The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 22, 1917, Page 6, Image 6

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: C. S. tkCKBOH . i. ... ,..PMMMt I
,-UbUtMd tmy far, tftaioN and motrAna (-
HDt Bandar AfMaanil at Tb Joornal JtaUd
ins, Braadwaj aad Xthm trrU, ForUead.
-r iiSSESM aiaB-aBjpaw
sun s tl poatofUe t rorttsod. Or.. te
CtranmtailoB lhamsa tMMlb seosd alasi
mattaf. - y-
TELEPHONES aiaia ?lft Bom, A-tOtU
All dprunt muM .by Umw mabm.
Tea tit operator mtrnt aapartavm jom w.
THE Prussian war lords had a "South "American poller." In eecret cipher
telegrams the German charge In Argentina referred to It a 'Germany's
South American policy."; It was a policy of allying all South, American
countries against the United States. - - . ; - - r
The facts are established by cablegrams between Berlin and Count Lux
burg, German charge in Argentina, Just made public by Secretary Lansing.
The cablegrams not only clearly disclose a . secret German conspiracy, to
ally South America against the United States, but reveal a plan to "reorganize-
Southern Brazil.- To reorganize Southern Brazil, which is thickly
'Yuueion advibtisino BKPKKSKNTATivM populated and dominated by the kaiser's subjects who have all along been
"'S.tN&TirSruS discouraged hy Berlin from becoming naturalized citizens of Brazil. would
Butidipc, chMm -umiuestlonably mean the conTersion of Southern Brazil Into a German prov-
,1b7t!&iSt".,,v, ,nce "become a. nucleus for further encroachments and the gradual Pruo-
- daily (mobxxno oa atterkdon) sianlzlng of the whole of South America. L-.. . ' ' ':
Om ....... is-mi o " A notable disclosure In the published cablegrams is the treachery, double
on 'nar.. ...,S2?o i oa month. .... ss dealing and duplicity used by Berlin in. diplomatic negotiations with
Pailx, imorning ob ajteknoom) and j Argentina, s Not only did Berlin deliberately deceive Argentina, but in black
On rear.. . . . . . IT.6H 0 month:. ....9 1 .." iiuvimku vuuut buuiui 5 vv uuu yicuen - tu mgcuHus
Benin aia noi intend to carry out. A luriner conspicuous reaiure 01
cablegrams was the insistence bv Luxhjfrs- that a smi&dron of German sub
marines be sent to Argentina1 as a means of aiding him to put over the
Prussian program which Berlin was trying to force upon Argentina.
Here is a sample cablegram from Luxburg to Berlin: . '
,. Our attitude toward Brasll has created he Impression' here that our easy'
going food nature can be counted on. This Is dangerous In South America,
where the people under a thin veneer are Indians. A submarine squadron with
run powers to me might probably still save the situation.
The claim of Prussian superiority over other peoples stands out in the
cablegram. Luxburg assured Berlin that the South Americans r under 1
thin veneer are Indians." Another outstanding feature is the Prussian rell
ance on might as reflected in Luxburg's request for "a submarine squadron.'
Thus he says, a submarine squadron with full powers to me might prob
ably still save the situation."
In one cablegram. Luxburg tells how Germany will "be able td carry
out her South American pclicy,"' of course, in spite of the Monroe doctrine.
In the following he makes reference td "our principal aims In South America:
I am convinced that we shall be able to carry through our principal alms
in South America, the maintenance of open market in - Argentina and ' the
reorganisation of South Brazil equally well, whether with or against Argentina
Please cultivate friendship with Chile. The announcement of a visit of
submarine squadron to salute the president would even now exercise decisive
influence on the situation In South America.
. . t m, . i. t . M .a
. . i iiTniiPir a n an a n an tinfln - eiinrn a rivia siTiin non inns annstaFAi nin
mm Iff HFTAHY M Aflflfl S PYmftTlfttiAIi 1 va 0 buwiouw niou ui m ouviunwuv vvvscavsa via iuua mwm cu
V of th decline fn the market price 1116 Prussian idea of force and might is ever insistent. We may well
iaof Lfbertv bonds mav not he I imagine wnai wouia nappen m doum America ana to me rest 01 me, west
wholly groundfess. He says It lsern Hemisphere if the Prussian war lords once had the men and warships
due to German intrigue. There is wun wn,cn w
nlentv of German canital in the I Berlin deliberately Instructed Luxburg to lie to the Argentine govern
' United States which its owners might ment ana expressed the purpose of the imperial German government to
''''use, if they were so disposed, to bear Uicewise He. if necessity arose, to the other neutrals. . Relations between Ger--Llbprtv
hnndd in Wall ?trt snrt it many and Argentina were strained to the breaking point over the sinkings
Is not Impossible that something of of Aree"11116 shiP8 by German divers. Berlin was trying to , make Argentina
the sort has actually been done. believe the divers were not going to sink Argentine ships. Of course she
But we need not look so far for could not carry out thAt policy without offending all other neutrals. So
nart exolanatlon of the decline The I oerim caoiea L.uxnurg mat. in case any Argentine snips snouia pass tnrougn
price of all securities has been ex-i 4,16 war zone uhsunk other neutrals would be told that part of its cargo
was 1 or awnzeriaiiu. au whs appears iu 100 jouowing canie irom tserun
to Luxburg:
'fhpm t nrlwj whinh npt th in-1 In complaints from other neutrals, the payment of Indemnity will
jinem ai prices wnicn net me in 1 expia,ned by Mying thai part of carg-o was for Switzerland should necessity
vcsiur cut uuyi cccucnicu icvuru
mas season touch you into" thoughts
of " the mercies ; the - Red Cross can
bestow ' on a great part ot this af
flicted earth? In the contemplation
of the coming day when all assemble
at the family fireside for the annual
holiday of, good will and peace, what
finer, impulse than a determination to
help the great activity that is spread
ing relief - and succor to the suffer-
ingr-..v: : ; ', '
' Th irencth of th fiahter t th ctrcncUi
of hi faith. Frdrick Scott Ollm.
his money. No doubt this glittering
Berlin saw the force of LiiThnrsr's retmcsts for s show of nuhmarlnM In
lure nas tempted some Donanomers south American ports and cabled Luxburg as follows:
rio pari wun meir government se-1 You are empowered to announce ji submarine visit should -politico-military
curities ana reinvest trie proceeds ro 1 situauon iiow.
directions which promise larger re 1 in one cable, Berlin announced to Luxburg that "secret instructions" to
.turns. him would be sent "in the well known way." The "well known way
- This may well have taken place I like the expression In Von Bernstorff s cable asking Berlin for 150,000 to be
without any incitement, from pro-1 used in influencing the American congress "through the organization you
CGerman quarters. It is a process know of." The Prussian plot to ally South America against the United
jwhlch needs no explanation outsid? J States is revealed in a cable sent supposedly to the German minister In
ordinary human nature.
Touching this point, Secretary Mc-
JAdoo said:
Letters From the People '
By Fred Lockley.
Recently I was talking with a man
whose duty It la to see what he can see
and hear what he can hear, ana report
(OaastaalcatViee ent tm Tb . JoaraaJ
pabUcaUaa tm this dparUet afeovld b writ.
tm om mmij mm mi am oc in pmpmw. man
mxrmd JoO arl la'lMatb see aaaat be
waniM bv tmm mmmtm aaa aedrM mt tb
xWr. If th wrttvr motm not elr t be
tb aaa pebliabd b tbooM s Ut.l ,
, Ilere, Too, Is aBlt to D
Portland. Dee. 19. To the Editor of
The Journal Is patriotism, as appar
ently practiced by the wealthier claaees
In America, conducive to the building
up of the patriotic spirit among; the
' Om ahopptnff day to Christmas.
What wonderful sec rata the clothes
closets contain these days.
- Wonder if the folks back bom re
ceived their packagtie O. K,
- '
Shouldn't Darius Ureen and his fly
ing machine have a niche la the ball of
fame? , .
mm m- -
War has created sucn a demand for
tradesmen and working classes? I will I office boys that many of tbeea have
speak from the standpoint f a dress-1 whiskers.
a a a I WWW
maaer. i run a snop. a "W."! There's stin time te buy a Red Cross
foroe- of help to pay every Baturday I membership. And you'U be doing a big
nignc. wiin etner overneaa in aouari worm or good. ,
r 2L" . JV.;..-iVitn Christmas cigars will cost more this
ly. frequently for material that roes Into I yw tox Try Vq appreciate this when
customers garments. - I you are smokinx one of them.
Before war times, when there were not I a.-, -k. T.t.-S -
so many calls for money to run our lt rraaVtTh. Vhu" S. fb'thrcnV:
.-' .
The 8alem rioral socfMr U consider
ing the propoeition of docvatms plants te
the men at the penitentiary lor use in
ma sing; flower .baskets.
The Eugene Register truthfully -
serres that -back In the country where
wlntsr ro&llv im winter, these mild Ore
gon rains would almost be regarded as
th. -
Baker's two companies of- Home
Onaida are enthnsiasticallr drilling. One
company Is composed of men past Ih,
tne outer 01 men unaer ua age. 11
belleTed that a third company can be
to the government. He travels about
Vw"1 !!.?? ?.r.f I Kvmment. Uberty bonds to be pur-1 B Vnd to ain ifUkSAMt iy
auua leaaAnak1a 4twlW Sfe W skirl ST the I . - . . . - . I T SB mW mm. X
government. X)f cooe there are many mnTmil one flt more patrloUc But ..mri"!.ht,.ld? t ,
uuub ui ii wvi -ro - i m in nreeaure to be so rreat as w m. o .v . .
discreet for me to discuss with you, he out all the patriotism one hast the spotlight away fTSrnSanuTaaus.
said, "wevertneieea. inere are rio And would not that pressnre be much WaJt,.in't,
faiwLclYmbfrtyo'd on trad WPU If the people XJX
l2f. , WvlC,h 1 .? iiiV?nTi fw wno Ptlse them would not grind like a Bearer with Portland. Is well
Wot long before the declaration f them down to the lowest price, then, qualified to keep as busy as the Bees.
oy me umww oiau w "u" " whn the work Is delHered. ask them
attend a meeting of Germans and report to watt for par tamy9 keep
tneir atutuoe low"a " them waiting without asking- them any-
The wtinc was called . thing about itt They will say. T just
ralf . "f" fr .the.S.,-m, have to pay up on my Liberty bonds,"
sent to Germany toward helping; wound- XT',, .v.. rM tnok
ed Germany Naturally I waa a atrong m ,-"ance thi. month. I shall bleaalng 'and
Oerman sympathUer. -for I have to be welting." In cone- country ' thia
au umn to w J quence. the tradesman can not buy Ub- Partisanship does not seem to enter Into
There was considerable money In the r -J.. i.. m- 4iiunta. and l.n of the Um art.ira which he has
treasury of the German society and a i" "r"Tl . ... nn I x..a k.i. ki.
mouon was made to send it to rmany - .- - -
a-. W m-.Jk .V.-. Jl-llnn Af thrtsM Atl 1-3 V VMiVMv ssmww aa I " "
wm uta uaou as. a. uin uivwi vuvn we. . ... A - - - -
v. a. . .minr with n-l anow k is aue o uwu,Uu...
.""Vw :- :" i .. I with moat of my patrons.
aiUOna. Eevera PW" "T I w ... h.t.Klna MMiniunt I IK. mtrnnM Khlnl Ih. nillnr ftawere
iuvjm suv v . r - - -
to their Slowness in paying Dills, uu 1 nu hwiu mvtamaoma lune ana u. nu,
that If broug-ht to their attention in the I every action and motive Is worthy of
rirht llsht many would see to it that au I the ruiiest conridence or ue peopie wnom
slaters are still alive and their sons are Me " -;-rV .
we na uisi uw : I LA GRANDE OBSERVER: Let US
tlcipete in the purchase of Liberty Donaa i hop thAt and soldiers wUl
for Christmas day their strife.
"TMrlr helow sera and a bllsaard In
Montana Wednesday: 40 above sere In
Harney county last fiignt ana woir.
n.lilml Ik. Pr.M imrb!UL ThS
comparison would makf this locality a
winter resort xor Monienauee,
m m m
Trora the Burns News Is copied this
report on the prevailing un-Chrietmas-llke
breather In Harney: "It is bard to
atvustoni oneeelf to the association and
surreal Ion of mletlde's approach, with
the nice, balmy weather that has pre
vailed d urine the present week. Some
chilly nights had frosen the (round some
a few days ago. but later the warm days
took out the frost, and farm operations
Ragtag: and Bobtail
Stories From Everywhere
IT ? ass an mltn mt Th Jvaraal
rum te atrttit nctaal Mtur mm
mmm-w. wm vm M seili g m.,mt.m itiiun
J tio trmm ur mow. Cow
M tb isltere aiia 1
CONDON TIMES.: That Mr. Wilson
became president when be did Is a
fortunate thine for the
thia la admitted by all alike.
thing to do. That be has a weds vision
they I of world affairs and Is fully aware of
in I
favoring; the motion,
gray haired Oerman
broken English said:
" 1 was born In Germany. Two or my
got up and
in the Oerman array. I love the Fath
viuuiu. ufc iut I . , . . J,
. . . - - v. a . t aa n.i i ana maa xuu I uh uwwwh-
1X1. .A imi UI U14U1T wnmwa . . h .
. . .mMinn A rlas or a token tnai we dm uvnm i . m-A
against France In 1170. I know you who our bit" would look as well In oxirwla- resolve to do something to
have spoken. I know why you left Qer- I dews as In theirs. After aai. we are a l a XasUng- world peace based upon
many. You did not like the drin or oemocracy, ua w m s- 7 T77. , the phUoeophy of Jesus Christ. lt us
things there. Tou wanted more Uberty. we must be though tful and 3"" muss and ponder upon the life of this
Tou came to this country. Tou found home. j A PKES3M AKr-ru mtA cirinm his gTasp of the Meal way
liberty and a friendly people, who made -I-v f imlt to live. Let us not forget, however,
you welcome. I have dflne well. I see Tne seven sears that he scorned injustice, rebuked those
many here who have come in tneir own I roruaoa, uma. !.- ... I who needed to be rebuked and drovs by
automobiles and who have fine farms I The Journal Is the provision limitinc force from the temple those who should
with much fat stock and full barjis. I the ratification of the prohibition have been driven. He would not tolerate
Why should we send money to the rath- amendment to seven years uncon.u- peace la the presence of wrong or in-
tutionaiT -
. The QuesUon la new. It was
raised In the debates In congress.
Senator Borah, for one. whUe asserting
. M - - a WlsrK law a K a ssewessvwtrneknt Itsksn f .
W.Pe er w.heip opposed It In Its form sA pres ted b gaKS X&?-
fasten the yoke on the farmers of Oer- cause he believed the setting of a Km I fj tJ'.ZLJr. if- Tl,fl Hi!
many so the high born can rule them limit was outside of the constitutional "?"r,ZZ TTT-S"i Th.
with inore severity? I vote that we do powers of congress. If a case U made fT J! mZiJSl
not send the money to Germany to be th. courts wW decide. If the amsod- fr'" ?1n1? Z
used a. they ae fit there.' Hla motion ment neVer oppod on that account, '"fi
carried. A little later I was sent to in- ra precedent, at least, wui be
veetlgate a man In a nearby city. He I tablished.
erland to help perpetuate conditions
from which we fled. Germany la a good
country, but those in control are not
ruling In the Interest of the common
I ford has again shown her splendid com
munity spirit by hsr subscription of over
Chile. Here it Is:
A few sensible men here, even Zebelon. allow that Chile Is obviously better
governed than Argentina ; moreover, the situation here Is by no means Incanable
I nn.H tM-v n "olutlon. The .president has the firm Intention of settlns; the council of mlnis-
f v .t " A; " .I.r aZ ;VT" C.;lters "-tainst North America, use the above confidentially.
ltffj UViilQ UlCll m.A.J W ilU UICJ WS
I less persons can be changed to thought- would jSe possible to build 100 barges I better use we could put them to
" ,ful onea Tf we will show them how in 100 ' days which would move 10,-1 than to sing her glory to the end
had no Idea who I was, so presently we
were talking; of what a shame lt was
that the United States was allowed to
send munitions to help kill Germane.
He said. 'Here in thia country they are
stupid. They da. not understand the
nrmui viewpoint. I have heard men
argue that the president here is equal
made. Whether lt Is giving her sons to
her country or digging- up cash for the
Kea cross, tne war library, ana ins x
M. C. A, or h si ping out the food con
servation campaign, or whether It la I
getting behind some community proecJ
wun oer prawn ua oer mmtmj, rvrx.
Orford la ever ready to "do her bit
and then soma.
itheir sales are arreting the govern- 000,000 tons of freight from Buffalo
Iment. We cannot Influence the kaiser's . ,j ,
I people but we can pTit them In the .r Albany to hew York. He mad
t penitentiary. me practical suggestion that tne cor-
Dissemination of InformaUon among poration should first enlist the co-
" (holders of Liberty bonds as to how operation of Industrial and mercan-
sales at this time adversely affect the Ule interests and of chambers of
I government will reduce sales by loyal commerce along the route. He also
i. people to cases where people ara insisted that the Interest of the fed-
fdrlven by necessity to sell in orde. eral shipping board should be en-
fto meet their dally obligations. .Manj; Hsted.
of the latter can easily be Induced to Mr. Hulley declared that it would
tborrow money on their bonds, which De eulcldal to form such a aorpora-
is a better plan than selling at a tlon unless the peopie along the route
Miscount, because It is a matter of take a direct personal and financial
f certainty that a 'time will come when Interest in the plan. If they have
all "Liberty bonds will be at a pre- nne of their own money involved In
- fmlum and perhaps at a big premium. I. they will be unlikely to have a
fThat happened in-the case of the sufficient regard for its success to
(Spanish bonds and their interest rate care whether their community freight
was only 3 per-cent. goes by rail or water.
Mssnwhiia.- h and thrft .r Pursuing his subject, Mr. Hulley
Itatlngly . profiteer on Liberty bonds.
They did it with Civil war bonds
.when frenzied . finance was less In
. ! vogue and the bent of the American
financial world less avaricious. Hap
In California for Vacation
William Cook, general agent of the
Missouri Pacific In Portland, wUl leave
to the emperor of Germany. Swine that fPfJ rir'T.ehU e0 " -tCoqucie, which has
thy are, they think a man who is called I will join Cook and their two .chU- I aubcessful7 cted out for two
up from the common people xor a one successive years and Is to become an
four years can be equal to a man ai- i I annual feature, was this year a bigger
vinely ordained to ruie, as is our em- . . ani better show than before. The peo-
peror. I myself am high oorn ; yet mese - - ,T 7 . .. ... pie of CoquUle financed the expense and
Americans, the sons of blacksmiths and P. U Campbell, president of the Unl- contributions for the show fell a
laborers, think themselves as good as I yerslty of Oregon, with Mrs. Campbell, trtfI ahort of partng- up aebts. but
am a man in whose veins flow ths blood left Friday for Joplln. Mis., where they u b. tken car ofutw.
It is the freight between, Albany and
New Tork that clogs the terminals.
Every year 14,000,000 tons of freight is
brought from Albany to New York.
When it gets here, especially at pres
ent, lt causes the most disconcerting
congestion. All of this freight ought
ipuy, the attitude or many great in-1 to be brought down the Hudson in
'dustrial and financial captains of I barges, thus releasing .about so.ooa
I America gives hope that thenr will
:be power to prevent profiteers on unloaded here fast- enough because
the . country's financial undertaking there are not enough terminals. Each
i from dolmr their worst. loaded with offshore freight
. ,., r ,K, . . . I could be its own Warehouse, If neces
In any event, the Liberty bond is aary, by holding It in convenient an
tne country's reliance, democracy 6 chorage whUe waiting for a ship to
' vhope and the protector of the boy come into port for its cargo.
;6omewhere in France. Below par or -?lf sate so old as New York and
above, the people will buy them, will so equipped with railroads as New
'fight to keep them inviolate and will York, is turning to use of barges,
powerfully oppose all who attempt there must be large virtue in barg
to discredit them. transportation
-Jf New York thinks barge transpor-
The situation with respect to the I tation .good business in man-mado
'wheat supply In Prance Is critical. I waterways, would it not seem to be
:In a statement, ,the French minister good business in a region like the
of provisions directs the attention of 1 Northwest so prodigally provided
his government to a scantiness of hisl with God-made waterways?
resources that Is almost nitlfuL
France is the nation that; supplied J The Spokane Spokesman- Review
Uraerica with men, money and war- avers that in 1875 higher prices
ships that brought about the final were paid for many necessaries by
triumph over Cornwallls in the Revo-1 settlers in the Spokane region than
- iution.. It ,(eems Incredible that present residents pay. It gives the
, America in the midst of . her abun- following quotations: Bacon, 62
dance will not now observe the food cents a pound, coffee 75, sugar 50,
regulations . necessary to give back salt 25, butter 11 and nails 40 cents.
to France, tne neip sne gave our rorc- Mucn rreigm ior tne-region at- mat
titne came around Cape : Horn and
was carried by, boat up the Columbia
river and thence hauled by wagon
I to final destinations.
of time..
What has she done? She has In
vented a crustless pumpkin pie. That
is what She has eliminated one of
the world's killjoys. She has cut
out the last defect that marred the
Ineffable perfection of man's most
heavenly achevement. From - this
day to the end. of time he who bites
into a crustless pumpkin pie will
burst out into paeans of praise for
Mrs. X of Grants Pass.
The crust of a pumpkin pie. or of
any pie. for that matter, is a piec
of the morning after. "TV, is sodden
even after sunny noon. It Is an
apple of Sodom after a Newberg
prune. You get one taste of the de
lectable pie itself and then comes
the horror of the crust Thanks to
Mrs. X of glorious Grants Pas.
there will be no more crust If the
pumpkin pie can be crustless why
not tne apple pie? Slowly but sure
ly we approach the millennial dawn.
Oregon builders say they" can lay
down' and complete 150 wooden ship3
m ms. That is the pledge they tan
ready to make to the shipping board
In response to' Chairman Hurley's
wire for an estimate of tonnage Ore
gon can turn out the coming year.
The 30 wooden ships and 50 wooden
hulls now"under construction In ths
yards bring, a round 130,000,000 Into
the district Behold what an activ
ity asd prosperity next year's con
struction may bring!
fathers in their darkest days.
NEW YORK state Is honeycombed
with railroads. -
, But men there are turning to
barge commerce as a remedy for
transportation breakdown. Governor
Whitman heads . the movement
A slate barge canal oonlerenoe ha
be?n held. It : unanimously recom
mended ' the : formation of . a
RANTS fPAS3 has suddenly be
come i a m o u s, and lt is . all
through the Instrumentality of a
woman. Let Palmyra boast of a
Queen Zenobla and Egypt of her
canal I Cleopatra. The splendor of those
transportation company with a cap-T historic women .grows ; wan beside
' ital . of s $5,000,000- to put fleets of tho radiant beams of the heroine of
barges on Erie - eanat Experts in hGranU Pass. We wish the man who
transportation made v statements ; that I wrote of her Immortal achievement
the undertaking, nesides bolstering t had been ; moved to - mention ' her
up a collapsed railroad traffic, would name. ,.We should have loved to eel
prove "both practicable and profit ebrate it In lofty rhyme and Inscribe
;ab!e.M , - ' it oh imperishable brass. - If we ha1
0ne authority declared that t a thousand tongues. we know of no
of the noble born.
The man was DerfecUy sincere m ms
belief In the supremacy of Germany and
In his belief In the superior excellence
of the Individual Oerman over men of
all other nations. The Germans, as a
race, have tremendous egotism. My In
vestigation leads me to believe mac ai
least 95 per cent of the German-Am eri--n
are loval and will eUck by the land
of their adoption, but among the remain
ing ft per cent there are elements w
dAne-er that must be rigorously dealt I to her home for the holidays. I the war as far as money donations and
7.v , Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Vial i
ana their i small voluntary kutumi aro. vet we
e e l cnuaren. irom rnnoii, y asn., are in I are naraiy aware tnar. we are in a war
Cantaln von der Golts In his recent I Portland for a Christmas shopping trio I at alL Our liberty and Uvea are at stake.
book gives much of the Inner history of I and are registered at the Portland. yet we feel but little Inconvenienced over
the Intris-ue bv which Germany nas un- I Major w. l. coppenau. u. S.. sta- our defense. Let us hone that we wUl
dermlned our institutions and betrayed tloned at Fort Stephens, Is a guest at not be required to make the sacrifices
our confidence. He tells of the treason- the- Multnomah. of Belgium and of Prance, but let us not
able- activity of Frans von Pa pen. Karl . Mrs. J. A. Shaddock of Roeedale Is take the war too lightly lest we be called
HE postulate that "prohibition
ruins business" is nowhere better
exemplified than at Birmingham.
Ala. That unhappy city has been
dry for some time now, plenty long
enough !to experience the full misery
of Its blunder.
Just before making the" disastrous
experiment of prohibition Birmlng-
nam erected a beautiful new iail
waicn cost siou.wu. me .money
might as well have been thrown Into
the kitchen fire, for the building U
useless, -mere is not a prisoner in U
Birmingham has waited patiently
for months to get returns from its
Investment-in the Jail, but bona' are
forthcoming. Without booze the eitv
has no crime and without crime how
can it use its lovely new Jail?
The structure might be a busy
scene with lawyers, turnkeys and
deputy sheriffs swarming Industrl
ousry in the corridors and prisoners'
merry voices chiming In every; cell
were it not for prohibition.
might disseminata prosperity . among
scores of more or less worthy dtl
sens but for the devesting drouth
that has struck the city. Let no one
dare hereafter to say that prohibltios
does not ruin business, that is to say.
some kinds of business. Birmingham's
empty jail should tie the tongues of
the anti-booze element forevermore.
will spend Christmas.
This show has created fully as much In
4. i isresi m vue parucuiar line m agn-
tnil.. IT TT Tlmt n Thalia a Ctr
a guest at ths Cornelius. culture as nas we county iJr na
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Turney of 1 w.i .i-. n mre. ui Bwa r.r,.A. . pa nnrir,m- th. farming, be assisted by contributions
westsrn states and are In Portland for from countT .tr"ury.
a few days at the Multnomah. They VALE KNTERPRISB : November. HIT
are on their way to California. I will likely be known In history aa the
Miss H. Crow of Ooldendale, who has I bloodleet month mankind has ever ex-
I been at Corvalils attending O. A. C I perlenced. We people of Western Araer-
ls a guest at ths Cornelius en route I lea have been liberal In the support of
Boy-ed. Helhrtch Albert and Frans von
Rlntelen.'- They won the admiration and
the confidence of America, while all the
time, aa members of Germany" a secret
service, they were betraying- us.
Zn speaking of the present einctency oi
Germany's secret service in the United
States, he says:
"Efcefore the entry of the United States
Into the war, the principal activities of
thexQerman government's agents were
confined to the fomenting of strikes in
munitions plants and other war activi
ties, the organizing or plots to niow.up
ships, canals or bridges anything
which would hamper the transportation
of supplies to the allies and the Inciting
of sedition by stirring; up trouble be
tween XJSerroan-Americans and Ameri
cans of other descent. All of these acts
were committed In order to prevent you
from aiding in any way the enemies of
Germany; and. also, by creating disor
der In this country In peace tunes, to
spending the week-end with her hus-snd found not ready.
K. A m-h. V. . . V...n lM .I,.. I a a .
"7 " .J: ZJry . I UXION SCOUT: Congress has, the
, xT.TT, r, rJT. v, power and must provide the means. They
the Multnomah. v ' . . are the sole reliance in the preeent
Mr. and Mrs. C. TL Campbell of Dal- ch.. Thy must not falL If we cannot
las. Or., are registered at the Perkins, An n,tr arfi-t.i i . ...
Mr. and Mrs. U K. Grant of Sllverton trust the fate of the nation, then what?
are at the Oregon. Thar hut the nnwir th -w.A
Carl E. Fisher, a merchant of Spring- the authority to do the right thing at
iieiu. a t me Cornelius. I the right time and in the right way
Mr. ana Mrs. k. o. McCoy of The They must not fell ue. In truth the
Dalles are guests at the Portland. Mr. j work before this preeent congress Is the
Mcuiy is president oi tne First M-1 greatest that ever faced that body
tlonal bank of The Dalles. I Party and prejudice must be laid aside
A. B. Brown and 8. H. Webb, real land the vital Issues glvsn the attention
estate men cf Astoria, are In the city I they require.
on Duainess ana are at the Multnomah
Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Blckland of Med
ford are guests at the Cornelius.
F. E. Battery of Hood River la regla
tered at the Perkins.
st m
HOOD RIVER NEWS: A recent of
ficial report shows that the work which
the Hood River Boy Scodts did in sell
ing Liberty loan bonds was characteris
tic of what the Scouts did ail over the
Po?UlS?iJ-V An' .en?..UKat country. They were directly retmonalble
PortUtnd. Mis Allen U a teacher at M. ka Mu aMiai m im u i. ih.i
- M , t ivi ease- a-st w f vaeee,ew ae irvieyc a ass
furnish you with an object lesson of I the University or Oreon and U in the I means that they produced about iH
ciiy iur a anon anoppuis; inp. I u .v- ....
J. Borofesky, a hotel man of Dayton, tu., .ecured one subscription out of
Cornel lu a. every 11. This Is a splendid record and
M. I Grannlng of Corvalils Is a guest . Kr,,i t ,. .,t,.M f th. ..
Vtivl IIIU V a m,mm-v einaw. - - ------ m m . a I B iwru mwmm awe w w v ww
of men like Von Papen. who werVec- at the Multnomah. I try. when theVys are willing and abls
credited agents or the oerman govern- i .7 ' C - "aw I to perform such valuabls service.
what could be done In war times.
"These things were planned, overseen
and executed by Germans and by other
enemies of the allies, under the leadership
mm men and most of our camp men are
wearing a button which means that they
have pledged their loyalty to Uncle
Sam and will be faithful in the work of
retting out spruce for airships and other
war materials In the lumber line. Those
buttons look good to every loyal Amer
ican. It Is an honor to wear one Cf
them. Lieutenant Hanover of the sig
nal service was here last week and gave
tne boys .some Inspiring talks. Hs said
mat one man employed In getting out
airplane lumber was as good as 100
in the trenches and that every flyer was
worth 1(00 men. So you see the work
our boys are doing la Important.
Any north side resident who passes the
nome or Mr. and Mrs. D. Brusba and
who has a seeing eye can tell you that a
big dandelion Is blooming on their lawn,
and a good many families can produce
sprigs of flowering swset aalyssum If n ee
ry. Such December weather hasn't
visited these parte for many years and.
ir lt 'doesn't attract Callforntans. It will
at least keep many of our own residents
from going to California.
ern Oregon is not only using; the big
tractors to draw their gang plows but
they are running tbeee 24 hours a day
with three shirts. The scarcity of men
and the high price of feed for horses may
compel like action among; the farmers
of the valley. Here, most of the farms
are too small to justify the purchase of
a tractor, but there la no reason why
farmers should not get together and ar
range to do their plowing; by owning
these big machlnea together. It Is quits
probable their use would demonstrate
that they are the one thing that will
bring the once famed wheat lands of the
Willamette valley back to their old
standard of production. SO or more bush
els to the acre. What the valley lands
need Is a deep subsolling. and the trac
tors will give ic
ASTORIAN: Sadly, but In very truth
It must be said that these are the days
that make the Red Cross necessary In
the day of boasted civilisation. And
yet they are the days when thousands
upon thousands, even with the dew of
pain and death upon their clammy
brows, thank God for the Red Cross, as
many more thousands win In the days
to come. They are the day when the
men and women of he Red Cross are
very angeis or mercy.
BURNS NEWS : The Commercial club
rooms are being tastefully decorated.
This home for all enterprises and en
terprising" cltlsens will soon be open to
the public The latch string will al
ways be hanging out to the Interested
stranger who desires Information and
social converse. Its portals will ever
swing open to welcome all civic gath
erings having for their purpose the wel
fare and upbuilding of the community
people In different parts of the United
Statee are organising what Is termed
Uncle Sam's Reserves. Ths purpose of
this organisation la to place on a solid
basis ths war work so that each cltlsen
may have a definite idea of what he
should give to the various funds that
come up from time to time. It will also
serve the purpose of smoking out the
stay at home slackers and give them de
served publicity.
G RES HAM OUTLOOK: Tou can now
lend the government as small a sum as
two-bits. At the poctofflce or banks yon
can get the savings stamps. Every time
you feel like loading up your cigar
pocket rush out and buy one. The money
comes back with bis; interest after five
years. The cigars won't.
day somebody arrives and goes over Into
the bis timber of the suets, sometimes
It Is a party of cruisers, other times a
party of tlmbermen. Here's hoping that
something breaks loose la the big timber.
The Individual holders over there have
waited for the time when something
worth while would happen. The consen
sus of opinion smong local sears la
that the tone Is close at hand for a for
ward movement In the timber business
over here.
Utile Mr. House. C E.
WE HAD dug holes for the poles of
mm-vim una exicne-
In between the power house and a new
pumping plant, says a writer In Popo - -Ur
Mechanics, a field mouse trottine-
nround tumbled Into en of them -" ,
and was imprisoned during the night. " '
Masing my usual morning inspection of.
the work. I noticed the little fellow run
ning around the bottom of the hole try-
" " na same means of escape. When
I came back from my tour, he had set
tied to business. He was dtgglag. stead
ily, a spiral groove round and round the .
Inner surf race of the hole with a uni
formly ascending grade.
" ,e '-e . - : ',
At the end of two weeks, the little
engineer srtuck a rock too big for him
to move. For nearly a day he tried to "
get around It. but without success. Then. -with
wonderful patience and unflinching
courage, he dug another pocket, reversed -his
spiral, and went on tunneling his
wsy in the opposite direction. At the'
end of. three weeks he was coming near
uie iop. Morning came: the mouse had
ved way, his spiral road completed.
My Oreo on
Wba IMdoai from at Wt halcht.
. One, my Oracw!
Wa Was tara hf ratal, aaicbt,
Crttoa, mj Oneaa!
Thar casM Uui woadroe hct
Oar mmm uxtm rmmh to oia th fihL
Asa ah. tb TDd and ubi ubtl
frvsoa, axr Oracoal
Us eooau-r call thaa t ar aid,
, Ortsoe, taj Oratoat
rah- Libartj t now utw,
Urvsoaj. mf Of!
Th atrwa mt wmr aa Um iatd.
Tb aaU far help t Um t mm&m.
OK asa th glory nrrw (dl
Ureaae, mj Oncost
S e-ery taak yse'v takes part.
. OraroB. mxf Oracoe!
Tea t dee it with a winis haart
Or-soa. sir Oreoj
Tee shews roar ua rtfct fraa th ataft.
Tee str-Q aooa fraa mrmrj pert.
Tear vmmllh roe powad troaa ararr atari.
vrasaa. mmj vr(eai
f w
Partlasd. December 30.
I'nele Mt Snow" Says:
They alius uater tell me when T was a
boy that you had to lick a Oerman twlcet
in order fer him to know that be had
been licked even onceL The Hun hordes
In Europe has got to git a whole lot
more poundln' 'fore they find out they
oeen iicaea even a little bit; but Undo
Sara can lick 'em three times, if neces
sary, in order to git 'em to understand.
Olden Oregon
Ths Slery of as Aselest asd Meil
Exrellest Callee Dress
This la the story of a calico d
which, after a lifs of travel and of
change, now reposes In one of the treas
ure cabinet of the Oregon Historical
In 1110. at that time the srlntlnsr of
calico had Juat begun In England and
ths possession of a dress pattern of that
material waa a matter of great moment
and value, a Mrs. Drlnkwater of the
British metropolis. Just In the act of bid
ding farewell to her son Thomas.' who
was leaving England for the hazardous
voyage to America, where he intended
to make his future home, gave him a
dress length of the precious material,
saying;. Thomas, you are going to Amer
ica. I never expect to see you a rain.
Now when you find a wife, give this to
her in memory of your mother."
Thomas cams over, settled temporarily
at Pittsburg, Pa, and In 1112 fulflUed
the prophecy of his mother by finding
a sweetheart, to whom he was married
In 1114. He presented the dress pattern
to his bride In accordance with his
mother's wish. Not long afterward the
newly wed couple moved to Indiana,
where. In 111, a daughter was born.
She grew to womanhood and her moth
er, then growing old. gsve her the one
time precious calico dress, which by
now had been converted Into an apron.
This dsughter married Thomas 3. Ttlggs.
a combination of trader, merchant and
farmer, ajid In ItSJ they, with their '
two daughters and two sons, came
across the plains and settled In Polk
county, about eight mUes west of Sa
lem. This pUgrlmage wss In the earns year
as that of Tyrss Him and hla wlfs.
and four children. one of whom Is Oeorge
H. Himes. head, hands and heart of v ;
the Oregon Historical society. Tne i
two families met on that eventful trip. '
and It was through this that ths old
calico dress came to be one of the
treasured relics of early Oregon.
matic Immunity.
Now that the war has coma, an en
tirely new task Is before the German
government and an entirely new set or
people are needd to do lt Wartime
spying is absolutely different from the
work which was done before the war,
Miss Florence Hale of Independence Is
at the Multnomah.
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Keeeler of Seattle
are registered at the Oregon.
D. C White of Marshfleld Is at ths
Oeorge T. Meiers, a cannery rrtan of
how to be;healthy grj
. " v. " " r,V I Seattle, is at th. Portland.
auiu u ww I ' ,. m II -, mrn
each other except as The work done 1 " " irom uu-
before the war has prepared the way 1 among the guests at ths
for the work which Is being; done now. I vraun.
If the kaiser had got you with his an
thrax germ chances out of -100 he
would have shuffled you off this mortal
coll In three to five days. If be were tn
a sportive mood he might have ap
proached yots holding out his gloved
for the work whicn is Deing cone now. i . I handl saving "Peace, brother r and you
And. whereas, the work done before'th. l Mr ' and Mrs. H. P. Aahpy of BoU. " badperl a change
of heart and had come to pledge reform,
mlsht Joyfully have met htm half way
and given htm your best bare-hand for
a hearty shake. Then, after a while,
you would discover a little itching vesl
t. un Biie hand. It would ret more
and more Inflamed aa the hours passed. I
war was conducted by Germans, the are in tne city ior a lew nays at the
present work, for very obvious reasons, I foruano. noiei.
cannot be done by anyone wno is a oer- I o- '-"'j ..vau,
man or who Is likely to be euspected of 1 at -the Perkins.
German affiliations. I venture to say I ueorge vyssrc oi irmraiia. is at me
that not 1 per cent of the persons who I Oregon.
are engaged In spying for the German I David, Campbell of Walla Walla U
covernment at the present time are 1 1 egisterea at ine roruano.
either of German birth or descent. II C w. Matthews -oT Gaaton Is a guest
say this, not because I know how the I at the Perkins.
Germsn secret service Is being conduct
ed In this country, but because I know 1 Arlington are at the Cornelius.
how it has been conducted In other! R B. Crowley, of Tamhlll is at 'the
cou?trw: . - . - I tor. of course. He would perform
XJmX tum VAywuu, - w.iww wan. I .11. .irtm wv.. w.aM,jT BUimvn.1
such activities as the Inciting to strikes Is at the Portland. '
and the conspiring which were done tn C J. Thompson, from . Rainier, is a
the last three years could be safely con- guest at the Perkins.
ducted by Germans, because the two D. W. Twohy of Spokane issregls-
countrles were at peace, i ne moment i tered at the Multnomah.
that war was d eel red, every Oerman I . Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Tucker-and fam
ily are registered at the Oregon from
probability, that you were very fJL Tou
would not be apprehensive at all and
yet. pretty soon, before you knew It, so
to speak, you would pass out. Not until
later, as you leaned over the gold bar of
heaven and saw yourself lying- there tn
a coffin, might you appreciate the
kaiser's little Joke about the peaceful'
ness of dead men.
If the kaiser were entirely virtuous.
If be had no Intention of transmitting
the dreadrul anthrax germ to yon di
rectly, having got the germ from the
hide or carcass of aa Infected animal.
but merely wished to tooculete your cat'
f 1. ta riMtmv f H.m . larttlmtat wa
nntu a center of decayed tissue formed ,asurej as be would say later, than.
and the whole am became swollen. Tou
Mr end Mrs.' P t MeOarthv , would dsveiop a high fever, later f ol
Mr. and Mrs. P. TMcCarthy r urwsd by a subnormal temperature, and
your lymphatics would become sore and
swollen. Too would call upon the doe-
became an object of suspicion, and his
usefulness In spying that is. the obtain- j Hood River.
tng of military, naval, political and dip
lomatic secret.) was ended Immediately.
For that reason Germany and every
other government which has spies In the
Profiteering la Wool '
, Ft th Salt Lk Tribes . '
""I", jrr government control even If we are
surgical operation at the site of the In
f action to sret rid of the tissue. He
would apply oarbolio acid and bichloride
of mercury to the exposed surface and
make Injections of other powerful drugs
under the adjacent skin. - At the same
time he would give you plenty of nour
ishing food and special stimulants.
- Ton might even live to wreak your
venseanee on this nooie torn ot wm -jaw-tons.
But the odds would be against
yoo. -It would not occur to yon. In sU
when you tuuuspecttngly ate meat from
your herd to sustain your body through
Its strenuous err oris at serving your
family and your country, you would be
taken with chills, vomitings, diarrhea.
pains la the" legs and back, convulsions
and spasms.
In that case all the doctor could do
would be to give yoo an active purgative,
large doses of quinine, try the uncertain
efficacy of anti-anthrax serum, pray
and curse tne kaiser. -
Next Monday: Thanksgiving Antici
pations. , '
See another story. "How to Live." foot
column eight, this page.
Does not the spirit of the Girlst-
war of employing- practically no known ,7 tat r Vt all the to VVC'
cltlsen of Its own country." . v v f!T t. tl I!-,??: advance in the United Statee, has been
oT;. .k "i . A. - tod ner cent and the mothers who nave
: Censorship II He Home upon the situation and shake p knttUng " rST and
.i vkib. a,.. I . . . a.. . . . I IK. ana have been IOT Ceo lO pincn avna
- m w aiwwaij.Mw aw irrws la rain . .,., -. . - - ,n . n
-Do you remember the story of David their bit' while the soldiers are "doing rape and go jTltl
and Goliath?" -- - ; their bit," As aa example of what Is order to pay three rrics rer yarn. -
"Tea. But I dont encourage my boys being done In this country one need only Statistical data shows that no shortage
to read It. Z have trouble enough now mention the fact that whereas the price of wool exists and It Is ssld thst con
to keep them frowi throwing stones." of wool in England has been fixed -at fit sumption In 1)1 will be little. If any.
greater than la 1917. Evidently the war
trade board has not tackled the wool
situation any too soon and It la too bad
that it will take some time te red see the
nrevainna- abnormal prices down xm
point where poor people can afford to
make purchases. as in tne case ox many
other articles, there does not seem te be
any excuse for the zoo per cent advance
la the price or wool
Stage and Screen
Br Edna Irrtn
u-iiH.m ft 1 1 art' next production will
be titled. "Wolee of the Rail."
-rrXm William is if years old - and
his favorite actor la William 8. Hart. .
To see Herbert Clifton's stunning cot- -
lection of gowns Is worth a visit to the
A talented toad rented by Ooldwyn
for use tn Mary Gardsns -rnaur cost
12 a day. .
Ttid save of Loe Angeles:.
"There's only three places and the Or
pbeum to go to. m m
Maclste, wno comes to tne r-eopies
theatre Bunday tot The WarrtorJ la
three times as big as Douglas Fair
banks. - - .
ifia, . BtMMt tour in The Brat,"
Maude Fulton will abandon the theatre
and devote her entire attention to baUes
let tree. ... '-
Henry Stockbndg. mho ems to the
Helllg ss leading man in r air ana
Warmer" next weea. was 7'" wmmrm
with the Morosco players in uom Angeles.
vital mt
New Viewpoint .
of Eugenics :
Rales of living Set Forth In
How to Live" " Htve Re
ceived Approbation of Conn-
try's Most Famont Men.
.' gawwrtaa a With ra
V bjacu hi tb toftr sad
------ ml -Hr Lira" t)
Mat sooaiar feaoaa fimissl hrHiea.
This pWsdW went let Save setkaHaad
mmd i.urad Is IhiSerittae wHh tae
brW rmtmrnrmr baarS mt thm IMm T t
I,ili. hwtttat ey IHTPtO ruaXR,
raiirau. riilian el rWMfc-! Kamaf.
Tata nmtati, ead KUJtm 1.1 MAX
, riSK. U.IK
mm mt tb fteeat Vrala fa Aaatrfee
f -lis iir for Hw t tiva." mmmmf '
Thaas turn rash swe a Wuhaa K. Tafu
tie aril Mnutaaa C. Cress. ra --
ral; Ur. Buprtt Klea. I. S. mmttu naattfe
e; Ue. n- at. mtrntm, eaane aaaaaata.
. tat f Xaw Tact In. Haravr W. .
r mm It. Maaf Urmmmm BaO.
a aaaat deeat tbatf (arriea m Ua Ltf
gttiajus teautet a4 oUaaTL4 wuh
I'laiata Tmmmt asd tn. Stak
. th unturali
etatead lae SI
- Maw a rrmmm
ktee. ira
Th I W aatlbw srta tU
at Tb JoaraaL K rm mm
SM at ta i. iC GUI Cm. .
riM Ca. otat, VTartaaaa A
kkaj. et iearvat t lane CCfle. mt fa
tt ro-i aa tmm hmok mmm a aaxki mmm.
eriptaoa t Te Javxaai. A44 le V.
Bnt ee aaail mimtm, .