THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORT LAND, THURSDAY, ' DECEMBER 0 1917. 15 T F TO BE HELD HERE Jrial of: Vessel Here Had Been jDrdered Following Protest Against Removal to Sound. CHANGE IS NOT EXPLAINED New Move Said to Be. Due to Disagreement With Contractor as to Allowances. The action of the Chamber of Com merce in, protecting the taking of the steamer . Landaas to Puget Sound is bearing fruit. A telegram was received this morning from Robert Dougan, Port land's' representative at Washington, stating that the shipping board had or dered the Landaas held here until fur ther argument Is presented. The Lan daas is still at the dock of the Portland Flouring mills. ? The cause for changing the schedule of the steamer, after the shipping board bad agreed to her trial test here, is not quite clear, but is said to be due to dis agreement over afelalm of the govern ment for credit on the contract price. under the recommendation of Captain Blain, district officer It is asserted that this claim la unreasonable and that the local contractors would not agree to allow the credit. The contract originally called for the trial tests to be made on the sound, and it Is said that when the district officials consented to the change, they stated that they felt the difference in the contract price should be allowed. On the other hand, .the local con tractors feel that the saving of time and expense is reasonable consideration, though not unwilling to allow a reason able credit. The Chamber of Commerce was some . what up a stump as to how to prevent ..further argument, since every other means had been used. It is understood that Bert t. Ball, president of the Wil lamette Iron & Steel works, took the - flatter up with the shipping board. He is now on his way home from Wash ington. An effort is being made to get In touch with him. i ARGENTINE EXPECTED TO WAR ON GERMANY (Continued From Page One.) saying that this action waa due to the vessel carrying contraband. ' Through several of the messages Is sharp ridicule of the Argentina officials with whom Count Luxburg csme in con tact Big Wireless Plant Operated Indicating that Luxburg was 'at all times In communication with German submarines at sea or the great wireless station , through whloh Germany has sent her wireless boasts of victory throughout the world, is another mes sage In Which he announces that the LANDAAS 0 BEARS HP law. Ferdtaaad SOar. a Wew Terk City Fhyadolaa aad Xedlcai Aathe saysi ,ffcer can ha mo' strong, vigorous. Iron mem mor beantlf uL hsalthy, rogy aheeked women without Xxen Vusated Iron ftakem three tlmsa per day aftes ' St sals will Ucreaee the strength aad eadoruoa ef weak, merveoa, nuudowm i folks X00 per oaat in two weeks' time la soany lastaaoeev Avoid tha aid forma a mstallle irea which may UJare the teeth, corrode tha atemach, and thereby io mors harm than good. Take only ergaml irea STucatad Xros." Xt im dlav peased la this city by The Owl Srtur Oo. and aU good dmgrtsta (A.dv.1 THAT5 THE CHAMPAGNE OF LAXATIVE WATERS 9 i if if t t i n n n ; n On Sale Everywhere ' i 4 ! f Pacific Coast Representatives : Rosenthal & Heitler, 105 12th St., Portland, Or. "recelvin- station Jias bMn Installed as per5 Instructions. On' June 10, laat, Luxburt reported th.t his bank balance was half a roll-; Hoa dollars.: Commenting on this offi cial of the state department today said possession of such a hure sum was ex traordinary for a man In the position of ther German charrs j . v , Another of . the Luxlrurr ' massages boasted that he had succeeded In reach- Ins;, an understanding with President ' irifoyea. This proved particularly of-1 tensive to 'Argentina. It la now known. American rrettare Felt The text of the message was : "July 7, 1817. Minister Foreign Af fairs who la a theatrical person, has shown an. Insane cunning 4a - preventing me from having an Interview with the president. He sent me a copy of tns nnf A A1ac4 In a aaaw nat th.r. with that Argentine could not consent ( to aU the products of the country being, treated as contraband. The pressure or worm America in regard to shipping Iron, coal and paper is great but not irresistible. What la lacking is strength or wilL "If the 'president, whose action it is tmnAulhl. fAretell. ihtn.M ministers I a postponement of the crisis or a settle- raent is possible. "If the answsr Is unsatisfactory there is to be a, rupture of relations. (Signed) "LUX BURG." 1 "July 7. 1117. Our attitude towaroe the hold. This was pumped out as the Brazil has created the Impression here vessel was being towed here by the that our easy-going good-nature can be Daley Freeman. ' counted on. This Is dangerous In South Everything went fine with the Anvil. America where the people under thin according to Captain Robert Jones, after veneer are Indians. A submarine squad- the little veesel left the Columbia river ron with full powers, to me. might save Sunday morning for Coos bay, until the situation. Request Instructions as Monday night. Monday morning the to whether after a rupture of relatione "hip encountered a gale which was legation la to atart for home or la to weathered, but when the big seaa broke remove to Paraguay or possibly Chile, over the Anvil shortly before midnight The naval attache will doubtless go to th Beams opened, and aa the pumps Santiago ds Chile. (were disabled water poured into the (Sirned) "LUXBURO" 'holds. The engines were disabled and "July 18. lMTi-Vlalt of American fleet' remained nothing else, to do but Is expected next week probably for five , ho?t alM S3!f .v. irt.r th.t . xhn .f minliittri! The Daisy Freeman appeared at is probable. nnmmin .nmr tin .nil ' of month and when It la given going i fully Into the Toro case In conciliatory language emphasising contraband. crul-.j ser warfare and expressing regret at the ' necessity for sinking her. (Signed) "LUXBURO." Bank Balaaee 844,000 Pesos "July SO First : Receiving plant erect ed according to instructions. When does Nauen send at greatest length and what at a Pacific port Tuesday after a voy is the wave length T . j age of 15 days from Melbourne. One "Secondly : The legation balance at the ' of the first shipments of Australian bank waa on June 80, 454,000 pesos. r wheat waa brought In by the vessel. (Signed) "LUXBURO." ( First Mate Rolff Anderson and IS eea- "July St, 117 Destination and partic-, men of the wrecked steamer Thor ar ulars of ships bound for Europe are kept rived at a Pacific port Monday on a strictly secret. The following are on. government veesel. They had been their way, the first two being over 800 picked up off the Island of Oahu by a tons and others under: Carorna, Pelle- Japanese sampan and landed in Hono rrinl. Unionlng. Laterra, Francis. Peru, lulu in a state of exhaustion from bat Venetuela, Itamby, Brasil, Bolivia, tllng with the elements and from lack of Sailings from Brasllian porta at various drinking-water. dates the last' named twentieth or Juiy. i Steamer lies low in water and has au perstructure amidships. (Signed) "LUXBURG August 20, 1917 The president has at last made up his mind to conclude j a secret agreement with Chile and Bolivia !wlth regard to a mutual ! " ousanns siucx on we rapprochement for protection vis a vis ' way" nd ,n tht damage waa North America before the conference (Jon l WM ordered that she be lnspect idea is taken up again. Saguier, with J? before sailing on her maiden voyage. friendly under secretary of state and full powers. Is on his way to and Santiago. (Signed) "LUXBURO." Travel to Camps Stopped Wichita, Kan., Deo. 20. (I. N. S.) The Rock Island passenger department here today placed a ticket embargo on all passenger traffic to Camp Doni phan and Fort Sill, Okla., due to the reported quarantine of the company for a . serious measles epidemic. Al WHAT WANT GASOLINE SCHOONER i ANVIL IS BATTERED AT SEA AND RESCUED " . ?ir . ttimtp Wee N : w uuiivi iitu iiiuivn btboys mil w Is-Brought-Into fort With1 Its Seams Seeping Water. Astoria, Or, Dec 0. Fleeing before the storm with distress signals set. the 'gasoline schooner Anvil was rescued - - sh. . , . wss B a1 aaavsa as saw swu aw wa lng up and down the Oregon and Wash ington .coast the past few days and Wednesday was towed Into the harbor j by the steam schooner Daisy Freeman, The Anvil Is not badly battered, but I the pitching of the little vessel aa It twaa buffeted about by the aeas opened its seams and two feet of water entered I dawn Tuesday and later put a line aboard and towed the Anvil to Astoria. ?Ptaln Jon" brttoV? "j1 "e damage to the vessel can easily be repaired and that the Anvil will leave again In a few days for Coos bay. AUSTRALIAN WHEAT ARRIVES San Francisco, Deo. zO.-L N- S.) The British steamer Austral port arrived Suzanne Under Way The motorahip Susanna, In tow of the POrt tug Oneonta. got away from Asto- P""?1" 'or Aberdeen. She was brought here for drydocking. When aha i """"" i" waa me near est. so she was brought here. The Su- sanne waa built at Aberdeen. Notice to Mariners The following affecta the alda to navigation In the Seventeenth Light house districts Columbia river Harrington point to Walker island Prion island light report ed carried away and light extinguished. December 17. To be replaced and re lighted aa soon aa practicable. Wlllapa bay Long laland shoal light reported damaged and light extinguished December 13. To be repaired and re lighted as .soon aa practicable. Grays Harbor North channel to Ab erdeenChannel buoy t, heretofore re ported adrift, waa reported December 18 as still lo position, but broken off. Ruget Sound West Point buoy 1. re ported missing December 10, waa re placed December 12. Washington Sound Hale passage- Point Mlgley buoy HS, heretofore re ported missing. waa replaced Novenv ber . ROBERT WARRACK. . Lighthouse Inspector. News of the Port D opart ura Pmwbaf to WtDeme. AaMricea Mttait. for Baa Mm lam bar. w. T. Herrtn. Aaerloaa steamer, for Baa Francieoo, ballast. XARI2TX A LX ATI AC Weather at River's Weuth North Head. Dee. 20. Condition at the mouth of . the river et none : Wlad, eeath eaat. 10 mils' weather, etoadr: tea, smooth. Bun fteterd far PeoeenW 11 Sua rteea . . t :SO a. m. Boa seta. .4:Ji p. a. Ttees at Aeterts PHSay Hih Wster. . Lew Wear. 8:85 a. to s.s faet 1:14 s. m....l.a fa 6:6 p. a. . . .4.8 feet DAILY RITE R tEADUTOS TATIOKS S - , nX . I h ai li Ltwiaton . 12 I .... I .... 1 . . . . CBaUlla 28 . S.I A.SS Eugene 10 8.5 M.S 1.1 Albany 80 IT. 8 I.f 0.78 Salem 10 18. 8 4.8 0.88 Oreroa Ctt 12 14.1 2.0 0.71 Portland i is, 7 0.8O MeMinarOle ..... .. 88.7 8.8 0.40 Jeffetaoa 14. 0 -0.8 0.88 AT WIGHBORIXO FOBTB own inncm, in., su. -it. n. s. ) . sr Hred Dae. 20 Tea PrlaelUa. Careke. ll:Sa m.: Ceaper. Casper. 12:80 p. bl; hoe, Bareka. 2:15 p. av ; tus WbHa. with aew ateamer Hco is tow. Cnraka. 8:45 p. nt. ; Santa afaaioa. im- Aoitaa, a p. m.; jobs ana, vr.m 8:80 p. ra-i Freak U. Book, Polat WeUa. p. m. Sailed: Charlae Cbristetawa. Wlllapa Harbor. 11 2 5 a. m. 1 F. A KUbara, Portiaad, ii:iv p. av; wae aianony, arsiea. 1 :ea p. m. : City ef Tope a. Earaka. 2:18 P. m. Tele. Lae AnsJa, 8:18 p. am. ; French motor ahlp Bariaax, jmidos, e :2B p. aa. ; wmametta. attle. 8:50 p. m. Baa Frsaelsee, Dae. 30.- Arrived: Marab- fieki. Albioa. 8 a. av: Breakwater. Psnlaad, 4.SO a. m.; Newport, aaiboe, a m.: Dastr, Gray Harbor. 5 a. m. Sailed: Sortlilaad. 8e atUa. 4 :S0 a. aa. i Peaaaylraais, Past Boaad. S a. n .: Booth coast. Coos Bar metonfclD Siena. Callao. 10:80 a. aa. : Dear. Ia Anseles. 10 SO a a. ; WklttSer. with barge rnuertoa la tow, Fort Haa bale. 1IM a a Boattie, waaa., Dee. 30. Arrived. Dee. IS Horace X. Baxter. Raa riiaain S:1B a. m. Alameda, Taooaaa, 4 :80 p. m.; Orayaea. Tsiinms. 4 :S0 p. m. ; tag Warrior towiag barge Eaaiga. irom loot rotnt, s p. m. Dea. to. Sailed Wasthavea. trial crafae. 10:16 a. m. Cordora, Bae. , 18. soaad. 8 a. m. Wraagell. Dee, 18. Sailed: aorthboand. 8 a. m. - Ketchikaa. Dee, 18. Sailed: soatnoeaas. s a. au Port Aagelcs, Dee. 18. tailed: tor Baa F rannttco. Port Towneend. Dea 20. Pasaed la: steam ar-beoner. letter D. ea etaek at 8 a Ererett. per. 2. Saned: Sasinaw, towmg 1 barge Chaa Netooa. for Baa Fraaeiae. Point Wells. Dee. 2ft. Arrirad: Captain Xl f. ajBoas. aoatue, ana proeeesea lor Bes rns cisro. towiag barge No. 85. Taoome,' Dae. 1 . Arrired : ' Chattaaeoohea. SeatUa. v Asswla. Dee. 20. Sailed it Til a. av. motor rcbooaer Sasaane, for Oraya Harbor. - Astoria, lire. IS. SAUed at tt:SO a aa- steamer. Atlas, for Baa rraAeieee, via OraTa ' Harbor; at 11:25 a. av etoamer Jobaa reeJaeftT! for Saa l"ttciaco: at 1J:5 p. a, steamer. Hsntam. ter asn rearei st ii:as a. av. motor acnoooet a. l. Aliara. lor Baa 1 laaoaco. Port Hi Lais. Vee. 18. Arrired etesawt tVsshteoaw from Portland, v laaraafield. Dee. 1. Arrbwl Hajdy 'Jrass Saa Franc taco, 1 1 :80 a aa.; C A Baulk from Ba roatata. sua p. as. wallawalla boy; injured, safely home PEXDLKTOX. O&. Dee. teV-The first woaaded Asttrleaa eoUler Is be seat tale far -watt treat the. battlefield ef Traaee fasted threagh Feadletea Uet areata g ea rente te als hesse aeas Walla Walla. He U Private Leasee ef the reg ular army, aad' le a member ef a ploaeer family ef the Walla Walla valley. , Be was emeage the first American soldiers te reach France aad saw aeteal servtee early. He wae a ekarpsaeoter aad 'took hie place la the advaaeed treaeaes with EagUsh aad Freach sharpshooters. Wane test eagaged he was shot threagh the leg. This was several Bsoatas age aad as seen as he was discharged from the hetittal he was farlesghed heme. Private Leases declares the be lief Is yrevaleat amoag tee allied soldiers that Oermaay Is ea her last legs. Seme Oeraaas takes arlsoasr are ealy linear-old beys, he aaleVaad all look this aad'haa. gry. The first talag they ask ter le food, he stated. Leaden -will help the Bed Cress while he Is heme. War Department Blames Paper for Anxiety Caused by Report on Camp Greene. The recent agitation over hardships alleged to have been endured by Orv gon soldiers at Camp Mills. L. I.i and the subsequent refutation of these com plaints, has recalled the disproving by official report of similar complaints aa to the condition of Camp Greene Charlotte. X. C. The official report of the Inspector general to the war department In October was aa follows "That the sanitary conditions Camp Greene, Charlotte, N. C ,ars very good In all respects; "That the report in Portland. Or that sanitary conditions In Camp Greene, N. C was due to a misleading, erro neous headline over an article In ref erence to the sanitary conditions of the town of Charlotte. N. C. published in the Portland Oregontan, Issued October 9. 117. which was written by Its cor respondent. Win O. MacRae. "That this publication caused much worry and anxiety to the relatives and friends of soldiers of the Oregon or ganisations and put the war depart ment to some expense and much trouble In making the. investigation." Concluding the quotation of the re port from the Inspector general, the further comment of the war depart ment la: "In view of the foregoing It would seem that there was no ground for the misleading article - published in the Oregoolan." Baker Reports oa Camp Mills Washington. Dee. 10.WASHINO TON BUREAU OF THE JOURNAL.) Secretary of War Baker. In a be lated report to Senator Chamberlam on Camp Mills, said that the Intention of the war department for a month had been to withdraw all troops sta tioned there so the war department deemed It Inadvisable to make any ad dltonal investment. He adda that the department does not Intend to permit conditions, which came from temporary arrangements there, to exist anywhere any . longer than ceeeaaary. OREGONIAN STORY ON CAMP REFUTED su 1 ... 11 ' 1 . aa-asata 1 si 1 ssammm g 1 W ROUND-TRIP FARES tw1 BETWEEN CITIES Or TH 1 st- BsVa.T CTjl I jaWev PACmC NORTHWESTS oea,.Tia, gwtu i . f i i i a j vr -a i i LAWYER'S TILTS ARE FREQUENT TODAY AT John'F. Logan and Coy Burnett 4m a . sm e. s a Lome into frequent oiasnes Over Testimony in Case. Hearing of tha Fating will contest. which has been featured In County Judge Taswell'a court for five weeks. was enlivened this morning by frequent tilts between Attorneys John F. Logan and Coy Burnett, due to tha effort of Logan to prove Mrs. Fallng was men tally able to attend to her business- aad the affairs of. every day life. Tbomas N. Strong, one of the propo nents aad a large sharer in the aetata. waa on the witness stand for ths entire islon aad remained cool under the heckling of opposing attomeya. One ox the most important witness though a silent one, waa much In evi dence thle morning ; au of the testimony centering oa tha notations in Mr. Strong's note books, a grou-of volumes covering every business transaction in which air. Strong has taken part in the past 40 years. One of the allusions waa to 140,000 loaned by Sirs. Fallng to Mr. SweUand In 111 for the erection of the SweUand building. Attorneys Strong and C. L. Mead, the other principal bene ficiary, sought to prove by these nota tlone that Mrs. Fallng waa mentally capable of transacting her own affairs. A dramatic Incident of tha morning's session was when Attorney Logan in al-J ludlng to the gradual shortening of notes In Mr. Strong's account books attrib uted It as being due to his Increasing palsy evidences of which Mrs. Fallng began to notice about that time and which- Is regarded aa the probable rea son for Mr. Strong's being a beneficiary in so large an amount. Court adjourned just aa C Lewis Mead's name waa being lntroduoed Into ths testimony as arranging tor Mrs. Fallng's residence at the Hotel Multno mah In November, 1114. EXTRAVAGANCE IS. ALLEGED J. A. Sapp File Suit for Divorce, Other Couplea Dissatisfied. Alleging that his wlfs spent his earn lnga for fine clothes snd hats, J. A. 8app has filed suit for divorce from Mary Sapp. They were married October I, ISO. The husband asks for ths cus tody of three minor children. Minnie 8eavey wahta a divorce from A. Lor en to Seavey. alleging cruelty. They were married In November, lilt. Etta Blgge wishes to be separated from Fred Biggs, to whom shs waa mar ried in February, 102. Bertha Men 11a Courley wishes a di vorce from Frank P. Courley. She al leges cruel and Inhuman treatment. They wereTnanied at Edmonton. Alberta. June 12. mi. 8 ha asks for the restora tion of her maiden name. Bertha Manila Walton. EYE WITNESS IS IN DOUBT Dors not Remember Seeing Aecusel Chinamen at Scene or Killing. Four witnesses testified today. In the trial of Chin Jung Htn. president of the Suey Sing tong. charged with murder In the second degree. In connection with the killing of Chin Hong on Juns t. John Stsveneoo, a saddletree maker and one of the eye witnesses of the shooting, testified that he had no recol lection of seeing the defendant on the scene at the time of the shooting, al though he waa poaltlva aa to the identity of the two convicted murderers. Bootlegger Sentenced to Jail Pleading guilty to an ' Indictment charging him with Illegally Importing liquor into the atata, Oos Larson waa sentenced Wednesday by Federal Judge Bean to serve three aontha In the county Jail. Larson la eald to have been a member CITIES Of THE PACmC NORTHWEST W A LNG YILL HEAR NG Union Pacific ON SALE December oo, n, 21, return limit, January 3, il U TO any rCSOrt On?tA I TsAos. i .wamt, a-ajraaooa I I of a "whiskey ring operating la Port- laaa and Baa Franctaoa Louis Roth- enberg and O. F. Stenholm. with whom Larson was arrested. Wars previously eoavtoted la a federal exurt aad fined 11000 and 1500 respectively. Larson handled tha Portland aad of tha "ship, men Lb." - Differ as ta Fay " Tha case eg u 8. MeNutu who la su ing tha Western Union Telegraph com pany for irm for wages, la oa trial be fore Circuit Judge Oateaa. McNutt aaya tha company agreed to pay htm fleO per month aa a private aleuth. The company laaleta that his. monthly wage Was 110. It Is admitted by tha plaintiff that ha redelved $10 for tha three year or so he worked. " : Jury Be lag Selected A jury la being selected la Circuit Judge Tucker's court ta try tha case of Rose L. Miller against the - Portland Railway. Light A- Power company for $10,000 damages for Injuries alleged. to nave oeca received August a. hit. oa an Oaks ear which, aa tha complaint alleges, waa run Into from behind by another car. MRS. EMANUEL MEYER, WELL KNOWN WOMAN, DIES IN APAR1ENTS Survived by One Son, Three Sisters, Two Brothers; Lived in City Many Years. Mrs. Emanuel Meyer died Wednesday at the Wllmar apartments at the age of 1 years. She la aurvlved by her son. Melville Meyer, employed by Flelschner, Mayer A Cos. and by three sisters and two brothers. The brothers are Philip and Samuel Ooaa of San Francisco : the sisters, Mrs. Nannie Phillips of San Francisco. Mm. Harriet Meyer and Mra. L N. Flelschner of Portland. Funeral services win be held at the Holman chapel at 3 p ra. Friday. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise officiating. Con eluding Services will be at the Portland Crematorium and will be private. It la riuerted that n flowers be sent. nro. ai;,r nau reaiuea in rvniua iau reaiuea in rvniua aaa to Bl Janrrt , snd wss ths widow of rSr v,'r. aad wt to rvmonua SeeWr . who died In 118. I .U "r- for many years. Emanuel Meyer, Arthur Van Bo scamp Arthur L. Van Boacamp, who died et his home. 1(1 East Twelfth street, Wednesday, had resided In Portland and in Oreaham for mors than SO years, snd at one time conducted a grocery busineee In this city. Hs wss a native of llllnola. and In his fifty seventh year. Mr. Van Boacamp wae a member of Multnomah Camp. Wood men of the World, and is survived by his widow, Mrs. Henrietta Van Boa camp, and two stepchildren. Funeral services will be held at the F. S. Dunning conservatory chapel. 414 East Alder street. Friday at 1:10 p. m Rev. Thomas" Jenkins offictstlng. and under the ausplcee of Multnoman Camp. Burial will be. In Mount Scott Park cemetery. Mrs. Jane C RJed The funeral of Mrs. Jane C Rled Was held this morning' at the 8. , F. Dunning parlors and Interment was in Rlverview cemetery. Mrs. Rled wss 71 years of ago and a native of New Brunswick. She cams to Portland in 11(0 and had resided In Oregon and Washington ever since. Mn. Rled 1 aurvlved by four sons and three daughters In Idaho and by a daugh ter. Mra. James Kid well. In Portland. Her death last Monday wss not un expected. Army-Navy Orders Baa rrasdaee. Dee. SO. (L K. A) Tke feUovtas ana ardor was teased today: 8. .ana Lieateaeat W. A. Tstos ta Portiaad (or aaas- gaevaoo aiiaiaiaa v OMRisTmas sva. System 23, 24 and 25 1918 1 Saeot. Minister Arrested - On Charge of Arson lev. I. L. ABea at First BsfOst Clmrea f Heed atver Is Aeeased af Baralag Reuse ta meeever laiaraaee. Hood River, Or, Deo. lfc Tha arrest Wednesday f Rev. J. L. Allen, who for tha past two years has beaa pastor of tha First Baptist church of this city, ac cused of arson charge la the burning at tha home occupied by L. C Day of Caa- da Locka, a few weeks ago. has caused a sensation unocr the members or au caurca hers aad the cttlseaa .gen erally. It Is reported that tha Rev. Mr. Allen moved a number of emotr drrroods boxeo from Hood River to Cascade Locks ana men secured $900 worth of Insur ance on goods supposed to have been stored ta the aoertmanta rented of Mr. Day. Later explosives ware placed under the house aad aet off at night. The house waa burned to the ground. - Xt la eald that bo application has been made by the Rev. Mr. Allen for tha insurance carried by him aa the good a Mr. Alien waa arraigned before Judge A. W. On thank sad the ease waa set Cor preliminary trial Friday. Calif ornian Is Named For Training Berth San Francisco, Dee. 20. Charles R. Page. California's representative oa the United States shipping board, haa been selected to have charge of the plan to train 10,000 seamen for tha merchantmen marine, according to woro received here. At the outset these seamen will be trained on the AUantlo coast. Two passenger vessels will be utilised aa training ships. They are to be sta tioned In Boston. Later, it Is eald. a nautical training ehip will be established oo the Pacific Coast. EAL ESTATE TKA58TIE8 TiUe a Tract Ca to BaaUe wKeoai at si. U IS. IT. B. . aeatSaorataad. .1 J. R. taplaaead wf . to J E. Baraett. L. S. B. IS. Craetoa Add. Max Laaddeaeaa aad wf. to J. U. Mai- e wt . a. f l. it, n, b. i. Orchard Hoaua AAA. 10 le le 10 10 1.00 t. K. UeTaautie to Bortie Fhiaatf. T a a ea o h b.. J liendanoa ead vf. to Portiaad Trart ' . S?" .T; h. vJ .!'" I std L1.. B i siST" aaa to bl. Janrrt Prainrata Sorority Co. to Peter Wieaer sod wt.. u 1. 2. B "t," at. leRaa. . Joe Bvraa te Joaia Taylor. L. 12. B 12. Khnbaret Hark W. Feteraoa aad wf. to Edmoad r-onart B 40 ft U 2. B. 15. Kast 18 18 19 ktmate L. Kobte aad 'baa! U Utrr'L ki V- ' , s. aaawood Part f .X sad to U. K Ftrowa t al. .t. 12.84 ft W 4 aad S. 18.8 ft L. S, B. IS 8. MoOedsy t Add. te East Port ia ad H. X. Scott et al to Fater Iach.'u t. A RlTTW Add. to Almna. . . WUUam Veesbea aad wf. to W. K l!". U 0. B, 87. aad U 18, B. 52. lrrtagtoa Ada Osrk sad Sua to Howard C Ber ries, u 24. 27. aad aortbaaatorto y 28 or that H of let lylas aad ke- tfL '"" fww- moatk VUla Alfred at Lad aad wf. to A W. Uwton et al. L. 11. B. Ill, Base City Part. aa E. S5ilOO ft. L. 8. B. 18. Fir- fiJ um5 LeaA.Il. V. 18. MsTfVld, lfle Batldrng c to iaha Htnoa. rrt" ? AH. Forrsy. L. le. B. 118. laarslharst .t ' JS!" .mn4 T- "WBlV. W ' 1 sad W. (0 ft L, 2. B. i. ratt Add. Tb?V W,4C kl Aadefaoal W. t-.A.1., 11 Llela ParkAaaes Jeawph VI. HaaJy to Charles H. Fiaaaar. 18 88 10 10 10 10 888 450 1.175 k"i st 8. W. enr. af Joaa Dowser B, L C, Sac I, T. 1 1 , 1 V, - . BXIXDIWO PEEMITS 10 1 "oainra ram at la Bepeir two aad tkree St2 3-r "f-v- ,! " Hoyt and Foarta: F. J. Leonard, balider : gesoe. Imtepeadetrt niaodry Ca lUpalr aae etory ' s" Torb erreet. betweea Tweaty. ewoad aad TwaatyHaird; V. J. Cartsos, bwuderj J. H. Nedahaaa Bepair owe etory frame laaaiaiiua. in, sserfcian. betweea First aad "" wmuaar, aaasa; Z7. . . ToU Baps' oaa atory frame resides. laaiua. Winn Sad Btober. tmiktor: Its. Peter llaraog Erect frame sarsse. 418 Vaa. roe etrset. betweea L'aies sad Bereath: baitd- , same: 830. O. B. Bestoa Erect fraaaa aaaa aton- m. aawca. iva rear J ioea eireac. eerw 1 Fi ll a: bedMar. same: SSOO. Mlanis H. Erate Braet fraava nun SSS Ookmlal. Setwewa Bbarer aad Masoa; ballder. ae; sew. R. A RheOey Erect frsaas sarsge. T81 Ore goa, b.ta.e Teaulr-fearth aad Tweaty-flftk; saitoer, mme; see. - W. Hsntphrey Bepeir eae etory frai ace. I St T WaUow. eri rear Blstr-thtrd street Kertb: baUdaw. esme: 840. r. I. L 4 P. Co. AHer two senry treaM offloa aad cmb Tnnaa.. 58 EUUasaworta. eorawr kllcbigaa: baUdam. same: 840S. J. O. Petaraoa Bepeir two stary frame raai- Seace, 888 Lesarrlew. bat sees ktaaoa aad Skm- bulMer, same; SSS. HETf T0T1AT FERTILIZER flatted borws aad sow manure. Fkvoos 1Z Cast 181. C-1174. ArCTIOK BALE TOMORROW i. w 188-118 asm it m a a A i P. m. st Feed A U. Hi li et. Farnttnre, mryeta, ese. MEETT50 WOTICES 41 B P. a ELJCS KO. 14 1 Beg. tat aeeeuag tam ITtafeday) erraaag. F.Iks' t ample, a e alock. Taut tag brwibers wilsama. Br order ef tbe A A M. R. BFArXDTXq. aWcretsry. -r- OEBrOOT kMF kO 85. W. O. W.W o-ary Fridar elgbg ta W. O. W. Tisasli. 12S 1Kb st Members rw saested te be proses, ""le tters w. loom a Dr. A. Tea Cleee. C. C.; A U Barber. Uarfc. iUfttlitt L6dgE Hi. A- F. aad A. U. Bpettel aoas maatcataoa Friday rMaaf, Da camber 21. et 7:88 a'caDca.. E. A. dasree. Vadtays wilcisil. Br erser et w. su . B. A IT IE. 8 at reUry. 1 iitLLUob LDCfi rid. ilX A F. A A VL Speetal tFriderl S e'rtork. Work M. T net era By order w. M 1. H. BtTXKA FORTT-AKD I01V.E SO. 57 F. A A. M. Staled eosaai V-etioa Frtdey ereatas.' 8 Seloak. Ekartsoa sad aaataUatana e4efV-aca. lis altearleaca reeaaetea. . Order W. M. C M. BTEAPMiy, Becy "MOOT HOOD lDOB Ka. 157. A. F. aad A M- Soeeml eav saaaamtjes tasaeiraw tFrUar) eeeaiag at 7 SO. War ta M. M. degree. TUators are Br arder af W. M. ED C DICK. fTbaradari aftsrassa at 4 O rVaak, aad eeesias St 7 JO. Bed Cram aad erase af tbe Tiaafili Tear stteadaaee arui be eryrwwtod. C. F. WIXrAu, Bee. fSK klCCABlU. roniaaei Teat Ka. 1. wni novo tegaler reetow tarn e.eulas st their ball, 488 aider street, A large etas wtl be SMwiu.r. are wrgea to ae rraa tiluUBCE U. BAAEB. W E, , . a-aut-a luiru Jl. a. u. I. St. a- BLfS SMkw tway. Dae. nlYSlM. Ueeaale Teatpto. TeaaaUl eav - K Mr. t1icasunii te t! u eaad M T a lauUb wM frdrT tvrtt-a. Jaa r. MorrfcTT. retaout. eeatwe. J Brav. ll-J Slk. Vital Statistics mktri$ts.Blrtbs.&zatltx MAHIAOI LICENSES ieha StV Sail aa. Bad n ASMlia BaraaaOar. IS. Sit Miami at. aoian vk"i 4. see fN-t-TWs, sad . ess k. a. a TboaM J. Laai. . 1L (trm. Otee CHj. sad k a. -a sas U.Lm. IS. Otasaa hmmL Hairy j. mini 1 mmm. T 9 a aad aUUaSeU S CmcS. T2 Om. at. ai.wiLa r. aatues, lasal asa. S1S4 reaue . ts- Isaaa, W1 ese. TS1S eids skMkLrtaHe,ii.4llUnjra " O. A. BWa. IS l is W. M et, ssd Kdaa Hake. it. FsrUasd betel. Hr D. ioeaa. ess. 100t Xahrfch aC. Vt.'Tt8- BrM- iwJ Me. SIS Cotrmaa eW wfVT" " . Dorasa. Or, aad TaVlTAtiuxi ThifS rwn- r CO. Ilmu km. ia SLITS far rat, ad Tmuertas Oa. IPS atart eC- UiM BIRTHS BJOUETTO Te Mr. aad Mis, aisteea. , aai SBTyaeveaui aueet. Saashter. a., s COM aXia Te Vr. ssd Mn. Joe CssmCv lift Kaat rtfUesth. Ueeembar 1. s aahUMpT aiVLKS To Mr. enS Mis. baas ljsrMa. l . Thlrt. lleeesibar 0. a Saasbtar. ' -BOkUKJI Te air. aad Mia. Methiae Settee. eiO Ulhtfcte. Daeawbor . a aaa. - . BaEatB Te Me. Tad Mra Jeae Baker. 1T62 4innl aMa. Lcabar 4, a aea. WHITTT Te Ut. aad Mra. Joms af. WliStr, 1 t Eaat Barfeta, iMmM . s Aaasktar. SOUOWAT Te Mr. aad Mra, Albert II Iff 'a H.rnral ll. Mi . . PARSONS Te Mr., aad Mra. Joaa X. Finns, ? Tweaueia. txeeaaer 4. a aea. - METERS Te Mr. aad Mra. Deatel MeeasV 10t TkaraaM. rtiiMiti.i . a ub.. . CHURCHILL Te Mr. aad Mra. Hearr B. Ckareaui, SIT ButyUta, Haaaaba 11. a Hl'flHXS Te kfr. aad Ura. Elmer E, Hashes, sss MBeueeta. Iteoasibsr S, s soav -AXDEBAOM Te Hr. sad Mra. George E. Aa. oaraoa. 22S Aiberta. Ueoember 14. a daaak- ter. . HOWE Te Mr. aad Mrs. Coefl U Howe. 44 Kaat Fortr-foana, December T. a eoa. POTOTTO To Mr. aad Mrs. Creveaal Fototto. 8T7 East TMtd. laceber S. a ewa. HORSE Te kfr. sad Mrs. WUard K. Sfetsa, Waaco. Or.. Deaeaaber S. a aaaa. PORTEB To Mr. aad Mrs. George X. Fwrtar. st cast xairty sac oaa. Deeemarr 15, . a J0U!SO: To Hr. sad Mra Oerlae A Jeha- aoa. 1S2 Kaat SeTeatr-UUrd. XMOrambar 12. a . . t KENT To Mr. ead Mrs. Peal Bnea KsatV Weatrtnrt. t.. December 12. a daaabSet. .. CORDAMO Te Mr. aad Mra Andrew A. Car- da no. Six MilwaakU. rrember 12. a aoa. - WARlJf.R Te Hr. end Mrs. Earle kL Wardia, 4S1 Sommer. Ihjcember 12. s saw. GOl'IAT Te Mr. aad Hra Ueary X. Cealet. 4S8IS Washington, Deuamber 12. a 'daags- r1 EAXE Te Hr. aad Mra Joseph E. Esaa. 41S vsneoarer sreeae. Jiauamosi 14, s ana, l WTEKCHMAM Te Hr. ead Hra. Kadolpa) (1 . Wlcarbmaa, 817 Saaith s tease. ' Das ami. I 18. a dseshter. . BAM HAT Te Hr. aad Hra. Fraak X. Xass my. 878 pttaeHoa. Bete inner 7. S daagtitse AXTODtl Te Hr. aad Hra Hike AateainU 4SS Paftoa read. December 18. a deegbter. CU TV Te Hr. ead Mra Eaaaeth U. CUff? tie Wsadlor. Deaomber 14. a sea. BCHIJCT Te Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bes Beakr. SSS Balaigh. Kmaaw 80. a eoa. 1 SCTlCl-ZI Te Mr. ead Hra. Unetaee IT. sehalea, 211 auteeath street. Deosmaac 12, S dawfhter. SCOTT Te Hr. sad Hra. Elmer E. Scott. SIT Tsywr. Darembar 18. a eon. rOJkJ To Mr. sad Mra Marsnall A Is lise Eaat Iaaola. Daromber 10, a aoa. JAMES Te Mr. ead Mra MUtoa H. Ja SWnd, Or.. Iereaber 11, S eoa. ' I EBICESOM Te Hr. aad Hra. RedoJpa Erica- ' eoa. 4418 Stxty-foenK. Daeambeg 14. a eov Ll'M) Te Hr. aad Mrs. Tonnes LaaeU ISA , West Wtnrber. December IS. a ana. FECE Ta Mr. aad Mr. Elaser M. Feek, BaS9S tea. Or.. December 12, a eon. UD-I.U Te Mr. aad Mra DaWttt T. Hmiar 488 Eaat Beeeaty aeeoad. Uaoember 14. a LARSfvnw To Mr. aad Mra. Oaetof 817 Tltlrd. Dscwmbor 18. a daasai BARB Te Mr. aad Mrs. Jeaaas L Barr. 41 S Brartol. Da ember 0. a dangbtot. PT.ATH8 AltP 78 UTTER At the rwUaca, 71 trU eeei Daeamber 18. Eetber Merer, ese 81 years 2 mooana 14 days, wvtow wf tke mto Smaaael Meywr. of MalrUle Heyec. Frtoada ko rtted to attend fsnerel aerrtcea wairh wU be beal st Hoi ansa's faaeral eerwra. Tbrd sad salmea streem, at 2 p. aa. Uasvwree Friday) . Dsormber 21. Coevledtng sarrtaas pnato s tbe Portia ad Crematorlai Flaeae esmlt Oawers. TI'ETEEB Dacember 20 st fSe fsasDy reaW 24 WUmrd boaarrard. Kataarya Btwct. age 8 yaarm. beloved dsagbter wf Frwis Btewtsar. Faaeral win be ewadarasd Bat' nrdat. December 22. at 10 a. aa. from tray sbove latoraaeat Calambat eeasetery. Baaaalne are at tea Fesraoa Caatertaklas par sea. Reaa.n street and letoe a. aaaa HOFFHAM narember 1 S. et tbe tiaMi ai ef bar eoa. WUHam Hoflmaa. 54 2 OaaWaMa eeeaae. Mrs. Maria Hoffaaaa. age 48 pasra Fa nersl eaiikaa ana we teaderted Betarday, 1 p. W) tram. Fearsoa's radertaklng parlors, street aad l atoa aeeawa trleade ssrttad. Jtw termeat Haltaosaaa lamitiry. ' ' ' BBRSXET la tbla cfty. December 18. HsneaL C Breeaey, aead SO years, me eg rreng we.y of 481S Smwty-latrd street Seat. t. Tbe r.mstne are at tbe raataia.i eu nsbnt af J. P. Frnley A Boa. HesUoSMff at Fvfth. Betlce ef roecral later. SBTGEBT la tbis ctty. December IS. Frs-k M. ".hag I. age IS years, srotner of A. r. nawrt- Tbe resaalaa will he forwarded tam iTbamdart eeeriraa by J. F. Flnley A BoS te Msdraa. or., where aerrioaa will be Said sod DB VAULT Beastaars TJeV.aJt, St. Traeeat aeapttal. Usaeasber IS. 40 psami cam a raws EAHBIBTH Frederick Lembtrrb, 128 . teesta. December 18. 1 naoatk: ssaheautus Ooa. , .. ' f HECEFB Salome Heeker. 484 Orarch, re- ?djeJWasTv J SI JfWwVfm Cfffftll 8ylerfmam0. TAMAXOTO A TamSaeto. Goad BamsrHaa bapMsi. liacembee 18, 41 aaaa; peraJmav . XRVDi Tknmss lrraa. BeUwood . boapinL Pe te wiper IB, 54 yeam: eerswral aetaorrhage Bearrtee Baa-none, 444 Si Fife, December IS. 18 yean: toberealar meaiartua. H'CX'E Mariana lrtas HeCwe. 447 CoUav 25, 58 years; esseer ef UAaJlT Adettao B. Craat. BBt MVrdgaa Be- eee, December IS. SO yearn: pertteaiua.- . PRICE lea Price. Fertmad Medkal heapitil, larrwmber 18. 81 years; davbetm ewesa. BACKS A dais Bocae. 1885 Eaat Amor. De- eewibet 15. 54 yaanj eerswral awntcss. JEnSCP Charles E. Jeawsp, 254 . East is. iv yean; garraesm eg THItX Mrene TkmL. 288 Heaestfc. Psesrsaeg 15. 87 years; cerates e repay. DO LAV Fraak Henry Doiaa. FarUaad saaa- tortaaa. Anoisisat IS. as yean; esmais o- Htaoew. DMrOBCharlas Samoa uagee. sex- waaerST years: canlawma ef aire. OtKiK- Pearl Cook. Owed BasaarHaa keapltsl. Dcember IS, ZS years; eeane aera peraoatta. PVwance A . GUbeet, M Bset ruteeata street, Psesmber IT, ee yean; OKUrTTB Deaald Earl OrlfmS. 1800 East Tbirteeatk. Deeembeg 18; ajaagTieOeei. OrTBOB! Ftaaoes H. Oabora. 24W Kerta Testa, pecemser 11. is yeam; eerawrai aaa- BfcrJwX Fsaale EMaa Brows, Coed SamarrtAa hoapttal. pas amber IB, 48 yeans cercmcma. ynr. eoa Tea. Goad SaasarUaa aoapasj. W eember 14. 17 rears taBwreakana tni:l. loara P. Sender. 424 e Xleeeeth atrewt. Il.iamhW 14. 78 liKViairR Kdward Robert I. aoapttal. IMemaeg 1 a. 2. years; - Pa 14. Mow nt Ttew- ecember IS. l yeera; aao - nRIBTB BUBTCf FORBES X. 854 ad u. saa. siiif. stows eroettosay arraaged. atam eg A-lsee. in. uvnoHxeo-i aa Re Vreac etecaa. 1 HAT M- BbtTTH Florist. 111 Stb et. IJrltlJn IS. Fwrtlaad hetet 818 Msn-nias. ' yPHTRAI. PIRgCTOKS 'a-' "K 11.- r 51 Willi Ai rii ecener Vo xa . oiqia 1 f Bjism a. " Lt. wnneam aea. Weodiewa IIS. C-1M8. - ' tCsaUased oa Sext yass) T years; aagtaa Deaaaaer, Faasstial aaneterlom. 3 V - -