The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 21, 1917, Page 17, Image 17

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American Schooner Forest Home
Has 'Arrived in River With
V First Cargo From Antipodes.
- Cunard Inspectors' Depart ;
The rovernment having taken over All
steel vessels under construction (or the
Cunard line in Portland, four construc
tion superintendents of . the company.
whose places -were taken by federal in
spectors, have been ordered back to New
York and London : ' , '
J. M. Fartheiisgbam, Alex O. Stewart
and Duncan Stewart will report to their
company in London, and Fred. T. Brown
lie will go to NevrTork,
Balfour, Guthrie & Co., Bring
Grain Here for : Milling and
Transshipment ,More Coming.
,:The first direct shipment of wheat
to Portland from Australia is due Sat
urday aboard the -American schooner
Forest "Home, which arrived at Astoria
during the night, and is due to leave
up some time- today. . There are .1000
tons, in theshlpment and it is to be
discharged at the Crown mill, where
it will be milled for trans-shipment to
the east and Europe. The shipment
is coming for Balfour, Outhrie 4t Co.
The Forest Home sailed from Aus
tralia on September 18.
During the season of 19U-1915 and
1915-1916 Portland shipped wheat to
Australia. Records at the Merchants'
Exchange showing that 85,000,604 bush
els were shipped the first Beason and
1.081,374 bushels in 1915-1916. But this
was when Australia was unusually
short, bad crops previously having re
duced the supply.
The year just before the war broke
out there was a good crop,' but there
was no tonnage with which to ship
it. It is' said tha now the crop of
two seasons nave- accumulated at Aus
tralian terminals. In view of the
scarcity of . tonnage and also the great
distance to Europe, Australian import'
ers figured -that it would be practical
to ship their grain to the Pacific
coast for milling and trans-shipment.
Other such shipments will likely fol
'', Arrtra'a Peeembar t.
Klamath. American teener, from Baa Tna-
efceo. ballaat.
alonUrey. jtatartoen acBoeaer, from vanota,
oO -
Karia-ator, American tug. from Genets, beUaat.
Ptearturee Oeeember XI
la Prinura. American iteasitr. for Baa Vtaa
eiace. ballast.
Wait Land (Tandaaal. American ataaeMr. for
Pafet Sound, bellaet.' -.-
vMABWI AllimC .
' 1 Weather at Hrefi Sleuth
Jferth Heed. Dee. 21. Condition at the
mouth of tha rirar at noon: Wind, eootheaet. IS
mtlea; weather, raining; ace, amooth.
Sun BaeerS far Peotmber SS
San rlaee, T:B1 a. ra. Sua rate, 4:29 p. a. '
Tide st Aftorla Baturaar
Hiah Water: Low Wttir:
T:80 a. a. . . .6.1. feet I 0:86 a. m. . . ,1.1 fart
. . I.o teet 2:20 p. aa. . . .1.0
Chamber Still Has Hopes That Ore
gon May Get Trial Run.
After having been held here since
Wednesday pending further adjustment
of the details concerning her trial tests.
the steamer Landaas, now the west'
land,' having been renamed by the ship
ping board, left down this morning at
7 o'clock from the standard oil dock
en route to Puget Sound.
The Chamber of Commerce, however,
is still in hopes of having her stopped
, at Astoria, with an order for her trial
tests to be given here.
. Answer is expected momentarily from
Washington to the following telegram
which was sent by the chamber last
night to Robert-Dougan, its represents
tlve there:
"Construction contract Landaas pro
vides for trial and delivery on Puget
Sound. Willamette company asked by
Blaine to reduce contract price $2160
delivery here. Company insists it is
satisfied to carry Out contract. Com
reunify and government interested in
saving ship's tUfte-About meP week
- certainly can be saved- trying ship here
instead of Sound. Company insists its
Offer allowance for . trial here fair and
willing to submit to arbitration. Vessel
goes down river tomorrow. Unless
stopped at Astoria for endurance run
outsider case lost. We hold government
should do anything within reason te
. save unnecessary time sending to Sound.
No tug charges."
has sent out in the past si weeks 20
sailors and two engineers. - The -engineers
had been employed- around sta
tionary engines, but were able to secure
tickets for marine), service. .
News of the. Port
on t Jjidht :
Tkis, 'Candle? RED CROSS FUG
Kcl Cross Ckanges Its Mind SHOULD BE IN
. . . -
This Hesrst-Pathe picture shows ft little girl member of the Red Cross
about to light a candle on Christ Is. so greet that people are asked
her home. Bat the danger of fire mas ere behind the service flag In
not to light the readies. """"
8:21 p.
5 . -'f S
I 2n km u-i
a .i 1 6.66
96 8.6 z. J 0.00
10 T.O -1.6 0.00
20 17.0 -0.2 0.02
20 Si. 6 -a. 3 0.00
12 14.4 0.3 0.02
IS 19. -0.4 0.00
p. m.
The steam schooner Wapama gqt
away this morning for the south with
a cargo of lumber. She finished load
ing At St Helens. ."
After discharging a cargo of oil the
tanker W. F. Herrin left down at 6
o'clock last night.
jThe annual inspection of ' the new mo
tershlp Pauline has been postponed un
til Wednesday due to her not being
ready. She is still at Astoria, but is
to be brought here soon..
The motorshlp Astoria shifted from
the Oregon drydock to the Fifteenth
street terminal this morning.
' With a cargo of barrel staves for
Richmond,, the steam schooner. La
Primera is due to leave sometime to
day. She Is at the Fifteenth street
The barge St. James shifted from the
North Pacific mill to Westport today to
finish loading a cargo of lumber for
.the Rolph shipyard at Eureka.
Orccoa City . . .
Portland . . . . ,
Kklns. ( ) f ahinaV
Aatorta. Dm. 21. Ballad it t l m..' ataam.
ar Wapama, far Baa rtaaolaoe and San Pedro.
A (tori. Dm. 20, Arrtvad st 4 and laft op
at 6 p. m., ataaaar Klamath, from San yraa
eitco. Ballad at t:B0 p. m., ataamer Hoaa Citr,
for Ban Frmaeueo aad Baa Podro: at 6:80 p.
m., ataamar Staawood, for watt eaaat Scrutli
America; at T p. m., ataamar Daisy FnemaB.
for Saa rrarkjlaao, ria Grar Harbor. Arrivad
at 6 and laft up at T :40 p. m.. aehoonar
Monterey, in to of tut naTlsator; from uariota;
motor schooaar Foraat Homa, from Malbourna.
i oatma tut mar.
Abardaoa, Dv 20. Arrlted at 2 p. m..
motor aehoonar sotaAnc. from Portland.
Baa Pedro. Dee. 20. Arrived at S p. m..
steamer Bhaata, from Colombia rlrer: at O p.
m.. ataeeter Flaval. from Cohimbia riTar.
Marsh field. Dee. 20. Sailed: O. C. tin
daner and Johanna Smith, for Baa Fmnciaoo,
at 4. and 4:80 p. m.
Han rranetseo. uee. aw. -li. J, b. ) Ar
rlted, Dee. 20: Bearer, from Loa Ane-elea. at
12:10 p. m.; Vantuard, from Loa Anfelea, at 3
n. m Katharine, from Port Ban Luia. at 2:46
p. to. : CoaniUe River, from Loa Anselaa. at
2:36 p. m. ; Admiral Sehler, from Loa Angelea,
at 4:10 p. at.; Admiral Dewey, from Seattle, at
6:20 p. ra. ; Graya Harbor, from uraya uar
W at iA'AI n m
gailed: Daiay Matthawi. for Aatorla, at 1:10
, -ri 1 Inr Vnnt Sound, at 1 :20 t.
. iMi fv Maatlla. 1 :SS o. m. : British
ateamer Merchant, for Brittah -Columbia, at
.i a r tk turn Bee. Kaala. with barce Simla in
t ikr Port Ban LuU. at 8:48 P. m.; BaaU
Monica, for Earaka. at 4:26 p. nt.: Winder
Houolaitt. 4 :40 p. m. : El Setando, few TcrrtLinA
at 6 B. nL; See roam, tor Ueadaclno. at 6:20
r, urasoant uity,
arbor. 1 a. m. ;
Am Kina. with baree Snklna M . Pnelpa ta
tow. Port Baa Lola. 7 a. m-s F. B. Loop, cr
erett. 8 a. m.: Homer. Bant Barbara, 11 a. a.
a.HI V. ra AbmIm 1 u a. m.
Beatue. Waah.. Dae. il-Tt .Vt.)--rived:
- Port Anaelea, from Baa Fraaeiaoo, rla
Port Aatelea. at 11 a St.: Aamirai carraiui.
from San Pedro, via San mneieoo. 10:80 a. m.
Deo. 20. Armed: laanila Mara, from Ta-
oema, at 6 p. m. . . ... .
tim ?n. hii m: UHn. lor nan ru-
cfeeo. at 4:80 p. ta.', Jafferaoa, tor aothaaat
era Alaakaa porta, at B p. m.
Junaau. Deo. 20. Bailed: Admiral Irani,
weetbooud, 12 :16 p. m.
Tumm. TlML 21. Armed: . Multnomah.
(mm Baa Pedro, tie Ban Franciaco! Katori
Mara, from Beatua.
Dee. so. Arrived l i anean ana uoraca a.
Baxter, from Seattle.
Serbian Mission
Is in Washington
Washington. Deo. 21. (L N. a) The
Serbian diplomatic mission that carte
to this, country to give their nation
thanks for aid the United States has
extended to it, arrived here today. The
party, headed by Pr. M. K. Veanltch,
was greeted at the Union station by
Secretary of State Lansing and other
This afternoon Ir. Vesnitch and his
colleagues will be received by the presl
dent at the White House and will pre
sent an autograph letter from King
Baa Francioco. Dae. 21 .-Am
Huoneme, mldnlfM; Mandalay.
1:30 a. m. I CaQlo. Graya Ha
Twenty Sailors Supplied
Responding to the government's ap
peal for sailors to man the new mer
chant marine fleet, issued locally
. through the Chamber of Commerce,
Barney - Dionne, business manager of
the Columbia river district of the Ma
rlne Engineers" Beneficial association.
- e7 . : " - j .- .- -j. ... ri "ii - -tt - - -- i - -
Packing.Plant Labor
Investigation Begun
Chicago, Deo. zl. (I. N. 8.) W. B
Wilson, secretary of labor and chair
man of President Wilson's commission
on labor unrest, today began investiga
tions into grievances of employes of the
meat industry in the United States,
centering in the union stockyards here.
The investigations are to be made at
the request of Secretary of War Baker,
If so, you are probably thin blooded imd anemic. Thin
blood gets thinner, poor blood gets poorer, a lowered
vitality grows lower. If you are one-quarter sick you
win, if you neglect yourself, soon become half-sick, and
then entirely sick. Poor health, like everything, else in
nature, is progressive. Nothing in life stands stilL
. If you are run-down from unusual strain, worry, or
overwork; if you are pale and become fatigued easily, in
other words, if life is somewhat of a burden to you, try
, glides Tepivgaiv
' "The Red Blood BaUdet"
: AUmetrtedreiriexiyfortte wrcm
ww huw was le pste ana puny, n '
i It brings beck the Jey ef Hfe by fbrtuying the
very aueam of Ufa the bleed with liberal '
amounU of the iron needed to build na thenaanda
of new, rich, red bleed oella. Ifyoe are only half-,
well aad your condition ia net due te a serious v
Ui, !5f eo"? fP'Pto-Mangan. H bee ,
helped mllUons, so tt will help you. Oat a bottle "
today. : -v. ? . : ... .
Peirte-Mariganeannet Injurethetaoerthe "
stomach. He color and elightly aromatic taete
are attractive. It neither taataa a or laeks like Y
. medicine, and its good results are em apparent.
- FrimdlryVmrnlnijRm earaful te get the only
trae Pepto-Mancan -lode'a, which ta aold only
mi i in ewifwwm
i -it
J- at
.' ' . " 1
J . - i
l "--at i
V" - V
4 "
. V"
i "
Sterilization Urged
By the State Board
Vamser et Cases s4 Oregea ZattltBtleBi
- Are Af srevedi Xaether Optalea Aaked
Before Any Deflalts AetSea Is Taken,
BaUem. Or, Doo. 21v The state board
of eugenics, which comprises) snembers
of the siat board, of health and super
intendents of both insane asylums,
warden of the penitentiary and trper-
a. j , i .a i intenoeat ot u insunxuon tor xeeote
LltlZenS Urged TO OnOW Mem- j minded. Thursday approved for stertU-
sauon. eeverat
i n ! . f . savuoB. lei aj ra aw a me wegomr scate
oersnip uesign ana to I real hospital tor msa and at th stau
Solicitors With Courtesy. I reported for Investigation at the institu
tion for the xeebie minded, but the
board did not have Urn to reach that
place) Thursday.
Before any action is taken, however, tt
I Is understood the board will ask Xttor-
mav Cltimmmt TtpM 4 a . V Ai i
I tn tti n t ai .i r . 1 ' : ----- . vvlimuu
I TY. VY. rSUISOn, ID nonn rroni queeuon relating to procedure.
p. , n ca t til 't I wani vx neeuox aajournea
Street. PaVS $50 for. "Ufa to meet In ForUaad today, whan the)
I antial lAAtln Af i rn . ti w v ia
LTotAl memberships in Portland. ,21,191
Total ouUide Portland 68.18
Los Angeles Schools
To Be 'Germanless1
Orand total
Xluess we can safely call that a IUe I ASollahBtast ef Kverytabif Oenaaa te
membership." said W. W. Paulson of II I Be Xesmlt ef Teaeaers Meettag aa
North Front street, as he deposited 150 1 Addreis PralaUg Oeraam TkeagkU
with the woman In charge of the Rod! Jjoo Angel ee. Dee. tVCU. TP V
Praaa mamhairehln luwtth and I "ErerythlnsT German" wfll ha atllmfnataat
proudly walked away with his receipt in 1! 7. ty luUto achoola as
a I t IS aft rsl mi 1 1 f Af Ka tAAMKawaV eafs I a a.
his pocket and a button on bis lapeL .,OM h. It wa. iM , tvi.
Local men and business firms have I the laudation by Professor W. A. Cooner
t.iian nut ru a i- mamharaMsa far Ore- of Stanford university . of German
, .. . . o.. uwuBl aaa pnuoaxrpny in an aoarese
'r . " 1 before the Institute.
iuim 1S8 M L Klin, rod J a Wheiler A roluUon to th oard of education
Bate. ISO. M. L. Klji 100. J. Wheeler I Mk, fop aboltahment of the Oer-
city schools and
L- IV..W,h1' i00.' N.,uf.U' I man languar. frorrT
Drvwerm jiwvuut r . ia4soi aw. aaaw-i ,1 -l.... i.,w-
I a ... . m -n av a v w m b.vm we laieaas w S wes
7' $ rZZZZ 7i J? r British Poet, took a rap
, ... - - 1 at rnroiessor cooper.
AJ .7 a",rLf "H otar about with a packet of
I German poison for the school children
Emery OUnstead IS. robes Supply com
pany zs. western Eaetrio u. racuw
States Qsctrio company 2S, Stubbs EHac
trla company 86, Weetlnghouse Eleotiia
company 26, Weetlnghouse Lamp com
pany 25, Charles R. McCormick & Co.,
25. Earl C Bronaugh 28. W. li. Behar
roll 26. Portland Shipbulldlnjr company
25. Kaola company 26. B. J. Jubllts 26,
Henry Hewitt at Co. 25. A. O. Anderson
Co. 25. C. Hunt Lewis 26, Zimeraan
Wells-Brown St Co. 26. Edward Cooking-
of CaUfornla." he declared.
No Compensation
For Enemies Abroad
Salem. Or., Dec ll. Attorney Oen
4ral Brown today advised tha atata in.
ham 25. Loggers a Contractors Machln-1 due trial accident commission that com
ery company 25, J. C. A ins worth 26, C I pensation payments to dependeau living
F. Adams 25. A. L. MUls J5. D. Cham- in Austria-Hungary should be suspended
bers son zb. i during the period of the war. At a re.
31 ore 166 Per Centers suit of accidental deaths of Austrian
Following Is the new list of 10(T per workmen under the compensation law,
cent Red Cross membershlD firms: commission was paying com pens.
Troy Laundry. Palace Laundry. Pa- un severai aepenoent relatives in
clflc Grain company. Kerr Olfford com- Aflstiia-Hungary. The attorney general
pany. Northern Grain a Warehouse I did not pass on the Question as to
company, International Harvester com-1 whether payments should be resumed
C,,. r:M M.HUI I. AJ!..J TLn C r- PL.!.i I PnyL T- - J"f "."f: I after Ua war. as treaUes may affect
Utaio I no iiiaiauai rtul6U I liat JUKKe)UUM IUI Vlll lallllaS I iavcy at un aa n.ii.i I that.
so, Oregon
Journal; Portland Evening Telegram.
UIUWTDII sjg, V.a VoiVWSW eja evwiee
Coin Machinery Manufacturing com
pany. Foruano K.nnung company, Da
vidson Bakery, New York Bakery. Cuivart A Flume eomoanv. Footer
Red Cross service flar in windows I & Klelser. Haselwood company. Front
company, bui-
Eve Feature Be Dropped as Too Dangerous to Life
and Property to Be Encouraged.
Salem, Or., Dec- 21. A telegram was
received by State Fire Marshal Wells
Thursday stating that the headquarters
of the American Red Cross in Washing
ton has sent instructions to district chiefs
and chapters withdrawing the sugges
tion of placing lighted candles behind the
Milwaukee .Rioters
Face Long Terms
nmu viue service nag in windows ft rtieiser, Maseiwooa oompeu
son for the withdrawal of this request street; the Hart -CI rax com pi
was that the placing of a candle in a fum Pendleton. U.B. Rubber
window might cause a fire, either by the ,MiH!S- -S
curtain blowing against the flame of
era! Telegraph company. Boyer Print-
Milwaukee. Wis, Deo. 21. fl. N. 81V-
Eleven alleged anarchists are facing
prison terms of from one to 26 y
Woolen Mills I here today after being found runty by a
iuo i am. or I r
the candle or persona being called away eomoany. Storage TButter company, Jury of asaaulf with Intent to kill and
to extinguish 1 Bastern Outfitting e
suddenly and forgetting
the name.
Phone Wage Hearing
Is Taken Up Again
Ifegotlatloss Betnmed After Federal
Arbitrator Is Informed Coast Coaler
enee Is Unable to Beach Agreement.
San Francisco, Dec 21. (I. N. S.)
After John K. Williams, federal arbi
trator, had been notified that efforts to
agree xn a further increase of wages
for telephone workers on the coast had
failed, negotiations between the Pacific
Telephone and 'Telegraph company and
union committees were reopened today.
Williams had been agreed upon to
.decide the wave scale in the event
direct negotiations failed when the
strike was settled some time ago. He
company, Portland I murder. The defendants, were partlcl
Kmnrtrium. amnion at lo.. Lipman I nanta In a. rlat rvra in Rntannhr.
WOIIO at tJO. onerman v.i7 m.
HKiitnar. Vox Auto- Too company. Olde-
mobUe company. Log Cabin Bakery, Pa-
Austria Willing '
To Talk of Peace
Amsterdam. Dec 2L TJ. P.V Aaa-
trta-HuEgmry approved s general peace)
"without annet-atkms. territorial or
nomlc." but cannot tnalntata such
disinterested war alms if her enemies
eoatln the war. Count Caerain. Aaavtre
Husgarlaa foreign minister, declared In
a speech before the parliament.
lta patches from Vienna Tbarsday
said he) spoks In repf to lnterpeUaUons
and approved the Russian separate peaoe
Jamaa J. Kale aaaVerlfe IaaMW J.
Jta saej'arlaaje. U B, . 8. Baley
Add. en Paetteayl . B
2ha B. Hbraoa te tHcifle Bafkniie .,
i. .- a t wk s. mm pmt AJfcdod flat.
B. 8. Gilham-a narinaul AAA
Laera R. Walah and haaaaad t J.aMa
r. war aa wife. I. IS. AV t. leaav
a1 AM
Ward JC. JawAia e iUtrj K. Poauey. U
. . 1, Creiys
Ciarrto P. Beevaaaa aad haafcaJkf te OU
Olaaav U IS. B. S LanreHraad
Treaaorer ef Cttv ef rorUead to Calane-
Mertaa Co., U 1. m. SS, L I, B.
88. L 9. BU SS. an te rirm
laaaa to CaUen-hfarta Caw. L T. B.
88. Fairport.
sUrsarvt C. MeKbisoa to Rath TresW
-Co.. LB. a 21. BerUastaw i .-
Wai H. Clark aed wife te aaaae. I 6.
. II. Rwnastaai
Bear I. ItarkWy aad vtfe U aaaaa. L
1. B. 40. Bartrnctae)
Cbartae Refer. a aad wife te aaaae, I
1. IS. & S, Bertiaetaa
Cam Kewkers Leareea te -hit. L
IS. B. 9. Bertsartoa
rrejarfe a. Wta.r aad wife te easM. L
11. 12. B, IT. BvrHastoa
W. W. yearea aad artfa ta saaaa. U 6.
B. B. Barnaatoa
Liae rhaliaw Xelaoe aad traabaad le
a. ma. l. is. b. tt. Bvriimcto. . . .
Bephta Eaait aad baiefaead te aaaaa, L
It. B. IS. Bartteetoa
Orrlaad C treetloai Ov ta Uabel Bere-
etetn. land bra. at X. K. ear. L. 4.
B. S. TCltaa J. Unrvhr'a Add
The rnbeVaatoek Laraoei HoeaebeJM-
era la.eatmeut CataB. C Anam. L.
88. ST. B. 84. Janaaeaore
Mae rVrkina Caataexltorfe e al to Beth
Baaltr Oa.. U S. B. IS, Barnawtoa
r. w. r.-si
tomea ta Bath Beany Caw L
Karif te aasM,
B. 16. Berttartoa
aa. U SO. B. IB. Bmrt-
Ltrht company office
force. Ruseell Gilbert. Alber
dflo Power ft
ere Broth-
Safety First
Mam ma Wh af Is Willie crying about?
Bridget Shore, ma'am, he wanted to
he'd had 'era yet.
Labor Commissioner
IlfiaVfiR flTT TlllH.iTinnV kli.Cn 'T'Jin I go aero- the street to Tommy Orns.
- walkover BooT 8ho Cl 5y. Work Mamma-Well, why didn't you
I f Tin aV Hiwiann. Ball A Co.. the eounty t him gOT
Makes Seeesd Attemst te Oat te ri. I aaeeeaor's office and the following de-1 Bridgetr They were bavin' charades.
wi.. t a.. . Ipartments of the O-W. R. N. com- he said, ma'am, and X wasn't sure
- - pany: General managers or nee, trar-
Kot Dolsg Fair Thing by Them. I fic manager's office, general freight of-
, i nee. general paeeenger oroce, riui
Salem, Or.. Dec 21. Labor Commie. I rtaim danartment. car service) depart-
sioner Hoff left again Thursday in a sec- ment- tax and right of way dapartroent,
. ... . . . general claim department, general au-
ond attempt to reach Tillamook to In- oerintendents department; Ooodyear
vestlgate the fjcomplalnU being made by Tire Rubber company. 8. Ban ekOo..
employe In logging camps. H. under' IZZZTZ. hT
took to ro the first ef the uV a Co.. Olobe Grain 4 Milling company.
. . . . . .... . overbeck A Cooke. Pacific Grain corn-
was luraea oaca oy conditions arUlng rs.ny Thomas Bergman Shoe company,
from the heavy rain a 1 CrithaiL Tiwla A Staver. Dennoe Food
Kimam mauomrj as a-nni-
MarraerUa K Vad' U. ' A.' 'irowaaC "w
aaaai t aiu aaao? cav. 4. s,
B. 18. tarHMtoTT. .TT!
frank . Brettbarth te aaau. L T, B.
IS. BorUnstoe
, T. Bvah aad eifa te aaava. U 24. B.
6. Barttaetoe
N. Haaaeei aad wife te aaava. L
80. B. 1. Barttejton
Eenry Retmera and wife te Bath Treat
la, U I, B. 1, aniaetoe. ......
B. B. reed to Bath Treat (V, U. It.
B. SO, Bnrttnstaa
EUaaheth I. limine ta Both Treat Ce.
I- IT. IS, B. IS. BmrUastoa. . . . . .
Traaaaa P. Teemc to Bath Treat Co..
L 86. B. 1. BarUasta
C A. Cartaoe te eeaaa, L 18. B. 2t.
FrUda W. Taiiaf aad haaKaad to
Roth Bealty Co.. L. IS. B. 38. Barl-knsto
Oraea O. Pike and haabasd te aaaM, L.
4. B. SI. Barnnctoa
John A. Peterann and wtfe ta aaate. L
IS. 14. B. IT, Beruaetoa
kfrnle Uledas aad haaeand to Beth
Trait C-. U T, B. SS, Raruaa-tee). . '
Ksrdbr-Crarea la" aaaat C& to D. IX
atoralaao. . ST w leM. !, s, B
vvU'a Add to VI out Tahnr
trtaa F. Hanbart and wire to J.
JanowaU. U IS. B. S. BveetMar. . .
Ira C Cnniahaai aad wife to Aania
Ciereavad. U It. B. t, H.a.i.i BC
Add. -
E Arrld Braadt to Jaaaaette Braadt.
hie wife. L. T, 8. B. 22. Mount Ta
bor TUla . .
H. K. KobU and wife to Padfle Butloe
err A Prtartns Co.. K T, B. 8. Fait
Baa. ef htcKteley Park
aOaale Jaffraaa to Alas M. Jefrraat. hav
baabaad. X. 40 feet. U T. 8. B. 11.
Haaaoa'e Add to E. P...
LrvavWltor HrdraaUe Ca. to Otla P.
Alia aad wue. U 11, B. It, Weetevet
E E Lee Stetoer "and' wife' 'to' Klhert
Teaska. L, 31. B. lot. Laarat
trarat Bhertff te P. L. lwt. eaaa. salddle cats,
rd. 843.38 feet M. of aaaur af Bee.
IS. T. A. B. 2 E.. th.ane east
180 feet, avtrfh St feet. aat 1S
faat. aoath 80 feet to hes
Crews Peiat Land C. to leeas f aad.
L T. 6. 11. 13. B- 2. There Bta. .
Baaae to aaaaa. L 6. 18. 14. IB. B. 2.
Than BetsUta
C eerie H. RaaUhoa aad wife te Eie
- aaoat L. Lav). L. 8. B. 16. MtTlaaw
rrka Haa-eheW to Wri Uandl "fi." W. H-,
f K. E, H. Baa. 28. T. 1 H. 8.
RaTaa lL' Lto 'iid "haaiirf 'to A
Taravr. B. 48 teat, U S. 2V 241,
H9Uaoara Add. ta E P f
TMto a4 Traat 6e. to Edward W.
rwnm e al, E." It, U 11. B. 9; ,
U.tlcrr Add 10
W. T. BlaaMaa ta J. U B L - '
B. B. I. Baa Taa Add 3.t00
B. P. Boeertawa aad wtfe te Wahev . .
a, t ,L.I, L ,:.
aTlaylTVejaraTj AAA aaaataa.aea.a J '
Lewie Kleotai rt al to A- Tnaaa. W.
feat. lm T. IB. & 22. Bberleck s
Add. 806
L 4. MrDaaW ta Wunaai H. Tea .
Tteraa. U T. B. t. w. uM Tasar J
tffte A. BkeUoa to Ledd TUtoa Beak. - -
I 4e 41. 42. 48. 44. B, 12. Pea- . - .
tnaata Aad. 16
E B. MflWr te 3ahe SL Eoaaahery at al, - . '
I. S. B. 1. Creatoa .......
Cn Par aaaartaMna to J.
MrPaddea. att that part L. It. 11. B.
SS. R. c. Perk wbar aaa wast of a -
one dtewa SO faat waat af aad par-
altal wttk at Una aatd Wa 16
L Tartorta Baavrnna to AHee Terataas. ' '
I. B. B. a. Baa. e Tr. 1 aae 4.
r.iaaan4 , 666
Abro Varan ag aad bnaeead te Uda T.
rartor. u. a. n. x. swa. at it. a - .
aad 4. Peraanad ''19 , '
laea MrK. Eefeen-e to Jaeoh Eatowa. ,
I. T. B. B. S. Helaaaa- Bak. ef U I, , , ... .
r.i.i Pm. - T6 '
W&Baai U Naah to A. L Onea. KB.
araaaeef U SI. DaLaahataU ft Uaf .
IJtiW Hi. Sak. Ma. 4.... . 86
beaephlne Behnvibei kfarah aad he-hand '
to rerrte W. aiuier. u. m. d. m. ,
Breoktea -
1 , . . i
H. A Taawaa. met fraau vataea, 9 JL
lth N lietaeaa flatus aad WrsaatS aMaudaS
T' IX Rlcka. eacl fraaaa sarasa. IMS E.
884 at. M. t.ta.ea Alharta .aad Baecj
aaililai aaaaa t0.
Boethara Paetfla y. Ca., rarait 3 aad B
atmy frame factory. S91-8 Bert at. beta. am
4th and 111 su.; Portlaad Eanstac Ca. beliaV
era; &0. . '
O. M. Clark, altar S H atory fraaaa d-Uin.
168 N. Stth at. oaraar kwaameTS hf- W.
Lereaa builder: 600.
Frank A. Hewr. eraet fraasa eareee. ltlt
Slat at. K. hetweM Wnaat aad AtberUi C W. .
Boles, bnitder: SIOO. -
Joaa WOaoa Entata Ca.. naalr 4 atory Vrfcr
etdinan' twataaraat. 34t Aktar at. aetweea Sd -
aad 4th ata; htaltaei ft Cooary haOdeta; 8138.
Hotted horaa aad cow manure. P&oad
Eaat 181, OllTt.
400 I C
. m m i
aaa i
meettso ironcrs ' 41
aL kaMA ttMrLU a. aJ
O. It. If. A Staled
Betarda. Dae. S3, at B a. aa..
Maaonta Teaaple. w. Park and
Tajehin at a. Elartloa af erff
ears aad lepiaeaataaj.aa to the.
Impart! eoajviL Caarart by
the bead at T p. ta. TkOUaB
aaeiee enedten htrttod.
JAA P. MorrfcTT. Peteatato.
'. aad A. VI. Special eon.,
aaaaleauoa teaauiiaw t Satardar ,
at S e alork. Vtfark la the r. C
Curiae. Vadtiae bratkrea ear
aiallr larited, Bj order af the
w. U. ,
LESLnC 8. pAhKCB. BeetwUry.
M. W. A ROCNPfp AU Kodera
woodatett eaaipe of Maltaeeaak and
adjataias coeaUaa will anet at the at.
VT. A. hall, aa 11th at. teeer Stark,
aat Batarday aaatas aad tattle le a
etaw, af aver lot aaw
bat eordtaTly lartted.
A. P. aad A.
M. Sriail oaa
ta M.
thta (Pnekv
ine at T.0 Mr are
IX. detrraa. Vtattor ere
B ererr ef w. VI.
ED C DICK. B-rrU-y.
U8W iAlO UluE KO. 10S. A.'
P. AXD A. hi . tfUwaakta. Or.
aar eewms. Iae. S3, et 6 a'elaak.
laatalkttioa af oftteera. eSVnaaa--SMOt
aad tf reahfaaata r nstart
J. hf. BNIED8TB. Baa.
M-aj 1 anrd nar-r. j'60dAlWke baa. 84 and
Marravm. 24 floor, thai irrtdar)
S S! T; tarkera aad athac artaea.
BKfanrilOnS cnrXClfiU l a aanoa ana
card partr at 814 BaaaaU at toaaorrow (Bal-
k MMtna .limit a 2S.
tUBIJU main a
IS 1-8
e.t. o n. . . . . i eomoany. ivun.m i -
, u.w a. o. xiaoaiey to wnom mnnnv, Pseiflo Scale ft Supply
?. fuVrdmTnr-t of minX nnS Commissioner Hoff referred the matter ccmpany, Blumauer Frank Co.
will come here unless the com-! wan aa was unaoie to reacn TUiamook, I """ " .. .
reported to Mr. Hoff Thursday that the ClUiens kreurgea to upf . '
men In the logging camps declared th.w R Cross service flags In therr wln-
belng subjected to unfair treat- dow" as to save the Ume or ine so-
.-iir-itv" rll
Stmdy tkt pktnrm eo 'ym
X mrtU ftnoa how area nine
r AHfitoidmngmn look.
In bottles end aekaaraa aa Bhtaral k mA t.
never aold ia balk. Read circular era and bottle.
Ppr eele by ell druggiatfc . i-
' P-ptoMmn4i ia aeafe eatVoy ' J
loV' J. BRE1TENBACH CO. NewYock"
. ' Mannfkctartng Chemlats - , '
, - . a -
pany and unions reach an amic
able settlement. In the strike set
tlement workers were granted an in
crease of 12 per cent, and their de
mand for an additional advance of the
same amount was left for the present
negotiations to decide.
"There wBl have to be something do
ing today or tomorrow," said L. C.
Grasser, international vice president of
the electrical workers. The summon
ing of Williams was just a little prema
ture." Eleven Starson Flag
of Forester's Offioe
Xaeladlsg Field Men, ft Are JTew la
Service Treat DUtiiett B'smber ! ef Aetivlty Represented.
A new service flag displaying eleven
stars graces the local United- States
Forester's office. The stars represent
men formerly connected with the dis
trict office, who are now with Uncle
Sam's fighting forces both here and
overseas! Including field men, there are
75 men from this district now in mili
tary service, but the flag is only for
those or the orcice stair.
Men who are represented and their
present assignments are: Captain Shir
ley Buck, Quartermaster's corps; Captain-
Leonard Lundgun, One Hundred
and- Sixteenth engineers: Captain T.
W. Rase, infantry; Captain H.-B. Oak
leaf, aviation v section of the signal
corps ; Lieutenant James Frankland,
Oregon coast artillery; Lieutenant . X.
P. Cecil, Oregon coast artillery; Lieu
tenant W. H- Olbbons. Tenth engineers ;
Lieutenant R. H.. Weltknecht, field ar
tillery ; H. 8. Ward. One Hundred and
Slxtenth engineers i Emil - Dallenbaeh.
Oregon coast artillery, and Ben Eddy,
One Hundred and Fifty-third engineers.
Twelve Aliens Are
Made U. S. Citizens
Two Applicants With Allied Armies
wot Get Papers at Cleat of War.
t Application of As ttrlass CestlasWd.
Twelve', aliens were granted citizen
ship papers Thursday- in the federal
court, and ' two Thomas Alexander
Dickson. Irish, and Ralph R. Hender
son. British, who have enlisted ' with
the allies sine taking out first papers
will be granted full cltlsanshlp at the
close of the war. - . .
-The- applications of Martin Jaeger
and Paul Noeka, Austrlans, were - con
tinued until after the war. . -..--- ,
Those)' who. were, granted certificates
Caspar Zollle Switzerland i Laurits A.
! Larsen. UJforway: Herman Ahlqulst,
J Norway i. chuyler Colfax MePberson.
ment by their employers and unless I Hcltors and in case one Is not shown,
some action was taken to protect them I 7 ar ur to treat solicitors for
m7 wouia nave to give up their jobs. I nmn""" "
Accoruing to reports received by Mr.
non. we men nave subserlbed to the
pledge of the Loyal Lesion of Lorr.r.
and Lumbermen, which is to the effect
that they will not strike or do any other
act that will retard the work being done
for the government during the war. and
the men say their employers are taking
advantage of their patriotism to Subject
them to unfair treatment.
Save Your
Cash and
wYour Health w
cold care for SS paaav '
George A. Havill and Edwin B. Lock
hart. Canada; Selma Abonen. Finland;
James Barlow and William Wright,
England Peter Simon Kaadt, Den
mark; Malcolm Crier and Robert
Nicholson, Scotland. s
Mexican Killed for Monty
Stockton. Cal, Deo. 2L U. P.
Enedlno Barrios, a Mexican, was mur
dered at Kingston. . a station on the
Western- Paclfio railroad. IS miles north
of Stockton, nt an early hour this morn
ing. He was shot twice through the
! head with a pistol. Robbery is believed
to have been the motive.
How Fat Actress
Was Made Slim
Belgian Relief Near
. 750,000-Ton Mark
Stipsteats Frost TJatted States Seat at
Bate ef About 166,660 Teat a Vesta.
Lettes TJse tt TJ-Beats Skew Decrease.
Washington. Deo. 21. (L N. 8.) The
starving civilian population et Belgium
and northern France la now reoeivmg
food supplies- from the United States
at the rate of about 1 00,000 iocs s
month. The commission on Belgian
relief today announced that shipments
from American ports for this relief work
are being stead Uy increased. Losses in
Lnhlpments have- greatly decreased. It I
was announced.
With allied destroyers cutting down
the effectiveness of the submarine the
supplies art reaching Rotterdam mora
regularly than in the fall. The total
amount of foodstuffs shipped probably
will reach 760.000 tons by January 1.
Tha 27l.000.0oo loan made by the
United States for this purpose has been
practically exhausted and negotiations
now are under way with Secretary of
the Treasury McAdoo for an extension
of that fund.
- Many stags people new depend an
ttrely upon Marmola Prescription Tab
lets for reducing and controlllns- fat-
One clever actress tells that she re-
cucea two to rour pounds a week by
uetng this new form of the famous
Marmola Prescription and now, by tak
lag Marmola. Tablets several times 1
year, keeps her weighs) lust right. All
druggists sell. MaroTola Prescription
Tableta tt TI eenta for a larca rtia
Or you can get them by sending price
direct to the Marmola Co. 664 Wood
ward Ave, Detroit, Mich. Jf you have
not tried them do so. They art harm
less ana errective. Aav.
' Not si nitre) ajup-dinnftr tlwt,
bt Be TwBl StOTflaVCh aXTdldBB, (Of
moUtwd to brlax lnstABt rajjti t
1T9T9 CB6BSJ fj nmt W.leaf
sfaniHoE, Try it eb4 b ootk-
TlBtWd. E0a4 6Ua4 tnUtfUt6)t4 .
XI clrssxlsu.
The eta
he taha
rt luraa aafa, eare. mm mpimtm
1 eoad ta 84 huaaa grim ta t
SeVoeteVbecklf it faOe. Oettha
koa with sud tea aad Mr. x
HuTS pactara mm it.
Caete led, grvae
84 Tahaata fa Ua.
At Aaiy Drvg Stave
llljdown people 100 per
1 (etnl In ten dave In
many Inataneee. 1100
forfeit If it fails as
per full explanation in
large article soon to
appear in this paper.
Ask your doctor or
druggist about it. The
Owl Drug Co. always carry tt In stock.
Absolutely Removes
Soldiers' Christmas Indieestion. DroKiits
RaUy Due Tonight refund m0Dey lf 11 250
All Over Bodjrind Ftce. Burnedfcnd
Itched. Scrttched and Became So
Irritated Had to Remove Clothing.
"I suffered terriblj for yegrt from b
breaking: out and an awful buming and
itchint sensation all over rev body and
sec. ine ucELing was so
intense that I scratched un
til bit body became bo Irri
tated that I would have t
remove my clothing three
or tour timet day. I could
not work when the weather
was warm and I could not
rest at nig-hL. If I became
heated I seemed tobeworse.
"A friend advised me to use Cuticura
Soap and Ointment, as they had healed.
roi a sKin imiauon. 1 1 mm ea lately,
purchased the Soap and Ointment and
now I am completely healed." (Signed)
Mrs. R. A. Lasater, 1112-llth St,
Denver, Colo.
While Cuticura works, wonders la
most cases of skin troubles its proper
ties are so mild and so delicately com
bined that it is also Ideal for every-dsy
use in the toilet, bath and nursery.
For Free) Sample Each by Betus
Mail address pott-card: "Cvtlrsi-B,
Dept. H, Boston." Sold everywhere.
Soap 25c Ointment 25 and 50c
"Barauad UT., HaTnlar, Of., aai
arah t A. Pttta. SS. $48 Craat . .
Mr. L TattU. 4T, Barsdorff. Idaiaa, sad J
sW 1. Caaap. 86. MIlwaakieL .
Caw Adolpk Aaa-aataaew, lefal ee. 81 H
Craad era. aad tUlea i. Uad. taaal as. i
lrrt aC . . . . .
emarr BL anew. XI. laas t-raaa. aaa aaaaua
gjt. IS, 1 701. K lltb at.
vu n ulaa. 12 SSS X Bhdiaiead
t. aaa HaU VL Qaiaa, 21, 41S Baa Be feel.
Robert t avacnen. ll. n, a- aiae n.( aaa
Ik nana DUoa, 21. 424 W Collate at.
Ttodora Balearle, 41. 886 N. 24lh aC, aad
Boteta Bamoa. It, SBS T. S4ta at
U. J. kataa. 48. 1S4S Mn-hlcaa aa and
SUrtoa K. Maxtotpk. SS. I2 K. 4.uaaa at, -
Vkaeant Arrora. St. SSS Baerldna St.. aad
Bapeke Bcaaaa, 88. T1S H 44th at.
UU . BafTTU m
USE & SUITS fee mat. all
Talkietas Oa.. 800 Surir at.
Third flaav"
CX. al arena bids.
Old and
rim alar Kaaaadr
for Geat, Baeunaatara,
Beietlea, ajaiaosgei pane ta
iT.kTn im rnrTBii T6
blgttN'BO? At ka tiatilinn. No. 1086 'Rt
Great atraet. rtaceeeber 21. Arthar a. Tnxk
aaaae. asad TS yaara. aUti4 father af I may A.
aad Mary A, tMjekeaaaa) af thta en aad Bla k,
K. BaaeraecB af Oak Patat. waaKt aa
arataar, rraaeba W. iJackeaana af aartnefWtd,
Maaa. Beeaelaa are at tha foaerai aartaas mi
T, A Daaaias. laaw 414 kaet AVlar etreaC Mr,
Ucaenaoa wee a saaaaner af tha Odd geHeve
aad Bayal Araajraav, Taa funeral eervteea 14
wt held at taa Portland Creaaatarhne. SandaT.
Piaiaiaar SS, at 1 a, aa. Bratae Oat rauawa,
Beyal Araan aad frWnde tarrnfd ta aten4.
Peter La,
LrifCit-Ia this ait,: W 18. Peter I
anmk. nana SS aanaa. lata ad B4T BV 84
at The taaaral eorteea wfll aaaea tha taalitaawe
aatabHahanat a? i. f. ftaley m Boa, Meat,
oevery at tt. at B:SB e'rlork Batardar annrnw '
Las, Daeeaiba 22. aad araeaad U tha aathedml.
l(a aad latrie ata., arhere anUaie w galeae aaaaa
will ba aaid at 6 Velar. Frlende laruad. la
teraaaeat at Mt Caleary raaetery.
kAAKJ.'Ctne funeral aerrtaaa ef taa lata W ra.
A ana Maaaa wHl be held ta the awaaervauwy
chapel af V. m. Ialn A Ca.. 414 Zaet AMf.
Meaday, iMraaabar 84. at S a. am. tTteade
lamad te attaad taurwaat ta Mat
Oevernor 'WltlreestVe te Kea Bveelal
Xetsare 7 re at Ge serai Iress. Cesi.
asaadaat at Casta .Lewis.
At the Auditorium tonlrht an elahor-
ate pevtrlotlo prosTam will be tiven by
a larce variety et musical and speakmsT
talent. TTie Soldiers' Christinas Rally
has aroused considerable Interest owlnf
to- the fact that It will be followed Sat
urday by the first tratnload of soldiers
visiting1 from Camp Lewis by arrange
ment between the city of Portland and
Major General Irons, who has sent a
special measare to be read at this tweet-lnt;-
tonight by Governor Wlthycombe,
who will be chairman. ' -
An added feature win be the talk
ef Corporal W. C Webb of the medical
corps, who will be accompanied by sev
eral soldiers from Vancouver. ' Urn will
tell of ."Life in the Army.
The Russian violinist. Oregor Chernl-
avsky. and Bishop Matthew Slapsosi
Hurhee, In addition to other well known
speakers and musicians, will add to the
program. E, .A. Kowell has the ar
rangements In charge. The meeting is
free to ail. An offering- wiu be received
tor the "Bible for SoleUexs"- fund, -
Any Sickness Leaves Weakness
Even a simple 'cold reduces your resistive pcrwers
to allow other sickness. ' Only food not alcohol or
drugs creates the rich blood which distributes strength
to the body, and the concentrated medicinal food in "
makes the blood rich and stimulates its circulation while
its tonic virtue enlivens the appetite and aids nutx:
tion to. reestablish stTen4th quickly Bod Permanently,'
If you are rundown, anemic or ncrrcnis, get SOOTHSm
It buflds becjuue it U a food not tntirniilant, .
1 . ; . " ; - tvci6i2towiecasfl T' '. . - -J
BEEfl.XET Tee fanaraJ acrrkae the lata
Hannah C. Braiair wul aa batd fUtardar.
Daaaaaaar SS. at 1 a. au, at tha rent. ,
eaace aatahhnhaaaw' taf 1. 1. BlahTr A Bea,
MaatseaienratSta. Filiiiaa lantad. la lea
kXm At BaatUa. Aaak.. IaMahe IT. Jaha
1L Raid, aaaatt ran The feneeal aere.
feat wHl he held Batardar. Daeeaiher 28. et S JO
a. a., at IM rertOeaae - aaUhnahauat abTJ.
f. rialay tea, Wnritoaaery at Slav rakadJ
tantao. i
iyVXlX-m tUa eltr, baeeaabar !."afa7
Tha rami ine
Lydja Aalikar, aad IT
wta be farwanted Batardar
J, ey . r. ttalay s aaa,
hara aarrieea wul be held aad
IXTRSo:3a thla ritTTn.reeabnr 86TMrT
jzsb wuuaaae in, acaa 4
ta Oobla. or .
X. r.'Ai
aaraJ la tar
af fa.
MA.fbf A hjkttM 16-n-Um, iii Wea.
Jaewaar fa
Mate 848. A-124S.
aaa erttpttuaUr arranfed.
A BTBTnT awaaw - 4k SI W-
Mala a A-18S8. Flae fJbwant had uatal Aw -
MAX 8t BafTTH rWlaC 141 H Slh at.
LCBUXEB, rerUaad
S2S Ma
rrvniL dibectoba
1 inifil L. UI1 saral
Dr- Jf. 00 Beljaea4
Clkma at. Fa.
Taaa 4814.
at tl a.'
B-3646. Taa. 12 a.
il CaiWnaaiaa Ca.
ONeWeS A-88S1. Caraar 84
1111 averbr et Weodtawa lt O-llSS.
A. R. Zeller Co.i
Seat lets. OlStS.
tA'UUaaaa aaa.
weadlawa 320. C-1S48.
iCeaUaaed ea Atxl ifagt, . ,