V v THE .OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND," FRIDAY. DECEMBER 21. 1917. 11 INFORMATION U54TH DAT Or 1T COM IN O ETKHTS ' Ores nri Irrl ratios Comr s Portland. - Jul- ' WEATHER COKDITI03CS ' Titer te a. alight depreeaion onr lb Jo"r Laie recbm, and bish pnamn obtain ovar the remainder of tha country. General fait weather inc. tha Dakotaa, If Inneeot and Manitoba, where Britiah Columbia, Weetern Waahington, Wrom tnY toe Dakotaa, Minneeotaand Manitoba, where tight precipitation baa occurred. The weather b cooler ob moat of tha Western Highland, tn the : Hirer valley, upper Lake region, eait Golf, aouth - and middle Atlantic atatea; temperature chaoses uewnera Bare generally been unimportant except . in central Eastern Britiah Columbia and northern T Hakatchwmn, where the tempera to ree hare riaen 24 degrees and 14 degreea, reepectirly. Temper ature continue eeova normal B the Xorthwaat, and they are below normal in Central California and Nerada, . Tha Willamette river ia fallinc at stationa tenth . of Oregon City and at Portland, where tha Mgh- aat point, 19.7 'feet waa reached yeeterday. It ia 1 expected that the river will fall tlowly for the next two or three day. , TODAY'S FORECAST Portland and ricinitj Tonight and Saturday nun. moderate easterly winds. ' Oregon and Washington Tonight and Bettir- UJ rain, itvih easterly wind, tncreaaing in forae. T. FBANCIS DRAKK. - Meteorologist. OBSEHVATIOITS STATIONS. Baker. Or . Borton, Mm Chicago. Ill IenTer, Colo, Imluth, Minn. . . . . Eureka. Cal Gal rest on, Texa , . . Harre, Mont. Jackaonrille, Fl. . . Kama City. Mo. . . l-cwiiton, Idaho . . . 1 Angela, CaL . . . Marahflekt, Or. .... Minneapolis, Minn. . New Orlean. La . . . New York City North Head. Wuh. . North Yakima, Waah roruana, ur. Koeebnrg . . rUcramento, Call . fit Louia, Mo Bait Iake. UUh . . . Han Franciaeo, Cal. Seattle, Waah. .-. Spokane. Waah. . . ; Tatookh Inland . . . Triangle bland . . . Vanpourer. B. C. . . Mails Walla. Wash Washington, 1. . . T.mpt'ra 1 it 43 S8 60 eo 30 54 B8 34 48 66 'so' 64 88 64 40 44 40 42 4fl 60 62 63 44 86 46 88 42 46 42 12 86 80 80 2 48 66 24 88 86 80" 60 88 14 44 28 40 28 40 44 42 40 82 46 40 SO 40 88 80 38 28 0 0 .18 0 0 k 0 0 0 0 0 0 .01 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o o o 0 TOWN TOPICS Calvary Chares to Celserate. The Christmas celebration ot Calvary Pro bjrteriart church will be held thli eve evanlnf. An attractive program had wen prepare by the Sunday school iiiciuainj a pageant entitled. "The opirn or. ennstroas." W. H. le, president ot Albany col less, wm pre. 'new 10 tne cnurch a portrait of his brother. Dr. B. Trumbull JL, firs pastor or calvary church. All former members and friends of the church ara curaiauy invited to attend. Two Mi Injured Tom rtaiiah. J88 Webster, an emDlova of th r t.' & P. company, age 60. was taken to the Good Samaritan hospital this morning "'" rcturna jg received when run " vj uu. uaiiagner was dipping water from a hole near the cr tia.w TVhen the truck, driven by Dewey Brown, of the Haaelwood company, struck him. Slight injuries were received by H. J. Johnson. 37. of 673 Irving, when he was .struck by a falling timber at the Port " land L timber company this morning. He ' was taken to the Good Samaritan hos pital. , Telephone Operators Kuttii unit ot telephone operators la to be organ ized for service In the signal corps to see immediate service in France. The applicants must be able to speak both English and French. They will wear the uniform of the nurses in the army. runner imormation can be had by ap plication to Colonel George a ToUng at the army . recruiting station in the Worcester building. lr. McMahos, Chiropractor. Adjust ments made easy. (Adv.) Slg SIchel invites you to call and In spect their complete stock of cigars, smokers' articles and world famous candles. Distributors of "Websters." clear Havana cigars. 'We deliver promptly to any part of the city. Two stores 347 Washington street and 92 , Third street. (Adv.) Will Speak on Jadalsm A lecture on Judaism will be delivered by Rabbi .Louis I. Eggleson of Cincinnati at Temple. Beth Israel tonight at o'clock. All men and women are cor dially invited. Rabb! Eggleson is dl' roster of education and organization work for itheuUnion of American He brew Congregations . and the Pacific coast. Bible Study oarcie, which is free to all, meets Wednesday at at the Public library. ' Exteasloa Classes Tonight.- Special topics for discussion in the University of Oregon Extension courses, at Cen tral library this evening are: ,The In terests of Childhood," Dr. B. W. De Busk; Bird Flight," Dr. John Bovard; "Dissonance In General With Special Reference to the Seventh Chord.' In Dr. John J. DandsDury's harmony course, and "A Continuation of the Study of Inventions, Especially lumbers 13 and 14," In the Musical Analysis course. Dr. George Rebec's : class will be held as usual this evening-. Prof. A. F. Red dle's class "Vlll not meet this week nor next. , - A'.' .i. Bey Scouts to Hike Saturday after noon the Boy Scouts of Portland will start on a two day hike to Troutdale. under the supervision of; Scout Ex ecu tive James E- Brockway. The boys will take enough food to last them for six meals and will return some time Mon day before p. m. . Bird' Talk to Be Give. Mrs. Mamie Campbell will talk on birds before the Audubon BlrdaWb at its regular weekly meeting Saturday night at 8 o'clock in the story hour room, Central library, "My Bird Neighbors" will be the subject of the talk, and Mrs. Campbell will show many new pictures of bird life. - The publio Is Invited. ' Story Class to Meet- The Short Story Pclass, conducted by Professor liable Holmes Parsons of the university ox Oregon, will meet at 7 :45 Saturday eve ning In room H of the library. The class In ithe teaching of English will not meet tomorrow morning. Tlctor Brandt Improving. -Victor Brandt, of the Carlton hotel, injured Thursday in the elevator at that place. la allKhtlv improved at the Good Sa maritan hospital this morning. An X ray examination of the injury will be made today. , Dyke HQ1 Jnry Disagrees For the second time a federal jury disagreed tn the case of Dyke Hiu, renaxeton horseman, charged with - violating the Mann act. The first disagreement was announced Thanksgiving noon, tne sec ond Thursday. British Bed Cross Society Sale of remainder of articles left over at the Britiah section of basaar, Saturday evening. K. P. hall. Eleventh and Alder, Proceed a go to basaar fund. All inter ested invited to attend. Advi Men's Retort Program- Claire M Godfrey, leader of the Centenary Meth odist Episcopal church choir, will give a program at the Men's Resort Satur day night at I o'ciocn. Steamer Jessie Harkiss 'for Camas Waabougal and 'way landings dally, ex cept Sunday; leaves Washington street dock at p. ra. (Adv.) Steamer Iralda for St Helena and Rainier, daily at t :I0 p. ro., foot ot Al der street ; Sunday. St- Helens only, 1 :30 p. sn. (Adv.) Largest assortment of Christmas cut flowers and potted plants. Irvington Park Floral company. New Central Market, 4th and Yamhill. (Adv.) ' Hotel Moore, Seaside, Or., openr for the holidays. Rates. S3 and S3.50 per day. American plan. Adv. MsCargsr. Bates IJvely. Fire, casualty and automobile insurance, Teen bids. Telephone Main lit. (Adv.) Bsldlnc the Jeweler Diamonds and ether thing. H Alder. Main MS2. Ad. Br. "B. C Brows. JEye, Ear. -Mohawk building, v (Adv.) Best of All Beverages! Surely the answer is Bevo. V (Adv.) Staples the Jeweler open nlghtaAtJv. ARTHURS Dim DIES AT AGE OF 73; FUNERAL ON SUNDAY Services Will Be .Conducted at Crematorium by Dr. A. Scott Bledsoe. ' Vacation Cut Short '- ' By Mills on Harbor - Aberdeen,- Wash-. Deer. 20, Logging camps will close for three, or at most, fear day this Christmas, thereby com plying with the government request for a short holiday period. In order that the production of spruce for airplanes and fir for ships may receive as little set back as possible. Sawmills and shipyards wllf be closed only .one day Christmas. Resumption of activities) in all ot the camps la set for next Thursday, the only days the camps will be closed betng" Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday. Some of the companies hope to be able to resume activities Wednesday, ox the - morning after Christmas. - ' Terrible Predicament Ton want to give Mm cigars, a pipe. cigarexte case, tooaooo one ex aids. Tou nouoh or some the great variety of smokers need expert advice, and a variety to choose from. We specialise in both. Slg Sichel A Co., two stores, 347 Washington and 3 Third at- Adv. December II. 22, 24. Adv. Bevo In (Anheuser-Busch) Include your Xmaa list. Adv. Arthur' S. Dickinson. ' aged 71. a na tive of Springfield, Masa. and a resi dent of Portland for eight years, died this morning at his borne. 1080 East Grant street. Mr. Dickinson was a sew ing machine adjuster, and was well known to many people In this city. He was an Odd Fellow and a member of the Royal Arcanum In Springfield. Mr. Dickinson Is survived by three daugn- A BT - SW nu.tvaU.aaarW A W aTVek laT t.. m..K --a tv.T. a .nA K-oiH Co. will remain a member of the First Spiritualist church of this city. Funeral services will be held at-the. Portland crematorium at J p. m. Sunday, Dr. A. Scott Bledsoe offi ciating. The F. 8. Dunning company. 414 East Alder street, have charge OX arrangements, " Alex Anderson Alex Anderson, 51 years old. died at the home of his daughter. Mrs. E. Do lan. 1011 East Fifth street north. Wednesday following a long illness. He was a native of Sweden, and had lived in the Northwest nearly all his life. He Is survived by a widow in Aber deen, where Mr. Anderson resided un til lately. The body was forwarded Thursday to Aberdeen by Wilson Ross for funeral services and Interment. wseS-eSBPSeaaBaswamBaasWaWBSWsewg. Mrs. Anas Masoa 1 Funeral services for Mrs. Anna Mason, who died December 1. at her home, 15 East Eighth street will be held Monday, at 1 p. m., at the conservatory chapel of F. 8. Dunning. 414 East Alder stxeet. Rex. W. B. Hlnson officiating. Mrs. Mason was a native of Canada, aged 60, and had resided m Portland for 17 years. She is survived by three daughters. Drrodnaugbts Win Water Polo Game ft, Tnrruwtoea ef the Multnomah club water polo league suffered another de feat Monday night. losing 10 ue ureaa naughts by the score ef to X. The Dreadnaughts lead the league with five victories and one aereat. ine ww7 era won from the Submarines. I t t peri Mo ve- onday. ana fr. Hall ' TnLMT- tt ' fTuuldn-t bcCfcsar without,' On Children of Home 1 wiyMtctoc. wc offer Ketary Osb Plaat te Make Christmas -OCaVily DCrTiCd. - Arpj isr n aui ei eraser jetewuvBi Hemer Wemta te reek Baskets. The Rotary club announces this morn ing that It has completed aH arrange ments to convince the children of the Fraser Detention borne that there la aa "honest to aoodnees Santa Clans who has filled his pack with presents for them all. The club's annua! Christmas enter tainment with tree aad Santa Clans for the pleasure of the waifs from the borne will be bold at a local hotel Sunday aft ernoon at 4 :10. followed by a dinner. The women of the club will pack Christmas baskets for the needy Satur day morning aad the men will distribute them Monday morning. Christmas music Sunday afternoon will be directed by Harold Huribnt aad Mayo Metbot will star In the program of entertainment. Mrs. E. K. Seott will give a Christmas reading. 7 rcrc55ius5 Wff rPotPfcats Pdns 9 Evening Shoppers Busy The Christmas trade la en in full blast at the Brownsville Woolen Mill .store, and to accommodate men who work during the day the store will keep open until 1 p. m. (Adv) ItyoackrrotcaJLfixjnD wgwffl select gata aiuuuiTir Aim wJ LI 14 .r .OT iMifflF Look for This Sign Food Survey Will -Be Made in Montana Butte. Mont.. Dec SI. (I. . SO A general food survey of Montana, to be gin December 31, was ordered today by the United States department of ag riculture and instructions for its prose cution sent to local agents. The survey will include every available food supply, including finished and stored products as well as livestock and field crops. Yields 33 Quarts of Joy As Louts Calich stepped off the train St the Union station early Thursday morning just out from California, Pa trolman Welch and Sergeant Brothers greeted him. At the police station his suitcase gave up 22 quarts of liquor. A method has been developed in Eu rope for manifolding books in raised characters for thejise of-the blind. 11 .t-UXlJ.JJ .U Last Minute Suggestions Neckwear 50c-75c-$l-$2 REEFERS $l-$2-$3-$5 Dress' Gloves . . .$2.50 Suspenders 50c75c$l Silk Hose .... 65c-75c Join thm Red Crott "Tomorrow II.H.RANK1N? 0oV i HUjjji o( us piiuip II1II11U i M i 3 1 m u 1 Third at Oak St. Only Every Article of Men's Wear Mover Qo. Co. (Inc.) "When you see it in our ad, it's so." CUSTOM TAILORS Clothiers Haberaaafcera 112 Sixth St. 1 Convenient Shopping List For Belated Shoppers Our low; East Side prices are bringing hundreds of Christmas shoppers to our store the store that will save you money. ' For Ladies ' Box of 3 and 6 Handkerchiefs, tic to 1. plE CliniSTtlASlI tt ,ST0RE H liaiwtwwaaiwnaiiaSillS W J ' J iiiaJa B.m-geig a j iMafca e Kiffe cieiViiiM i.Wm . n Ce a M Silk Umbrellas, green, ntvy, burgundy, 14 and $5. Georgette and -Crepe Waists, special $4.98. - Toilet Sets, $1.50 to 7.50. Gloves, Baskets, Mirrors, fancy Turkish Towels, Neckwear, Silt Petticoats, Hand Purses, Boudoir Carps and hundreds of other good lifts. . For Men Toys Low Priced Xmas Slippers Fslt Xraas Slippers for ladles and men. Very comfortable, and a practical gift. $l to 1.50. Silk Neckwear, 2Sc-l. Suspendersin fancy boxes. - . Initial Hdks, I2c. Shaving Sets, 75c to $2. Dress Shirts, Box Col lars, Mackinaws, House . CoatsT - Umbrellas, Bath Robes, Gloves, Slippers, : Shoes, . Hosiery, "jewelry. Shaving' Sets. . W, H. Markell & Co. We have henn tnA rnatritv b shoppers that our prices on toys are 10 to 25 lower than those asked on tht West Side. You can get what you want here and Also save - money. Large stock of dolls, all sixes and kinds. Kid body dolls at every price M Stores . Eren- ings. t if - y yr ' A I 4 11 0r East Morrison Street At 'Union Arenue , TRADING STAMPS Ye OREGON GRILLE WE ARK MAKING RESERVATIONS FOR CftrtfitmaJBinner ietD gear's be. fl.OQ PER CHAIR December 31 $1.50 PER PLATE December 25 D-7Do not wait, until the last minute ta'piake your reservation as you may be disappointed. As soon as all tables are reserved we will stop the sale of reserva tions, and on New Year's Eve no one will be admitted to the Grille without reservatioa tickets of admission. SUNSET ROUTE To the EAST Costs Little More Takes you through Sunny Southern Cali fornia land of old missions, semi-tropical vegetation and ripe oranges. You may visit the Apache Trail and enjoy the wonders of Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Louisiana. t Sunset Limited ' offers unusuaj comfort " . ' ' ' ; . e City Ticket Office, 131 Fourth Street Phones Mats S&00, A-6704 JOHN M. SCOTT, General PaMena-er.Aaat PertW,OntM r SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES OPEN . usjotn mkw BURAaKattarr - CLAREMONT TAVERN Chicken Dinners Steaks Oysters Least rsrom wnwm omdim Main 59 Reliable Dentistry JTVU!" is le fla aae ail ni TZZT !- tar t. e.fcaTtl eeie Orma MtM aa a tomruii . IN a larnau eiaeia,s dr. n. r. KrtrroN. Proa. Ofee Zeealmra TstS IS Boston Painless Dentists tk asS St Waaku Rheumatism Ssakafa, SVclatioa yrataed Baeka, eee ssesssrtany treasea. m.tyjL eTaaeral xlieena. aoe Xeaee caOle tUW CemtlaemeaS S10 Dr. It C HAKPTON mfleias. se las OrTiea) Hew Houston Hotel alXTS AJn KTXXXTX feer kloraa rae balea Pepot see m Saelaeee rwe. rii't'reef mm4 aavs. KaTZS TSe TO at TXM. SAT , CU4S. O. UUfKIMS. Maeasv v TELEPHONES MARSHALL 1 HOME A 6281 Thm Market ot Cleanliness and Sanitary Sarrotmdinga Promote thm axtcheee of thm Red Cross. Call and join today. Let this bm your earnest Christmas thought. Come One And All Shop Early Tomorrow Xmas downtown shoppers, dont overlookour list of the : most sensible meat suggestions for yours, or any, other family table." Buy here tomorrow and receive the great satisfaction and appreciation, found ia this list of JON&S' QUALITY MEATS. . .. . ' mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm' Prime Steer Gnun Fed Pig Pork Rib Roasts, lb .....25c Rolled Roasts, lb. ....... .20c Ramp Roasts, lb.. . . .l8c20e Shot. Pot Routs, Ib....l6c18c Round Steak, lb.., 23c Plats or Brisket, lb 15c Choice Corned Beef, lb 15c Shi. Roasts, choicest cuts, lb 22c Fancy Loin Roasts, lb...... 30c Fresh Spare Ribs, lb .17c Fresh Pip' Feet, lb ....8c Meaty Back Bones, lb...... .8c Shot Spare Ribs,' lb ...8c Fresh. Pork Kidneys, lb...... 8c GENUINE 1917 SPRING LAMB Let or Lola Routs, lb 28c Lamb Cutlets, lb. . ..7 25c Shoulder Routs, lb 23c Lamb Stew, lb 15c Fresh Veal Loaf, lb. . . 20c Veal Sausage, lb. .... . 20c JONES' PURE PIG PORK SAUSAGE, delicious.? sea. soned. Sold in one pound cartons .35c each : " 7 : JONES' "PRIDE OF OREGON" Smoked Meats at special reduced prices tomorrow Hams, half or whole, Ib.t .30c Bacon, half or whole atrip, lb 40c-42c Tenderloin Bacis, half or whole, lb 35c Special Bacon, lb .....30c Cottages, lb . .30c Picnics, lb .23c CLOSED ALL DAY CHRISTMiVS 111 at 11 im. YEAR-END Holiday FARES TO ALL POINTS IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST From Central Oregon, on Oregon Trunk Ry December 20 .to IS. North Bank Road, Rainier to Spokane, December 20 to 25. Willamette Valley, on Ore rda Electric Ry., Decern-, her 23 to 25, and Decem ber 29, 30, 31 and Jan- . cary 1, 1918. - Beck Ua Oar SeloW at the Front I TO BEACH POINTS $3 Round Trip ; December. 22, 23, 24 and December 29 to 31. Re--turn limit Wednesday following date of sale. North Bank Ticket Office 'Fifth and Stark St. FUNERA beeatUal flit tateaPsTvi etMk! , mn SVVe 2 MsTMe eeabelssias sssa refiaee serviee for STTT.T.nS ruaerals If dealreel for . Blshererleea fuaerale la proper mw we soaauxaeMre easxets. -'.'- Lady uslstant" ' BcautUuT faneraj chapel ' a m m BT - ea. m m am i i MILLER &. TRACEY Kate eetV. - TmarMaeeert ra aerai -1 SO I SL-rm. rest a.&a. Vaeaiactea at m SvBetVNS acta aad Slss