THE OREGON ' DAILY, JOURNAL, . PORT LAND,' SATURDAY,-' DECEMBER 2, 1917. 11 OCEANIC 1 IS READY TO START ON A NEW PLANT . : - .- - imaisa-i -i . Will Be Laid Out, According to Manager,; So That It Can Be Converted Into Steel Yard " When ; Deemed Advisable. PORTLAND CAPITAL INVESTED Number of Private; Contracts, Some . for Government, Are Under; . ConsideratioThj Four Ways, Possibly Five. The terms have not been mad public. The two good engines and- two , Quite new boilers will be' taken out of the vessel and sold, and the hull -will be taken to Terba Buena island to take the place, in r part, of the Rainbow, which has been acting as receiving ship there. - . The Ocean Wave was built in Port land in 1891, The Rainbow left Terba Budu island yi&sterday to be converted into some thing for sea-going; purposes for the nf.vy. ' News of the Port . Arrivals December C2 tv- A.- Kllbura. American Rmdct, from Saa Francisco, puwiiien and freight, Departures Daeembar 22 Monterey, American schooner, oe Baa Fraa eisoo, ballad ballast?'0'' "mTte" tac, for Saa Francisco, ;;; MABI3TE ALMAXAC ; WeeUie at Riser's Mouth North Head. Dee. 22. Condition at the month of the river at noon: Wind, northwest. mMes; weather, cloudy; ees, smooth. .... , - mii Record far Dsosmpsr X -Sun rises, 7:B1 a. m. Son set. 4:28 p. m , Tlees at Astoria Suneay - . a .oH,,, Wtei5. - . Low Water: 8:25 a. 9.8 fact I 1:6 a. as... SO feet :40 p. m 6 6 feet f 8:84 p. B i.o foot PAI1Y BIVEB READIXGS EX-GERMAN COM : FINED S10,000 FOR HINDU PLOT VORK have secured one fourth as man mem bars aa has the great city. Portland era, this must not be. Every one respond.. Make this a Red Cross Christmas in a way that reflects credit upon ; our beloved city In addition to sending dollars on - their mission mercy."- : . The 100 per cent campaign Is ptogrtea inar -raoldly. A Ions- list of firms re ported yesterday and today that their t HUNT IS ARtZQHAS I EXECUTIVE; RULING re-' Fg ' A . a amy - a sf ' ' I AUJU U VUiVI a VUV e irst.SftntenCft in 'Federal Ca.rS I tlons of tlt employee have made the v-v . I sum total up t a membership for each Being ined in ban rrancisco; 'Guilty Plea Is Made. tt.pSrcro :7aaththa.. Lower Court's. Decision in Favor 0 Republican, Re- timie nf en jmnlmrM ha vet made the ' i I s . - employe. -.. J Wnllowlnv la tia list far Fridav after noon and this morn In : Golden Rod Milling Company. Balfour. Guthrie versed by Supreme CourL'w Phoenix. Aris,, Deo. 22. TJ. P.) The supreme; court today seated George W. San Francisco. Deo. 22. (L N. 8.) The first sentence , in the Hindu plot That the plant of the Oceanic Ship building company, a new concern, will be laid out so that it can be converted into a steel shipyard should conditions warrant, was the statement today of A. H. Metzelaar,' president of the com pany, - The plans of the company call for the establishment of a wooden yard, repre senting an outlay of $125,000. Conver sion into a steei yara wouia mean rais ins; this amount to $760,000, according to Mr. Metzelaar. . Establishment of a steel yard, He made plain, is contingent entirely on the business the company securbs. 1 At present a number of private con tracts for the construcltn of wooden steamers are under consideration and acceptance of these hinges 'on permis sion from the government. Hay Get Other Contracts Negotiations are also under way to secure wooden contracts from the gov ernment. "We prefer to build for the govern ment," said Mr. Metzelaar, "as we feel - that the government should be served nisi. The company was fully organized this week; with the following officers : A. U. Metzelaar, president; P. K. Enebo, vice president and general manager ; E. T. HecUund, vice president ; B. G. Skulason. secretary; P. . B. Grant, treasurer; Thomas Vatnsdal, purchasing agent. The board of directors is composed of It has been financed entirely in Port land, and .ample capital has been raised to start work on the plant. It will be i located on the Gratton property near -Mllwaukle, this site having been agreed upon and held under option. Mr. Metze laar says that active construction of the yard will start in IS days. Plenty of Water First operations will ba the making of a small fill on the frontage and the drlvlnc of some oiling. The orouertv has a frontage of 1000 feet, and there is ample depth of water to launch ves . sels all the year around. There will be four ways, and possibly five. Mr. Metzelaar has had much experi ence in ine smpDuuamg Dusmess, naving been connected with a local steel plant He is enthusiastic over the outlook of the shipbuilding business, and predicts a future for it surpassing the most san guine hopes of many who have been following the game. V. a - "I at STATIONS I 1 sf ?5 s5 S & a a a j a a; Si its Iewijicm 22 I 575 O.S 1 0.22 Cmatiiia 25 T.S 1.5 0.18 Eocena . 19 SO 1.0 0.1 Albany 20 14.1 2.S o.2 Salem 20 16.5 t.S 0.20 Oregon City 12 IS. 7 0.T 0.7S Portland . . mJJ. .. 15 18.8 1 0.5 0.48 1 HIV EB FORECAST The Willamette rirer at Poniind win fall Cow Goodman Boot st shoe company, p. Hunt. Democrat, as governor of Arv- Palllng. MoCalmant company. Eastern ma, The decision of ine court sitting t ib J banc on contest proceedings tnstUuted Automobne. company, Columbia Basin . .ni,t th. uoH of Thorn. lower rWMS a ff atsj lSasSaeWSasPa 1 Vf-..k a.ea aawfa m. t fm -.a . . ,nf1.r- 1 AUV SSUV V74U-9 WVtaVg v B vyutlVM -a-Aap BSt B- Tarlor. Frank L. McOulre comptny, A . M, -a- w " T-aw-4e.s--SF aWMMMMV UnVeV CJOfcWfc WBIUI WBiftVn Ml A W VU1 UWa A9 A9 tJl UIV2--1 hen Thomas CampbelU Republican, was Clothing company. - Morrison and- Sc-. A.,mr i-.tA nn nfftrimJ return, k ond streets ; Portland Flouring mm a. , xn " - fried. Cook A GUI company, Portland - . . , h .,. caaea. in connection with which IS Are 0..' Jf J'J on trial charged with fomenting rev- Title A. Trust company. Union Abstract ! TLr. nln luUon in India; was Imposed today when I company, rrea A. jacoDS company, jr. George Roedick. former German consul at' Honolulu, was fined 110,000 by Fed eral Judge Van Fleet. He had pleaded . guilty and turned states evidence. "In consideration of the services yon have rendered the government and be cause you are apparently genuemn i vtrFail mmninr. Portland Paoer Pack-. T1"!'" ""'u- and have suffered a' great deal, l win - " ' Jo Wooa lrwn works. ' Hant rerusea to surrcAaer nis omce 10 not inflict a prison term." Judge Van t,H3rV rrJriv. Bat ! CampbeU unUI ordereTto do eo-by the r I . . . . Minramsi murt. ff hiisl fl Alsa-rln tr ramfw PRODUCTION IS HER SPECIALTY Fleet told Roedik. "However, the charge against you is so serious, a violation of neutrality that might have embroiled the United States in war, that I am going to imnose a. heavr fine." Roedik's attorney announced that the fine would be paid immediately. H. Schroeder. who was Roedick's sec retary, and who also pleaded guilty, has not yet testified for the government, and Co Van Oorder 4c Co, Knight Paok mar com Dan r. Jones Lumber company (office force). I Cafeteria. Ball uanu-i factuiing company. Portland News, Henry Ross A Son. Busbong 'A Bon. Portland Seed company; Tlmma. Cress A Co Chausse-Prudhomme company. Pacific Export Lumber company. Mil lionaire club, Gardner Cigar company, the Portland Cordage company. White vil-- - ... nnmtminttA until Janu- I ln i'orxiana jorasa curopany, nan n W . HIV. Hi teadily during the next two or three day. AT XEIGHBORIXG PORTS Astoria. Dee. 22. Arrived at 8 a. m.. steamer P.' a. KUburn, from San Franeiaso. Sailed at 8 SO a. m. . ataamar La Prlmcra. for Ban Fran cisco. ' Astoria. Dee. 21. Sailed at 2:60 r. m.. teemer Wert land, for Pnset Sound. - - Beattia. Dee. 22. Arrived Deo. 21 Lyman Stewart, Port San Luia. 8 :45 p. m. ' A&emeen, 21. Amrea steamer IJauy Freeman, from Portland. Seattle, Deo. 21. Ballad Firwood. Saa Francisco, 11 p. m. - Jnnaan. Deo. 20. Sailed AJaaka. aontb- bound. 10 p. m. aetcnuan. Dee. 21. Sailed Prineeas Hoc Ma- southbound, 5 p. m. aeteluJtan. Dee. 20. Sailed Valdaa. aonth- bound, 7 p. m. Astoria, Dee. 21. Bailed WesOake. Pnset Sound, 2:B0 p. m. Ererett. Dec 21. Arrived Davenport, Sao Pedro. Taeoma, Dee. 22. Arrived Admiral Farra smt, Seattle; Arsyll. San Francisco. San Francbeo, Dec. 22. Arrived Tceemita. Port Gamble. 12:80 a. m. : Cbehalis, Wulapa Harbor. 7 a. m. ; Yale, Los Aneelea. ft a. m.; Rainier, Seattle, 8 a. m. ; Atlaa, with barge No. 81 in tow, Astoria, 8 a. ra. ; Norwegian snip Tanered, Nanaimo, 8:30 a. m. : Westpnrt, Cres cent City, 8:30 a. ra. ; Avalon. Grays Harbor. 8:80 a. m; City of Topeka. Eureka, 11 a. ra.; Hose City, Portland, 11:80 a. m.; G. C. Lin daoer, Cooa Bay, 11 a. m. ; Frank H. Buck, Los Angeles, Q p. m. No sailings. Marabfield. Or.. TVV 9 Arrival Ht.n.M Oil tanker George Loomis, 8 a. m. ; Tramp, from zuajue riTcr, xu:ou a. to.; u. A. Snutn, 11:80 a. m. San Francisco, Dee. 22. Arrived Dee. 21. Ryder Hanify, Astoria. 12 noon; Westerner, Los Angelea, 4 p. m. ; Washington, Eureka. 5 p. m. ; jonan rouuen, Astoria, 10:80 p. m. .oau urays uaroor. xa Angeles. 12 noon; Admiral Goodrich, west coast pons; Admiral Dewey, Los Angelea, 12:80 p. m, ; Admiral Schley, Los Angelea, 2 p. m. ; Vanguard. Eu reka, 2:20 p. m. ; Tellowstone, Cooa Bay, 8:20 p. m. ; Phyllis, WOlapa Harbor. 4 p. m. ; Beaver, Astoria, 5 p. m.; Jim Butler. Saa Rosalia. 5 p. m. ; Celilo, Los Angelea, 5 p. m.; Carlos Los aoian, o p. m. PLOT BARED ON HOW THE RICH EVADE TAXES WESTLANB ON WAY Protest of Portland Chamber of Com- merce Apparently Unheeded. The steamer Westland, formerly the Xandaas, passed out to sea at 2 :50 o'clock Friday afternoon en route to Tuget sound. No word came from Wash . f ington sufficient to stop her on the pro , test of the Chamber of Commerce. . W. D. B. Dodson, executive secretary. 'this morning said it would be made the subject of further protests, holding that It is absolute folly to send her to the ..sound for her trial tests when they could be held here, on the ground that it is unnecessary loss of time. The chamber has been Informed reliably that it will cause a delay of seven days. The . Westland Is to return to Portland to finish loading. When she left she had about 2000 tons of flour aboard. J The schooner Forest Home has not arrived as yet but is expected not later than Sunday or Monday morning. MANDALAY SAVED CREW Captain Fridman Reports Giving Food to Crew of Schooner Harvester. VSan Francisco, Dec. 22. (I. N. S.) The steam schooner Mandalay, Captain Fridman, " arrived here yesterday and , reported naving saved tne crew or the schooner Harvester from 'starva : tlon off. Eureka. The Harvester was ;40 days out from Honolulu for Eureka and all the grub on board had been eaten up. The Mandalay lowered boat and sent a full supply of eatables "to the schooner. The crew had been '.living on short rations for 10 days And were almost starving. She wu "towed into Eureka only a few hours after being relieved by the Mandalay - PORTLAND BUILT BOAT SOLD Old Ferry Steamer Ocean Wave Pur- . chased From Santa Fe Company. San Francisco, ' Dec. 22. (I. N. S.) - The old ferry steamer Ocean Wave has . been purchased from the Santa Fe rail road company by Captain John Leale y Style Style Style n' -Style Style Style 1 Style AND RECORDS 4 6....'.' 9 .$ 20.00 ,.S 30.00 . .$ S7.S0 D .. .-V. . W : X ..$ 8S.00 XI SI 10.00 XIV $165.00 XVI ..$215.00 Style XVII. $265.00 Style XVII, Elec . . $325.00 We have the records See us for record service Terms $5 Cask and $5 Per Month and Up Store Open Tonight. Mall Orders Given Prompt Attention. G. Johnson Piano lie SlTTTf lT "VFATl '-.'aT.TiWwl ! PACKARD EHLIS' B02?D PLA50S supreme court, thus delaying . camp- bell's actual occupancy of the state eapttol and the executive mansion. The Democratic party divided itself Into Hunt and anti-Hunt factions. When Campbell moved to the capitol to re ceive the oath of office, there was fear by some of a violent clash between op posing factions. After Campbell was officially Inducted into office the controversy subsided Into one In the courts. Hunt brought contest .t Dvahdlrecting head of the Dairy, lunch. Mr. and Mrs. WllUamsen. , P?f ' ScalWdnah mVI nUna cTpaty kTm. KoTa, : favor. ng Jim a majority of 87 vote, JSZ . TvWrVo- Brttleh! rule in Mrs. E. A. Cowston. Baby's Boudoir. A. .Hunt appealed from the decUion. ?P0"JZTJZ B. Reynolds. Portland market Cwp:'&.T ... VvTa MinT, r,lot trial in the federal Broa. Graves Musio store. National , graraea u avutomaiicajiy seaung iiunt Sion Of the Hindu plot trial in i-oerau I v nr r..i.i. ! aa arovemor. thourb It la tn h. inmuil C..U A1!." bT' I TwS, WmameTu withal the formality" of aasuming Ih. new " "7.r. ,.. .v, I com nan v. First National bank and Louis or orrice must yet oe observed was put in -utc, ' Schall. ill of Llnnton. ease. . -I n i- v- t. a... -ari. "Send us a party or a. w. v . emu i anarcnista. xneir P- " tV.Tt Fridar n rtT n.rtM 117 : Hcatlon from the court before vacating. S -arI!fr lLr f fd. anllora! . Secretary of Stat. Sidney Pi I IIRIII KU Uf . AJlKlb V . vmm 1 w W mm KAVM aw. eaasrS 1 1 aa I aa uk,abSa Headed by Mrs. H. J. Wnlte and Mrs. ' , ,. .,.. V ' O. H. Duncan, a team of women Invaded I'' .,, ...7T 1 , -Tl. ' the theatre with cigar boxes. Tnere , " was a aeiuge or coins or. every sise avoa i variety, totaling 216.88. It was an nounced from the stage that the man agement would add 10 per cent to the total, hence there was raised from the .-e ' -V'' t Campbell, though regarded as Immedi ately ousted from the gubernatorial chair, probably will receive formal noU- snd them a-o to. Amsterdam on mall liner. Do not delay and many as you can." Woman Tells of Conspiracy The letter waa produced during the ex amination- of Mrs. Sarengada Pas, a nativa of Switzerland, who married a Hindu student. She told a story of tUrmpt by ,um m7. r.r Dv.l whom she picturea as a I , . Har Dval. whom she picturea crafty weaver of International plots, to prevail upon her to participate In the revolt conspiracy. Her husband, she said, was formerly a University of California student, who had gone to Switzerland to complete his studies. He introduced ner to riar uyai Relates to Join Hindu Plot "Sometime after the War began." said The workers who made such a suc cess of the drive and who are today campaigning at the Willamette Iron A Steel works are : Mrs. E. B. Davla. Mrs. F. F. Rober.'Mrs. A. A. Reardon. Mrs. F. Kipper, Mrs. Hutter, Mrs. E. A. Armstrong. One of these same workers. Mrs. Duncan, Fridays sola German Accused Of Disloyalty, Kills Marshal ef Msldas, Xo. Tries te Make Arrest and Loses Lift Aecsted 1'sv. tally Wesaded. Kennett, Mo.. Dec 22. (1. N. 8.) I H. Wissman of Havana. III., a German. is dying in the county jail here, accord' SECOND ALL-NORTHWEST CONTEST IS UNDER WAY First Month's Report Shows Birds in Better Condition Than Last Year. 150 memberships in one bunding alone. Tha Eastern A Western Lumber, com- I lnr to attending- physicians. W lawman the witness, "Har Dyal asked me to go pny aa taken out memberships for j shot and killed Marshal K. S. 8L Clair of Maiden. Mo late yesterday in an ef fort to escape arrest for alleged dls- to India. England ana America ana i .mployes. The Portland chap work for the freedom of India, lie pro- i t,r of the American Red Cross re posed that I become a message bearer ou,tg an workers who have obtained j0al remarka and distributor of literature directed reoetpt books from 204 Corbett buUd- I - After killing Marshal St. Clair. Wlss agalnst British rule in India.' He be-1 inr to return them no later than I man escaped Into New Madrid county. nevea a wnue woman wouia nm u- January l. ignt nunarea ana sixty i where, he waa captured by a posse. pected in such wora. wnere a ruoou Mren members were reported by three While the sheriff and his men held off a crowd clamoring for Wissman In front of the Maiden jail, someone fired a shot through the Jail window, fatally would. But I refused." I committees of the Portland Realty A number of letters she received from I Board this morning Har Dval were introduced. It was in I The dlnoateh acDearinar In Friday's these the names of Miss Goldman and J paper, placing Seattle's quota at 60,000 wounding the prisoner, kterxman were usea. nora w mo i was an error. Seattle s quota is iza, -by fictitious names, -District Attorney 1 000 of whlch 78,000 has been secured. Preston pointed out. ueraman was i Following are complete returns on known as "Israel Aaronson" and Miss I counties un to today. Goldman as "Pearl Vogel." County- Baker . . . . , Bentoa . . . Quota If embers P. C. (Continued From Page One.) coupon to the corporation, on which. It is urawn ana gets its money. Deals to Be Uncovered Likewise in the voting of stock, bearer warrants give the owner the privilege of voting to control the affairs of his corporation merely by securing a proxy wnicn need not bear his name or any taenuiying man. Commissioner Colver during: today's nearing called attention to the fact that a corporation might make an entirely nonest return to the government and yet be unable, to state to whom divi dends are palQ. The commission's in vestigatlon showed that officers of cor porations using this method have no knowledge of who the stockholders are because bearer warrants are merely ls- suea oy number. r The trade commission is Dre oared to make available to the -treasury full evi dence, or tne operation of the plan. n HENEY EXPOSES GRIP PACKERS HAVE ON THE NATION'S FOOD SUPPLY Washington. Dec 22. fl. V. R.1 The tentacles or the packers' combine of Chicago extending into the food supply of the nation were still further revealed in the president's food investigation be fore the federal trade commission today. unaer ine questioning of Francis J. Heney, F. W. Croll, treasurer of Armour A Co., admitted the vast interest that concern nas m other food -companies. tie Darea tne concealment of records that permitted this condition and showed that in a directorate of eleven. rive are dummies through which J. Ogden Armour with his sixth, deciding vote can do anything he wishes. The properties are ra the names of dummies, it developed, leading Heney to observe: So there is no way in which a gov ernment accountant or other Interested person, can secure actual facts as to what companies Armour controls!" ' Croll admitted this was so. The extent to which the combined packing Interests were Interested in the Chicago Stockyards company and the Terminal Railway company, waa shown today by the revelation that in the di rectorate of the latter are Henry Veeder of Swift A Co. : Arthur 'Meeker of Armour A Co. ; J. A. Spoor, treasurer estate of Nelson Morris., and S. H. Strawn. attorney, who acts at times for all the packers. The price the city of St. Paul paid to induce Armour A Co. to build a vlant there and how that money was split among Armour, Morris and Swift, waa among the startling revelations today. The story came out slowly as F. W. Croll, -J. Ogden Armour's confidential man. Is a reluctant witness with a short memory and apparently limited knowl- edg of his employers' activities. .. How ever, r the .commission has documentary evidence showing that the city of St. Paul felt Itself to be in the grasp of the powerful meat packers, Morris and Swift. The city fathers concluded that brisk competition from an outside com pany would help matters and reduce prices somewhat, so the Armour inter ests were invited to come to the city. A bonus jat $500,000 and a valuable site for the new plant were; offered as an inducement." i-; After a fitting show of coyness Ar mour accepted the proposal and built a plant in St. Paul.- But. according to the evidence In possession of the trade com mission. Armour divided the cash bonus with Swift and Morris, - the. packing nouses nev was orougnt to ssu . Jfaul ex pressly .to combat. . k X: PFTROfiRAD -FORCES IN --" " " ' I I IsBlawVrW BIG BATTLE IN STREETS - I Crook Carry (Continued From Pass One.) I Deeehotaa Doogiae h.r. tnriav. Immediate arrest of - the I UUliam the Boi Grant Harney e. . . Hood River Jackson general has been ordered by shevikl government. This may Indicate early resumption I ,"V," of fighting against tne uermana. Josephine The. Roumanians were practically Kiasaata tnmA Intn aviiileanjncM .with the Hoi- I L shevikl armistice plans because Rus-1 xJo slan trooDS with them Joined the ar- linn . mlitlM The TTkralnana an bitterly I Malheur (east) opposed to the Bolshevikl and. preaum- fjif ably, also to the Bolshevikl separate Morrow peace plan. ONLY HOPE RESTS IN COSSACKS, SAY RUSS OFFICIALS IN CAPITAL Washington. Dec 2!. (U. P.) Rus sla's only hope lies- in the Cossacks. They -may save her from Germany in time, said officials formerly with the United States mission to Russia today. However, these authorities do not feel ".hat there is any chance of military power from Russia. She is definitely wiped off aU the allied slates as a war asset. jaorrve ........ Multnomah (outside of Portland) I-otk "hermaa Tillamook ........... Vmaulla t'nien Wallowa . Waahinrtoa (west) ... Washington (east) ... weaco Wbeeler YaaahiU .... 4 Five eonauas, qootas 18.0AC. report from' fourth to half Quotas already obtained, bat have net reported def inite figures yet; we astunau . T.000 4.800 11.000 8,800 a.ooe 7.800 1.800 1.000 2.S00 . 7. BOO 1.200 2.000 1.600 2.800 .000 1.080 8.000 8.800 1.800 8.000 2.000 7.000 2.700 14. 006 1.600 2.200 4.600 1.100 2.600 7.600 6.000 8.0OO 8.000 6,000 6.000 1.000 7.000 4.860 4.040 8.000 4.000 8.600 8 6.080 600 610 1.484 68S 867 1.220 8.868 i.'sii 1.052 1.860 6.000 1.868 1.100 682 2.200 600 1.02S i.sio 800 7.944 8.0OO 1.669 1.20a 88 2,600 426 8.602 68 42 1 87 44 Wissman was brought here late last night for safekeeping. j . Graney's Pool Hall Barns; Loss $30,000 San Francisco, Dec 12. (U. P.) Ed die Graney's billiard and pool parlor. for many years rendezvous of sporting men from all parts of the Pacific coast. wsa completely destroyed by fire early today. The damage is estimated at 110,000. The building was owned by 80 1 Rudolph Sprockets. The Alhambra the 7 aire, threatened by the flames, was " saved. 27 1 Investigation showed that the fire 81 1 followed the explosion of five gallons jijof gasoline which became Ignited j through defective electric wiring in the ."i 120 ' 82 10 78 61 40 6 60 42 62 switch box. Service Candles for Christmas Proposed Washington. Dec 12. (I. N. a) Women of America are asked by Dr. Anna Howard Shaw to place candles In the windows Christmas eve for averv soldier who has gone from their homes to war. Dr. 8haw said: "It has been suggested that for every absent member on war duty a candle be placed in the window Christmas eve that the passersby may know that from tii at home have gone forth men and women ready to sacrifice evervthina- and False Rumors Spread Latest attempts to hinder the Chrlst- Trt trend of events In the Ukraine mas membership drive of the American where support of the Cossacks is re- Red Cross came to light simultaneously even life itself, that righteousn ported definitely under way ; the up- this morning in tnree racmc coast ciues. peace may inherit the earth." heaval in Petrograd ; the growing .Professor Hudson B. Hastings report- , . . strength of General Kaledlnes' Cossacks ed to Red Cross headquarters that a TT 1 T XTl-.iL. TT these made some observers here be- wide spread report had it that "Red . H Q ll Q Q y V lSlt 1101116 lleve the Bolshevikl rule will be swept Cross memberships were aeeessable, and ; -Av7AAtAUiJf 1 aOaU 1AU1UO i once the Red Cross baa your 81. it can ; Whether this can be done before I assess you ior any amounu Trotsky and Lenine turn Russia over as 1 ur course, itea trw inemr.n ps are a granary and store house for Get- assessable and after the 81 pay many is something no one here would nnt PTTnent -l" u' tor- another predict. Teuton agents, seeing the ln-lcr , ... ,, - creasing danger of Lenines overthrow. r f.'J-,' headquarters. THE GREAT 'WAR HEN' : 1 AN OREGON PRODUCT, v y - ' , . -; . "Bre vrster'i Oregon Girl" An ' swers the Call and Lays 304 , Egg in Year. ' Brewster's Oreo on Girt," While Leghorn hen owned by rrenk Brew ster, 643 Harold avenue, has Just completed a certified Lrapnest rec ord In which she laid 301 marketable eggs la 35 days. rear, the average sail log prlcet of those eggs should be not leas than 46 cents per dosera, The average selling price of eggs In the con test last year was 44.4 cents. with an average coet per bird per month for feed of 18.87 cents. . Legkeras Get Good Start The poultryrnaa who can make his flock of 1000 pullets average more than 144 eggs per bird per year has shown skin which should be rewarded with a salary of more than $75 per month. I think the contestants sre to be con gratulated that not a single Leghorn pen failed to produce some eggs in No vember, and only 7.S per cent of all the Leghorns failed to lay. It was to be ex pected that a higher percentage of the heavy weight birds should have failed to reach 'laying maturity. In view of the fact that we had a generally late spring last year. On the opening day of the contest not quite 11 Vs per cent of the birds laid. On their red Utter day In November over 46 per cent of the birds laid and I think the average product! on of S0.4 per cent, considering our large number of varieties and the shipping nanqicap, us crvaiiavow. Visitors Skew Isterest The contest staff, for amusement, oc casionally looks up the alternate' reo orda Tou will all enjoy a smile with us at the expense of Mr. Frederick, who picked a 27 and also a 35 egger for bis pen and then, for good measure, put In as alternate a Rhode Island White that had laid 28 eggs In 80 daya Recent visitors at the contest building have been J. R. McRae of Mllwaukle. Or. : R. It. Slocum. assistant In the poul try division of the bureau of animal in dustry at Washington, D. C. ; Profes sor Pren Moore of the poultry depart ment of the University of Idaho; Mr. Smith and Mr. Bell of Spokane; Ira P. Whitney, manager of Walklkl farm ; Ira Bacon I and L. C Barrett of Spokane. Peas (Fire Birds) Laylsg Highest Jfessber ef Efft Sevessber, 1817 .-. - mmA AAitraS. NO. Of EggS By Helen Dow Whltaker Pullman. Wash.. Dec 22. The results of the first month of the second All North west egg laying contest are told In the accompanying honor rolls. From what I have available, I believe commercial egg producers must figure approximately as follows for a flock of 1000 pullets : First, it will cost to raise a pullet to laying stge. counting la up keep of the breeding flock, hatching eggs, brooding, feed, labor, lossss, de predation and Interest on equipment, about 11.20 over and above what she can be sold for In market at the end of the puHrt year. Therefore, to pay for her raising, a pullet must return 2L20 a year, or 10 cents per month. If one can care for 1000 layers at a salary of $75 a monl.i. each bird must be charged with 7tt cents a month for labor. I believe 2H cents a bird per month will just about take care of overhead In the laying bouse that la, egg cases, sprays, repairs, in terest on Investment, etc Add to above charges 25 cents a bird per month for feed and the total is 45 cents per month per bird. If, then, a- bird averages to lay 12 eggs per month or 144 eggs per Variety W. I,egborna . . W. Leghotaa.. . W. Lttoraa . W. LSJ, aSUl swaVj R. LWbltaaVr.. VT. Legharaa.. . W. Leghorn. . . Barred Roes. . . W. Laghorna. . . W. Irwrwa. . . W. Igboraa... W. Mlnoreaa. . . W. Legborna. . . W. Las bores. . . W. Legboroa... W. Ignoraa. . . W. Iaborna. . . W. Legborna... W. I eghorai R. L Whttaa. Entry So. 80 to 76 4 101 40 2 8 47 74 81 7 88 1 7 0 41 72 61 8 HoOywood farm. Hollywood, Week. l. TBWciad. Kent, Wash. IL (., ;ia.iasi i as. Ween. C. H. -o'aaeaea. Omnia. Ween. P. W. r-rederlek. rbeenix. B. C Paul B, Tewne. Tekoa. Wean. r. R. UCells. Proasse. Ween. Ill A-Hee Co.. ttrenrs Pee. Or Oeear A. Vols, anoboaatsn. Wash. C. V. Willie aes, Salem, Or. 1. A. Ha neon. CorraUaa. Or. B. O. lyoagwlarf. ioaaxm. Or. V. C Coobdse, La ranel.. Or ' Mrs. Monona Van Ct-a. St. Msriaa. Uabe. . Mount Angel College. St. Beaadirt. Or K. HamaerbacheT. UraeU Pasa, Or U K. Harrta A Co.. MawooJa. Mast y. C. Park, Henaaooa, Or. C. K. Obwa. Houltoa, Or. 1U J. smgelasry. Twta raj. loaao lie 117 114 118 !11 lie no 168 106 107 104 lei 102 1st lei isi e 7 67 Hess Leylsg the Highest S set bar ef ggs for Seresaber, TarWty . W. Lrgborn.. W. Lagnorn.. W. Legnern.. W. lagborn.. W. Ighora.. R. L Whita.. . W. Leghorn.. W. Leghorn.. W. Leghorn.. W. Leghorn.. W. Leghorn.. W. Leghorn.. W. Leghorn.. W. teghorn-. W. Leghorn.. W. Leghorn.. W. Leghorn.. W. Leghorn.. Barred KocS. R- L Whale. . . R. L Red. . . . Band. No. 261 8S6 16 808 47 6bS 148 28 241 181 10 817 888 27 87 1 871 SSS 606' 68 Entry HI 78 4 67 17 40 64 7 80 68 42 102 102 7 88 4 7 7 47 40 16 Owner's Kama and Addram C. r. Wmlama. Satom, Ot. P. T amend. Kant. Weak. H. Otto, orsensxrea, Wash. . ... . . Mrs. Monona V.s Cke. St. Marias, Idaho. , J. R. MeRae, Mnwanaie. Or. P. W. rrederkk. Phoenix. B. C Ben Omt, Lannton, Osa. J. A. Hanson. Cervalha. Or. HoUrwood Paras. Itollywood. Wash. North wast W site i eg horn era pen..... W. J. Lo-eland. Roy, Waah. C H. Naasean. Cewtraba. Wash. C. IL bnsasaa, Centrana, W ash. J. A Hanaon. Corvaiiw, Or. r K. WeUa. Proaarr. Weak. H. Otto, Ureaaavrras. Week. IX Teacred. Kent. Waah. I. Tanered.' Kent. Waah. . ni.A.IIa 'ml 2rMlta Pa. Or t W. fsdartrs.' Phoenix, B. C . . ., . . . . J. McRae, MUwaukte. Or. ! . . . 1817 Ka of .... 26 are working desperately with their prop aganda, reports here declare. Trade re lations are being pushed, and efforts to disintegrate the Russian armies into score of Independent states which Ger Is Ended by Suicide Chicago, Dec 22. (L N. 8.) Eliza beth Schumacher, 18. a Vasssr student home for ' the holidays, was. found crushed to death on railroad tracks here By noon au trunks were Friday. It Is belle red she committed tied ud with a steady, ceaael lnquirfes: "How mucn win seased." Then Ban Francisco and Seattle re- Soldiers' Dependents Mailed First Checks i Washington. Dec- 21. (l- N. 8.) The war risk Insurance bureau haa mailed series of suicide. She had been sufferine- fsnm I be aa- a nervous breakdown and left a nnu .t her home saying. "This will end it all.? A search in which platoons of Infantry from Fort 8heridan took part was im mediately begurr and resulted in the finding of the body. Japanese Mission . Fails, to Show Up many might commercially dominate, are V'"," ' ' . TT.. , aoinr on raDldlv. portoo win It la even renortad that In fllKari. I uwimaj v a thousands "of German prisoners are be ing allowed to marry Russian women that the work of Prussianising the covin trv mar be enhanced. "More than S50.000.000 has ben spent In Russia by Germany to date dollars designed not only to bring about separate peace with new Russia, but io compieiiyauenaie me enactions of I riaV Inamranee bureau has mailed The Japanese railroad commission that country rrom the entente," a Rus- I w.v. . ,. Ami scheduled to arrive In Portland Friday stan official who recently left his conn- flr8t "owance checks to the de & oa( ..BOrn.wh.r , wJW of try, sata toaay. Kussia must be put I pendents ot American euiuieia. x am injrtesi. The commlaslon had not ar under control if pan-Germany is to I .rir advaVccd so that most of the rived in Seattle at noon and Ita h.. uicr puce i . i k. .iv KaAM m,i.. . sootis were wnanown. 11 is presumed i uikm " . - 1. 1 ... M uie Tieiwra nan uiauivu uieir lUOwrary The first checks represent allotments : "1 . H' "ct Kw adnata, mar. from their N..eiiK..' rwcwni iwou. ana lanaaiiaes. n.w toarather with the ' etfnulatexl arov- I yssFk rivi'chrNcTto Mooa Hiver Minister Mrs. kiana annaay 01 Aiamo, isxas. tt 1 n 1 t mother of Corporal William BsCannady. V HPlfl J(T lrRnfl .IllTT a a wa.a abwa, m m a a a W aA J survive comes." P0RT1AND UGS. IN. AID TO RED CROSS (Cbatinned Prom Page One) one membership to 10 of our popula tion. For every member secured at this Tenth, Infantry. The amount was S2S. chrttmL'cay!4 h two Us S. Will Send ; : Grain: to Finland . . Seattle Beats Portland - "It Is necessary for churches, business houses,-organizations and all other da triotiO forces .to . bend every effort to get more members. If your house haa been missed, mall the membership to headquarters, 250 Morgan building.' If employes nave not been canvassed 1 inn iney are canvsssea at once. Mon day is the only working day left, and It must be used for the Red Cross. -Seattle has beaten us no- far rpore than two to one. v Oregon counties Tutv An English Inventor"a electrical tool for removing boiler scale delivers 8000 hammering; -. and tearing . strokes a mlBnta,..;. 4 j,-. v.;y..v..: JUtf ;lesUiBVi. one tenth our population 1 Russian crop because of the revolution. '' . 4- -: - . 11. ' ieT ' ' " '" ' r ' ' .... i" r. " ' ' , . -V . ' . , . .Washington. Dec 22. I. N. 8.) The American government late this after noon went to the succor of the starring people of Finland. - The food adminis tration announced that 40,000 tons, about 10 shiploads, of oats and corn have been released for shipment to that country. , The situation In Finland has grown very serious through the failure of the Hood River. Or- Deo- 22. Rev. J. L. Allen waa bound over to the grand Jury in 11000 ball Friday by Justice of the Peace ontnanx alter being given a hear' tng on a charge of arson. It la alleged that Alien rented a room In the house of la. C. Day at Cascade Locks, Insured an imaginary library that was supposed to be In the place, and then set fire to the house. Win the War ky pnnbaatnaT thrift stamps at 28 Sixteen etamna WU1 he esehaswad tne . aavtaga ertlfieare. Cneke S.a riu rarer suae Sbener with interest mm January 1. 1828. Bay stamps saa nsruncatss at Tag Joarnel Bagging of UrBoats uomirmea oy uameiis w.ahlnrton. Dec 22. (U. P.) Secre tary of the Navy Daniels Friday con firmed LJOya ueorie " " that more German U-boats sre being bagged by the all lea. While not dis closing figures, or the extent of Amer ican participation in tne sin a inns or cap tures. Daniels confidently predicted that the submarine will fall in Its purpos While cautioning that ship losses from submarine attacks will continue to fiaej and fall, he added : "Tou may be sure that we are getting more and more sub- mirlnes." Two Are vAccused Of Double Murder Columbus, Ot., Dec 22v (L N. 8.) Extra precautions were taken today to protect Barlow Nix and his 16-year-old nephew. Albert Nix. from mob violence following their arrest for the murder of C. L. Alexanler and Jsase Everinge, who disappeared Thursday night. The bodies of the two men were found on the Nix farm. They were last seen alive entering Nix' house and are known to have carried a considerable sum of money. Alexsnder was a well known merchant. , Five -Armed Negroes Hold Up and Bob 40 ' Alton. I1L. Dec 2X I. N. 8.) Lined op against a fence by five armed ne groes. 40 workmen 'of the Federal Lead company plant were robbed here Friday shortly after they . received their pay envelopes. Sums ranging from 60 cents te 840 were taken. Search ,1s being made for . the robbers. . believed to be former employes at the. plant. , 0. A. C. Reunion at Camp Is Called On Not content with the glory ef leading 4 all the other . states In the matter of -voluntary enlistments, the grand - old state of Oregon has again forged to" the front, this Urns with the busiest lit tle war worker - this country haa yet produced., "Brewster's Oregon GhT is the name she now answers to, though for quite awhile she waa modestly camouflaged "Number ill." Name or number, tt made no difference to Oregon Girt. Her epecialty .was the speeding up of erg production and the mark she haa set for other busy White Leghorns to shoot at will take a lot of beating. Three hun dred and four eggs Is the record hung tip by Oregon Olrl In her pullet year. and It must be distinctly undarstopd that by "pullet year" Is meant the first calendar year period of 285 days elaps ing after the laying ef her first egg. Just for good measure, Oregon Girt laid IS more eggs before laying off for the season and getting' ner new plum- -. age, making a total of 217 eggs laid m 282 days, or 17 daya more than a calen dar year. She Was Bred to lay Beyond question. Brewster's Oregon . Girt Is by far the most valuable hen In the world. And this value Is not oc casioned by the number ef egge produced but Is mainly due to the fact that m this hen performance is Joined with pedigree. Oregon Girl waa bred to do exactly what she haa done. She la the culmination of many years' effort by one of the great poultry breeders of the coon try, D. Tanered of Kent, Waah. Only ones haa her record for the year been surpassed. . Some two or - three years age a Delaware hen laid 218 eggs In 865 daya This Delaware hen was a freak outcrop with, so far aa Is known, no phenomenally high laying anoeetora Her performance waa more . or lees accidental and her progeny can not be depended on to make great lay- - tng records. But Brewster's Oregon Oirl . was, bred to break laying records, and. . having run true to the form expected ot her, her descendants may with con fidence be relied upon to equal or rur pass her own performance. Conies Press ProsaetBg ftteek . Consider this pedigree. Her darn, 1 grandam and great-grandam on the ma ternal side three successive maternal descents laid from 242 to 272 eggs la -their pullet year, and were all ot them . sired by the so no of hens with great egg record a On her sire's slds her pedigree Is even finer. His dam laid 222 eggs In her pullet year and was bred from a pen of hens all with records above 200 eggs. His sire's dam (Oregon Girl's great grandam) had a record of 282 eggs and was bred out of a hen with record of 260 eggs which was In turn bred from , a pen of "200 eggers."Hls grandsire's dam had a record of 228 eggs, and other . great producing ancestors of his. still farther back, have records of 244,-212. - 248. 281 and 2S eggs respectively.:' AU the records quoted here are for a cal endar year only, the first 265 day period ronowing (and Including) the date on which the first egg waa laid. A pedi gree of performance, this ; the right kind of blue blood. Itet a Show Sperlmea Oregon Girl Is a thoroughbred single ' comb White Leghorn of a grand, up-' standing utility type, but no shew spe cimen and not an especially beautiful fowl unless "handsome is so handsome doea" ghe Is unusually large for her breed, weighing four pounds. ounces at the end of her isylng season, which doubtless helps to give her the stamina needed to keep up under the strain of her tremendous egg production. She is also unusually precocious as a layer,' having begun to lay at the extremely early age of four months and 20 days. And to round off her list of good qual ities and clinch her title as queen of all utility fowls, her eggs, pure white la color, are of first class market sine, weighing 24 ounces to the dosen in her pullet year. In addition to the Itemised . full year record published herewith, Frank Brewster, her owner, has fur nished the following data concerning . her: Hatched April 1), 1118; commenced laying September 10. 116. Laid 21 eggs at 8 months of age Laid 108 eggs at 8 months of age Laid 174 eggs at 12 months of age : Laid 260 esse at It months ot age Laid 804 eggs at 16 months 20 days eld Laid 217 eggs at 17 months 7 dsys old Production and patriotism go band In hand these days, so give three rousing ' I cheers for Brewster's Oregon Girl, and here's hoping she may long be spared to speed np the poultry business during war time and to animate all -the other pullets with her productive spirit. 1 1 Oregon Agricultural College. CorralUs, Dec 21. Because of a quarantine now existing at American Lake, the Aggie reunion, to have been held next week, has been called off. There are a number of cases of meas les and spinal menlngttua st the encamp ment and the authorities refused permis sion for the reunion. Each O. A. C man there, however, will receive a Christmas box from his alma mater as an Indication that bs has not been forgotten by them. Coos Bay Folk Help Eed Cross Campaign Marshfield. Or, Dec 22. The Red Cross drive') In Coos county Is highly successful la North Bend all the mill- mem became members and S150S has been raised. "Marshfield win have her full quota of - 2000 members. - Loggers who have come in for Christmas are an contributing. The money needed to make the quota was raised with very Utile ef fort, and nearly every one is weartug a Tied Cross button. TimeJs Extended For Filing Be turns , . III I III ... , . - i. m ' Washington. Dec 22. L X. S.J The time for filing income and excess profits returns haa been extended from Decem ber 21 to February L the commissioner of Internal revenue ruled Friday. This applies to corporations wboee fiscal year ends prior to l?erober 11. hit. . An autoraatie feeder that places) a let ter bead la a typewriter as its prede cessor is withdrawn has bee patented. "Oregon Girt" lias Competitor . Boise, Idaho, Dec 20. Another ben haa Joined the 100-egg class, a dlstinc- , Hon which haa been attained by few .. feathered creatures In the world. She la Wlilte Plymouth Rock, owned by A. 11. WUke of Boise, Idaho, and waa In the national egg-laying contest ef the " Missouri state poultry experiment sta tion at Mountain Grove. Of her. Professor C. T. Patterson., la chsrye of the eottteet, writes: White Plymouth Hock hen No. 88. which was In the sixth annual egg-laying contest, owned by A. H. Wllke of Boise, Idaho, was held aa reserve In the pen until one of the contesting birds died.' -when she filled the vacancy and con tinued until the end of the contest. As , she laid her first egg on December 2. " int. she waa held under the same eon- , dltkons and trapneerted until December- J817. ablch completed her first laying yesr. during which time she produced. 204 eggs. - "Where to Get It" KEMMERER and : ROCK SPRINGS COAL THB C7.KAXMT AWD BK8T BrBJESO COAia. PRICES gXaaOSASka - CENTAL ICS & STC3AG2 East 244 B-1244. - " HEW TODAY FERTILIZER- Rotted horse and SOW East Oil. C-2J74. , t