The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 21, 1917, Page 20, Image 20

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FRIDAY. 4 DECEMBER - 21, "1917
: N..
Neighbors of Woodcraft, With
I Headquarters in Portland, Will,
I Distribute Thrift Certificates.
Postoffices Throughout County
: Authorized to Make Sales in
i Any Amounts for , Christmas.
; Neighbors of Woodcraft, a fraternal
Organization with headquarters in Port
land;' Is furnishing a demonstration of
what an organisation cando to forward
the-national war savings campaign.
"We are ready to invest $3,000,000
in the different securities" and' the lib
erty bonds of the United States,"' said
Mrs. C. C. Van Orsdall. grand guardian
of the organisation. Mrs. Van Orsdall
has been appointed a special govern
ment agent In the savings cam
paign. She has sent thrift stamps
: and war savings stamps to local
clerks and other officers In -nine
-Pacific ccast states, urging them to
, make as many sales as possible among
the hi, 000 members of the Neighbors of
Certificates Are Parehated
t'At first," said Mrs. Van Orsdall.
1h treasury officials were reluctant
to allow us to operate In nine states, but
,lt was the only way we could do it, and
' I have been able to get at the work
with the' entire force and along with
Our regular official correspondence.
.TThis work Is In line with the idea of
the thrift and savings department we es
tablished at the session' of the grand cir
cle in September. .We . have purchased
several . thousands of the certificates In
the same manner as a bank. and. oar
(4.000 members will. I am sure, absorb
them 'all.
Associate State Director - Charles N.
Wonacott has announced the appoint
ment of L. J. Simpson of North Bend
a manager of the thrift campaign for
the; First congressional district, which
Includes all Oregon counties west of the
Cascades, except Multnomah. Mr. Simp
son, who has done stellar work in' the
Liberty loan and Bed Cross drives, will
take up the active duties of his appoint
ment on January 1.
Fostoffiees Will Sell
That a mighty effort Is belne--made
'from Washington to accelerate the giv
ing of war savings stamps as Christmas
presents is evident from a (supplement
ary telegram received at local war sav
ings headquarters this morning from E.
C. Bradley, federal director at Washing
ton of ttie war savings campaign, ad
vising that all postoffices in the coun
try will be authorised in the daily bul
letin to postoffices to sell war stamps in
any amount where they are. to be used
as gifts. 1 V. .
This instructions provide that the pur
chaser of war savings stamps is to file
wlth-4he postmasters the names of those
who are to receive the gifts at the
time of purchase. No recipient of a
savings stamp gift Is permitted to re
ceive more than $1000 in stamps, how
ever. Postmasters are authorised to
supply all purchasers with certificates
and thrift cards. The same instructions
have been wired to all federal reserve
Agents for the sale of thrift and sav
ings stamps report that stamps are
daily being ' purchased in large amounts
to be given as Christmas presents and
the latest instructions from Washington
are expected greatly to increase sales
for Christmas giving.
Renters Must Reduce Holdings
Pendleton, Or., Dec. 21. White renters
on Umatilla reservation must reduce
their holdings to 800 acres, according to
instructions from Washington. This will
affect about a dosen big farmers who
are leasing considerably more, than that
amount of land under special arrange
ments. For carrying oil in automobiles a cone
shaped paper container, which also can
be used as a funnel, has been invented.
P y JlrPilil ' PPP
Estimates of Maximum Produc
tion of Oregon Yards Will
Be Prepared for U. S.
One of the most important events in
the history of Oregon's ship building In
dustry Is the meeting of wooden ship
builders at the Chamber of Commerce
this afternoon. W. D. B. Dodson. secre
tary of the Chamber of Commerce, an
nounced this morning that practically all
the local yards. and most of the yards
in the state outside of Portland, would
be represented.
Estimates will be prepared as the basis
of an official statement to E. N. Hurley,
chairman of the federal shipping board,
as to the largest possible number of
wooden -vessels which can be constructed
in Ore go a and at Vancouver during
In a telegram received by the Cham
ber of Commerce ' Wednesday morning.
Chairman Hurley asked for a statement
covering the maximum number of steel
and wooden ships that could be built on
government account during the coming
year. The telegram contained assurance
that the government wants all the ves
sels that can be built and that yards
will be urged to work on double shift. It
was considered the most Important as
surance to the local shipbuilding indus
try sine Its inception.
Steel shipbuilders held a preliminary
conference Thursday and decided to de
fer a formal statement until the return
to Portland next Monday of Joseph T.
Bowles, president of the Northwest Steel
company, and B. C Ball, president of
the Willamette Iron Steel works.
Boy Asks for Damages
Roland M. Russell, a minor, began
suit this morning against Llpman, Wolfe
& Co., for $7500 damages for personal
injuries alleged to have been received
October 1 when, it is alleged, one of
the defendant company's auto delivery
wagons struck him.
Soldiers': Special to
Come on Saturday
O-W. H. A ,2T. Win .Briar Kxcsnlea
Train 1st FerUaad VreauCaas Lewis
at 4ilS P. U. Kttini Skadar Sight.
General Passenger Agent William Me
Murray of the O-W. R. N announces
that -s special excursion train will be
run from .Camp Lewis at 2 :15 p. m.
Saturday, arriving in Portland at 4:15
Mayor Baker, the Hotel 'Men's asso
ciation and the Chamber of Commerce
have united In plans for a big eater-
tainment for the officers and enlisted 1
men who come to Portland to spend
Sunday. Mr. McMurray says that re
ports circulated Thursday, to the effect
that leave of absence- would not be
granted . the . men to corns to Portland
and that the special train would not be
run. are absolutely untrue.
The return special will leave Portland
at 1 a. re. Monday, arriving at Ameri
can Lake at 5 a. m.
A Christrrtas special will be run by
the O-W. R. & N. from Camp Lewis to
Portland to accommodate soldiers who
wish to spend' the day In this city. The
train will leave -American. Lake at 5:45
a. t m. Monday and arrive in - Portland
at t:45 a. in. Returning it will leave
Portland at 1 a. m. Wednesday and
reach American Lake at 6 a. m.
Beit sad Cheapest
at Frank L. Smith's. 223 Alder street.
Karly Saturday morning from S to 11
o'clock Smith will offer you these bar
gam specials :
Meaty, tasty. Juicy pot roasts, llc
Pure, fresh beef tongues, 15c.
Oxtails, stew, soup, casserole. 10c.
3 big sacks spuds to your home, $5.
And all day long, every day. Smith
offers you these fresh Oregon meats.
good and cheap:
Beef bones for soup. 6c
Beef necks and beef to boll. 10c
Beef stew and veal stew. 10c
The best corned beef in town. 10c
Breast of veal and beef hearts, 13 He.
Veal ana pork sausage. 15c
T-bone steak and slrftln steak. lGc
Porterhouse steak and rib steak, 15c.
Tenderloin steak and round st'k. 16c.
Prime roast rib beef, choice, 15c
Roast veal, especially good, 15c
Man Registered in . Portland,
Later Moved, to North Powder;
That Caused Trouble.
Boat; High and Dry,
' Of f era Big Problem
, .V ., :: . ' i-;. , ., ' ' :
ftteaaer.La Cester, Stranded by Keeed
lag Ftoed Waters. vTsaU Make Xlee
Betel, Say Elver Jesters.
The steamer La Center, which usually
plies en the Lewis rtver. bids fair to be
come a noUl or lodging bouse near
Woodland, according to reports reach
ing Portland Thursday night- The La
Center, whUs the Lewis river was at
flood, went far out of the enannel to
dodge some heavy drlfte-lhat were surg
ing downstream oft the current, and
walls dodging ran aground.
When the rtver went back to some
where near Its normal stse the La Cen-
E. 8. Forsstrom lived ' in Portland ter was comfortably located on a mound
when he registered last June under the lot mud. Two other vessels tried to' haul
draft rule. - subsequently moving to 'her off. the reports say., but were un
successful. Kvery. hour-that the river
falls the La Center finds herself further
and further away from the stream, and
rlvermen say that wneo the Lewis river
gets back within Its banks the La Cen
ter will make a first class hotel or
"houseboat" on dry land. '
Her owners are making efforts to get
her rff while there Is still high water,
and if not successful, will build a skid
way under her and haul her to water by
power unless somebody wants to buy
her for a flood-proof home.
Northwest Must Buy
"Its Coal at Home
North Powder. In that removal, he fell
victim to a misunderstanding, with the
result that his nsme was sent to A si sl
ant United States Attorney Rankin as
a "slacker." The feleral authorities
sent a deputy marshal to LaOrande to
take charge, but by the time he got
there, Forsstrom was found duly regis
tered and given a clean bill.
The humiliation of Mr. Forsstrom.
who U an excellent American, was not
relieved by publication of his name,
with that of another. Though the au
thorities, so far as is known, acted in
good faith in the matter. Mr. Forsstrom
feels that an unwarranted stigma has
been cast upon him.
Records of the local exemption board
show that he is registered In precinct
37 H in Portland and his serial number
Is 170.
Assistant United States Attorney
Rankin had wired Sheriff Warnick of
Union county to hold Forsstrom until
he was sent for, and that Investigation
of the charge against him would, be
made. This investigation speedily and
thoroughly cleared him.
Fire Csusrs Heavy Loss
Pendleton. Or.. Dec 21 Senator 0. A.
Barrett of Athena suffered a $10,000
fire loss when the barn on his Pine creek
ranch was burned. Twelve horses and
a cow and hay. fuel and other supplies
were In the barn and there was no In
surance. He thinks the fire was incendiary.
County of, Umiatilla' J
- Has Exceeded Quota
Pendleton. Or, Dec 2 L Umatilla
county Thursday attained Its quota and
mors of Red Cross Christmas members.
With a quota of 7S0O. Incomplete re
turns from various communities to
taled 750. or 103 per cent. Campaign
Manager Bishop Is hopeful of reaching
Uhe 18.000 mark. Nine of II communi
ties where drives are being carried on
have surpassed their quota. These are
Helix. Hermlaton. Umatilla. Stanfleld.
Echo, Athena, Weston, Umaptne and
Frultvale. Pendleton la close to Its 300
White Temple Calls
Eev. Wm. A. Waldf
The First Baptist church (WhiZZ
Temple), by a unanimous vote" of tT
parishioners, has called Rev. W 11113
A. Waldo, formerly pastor of the riin
church la Peterson. N. J, to fill t
pulpit. ZZ
Mr. Waldo Is new at Walmer Roaa
church in Toronto. Canada, and has held
pastorates In Chicago, Hamilton and
Cleveland. Ohio. He Is strongly Indorsed
by Dr. Franklin Johnson, director of
social service la the University of Toi
ronto, and by Rev. J. Whlteome
B rougher, formerly pastor of tbscWhtfl
Temple and now In Los Angeles.'.
National riel Administrator Garfield
has finally agreeeV to the proposal of
the fuel admtnUtr-.tors of the northwest
I states to exclude all Imported coal from
the entire state of Washington, part of
Idaho. Oregon west of La Orande and
California north of Sacramento. A tele
gram to this effect was received by Ore
gon Fuel Administrator Fred O. Holmes
Wednesday afternoon.
Seven coal mines in Western Wash
ington are closed down owing to lack
of orders, while the demands upon the
mines of Utah and Wyoming are greater
than they can supply. Under the new
ruling residents In the barred sones will
be obliged to order coal from Washing
ton or Coos Bay mines or use other fuel.
This Store WiU NOT Be Open After 6 P. M. Any Evening Shop as Early in the Day as Possible
PLEASE make sure that
the .salesperson repeats
your name and address cor
rectly. Shop on a, transfer
; the convenient, easy " way.
Take small packages with
you, so far as convenient.
firm Fvnrpcc..
and Accommodation Bu
reau, Basement", Sixth St.
packages wrapped free. U.
S. Thrift and War Savings
Stamps sold here.
-..(7.-. .
and. women, the great
er ILK MAID hose for men
fr. vmM
ej . aim, " w.i.w..., - -
'!? '2. .rl cSIV Kr.cirr valiiPC in
TSCiS: : i Ci-
TOWArnpn's. nair St. 50. Here
? U" ' - .
only in Portland. Buy for
gifts Main Floor.
chandise or Glove Bond
solves the gift problem. Is
sued in any amount. Re
deemable for merchandise in
any department at any time.
Booth, Main Floor.
Holiday Buyinj
The Store of PERFECT Christmas SERYIC
RealiLeather Hand
Bags and Purses
Ideal Christmas gifts. Nearly
100 styles of women's real leather
handbags and purses at 98c.
Many are lined with moire silk,
others are lined with leather. The
famous Duplex safety lock purses
in 7 or 8 styles included in this
assortment. The safety lock pre
vents bag from flying open while
being carried. See our special
showing tomorrow in the
Ready With Great New Stocks of Worthy Holiday Merchandise
Over 2000 Employes 16 Passenger Elevators 7 Escalators
Do All Your Xmas Buying at Meier&Frank's Under One Roof
Men and Women Buying Christmas Gifts for Men
Will Appreciate This
Suggestion of
Silk Front
Shirts $1.50
We are lucky to have any of
these silk -like shirtS to offer
holiday buyers at this extraordi
nary low price. Here is a man's
gift of distinction and utility at
a price that all. can afford.
Of course you know what these shirts are. The bosom
and cuffs are of fine tub silk and the rest of the shirt of
pattern and coloring to match. No one but the wearer can
tell that he is wearing anything but an all-silk shirt. And
the price is only a fraction of what an all-silk shirt would
Big values tomorrow at $1.50.
Men's Furnishings Shop, Main Floor
A Gift Suggestion to Be Promptly Acted On
By Those Who Would Please a Man Exceedingly
Give "Him" a New Hat
And to be sure that your gift
measures up to all that a man
would like in a hat, buy it at
Meier & Frank's. W,e have a.
fine assortment of new hats in
all styles and sizs and at very
moderate prices. For instance:
Velour hats in green, brown and
black, 15 to J10.
Knox, Stetson, Mossant Imported
French, Borsalino Imported Italian
Felt and Henry Heath Imported
English (cloth) hats In a great va
riety of styles variously priced.
Last, but by no means least
M. & F. Special Felt hats 2-f3.
Men's Hat Shop. Main Floor
Ivory Pyralin
Delightful Gift Articles
JJ.25 Ivory Beaded Bonnet
Mirror, $2.49.
13.7 S Ivory Hair Brushes,
$1.75 Ivory Dresser Trays for
25c Ivory Dressing Combs 19e
75c Hair Receiver and 75c Puff
Box for $1.19.
25 c Nail File J 19c.
25 c Button Hooks, 19c
25c Ivory Stand Cologne Bot
tle. 19c.
Ivory Manicure Sets, 49c to
Ivory Toilet Sets, $6 to $50.
Four-Piece Manicure Sets,
special, 49c.
Mais Floor. Slilh Street
You Have Only Two Days Left to Select Gifts From
TO YTOWNTlie Kiddies' Paradise
In spite of the tremendous demand for toys, dolls and games of ever- descrip
tion during the past few weeks, we still have a most comprehensive assortment
for your selection these last two days. To attempt even the most meager descrip
tion would be futile suffice it to say that, nd matter what kind of toy, doll or
.game you desire, we have it and at' the price you wish tq-pay. Amongst our vast
assortment are: v s
Kiddie Kars They will delight the small children
priced $1.25, $1.75, $2.25, $2.75. 1
': 'Mechanical .Trains With cars and tracks, these
will please the boys priced $i, $1.25, $1.75, $2
$2.25, $3.50, $5. . .,
Electric .Trains The very best makes priced. at
$5 and upwards ; ; . " :-
m Folding Doll Carts With steel ; fraraes--pricedgl
79c, 95C, $1.50, $2.9$, $3.25. ; ,.;,
We have the most complete stock of games In
the city, such as Flincli, Rook, Pit, Parchesse, Polly
anna, Steeplechase, Messenger Boy, Chess, -etc. -'Automobiles,
hand cars, velocipedes, tricycles, doll
carts, bicycles and other wheel goods In great as-;
'sortment at lowest possible prices-, .
Grownups as well as the children will enjoy visit
ing this ection when In tne store. " i - .v
. ' . ;; " . . ; ' Toytown. Firth Floor.
Make Splendid
Gifts for
Combination sets of Imitation
Ermine and Lamb's Wool, also
Angora and Lamb's Wool, set
$2.75 $3.75.
Natural Kit Coney or Musk
rat $5.50 $6.7-5 $7.50.'
Squirrel Locks $9.50 $10.
Iceland Fox (Angora goat)
and Thibet Lamb $6.50 $12.50.
For -the Junior miss we have
setsvof Muskrat, Imitation Er
mine, Fitch, Moufflon. Iceland
Fox (Angora goat) rnd Gray Fox
from $12.50 to $25. - ,
V '. ' Fur Shop. Fourth Floor
Sale of Women's
Samples from the New York office
of one of the country's most promi
nent manufacturers of women's
high grade silk umbrellas. Bought
at a very special price concession
buy for yourself and for gift giving
at the following sensational reduc- .Q
tions: . t.
Green, purple and blue. .Also
black silk mixtures with plain and
fancy colored borders Light and
dark Pickwick handles with cords
and rings. $5 to $6 vaiues.
Plain and fancy colored borders.
New style handles with or without
white tips. Green, navy and pprple
colors. $6.50 and $7 values,
Umbrellas 95.85
Newest handles, with tortoise,
bak-lite and; white tips. Purple,
green, navy, black and changeable
effects. $7.50 and $8 values.
1 . i a . a v . j.
Green, navy, purple, with white
and colored handles and tips to
match. Also tortoise tips and han
dles to ntttch. Pickwick handles.
$8.50 and $9.00 values.
Latest -novelties In purple,
green, navy and black umbrellas.'
Extra quality all silk with white,
green and bak-lite handles. "$10
jnd $12.50 values.'
Umbrella Shop, Mala Floor
Women A Sensational
Sale Bath Robes
Good S2.49 to S4 Values
Here's a gift suggestion not to be over
looked a most acceptable gift at a substan
tial saving. Fine heavy flannel and cordu
roy bath robes with large roll collars and
pockets. With girdle and neck cords. Many
are lined. All desirable colors. Buy for
self as well as for gift-giving tomorrow at
the remarkably low price of $1.98.
Men and Women Buying for Men
Here Is a Savings Opportunity
You Should Take Advantage of
Men's Slippers 98c
Every pair of men's slippers" In or Lower Price Store Is In
cluded at this low price tomorrow. Men's felt slippers in Everett
and Romeo styles, with leather or felt soles. Brown, gray and
black. Many with neat decorations. All sizes 6 to tl. Placed on
tables for convenient selection. Irrespective of former selling
prices, pair 98c.
Another Good Special in Slippers
Women's Slippers 89c
Women's felt boudoir slippers with chrome leather padded
soles. Gray with red, brown with tan, black with gray and red
with white trimming. Sizes 3 to 8.
Thousands of Other Bargains Tomorrow
-z- ..COME!
1 iKylJ
You Don't Have
to Watch Us to
We double our floor space January 1st.
In the meantime we are
Loaded With Christmas
TTolton Band Instrument
Orpheum Banjos, Gibson, Washburn,
Martin Guitars; Mandolins and
Ukuleles, $3-50 and up.
Complete Stock of Musie
Seiberling-Lucas Music
125 Fourth Street .
tt a
N T o
If OP.
Useful Xmas
Carving sets from ...$3.00 w t Razors, all makes ...... $8ws
fMinlcure Sets from ...$2-25 mp I Pocket Knives ....... .48 f
.We Grind Everything That Requlres'an Edge
We Can Save You the"$ for the Red Cross f 1 T i,
- TVs. Hmm f Qslit7 CvtUry , ,. . - : :
BvWwsr .l93S. : 351 SUrk. Bstisssi BvWwvy mmd Park