?.-,.. ' ", ' ' THE OREGON SUNDAY "JOURNAL, PORTLA UP. yt SUNDAY- MORNING, ...DECEMESIt S3, r 1317. - ; - ' : - - ' 1 .-'. : , - " ' . .......,...- . , i ..JC i'. '' ; s : t . Portland GHajiter fl HE GROWTH of the Portland Rfcd Cross chapter his been iel list soriner. it had 9474 member , . June V 15,203 members November I while the, Christmas ' On December U ts field of endeavor embraced .six counties with 148 auxiliaries and branches. During the summer drive ior ; funds $400,000 was contnouteo to xne cause inrougn uic - - land chapter. , W i .; ,V Vi! - 111 L v' v -;y- ,:vv; i--f V V v f n ' ';: I I V - - k ' ' " J ) j , v. ' II'" r 1 1 - -' ' ( . V vr, - .r . I . :-r.".-j x v. J- I The Red Cross IN 1SS4 delegates from 15 nations assembled at Geneva, Switz erland; and drew up a . treaty of nine articles looking to the . neutralization of hospitals, materials, nurses and surgeons in . time of war and providing an emblem consisting in a red cross on a white field which won world-wide approval. The associa tion was introduced in the United States by Miss Clara Barton in 1877 and President Arthur signed the Geneva treaty in 1882. -1 1'-. (7 ..- :M- ;' V Scene in workroom of woman's bnreau.ot the .Portland chapter of . the American Red Cross ln the Llr-man & Wolfe buildinj, where the-raaoufacture ;of ittrjlcal dresslnis oa supplies is carried on on, a large-scale. . ; v; . v'.,.. s - Anncel of. mercy: The allegation of the sufferinjrs of : th7 battlefields Is due bi'i farfe rneasore to'the tender nursing performed in thenar hospitals ty trained women, whose work, like that of their sisters engaged in other lines of-usefurRedCrossendeaw-bothai fcome and-abroad, U a wlUlng sacr -flee to the common cause. - ' ' "" " "Real dogs of war, attached to the British army, which perform wonderful serrice in searching out wounded men and reporting their location. These dogs, which are mostly of Airedale and Moodhound Weeds, sbov almost human Intelligence. xixixt:il 1- ' , ' ' - ' -- - '"T- I . V-:' - .,L 5 v - !..,'.r-v A..- . I v - -- t l -m4lit!s, .Will I ! ! -T' t- L i :- -. II II if -, v iN :.''-", s ' V r r' I fill I - . : . -.x All. I ' k- ' 3 . 1 .-'.'. - , , iii ii i mil Mi rf i 1 1 - -- , " - -'- -I, ,- I, - l.uia, , i mi mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamm m iniil.iwatoi.IaLiinii.i m i . . - j ; v v -; j., .-.;, K v v-' ' I r . 7 .V : rf -,' ':'.. . - r--, . ..'r..' i, j'. j.ut.ir''iitfRd In warfare to devise new wars' of. Jdlllflr men on a larr seal.- J .republic bin oasis In the wdesert where winded soldiers S Vhlu Some most remarkitla icElerements in surter hir M to their. homes.. Tlie-reHerwork.tont In.Switre iZi mtri : - " v . , . : - - Afy' 4 Wr wv. , "v 'A,- II" ,o.-A -sv- Si V f A , A t-i French .nurses' at Geneya' ThiS Swiss citV..lik. other-centers In .this :'neutral rfrf the several belligerents- and civilUn rMurees.' too., are 'cared for-and. sent back war. Is a Juppy. page.laltlre.cJxronlde oMhe gceat1 disaster1, and women j?I ay .a big part therein.