J a THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER ' 23, 1917. VtlUdeVlIlG I TO BE SEEN IN PLAYHOUSES CHRISTMAS WEEK , ORPHEUM -Only Mven performances ? of Orpheum vaudeville will be pre sented at it Heilig theatre this week as the booking: of a road attraction keeps the Orpheum from giving an extra show next Wednesday, night. The headliner of the show opening today are Mcln tyre and Heath, the world's greatest de lineators of negro character on the stage and who represent the oldest stage part nership In the United States. Meln tyre and Heath will present "On Guard." military sketch built to show ail their darky comicality. This is the first-visit ef Mclntyre . and Heath to Portland in several years and they are the biggest drawing cards to appear at the Orpheum thus far this season. The extra feature of the new Orpheum show is the act of fered by the "Alexander Kids," who are programed as "Cute, Clever and Capti vating Children." The ' little .Alexanders entertain with singing, dancing and mimicry- Bemaining acts of the show are: Noel Travers and Rente Douglas in "Mead owbrook Lane,'i written by Edgar Al len Woolf; Rao Eleanor Ball, princess of v1 the violin ; Henry ' Sylvester and Maide Vance in a satirical comedy with songs entitled, "Get Out of the Theatre" from the pen of Willard Mack ; Bee Ho Ofay, the versatile cowboy, and Ada Summervllle with her trained ' horse, "Onion," in a potpourri of comedy and : skill and the three Misses Stewart in a repertoire of dances all their own. The Orpheum Travel Weekly and special 'Christmas music by the orchestra under the leadership of George E. Jeffery, complete the show. The Orpheum will present two night shows on New Tear's Eve, Monday, De cember -Si.' the second show to be the annual midnight matinee to be staged ' Immediately after the regular night f HH7W, X 110 BUflCIMI KUUBQ iLLLr&lILlUII Ul the midnight matinee will be Charlie - Diamond and his Hawaiian troubadors ; la native music and hula dancing. This act. will go on sharply on the stroke of midnight. Seats now. are on sale for the Orpheum's midnight matinee and In dications are that the holiday throng to see the old year out at the theatre Win be greater than ever. HIPPODROME A thoroughly enjoy able show, according to " advance notices, will arrive at the Hippodrome Sunday to open a four days' engagement. ' Heading the bill will be one -of the clev erest attractions that has been presented to the "Hip' vaudeville patrons, a dra matic story of the underworld. "The Pool Room," It will be presented fey Royal Douglas, late movie star with the 12s sanay Motion Picture company of Los .-. Angeles, who will be supported by a . strong, cast. The Angelus Trio, three young men with a reputation for making a great deal of real music and being the possessors ot real personalities, will pre sent an extensive repertoire of songs. The Three Melody Girls have been one of the hits of this show, all along the road. Lo ' ralne and Mitchell, a man and a woman. will present a laughing vehicle "On the ladder of Success," which will furnish . a large share of the laughs on the bill. Leever and Le Roy will present singing, dancing, yodeling and a cheerful line of patter. The Dudley Trio are. said to be 1 I . . 1 3 1 1 . . . l J balancers and to show much skill and ability throughout their act. The pic '. ture for Sunday will be "Easy Money" With Ethel Clayton in the lead. w CTRAND "Beloved Jim," Stuart Fat- O on's great Christmas photoplay spe- - oial, is the cinema offering the Strand . i . , , . patrons on the program commencing to day. This picture, a fale of two Christ-? snases, of compelling heart' interest; Strong emotional appeal and many dra matic situations, will be presented to gether with six vaudeville acts promis s lng excellent entertainment. Priscilla Dean, Harry Carter and Joe Girard are '. . - IT 1 . 1 1 H) uto wsii jiuuwit buiio icaiuieu in .DC loved Jim.", The story has to do with . the misplaced affection of "Beloved "Jim" Brockton in his nephew. Donald, a Worthless young fellow. Jim's chief in terests in life, before he marries, are In Donald, his dog, and three old cronies known as "The Trinity." Donald's every set disproves the confidence Jim has in -V him, but the latter's eyes are opened when, Donald makes an effort to wreck -: his uncle's home. He arouses suspicion Of his. wife in Jim's mind, a dramatic climax revealing the depths of his un worthiness and cementing the love of husband and wife. The Turners, billed as the world's greatest skaters, and Ellis and Gllswprth, in a European nov elty, top the fourteenth transcontinental . road show of vaudeville. The Turners - do fancy dancing and perform acrobatic Stunts on skates, while Ellis and Ells - worth have a- versatile number, includ- tng whip spinning, comedy singing and : burlesque contortion and hand-to-hand A I 3 Si lT 5a XNS x J&v!x?:r 111 I I .1-. . I I y III I f t .l I in'rAvrjra, 7:,: " III I , "V: l vsssE ta I XV Wr i ?;-;A JkPHJn hA V-.t7 V .:: r; j V ' Fairbanks' Playing For Red Cross Fond Tip! Tip! Tip! Wild West. Douglas Fairbanks U planning an elaborate rodeo for the benefit of the American Rod Cross to take place January It at Loe Angeles. He promises some thrilling bucking broncos, fancy rfaliiur end rop ing in fact, s revival of the sensa tional sports of the days. The ban park will be turned Into a wild west arena with its tents and corral. It Is Fairbanks' ambition to secure the service of every contest champion this side of Cheyenne. The entire pro ceeds will be contributed to the Lcs An geles chapter of the Red Cross, who are enthused with the financial possibilities of the Fairbanks rodeo. CLEVER CHILD PERFORMER Warfield Pleads for Amusing Plays David Warfield believes-that producers Should offer the world anausirnent and not problems to solve In the theatre. Particularly in a time of such tremend ous stress as the present. During a recsnt vltit to a middle west ern city In The Masic Master." the fam ous star asserted that the preference of the public seems to be for comedies. "And isn't It right r he demanded of his Interviewer. "I stand for them because I believe we need amusement. It seems to me an essential relief . from the present-day nervous tension which the war entail a I believe in everything that makes life pass S little more pleasantly." ML- 4 I 7 ii gi Uertruds Dos cry, clever little eight year old dancer, who appeared si EastSide Woodman ball recently la several dellf htfoj solo numbers. She is a pupil of Mile. Roztks Reingold. Trade Too Heavy So Flannel Dropped . Charles Withers of "For Pity's Sake" stepped into a little countr store one day to purchase some red flannel. "Ain't got none." mumbled the one cylinder storekeeper ho was dosing en his feet. That's surprising." said Withers, "I should think that would be your chief stock in trade around here." "WaH." yawned the sleepy one. I nets carry It. but everybody seemed to want It and It got to be such a nuisance Z cut It out." AMUSEMENTS rMfcbkrtae t4 GermUhM 11 a, ay rrarrsK nuts SlArt. Jark Ptektord IMI.B.tollsa LTBERTT Brna4r - M Staife. fum Is "Jcaa the Vvau.' tm II -k m. MAJKSTIO WmUnIsi st rf. U iUnli ' tm -Tta Otitmrn Ma." 11 t a U 11 ., - rEOPLXK Tt rT at Ahter. IUeSe S Th WsfTtDT." lla.SLMlls.SV ' tirMftrr Btmdy St WMklactaa. SU Msnb la "raOy et Ue ClfCM." II 4. a. It sw as. 8TAS UMhmrtaa at Park. Mary rtrtfard ta BiHaccs at Saaajrocfc rmraw" 11 a. av to 11 tv av TAnLTllX OKPRXlli SroMhrar at TajWT. nadBaa. Melatrre aad UaaU ta "Oa rtt" Knra ttraeUaa. the AaxzavWr Cafe. lit S It : rtrtC 8:e p. v rAMTaCES Broada at Aktar. Radltr. "TIm Hawr Bta'' liaateal t iiity. wtlk ItOlr nnnratne. ASdaS attraction; lb TraaiWal Dam, SMlrliM X P- su. eaa- HITPObBOVK Bro4rtr St TsatkllL Besd ttaar. Ttym raotrraas.4 SraaMle - Skvtea. I1kntes4r faatmra. Kibal Claytoe ta Mom." 1 t. at . coenoaoaa. 8TRAXO WaahUwtoa Mnn M sad Vat Park. VandrrU; bdltn-r. The TvrnaT. faarr akatar. KaaTara photoplar rrlaalua I wania rtaa." Etaaina, .2 U ; sillliii ae p. av STOCK OfTTBrHOS BAKES Broad war Mni Mnrnae aad AV4-T. Ta Akrasar Plarr a "Th TnUl the IsmraoBM Itna." Knaloa. S 20. LTHK roana at Stark. kinaktal eeaaadr. -Maatatd glass." wuh IU UiUoa aad Al rraBAa. tuiy mUbm. 3 SO 9- sv graatas. 1:lt sad S than one fifth of Spain's coal mines are official recorded as pro- cuenve. New Nsvy Study st Princeloa Princeton. N. Dec Lieutenant E. B. NUon. V. 8. N, has begun a course in ordnance and gunnery at Princeton .ktmmmm' tit iinnluntnt fh traJnlBBT i that students are receiving In navigation and naval drill. i MERRY CHRISTMAS THE NEW YORK DAILY SAID: Above, left to right Mclntyre and Heath, mirth makers de luxe, who headline Orpheum vaudeville this week; Ann Winston, Portland girl and popular ingenue of the Alcazar Players. , Below Henry Stock bridge and Lillian Foster in a piquant scene from "Fair, and Warm er,w Heilig. balancing. Other vaudeville features are: Allaire, one of the country's foremost club manipulators; Denver and Mlnch, "Pilgrims of the Night," in comedy singing; the Columbia trio, character, comedy and harmony singing, and Bob Lee, "The Mississippi Slicker or Mag ical Mlrthmaker," In some new and amusing feats of legerdemain. a a a DANTAGES The spectacle, "The Beasts and the Fairy," introducing the daring Marguerite and her trained leopards and pumas, heads a week's pro- sssdsdb iEaWT McINTYRE and HEATH In "ON GUARD gram replete with holiday entertainment, that begins at the matinee Monday. Of particular appeal to the children is this production, for it is a dramatisation of the favorite fairy story of Zira, the goddess of the elements. The trained animals play Important parts in the act aa the members of the cast. To lend strength to the program, Olga Arlova and dancers, assisted by Boris Tusney, Charlotte Joy and her girls and other stars, appear in a striking dancing dl vertlsement. Mile. Arlova and the com pany present the dances In dasxllng manner. Joe Roberts, king of bajo- ists, will play a return engagement to comply with popular demands. Mr. Rob erts brings an entire new program of dashing selections. Mumford and Thompson in "A Nickel Is a Nickel" have a vehicle replete with laughs, while the Four Readings are among the most daring of acrobats. Herbert Brooks is an amasingly clever card manipulator. Joseph K. Watson presents the familiar and delightful cartoon character. Abe Kabtbble, in a hilarious manner. The sixteenth episode of the Pathe serial sensation, "The Fatal Ring," brings the patrons near to the close of the produc tion. "The Honey Bees," the brilliant musical comedy. . will close Its engage ment with the oontinuoua program today from 2 to 11 o'clock. N6EL TRAVERS & RENIE DOUGLAS in "Meadowbrook Lane RAE ELEANOR BALL, Princess of the Violin HENRY SYLVESTER AND MAIDA VANCE in "Get Out of the Theater," by Willard Mack BEE HO GRAY, the Versatile Cowboy ADA SUMMERYILLE With Har Trained Horse "Onion" THREE MISSES STEWARTS in Dance Conceptions ORPHEUM TRAVEL WEEKLY CONCERT ORCHESTRA ALEXANDER Cute Cunning KIDS Clever -Captivating 1P 'GiXsfttf ?3 Stagehand DAKER Once more will those who pass through the long arcade of the Baker theatre inhale the delightful f rag- lance of the genuine mountain pine trees, for the Alcasar Players are to re vive Eugene Walter's dramatisation of the noted John Fox story, "The Trail ot the Lonesome Pine" as a special Christ mas week offering. It will open this afternoon at the Baker and continue all reek with other matinees Tuesday (Christmas day), Wednesday, and Sat urday. Ruth Oates will again be seen aa the mountain girl June, and Edward Horton will appear aa Jack Hale, while all the other familiar people in the story will be played by the capable members 1 of the popular stock company. The scenic effects will be especially beautiful, com bining the natural pines and waterfalls with the artificial In a manner that will show the art of camouflage to perfection. ; In each character the wild spirits of the mountain clash ; the spirit that brooks no interference from the outside world is a dominant keynote In every situation. a a a HEILIQ The farce by Avery Hop wood, and the greatest hit of Its decade "Fair and Warmer" will be pre sented at the Heilig theatre for four nights commencing next Wednesday nlng. December 26, with a special priced matinee Saturday. This brilliantly suc cessful play ran for nearly two sons at the Harris theatre. New Tork. with a greater patronage than any piece has had along Broadway since Selwyn & Co.'s production of "Within the Law" and followed by remaining eight months at the Cort theatre. Chi cago. Its welcome in Portland, how. ever, was assured even before the In dorsement of Its New Tork run. Avery Hopwood. Its author. Is also the author of "Seven Days" and "Nobody's Widow in wnicn siancne sates starred ror a year. And Selwyn A Co.. lta producers. have established their reputation for picking winners oy "Within the Law." "Under Cover." "Twin Beds." "Under Fire." and Jans Cowl in "Lilac Time." "Fair and Warmer" tells a piquant tale of how two highly respectable young persons, one a domesticated husband with never a thought beyond hla hearth stone, and the other a charming little wife whose whole idea of life has been gleaned from the tip of her mother's apron strings, suddenly discover that their respective partners in matrimony have been having times more gay than creditable and. with equal suddenness, decide to be revenged. They can think of nothing better to do than something as wicked as their spouses have been guilty of but having no practice In wickedness, they find that they cannot aim It very well. All they get la heavy backfire. It is precisely the sort of Idea which Avery Hopwood knows best how to handle, to give its fullest farcical flavor, and to decorate with his wisest and most profound social com mentary. It la three acts of unflagging hilarity. In the cast assembled by Sel wyn at Co., will be found Henry Stock. bridge, Lillian Foster. Jack Harden. Grace Benham, Alexandre J. Herbert, Bessie Brown. Thomas Springer and Joseph A. Bingham. A: HOLIDAY SHOW 'He 'Out-Fairbanks' Fairbanks" Beginning TODAY MACIST sess in 9? Gambling House in New Play Realistic Rex Beach's Motloa Pietars Bssed es "The Aaetloa Block" Provokes Com ment of All Those Who Here Sees It. The gambling house scene in Rex Beach's motion picture production of The Auction Block," his popular novel of New Tork'a nlght life, ie so strikingly realistic as to be provocative of com ment from those who have eeen the film at private showings. Inquiry of the author reveals the reason for this. "More than one of New Tork's old timers will recall, without thinking back very far. the notorious house with the bronse door," said Mr. Beach. "It stood in the middle forties, a defiance to hon est policemen and a blessing to crooked ones, one of the most famous gambling houses New Tork has even known. . "From time to time ' some of the doings in New Tork's now generally de funct gaming places have come to pub lic attention through the courts. Their history was ' pretty . well spread on the rerords at the Becker trials. iBut no one in authority ever succeeded in finding out Just what went on behind the sturdy bronse door. Intended as a psychological rnd physical deterrent for the axe men ef the strong arm cars. , "If popular belief Is to be credited, the ujtn who spent a fortune for this door and. In furnishing the Interior In a man ner in keeping wfth this expensive nor elty, never realised very handsomely en their investment. Police protection rates In these days were slmoet aa high per dollar as . the graduated : tnnomo . tax schednls et today.: "We tried tn setting the scene for the rambling raid In The Auction Block" ts aprroxlmals from memory the layout and. err-wt -frny e thia Justly- celebrated ATT. f .,- ' , I . f I I III FUN LTRIC The popular country store at The Lvrlo will taka Dlaca this anrf next week on Wednesday instead of Tuesday nights on account of the holi days. This Is ths extra added attrac tion In connection with the regular musical comedy bill, which this week starting today, will be the famous "Mus tard Kings," one of the greatest fun makers of them all. Portland audiences nave seen it before ana it nas never failed to produce the laughs. Dillon A Franks as Mike and Ike are a couple of rot-rich -Quick millionaires who have famous brand of mustard and are now on a trip abroad for the purpose of in troducing tt In foreign countries. The action takes place at a big hotel, where a banquet is given which turns out to be terrible affair, and from that time oa the two "kings" get it coming and going from everybody. "Soldier Boy. Soldier Boy. Goodbye,"' a new song by local composers will be introduced with spec ial effects, and among the other musical introductions will be "I Was Never Nearer Heaven In My Life," "Blue Bird." "Snow Flakes" and others. 'Today and Christmas day the performance will be continuous starting at 3 -At p. m. and there will be a matinee every day with the Chorus Girls' contest. Friday "'r1 THE GIANT HERO'OF "CAB1R1A' THE STRONGST MAN IN THE WORLD IN THE TREMENDOUS 7-PART COMEDY DRAMATIC 'SPECTACLE The Warrior 11 RIOT OF FUN AND ACTION SEE THE MAN OF SUPER NATURAL STRENGTH 7000 FEET OF PUNCH, LAUGHS AND HAIR-RAISING THRILLS CLEAN AND WHOLESOME Also: CURRENT EVENTS INCLUDING THE LATEST AND MOST COMPLETE PIC TURES OF THE HALIFAX DISASTER PEOPLES I WHERE YOU SEE GOOD PICTURES I ' - - - " ' . t . . 1 1 aaaaaaaaaa.amaamaaaaaaa...aaaaaa,.aaBaaaaaaamaaa SPECIAL SCALE OF PRICES r e ITOULL LAUGH BAKER For New Tear's week The Alcasar Players announce a novelty. It la Kettering's "Which Ope Shall I Marry" which is a com Wn a ben ef al legory and drama with strange scenic effects such as "Ths Forest ef 4 Doubt and Despair." ths vision of Ufa In the rich man's heme and . life tn the peer man's heme, ? accorded a young girl at ths cross reads of life who has the op portunity to marry either a wealthy or a peer man. A special midnight saattaee performance will be given New T ear's eve . Immediately fallowing the regular evening performance. container for veils . In stores has patented that has a mirror ta tts back, which permits a purchaser to see it a Tea is he siiiliig ts bar haters buy- s PREDICT THAT IT VJILL BE-- m a aSS .1 w" AVERY HOPWOOD YET THE Breed way at Taylor MAIN 1 aaJ A-11 22 HEILIG 4 ESSAYED., DEC 26 SPECIAX. PRICE asATCOZ SATURDAY PERFECT VOLCANO of LAUGHTER ' V -"' TXCXXT OFTTCX SALE : OPENS TOMORROW rrTT Al PA7AD .ll-slLXs. PLAYERS Watch the old ear out with The Special Christmas " Alcazar Players 1 Week Offering MIDNIGHT MATINEE Starting - new year's eve . SUN. HAT. DFf.:?3 J as A superb revival of The7rail of the Lonesome NOT A MOTION PICTURE V ilagnificent Scenic 4 Production Prices : 25c, 50c. 75c - Mats. 25c. 50c.'. , Extra" Mat. Christmas ' i Day; . New Year Week: "Which One Shall I teg. - '. : . . - I