Portland. .'Oregon, Friday. -evening, December 21, - isn. twenty, pages.; , . , price two cents ejk?'iWd 'VOL. XVI. NO. 191 . .. . ' : : j . : - - : ' : : : . ; : : ' , 1 ' his fail tin MID Ml I FiKH Germans Believed to Be "Test ing Out" Resistance of Allies on Western Front, Raids of ' Late; Made in Bigger Forces Highly Localized Attack Made in Neighborhood of St. Quentin i Repulsed; Artillerying Is Re ported on Meuse Right Bank. PARIS, Dec 21. (U. P.) A big German raid, partaking al most of the nature of a highly localized attack, was repulsed around St. Quentin at a point east of Fayet, today's official statement reported. (Fayet is located about two" and a half miles northeast 'of St. QuenUJvV -sh' .'w. - The statement also detailed ar tillerylng?on the' right bank of ' the Meuse a.t Fleury, Martmanns weilerkopf and Thann. ' For several daysn ow the Ger mans have been "testing out" the whole of the French front by raids of all kinds some mere reconnoissance expeditions, oth- ' ers like, the above, in force. This has led to the deduction that the long advertised German drive may be preparing. Rome; Dec. 21. (U. P.) "At Asolone and east of the Brenta we deprived the enemy of a considerable portion of his Tuesday gains." declared . today's offl ' clal statement. . "Around Asalone the enemy concen trates vi lent tire against the positions retaken from them, but without shak ing ovr resistance,' the statement a-' "Around Monte Pereca a '' strong at- feiiii. i a counteract was 'dispersed Immediately." . The German official statement today Indicating definite assumption of an of fensive by the Italian forces Is borne out in the above report. The Asolone position, ia one of the gateways to the Of enetlan plains. Romei Dec. ,21. (I. N. S.) Great Ger- roan and Austrian guna, with a range of (Concluded on Page Fourteen, Column One) FRESHET AT END Reports.From Upper Willamette , Points Are That Flood Waters , ' Are Receding. The crest of the high water In the Wll lamette river at Portland haa passed, rteachinf a maximum of 19.7 feet at tL( xa. Thursday, It remained at that stage for several hours and then ; began to fall, until this morning- the Btage waa officially recorded at 19.3 , feet, a idrop of four tenths of a foot i since Thursday afternoon. - win steaany go down." said T , Francis. Drake, forecaster at the weather bureau,, this morning. , "Drops were re ported St every 5 place ; except Oreeon . City, which liad a rise of three tenths of a root.. This will have no effect here. Oregon f City is a litUe different from the rest' of the places on account of the -nam. - ....' j AiDanyj this morning reported the crest as passing, the stage reading 17 ieet. as csmparea to i7.z reet Thursday, Salem reported a drop of- 2.3 feat,- the stage mere uus -morning being tlX Eugene reported, a fall of a foot and half. Ths only rains Thursday were at ' Albany ; and Oregon City, each.' having ',03 "of in Inch. . ; V The Yamhill liver at McMisnvllIs thla "morning was at the 34.1 foot stage, rep resenting A" fall of 4.6 feet since Thurs day, r It rose quite rapidly there and trom , the f. report thi morning It seems hat the fall la going to be as rapid aa me rise. -: - - The Santiam river at Jefferson Is also falling. : No report was received this Morning, but Friday night Jefferson re- ported a fall of over two feet, the stage (Ceaeluded oa Page Twelve,: Oolama One) 1 OFFICE FORCE SWAMPED BY REGISTRANTS THE 8. O. 8. call fcac beea oad . cd by" exemption Board offl r rials at feeadqaarters la . the court ho at for more asslataats for eoaater work to take ear of haa drd of registraata and' their rele. five ' who swarm Into the office hourly daring the bssy rash of the day.' ', f -:; ., Each day the datle of the offi cials and assistant are becoming more stapendons and with the fall are of many helpers to report this morals r, the working force was swamped. Overburdened officials and assist, aats will be aaable to eope with the Ituattoa aaless more help Is volaa leered, , Anyone wishing; to assist la the work should report to any of the board chiefs la room 146 coarthosse. JAPAN IS ANXIOUS Russians Published Alleged Agreement With Japanese to Keep Hold in China. Washington, Dec 21. (TJ. P.) Japan la anxious to strike at Germany by occupying- Siberia, according: to advices reaching: here today. This Information, coupled with Russian publication of an alleged Russo-Japanese agreement to pounce on any nation, attempting su premacy .in China,' created a profound impression- in - official , and dlplomatio Quarters. . Some allied diplomats were said to favor the Siberian move .In view of the possibility of Teuton domination of all the Ruaslas, even the east, rney point ed out that the American consul at Vladivostok had 'said there la need for troops at that port.- Confirmation of the Russo-Japanese pact ' was 'not Immediately obtainable here. However, it waa stated that, in sofar as China la now concerned, the Japanese are discouraging large mili tary preparations in that nation and that official feelers have been put for ward with a view to American-Japanese cooperation in China's military, eco nomic and financial , problems , President Wilson, It waa suggested, will be the determining; factor In the decision as to whether Japanese troops shall invest Vladivostok, provided that is the actual wish of Japan, aa reported. Russo-Japanese Pact Published Petrograd,' Dec 21. (TJ. P.) Text of secret Russo-Japanese treaty, dated March 3, 1916, providing for an often slve alliance of those two powers against any - other power attempting political supremacy In China, waa mad . public ' by, the workmen's and soldiers' soviet i today. The statement said it was. believed this pact referred to ths United 'States. The treaty was signed by former For eign Minister Sasonoff and Baron Mo- tono, Japanese minister to Russia, who; later became foreign minister. It ex pires In July,, 1921. A nign xoreign onice leaaer today de clared that the peace literature circu lated by the soviet had "greatly Influ- nr.erl . Oermans on the Russian front. longer desire to fight on any front." Ths soviet haa been revealing all ecrst treaties and agreements of former Russian regimes. Secretary KcAdoo Denies Loan Kumor i When Decision Ras Been Reached, He ; Say, AaaoaaeemeBt . Will : Be Made Throagh Proper ChanaeU. Wiihlnrtim TWwv 21 fT X? S 1 lm. phatlc denial that the next liberty loan 1 will be for 75.000.000,000 at 4ft per cent was made today by Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo. . The dental waa em- bodied Id a formal statement as follow : "The report - thai the next issue of Liberty bonds will be $8,000,000,000 and at per cent Is wholly unfounded. I wish I could make the patriotic newspa permen at America realise how mischie vous and hurtful to the Interests of the country such speculative statements are. "When a decision has been reached about the next Liberty loan it will be officially announced.- 7- Meanwhile ail other state ments and rumora may be disregarded." Posses Seek Man Who Killed Son; Grandmother ITow Coafe Taataatle Story of" How i She : la Tare Killed Boy rather I tratrse. Mffntrose, ,Cal., Dec 2V (U P.) ' Several posses were .organised and are scouring the country to the" Vklnlty I of ' Olath. seeking John O. Bush, who murdered his 11 year, old son Saturday and attempted to dispose' of the body by burning; It In a lye kettle. i- 1 -, The search w as begun, when "Hm!" Nancy ,Jane - Buah. 4 the i 71-year-old mother ' of John Buslu confessea to the sheriff today that the - story she told t yesterday , waa v invented - by . her .and t Bush' to cover up the crime. ' -y J ID OCCUPY SIBERIA CLOTHING ESBRITAIN IS IN LUG FOR FULL ACCORD Quartermaster- General Sharpe Admits Supplies for 'Thou sands of Men to Be Called Dec. 31 Are Not at- Hand. Not Enough at Present 'for Men in Training, He Says, and Men Go to France With Lighter Uniforms Than Those' of Allies' Washington. Dec 11. (U. P.) In the face of a startling lack? of clothing sup plies thousands 6f men will be called to the colors by December It, Quarter master General Sharpe admitted to the senate military , committee this after' noon. This refers to the 25 per cent of the last increment of the first draft not yet called out. At present Sharpe declared 'there la not enough clothing for the men In train ing, and American troops, sent to France are going over In uniforms 27 per cent lighter than those worn by the French and BritlahVtroops. 1 He advised the English system of a "purveyor general of supplies" to order ordnance, food , and ; clothing for the army. . - Ualforms Part Cottoa Sharpe said one uniform each had been Issued to 1.640.000 men . now, although a small part of these uniforms were cot ton. ." 'i - .; .-jv.i v . . .vi Switching to the subject of overcoata.1 committee members . began grilling Sharpe on complaints of overcoat short ages that had i been : coming -in from cam pa. A tablei submitted by the gen eral showed 2.000X0 overcoats had been compweo By December 15. "How does it come then," asked Hitch cock, "that Vlth only approximately 1. 500,000 men to equip and with over 2, 000,000 overcoats made, the men had been without coata?" ' ( . . "The bulk of these overcoat deliveries came late in November and December, (Coectaded oo Page. Five. Cbtaow.Faar) "HOW DO YOU SAY; 'MERRY " ' TlHIS WILL BE A MERRY I Uncle Sam's khaki-clad fighting men are billeted. If all goes well, therell be no end of dollies, games,' books and candies iwr uic x-ictrcs nu juans, towns have made preparations' Santa Claus he goes the limit. Brk 5:" f-1 u It'! I j s t 'I" If' " v r- . v t, . i Llh ' ; iPi-i 3 It, : . . - ; ..- ' ' v I mi? t 1 v xt," r f u u-'hu , ' e - 1 . ill t y.' I ' ' Si ' " "" ' f.r,.- y : .- . ; I imA -r-.r. II ?x ' ' . 3 f . : r, O j. - - ' i s Premier Gives Word That Eng land Wants No Territorial Ex . pansion Except That Neces . sary to Guarantee Safety. If Germanized Portion of Lor raine Is Willing to Stay1 With Teutons, Lloyd George 13 Will ing, but Not So With Alsace. By Lowell Mel let t . ' London, Dec 21. (U. P.) Great Brit ain is in full accord with President Wilson's outline of war alms that, the fight of the world's democracies to vic tory Is not toward realization of selfish desires. a Britain seeks no territorial extension except that which an International peace conference agrees la necessary to future . security. V The United Press la In a position to state today that Lloyd George's pledges are those developed by practically unanimous views of all government circles. . , v Or all the ringing utterance of the premier In his war alms speech of yes terday. Including the demands of restoration and compensation for Invad ed . territories those which. In effect, pledged aflherence to President Wilson's announced principle that- nationalities Should be permitted to work out their umi dasHtiiCT. -wwrw regai-fled- today aa most striking ' Exraasloa 2To Brttltfe Ala " In thus putting England's . card on the table, the United Press Is able to present this outline of Oreat Britain's position from various high sources fol lowing the prima minister's revolution ary announcement of England's colo nial policy, while the German colonies are regarded as en-returnable becaase the peace conference must consider the future security at the British Union f (Coacladed on 'Page Nlaeteen, Coin ma Jer) CHRISTMAS for the little French bova and eirls living in the wuo nave cuninoutca rouca to uie nappmess or tne Doys across trie water, ine men in tne rrencn to show the kiddies just what an American, Christmas is like, and when Sammy takes to playing The Christmas of 1917 will live long in the hearts of youthful France. t i tt 15 I 4 1 i h i x s r i1 - i i i t ' - . I . -c i -.1: I .... . . . . . - . . U-BOATSBEAT SOLDIERS OUT OF BIG FEED AMERICA FIELD HEAD Q CARTERS, Dee. it. U. P.) A a aasseeissfal attesapt by a Gernaa abmarlae to attack a sspply skis ladea with Christmas food, waa resaoailble for the Amer ica a forces fladlag themselves to. fty oa the verge of Ckrlstmas with oat tarkey, eraaberrles akd ' the assal feast day sspply. ' The vessel. It was stated, had been taraed back to America, fol lowlag the sabmarlae's aasaeeess. fal attack. The ship whlek was taraed back was kaewa to carry especially a great load of era a berries. , A small amoaat ef tarkey left over from Thaaksgivlag Is available bat It woat be a drop, la the backet. Tfeereare somewhat large applies ' ef mlaeemeat aad erae berries. The I sltaaUoa, however, might be worse aad. aayway, the Ckrlstmas "chow' will be served whea It arrive. The delay wklek the six member of, the food admlalstratloa reeeatly at the froat leaned aboat, empha. slaed to them the .aecestlty for adoptwa of a plaa to aalld sp a great army food reserve la Fraace. American Soldiers Plan Big Xmas Tree Cktldrea of ShatUred Tfilarea te Have Chaaee for a While to Forget Grim Horrors of war. With the American Army In Franca, Deo. 21. (L N. B.) American army of ficers entrusted with the Christmas funds have begun to purchase thousands of dollars' worth of presents for "the children within the son . of ; American headquarters and camps. These pres ents will be hung on a tree to be ar-iBeA'trtn-AmJei ' for Christmas day.; The tree will be in a aniqae set ting, namely, within on of the hangars of aa American air squadron. The purchasing officers are seeing to it that every boy and girl gta his or Iter des(re. They "have visited all and the "purchasing lists have written on them whether little Suaanne wants a doll or little Jean desires a rifle. For the refugee, children overcoats or ' shoes are being bought. Large quantlttea of tur ker and all that goea with It are arriv ing within .the aone for the Ameses' dln- wr. CHRISTMAS' IN FRENCH, BILL? -V am. lilio GOUEtlGED Chatrrnan : Hurley of - Shipping Board. Blames Industrial Han dicap'for Failure to Turn Out Ships Faster Than at Present. Obstacles, He Says, Are Rapidly Being Overcome and Actuaj Construction Is Under Wayj Dual- Management Defended. Washington. Dec II. (I- N. SL The searchlight waa. turned upon the ahlp plng boards activities this afternoon when , the Investigation "ordered by the senate waa bssnin by the senate com mittee with Edward N. Hurley, chair- man of the board, aa the first witness. He ww permitted by the committee to read a 10OO word , statement, outlining. Ink great detail, the accomplishments of the board and Its subsidiary, the Emergency Flee corporation. Hla statement constituted a warm defense of ths present dual system of roanag roent. Hurley explained that ths faRure ae-tualhr-to tarri out ships Quicker than la now being dons has been due to Indus trial, handicaps. ( These obstacles, he stated, are being rapidly overcome and actual ahlp conat ruction is under way. 1UT Skip Uadet Ctrat- Tncsrnlng the' exact Statu of the marchant ship -procram at present. Chairman- Hurley informed the commit ted that lilt ships of MT1.10 dead weight tons' ar now under evmstruc tkw and under contract.' Of these 411 ships of J.WI.OOfl tons wer already un der construction or under order by pri vate or foreign' owners when the com mandeering order went Into effect on The new tonnage Tf steel ahlps or dered., he . said. Is . represented by &51 ships of S.M5.XO0 dead weight tons. The wooden ships for which contracts have . CooJaded oa Pf Twelve. Celama Twl 19 towns behind the lines where Americans Will Join Tommies in Mutual Shindigs For Christmas Joint Celebration Will Be Held Where Possible; Some Tom mies Prefer Baked Beans and Bacon to Turkey, However. By William Philip Slmms With the British Armies In the Field, Dec. IV U. P.) For ths first tlms In history, British Tommies and American Sammies will celebrate Christmas to gether. Arrangements were being completed today for a whole series of mutual holi day "shindigs" and "blowouts" -circum stances permitting. The Americans- are widely scattered, making gathering difficult and In sore cases Impossible but some sort of a celebration Is to be held wherever Tom mies and Hammies met. Back behind the lines In ruined vil lages and camps, concerts and special vaudeville performances have been ar ranged aa part of the British armies' .celebration A canvass of the Tommies by their commanding officers to find out just what sort of "eats' they wanted for thla Christmas spread, has developed some freakish appetites. One captain asksd hla men whether they wanted turkey or pork and beans ths latter piping hot. with strips of ba con, browned, on top. Ths pork aad beans won hand down. There will be no fraternising on the British front. That much- la certain. Christmas day In ths trenches win b Just like sny other war day de pendent upon developments. Today all ths froat waa decorated In a mastla of saow a foot deep. There has seldom been a mors quits land scape in ths war sons thsa .the one seen all along ths Una. PORTLAND TO GET EXAMINING OFFICE Aviation Candidates to Be Ex amined Here; To Be Estab lished Within 10 Days. Waahlngton. rec. (WASHINGTON BUREAU OP" THE JOURNAL.) Ths government aircraft board today noti fied Senator McNary that authority has been given on his representations for the establishment of an aviation exam ining unit at Portland within 10 days. Senator McNary. In conference with the aircraft board, also discussed the matter of the location of aa aviation training aco6l at Seattle and not at Portland aad was Informed that the board dees not consider schools are needed so close together. The Seattle station already has been established. However. Senator McNary was prom ised the matter would be given further consideration, but without any strofur hops for Portland. Senator McNary also took up ths pro posal of ths Salem Commercial dub for extensive flax production aad manufac ture or an en xor ablaae Wins. The Salem deb ears it can set tOO acres I plaated and utilise, a factory now idle in rwuina. C !sai Colonel Deeds of the aircraft hoard ys cas. linen is greatly needed, beat doubts whether Oregon Interests caa farnlah the quality oC finished products required. He wants further Information as to their ability to secure skilled labor, but will then be willing to send experts to examine the factory and report on plana which would Include government cooperation. Dr. Joseph X McCool of Portland, at the Instance of the war department, al ready has tentatively completed plana for ths local aviation examining unK. It win probably be located In ths free dispensary at Fourth and Jefferson. Dr. Mocool-wlll do eye examining. Dr. Vtaak B. Klstaer. ear examining, aad a pay aid aa to be appointed by Dr. Mc Cool and Dr. Klstaer will make the physical examination required by the oepanmeat. , Plans for ths Portlahd aviation' ex amlalng umt have been under consid eration for several months, but were suddenly modified last September, only to be renewed, apparently through Sen a tor McNarys representation that it is unfair for -young men, candidates for aviation serriee, to be required to go to Seattle for examinations, particu larly as they pay their own expenses. 3 Aviators Killed -. .In Training Camp i Fort Worth. Texas. Dec 1L fU. P. One officer and two cadets - of the Canadian royal flying corps were killed .Instantly here todaywhen the two air planes in which the ' men were flying collided In mid -air. - , The dead are: PECOND LIEUTENANT R. O. GEX XER, - Kingston. Oat. CADET C A. BAKER. Kent, England. . ; CADET A. EDEN. Kir rat on, Jamaica. Ths three came from the British aria I tlon tralnlnar fW4 a Tn-ntu tm. .-. piii 11 ap ' "g R E J EG TED Petrograd Has Word Jhat . Bol shevik! Envoys Have Been Re called) Armistice, However, Is' Still In 'Force on the Front. Bolshevik! Believed to Be Pre paring for Rump Convention if They; Find They Are !n Mi nority; Situation Complicated. LONDON. Dec II. U. P.) Aii-. Exchange Telegripti dJipitcji from Petrograd asserted H was - ' ' unofficially- reported that Vb ' Germans had refused the RusiUq : : peace terrns- and that ths Bol- ' shevlkl delegitlon hat bee a -re- . called to Petrograd.,.; V The decision. If accurately re-' ported, does not mean rifunipUo' of hotllitle on the nuIaa ' front at once, aa complete top- T page of all fighting for a month ha already been agreed upon by term of the armUUce. . . f the German have refused to 4- agree to the Bolshevtal terms, it was believed here they dld-eo , In full consciousness of - their . strength with hch to extort . enormous concession from the - Russians. The original Bolshe-; viU requests were for Germaa v . withdrawal from occupied Island -In Riga bay and rellncjolshnient other Russian territory held ", by the Teuton. Amsterdam. Dec! Il- (U. P. An Austro-Hungartan delegation, reprs FffMf)g all branches of the govern ment and headed by an officer of the foreura offlos. Dr. von Hem pel. left, for Petrogrsd Thursday to arrange further armistice details, a dispatch (Ceexleael en Psee Tee. Celaaui Tee) UNCOVERED; BELIEF . : ... ' ' ... ; ''' '" Revelab'ont in Seattle Murder ' Case May Rival Those in - Biltfngsley Prosecutions, v Seattle. Dee. 11. (V N. & As a re sult of revelations la oon section with ths murder of William AppstststL North era Pacific railroad watchman, Wednes day night, county sathoritlee here today believe they have uncovered a'glgaatls bootlegginc ring that win rival la aationaiiam ths operations of the BED BOOTLEGGING RING torlous BUUngsley gaar- ' It Is declared by the sheriffs office that enough has . been learned to show , that enormov quantities of liqsor have seen shipped : Ints Waahlngtoa from California oa ' forged permits aad that with esnployes -of ths railroads on ths Inside of the ring It has bees aa easy matter for the boot- , lecrera te get th liquor from freight . cars ta ths railroad yards at Aobam, Wash-, before It arrived at' Its deetl na tion as shown en the Mils ef Lading. . M. I- Graham, yard foreman for ths ' Northers Paetfle, was charged wltn first degree murder today for- ths alleged f shooting of AppeleteU. The charge was fhed by the ntooeiut- ' lag attorney after a conference with J. E. Caeey. a switchman, was Is' held oa . bail as a wttaese, Joan Portia, a chauffeur, alee Is held onler UOOe bail as a witness. S. V Orahaas, wooes car . . Porrta . drove, was released oa bXbees corpus proceedings. The King county grand Jury now la . session.. It Is -expected, will Investigate the alleged bootlegging ring. Alcoholic Drinks Barred by Pershing With th United -.States Army 'la rranee. Dee, ZV il. X -S.) Oeneral Pershing hesued a general order today, absolutely forbidding - Americas soi aners from buying or' accepting any alcoholic beverages except Ught viae aad beer.. . . .. ' . , -. ' I . . " . .1,