The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 28, 1917, Page 6, Image 6

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ITe that hath light wtthln hta own clear breast '
May sit r th' cnter and enjoy brljrht day,
But he that htdee a dark soul and foul thoughts
. Bealf hted walks under th midday sua. if 12 ton.
Ix, the poor Indian !,WiM untutored mind - - .
Sees God ia the clouds, or hears bim la the wind;
His soul proud Selene never taught to stray . ,
Far as the solar walk or milky way. , '
" Alexander Pope. .
tlew Offer inds oti te Screen ati6 Stage
iVplvftf Suits in!
Keeping With
1 Yuletide
Pretty Girls at Columbia Theatre
' Make Splendid Appearance
. in New Costumes.
J sawyer, at tne v-orumDut ujcauc, " 6 Cava
vouri kids the ercatcst kind of treat. Younff P-ckford brings
to the screen the very incarnation of American boyhood.
1HES rlrls at 'the Columbia theatre
are wearing the smartest of smart
velvet suits that are decidedly In keep
fog with the Yuletide season. Pretty
girls, to start, with, th encaslngs of
eich cerise velvet make them appear
"positively ravishing.
Coat suits are these new creations,
farhlone'd on the simplest of lines, and
driving an effect of - chlo yet colorful
severity. The only trimming is of
akunk fur. Velvet caps with skunk
trimming and a Red Cross emblem
adorn the girls heads and Roman
at'oes of black velvet and cerise silk
: stock I nirs complete the costumes. A
.Christmas suggestion is afforded by
.the bells concealed in the skirts. Alto
gether, the Columbia girls are most
fetching, and are causing a generous
amount of admiring comment from pa
trons of the theatre. Incidentally, th
opstumes were designed by no lees a
personage than Mrs. Ralph Ruffner.
- the wife of the new manager of thi
. . a
Ifevery Number Pleases
ji Music, comedy and a strong man act
sf :high merit feature the new Hlppo-
: jrirome bill which opened Thursday aft
. 4'noon and will continue until Satur
. jQay night. The entire program is weil
-balanced aad every number pi eased
Ja.o usual big ' Hippodrome crowd.
"" The Three Regals, European novelty
v 'athletes,, did -mme strong jaw stunts
: iat made a hit with everyone. Ona
of them held a 275 pound anvil sus
pended from his teeth while two others
r struck mighty blows on it with sledge
-hammers all to the accompaniment .
. luiappy music.
J- Kelly Wilder &, Co. is one of the
TOest rftusleal companies seen in the
local vaudeville house this season. A
fclanist, violinist, a good soprano an-J
a tenor gave music lovers a tree.
Irian favorites were followed by some
semi-ci assies ana tne act ended witii
medley of popular choruses. With
plenty of all that makes a blackface
alr popular with a vaudeville audi'
jBitce, Marshall and Covert kept things
moving fast. A little of everything in
Jhe line of Jokes, song and "fiance 1j
r.r rled by these partners. Most of
their comedy Is tew and bright, while
they have evokved a few dance steps
That will make their rivals step lively,
Heart stuff Is supplied by Follett an J
icks, also plenty of wholesome laugh
Repartee is fast- and furious, with ail
, hades and varieties of emotions car
rled out. Jere Sanford as a red
- .headed . chore boy has a good line iti
patter. He opens and finishes his acc
wtth whistling and yodel in g that brings
urtatn call a A couple of pretty skat'
iag girls complete th vaudeville pro
k (ram. Juliette Day is seen to ad
vantage in "The Calendar Girl." a
- .
Ideal .Tom Sawyer
-' It is generally conceded that Jack
- Pickford makes an ideal "Tom Saw
- yer," even those lovers of Mara
Twain's works, who are apt to be
lather hypercritical to their const-)
ration of an attempt to transfer the
stories to the screen, have been loud
In their approbation of his "Tom Saw
der," It is claimed. The picture will
semain at the Columbia until Satur
lay, owing to the big demand for
: . I
mm eaaiaksssHBaBBBBBBHBakrMBMSasskv' " : '' is-: -Li .: ': mmmm
- v'-. -.: '::'. t.w-v-- WL
: :., .f :... - i - .
Genevieve Baum-Gaskins of 0.
A. C. Music School Will Be
Heard at Auditorium.
T3 - '.1
jDurgiar -
man or rcw
Trimble f; In? "One
.Worda I Sellwood Choir
ATTRACTIVE concert will be
given at Th Auditorium, next Sun
day afternoon at S o'clock, when mem
bers of th faculty of th Oregon Agri
cultural college school of music will fur-1
nlah - th program. Genevieve Baum-
Gasklns, organist: Carl Grlssen. violin
ist, and' William yrederw aaaklns, bari
tone, will be the .soloists.
Mrs. Gasklns Is a noted organist, hav
ing studied under WUhelm Mlddelechulte
of Chicago. Mr. Oris sen. while a native
Oregonian. studied many years in Ber
lin and la a member of th Portland
Bymphony orchestra. Professor Gas
klns is- a former pupil of Karleton
Hackett, ' Chicago, and John Dennis
Mehaa of New York.
Raleigh P. Trimble, wp knowm Mult!
nomah club member, loves) th word of
Josh Billings, "I dont kar what a maa
sea so long as h sea It In a few words."
He has them on a card ta a frame hung
en th wall ef th dining; room of his
horn, 204 St. Clair street. Th card la
In a conspicuous : place, probably for th
benefit of gueets. -
Whan be cam horn ftetdrday Bight
after being away for a few minute L
walked la to th dining room before re
tiring. A sharp command, "throw up
tour hands." halted him. Crouching at
th center of 'th table was Portland's
"Nob HiU burglar.
"Get the hands or aad shell out your
Be d aulck about It." - v -
- Trimble's eye caught th card. Never
bad ha heard so much la a few words.
Her was a man after his own heart.
Incidentally after his cash aad i
Billing would 'have liked. -
Trimble beinr unarmed lost no ttm fa
obeying th stranger's : command, tjp
want his hands, out want hi cash and
the burglar left. . , .. .
"Aad." saya Trtrabl bow wtth added
emphasis. "I dost kar what a maa ses
so long as h sea Hta a few words.
"Th quicker h says it," he adds.
i "th ouifikor your oourag returns.'
Th Christmas festivities of Wash
ington commandery No. 15, Knights
Templar, were greatly enjoyed by the
members and their guests. Royal Arch
famUiea at the Masonic hall. East MK?I.PI13'
Charlie Ghaplih
(Glad to Quit
Pest House
No, .He Is Not a Movie Star, but
a Negro Preacher Down
in Tennessee.
Tenn.. Dec it. (I.
Burnslde and East Elahtb street Tue- 1 X a Charlie Chaplin has Just
Whea writlns to er eellias oa adrtrtiMn piHe
Dancer Is Suirig
For Loss of
$50,000 Legs
MEW YORK. Dec 28. (I. N. S.) Miss
Daisy Xames, formerly a dancer of
the Winter -Garden, declared on oath
that her leg were worth $50,000 to her
before they were cut off by a train.
She is suing the Lackawanna rail
road for that amount. On June 10,
1115, according to her complaint, she
attempted to cross the company's
tracks at Greenwood avenue, East Or
ange. While avoiding one train, she
was run, over by another running la
tbe opposite direction.
Cabaret Life Pictured
"That Night," the Mack Sennett com
edy, which will be shown at the Lib
erty theatre Sunday, is an amusing tale
Of cabaret life. Mary Thurman, more
scantily, dressed and more beautiful
than the rest of the cabaret girls, be
comes the coveted prise of the night life
devotees, and is eventually led into a
fake marriage with atteridant diffi
culties.- . . ' .
Her Malady Is
Convenient in
Dry States
day night Norman L. Crout, past,
commander,, was Introduced to the
many children present as Santa Claus,
and his tremendous pack waa the won
der and delight of th little guests.
They climbed all over him aad dance!
azaand him In happy abandon a
really, truly Santa Claus none could
doubt. The Christmas tree was load
ed with presents for young and old.
Ihe retiring commander, R. D. Robin
son, waa not presented with anything by
th commandery, but his wife wjm
called up Instead and presented wltf
a set of silver tableware by Rev. Wll
liam -W. Toungson. Th installation
of officers was In charge of Right Em
inent Sir W. W. Toungson grand pre!
ata of the United States, assisted by
Eminent Sir W. G. Shellenbarger. cap
tain general of th Oregon grand com
mandery. The new officers are ; " R.
R. Schomp, commander ; Carl W
Frank, generalissimo : H. T. Banfleld,
captain general; Albert con der Wertn,
treasurer; Robert Martyn. recorder:
E. L. Hawley. senior warden; Jamej
E. Martin, junior warden ; A. B. Cut
ler, standard bearer ; Joha R. Graham
warder; Jamea F. Drake, captain of
th guard; Thomas Buck!, sentinel.
The Sons"" and Daughtese of Norway
Thursday - night held a Chrlstmaa fes
tival la th auditorium of the Masoma
Tempi that waa crowded with mem
bers and guests and their children.
Carl Adds presided. - Vie , Consul, A.
O. Bjeiland'gava wn -address of wel
come: and 7 Pastor -William Peterson
extended a ' Chrlstmaa welcome. ' The
Norwegian Singing society sang , sev
era! native songs. .A musical- progran.
Included a- violin solo by Miss Halg
Hansen. Miss , Ruth Lange at the
piano; recitation. Miss Broun r eg ; plant
auet, Dora brothers : song. Miss M Li
onels. The American flag was hung
with the Norwegian at the end of the,
hall. - A big Christmas tre reached
high Into- the dome, and Santa Claus
handed the procession of merry Uttt
ones delightful fruit from its branches.
Willamette Tribe, Improved Order of
Red Men. Wednesday night held Its an
nual Christmas festival at Its hall.
Third and Madison streets. Santa
Ciaus led over B0 children around the
covered from th smallpox. He has just
left the pest house. Pox-marked Charlie
la not the Charlie of the movies. He la
th Rev. Charlie Chaplin, negro preacher.
Miss Arthur's Husband Assigns
Boston, Dec it- (L N. S.) Ben
jamin J. Cheney, husband of Miss Ar
thur, actress, made an assignment her
Thursday showing liabilities amounting
to 920.000. The greater part of It U
hotel bills.
Thrilling Rescue
Leads to Police
Bystander Pours Cold Water on
Burning of Kaiser in Los
Will: Give
Methodist Church Has Prepared
Program of Sacred Music
For Sunday" Night
ON SUNDAY evening, at 7 M o'clock,
.th choir ef th Sellwood Mftbodlst
Episcopal church.' Fifteenth street and
Tacoma avenue, will render a concert of
sacred music, under the direction of
Elmer Cumpstoa. Mis Constance Mac
lean will be th accompanist. Th fol
lowing program will be gtvaat
ArtlMsr. TW Christmas Im",, A4u
Ttbtia MMCUOt
Carl Steak
it. TbtV On tr Thy Lev Has
ftpend Us"... WallM
Dow. "On Mth SehaM rfboasar . . Lmbnm
Mb Rata Stmubtoa aad Gaaraa Stria.
TTolut !, "Las adtaas." Staia Op. B,
A. at. aehaL
Deal, "BUT af taa CMC"
Claribal aad Dal llama,
aslha. "Boiy Nick Urtaa" Aeaaa)
Sola, Tea Infest Kiss" KatdHsear
Him Rata Stoaskto.
Aatbaat. "Bahatd. fha Dar Coaa"
Chair. '
tola, Tbe Bahrtattoa at tea Dew". . .1
WUaaa Raeaia,
Artbm. "8ed Oat Taj Liht" Gaoaod
th front. Dr. Josenh Bchafar. r
summer school, announces that W.
P. Boyntoa. Drofaaaor of nhvaVa v -
DeCou. Instructor of maUiemaUca. and .
- Stafford of the chemistry de
partment will be on th list of uatver
sitx Instructors who will teach la the
summer school.
m .a
Dried Fralt Cahe Two cups dried ap-'
Plea, pasche or any kind driad fant J two
eupe New Orleans molasses, on half rup
shortaniag. two gga. one cup milk, flour
for stiff batter, one teaspoon soda, oa
cup seeded raisins, on teaspoon nutmeg.
on teaspoon ground cinnamon, oa halt .
leeiiMMin munj ,1am, inu. . A - - - -
Soak th fruit overnight. Then o6
very fine and simmer In the aaucepaa
wita tne molasses for two hours aad a
half. Let it cooL Add beaten yolks ef
eggs to shortening and beat unto light.
Ada in milk, then the fruit and mo
usse. Beat hard for five tnlnutea New
add snouah flour for a stiff batter and
aoda dissolved In a tablespoon of hot
water. Mix welL . Then add the flour,
raisins and spice aad beat vigorously.
Add the Juice of lemon and finally th
whites bee tea to a stiff froth. Th hat
ter must be stiff but elastic enough to
drop from spoon. Bak la moderate
oven two houra
f OS ANGELES. Dec IS. (L N. 8.) F.
- Vandergraft waa arrested here when!
be attempted to end the miseries of'
Kaiser WUhelm burning in Hades and
was brought before a Judge.
A film company claimed .Vandergrift
turned a hose Into a thrilling "bell
seen where the "kaiser was slssllng at
th expense of quantities of crude petro
leum, and. besides, considerably damp
ened the temperament of th actors.
Police Judge White released Vander
grift under a suspended sentence.
Household Hints
Big. soft tuffets. formed to Just fit
th curve in front of th moot luxurious
Baby comforts and comfy robes of
satin in blue or pink, made In acta to
match! Some are embellished with
head embroidered wreathe, or Insets of
fine lace medallions ; others are finished
with a fancy stitch.
11 kinds of roll-up of khaki for the
soldier kit.
Skating hats and muffs to match, usu
ally ta a brilliant color and of some soft,
warm material such aa duvetyn, or wool
fMIAHJL Neb.. Dec 28. (XT. P. Oer
V-J trude Hoffman, dancer, must drink
end half pint of champagne as a heart
stimulant after each performance or.
account of the great exertion Involved,
her husband. Max Hoffman, tastuiea
la municipal court today. Sb Is in
danger of - death without the cham
pagne, Hoffman said.
Hoffman was acquittea oi uiegai
possession and Illegal transportation
of liquor on the strength of his testimony1.-
He was arrested on arrival
here last Sunday to flu a vaudeville
engagement, by the morals squad, ana
six pints of champagne round in nu
Midnight Matinee at Liberty
The Liberty theatre will give a mid
night matinee - after the regular show
Monday night that promises to outclass rntterlng tree and passed out some
anything tnat. nas oeen uone a. u-i wonderful presents. Mayor George L.
Meat substitute One cup pea
nut butter. 1 cup cornstarch, 2Vs cups
cold left over (weak) coffee or coffee
substitute; 1 teaspoon salt; one half
teaspoon sage. Add cornstarch, and
seasoning to peanut butter, add coffee
little at a time, stirring until thor
oughly blended. Put In double boiler
cook four hours (without stirring) or
more, until it forms a aolfd cake. Let
cool la diah In whlch It Is cooked.
Slice and eat cold or dip in beaten
egg and fry-
popular picture palace.
Sending money
to our soldiers
in France
E HAVE completed - Ar
rangements with j our
Paris correspondent for
forwarding money to American
: -soldiers in France, without the
." necessity of an address.
: Full name and title of the soldier, .
his company and regiment, are
all required. We - can transmit
money by cable' or mail
, This arrangement will now in- -
sure -the safe delivery of funds ;
to our soldiers in France.
Our Exchange Department" Win-.
" dow No. 3, -j will gladly answer ' ,
... , questions and; give ;fulliinforma-
-lion.- -. --" ' c-'
u " ' ' "-
JtrstXojr thpeejBeTter'ei tions
Fifth at Stark
Baker spoke on loyalty and fraternity.
The following program was given
Miss Helen wed eking, song: Harry
Wolf, recitation: Miss Oliver, piano
selection; Miss Viva, recitation; Miss
Sylva Scaholm. piano selection: Ella
Rannscher and Margaret Wedeklnn.
piano auet.,
Ivaaho Homestead. Brotherhood of
American Yeoman, held a suocessful
Christmas festival Wedneaday night at
Rcyal Arcanum hail, whleh waa su
pervised by the ladles of the Ivanho
Rowena circle. Mrs. Joseph South and
tvo daughters opened the program
with a violin obi Irs to. The Star of th
tun si. - ina cnuaren participatM in a
program of song and recitation, vmeh
ertud received a token from Santa
a a a
Banks Maccabees wLl have a smoker
Saturday night.' December 29, and will
tecelve State Commander J. W. Sher
wood as the speaker of the evening.
- a a
Oregon assembly No. 1, United Ar
iuans. neia a largely attanaed onen
meeting with speeches and musical
program at W. O. w. temple, Thursday
nignt. Many mends , and members of
the order attended. -
If p. Sk
rcaTTRK rruM
COT.TJMBLA Sixth btwn WHklnrtaa aad
Btark. Jack FVkford ta -Tea Waajt."
leO L n. to 11 & ia. .,TTrm'
IJBERTT Braadvay at gurit. ' OartMina
'rrac n oaa ua wtau.' 11
to 1 1 T. si.
MAJEST10 Wahlnctofl st Park, mm lord
m ina voaoanua aiaa. 11 i. a. to 11
r. ta.
PKOPLEfl Wan Park St Aldar. Maeiata im
-mi niro. To lip.
StBET Broadway at -Wathioctoa. Doaalaa
nimmi ia ina lajsb." 10 s sa la
TAR -WaahlnstoB at park, lfary Piekfard ta
"Babaeea af Saujrbrook- Tirm. 11 a. aa.
n it a.
. cmaia-a
HITT.IT1 Broadway at Taylor.
wamar,- aarv Hopwood faroa.
FaNTaOE Broadway at Aldar. - Baadliaar.
"TIM Baaata aad Ua rUry.- faahirtns Mar-
iwmi ana nar aiuna nopara aoa aoa
Addad attraction. Qlsa Axiora aad aaaaanv
p. b . cqBuntimn -
BIPPODBOMB Broadway at'Taobin. Haad.
Uoar. KaUy-WOder. aoas mkw. Photoplay
laatara. oliatta Day ia The '-t -r eL-L
1 a. ak. roatinaaaa.
BTRANU W'uhtBrtoa bataaaa park aad Waa)
x i Tuamua ii iiiiot. Toa Aanal
laTaila. "Looptns the Loop." iVatara nbota
play. Jane Caprioa ia 8raablaa hUld. a.
Bias. Q'L Mtlw. 3:20 p. t . ,
stock. orraHtNfis J
BAKCB Broadway kataaia Hnrraoa and AVW.
1H JUEaaar s imjwtw Mm tarn IHU ( the
Leneaona Ptna. K-anuaT. B-.20.
LTBIO reerth t Btark. Mwrfnal aooMdv.
'Maatmrd Klnsa,- with Baa DUloa aad Al
frankaV -Daily atattaaa. S40 ps. at. Braaiasa.
q aad e'etackT
The Industry encouraged by the' row.
ernment, Tunis Is now producing" more
than io.vuo.ovu gauons or olive oil
I year and expect In. a few years to more
i i a a bwuiw 1 1 iw aimmna.
Hermits One third cup butter.
thirds cup sugar, 1 egg, S tablespoons
of milk. 1 cup flour. S teaspoons and cuffs of brilliant stuff.
baking powder, one half cup raisins.
stoned and cut Into ' small pieces, one
half teaspoon cinnamon, on fourth
teaspoon doves, on fourth teaspoon
mac, on fourth teaspoon of nutmeg.
Cream th butter, add sugar gradually,
then raialaa. eggs wejj beaten aad
milk. Mix and sift dry Ingredients
and add to th mixture. Roll mixture
quit thin, but not as thin as for gla-
Terse Taaltlss. Mate! esse and
brocb ar In favor among alike. "
Waistcoat fronts appear on knee-
length eoata.
Evening dresses have lone;, pointed
Velvet suits are having a consider
able vogue.
Hats are simple in trimming, but
elaborate In line. e
Long scarfs of wool muffle the
throats of fashionable women.
Many of the new dreesee have aklrt
that almulate trousers.
Ia .many cases the fashionable
dresses have one sided collars.
Crystal buttons are a pretty trim
ming for the velvet dress.
Vary plain frocks may have collars
The Franco-Amer lean exposition, an
exhibit of American' war relief wort
for Prance, waa recently opened in
Paris. Th American Red Cross Is
among th principal cxhlbitora. Th
purpoae of the display . Is to visualise
to the French people the achievements
and activities of th American Red
Cross. The expoeltloa was opened
by President Polncar. M. Barthou,
secretary of foreign affairs, ta the
opening address said: The great
American Red Croee Is performine
marvels before the eye of Franco.
The French government thanks the
American people."' Among the Red
Croee exhibits are architectural draw
ings and cardboard models of t
pltale and barracks; photographs of
refugees and repatriated children, with
Red Cross workars washing, feeding.
and taking care of them; views and
models of the various kinds of can
teens now In operation; and surgical
dressings, hospital supplies. . and" mod
el, hospital device. On each day of
th laat week of th exposition, which
Win be American week, distinguished
Americans will speak on th work of
th American Red Croaa. The re
oclpts are for French war relief.
' a e a
Mrs. Wllloughby Cummin rs of To
ronto has been appointed a member of
th honorary war loan comnaHt - of
Toronto. Canada. Mrs. Cummlng
well known to American women
through her association with the In
ternational Council -of women. M. B.
Nichols, director of public Information,
Ottawa. Canada. In charge of the pub
licity work, make .the statement that
the women ef Canada are doing splen
did war work. .
The University of Oregon summer
school of l!ll will do special work along
the line of training woman teachers la
th work of teaching that they may take
the plaose of men who have gone to
Liberty Fralt Cake On cup molsssss, .
one cup water, one cup seeded raisins, '
one fourth cup citron cut fine, on fourth
cup ohortanlng. on half teaspoon salt,
on teaspoon nutmeg, one teaspoon eta
namon. one cup corn flour, one cup rye
flour or white flour, five teaspouns bak
ing powder. -
Boll molasses, water, fruit, shorten
ing, salt and picas together In eue
i three .minute. When cool, add
flour and baking powder which have
been sifted together. Mix well ; bak ta
loaf pan In moderate over about 4t
Getting Too Fat?
Try This Reduce
People who don't grow too fat are the .
fortunate exception. But If you find th
fat accumulating or already cumbersome
you win be wise to iouow in is sugges
tion, which Is indorsed by thousands of
people who know, ask your arurgisr.
(or if you prefer write to the Marmola
Co M4 Woodward Ave.. Detroit. Mien.)
lor a large case or Marmois ireacnp
tion Tablets, lie is the price th world
ovar. Bv doles this vou Will M Sal
from harmful drugs and b able to re
duce two. three or four pounds a week.
without dieting or exercise- Adv.
This Makes the Curl
Stay in Your Hair
,mmtm mmm H'mi 7 (Cijmf
' -'A --w Aj.a - J '
'iirsr. ' Aim
, f , Tfsii nail V-y:
0 I
. f
A Most
Appetizing Dish
One . hundred per cent quality.' Made of the -choicest
cuts, tastefully seasoned with -pure
spices. - ' r.
- U. S. fiopcrnmsnt Inspected
. 7'. . Sold Only in Sanitary Carton
j "7.; I by All Dealer. :
- "COLUMBIA" BRAND Insures Satuf action
Pure Pork Sausage A
l ' a
Tbe allmerine method of curling the
hair la unusually popular lust now, ac-
nnrAIn ta tha druartjrta. This Is largory
due to the warm weather and becaua
wmmi ara now BDendlnr so mncn 01
thalr time out of doors. Liquid Usier
In not only produce th loveliest, ns
tutaJ looklna- curls and wave, but It
keep the hair In curl no matter how
ht or how moist the day or bow naru
the wind blows.
T la atrMnrv wonderful how this hand
le liquid converts the stralghteet larts-
est hair into such pretty curly locks in a
igle night. All one neea oo ia ww
oWn tooth brush with liquid sllmer
im at Kadtima. draw this through the
hair, and in the morning she finds her
hair has dried in Just the sweetest wave
and crtnklee. A few ounce will keep
the hair curly for many weeks, it will
also keep it beautifully soft, silky and
lustrous. Adv.
Broadway at Teyler
MAI9 1 ASP A-iltl
Tonight8:15 rooVr0.n
Fleer tl. Bel, fl. Ts. r.
Fair an- Yarmer
gaits fid Cast sal Freds sties
TCve's Floor 11.14. Balcony, IV. Tie,
Kta. Osllery Kc.
- Lonesome Pine
thaa aaf aalara. WadMaday aaraala kU
laa, sataioay Manaaa. saa. sea j
lft. Tfta
ta OM Year
Oat tent ta
waies oas small i mtmtrrr-
d! habbt oarrx aim
VMaa Bait, sad LCttaa gwililii
PLATgJLS: V trial
Caadfaald Braa; TyVw aad. mi, CUlr AMAl
Daa. Aftar Baraiar VsM thaw.1
Caalke Biaaaaod aad Hbi Hawailaas,
if, i t i m
MAT. DAILY 2 .m hJ
rivg orMtR utm rr
WatibA ta0r. 1S Oatr
XUAla, Ceataiaeaa, fte, I0e
-THE MUSTAR0 Kinds." " -
We Pay' All War Tax
Chorus Girls Contest Toniz
' . - . tttdnlfht Btstlaee, Prienfia tf