The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 21, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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Former .Governor West, Home
From Washington,-. Declares
:H Assurance Is Given.' ,
.-Oregon planing; mill Boon wOl b
riven the opportunity- of turning: out
sprue part for government airplanes.
In' the opinion of former Governor Os
wald Went,' who returned last . Bight
from Washington, where, with Senators
Chamberlain and McNary he presented
the matter before the aircraft produc-
r tlon board.
r .."Colonel Deeds, head of the board.
rave us assurances . that the board
would take Immediate steps looking
: into this," Mr. West said, "and that it
would depend upon the ability of the
Oregon mills to turn out the work.
"Under the' present procedure' the
spruce is being shipped east in the
rough for finishing in eastern airplane
factories, and less than one-fifth of It
Is used. This 'Is, therefore, a useless
burden on transportation. Colonel Deeds
readilr agreed that it was a poor sys
. tern from a strict-business standpoint,
and said if the Oregon mills are capa
ble of producing the worK there is no
reason why they shouldn't be given the
' 'Owing to the war, building opera
tions have decreased, and the work of
the planing mills has naturally slack
ened.- The Oregon mills are In a good
position to do the work of finishing up
the spruce and feel that they should
get a share of thebuslness, since the
proouci is proaucea ner.
dent they will get it."
German, a Suicide
Palo Alto,' CaL. . Dm 1 (U. P.)
Professor Ernest W. Poncer, professor
of mathematics at Stanford nnlversltyr
was found dead in the kltchenr of bis
home' today with a big gunshot wound
In his breast A shotgun, with which
the. wound was evidently Inflicted, lay
nearby. .. ' -
The police believe Poncer committed
suicide, although there were no -notes
or other Indications of such an Intention.
Professor Poncer was ' of German
birth and before America entered the
war. was a) strong defender of Ger
many's cause. In recent months, how
ever, he had been silent, moody ancr'ap-
parejitly despondent. Police believe this
prompted suicide, - -
Speak Here
Ralph Says Investigation Helps
Delay Work of Food AtJminis
' tion in the East.
Data Is Essential
Air information and data on spruce
timber and logs available for lumber
for airplane 6onstruction Is being sought
by the United States signal corps.
"It Is imperative tor the government
to obtain a general inventory of spruce
and spruce logs immediately, and re
ports from owners and others, on r:
piles In their control Or owned by other
persons is sought," explained Colonel
Dlsque, Thursday.
' Data on the number of board feet
and location of standing timber and
also on logs already In the water and
how long they have ' been there i:
Commissioner of Boy
; Scouts in Portland
H. D. rose, national field scout com
missioner of the Boy Scouts of Amer
ica, is In (Portland conferring with the
local scout board concerning a definite
future program for the organisation to
Mr. Cross has made a trip along the
entire Pacific coast and states that al
though the . boys have made splendid
progress war conditions have . Drought
about a- crisis in .their work that calls
for a Wore intensive program fr the
development of scouting.
W. W. Cotton, president of the local
boardv and C. H. Davis Jr., chairman of
the executive committee, are -' meeting
with Mr- Cross to decide the definite
Activities for the Portland Scouts in
future work. .... V :
Washington, Dec. 21. (I. N. SO The
sugar shortage on - the Atlantic sea
board is being increased by the in
vestigation now under way before a
sub-committee of the senate manufac
tures' committee, George M. Rolph,
Vim1 nt the surar division of the food
I am confi- administration, charged on the stand
I today. .
I "The work or tne international sugar
committee is being held up by this in
vestigation and has been entirely sus
pended for more than week de
clared Rolph.
"I expected that ultimately congress
would be blamed," answered Senator
James Reed, chairman.
There then followed a general dis
cussion among the members of the com
mittee with Senator Reed maintaining
that the members of the food admin
istration were not required to leave their
work to attend the hearings.
Rolph was taken from the stand tem
porarily in order that James A. Som
mervtlle of St. Louis might testify.
Sommerville declared he was a. member
of the car service committee of the
American Railway association. He
testified that an official of the food
administration approached him in No
vember In an attempt to get cars to
move sugar from Colorado. He de
clared he had told the official of the
rood administration that there was
1,250,000 pounds of. sugar in Michigan
which could be moved more easily.
Sommerville did not know whether the
Michigan crop had been moved. In
answer to a question from Senator
Jones, he declared that the car supply
for beet sugar 'manufacturers in Michi
gan has-been as good this year as ever.
Congressman Albert Johnson, who will
give an address In the Auditorium the
evening of January 1. has a .wealth of
first hand Information about "war con
ditions on the western .front, according
to- a letter received this- morning by the
chamber of. commerce ;from Byron W.
Shbnp, bead - of - the speaking , division
of the committee of public information
for four-minute men.
Congressman. Johnson was a member
of the congressional .- delegation that
visited the . front, ,. and - while In the
trenches narrowly escaped being struck
by a shell. Hs is touring the country
under the auspices of the committee of
public information.- Congressman John
son's horns state Is Washington. He Is
a resident of Hoquiam. where he was
engaged In the newspaper business be
fore going to Washington to represent
his district. ; .
Delaware Company
Will Operate Here
Salem. 'Or., Dec. 21. The Mountain
States Power company, a Delaware cor
poration with it capital stock of 15,000.
000, Thursday-filed its declaration of
purpose to engage in . business tn this
state. The officers of the company are
all Chicago people. Richard Shore Smith
of Eugene Is named as the agent for
the company in Oregon. Articles of in
corporation were filed by the Sander
Swafford company of North Powder,
Union county. It has a capital stock of
$5000. The incorporators are : E- M.
Sanders, J. F. Sanders and H. W. Swaf
ford. i . .
Members of Legion
Of DeathEnter U. S.
San Francisco, Dec 21. (U. p.)
"What is your age and occupation V an
immigration inspector asked of a frail
looking Russian girl who had Just ar
rived on a Dutch steamer , from the
A soiaier a soiaier or .Russia." was
the startlingly quick response. "My age
is 15 old enough to right for Russia.'
She was Riva Kopkin of the Russian
lXeglon of Death and today, with Miss
Eva Lcionts, her comrade in arms, was
admitted to the United States. They
bring" stories of bloody scenes which pre
ceded the Bolshevik! overthrow, of K-
Railroad Official Visits
Robert R. Ritchie, general agent of
the Chicago ft Northwestern railway,
with headquarters at San Francisco,
is a Portland visitor today. Mr. Ritchie
reports a bigger holiday traffic this
year than In 1916. "There are thousands
of prosperous ranchers from the North
western states going to California to
Today Is Shortest
Of All the Year
Today is the shortest day in the year.
Saturday the daylight hours will begin
to lengthen and Dame Nature will begin
to cut -down the lighting expenses for
the housewives.
Lovers who are accustomed to spoon
in the dark and gladsome hours will
find their sphere of activities waning
when two minutes are substracted from
the - nocturnal hours Saturday.
According to the . weather prognostl
cator the sun rises today at 7 :50 and
will set at 4 :2S. .
-4. . , ... ..." - v
Colonel - Leader, Long Expected,
Telegraphs Word of Arrival
- at an Atlantic Port.
University of . Oregon, Eugene. Or,
Dec. 2L Colcnel , John Leader of the
British . army, who was secured last
summer by the University of Oregon to
act as military Instructor at the univer
sity, has landed in New York and will
arrive in Eugene on , December 29. ac
cording 'to a telegram which President
P. I Campbell has received from him.
The word that ha has at last arrived
in the country comes as a relief to the
university authorities, who have received
telegrams from him for the past three
months saying that he hoped to sail
soon. ' He experienced much difficulty
In getting his release from the British
army and was further delayed when he
tried to get transportation across the
Atlantic because of the scarcity of pas
senger vessels. It is expected he will
lslt the war department at Washington
and also make an Inspection trip to
Harvard university, where a great deal
ol military instruction is given, oeiore
starting west.
.President P. I. Campbell, who left
last night for Washington, expects to
meet Colonel Leader in Kansas City.
Colonel Leader has had 21 years ex
perience in the army and in the present
conflict he took the Sixteenth Royal
Irish rifles through the Bomme cam
palgn, in which he was wounded, being
then invalidated home to England. He
will arrive on the campus in time to
take charge of the university military
drill for the second semester. '
(OMittancd Prom Pag On)
spend the winter and the run of tour
ists from the East la greater than ever
before. All transcontinental lines re
port a record, tourist traffic" - "
Sharps replied. "Prior to that time we
didn't have coats for all the men."
(Jrereoats Are Too Small
Major L. Hardeman of the quarter
master's department, testifying for Gen
eral Sharps, said - there were sufficient
overcoats but the sixes were wrong.
"How did that comer he was asked.
"Because in most draft cantonments
the men are larger physically than those
In the regular army and in the guard,'
said Hardeman.
"Has ever 'man in the army an over
coat today?" Senator McKellar asked.
"As far as requisitions have been
made." Hardeman replied. -
Big Order Aataorlsed
Sharp read a long memorandum . de
tailing how, at the time the array and
the national guard were mobilized for
Mexican border service, his department
had bought clothing, practically exhaust
ing its funds.
When demobilisation of the national
guard was halted. Sharps said he got
Secretary Baker s approval to an order
for clothing for 500,000 additional men,
that being approximately the number of
the national guard and the army at war
strength. - In April, this year, he was
authorised by Baker to. order for 500,-
bo mora' men and la Jane for s- third
500.000. . - t .r - . '- - - -
"What .did these orders include for
each man?" asked Senator ."Weeks. x .
.- EagUsh , nam A vacated y .
They, were equipment C or doth-
lng and-tents to last three months, re
plied General Sharp. . "
Ton know too now ha vent enough '
clothing for your men, don't you?" aaked
Senator McKellar
"Ye." said Sharp, "that's due to
the way the men hav been called put."
"It's because of the methods of pur
chasing through the council f national
defense, lant ltf demanded McKellar.
"No, said Sharpe. . ""We've got to
hav soma system Ilk' that. If w did
switch to the English plan w wouM
even better off. They hav a purveyor
general of supplies, through whom or
ders for ordnance, food and clothing
com from the heads of the three divi
sions.' .;. ' 'J
' Draft Delay Is Dcslrti '
How ; much clothing is General
Pershing buying la England r. aaked
"Senator Hitchcock.
"I don't know." . said Sharp. H
asked' permission to buy and did not
stat th amount." '
Sharp said that th British embargo
on Australian, wool . has been removed
aa far as this country is concerned and
that American manufacturers ar now
working Australian wool into cloth for
Sharp said he hoped there would not
be another draff call soon, as his de
partment had been flooded by T 00.000
new enlistments in the regular army
which had upset Its program, and that
they would be ready for a new call
sometime in January.
Skoes Do Doable Dsty
Asking if there bad not been some
trouble aa to shoes. Senator Wads
worth said he had heard that at Camp
nair ox an lnianiry aetacnmeni
was marched out to target practice and
then returned, giving their shoes to the
other half so the men could practlc.
Sharp admitted such a condition exists.
Senator Weeks declared that a Massa
chusetts shoe manufacturer who ex
amined the shoes Issued to 20.000 men
reported thst about 80 per cent of the
mtn were wearing shoes too short for
"This condition has been brought to
the attention pf Secretary Baker and
of the medical department," said
Weeks. Th medical department con
curred In the view of the shoe man
that th wearing of these short shoes
would endanger the foot-health of, the
Bed Tap It Criticised
-rnerj snarp aaia that as a re
sult of th report to Baker, th ay steal
of fUtlag shoes h,ben, changed and
added: V. . v-i .-, j .-.V-
. "General Pershing has akd C ; ta
omit sotn narrower widths becaus hi
men'ar wearing: heavy woolen socka."
Sharp placed th blam for Improper
fitting of ahoa on company commanders
and medical officers.
XI criticised th department red tap
that sends telegram, contracts and. au
thorisation for action through a half
dosen officials before action Is had. . He
advocated adoption of "business meth-
Overalls C4 for T?alfras
"Did you ever suggest a change?"
aaked Senator Weeks. ; -
x "Tea, t the secretary of war."
"Who la responsible?"
"Well, this has been a matter ef con
siderable controversy ever slac ".th
Civil war, said Sharp. ,
. Senator . Wadsworth asked why-- blue
overalls. wer Issued. to men in canton
menu Sharp said th overall wer
given to protect uniforms from dirt In
trench digging. - : ?
"I was informed. said Wadsworth,
"that ' on division commander bought
th overalls becaus he had no regula
tion uniforms aad'SaUr got your
prove!1 , - . :':' V ;'
, . . ICU
X- waa Informed General 'Glenn
CUlUlooth. did that. said fharp.
The XMhI
way t esead
a dellar.
Th hraad that W saving wheat -shouVA
patriotic family. lMd partially ofoat
1 meal, this loaf ls xoptionally plAalsg
In tast. folly as: srutrttiovs as whit .'.
bread and Is much preferred fy many;
. people. Aak your1, grocer buy insist' on
' HOL8UX Liherty Bread ad get . th
' . .
; . . .--
v . - - -.
Log Cabin
Baking Co.
Oar" Bskery Is lM'Per Cest K4 Crt Xsmaers.
Happy Thoughts for Men and Boys
The kind that has made this YOUR store for many
, years is just as good during these final rush hours of
Christmas as it is any time during the year.
Offerings here .are for the enduring wear and real com
fort of men arid boys regardless of the fact that you are
buying now to give. Nothing is offered here that is not
worthy and economidal.'
2 W
-.iAk ":. ft '
4 ( K
. . " - ' ' V," ' ' 1 ' ,;GUS KUHN,- rresMen&I
' The marlof serviceYour Rea.Crots -i. - -y'- 1 X f' V.t
. . : 1 1 . 1 .The- Kuppenheimer Houie in1 Portland- '
- ' " """'7'
Gift Buvin
More than ever, gift. buying should be done with care this
year. You can make it a Merry Christmas for those you
love, and still be doing your duty to your country, your
family arid yourself. . See the offerings, many of them
exclusively here, "some as iow as 25c -:. All gifts in holiday
wrappings. 7 ' - '
If in doubt ve him a gift certificate for any amount.
Shop in the: Specialty
Avoid the Crush of the Department Stores
and Help Build Up Your Home Town
- e
From Santa Claus
Santa Claus
Leaves at 11:30
To Make Ready
To Bring Your
Xmds Gifts
Santa Will Be Here,
At His Headquarters
9 to 11:30 Tomorrow
Morning Sixth Floor
He Will Return
to Your Home,
Christmas Eve,
Good-Bye to
You All, and
A M&rry
v From
Santa Claus
Your Boy
will be mightily pleased with
some of these:
Boys' Shirts in madras and
silk, $1.50 to $5.
Boys' Blouses in madras and
silk, $1 to $4.
Boys Hats $1' to $2.50.
Boys' "Pappa Joffre" ani
Sailor Hats.
Boys' Novelty Neckwear 25c.
35c, 50c.
Boys Gloves and Gauntlets,
Boys' and Girls' Fancy
Sweaters, $6, $7.50.
Boys' Military Sweaters, $5,
Boys' Bath Robes $1.50 to $5.
Boys' Norfolk Suits $5 to $20
f Boys' Overcoats, $6.50 to $15
Children's Overcoats, $5-$15.
Juniors' Suits, $5.50 to $10.
Boys' Mackinaws, $5 to $8.50
Second Floor.
Her e Ar etheThings I
i .' that make happy
A Man 's Christmas
Lounge Robes in smart patterns, $4 to $15.
House Coats in plain arid .two-toned fabrics, $6
to $20.
Silk Shirts in beautiful stripes, $5 to $12.50.
Fine Gloves in suede, mocha, cape . and buck
$2 to $10. N
Neckwear in silks and knits, 50c to $4.
Mufflers in silks and knits, $1.50 to $7.50.
Pajamas in new patterns, $1.50 to $7.5o. 7
Umbrellas in silk and gloria, $i.50 to $10.
Silk Hosiery in black and col-
ors, 5oc to $1.50.
Handkerchiefs, plain or in
itialed," 25c, 35c and 5oc.
Collar Bags, $1.00. to $4.00.
Suit Cases and
Traveling Bags,
$7.00 to $30.00.,
Mdse. Orders
Glove Orders
Hat Orders
Main Floor.
Join the
Red Cross
n xviorxisoiroireei ai .
It Will
Help to
Save Men!
Give Something - j
Electrical' '
Keep in line witH the times be consistent give. 1
something worth while and at no more outlay.
means the very essence of thoughtful interest In the
recipient It's useful, practical, handsome; lasts -a,
lifetime. Leaves a permanent remembrance of ihe
one who bestows it. " ' ' '- x
For any person you have in mind there is the 5ic
ceptable Gift Electrical--we have it.
Get the Electric'
Toast btbit The
Hotpotnt Toaster
makes two slices
A g-fowla; coll trill 'and
stove perform two opera
tion, at once. It boils,
bakes, fries arid broils '
rifht on the table. . : Yon
will be surprised at Its ef
ficiency. Pric ;....7.00
h if n
lk . m - aa
ing- toast-socketl
Prk. cosipUt '
sot toast at a time
a niece. on each
side.. . Makes fresh
toast from stale
brAd. '. No . t
toaked -or smok-
Operates oa : any lamp
...... :.m.oo
A SensiblelGift to
Your Wife for Xmas
I hav a 1I1C Ford Coup. Runs aad
looks Ilk a nw car. . Tires first
claas. Car will hav to b sn to
' b appreciated. Vrkc todar Is
V Act qaick. 8 Mr. Hemphill. - ,
I Mala 6244. 21st aaaYashlnftoa Sts.
8 onn'nrM-r I i
I ELiE U1RJ. (J GO II : ; :
arteU - -" Tjpi.ittlM. t
. ruliiirtaa rkatMcy. -
SfarstMi i : c 1 nisi nipiiii,
. , , um u. .
; - ; ramus x. ac a a.
Portland Hotels
New Arrivals
' , SLooId '
First Fin1
a ucir
; Way to.
C W. Caraallss. 2rasldat.
' 1 K. yiear. lUntrw.
Para aaa Aider. JrUaad, Oc
1 J
lt aa WaBiarta St. u
Best rooms In th cltr.
tpfcui rat or to w, .
Tlctor raraadt, rr. .
kt, JL. aaajfta. Max. v
Sixth at Pine OPEN EVENINGS" Both Phones
' Join the Red Cross Today Dollar Does the Deed V
A 4r-rrfr Hl f Wsrtt
- - East yrrtr C at Zstt Rlzts
IV4S tu Dajt Wlla ITItsU XaU lUr