THE. OUZGOIJ GUI. DAY, JOURIIAL, rORTLAIID, SUIJDAY . MOrJIIIJG. D Ci'iCi i. w 1317. W B SIW TOTIAT Auct ionSales jlll-At Rcsiofencc 93 Tcntk St., Coiwr Stixlt 7 ROOMS GOOD, CLEAN FURNITURE ; Monday, 10 A. M." ' We have received iniructlon from the owner, who la leaving for California, o sell the entire Furrilshins of thl even room residence- which . consist of all Good Modern Furniture, nuch m: Axminster and Brussels rcKrrv tnsea Hugs), Poitiers, Lace Curtains, COLUM BIA GRAFONOLA, with good Records and Cabinet, R-ood clean Bedding, Good Brass and Metal Beds, Metal Springs. Hair Mattresses. Oak and . Mahogany Irressers, Breakfast Tables, Kitchen Cabinets, Sanitary Couches, Wardrobe,. Hound Dining Table and Chairs, Gas llange. Dishes, Utensils and everything that goes to furnish the house complete. This is a nice lot of Good Furniture and must positively be sold Monday, 10 a. m. . - Ford Auction Co. AUCTION SALE 191 Second St Wednesday and Friday at2P.M.pachDay Everythlng In the store must go. .alers should not overlook these sales. f,ye are going to sell everything In "Where to CeTT? i KEMMERER and .' ROCK SPRINGS vrjAL THE CLEANEST COALS. AND BEST BO. PRICES REASONABLE.'; CRYSTAL 8(L?E & NINO 71 ' DEATHS A7TO FTJKERAL8 DICKENSON At hi nsidrnca, 1080 E Grant at.. Dec 21. Arthur H. Dickenson, aged 73 year, beloved father of Daisy A. and liary Jjsokenaan of Wis etty. - ana jars, ax. - Reehrauch of Oak Paint. Wash.: one brother. Franck W. Dickenson of Springfield. Mas. R mains r - at tb fascial partem . of jr. b. Dnaniiw. Ihl : '4U Eut Alder at. Mr. V Dick - ens was s member of th Odd Fellow sad f ainyai Arcanum. l n tune j. seme wiixo hrld at tha Portland ' crematorium tumni niev (Suirdayli Dec. 23. et 2 p. . m, - Broth una Fellow. ... Royal Arcanum . and , friend invited to attend. ; - -' . ADAMS la tltia city, Deeember 22, Mary Z. Adinu a d SA imil heir d mother f Mr. Portia Nelson, sister of Ada Jons of Sa lem. Mi- Phil Matt of Portland, Era Skib of Portland, IfUatda Bincman of Gervaia, Frances Ham of Portland. Prank Matt of Klamath Falls. Paul Matt of Gervaia. Albert Matt ox roruano. PuneTal will leave tha residence. 1211 Garfield avenue, at 8;8 a. as. Monday.' December 24. Mass, wfu be offered at 9u o'clock at Holy Ke deemer church. Portland . boulevard and Van couver . avenue. Interment Mt.- Calvary cem etery. Arrangement ' in car of , Miller A Tracer. HELP 'A"NTED Mill TORPAHL At tha family residence, 1427. East Hoyt street. William Vorpahl, seed 78 ears, husband of Johanna Voroahl. lather of H. A.. Otto H., Fred A G. A. Vorpahl. Mrs. Anna White, Mrs, George Bowman, and Mrs. Mary Phelps, of this city, -and - Robert Vorpahl of Canby, and Louise K- .Vorpahl of Aurora. Tha funeral service will be held at hta Free Meth- cdist church, at Fifty-fifth and East Flanders, st 2 p. an Sunday, December 23. Friends are lnviteo. The interment nu take place at taa Kose City cemetery at 10:30 a. to., Monday, December 24. F. 8. Punning Inc. undertakers. ROS8 At United States naval hospital. Nor folk, Vs.. December 12. Bruce Wallace Boas, Ml 30 rears, husband of Mrs. Gertrude) War- rent Rosa, of Forty-fifth and 8hnpsna streets, this city. The funeral servi fc will be held Monday, December 24, at 2:3u P m., at the resMnaea establishment of 1. P. Finley Ac Boa, Montsomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Inter- ment at ML Scott Park cemetery. Public ; Employment Bureau j; S. Government ; ; ) Cooperating . ; :'. V ;-247 Davis Street v; Broadway 3555 ; JA-5624 " Services Free to. All -r ' EVERT HOME ON fASM. IS SMALL TOW!? jfcoOM and beard by Columbia'atirvard l v. .wvw... .b. m wu, n w som a awm. Bnnw i 1 1 , . isaaaai averosena lawemirTl at as tie aasbs. yive i trie a seas, iraiatu, pnooe. v- l , jomraau. Wi VTCfi T. wniiiM a osnso. ae wrarnt aa esectrio. Tested aa riesaa iWAKTED by an aid lady." warm, awaaiortabla saiie W PrmaA H a klh acWel. UTI1. JernaJ. with rlo or aatoe earnin- 0S te (104 nee "WATFTJ ROOM A7TD BOARD t " WiKTJrV TO 1H5T " T a.. . . . j. . . l .v ss.lf email private sina. ee4 G-S4S. JtmrasJ. - ith. Kf riprrii. .-m iiirn. we rra. ' J HOUBEAXlrlJB BOOMS MHH GOOna ON TIME to riiiaa maa Write I rX5ISHF.D AND UlfFCBKIRHED SAt.rBrflI1frS TBOrMTT M APARTMENT save H pee eemt f I wO; aoe eswa. WIO take anlcfc for nitrirmtoT's propualtiue. aad Mars fee trial. MANTLE LAMP COl, 1 ALAD- DtN BUKl.. PORTLAND. OR. A A"A-1 PBOPOSrTTolT Fine , for -Bachelors tsrtra MACHINI8T8 1" WANTED, FLOOR AND KA CHTNB MEN. tB.SS'PKR DAT. 8 HOURS. AFPLT - rilMXDlA TELT. 211 STOCK EX CHANGE BUX2,'1D AND TAMHTLL STS. : FLORIHT8 UAUTIN A FORBES CO.. Florists, B04 WaaoT Mala 289. A-le. Flowers for all ooaa- siom artistically arranced. CLARK BROS.. Florists. 287 Morrison at. Main or A-1805. Finn fluwera aad floral da alcns. No branch store. MAX M SMITH Florist. 141 to 6th at. LUBl.tNEM. Portlaod hotel. 328 Morrison. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Edward Bolman W. I. Hoi President Secretary - J. E. Wertoin, Treasurer THE EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. ESTABLISHED 18T7 Third street, corner Salmon A MODERN SPACIOUS FA MILT ROOM WITH PRIVATE ENTRANCE LADY IASSISTANT Phones MaJa 607. A-131L School Boys, Attention! Wanted, several yoonc men over 16, .with wheels, during Xmas vseation. clean oataide work; Imstiers can make 820 par week; oppor tunity for advancement. L. A. Mollenhour, 253 Oak St. MEN WOMEN BQXS AND GIRLS 1) I ana. m opvcv m dm sa; am saaae money m your TlAUTE" mdeatraetibla 1-8 saa. EiwaJs taa licht of 3 aara, and outlast H doaea of say other make. Retails at lo aaca. 3 for Zse. - On doaea saa poet pald wsoa receipt of II ts aeenta. e aa aoa sicnaunt if references are aettxfaotory. J. L Roma, Mfr. and pateataw, 1101. at, aad Park are.. New York, MINUTES PAY DOLLARS. 89 seta, nhaaa. Stent i as MrKeaat A Co., 818 Gernnawe bids. i V BEATER. I2tk aad llasahaU. rarwUVa MajftUM. sivU 1 . tor aowaebeepfna. ana raaaw. eUctri aabta, ht lKher;. m-d 1 1 d ur. Jbath. Jaaadry JJl . aWik I month aad wo: watrtwa- dswaaew to keara. Tako 8. or lata at, oar north aad aet off at Mswhall. rr r-haaa Broadway a a- - 1 AND 8 ' boeaekeeprna mnnis. furaavea beat; teat 88 sad 813 per aaoata. Millerahh, 734 GENERAL KKAt ESTATB sDX yr property auiekly lor re ah, ne where aeeaesd. pattarassra free. Real Balneal Oav. Dep. 37. Leaaeea. Web. ft FOR SALK HOrSFS v UOC8B BAROACiS 1 tltBt line i eanoorsry lis ml walks la aad TO Chamber ef Coma Marshall 4. S7.B0 addinai aaachinet Woaderfnl aaeanUoa. Adda, subtracts, multiplies. Work equaJa 3208 wavhina. - Five Tear naraataa. Sella every where. Splendid profits. Write QUICK for trial offer and protected territory. Dept. 807, Calculator Corporation. Grand Rapiaa. Mch. Gem ADts. Tk -tt -1 FIVE furnished, honaekeepins tooaaa. tinea La, reoea VirasaWw. 8128 Wood- nana- a.aenoev N. E. corner K. Burnatd and K. 11th. FTVE fumiahed bsemkeepins foul East Buraaad aad E. 11th eta. X. X. ear. AGENTS. 840 a week. ' BtartUn new hoaiery propoaitioB. Gaa rant aad tor easa rear. . Most wear 13 mwatha or raolaoad free. G- W. Suable .oado 888 la -aa day. Sworn proof. HOUSE KEEPITfO ROOMS 78 rrRNISHF.D AND UNTURSISHED PKITATE FAMILY W fit for terms, OnaranUed HoaUrj Co.. 8848 I 3134 LARGE ltK. rooma, furnl Drew St. Dayton. Ohio. WA1TP- For J. W. Sweeney - CunatiawUoa Ca.. e borers, teamsters, aad station men: bare 10 miles of rood station work to let. sood prV ea, foe t camps, all winter work. Report at oar officea. Hire Hill. Iasdor, Oakland. Or., for further information. WANTED First dam salesmen lirin out west to represent us in Washington. Orecon and California, is' the waist, drew and- middy line. Sprinc Una la now in Spokane. 'Must have experience in three lines and know tha trad. Wa are well knows over this territory and bar luany live customers. TX-S2S, Journal. J. P. FINLEY & SON Procreasive Funeral Directors PRIVATE DRIVE: Women Attendants Montconery at Fifth Main 9. A-1B00. East 244 B-1244. OREGON FUEL CO. Woodlawn 8210. Beech, aeir Union are. All kinds of fnel at market prices; tlabwood. 33.70. Immediate delivery NATIONAL FUEL CO. E. 2d and Oreson sts.. country slab wood, parti dry; 4 foot, 84.26; frotnpt del. Block wood, ccrd wood. East 2041. MARION FUEL CO. Country Blabs, railroad ties, blocks. Inside and cord wood. Mala fe7A. A.2ftfi2. 12r 1st near Clay. . DRY wood, prompt delivery. Fir wood, slab wood, block wood; also coai. can un ooai or B-3188. ' IjKY oak wood delivered to customers or in ear East 84. lots. East Side HIabwood Co. i!t mail. 'A. D. KEN WORTHY CO. ihor 027. 6802 92d tt.. Lratm. Tabov VK K. . atateH at 8 f V A -l-e- vwve B)Ve SASU AT UBtws MMjmm A I aVCSsW 0ui"inM McEntee every deU. V . . W 4U. t. 5rmin" Undertakers. Modern la oadway and Pine sta. Broad- F. INNING, Inc. Ttv. riA w i. it. PhoTM Eut 62T 414 UaaaeU, E. Aider WANTED Mas with some sales ability and small capital to handle Multnomah county or the state on a basineaa opportunity that is a bis money maker. A chance of a lifetime for rlht man. Be H. B. AtwelL Hotel Orecon, between the hours of 10 and 12 a. m. or 2 to 8 p. m., Monday. ' 860 oar week earned by each of 8 juiy i, eeuuic our raaranteeq anraoa. rosea, trees and berries; others earning from 828 per week up. No experience necessary. Exclusive territory. Free outfit. Best season for rears. Open territory in this and aaUhbortns autaa, Washington Nursery Co., Toppenish. Wash, COMPETENT atenocrapher. limber experi ence preferred, to take position with firm at Baker, Or. Splendid opportunity for ad vancement Htate experienco and salary ex- peeted. G-889. Journal. 9136 WEEKLY. Somethins new. aVavee an to 60 of saaoHna. Nearly every aato eenei wiH bay. Greatest aelier en earth. Sold oa money back guarantee, e Paitieulara free. Stran aky Ufa. Co.. Pukwana. B. D. 233 PER CENT profit aelUas Jubilee spark intenaifiers te auto owners, aaraaws. Baniahaa sparapros trouble. Sella like wildfire.' Ezetusava territory. Write quick. Jubilee M((. Co.. 4184 S. 20th rt, Omaha, Neb. LARGE MANUFACTURER wants represent saa. licht. phone wpetaire: adults. U st. Phono SeUwood 110S. nofEKEEPINO aer 22d st. THREE iahed. stoves, ttv 164 K, "70S KvarattT coeanletely furnished S9S E. Main st. FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED U dreasea. waists, akirta. direct to boca'aa. Write for fre aampiea. MaaJaoa Atiua, u uroaaway. k Cttx ib weal Ncr York I CLEAR TH amaH 6e buslnesa akry la Ed BaaaWy. 80 METER A FRANK'S RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU, STB FLOOR Here you have choice ef tb combined Rw ef all deeirab vacant h on lea, apart asrata aad Data in tb erty, with definite, reliable tafarsna- AfOOFQat aaTal kaVOst BO E. Maia I in date, sew listincs bin added aach day. xner H aoaoinieiy a oolicatloa or sasns laintalaed solely aa aa 828.888. three fall sees. paid, ,1468 atobO C 81000 Coed 8 Stock a vet, eery easy 61760 Good 8 1834 MarrmnA aew S1SII0 IJie kuasa, 3 raU aots. ISOS SV BOI MlsM 1 DwaffsPal tW anT 4MBbB pAVamS MVwaVm I 6270O Mndera ' T reoea baasalow type boass. East 33rd sad Brooklyn, eta., WarerWah Heiehta. 62768 Modem 8 60th and Everett. I280 MiKWrw 8 2nd and AUmeda. Rosa City park. 33300 Madera 8 room bwaaiow. East diet SS800 3 story lawaa 8 rniian East 48th C near Sandy bivd. - MW 3 story ita. 8 r 1 " - 1. East 48tb 83660 LanraTbeve S - naoAeen- 104 Pacific st. ' llllft r Ill Hi rhaa seasmW eel Eaat 47U St.. Sandy bled. . alaawy homea ap te 823.800. RITTEK. LOWS A CO., 203-8-7 Board ef Trad Bide. Marshall 8140 . A-1128 ACRKAOR r . $15 to $25 an Acre ' V kale, a reek, fertile eoB. by s n a. a a awed mad. 1 aau treaa a read read. S aulas rreaa a nUasa a the. C aad the riertb Bank railroad. 48 rwraaao. IT thsTpeaoVm nere ar ee Heastaan mm FOR SAI.F rnvi LT TOC want tWUt Aaire earS ie.' tc. we rave n, estly ZO axOea fraaB th aaavre ear! ace read t ParUanat VW7 eaipped as Qrat aaaes eeory 1 e lee bead of the finest bawd J im tail 'mm et . t Tha) neaee ea be bad a a ew. a w vuary verm of as te 10V vraae t nA. 808 seres awed bind 30 mil Item PwrOaad 8af 818 aa sera; will dHida, CHARLES L. WHEELER PO. at 8 X at at a - 617-821 Chess, of Coma TOUR ehenee 1 ta' MAIN 6118. BU. faram laade 611 te 330 aero; arrieed 836 a 880: 38 yaara to pay; 82ew8 rb0 Laws 4 bvistntk; tnaas avwrac wndea 80 aa eera; no taa e Iniminnmu. 1 wsisail prop erty In in lit oe4 snarke, il ei i ii. vhaiiaw rssaa. exsaUent allla crona aad Beeetec prove fc. Special k ii 1 lb evV tare oarufasatam. Wrtu tor free 1 1 nil 11 Alma Camsrsa. nial eanwrtatiadint mad braaea. Caaadma PaoKi ly, 113 ftb sea, CaJsmrov Albert. a iii fLCRS- WUJ-AMD.A." 64eoe - "Tv" -e mwi; aces m en benrmc errsavra, 3 a. .rsa e)m JrT-T .peaee: aom , 2-i?..UV?i smaO beam aad kx (Tftiwl MAB cloa-i aereac t xehaac lot 1 areas la willsmett eaBey er Clark ty. Waahlmrum. Sea wa U swei vui t trade. "I bey nrtrasvav loan anew, writ t aa, aeU and trad real state. Wa ea set row rami (a. wuiia Loaa m Iseestmant Ca, vaaasw of comi woman, start anywhere; particulars I tlon pertalnlnc to eeeh, s J free. Write today, at.. Stockton. CaJL "EGG-ALL" equals fresh crs at lue doaen. ,OT thk aerrloe. It a) maint Aceau eolninc money. Fre sampl and acrmnssodatkm to th pnbbe. hnu ta nrl.n Un ariraa write Praetn Mfe. I Iwoar la rortlaaa Cj Aik n, I reau ef avaan. will Had this bw. craat hetp la eettlac properly located 8100 weekly In never advertised before. Man or woman ran start anywhere. Full particulars tree. Cray cm ft. 670 Cory Block. Fresno, CaL Phone Marshall 4600. A-610L SITUATIONS MALE PUBLIC EMPLOTMENT BUREAU U. 8. GOVERNMENT CO-OPERAT1NO 247 Davw at. Broadway 3558, A-6624 Services Fre to AR. Powers Rental Bureau A denartmeat oprratlnc for th eoaeetrlenr ef our patron and friends. A servlt abaolntety viukto cunt i yoa. uur iiaunc of noas bunaslows and apartments is moat iw plate ivKiu run B.KViiai Powers Furniture Co. Third sad Tsmhill Streets WANTED Man for janitor work to build fires nicht and morninc for basement apartment. Call Sunday. 10 a. m. te 2 p. m., 383 Wil liams ave. HELP WAHTED MISC- 4 WILSOU ROSS Lady Muhnomsh "MEETING NOTICES 41. East 781 B-1888. Undertakers. LER int. i'Vnth St. O-SI66.' KTRKPATRICK COUNCIL. I Undertaker. E. 2227. KNIGHTS AND uiurn I tbict iC L.AUIK.O ui 1 LMrectorm. Prices low aa BIS tree open meeting next rrway, lecemDer i. ,iEnfrNT TTnA-rt.kin. f!JR. m.. Moose nau, Morrison --r-, Hi voa Mrs. Larch Assistant. and Hawthorn. Funeral 840. 360. ,788. and Broadway. Cards "500.' Entertainment Dane inc. Hoch union music, cood priaea. Come for a cood time. kopf. funeral director. WoodlaV C-1155; Kulincsworth and Kerby. Gros- 4940. HAMILTON IAT9 V fill... neral serricea. TaborX-?0" . ol'JS.NJJ JSVKSlMi I fi n r i Belmont at 'Playine card enterUinment and dance. Get DTeeZe Q bnOOK B-2546. Tab. Soauainted and bare th time of your life. w Everybody Is Invited whether a member or not l Undertaking Co! Main 4152VKceoma expert by actually doinc th work. Special ne ue.e iiu yriaea. union music ima v.mUHUO A-23Z1. uorner 00. am Vavnlns in magnet oa, natunaa, ataruaa vj AiKiioi councu no. ito, jknicais ana 1 wiles of Security. 129 4th at. between Wash- CHAMBERS-KEN WORTHY CO.. WANTED Additional salesmen for specialty work with retell merchant. Prefer ex merchants or those experienced in eeUlnc dry goods, clothing, medicine, etc Proposition built to fit present day needs of retail merchants. Will return aggressive salesmen from 8300 to 8600 monthly, or. better, right Bow. Firm es tablished 26 yean; has ample resource. Ad dress Dept. GA, 603 Groat Northern bids-. Cbicacw. STUDENTS A complete course ta electro therapeutics. Coarse includes anatomy and physiology; diacnosie, massage, vibration, licht therapy, farad ir, galvanic and glnnsoidal electric ity. X-ray and high frequency currents, hydro therapy ana sucgestioa, ift. u. js. niew, tary, 122 M Grand ar.. Portland. Or. SAWYER 15 years- experience in small eir- ROOM house: to basement itoa ai cular milai: can hammer and kaeo circular I atetiman rnk.- iim n 1. . saws in first class shape ; solid tooth or inserted dlnine room, two firepmeaal kitchen, llnoteam tooth; can keep aU parte of BiUl ta repair; ac and gas. toilet room with water heater, eabvnet; 37 and a hostler; competent to take full charge second floor, bathroom, toilet, threw terms bed- pr wUl Just do th sawiac E. i. Berry. Port- rooms aad closets, two pore bra. leetn lights. v"., vrvo. 1 sioatiB. w i c setn ana rlawtnorn. LIGHT Janitor or any other band work by el- Gibson Half Acres Good eatl. ctly water, cm ta earRae, aaey ma: wiU beild te emit aim linen Phone Mea tball 1666 er SoUswad 478. Joha U. Wbmam. "J n a West Side Home I other big najrroUe; )uet eri way notw being paved. Every 4 Mrs r.nsss and arrV newt Ww arte; cood ear eerrir. H paint Gotnc away; will Sea tt sad arte eaerifwe fee 81708. T Set toa-etner for bargain -.BRUNO CO.. 867 V, Oak St. See Becwdlct, LOW PRICED Columbia rivet' aew aliij Tarda and other etc main lOiumDie Uch' t to settlrra and van SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO.. 224-223 Henry baOdtng. A 1-8 heavy timber, balaac la rSS VELXINSULA HrffSEiC TV caa evil yswr Pen insula hums tf rbbt. For 23 years we bar been selling Pen bsasla property end caa help yoa ram ywar prop erty tat cash. A cheap prie will get aa early buyer, aa w have a number of people ea baad ai the prey nt time who will bay bargains. COR A. McKEXNA A CO . 727 Chamber of Commeee Bids. 14,96 koftia NKAT IlOVE JT highway to Aatona. eloae la. WUl take part payment. Jt-TlO. Jewrnal S ACRES ckwe la oa Terwilllger bird. 20 80x100 eorner, modern plumbing ; a street Hena.4 block Franklin high; 3 block to ear, a a su; oniy sw rasn. FRANK L. M'GUIRE, Abington bldg. SUBURBAK HOXES 78 la ACRES, aflln cuMvetCo. cloe to tows, fine room nainted. niastrred Ii nan, with not end cold water; an Ideal country bom; price 64600. 0 a. m. hauimi. RITTKR. LOWE A CO. 203-6-7 Hoard of Trad bids. A BEALTlFd, acre of groaad ' with s 6-r mcateol cloee to email tows; price derly man bandy with tool, upholstering furni- rare and general repairing; able te ran roossinc houee, etc.; atrtctly trustworthy and re liable. M 065, Journal. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wiahe poaitionas private driver. Good retereoeea. at-SZS, Journal. EXPERIENCED truck driver, owning lUtoa truck, wants steady job or contract work. Phone Main 8008. SALESMAN Young man now employed wishes to make c nance first of ywar present firm beat of references. SINGLE HOUSES,' FLATS AND STORES J. 1. OKPER Real Estate and Rentals Grand Ave, at E. Ankeny FINE 8 room bungalow, modern, on block froaa car, 820; adults. 6 room bungalow, modern. 8 blocks rarr 611. Owner. 110 rraaeai are., near 39th. 6 ROOM modern boose, fireplace, buffet, fur nar. garage: 1 block from ear tin. Rant 617.60 swats. MUlershtp. 724 Chamber of in winhes ateadj eapabl of wtUl SNAP T rooms. .16. modem, 20 mini' . ."e Mr. Stringer. 805 N. W. bank bids. out. u.i. . 7 ROOM newly flnUhed. eleotrielty. caa, bath, fruit trees r 812 AO. BBS rhrk.i. ... ar t. man wishea work oa boat aa casta I svs. ynon Beiiwooa a. I arter p. ss. amploymat B-722 ranch: Journal. YOCNO boy. Phon East 6067. EXPERIENCED man waste stationary rVing )oo. or wstenraan s lob. Can Maia 6S8S. SEC ROOUTlouse. llS-Flowee street. Fulton near factories; key at eorner or phon Sea 1661, BAKER'S helper desires permanent positjos! 4 ROOM houee to rent la Albert district; rent Address P-66J.Joumal. t month. Inquire D. McCheeoey. 882 HOR8ESHOER wants work! piece work ta ewap Commerce. try. j. v.. est ttosaiawn, Portland. I muuekici 1 room boas wits game, ene block SALESMAN Specialty with sale ability. aa earn 8200 to 8500 per month selling high clam anecialty. Lars Cleveland manufacturer. r.ommlsaiona naid weekly: position permanent: I Orea territory open now. Stete oualifl- KiUAULK driver wanta poatboa driring pri-1 e ear Raw, fine location. . Addre", ni MT - Box 177. St. ( ntm M farther information call Mala 7669. I R- Ankeny. Rent 646 HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL MAN with Ford delivery, wish employment lor sell with mac bin. Woodiawa 4467. FOR RENT Modern 8 furniahed. or unfnrnlahed. Th. demand I. irXds'ily f or hlrt em. ! SHINGLES When yon .waat reshinglin. don. Woodl., 1769. mechanic. In thia school yoa wars and be- I cu wooqiewn , THL W.V partly 860 R 9th St. N. ington and Alder, Wedneaday evening, December I 1111 Kerby st. 8B. Admwslon IB cents. THE MACCABEES Portland Tent No. 1 will give on of their big smokers for their members and their friends, Thursday evening. Dec. 27. at their hall. 409 Alder at. AU members are urged to be present and brine their prospective candidates and friends. There will be fine program, consist ins of boxing, wrestling, speaking and smokes. COMMITTEE. Woodlawn 8306. O-II88. Ai Ri Zeller Coi Eat lsioVi R. T. Byrnes, new residence establishment. 901 Williams are. Woodlawn 220. u-is. MAUSOLEUMS PORTLAND STAR HOMB- STEAD No. 12, B. A. Y.. . meets every Thursday evenina. !in th Moos hall. 846 tt Mor rison street. VIM tors welcome. Riverview Abbey Mausoleum 826 Pittock block. Phon Broadway 881. MOKTJMEKTS FRANCIS FRY, Bor 11. Walu- PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 264-266 4th ca. Or., Correspondent Horn st, opp. city hall. Main 8664. Philip Na xiioiie vsnwego ei. Sons for memorials. ITANHOE No. 1, K. meats .very Tuesday night. 8 p. m., Castls hall, 11th and Alder atreats. - a. BE 5LAfiSI N& GRANITE 5 Invert! gate. SMAN For general mercantile trad litlng systems. v.xgoa to U new oropoaiuoa 01 Kent. IrrVv now. Attractive commission contract; 130 , U.I v BL. rA hndJ' " JMBik roung women and mea wanted to pr e canaa.' I.. 1 4nh, for wee. PosiyW g nt i Call or write. Telecraph J18 railway Exchange bldg. Dept. " UNCLE BAM 000 stenographers. Enroll sow for , 1.; inaa DECKEVn totviTi BrT'fc'n4 rriT.T.Viir 8d floor 2 seeds short hex , r-," uueV rink Union Call 01 tella how and night c LADIES desli y bids. X AUTO SCHOOL end Waaoo st. Portland. Or. for fre 60 page eats logo. It yoa te cood position , Day sal., send 1 0v?" "2 ' W"". "7 LOST ASH POUND 11 CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT of WnXAMETTE TRIBE NO 6. L O. R. M. ' at their WIGWAM, EAGLES' HALL ASTRAY from Portland Union depot since morning of Dec 18, white long-naired uocxer Epaniel doe brown ears, short tail, answers to name. "Teddy." Itewaro- saggaga Aoom. ion- land Union depot. LOST Sdmewher in burinees district, fin hand nerved tirrr stick nin. 2 colors sold, ruby eve. WEDNESDAY EVENING, DEC. 28, 1817 Suitable reward for return. 642 Pittock block enrutmaa tree. Dancing I rkinr luu.. white: name Admission each 25c. I Swan, in gold leaf letters, on aid: reward if ROSE CITY CAMP; NO. 64 So". I returned to William Hanley. Milwsukie. Or., ai. W. A., meet in Modern I Phone No. 48. Muwaukie. . xw uta St., I LOST An almost completed sweater, property iveuneeuay evening. Mar- I .v. x-j v t.. u 1 , JC. .J. DARLINGTON. BOod a not returned. Reward. No questions shall 4831. -1. 1 Oe. ave.e.'e. lf..k-e t lkVt .w. '...A arwea : en ' n 1 SB TAm ruwjn S AXASa-lStaa,, ivtu atlA l'ClClli UBk orrolndrwSi niS,",. Wln Wlto rtrr. whit houj. with ' 5:-. grocery prU-U. fTf?. Jto ISth oLkIJT . neauay nignt, 0:00. witn 12 grocery aad chicken fi , -- 7 ,, ' rT ' Priaea. All welcome. AlUn. ok I Binder phone Main 3874. room 24. Reward. MACCABEES JrVILL 'PLAY 600 AND DANCE I BOATHOlSENo. 87. white window on each Mt. Unvi t.nt in -i ? ' . T. . . I aid near front, shingle roof, launch and ca- entertainment Wednesday eve. Dec. 20 in '""e. Finder notify G. Evert Baker. Portland . liavll, 11th and Alder. Dance from f 6 to LOST Friday eve. near 3d and Alder, Len ii' " Y from 8:80 10 11:60. Admission, non's folder containing lady's pink hose. Find- - mkmoct orcnestra. jooa priaea. I er please call woodlawn 43oe. U1BLEM Jewelry .harms. Jaecer Bros., 131-3 6th. a spec laity, buttons, pins, I LOST String of graduated French pearl bends with silver clasn set with small brilliant. Suitable reward for return to 640 E. 21st at. N. Wtal Statistics marritges.Birtbs.Dcalhs. I LOST Bet. 6th and Broadway, on Alder, olive drab sweater, nearly finished. Reward. Call Marshall 8020'. Mrs. Potter. 8 TEEN SEWINC CHOOL Block's system of d dreeamaking taught: pat- none laat 236. .B-S307. Belmont. EAST BIDE COM My p.. . , ,,nuri GRAND AVE. "TVr " " ladies tailoring terns cut to measi 162 Grand ave.. UNCALLED for tailor1 lor. th Tailor. 289 1 suits, 39.60 up. Tay- furnside. HELP 'WAWT1 COMPTOMETER OPERA"! -FEMALE 1 ftS WANTED 1M- BOTH IN PORTLAND AK 7t-t ow tot CITY. GOOD SALARY FOA Jn opvhi TORS. APPLY 90S TEON VAIi er-KiVV FRM 10 TO 4. AND MONDA ATTENTION Ladies reaidln saa of rortland. oewirinc SUNDAY DAY. lywher out- .vi. u M-i 1 .v ui .went, on) 1 ix ean hear of splendid opening byJ".,"00 . u. . nTi ,rnding self pTriw . ' ' -11U aida. waln die- TL. i.r,ripborr,nvd,tr1ji6."M1 Comm a KUUalH and bath. 1-3 acre. from. Oawwra, good chicken boas. Tith at, S. K. WUl aell cheap. Tabor 7147. 6 ROOVf house, furnace .mi flrsphve. a T. IHINULERS Raehingling. repairing aa paTcAv ins s specialty, pbon Marshall 1072. YOUNG ma wante work aa mchanica bslsee. naa aome ezpenenc. js-ow. joarnai. T1.NTL.VG. painting, paper Main 2968. Mala 7816. 29th and I la via sv. BoderW 6 Phon Eaat 1908. room bouse. 8ITTATIOW8 FEMALE I BY young lady to rus elevate., or a do fiV work. Doctor's effiee preferred. 0-839. journal. WOMAN with two children. 6 sad 9 wiahe work a henaskaopor ta city or oc try. Phon Woodlawn 8296. api, keep bona for. akWrly ear care for la-Ills 8 ROOM 'boos. 390 R. 1st at. X. Oaaar vmiiu. v-eu. eournau I 1 . 1 1 Mail. Main 7 B . Z . MIDDLE-AGED "ctos. ta. til H v aanmgvon. sit. 00. ,mm A 11 111 a vi w room mooera son, with gar age, peer part nose city Park. Tabor 1766. IT8.60w8 room, modem, barn, chirk r yard, garden, near W. 3 line, Selrwod 1216. I ROOMS. cUsn. furnace, beet loeatioa. la euir 176 16th. cet. TamhllL i ROOM hone. 37th and Hawthorn; key at " 1IA WTllTTRN mi illBTRlf-fl Ws ar exclusive agents for following rwaV dencea. 8 room 2 story, 6 room 1 story, 6 room s etory, nve s room bungaiews. rat s roo An at modera aad ta fin eoodi Uon. E prir away below value. Price 62600 86600, reasonable term. CHAPMAN, WDTTLER CO.. 1084 Hawthorne; open Sander, EAST SIDE HOfvirsW 8 roosas. modera. fratt, tVnr, chicken yard sad bar foe garage, corner lot, ISO feet from raxtine; esaveat walks. Property raised 32OO0, WUl, sacrifice for 31260 sad ft terma BRONG CO., Ask for Bewedtrt. 367 tt Oak as. KXQ118ITE HOME as bailt-fa buffet, full basement, fireplace, turners, s legs at larnitar and earpeta. inc hiding fin paaa. aab- stantlal nam work, fruit tree. By an mean make taaniriaa retard eg thm. Iva hours. MAIN 107; Bona sad evening. MAIN 4 CSS. roe ale sceedlngly low. FOR ULil or lve. Dutch colonU rooma ad alesplns perch. elartri serrtre. both phonos. Pail cronada 100x200. meed read. 8 P. 60 far. Phone Maia 246. er Eaat 866. 6 an as v and evening. NEARTTifH AND tAWtttLL, WEAf- siEeT .. Bey meide 60x100 fu lot wtth aid henss . 82000 reek. r trad bale no ta gage, unpaid tnte-raet. tags, eta. Fnd W. Ger- aa Co.. 763 Ctiam. Com. 86.76 DOWN 86.76 M0N Three ream aback eotlage. ana. eiectrie Bgbta sae water: iia lot. ar Sirnmneiel rriee 14 ta pwaded Pin bar sot cot the first psymeot, w will lead R t yow, rred w. Oeraaaa 713 611 If yoa Cbaav ef Coea. I aet phwMaf, sua let, with etow; 1 tt beseka te oar. 99 K. 62600. a. worth 640v0. J eras IouWTorTEInB- room modern houee. full vut tray, doabl set fruit trees; fin etow Front st. prte 621 A Gerbade, 212 Abaky bide KOTHTNd" DOWH" 8 room plastered hews. 40x108 lat, awOrmg oown. s 1 a moatn laeraaiaci tm III.. Bpioaaua any. 00. T. i GOOD heoee. tw lots and araw eleeTa wUl aeewot waineambered lot an la 1 1 eoe aw soon Bwueaoau as paronl payment, vena oeptieBaUly easy term a balaaaa. 8. L. Pay rett. riewBwr. or. Aylaworth. 89th and Madiaoa. anlncnmbered lady wis hie housekeeping in country. G-688, Journal. Call st HOrr. TOR RE1VT FTJRHITCRE FOR SALE SITUATION! WANTED MAJK THE FURNT.SHISGS of ltt room, modem houee AND FEMALE II I tor asm. Room fufl. very central; a money I TEACH French ta six months by con vera- I evr- v.nep. i.vwv. nia; grammar also, pnoa Atsia 1026. ask for Mr. Berry. A ELDERLT couple, active, want work; farm, oa charo. anytnlng. w-TZS. Journai. FIJRJ7ISHED HOCSF.S 7 B 60 liT FURNISHED 16 DRESSMAK1XO EXPERT "drssm.kinc. fitting ai 629 YamhilL Maia 4386. 46 Modern ta .eery particular. wn faralaned. 1 parciea onry, 112... nor month. rAauLrliLL Salt 219 Lam1 to reeponsibl partie only, 932.60 , PAaULHTLL. Suite 2 Bldg.. 6th and Stark Sta. WANT t rent at nc. about 6 room furaashw FURNISHED ROOMS W - . f I Main 4313, A-7862. 703 WOeos bklg. BTTSISESS CARDS ED1HGSG 8MTTH A CO. DRKS3 SUITS for rent, all Tailoring Co., 809 Stark st. LOST On chain with lavalliere set with nearla. jxewara civen 11 returnee to rj. tv. vanderhoof. :n ia sl. inone aiain dim or la Dor tout, LOST Dec. 22, 1 cold loop earring, on Mor rison, bet. Chapman and 11th. Reward. 1 N V I T A T I ON 8 I rhon Marshall 3211 Third floor I WORKING girl lost purse and money in Lb- Morgan bldg. 1 man Ac Wolfe's Saturday. Reward. Bell- GULL to aasiat with houaework mmi;hm. . j a.-- -1 - month; references reoutred. Apply inV'rf' airs. n. Mayail. Multaomah station. Th' ia 15 minute out is tb Orezoa Eli Sid. WANTED 20 shipbuilders to know w complete Una of Victrolas. Grafonolaa Edison phonogrsph. w sell on easy HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO.. 381 Morrison. WANTED Girl or middl aged woman to work aa second cook ta hotel: Bcandinarlaa pre ferred ; good wag. Inquire at Harriaoa hotel. Front and Harriaoa eta. A Moderate Priced Hotel ef Merit. , HOTEL CLIFFORD East Morrison Street at East Sixth. Hotel Clifford is th prtaoipal Eaat Sid be tel and ie a hotel of dignity and refinement. Kates per day for oa. proa 16 to 81.60; for two person 81 to 82. Weekly Rate 38-60 sad Up. BlxTEOOM nous, ateeb amiaheu. pUae. UtK, gas and wood rang, alert rie lirhta- rent SIS T99 Michigan sv. Phone Woodlawn 2246. FURNISHED bnu! 7 rooms, light, gaa. far . aaca. 978 Everett st. Win be there fraa day. 10 to 2 a. m. 8. 4 AND 6 room furnished KEW BCNGAt6w, 8UI6' AND SIX LARGE LOTS, a Dlaatersd. wired few ltehts eieexn auuoa, gooa roa. easy BOO Concord bide Owner. 100x100 MAGN IfTCEST 4 very mortsrw. aleeant rem ret: bone rsa t be built for 8660O; oar nriee 8260S; tarma. FRANK L. M'GUIRE. AbiMtow lUi RESIDECETToanT emsve tor iwraasnea fnnm. woaraimg or prt 1 aanitailam. ta first clew ooadnfaa and eood aeignnornooa ; ma MT bom taia reaesai.asea, full k.nmiat and f mra ramus fany fsaaihd. H for 68OOO. M. If. Scott, 19 Worvewter bids. 8. PORTLAND ? rooms, modera. unlsImT aaa as res, wiu me aereale awl 1 Mavtaa for aast. E. J. Getter. 417 of Caaame. BARGAIN 4 room beeae, t txl 00 lot. 1U 82760 ITS LAUREL HOTEL Rooma 82 per week. Steam beat Also housekeeping rooma. Modera, 2D AND YAMHILL STS. UNDER NSW MANAGEMENT Prtneeee Hotel. E. 3d and Bavsaid. BOe day up. z week up. yat 1 T x. R, 80tb St.. Moat villa LOVELY furnished rooma. wtth gaa aad a. i-wcxygwe street. Hi Tiiu. 6 ROO Wo. partly ramUhed. E. 6t78. PARTLY furnUUJ. I Iaquir 844 Tillamook APAJITMEKTS 4 FtTRKISHED AND C?f F7JRNISHET Uaiqua wood 1005. LOST 310 and 35 bills. Pleas return to Mb McCne. Waahingten boteL Reward. DEATHS AND F7JITERAL8 71 LOST Child', tan shoe. Thursday, on Wmiam ANDERSON Is this city. IWmW ?S vil. I or Union av. N. Wdln. 3249. sin i;nnsnn' Anuerson. izaa wtiii.m, aM. rnnv qu.v cm.i.i 11 - . n . irii rssr -iwv "s-. sinu wue w r. Auueraon.mptner or I onta. I . fcr)tNI-.t,D . . .1. ..... Agnes, may. r iorene ana Hound Anderson. I . c . Jc"',"1""! . . .CJ'- " Frienda Invited to attend funeral aerrlMa .Hi.h 1 wmio. nrosuwsy 0001. or A--ills. will b held at Holman's funeral parlors. Third FOUND Storage bttery. Inqulr G-884, n kwmmvb .ni V IK.,' KimOTTOW IMOIl-l JOUIIUL vmjf vwvmues . xuserment xuvemew exery. ear LOST Friday afternoon, package of lady's On Reward. underwear. Call MamhaH 8589. UnVIl Tn this rit IWamK.. J11 v.l.wtTrT aged 84 years, beloved brother f jLu 1 vTrH?k'tbo0 eontaininc 819.48, Return ailW. AW Straw Will aPV VI ICrVU 1 V , Tfl,, ggf Ota- 1 day, December 24. at Holy Cross ehuroh. Bow-1 LADY'Stblack handbag in front SUples' Jewelry oora ana Btsotora streets. Interment Mt. I etor. Reward to finder. East 1974. iaivry oemevery. nemaina ar at th reai J dentisl parlor ef Miller A-Tracy. Washington ,L- a, AAtiaa aW wrsj va HELF TVAITTED MALE 1 R1C anre to train the ftwi fma, npi. .. ' 111.KMAK December 22, at 628 WOiianu are.. I bar we cam Wtrolaa. Grafonolaa e,wt Vrti , u.4 x mvimvcr unaan, egeu i o yaara. I pnoBograpna. easy terma. Funeral services will b. oonduetod Monday. I J1YATT TALKING MACHINE CO.. December 24, at 11 a. - m. ta th mortuary I ' 881 Morrison. chapel of A. 1). Ken worthy At Co, 6802-04 I WiHTrri -r7 r v: Trr - l Ninety-second street southeast. In Lenta, rrtends I WAIE2Ionrf . m'3 taotereyol to invited. Interment Mt. Scott Park eemeterv. w. JZZZ? f'"-llZ'-.u'J',0 n- at V 1,1 I J . '.. . r : I SRaxaiamJaaVW inuni, VSJaTrtAJ' WOrK Ufl 8AA. - l,..v .v svaa s-"" -yT aVVUiinW -, 68 MUM aat e CJtjarctgariA W la, A AwStAsJtrTJXlIJfjr. .03 7mti St. r"ide"..4 :. LntilwANTEIWKxperienced marker i FIVE bright, oapable ladles to travel, drasoa strata sad sell dealers. 876 to 8160 par month; railroad far paid. Goodrich Drue company. Dept. TOO. Omaha. Neb. BEAUTIFUL front room, boated, free phon. lights, etc. 88.50 per week. "Th Mercedes." 165 Stoat St.. corner Morrison. WARM ROOM FOR 31.76 WEEK Clean, fre bath, phone, lights, hot water. Tbe.Mercedee, 1 stout St. IT EL OCKLEY. Moerisoa st 10 th RATES Oe nay up; weekly 33.SO r free nhonee and nath- Rlxr . lai 1 a w wTZv i... 1 every room, steam Beat; traaaseat, Up- y nail. Mara .... BRIGHT girl Just out of school, to laara office work. Apply ta parson. Crystal Laundy Co., 21st and Handy road. EXPERIENCED feeders and folders wanted. Apply ta person. Crystal Laandry Ob.. 2 1st and Sandy road. GIRLS wanted, steady work, cood pay. Apply la person. Crystal laundry Co., 2 1st and Sandy road. WANTED Practical Bars fog w. . understand taking ear of old popl. of town. Pbon Marshall 6210. WANTED Lady bookkeeper, offlc work; a rwer ia ewa handwriting. W. G. Reck. 218 216 Failing bide WANTED Woman or girl for general b work; cirl' preferred ; sood wages. Woodlawn 19 9 a. STENOGRAPHER Apply own handwriting" state salary expected. Competent hsclnner satisfactory. C-867. JowmaL . WANTED Experienced marker and sorter. An- ply ta person. Crystal Laaadiy C.. 21st and Sandy road. itedT Paoae EXPERIENCED cirl Tin Boa Co., 92 Front st. Portland Faepr Lucretia Court Lwrreti st. bet wee Washington and Ever. ett street. Most beautifully located high cases parxmeauk a, , . a room. Au modera . venlenres, first elaa service. Pricee reasons! Rfevnr required. Manager. Msrsball 1518 VILLA ST. CLARA 12th aad Taylor Modera. completely faraaibed Wslktac Swiaaos; refs II. THE liVtKK up. dean, warm, modern furnished' 8 AND 8 ROOM ufuraiehed apwteseeta, wrLh 3 eentral Th Kins. 809 Jefferson. I bwi, light and water. 912 up; waikmc dav .VtVI rnmhhil mnms. .laesi iUL I taao, convenient to shipyard. Apply 418 Ilk ROOMS 466 eater. 886 3d St. modern boteL 1.76 week and as. Tr. RK1SHED ROOMS 1 , hi nijvAs-bs Imtnt AT JaVAKA A X4 M. A Webed room ia modera komaTn New York Apartments WrU faraUted 1 sad 8 room apart ea I Seaieabl ioeaooa: Bast Ttb sad Beimont em. " I i -"11 Li 1" 1 . . COMPLETELY farnmlmd S for 80S NICE Call Eaat NICELY asart- aient. 822.66. rnrrnding lie hta: easy waikln t r 810 aharwA Break feet I awtenc. Beianap Avparnaeata, ict lTta near sea. N. Pbon Eeet tin I namu. rivete Umtiw- hn.1 l l BRUCE Apt.. 26tb aad Nortbiup Modera 6 t. . I rooms aad laajlac poreh; steam beac Phon cabaoa. FURNISHED 269 Fargo. 1186. j-"v.L- u, I steta eve mwim. isaf, e V IT BOOMSV ROSE FRIEND APT 8.. car. BrwraaOa?: tmmmtm. Klawaat wnfurnmhed ant., baa 1 1 waisin awzanea, asiusu iiiv. MORRISON boteL furalahed FOUR working girls with widow: own cookiag: pho Pbon Woodlawn II BOARD ' ' IS to ehar bom aar aew manager: 62 a week aad aav Unto a., corner morrwoa ax. 112 tt rvrM furnished; aaa 96.1 I Ttr A V! i a;" tv A .' . ' m Roben Dyott, td . M-yssil. bbaMM " nlVta C Srh ' gam x. . xyoit. tatner ox Aaele 1 ant la ua i -. -j - Csven C. Dyott. Notic of funeral hereafter. J EXPERIENCED mangle help. Palace Laundry Co.. E. 10th and Everett sta. - GIRL wanted for housework ; cood horn. Spiegel. 770 Johnson at. Phone Main 5S. Arrangements In chare of J. p. Pinley A. Son! ACTIVE, experienced Ford driver for grocery wiU be held at 2 p m. today. Sunday. December WANTED A mas to car for chickens ao3 28. at th. chspel of Miller A Tracey. Walhing- l7hocwl L"m.,uf.a,: Per month ton at Ella street. Interment MulUnmalTi and room. Phone Tabor 4541. mJDeevs-rw, .- ... PERMANENT nrkionaible ooaitlon !, i.iV WEATHERBY In this city. December 21. Bab? 1 . Sit3"-. meci?.?rii n- . ihoronchl y fa- VeUierby, Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I . journal. "Milton G. Wmtherby, Remain will be interval I SEVERAL experienced mechanical draft..-": In Multnomah Part eemetery ; by Xdlu it I ,, tedT work,- highest wagea. H-6S0. Journal.' ' Tracey. ,- . ... . . y... . I WANTED Person living near lOtn snd'aehl MASON The funeral uhua J ,. l... ir' I f to build 6 o'clock fire. Phon Main 1111 Ann Mason win be held ta the conservatory I EXPERIENCED reliable man for ebeekine" : . ehapel of F. S. Dunning V Co., 414 Eaat Alder. 1 mnst Civ references. Call 486 Union st. 5'. - ", - - eiavwue uvuu to l it A KM tractor tilmmis with ixsarkaa, et-f attewL r Interment in Multnomah eemetery. ' Msta 184C-!-.-w. essted, .:r--i-.i- r - v : y:,; i- , - -. ; : v.. LADIES, take work home, spar time, stamp ' ing Xmas. novelties, 81 dosan. 738 tt Wash. HELP TV ANTED MALE AHD . FEMALE - . 29 MEN. - WOMEN Big money ia barber baste, Ows Your ewa shop. Kara tnitioer while entne through th aehooL Poaitioa g-uaranteed. Write tor catalogue. Mosar Barbae CoUeg. 334 Rura- atd St.. Portland. ...... : MOHLER BARBER SCHOOL , ' Teaches BMw, - woaeaa barber trad ta ' eight weeka. giving diploma: arn tuitioa whll Isara rng. Poaitioa guaranteed. Tools free. 334 Couch et CREGON Barter CoUeg win teach yoa ta br bar trade ia 8 weeks; tenia free; acholarahip dtrlnraas givaa; paid whll learning; position guaranteed.- tuitioa reduced. 233 Madison. TTPEWRITINQ. day aad vnlng three snowrns aoamon aecarwa. nnanocs Ataairoaa A WetwaStSC kUdSV , ROOM and board for onnvnieace. welkin 12 E. 7th at. Eat 4782 THE Martha Washington. ae girls ao etadewu, The uanitou. 26i lit eirta, a ,11 UaONOLU aVtS.. C, 3d sad Relmeat. IsosP er 1 and 2 room pta.. 3L60 per wwak ap; aleeprng rooen. Eeet 111. t iHlSLOP-HALL. E. 6tb aad Hswthor. UsJ ern 1. 2 ad 8 iwwm satav. 813.56 ap. I waiaxwg ssiie e. wmm eee. beet, cood board. 10th. foe 'hall 1261. Honaelik: Soa'rders private family, Mam 3670. TWO loom fully equipped for houaakseping, warn, pbon. light, bath, etc. 614 month. I "Tb Mevwede." 166 Stoat et. fUREd ROO ax araUed apt. private fvaidVue: 484 nt at. preterted;! eatral. clean, beat. Bent, 686. 446 Tayksr. ROOMS AHD B( PRIVATE FAM) 71 4 OR 6 ONE leree. light, eorner froat flat: faraae beat, light, bath. water, phone. Room aautabl f karaa elneet. ExceUent to car iia. WiU mak apaeial ta moder up. 818 Pr bids. 6665 4 FOR 8IHT-FLATS II medera fmt with raa CMCUYeotea Clssde Cat. 308 Uaary eookedV groemd Ooar, 318. FURNISHED ' FLATS 115 Preat moe. Date porch. 644 tt Benton at. FURNISHED flat, llipef People; i. Ctos iw ywow ii". " l couple. Pbon Eat 8114. SHIPYARD meat. Rom North Portland yard, fortebl teem. Modera reaeonabl. B-2534. . SICE comfortebl slerplng room. r - moos, ta niirat familr. ems to Stxmtlyj modera. . 816 Farce et. WlUlam at. i-wiaevii x Ma- oaeirsbW aartiaa. ELEGANT large rooam sad coed heme me Is l Rldg.. 3th and Stark Sta, flat, doe ta: fta mrg iat Atrews. 207 Paa- ioor Co.. AMngtoa Bkig. 8-6X0. Jew mat. 1 block to Chamber aaseas tree t'nio eve. earnne, worts 8 61600: 8406 cash. baL kmc 616 Werreeter bldg. oTblcTLT misra I reom banamUw. fur- lairns. wtD mrnTl at, 8. R. Pbon 4620 r. to, I 0 4 3d "JftxUO B-2S47. (TOOD aaooer. I lota for aa!. with fruit km be, far caab only. Call st 4827 4 ith av B. St. 1 Bit If V.HA tkfi 6enT water - awly Neat 4 room plastered hum a. I11A Iff -.k . - .- - ea . . hng. 414 C of C. Bid. Maia 847. 14 806 ROOMS; 0xll7- VERt OOZt home. fruit. Era, east- terms. x S lit lBC, ABINGTON- BLIM1. li6t8Eft. 1 4R.. 1 f-R. i ... Miu aeu u Call Fultoa Park aehool takes this lawitor. IRVIOTON BARGAIN Mast bar 100x198. a K. IS 1 sc. Phon ataraoal 4 0O0. roll SALE 6 room bo, with raa. ilAid For sale er trad. 16 acre 7 er aid aawhard. iaquir H. UL'Walarr. Tab. 3397. MODERN 3DERN 7 reom bungalow, large to car., iiib. nasi ana anew na AUsky bids. I860 BUT MtUttl bangsiew. 3 HZ BV 21 Wrtto ewawr. P. O. Bex 866. BIO bercaia. Ladd sdditioa; pay for the lm- lot cos ta. East 3723 FOR SALE bp ewawr. 12 Lata; 4 la. W-71 Joenwai. MODERN k room butch eoWaJ yard 80x100 fee. PWaae Taeor 4624 1800 BUYS aquHy ta fin 4 Bear Mrg rhooL MODERN 4 phon ii aer. Beilweod baacatew Can 145 Btewt t.. res. 34, b; y FOR SALE LOTS properW For 28 years we bar keea exchieiv Pwalav ram apecteiwt. w sr aew UeUns ervy la that aertina fee sal. We era planning aa aggniiive ramsalsa to bate ywu aell your property. WUl yoa ft aa aa. opportanity to tare that vacant lot tato cask foe yot Bmte locatiuo and lausssf sal price aad w wiU dmoorste wr vwawlr COB A. MKENXA A OTA, Til 11UNI t AM leaving for New York (war eerrUsl. 60xiSw Aktaasd Park lot 82d aad Maaoa. A aacrV flc. Ovaer. 8-619, Jeurnal FOUR LOTS, St. Jaaaa, Ailegbeay et; might trade. Eaat 8188 1 SACRIFICE Lt near W. A. A, chib; m apartmsnt er garage arte. T-eiT. Jewraal. ACREAGE COO FEET TO STATION 11th tlT STORES ATO OFFICES FTICR AND RECEPT16N ROOM" 11 sncradad. Suit 2 19 tw gratlrmea la a modera bom, wttb every lrtMt.tM.T a aoaviii.... stole 4167. 808 W. list st, i kyatL m WILLlAMA- are, for IWkt 2198, , rortindT'fYwOoT Pred W O.rmae t'.. 1 tixf-icra AT taSWEGO LAKE 1208 for ss ser tract: lie atrei; epw 8 crewth; cans to station. THE ATCHISON-ALLEN CO., 60Q Cwacwrd bldg . 2d and Stark. ration, a ak let s traia. daily. 11600. Addr Sl Work. . Nadosal Stamp 1600. See H M. M AIONEY. RITTER. LOWE A CO 203-6-7 Board of Trad bids. - BUNGALOW. 1 acre, bank of Willamette river. marine lor army, mast aeu. lafonmatloa 111 ma bide- D. E. Car lock Mala 6466 FOR SALE FARMS PRUNES. II apples. aU to fail kanug. rood e berry on-Sard. S acre of farm kaad. 540OO wwrtS aw amikllnga. taelarting 82O00 praa dryer; fta bar, eoad 6 room boas, plumbed In not d eoM water, semewt wnika. gars a, stee um. Jersey i 10 ton of bay. ell kinds of farm rmplamen sad other thing to eweeoo t maauim. Thai ia a larra farm boiled down to th right sis sad is situated aa ea of th bests rssbsd rock ta Cmekamas eouaty. 8 tt miles from E th fuaara eountv eaat of Cssmd sweaty. Prw. Inetadtnc everythtrtg. 6H.OOO, a cood Tb orcsare alone wiu nay ae par whole tavwstmeat every rear. Come to tXaoada aad Inouir for 8. K. Weostor. Interest on Your Irwestmen Cost mt land. piudeuU.tty sad Bxarketxnc loaa as wU as general atxrsiiUvaasm aa a mm sr th ..rial factors yew should aider ta the aalarrioa of a farm hums. If anderrtaad farming or wish to apply mat'-pl to farm maws aaa t. 'oHowta SO acre. An send la tloa 20 miiee froat Portland. partlalTy improved. Pries 36590. aniaarBabegwa; sisve saee te eon CHARLES L. WHEELER CO. 617 Chamber ef Cemmwrs BMs. Jeekaos Oracon. 126 acre ta alfalfa. 60 aa FOR SALE 260 ere ta Jeckaoa eaeaty, 120 sera ts ealtrmttoa. se sera grain, more toady te aed prlBaw, 3 wu. 8 crop alfalfa yearly. Wood s to pay Tor piaoe; coos ream new; ea bee, both faraisbsd; 8 bar. 16 eat- 11. 6 boss, tsar 1 1 rata. Wtator west ta 48 par arr: 15090 rash, k.aias 8 par eaat. Beat bay ta Orewna. tWMU.l SUIl 18 W. 8808 YAU Bide READ THIS T278. FOR RENT FARMS 80 ACRES Near PorUAndT" It an aa Ueal dairy fab? bolMaat teat 81 21 ner - 161 mA w tta. 4 boraaa, 60 hog bay aad impermeats foe sale. 66 acres Fta dairy farm Bear CwrvaTiw, fair aet ef farm buikh. reset 810O8 nee aw . i. .. .ail. 208 acre Waakmauw aeilt m km mm lit. 'lu, Psetor. mat 6866. E aseot of 7 cows, teeaa aad hi ream. 26 Ib-atl.nv' "n4 4ClU'T f se acre tt in mhivatioa. aeai Grove, all first tka bwildin. - - xx. sails rout. n eoulpment for sale. " 7L7LTrlUd' ood sadhxtaga. twal 6160. About 6S00 worth of Jpmwt for sale . eee Near Beaeertea. all to rultrestioa. 8 room hnan wvth elect rt hgbla ad gaa. 108 ser 290 scree t ewlrteatbia . eoa. cond set ef Sl 18 .fT1- tolltoa. 19 wwa, bJ Mm wrwau bows, ail all mmim . K mmt j. rnoe i eou. 86 acres Neer Clarkaasaa. fair building. ? v aer ta culti ratio, rent only n7 s-s h. m.; RITTKR, LOWE A CO . i 203-8-7 Ibanl mt rmmA. kl. FOUR room bomw, lot UixiO mrm wm inuui .Ml lie I Ilea. Wm k tow. a hick ewa.' garage, near 6c cars. 66 m ' T . r Aptly Saaday. ror. S9lb sad Baa Lin road. Mt. Tahor lal T lathi . e to ewd. 4 blocks north. 1 aast. FOR RENT SO acres; 20 cleared: rent tile s year; wiU all 6 bead of mlloh row. . wnirrs ana aay. muea from Milk, cream and mail route, lio wsaaoacal. Waan. R. I, box 76 6 16 ACRES, bows and bar. 6 acre e ehard. est water mmA m m f.M Berth. Vaooavr. Waah.. mate 1 fa. ehsrds tm . 10. ACRES. weU improved, does 'ta: lot 'ei frulU Wm rent or aIL A haraetm. rimmm to school and Pad fie highway. Ceil Last 6779. 0 ACRE farm oa ColuaTm highway; buildi- and aecbard. Iheeke Wdlw 311 oe srna. n. a. vox io. 37 ACRES, well improved. .r erUol. tewaC i Eiertrte R. R. J. Keswa. 188 1st at. FARMS WAHTEP REST OR BFY II DO TOlJ WANT M0N EY i W. have aastera aartie here as t! Darties here now that will ?iy aU eaah for two goad vaUey farm treat 00 to 400 seres; moat b well imntweed. warns. ly aU ta cultivation; w wil Bait aaow aay land that a priced above th actual a eala. We have olhef partie eoastac frwm th eaat aoo after the ftrst of the rear that want Taller farma. If ma nil la. arad ta description of year farm ar call aad xeu a want yoa bar. J. E. Bheara. 214 Henry bldg TO LEASE A good lame deir fares with reed bwildina. enihlw SB . l -- mad; will pay raab real aad will bay all stock ' sad msrhlnery tf prir n rsnisiba, , . Se H at. MAIXJ.NET. RITTER. LOWE A CO. 806-7 Board af Trade bids. . Canada Wheat Land Wanted, ta axchaac tor rloa la East GHma wet toprty. lor tstrtarnaxm snu ft- a v . JaraL HAVE aeeeral good r ex U r Lvrme Iree 26 to 108 wrrwa. 1 ywar term W prmed rtgtit I raa sail tt. Have sold aeeeral ta ta Mat SO day. Neai Brow. 207 Pane saa blds- . te etty aad tslTg nad ea 180 ae etrgia what baad; 88 alfalfa: good btaOdrn aad few; 116 eattia. boras. tmplims4; 914 08 per acre, toe lading stock; tt eaah, bai- ttasa. It yoa ar iatereeted aad bar the moaey, ae wa. Traders atay away. M EENETR A CO.. 14-816 rT)r bids.. Pert lend. Or. FOR SALE 40 ae s. 4tt mfUe from "J . Or.. ISO eerws ta uu rat; eee ear enhivaled : sew 6 room bwewslow; bath, bet aad water, fir me. be.msat. via. rrwlt started: cood bar, granary, tarsg; ea - btned bare star (raa 86 darsl, 16 die grain drill. 8 bottom gang plow, die harrow: 6 3 wagons. 2 owa, Prtr 816.0O0. Iseoe 16 Wareaatar Bug. f48ACRES TO payments, e per OHMU. SMJXAAa, Maia 7276. in ta mlti vatex. Trade for etty Biupeity er err- Sg wtth 40 bead of cattle, bos, eblckaaa. aB farm tool. s roam Sum., mrg bar. awtbmiMinca. Prkw 816.000 Asm 120 acre a. well improved. Prie 68000. Cass t Pertmad- Part trad, part eaaav Van at at. 861 tt Morrwoa ec 119 iCftEi. 11166 RC ta apWad-t farm land trfbwtary te Ricb soli, sprinc water, do to rocked road, et.; river aad raU tr - porta tioo. Whether yoa waat to saw lead or set yoa caa t beat this aa SB te stave t Pri ll 600. Few d ye only. Worth Barty doabka. K. H1IX. 419 Hoary eaog. 140 ACRES At CwJherte-, Kekx. wU Til aer aaster imgatlew. tor aaa at siee per May cneawdsr BEK tL M. MALONET. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-6-7 Beard af Trad bldg. FOR SALE Or win take part trade. 36 : good market, good boas aad Bar, awad school, eloae. fr it. berriea. rM too-, 160 chickens. n s. 8 aow. ere m psrstor. wiam, wsgoa. mowing aaachine, at ant top amggy aad driring bora. For taformettoe. to Mrs. Roberts. Bos 324. WPhimma, Or. fin Upied ISO ACBXfl Thai a. lac ted near O eaten Sale, wasa. uooe io stock aad maeaiaery. At SSSwe. BPS H. M. MALONET, RITTER. LOWS A CO. 208-8-7 Board ef Trade bSU. FOR SALE By owner. 40 seres, tt la eeld- taoa . baaxacw psatare. S miiaa Boniwast f aoswvr. tt mu H. K. sts a. mu - trie Iia. cood soli, tesslly err herd. Semes. road, aa 44x40. new alio, 64600; 61360 beware err. Wash.. Rt 6. 7 per eeat Box 300 10 ACRES. 16 mils PerUaad. 8 mile a ear. 1 tt mil R. R: graded acbaol aa lowea. mra wans, era oar . learn, aww. farm ia lessee ts, levee. 56 sore r leered. Prto 89500. Write owner, Rawte 1. Boa 9. Brasb Prairie. Wasa. 42 ACRES Near da. 16 la ewiUvtiwZ Bieety Prks IO0. -v., BEE H. M." MALONET. RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 268-8-7 Board ef Trad bldc. 20 ACRES High state ef Iti ration, baCd- tas. IS miie snnlhsst or r-ortiaad; will bsU ckwaa. SSwOw. a anas n II elaews for real. F. B. eon. 316 7th e.. Orecoa CWy. riSE beari orchard ta Uoed Rivg vafley. J II 86606. Te River. Or. Eos FOR SALE or trade. 6 . I road. 7 6 acraa. 6 mils tree Ta 8I90O. Call Sell wood 182 ACRE sad chick he e, fat aet hard, god water; all ta rwlUvtitua. fm acaawj taat nir.m th raa SlZT. Mra. Mart, aheridaa. abewt 66 aami3r tuvfB, water; 846 per arr. si e IT Dandy Btii 3 acre tract, k"t lasd. that wm raise minis, cwasry. exc, u a ewjx. : z Da, ss aa a. aaaxaea 6 y 1S3 t. nam ner at Photos at effiea. AEE"ll20O aad tavaat M ta T aowthera Oregoa. near rsilroa d tow; effered for few aer only. K-1041 tt K 30th t- Portlaad. O. - IE' aorea s land near Soerwood. Rkb sou aad bis timber. WIS S fee 676 acre. Reed the Bsowe. M-4II. Jwrl tHic-EN1." FRtlf. C-RDij down. bk Urn. Sew Draper. 401 Board of Trad. HALF1 err, small Wobm. ebacbsa' CemTUi bars. driDed well, near 62d at-; wwsvkj eo taer late made! Frd e firat paymaaf, V-927, MORTlvAGED, ferwslosed aaerUiee : highly rWISM ; mmj , mmim?. mmmti wtth p-oe. Phon WodmWB 489Q. 4 WO ACRKA. 308 B-dar ealfjealsem, rreer butt, aa. aw hot toe, eel river get sal) road, auatkara Ore. Bail raws, part Mb. tm e ae m mrm. rv i is, joursau. t ARIVS. Bear 8bera. 6 mile free R. BL. I. rra wsner rwravaoaa. a I wiU aafl at lasineiwl 48 eeras, sines to Pert d: 3. 6. 16 aer tracts, 866 to 8208 JaeFafmmt, SOS xem saa, rm ruasat, f It: ori 81766. 676 dowa. 818 mmr a ae yraper . wi r T '. FOR SALE SO rres or lead, 510. war aer. 1 axil oa af Psrtland luaita, Uateaprweed. J. 1. iiavua, Bosppoms. tw. FOR SALE 19 HOMESTEADS DANDT UOMESTEA TTHtl 60 ecr ea, narUr imar.tad. mjetn SO plows be whew elaerii 1 mile Beaeor, TU axano x . ur. rnos gsoe. M bat aaee pes f r-776. Jew 1. 6k.rf.N.j rJAs.II6RNl i fr6TEHNilK.-T LAND. Booklet free. Jaeeph Ciark. 6srrama to. CaL TIMBER 88 2i.0O0.OOO FT, af ap r , wdr sad fir tim- aer oa eee acres, wusoa rtr, aea mk. Or. Sprwo 4.000.000. Ill-SOS. Box 640. Portia. Or. TIMBER for sal. rasisTT kaad. For parti jar write E. Ha. t l-veroei. R. TUla r. o. 10.600.000 fine timber with sawmill d rrTTy impresd term far naif sre. a. M. T sward. 929 Iksawt ef Csmmear. sldt EXCHAKOE REAL ESTATE ITITaCrE" racS"2"tt BltofM tksawarctt.: a fia rad: bwiidiac. orrnard. rv k. me persor-1 property. Prstwd very sew t 9S606 K iacwmbr ae. Owner awt able to wwrk. Tab ant half ta ekvar rseiaiar. r petty. baL Was as. 6 per eewt J. M. WaUf. 616 CBmaw tie i re bWtc j- tf ywar aeea ktrty. ettbev arty, far e giimpa. -baa anil aad at fee jm aaie. aaU mt writ full p rtiealam: a tafited ram eaaatd- ered : bee. first rises Mat to assert fleas. Gee. P, Hewry, 619 Haary bade., Realty Board. ToU BALK r xcUag. Si ear. ' i!y S ! tinned. 1 mile eeet mt Fsiaat Gewee Or. oa ElartiV; aly Portlaad preperty eiaar af ta cw mbraare wUl be gaaaid.rsl ra esrnaac a.rt waly. L. F. Hand era a. care C. A. R, , Sowtb Taeoma. Waaa. FTVE aer tract. yat 6 mile fr gs.rthsws i bet : eloae te Alder Ireet atW sow Car r Ha Wffl trade foe est y piepny aad se as U right. SCANDINAVIAN-AMEBICAir REALTY CO, 224-226 Hewry bide. 'tXitlA1. 44 acres wtl tapred. ftwt elaea soli.- cloa. to Pertkaad. fally awell aid with stock ad rmplrmanta. WUl tonal! sr 1096 or I6OO0 ParUasd haws a pert psymewt. Pbon E t 2936. SAN i'KA.V CISCO FOR PORTLAND - ' Batifal 6 room monera nosse. I dkwrtrt. Prie 69000. Te trade for 262 Clmmber f - EXCHANG T. I reaea modera beasi. sl.aplsd porch sad lot, cam to 2 abip rda, far store sod farm tmplemews. eJa II 80S; am to Bnm ta aseUietsd r se baa. farm. M-0I4, JowraaL CLEAR ect oe laaproeed pro p rty tot mod ore hams a want Ma Will assam. site.. 382 Stock Each. bids. 3d a pay part eaa. aad TsmhIUL COOD trad, ia subwrto property fee lav. jnu.ed my or farm Meet. . SXiANDtNAVIAN AalEBICAN REALTY OCX, 214 275 Hewry biag. "TAKE X6t1CX wdaaa i mt DVrmertv te acrbssar. fm? goed farm. Qd Col. 880 Hewry bids. ALBERTA W IFEATF A s MS 1 HAVE good valley fan te scbag fee eUwr ' mndera Pwrtlaad boa, gwad In taoa. Call mt wrrte Oto Sa-ttew, 103 Wila bldg. U. 2302. FUR RENT .sis Uwd. 266 ewa pwogl ousts, ie an rv cwjuvsisesv, AVSSB, for IaLe aill Uad. for ParUaad BoperTj", ad IU baa na. R-604. JewrwaL TI460 ity la 2" RerteWy Ima'UU. iti5! ltt AV Trad for aaytadas are aad I Ith st. Psttmad. Sex. Dkkot. lor ' PorUaAd Tabe 398 er Tsbwr 366,. choIcbT property, pi a her 6 a. as. ITiwd eewityli etaxrd aaar Pnrtle d. Addram Harry SUbw. Stuart beds., Seaui. PORTLAND proparty aad 16 aer mack, rloa to vsiary tows; trade tar tans to 7wS wacaa. Boa T7, Sets, Or. . . teOTCaTtaMas preperty. cky of Ak.tdeea. 8. V.. for Pwrtlaad. Phoa Tsbor 366 ee T bwr 666 after 6 a. " ' ftSZ sarga sagaaberry sad eiwsee farm la Wilkxaaetts valley, aaar to a, for what kavf waf K. W. Obver, 696 E. tawthsw. . HIGHLY taayew ed acsaa laa hn," t. rhaa fa Pwrtlaad finlisni, 211 Almky bVig. Maia 1493. - ; 5MA1LA "is 1 1 l r party fog apanaaast boas'. Tmaoe 7 808. FOR AALE toad, grocery aad eeeafeeti iry. H-S24. FLATS. 18th aad Davis, arr equity fee f or awptwead bK. tb prWw; a fld. City aad by caxxia. AAV drees M.. ear JoawaaL Oe oa ttty. SOME rr bsraaia ta esJLry Urma. 30 U 168 GTFm 281 P 644. Jawraal. DTPkUiTED"! aer bama. eW ta. lot FrV leitd. BeH. 2163 er T-616, Jew L R RESULTS led your Vmmrl wh to leei ltete exrraiacs, sol as s. ATtttMOBiU tor s' soery J :irL - AA f 0X4 fats). I