard. W.'H Chamber of tViwmerce.
SHIP KNEEH wantea for government boat. '
58 Gerlinger bldg.. 2d and Aider.
Must raise money quack
Sacrificing this tract, choice farm Und at n-ar
$12,500. May considt-r clos.- in west side home arras. 50 acre in cultivation, balance itura l
in pan. uregon inv. -ion gag i.,o., io and timbr.
Stock i.Tch. bldg., 3d and YamhuL improvements.
FOR SALE or rent 5 acres culUvated tend. A Groniick
Hazelwood addition. Owner. F. A. Simonson, 6 ACRES, good house, barn, gas pump, 8 sere . pasture, green xesr round.
For that ranrh, cwiUna of 4500 sy-rea, ia -the
Wall WalU country. 4HM arrw nsMser tha
plow '10 cr- m wbet Ou year, good balkl
mgs nvlcrn 9 room bosaw. Urge barn and
-tf.-r outbaikling. 4 miW-s lo R. R staUoa. Frios
$30 per acre: mortgaf $30,000 da in 193 2 -at
tH i-rrrnt Jordan. 301 2 Lambermeoa bldg .
5th snd K'ark
54 ACRI. 3 mile from liailaa. 80 sera eUamJ,.
wrteri rruits. soon i room nanae.
McMinnville, Or.
YOU can't beat the aoil, the price or the lo
cation. 129 acres Quarter mile or flattie
Ground, Wash.. 2d mile of I'onUnd. 90 acres
in cultivation, sou A-l. rgnall stream run
i. iiT ... -..k.. I'ZH I -acriiaruig m- ui-i, t.. ' Min-J ai nm H tlTr, ,n wrteri fruits, goon t room no
8ivm,11 , ,rSh. -l ,T "m"- Tributary to PortUnd and other h.-, -i.,rk-,. h,4w,. 3 pump. W mile U ack
;-r.wJ. o, 7 rood markets River and railroad traaaportatioa I ,.wtl rqun-ed Will take ta ft or
, i raotree. tr. j- -y lpring water.'abundane grass and brush (aire trit a irt im-nt. or nil oa -M
I pnr to(i Jordan, svl-2 lurooraw n
! bl-lg . 5th .d Ktark -
j Trade Spokanefor PortianH
variety orchard: good team. cow. .chickens. 1 ideal stork nrooosition. land lie rood, school I M l. .Ml. i.d Kfark
buggy, wagon an auxu tarming impi-menu; 9 rocked road. etc. Can t beat it anywhere. (ily
mile from court house. A. J. FARMER. 407 $1650. Quirk action n 1. 1 mm r j '
Stock Exchange A. K. HILL. 4 19 llenrv Bldg.
1100 ACRKS. Sherman Co.. 1000
cult, 330 acres seeded to fall wh
in. a r:rvflNK Kiltr.ilV
t 160 a -son an o . -.1 u-i 1 xl .ft-.
acres summer fallowed, yet to seed, fully stocked ; i-. a . .n.u K,i- -,-t v ,
rung water, well, land all level, good buildings. nu equipped snmer isee i o. ntoui, Ii3 orrhard. good spring water. 3 cowf. 2 hefers. 1
On good gravel road, quarter mile to high Chamber of Commerce bldg. i horse. 2 wagons. 2 carts, plows, cultivators, har-
; row. separator. ehu-ken. h'-v tlaraii poller with
line and tackl. everiihing goes Some trade.
727 Chamber of limf .
87500 103 acre of splendid Und. 89
f Portland. 1 mile from R. R.
of the place is in a high
It i a ganain forced aJ.
fchool, churches It R. depot, and cheese fc- WE IAVE 15 FARMS FOR SALE. AIJsO 9
1 "f - 1 Per cre. Terms. Vt. B. good jj.. Including farming equipment.
McCarty. Battle Ground. Wash. rte !.,,! in heart of famous I .louse
country. W rite or call for uescrrption and
price. Tekoa 1 nd to. Tekoa. Wash,
6 mUes from FRUIT farm. 1U acrea nencn isno
Crop-Payment Plan
Ttura 640 acre wheat ranch. 6 mil
: I . .. i , OK. .. ... A i4 .-.. 4 -111
cultivation. Iialf now in winter wheat fair build- prospect tor a ssuou in M'pvu crop uui year , tatlon. Every fo..t of the place is In a
ing. Price $25 per acre, interest at 7 percent ' Meautiiui iic, puir-. o mn i ute of c-.iltit
AO in
80 in bearing fruit mo apples). A 1 mile outh
Modem res tear of 8 man in 1 H -mil rsr
ele. 8-n. $3HlO. clear, for Portland rr
dear in good location of aqnal value or I .
P. Alvo-4 Co.. 2 1 a. Kerd of Trade. perUawd.
i ACHKSLevel. beet bUck soil, livery It U
culiivatwin. tt.-tween 2 lee-trie Hn. 14
mile from Portland. Reaannabie tat down,
balance monthly, ar wilt trade. What ha -a
y.u' -Mar. 3-8 evetrmgs or morninga. S-996.
Jr rnaL
P. E. Alvord Co.. 218 Boar. I of Trade. Portland.
120 ACRES. 00 level, lenced. wifti woven wire;
40 cultivated: rich sandy loam, good sprbig
snd creek: county road; telephone; nouse. bafn.
from Newberg. M. G. Oakley. Newberg, Or.
320 ACRES Willamette valley. aU fine soil. I
all but 15 acre in cultivation. 100 acres
clover, good building, good fence. Electric sta- I
727 Chamber of Commerce.
mttbuildings 10 miles northeast of CathUmet. j t'"" V"r?ZJl?.J mATxi. i
Wash. Snap. $4000.
13th t, Portland.
Marshall 4183. 24 8
TEN acres, Willamette valley, 6 room house.
barn, granary, 100 bearing fmit trees, 1 acre
strawberries, grapes. 1 horse, 1 cow, 2 calves, 2
pigs. 50 chickens. Table U set Price 83000.
817 Railway r.lcnanue mils.
10 acre, hl.hly improved, -close In to New
berg, some orchard, good soil. Term or ex
tremely low for spot cash.
Are You a Judge
Of good farm land? See me about Alberta.
I have it for sale and exchange. CUude Cole.
300 Henry bldg.
FORTY acres, $2250. 10 in fin apples. Hood
river; also 20 acre. IMIl's Orchard Tracts,
near Wenatchee: iwater right; $400; sell or ex
change for PortUnd. city or country. Owner,
1102 Spalding bldg.
230 ACRES. 2 mite v of Crr aUia. 180
160 ACRE farm. Wa,higUn Co... 25 acr-i in 'J V' , "T
cultivation; gooI nniwmgs, nora ana equip- ' . T , ' . '. " -ii- -7, . ,
ment. bearing orchard, fine water, etc. Only ant home; larre barn with .11- all good kwm
$33 an acre- R. F. Feemater. 200 Abingtoi , Um,ly orr,1rd- ,ood
,ih- $1000 l-rr year
CIISE in farm, t lackama county. 123 acre. .jo kothcluld bklg
4 5 acres in cultivation, good buildllngs. stork ! ; ?..... . , rJTs.Tsn- m : i
and equipment $100 per acre. Take eome 4 RM.M yv-. lor 1 25x206, 2 eliieaenhousja. R. F. Feemt-T. 209 Abington bldg. ' stable, lots tree frultt tvl berriea. nod for
' ; cow. rarden. chirkrn. bare, bee, near He
,.,.- . carline. $8 month. App'T Sunday, for S -th and
74 ACRES, near Newberg. $160 p-r acre In- I-lr TXMt Mu f.bor (li T 8lth car
eluding atoch and implement. Urn. Moor. rnA 4 .a-k. north. 1 east.
riewDerg. vrv.
40 ACRES, irrigated. 2 acre feet water, new
buildings, 1Q00 trees, alfalfa, near Delta,
Utah., Sicknem. -Most tell. Owner, 0-919. Jour-
nal. "
42 ACRES, near Eatacada. IS acrea in culU
ration, land all lie well, running water, fair
Improvements, price $SO0. Sea H. M. Maloney,
Ritter. lxm A Co., 203-6-7 Board of Trade.
40 ACRE improved farm. 1ft mil nut good
soil, good buildings, good roads. Must sell.
Investigste. WoodUwn 4001.
EQUIPPED farm for eel or trde for city prop
erty: might assume if suited; no eommison.
Call Sunday at 1033 E. Belmont et
40 ACRES.- improved. 12 mile out. awn to fa
graia. $-300. WoUstei. ll waanington. .
, V.. I. . f .. a I. . , . n nli l an -. .,, I.
13 ACRES. 10 acres good fa Und. 9 acres , mir1t ft acre, tn fruit, good dairy or farm
light brush. 1 acre In crop, near I pper f o- ' rmt-sdtlfn ; fine chance to right couple. Born ft.
lure trie highway; only 8300. termv 512 Royal , Multnomah. Or.
-lf: . , - ' 40 At'RK. about 10 in celtMatmn; good hmT-T
11'H HA I.E. rent, or wul trade for small nome h,m. orchard, rurning Hr-tm: on paved road.
in 1 orxiano. v acre una, n.oiniB. phon, wlUwn 2319. Addr
with stock end ImplemenU. 26 mile from Port- . ji,,- jtlit.
lanu. srwner, -v- i jmai.
I'ort-snd. B.
.S A 1 - It I.. -n f ma- A .ll .
420 ACRE valley farm vy desirable :7S perl M e.nrthou-r : buiWunc. flit p. m. Or-gem
acre; voim e.uv, 1 n rm-w,, . .--. 1 , Inveetment '. i n.. 3 Stork KT. bki.
1 r g ,- J;,i -L. .1 1. EQUIPPED at Meldrom, 2 l-!o
$0 ACRES, be WlUametU -alley soil, good Jm- arr-i: medera bangalow, barn. ch-en hooae.;
provements. living wst.. motly eedrd W in froj o-n-r. 109 East $0tb st fl-5174.
self at a bargain. Writ tha owner, V. M. xV.n nv&r p--r n. "a-"-.!!-.-'
fowel. Amity. Or. SJY JtltZ itt, "
. ,.. -..,. - ' ' '" " , PnrtMBd, l mil from i er litM; ypot
2 5 si ACHES, bert Und in valley, house, chwk- ho- bar, .te. Phone East 6757,
en rnn-a, VWI, guv "l itik iii. o' , a " l- aw I - . ' -t .
x-r. L 1 1 Biiniun u - ii t pxy. a
acre, with ft room bungalow, partly f am Led.
Call Sen-ond 2667.
TWO Urge greenhouse wtth 2 S acr. gowi oU .
half price, and your terras. Phone Wdln. 6240.
13 ACRES. 11 mile from PortUnd. on paved
road, by owner, st a map' if taken at once.
V-56 4. t Journal. "
$2500 BUTS 162 aera. new builfrlrur. stock.
etc. t. li nsen. Jewell, or.
4$ ACRE farm war Garden Horn, all ia cul
Uvation, $260 as eent. WoUsteia. 114 Wash.
Telepfiane WeodUww la.
80 ACRE farm for rent: eeaaTI
UcK :ree. lnstmlr 14 . g H-
FOR RENT 427 acre. tl ImproeeiL- 18$ -at
aVaCRK sn-l a half. 10 room modern
blu k aod a ha!f from depot ia Boring, oa tha
mam rt . all no-h r rul!Jvat.a. rhwfcea boene.
Lata. etc. price 82500: B-ortgage $l0. Trad
for wnnr lung rl-ar. See Jordan. 801-2 1 na
hermen Mdc.. 5th and liurh.
150 ARES"chotc grsiing'Clv. IS par rrni
tilUble Down ColumMa rrvr. Well locaUd a
to ruad aivt other c nv.ntenceo. Prirw $3000.
Tk clear city t-r-jierty u. 823O0
A K. HILL 419 Henry Mdg
MODERN bungalow. How City Goad
Pace 6300(1. Want clear -owe c
farm, not oeer $3 300
A. I-.1IUJ.. 419 Henry bldg. ' -
f74 ACRES. 1 eaile town lt-we River. 106
r t rrv er f mo tarr. ideal tor Im and dairy,
water piped to house. 'MH rash pnea. - W01
take city pmtjetty st cash price. Claad Coie.
J0 Henry bklg
M'R rnria n,.U rn I. .o--. 2 -leaping
lot, line fr-jit Trade for farm. S
madam, llth .m di trw-t. and 4 aera n
orrgoa I'rty hue: ftr farm. Tboe. W.
Carrie. 629 llenrv bldg
"Farm for Trade
Improved 40 ; wnt city propstrly. f
right Uortdalsl. 82 ' ecli Kkla. -
I HAVK'a tnwtnrm btiiMink. tnom flat avev-
ttrad, atork and (iitarr $2000: fog alt.
877-41. Vtaat is- iraoaa. Thi U - clear. X
452, Journal
WANT tam.wgon, harnea; one fnae eleae to
lot. or rash bnrer. l-oo evenings or Sun
day Sell"" 118 - -
"RlV-4-Und""$.iVre I root "Portland. eUar of 1
rnmbranre and -flrft mtg. Want rlear hesne
and k. '.u'yW 80 Henry bldg.
WILL ell or "trade weirVjru upped poultry awl
berry ranrh, 'close to l'ertUnd. aa earliiM.
Auto Krramr rrioa 'o., $d and Give a. - -
WILL esc
H later I an my hiaaufwl lo
aa Onm Eiartrie foe lot
boa. W oodUw w al.
fi-ACrtl- eUar for aa equity "fiT
o good city property. , a-Br 8.