THE OREGON - SUNDAY , JOURNAL, PORTLA ND,:. SUNDAY- MORNING. DECEMBER - 16, 1917. 27 .;-. ... rmiTftrt 1 - VAo iliaEYou choice of two'registerWi ier' i Y." "TTV. j. K. -,.w. S0 S and 0 ftfcottr In m Jt. Wb au nte- able fsedndw proving eowst lietter put , the money in a and faad lriia .good tall and, breed up; niux - tixl make mora, mm wr pw-r: toa of dAin, pedigrees, desci Banford, Helman t. Aahlai i i B. D. "T; i . .ii 1 ij I 1 1. t OXB fine fsmil; ' rich teste! '' with Mil. BMIT ' DJUIH! torw Dwh eo doa : r tnihu mi. hear milker. U. B. Bwoiaa, Front and Msdlson, , F&K31I com (M calrea. Term, uruce, tmon; otoekysrd - TowtHY, riQEoyw, tet STOCK t? p O BTABLI poultry nouses. 112 lid op. Williams Bros., 5025 ML 2d at. g. E. Call eve stags or Sunday. Tabor 629.. - make" LOAiG MESS LAX, PM J and earn a proitt. jw , . . ,, tra!u loafer, Pratt. Poultry ByUtor add .d t w good ration, make hen lay. Batia JaVlon renleed. Destructive roup Jneny fleck, of poultry, radneea thejsffiefency of others. Pratt Koup Bemady J guaranteed to hw It WM or K H ha. appeared. Bold by first elaja neaiem srerjwu.;... I HAVE tWounhbred JVhiUWyandotte p0 leu and 1 cockerel. $1.25 each Ef fort Tuelay ; aUo 7 0 young h.! Leghorn hen. at $1.25 each. , Tje b'"f .h;,! eacn bean aelactad and Hoganlxed and arc tha Thorna Barron Uylng atrain. Mala B504. BABBJS1 BOCKS . vi vti. n rf 10 yearlinc nen. and pullett and a choice yearling male. $20 take. yn. Mc&eona Park Poultry arm, CoL B14, McKunna are, and Lombard at. S. 0. WHITE LEGHOBSS t Cock, and eockrrU; choicest breeder, from pedigreed pan, of high producing English " $8.80 and $5 each, facKanua Park Poultry Farm. StA, 814. McKanna and Lombard at. CAHOSrA rPoultry A Pigeon P.rk, Z9M tialmon. et, O. A. C. Barred Plymouth Bock., Iiena; pulleu and cockereU; Whit. Klnf and White MalteH pigeon. 2 Flrrt. aacond. 2 hiirththjitPonltry ahow. ; r- """FltfE ' BKEEDEiO STOCK. - Thoroughbred -Ifilltolt rtraln K. L B. bana and -nulleu lor -aie; dark rrfret red. ?0 Princeton at. Phone Columbia a c , Artut'i.i. rtranfM. ifr.. breeder of tr "JilZZr. hrf. 1 bind Alao choice I. Bed. Juet'7 cockereU left tir . Extra Urge, fine bird., only $6 oaeh whUe they laat. ft Dinjifck aaie, on account of room. 11 B. L It. (Elliott strain) pullet ready to Uy; 1 White Leghorn fO. A. a ) pullet. ; t l-y ear old laying hen., 78o apiece. Tabor 1210. SR' 8aLE-466 "egg "Peep o' Cay.". $10: a 50 egg model Cyphres, $18 incubatora. P ro rewire Hatchery. 1634 E. 12th N woou- town 1480. 1'UH SALE -One Jew Zealand mother with 10 young one.; one Flemlih Giant buck, 7 months old. CaU In parson; no letter, aa- .wered. 4010 67th .U, S. E. ' KRUPhlE'S Barred Rock, won 7 prises, Por land show. Cockerel. $8 and up; laying pul lets, $2. H. W. Krupke, 1203 Clinton. Tabor line. tan SALT1. Bulendid Una of iacubaton and ! brooder.; aoo to owu ess aun, . - . i .. 4 Jt make.; good running ordr; reference.; singly or , lump. MAW 181V. FOR" SALE Range raised White Leghorn pul lsta. cheap i forced to seU. CU Broadway 811 Sunday only. Bt'TtERCCP cockerels, first pen winners, few left; also Flemish Giant bucks, pure blood. Fred Erereet. Hilleboro. Or. BCFF ORPINStON cockerels and White Wy " andotte pullets. 0200 41et st- S. E. Phone Bell. 2081. Mrs, Anna Bowen. FOR SALElOO O. A. C. .took WhiU Leghorn yearling, and puUsts, latter started laying. $1 a piece; leering city. P-66S, Journal. WllTtii wTaNDOTTE cockerels, Binghooso strsln. 4100 ;08tn are, a. x.. ruun . 473. Fy A Batt. FOR SALE or trade, full blooded Black Minorca rooster. J. Thome, 660 Gideon t. Sell- wood car. . . TSbKOTJGHBRED WhlU Leghorn cockerels. R. L Beds, reasonable. Mrs. Bindarup. 6820 E. 44th St., Woodstock fAl"atar.Tn. An9 fin. 'rniine chickens. Rhode Island Red. Black Minorca, isea, two nouses, fencing. 677 Kerby. Woodlawn 2782. LluhT 1 seated hack for chickens. 852 E. 60th st. N. Tsbor 870. . BHODBTsCSND RED hem and cockerel. Ta bor 7800 or call 6245 67th B. g. fWo Buff Leghorn males, prise "winner, at Portland show, $8 each. Wdln. 8077. FOR BALE R. I. R. and Csmpln. pullets and eockerela. 'fabor iuj. . -- -. 1 . I. WHITE Leghorn pullets eheap. some toying. J . 4822 62d St.. S. E. Tabor 8400. JT" YOUNG White Leghorn hens, vsry cheap - for quick sale, wooaiawn eaau. FOR SALE, cheap, 2 fine pen. of young B. 1 R. Uens and cockerel. Phone East 6484. CHICKEN piant'Tor rent, east aide. H-625". Journal. WE have Leghorn and Oregon pullet, left, Phone Sell. 873. Id RTCOCKERELS for sale cheap. Sefl. 2667. MUST sell hens East 7870. POOS. BIRDS, FET8. ETC 46 AIREDALE PUPPIES No. 1 Sired by eh. BUmer Bingo, ehxra- ron. smnnc first 14 aneestory: a choice male 'month, old; a aura winner, $40. x No. 2 By Gamecock Mixer of Tlekery Ken Bel.. Chicago; dam by champion Endcliffe, erack 8 month, olds worth aaveral times price asked. Only $80. . ... Bitch purples, rlater. to .bore. $20 each. We believe these to be the finest Utter, oa coast this year M KENNA PARK KENNELS, McKenna are, and Lombard st. Col 614. CANARIES snd other cage birds, kitUna. pups, pets; cages, foods, remedies and supplies. Illustrated bird and pet catalog free. BoaUedge, 146 2d .t.. near Alder.. TOT -Boston Tarritr for serrioe: "Stuart'. Mao- wiSs. Broad noes, screw "(AiL weig h 14 A. aw Ki xsaaoo. oeai oruuus and white. Broad nose. pounds. Phone avast l tPtCII TTTTtTinrBfl Tnr th firm It- -, the child a . playmate, ine wacon uoa no setter the roquirementa, they are fulfilled. 1246 Halsey t Phone. C-3468, Tabor 6480. iMPO ftf ED fit. Andfeasbe rg roller singer; alao young singers And females and breeding cage. 800 Shaver st Woodlawn 8662. REAL Boston buppie. for Christ mss presents; also female, in whelp. 858 Kerby si. Mia atestppl Avenue car. FOR SALS Thoroughbred Fox Terrier. II . months olds splendid house dog; lust licensed; will sell cheap. Tabor 4648. triA haI.E -fct- Andreaaberx - Hollers with "f-eii., atoo 4m c. MarabAU BEAUTIFUL canary sisters, also females. St. Andreesberg Mock. Woodlawn 276. 1014 Commercial at. - ; FOR SALE Canary, guaranteed good stnger. Price $3. Cage included. Tabor 8862. 850 Ev 67th st N. , TELL0W St Andreesberg. roller from W ported stock, ons dark orange female. Cage. Main 811. 875 Thnnnan. . FINK Cbristma gifts, canary birds, singers aad females, St Andrea berg stock; raaaonabla. Phone East 6000. FOR SALE Blue eyed white Angora kittens. first prize winners Ssn Francisco; splendid type; reasonable. 1011 Vernon eve. C-1012 FOR SALE, a fsw fine singers, also few fe males for mating. Marshall 6426. 620 Wasn- lngton at - YOUNG Himalayan rabbits for sale cheap. Cal .Sell. 1686. THOROUGHBRED Scotch Collie pup. 8 months1 old, for sale cheap, phone Tabor 26. BEAUTIFUL singing canaries, ideal Christmas gifts. Tabor 821. 805 Belmont st CANARIES from $1.50 to $2.60. Alao R. L .Ked chickens. . Tsbor 7368. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Airedale dog cheap. 723 Division st Phone Sellwood 2647. BEAUTIFUL singer, female. ; also cages. Mart seJt A-5462. : F0B rBALE 2 black and tan pupa. CaU Sua? - cay or evening, 'labor 1874. PEDIGREED Persian cats and Toy Fox Ter riers for ssle cheap. Tabor 6740. WANTED -Bulldog pup. Exchange dentistry.' : -10-608, Journal. : FOR SALE- Green and yellow canary, fe male, about 2 years old, 622 Williams at, FOR SALE Airedale pupa from registered stock'. Pedigreed. -142 Graham ave. Woodlawn! 4 00. CHOICE, canary sing-srs tZt female. 60c. 75. and $1. 687 Rhone at, Sellwood ear. ' ST. ANDREA8BEBG females, two large breed- . lng sages cheap. Wdln. 48Z1. BEAUTIFUL choice canary birds; rsasonableT , 1151 EL Z8th st Jf. Phone C-221T. PEDIGREED Airedale, male, vary reasonable! 0883 obta eve. o. e. YOUNG canary singers, good breed. $2 each.' , East S100. FOR BAI.E Male " Spita dog; price reaaoa- able. Inquire 154 E. 28th st. N. AND REABBK IKi ainger and , cage. 628 Rose is wn. ' ' BEAUTIFUL orange color singers, ideal Chris t- ma pregenta. 24 jetterson t SETTER PUPS, $5. Woodlawn 5382. YOUNG penary bird, fur sale. Sellwood 180. WASTED Bird cage. Tabor 8077 .- . .. dogs. birds. teth. xtcJ LLEWELLYN setter puppies, Bitton .narh" Inn. HdiimL Mint aalL at mim. Make va - ofte. Iw Boston terriers. II It Mia lor eetrio. Jschson, 407 Ainsworth. are. , Wood- r eondii 1 87 1 lawn 5284. 44 KlBn a. la- tiV. . 1KA 7KK Vm at . " - I . . - - ead storage for winter, $2.50 per month. inreprool uuuaing. wonutn 1114. . it grvnr. touring, A-l shape, at bargain tor eesn. uau noonwm, cast hub. WILL sacrifice my IBIS Ford; no reasonable oiler icii 1 1 rnoceumpi, warn amr. 3.016 MAXWELL for aaie - cheap. K-406v Journal. Ford"" tourinc car. with new tires, car ia A-l condition. $260. Phone Broadway lilt. 1017 FORD tourinc car. like saw. with extra. Palace Gerace Co.. 1 2th and Stark eta. DELIVERY too tor ford, good and strong. $20. 602 fc&idmore. Ax, almoat new. at a bargain. ' Broadway 1640, Broadway 1880. Mr. Vfaxon. FIVE paaa. Paige car a i. .. owner must cell. East 8118. $1S. 1018 for aale; the biggert bargain fa Portland $14 Alder at. BXMXMTEB, electric light, good Urea. 801 E. Pine. Eaet 9841. ONE .well .port ear, alao several attylea Ford bodie. for aaie eery cheap. S14 Front. I CAX uae your Ford If you can ue my 1018 Met. Prlncahouaa. 614 Alder. Main 806 FOR SALE, OUrer trpewriuV, a good buy at $20. Tabor 7770. 7009 Wooodstock are. FOR. fiALE Chalmer. auto body and lop! Preato tank, full of gaa. Bargain. 268 Cnion. FOB SALE cheap, (tripped Bao; good running order. Eart 7068, ereninga. FOR SALE, Ford auto, $165. ' Tab 7770. Addreae 7009 Woodrtock .re. $225 BUtS a Ford, A-l condition; 2 -ton truck itwt orerhauled. reaeonabla. 287 Tillamook. HATNES. 1016 model. 5 p. ieengcr. B-680, Journal. - CXXINDEB Ford angina, good for truck". eta. Marshall -3440. DUBKUIXXJI TOP CO.. 0th A Oak. Broadway 1664. I CAN nee your Ford or Liberty bond it yea can aa. my Maxwell autonobua. Tabor 686. AUTO and tire repairs, ruleaniaing. general asa chine work. Firestone tire agency. H. B. Black. 684 Alder street. Main 1810. 6 PASS. Ford. Will eell to the nigheat cash bidder between 10 and 12 Sunday at C. q Miles' garage, 40th and DlTiaion. LIGHT Maxwell roadster, $60. Dandy Ciereland motorcycle $75.' For sale or trade. Ta- bor 1066. 1014 MAXWELL tonrinx car in excellent eon- dition; must sacrifice on account of getting new car. Ju Kast 111), Ask for uari. ONK of the largest and moat costly makes, Oldamobile, left with u. to sell for 8400. 81 Alder it. Open all day Sunday. X SACRIFICE 10 i 7 Ford, perfect condition: tires good. $176: extra equipment, cash. Hotel T reran, 88 11th st. F LANDERS 20 runabout. 8125. or trad, for real esUte. What hare youf F-638. Journal. GRAT-DATI8 starter and generator for Ford . ear, oompleU except battery. $20. P. O. Box 7B1 Vmm. ? . - Wnfexchange elegant new U iking machine out- fit and cash for 5 Dswwena-er late model auto. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. $81 Morrison it. CARPENTER has a lot of building material on hand;, will build a couple of garages or eome site rations vsry reasonable. Woodlawn 8117. CHALMERS 1 passenger touring, fine eondi Uon. $250, nught take smaller car in trade. Phone Columbia b90. 1017 GRANT SIX, run very little; owner en, Heted. See W. T. Schmock. Phone S87-J, Oregon City. FOB SALE CHEAP . 1 set of Ford curtains; 1 set of Cherrolet. 412 Btark BU Broadway 17T5 FIVE pasa. touring car in good condition. $lT3 for quick sale. Small payment, monthly. 2080 B. Salmon at. Home Snnciay. STUDEBAKER 1H ton auto truck, excellent condition. Astoria Pulp A Paper Co., foot of Salmon t Mala 2570. XMA3 auto, slightly used, 6 or 7 pasienget 1017 Studebakar. 8600. No. 1 Grand are. East 8118. iuuu house, clear, to exchange for auto. What hare you I Phone owner, Woodlawn 8380. FOR SALE Ford touring ear. 781 Genten bein ave. or 711 Vancouver are. Phone Woodlawn 2860. K. cs E. gsrage, under new management; stoK age, $4.50 month. Hawthorne and 87th st. rnoni lsoor .bib. su. vr . starnum. THREE 1017 Telies, i860 snd up. TheseT wui move last at tnese pnoes. II you want on. c.n early. Term. Main 780. f.-,,,RTg.n n.t n , vs,.u Overland; terms. Bee car, 6525 8 6th are. B. K. LIGHT 6-40 Hudson, A-l condition through out; 1 extra tire, $U0 teat got an; private owner, ibbw uvvv MUST HATE CASH 1017 Ford, almost naw; extras. Owner: Msin 2116. rAri l X naa text mu us gooa ijnsuner. ear. sianer anu mkuh ugnie. x rice a.ov; tarma. bis Aiasr iu. 1017 four cylinder Bulck, perfect mechanical condition, uooayear non-sxia ores all around. Look, like new. nuns better, rnone Main 780. FOB SALE Detroit alec trio coupe. 1S1X mod.t Edison batteries and reeUXier. $$50. Phone B-i i 09 or aiaranaii SOI. BiU STOCK Used Cars fKiCAo BIGHT OOTET MOTOR 21t and Washington st ala 6144 CASH paid for old oars; ooadltion no object; part, for all makes of cars, Oregon Aato Ex change, 120 Lownadale st. at 16th aad Wash ington, mono ataia 11 01. "IW 6 passenger. Reaaonabls. Motor and body per fect condition. Always under good cars. Over sou extra lyit mooei. a.aat 03 80 GUARANTEED AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING or overhauling. 75o an hour or hv nin.i 1 Mns Woodlawn 1114. Comer MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheals, axles; we wreck all makes ef ears and sell their parts at half price. Aato Wrecking Co., 80-01-88 North Broadway street Broadway 166. KIS SETTKAR 8 toa truck. In fine running or der and has good tires, for aale cheap or will take food 5 passenger touring oar a. part yajm.m. jj. aa. iw;uw, vrrvneo, JT GUARANTEED AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING or overnauuag, too an hour or by contract AlWna Garage. Wdln. 1114. Cor. Shaver and Garfield ave. 1016 d.PASS. Chevrolet: splendid mechanical condition ; first class tirea. electric Hchta and ,'Tu. Vsi MorAsoV starter. Price $400. $250 down, $35 monthly. 1H TON MACK TRUCK. THOROUGHLY OVERHAULED AND. REPAINTED. NEW TIRES ALL AROUND. WOULD LIKE TO SELL BEFORE JANUARY 1. WILL BELL CHEAP. SMALL PAYMENT DOWN, LONG usA, un HAiAnvii. WENTWORTH A IRWIN. Ufa. MAIN 2802. S00 SEOONDA8T. A-282A Auto Tops Recovered TOPS RECOVERED, $0.80 UP. Columbia Auto Top Co, 412 STARK ST. Broadway 1775. Portland. 1817 BTJICK roadster, ran 8400 miles. In fine condition. $680. Terms. A. C STKTENS CO., ' . 23d and Washington Sta. Main 4244. Open Sunday. Ford Buyers, Attention We have on hand at the nrtwent time several good used Fords. These car. are in good condV tkm and model ran front 1018 to 1011. Tour - tags, roadster and chassis. Some as low as $105. Each i. a dependable bargain. CaU and see them at once. Opea till noon Sunday. 'Talbot St" Casey ; ;-; 'Grand Avenue andEast Ankeny Street ATTTOMOBllEft ACCEBSOBIKS 44 1917 FORD with" - taehment. demon xear-drirea track at tachment, deniosmtahls wheels, eBs A-l xerma. : atrueaway uixtiin . til. Bu from dealer-, commission. WU1 aeO ay 114 atv tan Six for $7 or one- half praaaat vahaa. "A beautiful ear. la cueUeat eopditioa. Ha aaU mm Mm. JKm. 9811. KKO 19WS, S paaMocer. ft tiraa ptacUraJly new. tit corer, aeat ecrcra. tramper. alectri Babta and (tarter. Has Barer Vera off the parefavrnta. Thit ear ia m bexsela at $0. WiU take $70. . iwi. . : i. u.. eaA AVI I VFtti, HWUfi a dition; deaaountabla rina. bettertee; Uauftor eelf-abaorbina- trina. reneratoc. epeedoeaeter. S t good tiraa, other , extra. $$5w caah, 147 Market at. Phone VCarmhan T20. 11S STUTZ. 4 cylinder, with $1700 body. Car in A-l ansditkm. wire wheela. tirea. will aeU for one half the original coat of body. Term, Palace Oarage Cow 12th and Btark at. A 100 ' FEB CENT BARGAIN.' 1017 Overland. $7; aplendid eoBdltiom. Come Me for younelf. 8ANOT ROAD GARAGE. " 776 SAXDT BOUi EVABD. EAST TT62. AN "EXCEPTIO"SAl OPPOBTCNITT Owner baa enlUted and will aeU llft Mttck a0 ix ia aplendid aarhantral ooTaditioo at a eecrtiace; gttuu eaan. or tarau to partiea. Phone Eaet b424. The biggest bargain in the city, rt Open all day Sunday. 614 Alder $180 TAKES" MT BUG. WIND SHIELD. TOP. AND MUD GUARDS; FIH8T CLASS CON DITION. FACTORY MOTOR CAB REPAIR CO., 2 1ST AND KEARNEY ATS. LAHER' ktfg. as' Repairs. $000 guaranteed apriags la stock, prices reduced. 84 N. lft to at. WANT AUTOMOBILE WIU accept first class auto as nart rjaTsaent oa two beautiful Portland Heights lota, finest new in cuy. Terras to suit on balance a per cent; property clear. Alao hare 6V acres, 2$ under cuiti ration, 21 miles from Portland. Would consider aqju part payment. Owner $28 North western Bank bid.. Portland. THAYER. 8 HATER-GULLY MA CHIMB CO. 1 Ton, $$70 I BUILDERS O0 IK Ton. $420 ETERY READY TRUCE S Ton. $470 ) ATTACHMENTS Capacity Mfg. la Portland 108 E- Water ak Paeese East 7$7. NEW TIRES What hrand of new son prefer 1 We hare shea. all Bask as and- si see. Also we -make the famous O-T-O Double Tread (sewed) tiros and do all manner of tire repairing. Oregon Vnleattlxina ia., sss-aaa oarnsioe, near svoauway. TRUCK BARGAINS Two-ton Telle; this truck ha. beea completely orernaussa ana . neww peanwa. iwe-w. Keo in bdisTand priced ngnt. raay terms. Also a complete line - or an nxas of new Sterling and Gary trucks. Star ling Truck Agency, 264 Hawthorne. East 6482. 1016 6 PASSENGER Ford, let else, condi tion, good Ures. for quick sale cheap. Overland roadster, good running order, first class tires. 1 new tire on spare; thai car will move quickly at $250. Laurel Rose Garage. East 4US6. MOTOR, new 4 cylinder 4 fneh bora, 8 Inch strose. complete, with carburetor. Magneto WENTWORTH A IRWIN. INC MAIN 2862. 200 SECOND St. A-2824. TON TRUCK IN THE TEST BEST ME CHANICAL CONDITION. WAS NOT LARGE ENOUGH FOR WORK. WILL SELL AT A BARGAIN AND GIVE TERT EASY TERMS. WENTWORTH A IRWIN. DiO. MAIN 2882. 200 SECOND ST. A-2$34. Garages $35 Up Bee Samples. 644 Hood st Phone Mela 1167. Millmade Construction Co. 1H TON WORM DRTTE TRUCK EQUIPPED WITH BODY AND TOP. OVERHAULED AND REPAIRED. A BABGA1N. VEBY EAST TERMS. WENTWORTH A IRWIN, Y0. HAIN 2802. 200 SECOND ST. A-2824. 1817 JEFFERT. T passenger ear. newly painted. new tires, convertible front seam, other extras. A snap at $800. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. 10th and Burnside Sta. Broadway 621. Open Sunday tfH noon. FORD DELIVERY CARS laid awrf g.riM, ...i. . a . curtains, like new. 1616 Tnrrl nail M. V. . -- , , - - ' --. . auu,ua . . . t panel body. 1014 Ford delivery ear, panel body. Don't fail to see these ear before you bay, for they are like new. Term, if desired. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY E. 8770- East 13th and Hawthorne WE have the torgeet stock of good need aato mobilcs in Portland, conalatmg of late model cam. Maxwella, Overlaada, Fords. Hupmobile, Hudson. Dodge Bros, and many other stand grd makes. Every oar a genuine bargain and J yon can meet. Call and look them, ever before buying. A-l AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO., 626 Alder Street EORp TOURrNO CAR, FIVE PRACTICALITY a,v53 .I11!?8' DEMOUNTABLK RIMS. SHOCK ABSORBERS. AT THE PRICE ASKED THIS CAR WILL NOT LAST LONG BETTER SEE IT MONDAY IF YOU WAN T IT. " v- HOWARD AUTO CO. 14TH AND DAVIS STS. SALE OF HUDSON SUPER SIXES. REGULAR FACTORY AND SERVICE GUARANTEE FOE 00 DAYS. 1016 HUDSON SUPER SIX, LOOKS LIKE A NEW CAE . ...7?. . ... ..71150 1014 HUDSONSUPEB SIX,'. . .$1250 HIT HUDSON' SUPER SIX. . . . . . w. Ji jjo "BUT OF THE FIRM THAT BET.Yjk ttt 1 wtt I rTTARrTTE rf ln rtti trAoNvD ' VT-U iVt a IjLJrVlxfZ? 8FaV- l- JZ TH aAlUE HUDSON. THAT KNOWS THE CAB AND C. I BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.," ' 618-617 WASHINGTON ST. PORTLAND. AUTOMOBILE A CtrE80RIE 44 . Garages v $35 Up Can for tnaatrated wiea HC $54 Ankesr Bi. I Photva Broadway 14.i Sam Connell Lumber Co. roBDa i FOKM , FORDS 101T Ford touring 8128 11T Ford touring $87$ 116 Ford touring $27$ 114 Ford rodtrr $82$ Ford tourinc $Z .!! rora waurtng 1016 Ford touring -1014 Ford loadetar TERMS IF DESIRED FBANC18 MOTOR CAR EX. E. 1770 Kaat 18th And Hawthorne are. PARTS T S No sos tier what aaaka ear you hare, we can apply parts at half price. Cocao ia and awe what an enaiaa. variety of parts we nave ana wnat Quick action we can give yea wiiea you need eoBMtniag for your ear. MOTOR PARTS MFG. CO.. S2S Burnside at, pa rots fob all Cabs 60 to 80 PER CEXt'oFT We smaah 'em up and sell aO good porta for oat every make of ear. We carry the xsos complete one of parts In the city for over 488 makes and models. We can ears you 60 to 80 per eent- ATJTO BECOXSTBUCnOW CO, Corner Third and OUsaa eta. USED CABS. Tea bad better choose your need oar, make the selection now. Secure it wrth a small de posit and take delivery later. You will affect a but sarins if you do. Cam are oonttnuously going up in price. We have a large stork to choose from, ranging in price from $160 to $1200. 1612 CadUlae. electrlo light and starter. 1018 JIapmebile. 5 pexeenger. 1013 Hupmobile. 6 paaeencer. 1016 Hupmobile, 6 passenger. 1616 Grant Six. 5 passenger. 1016 Apperaon, 6 psesenger. 1014 Hudson Light Six. 1017 Hudson Super Six roadster. 1016 Mitchell Six. 1017 Btudebaker. 7 1012 Staver, 6 psesenger. 1811 Beo, 4 passenger. Liberty bond, accepted as eaah and terms to nut you. MANTJET AUTO CO., 11th and Oak at Burnside rt. Broadway 217. WE OFFEE THE FOLLOWING BARGAINS LN USED CAKI Brlseoe tearing, 8 Maxwell touring, S $600 m Chalmers. 6 cyL. 7 passenger. 4T6 460 Franklin. 4 eyL. 7 1618 Btadebaker tearing. 1612 Bulck tearing 150 ... 126 I Pierce-Arrow, 6 eyC, T ... 480 Win ton. 4 eyL, 7 passenger Auburn. 6 eyL, 7 p. meager ... 278 286 I 6 These ear. are all in fine coadirJea aad are truly wonderful bargain. Term, to responsible partiea. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO, 10th and Burnside Sta., Open Sunday ttO noon. Broadway 621 SANTA CLACB IS COMTNO HERE ABE SOME SENSIBLE GIFTS 1017 Dodge, like new 1017 Ford touring, first class 1616 Ford coupe 1016 Dodge, first class condition 1016 Oakland six. first ctoas condition.. 1616 Overland, repainted, ilka new 1616 Ford touring ear '. 1 800 8 875 ! 8 876 . e oov .$ 625 .8 600 .$ 880 .8 600 1916 Chevrolet tounng 1014 Bulck six t . .$ 625 1618 Hudson suier six aneedster. almost new $1704 1017 CadUlae 8, almost aew $2000 1016 Cadillac 8, repainted $1450 Many other, to select from. $200 and an. Inspect our stock beiore yoa buy. Term. COVET MOTOR CAE CO, 2 lit and Waahingtoa sta. Main 6244. USED FOEDS. Ford tourinc. overhanlal. ' nnaJnted. dam. woeesi .......................... gsaw 1017 Ford touring, better than aew, alee. tarter and all other extra equipment. possible 4 8 475 1014 Ford toarinc. good condition. .... .$81$ Ford delivery, overhauled and repainted. suuaoie foa grocery wagon. $106 Food delivery, orer hauled and repainted, suitable for taut market- aaatai aide body .' $200 1 toa Ford track with an eta aide body. . first class shape $478 1015 Ford roadster, good ocatdittoa .$250 ' ; . Several other good buy. Tarma tf dealred. ' W. H. WALLINOrORD. 4th and Madison. - MslnvllOO: A-1447 ATTTOsfOBlLEcV ACCESSOETES44 11T CadtSa . wnly ran abowt Bsllaai I aadeiar awrd ttKaa. X W liliw. apoe- Bcht, kuaapar. Owaar waugbt at Paofcard and aakad e to aeO CadUlaa.' jmnaaBU afier will ba) refueed. Teraw to raapoembie parttaa. - lOtk - and Buraaeda. Braadway til. - upas aaaoay uu aoom. 1017 REO 4. IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION. A BARGAIN. HOWARD AUTO CO., 14TH AND DAVIS 8TS. FOEDS F0BD8 FORDS Larcest of weed Fords In the city. n ia excellent ooawtltmB and priced right. 1017 Fwrd soartng $1$0. 1016 Ford touring $$2$. 1016 Ford tearing $200. 101 Ford roadster $27$. 1116 Ford tearing $20$. 1014 Ford tearing $22$. 1014 Ford roadster- $22$. 1014 Ford delivery $110. RUSHLIGHT, RANSOM A PEXNEY Broadway at East $rd B Phone East 801 Open Sunday. THERE IS ONE HEBE FOR YOU 1017 Studebakar Bis. good tirea, $$$6. 1017 Briscoe demonstrator. 1017 Brlseoe, run 4000 miles. 1016 Mltahell Blx Roadster. 1018 Harass, eleetrta ltchta and starts. 1612 Cadiltao, electric lights and starter. $150 ii taauiac, a good Ursa. 1018 Beo Touring. 1012 Overland for delivery, $20. 1017 Ford Touring. 1016 Ford Boadster. tmaa, 1016 Ford Touring. 1618 Ford Touring, bargain, 1616 Studebakar. delivery or baa. , e JT, OOOD TECCKS Jp. Federal, one toa. $780. 1616 Ron. 2 ton. 1614 Bulck. 4 tea. FACTFTO KTA8ELKAR BRANCH BROADWAY AND DA VIA . OPEN SUNDAY. PALACE GARAGE CO., AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER, 12th aad Btark. We have the most ooaaDlete bu rJ tn the city. Following are a few, all ia A-l ditloa: 16IT Ford toartng ear. 1017 Ford touring ear, 1016 Ford tosuina ear. like with aew 1018 body. 1016 Ford tearing ear. 1815 Ford touring car. 1614 Ford roadster, with aew 1$18 body. 1616 Overland 6 ... hv. bargain. ' 1610 Mltahell, S cylinder, wire wheals, ether top. summer too: .will an at mm sacrifice. 1018 6 eaflndeg Btata. wire iaii. body; very reasonable. TERMS GIVEN Opea Half Day Buadsy. Broadway 1871, A-2442. USED AUTOMOBILES TEEMS GIVEN we nave a number or nlen st-a. MM issaBcx mna oi vanoua maxea; prteee $160 up. BUT NOW AND BATE MONET Here are a few ear are effasr fes vnwr r.m.n 1017 Mltehen. S pass.. S eyL $1066 1017 Saxoa. S pass.. eyL . '. 1012 MltcheO. S pasa.. 4 eyL ......... 1012 Mitchell. 2 pa. 4 eyL ........ 1014 Overland. 7 pas. 6 eyL 1012 Overland. 0 pass.. 4 eyL 700 S00 200 08$ 23 1010 Mitchell. S 1011 Mitchell. S 1012 Warren. 9 5 eyL . 6 eyL ., 4 eyL . . S eyL 76 160 200 1014 Mitchell. S 430 I I iie kntehen. T pass., 6 eyL .. 1014 Osllsnd. S pea.. A,cyl .. 1011 Mttcaen. 4 pata., 6 eyL .. 101$ Mitchell. S pasa.. 4 eyL . 1014 Btadebaker delivery 1010Btadebahec. T pasa.. 4 eyL .. IS pees, hotel was. S eyL Ante bodies, see. riee aad your ptemt 9X9 seen. . USED CAE DEFT. MITCHELL." LEWIS A STATES CO, X. MoTTtaoa et lrt st. T27J. H21S. APTOMOBlLEteACCESWOEITW 44 V OAKLAND. Hit anodel Bgh$ six; brand at Terms tf deetred. MITCKEL A WALLINUFOBD, Liberty Bllaand pretner Agency. Mala 2403. . 622 $.6 Aider Bt OTKBLAND rosdaUr. tkyorowcary rerwaaled and ia One cSklitiosa. A bargain at $$0O. Terms. - A. C STEVENS CO.. S$d and Waahrngtcss ata. Mala 4244. . Open Buadsy. SUNDAY LIST OF BARGACfB OOOD FORD $11$. REAL BARGAINS IN MAXWELLS 1016 MAXWELLS. OTERHlULED. REPAINT ED. FIRST-CLASS SMALL COUPLETS AUTOMOBILES 6460, $473, $48$ TWO 161T MAXWELL AUTOMOBILES. AL MOST LIKE NEW CABS $57$. 4-10 CHALMERS $260. STODDARD DAYTON $226. BARGAINS TN SUPER SIXES. HUDSON FACTORY GUARANTOR AND 60 DAYS' SERVICr: BECAUSE WE KNOW THEM. WE SELL THE HUDSON SUPER BIX $1160. $1260 AND $1130. C. I BOSS ATTOMOBIXB CO. 416-617 WASHINGTON ST.. PORTLAND. THE HOME OF A MILLION PARTS" PARTS EVERY PART AND ETERYTHTNO FOB THE AUTO. ENGINES ENGINES WE HATE MANY KINDS. TRANSMISSION". REAR AXLES. GEARS. BEARINGS, WHEEL". RIMS. TIRES. CYL INDERS. A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. TRAILERS TRAILERS A LARGS STOCK OF 2 AND d WHEELED TRAILERS. TIRES TTXES A LARGS BTflCX OF 8 LIGHTLY rSTTJ TIRES. ALL SDTES. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. IT Will FAY YOU TO IN TEA- AUTO WEECXTNO COl. 0-01-08 NORTH BROADWAY. BROADWAY 104L NOW rs THE TTMTC TO SELECT TOTR CAE FROM OUR 1A RGB STOCK OF OVER 40 HIGH GRADE UED AUTOS. LISTED BE IOW ARE A FEW OF THE MANY GOOD BUYS: 1017 Overland Sport. 4 1017 Chalmer. light six. 6 passenger. 1017 Chalmers roadster, ran 1200 mOae, 1817 Chalmer 4 eyttader, 7 psaienger. 1017 Bradebaker, 6 or 7 paawsnger. 1117 8rripo-Booth, like new. 1616 Chalmers 4 cylinder, light 8 pajaenrer. 1016 Hupmobue. paassnger. 1016 Chalmers 6. An Wmter Top. 1616 Chalmers 82. 6 paoscng.L, - 1616 Chamser cabriolet 1016 Faekard, T passenger. 1014 Chalmer 6 ey under roadste. 1014 Chalmers 6 eyuadar. 7 poonrtgstv 1014 1014 Peerless ay Under. 7 psssrng. 1014 Eattk roadstae. Foeda. Fordo, Light daBrvriss and bags. Wa repair and Paint oar own ear. P rices range from $17$ and up. Liberal term. WESTERN MOTOR CAE BALES CO, Chalmers A Hal. 12 Distributor. Broadway at Burnside st CALL AND El W EVEBY GOOD DE8' Oar prssut stock taeludee many late model ear, many completely ever healed and repainted. If yoa have the least desire for a oa need eate, y staowiag war 1817 Oraat Six. touring, almost aew; a splendid ranning ear. $4$0. . 101T Metg tearing, fine lonkiag mtle eart motor ta xesUot eeeirlinea. eWuia Bghta. atartar aad good equipm.ntV 04O. 101T Maxwell tearing, earn aa new; look aad ran fine; good. tiraa. $51$. - 1014 Pedgo tiailug ear. la eaeellcBt geaditiwa; ran fine; good tire. 402$. Many ether te select Croat THE USED t "USED BUT IT Washington St ATrrOMOyHF.ACCEOrF 44 PASSENGER gtndobasgr. Npaiated; $J0, terms. A U. STEVENS CO.. , 2$d and WaahiaaTtoa eta. . Mala 4144. Ope Baaday. BARGAINS IN USED CAES Dodge toartng. ansa. $$7$. 1017 Baiek Sis roadster. Eke new. snap. Oksvrolet 4 00. ; CadiBse, elactrm Bgnti and atartar. $17$. Hnpssobfle. leflnished, eleetrta Bghta aad ill. '. $886. jam Fords at snap prices, a OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON. Broadway at Couch. Broadway 1680. Braadway 1$46 SERVICE AND LA8TTNO BATTSFACTTON Are the tsre atnetslse ywa are e .heald ooocemed stoat, reevrdeng year need ear pur chase. Let year better amines, laagsnat go with yea when yea ge te look for ywar ear. We give you a asecnanicai goarsjue i wnneai ( . Yea need that protect iow. Bamtaa today will be aalas tnanorrow. Beat value t ail want Look to year mteveet. Give US a We are even Bandars until 2 p. m. - OVERLAND FACTJTO. YNO, Broadway aad Da vat Sta, WE HATE THE MOST COMPLETE LTXEeftF GOOD USED CARS THAT WE HATE EVER onuvt.K. mOHT or THESE CARS HATB BEEN REPAINTF.D AND THORTlTiriHf .T OTERHAULED. THE BALANCE HATB BKEN rED HO LITTLE THAT REPADI TING WAS UNNECESSARY. AS THEY LOOK PRAC TICALLY LIKE NEW. WE HATS THE FOL LOWING MAKES AT PRICES BANCS a FROM $$00 UP; BUICE FORD DODGE CHEVROLET SAXON EEO STUDESAXXE C A DTI J AO CHALMERS TF TOU ABE TOOKTNO FOE HONEST VALUES, CALL AND SEE THEM MONDAY. HOWARD AUTOMORTT.B COVPAKY 14TH AND DAVIS STS. 1L m a era snant u;s ISM sscrieany tha good serviceable ear. aaS aad lrt asooa. vmt nss inctwuos eae leg 1014 Sareai madeter. a apWrwdid tie ear; la Baa running order; ood ttrea. 8325. 1010 MaxweB toarinc. fa fine merhg Uae. $480. Ctoasy S BtndeWker riwdster; sr. esse. 1018 Stadecafler at- T fine running erdeci all good tirea, $000. CAR EXCHANGE EOT ABUSED CAES'-, Where Washiagtog and ArTOXOB.LE ACCTMOBTT. i TIRES TTBES TIKES TTEI-3 TXRXS WE HATE A LARGE BTtVTC OF BTJGHTT.T rSED TIRES. A 14, SIZES. FROM $$ TO $16 Ef t-H- AL0 TT-' RES, SSJ$ LS WHEN IX KEED OF TIRES. AUTO EXOONITRUCTION CCv. COB. SIX. AND CIXSAN1 . STS. BROADWAY 1630.-V- . 1017 SAXON STY, S PASSENGER. Tflll , A big TALUK AT THE PR1. B ASKXri WE WILL. UTjM.V nr-vi. ,v. s irate. -- . : HOWARD AUTO CO.. 14th AAU DAVIS STS, V i 1 - 6pLN TO.UT. ; -7T EXCELLENT BAEGATNS EAST TEEMS. SEE. THEM. '4 AND 4. HIT MODELS." ! V Bufck S pen agar. 4 oBadaa. Dodge S Cwktoad S Stalsk.ket S Oakland Oakland 8 Tfea above earn Kagiare Ugata, Lib art svra aeod tmra, 44-S44-S4 6 Bhtraaide at a ear Broad way. - Pwawo braadway 0. ('I' FITS CAES The sheald sail tha SEE THIS BUCK. Tkl. oar $1664. Its te Raw 1880. IB) 4 81TS. J art thm proOt, - r. ' Hew abean a Medal 78 Crvertoad Bfee new far $4T$t CUTTDta EOADSTZB. ISOS. CJlALMXES 4 PASS, $800. TEEMS TERMS. TERMS. ItUSTHWEdlr AUTO CO, Broadway aad Oooeh. AUTOMOBILES WATTTET PAlAT seeir aac7 We asage esa" svl aUt7 Wore a PAitlAa CO. - 686 Alder St . . UAtttTOR CAHH, a Ferd delirary ear la Call Moadag- at J. dor a, near ear barn, $$d aad Grand ava, aa 4tOel Wtf a bWI1 WUA. At UU iMf tiAAea Jva UvS , - FORD - . FEABCTS MOTOB CAB EX. 1160 E 18th and Hewl.wvs . HAVC IIU atoei li'"Vrhit. 4i a VaUrTo! win trade lor late saooei (era. ag ir. White Sslmoa. Wash. to buy aUghlly need Feed or Dodge Tt eaah: J samel state pnee aad parueaJara, - -jx. GHX8T prteee paid fog aatoeariotlest ooavt ttea a eAw. Ill K. 8rd et Bdwy. . WANT ante ta exchange teg cabinet graZq L-4$6. Journal. iiT LXaUt aetomobil far weU aaeared drst aiertgage. $$00. J-601. JswrwaL WAJfTfcD 1 'Feed truck. Mast be 8e4 eeadltiea aad bergssa. W-468. Jomrnai. CJL'TI fOB' LilZ'uTJLth FORD. C0S7,U T1UJS KO UbJB JT. g 64 E. 84U. oer. Tsrlor. Ofa. Ferd radiator wanted.' Ill Iml U. 161. CAifcl i rd enteosoUto. UeJa UU.' ATTTOS TOU TTTEaj - 60 1CT6I log rrnrn wttW LkiVkUL - w IZ Sestth. eerwe Sd aad Ulaaa MW Pbone Bvoadwe 2616. AC 7 OS WHbee drrewr. for hriaT $6 10th et Bieeawer S46. A-t 24 WOOECTCXES ETCTCXES 11 TOU ABE POOETNO 101; 7i . SECOND HAND MOTORCYCLE BARGAINS. IT TOU DO EOT SEE ITS WE BOTE LOSE, t to ncr TEOic . ATX MAXES FROM $11 VT ? '; , MOTOBCTCXaE A SUPPLY CO, " SOS 4TH STEXET . paaaeager. 4 arrirndee. -- 0 6ir. 4 eyrradee. - BimiMir. 4 eyUadea, Pees tag sr. S tsttwSet. 1 Tear gwaraasee at as. ilea. . - r v la.ra axtaa ttrea, bwawrwr. MOTORCY CLES B ICT CLES. . . Wa Bava a large gteak of awed mirhtsat tn-: atmding Hia4rsna. Harsvy paeirtsuaa, Et. eeaoors. Mrtona, aa m jv-l .sap ana ve priee ra iia . . . Btvyrles. 0a DAYTON CYCLE CO, 4fh """" USED MACHINES 20 and am. Oa easy Clatcgsaa. Crtmrors, eta. rryusg Mraas r-arut . Cylinder Grmding. Aeetrwas. walOmw UISIHI VfT i,. i ii.a- . . EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLsl CO.. 44 Grand Avewwe. , EXCELSIOR AGENCY,-. Vi6l6kctcLE aii.b,tictcLB IaLX R oa big M ( icyoo. W. also are aSias m lot INDIAN AGENCY, 2T vd et Mala 4116 UARLrTT-PATTPnON THBEE-WHEP.L TBrTc. . . 7 . ana t-ik m - uin! fa.. tt AStaVA IIVE-Vi. n waaa a, ...... Ilia Lattaa asotorcrcle. EertrieaUy ecu:. Dreaaa taodVes. $10w. U-760. JosrrwsJ. TTNat eld Strsd. model " vVtha ; trsd iet'a-; a lad. teryelo. welL 71. sV-1121. tCaaliaaed am Axl ul