The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 21, 1917, Page 6, Image 6

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    the onzcoN . daily journal, Portland, Friday, decemdis: si. isi7.
; Your Lhristmas;
A.U Toa Weed li a Htart aaa
Jala taa Bed Cjtom Today,
. and-CoMMbia Records . : p
4 ' ..: ? ........ . . I ,
U v.- .. x hi iirCT- :ra j III ,
I ' . f N.VilIi.fciltf-T J- a AT III
l ,iM rt r." TTfr.-r' i ll
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1 1 1 1, it I - IE 2 III
v ai aa aai'Bxa aaa a k a
mmmm m in m u u i
- mm ma m an a. a. at i w rnmm.
li- i,' I in cr v .
' Ml: i U
. . ' BPB. IBIBi mM B J . f t I J I J B Bl I
and. Columbia: Records
. To Insure Satisfaction Come to
olumbia Headquarters
in i W T .
The Quality Store or Portland
'and we will put it
beside- the Christmas Tree
- m . av a.
will be your pleased determination after you have heard the various
Grafonolas and records played in our modern sound-proof parlors
and have made up your mind just which model suits you best.
and we will put it
beside the Christmas Tree
Everything associated; with' the buying of
Columbia .Every idea
that occurs to you is a pleasant idea. You enjoy your
self while you are in the store. :
In the store-is the place to , decide what v type of
' Graf onola to buy. There you will see instruments from
$18 to $250. You can hear them and you can play them
and you can compare them. You can choose the type
of instrument you like arid the finish that will suit
you best; Yovl can arrange how the payments will be
maae. y ou wm nna stores convemenny jocateq in
the important? slpii cUstricfea
Partial List of Colombia Dealers: :
We Have All the Columbia Grafonolas
and Our Record Stock Is Most Complete
A splendid selection of Christinas records as well as the new Columbia January numbers
are now ready for holiday choosing. We will be delighted to playany or all of them for
you over and over again.
Those who desire" EASY PAYMENTS especially should come to Meier & Frank's,
where the most favorable terms are extended to the purchaser. Everyone can enjoy them
'by joining our ; . .,s fri . ...
Crafesola '
: .;;., - .-.. : - r-- . .---J. '-v
H. Jenning & Sons
waskurtoa at rirta.
Meier " & Frank V x
" -Alder, ta, Xarrltaa aaa (tfc SU.
- - " . ...'- ;.. .
Hyatt Talkmg-Machine
; U V arrlMa St.
.Graves Music Store
' -Yamru f traaU
Eilers .Talking Machine :
ltt Broa4 wax." ;i!'V
.':-f.:' '.,A'' .
Schwan Piano Co. . . -
c ; , 111 ramrt 8U. "
; Reed-French Piano Col - '
v Caraar lltt aa Stark SU.
Bush & Lane Piano Co.
. Caraat Uta aat WaaUartoa. w
: if
. '
Here are a few ofth'e much-ih-demand Grafonola outfits. Of course your selection is
not limited to any of these. Note the particularly easy terms and make up your mind to
become a member of our Phonograph Club tomorrow." 1
Grafonola and 12
Selections $22.50 .
or $1 Down and 50c Week
Genuine Columbia Grafonola. Cabinet of golden oakr
or mahogany. An excellent little instrument in conven
ient size. An assortment ol needles included at this price.
Grafonola. and 12
Selections $49.50
, -
or $3 Down and $1 Week ,
A' vm-v nnnnlar rvnt fit. One that will briehten the home
. with it companionship and good cheer. " Cabinet of 'ma
hogany or selected quartered golden oak. Covenient size
instrument. An assortment of needles included at this
price. 7 '
Grafonola and 12 i
Selections $89.50
or $5 Down and $5 Month
Cabinet of mahogany, walnut, golden or fumed oak. This model is
J equipped with all the essential modern Grafonola features. An assortment
of needles included at this price. . ;
Grafonola and 24
S ele ctipn s $ 11 9
or $10 Down and $g Month
' A . Grafonola of exceedingly artistic ap
pearance. Cabinet of mahoganv, satin wal
nut 'or. quartered oak in all finishes. An
assortment of needles included at this price".
With Columbia Individual : Record "Ej ector;
$129. ... Fbonotraptt Shop, Sixth Vloor.
4 S BaaBBBBBa" m,m SbJS
Columbia Graphophone Co.
m-Ul Waialartoa. 8U
ColnmKIa Graf eaola
,-. Prk$s- :
. ' v?' 'eT pv J
. - I : .......