THE .OREGON DAILY . JOURNAL; PORT LAND, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22. ,1917.' 123 P ' - 1 V - ! i- 4 1L k'ADKH TEMPLE A. A. .. O. N. M. 8, Stated Boaston Saturday, Dee. 22, at 8 p. ., Maaonie Temple. W. park and Yamhill ata, - Election of offi cer ami representative to the Imperial council. Concert by the band at 1 p. m. - TJatttof nob la ec iinrry Invited. ' JAB. P. MOFFETT. Potentate. M, W. A. ROUNDUP AH Modern Woodmen camp of Multnomah and adjoining counties will meet at the M. W. A. hall, on 11th at. near Start, next Saturday exenine and Initiate a clue of orer 100 new members. All member eordiaHy invited. - , - WeTINVItB you to onr'Satnrday verug rinc- tag parties. Hibernian hall. 340 Ruseell at.: admission 29c; d flting. 8:30; everybody Wel come. HAL. EMBLEM Jewelry a peei ty. button. ebarma, Jaeger Bros.. 181-3 6th. pine, MARRIAGE LICENSES Harry Willard Clenoon. 34, Ran Francisco, and Margaret Marie Goettfng. 24. Multnomah hotel. . Vlncenao Santllli, 28. 804 E. 27th at. and Ajauntina GaUueci. lb. 4235 71t are. S. E. Letter Guy, 21, 288 Sd at., and France til on Oram. SO 2KB 18th at. Walter L n, legal 629 Gantenbein ave and Chrfatence Marie Otoen, legal age, 21 tt ham are. Ingnard Skouubo, 28, Broad man. Or., and Anna Chrtstemen. 19, 1889 Burrage at. Warren E. Bhirey, legal age. Chicago. DL, and Will Mae Slusaer, legal age, 1818 Cleveland are. ' O. I) Brotherton, 21, 207 E. 34th at., and Agnea N. Brown, 1 9. 207 E. 84th at. INVITATION S Third floor Morgan bldg. UW SMITH A CO. DRESS SUITS for rent, all aiaee, ; Tailoring Co.. 809 Stark et. Unique DEATHS AND FUSERA18 tuHMl At United 8Ut naval hospital, Norfolk. Va., Deccrjber 12, Bruce Wallace -Row, aged 80 year, husband of Mrs. Gertrude Warren Roes, of 45th and Simpson street, this city. The funeral errice will be held Monday. De - eember 24. at 2 30 o'clock p. m.. at the resi dence entabliahment of J. P. Finley A Son. .Montgomery at Fifth. Friends inrited. Inter ment at Ml. Scott Park cemetery. . .'DEK80N In this city, December 20. Sine Christina Anderson. 1233 Wuiiam arenne, aged 48 years, 10 months, 6 days, belored wife of L. F. Anderson. Remain are at Hohnan'a funeral parlors. Announcement of funeral later. Pendleton. Or., paper, pleaee copy. - FLORISTS MARTIN et FORBES CO FloriaU, 864 Waah. Main 269. A-1269. Flower for all ooca alons artistically arranged. CLARK BROS.. Floriu. 387 Morrison t Main or A-180S. Fine flower and floral de sign. No branch store. ' MAX H. SMITH Florist. 141 H 8th at. LUBLIN ER, Portland hotel. 828 Morrison. FTJKERAL DIRF.CTOR8 Edward Itolman Preaident W. J. Hohnan Secretary Werleln. Treasurer J. E. THE EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. .. ESTABLISHED 1877 Third street, corner Salmon MODERN SPACIOUS FAMILY ROOM WITH PRIVATE ENTRANCE LADY ASSISTANT Phones Main 607. A-1311. J. P. FINLEY & SON Progressire Funeral Directors PRIVATE DRIVE: Women Attendants Montgomery at Fifth Main 0. A-1600. A. D. KENWORTHY CO. Tabor 6287. 6895 66tU 5802 92d it. Lenta, st. and Foster Road. Tabor Arleta. e-v a a Uunning a Ivlctntee every detail.' Broadway and Pine ata. Broad- nay 8U. A-4008. Lady aasistant. f. s. Running, inc. The Golden Kuie Undertakers, 414 E. Alder St. Phone East 52. B-5225. WILSON ROSS East 64. Lady assistant C-8165. Multnomah at Seventh at. Eaat 781 B-1888. Undertakeri. LERCH Mr. Lercb - AssisUnt E. lltb and Hawthorna MILLER & TRACY. independent Funeral Directors. Prices low a 320, 340, 380. Washington at Ella. Main 2691; A-788. PIEDMONT Undertaking Co. R. J. Or knpf, funeral director. Woodlawn 4940. C-1165; Killingsworth and Kerby. II A mtil THM 1973 E. Gliaan at Fa- nAiVll Llull neral aervices. Tabor 4314. Breeze & Snook Ie! tII S Skewes Undertaking Co. Main 4152. A-2321. Corner 3d and Clay. CHAMBERS-KEN WORTHY CO.. 1111 Kerby t. Woodlawn 8308. C-1133. Ai R. Zeller Co. ISft wiachiMs. E. T. Byrnes, new residence esteblishment. 901 William ave. wooaiawn -o. -ii, Woodlae Last Minute A Ford Automobile A Gift That Afford Both Pleasure end Service Ia Indeed a Gift Worth While. Listed below are a number of bargains. Look them over and choose your gift today: FORDS FORDS FORDS 1917 Ford touring $323 1917 Ford touring $875 1916 Ford touring $275 1916 Ford roadster $323 1915 Ford touring $295 1916 Ford touring $325 1915 Ford touring $295 1914 Ford roadster $285 TERMS IF DESIRED FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX. East STTO East 13th and Hawthorn Ave. For Xmas . Special sale of rugs. Beautiful high grade velvet rugs, 9x12, regular 337.50. for $28.75. 0x12 Axmhater, regular $35, for $28.75. On used Axminster, steam cleaned, for $12.60. 9x12 gra aa ruga, regular $12.50-, for $9.50. 8x10 grass rugs, regular $19. for $7.50. Each one is well worthy of your attention and would make an ideal, gift for any home. Mish Furniture Co, ; - - 184 FIRST STREET FOR, XMAS . SEE THE -REMINGTON TYPEWRITER jo. a jiaLAa evtj.ue.aiiu. a in the TYPE-,- WRITER LINE. THE REMINGTON TTPEWRTTER CO.; ; - 88 BROADWAY.-, . BROADWAY 621. - . A Bicycle .. Is Indeed a Serviceable and Enjoyable'Glft. - Our Stock Offer Many Choice Selection ,-,. vi; ami . . ... v Wt Sell Positively Cheaper Than- Elaewher. .l . "Rydman Bros Broadway T00 ( $0-63 Broadway MEETING NOTICES MAUSOLEUMS v. Kiverview Abbey -. " Mausoleum Si: 62 Plttoelr block. Phone Broadway 861. - MONUMENTS PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 264-266 4th at., odd. efty hall. Main 8664. Philip Nca Bona for memorial. I BLAESING ciftAKIITe Z 67-3RO. ST. AT MADIsrkStl LOST A5D FOClfll - LOST Dog. wire-haired foxterrie,- wearing col- iar with Eocene doc neenee. Anawere to nana Caesar; color wnite with black face. Had chain attached to collar When getting- away. Finder re turn to Sherman Clay A Co, and get reward. Tabor 1009. - AM T KAY from Portland Union depot ainea lornina" of Dee. IS. white long-haired Cocker Enaniel -doc brown ear, abort tail, name. "Teddy." Reward, Baggage Boom. Pert- land Union depot. LOST A folding pocketbook with one 820 Wella Fargo travelers check, one 810 bill, one to bilL Finder will plaaae return to J. E. Orote, 1645 Willow at., and receive reward. Be at home after 6 p. m. ' 1 LOST Somewhere in business district, fine hand carted turrr stick pin. 2 color ton. ruby eye. Suitabla reward for return. 642 Pit toe k block or tht office. LOST In WilUmette river, white boue with creen and wnite motarboat, 13 n. p. orey en gine inside. Last aeen under Broadway bridge. Finder panne Main sale, room 4. itewara. LOST Sine Sunday, email white fox . terrier. dark apot around eyea and one on need, licenee 1727. Kindly call Tabor 6898. Beward. - LOST Cocker Spaniel bearing lieenae No. 2208. Wednesday evening in iront of journal Clog. Pleaee notify Main 6788. Reward. LOST 1 box of tool in street. Return to Gibson Electric Garaca. lztn and Alder, and receire reward. - ' BOATHOcSE No. 87. white, window on each aide near front, shingle roof, launch and ca noe inatde. Finder notify O. Evert Baker, Portland LOST Friday ere. near 8d and Alder, linen, . raider containing laayi pmx noee. cmaer please call Wdln. 4358. LOST One chain with larallier set with pearl. Reward giTen u returned to C U vandernoor, 248 2d st. Phone Main 8758 or Tabor 4601. LOST Child's tan shoe, Thursday, on Willi ma or Union are. N. Wdln. 8249. v LOST Black Spaniel doc, license No. 1958. Phone Tabor 8125 or cell at 495 E. 41st. b. LOST On west aide. Dec 18. tlD in paper. Call Wdln. 4480. Reward. COST Setter dog, brown and white. Phone East 5314. Reward. LOST One 86x5 AJax tire an rim. Reward. "E N. Pariah. 146 Albert. Phone C-2144. LOST One package containing one part suit of clothe. Return to 92 Broadway. Reward. HELP WASTED MALE School Boys, Attention! Wanted, aereral young men OTer 18, withj wheel, during Amu vacation, eiean outaiae work; hustler can make 820 per week; oppor tunity for advancement. L A. Mollenhour, 253 Oak St. For J. W. Sweeney Construction Co.. Is borers. teamsters, and station men; hare 10 miles of good station work to let, good prh es. goo 1 camps. all winter work. Report st our oiiices. nice tiiu Isador, Oakland. Or., for further information. WANTED Young man with mot ore yole to work night. IT a per montn to tart: must be experienced in riding; steady work and ad vancement.. I A. Mollenhour, 258 Oak st. WANTED Experienced marker and sorter.1 Ap- cl in nerson. crystal Laundry Co.. 2 1st and Handy roan. EXPERIENCED reliable man for checking; must give reference. Call 483 Union ave. N. WANTED Young colored man to do porter work. Apply 820 Washington St. WANTED Barber. 247 Couch at. PLUMBER wanted. ,CaU at 213 4th st. HELP WANTED MISC HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL 49 462 Hawthorne- are. The demand is increasing daily for high class mechanics. In this school you lean and be ts ecome expert by actually doing the work. Special training in magnetos, batteries, starting and lighting systems. Investigate. N'UMBER.young women and men wanted to pre- pare for telegraph service to help fill vacan cies caused Dy unusual draitlng men for war. Positions guaranteed. Call or write. Telegraph Dept. -is itauway jxcnange bldg UNCLE SAM needs 10.000 stenographer. Enroll now for shorthand. typewriting, bookkeeping. MISS DECKER S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE, 3d floor Allnky bldg. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL Union ave. and Wasco at.. Portland. Or. Call or write for free 60 page catalogue. It tell how we help you to , a good poaition.. Day ana nignt classes. LADIES desiring crochet work or having some for sale, send loo lor "nook or Designs and de tail. International Trading Crochet Co.. 215 rieianer Bldg., luth and Washington ata. EAST 8IDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, GRAND AVE. EAST 427. 122 H UNCALLED for tailor made suits. $9.50 up. Tay- lor, ins inuor, -on Kurnside. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Stenographer and bookkeeper. manent position, married lady preferred. Alder. Main 8968. LADIES, take work home, spare time. tmp- -.nuu. noiuei, i uoaen.' Man wsh. Suggestions Give an Educational Gift THIS ADVERTISEMENT AT.Tj- a vnn in PER CENT DISCOUNT ON PART PAYMENT FOR A COURSE IN THE Adcox Auto School Union ave. and Wasco st. . CUT OCT AND MAIL FOR DISCOUNT VOUCHER AND CATALOGUE. A Gift That Lasts Forever Gevurtz Fur. Co. Offers a few Suggestions Ladies oak writing desks Leather rockers, from .$10,00 ..$8.50 Cabinet Graphophonea ($60.00 size) , .$$3.00 185 to 191,1st st. Kear. Yamhill Market Used Talking Machines Remember I positively have the largest atoek of high grade need talking machine in the city I cive a 2-year written guarantee with ever machine. . v f I sell oa easy term. I send machine an 3 day' free trial. Vern L, Wefiger - The Talking Man. 1431a Beoond (Upstairs.) Main 7244. PE3mAPS TOTJ .HAVH FOROOT- TEN SOMETHING ! JCSTGlANCBr AlrtTl . IfTA . n n . viiin j. nio uiai ouuuta TIONS. EACH IS A PARTICULAR GIFT ANI THEIR. RESPECTIVE DEALERS ARE READY TO MAKE i AN IMMEDIATE -DEJIVERY. -- -j- . - . - ... HEL1 - XTAVTZn FEYALE " COMPTOMETER OPERATORS WANTED IM- MEDIATELY FOR EXCELLENT POnlTl8 BOTH IN PORTLAND AND OCT OF THE CITY. GOOD SALARY FOB GOOD OPERA TORS. APPLY 908 YEON BLDG., SUNDAY 1 r KM 19 TO 4. AND HONUAX ALU DAI. I - ATTENTION Ladle reaiding eaywhere eat. of Portiaad. ojealrina pentaaent. netui- hh iiaB nn, mmo i line iiueineu u cumiiwi- - ! can hear, af CDfendid eoenine br eendinc sell CSO BawaBC, g S(ffBBUIU 0Uni JJ KDaiOf CU to aaaiat with booaework, aongeaial ear- toundiaga and home nririlec. (13-820 aaoath: reference required. Apply In person. Mr. H. Mayall. MnRnomah atatlan. ' Thia plaea is 15 aaumtea -Out oat the Oreaoa. Electrin. west r i side. - .- WANTED Girl er middle aged woman to work - - ear aeeona eooa m notei; ncanomanaa pre- i f erred; good wagea. - -Inguir at liarriaon hotel, 'good autoaaohila aa partial payment, wtth ex- Front and Harriaoo eta. eeiHionally easy terms oat balance S. L. Far- WANTEDjdy bookkeeper, office work; an- ewer in awn handwriting. W. G. Beck. 215 216 Failing bldg. , WASTED Woman' to help in kitchen aad dint raaToom. Rieannda hacal. St. John. Phoaa ' raaToom. Rieeraida hotaL St. John. 1 olumoi zoo, - WANTED ExjwrieneeT marker and Barter, Ap- , VV T.Zir i' iii 7Zt'mT term. Owner 49 4 ad at. a. E. rnoae ma piowa. a unvw. rm ..""-. -ply in panoa. Crystal Laundry Co.. 3lat and, ' i (urn nnej. annnat waaoa. sorry, baccy, kale Sandy road. HELP WASTED -MALE A2TD i ,r vvf at n i T- V i . L.. . .Lb-lK,bS!!t rZstaei WrS MEN. WOMEN Btc saoney Own your own shun. Earn through the school. ' Position guaranteed. for catalogue. Mwler Barber College. 284 Bum- side at., Portland. MOHLER BARBER bCHOOL Teachea men. women barber trade tn eight weeks, giving dinloma: earn tuition while learn-! mg. rtwumi guaranteed. Tools tree. iMwnran OREGON Barber Collece wiU teach you the bar- : eer trad tn 8 weeks; tool free; acaoiarsnny diplocaaa given; paid while bra nuns' : positions guaranteed; tuition reduced. 288 Madison. TYPEWRITING, day aad evening else. as. three moms position aecurea. BOenocs xiauroaa School. Room 1 Worcester bldg. SITUATIONS MALE peaking 'acquaintance with 75 per cent Or- . gon. vvasrungton. idano. alontaaa auyei. i wish stratxat or kindred line of high ciaa , foodstuff on commission baia. W-732, JoumaL : LIGHT janitor or any other iaxide work by el- j .--. v,.h- JT.u , i. ....h,.i.t.-o. ru-i. ! tare and general repairing: able to run rooming .; Souse, etc; ractry trustwortiiy ana renaoie. -' 6 8 o. Journal. . NOW held position as mechanical foreman. Have poK gLE By owner. 40 acre, H ta calti held aiiailar poaition for 10 year. Desire a j ntioa. balance pasture. 8 mile northeaet ef chn5': v h' hVT V v mQ Vancouver. H mile R. R. etauon, 3 mile elae- of ability? L-788. Journal. . j trie line, good soil, family orchard, berriea. good YOUNG man, age 29, wants any kind ef work, , road, new 8 room house, cement basement, barn hotels' and restaurants: cheap places need ' 44x40, new silo. 84800; 92360 raah. balance not apply. Call Main 925. ! EXPERIENCED truck driver, owning 1 H ton j truck, wants steady lob or contract work. Phone Main 3098. SALESMAN Young man now employed wishes to make change first of year: 4 year with present firm: best of reference. E 5 BAKER'S helper desire, permanent poaition. ! Address P-547, Journal. HOR8ESlIOr.R w.nt. ,knW. .nrk n rrmrZ ' try. J. C. 534 Rose lawn. Portland. lvELiABi.E driver want position driving pri vate car, further information call Main 7989. MAN with Ford delivery, wishes employuieut for self with machine. Wood lawn 4467. . SITUATIONS FEMALE BY young hidy to run elavaUr. or can do of fice Ju ,referrea- -e29 MIDDLE" AGED woman desires position as book keeper, 1 0 ' year' experience. V-926. JoumaL SITUATIONS WANTED MALE , AND FEMALE IS ELDERLY couple, active, want work; farm, or- cnaru, anyming. v-7a. Journal. DRESSMAKING 49 EXPERT dreMamuing. fitting and desigmn. 529 Yamhill. Main 4885. t ; FURNISHED ROOMS LAUREL HOTEL Room. 32 per week. Sue- , AN ifv A U im.T rn- ModCTn- 2D . . UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Prtnces Hotel. E. 3d and Bumside. 50o day , up. 82 week np. East 171. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison at 10th RATES 60o day up: weekly 82.60 un: nua i water, free phonee and bath. V A V K-V-i JicfC 7 . r r n RYAN hotel annex, 269 H 6th. brick, not, cold water every room, stesm heat; transient. Op- 1 posite Ctty hall. Main 9373 81.50 WEEK up, clean, warm, modem furnished rooms central. The King, 899 Jefferson. THE HAZEL FurnLibed room. steam heat. running water. 385 3d at. BOMS .ia "ode hotel. $1.73 week and up. 456 Alder. FURNISHED ROOMS FRIVATE FAMILY FURNISHED rooms, bath, heat, $5 a month. 1 -oe eargo. , i ROOMS AND BOARD 1$ ROOM And board for biulneea girl, modern . convenience, walking distance. distance. 33.50 w.k I j. . IW , Eaat 4732. THE Martha Washington's 80 10th. for bui- . nea girl, and stndenU. MarhU 1251. - inn, bamiol. 281 18th. HomeUke. tem heat, good board reasons bis. Main 2670. ; . . 1 i i n .. I BOARDERS wanted, working men preferred: rriyf famil. 484 E. Grant at. '! BOOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY ELEGANT large room and good home meala for two gentlemen in a modern home, with every convenience. Main 4157. 205 N. 21st st. WANTED Small family to board, with privilege of home; no objection to children. Tabor 6188. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 19 ROOM and board by Columbia shipyard man. cheerful home, west ride, j.hone. V-918. Journal. --- -, -"' K'v0 isuui. gooa WANTED by an old lady. warm, comfortable Place to room and hoard must K ., able. 0128. HOUSEKEEPING Rnnva FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Gem pts. f re bath. hot. coki water. $1 week up.- 401 lt C FIVE furnished housekeeping room, cloee in. .i. tg. corner t. Hum id and E. lltb. FIVE furnished housekeeping room. N. E. cor. Eaat Burniide and E. 11th its. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRITATE FAMILY THREE furnished housekeeping room. 171 E. a 3d er. FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 13 $16 8 room modern houee. 845 E. Kelly L $10 6 room modem house, 441 Jarrett St., 3 blocks eaat of Union ave. $8 a room modem house. T9th et. $104 room modem bouse with BleeDine porch. OTTO mt HARBISON REALTY CO.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. FINE 8 room bungalow, modem, one block from ear. 820: adults, a room bungalow, modern. A block car. 311. Owner. 11 50 Franca are., near 89th. FOR RENT ET7 th near DivLdon. new house on half acre: near school and cam. iia.Sa. Woodlawn 639. ROOM hotue. furnace aad fireplace, on E. 29th and lavis at. Phone East 1908. 85 3 ROOM house, gae. water. Apply jeweler. 033 s roster road, cor. 54th street. MODERN 6 room house. coe ia. 069 K. W. Bhington. 817.50. FURNISHED HOUSES 16 WANT to rent at once, about 6 room furnished -house, west side preferred. 702 Wilcox bldg.1 mam ei. a-ib S. 4 AND 5 room furnished apartment. , SS E. 80th et, Montavilla car. APARTMENTS 4$ FURNISHED. AND UNFURNISHED YILLA ST. CLARA 12th and Tayloa Modern, completely fura-hed apartaeata. . - walking u tnce; refer 3 AND S ROOM afum-thed apartment, with beat, light and water. $12 ap; walk use 4a tne. convenient te shipyard. Apply 41U 6A BC Phone Mam 2079. ROSE FRW.ND AITS., cor. Broadway and Jef , f erase- Elegant nnfurn nbed pt-. beat Berne, walking dfctance. MarhaU 1410. MORRISON hotel, furaiabed apt., roeaaa; u Br aew manager: 92 a week aad up. 182 16 Union ava. eomer Morrison t. iiaKOLlA APT8.. E. Sd and BelmoaC hlad rn 1 aad 2 room apt.. $1.50 per weak ap; sleeping room. F st 212. HXSLOP BALL. E. 4th aad Hawthorne. Mod ra 1. 2 and S room apts. 512.30 Bp, walking dlatare . Eaet 882. . FOR RENT FLATS II 14 OR 5 ruoa modem Hat witb range connected up, $13 per month. Claude Colt, 300 lienry bidg.- - -;- - (00t aaodarm appr.-laC Max 1 42lL m!: FTJatKTSHEn' FLATS IIS Froai" Dutch 844 H BesHon aC STORES ' A1TD OFFICES ft - 8uO - 4d Mil are. foe light East 119. I I factoring er storage. WAirrETJ TO BE3T in WANTED To rent naUn hooea within a i mil of Franklin high araooL TJ-781. iowrnat nvtvakw. vit. -rTATR . 88 SELL your property quickly fee eeah, mattS where located, particular bwe. Real Estate . 8leraa Co.. Dept. 37. tineola. Neb. . ' FOR SALE HOTJSES 81 GOOD hotkte, two lots and garage, close in: will aoeept unlncwmoervd ta ivv ereportland. Friday. Dee. 38. rett. Newberg. Or.' I RESIDENCE ef 15 rooraa in Nob Hill diatriet. - suitable for ftrranahed loeame, boarding or pri- : " ""Sua-, neighborhood : i. tn first ciaaa eoaaiuon ana gooa - a auet be sow. B-o, jomraai. , STRICTLY aaodera 5 room bungalow, nicely far- oiahed. garage, fruit tree, berriea. WilT aeU fROOM Wonae. lOOxTM, Urge .fruk tr a, ylTX Joer-iT ebP: ! W728. Jocraal. - BlG bargaia. Ladd addiUoa; pay for the iav PToeement lot goes in. East 2723. Owner. ' FOR MALE by owner. 13 Oats; doe in. W-718. Journal. : ; ) MODERN 8 room Dutch colonial residence yard 80x100 feet Phone Tabor 4824. - . day FOR SALE LOTS 1 lv'1-J.Ji..vv, , il.y xn.iA i Amaneda Park loC 82d and Maaoa. A - y . -------i fire. Owner. 8-619. Journal. ACREAGE 1 1 I X A UIUUU1I I I Jt UU I S Good eoil. city water, close in cJrllne. vey I lmi: will bnild ta euit nurehaaer. friooe Mar- shall 1385 or Sellwood 476. John IL Gibson. "of Uni near Sherwood. nii. n i,. ir oi wou nwr oimmnu. u and big timber. Will aelt for 875 acre. Need . tne money. m-bi. jonmat ' OUCKEN. FRUIT GARDEN raachea near Portland: 8. 5. 10 acre tracts. 363 to 8200 i per acre. McFarland. 008 Teon bldg.. Portland. , VOR RAIT. FARMS IT 1 7 per cent Box 200, Vancouver. Waan.. rtt. n. HALF acre, am ail house, chicken house and eow nam, aruiea weu. near sza .; woura a alder lata modal Ford as first payment. V-92T. Journal. 400 ACRES. 200 acres under cultivation, some river bottom, same creek bottom, oa nver " railroad, aouthera Oregon. UP. Pn ". "me on os nee. -t, FOR SAU. 60 acre of Und. 310? Per acre. 1 mile out of Portland limit. Unimproved. ) J. J, Havlik. Scappooee, Or. FOR RET FARMS If It IB iPnt'Q lw.!M . n. ni 8 house and barn, acre or- i ' h.t Mt-m . n4 .W Km f.I. GlUeiM ' Berth, Vancouver. Waah., rqoU 2. Phone Or Lr I. " " . ... o r.K 1 1. TT CRES. well improved, near school, town, on Electric R. R. J. Nelson. 188 lt C EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE a. 1 - " EXCHANGE: A-l stock of drygood. centrally located and doing a nice business; will ta- voice about 812.000; aleo a enbnrban .Bom. , . .K K WnM ia .11 i ltfe.tioti- nlastared house. wood hous. city wster. 2 poultry bouse na frame barn: fsmilv orchard, gravel road; price 87000 no incumbrance. WiU trad for stock ranch; prefer Western Oregon. White et CO., 70SV 1st st. Newberg. Or. tXR SALE OR EXCHANGE s. I iknuaiHl airs of wheat lands. Stock ranches, fruit and diverxifa-d farming and ti - ber Unda. All ef enr properties are clear of S" cTme .ropW ta Portland. S. FncSco Seattle. Own. 828 Northweet- ern Bank bldg.. Portland. Or. rnn pfvt 1. or trad.. 285 crs Don la 1 count. 100 under cultivation. R-66S. Jour- naL IMPROVED 3 acre home, close in. for Port- Und. Sell. 2168 or T-618 Journal. JL . ... . . I.W .k U ul lutt 19 ua your proii - Estate exchange. 201 3d St. - --.lll. . ..i ITOfoBI for grocery or restaurant. N-481. journal. nnneivn HDUSFS (I ri 4 Housekeeping room. if taken before Chxiet- 6575. 235 12th it- t TpAnie or -.TRADE or 11 on terms profitable reomlag house. Bee ray agent at 201 3d at. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I FOR SALE or trad. 8. 10 and 16c variety tora. doing good business ; on of the beat town in valley; muex oe uui u. - - a ouier Dwintw wm u... -- drees E. E. Harnett. Silvertoa. Or. COAL, end wood yard lor aale. 4 ' team. privaU. H. n swiicn; . .'some wood in yard. 3676; 8j down, few bo-o Jr n'rs, "or pbonT C Rgatth" V-1656 " orrnn " r or will lease er rent, same. .- - Jaa imjm A rt V I I i Mn or trade anything T-.-..1 -i Vi Rm-dw.T. aaywnata. MONET TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE 17 !oUR inetallment plea a the best aad : n.ethod of naying a loan. I til a n.r month for 80 month er 821.24 for 80 month, or 15 17 for 98 month, paya $1000 and interest. Other amounta ta proportion. We koaa on improved cny propony Or for building purposes. V mm .!! -K.otmmI i EQUITABLE SAYINGS A VAN ASSOCIATION 342 Stark u. ro .lanq. rt. I l50 4446. $466. i506. $650. 8750. 81090 and larger amounut action. and W. Gil ana vo.. iu bsbt of Commerce. MONEY to loan in amount of $100 to $5090 on city property. A. H. BELL. 201 GerUnger bldg. $50,000 to loan in amount to suit on oty Drooerfy at 6 and 7 per cent. i M'KENZIK A CO.. 615 GerHncer bldg. MONEY to loan oa real estate security at going rate of Interest Otto A Harxsoa Realty Co.. 413 Chamber ef Commerce. CITY MORTGAGE LOANS $500 to S6t00 8 Per Cent. FRED' S. WILLIAMS. 92 H FIRST STREET BUILDING loans on eity or uburbea property; monev advanced a work progress a. W. G. Beck. 216 and 216 Failing bldg.. Mala 2407. I HAVE 81000 to $40,000 to loan aa tarai or city property. P. O. bog 873. CASH for Dsortcaga. loans, contracts. F. UL Lewis. Roor 4 Lewis bldg. Mala 688. I $100 to A1500. consider lota E. H. Dowliag. V V Wf 1WVV, VMI mmm - 416 Chamber ef Commerce. Mala 687. mortgage 6 and 7 per cent. Ralomoa A Co.. 406 Belling bldg. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES I Open evening. Opea ere Inc. CHRISTMAS MONEY WE LOAN kfONET Te salaried and working en en their paraoeal NO MORTGAGE NO 1NDORSER NO PUBLICITY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY Wa a bo loan oa ho e hold furnrrara, piano, etc. without removal. CALL AND SEE US TODAY It will coat no more now tfaaa it yoa wait un til a few day before Christ. Open S a. m. to 9 p. av UNTIL CHRISTMAS COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. ' LICENSED: . SIT Tailing Building r ' Corner Third and Washington Sta. If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS lad te persona on ssJary a fttad tneoma. en household furniture, pi no, dm- Hnd and otner, p-on pn art j meat ibim. Baatnea confldenti! ; .pri vat office. PORTLAND LOAN CO.. i 808-807 Dekaa 1 PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Kstabl Md by Portland ba-taam C MYERS HERMAN. Mgr.. 994 STARK LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY, PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNrTURS t LOANN WANTEl - 89 Farm Mortgage for sale tiltT 70 acre. 6 roeaa asodara baagah. goad bam and outbuildinan; plo Bold for 68450; aaorv- gac nma year, araw 7 per eaat.- GilC edca. Fred W. Germ aa Co, 783 Cbaat. ef Co.- TalOOO" WANTED fPER -CENT ! - One half eectioei ef cleared land la Ctarka eonaty. Waah. A good coneervatrv loan. Fred w. we Tins e, lii ttaaMt er FINANCIAL C1Ak-J 1 i.'1. EZSrZi tk- lfjf snd U inter ti ta easuract. Oregoa H. E. Hebim. . I bL ' HOKSES. TEHICLES.1ETC 1 GOOD pair of 6-yearM4eUeery annlea; pair i ef work saalaa: a est aeD at eem ee I tie er horae la exeaaage. 891 Freat at. FOR SALE Good 4riTiac or riding I aea- tka. rhaan jar. Miicneii. a gaOa aoath eg Lent. - ' .... DEAD ham and aaiaaaia hauled away free. Call Weadlawa SO. PwrUaad Weaderiag Oa, DEAD atoek taken a sickly. We pay Uv dead and aetppled etock rk. Tabor 4308. GOOD a, and bar eery eheap. 803 FrontaC HORSE and U: wagoa. 2 AO. 64 8 Front. Mate 8108. LITESTOCat ArOTIO!4 bLK Cedar Brook farm. 3 Bailee aoTth of Bboieeod. Or.. 18 aaUsa aoath eg 14V80 - a hrn gs aova. mixed Dorhama. Hoknaine. Jereeye, aa framh. aoeaa before earn: 37 Brade Heart m heifers coming freah" during winter and spring; t head spring ealrea. tuberculin tested: eight horse ; 1 OO White Leghora charkee. b . duck. II bead nogs; iwe tone oc nm rues biad hay. 900 bnabeki af oat, eneyee ivw namm- aeed barkry. 48 Urn of atrw ; btarr. naowar. rake. 4-boree oriU. 4-boraa dle. 2 waik- St? ZT it Si '-Wr! bg fc-nb-. bar fork aad ronea. blackamith'B outfit, maaara aprseulrr. Iota et email took. tA. CoL W. 8. Wood. And Waah. O. E. Coeaon. owner. ooan Bnertar n Audioaeer. Vaaooarar. 14 HEAD of tint ekwa dairy and taaaily eowe, 19 )ust fresh with calve, balance be trash a 19 " - l mffw4 I fnrHgkna 1bbO amnal 1 Dtf I tA, Safjf4at I II. liawgag. SB StranivaUs aM I 9 at 274 E 7Us, Mtr H,iTtioftv ift, Trr i : r: I a. - ' EIGHT fuU blooded uaroa jersey ptga. i. m. mk msi aa.av earn, t.ltt milea tthweet. of Oewego. Or Staf- "ford road. U M. Darideoa frm. TWO cows, one freah in January, oaa tn March, 810O. Wm. Maxwell. 889 Deknaa ava.. cor. Cnkm ava. - TW n 1 . n.. now. 1 year U Jersey hifr. heifer aionLb. ehsp. CUy at., corner et E. 78th eU 1914 FOR SALE One 6-year-old Holstetn-Jersey ! cow and calf. Met fresh 10 days; dairy or familv: 4 'rallon. 187 Terwilllger eC F - . , , . FINE young Holstein eow. 6 year J old. l'houe Woodlawa 4 ago GOOD young aow cheap, or wtU tte home, bag CT or hern eea tn exchaage. 803 Front et. rOUNO.' sow and 14 pigs. Phone Woodlawa 4590. L"bt-kl1 U . I- . i. .ti IBl Failina at Take Miaaiaetppi ear. Young pigs for i. Geo. Sieve, Portland Or., box 329. Tabor 9679 SlO. Jersey. bull for e ice; aleo freah cow for sale. Cor. 3Bt and Molest ata. JERSEY COW for sals. Woodlawa 4963. POULTRY. FIOEOXS. PET STOCK II SEVEN Sieiliaa aockere la for sale at 32. 4 pul- leta 92. 14 nana at 82. z oarr an n eocs erels; Thorn pun's Bingleta IS apieae. E. R. Thomneon. Route . A. Box 60. Portland. Or. Tabor 7144. Vi?1tH'T.r. Msndv I i incubator ISO egi eneitT. IN 50. ia eoad conditio: aleo 4 3 White Leghorn Pullet, laying. Phone Oak Grove 145M. S. C. REDS for aale. cockerel and pullet, cheap I if vou coma Sundav and get them. S4U aoth at.. Lenu. Or. Willbanka. K TZ TZ Z 1 . I i r . 1 . ONE -00 -IcCiansjian lncunaww in n. condition. 87.60. Main 5304. 1VK BALE cheap, pink eyed Angora guinea pica. Barn 841 H Wunama are. PETS. ETC. Fur- pmoi . A rhrlrfnii nr..rnl -Beautifnl cnary alngera and female; a-5452. - l.,,,,.. . ,! rhr. oav lie sin in '-- ifts. Tiber H2. 9B6 Belmont . CANARIES from 82 to 82.60; apleadid Chriet- mss preeenta. Tabor 7368. PEDIGREED Airedale. 6622 38th ava S. E. vary reesoasi sw. BEAUTIFUL cboiee canary bird, reeaonabl idael for Chriarmaa n reseat. C-2J1T YOTNO canary "bird for sale; ideal ChrWa gifts. Sellwood 1 80. BOSTON puppieaT Tabor 4383. just rigbt for Cariatmac SPITZ pup. $4 ; also beeatiful singer aad cage. annul 14. SIBERIAN hare, blue ribbon winner, beau tie bucks. $2 each. Main 6604. AUTOMO BILES ACCESSORIES 44 CSED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN 1917 Maxwell Sedan, nearly new; ae that ear before yon buy. It a a real bargain. 1917 Mitchell. 8 Liberal dieeount. pas., 6 eyL Like new 1917 Saxon. 6 pes. 6 eyL. ealy months; Ilk new. Snap. A a umber of other can to select from. USED CAB DEPT. MITCHELL LEWIS A STAYER CO. Eaat 7273 B-1216 FORD DELIVERY CARS 1916 Ford delivery car. express body, roll curtains. Ilk new. 1916 Ford delivery car, ha beautiful steal panel oooy. 1914 Ford delivery car. panel body. Don't (ail to see these ear before you bay, tor tney are like new. 1 er is u deslrsd- FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY 3770 East 13th aad Hawthorne Garages $35 Up Sea 8 a at p 1 a 644 Head i Phoaa Mat 1167. Millmade Construction Co, NEW TIRES What brand et aew m prefer I W . have make Lh Tread t O-T-O Doable II tirse aad ef tire re oairinc. Oregoa V Co., 888-833 Bumside. near Broadway. WANT AUTOMOBILE Will accept first elaa aato ae part paymsat aa two beautiful Portland Height Iota, feet -tew ta city. Term to euit . ea balaaee 6 per cent: property clear. Aleo bar 60 acres, 3$ aader cultivation. 21 axils fro Portland. WeuM eonelder suto part payment. Owner 828 NorUs westera Bank bldg.. Portland. LAHER' Mfg. A Repairs. 8000 guaranteed Borings in atoek. pries reduced. 64 N. 13th at. BIG STOCK Used Cars RIGHT PRICES COVEY MOTOR. CAR CO.. list nd Whlngton eta. Mta 6344. 1414 FORD, most sell by Monday, am going away. See me at 374 E. 7th st, daytime or at room 223 Sargent betel eveaing. near corner Hawthorne aad Grand are. MOTORS, gaam. brariac. wheal. xlo; w wreck !! of cars and sell their pan at half price. Ant WraaklBC Co.. 69-91-98 North Broadway. Broadway 188. CASH paid for old can; coadiUoa ao object; part for all make of ear. - Oregoa Aato Ex ehange, 129 Lo-nsdal sc. at 'lftlk aad Waab- ; tngtoB. Phone Mta 111. I GUARANTEED AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING1 or overhauling.. 76e aa hour er by coat et i ATbina Garage. vvooaiawa 1116. 1 Shaver sad MrwM av. DUBRLTIXJ. TOP CO.. 9th A Oak. Broadway 1664. af'to aad tire reeaira ..vakaaliinc general at ami. fit tune Ure aaaaer. H. L '. BWrkv 564 Allder ex. ass- .,. i V I 1 rtl C A Dne.A--.. naYlied I 7 I U. J"I aOCIICI I - w H -Mines. Out r-vmnhail k- 1 PARTY baa left wtth at good Cha-aeca ear. I atartar aad eiaetrie light. Price 8249; terma. i B14 Alder ett. ; f nSAlJE-Brd new 1617 1 Medan. Ha mat been ran a Dodge BrrXber Tabor 1676. ialT MAX WELL. 6 paBgrr. ta good eoa- djtin. good tire; $4 60. Will give Call jaarvnau w . 306. 1918 MAXWELL tog sal chase "i8: Jawrnal. IvlB METZ - ta P-rtlaod. r for aale; Kba bigg mt barcata 314 Alder at. I CAN aee your Ford If yuel raa ase my lll stria, rrtaeeao-a. 1 A -Mr. sta gee. XQtCl-SALE, S yanacpr Stadebakaff aato " 6135. Phone WeodlawB 88$7. ItrTfrK-iua ta aoodra nac erdar: wiff I ft far raah. 6180. Paooa MsrssaB 6138 FORD aide aad storm rarteina. I eaet 89.66: sell for 96. East 6757. 1 -pAS.eEN.fER IlapmTbiiiri f 50-E-eTTI FORt. to W: fa, e-rw, 660. tli for. 130. East 444. I rfll6 FOUJ A3 15 .1 new Lm. Aid - fclA Jil AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES lj44 SANTA cLaLa 1 CsJUDaO. He will be at lae Owee Meaaw Car Oa. 91T Feed leaisai. exxrea ........... ST9 91T Furd desivevT ...- I rare) tourfeag l 91T Dedaw, aaaaeat aew 80 91T Deng, firet claat 176 918 Oakland tlx 938 919 Oakmad. tike aew ............ 0O 919 CWeretet Baby Oraad 49w IT 4!11V hke aear 20O9 919 OadUlaa. racadated 1958 918 Hadaaa. ayi.istsr 1T7S 919 HapaeabUe. fame ahapa 994 919 MaehaU. lira caaea 694) 1914 O Heart. alaetna Rghta aad atartee ... 899 MANY uTHKRS FROM 9159 CP. COTET MOTOR CAR CO.. let aad Waahaagteex. Mata 8344. THAYER. 8 "Li TTR-GCLLY MACiUNE COMPANY Tea. 9978 I BUILDERS OF Toe, 3420 I EYE R READY TRCCX Toa. it) i ni.iiaiis Ceneetty I Mix. ta Portland 98 K. Water at. Fbaaa Eaet T487 WILL aacriAea my 1918 Tord: no reaaoaabla m kxk .w, offer rfid. Print hoee. 614 Abler. AUTOMOBILES WANTED T PUNT tow cvr We make eld cam look Uke a s aw an lill ytfk Marshall 4439. A-l AUTO WORavS it PAINTING CO.. 628 Alder at. Will, pa you spofCAAa ior your FORD FRANCIS MOTOR CAS EX. E. 1199. E. 19th aad Hawthorne ava. HIGHEST priees paid for saloeaor-iU; eondi- obiect. 121 H. 8d et. Bdwy. ISZ GOOD beach lot. f aato la good aoaslitioa. Wood lawn sis. CASH FOR LATE MODEL FORD. CONDI- TION NO OBJECT. J04 K. 4tn. oar. Taylor. CASH fee Ford automobile. Mam 70C AUTOS FOR HIRE ti AUTOS for real wit heat D RI V ERA. G. S. Pbon Smttb. comer 84 aad G an sta. Broadway 3639. AUTOS without driver for hire. City 86 lOth sC Broadway B4U. A-424B. MOTORCYCLES-BICYCLES 917 HENDERSON raatorr yeto good eqalp- sent: 9246. terms. C-065. Journal. PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL 84 INSTRUMENTS Brunswick PHONOGRAPH Pat aB aaaka of ia, rererda. Ha aa aD oaad eaamber Uke a -loan. Tea - tklar. a real tea aeatroL not a asafner. Other veeial faatnraa. Price eaaasderably lee than what etkam aaU for. Easy tarn Wakefield Music Co. 42T WaabJagtoa at CLOSING OUT THIS WA Seenrny Storage Co.. Cbrwtanaa Plaaoa 8330 Star upright piano. 693 caab. $273 Budoir. amall upright, $46 eh. $475 Decker Sons upright. $145 reek. $650 Gerhard player piano, $263 caab. $260 Angehas plyer. 623 caeh., $350 Stetaway, old model. $60 cash. $100 Lortag A Blah organ. 620 cs 109 4 th rt., t Whtngtoa st- Now Is the Time To buy your phonograph and records. Be sure to call and aaa our lrg stork. WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY NEWMAN'S PHONOGRAPH EXCHANGE. 136 1st sc. near Alder. Main 4498. Q TV? Phonograph ad records bought, sold, exchanged, rented. Expert repair. H 2d; upstair. 8475 atria Btorr A Clark wwrigtrt . lata atvla. saahoaaay case : need eery little. WIU sell at barga. aleo give term. 149 6th . S3 BENDS a ciaa home for Christ sss. -819 aenda a player p aa hoas. No tatareat fee 3 H year, provided you any before Jan. . 1919. Bchwaa ptaa Co.. lit eta ea,. at waaa ex. BUY 63 in records, aad we will deliver $80 643 er 665 talktnc a-ftcata. and a la nee aoe. Ta or 81.VO weekly, acawaa -iane ce., ill 4th et. at Weehtagtoa at. CHICKERING (Oak caae. like aew). $338. KNABE, (dealer price asooi. it. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 884 Yamhill st Aavir-TIFUL walaut graionola. practically n v '. and 30 doable taceo record, lor i. Mala 6880 PONOGRAPHS, records, bought, sold and ex banged. Hall m Caidy. 13 1T .SC M. 7098. ll6dTSi7iriaoVrm nprighU Secartty Steragi Co.. 1 109 4th bC at Washington st FOR SALE Fine upright piano; cash er easy terms elves. cau at in eiai. WANTEXW A double row aooordioa ia fair aoav ditto n. at-oB, journal. fbTCX CHANG E for lot or cash. $700 Kimball player piano, u-poe. eenrnai. CLARINET and res in good eonditioo raaaon- bl. woodlawn tin. FINK new cabinet phonograph and reeorda to trade for used piano. Main 6110. EDISON horn phonograph aad 20 records. $10. 765 F- 78th N. R. C. car. COLUMBIA Crafooola, practically new. with record tor !. B-2341. RENT a ptaao, taost reasonable term ia Port- lead. Harold S. Gilbert. 884 Yemhin t TYPEWRITERS IT K'EW RE 1NgT6n. rrntsl pla. rent appiU to purchase. Visible model. REMINGTON TYPEWRTTEB CO.. 88 Broadway. Broadway 4611. WE SAVE yoa from 60 to 78 per cent oa all aula of typewriter. Send for ear illus trated folder. Retail dep ertmeut- Whole lo Typewriter Co.. 821 Waahlngton. ALL MAKES typewriter rented and reoaired. Oregn a Type Co. 94A BIB. ia REBUILT type -num. enppliee. Corona daalera. E. W. Pease Co.. 110 6th. HOUSEHOLD POOP FOR SALE 61 rtRNITURE toe f room hoose "for aale; hoo-e for rent eneep. Call afternoon a. 98 10th et. 8. j COOK etovea. re aad heater for seW clap. I IUH A Caeaiday. 126 let at. Mala 7098. ! . . ; . a 19 GAS atovaa. nm rural tare, cheap. 1 i zata st N. EaM 4674. . FOR SALE MIACKM.ANFOU It COMPLXtTE art of 34 Singer power -machltMa. with taMea. anaf tine, anile- ana otner para: a bargain for germani laciory en is in or Martina. Mala 9992. Aaseriran Jobbing Hoove. Atrro-OBjxS. motorcycles, launches r beats ar ar rata chdflcattons. A large Meting aaa be loand aader these different classtfjeatios MaTNE gaeoUne puatp for filling station and gxragea. K. n. rti rrr.ii aia TON ST. MAIN 160. jAfcokRS Vacuum cleaners. 86.08 Guaranteed 6 year. b e Teesphon Tbor 1276. SLlGHtlT w4" Doting scale, ail kiods ration, coffee mills aad men slice-; eery cheap. Can st 384 Stark st. 10(T BOND Utter heeds. $1.90; 1000. $2.90 loo e-la. $1.90; 1000. $8.90. Saaith too 394 Stark at. BEOOND bead lumber. Anon, galvanised gwttarT shlolan. 2s nnl.ll aad other od notarial cheap. East 1806. 787 Or goa c i -AJ SCTl d TO I B IV l n l Ait. KINDS AT YOUR OWN PRfrTL KEWMAN. 126 FIRST. NEAR ALDER. T"at"fTNO aab-a-aa will fl - Kk as aaink. lax ad seal. a;ow f .-e-r-s or. Call at 444 Wash. rC OR" iALE Cable aad wtre rope. to 1 H tasrh- wUl sell et bargain. G. f- Hrhrosd.r. aaa f BO. Woodlawa 1969; A 1438. tllf bat potabsee are the rheapa-t. Writ for mine. 81 A per sad u' Grower. 960 E. 19th. . Sellwoed 878. But ywar Xme treee Bt 244 WssA, mft mm a M a ww a u- . Ri-STNTErSEWTNG M A (TfTX E $ 1 6 191 Park at-. Bear Yamhill r6ck f-4-. trJ ' r rr "we-i Wtna voar ack. aia ata ape. a. I nITfTCT r LE FOR SALS t HEAP. NEWMAN. 128 let near Alder. Tf year Caraam tro. wa w p u er. pLUMBINO - lioa. wbolvala prieea. l"ca. 313 3d at- Mata Tit. Stark- VACUUM eteaaee bb. r i . lue, Beadey Co.. Mara 8 61 chen led, aoag . BATHTUB 8. tak. taileta. pta aad fltttaaa. A. L. H- re. 313 4 th Phoa Mala lo4. BARGAIN ta laspenea gvaanaware. 1111 IX a e. mmmm ivv. BXTTtTrtX Olilo7mim7milt vrmm. T- 8634. CtOCllEtED yoke, cap, bedspread, ttaadaes- chbrfe. evArotdored art- a. Setleiul 346A. IT . f1-! I"erTrT TrT" ROOM OCTTIT It 8. --- t Ce 167 Fvoat at. - frHlSKKY bbhv- aew aad 2d bead bag for mta Pa a ma Cooperage Co.. 3 13 Front, We! m: ToTT TCtiTo T-8-nr HUT S4I.F atYSCELY.A-EOrS' ta TOK SAl. xKIILERa - r-'. ' ALL SIZE STEEL PLATES ' kol'Mi AND kLAT 1RUM eWIAFTTNG) AND UK'.U -BEAMS ' 0CTAi05 aiLkX. ALL KINDS Of CROWBARS -v ALL a.ZK CHAIN, 8 ROT ELS. PICXS WUEELBARROWS. JACKS BLACKSMITH DRILL. PLANERS -S1ZERS. STICXEHS STEAM HOSK AND LARGE RUBBER HOSE. SCALES. Many ertkrsss e a te aaeatloa : aVkvevy. 861 Eaat Oak C East 3089. Orfard a. at laetary T7Z 15th aad 74 th. X. Ul . Electric Motors Bewcht. sold, rented aad tefjelr. Wlkr iatri WeiBa, 418 Bura slde, comer 19t . Bread ay ar A-4474. $10.00 -I-r. all good eondition. Sewtac machim per aaoata. Phone Et 2369 m reatad at 63 er 11-8391. K. H. Steea. 133 Gra ad are., near Behaaat. srhta as Bold far maired. A-3628. M. 94 31. Sewtac Maehto rmpertnm. 190 3d. aer Taylor at. SLEDS SLEDS FOR BOYS HALF PRICK GERRER AUTO HHEET METAL WORKS 66 9ta Bt, N. Broadway 1878. "MUSICAL INSTRCSlENTiT- TynewrttenT and "H hold Goods" are aeparaia t' ' cation. All advwrtawaaeata ef published under their reepertiee clifVa LOOK TtlEat OTER DO ya wat to sv from 34 ta $9 ea year raincoat, fmaa auker te yea: hav 90 sasB plaa to arleet from: every one gu amataed. Paeae Tehof :ill. FURNITURE WANTED WEPAY CASH For need ruga, carpets, stove, rang. atTica. reataaraat and betel tnmitnva. Gevurtz Furniture Co. 18S FIR- NEAR YAMHTLI MARSHALL 6981. A 3JJ4 Levin Hdwe. & Furniture Co. buy raralrar. hotel and reetaaraat outfit aad tools ef any descriptioa; fuH vstue lor ta Bred. 221 Front. Mala 9073. A-T1T4. Call East 636 JTIJZ rags, aarthina la hnahold mi WU1 cnange your old fan ilture for PHONE East 7616 when you w yeur furaitura: w will eoaa at pay you CASH. M. R. BEATER. 880 Raw tnome ave. corner Union. WE PAT THE HIGHEST PRICE for fur niture, carpets, etovea. etc Call East 394. Grand Rapids Furniture Co WOULD like to buy some second band ho e hoM roods and clothing; will pay high pneea. Mr. Wuhburne. MsrabaU 4 7 89. TAKE a tip. Sell your f umit ra te Ford Aoctioe Co. Main 8931. FURNITURE wanted. Call Mia 7096. SWAP COLUMN '! WILL TRADE all kinds of stove ad range for nything rou liv. Us 11 A Ca iday. 124 1st st. Main 7098. HEATING tlUtCS TO TRADE Main 4496. 128 1st, Bear Alder. PIANO tuning foi 32.50 or anything usefui. Webster. IU0AH Beltaont. Tabor 171a. 1 ACRE, all plowed, will asU cheap or will trad for good Ford, ( all any week dy. Tnor WANTED MISCELLANEOUS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR YOUR CAST-OFF CLOTH L'G. SHOES. ETC 12 N. 6TH KT. CALL BROADWAY 264 6. Second Hand Clothing J. MEYER. THE TAILOR, PAYS 87.60 AND UP FOR 2D HAND SUITS. HE PATS MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. PHONE MAR SHALL 1229 TODAY. 329 MADISON ST. Pacific Junk Co. MAIN 478. 281 FRONT STREET. HIGHEST PRICES FOR ANY KIND OF FUNK. TOOLS. HARDWARE. ETC U'lVTFIi Th. nsoiiU of Portiod to know i" pay tn highest cash price lor household rood. Pmmnt attention. East 6797. a. . neater. 14 8 Huseell st. J REPAIRS YOUR WATCH a S fl Reingold's Jeweler sfl U 124 6th st. Bear Wasblnrton. U we , Want Household Furniture WILL PAY CASH. Phone Mela ttWi. 12 L Shank Co. Port ad Oregoa Front Hide Met I Rabbet. Write for price and alihin tars. Mata 1699. II REPAIRS YOUR WATCH At THE CRESCENT JEWELRY CO, 194 WASHINGTON ST. U ATltw-To bur b 10 f hi IT i H hat will bur u. ay i mm w so eoloete in Western Oregon or Waa-lagua. T 626. Journal . i.i . .i. -. i ..-. ai stove, etc. WK PA X 1 11 n n-oi r-iv MORGAN FURNITLRE W aaa Vt llorriann. Phoa Faat 3288. k-i-r i. i'ahm vai:eT FOR PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. MAIN 4493. 128 1ST. NEAR ALDER. NBWMAVS BEOOHD EXCHANGE. w ivrr band furniture, rug. and etove. ri DtvTe.tillllLTfiN L RXirrRB CO.. ao Grand venu. Phoaa kaat 77ea. n-a k nri- ni or Be i office d. ehaif aad nunc canine . tiaw i Printing Co. Mate 1971 HIGHEST or- a lor prioas f iM-h. mmd nin arao .... Bros., 74 8d at., near oax. mia iv. GOING EAST! Hooeefaold gooa shipped pacific Coast Forward at Co ted area rata. 201 Wilcox bklg. Marshall 2467. ii . nTi-n t i.ri-irl tiinil enra poroer u, roaster ta good condWioa. Aildissa 1 B. Chae. Newberg. Or. InvTrn W-en d head tools. n,ti mn h raw re. zia n it. ma eeia. piTi ki aheat price for aeneed bead eta - In, tenia, eve. us i to fUHlkS" bought, nkf aad eiehaaged. navtaa wooa no . 4 N. Sd at. ' inTtti fine rir ef perfect 1 ret dtemofMi. W 727. JearaeL CKiiT (!ASH lor dn moods from kt. eld gold, pf t'num. anvev . . vr yyow a mn. WANTKD Rifle, snotgaaa. HorhfleM. Mata asai. Bk'Ycl.E waatod. MsM 4495. 125 let ex. PERSONAL tt The am ae rice aad qoattty GLASSES AT A BA !.-, yea pay doobie the mnosy else- wtiere; eorrecuy irou gaueea taw aa 81.60 Tbuaonit ef sauaflsd casU . Chaa W. Gorimsa. tJl iu.u. gap TJIT LOSER, ecirnt--: aseOsod ef Ueeuag chronic Ciieem. poor ojeiaa eoasu .k.aaiaiMiii tail i seats, etc No rn No aoevatlna BO wian " . mmwm wwm KkAWKU A tlA ki biUmrd palca. foraaerly -i-i'-xUa's. 3d fleer Teoa M0C-. at and Alder Btreeta. 83 table. Finest equipped par n ibe Nortnoeet. irfci'-Pi t'oi a Uk 19wU asethod; trial $L km-ry, 614 Ellare btdg- Mala 888 DR. G. T EETOTlL-C MB. B ladie aad Waa.nctoa Mdc, 4tb ante ad Waahinejtaa. Mar. 44 9. ?H-TVfcD Bares deein refi kat . an aw a msa.Tirs cn any 394 Rothe Id bide 267 Wa-tactoa eC THE TT-TSHOP far tm order. t-modeSac. In est price. 898 Swetta ad bide aua eea nasmfi iinJiREl) CLARK, mees . bathe, eWtric treatmenia. ill - u -niai one-, Weahlesrloa. Opea eeeeaags ana nwnaay. WANTED- Baby girl at birth er elder for do one: gooa wet iw I, emvnei. YTBRAToKY ms. ta Brini. Offtae 49. 143 Broadway. airn u VIRRATOfiY ssaas-a. fee, erata. 696 H Waah-, office 38. Matahall 6727. ilUir. BMIIT. efm bsia . mmanfla amwai 213 Swettaad. ktafca 1941. I n,mi,r Co-iwJiatiea FREE. Mala 4998. Lawyer sis wd. , MMli. GStNEiX. kair ealmrtat. tae. aaae-aa. daadraff, tarbtac calp. 2 80 Fhodnor Wta. It-" -l S31-SS it. m asoca. FOR ALL rJ- . . li-r age "t 9-eTT- reated. nsaai Noncrai Ll'MSktUMENS NATIONAL Ok'Ktali LAND, smiad-at Peruaad. tm th etata af t-egoa. ai rkMwc IU altai . AB aaa sea r craditur af the lor hereby notified ta j an.r saiams lor paiawat, - M. U, CRAWFORD, PiwatdeaL Dated Norstwv 8rilT PftOFtSSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACC4)lptow PK,TIW HEM-f ITCHING. 5 A .Aatb: PUkATLsC! ALL LATEST STILES. atAafTRN NOVEL. TY CO.. 8H 6TH MT.. BETWEEN OAA AND STARK ST A BROADWAY 3004). 8TEPHAN. .B-tcBtr . aeaaaiae amauiac. aaa. aareraiaa; a aad aaabafet P Kmg. vraUopiBft. b-ttona aeeered ti 319 PMtork bih. Bread ny 1999. Tt OVTTW6 AMD MfA JCWgLCfta AUATEB eat end aol-h-d. jewelry -a w r ainea. MuW. 34 3 Waahh-gtaa s. BLANK took MA gate bATU A MOLMAN. INC. lab 2d a.. ' a aa b-okaiaan lari i-ra. A-ai b9. Mata 168. WS89 awp sjacMiMg wodm HAKI-E- a BRA aa Mllkk. br 106 W. at. B way 3846. ONIIIORAOTOirS DR. McMAUj. amtng aoaA: 81 rtjie- 813 a. OOSL AND WOOD OREGON FUEL CO: Wood 631.. Beech. Bear Union ava. All kia da of fnel et anarkst uv.- . i.i, $8.76. tauaediat Aailvery " NATIONAL FUEL CO . E. 2d aad Orseoa Tt eeaatry slab wood, partly dry: 4 foot. I4.1S .- Ploea wood, etrd wend. Eaet 8041. 1.-1 v- , . 1 . . . . . i f MARION a. bloeka. 3676. A-X633. 823 let LkV oak wood deheered la rkun nr la' ool u bm Blabwood Cav r4 2824. CAN PIT CLIAMIMS FUOIIFF MVS s From I ut rag race. C-mrg leaning. KORTUWEaf MUG CO. lilt 8th ac mow East S3a. B-1994. JOYCE BROS.. Electrm Ctsaatra Mwl. pet clean ad laid, rallmne ear KMcavwA. Eaet 440. H 13. 204 Eaat 19th rt. ;. t04l AMJO OAT HOSPITAL DR. G. H. HL1HMAA. VklEKLSARlAN. a - pnal. 416 E. 7th et. Eaet 1647. B 1961. TI. BAR M04K. TMKOAT. LUNOS F. Caaaeday. tisalmaat : a tu 700 E. Bamida. cor. 2 Ota. B-138 4787. DUCATI OMAL OAMOIM0 klNGl .R Daaemc Aoadaiay. All br asodera faacv. etace aad Ballroom Clns aad pnvata bb for adalta aad -area. Mata S8BU. Moetra a Ringler. di footer. ktANcatava 1 Eat bet. Star aad Oak; 4 private m. n. - m.. eve. : Istaat dare slsin 1 tarn SsL eve.. 26e. Bro dwy !. THE BaA,Ari'-M-Aia BCalUOU tangh: ta all IU braaeba. rnvata. J c aveninc. l'Ismsb Tuas. ad FTL. a-l a. aembty ifl.t. HUl Wean, at- aiain -v. MSS. rA c S ACALik ail. lue tkUiNu a ItaRroom and ciaa m daactag. Pnvata tas aoaa daily. Ciaa Monday aad Tnareday e aing. 8 to 19. Ladie tree. Mata 8100. a. IML. V i.r.- i.u- Aliakv baiidiaa. - fVw- 8A-MarriaoaL For Drivsta laawaa. 3 J 00. All the ladiec' danoM gaaranteed. MISS IRELAND 309 Drkum bldg. 10 pnvata 86. Hour t 00 a a, to a p. m. I.AW 60MOOL8 oa gon uh acaooL. A thorough, practical coats ta law. tlone e-enlnc- Mala 977. Alwky btag. BtUBiO SCHOOLS SUB TIH0SSS Htn UllRN Vloila teacUef. 307 Fliedner btdc Broadway 1629. PROF. L k. HoU.V Pmae lestaa at yeas 60c. Pbooe Taaor uo. U CAR HULL DAI. lean, vocal taaue wna practioa pisao. 1 hour day. I mm. Mala 3119 PARKER SdiiMJL OF POPULAR MU8IC Term 6 to 20 Ismnn, 401-3 Eilere bldg. VlOIN. paao ukUiKUuaa Aul Aeaberg. 4u YamaOl. FLUFF MUSS ajo HAO HUQ9 Northwest rug co. iiei-bed ibu. Fluff Rugs aad Rag ttaa wove. o R. ata and Taylor. E 80. --l20. . 'VLSTKRN FLtFF RIG CA PHONE EAST 6616; B-I4I6. MAIH 0OO06 SHD HSIW DS866IH4I IfcSVEI A MAkUIUT. seeding wicj aaei makers. II set atoca as a -is - ir Bias lng. aaana nng. face aad cta t. Rerno -1 I 4 Awev. a v MSOHINtSY FOR SALE Second band weU driuing m. chine in good waning arwr. essm - rison c. lortlBd- ORISNTSL OOOOS ChlBw Emporium. 64 9 Marr-Mn. n v Bdwy. Cbinese. japans geoos soo m. -. FAiajTiaa. TISTISO. P8WHAHai"Q fiAVB yoa aeea oar 3 wU pftpen' Ta a aung. papering, nai.w ettv. Tbor 7698. C IL Mork. ht - ii. k- iiimiu ui.. usiauaaT pprmv n -iro'i ex. pr j -.- PSTIITT STTOSPI1V8 GOLLb-UG. 631 Wotcester bmg Maia H PSTINTS DRAWINGS and deeigalag a apertalty. Uedeea. o Henry aiog. ia . FHT8IOIAa9 fiR. R A. PHILLIPS. 908 Broad wy bsl. Arihm. wervooaoee. i-ri sia . n.UMBaia 6UFUt$ UH6LE-ALE A kETALL PLUMSLNG PUES. Fleming. 113 4th et. Msle 7. 800 PRINTING K. W JtALlE m CO.. 1-4 ad Oak a M J48. A-lla .Ha. lY PRESS Broadway 448, A-404K 863 Stark Bt CaVL fc. JONAS . 4U4 Wilcox bldg. Sf.SSSH 6TABJF9 AWO 6At6 '.!-.." ib-vi-I.m irade Cmou. Br mcaa. e" " . '..r.T . . sul. Wlikll riuiw v- - - - - --.a oy eC Brodwy 710. A-3719. 66 Broad. SM66T MKTS. WORKS I PAIRING U and gmvta roofs. Je Los. glYlet C Phoaa Mata 1434. . TOWtl 6WPF1.T MttLA-sITTAUN'DRY for prooapt. a mmtr Pe Broadway 410. A 4410 ffloieat TSAM9FKR SWD STOWSOK Oregon transfer Co. Etabls sd 1979. Transfer ad Frwra g AgeaM, Mtorace Vvee Tver see - a rKfta and 9 tors 4 74 Unsoa BC ' i . 18th --bnJr-dwy lll. A-1 168. , :r.Tl "I'M-' THE BEST lltlauJ GOOD aPEcULUT Starac aataiag. .MUa Tea ax-iac Horse aad Taaa, TTo. WCIt TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. TldPta. Broadway 699. A-l 998. ria so . - .4 riaL nklU, MOVING, aroa-aisa, atvt-iil. STORAGE A TRANSFER CO, ,198 Pack m. . Mats 6193. A-196-. KAN -FACT UMLRS - .lOBBLPS VmOLESALERSl FLUFF B1S9 A BID 4 'Ml Send Us. Your Old Carpets M1FIF: Carpet Cleaning, Refitting, &c 9x11 racs. ataax er SxlS rac. a-em er elertrta cleaasd ...... 73 WESTERN FLtFF RUO CO 64 Uataa ava. N. Phone East 6616. S-14T6. wooo riri ' . pOfefL txb WOOITIP CO Factory and Tfta asar 24th aad York Ma. ki a S449. TRANSPORTATION San Francisco Los Angeles ' Wltheat CfeA9f as aUatol S.S. BEAVER Sslla Freaa AtBewertb Deck - S P. M- TUESDAY, DEC S3 " Tba a Fraaelare m rerviaaA 6V. S. Co- Third aad VTasklaftea etreet iwith O-W. su m W. Ca) TL rMi. wsy 498, A411L t,i jt from a8 incr . . am sv aiaasiii. ia ra C rnca. aB Baa AtaR aeAaea l-