The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 16, 1917, Page 1, Image 1

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The Pictorial Review of tie War, a
Mr feature ol Tk 8u4ir J earaal. It
eeatlaaed today. . Psget H 1
ef 8mUi Two. ' Two pictorial pages , ,.;
- will bo nabllthed eah aeecedlag Baa- ,,
dor until the fetr is concluded. Yo
will v Had It eoa vealeat to . HI away
these pages for rtt ereaeo. - ,
Portland asd vterattyt Saacay, ratal
streag oeataorty wladsv, v .
Oroffoa aa Wasaiagtoat ' Saaday ;
ratal ttroag totUerty wtait, - 'j '
VOL. XV. NO. 39.1
isi HfiiiKF
nnrAitmiirn I.
IWIr it! I II I lil IF lit
Head of American Mission to Su
preme War Council in Europe
- Regards Trip as Complete Suc
cess ilssuesCome to Focus.
Allies All Working Together Now
Is His ReprtjFindsMorale
Among FrencHdj British Is
Splendid Navy&v Griat Aid.
News Index
Cole net Houee Return to U. M.
Conru to Inveatioate Throly
ned" Rupert HM for nee Thoft -
SO Velunt Lett Oar
Portland' Mle Port Cmptiatlxad
Council to ld War Supply Work
Beaten' Want atari on Lewor Rl
Inland Oioacod Wtth War Maston
Katoaf t PMC. aid IiM4 '
OotMerlpttefl aifl Imu lo Canada
Italian Retire for Hun.
alp Annoy Von guinea
Llehtl Order errectlv Tonight
Another atari Shipyard Probable
flow of tli Court
Arm and Nary Club far Portland
Unlvwttty Tak an .MIIHanr Aipoc
TlpJion Emptor oempiain -?
Oama Lewie rHMM In Rain
War Savin. eemsslan to Reeh All
Count tc. .
Auto Headlight. Pall In Tt
tin Practice oa at Oamp Lwl
Vlmy Rides Vuran Relate giperlene
Mora Aviation Offloor Nodd
rlaf Information
1 ? Town Topic ': v
Holiday Rat LteUd
Whan Prldnt MM Addr Con-
. . .
I - srssywasjasaaas.sB. I
11. la
Wllaon'i Manat Reaffirm Stand
Profram for Stata Teaoherc Meetln
Red Or Want S40, OOO ajombor
Joruialam A tain in Cbrirtlao . Hand
Load Adlr for Rotlstrants
Oraoon! Share ef Educational ISonor
State Bank, in Bicallent Condition
Linn Road Wort an ateot
Salem Sea. Store River Soreloo
OontlnootMi of Road Work Uroed
Paper Mill Striker Bspoet Report
How Tax Homy Will B Spent
Germany' Peace Prpial to Rutfla
By Prank M. abnonde
Rain No Bar to Training Program ,
Yank aunnon en Merchant Ship
Ruaila Drunk on Proodom By U. O.
Travl .
Prank Patrick Will Retire a Active
Rational Laaau' Record
Orump . Loading Jock .7 of
r;V:rBOVEColonel Edward M. House; head of -the .United
States mission' to the allied; war council at Versailles.
x Below, left to jight Gerieral.Tasker Hi Bliss, chietof
staff of United States army, and Admiral' William S. Benson;
chief of operations of the .United States navyi who with others
accompanied Colonel House on his mission to .Europe. -
, : Ja -
Former M. A. A. C. Football
Plavpr. FT-Pnllrpman and Bank
Ciller A Aprap4a4 in Pnnna Vi e n I.
With Disappearance of Bonds.
Charge Follows Identification . by
Ship Stock Broker of Prisoner
as; Man Who Paid for Stock
With Liberty Loan Securities
Three hours after boios ojiioaUoaod by
offlcUIa of Uio NoTthweatora KaUonai
bank and H. Mller of the' Burn In
ternational rtectlve Aroncy resardlnc
the dlaappoarance of 119,500 worth oi
Idbertr bonds. Clyde Rupert, famillarlr
known aa "Red" Rupert., former M. A.
By Hugh Baillie "
NEW. VjORK. ? De& ;J3U. P.)
Peace was never tn'enUoned
at the allied conference tn Paris
or. the supreme war, council
which recently, met at Versailles,
Colonel' E. M. House, head of the
American mission, which recent
ly visited England v and France,
declared tonight upon his arrival
' from Europe. ' i '"
1 1 otise said tlie allied . confer-
ence "brough,t 'things to a fo
cus."i lie .will report to Pfesl-' '
-.' dent Svi Ison ' on ' Monday.
The allied naval conference, formation
of which his just been announced In
Washington, ts tho ftrat result of the
meetings : of ' American delegates and
,eprosentatlyos , of tho other allies,
v" t Colonel ,liouso .said. ,t r VV s '
-r nsti Trip as' Saeeed's '
"Before 'tho " eo'nlorowae, '"Colonet
Uouso . stated, "coordination was nof
- Kolngr on vclL - ' '
"But now wo ara working; bll to
gether. We sot together principally u
the oconomlo situation, embargo, : food
and finance. I regard the trip as a
complete success. " . - ; ,
ColonI House said that .the - govern
ments must ratify all action taken. Ho
said ' an announcement of the 'work
accomplished by the American mission
might , be expected from . Washington
: shortly. .
.i Tho supremo war council, ho said.
is a permanent body and the United
States has permanent place in it. If
it so desires. The matter of . Colonel
Houbo making another trip to Europe
in the near future la entirely at the
disposition Of President Wilson.
m- Tho morale among the people In both
Great Britain and France Is splendid,"
ho saia. '"Even French pacifists admit
that tho morale was never better.
: r American interests in Europe are al
most paramount," he added.
V Fertalag Doing Well
Colonel House visited the American
troops, and said tonight they were In
tho very best of condition and would be
ready to fight when tho time cbmes.
-General Pershing," he said, "has a
very difficult task and Is doing it well."
Tho entire American mission returned
with Colonel House.' except Commission
ers Crosby and Taylor. They wlU return
In tho near future. .-
The Inter-allied council. Colonel House
said, should 'be called tho "allies' prop-
erty board."
Colonel House emphasised tho fine
work being done by Admiral Sims and
the American; naval forces in cooper a-
i Uon with tho British and paid high
tribute to bjls fellow delegates on the
, The- American mission, - while In Lon-
don,, lunched, with Foreign Minister Bal
four, ' Premier Lloyd George and the
-v king. ? .
A. C football player, formerly a police
Portland Retiree From Paclfta Ooaat I officer and for more than two years
Hockey Auoclatlon May Drop Spokane I '
Qiub I and Washington Saturday afternoon by
I UnlvonKy of California After Ooeca I Detective John Moloney. Rupert . la
BletXT Ah.nrl with l.nvnv fh- Kr,. mrtA
J!Z22.IZ!2 on "-is held to the county Jail in default f
- .
- a.
-A- .
North areat Soholaetlo Team
Pootball Only Sport Rot CurtaJleO by
.- wortnwettera oenrerence .
Orazlna Claim Delay' . ..
Irrigation for Jeffenon County '
Real gttat anO RulMlnfl
Want Ad
Market, and Finance
Cantonment Material Knortnou
In VaudavMI
Photoplay Raw -
In -Otaeland - r - -
The Week in' Society
Por Boy and Sir I. '
The War In Pictorial Rovtow
1 The Realm of Mtule
Women' Club Affair
' tn th Pabllc School.
Fraternal Raw
Th Rook Comer
Automobile and Rood Road
Faehkm Chat. Ry Mm. Qui VKre
Women Btlnd the Slacaer. By LHtlan
, RtUMll .... , , .
- Chrlrtmaa Panoiet, by Asm Cuity
$20,000 ball. A- fedeial warrant suboe
auently was served upon him by a dep
uty United States marshal.
Bonds Are Missed
Rupert's arrest was the result of five
dayi .'Investigation by the Burns.
international Detective agency into tho
disappearance early in the week of $19,
600 worth of Liberty bonds which had
been sent to the bank by different coun
try banks.
According to'the statement of the
bank, the bonds were received Monday
by express-' and recefpted, for at ' tho
teller's window. Rupert, standing
near, was asked to deliver them to tho
bond department. A letter received from
aft out-of-town bank shortly after re
questing' aft acknowledgment 'of the
bonds .disclosed tho fact that they had
never reached the bond department. In
vestigation was at once started which
took In every employe of the .bank,
Ftve "thousand dollars' worth oOiht
MstRbedc-.i- located Saturday
moralng -tbrougn . noxieea sane out xti
day by tho Burna agency, to tho differ
eat banks requesting that they watch for
Interest coupons. ,duo Saturday Tromf a
Lot numoer -of ih bonds, which might bo
presentea ior payment ana w noio
person presenting . them. ' one or . tno
banks' reported presentment of coupons
shortly-after 10 o'clock Saturday morn-
Concord, NV C-, Dec 15.(1. N. S.) They were ImmodiaUly traced to Al-
The life of. Gaston B. Moans . tonight fred.S.-Rlx, dealer In ship stocks.. who
hangs in the hands of a Jury of farmers 8aid fT!1 IZ.TiV
payment for shares of stock In a ahlp-
and mill operatives. Judge E.. B. Cline. building concern, tho actual amount of
sitting in the case charging Means with I stock amounting to 14750. Rupert
the murder of Mrs. Maude A. King, com-jceived the balance of 1250 in cash from ,
pietea ms cnarge auia sent toe jury to I tcix. adoui noon, in cumyanj wun
1U deUberaUona at :57 p. m. I Miley, Rlx went to tho bank and pointed
Judge Cllne spent two hours and six I out Rupert as the maa who had given
minutes in delivering his charge to the him the bond.
Jury. As he concluded he told the Jury J Bapert Is Aeeaied
that If necessary he would take a ver- fcjjjert was called into tho private
diet on Sunday. of fie of tho bank and there confronted
At 10 :30 o'clock the Jury notified I with Rix' assertion, to which Runert
Sheriff Caldwell-that it would not be 1 1 IH tn h.v. ronliMl. "Tou ban nath.
able to agree -tonight- The Jury retired j m- on me you can't bulldoso mo and
r ' '-. o.t'oM .oasloo"'!
",s , r Oomio .. f ':':;- r'
Means" Jury Retires ,
decide Sis Pate
for the night. A
reached Sunday.
verdict may be
Spreckels Hard Hit,
Is 'Sore Says Hoover
you had better let me pass." With that
ho left the bank by a roar door. Captain
of Detectives Baty and Police Captain
Moore were notified and 20 minutes
later every , railroad station and all
roads leading from the city were being
At the time of calling Rupert Into the
office no warrant had been Issued for
Washington, Dec. 15. (U. P.) Claus J hla arrest, as not until the story from
Spreckels" accusations before sugar J naa any suspicion been at-
probers that the government price "Ttf '' . t 4
fixers were hand in glove with the 1 tne urna agency bsjq uperx was caurxi
"sugar trust" brought heated answer I l" v..iu. wuou:i m wvuia amy or
from Herbert Hoover tonight that dm,t Ja nd to Rlx,
Spreckels lhdependent Is "sore at the Rlx Iaaoeoat Farchaier
food administration" because his tax s connection witn the bond
Docketbook haa 'been touched by fed- transaction was from tho first that of
eral regulation. 1 an innocent purchaser. Statements ta
This statement marked the culmlna- l" enect inai ne ws apprenenaeo in
Upn of Spreckels' spectacular testimony connection wiin tne inert are erroneous.
In the Inquiry. J aa he had notified the Ashley & Rum el In
Onuul. lart hmut will rin1a I no . uviiui miiu ura
earlv next week. If the Christmas re, u?u "ereu avt oi request
cess does not intervene, the committee t0..le.J?JZL?,
IMB-'tW' r.!-"C-..'' t NboaaasMaWV
, s rrw i t - '. , ! . j. ''ill
kr ., V - ' .... 'Bm
B ajg'SioSSs 'aaaW iaaaaa?HSarul t
If -s,?n ti
hi. i h" ; ; iii
I'.', V ''11 y - ;
- 41 k -lv. , w ms m 0) OF
1 1 C 1 B I II
' 'i " V 1 1 . 111 111 1 w , i '. ' ' , . ' . . .', I . ' . .
mm mm
f! IIL
Names Are Taken and Card Given
to Applicant to Present When
He Calls Later to Be Exam
. ined for Admittance to. Service
All Manner of Red Tape Is Done
' Away With in Office of Local
: Recruiting Station During the
Great Rush in Closing Hours.
About CS0 volunteer who were ao
eoptod by th Portland recruiting sta
tions during the big rush of Friday and
: Saturday are waiting for tho examine-
i tlona which, if passed, win make them
j recruits in tho army or navy.
All manner of rod tape was done away
with at both army and navy recruiting
station Saturday morning, that all roam
who presented themselves before 12
I o'clock might apply for enlist moot. In
stead of having the men go through th
regular blank-filling form of enlistment,
recruiting staffs simply took tho auvmo
of tho applicant and gav him a card
to- present when formal application will
bo made. I
At the navy station 350 applicant of
Saturday morning and lat Friday were
found to bo left over after tho open
period of enlistment -closed at noon.
The will bo given preliminary exam
lnations early this week and sent to tho
training station at Mar Island in a
gregatloiui ot 160. ,
IM Eager to Jala Army
Three hundred army enlistment were
unexamined when the office closed Sat
urday evening. - After their first exam I-
T.) JUar than,
will expended by the gov.
orasieat la th erection of govern
Meal expletive blasts. Secretary ef
War Baker RnBoaaeed tonight.
DaaSet C iaeallng. Baa Fran
eleeo, was appointed to take aharg
of tho balldlag f those plaits.
Th now govornntoat plaats will
bo bfl to sspplomeat tie nreoonl
oaipst of oxploslvos by nrtvau
SBanafaeUrera. eoatldorod tesaf
flrlont to nieet tho government's
Jsokltag Js mssagnr director of
a grosy ef eoppor atlaeo which pro
daoo a largo pretag of tho
entry's eoypor. Vie will net nac or
aatkorltr f ft (rotary Baker, by
was at h was appolatod.
mis sup Is in aer(ssee with
tho . gevornntoat's pa rye to to keep
abreast of Us war' roo.atrosioaU
aad whsr noeossary to aatlelpato
Uoni by for hasted aeUoa," aald
Sooretanr Baker k . . ,
t 11:
111 DIG It
f V" ... -- . . , , . " .' f . I - . ' f '
Solid Effort of the Community
Should Back Attempt to In
duce Government to Use Fa
cilities Here, Declares Dodson
Lawmakers Determined to 'Aster
tain Whether Men Serving tfo
Government ;nre GlvingrTheir
t i iiue iw tuipa. r.ciouiioi viaiw.
" -' T. a . . 1 ' fc -
4- j - ; i ;
Heads Will Come Offjf Crjarges
Are Proved, but as. One! Mem
ber Has Put Jt, Congress Is
Not Trying to "Get"! Anyone.
At Puget Sound Sill carloads of
nation- in tho off ice they will , go to freight for foreign ahlpmint are congest-
.ZZZlr' .. . U.. n railroad yard, becaoao handling I
station wer disappointed ojpoo .rrtv-l.fmc,utl? r noVquai;t th 'task of
Ing too lata to bo taken tn. f Kvery man 1 unloading tho earn as tey arrtv..
who won on Band oeror uo cioct was I 'At'tUn Frrfea itit ' v ZTT.J -T -Ii
- - - - - vaoiigation sktw nir , -
ASIlLNaTON, Dec, 11 (U. '
-Congrcs .. . tooight la
determlQed to learn wbelher'dnr
men otnlb!y.erTlni th; gov
ernment at great - pertrul mljk
rifice are realty doing it at great'
The development followed,
qalckly on .the neels of diaclon- "
urea In eongreaalonal 4nTcstl;a-l
tlona . Into the - conduct- of - lha ,
war.' t '-h' : "
It tujpidon now lurking via
the minds , ef noma ; eonTe-; "
aiooal leaders are shown l have
foundation. offJcar bead . ara
aure to , be lopped off. It was -predated-
. tonlsat- at ; the ; capital :
' If the . suspicions have I r fouada
tlon. the country wlU loamj through ln-
listod. however, and the chagrined one
fallal to be. aentad bacansa, thav did 1 o . waiuag - to DO- rouovoa OI , thOlr I como.
not arrlv n-m.T,V, r ' V.onistlasj U XrtXgbt onign fT'Z'soiii : -L,''i '
vrirati, out neta up aimoot -an ta' v,i -. - . .
breathlaaoly. put an. appearance at . - :Wt6i. j,ul eLji.ti Cotigre U determined to rrtolie i ert.
the "navy recruiting office about I P ' L1???Z- taclHtJe ncornptenc, grd or any other fault
o-olock t h ,iornoo.'but,vo W;n6lT 3TW'f ita froigbt which' might aortooaly taterfora wnh
ceptod becau they had applied. 1 tho fast io)ch' to prevent eoacMUon.. ' speedily putting this country' aUms-
(.dy . before . to tho lA.Orand: posvl ' AU Portland, or any other wolot v oC 1 acrpaa and ondlna; th war -
raasur. .-;-,,;.-, -r i- v. traaaahlpmoat. on tho Xlumbiav rtver," .Vegro Ut tryia - "gtr any-
rUTlngthji arternoon.tha. navy - ren- there are no loaded car hold oat. dock body,' osid on senator tonight. "Borne
tlnued to accept registered . men who are not receiving freight destined to individual congroearooo obU would
arrived after II o'clock but who had th oversea porta. . warehouse canadtv - ta iik u aitaaat torn individual mam bar
tnecesaafv certificate from ; their local I nnt enitw v.w l .v ...t ' lini eraaa aa a
boards showing, that they were not I duties are almost unused Bad ships are 1 whoi. has-but on Idea In Investigating
' TmkA- tn thai "rnrr.nt A rm ft Aa Inn I I i m I . . i. . .Ium Ihlnra
. -- - - - . - imwMuiii wr kj (U. i tn - luiciiwwn. 1 w . mn
"I" jiieounv .uca veriiit- i WBUO port tO th BOTtA and BOUth I ST going BOO. U Uy OTO BO"" wewj.
' cat thoy wUl be aeceptad for naval ha v Snore buslnaa than they have fa-1 oorroct by whatever, moans is docoo
aorvlc. 'The army atatloa U closed. I cillUaa to handle. Portland and the- rvw I ear v. Conmmm wUl go right down th
. A Bill MHara-ft MM, I . ... m . . - .. . k 4. . V A . '
that Its wartime government La
however, to all re sis tared men.
I Forty Seat t star ItUad
will give an early hearing to the food
administration side.
- . j y By Ed L. Keen
' (Copyright, Hill by the UnKed Pre.)
London,- Dec; 15. (U. P.) Colonel
House's visit to Europe mark a new
epoch sin, world's history and a new fu
ture in conduct of world' affairs. Pre
mier IJbyd George of Great Britain an
nounced tonight. -
- Informed - of tho arrival of the head
ot the '.American mission In New York.
against,., the prime" minister asked the i
United, Press to .cable the following
statement to - the United States , for
American citlsens to readt
..! an very glad to learn of the safe
return of the first great American mla-
alon to Kurope.
- -I aay the first' -because I hope it will
i be a prelude to many more.
"The experience .we Jhave gained on
' this occasion has brought homo to.jne
even more strongly than before, the par-
amount importance of even closer and
' more constant association between the
United States, the free democracies of
. Europe and the nation of the British
commonwealth not" only in ; tho prose-
: cution of the war, but in the future con
duct of the world' affairs. -
. FXhe : mission, ' which has Just success-
There was nothing clandestine about
my taking tho bonds," said Rlx. "I
had talked with Kupert about his pur
chasing some ship stock, a security
which I thought a desirable investment.
He told mo months ago that he was
expecting a legacy from, an estate and
that he -wanted to invest it., so when he
asked me recently If ho could buy. the
stocks with' Liberty bonds. I thought
nothing was amiss, because man? estate
funds of lata have been Invested in such
'A a matter of fact.' Rupert handed
mo the envelop containing the bonds
In the main lobby of the Northwestern
National bank. I was .asked to act as
his' trustee in tho stockholding, because
he said fo family reasons' ho did not
fully terminated Its labors.' was. as I
far as we are concerned, an unqualified I many people in business do not, wish
it did not-receive a great advertise
ment at the ' time because - Colonel
House rightly . insisted that it be first
and last a business . affair.
But the fruits of its labors' will be
seen -by all in time to come. - It not.
omy enaoiea me united -States and the
allies to coordinate preparations so as to
produce ' maximum military effort
against the jeommon enemy In tho short-
TTt 1 1 "sTk- t
ngiana jiigniy rieasea
With Mission Sent bv
This Gfouhtry to Europe
. 1 ' -
Secretary Baker Says New Board
Will Bring; Into Closer Touch
Army in the. Field and WarDe-
partment at National Capital.
lumbia rlvar on, of th boat port on
tit Pacific coastawait utilization such
Although recruiters of "soldier of I a would halo th government In It
tho sea" bad their hands full in recetv-1 urgent necessity and aid tho nation'
lng applicant, they were able to fm out I war time foreign commerce.
all applications and 40 recruits, thol 7alllU Are Br
aaya-enlistment numoer. wer sent on I -While the sovernmont Is nlaadina: for
their -way to Mare Island early Sunday ,,. i,lu nf , Ik;wa.
morning. I emerrancv need for - swlftlv movtnr
Washington, Doc IS. (WASHING- freht may be met. car are being used
T-rw TiT-ny att rv tup lni-pwii i as warenouse in two .tbcum coast pons
r. wirkvK. sw. and tho third U neglected.
McNary asked the war department to I . awoorom
m-rtmrr tha Tim Tar anILatmnt of man I ", tu iuiuin w
who will bo credited on tho state s quota Columbia rlvr by sending her
(aa volunteer In making tho new draft. T1" aaonaTDoa to u carrying or
Th ilMartment reoUed It was nnabUi I gram proaucxs to to war zona.
to extend credit for men enlisting after " ' rw
ICoDClBOed ea Pago Six. Ooltuna Two)
I. W. W. Arein JaU
Washington. 'Dec. 15. (U. P.) Cre
ation of a war .council ; within the war
department to oversee and coordinate
all matter for th uply of .' th
American field-army was announced
tonight by Secretary of War Baker.'
The war council will also bring tn
closer touch the relations between th
army In the field siid the war depart
ment. - v '
Members of. the council at th be
ginning will bo the' secretary of war.
tho assistant secretary of war, chWf of
staff and Generals Sharp, ..Weaver,
Crosier and Crowder. -
When General Bus, chief of staff.
returns from Europe he will aasum ac
tive supervision of th council. Hi
knowledge of condition aa they affect
all branches of service, will aid th war
denartment In prosecution of the war.
. Later, officer of extensive experience
will be added to tho council and It will
constitute the -main reliance of . the de
nartment In Initiating plans.
.The new organisation will not assume
specialized duties of th general staff
or th war couege, out wui aavise tn
war department in broan eons.
' it embers ot the eonncil will, from time
to time, visit the theatre of war to make
noon today.
Chicago. , Dec IS. (U, - P.) Ono
lmB- Kit) 4 ,M..wW W . J at 1 A arnenR A, at4 Bara. 1 1 . V
a new perspective tq bear on the allies' iw. W. arraigned in led eral court uto " " rn t
prooieros. . its work culminated In, the I today on Charge oi violating th as- 1 " --- - ;
first meeting of the supreme war coun-1 plonage act, were under heavy guard j . , -.
cu at . versauies the outward visible I in . the : county jail late tonight, where
sign of a new unity of new vigor in the they will -remain ' until January
cooperation of the world's great democ- That was the data set by "Judge Lan
racles In the fight for triumph of the dis for the arraignment ot any other
Ideal tney represent. To that confer-1 defendant : , who may be arrested ' or
enc th president could not' have sent I give themselves 'up befor that -timi.
more sagacious or more useful retrs-1 The other are at liberty undor bond.
sentatlves than Colonel House and the! BHfty indicted members of the organ-
accompanying members of his mission. laaWon are still at liberty. George
Colonel - House, indeed, proved himself i Vanderveer t of Seaule. Wash chief
not only a worthy represenUtlve of the I counsel for ' the defense, announced. In
United t States,' but he won the friend- court that ho-'t ,W. CW - through Its
ship and tho respect of all European al-1 publication, . had urged - these men to
House Will Vote on
. ProWbitibii Monday
Washington.1 Doc.! 1-U.: p.y-lAftor
decade ot eeaselaa. agitation, national
prohibition had won. its way to a pre
ferred poaltlon before tho hoc a of rep
resentative tonight It will come up for
Immediate consideration Honday and
will be - voted on before night, under
unanimous -'agreement reached today.
. waMejvOMaBBnlBaBaiaKa ""."- " T
Wind: Saturday. Night Attains
j Velocity, of :65 Milesj Fort
Stevens VVaterless .TwoDays
Washington Streams' Flooded.
! ; . ' ' ' : ; ."
i Astoria. Or, " Dec. 15. The' worst
storm ot th season- is sweeping . the
lower' Columbia river district tonight. I
after evera day of .Tain' that ."broke
ail record for ; a few years, Astoria Is
experiencing a gala tonight that ha at
tained a velocity of over s5, mile, an
hour at the mouth of th river. Ship
ping 1 delayed until Che storm su bo idee.
Only minor property damage was re
ported tonight as a result of th wind
Th steamer Nahcotta. connecting
Astoria ' and Megler. tha terminus -of
th Oregon-Washington Railroad North
Beach lino, wa unable to land at Meg
ler Saturday afternoon because of th
storm. Returning to Astoria. the sud
den lurchinr of tho boat eauaaMl mm.
of the passenger to 'be slightly hurt
oy ratlin; against in id or th cabin.
' Reports received her tonight say that
lido on b North. Beach line of th
Oregon-Washington railroad- Mopped
traffic Saturday. Workmen ar re
moving the slid now and service will
bo resumed Sunday tf possible. .
Damage to tho water trunk line Wed
nesday night ha been '. repaired and
water was Buppllod ail over ' the city
tonight. - i - , . .
The Warrenton water system has also
been' blocked by -slides, aad Hammond.
Warrenton and Fwrt Stavona. where
hundreds of Idlers' . ar encamped
have been . without water for th peat
two dara
ported to tho public ervio commiasloa
of Oregon by tho public rv1o commis
sion of Washington, and th railroad
commission of California.
Th Information that car ar not be
ing held out bore come from tho rail
roads and Is general y known.
Tho report from the Washington nub
ile aarvtca commission shows tK rmrm
Kansas City. Mo. Dee.' 15. (U. P.) oonalsrned to shins' tackl. Seattle ajul
Frank A. Vandorllp. untn a few week Tacoma. on December 10, but 1 a fair
ago, head of th largest bank tn New showing ot tho condition any day re
York city, but now directing the gov- eontly.
ernment campaign for a 12.000,000.000 . Exmct rinr(l civa
war saving thrift campaign. In five Tf ., th vi,. -r..r- v,,,
'Job Biggest Put Any People'
sneeche today - told the southwest
about "the Job ahead of us."
Her ar exoerpts:
Vla C?akskas t m av V V f .4
ton- vf bTm tTanr tmoU Sa r"' Ooldbar. II at
ir0.b.'r'r fV? dVr wrrL.?ra Tancouvar. B. C a total ot Ills car,
yardstick of th collar wont measure l M . at i. ts-emra at Kaajti
.wi- -K tS7A.mi,at have, tha U M. S Bl r, B3 CSX at BOatUO,
Ml cars at Seattle, '171 at Tacoma, 41
at' Auburn and 21 at Sums, a total of
1211 car. Tho Great Northern. 0J
this Job. We- must have th ooopera
Uon of all the people.
"No Spartan mother would have sent
her son to war without armor. Unless
everything 1 don that makes for
our men's effectiveness and their
safety, we ar sending them to greater
"If the sale of war certificate gives
us S. 000. 00 naw stockholders In th
government w will b different po
Hi at Tacoma,- approximately to out
on th line ; total. HO. Th 0-W. Bv
(Cose haded oa fata Toe. Cohuaa Two)
iiu ntiHl it Ha don that."
- Summing up Ot result tnus xax ot .
th two chief Inqmrio. . congrBmen
agreed th outstanding facta ar; -
That th military Inquiry haa shown
partial paralysis of th vital ordnanc
department through causes not entirely
explained. .,. s . . -
That th augar probUra; has shown
sinister mixing ot private affairs with
pubUe business. - J - '' ? ',
seme JUgart Charge as. WM .
Another figure entered th lnvtlga
Uon field today when Thomas W. Law- .
bob, - tho Boston financier, jwlrod many
senators a demand that war profit be
Investigated. . . - . - ' '
Lawson charged that tho government
1 being mulcted of bug sums by con
cerns furnishing munition and . aup
plles for th army and navy.. " -J
Tb country. taprlon-la grow
wtred Lawoon. . "that-from
third to a half the government's funds
are profit to camouflage ur front.
well." ' ... 2 ' '.'til
-Laarsoo'a. chaJlengO did not find-tm
mediate answer tn th senate. Mxn- ;
bora said "too many investigations t
one might ,dfat,. the purposaj of aU
of them.": . ,' . -
Others referred to Lawson's state
ment as "somewhat wUd." suid "hardly
Justified." i J "
When th military Invaotlgatloa by th -Mnat
military affair oommitt-1 r
umed Monday, Goneral William Crosier,,
chief of ordnance, will again bo on th ;
Stand. . .. - ' ' - .! , :,'" t
. Todays Bosstotf Jvotop4 vtdmco of
what : ChaaborUia - called Satisfactory -pr
cj gross" . In production- of heavy ord
nance field artlUery and onogt-guaa.
Wanted A Pair of Pcr
- feet Diamonds
Swell Sport Car For Sale
-'-.-- y -' ' : f
Kaiser s New Peace Bid
mably to Come
With Offensive iniWest
Is Presu
two daya.
- Hoqulara. ,Wash, Dec 15. (U. P.)
This section is gripped tonight by th
worst' storm In thro year. - Tha ore.
cipltatloa sine 1 Wednesday- night has
been tJ5 inches and nearly ail . parte
ot the city ar tnurydated. , .
-, Incroastng. vtoietio - of the. .storm
tonight ha put t many street .llghta out
ot commission. Shipping .Is paralysed,
country , roads are. Impassable In. many
places.. ' and', 'all nearby creeks ar
swollen.: - . -..r
Wasted Mlorenaaeo -
WAXTEI Pair eaifer dtamaaoa. 1 ta
1 U kanc Gite fail detailsi aaaot be
Aatesieblloo Aeooooorloo 44
OXI sweU apart ear, alee eeveeal atylaa
lot aJ
Kxehaaso Seal Kits to 14
TO TRAUK A . k ta Alaraa fat work
ar really an Index to ucoeo If one
will only us them. Young people
with their future befor them
. should read tho JOURNAL WANT
ADS dally. It only take a few mo ,
menu at tho moot, and In those few ;
moments a bright and happy future
may be placed within the reach ot
any man or woman through a tiny ;
ful of opportunities of many kind
they point to chances worth while ,
m buying, oaiiing. . renting, hiring.
By Lowell MelUtt
London. Deec IS. (U. V. Germany' a
expected bid for peace, long forecast. Is
to com tn th form of a Christmas roes-
sag by th kaiser to his people, accord
lnsr to reports which reached br today.
Presumably, th war lord hope to ttm
ft with a Ormtn offensive on the west
front, already confidently announced by
tho Germ a press. .
- Th fact that th kaiser hlmeelf Is x
Dctd to roak tha proffer was regarded
hero as another ovidene of tho determ
ination wtth which Germany t conduct
Ins a "peace offensive" now when her
military atrongth Is at Its topnotch and
before tho arrival of American troop on
th line a Del la th beginning of th end
for hi autocracy. Th kaiser does not
propose to trust Chancellor von Hortllng
with th nronunclamento. -
London was not cone ot nod with peace
proffer tonight. - Premier - Lloyd
Ueorve ' ringing ' speech - of Friday
coupled with President Wilson's recent
address to congress, have roused British
opinion to reconsocration of its aim for
a oeaco only to be won by allied victory.
Oormany's maneuvering for peace baa
boon patent to - British observer for
weeks. Tho military offensive which is
to accompany that peso offensive was, .
howewer. mainly tn England's zalnd to- .
nigau ' . - '.-! ,: .
Public officials ar under no delusion
as to tho strength of this expected blow.
Russia s downfall give ta' enemy a
great number of veteran troop. Groat
numbers of guns taken In the Austro
Oorman drive in Italy giro th nemy
powerful artillery support.' -
It has been born bom to British .
official that widespread storios ot a
toady breaking down of German mor
ale, of lack of ad equal reeervoa, i
scarcity - of natal curtailing artillery,
and ammunition, must now' be swept
aside, and that th nation trill need U
moot determined efforts against th foe.
; Hmdenburs haa now gained th Ini
tiative. Halg has Jost it. i . ?
. Many London newspapers ar ' now
vigorously urrtng th abaadonrnsnt of
British campaigns In Mesopotamia. Pal
estine aad South Africa and th cn
oentratlon. of large -force of British
troop now ia these far distant thesue
ef war, oa tho western front. - .