14 SATURDAY, -DECEMBER 22, 1917." SPECIA SERVICE WILL BE HELD Programs Will Be Significant " With the Christmas Spirit in Songs an'd Sermons. ; . ; CHILDREN ARE TO TAKE PART Music Has Received Careful At tention, and Will Be Featured at All of the Services. The Yuletide has come again, bringing Vith it Its wonted glorious significance and universal celebrations. The signifj cifitce la greater this year probably than OVV Tof rr. With elaborate ceremonies jthe Tule ' ha- snlrit -will be voiced through ser- : Tnons, prayers, music and entertainments ' In Portland churches on ounaay i ! rhriitmu "Eve. Both will reflect the hniidav atmosohere through carefully ail Atn.hora.telT arranged programs Music has received special attention anil - wUl be f eatured at all the services. En tertainments have been planned for both . children and the adults, and the pomp : and ceremony will embody Christmas cheer and sentiment. ' Following ' are the announcements of the various churches : : First PresWtf rian At the First Presbyterian church. Rev. inhn h Rati). D. d.. will ureach both - mftmliir ami Ave nlnar and there will be special Christmas music. The subjects rx KntVi unHrM will certain to the . rtirintmu teuon and Christmas les son : At 10:30 a. m.. Dr. Boyd will preach on "The Advent of Christ and the Duty of the Present Hour." The choir will sing several an- thems accompanied by a string quintet consisting of four violins and a cello. " The anthems are: "Hail to the Lord's Annointed," Shackley ; "It Came, Upon the Midnight Clear." Scott: "Hark, the Hosts of Heaven Are Singing.' Schnecker. Edgar E. Coursen will pre- ' side at the organ and play as a prelncle "A Christmas Revery" by Parker. At 7 :30 p. m. Dr. Boyd will preach on ."The Christmas Hope of a World at Peace." The Sunday school orchestra will , play two pieces under the leader ship of JVilllam Bittle Wells with Mr. Coursen at the organ. The choir will -sing the following anthems: "Still Is v the Night in Bethlehem." S pence ; "Hymn of the Nativity," Stewart : "Cra dled in a Manger," Schnecker; "O Lit tle Town of Bethlehem." Marso. In the Sunday school, each department will have exercises appropriate to the day wjth Christmas songs and lessons and Christmas stories. In the primary department there will be an illustrated talk on Christmas. In the Junior de partment Mrs. A, B. Slauson will tell a Christmas story. "Why the Chimes Rang." In the senior room the or chestra will play aifd James F. Ewing ' will tell a Christmas story, "A Dog of Flanders." ' ' The Christmas offering of the whole Sunday school goes to the aid of chil dren in Armenia and Belgium who are ' in want on account of the war. Central Presbyterian The Sunday school of Central Presby ' terlan church will give Its annual ' Christmas entertainment on Monday v evening when contributions of money, clothing and provisions for the -Visiting t Nurse association will be donated. A special sacrificial offering will be ' taken Sunday morning for the Presby terian foreign mission fund, demands upon which have been greatly enhanced by war conditions. First Unitarian Christmas service at the Church of . Our Father will be celebrated this Sun day at 11 a. m. The pastor, Rev. Wil liam O. Eliot Jr., wtl speak upon "The . - Invisible Guest," a Christmas sermon. At the , Sunday evening Open Forum meeting at? o'clock In the chaeel, Broadway, between Yamhill and Taylor, "The Work of the State Council of De fense" will be the topic for discussion. . The principal speaker will be Bruce Dennis, executive secretary of that or ganisation. A solo will be sung by Mrs. VV, O. Hathaway. Westminster Presbyterian Sunday morning at the Westminister Presbyterian church Dr. Fdward H. Pence will give aa his Christmas ser mon "The Red Christmas." His address In the evening will be on The Heroes of the First Christiana." The morning service will be featured as the annual celebration of the holiday. - ' East Side Baptist At the East Side Baptist church. East - Twentieth and East Ankeny streets, in the morning Dr. Hlnson will preach on "The First Coming of Christ." This will be the Christmas service and the sermon will evidence how all the ages -termed B. C. were but preparatory for MY CHURCHES DIRECTORY OF WEEK'S Fourth Sunday in Advent " Baptist ' First White Tempi 18th and Tarter ts. Rev. A. Hoes Kitt. 11. "God's Proclamation of Lore a Christmas Messaoe;" 7:80, "The Bible a Factor In World's Reconstruction and World's Ressnerstion. " ' East Side East 20th and Ankeny sta-r-Rev. B. Hinaon. 11. "The First Comlnc of Christ;" 7:45. "The Second Coming of Christ" Highland E. 6th and Alberta. Rev. Charles Mler. pastor. 11. "Th Inner Circle:" 7:80. Chrifttmaa program. ' Unirsnity Tark Cor. Fn and Drew sta Bav. A. U Black, pastor. 11. 7:80. Swedish loth and Bert Bev. Gideon .dander, castor. 10:80, 7:80. Gracs llonta villa Bav. B. T. Cash. It, 7:80. ' Sellwood Iter. H. Hayes, pastor. 11. 7:48. . St. Johns Rev. E. P. Borden, pastor. 7:80. Calvary E. 9th and Grant Rev. J. E. : Thomas, pastor. 11, 7:80. sit. Calvary Rest Fine aad Grand ava. Rev. A. M. Machacek. 11.8. Third Knott and Vancouver ava Rev. UTelby J. Beaven. 11.7:80. Chinese 809 Davis st. Glencoe E. 45th aad Main Rev. A. B. Walta 11. 7:80. - Arleta Rev. W. Garnet Handler. 11. "God With Vi" 7:80. "Christmas Poetrv." Mount Olivet Rev. W. A. Itsgrett. 11. 8. . 'Italian Mtsakm 11. 8. - First German r-4th and Mill Rev. J, Knvtt. 11. 7:80. , Second German Morris aad Rodney ava, - North Portland Mission 800 Nioolal st. Fri- . RostellTtlle Mission. Tabernacle E. 42d aad, Holsata , 10:45, 7:80. - . Oathene ; St. Peters Lents Rav. P. Bentsea. ' 8, 20:8. 7:80.' - Pro-Cathedral 15th and Davis Rev. X. V. O'Hara. , 7:15. 8:80, :45. 11. 7:45. St. Lawrence 3d and Sherman Re. J. C. Hughes. -. 8:80, 10:80. 7:80. St. Patricks lth and Sarier Rav. X. P. Murphy.' 8. 10:80. 70. r St. Francis E. 11th and Oaa Rer. 1. H. . Black, a. S. 9. 10:80. 7:80. lmaaenlate Heart of Mary Wtruassi ava. and - etanton ttav. w. a. uair. v, s. . 11. 7:80. Holy Rosary E. 8d sad Cleetamss Bsv. . 5 Olson. S. 7. S. 9. 11. 7:80." 8t- Rose E. 53d and Alameda Rev. X O'FarraO. ; Mass 8. high mass 10:80. benediction 4 p. m. 8t Andrews E. j 9th and Alberta Rev. J. Ajernaa. s. io:sw, i Vt The Madeleine E. . 24th and giskiyo Rev. - Georc F. Thomason. - 7:80. 9. 10:80. Ascension E. Yamhill and E. 78th Francia. , Sao ratnera s, XO:bU, T:SO. ... Blessed: Bacrantent M try land are. sad Blsn. i x , - : t , v- the Bethlehem birth, as all the centuries called "A. D." are but the tribute to that -unique birth, and all the coming eternity win be expository 01 ui in finite effects of the Christ birth. . - - At nleht Dr. Hlnson will treach on "The Second Coming of Christ." -- Th Sunday school i im cnurcn unanimously voted to bring gifts rather than receive them, and the entire re turns from - their SDectal Christmas en tertainment, with their gifts, will be do nated to the suffering children of Ar menia " ".' - '.i I y;-- First;' Congregational -.. A srrisndld ' woe-ram of : Christmas music has been arranged by the choir of the First Congregational church, and will be given both morning, ana evening on Christmas Sunday. Superintendent A. J. Suliens will preach .at bout services In the absence of Dr. Dyott who ts in. , A Christmas social was given in the parlors of the First Congregational church on Friday evening, by the mem bers ot the Bible school, f or many years it has been the custom of this school to have a tree with presents and baskets for those less fortunate, but this year. having In mind President Wilson's ap peal on Behalf or the Armenian cnu dren, the entire collection was given to this "cause. The evening proved most successful, financially and socially. East 'Side Christian At the East Side Chrisan church the Christmas program will take the shape of sacred entertainment. It will be given Sunday evening and will be enti tled "White Gifts to the King." Glencoe Baptist The services tomorrow at the Glen coe BaDtist church, both morning and evening." will be appropriate to the Christmas season. At the 11 o'clock service the pastor. Rev. Arthur B. Walts, will preach on the subject, "Jesus the Marvellous One." The choir will sing two selections, "Bethlehem" and "The Magnificat." At .:! there will be a special duet, besides an anthem, "O Little Town of Bethlehem." The sermon theme will be. "The Ideal Mind of the Master." Meetings are "now being held In the new church. First Baptist Rev. A. Ross Kitt. supplying the pul olt of the First Baptist church, will preach' In. the morning on the topic. "God's Proclamation of Love A Christ mas Message." In the evening his theme will be "The Bible as a Factor in World Reconstruction and World Re generation." There will be a Christmas musical service m the evening, beginning at 7 :15 with special organ numbers. ' The auar tet will render the following : "The Heav enly Message" (Coombs) : "The Birth day of a King" (N'eidlinger), " Came Cpon the Midnight Clear" (Booth) ; Offertory. "Virgin's Lullaby" (Barnby). Rose City Park Methodist The Rose City Park Methodtst Sunday school following Its annual custom will present, Sunday evening, the events con nected with the birth of Christ In tab leaux. Each year the tableaux are made more elaborate and this year Mrs. Lou pe Is h has been secured to train those participating. The tableaux will be given at the church at the corner of East Fifty-eighth street and the Alameda, to which all are invited. Pilgrim Congregational Pilgrim Congregational church will celebrate Christmas, Sundav, with spe cial services at 11 a. m. There will be a Christmas address by J. D. Nellin. Mrs. Steckle will have charge of the Christmas music. At 7 p. m. the T. P. 8 C. E. will hold a Christmas service under the leadership of M. E. Thompson. There will be music suited to the occa sion, and other interesting features. The Sunday school will , have its Christmas program on Christmas Eve. Kern Park Church Sunday at 7 :S0 pi m. the Kern Park B. S., Forty-sixth avenue and Sixty ninth street will a-lve its third nroaram in the service known as "White Gifts for the King." The offering will be given to the home at Walla Walla. Wash., for orphans and- aged disciples, and to the fund for pensioning a (ted ministers. The money commonly spent for "treats" for the school will be used for the same pur pose, except such part aa may be need ed to send some token of remembrance to the boys from the school now In the army. Come and enjoy the program and heli ui the work. Later on the school will help the fund for the relief of Ar menia, First Evangelical Sunday evenine- at 7 :30 the Sundav school of the First Evangelical church will give its Christmas program. This will consist of recitations, playlets and drills, interspersed with aDDroorlata choruses, solos and duets by the children-. in the morning Kev. e. d. Hornschuch. pastor, vwlll deliver the seventh In the series of sermons on "The Second Com ing of Christ". j As a fitting climax the theme will be Heaven the Abode of the Saved." There will be special Christmas music Rose CItV Park Presbyterian Christmas services will be held at the .Rose City Park ' Presbyterian church Sunday. In the morning the pastor will ? reach on "A New Conception of the ncarnatlon - a New Conception of God ; a TJew Conception of Humanity : tha Su premacy." His evening topic will be me unristmas story cnrist in Song. Mizpah Presbyterian Services appropriate for Christmas wM oe neia at 11 o cioca sunaay morning. Rev. R. W. Farquhar will preach morn, ina and evenine;. There will be a Christ. mas sermon at 11 with a Christmas nil. dress for the boys and girls and special nristmas music Dy tne cnoir. Highland Congregational The happy season of the Hnlv ic. tivlty will be flttlnorly celebrated at tha Highland Congregational church, corner Pre sco tt and Sixth streets, Sunday. In dens, Rev. F. W. Black. 8, 10:80. 7:80. Holy Cross 774 Bowdoln Rev. C. Raymond. 8. 10:80, 7:30.- 8t- Isnathis 8220 43d st. 8. E. Jesuit Fathers. :30, 8. 10:30. 4. St. Stephens 4 2d and E. Taylor Rev. War ren A. Wait. , 8:30. 10:80. 7:80. Holy Redeemer1 Portland bird, and Vancouver ave. Rev. F. H. Miller. 0, 8, 10:80, 7:80. St. Phillip Nerta ( Psalist Fathers) E. 18th and Hickory Rev. W. 1. Cartwrisht. pastor. 7:80. 9. 10:80. St. Cmmnts Smith and Newton Rev. Jo seph Chapoton, Rev. Thomas N salon, assistant. 8,10:80. 7:80. Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center Rev. G. Robl. 8. 10:30, 7:30. St. Agatha E. 15th and Mffler Rsv. J. Ccmminsky. 8. 10:80.7:80. Bt Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland ava. and railing Kev. F. Matthew. 8, 10:80. 7:80. St Joaeah (German) lBth and Conch Bj B. Darrer. 8. 10:80. 7:30. St Michael (Italian) 4th and Mill Kn. W Baleatra. 8. 10:80. 7:80. St Clares Casital Hill Franciscan Fathers. 7:30. 9:15. St Charles 83d and Alberts Rev C Snt derhorn. 7. 9:80. 7:30. ChrtsUaa First Park and Cohuabla Rev. ' Harold H. Griffis. 11, 7:80. Kent Park K. A. Moon, paator. 11. 7:80. Kait Side Christian K. 12th and R. Tsvlsr Rev. R. H. Sawyer. ll.'"Ths Sammies of th Skies;" 7:80, Entertainment, by Sunday school: nnue bins to taa ains. v. Selhrood 18th and Taaiao Rev. 3. R. John on. 11. 8. St Johas Rov. Herbert F. Jones. 11. 8.' Bethel E. 82d and Thomnaan- Rav. Anhm W. WUson. , MoatavHla K. 78th aad Hart J. TV. J-w kins, pastor. 11, "Drawing Hear ta God;" 7:30. "Soma Cbaracteriatica of the Kingdom." umastoae aev. Koy u. Dona. 11. 8. Rodner avenue and Knots Rev. Carlca 3. Ghormley. pastor. 11, 7:80. ' --Woodlaaa Christian 7th aad IJbertv Itmw Joseph D. Boyd, 11, Christmaa sermon; 7:30. Special fjanstmas prosram. - Bungalow 17th and Court Frank E. Jones, aeaaaavi IX, a.; - , '--:; i. . Christian Selene . r . Lssaoa Snhjset: "Is the Universe, Inehtdiat Mas.' Evolved by atoauo jroroar First church Everett bslessa 18th aad 19th ta 11. 8. - - U Second E. 6th sad Holladay. 11. 8.T . Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11. 8. f Fourth Vaneoarer ave. aad Emeraoa. 11. 8. " Fifth SUty-second st and Forty-secoad ava. o. tw. 11.' , ' - - Birth Maaonio Tempte. W. Park aad TamhQL 11. B. - . - . . . Christisa Scieaea aociaty---Holbrook block, St onnv n. 1 - Maaoaic temple, Park sad Yaaahfll. " U. S. the morning at 11 o'clock there will be Christmas music, with a sermon by the pastor. Rev. Edward Constant, on the following topic. A Christmas) Saluta tion." - ' -i - - ' In the evening at T:10 there win be an interesting Christmas concert. There will be carols, anthems by the choir, vocal solos, instrumental selections and literary number. The program, who will be varied and pervaded by the sea son's Joyous spirit, will alao -Include a hnrt uiaM n i n. kioit ox m virioi- maa Carol." This address, like others which, the pastor has been giving n Sunday nights, will t found aglow with practical vitality ana sunny nwuBimm. Warmth and cheer will be evident la all the services of the day. , Waverty Heights Congregational - The Christmas . tjrtxrram" to be given by the Sunday school and choir of the Waverty Height Congregational church at 7 p. m. Bunaay is as xoiiows : Sons. list upon ue auoBssm near. DurSfleiit Nlsbtf Us Eva Nswaa sad Mrs. H. 1L- Harris. , - Scripture leeso. Solo. ''Christmas Meeaagu' . H. Waltera Sons. "A Lamp Wlthla a StsbW." Selection. "Tbs Msssage ( the Holly" Sdaa Bird. . . ... Selection. I TMnS waea I sa rrmrj ehUdrcn. ' . . . Aatacia. "Thers wr BMpnma RociteUon. "No Boost" GWna Dag14r. Solo and cttora "No Boast la taa Inn Erclys Harris and aelwoL w . BTft'-t. "Tbs Prinae of Fosea" atlas Nl- AnnoanrcsMBta ' Offartory. Arrthra. "Bofes Greatly." Addrsat by tha pastor. Sons. "O Littl Town ot BatalchsaL" Benediction. . . First M. E. Church South Exercises will be held by the Sunday school of the First Methodist Episcopal church South, Monday evening, as follows : ' Sons "Joy Bn" , R th mnmntim. standins. Prayar Bar. W. J. FontoB DoU drama "Cndar tha Christataa Tara EUa sC XV T T. n.M. rtnrv Ifarris. Uannla WUay Readina Salseted Mhi Sihvl ThamosDsiaa Diatoans "Christ ma Stoeklnct" Holland Halen Baeoa. Amelia Hacatt, Damn van Ordell. Kannath Uactst, Richard Baeoa, Boadinc, "Walla Tbay Wars Watehias" .. it array Hastar rrans - muar nrfmrlwim takM ar tha anffsrlna ehndraa of Syria asd armaola Slav 4. T. rranen Violin solo Salaetad Mastar Richard Baooa Pantomime "Chrtatatas Ottertns by Children of Other Lands Edna Allen. Helen Kraft. Thelma Hatst. Amelia Hasist. Deborah Carlson, Maria Gnshard. Gifts to Onr Kins CIssms sboatd sit toevtner and. borinnmf ax tha riant side ot the aajdltoriom. will pit deposit their ctftt in tha mansea as they pass by, r turning to their Beats by way ot the rear aisle. Distribution of "treat" from tha Sunday school to tha pupils. Mount Tabor Presbyterian The Drorram for the Christmas con cert, Sunday evening at 7 :10. in the Mount Tabor Presbyterian church ia aa follows : herds isnnMH Biassed Be tha Kama of tha Lord". . . .Gadsby Chorna Sea Amid the Winter's Snow' Quartet Organ "Christmas Fanfare". .Joseph C BHda Solo "Tha Virgin s Lullaby" Bock . Miss Florsnre Story Offertory 'The Shepherd's Sane' Gusts T Iferkel "Pray for tha Peace of Jerusalem" Knox - Choir Solo "O Holy Nleht" Mrs, nnley Pipe Organ "Hymns Celesta". .Bndolph Frame Berwald "Joy FUla Onr Heart" Quartet "Glorious Pesos" Dntra lie nnley "Sine O Heavens" Tears Choir Postlnde "Adesta PidaUs" Professor Joseph A. fibley, enolr director Hiss Erma Ewart, organist Millard Avenue Presbyterian The Millard avenue Presbyterian church will hold Its annual Christmas entertainment Sunday evening. The in termediate department of the Christian Endeavor society will have charge of the first part of the program and will use for its topic "Christmas Giving." Tne sunaay scnooi win take over tne church hour with its entertainment and an interesting program is assured. One of the features of the program will be a Christmas story by Miss Mills or tne Portland Library association. Th serv ices will begin promptly at 7 o'clock. sunnyside Congregational The spirit of Christmas will pervade all the services of the Sunnyside Con gregational cnurcn sunaay. special exercises will be held by the 8unday school in the auditorium at 10 o'clock. Dr. J. J. Staub, pastor, will speak at 11 o'clock on "The Gueat Chamber of the King." Special Christmas selections by the choir will accompany - this service. At 7 :45 p. m. a program of unusual at traction will be rendered by the Sunday school Irt "White Gifts to the King.'' Appropriate ster'eoptlcon views of Bible scenes, special music and other features will convey the spirit of Christmaa. Piedmont Presbyterian Sunday will be a special day in all departments of the Piedmont Presbyte rian church, Cleveland avenue and Jar- rett street. At tne sunaay school hour at 9:45 there will be a special Christmas program and the ringing of a larra Christmas bell, which has been receiving weekly contributions for the Bible work for soldiers. At 11 o'clock Rev. Warren K. Shirley, pastor of Windsor Park Presbyterian church of Chicago will deliver, the Christmaa message by invitation of the paator. At 7 :20 there will be a sacred Christmas concert by the older departments of the Sunday school, assisted by the regular church choir, under the leadership of Will Robinson. Some ot the numbers will be given in costume befttlng the Consraastlsnal First Park and Madison. Sermons by Rev. A. J. Suliens, 10:80 aad 7:45. Christmaa maatc Atkinson Memorial church K. 29th and Et ewtt Rev. Warasn Morse. 11, "The Good News of Christmas;" 7:45, ninst rated sddrssa ea "The Ministry of Healing.'' First German K. 7th and Stanton Rev. E. O. Williams. Pilgrim Missouri ave. and Shaver st Rev. W. C Kantner. 11, Christmaa address; 7. Serv Ice la chares ef young people. University Park Haven at near Lombard Rev. F. 8. Meyer, pastor. 11. Waverty Heights E. S3d and Woodward Rev. A. C Moses, pastor. 11, "Th Coming of th Kin:" 7. Sacred concert Sunnyside E. 32d and Taylor Rev. J. J. fttaub. 11. "The Guest Chamber of the Kin;" 7:45. "Whits Gifts to tha King." by the Sun day school. . St Johns 7:80. Bermoa by Rev. F. J. Merer. Highland Rev. Edward Constant minister. 11. "A Christmas Salutation;" 7:80. Christmas concert Norwegian Danish . Conarecatlonal church E. 23d and Sum err Rev. Mortoa Olson. 11. 7:80. Zioa ( German ) E. 9th ana Tresaont Rav. J. H. Hopp. 10:80. ruuusn Mission 107 Skldmor at .Rev. Samuel Neva la. 7 SO. Laurerwood Cooa-reaauoaal church 48th ava. aad 65 th st Preach lug st morning serrios by pastor. araenwaio Araeawald station Howard W. Hopkirk. - avawislloes assaclatls First Enchali E. 6th and Market Rev. E. D. Horascbucb. 11. 8. .First German EvamreHeal 10th aad Clav - Rev. G. P. Lien in. 1S:45. S. Fortlaad Manioa church Carssei Heizhta Rev. N. Shaw, paster. 2:80, 8:80. 7:80. Swedish Mission Tabernacle (, imn.m end X. 17tb Rev. C. J. LediB. 11.7:30. Central 55th and E. ruaders Rev. W. V Coffee. 11. 7:80. First E. 9th and Mill Rev. Alexander Beers, pastor. 11. ."Does the Fall ef Jerusa lem and th Relarioua and Political Condition of the World Warrant a Beliei tn tha Speedy Re turn of Christ?" 7:30. St Johns Richmond aad Hodsoa sta. Mrs. M. J. Blair, paator. 8. 11. Alberta Free Methodist Rev. E. L Harrin toa. . 11. 8. - . - Lenta South Mala at Rev. A. Bests, pas ter. S. ' :f Prisasa CtHsyafl " T First--. "88th and Mala Rev. H. ll Cor. Worship la- Dawley'a HaU, , East Thlrty-fowrth aad Tamhill sta. Services at 11, 7:46. Laats South Main st Bav. Joha RBvr. :' West Piedasoot Friends' charch . Coraer Borthwiek and Jsssup sta Rev. Cheater A Hadaty, psatiif v . , B"BB7li Mb at Pastor Miss Larana M. TarreO. ; sWvicsa. 11. 7 JO., - . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL Dr. -Pence to Explain "Christinas is uniTersally acknowled celebrates the simple beginnings of lnf! It signalise the entrance tnto human Uf nse by him of Its moat obvious and mys Dr. Pence will trace tha anchorage whl how la human Ufa and all its experienc the essence of our being. In these tlm must endure tha grilling of renewed lnv Its great cardinal truth, the lncarnatlo chojr of calm eonfldenoe tn the presen part and tha occasion. ' The primary and the beginners department will have their festivities during the week, which will be more of the usual Christmas Jol nritinn arlth treats for the little ones. The parents of the children will be in terested visitors at in eercie cur ing the. week. The Gearhart Club A Christmas Drorram will be given by the glria of the Gearhart club Sun day afternoon at 4:0 in th Y..W. C A. auditorium. Tha storv of the Other Wise Bin," Olga Halllngbv: Christmas music, boys from Trinity episcopal cnoir, aiis u. Rurdlck. Durtns- the social hour at the close of this service the following num bers will be played on tne viciroin.: From "The Messiah." "I Know That My Redeemer LJveth, "He enau r rtis Flock." "Hallelujah Chorus" ; from the r.iijatn. 11 iiu aj "Sufi N'acht. Helllare Nacht" Mis Aretha Orandahl. nresldent of the Club will preside, au men ana nr mivou. Missionary Healing To Be Lecture Topic An Illustrated address will be given at the Atkinson Memorial church ,pn Sun day evening at 7 :45 o'clock on the mln Utry of healing as carried forward around the world by medical mission aries. Such work baa been done by Dr, Shepard ot Alntab, Turkey, for SS years. His hospital averaged 450 major opera' tlons and 45.000 treatments annually. When on furloughs In America he spends much of his time in research work with, the Mayo brothere at Roch ester. Minn. Dr. Peter Parker, who founded an ophthalmic hospital at Can ton, China, in 1S35. is often spoken of a having opened China for missionary service at the point of the lancet, so successful has he been in his operations and so much appreciated by the Chinese. Many new hospitals have been estab lished in recent years by missionaries in China, India, Turkey, and South Africa. Special Christmas music will be given at both the morning aad evening serv ices. Church Canvass to Be Like a Census Seven Protestant churches of the northeastern part of our city, namely, the Piedmont and Vernon Presbyterian, the Highland Congregational and Bap tist, the Second United Brethren and th Wood lawn Christian and M. E churchea, realise that there are many families in this community that are not affiliated with any of our churches. Therefore, workers from all of these churches will canvass all of this terri tory, visiting every house, to find out their church affiliations or preference. These home will be visited on Sunday, December 22. between 2 and 4 :0 p. m.. or on January 12. The canvasser will go In pairs, on from each of two churches. Speaker to Explain Advestist Position Pastor L. Klaer Dickson will deliver his fourth special sermon entitled, "The Relation of Obedience to the Church of Jesus Christ" at the Central 8eventh Day Adventlst church, corner Eleventh and East Everett streets, Sunday night at 7:10. A special feature of the serv Ice is th enthusiastic song-service pre ceding the sermon, conducted by Pro fessor I. C. Colcord of California. The public is especially urged to attend this service, as Mr. Dickson will make plain the position of Seventh Day Adventlsts upon th relation of the law to the gos pel, and also as to what constitutes the unpardonable sin, using the Bible as the point of final appeal. Forest Grove Girl Joins Naval Service Forest Grove. Or., Dec. 22. Miss Ruth Austin has enlisted tn the naval service and expects to go to Bremerton in a few days to take up work in the radio division. Miss Austin has two brothers In- th service. Levi Austin Is bn his way to France and Jay Is a member of the medical department. SERVICES IN CHURCHES Congrecation Beth Israel 12 th aad Main Rabbi Jonah B. Warn. Friday. 8 p m. Congregation Anaria Shalom Park aad Clay sta. Kabbl R. Abrahaaaaoa. Lutheran St James. EnglUh West Park and JefTeT son Rev. WUliam Evaa Brinkman. 11, 8. lmmaauel 10th and Irvtns. 11, 8. West Side Norwegian Lathe ran IS H, ny, Rev. WUhelm Pettenon. 11, 8. Bethania Danish Evangelical Lutheran church Union ava and Morris st Rev. L. P. Kjoller. 19 a. as. and 8 p. m. ImmaaoaL Germaa Sell wood Rev. H C Ebehns. 10J0. St Paula. German E. 12th aad Cllntoa Rev. A. Era use. Germaa eervtea 10:80; ng- uan, i :. Trinity Germaa (M.isourI Synod) Williams I ava aad Graham Rev. J. A. Klmbach. 10:13. 7 :io. Grace English (Missouri 8 rood) ATbina and Mason st Rav. . Probst 9:80. 10:30. ?:0. Evaasebeal Latheraa Zjioa (Missouri Synod). Salmon and Chapman Rev.. H. Kotmehmaaa. German. 19:15; English, 7:45. St John's Psuineular and Kirk pa trick Rev. K. O. Balxmaaa. 10:48'. 7:30. Svadlsh Aacustasa Rev. K. E. Saaatadt 19:45. 7:48. oox. Bethel Norwegian ' Lutneraa Fras ehurch Wyvant end Rodney Bev. J. A. Staraey. Trinity (Bcaudiaavlau) 988 Lovely. Porta, moot la Rev. 8. A. Steaeeth. - 11. 7:80 ea first Sunday of each mouth only. - Our Savior K. 10th and Crant Rev. George Hanrikaoa. 10:18. 11:13. Zioa Laadea ball. E. 16th aad ATberU Rev. S. A. Steaeeth. 7:80. 11 ea first Suaday ef each month .eaty. Gei isss Evansettral Reformed Lrata -Rev. W. ti. I leaks rasper., 11. aJsUar Day Saints Charck ef Jasus Christ of latter Day Saints talormoa) E. 25th sad Madatoo Sot. u. J Ballard. 10:30. 7:80. The Reorganised Church of .Jesus Christ of Latter Day Salats (not Mormon) K, 7ta aad Irvtas sta. c E. Jones, pastos. ,. Ssi Brentwood Rev. E. B. lays hart Sunday, S 0: echooi and preaehinaC Bethel A. M. E. Kev. Joha B. Bt Fell smart. A. M B. D.. pastor. 11, The Sisalfr- eaaee at the tliriarasas Star. S. "Work aad Its Wages." Cbxtstsaaa . Kendall Rev. R. C aad prase hiss at 8:80. Ceatral Vaneoavev are. aad Parse "st Rev. C. C Baric. 11. "Chriatesaa tn a Wee Id at War." 7 -.3. Sacred eoneatt ia Susdar school. Ceutaasry Sth aad Pubs sta alev. Tboeaas W. Lane, pasta. 11, "A New Lvperture." 7 JO. Chrietssa loaaisrt and direcooa st B, B. Walas. Jesus' Incarnation ged to be tho child ren's festival. But tt nltaly complex processes and endings, o of life's vastest personality and the terious forces." On Sunday morning, ch Christ secured by his incarnation ; ea. In human hopes and destiny be share a of fretted inquiry. . whan - all things eetlgatlon. Christianity falls back Upon a of God In Christ 'aa its great sheet an t and hope of the future. WHITE CHRISTMAS IS TO BE FEATURED, WITH GIFTS TO THE POOR Each Class in Sunday School Will Bring Presents, Which Will Go to the Needy. The principal Christmas festivities of the First Methodist church will be held Saturday night, December 22. for the children.- A White Christma will be observed by each claas In th Sunday school bringing specific gifts to be given out to the poor on Monday. Some clan will bring- clothing, som fruit, soma meal, some vegetables, etc The young; sters present will have a aav time with two big tree, gifts for everyone, and an elaborate and christmasy program. F tlvttlea start at 7:10 and Santa will be there to greet hla little guests. The yuletide program for the adult congregation will be In the form of the regular Sunday service. The sermon, "The Great Advent." deal with the algnlflcance of the coming of Christ. and will be delivered by the pastor, Rev. Joshua Stansfleld. Special music will be a feature furnished by the choir. under the direction of Frederick Mitchell, the new leader. At 12 :1S a short enter tainment for the children will be given as usual-and will have the added holl day element. Patriotic Service . Will Be Conducted A patriotic service will be held at the University Park Methodist church, cor ner of Flake and Lombard streets, at 1 o'clock Sunday morning, Dorabr 20 A service flag with 17 stars will be pre sented in honor of the brave soldier and sailor boys from the church and Sunday school, who are serving their country. Judge C. G. Burton, ex -commander-in- chief of the national G. A. R wUl de liver the address. The O. A. R. and W. R. C. will attend In a body. Eva Wells Abbett will sing th MarseUlalaa hymn with organ, piano, violin and flute accompaniment. All are cordially in vlted. Take SC Johns car and get off at JTlake street. Sunday School Has Fine Entertainment eessBBBasBsseassSBeeeBBBSBeBSBS Th Sunday school Christmas enter tainment ot Westminster Presbyterian church was held on Friday evening. There was two cariiatea, Th Toy's Rebellion," and "Uncle Sam to the Res cue." Exerelae and recitations by the littl ones, musks by th Sunday school orchestra, songs by the school and a Christmaa tre. oonstltutad th program. The program waa under the direction of Miss Flora Gammls and waa fine. Mrs. J. L. Bowman had charge of th decora tions, and ahe and her helpers used cedar and holly to excellent effect. Bishop Hughes Will Preach in Morning Bishop Mathew Simpson Hughes will preach at the Sunnysld Methodist shurch at Bast Thirty-fifth and East Tamhill. Sunday morning at 10:45. The Junior boys' and girls choir consisting of over 100 voice will render special music. Th public la Invited. Veur Wear will gars If every persoa la tha United States bui a 25 cant thrift staasp. It sseaoe a toaa to the L'nJtsd States imnaest of Ji. 000.000. If every person bays a war aaHnas eerrifltata at froso 14.12 to 54. St. dspendlaa BDOa date of Krebaaa. tha loss will sssoaat ta ee Ave ndred saUUoa dollar. The Joarsal attain ffie saQa sUaspe aad certificates. t Cllntoa Kelly Preaching. 11; Rev. K B. Leek hart, pastor. First Church Rev. Joshua Stanafleld. D. D. 10:80. "The Great Advent" 7:80. "The De ceptive Call of Peace." Special muaia. Epvrorth Rev. C O. McCalloch. IX D. It. 7:46. Lents Rev. F. M. Jasper. Preaching- st 11 and 7:80. First Norwegian Danish 1 Sth and Hoyt Rev. -Charles Ujerding. pastor. 8 p. as.. Ser raoa by Rev. C. Aog. Peterson. "The Greatest Question That Maa Has to Answer." Th Vsnceuver Ave. Novweeia Danish M. E. church Skldmora and Vancouver aee. . 11, preaching by Kev. C Ana Peterson. "What Does the Bible Teach About. Election sad Predesti nation f" Chrtetssaa dsy, 11. sermon by pastor. Lanrelwood Bev. A. C. Brack en bury. Lincoln Bar. E. B. Lock hart. Piesi bins 7:80. Ltunton Bev. 8. H. Dewart D. D. Preach. in at 7:80. Mouat Tabor Slat and Stark sta. Rev. E. O. Eldndge. D. D. 11.7 :S. MosttavUls Res. C L. Hsmlltou. Preach las 11, S. Pattoa F. W. Essay. Preachina- at 11. 7:3. layiov otrevr as. g.. r ut i asters nail. 1ZS 4th st Preaching by Dr. M. H. Marvla. 1940. Sunday vcnoel at aooa. Rase CHy Park Bev. A. A. Hemt SeUwood Kev. A. R. McLean. 11. 8. Aa- aual BMWtimg. W. F. M. B-, Friday. Ctooer 19. St Johas Bev. J. It Irvlas. Praaebina' 1 1 sad 7:80. Triatty Sunday school. 19: preaching. 11. Suanyside E. S8th aad E. TemhUl Rev. K. E. Smith. Sermons by Btshsop Matthew Hague tvsstmoreiaao Bev. A. lac UO. CBtvevatty rara Rev. J. T. Abbett. D. D. Preachina 11. 7:3. Woodiawn aer. w. Praaahlas 11. 7:8. Woodstock Rev. L. C Poor. 7:80. Prsscbiag 11. - Swedish Bortbwick and Beech Bev. A. Wellaaaa. 19:45. 7:46. Joha Gvrwiaa Bodaey ava. sod Staatoa Bar. F. A. Sckmaaan. 1. 8. Africa Eiosi 431 Wmisats ava Be. W. W. Howard. 11. S. District savertatsadVaC Rev. WUIssm Walme Touncso. U IA .991 E. 82d st M. Tasog 2790. First Germs a ,15 th sad Hoyt Rev. Ed ssand E. Bertaler. 11. 8 .8. Bennett staapel C, Jf. Jasper. Praachm at 2:3. St, g. Ohwe Sou ' First M. it Caurrh South Corner Usioa ava. and Maltnnmsh sta 11. sssai lilug by SJoer v. - leaias. sisteuuun ot asembers by paator. Res. J. X. rriBih. The LaddeT aad t 9 , EPISCOPAL PLANNING -ELABORATE CHRISMS SERVICES Special Musical Programs Are Arranged for Sunday; Mid night Services to 8 Held. It Is th custom la th Episcopal church to make much of th Christma season and this year wfH be no ex ception tf anything th services and celebrations wUl be th most elaborate that havs ever been eld by this de nomination. St. Stephens At St. Stephen Pro-Cathedral Christ mas services will b held at 7 :10 and 10:20 a. m. At the latter service th choir alU sing apeclal music under the direction of Carl Denton and th dean wUl give tha sermon. Th offering both eervtoes will be for local needs and "on day tnoom" has been aaked for from each member and friend of th Pro-Cathedral. The music Drorram will b aa fol lows: Proeesslosial hjrma. -p Coats AH Ta Faith rel.' arne ia e iiav or Aratta. Oiorta Tlbi. Ueatsu ttbi aad Crsda. frees TMrt Ubesssoasao Serrtce la E. by Horatio Parker. Hrma before seraxsa. "O Little Toem at letalebess." Offertor eathesa. "Slaa. Oh Shu Thai piu a Mora, o KiMmnawr. Barsaaa Cords, traditional foram. SaDrtaa. Benedictae (Jul VenU and Arses Del es - Him ia t j Horatio Karl sr. Olon la Ezeeads, oM chant. Hirssslnnsl. "Uara the Herald Ansea) Sin.' All seats ar free at tha Pro-Paths dral. Thirteenth and Clay streets, and any who wish to attend are cordially welcome. In the sermon Dean McCol llster will apply Christmas truths to our times. H feels that Christ and ills teachings are the only alternative and antidote to materialism and self interest and his address will deal in part with this phase of the Christ maj message. The Christmaa oartv for tha Pras- thedral Sunday school will be held on i nursaay, December 27. from 2 :10 to S o'clock. Trinity Episcopal The Christmaa season will be celebrst ed In Old Trinity church. Nineteenth and Everett streets, with two service, one on Christmas eve at 7 o'clock, the other Christmas morning- at 11. Spe cial mualc has been prepared and this church Is handsomely decorated for the occasion. The general public always attends In large numbers and Joins heartily in singing the hymns. St. Davids Advent will close at fit. Davids parish with a preparation service for Christmaa at 7 :0 Sunday nlrht. The subject of the address will be. "The Hem of His Oarment." On Sunday morning at 11 o'clock the rector will nreach on "Th Old Order Changeth." The other ervloe will be at the usual hoars. Ob servance of the Christmas feaat will b gln on Monday night -at 7 o'clock with th children's service In th church. The jj Christmas tree will be In the church this year. Arter the service the primary school, under th direction of Mlsee Oretler. Thompson and Vial, will give a Bethlehem tableau, a devotional drill and aing two Christmaa lullabies. At 11 :1S o'clock, weather permitting, the choir will sing Christmas carols In front of the church and at 11 :46 th midnight bucnanst wiu oegin witn a procession. The service will be Custanc In E flat, a dignified and worthy setting of the Sacred Liturgy. Holy communion will be celebrated Christmas morning at 1 o cloek and at 10 o'clock there will b sung Eucharist and sermon. The Christ ma at Ida anthems will b : Bun day morning, "God So Loved the World" (Stamer); night. "Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord" (Garret): Christma eve. "81ng. O Heaven" (Toner) ; Christmas day, "Break Forth Into Joy" (Steam). On the last nlrht of the year the ebolr will aing Dorothy Buck's great Christ mas cantata. "Th Coming of th King," under th leadership of Tom O. Taylor. Th choir is working up to a high level of singing. The rendering of the service is an occasion to be looked, forward to Following the- mission to be held at St. Stephens January S to 12 th Rev. Fa ther Stansfleld will conduct a 10 day' mission at St. Davida The date ar January 17 to 27 Inclusive. Preparation Is going on steadily and after Christmas will be speeded up. The mlssioner has Just concluded a successful series of missions In Michigan. He comes here from New York, St Marks Christmas music by a vested boy' choir with William F. Robertson aa male soloist will be sung st the 10:10 a. m. Christmas day service at St. Mark's Episcopal church. Twenty-first and Mar shall streets. Th muaieal proa-ram has been prepared under th direction of Mr. Robertson, choir master. Following Is the Christmaa day program of serv Icee for Ft. Marks: Holy Eucharist. 5:10, 7:20 and 1:20 a. m.; Holy Eucharist and sermon by Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, rector, at 10.20 a. m. ; special children's service, 10 :00 a. m. Th following" musical program has First Pentecostal R. 7th aad E. Couch sta. 11. 7:30. SeUwood B. Sth aad Bpoaaae Preaching by EvanseHst B. H. Moras. II. 7 80. Brentwood Sth et aad 7ta avs. S. K. Bev C. V. Fowker. 11. 7 .30. preoebia Sraadhsavma 94 GarftekL II, 7:8. IlXhiead park 1199 E. 14th st N. Raw. W. P. JUvbauco. 11. 9. g I - Trinity lth aad Everett Bev. A. A. M ar son, rector.. 8. 11. Pra-Calhedral ef St Stephen the Msrtrr 1 9th and Clay Bt. Rev. W. T. Bumn.r. bmanp. Very Kev. B. IL McCoUker. deaa. 11. 7 JO; preachia by Dean MeCoUaaav. St Davlde K. 12th sad Bwtssoat Bev. Thosaas Jenktna, rector. Servkea 7:38. 9 49. 11 aad 7:B. St Marks 2 let and Marshall Rev. J. E. H. Smvpaoa, rector. Rev. J. O. IlaUo, aese ciate rertnr. 11. 7:46. St Andrews Hereford St. PlUeexmlh Archdeacon Chambers us charge. 9. 7 80 a m Grace Measortat WetdWv and E. 17th N. Rev. (lews Id ur. Tavlov. 9. 11. Good Sbt'hsvd Vsncowec sad Graham Rev Joha De-vow. 11, 7 1 St Mrwaeei swd AU Saiats E. 4 Id aad Broadway Bev. T. P. Boweo, vicar. 8. 1. 11 aad 6. Church of Our SarW 40th ava Bad 41st st S. E Archdeacon Chambers la charge. 11. Blshoe Merrw Mosaortal ehapel Good 8aaaar rtaa aawpitaJ Kev. 1'xedrrie XL Howard. 7, 7:46. St Pauls Woodaas is Bev. Oswald W. Tar log An saints :5th aad Sarier Rev. FredevM K. Howard. II. St J a has teener E. 1 its aad Haraey. BoB. md Arrkdsesrm ChamWts sa charge. 1 1. 7:3. Bt afattbew CrWt aad Baaawft eta BUt. W. A. M Brack, near. 11. Germaa Evaaaeiieal Frieaats church Tssisri aee. aad B. 1U Kev. Ehss M. Uegsrt A. 46. IS. Fins) 12 th and Aids sta Bsv, Joha H. Boyd. 19-Se. 7:8.' Csuuai E. 18th sad Plao sta. Bev. Artkesr P. BkBaop. 11. Tko Wevtswtds Meaaia of Chrietaaaa.' 7:39. "The Groso Arvmad th la- Wewsslsetsv K. .17th aad Sebarsrt" euv Dr. Edward Pvwcw. 14. -TThe Red Currva. mar 140, Taa Uoreea a tha First Christ Arbor Lsdae Bar, Coarse B. Caoaalev. it. 7:43. Caleary .11th Bad Clay sta girmna by Bev. Tkssfss AaeVreoa. 1 6. "The Soa of the Aae-vte." 70. -Waa Did th Sarier Maaa bv Psao a Earth. ia uwsa si new. a. . CHURCHES been prepared for th 10:29 servio on Christmaa day: nmnluail liars I Taa Herald Assies Sta Krrte Tlilus KrmStabaak Gloria Tibs aVrsikabaaS H rata ' Aeast FVUlls erMoso sols "W.beM. I Brass Yea Clad Thttasa" GeJbrah WlUvs r. Bull ulna Stream Cerea KraStahaak etm KraOrshans etfirta ; Kraikaheas A ae-as Me Xralkakaak Gloria ta Easiest KraStabaak e isetanal "Aartls frees tha Has last e Cteejr." St. Marys Cathedral Yuletide services at Bt. Marva Ca.1 tnaoraj will be held on Christma morn ing beginning with a high mass at C o'clock. Th principal observance will be at 11 o'clock, pontlftcatlon ot high mass. Specially arena ad musks will be ung and a Christmaa sermon delivered. Low masse will b held at 7UJ. 5:20 and t:4S. St Matthews Episcopal There will be a midnight service at St. Matthews'. Corbet t and Bancroft streets. Christmas eve. at 11:20. St. Michaels Episcopal St. Michael's EpUcora! church. Rose City Park. Christmas day service will be at 2 o'clock and 10 o'clock. Th holy communion will be celebrated at each service). Special Christmas music will . ..- a wa v . V v vv-.v wi mwu.,. under the direction of C H. Savage and Mrs. C C. Shay. Gounod's communion service will be suns. Mrs. J. N. Arch- bold will sing "Holy Night" for the of- fetory, accompanied by Mrs. J. H. Mc- uenamin. AU Saints Mission At the All Saints Mission church th Lnniunu ,im wui w wn uurMur December 27. at 7:2? o'clock and will deal with the rellrfou and eacreU ale-nlf trance of Christmaa. Th Christ Child" evolves the lire and scenes ei the Holy Land during the life of our Savior and deals wtth events common In the knowledge of all Christianity. The following 1a the cast: The Christ Child ffsaay KtookU Taa VtrrU Mary Annette Oasetee Jeseoa Richard Weraer riUeaartae Mark 4ilH misabeth sUrsaret ntowarleja flhateoa Ttrrbue gaa Doctors of the law Elisabeth Zee. Mary LeoJae Zaa. Martyla Jane Mr Hernias. Jscqaliae alasoa. AasaUe Msssmssrs Mary UoMssnlt. Est ner Hansen. Mareery Holnuva. Shepherds JSCS Hensnaw. Lien&Ml uoiasaa. Uobert Holme n. Wat Men Bra Reed. Crais EnX. Chatoa Boerard The SMay Aet 1 . Sceae 1 Zachartea ta the Teamle Act 1. 2 . . .snUn of Jobs the Baptist Aet II. Sosae 1 . . . The Aaaaaeaitioa to alary Act II. Scene I . .The Meases to Use Shepherds Act II, Scene S The Shepherds and Wise Ilea at the Manser. Aet III. The ITess ataUoa of Const la tha Teaapla Aet IV The Christ Child Among the Dortnrs of Ue. A st T The Hoese at iVajeretb Church of God to Hold Its Assembly Th annual assembly of th Church of God of Oregon la now tn progr a at th chapel of the Church of God. lit Felling street. Several minister from Oregon and members from an over the state are present. Svangallst E. O. Masters ef Boise. Idaho, will speak Sunday morning to th church upon th heart searching them. "Consecration. - The afternoon servlc will open with a testimony and prats service by the church. Th nlng service will be devoted to an evan gelistlc theme. Ministers present are: E. O. Masters f Boise, Idaho; U. G. Clark of Eugene. Or. : J. J. Gillespl of Sal em. Or. ; Frank Van Lydagraff ef Bandon, Or. ; - Oscar Lswt ef Woodburn. Or.; J. Holoorab of Harris burg, Or.: Oltv Myers of Rain I sr. Or.; bee Id a others and the horn ministry. Th Sunday school will atv a Christmaa program Sunday morning at 10 o clock. Meetings will continue three times dally this week st 10:10 a. m, 1:10 and 7:45 p. m. All are welcome. Sermon Series to Conclude on Sunday Sunday morning at St. Staph sna, Dean McColTlster will giv th last of th series of Advent sermon. In this court th Incarnation, th Blbl and th min istry have been considered. Th last subject Is s mora' general on, but of a specially Advent character, namely, "When the Son of Man Cometh WUl He Find Faith Upon the Earth T" Sunday, week St. Stephens win observe th fifty-third anniversary of Its par ochial organisation. Part of th Christ maa music will be repeated at this serv ice, it Is also th Sunday next before th mission begins, for this reason also th dean hop for a large attendance of St. Stephen's people. There will be weekday sti ilu at th pro-cathedral every day except Monday and Saturday. IN PORTLAND 19:19. "Js the Hops of ta WerH No sveaiac ssi liue. Forbee Graham sad Gael sab sin vsa 7:46. KenUworth K. 14th aad GladetoskS. Raw. L 11. Ratacb. 11; 7:46. Oirwassaa ssrasa. Terwnu K. ltfe aad Wygaat sta. Bev. J. R laad.sorowch- 11. 7:8. Miacmb E. 19th aad DrrVsrme ssa. 11. Vhriatsaaa Siisjis U Boys aad Gtria." 7:46, 'The Darker Side " e Hops Moatavflla. 78tb sad B. Keerett Rev. B. W. Biisjsbs Mt Tabor-r-E. 66th sad TMsnoat sta Bev. Ward MacHeary. 11. "Let Earth Estates Hat sUn." 7:9. Christsaas cosMwrt t arty 71st asm Beady Mv. W. Lee Cray. Pledmai CWveisad sad Jsrrett sta. Rev. A. L. Hslrhiaeow. II. 7 39. Millard Aieaua 7241 66th sea. g E. Raw. W. H. Asaoa. 1 8. Rose dry Park K. 45th aad Hancock sta. Rev. Beoevt K. MUbssa. soetor. II J 7:39. Bpnkaso Aeewue E, lth and Sooaaso Bee. W. a. MeCallauch. II. 7:60. MafvaaB atraaa 17th aad Marshall Bav A. J. Hiasi. 11. 7:8. Trtssti Corsov Vtratnia asd Nibraaks vt. A. J. alerrtsnenery. ll. T:10. Cblnsis 146 1st st 7:48. Asanas 14th st aad 17th ava. S. SL Sv Jaaa E. Bakma, 11. 7 49. -12th aad Caty Rev. O. Bal- 1 4. S. -Coiambia blvd. sad 83d et Baa. Wses. It Tesrd Fifth see.. Lents Bev. W. G. Lira- 11. First Chare Mlaaesota aad Bev. P. D. Fraaer. 11. 74. Sewa Neae Bsguiar ue kebg eai SafTllsW Coatra) E lit aad Everett Tu K. Dick soa. paator. 11:16. Tsewtwacie West Side. K. sf P. WO. 11th a Asaor. ll. hfewtselUe E 99th and E. E B. F. Beatty. 11. Lewis 94tb sb aad 88th aa Eldor XX J. Cbatweod. ll. St Johas Ceatral ava aad Ode A B. Fetawbwrg. 1 1. Mt Tabor E. Sth aad T. Hflcert 1 1. Afbma ICorssaal , A. A. ateyws. A. C 11:16. - 11. ' , f . Sal rat is )Umr Corns Fa 114 Asa 11 asvav Bav. O. -1 ASJwtajrl A. PORTLAND; OREGON Rev. J. AttwAod Stansfleld Corn's , ing to Hold Missions In Port land Throughout January. PREACHER IS VERY MAGNETIC Services Will Be Held it St ; Stephens From Jan. 3 to 13, , and St Davids Jan. 17 to 27; After conslderabl difficulty and at a good deal of expense, th Pro-Cathedral and 8t- David's pariah have acurd th servlc of th Rav. J. Attwood Staiw field to conduct a series of meetings la . the two churches mt St. Stephen's. January 1-12. and at St. David's, Jaau ary 17-T7. This clergyman, formerly a V successful parish priest with a larc i work, now give his whols tlm to bold- ' lag aerie of special mtlng or "Mia- 1 ton. and has don this work with great success In recent years In many cathedrals and parishe. larg and small, throughout the United Slats. H comes here from a large church ta D '' trolt. There la nothing of th "Billy - Sunday" about him. but h seems to bav - th power of reaching all kinds of people, not only with real religion, but Iso wtth const ructtvs reasons for tha faith which ha puts Into them. During . his 10 day missions at St. Stephen's and St. David's there will be various dally sermons and Instructions, but public tn- . tarest will center chiefly around tha Informal evening service. H will probably be alao at Salem and Astoria., Oswego Church Will .Give Christmas Play The Oswego Congregational church will have a Christmas play at th grang hall on Christmas eve, "Santa's Christmaa Barrel." Farlea and Christ mas spirits will reign supreme and th merriment will be catching. Musis la woven into the plot of the play and will be rendered by tiny youngsters, fairies and Just regular boys and girls. Cast of characters follows: Mrs. Von Billion, a Christmaa tre buyer. Mrs. : Shawper; Grandpa Jolly, owner of Christmas tree store, Milton Shipley; Miss Evergreen, clerk In the store. Ion King; Jim Jolly, manager of the tre tor. Gordon Cllnefelter : Buttons, aa errand boy, Harold Huffman ; Pink Wlnkee Wu. a Christmaa spirit. Alta Wlrts ; Stiver Star, queen of the fairies. Irma Pierce; BUI Choppln. bos of th tre choppers, Harry Johnson ; 8anta Claus, a yearly visitor. A. A. Crago; Pollyanna. the glad girl. Doris Nelbusch, and choruses of fairies, pollyanna glria. choppers and tots. Soon during th play, "The Tree Store." Bible Conference Is . To Open on Sunday, Rev. Walter Duff will open a Christ mas Blbl conference In the Alder street hall, between Third and Fourth streets, on Sunday afternoon at t o'clock. Th conference will continue Sunday night, Christma v. Christmas dsy and each night of the week at o'clock. Several speakers and singers will be present and "Songs of Hope" wUl be given nightly. Harold Propple la expected from Los Angelea. where he ts a, student of Los Angelas Blbl Institute. Charles Hart, gospel singer, will give solos each night. Men's Club Hears Of Criminal Laws Tha last monthly dinner of tha marts ' club of Central Preebyterlaa church for 1117 was held Tuesday rvenlng. at which time District Attorney Walla- H. Evans gsvs a talk on criminal laws and ndd improvement. Dr. A. W. Moor, -who recently returned from a visit to Camp Lewis, told of hi trip, assuring th parent and friend of th soldier boys that everything waa being don for their comjort and care. L. M. Lepper was chairman of the vealng. 8 :16. saoalrhag by Rsv. a Sales dsn Army ranting. XX MeCaoea. tevpe aa 4 1X6 1st J. 39 CaHad PTeaorteriea Waseo aad Graad ava Rev. B. Earl Is Boss. 1 SO. 74. New Church Society 881 Jefteveoa at.. Rev. Wnuam B- Rexre. 1. "The Birth of th Lord Spiritually Eiptaiaed." Wasiavts Cbsrch of Orr Father i Bread way aad Taos. km Bev. W. U. EOot. Jr. 1 1. "Tha Javmibis Osost" 7:46, spew tea-uss. Brans t all "The Work of the Slate Cos? of Dafaoea.' Alberta 27th and Mt Beit 11. 9. ' First E. 19th sad Rsv. B. a Hi aad Fnwrth 9 8:d see. B. V Mav C. Thwd STth sad S2d ava. Shepherd. 11, S. roarta Zd ea sad 70th C. T. stasacusiw. n, 7 -A. tfeasd gvasgstlsai ' rem st Bee. A. B. 11, T:S0. Maaor. Clreatt Berihea. Dckkrv klvd. aad Car-. Bv. H. H. Fsmhass. 11. 6. First K. lth aad pepau Rev. J. A. Goade. 11, S. St Jsbas Bsv. A- P. Laytea. 11. 749. -. Waao sy.skna taa Fire SL 87th and llsafhmas Ssi Hash Prsorr-Ciwsa. 11. 7 4. Causch of the Strenssrs eTasco st aad Graad sea, S. tori laaBoSs. 14. 7 4. Carts nwsbrtevwa bard and Chatham eta. Rev. J. C. 11:16. 74. . . CTnwech af tlss Oaod Tkliass Ih sail ear and K. 241. v. at t a. v. w. o. a. T. W. C. A Broadway aad Tartar. 4 49; oar. S S. T. M. C A. Fifth sad Tarlsc 445: so cial hoar, 6 4. Aatocmted Bb4e Sedwaj (I B. B. A l , W. Ol W. ball. E. Sth sad E- Aster strews. 8. R. O. Hadiey. -Tbs Fail of Bebytoa or tbs rtntikid Mj-etery. S a. aa, ieetare by B. ly Frldsy. 8 , sa. EUeva bids. ' feerfel MiSMoa 58 1st ' . 8. Chraaiaa and Mssrioasrv AOiai aaA 1ae. Rev. lakm F Wm 1 t Sis CTirv-eaeiptmne S. T- corsir E. 14th aad SPECIAL SERIES Vi OF MllSTOI BE- CONDUCTED , 19 49; Friday, 7.46, O.' 1X V