THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, V FRIDAY,-' DECEMBER 21, 1917. 13 SIX CENT CASE IS NOW UP TO THE P.S. C0M1SS0N I City Commissioner Kellaher Says V P. R. L & P. Co. Investors Y ' Not Entiled to Sympathy, - FILES A WRITTEN "PBOTEST Officials Plead That Patrols Would Rather Pay More in Order to Get Better Service; tate la our city, and, on account et gen eral; condition, hie noldincrs have been ereatly depreciated. It the people of the city are to guarantee, a reasonable Income from the properties of the Port land Rail way. Light Power company, then the same people should hare the same speculative Interest therein as is now. neia ty - tne stockholders or tne company. .;u--.v.---sist--;:-f -tf-.. . ' There Is a general depression In the value of properties and the persons suf fertnar1 thereby are not reimbursed, by the public, nor is any Income guaran teed to them bv the oeoole or otherwise. from their properties. Then why should uie , people guarantee ' an income xrom the properties of the Portland Railway, .LiSgrnt tc. fower company! - - ' n account of the troublesome times. It seems to me that a hysteria - has started to form the habit of increasing the cost of service rendered by public utilities. Clubs, associations and organi zations, for some reason,' are taking particular . interest ana seem so very solicitous about the welfare of the Port land Railway. Light II Power company. Most of the activity -which is exhibited by the "active minority" springs from a source which might be classed with the roruana Kauway, Ldgnt Power com pany. . - una or tne . most conspicuous propa mdists is S. C. Bratton. an employe of the- Gas company, which company i City Commissioner Xan Kellaher drove ; his "armored tanks' (through, public utility barbed wire entanglements and smashed his way up to the trenches of the traction compan Thursday, while t enemy sharpshooters' trained their guns on the opponents of the six cent fare. The return fire of verbal shrapnel rattled off the steel dome of Kellaher' i "fighting demon" like mustard seed of . a battleship. Th commissioner, after leading the attack single-handed and - far in advance of -bis chief of -staff. City Attorney W. P. LaRoche, and his fellow commander. Commissioner John 1 -M. Mann, remained In the open field. leaning on the-arm of a chair, while the snipers continued to make him the popular target for their guns. Holds Contract Sacred "A contract Is sacred to both sides," said Mr-Kellaher, addressing the public service commission.. He contended that the people of Portland had never in tended to guarantee the investors of the 'traction company a .return.- on their money, and declared that the investors are not entitled to any sympathy. Following the testimony of Preslden - Franklin T. Griffith of the P. RL. P. company, Engineer Moreland, Vice , President Fuller, President R. Walker of the streetcar men's union, and others. the hearing was formally closed. De cision by the public service commission . Is expected soon. Following is Commissioner Kellaher'a written protest, which was filed with the commission : ; ?.-! Written Protest Filed As one of the commissioners of the city of Portland, I deem it my duty to protest before your -honorable- body against the increase of rates charged for passengers petitioned for by the Port land Railway, Light. & Power company, operating in the city of Portland.. It will b remembered-by all that at the time the petitioner procured from tne city the 26 year franchise under wmcn if is stui operating it was be lieved hy all that a valuable right, had been riven that comnanv. - There was exultation on the part of the petitioner at its success ia. securing - mviuio inwi xrom uie Clly. and for-a long time it prospered there under, ' . .. ' . . . i. . r. The Portland Railway, Light Power company n mil u srvind nmii. public corporation : - that ia. ft .. poratlon engaged In serving the public ana sunject to certain regulations by " muuKipw, sxryentmsDi granting - a franchise to it. However, insofar ar its practical operation is concerned, its revenues are collected for the-benefit of Individual stock or bond holders o the company. It never was the intention of the people of the city of Portland to guar antee either the Stock or bend holders' Investment in the Portland - Railway, Light & Power company, but the invest ors therein became Interested for the purpose of making a profit to them selves in the same : manner as they would have made any other investment. . Such investors are not entitled to our sympathy or to our charity any more than one who has invested in real es- EXHAUSTIVE INQUIRY FOLLOWS WRECK OF ALASKA STEAMSHIPS Body of Dead Man Refused to SlaIJead son - and a daughter! ' Funeral services will be bald at the Cathedral at Xavts and Fifteenth streets Saturday morning And Now Undertaker Is Out a Funeral j paiw emaury. j. p. runey - ' - m , wf wen m9t Ugly Rumors Say Act of Enemies) Federal Agents Investigate? -Captains Not Involved.; ,v , Crown Point.' XndU Deo. 1L (LK. 8.) "What the exclaimed Charles Gel sen. an undertaker, when the ' dead" body of Herman , Brouaky started roll ing around In an undertaker's basket about the time Qelsea was going to prepare It for buriaL - -' through its president, Guy Webster Ts.1- not, is now a suing ror an increase in the price of gas furnished patrons. unnermore,' tnere nas been no inde pendent investigation of the business and affairs T of the Portland Railwav. Light tt Power company which will Jus tify any action by your body, and many people believe that the company has taken advantage of the present confused conditions to "camounage ' its true situ ation for the purpose of securing an unjust increase m its rates. Seres Cents in Sight To insure the company a return of per cent on Its Investment, after meet ing all expenses, it would be necessary to charge 6.73 cents a passenger, ac cording to Engineer Moreland. Figured without the 8 per cent return and the Interest charges, the cost for each pas senger would be 4 cents, which would mean "confiscation," said the Witness. vice President Fuller told how the company had attempted to , reduce the expenses of the business In conformity with the suggestions made by the pub.Ho service commission at the time the rul ing denying the fare Increase was made in October. He said that "the cost of running the Kings Heights and ML. Cal vary lines hadebeen cut two thirds and that a cut amounting to 80 per cent had been made on the Westover Terrace section." inductions had been made by the one-man-to-a-car plan and Other means, he said. Mr. La Roche, on cross examination. developed the fact that the company was losing money on the Bt. Johns line and that the good ravine- lines were the Twenty-third- street, Sunnyside and worth and : South Portland. . . , The testimony turned to the - banner year of 1912, when the'-company's earnings-gave the investors, a return of 6 per cent. Mr. Puller .was asked: Mr. . a i, . uin u Wit, when the car hours were longer man tney were last year, the company carried 800,000 more passengers ; than In '1M7. ..',;".. 1 " itlt Was Baoner Tear .."Why cannot the company return to the same conditions that were observed In ''ISIS. asked Mr. La Roche,' -. 'Mr. Fuller explained that there 'were many .complaints at the nature of the service In 1912,. that the ears were over crowded and that the straphanger -were numerous. He said that In that banner year gravel, was heavy, business was good and conventions brought an extra number of people to the city. . Ia recent years the competition; from automobiles and later the jitneys, coupled - with a falling off In : business 1 generally, had caused a slump Jn the pasoeuesr -end. of the business, ;he said. K : Inability of . the company to make needed repairs and, improvements was emphasized , by .Mr. Filler.who. said ,ln the last hfee years car equipment had become run down and painting of ears had been delayed. ; ,i ? - He said cars could not. be operated In safety by one man and that the loss Seattle, Dec 21. (L K. R The most rigid-Investigation ever undertaken by the United ' Btatee : marine Inspection beard of this district is' being conducted in an effort to determine whether the Alaska steamships Spokane and Mari posa were wrecked y through acts and agencies of Germane In ruthless loyalty to the kaiser. : "i , Very -ugly rumors have been current everV since the two vessels piled up on the rocks In northern 'waters, where one of them, the; Mariposa, is still hanging across B trait Island reer. with her back broken and with little or no chance of ever saving either vessel or cargo. Numerous federal ' agents have been working almost Incessantly on the 'Marl- posa and Spokane cases for several weeks. With what success their efforts' have been crowned la known only to their superiors and representatives of the marine underwriters holding Spokane and Mariposa risks. The underwriters, whose experts have not been idle, while manuiff no cnarges, are insisting on a thorough, federal authorities' probe of both wrecks. Officials, owners and underwriters say not the slightest suspicion la attached to either Captain C. J. O'Brien or Cap tain Archie McKay, : masters of the Mariposa and Spokane. . . Neither - Captain McKay Or O'Brien were on the bridge- at the time of the mishap, both vessels being in charge of puots.- - . . i i . Portland Trains Arrive at S.'F. San Francisco. Dec 21. (L N a.' Four irarthern express trains, including tne snasta limited, due yesterday, but aeiayea dj a wasnout near Salem, Or., arrived today within a few minutes of each other. The greatest delay was ex perienoed by the Oregon's n. which reached here at S :60 a. m., 22 hours late. I hBiem ek A A V ffK4aaaa V - . iasnw WU( Ul e. MIW eva ar2ffittu;Blew, His Own Horn; wL'S NowPoUceHaveHim dead- by Jailer Tom Piatt He was I . ... . put In an undertaker's basket and taken to the morgue. -He wouldn't stay dead. of time under that system made it im possible to get the necessary speed. President Griffith told of a "courteous note7he received from the city council saying "the council had no control over bridge rentals amounting to $68,000 a year and paving coats amounting to f 222.000 a year; that to gtye the com pany relief by removing these burdens would , make necessary an amendment to the city charter." He said the service of the company la now 10 per cent better than It was fn 1912. He said : "To reduce the pres ent standard of service would mean to meet the disapproval of the public who would rather pay increased fares than Suffer Inconveniences.' President R. Walker of the Street Car men's union said: "'The union employes are satisfied with present wages and hours and there is no talk' of a strike and there, will be no complaints from the men so long -as the present stand ards are maintained.' Hope of Rescue of .Miners Is Given Up Feet of One ef Ven Estestsel In "W Uka ses, Wash., Viae Discovered Pretsdlsg (From Debris Tear Others' Hlsslsg Wllkeson, Wash, Dec 20. U. FO- Hope of finding the five men entombed tn" the Wllkeson 'mine early Wednesday, alive, was destroyed Thursday by . dis covery of the feet of one of the miners sticking out from under tons of rocks In the entry in which he and his com panions ware working at the time of the accident. The rescue party Is working to ex hume the bodies. Four, more men are under the debris.' Those missing are : William Scroup married, two children; John Tomco. married, seven children; Joseph Rusnak, married, six children; Mike Zemk, married, four children, asd Peter Marchettl, married, two children. George ThuYston and 'Jacob Flless got out through an airshaft late yester day by wading In water up to their china. Coroner Objects to . U. of 0. Pathologist i . f a- In a letter to the City and County Medical society, a copy of which was sent to the board of county commission ers. Dr. Earle Smith, county coroner, does not agree with the petition of the society that the pathologist from the state university be regularly employed to perform autopsies. The coroner says his holding an elect ive office makes him directly responsi ble to the voters for anything carried out and that he should have the right to choose such assistants as are needed. Contrary to reports, the coroner de clares in the letter that autopsies have only been assigned to 1 physicians con sidered competent In their particular branch of the profession and that the physician performing the autopsy Is re quired to file his findings with the coun ty clerk for the Information of the pub lic -Dr. Smith denies the assertion of the petition that complaints have come from the district attorney's and sheriffs of fices of Incomplete and faulty reports of autopsies and Informs the . county commissioners and Medical society that he will be glad, to cooperate ,wlth all in conducting the coroner's office, reserv ing the right to use hie own Judgment irrespective of erltlclsm. in the perform ance of duties demanded by the office. Xhree Suspected of Part in Bank Theft Ckleaie Tollce Held AUeged Xeterloss ExConvlctti Bankers Are Aroatsa asd Wtll Aid Chief of Police. Chicago. Dec 21. (L N. S.) Three men,, said notorious ex -convicts, were arrested here early today and al though police maintain great secrecy, they are said to be held in . connection with the robbery of the Summit, IH, state bank,' when close to 141.000 was stolen. - The 27 bank robberies In Cook county since April have aroused the bankers of I the county and a committee is to be named to cooperate with Chief of Po lice SchuetUer In an effort to devise means of preventing robberlew - F. M. Bayer, superintendent of the Corn Products Refining company's Argo plant, whose payroll was taken by the i bandits, has been checking up on the amounts taken and said the robbers ob tained at least 141.000, and possibly more. Andrew Kehrll blew bis own horn too much Thursday night, and now he la tn Jail, while federal authorities' are look ing him up. . Kehril was driving a creamery delivery wagon south on Grand avenue, making the night hideous with honks from his auto horn, when Sergeant Sherwood overhauled and warned him to be quiet. Kehrll la said to have been disrespectful to the sergeant, who thereupon-brought him In. At the station Kehril admitted he was a Swiss and that be bad no registration card, so he was locked -up for the federals. Body Is Found Half : : .Submerged inPoql UaMeattned Xaa Is , Believed to Have Fallen From Elevated Walk ITkDe la toxica Ud, Died Frost Exsersre. ;' An unidentified body, half submerged In a pool of water, was found tn a vacant lot near Second and East Madi son about t o'clock this morning, la veetlgatlon by members of the dry de tective bureau and the finding ef halt a bottle of bay rum near the body led to the conclusion that the man. Intoxicated, had fallen off the sidewalk, which to elevated at this point, and died from exposure. . The body was taken In charge by Deputy Coroner Smith.- - who reported that a search of the clothing revealed nothing that would establish his identi ty. A key, a handkerchief with the laun dry mark B-8R' hat. black overcoat and blue sweat i coat with red border. He was about M years eld and has the appearand of being" a laborer.. An "association of Swiss scientists has petitioned- the government to officially adopt 24 hovr time. , ' "Just in Uie . Nick ' of Tims, Joe. I Wat ,Ploxnb Broke. - Texas and sickness have Just about laid out wry pocketbook silly. No money for Christmas presents er even decent clothes. Then I read Cherry's ad it sounded too good to be .true. 1 hotfoot ed It there and found that reliable fal lows -with good references could select anything tn stock without paying a cent down. Ton dont have to make your first payment until after Christ mas. Believe me, I outfitted myself la e hurry. Oo up there and look around and ti-10 were found I for yourself. Open Saturday -evening en the body. The man wore a dark! until o'clock CAdvJ Sensible Christmas Gift things for Men arid Women Came Ilere 37 Years Ago Peter Lusich died at his horns, 647 East Thirty-fourth street. Wednesday at the ags of (&, He had resided In Port land for 8T years, coming ''here from Austria, He Is survived by a widow, a Santlseptlo Boon to Mother. soothes. and rsUeves ebsfea. irritated sklss et isfsBta.. K tor hhT' ia era skle fresh and mrt, .. aiUrkln. one. . All dracsUU. rise Stop Look - Listen 5-$475 -$475- My Studebaker Sedan In first class condition. Repainted and good tires. This is the best buy in the city to day. Note the price, see the car and (jam sir. you will buy. Hemphill. ' COVEY MpTOR CAR CO., Main 6244. 21st and Washington Sta. Pre-Holiday Sale of r vercoats $18.50 Because of a delay in shipment, we have just received 50 splendid over coats for men which we will offer Saturday at this remarkably low price for quick disposal. Fine quality overcoatings-cheviots and cas simeres. There are great coats, single and double breasted; single breasted box coats, pinch backs and conservative models. The col ors are gray, brown and dark green, 42 to 46 inches long velvet and self collars, patch and side pockets. All sizes. See display in our Tenth Street windows. With the winter Reason hard ly commenced, surely now is the time to getasplendid over coat especially when so attractively priced. Xmas Gift Suggestions I Any article in men's "furnishings is always acceptable. Let us show you what .very attractive ties we, are offering at 'Sac to $1.50; as weli as the dress shirts handkerchiefs and silk hose that make such, inexpensive yet satisfactory gifts. Everything to suit a man's taste will be found right here in this store where your Credit is good. Washington Street at Tenth ' Our Store Is 100 i Red Cross .'. ' Members ' Sr-Y . - ., ;f.. ...... . ,,.... ...... . . ..V mJOIN THE RED CROSS TODAY y Remember the Boys Who Are Fight- i r ' mg for Xou. - , ' STORK svtNinas XMAS VICTROLAS RECORDS Christmas Suggestions Violins of substan tial worth from tS, 20 to ISO each. If It be t Guitar, Man dolin. Banjo, UkeleIe, Metronome or other instrument, you will find what you want here. Music Rolls, Leath er Music Bats from ft to . io aco.- "Muslc Stands and fenulnt Leather Cases - for same. - Victrolas styles from S325. I n rn 120 to rr -ss f II uress ii Well. Cap. Never' Z In fact, moe the Money II Between r . r . Store Open Every . Evening till Chratxni Your Credit Will Buy Christmas Wearing Apparel at GatelyV We are ready -with a splendid stock of the things men and women will Really like at Christmas time things to wear. For women, there are: Coats Suits Dresses Skirts Waists Furs "A Spjendid Showing of Umbrellas - All smart, vp-to-the-mlnute in style and price rery, rery low, considering the quality. FOR MEN AND BOyS We Hare Complete Displays of Suits Glores Orercoats Neckwear Half Hose Underwear Handkerchiefs Collars t eTerytalnsT a man or koy needs in faanlenaole eppareL Open a charge account now Year credit Is good with ns ' -A ssaaQ 1 am and the reel in small weekly or saontKly paras eats. 11th and 12th Sts. 0 "ntsnVennnnns ' ' Marshall 8525 423 Washington St, A Ylctrola record is an acceptable gift. . . Packard, Mehlia, Bond and Undeman Pianos, Players Welte-Mlrnon, Piano Benches Music Cabinets. and Let us help you make your Christmas joyous with food music Terms to Please Yew Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention G. F Jobson Piano Qo. 141 ftlxta ITssr Alder. PerUsa. , riCKiBD-JItHUS-BOSD FIAJTOS JfnilIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIUI1lll!IIl TIPPODROMEI VAUDEVILLE i I V . . i THTJ&SDAT, r&rSAY. 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We thovfbt so much of this book that we want erery Journal Reader to bars one By special arrangement we art making- it possible for you to bay "How to Lire" at a sarin r of 35c Clip Tbe Journal Coupon Iq 4he lower right hand corner. Present it at Tbe Journal business office and it will be accepted as J 5c on the original J 1.00 price of the greatest of all health books. Clip The Coupon V SPECIAL o Here Io the Coup on That WiUSavc on a ChristmasVGift D S 0 0 0 1 Journal How to Livo Coupon Gentlemen t ' : '-; -; . - - - . X ' ' ' ' In accordance with' the special-Josrnal offer, kindly' gtre me one copy of "How to Live for 45 c. ThU.' coupon to be accepted u a 3Sc payment on the : regular 1.00 price of this great health book. , Good at Any of the Following Stores:: kame ADDRESS 7 " ' X sL-CXIl METEX eV PRANK CO. ' : OLDS, WORTMAN eTs K2NGr " sties tkU mum ul U se at e ...... ' ru lfi l mftimm wm a nm Sit , far see SMats's Sailr sa S as say ssssilsOse la ssiiti - to mt I! D D