The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 16, 1918, Page 11, Image 11

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United States Chamber of Com
merce Takes Stand That Such
, an Institution Might Give Aid.
If Employes Take Kindly to Plan
and Will SupporSame, Defi
nite Steps May Be Taken.
into the water from Frank Stone's yards
In East Oakland at the end of irext
The Palawan, being built for Atkins
Jk BrolLa already Is equipped .with two
kerosene engines of 110 horsepower each.
The masts have been stepped and- the
sails will be bent before the launching.
There was some, difficulty in getting
lumber for decking and, to avoid delay,
it was decided to install the engines and
complete the vessel entirely before
launching. ' .
The Palawan is 180 feet long, and will
carry about 18,000 leases ef oil. She
will carry case oil to the south seas and
return with copra. -
A new phase of the shipbuilding irf
dustry developed here today in a plan
for the establishment of schools for
the training of men for employment in
the shipyards.
The plan la suggested in a communl
cation to the Chamber of Commerce
from the Chamber, of Commerce of
the United States, citing the action
f the war shipping oommlttee of the
Merchants' Association of New York,
Which, at the instance of the national
committee, has established such a
sohool at Richmond, on Staten Island,
W. D. B. Dodson, executive secretary
of the local chamber, said this morn
ing that the matter would be pre
sented the shipbuilders in this district.
Will Atk Opinions
They will be asked if they deem
: such an enterprise necessary and what
support they would give it. ,
Such a school would be a splendid
Institution in view of the necessity
for skilled workmen to rush the gov
ernment's shipbuilding program through,
sr those In touch with the situation.
but 'whether such an institution is
necessary here is a matter of doubt
In the minds of some.
The present shipyards, so far, have
suffered from no great shortage of
help, though ready to take on add!
tlonal experienced workmen at any
Working All Mea
Some of the yards are working all
the men they can handle without ex
Banding, and one shipyard, to gain
time due to the inability to accommo
date more men, has inaugurated a 10
hour day. This la the Coast Ship
building company. It is believed prob
able that other yards will follow suit.
But with all this, and with new yards
. under consideration and the ever desire
to hurry! ship production, a school might
accomplish a good deal, it is argued
tlses that she ie on the toboggan. Poor,
old spinster. Sitting on the hill, watch
ing the streetcar company take In 150,
000 more last July than during- July,
191 ; $56,000 mora In August than in
August; 1916; and more and more each
month.- - Tour rivers that run down
your hills give them the power that runs
the cars that they charge you 6 cents
to ride upon. It la an outrage upon
me and upon you."
Dr. Andrew Smith and his associates
are contemplating the charter of the
gasoline schooner Rustler for a round
trip voyage to Dutch Harbor on Unalaska
island, since the Fort of Portland re
fused to recharter them the Joseph
Pull tier.- The Rustler has been on the
Coos . Bay-Rogue river run. The
Pulitzer is now being outfitted as a
fishing schooner for the city of Port
land. . , i'
Annual Inspection of the new full
motorship. James Simpson at Van
couver was begun today. Re-inspection
of the ferry Queen at The Dalles will
be held Thursday. The port tug wallula
will be inspected Friday.
Due to leave down from St Helens
with a cargo of lumber today Us the
steam schooner Daisy Mathews. She is
bound for the south.
While falling up the valley, the river
at Portland rose .8 of a foot In the 24
hours ending at 8 o'clock this morning,
It was at 16.1 feet. It Is expected to
come to a stand today.
i .
Captain Lubertj Is Injured
Eureka, Jan. 16. (I. N. S.)
As Captain John lerg, formerly well
known In the coasPtrade, Was rowing in
a small boat past the bark Edwin May
Tuesday, an emery wheel was thrown
overboard from the bark and struck
him on the head, fracturing his skull.
He is expected to recover. ,
Another Yard for Coos
Marshfleld, Or Jan. 16 Coos county
Is to have another shipyard. The Hon-
gell-Hillstrom Shipbuilding company of
Prosper has been incorporated with I
capital stock of $10,000. The new com
pany proposed to establish a 1 shipyard
at Prosper, on the lower Coqullle, river
near Bandon. and to build wooden
News of the Port
Government Contemplates No Such
Action at Present
San Francisco. Jan. 16. (I. N. S.)
It is not the intention of the govern
ment to commandeer sailing vessels at
present, nor probably during the dura
tlort of the war, so far as the Pacific
is concerned.
. W. L Comyn, who is now in Wash
ington, wired some of his business as
sociates to this effect yesterday. The
decision was reached after a campaign
Dy local snipping men.
The shipping and food boards were
notified by letter and telegraph of the
necessity for keeping all possible sail
ing vessels on the copra run. The au
thorities replied that the nitrate situa
tion is serious, but Jhat .they expect to
solve this problem with steam schoon
era and to leave sailing ships to attend
to the copra, which is just as necessary
in its way as nitrates.
Arrivals Januar 1
Kint. American steamer, from San Frnn-
iiwn and Ran Pedro. DUHiuin and freight.
PretiUM. American steamer, irom Ban -ran-
cico, freight.
Departure January 1S
Daisy Mathews. American ' steamer, tor Saa
Pedro, lumber. .
Weather at River's Mouth
North Head. Jan. 16. Condition at (ha
month of the river at neon: Wind, southeast. 12
miles; weather, raining ; sea, smooth.
Tides at Astoria Thursday "
Hisrh Water; Low Water:
4:12 m 0.1 feet I 10:89 a. m.. . .1.6 fee
4:18. m 7.9 feet ( 10:40 p. m.. . .0.9 toot
Umatilla . . .
Oregon 01 ty
Portland . . .
23 8.2 o
25 7.9 -0.3
10 9.0 -1.8
20 17.6 0
(3 .si
12 I1. 9
16 116.1
J17.6 -0 9
11. HI -U.Z
a i a
0 83
Permission was today granted by the
city council to Dan Kellaher to select
an attorney who will act in conjunction
with the cltv attorney and associate
counsel not yet named, without cost to
the city, J n the prosecution of the test
of the 6. cent fare ruling.
A resolution Introduced by Mr. Kel
laher was adopted unanimously after
the original text had been amended. The
original resolution contained a para
graph stating that "there exists, among
the citizens of Portland a fixed belief
that the action of the public service
commlssUm is antagonistic to the sub
stantial Interests of the citizens and
permits the Portland Railway, Light &
Power company to violate its contract
obligations and is illegal and void."
Upon motion by Commissioner Bar-
bur the word "antagonistic was changed
to "detrimental." the word "and" was
inserted between contract obligations
and th.aph.rase "to the city of Portland"
was substituted In place of "and is ille
gal and void."
Mayor Baker announced that he did
not believe that the city council should
Judge the findings of another public
body without first making a thorough
investigation of all facts of the case.
Mr. Barbur believed that the original
resolution carried with if an insinuation
that the publlo service commission had
not artrd hones tlv in returning its find
ings in the rate case and he did not
think it wise for the olty council to be
"rough" with the commission.
Way Pack add. ....... 1
Wusm P. Herman to Emily t. Her-
man and wife, iota 23, 29. 30, block
2. and the 20 ft. lot 1, block 9.
Arfcta Park So. 10
Lydia Priestly to Q. W. Black, lot 26.
block 19, 1ft Tabor villa 10
Nellie L. Powell and- husband to Steve
I'ereaich, lot 80. block S, Tremont
Park '. . . 10
Will H. Barber and wife to T. t). Suther
land, lot 4. block 10, Bosedair annex 19
Jennie E. CnUlaoa and husband to Ralph '
B. Mills et al. lot 9, block 1. Wash
ington add - 10
Letitla Henderson et al to Ovid J. Stone
et si. lot 8. block 61. Vernon 3.600
Emily Schoensck to Benjamin E. Dolby
et aL lota S, 6, block 9. Tremont
Park . . . 10
F. B. Turner and wife to J. I Bill, lot
. 4, block 100. B C Park 10
Leurelhnnt company to Mae F. Murphy,
lot 16. block 3, Laurels urst 1.800
R. F. Vancil and wife to W. H. McVay.
lot 21. block 105. Luurelhurst ... 1.600
John Berolinger to Christ Inabnit, lota
22, 23, block . Lee Bow Park 10
Franklin Realty company to Emma B.
Coardy, W lot 7, block 2,
donia rr. 829
Anna L. Fuller et al to Helen Ayer
Davenport. W 1 ft lota 1. and all
of E hi lota 7, 8. block 22. Caruthers
add. to Caruthers add 10
Frank E. Deem and wife to Dora D.
Carlisle, lot 23, block 82. lots 8. 10.
block 84. and lot 28. block 85. Laurel
hunt 0
Mary F. Cason to Jerome WW Caaon,
beginning at point on S lino of K.
Oak street. 60 ft W of Intersection
of S Una Oak street and W lino of
E. 21st street 10
B B. Sawyer et al to E. A. Mitchell,
lota 8, 4, block 2. sub, L, "at" M.
Patton tract
Mary Brooks to George , Us, lota 11,
12. block 2. lnta IS. 14. IB. Block
83. Tremont Place 10
Booth port Land aompany to Emu O.
Johnson, lota 14. IS. IB. black 2. and
lot 8. blook 8. BouthDort 8.800
Samuel Bans to Phoebe L Klnnlanw.
lot 1. block "A". Park View add. .... 1
George W. Beem&n and wife to fcelda
Ploeger, lota, 8. 4, block 6. Stanley
No." 2
Joseph K. Braendle and wife to J. J.
Kmart, beginning at MB corner of
SW - of 8E U section IS. town
ship 1. g B 1 E 1.460
Portland Trust company of Oregon to
Geone Walker et al. lots 2. 8.
block 8. Bridgeton 400
Mount Boott Park Cemetery corporation
to J. W. Deris, E hi of lot 13.
Greenlaaf Mount Soott Park oa me
te ry 100
Bheriff to Protestant Episcopal bishop- of
Orecon. lots 2. 8 and W SB ft. lota
1 4, block 252 Ooueh add. 9.960
Sheriff to Edward a. Shelly, lot 24.
block 16. 8 turn raid a. also I H lot
21. block 16. Sunnyside 1.600
Sin atnrea and aftlces. 888 Washington, be
tween s'onrth and Fifth; Blngns m and MoClas-
lima, Duiiders; svo.
V. U P rammer Erect - frame saraew. 648
East Forty-eighth street north, between Wistaria
and Braaew: builder, same; 660.
V. L. Plummes Erect frame sane. 648
East Forty-eighth street north, between Wistaria
and Bra see: builder, tame; 360.
A. F. HolmtKM Erect frame garage. 344
Beech street, between Gantanbcin and Vancouver;
builder, earn ; 376.
D. D. Day Erect frame garage, 826 Nine
teenth street, between Market and Clay; bulkier,
same, $50.
Mrs. EL Mlnkw Erect frame garage. 172
Dwight. between Hunt and Willie boulevard;
bulkier, aama; SS0.
J. A. Dundotw Erect frame garage. 1163
East Bumelde, between Thirty-ninth and For
tieth; builder, same; 6100.
J. Gougfedorf Besair 1 story frame fare.
T40 MUwaukta. corner Rhone; builder.
m; 825.
Belli na ek Hlrsch Bertalr 8 storr brick ordin
ary offices and stores, 121 West Park, between
Washington and Aider: Yandarhoot Bros suuo
Two cities In Denmark are planning to
supply their streetcars with power
brought from Sweden's hydro-electrio
plants through submarine cables.
Army-Navy Orders
Ran Francisco. Jan. 16. (1 N. S.) The fol-
lowinjr army orders wen issued today
Here-cant Joaerjb uoldstetn. acartermaroer eerpe.
Fort Worden. la promoted to the grade el ser
geant finb clam in the corps, and is assigned to
that post aa clerk.
sergeant canton J. uaniey. j xw company,
Washineton coast artillery. Fort Flagler, la
transferred as a private 91st. unasvlgned. and
will be sent to American Lake, reporting to com
manding ceneral for duty.
Recruits K. A. Dole. nnaMigned, zoth rngv
nsers; T. H. Macklin. unasalsned. aviation sec
tion: L. H. Oliver, unaasigned, quartermaster
H. It. Hewitaon Erect frame garage. 929
Gantanbata avenue, between Ekidmore and Free
eott; James U. Qunn, builder; $160.
Pets Johnson Erect frame garage, 888 Jar-
rett street, between Tweliui adekv Thirteen tn
builder, same; $46.
F. W. PBAKL Erect firsproof concrete
garage,. 1091 Cumberland, between Albemarle
and uulpepper terrace; at. w. Liorsnx, builder
St. Johns Lumber Co. Erect 2 story frame
bunk house, Bradford street, between Salem and
Pittsburg; builders, earns: 82500.
Mr. Wright Repair - M storr brick ordinarv
hotel. 182 North TwentlUhlrd street, between
corps. Vancouver barracks, are transi erred to Hoyt and Gllsan; O. Wafftan. builder; $93
818th engineers at that post, and wm report to J. H. Renbury Repair 2 storr frame real
commanding officer for duty i -nr. ns Rro-lw!"' between FKhteenth and
Vorporat aowatt Lwia-oin company, r-ug-t Klnetewnth ; O. W. Whitcomb. builder; $100
Sound. - now in Letterman general bospiui. tnis . kfacleay Estate Repair 6 story brick ordln-
Engines, Masts and Sails In Place on
Vessel to De Launched Next Week.
San Francisco, Jan. 16. (I. N. S.)-
The first 1000-ton wooden vessel to be
launched from the slips complete in
Astoria, j an in. sailed at 7 BO a. m.
steamer J. A. Chanslor, for San Pedro. Arrived
at 10:30 a. m., steamer Bantism, from San
Pedro; at- 10:40 a. m. , steamer Beaver, from
San Francisco and San Pedro: at 11 a. m.,
steamer Prentiss, from San Francisco.
Aetsria, Jan. 16. Left up at noon, steamer
W F. llerrtn.
San Francisco. Jan. 13. Sailed: Steamer
E. H. Meyer, for Columbia river.
Port San Luis. Jan. 13 .Sailed: Steamer
Oleum, for Portland.
San Francisco. Jan. 16. Arrived: Helen P.
Drew, from Greenwood. 8 a. m. I El Begundo,
from Juneau, 7:30 a. m. ; Rose City, from
Portland. 8:35 a, m. ; Richmond, with barge
93 in tow, from Seattle, 9 a. m. ; Marshfield,
from Albion. 9:30 a. m. : Tug Pioneer, with
barge Washougal in tow; from Port Ludlow, via
Coos Bay, 10 a. m.
Balled: .Norwood, for Los Angeles, 8 a. m;
Kehalem. for Portland, ft a. m.
San Francisco. Jan. 16. Arrived Jan. 15
CoquiHe River. Los Angeles, 2 p. Mn. ; Aurelia
Women, Prepare!
every detail and ready for sea will go Hueneme, 8:40 p. m.; J. B. Stetson, Los An
geles, 4 :1 5 p. m. : City of Para, Balboa, 4:88
p. m. : Wapama, Port Saa Luis, 5pm.; Mult
nomah, Everett, 7 p. m.; Admiral Watson, Sa-
stue. 1 1 p. m.
Hailed Willamette. Loa Angeles, 11:30 a.
Hoaulam. Grays Hrbor. 1 d. m Admiral
irairagut, neattle, 1:30 p. ta. ; Daisy Gadsby,
Grays Harbor, 3 p. m. ; Pasadena, Albion,
8 :3(T n. m. : Sea Foam. MpnoWinn ft n t -
Thousands Of women near the Coast Carlos, Grays Harbor. 5 p. m.; Whlttier. Port
have overcome their sufferings, and ll mjj;!0,?J
nave ceen curea or woman s ins vy igeies. p. m.; ooquuis River, Fort Brags,
fir PlorrA't Favnrit Pretfr ntinn Thi I wP- m.
w-.. . - ----..r.. .. Seattle. Jan. IB. Arrived Jan. IB iro.n
icintl aiikb uituiuii., iiiuuii ivu jbiiu, unenisi pona, v .ou p. m. ; sTlQCeaS r-Pt,
rifir v ha f a centurv tiro, sells most 1 1"Ma"- p. m. . .
.j . , , ,. ' t. . . , I Cordova, Jan. 15. Sailed Victoria, wast
wide y today. It can now be had in bound. 12:30 a. m, ww
th!et fnrm as well as liauid. at anv Ketchikan. Jan. 15. Sailed LaTouche and
drug store, and every woman who suf- Efi5S3rSZKi & ? "
ten from backache, headache, nerv- Sophia, northbound, 19 p.m. -
ousness, should take this "Prescrip- g.rfrotT'st'tu -Wen ; a
tion Of Dr. Pierce s. It iS prepared Anacortee. Jan. 16. Arrived Coconada, Se-
r . t I ..J KIWt
irom nature iwu u uciuj aim Point Wells. Jan. IS ArHv1 r.,..
does not Contain 8 particle Of alcohol UH, Seattle; Captain A. F. Lucas. Seattle, and
r,r anv narcntic. It's not a secret XVTT "is ustge o.
w. j - -- - - - ..- . two, at v a. m.
prescription, tor US ingredients are Mukilteo. Jan. IS. Arrived Schooner A. f.
!. j c.-,i m. Coats, Seattle, in tow.
P." lc" Y" w.'At-t. vv Tacoma. Jan. 15. ArriTed M.iUn Maru. Se-
4eUI enMAlASWaa A I IV V rlA LISCS t-ftl I 1. w
irteftl y et IV C VU e I IwIVt, tsUl" 1 MUC
falo, N. Y.
city, will be sent upon his return to duty to Fort
Worden, reporting to commanding officer, coast
defenses of Puget Sound, for duty.
Leave of absence for 15 days is granted First
Lieutenant Charles H. Hill, Fort Lawton.
First Lieutenant John L. Rlddell will proceed
from Vancouver barracks to Camp Lewis, and
report to commanding general for duty.
Geo. V. BUhop and wife and William J.
Bishop and wife to M. F. Corrigan, lot
18, block 27. Whitwocd court 10
John Magely to Ida Magely. his wife.
, SB of SB hi, and lot 7 of W 24, .
tiB hi of NE hi and portion of HE
hi of NE hi. section 25, lying N. of
O.-R. A N. Co s railway, also begin
ning at SW cor. of SE hi of NE
hi section 25. being in township 1
N R 8 E. lot 8. section 25, town
ship 1. R 3 E, also NE hi of SW
hi and lota 1, 2, S. 4, to 9. sec
tion 10. lot 1, section 20. lot 2. 8
and NW hi of NW hi and S hi of
NW hi section 20, lot 2. 3. 4, 6. 7.
sektion 80, th D L C of Felix G Hick
lirA beginning 10 dhaina W of SE
corner section 19, in township 1 X
R4E, QCD 1
Sheriff to Pacific Title & Trust com
pany ( assigned Jan. 11, 1918, to E.
E. Lawrence, lot 4. block 4. Thayer
Sheriff to Carrie E. McCabe. lot 7.
block 8. Richmond add 1.605
Sheriff to Ella Jones, lot 5. block 8.
Richmond add l.Tll
K. Jeffery and wife to Thomas
Prince, lota 19. 20. block 43. Irv
ing ton 10
Laurelhurst. company to Estella Bloom,
lot 8. block 62. Waverly 2.765
Eva L. Swank and huiband to Ada F.
Alexander, lot 7, block 12, Albina
homestead 10
E. S. Higgins and wife to George E.
Will man. lot 7 and N hi lot 8.
block 15. Hawthorne are. add.. ... 10
Sheriff to Harriet VI. Rieman, IoU 1. S.
block is. uarutners add B.100
Mary S. Huddleson et al. to J. H."
U. Huddleson. lot 11. block 9. River-
dals 1
F. L. Foster and wife to &. J. Holds-
worth, lot 28. block 8. Eircanno. . 1
Katherina MoCailum and husband to
K Andrew Bastaech et al, beginning
at SW corner lot 4. block 4, Hoi-
TH BAKU 'lawtio lUwse. Masowte 'KaC
Md Xasa&Ol sad W. Park sta. Sals at 16
MEFTHTO yoncxs
CENTOIf LODGE No. 141. A.- F.
4k A. M. Stated communies
tloa this (Tharsday) eve.. 7:80.
flat tors welboma. Richard F.
2ekU. See.
37 More
For Your
Get the Genuine
Ro advance to price for this 20-year-old
remedy 25c for 24 tablets Some
cold tablets sow 30c for tl tablets
Figured on proportionate cost per
f tablet, you aawe 9hic when you buy
glUTS-auiwsi uhu
la 24 hours grip
in S days Money
back If it fails.
24 TabUta fer 25e.
At any Drug Store ,
kkSLEM Jewelry a specialty, buttons.'
cnarma. jaeger urea.. It 1-9 stn.
Kirrm as OO. Morgan bids-
bBESS SCrrS for rent, all alaea, Caiae Tat
lortns Co.. 609 Stark St.
ABRANZ To Mr. and Mr. Joseph Ahrana. 762
- OommarciaL January 8, a son.
Tenth. January 11,
DERR To Mr. and Mrs. John Dan. TOO X.
10th, Jan. 11. a son.
MA THUS. To Mr. and Mrs. loa.
Imnerial Anna aDta.- Jannarv 11. a
BOOTT. To Mr. and Mrs. Waltae B. Boott.
6921 41st eve.. Jan. 1. a son.
REED. To Mr. and Mrs, Frank Charles Reed.
Wheeler. Or.. January 10, a son.
KRABEB. To Mr. and Mis. George . Xrabsr.
1041 Vernon a vs., Jan. 7. a son.
1J-J... .. I.J,. V-l a '
BXJasi at w reauence, av usum aw. .
Jan. 16, Susanna Stem, aged 84 years, 8
montha. T daya. beloved wife of Casper Stern,
mother of Mrs. A. T. Jaksha, aistar of Mra.
Charles Mayer and Otte Psqus of this city.
Mrs, John Beckynaa. Mra. Carolyn Kink el. Peter
Psqus of MUwsukie. Or, and John Paauo of
RheinDJSls, Germany. The funeral will leave
the residence Friday. Jan. 18, at 9:80 a. nu.
thence to the Church of the Holy Redeemer,
cor. of Portland boulevard and Williams avs..
where services will be held at 10 oeloca.
Friends are Invited. Interment Mount Calvary
cemetery. Remains at A. R. Zelier's Co. par
lors. Remains will be at the horns. 1899 Colon
a vs. N., after 1 p. m. Thursday.
Loaf -Tuesday
ABTD tovttd
In Meier V Franks;
pooketbook. eootalnlas svsr Bit. Be-1 1 OR S ladiea caa ksvs a sod roaa pnale
vara vau urecosi v.yiy s, - i lasaur. T ri-1lsgn eon'
tarn ta 811 Balnveat St. '
LOST Cold wrist watch, Saturday. Call Mala
279S. Reward.
LOST B.v horse, bald laos. 2 hind feet whheT
wire out left hock. Call Woodlawn 1971..J
LOST One rim. 84x4, for Whits track. B-
turn to Blnasaaer-Frank ursg cs.
Creek letter fratornily pin.
plsass caU Broadway sail.
Id and Mill" andv Fin-
COST Kara bet
ley's Mar. 189.
EULSft A sold brsosU Call B'way Ml
WAWTXD Boys ever 18 wtth wheels. $84) U
890 per month, Weyels rapatrs paid; steady
work; chancs to learn trade and ad
L A. Mollenhour, 253 Oak st.
MABINB ENOCfEERS Cntted States sbJpptac
board free nsanns engineers' sehewl at Uni
versity of Washington, seattls. Trains engine
room otfiosrs lot new merohant aaarlns. Short
est to nosnsa. Native a natarallasd sitlsens
only. Stationary, locoat stive anglassra. sjikera,
water tend era, eilgfble. Cowrae only sna ssonth.
No enlUtsMsL Address W. J. Oraaba. 869
Stuart bldg.. Seattle. Wash.
BOOM -and board is
Airp BOABP - Is
Is kustsees girls, modern'
ins Ontaasa, 83.60 . week.
12 E. 7th st.
HIE Martha WhWost. Hi lOlh, fee baei,
gtris ana staoeoov atajmnau mi.
TEST pleesaat horns, wsialas dlrtinaa, special
pnoes lor two aosrmg aanv
rsfsrwsss iweulnd. Call 866
-Chlldrsn to eaJs for in
ahlklram frees A to
Reasonable terms. Tabor 6687.
say own
f ass.
BOOM and board la private tassily T
and breakfast. waJkrns 4 tat a ana, bosse
lege. Phone Mala 4 lis.
WIDOWER. 41 dealres bomsllko pises to
Kast atds nesterrsa. AVSS2, learssL
TSS jEFrEBl Newly rarniaUd IL K.
Ckws la. surnei Busssll and Kerb.
FOCB fumiahed H. X. rwsfiaT
$60 ssy week earned fey each of f ansa atase
July 1, eel Msg ewr guaranteed shrubs, rosea,
trees and berries; ethers eeraiag front 626 nee
week up. No STperienss sMoeesary. Exohssivs
territory. Free oatflt. Best aeasne for yssra
Open tarrttdry la this and neighboring states.
Washington Nursery Os.. Toppanish. Wash.
Eat less meat if Kidneys feel like
lead or Bladder bothers you
Meat forms uric acid.
Most, folks forget that the kidneys,
like the bowels, get sluggish and clogged
and need
BOONET Jsnuary 14. at Do Lair apartment,
616 hi Williams avs.. Ollle Rooney. aged 34
years, beloved wife of Orville Rooney, daughter
of John A. Burdick, Lents, Or : eister of Mrs.
Anna Rogers. Hood River, Or. ' Mrs. Rooney was
a member oi the Pocahontas auxiliary of Order
of Red Man. Funeral asrrioea will be eondnetad
Thursday, January 17, at 2 p. nv. trotn Pear
son's undertaking parlors. Russell st. at Union
avs- Friends invited. Interment Boss City Park
BRADY la tola city, January 16, Mary Helen
Brady, ago 80 yssra, beloved daughter of Mr
and Mrs. Jamas Brady, and sister of Michael
J., James F. and William A. Brady. Funeral
win leave the residential parlors of Millsr ex
Tracey. Washington at Ella street, tomorrow
(Tnursday), st 8:80 a. m., to the cathedral.
16th and Davia streets, where mass will bs of
fered st 9 o'clock a. m. Interment Mount Cal
vary cemetery. "
MACKENZIE In this city, at his late residence.
627 Hancock street. January 13. John W.
Mackenaie. age 64 years. The funeral services
will be held Thursday. January 17. at 8 a. m
at the residence establishment of J. P. Kin ley A
Son, Montgomery at Fifth, under the auspices of
Portland lodge No. 142. B. P. O. E. Friends
January 14
hoi ess Is hoses.'
collections, good opportunity
Reply in own hand, statins salary
wanted, expsrlonoa, references and age. V-664.
WANTEL-Aa all erounT country printer, one
who la familiar with No. 6 Linotype and O. K.
in ad alley and job work. Steady placo if satis
factory. Stats wages expected in first letter.
W 848. Journal.
iVANTEl Real men to canvass daily, sepply-
ing tno increasing a cms do lor ear line, usee
weekly. Address Capital City Nursery ooss
psny. Salem. Or.
GOOD shoo eelcemsa. one that can take full
charge of window dressing and soms eerd
writing i referenoea, state salary wanted. M-
078, J on real
WANTED Driver for Ford delivery car for
retail grocery business; must bs acquainted in
dty; middle sged married man preferred. Give
references. K-0T1. Journal.
RECEIVING elerk for large factory with elari-
claaa 1-2-8 la
A Frw
JCHJ MULOi week up.
701 EvstsU
hot, sold water. 1
401 lstewv .
TWO pies sent stoaaa basted trot kgesssssplss
Sooa aooaooaa
21 N
11th at.
488 Market a.
t -
rsto bsssasnt. 1 Ua. lita
Harrtsaa), 810 t
oat sxpenenos; must not bs in
draft. B-990, Journal.
TfOtTNO men for billing and trafOs souras.
Willplaos yon in a good position. Mr. Bher
lock, Worcsatsr bldg.
WANTED First-class fUki draumso. BSC
way or railroad sxpenenos. Writs or tole-
pbons Stats Highway Department. Raises. Or.
IRON MOLDER wanted st the gbofnsr Iran
Works. Rainier. Or. Phono Cll; 6 sx,
66.80 per dsy.
ELDERXT gent to do light work for board.
rowm and email wages. Call 621 Sevier st.
WANTED Experienced shoe aalsemaZ TTii.
BELL boy wanted. Rainier hotel. 116 N. 6th.
MILTON In this city. January 14. Louis B.
afiltnn in AO vasts, beloved hnahand off lo
flushing occasionally, else . hanna Milton. Funeral services wlU be held
A Well Known Actress Tells How to
Darken Gray Hair With a Simple
Home Made Mixture.
we have backache and dull misery in the
kidney region, severe headaches, rheu
matic twinges, torpid liver, acid stom
ach, sleeplessness and all sorts of blad
der disorders.
You simply must keep your kidneys
S active and clean, and the moment you
feel an ache or pain in the kidney
r.r1rn eAt shniit four nnnrps of T1 , later.
tomorrow (Thursday), at 8:30 p. m.. at the
residential parlors of Miller A Tracey. Washing
ton at Ella street. Interment Mount Calvary
avs, Januar
family residenoe. 485 Bidwsll
nuary 10, Lydla H. afoonay. aged vs
years, widow of the late Samuel alooney; mother
of EUa Mooney of this dty; Guatavua A. of New
Tork etty; Osorge H. of Mflwaukis, Or., and
Charles C. of Hollywood, Cai. Funeral notice
Medford, Oregon. "For three or four,
days at a thne I would suffer untold
agony; it was this
way for years. I
.doctored all the
( time but never got
any help. A friend
told me about Dr.
(Continued from Page One)
6 cent fare. It was a long time coming
but it did not come by accident.
Don't let the council fool you about
Tt f A -' . . I
Prescription. I took he.r. ..nn,, -i.
bottles and reo rV Sa-ta4ssu4 who Mb swan T1 W V. 1
' -v a 1 a vu uoauesw MAA V vevctv. A lldjr JlstVO sAl-
,.li- A a I J sasPMs-a siiv gtkliit DC! Tla VUIIIIIIIB'
.v.1 uuuio. ai -inainer .u . ,
... frvivBi a, s aa&rv a en, 3. AAl
tnis xaiK aoout appeal is camouflage.
U time I had terrible
ffrdizsy spells and a
catarrhal condition
also; had that 'all
gone,', tired reeling:; was nervous; and
aiterveacn meal would bloat somethln
terribly. Had- Indigestion so that I
could hardly eat anything and my
heart was affected. I again took the
Favorite Prescription and it cured
met It is a grand medicine and" I am
glad to tell others how it helped me.
,' "The Pleasant Pellets' cured me of
chronio constipation; regulated - my
Dowels so that I never had any mo:
trouble." Mrs. A. D. Little, 36 N.
kuversiae avenue.
All this talk of Dan Kellaher's about
Injunction is bunk.
"Don't talk about redress from the
courts. There will be no redress in the
courts. Mayor Baker susTft-ested that
I be employed to assist the city attor
ney in the appeal, and I . want to tell
you that if I accepted that offer
would be obtaining money by false pre
tenses. They can't win and they know it
Are Chloroforming People
When George' says they are going
-to appeal 1 say "bunk." When Dan Kel
laher says he is going to enjoin. I say
"bunk, Dan, bunk.' When the appeal is
taken and the people are beaten thev
will come tb you and say, "Well, we did1
uie best we could. Angels could do no
more, but we got beat." Camouflaee.
They knew it all the time. Take you re
ceipts for the pennies you pay and paper
your nouse wiui tnem. That's' all
they will be good foe All this talk
Get a small package of Hamburg I about appeal is just tb chloroform you
' Breast Tea at any pharmacy. Take a I people to sleep until you get .used .to
tADiespooniui or this Hamburg tea. putt paying a 6 cent rare.
a cup of boiling water upon ft.' pour I "But don't think you have no redress.'
through a sieve and drink a teacupful at I Judge McGinn exhorted. - "Put the-lit
any time. It is the most effective way to I neys back. Tou were wrongfully de
, break a cold and cure grip, as it opens I prived of themfeby men who had in mind
. uie pores, relieving congestion. Also I to do Just twhat they have done. Put
.. loosens the bowels, thus breaking a cold them back and the 6 cent, fare question
at once. , I will solve Itself.
It Is Inexpensive and entirely vege-1 For JO years and more Portland has
, table, uerexore narmiesa. (Adv.)
- . t
Jolcey Williams, the well known Amer
ican actress, who was recently playing
at the Imperial theatre in St Louis, Mo.,
made the following statement about gray
hair and how to darken It :
"Anyone can prepare a simple mixture
at home, at very little cost, that will
! darken gray streaked or faded hair, and
I make it soft and glossy. To a half pint
863 of water add 1 ounce of bay rum, a small
box of Barbo Compound, and 4 ounce
of glycerine. These Ingredients can be
bought at any drug store aoavvery little
cost, or any druggist can pvel it up for
you. Apply to the hair twice a week
until the desired shade is obtained. This
will make a gray haired person look 20
years younger. It does not color the
scalp, is not sticky or greasy and does
not rub off. (Adv.)
Why I Believe
in Nuxated Iron
Strength-Builder for the
By E. Sauer, M. D.
Probably no remedy has ever met
with such phenomenal success as has
Nuxated Iron. It Is conservatively es
timated that over three million people
annually .are taking It in this country
alone. It has been highly indorsed and
used by Former United States Senators
and Members of Congress; Physicians
who have been connected with well
known hospitals have prescribed and
recommenaea it; Monseigneur fsannini,
a prominent Catholic Clergyman, rec
ommends it to all members of the
Catholic Church. Former Health Com
missioner Wm. K. Kerr of- Chicago
says it ought to be used in every hos
pital and prescribed by every pnyBi
cian. Sarah Bernhardt "the Divine
Sarah." the world's most noted actress.
has ordered a large quantity sent to
the French soldiers to help give them
strength, power and endurance.
ur. a. J. riewman, late foilce Bur
geon of the City of Chicago, and for
mer House Surgeon Jefferson Park
Hospital, Chicago, says Nuxated Iron
has proven through his own tests of it
to excel any preparation he has ever
used for creating red blood, building up
the nerves, strengthening the muscles
and correcting digestive disorders:
Dr. H. B. Vail, formerly physician In
the Baltimore hospital and a meidical
examiner, says that time and again he
nas prescribed JNuxated Irqn and sur
prised, pauenis at tne rapidity witn
Get Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
That Is the Joyful cry of thousands
since Dr. Edwards produced Olive
Tablets, the substitute for calomel.
Dr. Edwards, a practicing physician
for 17 years and calomers old-time
enemy, discovered the formula for Olive
Tablets while treating patients for
chronic constipation and torpid livers.
Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets do not
contain calomel, but a healing; soothing
vegetable laxative.
No griping is the "keynote" of these
little sugar-coated, olive-colored tab
lets. They cause the bowels and liver to
act normally. They never force them
to unnatural action.
If you have a "dark brown mouth" a
bad breath a dull, tired feeling sick
headache torpid liver and are consti
pated, youH find quick, sure and only
pleasant results from one or two little
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets at bedtime.
Thousands take one or two every
night just to keep right Try them,
10c and 25c per box, All druggists.
, Adv.
Salts from any good drug store here, KABi L In this dty, January 14, Mrs. Floy X.
take a tablespoon! ul in a f lass of water I Klf rU- L''L 2
oeiore DreaKiast ior a raw aays ana residential parlors of Miller s Tracey. Wssblnt
your kidneys will then act fine. This ; ton st Ells street, tomorrow (Thonxlay) st 3
famous salts is made from the acid of ; """JY" lnT"5. mismssn Mount noon
grapes and lemon juice, combined with , kinS's w nTr"-52
r,.tr. , , , . KING January 15, William it. Kins, see 81
uuim, bjiu is narmic w iiumi ciu(ecu years, beloved hatband of Martha slamret
klndneys and stimulate them to normal . Kim. uu of 583 Vs Rodnsy avs. ; brother of
activity. It also neutralises the adds i jm Kl"- Remains st Prsrson'i undsrtak-
Jn the urine so it no longer Irritates,
thus ending bladder disorders.
Jad Salts is harmless ; inexpensive ;
makes a delightful effervescent llthla- ' ""'
waf- ilrlnV la-iilnh nntmtv ihARM ' Trarey.
inn psrlor. Hqwll st.. st Tnien its.
i j l p 'i i r t . i. r. . . . 1 1 . - i
until! in iuu ciiy, January m, Tuelms
r ranees wan a. tge I years, beloved daughter
oi air. ana sirs, jiooert j. osrtn. Notice of fn-
Arrangements in ears of MOlsr A
take now, and then to keep their kidneys 1'RE In this city. January IB. MUs Orph
clean, thus avoiding serious compllfca- j Areme tac.J of iu7 ATww
A well-known local druggist says he GAftSinu
sells lots of Jad Salta to folks who be
lieve in overcoming kidney trouble while
It is only trouble. (Adv.)
Cncle Bam will employ every graduats nf oar
ROOsI kossVs. so.
and S. Hsrrison sta.. (1080
per ssonth. Inquire next 4eot et
Urove 1ZSM. -
IUoHOUGULT nvodsra 7 rooes smmsss, finUbed
sttia, nies (rounds, with up is dste doable
ssrscs 888 K. ltta. eer. Midisna, nst 80A v
hetit 8K). . t
FUR RENT- New snodera 8 reoss kunssWrsi! 1
80s 1 00 lot next foe amrdsn .
sbls. 2178 E. Wssiaastes. Zsbsel
lo 8.
8 roses sotistrs. 8uns raids dsstKet.
floored bssessent. elaetrioity, bstnl
rent very resaonsbls. Osll si StO B. Msrhsnn :
tl. HVtrWiTta. s; I reesn Wn'sUTF-
TSI kAvJieif . . ay' ee '
v wui.iwi .s rooss nsues. ens lines, xaw .
thorns distriot. Tssor 7347. I '
WtT ifl)g modem i room eotu-." Ill, k
slodlpg wmtsr rent. Main 8838.
1 i i i , i iii star .
S ROOM, piano. Utk, Unndry. (as. sUatrUty:
fruit,-818. Bteck Weodlswn -ear. s48X4
12th and TarloT
Modern, eomnistely fnrnisnsd nasi
Walking distance; rslersnsss.
8 AND 8 ROOM nnuraished psrtssenvs, "wT3
die- t
ily 416 Sta
fi.,?'." ttZZZJ i rUlb APT cor., brows, and J.l-
best, light and water. 812 up;
me. convenient ta ehirjrard. Asnls
sx. r-nons si am zot.
to S2U0O s year lee. Enroll now.
10th and Morriaon, Portland, Or.
Phones; Main 8088. A 8468.
lc, wsisbig dislancs. Msrshall 14 id.
LARliC si nils room with kitchenette, saulsliU '
for S r 8 senUeussu. 3 Grsnd svs, nor. e
E. Ankeny. . x :
thorns. SssXt
SB nsv ssslk.
eaatiana smaotinn. Mo "usU" nseded. i res oisisnos. East buz.
Information, money bsnk guarantee, a ad ape- j THE JEFFERY. newly furnished 3 tooen spts.
eisl offer te cltlsens over 18. Ask tor book j for houses saving ; 818 up; close in. cog. Jsas
QM snd asms position wtnten. wsshlngton i sail and aerby. ' '
Civfl Berries School. 848 Msrden bldg.. Wash- I : - 1 I
WAR JOB FOR YOC1 fcivil service needs J HWUJP 1ULU E. 8tb snd Uswtb
thouesnds men. women. line salaries; paid J i . 8 and 8 room apta. 818.1
ington. I). C.
KX M.1S E it young wonvn snd men wsated to prs
psrs for telegrsph service ta help fill vacan
cies esuaed by unusual drafting men for war.
Positions guaranteed. Call or writs. Telegraph
I trot. 21" Hallway Eschangs rtWlg.
r.seds 10,000 stenographers. Enroll new for
shorthand, typewriting. bookkeeping. KUg
8d floor Alias; bldg.
Wash the poisons and toxins
from system before putting
more food Into stomach.
'Says Inside-bathing makes any
one look and feel clean,
r. sweet and refreshed.
In this cltv. Jiniun' IK 17
.-...ui., Ml vo jvaia. .low, ox zuDsrs later
Arrsngemenu In care of Miller and Tracey
-Washington st Kfls street.
BANES. George M. Banks. 715 Teuino aveT
Jan. 18, 49 years, ntphritls.
DeMARS Derrick DsMsrs. St. Vincents bos-
p3Jf ' Jn- 12- 78 " nrdnoms.
MACLEARY. Heneretta MscClesry. Good Sa
maritan hospiul, Jan. 10. 67 years, pneu
monia. W5B Ann Wbb- 881 E- "th N.. Jan. 10
29 years, tuberculosis. '
ANDREWS Martha Elizabeth Andrews. 829
Leo avs. Jan. 12, 77 years, myocardial de
generation. BECK Sophia Beek. Sr. TlneenU sanltsrrum.
J"- 'Z. 75 years, carcinoma.
! CLARK BRG8., FlorirU,287 Morrison st. Main
I or A-1805. Fine flowers and floral designs
No branch stores.
' MARTIN A FORRES CO.. Florists. 54 Wash
; Main 29. A-1249. Flowers for all occasions
aimicsiiy srrsngra.
(MaTm. SMITH. Florist. 141 hi th st.
LUBLIN EB. Portland hotel. 628 Morrison.
Wash yourself on the Inside be tore
breakfast like you do on the ontntfle.
This is vastly more Important because
the skin pores do not absorb Impuri
ties into the blood causing illness.
while the bowel pores do.
For every ounce of food and drink ,
taken into the stomach, nearly an I
ounce of waste material must be carried I
out of the body. If this waste material i
is not eliminated day by day it quickly j
ferments and generates poisons, gases i
and toxins which are absorbed or sucked '
into the blood stream, through the 1
lymph ducts which should suck only ,
nourishment -to sustain the body,
Edward Holman
J. E. Werlein. Treairr
W. J. Holman
A Doctor's Prescription
for Indigestion
Usually Glres Instant Relief
Physicians who have SDeciallzed in the
which the weakness and general debility treatment of stomach troubles are natur
were replaced by a renewed feeling; 0f aUy in a position to Judge lnteillgenUy as
tl.., to tne uest tninsr to use. it is tnercrore
D L 4 1 . f t,. u. . . L J . - . . . , -
Sir vou am not . strnnv nr well vim " inavc i m.c.coi. iu tiiusa wno
awa ifr ti ro.Vf A m U .1 A1 BUIICI liuitl IIIUIKODIIUII, HUBtritlB. UVR
lowing test: See how long you can ft""- r. nearxourn. etc.,
work or how far you can walk with- i J T ar,? that physicians who have devoted
out becoming tired. Next take two ' their lives to the alleviation of human'
fivs-rrain iihists n .a t r. ' suff erlnjr are more and more instruct.
three times , per day after meals for '"s uese suiwre to gci a pacaage or
two weeits. ' xneu test your strength : s-i .srum uw ui ukbisi anarxaae a
strain and nee how murh vn y.s vs I teaspoonful in a little hot water lmmed
gained. , ', lately after eating or whenever pain is
NOTE Nuxated Iron, which has been coed by ' felt. Doctors who prescribe Bi-nesla,
former Members of the United States Senate do so because they know it gives im
ad House of Representatives, and other nrom- mediate relief in nearly every inatanrvw-
lnent people with such surprising results, and because it is not a secret remedy, for
the formula is printed on the label, and
last but not least, because it is obtain
able of all druggists and every package
contains a binding guarantee of satis
faction or money back. In view of the
quick ' ana lasting reiier obtained in
which is prescribed and recomrarnded ahova bv
pbyslclsns in such a great vsrlcty of caea. la
not a patent medicine nor secret remedy, but
one which is well known to druggists snd
whose Iron constituents sret widely prescribed
by eminent physicians everywhere. Unlike the
.IM, I hi. WaImMI 4. S .. .. 1 1 -
almilatsd. doe not Injure the teeth, make them .nearly .every Instance, and the guaran
black nor upset tne stomach: on the contrary. , ma. i . ws you notn
It Is m rumI nntent retnMtvr In riM.l. ell t m I Insr. sufferers from GY8DeDli inrlle-xs.
of . inulgeetioa as well an for nervous run- 1 tion and stomach, troubles generally are
down conditions. The manufacturers have such strongly advised to get a package of
great nsuiiRDce in nusim iron, mat tney i m-nesia irom uieir nearest arugglst and
offer to forfeit $100 to any charitable lnstits-' beeln its use without delay.
"oTv lksTr andTncrsir ' hawonr? Sf4
Mut. ton r mil - - rm. -A.k. is a harmless out wooaerruuy effect! vs remedy
time." provided they hare no serious organic wh4cn ""f!, l. .1
trouble. Tbey also offer to refund your money Jean prerje for iw lir "iftfe Ihi ounces
If 1t does rot st least double yrmr S'rensth snd bieotas carbonats with 1 ounce magnesia ear
in rf. i. v;iu.nata- If. however. Tou wiah i mmiM mi
J a 'rJrrn rooTdr j satisfaction or money ck. b. nrit. lZ
had a 5 cent carfare. JNawsahe adver- . .. - . - . , . . (Ad.) 'an original packags of Bi nesia. ,-. . (Adr.J ,
Tlitrd street, corner Salmon
Phones Main 507. A-1311
L'Nfl R.S1SHKD appe flat.
screened sleeping porch, modern and alssn.
good furnace. 884 K. 424 si. Ussrtnorns ear. .
Rent 118. Open for trsspeetlan. Main .
KEWLT painted, cleanly furalaned 2-roosa Cat,'
sleeping porch. Phone Kaat 8077.
r-iv ... ana Uivn st. Partiana. O.
CrU or writs tor free 80 pegs catalogue. It
tells how we help you to a good position. Day
and night cissses
lDL-B aesirius '..7 VllR krsfl Tlle aaark
...r"v !Tr ,"..,..;... Troch-t ! for rsnt chssp, with .Uugbtsvbonss la
... k-. oi a ruiiM kWb i "- Ore nee M
OFFICE room, ground floor on sasla thor-"
oughfara. sast aids; storage space ta rear, ,
28x12. J desire to reserve spas tog By desk '
and safe only: rent very reesnnsbU. Robert '
B. Cos Jr., 864 hi Hswtaoras avs. East 4718.
Hawthorne aito bchool.
C;4tANI AY K. EAST 427.
L'.NCALIO for ullor made auiu. 89 60
Taylor the Tsilor, 2 89 S BurnaVis.
REF1NEO woman to
children in lamily,
sadst wtta housework, 2
820 per month. Tabor
Co.. Oreuea. Of.- -
gQK RENT famished of floes snd deaka. ehespTt
728 Cham bee of Oonssseros bktg.
STORE for rent. E. 19th and E. Broadway. ,
WANTED 4 or ft room modern faraisbsd
house, with garage. P. O. bos 824. - , 1
f-WANT te rent a small "Tarnished nouss!
What have row f C-788, JsnmaL
for sale. frofertt .
work, good pay.
Handle V., 1521
WANT glrf
basket ' making, pleasant
A rely Portland Basket A
ur young worsen to answer tele
phone and An nms orersting on sewing ma
chine. Call Thuriay. 808 Williams avs.
IIoTSEKEKPER wsnted" by widower Fred P.
Ix-sn. Hood Itivrr. Or . K. 4. H 02 A.
GIRL or young woman for light house work.
447 imhet. Isin J09S.
(Tt x i r'gTrrTor geneisl housework. Call Tabor
WANTEI A girl for lisht boifcwork. Apply
Apt. inn, Whertdon Ann.i. loth and Salmon.
bHIKTMAKKii Thus at Kl,t. 618
50altt8 ua waterfront with trackage,
Portland, by owner. L-71S. Journal.
8 room bouse. Bear K. OUeaa J trutt. fowsrx. '
etc.; 81100. terms. ,
8 rooms, near Broadway and 28th, Sesrty .
saw snd modern, 81700.
Nice 8 room modern bungalow, neat M-V
sar, 81280. very es- terms. ,
Nearly new modern 8 rooms, J lots; would
east over 82O00 to build; pries 82800, terse.
2 lots, gund room hones. 224 st. asag f
Bandy road. 88280: tots aro worth the rrioa.
Lot oo S8d st. near Sandy road. 818. -
g P. OWBCKX. 610 MeJUy bldg. ' J
GOOD bargain. STuom house, partly furnsthsdl )
electric lights, wster, gas. 2 stocks from est-
Una. 81100: 8100 eaeh, the rest easss as rent,;
Slat s- S. a. . lota Bui lwu. sna sing 1WV a
8 room aooae. bernaa, fruit tress. 3 slocks f r
rose I
aarbns, cement vrslas and curbs, street improve- t
menu, 1900 ; trade for team, wagon, ha rases, '
farming SnpUmenta, long tisns on be Is see. W.
E, Roobina. office 81st sC a. K.. eVlewart Its- -
tion, ML Scott ear. ..
IWrBaoALOiTFua lUii
8 re ems, thorougtuy modern, n rep la as, full
T recti cs the trad in eijht weeks. Gives acholar
Oiij. snd tranfer cai iv Pays you while learn
ing. Kig drmand fur bath men and woman.
Second and JVirrvkl.
1 1 M ' i . , V U. r'r I'allMt mill teach von thm her- estrun
lr trade in 8 wrks: tonU tree, scholarship bowse alone; 8190 ce, balance tsrme to suit
di:.lnm gtvrn- while .Iteming; positions ; yonrselt.
gtiarantrrd; tnilion reduced; S3 Madison.
i baa ment. stationary tuba, on paved stroef and
It would coat you ssouu M eelM tno
Progreeelve Funeral Iir-ctrri
PRIVATE UUIVE Women Attendants
Montgomery at
Main 9. A 1600
Hiinninnr J?. KrlCnt UnVruker.
U 'Ulllllllg, U6 IVIVL.IIICC
a 1 i .1 V. t V. . ,. i . ; .. . ini. . J
" "--.w. .n Broadway and Pine sta. Rr.dway
MOtil.KU 1IAUBKU MClilMil.
Teaches men, womrn bartier trade in eight weeks,
giving diploma; earn tuition while learning. Po
sition guaranteed Tool free 1 4 ' ouch at.
M I S.H-ll ATT I Si iTY ' (i bh'ir.liand" and Typwriting
tchuol. day and evening. '-'! 14th, near Jaf
fcrxm. IS a month. Call Main 89.
sTfTfot- -rtf.F
before breakfast each day, a glaas of 430. A-4K68. Ijidy assistant.
real hot water with a teaspoonful of. r o ni 1 m xt tir i '
limestone phosphate In it. which is a V, Oi UU II IN I INU, UlCi
harmless way to wash these poisons. The Golden Rule Vndertakera. 414 E. Aldr s
gases and toxins from the stomach. Phone Ft R2. B-5226.
liver, kidneys and bowels ; thus cleans-
lng, sweetening and freshening- the entire 1
alimentary canal before putting more j
food into the stomach. t
A quarter pound of limestone phos- ;
phate costs but little at the drug store
but is sufficient to make anyone an East 84.
enthusiast on inslde-bathisg. Men and
urn en whn are) nYHiat filmed to vais tin East 781
M1II)I.E aged man with
Kiivi of UKKle work;
tJ OO to IS 50 per dsT
MAlTklEO man. mid-lie sgs
press sad tran.lcr worst
Ford car. Pnons A-2509.
famtly dmires any
OORDON, 782 Chamber of Com
826 I0WN. 8.6 U6NTHLV ,
8 room old cottage, piaetered. batb and tells,
sleotrie llghu and gas. none rota fsiinistlsa and
basement, comer lot, S blocks from sar; bonso
la poor Mats of repair but really wonderful buy
Price 8900. Fred W. German Csv, 788 tA-ml
of Com.
$1 675 TERMS $1 675 !
. 29TH 8T. ALBERTA 29TH tT.
6 ns. saod. buna alow.. sc lissss se id an
at! fa.tinn Kuarsnteed. front. 1 blk. oar. Great buy.
rspcrienced in el- j
siqj job driving '
$1890 TERMS $1890
7!) HO
fsiH-nng. g,id wirk.
Tkbor 6287. S802 92d St.. In5
6898 66th st. and Foster Road.
J KaTBOM IVtNfT '. I-ai'rtmg
r. a-. iiKi'U-. Mam itaij.
I dy assistant.
Multnomah at Seventh st.
i rnou
with a duU. aching head or have furred . inwi
tongue, bad taste, nasty breath, sallow ndeTtakers
inl.Tlnn ntriern m hn havs Kllintie t. . MIIJ.ER II TRACEY
. - . aa .n
. Jll M n I. ,rwr rrw
V 1 " . . inrtcn at EUa. Main 2691. A-7M8
wv ?A. P"0"" ,mPr3emTnls PIEUMONT INDERtA-tNO CO. R. j. Gro-
both health and appearance shortly. Ad. , kopf. funeral director. Woodlawn 4940
Mr.. Larch
E. 11th and Hawthorne
lnd-perxUnt Fnncral IH"
140. ISO. Wash
, i Modern 8 room bungalow, flfsiilgga. bnflt la
East eTf.c j. npect draft, mwst sen. Sen this today.
094 E. 27 th su North, Alberta ear. Phono
Wdln. S91I.
ilaLr oatchlmc
PklCK 8fto,
rrrr.r.r.,T7Tn I: - . , t diadem noess witn lares
shle price
alTTATIO-a KF.M 4 f ,T.
WANTED .Position as hoovkeetsr In a
ern rotmlng lows or small hoteL Apply
A-S50. Journal.
EXPERIENCED band I rone r wl-hes paettioa in
hsrdnood floors, ooubis ewnelrwoted. Fwr Isr
Ithsr psrticwisrs call Woodwa 1284. Wrae
is n. vn j.
1 aR i" rs'D Jt6lfi
'am Isundry.
ONLY- 8800
lis MS. SOI
aewt tars. loao to
Call al 80 Concord bldg.
frutl. aore est
f. t. ooa in, v sneowver. ls i ?Tair"
C-ll&B. KUlingsworth snd Kerby.
Tells How To Get Quick Belief
from Head-Colds. It's Splendid !
8 1 " u . SkmMiasww
1978 E. Ulisan. st Fo
ncstl services. Tabor 4811.
.Breeze & Snook mE
CUln Cndortaklng Co.
-2821. Corner
Main 4162.
3d and Clay.
A D 7llor Pn 191 Williams avs.
Mi 111 AUi East 1088. C-1088
In one minute your clogKed nostrils
will, open, the air passae-es of your
head will clear and you can breathe
freely. No more hawking:, snuffling,
blowing, headache, dryness. No strug
gling for breath at night: your cold I
or catarrh will be gone.
Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream
Balm from your druggist now. Apply
a little of this fragrant, antiseptic,
healing cream in your nostrils. It pen
etrates through every air passage of
the head, soothes ' the Inflamed or
swollen mucous membrane and relief
comes Instantly. -. -
It's Jast fine., Don't stay stuffed-rjp
with a cold or nasty catarrh Relief
comes so Quickly. -. ,.: y . . . , (Adv.
. T. Byrnes, new res ideneo establishment. 991
Wtniama sve. -Wood laws 220. C-194S.
1111 Kerby st.
Woodlswn 8106. C-1181
Riverview Abbey
828 Plrtock block. Phone Broadway 161.
WOMAN nants worVmmning. etc Phone East
95 4. Aft. .
yTRWE 48
PRACTICAL nurse; r-ff rnc i. V-916. JoumaL
rr8iHHr.ft boovs
Apart asset avows site near Wash. SC. 8908. '
Fat swrgsraa ess
104" 8th fH. Ware 88
84200. eney
lo hall
modern ia svery
all isap. paid;
P. O.
Boa '863. . '
Il"5dwa Uke tbU 8 room house, bsii. fUe
. placo, ot-6exl6. paved atreats, sees tad on
Portesnoutki avs.. SU sonns sar: wiu
Nice warm rooms sue dsy. 12 week - Wo.
J,J.Tl r BiHi,. Bnssdvmy 1940
Washington. ; I
CaTrEL rTnTF.L Rovms 82 per week. Steam f
hst. ArT nou -e ing roomv Jsoueru. 2W ':T.",r, - v. j t-
Vtlk KENTON. 81160
inn.i k& ii ta eult soma frait 4
26 down. SIS montaiy. grsa w. ess
RYAN hotel snnex.
i wster evenr room
Onooeite city ball. Maus 9S76
Princw s Hutrl. I' 8d snd Bnrnaide,
up. 82 w.ts n;. r. ill
ft- S.t.-' i,m1. v .1 'tfOk-CLXtt-'Ut aAl ? room as-iera aos.
1 tLm , ewT84e6e, ssU for 88260; 61260 oasb;
worn, steam heat; trsvieat. ar.i- r lnnsiisn Bsved streets.
81S HsilwseJbldg.
rOBAE 4 room modem bus alow, waik
tsg distance, all iadusu-a, BC Jokas. TsSO
786. -
barn, chieken hanss. fruit.
80s day
t. mm. dty hall.
gone for memorials.
Mam S6S4. Philip Kss
IT 26T-3fO ST. ATMAni,OK,l
,CHMs b modcrn'botsl, 81.78 weea and upT K('M
466 Aldey. , , 4liltg
HE HAZEL Furni-JMd rooms steam beat. W. Hryan.
VO lot. Pries leuu. avaey isrma sj.
Main 19SS. ass v nam. at tea
THE HAZEL rrnlhed toomt. sta"
running water. IH MS. rrXa-oTcloes la bunaalow ; bar gai.
81-80 MLLt up, clean, warm, saodrrn ruraisbsd 8226V. 1 Doue nsursnnse, erveiseii a
v- eentrai. neaiast. suv Jsiisrson. vass.
lUukOLoUU mudsra 7. room ha us a. flnok.4
tS a Uie. nics gruund. wtta op to sate smtia
aar7 246 E. lth. ooc Madisow. E-st 8.
I - A T. I AosiOS.'
.ouips w. - v TT.- . , w
v-oao. sournaa.
iki.k rafnua ii isii vnomt war a r s us a . .
FOR RENT Fwrnmd ma, hath. haat. ill - ,r- .,..a--y.. t
on X. QUm3L,.
Fargo as.