The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 22, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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"There is no God," the footlah salth, "
" But none, "Ther Is no aom-w,"
And nature oft the err of faith : -In
bitter need will borrow. -
Elisabeth Barrett Browning.
sp ytzw Offerinjgs oit te Screen and Stage
IV Craas waa raaaad a yaailn hQ.
Aa tret Jirtiialia'a Cm el
rauH! It waa a tunc of
I atil Utn ftw amia f
Baa tow Um f rstt to faad Um eo.
B to Jaraaateai s satUatoU
Pse sees t Cartt My ra he Vara I
Artkar Prtoe, ..
Tka Cariat whew ward kt Brtas, stfO,
Joan the Woma
to Be Feature
of Week
Remarkable Photoplay Has Per
haps Most Stirring Theme
Presented on Screen.
"F FIRST Interest In the Tuletlde
torograms at the film theatres is the
projection of "Joan the Woman" at the
liberty theatre with Geraldlne Farrar
,ln the title role. Though more than a
year old, this remarkable photoplay
continues to be regarded as, perhaps,
the most stirring theme that has ever
been presented on the screen. One
prominent eastern critic has said of this
film : "If the producers expected toJ
knock, their eyes out they did. 'Joan
the Woman' Is a smashing sensation and
, will keep Broadway talking for many
months." The Liberty theatre has been
specially decorated for Christmas week,
and. In addition, a 14 piece orchestra,
. under the direction . of Albert Hay
Malotte, will furnish the musical accom
paniment for this super-picture.
At the Columbia theatre. Jack Pick-
ford Is holding forth in "Tom Sawyer" ;
- Mae- Marsh Is playing at the Majestic
In "The Cinderella Man," a delightful
fantasy with Christmas atmosphere ;
Mary Flckford returns Sunday to the
Star screen In "Rebecca of Sunnybrook
Farm" ; at the Sunset Mae Marsh will
.doubtless duplicate her former success
In "Polly of the Circus," Margaret
Mayo's beautiful photoplay ; the Peo
ples theatre will show Maclste, Italian
giant, in "The Warrior," a play of war
and thrills.
; In the vaudeville field, the coming to
the Orpheum of that famous team, Mc-
The Strand, Pantages and the Hippo
drome bills embody an array of talent
planned to please holiday crowds. At
the Baker, the Alcazar Players will re
vive' that famous drama, "The Trail of
. the. Lonesome Pine," and at the Lyric,
Dillon and Franks will appear In "Mus
tard Kings," said to be a freshet of fun.
Mark Twain's Hero
' Immortal Tom Sawyer haa been
brought to the screen. This world-
ramous American ooy envisionea Dy
Mark. Twain Is being portrayed at the
Columbia theatre by Jack Pickford, who
seems to have caught the exact spirit of
the part. "Tom Sawyer" was photo?
graphed in natural surroundings. That
is to say all the scenes were taken in
Hannibal, Mo., where Mark Twain laid
the story.
The beginning of the picture shows
Tom with his Aunt Polly, and cousins
Sid and Mary as the "mischievous but
not mean" members of the family group.
From then on we are treated to five
reels full of good, healthy laughter,
following him through the well known
episodes of the fence painting, the ad
vent of the new girl in the village, the.
Biblical examination in - the. Sunday
school, his declaration of love to Becky,
' the running away and finally the scene
where he walks In on his own funeral
services. Of course, Huck Finn and
Joe Harper figure prominently all
through the story. The subtitles are
taken from the original and are in the
words of the author. The picture is
exceptional in its humor and continuity.
Play Holiday Cheer
The wistful appeal of Mae Marsh,
. known wherever motion pictures are
shown, is more than ever apparent in the
strong human interest situations of Ed
ward Chllds Carpenter's play of holiday
cheer, "The Cinderella Man," now play
ing at the Majestld theatre. - The story
of Cinderella is easily one of the most
popular tales in the world's fiction. To
Mr. Carpenter occurred the idea of add
ing to the tremendous drawing power of
this story's pathos, the novelty of mak
lng the hero. Instead of the heroine, the
victim of neglect. So he ensconced a
poverty-stricken poet in an old garret,
and sent across the snowy roof to him
a little lady of wealth antl fashion bear-
Our terms
to have
.. . . . ; .............
CC down will put your .choice of any of the most popular '
' PJ style of TalUnj Machine, with an outfit of Records, in
your home tonight, or. on Christmas Eve. You have from four '
, to seventeen, months to pay the balance in monthly (PC
- payments of ........................ . . . .'4
: Our assurance of satisfaction, backed by our continued at-,
i; . tention, goes with f, every purchase made here, whatever the -price
paid. . , - ",' .
Stores also st Bas. Prase! se, Oakland
Sasramesto, San , Jess, - Lea Asgeles,
- Baa Disc.
GERALDINE FARRAR, in her portrayal of the martyred
Maid of Orleans in -Joan the Woman,", which will be
; shown Sunday at the Liberty theatre, has placed herself at
the very pinnacle of filmdom stars. . ..'
- Wit ' ?i- ' V J ; A i ' 1 XZLjJz. . .
7 -
lng Christmas cheer. " Of course, she
brought a great many things before the
play was out, but the chief gift was.
after all, a love awakened by pity.
In the role of a young American 4
heiress living' in Italy, Mae Marsh Is
glven wonderful opportunity to display
that aptitude for changing moods that
has brought her the title. "The Girl With
a Thousand Faces." In her support are
George Fawcett. Tom Moore, Alec B.
Francis and other capable film players.
Submarine. Chase Depicted
Italian submarine chasers in pursuit
and actually destroying an Austrian
submarine is one of the wonderful spec
tacles shown -in- the Italian - govern
ment's moving pictures which are to be
shown at the Helllg theatre on January
2, 8, 4 and E. The pictures-are the flrs
to reach this country, showing actual
warfare on the Italian front. They
were taken by government photogra
phers, who took great chances and were
often in the thick of the fight, and are
to be preserved by the government for
record purposes-
i Before Italian Consul Brenna and a
few friends a special exhibition of the
pictures was given Thursday afternoon
at the Helllg theatre. Consul Brenna
pronounced them as wonderful.
The chasers are shown leaving their
base, the moving picture camera being
aboard one of the boats. Then follows a
thrilling . chase to the spot where the
submarine was seen. Soon the. perl
scope can be seen in' the distance. Shells
are striking the water all around it.
Finally, one of the shells finds its mark.
A few seconds later, a great bubble is
seen where the submarine goes crown
followed by a great black splotch of oil
All of this was actually photographed.
make it easy
a Victrola
Liberty. Terrible in its realism, mag'
niflcent In its investiture, costuming and
direction, acted throughout with perfect
art, "Joan the Woman," which otfens
Sunday, Is perhaps the most dramatic
and wholly commendable screen offer
ing of a decade Its star is none other
than Geraldlne Farrar, in whose sup
port appear such well known film play
ers as Hobart Bosworth, Raymond Hat-
ton. Theodore Roberts. Wallace . Reld.
Charles Clary, James Neill and Tully
Marshall. A special 14 piece orchestra
under the direction of Albert Hay
Malotte will furnish the musical accom
Peoples. "The Warrior," with Maclste
as the hero, not only tells a thrilling
story of struggle for the cause of Jus
tice, but is remarkable for the prodigies
accomplished by a man whose bright,
clear eye and perfect form evoke the
plaudits of the multitude. It follow the
entire Alpine warfare and shows the
audacious maneuvers on the summits
of mountains. The principals gravitate
about Maclste, prestidigitator of
Star. "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm"
takes Mary Pickford back to the old
farm in a gingham dress, short skirts
and with the justly celebrated curls
displayed In all their glory. It Is a real
Mary Pickford heart interest story plus
much warm-humor. Miss Pickford chal
lenges comparison by playing on equal
terms with child actresses. Marjoti
Daw is her "chum" and Violet Wllk Is
her "rival." The grownup members of
the cast Include such players as Eugene
O'Brien, Josephine Crowell and Mayra
, Sunset In "Polly of ths Circus" ther
tn ahon the moat arraDhic rum mi
yet filmed. Mae Marsh is an adorable
Polly and Vernon Steele gives a syro-
pathetic Portrayal of the . young mini-
r Tht.,etd" ,the,,hiId ? th
of domesticity. The production through
out is of the highest order.
Orpheum. Mclntyre and Heath, cele
brated delineators of negro character,
will headline Sunday's bill In "On
Guard," a military sketch. Tne mra
feature will be the "Alexander Kids,
who dance, sing and mimic. Other acts
are Noel Travers and Renie Douglas In
"Meadowbrook Lane"; Rae Eleanor
Ball, violinist ; Henry Sylvester and
Malda Vance in "Get Out of ths The
atre" by Willard Mack: Bee Ho Gray,
versatile cowboy; Ada Summervllle and
her trained horse, "Onion," and the
three Misses Stewart, dancers.
Pantages. "Th Honey Be a," a rate
aical comedy, featuring Billy Browning,
is the headline act. The extra attraction
t TtffturiMi SamuAli 'In & 1rtTn An
tl tied, "A Day at kills Island." Other
acts include the Transfleld Sisters, mu
sicians ; Ford West and Bud Hale, black
face entertainers; Ruth Ester and Leo
Flanders., song " and piano numbers;
Mile. Theresa and company, trained
dogs, v monkeys and pigeons, and th
fifteenth.' episode of "The Fatal Ring."
a I
Strand. "Beloved Jim." with PriscUia
Dean, will be th Christmas cinema of
ferlng at the strand theatre, beginning
Sunday . Topping - th vaudeville bill
will be the Turners, skaters, and Ellis
and Ellsworth in an European novelty.
Other acta will be: Allaire, dub mani
pulator; Denver" and Mlnch. "Pilgrims
of the Night" ; th Columbia Trio, char
acter singers, and Bob Lee. "Th Mis
sissippi Slicker or Magical Mlrthmaker."
. Hippodrome. Heading Sunday's pro
gram will b" The Pool Room," pre
sented by -Royal Douglas, late movie
star. - Other acts will be : The Anglelus
Trio, tn song . repertoire ; (he Three
Melody Girls, singers and' dancers;
Lorain and Mitchell. "On th Ladder of
Success," comlo sketch ; Leaver and L
Roy, comedy . entertainers ; - th Dudley
Trio, balancers, and photoplay feature,
"Easy Money," with Ethel Clayton.
. J Jomelli .in San . Francisco .
: Baa Francisco, Ic..- 21. Jeanne Jo
melli. srand opera soprano of the Metro-
poiiuui vrpwra. wuiHuir .a tu oaa cnui.
Cisco and will sins; at th annual j
Christmas Evs festival at th exposition J
auditorium next Monday nisht. . 4 ; l
Famous Divas
Will Sing in
Schumann-Heink . to Entertain
Soldiers in San Diego; Jomelli
at Sah Francisco.
SAN DIEOO, Cat, Dec 12. (L N. S-
With a monster Christmas tree,
loaded with thousands of electric lights
and miles of tinsel and popcorn strings,
set In the old plasa, San Diego will give
the army and navy men a Christmas
re celebration such as many of them
have never witnessed- '
Madam Scbumann-Helnk. the noted
diva, will sing "Danny Boy," a song
th&t has remained in the hearts of the
boys since It was sung by' her. In Bal
boa Park when the cantonment was
Mors than 15.000 oranges and apples
will be. given to men of the service and
it Is manned to remember each man no
matter whether he Is stationed at Camp
Kearny. Balboa Park. North Island or
Fort Rosecrana.
Baker. The Alcasar Players will re
vive Eugene Walter's dramatisation of
John Fox's story, "The Trail of tn
Lonesome Pine." as their Christmas
contribution to amusement. Ruth Gates
will be seen as June, the mountain girl.
and Edward Everett Horton will appear
as Jack Hal. The scenlo effects will be
specially noteworthy. The dominating
note of the familiar play is tne spirit
that brooks no Interference from the
outside world, a spirit that has been
kept alive by generations of descendants.
Lyric "Mustard Kings" will be Sun
day's vehicle for those popular run
makers. Dillon and Frank. A couple
of get-rich -quick millionaires are Mike
and Ike. They go abroad lor tne pur
dom of Introducing their famous brand
of mustard to foreign trade and become
Involved in complication after complica
tion. "Soldier Boy, Soldier Boy. Good
bye." a new song by local composers,
will be introduced with special effects.
Klrkpatrick council. Knights and
Ladies of Security, Friday night held
Initiation in Moos hall at the Royal
building. Its next Initiation will be In
the new- Moose temple at Fourth and
Taylor streets. Its last dane in Us
Royal building will be given' next Fri
day night. It will be free and every
body Is Invited. On Thursday night Cap
tain H. J. Whipple -and his degree team,
together with the officers and many
members of the council, will put on the
floor work for South Portland council
at Gevurtx hall.
Webfoot camp, W.O. W.. Friday night
at the temple on the west side had two
halls running. The larger hall was ae
voted to a dance under the direct super
vision of the degre team, . and the
smaller - hall to a closed meeting at
which the run -was mad past the 2000
membershiD mark with several to spare.
aa set three months ago. A class of 20
was Initiated and 48 applications were
i brought before h committees.
' .
Multnomah camp, W. O. W, Friday
night Initiated 28 and received 68 appli
cations for membership. A large at
tendance witnessed the successive scenes
of the forest as presented by the degree
team and officers.
Lesll E. Crouch, grand chancellor of
. . ... . .
th Knights of. Pythias', and Walter O
Gleason. grand keeper or records ana
seals, returned Thursday night to Port
land after a tour of Eaatern Oregon
from Ths Dalles to Ontario and return
by way . of Bend.
The band of ths Portland Loyal Order
of Moose has volunteered to serve in
the entertainment of the soldiers st the
Auditorium Christmas night, and with
the Elks, police and other bands will
' keep up the music until midnight.
j . .. n.-. nf roa-
J fhare. dfncd
wm J Its hall -l n th. Allsky building
Everybody 1. ln-
Royal circle. Neighbors of Woodcraft,
is to Install officers and have a mid
winter pk-nlo ln the basement next
Wednesday night at W. O. W. tempi.
12$ Eleventh street.
ntsv Ross council will give one of its
popular dance and card parties at SS4
Russel street mis evening, ah jumuub,
Eastsrn Star members and their friends
are Invited. .
COLUMBIA Sixth betwera WtsMactoa
Stark. Jack Pickford la "Torn
- 1 0 an a. m to 11 a. m.
LIBERTY Broadway at Start. tmrntt Ba
wa la Tbm Secret Game." 11 a. m. ta
MAJESTIC Waahinctos at Park. Mae Marah
la "The Cinderella Mas." 11 a. aa. to
11 p. a
PEOPLES Wart Park at Aldar.
Elaine Bam-
Mrataln. la "The Co-Banoadaat.' 11 a.
to 11 a a
SUNSET Broadway at VTaaMnctoa. Bax
Beach's Th Barrtar." 10 a. m. to 11 a.
STAB Warhincton at Park. WUttaai BooiaU
la "Maw Tork Lack." U a a U 11 a a
HETLIO Broadway at Taylor. Tars te the
BicM.' coaMdy-draaa. 8:15 p. 1
PANTAGES Broadway at Aldar. Haadnaar,
"Tka Hoaey Baal." M osteal eosMdy. with
, Billy Brownin. Addad attraettos. tba
Traahald SnUra, snckaaBa, . a SO, 7
HIPPODKOM Broadway at TaaduH. Haad
Hnar, Xwaiia and MJllar la "Joat Ona JU
tla Gui." Pbotoplay foatnra. GaU Kaaa la
"A GeaM of Vrita, 1. 9:10 and S p.
STRAND Waahlartoa btwto Park and W
- Park. STaodavula aaadnaar. Joaaie Suther
land A Co.. 'la aa squat aovalty. Faatara
. photoplay; Gears Wabh ia Tba Pride ol
Nw Tork. 1 p. .. ronttnaoaa.
BAKES Broadway batwaaa Morriaos and AMac
, . Tka Alcaiar Playar to , "Toe Many Hcs-
barJda,' Eraalss. S :Z0.
T.TBir r K a..a m4 T
"The Marry Liara."- wltk Baa Dtuoa aad a
Franks. Daily aitlim. 2 40 p. aa.
T:l aad 9 e'ekaea,
Clear Pimples
Willi Cuticura
Be Habov
laslK ttaaMataa1-
Jimmy Coon Takes Peter Rabbit to
Buy Pair of Pants.
IMMY COON called to see Peter Rab
bit on day. For Teter had been con
fined to his bed several day a Tou ask
me If Peter Rabbit was sick. Oh, my
no I Peter wasn't sick. But h had torn
his pants, all into little bits, trying to es
cape from Mr. Red Fox. And the only
way b saved his precious life was to
dodge in and out among clumps of bram
bles and thorn bushes. And his pants
were torn into tatters.
Peter Rabbit was very modest : and
h hid in the bramble bushes until after
dark; and then sneaked horns In the
blackness of night to get his supper, go
ing into his house by the back door.
Now this was awful hard luck - for
Peter Rabbit, for he had only on pair
of pants to his nam. His only pair of
pants had been patched and patched,
many times before. And now ther was
nothing left to which his fond mother
could sew another patch.
So poor Peter Rabbit had to go to
bed. and stay for two or three days.
His mother had a very large family ; and
it was hard for her to mak both nd
meet, especially in regard to pants for
all her boys, who were so hard on pants.
Jimmy Coon has a very good heart;
and when he heard that poor little Peter
Rabbit was staying In bed because he
had no pants to wear. Jimmy decided to
call on Mother Rabbit and help the fam
ily out in their great trouble.
And when Jimmy Coon reached the
Rabbit residence, he said to Mother Rab
bit. "Mra Rabbit. I know a second hand
clothing store, where I can get Peter a
nice new pair of pants very cheap in
deed I Can I take Peter to the store,
and get him a pair T"
hank you. Jimmy Coon." answered
Mrs. Rabbit, with a pleasant smile.
"Tou are a friend In need. Peter can go
at once. Now I trust your Judgment.
Jimmy Coon, to get Peter a nice pair of
pants, that will fit him well; and be
sure to get them cheap ; for we feel the
pinch of the hard times, and the high cost
of food during the war ; and Father Rab
bit has had no work for several months '."
'Bargain Sale Furs
Are Low Grade Dog
If a strange man. who says he is a
traveling salesman getting rid of his
samples, calls to see you and offers you a
set of fine furs cheap, don't buy them.
At least this Is the advice of Resident
Manager Alkus of the Burns detective
agency. Mr. Alkus says that a number
of clients bav reported to him the pur
chase of furs during the past week, pay
ing, from $20 to 125 for the "bargain
samples," and have later found out that
the furs are quite unsuitable for Christ
mas presents for friend wife, being
nothing more than low grade dog skin.
Belgium Gets Loan;
Total, $69,900,000
Washington, Dec 22. (U. P.) A loan
of 2,000tD00 to Belgium was authorized
Friday by Secretary McAdoo. making a
total loan to Belgium of 1(9,900.000 and
to all allies 83.996.9O0.0OO.
Victrola XIV
Other Models
$20 to $380
Any Victrola
on the
Easiest Terms
I ExJI I ir.f I I I 177 ' xil JttA V.
I IaW I I I l l' ; il l .
trtJI I 1 M V 1 II 11 a I O. S llHVf N ftJCTa3yiJ "D I Hales
a than a ' a
Dealer in Steinway and other Pianot, Pianola Pianos, Victrola and
Record, Player M asic, Ukulele, Musical instrument, Sheet Music
Sixth asd Ksrrtaoa StreeU
' (OypealU Psatofrie) .
Seattle Taeekma Ssekaas '
SB4 . I
His mother had very large family;
and It was hard for her to maka
both ends meet.
And Jimmy Coon was very happy, and
ran mto Peter's bedroom to tell him the
good news. And little Peter was delight
ed ; but he asked Jn dismay. "How can
I go to the clothiag store without any
pants?" And little Peter began to cry.
And Mother Rabbit ran Into the bedroom
and gave little Peter a big hug. to com
fort him; and h said. "Now llttl
Peter you brush away those tears right
away. I have a nice plan. Here's my
nice new shawl, and I'll Just pin that
around you. and no on will noUo that
your pants are gone!"
8o Jimmy Coon and Mother Rabbit got
the shawl pinned around little Peter
Rabbit very nicely. And Jimmy Coon
and Peter Rabbit started for the second
hand clothing store. But you would
have laughed yourself Into fits if you
had seen bow funny little Peter Rabbit
looked dressed up in his Mother's new
gray shawl I
Larceny From Store
Charged to Prisoner
Karl Schneider was arrested Friday
afternoon In a local department store
by City De tec Uvea J. Uolony and Cols
man and charged with larcpny from a
stor. When arrested. Schneider told
the officers that he had a wife and four
small children. In his possession war
found several cheap toys and other
small articles which hs Is alleged t
have stolen in th stor. He Is held la
the city Jail in default of $2S0.
Heavy Rain and Gale
Sweep Over Astoria
Astoria, Or.. Deo. 22. After i
Uon of rain and wind storms her.
heavy ram fell Friday night and a gale
that registered SO miles early in the
evening increased during the night Re
ports that a vessel had been sh In-
wrecked on the Washington shore near
th mouth of th Columbia are untrue.
r & - r l
What better gift what happier thought
than this wonder musical instrument
the very best 'of them all a VICTROLA
to provide music any time all the time
to listen to or to dance by?
A word of warning the popular styles
in certain woods and finishes go. quickly
therefore, why not select the very victrola
you want to give, and have it put aside
for delivery Christmas week?
Sherman, M
Join Via Red Cross Today; I
A duty everyone owes to humanity.
Liberty Is Filled
With Holiday
Christmas Preparations at Big
Motion Picture House Are
Unusually Elaborate. .
CHRISTMAS preparations at th I4b-
entering ths doors, the atmosphere fairly
reka with holiday cheer and warmth.
Greenery.- polnsttias and holly are nsed
with artistic discretion, together with
myriads of electric tight bulbs. On
each sid of th stag are Christmas
treea. electric lighted and a-gtltter.
A. part of this display Is for ths chil
dren's party, scheduled for 9 :I0 o'clock
Monday morning next: ths other part is
for ths grownups who are appreciative
of ths meaning of the Christmas sea
son. From present Indications, almost
every kiddie in Portland is going to b
on hand Monday morning for Manager
Myrick's party. It promises to be the
greatest fun-feat that Portland children
have ever had. That box of Kra use's
chocolates, resdy for each llttl guest,
has Its attractions ; others wsnt to ses
"Big Bill" Hart In Wild West man
euvers ; still others are clamoring for a
view of "Fatty" Arbackie as "A Coun
try Hero," and yet others are going
lust because they Ilk parties, and to
see Santa Clans. For ther will be
Santa Clans, and it is said that he will
be different from any Santa Claus any
kiddle ever saw before.
Federal Education
Agents Are Coming
Tkey yrm Address Memsers sf Oregsa
Stats Teackers Association Xsxt FrU
day at Ceavestiea s Tralslag.
Salem. Or., Dee. 2i. Ben W. Johnson,
federal agent for Industrial education,
and W. O. Hummel, federal agent for
agricultural education, will be In Port
land next week and at 4 o'clock Frl
day afternoon will address ths 8tats
Teachers association In ths auditorium
of Lincoln high school.
Word that the men would visit Port'
land was received by J. A. Churchill,
superintendent of public instruction.
Friday, and hs took the matter up with
the secretary of th teachers' association
and arranged for them to have a placs
on ths program.
"The speakers will explain fully to
ths teachers of Oregon ths subject or
vocational education as It pertains to
ths administration of ths 8mlth-Hughes
law, not only In Oregon but in other
states." said Mr. Churchill. "Th whole
trend of secondary education may be
changed through th plan wrkd out In
ths various states for ths administra
tion of ths Smith-Hugh law, and every
tescher should be informed aa to ths
progress of ths work thus far."
Ths Smith-Hugh law provides fed
oral funds for us in cooperation with
th various states In training teachers
for vocational Instruction and In main
taining vocational instruction tn high
Amusements f oi
Soldiers Is V
Object :
E. .H. Sothern and Winthrcp
Ames Will Yisit France in
Near Future.
NEW TORK. Dec 22. L N. B
E. H. Sothern. th actor, and WtrT-
throp Ames, th theatrical manager, will
sail for Francs within a few weeks to
make a survey of th amusement needs
of th American soldiers, ft was an
nounced by th war work council of ths
T. M. C A. ...
Suffragette Leader 4 -
. Loses Damage Suit
Now Tork. Dec 22. (L N. B.) Dr.
Anna Howard Shaw, wall known Suf
fragist and head of th national woman
suffrage party, Friday lost her appeal la
a I2S.000 suit Instituted against th Le
high Valley railroad for injuries sus
tained In 1911, while slapping from a
train In Jersey City. Th appellate di
vision of th supreme court handed
down a decision affirming; ths finding
of th lower court.
Dr. Shaw wss with Mrs. Carri Chap
man Catt whan th accident occurred.
Sh was prevented from filling a tectum
tour, sh claimed. ... '
PARkCrt'8 .
Brsadway st Tsyter
Last Time Tonight, 8:15
0t Drama
'a m.v or -
TawJefc Floor. 11 rm IS; 1 rwwa
Daicoay 11, Tar, BO. CaJarry. SOa.
Karl Week Val.VTTJtS A HEATH.
aw noaalaa. Baa Eaa
SriaaaUr aad Staada Teaea, m
He Gray
sad Ada SaaaaaamiW. 1 Mi
II Ycm CAn nip colds in V
It tte bud Gear your VI
11 head instantly '"V
Try Kondon'sv
I . for ihe :
(at no coi io you) ',
m.ncAja m4 tau ra-aU 1
II n ii ay. Fee eknait catarrh, ante 1
11 s v "Ska eoiaa, an tas. Jirm 1 '
11 kM, euTwrlte aa Im aoaaUaa .
11 tary caa. or bay Uh SraatiM a If
llVlll kM yearoCB etsMa Bora If ,
11 thaa it f a ee we aay aaosst kit. If
Wot trial eaa ties srUa to II ', ssaraiarsus.ltwa.
I 11 1 11
jS) I A SaUwt si Mar atlas ef BMril,
C J I tlpew erai teat eaaSraa.
V T I Far g niifcn f-lrr aa4
trjBsatytoCreyer faded Hair.
I yA a4 i a P-rTa.
saSpwwraBrwwaaa amaawama
i. MAT. DAILY 2i30'M
Hoar . -'.' ';:
With BDly Brrssias sad Hast W Prottv Oirsk i
Thrae a.rtnraiinw safir- BisM cartels st
Taad. '
As la
. -too suajT MwasAsor , . '
' Ose Ceadwaeaw Scraaai ef LaafWcf
Prioaa: IK SSe. TSc SaC MaU. 2a. ft
Kvst Waaftt
Tk TraS sf tas
Mat, XaBX. IS. VbfTrta eoatla
fa Haa A Fraaka. Cc
Taa'tM taat Tkns
lie. as .
Tka srarty Bint il Ckaraa aad tka rrle
Mseioal Cuarnly Cams near aa
Next week, beginning tomorrow mat
inee, T Maatard Kiaf..-
Where do toe go tonight?
Cotillion Hall ;.
14th, off Washtattoa.
! The Big Dance
Ball -burins; sprinc, floor. Bast
. . ' aaosle.
.' ; Montros JUngier. sCgr. -
Hearst-Palhe Newi
Naars pictures of northwest and
aational event srtU spar eavth
week at leasts theatres throvh
mvt th aerthweet. Inrlttrtan
UastV9 of Fnrtiaad.