i rx- f - r . i ! I I Alf DDrPIXDEXI KTWSPAPn ft 8. JACKSON . . . , , t llibUabad Trf day, iIuimn and Morata (i cept Sunday aitrKo) at The Jorui Itaii , inc. bread u4 Xamhia stseet. tfertlsed. Orr on. . - - . Kotarad M ht BastofOe et rortlaad. Or., fa -! S.J.LKfHOSE - Hale flMj HdMi A-l. - All --- - mehat br IbM tnbm tall the oprator what dapartstant l"" want. .- IVUKtUN ABVKUTlAtNO KEPBAMCMIATIVK '. . BaDjamis Kaataor Co., Brmnnrto Balk-la, r , 22S Filth s-a., bw Teri. 121 rww'l it 5, btuldinc Chkcaca. - ",U' ubortot-oa taroe by suO, orMW a4arw ta .the Unit States of htatlco; e j twDAx t ,;:OHmr...llltiUM oath. . . . . $ -SS i X PAXUX 1X08X010 OB ArTCIlSOOV) AMD i.f StJNDAX . . ' Ona wl.IMUm avta .ee . sr 4".. ,THE STREET CAR RIDERS' BURDENS wife cf to warrior whoa ther brought hom dead, Sh must weep op aha wfTI TIa naini tdil bAm T IS wrong to compel the ear rider of Portland toupply tola city with - tubconscio ,tita surge up into the conscious and finds arare- But th car rider d 11 Their nickel finance tot rapid transit of Port-i beooma Lrmi.N land. , They pay the wages of employes and . to salaries of officials. o,. ;... ,T- ...A Tby keep toe electric plants goin and pay for toe cars and exuipment. - L... - ihonaVTfw'mEi interests . - v. -L.V. .,,:r ' Zl I Alisia for Tteant Uad when wt hTe plenty of ft at homef At the oat side Alaska has onlx 4j000.000 acres. The vacant fertile land In toe United States this side of Alaska amounts to about 500,000.000 'acres. This land is held by speculators for the . unearned . Increment . and while they ere holding It 'the country Is clamoring . for . food. Speculation In Idle land is the worst kind of. profit A CHRISTMAS HYMN By Alfred Domett Ragtag and Bobtail tori Trom ErorrwlMre 3mm Mith unto him, I mm th nj, (.sd t th truth, nd th ilfe; no oar eometb nato th mtur. but by me J oka 14 A. fnm t J a . . . . ' . S. .a f . . 1 1 mftk - - - that are more benefited br toe street car system than are to car riders. L "" for t Vm vJ ti, kn.inM. ...-i- - ..' - it. Mnt.i in 6re"- ?7 heart, for I xmt hold my - ri w t-v ? t- ... tonme.". It is ttoe suonrealon at a great tteal r jta sal values, a great deal of its prontanie aeuTiwes ana . ,v, 1 lHrin. .hMiK. .. W,nti-. '"ettd! ?-!? bus,nef bf toe presence in PorUajad of a rapid tit indirldual and toe naUon. -s If wt laek toe resolution to. end It system, wWch brings multitudes 9f people from ouUylng distrlcto Into toe ,0 as (t can work-out te noise w for our own sake surely we should heart of toe elty by quick processes to do bnslness, emotion an is ant to be weiL - . be able to da It for toe soldiers sake. Portland could not bo so large elty but for ts rapid transit system- . ru Z Means of quick: passage over long distances makes the spreading of elUes 'jfJKSJE? Colonel 'Lewis, lnyentor of th n lmn Aa.lkl. t u aVn fttirftT inn I i , . . ... r. m,u "" ' TTTIUiem Imarlna thit lh.v mt Amt tWJS gun, IS CTJUO OJ in war OS Ill Ustlmony before toe UUBio uHwc i-onana wouw Buia uu um lucuwmi. u- thunderoua raekrt hrnt thrm nmHtee yeiterday was .very eeo eay. Tbt great department stores. would, lose, thousands of customers. Small P Jr s uu Tjewpolnt may be In- h.- '..,m, t..Jl -,Tw ..4 ,ini.f- nrnuirt casc toe subconscious to lnhibinir - hava niMont. inyi Tir I wvuMo oi nesxing. me organ re-l.. ...1 . . : I . Landlords would sustain a heavy loss of tenants and rentals would drop JJ 0'ftA?mnS .ihbn w InvenUon and adopted an VatnAa i k. win... wmMv imhmmi ttv. I qui OI1- An unequal stress nts en I ... . . ... Lcomc.rrom rented property wpyld be heavily cut. The crowds on to '1, ; wi i7v th hnJ ihl hi. naer are" also viciously ensor- fpta nrnrilrl (ut'lhlnnui nim vanriM tvjk nmami Tnr mniATM inn I , -. . " j i m.. . w . property, insiae ana.ouuymg, wouia susiain peavy loss.- -ino spimy to - - - - "7 t; Isibly on their own terms. Doubtles get qmckiy from on place to another more or less distant is tne sustaining ";u " Vh7 v " . I toe war department blundered In power oi Foraana -Properly ana w . eu , W PffiXT taV W eases. Perhaps it blundered i""?"!71 m,nw""Di0.Ma" 7n .n " ,T. la rejecting the Lewis gun. Pot wnicn in ure wood courses, are w tne human poay. impair me now 01 1 ; ,T "V. V- J.. Iwith toe superman's task of creal- Piooo ana to poay withers. W away u rapia iransu ana a cuy sg- .0 given, says the Pop- ,n w4 equipping an army 9f a mil Jt is not Justice to compel toe car riders aloae to bear all toe cost of I a5f.fcSc,5nB 0.nthl7'bJ Dn,n thln. , Ana. rv ,,,., In maintaining' W Tna an innlln Iff t I Width Of Sheet UOn Wlto t DUBner. PortUnd. It Is as Important to toe owner of an office building In toe somnambulism, or aleep walking, business district to have a rapid transit system as It is for a car rider. 7 h b? 8lmilAr ea. -Ik 'la ImrtArtAnt fop a downtown huainesa paUhlffihmpnt of anv kind T"9 patient Is suddenly waked as as It is to a car rider to have quick transit from place to place In Portland. Bh Aon ,n ome dnserou I lion and a half In a few months, who would not have made some mis takes? Letters From the People IN TRAINIlVGfcAMPS Yet toe car riders are paying toe whole bill. Many of the owners C Htuatlon. if toe shock 1. akillly I n.VJ. ift bulidms an buslncH eatahilshmenta nav nothing. Ther never ride I managed toe hysterical habit may be "?5 l& ", """" office buildings and business establishments pay nothing. They never ride managea we nysiericai nanit may no .l!fBHAVB- been interested Utely M ret cars; they have automobUes. The rapid transit system of toe M,e"k' tn- . - -'.i 1 to readW toe young soldier! P"T n po4 tn a cent. . - But ?V c$0.wof oWler T.l . ' . ' 8 Miri , , 4V,.!. , i. m,A v- 4h- ... .i. f,.M n- ... hysterical deafness toe doctors Invoke aw worda la Iragth aa4 anal M a. paajaa or u mm aaa aaaraaa at lar. ir tba wrltar aaa aot Scalra ar aaaa pMtaa4 wimjm m iuia.j 'The Farmer's Materials Opal City, Or, Tm. IS- To th,E4- i. y u are doing in toe training camps, t eren wieiriaxes i paia y ino w fapr. jnus, iao cr --- Z, Zy T . 1 - II . . 6 . unuiua wujiJi. . .T..t . ifn- ,. -.a ... toe aid of sujwestion. Before Irvine iUtlf UUU1C9- rO KrUWlDK TO- 1 : I . .1 . . . . .. I UBU UT, tJT- H. JO UJ -I Id'bust. Their minds are clarifying in tracks at a cost of 5225,000 a year, which sum, because toe car riders pay ou" x maae mm neuev ltor of journal I would iui,to Supply T was the calm and silent ntgbt! Seven aandrfd years and.ruty-tare Had Rome been arowiar bp to mirht. And bow vu queen of land and sea. No sound vas beard of c lathing wars ' Peae brooded o'er the buihTd domalaii ,'Appllo, PallMa, Jove, and Mm -' ' Held undisturb'd their ancient rclfnf the solemn midnlfht t : . - Centuries a(o. , Twas In the calm and silent nlfbtl The senator of haughty Rome, .Impatient, urged his chariofs flight From lordly revel rolling home) Triumph I arches, fleamlnt swell ' . His breut with thoathU of boandlen twiyj What reck'd the Roman what befeU x A Ptltry province far away, ' la the solemn midnight Centuries ago? - j o 'e e O striate Indifference I low and high a Drowsed over common Joys and caret j The earth was stilt ut knew not whyj The world was listening, unawares. How calm a moment may precede On that shall thrill the world forever! To that still moment, none would heed, Men's doom was llnk'd no more to l e verb id the solemn midnight. Centuries Igol It is the calm and solemn nlghtl A tboiriand bells ring out, and throw Their Ipjoui peals abroad, and smite The aarkneis harm'd and holy nowl The night that erst no name had worn. To it a happy name is given j For In that stable lay, new-born. The peaceful Prince of earth and heaven, In the solemn midnight. Centuries agol CHRISTMAS :ithe flame of a hleh DurooBe. It is i. 1 hot taken In taxes. It is tantamount o a special tax collected from Qe 11 0ln oarod. In nine diacuaa aa articia to The Sunday Jour ' iln toe cantonments for toe black Th c&r through their nickels, are even compelled to pay for pav- ff' "r rum ADeon on th rrm.- by Chria c3w. j'i iniquities that often cluster around lln Ion Inalde 016 ear tracks around the great office ouilding ana wu uauaiiy oom ' - companies of men far from their great business nouses ana small business nouses on street served ny street The car riders, through their nickel pay lor similar paving ana li: v,i u uu vuswumuj .guwmwui. . " "7 '.V r "r- - .'-"T .ZI Banana, ar. Mlfln, in - Knma eav th.t ki. i i i rnr mi nunmefl or ail auen navina. on every aireei aervea dv aireei ears mi ' - pa., wvii tuug is tew I ' . : 7 . . . . .1 Z. -L : T"J I airthnnui Taa Skatek -k.- fry WaahlMtoa Irrta Of ail the oU f attvaJa, tba of Cbrlat taa awakaaa th atroncatt aad moat I hava Uvad bar n.arly alrht yaara nfaruw mfTlrl ZtZiZLi. and hav aattlad wtt tha jack rmb- I M. T01 .zT-ZZZ 1 w.TTWa -Tt biu for aa axtatanoa. We bava trVvl I wu owr 'irrT ":,. arery concalvaW plan to itertnlaatt M lt IJlwa af tha church Hawaiian nma. Joymaat. Th aarvtea r ina cnurcn a a . . . . 1 4 ar a a. aak aTtfwm T TJJUlir ' i marred with moral discords than to th city, and the original paving cost is deducted from toe paying cost i oi snips -to ud and conductad driving .oi- ETiViaatoiaTTthav wau aa th baauu- ltoe usual couege. 1 that abutting property therwis. psy. , . J.i: ff br.S: ttT ll-ISS One young man whose letter home . fH0..er, "ae w " . , a -wrrc- - TT 77; 7.; ; . to bt tb. jack to hi. cptlov . rTniTCaTTaT-aUy lncr.. from Prance was published in a UtV I TK Jt?WS!tt!- I ana; tiTr u 7S u 21.!. .i!SSI tolvoTlad patho. rtn, tn r-" erarv mmilnA nf tha aat -wtHtAa I 01 uonars wnuo nulling propeny is not ixquiroa vo pave uu luut ivreicuca 1 . , , T , . " ' ' 77. 1 0f juvwat utn Uay araas iorw w " hair on hi a nhest P1" wr "1C wuuw "v L" uu v ..,.' . . . -" ' -iincnaa nian. Duryina: rour hkm ta 1 r. . affaft .n viin; .r,,-. left unnaved. , I . uo YWUOU "' " tha trouad, and putUng thraa barbaa 1 i-Z;riLm ,m hau u uv.ua tt, w.w kuiicko OUCi- 1 - - . . ... . . .. " . . . Ian mnch dMTt imI hT Mrbtn lnkM.tiUn. nn tn lth naXa It faat -m a a aa Th a tirnA a nun tit -anil tv e a in s nmna a rr rna si t-aaair tmw ri rt a v nr inn. 1 " w r -a, H w-wa 1 mv v-w wa - - r - - .ucmuy. 1 ,"r::r rr, " r " im Americ could render this world -ui uala oa tha aaerai f aaUaaa tbaa baar tba full choir aad tba paaUa raa vutrm rkrtnu mham la a caUtaora! ana tin There seems to be no truth In the lana W1U V&Y Ior ever' cen 01 1(" AX,UIU1J prpwy ovmcre win pay noui- if .Vrt , .J" vaJuabl purpoa In oonaorvation TfBrt al I tba vt pUa with ;old noLn that an arrav 1 JSaaST ta- The street car company will pay nothing except from funds derived 5r7jca,lf enouh of ttam Mil farm product aucb a- wbaat. CphaEwonr. - i' 01Q n0U0Q mal aa ari1ay 18 D9CS8a-1 .v . ,v.l. m,. ..i a .ift,. In .-.a. Were available for US. I Karlar ana all ratablea. Itnmnpaaa aurora. UThlla aneh a falai WOllld Drotaot ah tba mention ad eropa from tba Jack. I e-artTad Cram days of yora. tbat tbU wba daaa moat of hi dastruotloa at I factiraJ. wbtcb aommamorate tba an- R. DiujT wu one Of the truly f,k'! f BhMn tha avar Bra-U.a -n. u.n mad a tba aaaaoa for J. rliv rfPh9Sarf in ,hg,t M-n ..irrora me car naers nicseu, ( -v.. . iu,l I . ... .', m.. 1 J. .V. , in I be good fighters and at toe samamw . v 1 xuo llucia j time keep their spirits pure. In fact.1 the best fighters have always been I ciean men in mma ana DOdy. The Uxpayers of toe eitr who ride in ante- wcr available for use. LUTHER R. DYOTT i; r KTr"riH., T, "r ,."7 booki of car riders, ' J. aa aw w va, wiv DlUiUa 1IIEU AB HLJ the whole cost of all toe paving being don on these two long stretches of street. The street car riders are compelled to pay a speolal charge for maintain ing toe Portland bridges. The bridge tolls come entirely out of toe pocket- The car rider ar compelled to pay for free trans po- D good men of Portland. His per- I ent oyot. which U always la quaat I fxtjfiag toa-atbar ef family connection. rormanee Was on a level WltQloi lamo. i raaaonaoia m I aararawia cioaar hwb uivww hla nrofftMlon. Ha nraH.1 in sum that tbr U.not profit .'Mca klndrad baarta. wnca y and tatlon for city employes. Why shouldn't toe general taxpayers, not toe oar htrnT0n71m pretxhlng .JSovmf & 2 I SXZZLrtV Ta ;ot --istemlously in toe field as they did r?r w" lx" i. at home. Black broth and barlnv ' pay I The spirit of toe areat Teaehar I aaauanOy tber must b otbar. maaaa eaJllss back tba ablldroa of a famny. -!m.Aa , tli? nut . J! th mP PrtO ' LI? h. fM L2 .IJ .!! oTprUo for tb-m. wbTLv Uacb4 t ortb to Uf a and - ct m ! f h la trksAm f net tn Aitw i-k urin iTVi nwa T n m nmninv a I -w waasr i w fought upon It victoriously from toe . ' 7- -r . - r and around him. Th gentleness, the wnJAWat-- t .,0.. r I cent profrt, no matter how lean toe years, no matter how reduced th- vtriA w " ,krT.,, plain, a ilittle because our government begs us for the good of mankind to wat aa juuowca wu uirougn nim " -r".TV, ,h. fanna t a .1 Uair tanadar, mm nor to .iMnn n ahtaJn tKa craalaat ra- I aaaamlila abaaS tba aaUrnaJ baartb, tbat rptit nrniri no ttibiipf nnw 1 can n 1 nn vpam 11 n 111 ilft now rrxi iirwn uip 1. . - - . .... - a T .7- V 71 ' .7 . " 4, klndneas, the Jostle end toe humll- suit from hi land, by ralalng park. I rallying plaaa at ta axiaeuowa, profiU In other busineaes, no matter whether it is war time or P&3,tT ct the crucified Naaaren war wI and mutton In tbouaaada'af la-1 grow rao aaaia waoo- tba time. Whenever that principle is fully acknowledged, toe company is noU:." " 7" "7 .vor . l tnaylna: anvthin. but Is only Drofiteerin. The car riders are then officially I 9 . now exist. irinvn 111 1 msn r nno nav in . f . m.am i " " -v v ... - ... ... n... a . . . . w w.. vuw UJ VI It? TVVA I AW lnnmAM, A or two. The Spartans, who kept then democracy safe through eight centuries of fighting, scarcely ate the financers of the Institution and toe company is only their business agent, working for them on- a guaranteed profit. Some people in Portland and some widely heralded committees ar elalm To stand, In his presence wa to stance, -wbera aucb a tbio doa met I aa4rtn mamntoe oc cnuaaova. tbousaada mt aora In fT tU( Mlui aa warn a Taa laaad . I bwHad U AtamtzOmf aidal aaattaa a. atary, ta Tm, a ta ah iimaianal atan mi aaatada-a. tm aav a-ai-av o-a. Iiaaiiiaa af im mtiU mm aa aaM la Ceaervl Shenaaa's Famous Bemark I U. aaiBRAJTU ef Columbus, Ohio, f wrltlnx to tba New Yerk World. g!vJUe and data to a remark which ' Wldaly cradltad to Otsml WUllaa Taoumaak Sbarmaa. Ha aays: la answar to taautrte aa to whara Oaaaral William T. Sbarsura salt -war was ball, aA ta rafuta Intimation that b navar aaid It at an. tba Col am boa - Dtapatcb assart tbat Canaral, Sbarmaa aaid it ta Columbus as, August tt, IMS. sad ta support of tha " aaaartloa pro duce from Its file a copy of a abort addraas b mad bar at tbat Urn la wtoca tb bow famous deflalUo af ' war waa made. The occaatoti wa a raualoai af tba CIvU war aotdlars from Ohio. -Freaid ant ur wa a roast af honor and moat of tha llvta- ganarala of tb Civil war wra praeeat. Tba addraaaaa wara made in tb opaa la rraaklla park. It wa ralaing hard when Oaaaral Sbarmaa' turn came to apeak, but be stood out uncovered and delivered his short poach. Aa pubUahed. It contained ' lust ll ward. AUudlna: to th fact thai aid atdtare did not mind rain, ha oonUaoad : "Tou all know tbat this la not eol dlartnf . There 1 many a boy bar today wba think war la ail aioiy, bat. bora,' I It t all aalL Tou aaa bear tbat warn-. ina to ganaraUoB yet to coma. X look upon tt with horror, but If It barslo pom. I am here. "Thia iaat clause brourM areat aa- plauaa. and when tt subsided the general Proceed ad on annthar Una Af Ihnnrhl ' Tha Picnic Waa Off Baby' unci a mat bee la tb street oaa day. say Lamdoa Answers, and asked bar whether ab wa golag with a pleato party from bar aobooL No," rcptlad tba S-year-old nleea. l aint coin." "My dear." aaid tba uncle, "row mast not aay 1 ala't cotog.' Tou must say, 1 am not folnS-' " And b piKaaded to aire bar a UtUa mora aweetly aloquaat tbaa by tb wta- tar flreakleT and aa tba baUow biaat of wintry wind ruahea tbrouab tba bail. I Utann In srammar. elapa the distant door, wnusuae aoaat "you are not coin, lie Is aot coins'. the caaement. and rumble dowa tb w, are aot oka. Tbey are aot going, ehimney. what can be mora grateful Mow, can you aay ail that?" than that feeling of sober and aba 1 tared -nh yaa 1" reaDondad Baba baartilr. security with which we look around upon I "Tbar aia't nobody going." v uu oonuonaoie cnamsar ana wa scene . of domeatlo bUaHtyT T Oar fioldiersi A Chrlatmaa flag One of tha leaat p&aatng affaet af TjtTT ua ' modern ref tnement U tba bavo U ka P"7JnniU -Ja7fc2t-aa. made ajoong tba hearty aid holiday fraWt tbr aba, euatoma. It ba oompletely takan aTf ra ta gtoium felea aatafVaa tba abarp touch In ga and spirited re J lata tL-lnS!i of tbaae 'amballlabmant af Ui and ka- aJJJt 2. mUT worn down aociety lata a mora amootk wtaiaa tonal ae baaH turaina and pollahed, but eartainly a laa abar Tiu tt gnmu ta oi dava. actarlatl aurfaca. Shorn, kowavar. a It CJalri la. of lpi ancient and feetlv bonora. "7 '.r, hral Cbiistma U UU a period of delightful M ton Ua aatUa W rrnliai arai exeitemeht. Tb praparaUon maaiag a rioeaial Vaac eery aide for tba aodai board tbat 1 , x aaln to unite friends and kindred-- Too True tp D unny the praaant of good cheer pesetas aad avtrana-er rarra product coat mora repaaater. those tokena of retard and tkaa tbey oaad ta. qulckaners of kind feelings th ever- Tba r armor Tea. Whan a farmer creena dUtrtbuted about house aad I suppoead ta know tba botaalcal aama churcbea. emblems of paaoa aad gladnaa what ba a raiala' an tha eatomolo- ail these have tba moat pi easing ef- gtoal aama af tba Ineect tbat eat It. fact In produdna- fond aaaodatloma aad aa tba pharmaceutical name of tba kindling beoerolenl sympathise. Evan chemical that will kill U. aomebody got tba aound of tba wait, rude, a may be I to pay. their minstrelsy, break upon tna mia- watebea of a winter algbt arttk th af-1 The lU of the War fact of perfect harmony. Am I bar bean . f. awakened by them In that atfll aad aot- .T ?V eran hour, "when deep aleep failatk upon mtLuS tbav man." X hare listened with a bashed de- iai a km. wit a eoaa a .V I Hi, hi w aaa Ther ar tkouaaad C acre la imjw m mmm - ...... - 1 . . . . a 1.1-.. ua ai f fia aax uiai kiim a w reel tne touch or a radiant soul, to unp nw r "- Va-tiVitT of Cbristmaa. At other sense toe presence of a ".weet V "!T,.re " ; : . log that toe car riders of Portland are not paying enough. H Is Insisted w ... proluc a ? urf: "T - i!K iatur.- OuV faaitao sally forth and rmaralVwiaaTtw the car riders must through their nickel, not only provide " 1-awtlturt fc?XaJLa .S " t2 bdTtb (ram tba mar beauties of democracy as Jong as they did theirs? . The soldiers of the ancient world always performed religious exercises before they went into battle. On the Iwith a rapid transit system, not only keep up toe , values of property andi for which he toiled a wa "Ut abroad and nreumo vui""" 1 M v w a , -l""H aw mm ' - I c a an.. r. of ha tlra. th. mxIo!. nl KMnwtv rnl nnlT nrnvMn lh mlrnnl fnn Kiiolnaca aatahlfah- I Wtruugn auv U UIB aUTOCSOy wt I oontroUad annrheri Without a KOOd I WWTaOTH. . . " . w ,k. menU Tnd VatienU he and JrJ I fra of1 uo morninrof the hVttir r ThTnZ lawyers'with cUenU, and toe landlords with tenants, and the of- ; earegr or a good man, in to- . aaa of umm.r. th oid pomp orau- morning of the battle of Themopylae . fU. ' nnMin-n. . h M -.. fh' ftnjflAn. Influence It leaves upon those with I L., TuZTsr.?;- tc 1 lt .u.ot.T'trr tne Persian king sent spies ahead to "J Z Tr"Y.i:ZXZ.TtZ: ZL J .Z "-."rZ-lnhom h walked and workM u . I r.7n rrriaiL loii u irw aaa what T onnirfaa inif hla WV1 e... WM rcaiUCUl BkUUtuiuiuvrs ui Miw uw o wmyauj vviku m, ftuai U!WJ oi. . " I " Z, T . v . . ,w 1 i. I LlalOU vIU Ui IIS cjoauy jijman. see wnat Leonidas and hU 800 Spar- I . .,..,,j i M in k.ii,.. ..v,,.k I nrecious human asset. It turn douM Washington, aiaTilfying that there .U I ,Zm nn. .xauuite de- yet ecu uiriucuu TTAC-;a aaa rteu v aaa yvo, nuvauvi v aao comuuou-i - - 1 irtUawia Wa aa n Intmnm lill faeAaflraa I ---- . ments and men are making an annual one per cent or no per cent belief and halting Into faith. It KVofaaV It And, insisting that in all these pubUo bills which they ar footing, the avea a mar mat is unseen to nu- ties within th rabbit infested district. 7-- v atur i, oeapoued of car riders are not paying enough, lt la demanded that th nlckel-a-rid be man ! but wnich Uvea on In the """ Lto,lte-Iifr Very ckana aad wrapped in bar shroud abolished and that the patrona of to street ears b compelled to pay six memory of those about, to Inspire, uaa? cau by therofltaer f abated aow. fo' 'I cents a fid. If a nickel-a-rida is not sufficient to provide PortUnd with a l encourage to Wad and to guide. to u, Md ur government, and com- f"00 Jf. !?.0.?i . rTl h. rapid transit system, and maintain street car paving, bridge tolls, et cetera,)" n end oln men to atrlve mandaer ail material and eauipraent JJJJ umr y and darksome nighta. tans were doing In the narrow pass between the mountain and toe sea where they had resolved to die for liberty and Hellas. The spies brought back word to Xerxes that they were combing their long hair and singing. The truth was that they were wor ! ..""' n -la II.. t ,nn1r..n, . alx na. nt nrnflt tha nlnrVel at.at ... ll. TOT. gUMing StST for Other men 1 neoesaavry 10 uur. 1 n. tka elreamsciiba ur wannarina. aniping th' gOdS before they looked TT. . T a : ." " 1" 1 riTw.-" i .hart f fh -an protection by placing within m reaca TtaTaur feallnn aiao from rambling it is insisted, must pay six cents a ride, regardless of toe contract city and company to the effect that toe fare shall never be more than cents a ride, power Is not great com out of them with the illusion that toe whon ; their last upon the sun. tn Grom r. , well's army which .routed the gay cavaliers of Charles Stuart on man " a hard fought field almost every offl cer was a preacher and toe men ;v liked nothing sd well as to sit under sermon two hours long, - Times have chanced and the tasta ;j of soldiers with them. It is notworld is nothing mor than a form r? probable that our young men in toe of words not meaning a great deal i training camps. would. vote for two-land liable to give way befor long hour sermons. Of course much would to some other form duito as mean- depend upon who preached. The of- mgiess. "Nothing Is new, nothing true , fleers are probably too busy teaching matter.- comes pretty - too boys toe art and praetic of war aii--a A. fA ah MfaaMna d1b college formula for i even if they had a much gift for it 1 tte tiniverse & as Cromwell had.- Naturally the young soldier soon , !;- . Var - Is a far more complieatal learns that a good many things are Business man-ft was in to days of new and true so far as h is con- 5. the Stuarts. It requires mor of boto jcemed and that some things matter , - brain and body. It is said that to immensely, such, for example, as l) actual intellectual training toe young I saluting when hef passe an officer M men are getting in toe cantonments and keeping his bed neat The young , .compares favorably with that of the I soldier is obliged to be a realist. The I ordinary colge. Their days are full I world he has to deal with forbids ot toll for mind and body and their (him Imperiously to be a shiftless and hours of recreation, which are gen-1 heartless f corner of facts. - eroua, are well watched over by 1 Now the opinions and sympathies . ministering; orders like the Y. M. Clof nine human beings out of ten an .: fA. and Knights of Columbus. I formed without much regard to facia, The reports All agree that toe An pnreaj wocjd Is framed for them young men are deriving from this by toelr teachers, their pastors, - training something that they never toelr political party, their friend' had, 'in civil life, The pallid clerk and family and in that castl of illu- rjus out in u cnest, Qi cheeks color I don they pass their lives. with! manly brown. Hla vole dl- WlUlam James taught us that- men i cards its too propitiatory quality anlldo not build toelr beliefs , upon vi assumes toe deep note of lnde- i dence but upon their desire and pas pendence. The training aeem to 1 sions. W prals and blame, wa hat makf par ypung men more masculin land cherish, we seek and .reject not , and more in tuna with reality. , at all on aooount of real merits and . . Everybody concedes that it makes lvalues in men and things bat beoiuse them more democratio. Rubbing to-of the Illusion of which our world gemer as iney no rrom au loclal Is built. classes and all parts of toe country J In toe training camp Illusions d? toey shuffle off their weak fastldi-1 not pass current. Only facts will do. ousness , and discover the common From to shelter of tha ! cantonment f humanity; in one another. The boy's to young men pass out into too rain remark w have quoted, that "he was of cannon fir. For them ; truth - losing - th - college - superficiality," j means life and illusion mean death , aeem to us significant, but he prob- The education th boys ar fetting ably meant "unreality". Instead - of in toe training camps is so much bet - ( superflciauty. ter than tha war training in to past -Many ooUeges deal with words, not toat it makes, teteranf envioui. They -things. Young men whose -.resisting' sigh, a toey look on and murmur between to .Uer by., a chart for other men TZLZl" 2S" JS& 'ZSTJfZJ han flv 10 Porc over In sailing life's turbo- lug materUl aa would keep tha peaky !nljeeuree of tba i t a a.-aa uWkla a.aa s4 aaaan aa It Kakawtaa A WaM Pa ' w - - lent sea. rabbtt out and email herds of bog The Journal holds toat enough . injustice Is already saddled upon car A well lived life Is a better legacy "iot wrrind' iV'wtr I tratad , r-r fri.ndly ipatw- more rlders in Portland without increasing It It) per cent. to bequeath to a community than I to our boys In fha tranchaa. Every I f?TTa-. otbar aoclery and are any material endowment that falls time I baerv th united states tooa I ug-ioT mora cloaaiy torether by de- eanly dla- aoclal clr- Qur tboua-bt are more concen that toey wish toey could hav gone from toe millionaire's stricken band "LJEtZ t"J2iV. JJrIt iuat auna oj career-uvea on to neip our crop, last summer by tb Jack-1 1 . I, Ta- from tha deeo walla of VWI aaoaia. M V aa taABtlASk X Saa- I Ww . - a a- aa - S ak, a. a. lav through. lie La tb .ulet and which, when Those who advocate universal mill- speed toe race forward In to gain-1 rabbit. I read that portion of r I ii-rina? fcinnTrr which tarv trnlnlnr will hn a T Arsba4S tl I alf Tf3r 1TI rt VTn 0T frtl atllrklltYla sk Tat I ll0Til 9 ral id 11 1 9 W"' AftM-ffd) lO I v Atl I li aaW 1 1 1 appeal in toe citation, they can make more exalted impulses. A Dr. Dyotl I rJ. tbTrS. I TJJZZ. " ut wo exyeneuces, ueueiiis ana train-i gon vuggeai me rcgrci uiai sucu i eonsraa must go rurtar ta autnor -1 9 pttohy glaom without make tne ing of our young soldiers at the train-1 men ever have to leave toe earth. lln tb rovarnment to aet limit t I oUlat aa atarm; tba room filled pneea. im ww w whtvt auia I arttk tb ciow and warmut oi u mt-m-mand. I am aorry to aay, baa been I .j,,- rira. Tb ruddy blase iff usee an Mnluva tha law of unrestrained I . .V, . . annahln throuah up to yesterday afternoon, Port-I ' , aalftahnaaa. AVbii w hav eUmM theft VtaBMB. AaaXat lldTaatS tiP Mh Ottll- a.aa.aa a . . . I BaaaaTT VJ aa I Aaa. a W WK Wa Aaa- aM I mm Va anl I . aaa a a a . a. - . . a . Wrv tana naa Idas tnan on third' ltd I rTIij "twu u vivimtiim tu w.-inata proiiiaensg ta btvtm prmncnes i ttnt-r-, iota a kladUr weioom. vvoara eruota in toe eamnalirn for Red rnt I diera wita I arm wnsn th war m uuxuaur. n w rns, jmpuoMy ae tb heoast sac noapnuu 1-2 Ing camps. FARMS IN ALASKA . ..-x-.... i.. ,v . I rampant in outers. xna lajrmara. ior M.i tnta a nraaaer ana mora wreuu uc cviiuuud W I1MM W . mmnl.Hi. with rt aaJ I fT, J " la .va .,-. of lovo . . . i . . w , - - . pmiia a jp OC lusuce. uiai wnu ua i mnwu minds ot our mor or less sapl- membershlp. Th kaiser would gloat over toe situation if he knew about it Failure of Portland and Oreron I ent contemporaries. The Seattle Time of food price restrict their laooma. -.nmaa boiidara. Amooa those to nu toelr quotas would be a mef oul a project In that . of htin tKa! rritcd at tba Muitaamak ar Cap- .k-.J. I-.V.T- lina hlz-h l. irtk -ibont -.-tt i I Drtc .of most of tha things tba "770 . Hm and Lieutenant B. iuccc9 uicaaaeo m eoa 19 UlS I " - must tnemaeive purcnaae ; - an sua-1 it Raymond I . . Am ... -am T. T Kh an. - . . I -...I A . . -i .n IPHMT. SIWBI V. - llxht and. oonnacuna era wita tne Ot the wauie at a sacred and Joyous oocaatow. bav almoat I kaaskt at tmrn la la tu ansa. fancied them Into another oalaatlal choir. I .."""V f- uBBunelnr fkaa and a-oed Will ta man-1 ! .WUM.r". Kino, uow aejiuuuuyyui imn BMura, 1 fm9m U( ptpo wnen wroujui upoa vy mess mora wi lta pats' prvu wtuet allof I fluencea. turns avarytbln to melody I Ta ee tt and beauty I Tb very crowing oC tb J Had weald de cock, beard aometlm la tb profound repose ot the country, "telling tha nlrht watch ps to hi feathery dame. waa thought by tha common people to an nounce - th approach m tb aered f eatlval : Soma aar that rrmr gmhmt tUI Wkataia ear aattart Mn aaa araa. TWa tint ct tnl( sta ail aWM taasl Aa4 Loaa. Uay aj. ae wifit lue SOT ilml; Tbaa-tXaaie wtaliuMi t.tm ae alaaatt aMka, Ka fairy tela, ae vttc kat pmrnt aeUeeaa aa M (tactooa m Amidst tha general call ta happlaea. tb buetle of tba spirit, and stir of tba af faction, which prevail at this period, what boeom can remain IneenaSble? It la. Indeed, tfie season of rerenerated feeling tb aaaaoa for kindling not merely the fire of hospitality tn tha ball, but tba renlal flame of charity la the heart. Tba scene of early lore aa-ain rtaea greeu to memory beyond the ster ile waste of year and tha Idea of home, frausht with tha fragrance ef bor dwelling Joya. reanimate tb drooping spirit a tba Arabian braes will aome tlm es waft tba frcabnaa of tb distant field to tb weary pilgrim f tb daaart. Surely happiness Is reflectiva. Uk tb light ot heaven: and every countenance bright with smiles and gtowlag with In nocent .enjoyment, la a mirror traaa mlttlng to others tba ray of a aupram and ever-eblnlng benerolenea. U wba can turn charitably away from ooe tem pi ling tha felicity of hla fallow betnga. and can alt dowa darkling aad repining tn bis tortellnese wbaa all around Is Joy ful, may hav hi momenta af strong azoltemant and Mlflak gratlfleaUoa. bat ha want th genial and social syrup this which constant tb charm ot merry Christmas boyf in Franc as a Christmas greet-1 proposes ta ship to returned soldiers I nr lnequitiea obtain oa aii.aidaa.' ing. The Red Cross is a mlnlsWrii 017 to Aiassa. ortctbat are Harold Kay. William Longbrwge, axenev to sooth and ha.l thnaa n I The government ha MjOOO.000 acres l-lSXV,! Iwla. D. O. Buflr. U M. BootC a M. w w r--r m w " ., vwarv bths -a r ' a (aa. UIUUlHiU B mm- AW W a a. tm, a Mkii Hinf IH . a- a a m jaa w S . - whom battle Uys its heavy hand, of fertile land In toat territory which n.L: cmi lEnnea. h.miww";"-'- Are we willing; to deny that minlstra- It might dlatrlbut to toe soldier as Kbrr. TtTo tb. Editor C M.u.rlTmr. uon or any part of lt to those who " quarter sections in iowa and of journal wnue reading an article rr : .7-. rl are making toe supreme struggle Nebraska after the ' Civil war. We In The Journal of December IT oa death Oregon. f?!r rartho-m for thair Mmitnt .! onlv two obieeUona tn 11,1- I from nomaaicaneaa. mi taougnt would I .T'' : i M,,tnl Pnrt. I... lw-n.a tn ma "Is onnca of Bravaaltna la scheme, ir as now aeem. Ukely. tUr a poUnd ot cur- 1 am ther Should b IflQQjMQ soldiers to of tit IM mother of Nswberg who provid for. a tract of 64AX)j00O acre- hav given their son to tb can. YSTEBIA I . commonly annnoaad I mnM not m verv far. It Wttl Ha I When young men ot Under age. and DEAF SOLDIERS H with hi famny- He wlu return to r-orv Uj4 about Tburaday. Vuylsf CMstaias Freaeet mnm, uii lana and Margaret ODon- aU ot Band. Or, are at tba Multnomah ... . . .li.. .. , .. . .w.l - . . . ... to be disease Which fixes br each man anmthlna l.tm than 13 ."-""..V ..a T I f or a shopping trtp m foruana w - " .-- - 1 - 1 woriy, au.ivw-,w x a V- In Ja CUT LOT IM WOOK eno. nreferenea tinon . tha anfta n ..h r a aM I an tn.a tiaa ani . I oe . . preftrenc ppon the softer sex. I acres, not much. of a farm. loft from ail bom tu aa bom 00m- but It seems toat soldier are Under modern eonditlona a family fot. and tbn d not far too reason nofeyempt front It. Th .nervous can hardly b upported In comfort ITu toe tVai Ml a gu a Dorothy asf at tb Norton!. tenaea'of Hood Rlrer U WlUlam Ia. Moraa of Baker la ataylng atref which they undergo In th on less than M acre nnless truck Ireoelred a latter from my aoldler boy I at the WaahlagtoBi. ... trencjie tend t upset the balance farming is practiced, and that r- aytn. whr dmct you writer aad Mr - a M r. y Jf " vitta . ,v.i i-A- . , . . "a v "wvTr. 7tr T 1 niaiin for tont word from Kama mjA I ara ta Portland tor a few day at in w mi ina 14 met 1 quires a large eapitai. wn u 10 1 ri - " -...i a r-rzjzm 1 rn.n Singular specief Of subconscious inhl- provide the capital? , I tered package hare not teen raoelred. i K. B. Cuelck. a prominent banksr of bltlon toat fOe by to nam of r Th second Objection I toatV can Dont you think most anyone would gat I Albaby, Or-, I met at the Oregon, hvitarta. ? - n.-w a-na- . a ..mi.h i, i,.u hoiMflek tmdT uch condition! - D. C. Wbli mt Marahland. Or, la at . - . ."'1 .-: - "u'l r wtw I - IJI.T.IH nnnr I.Va Parklnm. STeud demonstrated long ago toat been expatriated for om year Jn I . .. r . , I ui. and Mr, n xjardir of oiachar, hysterl - Is . nothing mor than u toe trenches to enjoy to prospect of cramp, , or unequal tightening, - o' indefinite expatriation in Alasksu To some part of to mind .which can be be sure, hat rmot territory Is theo- rendered normal by psych analysis. reUcaUy.a part of to United State, PERSONAL. MENTION Alberta, ar guests at tna roruaao. W. Qrere of Nam pa. Idaho, to rag tmt ara al tha Norton la. j. r. Ilalmer of Corvaih t Mr. aad Mm C. B. Footer aad Mrs. I1' "rCf --. .. aala-. la al the Oa Shopping Trip The church' ha applied toe samolhnt nraetieallv ta moat of n tt la a I L.TL.. . w ZTZL.-'.'tJr doctrine for age tn to eonfessionaL foreign country, unknown and Wild. gene, ar ta Poryaad for a Christmas j rfp?' r-i.Jt. wmnnMt bmdaca P-TawKnW a.aa arnanaa K. uii. e : a .. ii, ..- v . a .hamliia trtrv Tha ajm a tna ni..a I A- S. UtayoOO. irerawrai .T " rcuc 1 ouaif i vuo ouuera uusni pa iicacu 1 - r-r -. -7.. - - - . ef Kiivartoo. ur, I tna v.ot from mental tenseness whlchvcome to leave friend and horn to etu al V , aeUua. , , fMm Mnntii (Mtihl 1a 1 fnMt iiKw..i:Wi... MnM .Mf.. ..r - a i. . . I . Mr. And Mr. Ttaoont of Ooodln. Or. 1 lyrics or the Princess, speaking of tool And why should we go. to far lnu in pnrtiui tar tha VMr mm I Mr.. ana Mr. Herman aderaea af Eagle Cliff are staytng at tbOaraUaa. Mr, and Miss Risk of Ralalsr. Or, ar la Portland at tha Parkin. Mia Gertrude Joae Of Hoad lUrar Is a roeet at tb htortonla. Mr. L. A. Marah of Seats 1 a gweat at tha Washington. WUllam Laird of Pulbaaa, Waak, Is registered at th Multnomah. Mr. and Mr. M. Carlton, ara at tba Parkiaa. r. K. Sotk at Amity t a gaeat at Ok Ortgoo. Miss McKeener of Aberdeea I at tb Kortoal. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. PraMr ot AtrU ar rrglatared at tb Multnomah. Mr. aad Mra. U. U BperUag of Ti arrl tnt ara at thb Oftana. Ia. Dahlstrom and John A. Iafarty af Cotton are registered at tb Cornell. 1L yO. Weather ot Cam, Wash, I at th Parkin. W. -ilucker. ot Waaea 1 at tb Nor ton la. Mr. aad Mr. A. P. Bleuett of Pendle ton are at tba Portland. Miss Alice La Adam of McMmavfil la in Portland for tb Chrtetmaa ball- days, and I a guest at tb Cornana. I.CC Iawaen of Taaoma la regl- Ured at tha Nortonla. A. Warren of Aberdeen I at tb Or- gon. Mr. and Mra. John Cbaaay of Tb laile ara among tbaae regtaterad at the Perkins. J. D. Caldwell of Butt Meat, to at tb N orton ia. Miss Ail Savag tram Palla. Or, I argurat at tba.Multnomab. . I rally!.. . . - Fraai Cefiaaa Memala . "Why did they plaab Tarry TwmAT -Ob. ba simply wealda't ebeerve fly- lea day." afa from bane. nM arm: It Ktaaal Iw mm aolacal tri the boo erewa ttol Ajfclas. Oe. I'nel leff Souw Says: loot popl expect wbea tbey git a light la wear a pla of a fraternal or der that thy have coming to 'am 100 par oeat aaora'a (bay put lata It; aad after a while tney tin out mat it cant arerage up orer 10 per cant, and tbey qulC THROUGH THLWINDOWiS The Kkiser' Karol t hat Cbrtstpaa, It get on my aerr. Peace an earth for me WW aerer be. murdered peace. Oood will toward me X nrrer feel, but Crush them with A tyrant a baaL To bear tb herald aay els slag, tha OtSrr of a new-born king. Would only stir a Jeelou rag wlihta My chrlvaUd heart. And aa for giving Tu!-tl4 Joy To Uttl. children Cuddling toys. Twou-d t ma wQ, t 14a r Malm them alt, with Ebot aad akalL rMrry Cbtistmaar Hall I am ia I bate CbrUtmaa. tt gU an aay narre. Ionian n New Viewpoint of Eugenics Approved Kales of Uvtnr Set rorth 1 How to Uv H Ra-, reived Approbation of Coa try's Most famous Mtty. aa baaKb he aa ettal ef tha Wtf aad UatMnan Bow ta lAm- im , hrslaaa, , haa Saaa Mrtiili I a ailibittiia vna the -kaa t4 the a! ti ll isvpto riaaaa. a ef PaatPwl tra-oar, tad KwUI LIMA , era tar "Ikmm ta lia,"" aaa efc ma.aa ttUaaai B. Sate Caaaral WCIauB C. Ureaas avaaa fa. Ob at KW O. S. naaa baa..a mmrrkmi Vc M. M. Bkssa. baaUS Maa atoaaa. atale a aw Vara ; pr. fUrer VT. Mitt ead It. ASnmma Otmhmm X TVm mum IohU tlMir aarV to ihe IM EluaSoe tmlH aad eol tbataUl Wi-a fro. ae fmiAtt aad it. as a anuria Cke faaalar srfVa stfce u St. ftnirt IVa wwtuva at Tba JearaaL k aaa ie btalaaa U M si tha J. k. CU Ce.. A fiaaa Ce.. OV4a. Wandas i jMg. sr saxas. snaaea eroaa. af !- 1 rm ha bK aa auaLb' s. npoaa e IM aaeiaat. A4 . 1 aa c A'