The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 16, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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line Yields at Caprile, but
Stubborn Defense : at. Monte
Solarolo Compels Retirement
Austria-Hungary ;Has 1,192,500
Merr .m.Fieldat Present-in
79 1-2 Divisions.
Rome, Dec. H, (17. P. Retirement
ef I tall aft forces oat of Caprile due, to
continuous (Say long assault ofjviolent
character by the 'Teutons was announced
oday. The war. of flee said General .T.
as'a soldiers-- had taken "firm.poifc
toons" to the Tear. The assault" oa'CoU
fcaprile and Befreta was described . a
.... .. . . ft '"A
vagea oy mwiw ru &i c i
eretlon. . ... Ife:C-l
'At the head of Monte Solarolo and
taldeiorso. the : statement reported vvlo-
tjnt and repeated enemy attacks there
emilsed with heavy losses to the Tea-
tons, f An Italian counter attack there
jmpeiiea .retirement auu uiwiiiuu i
ven the enemy's artillery offensive.
E-The war office praised In the highest
terms the valor of -the Italians in their
Garabed Resolution! :
is rassed by,nouse
If Senate sad Presides. Wilson Apyrevs
Meat are, JEdJses mad Other Scientists
WIU Pass on Claixu ef lavestor. V
Washington, Dee. IS. (U. . P.
Thomas A. Edison, with four other tar
tenia tionally known scientists, may soon
be called upon to rule on the genulne-
ness'of the alleged greatest inventions
of mankind. - ' -. .' '
The "Qarabed" resolutloa. providing
Investigation of the altered discovery by
Garabed T. Oargoeaian of a virgin nat
ural force, passed the house on a viva
voce vote late today. If the senate ant
President Wilson approve it, a commit
tee of five eminent scientists to which
the Invention will be demonstrated ' will
bo appointed. . -v. ,
Perrigo Perogoud, Kansas City elec-
triclan, stated tonight he also wiH at
tempt to induce congress to subject his
invention to the same ' committee - or
scientists which will pass on "Qarabed
Perrigo declares he is able to produce
unlimited electricity rrom uie air wiuj
out the use of fuel. Garabeds claims
are not based on electrtcty. He says
he has a discovery of an entirely new
natural energy. ,-
Both inventors were in the house gal
lery daring the debate. ...
Gennany ls Lecture ;
Topic Tuesda;
Quarter Million Men in trenches
Counted oh to Help Unionists
to Victory in Coming Election.
Ex-Premier Laurier,. Liberal, Js
Against enforcing1 j'Conscrlp
tion Law to Take Effect Jan. 3
Oregon Xrobps . Have
Sufficient .Blankets
AH Oregon Troops Whs Were at Csntp
XOi Bad Tkree Blaaketsi SesM told
-''Theirs. . " ' . , ''
Washington. Ded. 15. WASHX.u-
Secretary of War Baker announced to
day, that Camp Mills is ptacticaUy
abandoned, nearly all troops being now
removed. . The Oregon - troops were
transferred several days ago. The camp
was not Intended for winter use. He
stated. s
The auartermaater general reported
to him that complaints concerning Ore
gon troops not being property supplied
with blankets wss unfounded. All men
have three blankets, said Oeneral
Sharps, except a few who have sold
one of their coverings. .-
T " renlv "to a. irv sent by The
Journal to Secretary Baker, the follow
ing telegram has been.receiyea oy. ?.ne
I am confident there nsea oe no
rround for worry because of rumors
As one of tho moet authoritative end"
thrill In statements of the German war
policy, the address by vrr Jonn a. soya
at the Auditorium,. Tuesday evening, on
The Unmaskina of Germany."; is ex
pected to attract an atxeftaance tnaj
win cnaiienge tne seating;. capacity ot,
the big structure. .
Dr. Boyd has had placed in his hands
and has -secured through extended re
search the facts of the pitiless Prussian
policy of frightfulness. He has analysed
the philosophy that lies back of Ger
many's cold and deliberate cruelty and
the unscrupulous destruction of non
combatants . and - helpless .women and
children so thrilled two audiences which
he hag -previously addressed that a com
mittee of the Rotary club consisting of
P. W. Vogan and H. P. Connor arranged
for the public meeting which will be
held under the auspices of the Rotary
club." the State Council of Defense and
the municipal administration, in. a
dress will be preceded by a brief par
triotlc exercise. The hour Is 7 :45 p. m.,
but the doors of the auditorium will be
opened much sooner 'in order to accom-
Aamisaion is xree.
-With the French Armies in the .Field,
15. U. P.) The dual empire of
Austria-Hungary has: 1,192,500 men in
tj4. divisions now in the field, according
(9 accurate information obtained ny tne
United press today.
-The dual empire's armies have not
een augmented in manpower since the
fend ot itis. At the present time the
tV& divisions lit fighting trim Include
ti separate and distinct claanes. called
Up during the whole period of the war.
l At the . outbreak of the war in 1914,
'Auetria-Hungary called up 60 divisions IZZSu the Tc rowds.
tf 1915 her total mobilized was v ai
isione about ia0,OOQ, men.
While the Austro-Hungarian'raanpew-
has not been. Increased, the, artillery
Jrtrenrth. has fbeen tremendously aug
mented since the start of 1917.
Reliable figures show that every Aus-iro-Hungarian
division, with the excep
tion of some of Honveds and landsturm,
ave been doubled In their artillery
trength. In addition there has been a
emendous general increase in the Burn
er or macninegun, innenwerier ana
mall caliber cannon,
Idaho Tuel .Famine r
' Is Worst in Years
Salt Lake City. Utah. Dec 15. (U.
P.) Presenting evidence that Southern
and Central Idaho are in the grip of the
worst tuel famine in yeare, with women
in certain localities forced to put their
children to bed to keep them from f rees-
ine. with sagebrush being gathered and
The total Austro-Hungarlan artillery I burned in country schools to keep them
trengin ia ncita 10 do uv iitsiu auiuiopen ana Willi, otnera cuxwa uunu w
tirely for want of fuel, Frank R, Good
ing, fuel -administrator of Idaho and
former governor of the Oera state, ar
rived, in Salt Lake yesterday to confer
with government, officials and make a
desperate effort to bring relief to suf
fering Idahoans. ' v
lountain canhon, 1,500,000 trench mor-
irs and 922 heavy cannon.
'With the British Armies In France,
Jec. IS. XU. P.) The German army Is I
using the air now to spread her propa
ganda. '
V On these fins days when the wind
. favors the stunt, the Boches are loosing
floods or small balloons rrom tneir lines.
Each one carries a
fruhly German manipulated Gasette des
ardennes is included, printing fanciful
id colorful narratives of "glorious Ger-
ynan victories in xisiy. -
- The fine weather today brought about
i great increase ih aerial fighting. At
Imes there were flooks of machines on
aoth sides, swooping and spying and
lighting. .
r Berlin, via London, Dec. 15. (U. P.) with attempted hold-up. Investigations
Failure of British forces in their drive tare being made as tdt whether the pair
are ttne same uniiormea men wno nave
attempted 'other hold-ups here recently.
ns from their ltnes. I --:- A
load of pamphlet. Mati in TTrtif nrm A
lorifvlnsr German arms. The notort- "W;WSV" v
:.v- . .',.T7rm-rf f-v.
Twer men gave their "names as Feed
Hendricks and Hugh Kratske, soldiers
from Camp Lewis, -were 'arrested early
; Montreal. Que, Dec 15 (U. P.) All
Canada vigorously campaigned, tonight
In the closing hours of the bitterest po
litical fight In the dominion's history.
' Next Monday . 'the voters, including
many newly enfranchised .'women, will
go -to the polls and cast their . ballots
either for the unionist government and
coasorlpilon. or -for. the Liberal-nartv.
Which' favors continuing the voluntary
enlistments system--
. The issue mar be decided In the
trenches. The vote of the Canadian
soldiers will total 150. 000. ' Women who
exercise their franchise, Monday are all
relatives of men in the'armr and naw.
Unionists claim the soldiers and women
votes will give a big majority to con
scription. Sir Robert Borden heads the Unionist
government. It put through conscription
and the first call to the colors under this
law is January S. Sir Wilfrid Laurier,
former -premier, leads the Liberals. If
he wins he promises to hold up enforce
ment or the conscription act.
Unionists declare the Liberals win
draw their greatest strength from
French Canadians who are not support
ing the war.
A total of 205 seats In parliament are
to be contested. Some have already been
awarded. Should .the Unionist govern
ment carry 114 seats it expects to win
the election with a majority of 41. The
Liberals expect a majority of IS In the
next house. The Unionists are making
their fight on patriotic grounds, declar
ing that defeat of conscription now will
make Canada's' troops overseas believe
the folks ,,at . home nave deserted them
and cut off their reinforcements.
The Liberals are. strongest In Quebec.
where the French vote Is heaviest. The
Unionists are banking on big gains In
western Canada. Voting in Halifax,
Yukon, Nelson and Manitoba has been
deferred until a. later date. v' -
Bishop Hughes to Be
Speaker at Benefit
".p. . .. ..... .
Bishop .Matthew Simpson Hughee
will be the main speaker at the big "Sol
diers' Christmas mass meeting," to be
held next Friday evening in the Audi
torium under the auspices of the Ameri
can Bible society -at the conclusion of
the "Bibles for Soldiers" drive. Gregor
Cherniavsky, Rnssian violinist, who gave
a recital' Saturday night at the Audi-
torlum,,wm play. ;Mra Thomas Carrtck
Bflrk will- accompany Chernlavsky and
render a solo. ,t
- Governor vWfthycombe will be chair
man. of (he meeting. Admission wtll
be. free "but an offering will be taken
for the "Bibles for Soldiers" fund.
. t - -
regarding alleged deprivation of blank
ets of Oregon troops. , At the begin
ning these troops wars N supplied with
three blankets and a recent Inspection
of. them at Camp .Mills disclosed no
lack in this particular.
Instructions Asked From Wash
' ington,.but So Far No Answer
.. ' Has Been Received.
Confiscated liquor enough to fill a
freight ear Is being held by the author
ities of Multnomah county., pending in
structions from Washington officials as
to the disposal of the wet goods.
United States Attorney Reames has
asked or Instructions from Washington.
but has received no reply.. District At
torney Evans ta alsa cooperating with
Mr. Beemes In the search for s solution
f th problem. No liquor la being de
stroyed in the meantime. -
. Objections from certain sources
against the destruction of liquor and the
rseommendatlosi that Its alcoholic In
gredients be saved for snedlcal purposes,
have - caused thex local authorities to
Under the power of the government
In war time the liquor can b comman
deered, says Mr. Besmes
Investigations thus far. mads, how
ever, are to the effect that the process
of redistilling is, to sxpenstvs and that
the Red Cross has no use for the liquor.
LJquer Win Be Held
A Centralis. Wash-, dispatch says that
W. H. Cameron, Lewis oounty press- i
cuter, is In receipt of s letter from
Charles Hebberd. state food administra
tor, asking- him to ttold all liquor con
fiscated by the county and city. Mending
the decision of the war department te
commandeer all such liquor throughout
the country for the purpose of redistill
lng it for slcoholio contents. Mr. Cam-
has Informed Mr. Hebberd that
eweh liquor wUI be held.---Seventy-five
gallons of whisky and S4 quarts of beer,
seised by the polks there recently. . Is
sew stored ia the city halL . . ,
Kuth Law Will -
'Show' War Chiefs
Washington, Dee. 11. (L N. 8-) Ruth
Law, Is going to "show ths war chiefs.
She has been denied a commission as an
aviator, not because she) tent a, good
flyer, but because the war department
would be deli! red with stmllac requests
from hundreds of women, nen so well
qualified. Now Miss Law Is going to
show the department that "any woman,
similarly trained, can be just as good
as an aviator as X or as any man
flyer." Today she started organising
a woman's flying corps of tl members.
When ths' women have been taught to
fly and Miss Laws logic la vindicated
I she expects to get her commission.
Journal Carriers
.Ths Journal carriers' will sold. 'their
annual Christmas ' meeting Wednesday
evening in Swiss hall. Third and Jef
ferson street. An ntertalameaC com
mittee, has already held -several meet
ings, and. although refusing to divulge
ths nstsre" of the high Jinks, declare
that a "large" evening wtll be enjoyed.
Several of the elder carriers have en
listed tn 'various branches of Undo
Sam's war service, , but enough of the
"old timers" will be present ta'Btake
It la expected that part of ths pro
gram will pertain to a well wishing of
the carriers who havs gone iatq the
rrc. - ... - , j
A gasoline engine has been built that
tees only a twentieth of a drop of fuel
at a time.
Conscription of All
purged by Dr. roster
Reed Collegs Bead' Tells Saa Francis-
ease. Every Jfaa sad We mas hhesld
"Aid la War -Seed Ssrgleal Dressings.
Ban Francisco. Dec' 11. Dr. William
T. Foster, president of Reed college,
spoke before ths San Francisco center at
a luncheon today. Dr. Foster wss ssnt
by ths United States government to In
vesttgats-Rsd Cross work tn France.
"Every man and woman should be
conscripted to help the country in some
capacity," Dr. Foster said, "and every
Inch of shipping space should be eon-
served by the government, tor ths use
of the' army alone, us every cublo foot
means Uvss.
"All strikes should be settled by the
government. America falls to grasp ths
full realisation of what war means.
Even ths complete measure of events
abroad ars unknown to use. such as
ths London bombings. Eight nights
out of 10 bombs ars dropped upon that
city and It is no common thing for
theatregoers to heed ths warning, 'go
"Ths Red Cross continues to need
surgical dressings more than any other
thing, one man alone often needing a
whole .'ease -of bandages, and supplies
of all sorts cannot be shipped over seas
too plentifully."
; i ii m
Wharfage Charge Is
Asked for on Sound
Washington. Dec 15. I. N. 8.) Ths
O-W. R. A N. company today filed ap
plication with ths interstate commerce
1 commission for permission - to levy a
charge of $1 a ton for wharfage, load
ing, unloading . and handling at Seattle
and Tacoma.
Officials of ths O-W. "R. A N. com
pany In Portland say that permission
to make this charge Is asked because
of ths increased obet sf handllnn-1 rsls-ht
atr fhe'polntf named higher -wage ' scales I
being named" as ths principal item of J
extra expense. T V
this morning at Russell and Rodney I CJ TKT . f
streets, by Patrolman Smitht charged fcaVS.- YV OLIiaH Ija YQ
with attemnted hold-un. ' Investlsatlona l W
at the channel submarine bases was ac
centuated by-defeat of Field Marshal
Halg's armies at Cambral. the war of-1 They declaraed they were away 'from
tics declared officially today
"It is more than fouiMveeks sines the
Slngllsh discontinued their attacks in the
iolent offensive aiming, at possession of
the Belgian coast and destruction of sub
marine bases,n the statement said.
ii'Thls effort Is considered closed for
jLfee present. The failure jpf the English
jtvas accentuated by the Cambral de
feat";.. .;- ;. : . ;
London, - Dec IS. (U. P.V A
on a ten-day furlough.-
Day's Enlistments
About 25,000 Men
Him Some Jewels
Frank Cody; wanted for the alleged
theft of . $800 . worth of diamonds from
Mrs. A. C. Colons, In 1915, while a
boarder at her home, was returned, from
Salt Lake City Saturday by Detective
John Coleman, who left Monday after
s prisoner.
In a statement to the polios. Cody de
clares the woman gave him ths Jewels.
Cody waived extradition. - and will be
localised German attack east of Bulls
jtourt yesterday evening, was repulsed,
(Held Marshal Hal reported tonight,
North of the same city, he!jdetalled.:
Washlnrton. Dec 15. tl. ft. S Th
last dav for vofantar inliirtmnt nt mn f held for the grand Jury,
I within the draft: ages marked a verit-
Bains Cause Slides
On Tillamook Line
Rains or the week have caused- a
series of heavy slides on the Tillamook
line of the Southern Pacific A slide
about one mile east of En right buried
two locomotolves and two box cars
early Saturday morning, covering the
track for a considerable distance. No
Injuries to members of the train crew
are reported. Passenger service is In
terrupted at this point passengers being
transferred around ths slide. Telegraph
wires ars down at several points and
there is no direct communication by
wire. Train 142. leaving Tillamook at
11:10 a. m.. arrived in Portland at 1:10
Saturday night two hours lste.
ante nooaor rrecruits-..ior, ths .reg
ular army. Indications ' ; are tonight
that about ' 25.000 enlistments win be
credited to the army today. This .will
kuccessful raid this afternoon by BrrfcMmean tMal tth. .trsngth ot'thte
leh forces. In which prisoners were
taken, -dugouts destroyed and damage
. Bono to the German positions.
Fin; the .neighborhood of Poelderhoek,
Flanders, and the Chateau, the- British
commander in chief reported local fight
ing which, he said, had not changed
he situation.-- - ? .
fi Psris.:Dec i (li.'p.) Artlllerylng
reached pitch' of great violence in the
L - bhaumevwood sector, tonight's . official
, statement asserted. The Germans at
. . lacksdvtbut wers easily dispersed by the
ifrenchr defenders. ' .
f South- of 'Juvlncourt Frnch forces
purprlsed the enemy, and captured some
prisoners ,
Stockholm, Dec 15. (U. P.) Bolshe
Jviki ' Minister Vorovski arrived today
from' Petrograd and announced lie was
' flirected to handle peace negotiations
hs soon-as central power representatives
; teet Jiere; .,,.
:. v i i i.i i up i. .i . v
regulars will stand at about S7Q.000 men. !
DefenTiants in Hindu
Cases Testify
San Franclsco Dee.- 15. (U P.)
ueorge Koeauc ana H. I. Schroeder, f or
merley in the German, consulate in Hon
olulu, defendants in' the . Hindu plot
cases,-wUI not be sentenced until they
have testified : for the government
Passing of sentence was continued to
day for one week. Both men have
pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy.
i (CosuSaed Pnus Par One)
i ...... . M , - ,,. . ... ,j . - .. . .
' a Tj-Seavsls.stj-fcl '..Tsfw f I
I Washington Dee. -15. (U. P.) Re
vival f, ths report that the cxar has
Ipscaped ' from his Siberian quarters
brought the comment at the state de
partment tonight thaJt the rumor has tion will state that ws are Informed the
. riot been repeated , in its messages sines boat situation at the. present time lsbet
the Tlflia consuj originally; forwarded ter than it has been, during the past sU
N.,-224 cars at Seattle, 5 at Tacoma. a
total Of 229.. ;-v . .a v.
The letter from .the Washington com
mission concludes; "These figures: are
furnlRhed by the Northwest district com
mission of the commission on car serv
ice,' representing the special committee
on national defense of the American
Railway association. For your informa-
that the rumor was current that the x
eiav ruler had- vnade his get-away; The
consul added nothing as to the source
sr tne story or any other details.
sr - Suffrsgft
- Washington,
months, ana -: the ' prospect Js good J for
the-movement of these cars - within- the
nsxt SO days.- j ; x& -
-The letter from the California railroad
commission states: "We find that the
last accurate record .compiled Is under
date, November S9, and shows that on
all lines entering San Francisco there
were held either at terminals or on line
V-J iv .! :-' -'
Comui ancl Let, Ua Explain
Offer of a' Premium Ff a .
cm LffiEtBonda 0
double -saving:
in solomons:great
PractlcsJly . tU joods tn ; the Store' in
cludedHundreds of eift sutsestions
This sale presents an. Ideal opportunity
for rift . seekers. The .reductions arc
. Dieunoridft '
Umbrellas -Silverwajre
Jewel Cases
Watch Fobs
Watch Chains'
Precious Stones
Toilet Sets
Pyralin Irory
j Jeweler
331, Morrison St, Opposite Portland Hotel
man Catt as president the National
American Woman. Suffrage . association
finished its forty-ninth annual conven
tion hers : this, afternoon.
Convention Closes
Dec 15. (I. N. S.
With the reelection of Mrs. Carrie Chap- awaiting specs at terminals and aa an-
puaora -uis poir or san Francisco.
I1S4. closed cars and 0S open cars. -a
total oriTST cars that date.- - ju.1
, r Are Hlgkly Inportaat- J 1
; The figures given itn the i preceding
statement are highly Important- said '
W. D. B. Dodson, executive secretary
of the Portland Chamber of Commerce,
this morning. "The situation ia BOw
largely In the government's hands, if
the government see fit to take advant
age of ths facilities at this port it has
the power and we. believe the means to
do so. " We feel that the solid weight
of the community should be back of the .
strongest possums errort to exhibit the
proof that vessels should be sent here
and that ths port should be allowed oa
ths water side to perform the large Serv.
Ice which Is' within its power te help ths
government win the war."
; . " , :: . f . v-
! T set in very best resnlts take
Dr. Ilumphreys 'Seventy-seven'' iik
Cm first snesxe or shiver.
i SsTentyeevsn' breaks up Colds
.;tlal hs er-Oip. AI) Prog Stores.
- Vfhn wrltlns te et
Carving, Sets from
Manicure Sets from
...$3.00 sp Razors, alL makes . ....95ewp
. ,$2.25 np J Pocket ' Knives ' .-. . . . .w .4Se p
"We Grind verythlnf That Refluires' an Edje
. t - - We Can Save You, the $ for the Red Cross
. The Home of Quality Cutlery
Phone Broadway 1933 . ' -. 351 Stark, Between Broadway and Park
This Christmas Store Has Gifts Galore!
The Values Offered Are Remarkably Attractive Why Not
Give Furniture This Christmas?
. ..........
Your Credit Is Good as Gold It's-Easy-to-Pay-the-Edwards-Way!
I - V
Red Tennessee
US0 CashSOc Week
Cm you think of anything mors
pleasing T These Cheats ars large in
sixe, perfect in construction end
pleasing in appearance. To Insure
'Long Life" and give added beauty
copper binding has been freely
Warranted Tarnish-Proof
UJS0 Cash 50c' Week
"Bakellte," that highly polished finish
that requires only a soft cloth to keep
it bright, is what this bed possesses.
These $25.00 Monarch
Comfort Chair $19.85
S2D0 Cash7Sc Week-
Beautiful Waxed Oak Easy Chair,
with footrest seat and back, uphol
stered la a rich brown leatherette, with
a little thumb spring, back reclines to
any angle.
Solid Oak Rocker
$11.75 r-
Roomy end comfortable
Auto cushion seat Is up
holstered In genuine
leather Frame is finish
ed tn "Hand - Rubbed"
Oolden Wax.
Your Living -Room in Sofid Oak
4 Pieces Exactly as Pictured
it-k ciA B ; : Si Week
Large Settee, Chair and Rocker, have
leatherette upholstered auto-oushibn seats.
Library Tabls has 41x24 inch top: all ars
finished to match in deep and rich "Hand
Rubbed Oolden Wax or "Fumed." Worth
ISO. but Edwards' price is only....
Hugro "Vacuum
Here Is an Ideal gift This
combination vacuum and
brush Bwsspsr Is a year
ahead of them all. Has auto
roller bearings, hinged notsle and nosxle clamp.
"WhiteCrost." ;
EIrctric ' Stove
$4.95 -
Breakfast in five minutes. . Toast
coffee, hot cakes, eggs. etc. Tea.
even beat the milk for baby at
night Some convenience, eh i
Pretty fine Christmas gift too.
7c If You Please, Is the Total Cost
or lrus Glassy ummg ounc
Of eoutse you can bur any sfh-
fle piece If you 11 Ice. Tea
oiks hsvs any old furni
ture may apply same as part
$7 Cash. WnM t
$1 Week ffMlyrp
Such a suits as this In your dining-room will radiate an 'air of cul
ture and refinement throughout the entire home. Table Is a six
footer, with a quarter-sawed flush-rtm top. Colonial Buffet has a
largs mirror, quartered top and front ; six Chairs ars of solid oak.
An Ideal Gift
. These fine Bags msy bs had In
either black or tan. They are
'.buUt'td give service, being leather
covered, with heavy leather-bound
corners. " sixer Yee that popular
No. it. As only six are to be hsd
st this price an early selection is ad
vised.. .. .
No Flowers on the
Floor Any More!
Tsks either styls.' round or'
square-top finished In that',
hand-rubbed "golden wax."'
Yes. they're solid oak. and the -price
Is only
Wallace & Sons'
Silver Sets
$1.00 Cab 60c Week
It Pieces as pictured In a beautifully
lined case. No I they will NOT turn
assorted colors, -each piece is 11 Dwt
silver plats. YES 4 knives 4 forks
tablespoons 4 teaspoons b u 1 1 s r
knlfs and sugar snsu.
Join the Red H
TU r eUais -s. be V"
whoto "Tee at bMM that
earns. Help the
ease Is mace."
take, se
7. .
Your Credit Is Good as Gold!
OutKf-Town Folks, Top!
a Houee Full
Select One Slnrte' Piece or
I Its-Easy-to-Psy-the-Edwerde-Wsy
SSS Werts UH Cash, tl.e a Week
TS-SS Werta IS Cash, SIO Week
tissue wertk disuse Cask, tlS m Week
fltese Wertk 1S-S Cask, tM a Week
li u I f i r' r - f-
Tw. BU.kl-K.rtk .f-W..kt.ftn.
"The "Biggett iSeti" for the Money
$43 $59
TheyTl play your fsvorlts.selectlons to perfection. Call at ths Vnsle
Room ths first time you're down town. You'll be smssed st their
clearness of tone. Should you decide to buy one Just remember
Es)ey yssr hesis te ths fstleet .
extest a
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