THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, , PORT LAND. - SATURDAY. DECEMBER 22,- 1917. 13 SHEEP INDUSTRY INQUIRY IS' ASKED BY CHARLES ' COOPEY EGtJ by TURKEf MARKET HAS ; irhu rinrin Tniir in VtKI bUUU IUNL FRONT ST TRAfllNR t 'i.':'.' I IIWIII W S S .. S S S St 1 Supply and Demand Not Equal There- fore Values Reach ; Hlflh Mark Talk or Boosting Made to, Justify Lower Price Forecasts. Week-End. Stock : Run Is of . Small Volume in Yards General - Sentiment of , Trade Steady With Price List L'B .... changed for Today. Despite the strenuous efforts of n after. 'aeon paper t beat down Uur prtc of tarktj because it had forecast BOe prtc when ths aorta caused the market to advance to 32 pound ; tb trend of th trade remaine favor able along the wholesale way, " Talk of Front street holding up the buyers . is mere hot sir and U Hm Stanly to itnttfr the error of forecasting the market at a lower price tbu ha actually been obtained. Front afreet seenrea mast of tta turkey on consignment from the country shipper and pay him the full price received, lew the usual rate of commission. . For that reaaon alone there it nothing that -would cent the wholesale trade - to Doom quotation beyond that caused by legiti mate supply end demand. Turkey receipt, wlili Quite fair, hare been - to scattered and to alow in coming forward that . order hare been greater than sopplle. Natural ly under each condition only extreme price . would remit. Northern buyers hat participated - fa the wni ou we trsas nere naa erpeciea. tsu is due to the faet that the north bsHsvsd that , H had a sufficient supply of turkey held ever from Thanksgiving and to antra from too i-xooBtry to fill its reaulrement. when It veloped that the demand was create. Sale of fancy dressed turkey eonthra along th street at 82c a pound generally. No. ft stock has been selling at 27y2Ttt generally wua aa occasional lot at a so a pound. ALL FOTJLTBT DEMAND IS GOOD -- Demand for chicken continued Very firm alone the (treat with value held firm 'for ererythinav . There waa a shortage -of daeks but the gees that earns forward were quickly told atHiuoted values. MEAT MARKETS 1)01X0 BETTBU Extremely food tone was ah own la the mar Set far country killed - meats alone the street during the 24 hours. Sales of hogs were held at 18e for tops, while veals ruled at IS & lotto a pound. - SALT PRICES ABE MOVED HIGHER .-- Advance of 20o a bale Is shown generally in the market for salt here as a result of re finery changes. This is the first time for an extended period that salt Talues hare moved up. BUTTER MARKET HOLDS STRONG Very strong tone continues in the butter market hers at the latest adranea in price. All offerings of ersamery are quickly absorbed and even the lesser known brands are finding no difficulty in securing favorable values. BANANA TRAIN RATJIER LATE - Trainload of bananaa is due to arrive In Portland late in the day; too lata to really do any business. - Dealers are making preparations . to more the stock to country customers with little delay. BRIEF NOTES OF PRODUCE TRADE Celery supplies very scarce; prices firmer, Potatoes and onions very quiet with country movement. Egg trade is steady at former price for fraeh. Very poor quality generally shown in eauli- flnwar. Canned salmon market inollned to show weakness. u 18.$0 flitt 14.60 steady PORTLAND LIVESTOC: BUN Ron. Haula. falva. fTtian Saturday ....... 841 105 , 3 . . . Friday ......... 600 272 J .766 Thursday 08 4$ ..- 81 Wednesday T84 120 IT' $78 Tuesday 678 '122- 8 ' 18 Monday ........8160 884 6 1718 week ace. SIB I2S. ..:.- is Year ago. 17 18 . two years ago .... .. . nop " Three yean age. . . 665 28 , . ,881 Four years ago. 171 192 Week and ran ef livestock at North Portland waa small, the anal voluaae. General trend of tha swine trade m inclined to- show steadiness hero, while there was a far. uex improvement ia lb, eastrte situation. General has? market ran..-. '. - Prime light .............. ..,$18,888 Pr jne heavy .v.. 18S6 lig 18.80 . Cattle atarket I Farereble Cattle market eoatinna to reflect a tone at North Portjand. with prtoes generally maintained at the previous areraga. - Good stuff ia sou eagerly sought. " General eattla market ranea: Medium to choice steer ... .8 1.88 ) 10.00 Good to mdiu steers.. ...... S.60 t.40 Common to good steers..,.!... 7.00s 8.16 Choice oows and heifer. 6.7 9 T.60 Jommoa to good cows and heifers Canners k Bulla caiTsa mmririi avtoakM and feeder steers. Jo Mutton Arrive No week end arrivals were shown In tha mat. ton and iamb alien at North Portland. Sentiment la the trade indicate a ataadv tana. wiiu lormer pneas eonuued. General ahaas aiuf lank Western lambs Valley- lambs . TsarUags Wethers ' Ewes PtOtO Portland markat m dum 2 ta So under quotation. - Saturday Livestock ahlppors Hoes J. K- Smith. IVinaM t lnail. I A WoIadependeac. 1 load; Ttm Derr. McMlnn- Cattla Oatoit Rm. VFIHw Tta Daati At head by boat; F. Burns. Huntington, 1 load; J. H. Haekett. Bobinett. 4 loads. Mixed Stuff C SL I (Uak. 1 XmA t. Ue and ho. r U. B. Buraan nf Vfavfcaea HratiwV shlpmenU ia the country ia carloadlots Dee. 21 : Cattle and Mixed Cal-vaa tTnaa SImmi nM ITm Total ..176 1114 8g" 147 8089 weec ago. . .1489 1BS7 377 Four weeks age. .2258 1848 66S Loaded for Portland Dee. 21: California 6 Oregon ., 4 6 8.60 0 7.00 8.00 6.80 4.60 S -6.76 7.00 .60 6.00 17.86 COOPEY MAKES BIG EFFORTS TO INCREASE THE FLOCKS OF SHEEP Wants Meeting Called Jn This City to Disease Reason for the Decrease, of Holdings In North west Bankers Asked to Aid, Movement 818.00 ft 18.60 12.60 018.00 12.006) 12.60 11.76 12.28J O.U u tf iv.ww 166 8720 215 4677 10 Total week ago, Four week ago. Loaded fox Seattle : Nebraska ...... 1 Oregon ........ X Washington .... 1 Total ....... S Week ago........ Four weeks ago. . 6 1 sone- 17 2 7 1 2 2 6 11 No. frway Afternoon Sal COWS Ave. tha. Prlc No. Ave. Ths. WEATHER NOTICE FOR SHIPPERS Weather trarean advises Protect shipments during the next 86 hours against the following temperatures Going north, 40 degrees; northeast over 8.. P. 9. B, R., SO degrees: east to Baker. SO degrees; and south to Ashland. 86 degrees. Uiahaam tem perature : st Portland tomorrow about 40 do trees. " I- a JOBBING PRICES IN PORTLAND ' These price are those at which wholesalers sell to retailers, except a otherwise stated: Dairy Product- : BUTTER Cresmery, prints In parraftn wran : pen. oxtraa, 62c; prims firsts, 60c; firsts, 48tte; cubes, lOe lea; cartons, la advance; dairy, 85c BOTTERFAT Port'and delivery basuuNo. - 1 sour cream, 56c per lb. CUEESE Selling price. Tillamook freab Oregon fancy full cream triplet. 24 4 25 He lb.; Touug America, 28 6) 26 Vsc lb. Price to Jobbers, ' fists, 28c; Young America, 24c. f. o. b. ; brick, 85e limburger, 8&c; brick Swim, 88o pet lb.; Oregon trfpleU. 28 H 24o per lb. EGGS Selling price: Case count. 46c per ; doien; buying price, 45e per dozen ; selling p,1es, csndled, 48 50c; selected coadled, 32c; ' storsge, 84 0 85c- L1VE PODLTBT Hens, hesvy Plymouth Barks, 2 le per lb ordinary chickens, 19 0 - 20c lb. I slags, 14o lb. ; small springs. 18 10c; turkeys, 22c per lb.; dressed, fancy, 30 0 82o lb.: No. 2s, 27 027 Ho; squabs, $2.00 per dosen; geese, live, 14018c; ducks, 180 2 So per lb.; pigeons, $1,23 per doaen. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables . FRESH FUCtT8 Oranaea. 14. 00 6 4 715 box; bananaa,' IHOlc: lemon. 86.7608.25; California grapefruit. 84.50; Florida, 84.75 0 ; be: berries, 6.00 ; pears. 81.60 0 2.26 per box. tUtl s. 816.00 016.60 pet barrel. 1ES -Huckleberriea, 16e per lb. ; eran-; local, box. eastern. 20... 1... 1. 2 I... 1... 21.'. '. 17... 8... 14... IT... 9... 1.., 04... 8... 0.., 1.., 1.. 675 8 805 070 860 . . . . I VV 100 50 1020 877 848 000 040 , 842 8. 1 2..,. 8 2 2.., 2.... 1.... 25.'."! 1.. . , 2 6.76 6.00 6.00 8.60 4.50 5.00 S.25 8.50 6.25 6.00 0.00 STEERS T.60 1. 7.26 1. HEIFERS 861, 6.00 1. HOGS 10S 818.50 220 15.50 16.60 14.65 14.65 15.00 14.60 710 060 .680 . 818 . 8S0 . 775 . 680 . 760 . 680 .876 . 870 .1190 Price 6.00 6.00 8.60 4.00 6.80 6.60 8.60 8.60 4.50 6.26 4.00 4.00 907 $ 889 184 278 810 285 270 860 7.60 710 6.00 890 $ 5.00 8 281 815.50 2 286 15.50 -i -dim 79..... 154 4 236 1 820 16.50 15.60 14.60 14.60 i Chart Coon, the well known wool au thority and tailor of Portland a sat aa official of th National orgatriaattest, la making a very determined effort to have a saeetnmg called foe toss cny to fflsnus th reason to tha great doerao ia the ahara flocks oa th raagee at the Pacific Northwest. Mr. Coooey ha axonssit th ootnioa that the flock could be greatly taereaaed here by the utilization of logged eft leads providing the ds using interests of the paetflo jiortawest would got behind the movement aad help puah it forward. - . Ia th eastern state the banking fraternity ha taken hold of th matter and aa Purchased many carloads of sheep ia the wet to restock th farm east of the Rookie. Mr. Coopey ha called th matter to th attention of 1C S. Woodcock, president of the First National bank of Corvallla, who write: "Tomr son mentioned that yoa were ia Cor- vallia and handed to me The Journal of the sixteenth ' "'" your article eatiUed. Ore goa Mast Increase this SStpply of Sheep oa tb Farma. 1 am very . aorry, iadeed. that I did not get to see you, "1 notice your article doe not aay anything boat th killing of doe so a to permit what few- sheap we have to live. It waa only a short tim ago two dogs agaia attacked my floek aad killed on nice sheep, brts worrying all of the remainder. . - "The only way- te induce farmer to n sheep i to kill th do." Mr. Coopey' reply waa: "I note what yon have to aay regarding the dog. I quit agree with yon. a th dog are doing a great a meant of damage. Only today IX B. McBrid. a Sootchra hare la Porta nd. was telling m where the doga bad killed 1 Cotawoid for hi. Now 'if yon will aotloo. Mr. Woodcock, la my suggestion for a get-together meeting I did not mention any particular thing that was kill ing tb sheep industry, thinking that the meeting would be the place to bring all these condition before tb public Then tot the public put them selves oa record with resole, rJ one making suc- gestien for remedies to euro tb erils we are now suffer! ag under. We want to take thla ratter ap aad bring to th public notice everything that w killing on of Oregon's great industries. When I get things into shape for as to hav this meetiai will tak car to let you know aad ahau osrtaiav ly appreciate your being wtta as. Late Weakness a Feature in Stocks On N. Y. Market sae at eLOSiNa Now York, Dee. ta l. H. a.) agoad off In th late dealing la the stock marks teaey, refleettna aenaiou aaeewe of owtaMe In set, asarlne pvsrerree arspg Treat movt 7S, and U. a. Steel frern aS to SSVe. neral Motors was ssoepttowany suwna, aevane- Infl from SS h to 644. . Foreign aevtaiwwt beads war strsw. Anele-rreetcfe Be advaaeing to S0V( wait the L atari y SVi reee to OSS. States, 17S.BOO aharatt bwoa, 61.068,000. aie far the week. S,61SOO shares) bends, 820.S7S.0O0. New York. Dec -22. (L N. S.) Trading was oa a naaO seal at the opening of the stock market today, with first price moving in aa irregular maaaer. Steel common ranged from SS te 88 U . compered with 83 H at th eloe yesterday. Beth- toheat Steel B advanced K to aad Baldwia rose H to 64. ' Marin areferreel rose to 79 M . aad United Fmir advanced 14 to 110. Beading yielded to 67H. aad Nw Terk Central soid oft to 61 K . Anglo-FTeneh S eootiBBed It advance, sailing at-SSK. competed with 87 at the close Tests r- Saturday Morning Sales HO. AT. ID. price. Nol If Tha. M oows 1 810 8 7.00 2 670 8 S.60 BULLS 2.... ;1125 $ 6.00 HOGS . 11..... 146 813.50 1..... 140 814.00 " LAMBS 6..... 96 818.25 31 72 812.00 t , ' m PACIFIC COAST BANK STATEMENT APPLES Ortley extra fancy, havi MM- fancy. 81.76: Winter Banana, extra fancy. X2 SS- Winter Banana, fancy, 82.00; fancy Ubla apples. 4 tier. 82.00; Hood River Spitssnburgs. fancyT ftnitaenburrs. fancy 82.00: Hood Rlv.r I s burgs, choice, 81.60: Baldwins, wrapped. 81.20; Baldwins, wrappeo, si.o; uaiawins. not wrapped, 81.00;" cooking apple. 4 tier. 81.00; oooking spplsa. 4H tier, 85e; fancy table apples, 4 tisr,. $1.75; Newtown, choice 4 tier, 81.25: fl-ll Wieaa nereankae1 0 1 ikA - DiniKHUUlROi as w a ajrvU, aea.VVe . G RAPES-r Malaga, 607c lb.; Oregon TokaV 81.75 0 2.OO pet crate; California Tokay, 81.50 0 2.00. ONtUNar vregon, a.oo; garUc, 6H0 8c per lb. POTATOES Belling price: Tabl stock, local. $1.23 01.50. Buying price: Choioe" nipping. i.2i men poiatoee, 4HC . NDTS-l-Almonds. 1XL be than aa- n.. tk 22 H; almonds, 1XL, full sack lots, per lb., 22a' almonds, N Plus,, lee than nek. per lb.. 21a: ., oo, caanaut, - eastera, small, per lb,, 82c; chestnuts. Jan. lam. nae lb.. 20a: filberts, leas than aak ik a f? paeans, large, per lb., 20c; peanuts, "Swan'' . brand. Jap, single sacks, per lb., 18c; peanuts, wan" brand. Jap. B-sack lota, per ItCiae; peanuts, beet fresh roasted, per lb.. 16b: nhnM eVWaBfjou UUUUVUt iHU amVCas., .yvr 4U.. a S 2 9 ) walauta. No. PS, 8.. teas ths a ssck. per lb ' 2 5c: walauta. No. 1.8. 8.. full eacka. oa n. 26c - - " .. VEGETABLES Turnips, $1.28 per sack -carrots. $1.25 per sack; beets. $1.50 per sack; parsnipe. $1.60 per sack; cabbage, local. 61 76 2.00 ewt.; green onions, 8 So dozen bunches pepper, 16e per lb.; bead htttuee, 85c perdosen : celery. 75 0 85c per doaen; artichoke, 8 5o0 8100 per doaen; cucumbers, hothouse. 81 86 0 1.60 per doaen; tomatoes. California. $2.00 per lug; eggplant, 16o per lb.; string beans, 10 0 12 Ho P" lb.! Peas ( ) per lb.; cauliflower. Oregoa. $1.2601.60 par dncea; pumpkins! 1 Pf lb. s-umpains, ajaat. Fha and rVovttlens DRESSED MEATS Selling pries, country : killed best bogs. 18e: ordinary, . 170 17 He per lbwf- best veal, 16 He per lb.; ordinary -real. l016o per lb.; rough heavy. l01le,per lb.; goats. 6 0 C Per lb. ; lambs, 17 0 20e per lb.; mutton. 15 01 7o &.; beef. 7 010c lb. SMOKED MEATS Hams, 28 H $4 pet Th. ; breakfast bacon. $4 0 88c per lb. ; picnics. 24e pr lb.j oottag roll. 28o per lb.; short clean, $1 0 84o pat lb.; Oregoa exports, smoked. 84 per lb. , LARD Kettle rendered, tierces, 30H per ' lb.; standards, 80e; lard compound. 24c -: .,' OTSTeKS Olympia. gaUon, $4.50; canned, eastera, 6o per can. $6.50 per dosea; eastern oysters, per gallon, solid pack. $8.60. ; FISH Dressed flounders, b;. silrerslde sal mon. 20c perch, 7 0 8c; sole, 7c: salmoa trout, 18c per lb.; halibut. 18 0 22a. per lb.i ilaok BEANS WAlOto; .1 wfil buy your Beans at top market prlc. Lady Washington, Navy, or Tree Beans. Sand sample, stat if recleaned or hand picked and amount. Must be Backed in new Bean or Grain sacks, and If ready to ehlp, mail nam pies aad let ters t S. C. v Dalton, 202 AldeV St-. Portland. jWa will make offer soon as 8.C.DALT05. ' Monday Tuesday . , Wednesday Thursday , Friday . .. Saturday , Week . . . Clearings Bs Is noes Clesrlftgs Balances Clearings , Balances . Clearings . Clearing Portland Bank This week $ 4,084.049.83 8.127.883,85 2,684.185.85 2,864.159.19 8,721.878.28 8.080,422.82 Tear mmn $ 2.786.872.7T 2.287.680.04 '.1W4.404.71 2.410.550.41 2.183.768.22 1.804.408.82 ...$19,502,073.77 $ Spokane Banks .-.$ 306.876.00 - aeatti Banks 9 6.177.860.00 745,781.00 . laooma aanis , $ 617.457.00 . . . 184.886.00 San Franclsoo Bank 614.842.212.00 Los Ansel Bank 3 4.214,863.00 1LLSTUFF. PRICES ARE AGAIN RED HOLIDAY TRADE IN APPLES IS" BETTER ;:i:y-;.;;Pperoofc5 a Tree Finance : Timber: Industry 50 CENTS PER TON PORTLAND IS BEST , ,Varjcourr. Waaiu Dae tSWTav wftlch tamveje Cprtet km at : fx m. went wOd last niaht aad after a. ru ri mam TAipfv.fMiHk t,.it In T.-i sixth, where the track turns waat. leal V? . 1 V . J " I bsrrvroen man aad man acroaa tke . w iir www u gusa acnooi . Majda aa uuwwaalsi droular eomcrlp - yard, teartnc the trse wt by th root, i Uv of that aaaoclatton aa4 tb mi . I'."? JUr PV 'K te otns oa accont of th Dalflaa swwwraaeua jsmi-a wneraj xom avr moUif totkACCO foajd. Th PT f OrtnrM Qith eVtvls Tebeee t Bslftaa Semcre reepcU for ftitart ' Issmre ef Liberty Baeertlaid lavestora UtereU4 la Caaadlaw Boards CMs ott Oreeoei Zom4 Lmbcs far December 2L V Xalaiaa aWUIsrs Tebaeee raaeaThe Osei Baas club la a bocvd of yrnplh7 racJnc and th two other Furthep InvesUeatlen b, n, Com- Ker Ret-rn. far Grower, Lararr Her. ITJZZZ TT .. ZTZZ. avamlawawtakamabsas lVflaai - VI I A a.a . at A aal aavam A I - . t W A m III fL afrrs at I T"Vami aaaaasif amaaxam am 0Va m aa sail as i a 7 u missioned TVUeex - Places Carload Prlee of Bran- Tier at $390 trt Mor . Orders for Flour. Stock Not of Good : Quality. NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS -Cara- Pertlead. Sat... 4 Tea awe.. ..... 2 Total tbia week. . 21 Tear age. 109 Moa te data. . XSSft Tear ago. $194 saata. Fri. . . 1 Tear ago. $6 Baaaoa to date.. .81 4 Tea ago, 4137 SeetUa. Frl . Tear ago. 11 Seaeoa to data. .8249 Year ago. 3364 Wheat. Barley. Ftoar. Oats. Hay. I Same. 1 s 6 150 108 1 'ii 104 " "i 166 287 4 10 12 20 438 4 S 18 IS 28 SS 66 64 740 1069 868 1281 1083 f f ... 168 1065 221 1210 Than la East Although SitMatlea I . ln cram oz to car wae aaime)- u ewari fihirraaalnn alaaar thai lin. Dr. There Is Improving - CongesieJ ; ilr ZZL T: C?n o of th ldr . . ... I : . "TT. u tjrr sees ciuo in roriaaa: unrp I 00V,W CT- aooox nw u tn eeo- ( Teal la another wh esotrlbute to th maa oamaro to in car. faiu Knapp raaav la Una and rooaor: Chart & h rootortnaa tn ehaxga, and he la . lxrreUrjd. aatd from his banking ohitla. said to hav lost control of th ear at - find rXaaaur tn sharlnc bis smoke about Thirty-fourth street ewlc per-1 with eh me ta th tronche. and haiM. to th allpperjr cogsdlUoa of th I Theena Bora, not clerk la th First rata From th rain. I Natioaml bank, . will accapt coatribw When Kaapa fOUOd th ear arettllisr 1 taaata at asv aiaauat mm fnrm.Nl (ham away from him. and had tried the air to New Tork where the purchaage are and urn aa with saev a mmm. ! 1 1 ma a .w. - .w r r - .i m w m , tip- iiwawi iwwmi wa iu m. NORTHWEST APPLE SHD?MEXTS to date 16.S98 191$ 14.289 cam 5 S 912 981 1ft 803 3111 901 2374 Holiday trading ftw Uve apple aarket of the bat prlee eecmitioaa are still eery mav apeekU taoors reeelvad by The Jmsraal iaea- oat a greater demead for aap. bat a asaeb stock aad eoau forward aad eoagasted the trad da ring the recent eoid weathe that ojaallty at aet eatlrely satawaetery. ahhiiagh ksseat arrival are generally reM good. More general offering ef large osed bbss the Pertasad market frees reetfla Xortarwaat ascttmie Is shown. laeheaUag that the shipper r pnee ooer y TBoodor B. wneos. federal r ,. ,v. J ku. k. .n to iw-sr eommiestoeer fog th Paetft Northwe I ZZZT .rTZT.- .v.. -JCL. ntu masna that carload lota of braa wiU be ewoted here at 829.60 a tew, with shorts at ai.ov an middlings SZS.SO pet too. Demand for mUlstuffs eontinaee extremely ease of the Inability ef th mill generally t ooattaae grinding beeaaae ef th lack of aaf- tJiV neient flour orders, - IBeioiss aad to looa edmlnistratloa w being urged by tioa r mUliBg and dairy mtereeta of the Padfto Xorth- medium, west to allow araatar artndiaa- mt viai aa at I Dears Present because ef the isnaity of securing ee 'osUasas Kaua thk time ensaa to th PorUead market. the faet that as seutraa at Pertlaad are the best la the eowatry. Apple amrkem ef the aatto: Citr Pian a 4 aiew. Wasalagtea. aad coaditioa generally good. Extra anry Jonathan. 63.00 0 2.28: faaey. 81.16 0 Ull ehatee, $1.4 0 l.frO. Extra fancy Ie- aad W Inter Baaaa quality and ovextl- gwar rally eoed Lerr. $3.7 6 0 S.O0 ; I. 41.60 0 2VI6: assail. $2.00 0 3.36. tsr Pimaad aad raovwateat moderate. teaey. 81-701.80; dittoes! suDDlies eg milkctufra wtthows tartw 1 1 1-80 0 1.63: ckcerw. $1.710111. deUv. Ifaawy Iaoctows Large S3.960S.; faaey, Extra and he Jumped. The grade from Capital hUX to Twenty-eixUi street. Is a rather etp on and th car la aaid to hAve been making: a speed of IS mile or more when It left th track. .Ancient iand Patent Is Filledi for Record Vancouver, Wash-. Dec IX A copy of a paten tj tssud oa Jaauarp 11. 114$. aad a I tried by Andrew Johnson, preeddant of th United Statae at that ttm. waa filed In th county aodltore office Friday for record. The patent la made out to Wil li am Kelly aad Mary Ana Loulaa Kelly. Th mflbtaff decline baa recently bad its I It Ji 3 I'iV i'TTF' . t mZZ.?'i ""T -er. ae avuw. effect noon the ariee sow. aralr. IX .X"w." " V i"- 'mi . " "L"- 1? ii 3 1 1" SOClIon S SBO . lOWBamrp- I BOTTB. WHEAT Saw area, nfeaata 12 el- 1 1 .X' . we. es.eew I range 1 east. Bad kaowa A th KAUv 82.08: ereb. Sl.Oli Bosaaaa. Sl.SSs tsaa I ' Vi."a w..-. i. e.i. w.d.hri aoaatloa land dalm Ka. 11. fMhar traaa. S" . a I "tra tasey komaa. medinm to large. 61.66 0 Ulna prtee: Pataeit ' 72: S 10 ; fancy. 616601.76. Exsra faaey Ie L "aB and fancy, all ataea. $2.20S3.$6. Fsaey loaal. $9.aO01O.OO; Montaaajaad extra faaey aVrWaocTg. an susa, $1.90 fold. water track beam. FLOUK Sellin masette vaDey, S.St bakers' spring wheat patent, $10.60 010.80: whole 13.80. wheat. 89.60: arahaaa. 89.40: rre flour. 810.76 I Datne's TWiJ .il WaA. perbarrel. llagtoa extra fancy Jonathan, medium. 31.76. ., AT Buying prtee. new erori: Wmamette I at. Pea) Demand good. Best extra faaey timothy faney, 82S.00, per tea; Keetera j Jeejataaaa. aiediam to large. 83.OO03.26t Oragea Wmhtaaaoei faaaiw tiaiathv. S2S.OO0 I f Safe nuilhin, ta km si at a i AO - aall ao.uo; auaua. 836.09; valley vetch, I I II 1.66 01.85; Jumble pack, quality aad eondi- eht. I )( clover. $32.00 per toa; graka. tioa variabte. 81.21 0 l.l. Extra faaey - $24.00 28 00pe- toa. anbrg aad Dallatoa, medium to lar, 11.140 usaik saws- woamtl. jva, 1 Calcutta. I '.. wwamps. snmis, 12.v 18 H 0 2Oe rn ear lots: leas aeaoerets hiahev. 2.36. hta ravens. 62.0011.36. MnxTUFFB Braa. 829.60080; ahorw, I Iadmnapalw Market steady. Extra faary $31.60 0 83; middlings. 818.50 0 89 per toa. I J and Ortmee. medlwas to leree. 63.36 0 n m , u ustb rer toa. IVI.OO. inoioweBaa rawer, tu em, fi.Kf Ml, raawy C0B.N Whole. $$2.00 cracked. 113.00 per j Wiaeaape. mediaaa. $2Ji$. Extra faaey Crimes. tea. BOfXED BAR7J5T Per tea. $60 0 63. Merchants Exchange December bids: OATS Set Fri Triors Wed Tsaa Ma iwit ilia 1917 $750 $72$ and $700 6629 Rang ef New Tork prtee furnished by Over- beck A Cook Cos, 216-217 Board of Trad building: e. . . . . $4 83 2$H 49H 70 99H 65 H 77 H 64 41 69 H 38 H ii k' 129H 68 H 48 is" $8 29 H 48 18 13S 24 H 814 11 Ilk 16H $4 63 2$ 49 70 99 65 78 84 41 69 $9 ii 139 59 43 88' $8 29 48 18 138 24M 81 11K ChleaTO : Dairy Prodaro Chicago, Dec 22. (L N. 8.) Butter Re ceipts, 5620 tab; creamery extra. 489)49e; extra firsts, 4 8c; firsta, 42 0 46 He; packing stock. 82 0 86HO. Eggs Beceipts, 4082 eases; current receipts, 89 0 46c; ordinary firsta, 42 0 46c; firsts. 46 0 47e; extra, 60 0 51c; checks, 28c; dirtiea. 289800. San Fraaclseo Grala Market San Francisco, Dec 22. (TJ. P.) Cash grain: . Barley Per cental, feed. $2.83 0 2.90 ; do. shipping. $2.86 0 2.90 f. o. b. interior ship ping points. Oats Per cental, new red feed. $2.80 0 2.86; do. seed grades. $1,00 0 $3.26. cod. So; herring. So per lb,; raxor dams. ( ) per. dosea; hard shell, 4 per lb.; $2.75 per box; crabs. $1.7302.50 per doaen. "," "H.-- -' iw$Jetoel V'-''-' SUGAR Cube, $8.76; powdered. $8.50; fnrit or berry. $8.00; D yellow, $7.40; granulated. $8.00; best. $8.00; etra C $7.60; golden C. $7.60. ---.-- HONET New, $4.00 0 4.50 per case. RICE Jspaa style No. 1. taej Sew Orleans, head. 9c; blue rose, 8 He. SALT Coarse, half ground. 100s. $18.00 per ton; .60s, 816.00; table dairy, 60a. 819.76; 100. 819.26; bams, 82.45; faney table and dairy. 826.75; lump rock. 820.00 per ten. BEAN S N omlnal Small whiu. IS He: Urge white. 18 He; pink. 9 e; limaa,14Ho; bayous. 10e: red. 10 He. w . Hop. Wool and HM at . HOPS NoaunaL 1917 crop 28 080c per Bs. Eastern Oregoa. 500 56a per lb. HIDES Salted. 25 lbs. and up. loo; oalud stags. 50 lb, and UP, lie; salted 'greea kipa. 16 tba. to 25 lbs..- 16c; salted and greea calf, up to 16 Iba.? 28o: greea hides, 36 lb, and up. ISc: green taga, 60 lb, and ap, 11c; dry flint hides. 28c; dry Hint calf up to 7 lbs., SOo; dry salt hide, 2Se; dry horse hides. $1.26 to $1.75; salted bora bides. $3.0004.00; horse hair, tail. 8 0c ; horsehair, mane. 13c; dry wool pelta. 42e; dry short wool pelt. 15 0 SOc; salted sheep pelts, too wool, each, 84.000 5.00; aaltad lamb pelts, eaeo, $2.00 0 8.00; asked snort wool petUtVach. 12.000 2.50; dry sheep -- each, 160 80c; -, salted sheep thssrlinga, each. 230 60c - TALLOW So. 1. 18c; Ke. 1. 12c;. greea, 9e per lb. - - - , CHJTTIM OK CA8CARA BARE, - Buyiaa price, per car lota. 8 Ho pes lb. , MUUA1U. 1917. 66e per lb. - Roe, Faint. OH ' . ,' ' ROPE SiaaL dark, nao; white, 22 a per ft.: standard Manila, 83. ,; N ,. " " LINSEED OIL Raw, bbls.. $1.34 per gallon: kettle boiled, bbkv, $1.86; raw.. cases, $1.44; boiled, case. $1.46 per gallon; . lota of 260 gallons, less. -. COAL OIL Wster white, la dram aad tree barrels. 10 per gallon. . WHITE LEAD Toa lota. 12o per-Ja. 600 tb.. 12 He - .-. Trap EN TINE Teaks. $5; oasea, T5e:'ia gate lota, le laav , , , Alaska OoldT AUis-Cbaimers. ia, Beet Sugar. Am Can, e....... Am. Car Fdy., e... Am. Cotton Oil. a. . Am. Irnessd. o. . . . Am. Loco., e. . . . . . Am. Smelter, . .., Am. Sugar, a .... . Am. TeL 4k Tel Am. Woolen, c... Anaconda Mia. Co. Atchison, e Baldwin Looo., e.. Bait, ok Ohio, c Bethlehem Steel B. Brooklyn R. Transttt ButU 4t Superior. Canf. Petroleum. e Canadian Paetfie. Central Leather, e. Cheaapeake Ohioj Chi. Ok W.. e. , Chi. M. aV St. P.. Chi N. W.. e.. Chine Copper..... Colo. F. ai I. e... Cora Product, e. . Cructtl SteeL e.. D. Il SL O.. a. . . . Erm. e. General Electric. . . Gt. Nor.. Ore Land Ot. Nor., pfd Hide ek Leather, e Illinois Central K. O, Southern, e. Kenaooott Copper Lackawanna Steal Lehigh Valley ... Louis, a. Nash. . Maxwell Motors, c Mexican Pstroleam. Miami Copper . Midvsl Steel . M . K. T , c. Missouri Pacifle National Lead Nevada Consolidated Nw Uavea N. T. Air Brake N. T. Central ., N. Me W.. e Northern Padfio . . Pacific MaO .. Perm. Railway Peoples Gaa . Pressed Steel Car. c. Bay Cos. Copper Keadmg. e. ..... R. L As S-. e.... Rock Island .... Studebakar. e . . . Southern Padfio . Southern By., a.. Tenn. Copper TJnion Pacific, e . TJ. a. Rubber, e.. V. 8. Steel, e... Utah Copper . . . Vs. Chemical, e.. Wabash W. U. Telegraph. Total sales,' 178.600 shares. r.::: :::::! $0 $0 ! 'ii "ii 72 72 26 26 41 41 22 H 22 40 40 13 16 T 27 114 114 $ 61 H 96 H 95 'ii" 20 H '20 47 H 68H T4H 74 17 17 44 H 46 78 78 21 22 12 12 104 104 49 49 88 88 78 74 'H" TH 1H 1 16 H 1$ 66 84 34 62 62 22 H 22 24 49 49 69 69 9S 99 90 40 66 65 77 78 54 54 40 40 68 69 88 87 14 11 11 129 129 67 67 43 43 37 87 ..... 86 H 88 88 83 28 28 47 48 e O a ft 18 18 122 122 24 24 H 81 H 81 11 11 86 ..... 16 30 $0 ..... 73 63 107 21 21 71H 71 25 26 41 41 ..... 3 23 23 89 99 16 16 37 27 110 lie 63 68 5 95 77 23 ' 4.1 41 ...... SO ..... 61 30 20 $7 67 74 73 16 16 44 44 77 77 23 22 13 12 108 108 48 47 -88 88 78 78 $2 7 7$ 78 Forel- Boad Market ' Bid. A.- IS. 6 Oct. 1920........... 86 U. JC 5 Sept. 1913 97 IT. K. 5 Feb. 1918 99 IT. K. 6 Ha Nov. 1919 94 r. K. 8 Feb. 1919 9H U. K. 5 Hs Nov. 1921.. ' 89 A. F. See. 6s Aug. 1919 99 Rep. Fraaes 5 1981........ 125 Paris 6 Oct 1921 77 Marseilles ft !tov. 1919...... 79 Russia Extn. S( 1921...... 89 Russian Intl. 6H 1926.... 4. 98 Dam. 6 Aug.. 1917 ........ 99 Dosa. 6 Apr. 1921.. - 90 Dam. 6a Apr.' 1881. ....... . 8$ Dom. Be Apr. 1926 88 Argentine 6 May 1920..... $3 89 7 H 91 96 90 94 136 78 so 48 90 8 - ! 89 90 . -3Tew-Yerk Barer aad Coffee New Tork. Dee. 22. (C P.) Coffee gpot. No. T Rio. 7; No. 4 Santos. 9 Ho. Sugar Centrifugal holiday. . , - Hew' Tork SfeUl Market New Tork, Dee. 22 It N. B. Spelter. steady. a pot. 7 vk ess; nrvt quarter, T H 0 : Seattl Barley Market - - - Seattle. Dee 22. (L N. .) Barley. Per toa, $51.00,. e ra5etpta, . 8800 8800 B ABLET 8600 . 8600 6500 6660 - $650 Brewing 6760 8780 8800 Future were quoted : OATS January feed , B ABLET January feed Jauary brewing Easura oat and corn ta beJk OATS No, S whfu IS clipped January No. S aaaary clipped CORN January Ne. $ yellow aauary lie. S mixed February yellow February mixed large. 61.60. Haiti mo re IVraand Northwestern extra fancy Extra fancy Stejrmena, $2.00 0 2.28 berg, all grade aad stoee, 11.11. h uaa, yeasoi pack. 61.8101.40. Omaha Demaad slow. Waahlngtoa extra faaey Joaathans. 81.76 0 2.16. Extra faary Delleiga ad Winter Beaane. mrge. $3,76 0 3-00; mad tarn. 33.60. Extra teaey Spttaea berga. moatly 62.60. Idaho yambk pack Jeava- fer filed for record were from Aaaa Tldlaad to H. H- Hunter. l.M aver la aection 10. township I north, ranc 8 eaat. flO; Lw D. htcPeck to Reuben X. Sopor, th northeast ejuarter of north eaat quarter of northeaat quarter of aao tfcn 3$. township S north, ranee I eaat contalntns 10 acre. $18; S. W. Thomp eon to A. B Edmonds.' lot 3. block 21 ta th North Coast addition to Vancou ver, 10. men at the front. To date 1300 has been swat from PorStaad. th last remittance, amounting to 117. bains seat ta tha to faralah Qtrtstma moke for th Bel- naaa. it's a looety lob that ef th Beliaa ponu and a amok now aad Flaaaetaa; U War. A palnnt Portland dealer la aocurttle In discos sine the poealbUlty of future lawuea ef sovorameat bonds being; offered at a htarher rau of Interest, aay : Th eae coe of th second Liberty loan offering; tadVcate that aa yet there ta a neoea stty for raletnc th 4 per cent rat oa future acrvvrnment Uauoa. . Tb vr aubacrlptlon. Indicate lUrawle that money U 'alao available for tmperatlv corporate financing. In th prieent stat of the boad market ft la fortunate, therefor, that little unavoidable flaaac laa; In press tnc- While the amount ef corporate obi 1 at loos marurina: Jn No vember wae In excea of th precedlna month, that for December fails to th avnall total of fllAOO.000. Note form the moat common medium for Use rala inc of new capital at th oreseat ttm. alUoug-h th recent tmproveraant tn th New Tork stock and bond market au rora well for a renewal of tnveertrocnt confidence. When It la conaldered that ia tn three years ending; with Decam-t br we wUI have aborbd over If bU- llona In aTovernment loans, domestkc cap- Gleawood Valley (eranoe Daaee Vanoouvec. Waah Dec IA Olenwood Valley grans will (tv th eeoood of a eerie of dance Saturday nlsrht in tba 83.26. I Uuim flavaatt ttama Kail a.ttll ! 2 vmrie- 1 lllulsv rwownuy pwrnassa. ids nance neip to pay tor tne nan, wntcn was par chased on th I net ailment plaa. The last daaoe netted th trang-e about ($ and there to ettU about $600 to par. 6800 $700 8728 8700 Aaettoa: Nevth- 83.60 0 16 0 3.85: faaey terse. extra fanae ana. dm - . , . ..... j .... laawy ssvaa, $2.62.66; mad rem. $J.oi 0 5.14; small. $1.7$. Fsnrv Jonathans kiedlwm. $1.60; ttal ' laaroeev feetsB toverament loans and la eecarttiee liquidated from abroad, there can be UtUe doabt el the ability of the coo try to finance th war sue . ewaafullyr - -; - v- ".-,,'- , . . - Pertlaad iareetori . Take Caaadlaa rtadsAnnoimcrant has been made la"2w Tork that th Canadian govern- ' paeat has recently takea over th re mainder of th capital stock ef the Cana dian Nortaera Railway company. Th government had previously owned $ 40. -000.000 of the tIM.00S.000 of share, and this purchase tnakee the outstaadlng; notes aad bonds of the company the oblttraUoti f th Doe la ion rovemroenx. Th aaarruncoiisoat eaaasd a sharp ad vance la the market prlc of th on -year S per cent aecured convertible groid note dor ember 1 next. $10,000.00 of which were lawoed fptember L, 1917. A lant amoeat f th note were eoid -tn Portland and Pacific Northwest by' the Xunberaneas Truat company. Th note are secured by deposit ef collateral conaieUng- of til. 000, 000 of th bond com- pany. principal and Intereet of which are -guaranteed by th Canadlaa TgTrvernroont. Th notes are cmvartlble at the option ' ot the holder before Jane 1. lilt. Into bonds of the company at 73 aad murat. Tb Canadian North era naa in opera tion a total of 929$ of railroad xtodins from Port Arthur. Ontario, at th head of Lake Superior; to ' Wlnalpec. aad thence to the agricultural districts or th prorlncea of Manitoba, saakaicb wan aad Alberta, with Urmlnala at Vaacotrvar, B. C Pertlaad Msakraal Deck Beat tC A. McLanan. Portland. tty comptroDer. win receive bide for ttSOO ta municipal dock bonds, up to 1 p. tsv, Monday, D oember 2C These beads will doubtless call for attractive propoeala. G rests Pass Irrigation DUtrVL Pr poaais wfil be Received up to 10 a. m December 24. by th clerk ef th board of directors ot tTte Orants Pa trrlgr tlon district for f 1S.000 In boad. - RAysseaa. WatkUftea. Ll Isivrevoe sseaL Bkd wlU be received at p. in, Lecmber 24. for 11144$$ ta bonds bear-tn$- Intereet at par beat. Issued by Local Improvement DlaTtrtct No. 2. Raymond. Wash. Communication a should be ad dr eased to MUU NcvtU. city treasurer. Strike Is Cause . Of Fistic Bout Oregon city. Dee. IS. Last TetfM oa Seventh street, near Jefferson, some paper mill strikers and Brtrlkebreakeris became Involved la a diocnaslon. which led to a personal encounter. Oa of th strikers, a young man named Coffey, was taken into custody 8600 6800 faary V medium. 81.69; choice Urge. $1.70; aasaii. Atloata Demaad aad me tngtoa Sprtasaberaa aad Joeetheaa, $1,110 3.60. Roeaes aad Wlnaaana. Oklahoma City Mehoa, Wtneespa. Jeaatbaae. Spttaeabergs. extra faaey. $1.76; faaey. $1.46. rausewpsa neesaaa aad asevmaM Extra faney Spltaeobergs, all ataaa, 3.16. Extra fanrv Mefntoah Un. 6660 sestuam. i.70l.v. It 11 lO0 I tarday. s 88iS XlSJ -' , 6450 . 6600 . 6600 . 6300 ,?6966 Bicycle Reported SlcVrn ViMnelM Wi.h ru. ee bicycle were reported stolen last night. by u" 8ub l,rin- A. jr. Roberts was cited to a d near be- W""TT. - 1.15 1 1 41 E,M t.-i- WM!fra lrA. TV. thl. v.l CTOWn WUlamtl PPr PlAHl, SS Lara. S3.7608.eoi mtitrem n it: 1 1.. - . .. . . : ruard. and was en route horn. After Winter Bananas, large, average. 63.30; r.r"" tnklna- the vnnne man t tha . Trww li as. Kn.. ii m. .. , imn neuaner waa arreeteo laat n rM 1 , - . ' T . . - h.iii.m. . . . . w tamnla K., ttiraA fVrr.. Tar flnvlne a. maeMea ImnmM.I. ii4e. 1 ..-m. a .n tun,i., . kKah Z 2. ! upon promlae of the union officials , J that he would appear If a complaint waa maae againai mm. it ia aeciarea rood. 00 0 lafaat Barrell Dies that Coffey, although a wltaeae of th Vancouver. Waah, Deo. 12-Tbe baby ( affair, slid not hav a hand In It at ail. oarse Grains in Very Slow Position i t at u. F-xtra fancy SUymena, medium te mrg. 11.82 U at a. mi? Iitiuaivi. cy. 11.140 1,15:. Oregoa extra faaey Ortieys jseeuam te large. 59.50. 1 - - i.m. mmt -. m mam 9 lafnewJ, medium. 11.60 a 2 71. anita..- v..u paoa. i.o. raacy waeapt, aaewiass. 81.00, awiaeei vmr waeametea extra teaey maoieaa.lew 81.76. fsaey average 61.69. Br Joseph F. PriUhard .jmj-VTSA TL Chicago. Dm. 33. (L N. S.1 The cover- x.lsVldahe, AUZ T-"V fl:7 ing oy mom snort in aota oora and eaaiaverae. ll.TT. Wusam. asa. ai si ta i.. w ...iiiie i mmmmmnmm Mi PJlfin, I . A . . W , . -, W . and resting gpota for th day were H 0 He I tnicaeo liemand aad msvamset good. Bigaer lor corn aa Sf it tor oats. Caaa I " t w ieneiowa, 11.OO0I, oora waa aaebaaged aa prioe, while oat were 10 2 hi bar. Ptevfcaoa were higher all around 20 025 tor pork. 13 H 011 for lard aad 13 0 20 foc.rlbe. of Mr. ' and Mrs. IL R. HarrU died Thursday at St. Josephs hospital after UvtnaT only a few hour. Th ntU en will be buried today la the Park Hill cemetery. Bank Bobbers Get $12,000 in Ohio Chicago. Doe. 83. (L !f. S.) Trade ia bothr oora aad eat waa light at the opening of the atarket aero today. Favorable weather aad prospect of a mrge movement had a depressing effect aad prtoea ranged lower. Scattered covering oy snosta aiier we epeauia. aowever. preaucce e rally that seat price ap around the previous Strength la hogs and a few scattered buying orders lifted lard and ribs to about lOe above yesterday I close at th opening of th provMeo mart at. Trad wss small. Chicago range ef price furnished by Called I West Saiem, Ohio, Dee. M- (L N. a) Robbers early todav dynamited the vault of the Farmers bank here aad . WteSrr BsreeV . IS OOftSsT' 'aotValolJm! I WUh PPT VaJaed at 11.710 ilT.Kr ! $13,000. Th nploslon lammed tha l- yi1'!?'. T Mu. 31.86 01.66; ten ii. nor door of th vault and th bandit &&t&rt,n't?iSti0i: 22J"Z ; no cXTmcy. exordia, to bank amalL 6L660jlO6: ... '11.17,1. ! oOTcUl. - faaey. Jena I Sana Large. $1.28; asedivaa te I mall, 710 11.15; average. . Idehe extra I 1-lewelaasl a.lll lancy nea Mvis Large, merltum aad amalL .-a 11.16 01.60. Oiwa, Rome Large. 800 Cleveland. Dec ir-tL N. V Seven 81.76; average. 81.40. Warravtea Bee Devkt I snue Kaivdlta eKAevlw twa. .... . nTtf: :verage.X I,,i.:or1- Friday ntrd the'oarneid Minneapola Demand good. ! bank here, held up th employee with revolver and escaped with approximate ly $11,000, Tbi bank la a small sub urban Institution. Captain Jo Keller, who has been her for almost three weeks oa orders from Governor Wlthyeombe. aad In charr ef the a tale polio, who hav been petroling th situation, has been recalled to Salem to his duties a stats parol offloer. Four of the state poll co rn en have also been withdrawn, and It la reported that th remain Ins 10 are to be taken away soon. January December January . January . May . . . December January . May . . . January . May Open. High, . 187 137 . 134 126H . 133 133 OATS . 76 77 . 78 76 . 78 74 PORE 4630 ...4640 .3460 .3476 .3455 .2487 Low. 137 124 122 76 75 72 4630 137 126 H 133 77 76 H 74 WEEK BSD COTERIKO IS AID TO COTT03T PRICE New Terk. Dec 33. (L N. 8.1 The aa. too market had a steady opening today wtta Pries 3 points lower to 10 higher. reOectlag ajverpoc ssuawat ana a nttle ing. After th first 16 6 to 9 points net higher. Final prices were 16 to 30 Beiam kdehaw eopt December, which closed $ aetata lower. LARD 2460 2487 RIBS 1443 3497 2462 2476 2452 2482 484$ 4600 2487 2467 24 SO 2460 2490 January . , rebruary , Mawh ... April may ..... I June July .... August . i October . I December Open. 2931 Lew. 2948 Tacoma Smelter Employes Strike 2900 iiir isss 2870 2884 2867 2836 2662 2116 Tacoma, Wash, Dee. 11V-L N. & 9jgg!At Taootna'a hug smelter, employing; I of union paper mO 292oi more than 1100 mea aad workln- on Hn? ta, V h'Id School Directors May -Ml Resigil 1 "IB - Cftwcon City, Dec IL An echo of the Timber Orove school district ' scrap. which found Its way Into Justice Slav era court when B. F. Sv 111 van and A Bucko, two directors. var s triad for aaeault and battery uponV complaint of Rev. Vf. IL Wettlauffer. ibe other di rector, resulting- In the convicting; of Buck, has bean beard in County Su perintendent Gala van's office aad may result ta a settlement of any further complications. Both Sullivan snd Bucks have filed their reel (nations aa directors, 'and It Is believed that Wettlauffer wlU do like wise and that the residents of tb dia l-let will elect an entirely new board of director. Mrs. Thiedeman Dies in Hospital Vancouver, Wash.. Dec U. Xlt a. Aenaila elamsa AimJl vsstardtv at 16 a. m at the Portland Surgical hoa- pltal foUowt&eT an operation for pertto nttia. She. waa 41 years of ag-a. and- wae the beloved wife ot J. IL ThUde- man. ItvinaT at Twenty-ninth - aad Co lumbia streets. She wsa takes to the hospital Wednesday for the operation. Two eons aad three daugrhtere survive tier. TTiw a.., W". iiatt mnA J ti 1 tti a KatH la the army, bat stationed her at pre -nf, aad Ellen. Christina and Marie at home. Her mother aad father. Mr. and - Mrs. V. A. Koppe, also survive aad Uve m . eve nvvv . w uliu kx euvn. sse-r five sisters also -survive and three bftthare. They are Mrs. Delia M. Dlso hoff. Ooodla. Oregon : Mr. Amelia Cheasey. Verona, Montana; Mrs. Chrta tlaa Oray and Mia Uodwl- Kapr i tht dty. and Mia Id M. Koppe, Port- , land, and Richard Koppe, Portland I Theodore and waiter Xoppe ta thla city. . Clayton Thorn, a aphw, Uv with Mrs. Cbealey ta Montane, and wtU be here with her tomorrow. The other brothers aad sisters will also be here for the funersJ. which win tak place a V . .Mti. - r A . . a . m. Rev. La IC Ortma will bar chart of th seiHuee aad Interment will be -ta the Park II HI cemetery. Th body Is at Kaapp's funeral parlor,, but a ITi. w. .-t... . . . . a... - . r WV Mmu US SOW SMKDW HUSf, , t'nloa Meeting xtfnTght Oregon City, Dec 12. A maaa meeting mill men and their tonight tn Buacn live , i naa to celebrate the report of tn rea- lf0 lmportaat go vernment contracts, nearly , era! Ubor commlaaion, made public this 2662 200 man went on strike Friday after- i w m wvi-w th. nntkmf tha atnk. Thy will b ortranlsed today and lnr mm waa u oh eld. and the naoer com- 2719 8060 3780 $060 2723 $011 8616 rtooa. 1B 3616 3736 8643 AX ERIC AX LIVESTOCK PRICES t Ohleae Hoe 8 16. SO Chicago, Dec 22. (L N. a.) Hogs Ba- eipts. 12.000, firm. lOe higher; mixed aad butchers. $10.00 0 16.60: good heavy. $16.00 016.80; rough heavy. $16.00016.16; aght. $16.60016.66; pigs. $11. $0 0 14.7$: bulk, $16.20016.70. 'Cattle Beceipts. $60. steady; beeves. $7.26 14.88; cows and heifers. 85.10 011.20; teekers and feeder. 86.26 010.28; Texas, $4,19 012.76: calves. $9.00016.60. 16.000. eteady; astir and Oeaoee Hog S1A Cwmha. De. 21. (L N. B) Hogs Re ceipts. 8800. 6010a higher; teg. $16-46: rang. 816.00 016.46; mixed. $16.80 014.40; good ehoace. $16.40010.46; rough. 816.000 16.16; bsbt, 816.100 16.80; balk. 116.20 0 16 86: pigs. $14.00 017.00. cattle Bettnita. SOO. steady. Sheep No receipts, steady. Kansas City Heea $16.60 Kansas City. Me.. Dec 23- (L N. 8.1 Cattle Beeetpta. lOOO. ao market. liogs Becetpta. 20OO. ataaay to ioe alga; tope. $16.60; bulk. $16.66 016.60: heavies. 81S.4O01S.SO: aiedlaaas. S1S.SB 0 1S.S0: lighm, $15.86 10.46. Bhoep Ifwslpt. -lOOO oa t&reags BiUing. - Deaver Hog $10. Denver. Deo. 22. (C. P.) Cattle Re- eeipt. 2200. eteedy; etaert. $8.60 011.00: cow aad betters. 85.000 86.60: stock ere and feeders, $6.60 010.86; calve. $8.50 010.25. Hog BeeeajMa. loo, tretg to aigber; tops. $16.86. Bheep Receipts, 1300. steady; ewe. $10.00 4T1L63; ataaba. $14.66 0 13.25. Eaitera Grala Market Minneapolis OaU dosed. December. 77 He; May. 72H. Winnipeg Oats closed. December, 80 bid: Mav. 68He: July. SHr Da loth Flax closed. May, $8.29; January. $$.$0. A, Louie Cera closed. December. $1.27 ; May. $1.24; eel. December. 79c. Kaaaaa City Cora dosed. May. $1.24; earn. May. me, Chaaaa Cash barley. $1.40 1.60: ec Ka 4 waits. $1.6601.61; Ne. 4 yellow. $1.66; No. S yellow.; ao. s watte, si.eo; la S wane, gi.ev0i.4s; ."o. e wnite. st.aiv 1.8$: oak No. 2 white. 78c; No. $ white, 77 0 78c; Ne. 4 whha. 76077c t . , ' ' - -' , ' Money aad Exehsar New Tork, Dee. 22. (U. - F.l Bar sOver, new lorx. ssc; aeatane atening. 84.717 W i i ' "'. Swift 'A Co. Shares "' ' - ' ' Chicago, Dec 22, Owtft A Co share 117 bid, lis ask. : DAIRT PRODUCE 05 THE COAST San Fi Baa Fraaciaoo. Dec 91.aiii aB... Extras. 61a t-gs Extra. 62; extra pullets. 4$ . Cheese California flats, faaey. 2$e. Seattl. Dee. 22. (C. P.I Butter N.tira Waahlngtoa ereaaavry. eabe. 62: do brick. 68c; storage. California cube. 46c; do brick. 46. rgg e sicca raaca. ; atacage, 4Zc Ckissa Oreaoa trloWta. XS ai tU- Vhm America. 24c; block Swisa. eaae. 8Ts; Bedeer brick, case, S4e; do aiagie. See; Waabiagtea :. tripwes. 241 Los Angelas. Dae. 12. tL N. I I Nortbera Burbaaka. S2.OO03.SO: it: eys.vw; sweets. bs.IS oaca, 68.66 erata. POTATOES AL050 THE COAST Baa FWMksnn Dec H (i: e.t Per oeauu. brewa or yellow. 61.601.76 tee 6eed sum. Fete lees Far eentsL Deita, $1.66 01.86 fee fancy; do ehelee. 61 2601.60: de - -ran. ei.; ae a neat. 83.6002.86: de Uahe Matted Oema, $1.63 01.16; de Oragea Burbaaka. 61.7603.0. Sweat potatoes rag aaadrad poaads. $3.7$. extra earwg. Seattle. Dee. 33. (U. F.) A. ,riw, pettad. 3 H 03 Hs; XaAkms, peg rund. 8. PltHtnrt Immm aarw. 11911: V.vl Oeau. 11040 per tea. wiu maa aa snort to art otner worn- raar.Ua ssvsrslv eondevnnad aa Isaln tin. ere te SO oat. narrtofla and Ita altlfuda of -nathlnar tb Ths men struck afUr betas; rtftuedt artltrata' aa beta aa attitude at vart 21 per coat lrtcreaa tn wares by H. T. , aDOa with th modern spirit In ladustry. Walker, general manaser of the planL J otto B, Hartwlg-. state preaMent of th Oregon Federation of Labor, and At torney Arthur I. Moullon ot Portland, are expected to be th principal speak era. The meeting begin at 7:30. ar.J the general public Is invited. Vow Terk .Bssk Stateaeat Be I era. Dec 11. tL ft. 8.) Beak 'lemeut: Average leaae. dsrreais. S4S6.1SS-. POO; eaaaad awpeelm, eecreesed. 866.160.Ovei aa. it tea a. 8141.000; setirvs. 64S.1616. 8411.193.0OO: de- 814S.758.Oei $52o.eej $96.00.440. Cattle Poison Plot Under ligation Chicago. Dec 11 L N. B.) Wide spread plots to poison hard of cattle and drove of hot throughout th United State, aileced to have been concocted by L W. W ar be In tnveetlrated by gov ernment Barents, according; to reports here today. Th raid on th headquar ter of th I. W. W. Monday, It la de clared, was conducted for the porpeoo of obtaining; vtdnc of this plot, City Official Is Blamed for Eiots r"-" B-wawaaa Minneapolis. Dec 21WL M. &) Oa- car E. KeUer. commlamtoner of publl utilities; Jam Maaahsn. attorney for' th Non-Fartlaan toag-ue and a former! member of roffsrreaa. aad Thomaa J. ! w-iHn. e. ri.i. - - ... 1 ar under Indictment today charged with rioting;. They ar accused of Inciting rlou throuah allegad Inflammatory speeches at a maa pvetinT. Castlerock Sends '.; ,Eed Gross Supplies Castiarock, Waalv, Dec IL CtU rock branch f th Red Croae and auz lUarlas ha mad another shipment of goods to the chapter. Caatorock s a slrnment conaieted of 14 sweater. 41 -bed shirts. 1 ambolanc pillows, 48 with rare, 10 pairs box, 11 h snd kerchiefs. 4$ operating? cape, 41 napklna, 11 pairs wrtstleta. (00 run wipers and one trruf. . fler. Sliver lake Sevan bed shirts, X sweater, $ pair of son- and 1 pair wrist lets. Bandy Bond Five bed ahirta. t sweater. 1 muffler, 1 pair box and 1 pair wristlets. Pleasant HUI One ambu lance pillow, caps, wash rare. $ hand- " kerchiefs. 1 nap kin. 8 dish towels. S bed shirts, 1 sweater, muffler, 1 paly box, 1 pair wristlets. Pertlaad Mas Sells Farm -Oaetlerock. Wash, Dec 22. M. Damon of Portland ha sold bis farm of 71 acre la Bandy Bend te John C Neleon of Se attl. He also shipped 00 boxes of ap ples to Portland. His son, A. B. Damon, who lived en the Bandy Bend farm for a number of year. anHated la th navy and left Saturday for a navy yard la CaUforala. Postofflee Speeds lp Oreron City. Dec 12. Th Ore on City pootofflc. although worklnr under a handicap of more than half Its force new employes, and tn the sec vacs teas than two weeka. Is handiinr the great volume of th Christmas malls with a speed that weald make old hands envi ous. Postmaster J. J. Cook to directing; th work, aad hi mea ar bending every energy la aeelnr that there is do daisy In tb mall betnr sent out as well a th delivery of alt mall and packarc to local patrons. HcjciuacuooiD UOIA North Eiver, Spruce Pwaynond. Wash," Dec IL Th larr eat timber deal la this section for aer ersi years was closed this areek when the Qulnlault -Timber company pur chaaed a traot ef North River timber rrom xne tv tysmstusii i imuvr xrm' pany. Tb tract was purchased because of Its ftne quaiwy of sprao. LocrlnS wta start aoon. The eons-id oration waa about 600.000, -' Vaeaver Marrtsge Xireases . , Vancouver, Wash, Dec 22. Marrlaar licenses 'have been Issued to the foHow lnr couples : Roeo IC CardwalL IL aad Ida Row. lecsJ. Portland ; John Georre W ureter, 4L and Mr. Clara J. Snyder. 17. Aurora. Or. ; Max Lichtrarn, 2L and Iran Feldchr. 1$. Portland ; Thomaa P. MaeCombwr. 32, American Lalta, aad Ruth Cook, le. Vancouver: William J. Con if r. 36. vaacouvtr and Ruth Rob erts Veal, 21, Los Anreles, CaL . Kelso Boys Ealirt Keleo, Wash- Dec 21- The past weak four more Kelso younr mea hav sa tiated la the service of Unci Sam, Ray and Rankin Fay. Joseph Bareham aad Norman Prltchard enilarted la the Davy. Steeke. Bads. Cwtxeew rJav Zta, 216-gir Board Trad BaOeUsav . OYerbeck&CookeCo. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES . Veatbars Cateagr Board f Trad Cerreae4eau ef Lege a At Bryaa. Caicarwe Bow Xerfe "JOIN THE RED CROSS TODAY A DOLLAR tiOES THE DEED" THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ' . PORTLAND BRANCH THIRD .AND STaARK 5TREETJ5 . . r - ; ' " - Capital paid in gold coin.:.-. . . $8,500,000 Siirplu and iindivided profit $8,495,117 Letters of Credit issued for use m Europe by members of the ; naval and military :; ; : - forces of the U. S. : ' '