The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 15, 1917, Page 6, Image 6

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lrlZiTtrrVrjouX. J gone iown "spurlos gesnktT In : the garters are-not so pleasant as he
-tn. MMNr w iiMu ww-"-" iciassio Prussian meuiod. No trace oximignt desire. Possioiy tney are a
them was left except thebubbles the trifle overheated.
I At ha t-V chow heM in ChlCa")
r-. vgoaakw vwueysaav VVwaWU IHVtVr , W W "I wt w " aaaAV VV - 0WVI AWJ eV-7ay I , wwsa, . aa,ma - w
'U1nV toey upon Mfeboats in which j lfcitous about his present abode than a few days ago eight prixea . were
tt? '--'I the sailors seek to save themselves. I we do now. In spite of our admlra- awarded. , Of the eightfive went to
A ppgrrxPEST KKWsPArxa It to believed by : good Judges that 1 tlon for JUs dllfgenee and enterprise book farmers of the most egregious
C. S. JACKSON ...... . . . i,, ......Pabmhar j ... x- -. -vi-- v- i hanntawt Tnv fear that hla I hapaflrr ' -' Thw rwm universities
and agricultural colleges wnlcn. a.t
all the world Is aware, deal In schol
astic theories' and know nothing
whatever about practical affairs. Pur
due, the agricultural college of Indi
ana, won first and second place in
the exhibition of fat Shorthorns.
Kansas Agricultural college won firs!
prize for grade cattle. ..
W'e need not point out the lesson
of these Incidents If the fanners
wish to J karn their - business they
must not go to granddaddy or any
trtnamtaaioa Uiteucb u puiit w mmm juruwuiug sailors sent to tne suriace.
Norway has lost vnore than s mll-
lon tons of shipping by German sub
marines-? :The government of : that
country bas just published a White
Book which recounts these piratical
losses and . tells how many of them
. . . , ...
niud State Mexfeo: - iuu; oe jiruea ot uermaa ipiu
tuny (Mohvoo ob rncvaoovi I whovturked In Norwegian ports and
. M.,.,v.t(.0tOw aaonth ;.S0t - a
' All dmartMtb . nulud b thm Wbm,
. BDmin Ksataor C. Brasawlc BaUdinc,
s S28 Fifth a.. New Toil, 121S People's Uea
SubwrtDtioa term by auii, r to oay oddroM t
too Vt
On yer.. . ... .12.90 I Oh - Bonth.. . . .1 .15
Om nor. $7.80 Ono mootli.....$ ,6
sent timely-notice to submarines, of
ships about to saiL
But when It comes to calling Mr.
Crawford's matrimonial - experiences.
numerous , and diversified ,ws they
were, a "career of crime, we beg for i
a reconsideration. - Let -us' be logical ;
even when we feel obliged to con
demn. "We take it for granted that
most , good - Americans will concede
that it is not a crime but. a merit
in a man to ret married Once.
Init If IhiM li inmt mrlt In Ant I other of the departed ancients. They
Norway, has rid herself of all the Lridinr thera muat b ten times as 1 must buy a the town where
spies she could erreVout, but ?whomuch fn ten 'weddinm. lust as. by I the agricultural. eoUege. radiates light
knows how many more may be slink-1 Drohibltion lorio. the sin of staking 1 learning. There U to be 1
one swig of bboze is the exact hu ftrmers' week at Corvallis this win
dredth nart of the sin of takln a ter the same as in former winters.
hundred.' . . . V
' So If we blame Mr. Crawford at all
it must be with that amiable ' con
demnation which we award to . an
excess of virtue. Ten - wives are
perhaps a -little too much of a goc-1
ing about her ports In one' disguise
and another waiting to betray,; bee
bold sallormen?; Hjfi? ilfc-'
vary fond f Amtrlouu. Tby ar very '
co na Id or at and have sroo-t oAturaJ cour-
Th roads In dun aro narrtrw ranr
Xa pUo of bavlas; doubi oooU. aa w
do bar, they hara aingla aoata oa oach
atdo of tho car aiala. At alsbt narrow
shelf Is lot down, on 'which you aro sup-
poaod to aUop. Tho dinlnc car sorvlco
to excaTIant. Tou aro sarvod a lunch
oonalatlng or soap, flan, chlckan. a roaat
(btf. pork or iamb), -refctabloa, coffeo
and a owoet. for (0 oenta. JD lunar to mora
e la bo rata and coata Sa conta, I trareled
from Mukden to Anton on . tho Sooth
Manchurlan railroad." That waa tho
only road that waa broad raaro and had
American aleaplnr car. It waa annoat.
llko bains bomo. to havo a real berth.'
tn place of a shelf -. to sleep on, Tho
ChincM porters aro very attentive. They
any 'No can.' If you want a Window
raised. Mr porter nnaliy. raleed a
window, but my desire for fresh air
confirmed bia suspicion that all Ameri
can ladles were craxy. On many of the
' roads tho sleeping ears aro compartment
cars, and you aro hermetically sealed In
I by tho porter each Blent.
"I am eominc out next summer to see
me lanners unn wurw v I world famous Columbia rUer blsbway.
Rataf; and Bobtail -
If you buy' a Savings certificate o
Thrift stamp your .principal with
compound Interest, will be -paid back
by the government at the end ' of
Ave years You will be helping fight
the war and at the same -time b
helping yourself save money.
weeks will also be given as usuaL
. A word to the wise . is- sufficient,
or to 'put the old saw into language
more familiar to farmers, .verbum
sapient! saUs. ' With those prizes
a dtotanco from Boston to Portland
dooan't seem very great, after a trip
such aa -I am Just eoraplottng. X am
particularly anxious to visit Portland, as
one of my dearest friends to Mrs.
Aiexader Twombly of Newton Maee.
Her grandfather. Captain Gray, was
yciuayo u v muit v - v,-: rhian hv th 'eollexes In Uw grandrathor. captain uray, was
thing. But think of the mora than w01 l -ttlctgo f'"'5lI naed put by a rroup of morchanta of
mi Liu, nutt iiu" " " w" i Boston and on his traoins U1P to-pur-
VniUA w un dlrldad we tan.
Oouraraor P. Vlarrlj. -
-.5.. 'oawejawawwe. A. .r
fpHE Oregon boys left Camp Mills
I :i before the , Oregonian's story of
ineir a 1 1 e g e a narasnips was
. . printed. Whatever, of discom
fortt they suffered through ehangi
from a mild to a 'rigorous tempera
ture and advancing winter, no longer
existed. The tissue i of gross .exag
gerations was spread r broadcast,
therefore, with no purpose of reme-
was limitless distress to parents, who
'were filled with apprehension and
torment by harrowing word pictures
of conditions that had not - existed
and of a camp from . which ' their
.sons hd already departed.
Other effect of the publication is
tne awaKemng of a measure or dis
trust in -the conduct of" the war.
Intelligent and honest . criticism of
. those at the head of war opera-
,HE 'investigation by committees
of congress of departments in
charge of war activities Is an
entirely - proper-proceeding.
Congress declared war. It is the
war making body, ' It voted the
great funds for financing the war,
lion-like courage J of the , man who
marries them. ' - . v
; To be sure, Mr. Crawford. : Jtaklng
wary - counsel of discretion, did not
linger long with his successive con
nubial Joys. As soon as he had as
similated their money he left - them
to meditate upon his vanished Image.
But it seems quite certain that he in
variably consecrated his matrimonial
earnings to good causes. Y . ¬
Mr. Crawford was at divers periods
gent of his welfare' as to stay away
from Corvallis this winter
If, as stated, the kaiser Is to .throw
another half million men against tha
allies on the western front, we can
all see reason for speeding up ship
building and other war activities-
and to ; a considerable ntmt. ahaia
responsibility for whatever may I of his phenomenal career a preacher,
happen.- - Ja lawyer, a politician, a banker and
It will undoubted! be found that I general in the regular army. Does
By Fred Locxiey.
anybody dare to say that those are
not -virtuous occupations f Is It at
all likely that the ladles whom ho
favored with his hand would , have
many things. have not been done that
should have been done. The sudden
transition of the nation from a state
of profound peace, to a state of war
is a mighty change. Our Isolated po-
sltion with broad oceans between us
and the miutary nations of the earth, whiskers . or keeping a general, Jn
gave us little to fear from Invasion I natty uniforms T
and few In the country supposed that I Mf Crawford tried the delights of
conditions would ever arise that I botn tne unitarian and tne Mormon
would drag us into a war on for-1 ministry. ;We are" not told which he
elan SoiL , But tha . world and the I found the .more congenial to 'his
chase furs he 4lsoeverod- tho Columbia
river. My name to Mra. H. D. Free man.
Some of your Portland people will re
member mo by my maiden name, which
was Miss Carleton. - My bomo was at
Andover, Mass. I waa a student at
Abbott Academy at the time Helen ladd
went' there. Mr cousin Kate Jenktne
and Helen Ladd were great friends. I
believe Helen's brother Will went - to
Phillips Academy while Helen was at
tho Abbott f intoning school. When X
oomo out to Portland next year X want
to renew my - acquaintance with
them. I planned to stop a week u Port
land, but tho ship X.was on.. the Tenyo
Maru. slipped on a sandbank two hours
out of Tokohoma and waa delayed there
XO days, so that X was unaoie to step
' Sevan shopping days to Chrtrrtmaa.
" 8cientlat says be naa" d lacovarwd three
new stars., aiorta or Lg-lfl
What wonderful moves the arm ehatr
stratecista must be making oa the west
front. . . . . f, .
Haadllne aays: ,1ce Not Porcee'
Steamer Into Port.- - Why didn't the
eapfala put him In tronat
SI ax a
goTernmenl War SavlnKS Certifi
cate wui make a rift that wUl tncreaae
w vaiue lor tho naxt live years.
The rich tine about XJuUecourt. on the
rront. to aoubuees more thruilng
was over seen tn tho bull ring. .
President Spreckala of the Federal
sugar Helming company anya there to
no ahortage of sugar. Moat aaeuredly
m m m
"Even a fool whew bo holdeta hla
tongue, la counted wlae: and he that
enutteth hla 11 pa la ateraed a man of
anaanwOMf." FTCHro. -
. .. .
. -.w opawrjea ten na mat a man,
10 tlntM married.. took a good look at
nis tenta bride and dropped dead. Fur-
uimu your own egnmmL
With 10 cents to apend for candy, any
boy who puts eenU of It In the aavlnge
Bnl may bo an unusual boy, and he ll
wa.civi. uiv ok im unuaual men we
vww u leaoers among man.
Tt'a a a-nfwt mlm-w av. u ... i. .
little glri i rlaiung the toy ahope at thla
s a si u aa km Taaaaw w'STaSi V SBrrtii TNSmai aa lkjMtaht
foi the eraekaoed old doll la that Santa
umvrvucoi aer iaet Utrtftmu. -
X.bad turned la for the nlgHt. when I time."
neara tne iaay acroaa vno aiaie umn m
Z . .V. . ...... fWtm m MmfitAh.M
these nice large berths." The Portt LcttCrS FrOITl U1C PtOVilt
V...Va eaa swewlw ex wA Van, xSxJa7at lAOxSb II
UlVUgU eaaaes1 we aa aa aa j aaafA w w h m
ilawafail IVtal eMaana 4 awa Ana akwr a. 1 4 aw-1 I .aaaai avaa tna A Aatwarf waTa s? taa 1TatwSl
uses than ; Oiling banker's side berths are the regular sise.? "TJ1.1"? rXSZZZFZlZX artetaMwm
none bigger on any of the Pullmans.
ma.'am.M ha aald. J-T have BDent a rood
part 'ot the last six months In berths
very much smaller, so It to a great com
fort to havo. these wide, high bertns.-
roeponded. tho lady In lower eight.
'Where an have yon been traveling to
have smaller berths than tbeaer ra
tes aa anly on aide of tae papr. abouM sot
sou woroa la leagta aae amec." ae
eoeipaalee ty tae eaata and aodraao of. tka
evader. If tae writer aoaa aet eertre fe aa?
tk a ate pabUanod ae aboald a UU.
MinlDo- Q aim Matter' "
MllUean. Or Dee. 1J To the Editor
of The Journal Please tell ma through
forces in the .world ak a vast thing, moral and mental gifts. ; We wish hi- ner rh"Z1C ana IZTZLZH, ftl
I Ther 1 are bevond the nower- of anv I tenth wife haxT thought to ask hii
single 'natiSn to controL By sheer before shA unveiled the terrors of her
force of conditions, our policy in the
early .months of 1917 has tremen
dously: changed in these dosing
tions' is perfectfir admissible. It rrjmontns or wi7.
to be .expected and is Invited. But j . 0ur weapons were the weapons of
gross exaggerations and false state-IPeace- industries were the in
dustries or peace. our acuvmes
were the activities of peace. Our
purposes were the purposes of peace.
Our. army was an army .of peace.
It Is all different now. In a twink
ling : everything was changed. The
indignities and oppression heaped
countenance and shocked him
i death.
elsewhere in tha Orient.'' said the lady I nr claims held by men within the draft
in lower eignu i never maue up no i - auch as nmnmcnt and location
berths in China jnuimans, so may do you i work.
to ngnt.- aamittea . tne porxer. exx i a Loo. can a man bold land for mining the near approach of the shortest daya
morning X became greatly interested In I purpoaea within tho O. C land grant. Ooranlums are abundant tn theewfand
Stories From Everywhere
oaaoa, Cea-
1 . I tTe Taw
WHk its laaua or 1 11 ail I ! 11 uniu aa tm - - - -
Houuon ieraia vaimrw uwu -" i tm r1 rtifcirat
yoar. p. - . - I wwwm, .ma aa
Tha Klamath tribe of Indiana hi
coom uim iainw , , -tft .
at W aahlngton. xney want a iuoo u . . ww a iventrai ; reels
ntlmulate atocaraiatng ano wimt mau- -vrouTlt to no barrier tA m.i tr. ,
trlea. and wlU aeek a general dtetrtbuUon j I ZtoLlLlLSlJL J1
&f tribal wMi. . I urcaj controreraiae are eraeDtna-
. 1 " .. imto the public achoola. alnn 1. .V-.
eni ay ux , . ;
of tribal
The SO Christmas boxes
Red Crone from FoaaU were made by the a Increasing
manual training boye of tho FoaaU attendance of various raoea. The clea
achoola and. among other things, con- tn history, aays Harpers Magastne. "
talaed cakes and candles made by the been called and tha te-hr waa en. .
domeatie. economy glrla, . f rIlWiI-L-- ,CBer sa giving a
"Tha directors of union high sehooj -nio diaoovered lraririr .s. ..a
Nb. IT aaya the Richland-News, -bald AtrZITLrI., , J
a moating Tueeday afternoon and wa dec4Uig bar gaaa upon little Tommy
are officially informed that tho die- Noyea. The lad grew deathly white and
triet to now free of debt. la on a eaah showed . much agitation.' The teach
beats and that the dlatrlct .tax aa- n , munrirn. raneatad u.inW
aeaament baa been reduced to 1 mlUa. rti!ir.Jl:!J!,,r
"i. pieaae, toa'am." he flnaJly blurted
Z??? VSi5B? fwafiow OUt- oomefhln' etoe.-
that is now tn prowreae in - wauowa . . ,. . .
county, the Enterprtoe Reporter aays: - Bomth .) Tommy T Why should
l ma la an toeai oountrr ior rataina i umi
hoaa aad the Laoetlne boys who formed
the pig dub laat year under the direction
of Superintendent Beaty of tho Lostlne
achoola have been very sucoeeanu.-
m m m
Compariaona aro aot so odious to The
"Th guys in back here was talk In' '
about It yesterday. Timmy Flynn said
It was discovered by an Irtoh saint. Oas
taf said It was a saUor from Sweden. '
Dallea Chronicle aa to prevent It from ? Ton chjerT t was Columbua.
maklag them. Hero to one) "It will be I an' If you'd 'a' seen what happened you
wouldn't aak a little feller like me what's
noticed la the year-euro column In
thla laaue that The Chronicle, on De
cember It. 1132. referred to tho condition
of the etreeta or The Daiiea as a wname
and dlarraoa." Soma of them, especially
got no gang.
Awake,' Amenta! Awake!
thoee leading to the "hill. aro aOli that I Wart load Madas trap h eaStaa.
only worn. . I waael Vfaaa. rn aoaa. for taa fawl
sear toih eiraiinr ara launtc.
Staad forth te deftad thwa today.
CANTON CXTT EAQLEl Peaoe-at-any-prloo
cltlxana,' German aiUea on
American sou and thoee in tha hire of
the kalaer continue to ask that thla a-ov-
eminent offlclany announce tta war
Jmo- They are compassed in one word :
-Surrender.' That to all there to to It.
Whea Oermaay aaya. "I surrender. tho
war win coma to an end. and not before.
This country epent about' two years
writing notae and letters to Germany
and wo don't want any mora of It. We
don't want to negotiate now; we want
to fight, and wo ara going to fight until
the kaiser says, "I surrender.' and the
war will never end until he says if. '
man waa heard to remark tn Stanfiald:
X refuee to heed any of Hoover's recom
mendations in regard to my eating. If
it waan-x tor oia interference with the
sale of tha meat, X could get a- dollar, a
head more for my lam be." And ha was
born la America, where lam be need to
sell for a dollar that now bring fit.
countries In tho latitude of Oregon -caa
make such a showing aa tha good old
webf oot state makea. Flowers ara la
bloom out doors wherever there to tha
least protection, and this to especially
the case with window boxes, which
flaunt their bloeaoms bravely despite
saving itabtt of thaee war dana will be
greaUy extended through the medium of I ,
Cotaabla-i ease awaaot
The owotd of Jeatiee Ukat
rmt od aad SUaht wl
Ta aloraMai raAory.
the teat.
I of dot. Haa.
'rtac Mow.
Striae tyraaay taa
Ta afwet To aiwal the otyi
Tear foaa Wore yea to!
With blew Hke rata, well -force the caata,
Aatocraey to btadl
ooiafabor aow year lorloea rlraat
Wtta fary faS apoa taa too!
91 noma aad two etlll earn the fttea.
Wbaoo naiaa abau hy
tlon did not permit you to buy a Liberty
loan bond you caa help finance tha war
two bite at a time under this
method and on top of that will ba paid a
liberal rata of mterest on your savings.
Look this matter up tn detail. Start your
children in the saving haatu Tha pa
Urtotlo Impulse should guarantee the sue-
ceaa ox the venture.
ing reglstraUon cards should by an
meane carry them wit's them at an
times, no matter where they work or
what they ara dotngj It will aare yon
trouble, for government officers are 1 rTL rJjj lL
going to make a thorough search for I Let every veam aew owaD taa Kno,
alackera. ' If the card beeomaa aoUed or I rar Oed-crewaed Motor, tadat.
To arartt To aran. ye raol
Tear I iiilfy i baaiec attei
Was Mow of aueat for Ood
atarah oa at Tlctory.
Corlld T. Baraaa.-
1TST Wattley Ate.. Benyweod. CaL
r-tCefffTtaM. ItlT. by luteO T. Saraae.)
Oiaaaitav eaaa, awabo!
Tae awerS at. aawae take I .
WOh Mewa of alat for Ood
BUlaa aorao for Hearty t
ad HsU,
ments . of war activities jtro ' malign
and destructive, . -
in, the terrible nuslness upon
whiVh1 we have entered... there will
be many things properly criticizabie.
A people of habitual peace suddenly
transformed into a nation at arms
has , Herculean tasks to perform- jupon us by an ambitious and , au-
VviiUlUl' I aafcx . vt a isiaa suwttivua n.aaal eava i
There are no .supermen. Mistakes Idacious autocracy forced us to make) . llzl
will be made, and there will - be j our army of peace an army of war.
enough of real mistakes to point, -out 4 There have been so far but seven
and remedy, without resort to such
gross misrepresentations ai have been
. made of Camp Mills.
- If the kind of thing that has been
months of time In which to go for
ward : with this - Herculean change
A tiny army , of less than 100,000 men
has been converted , in the period tt
the acenery to the northward, so the I providing it caa ba ah own to bo mineral
iaay m lower eisni waa um waouan w jandr HAJUJLU 2. BalTU.
let me sit on tho seat opposiU to ber so By a resoiuUon approved July XT.
that .X could see tho country mors read- jj17i owners of mining claims who have
uy. I directed her attention - to the tn muatered Into mnitary or naval
beautiful tea formation on the rocks bo- acYvice of tha United States were re
low American Falls, and we fell Into Moved of assessment wortt during their
talk. X asked her about her trip to the term of servlco. However, the claimant
Orient, and for tha next hour or two tnul flls notice of his muster into serv
X learned many Interesting, things c and 4f cla desire to hold his mining
about the Far XCasC -My son. C. It- claim under tha resolution.. Claimants
Bennett, had been in the Orient for the ther than thoee In the military or naval
past eight years." she said. "He to with servlco of tha United States ara also, by
the InternaUonal Banking Corporation, resolution of October S. HIT. relieved
So that hd may become thoroughly ac- or assessment requirements, except on
oualnted with Oriental trade and finance. o1j elalms, during tha years HIT and
he has worked at tha principal , branch 1911, subject to the same requirement
banks maintain ad by the company. He to giro notice of Intention to hold their
has spent the peat eight yeara at Toko- clalma. , -
htm. IT Aha aii.nahaL T4aflirkone - and o . i e . . v .
HE Journal ? believes the Ore-1 canton, and ha to sow at Peking. I
gonian was Imposed Upon In Its I "l w,nt Tr on tha Korea Maru of the ifornla land grant tn tha United States
CamnMiliS Storr Minted aft- T. JC K. line, aa tha Toyo KUen. Kalaha I and providing for its dtopoelUoa to aet
vmp tnnia etury, pnntea live. I -n ftm Vn Mi .. .7!; . .TT ,
- " uvn, iiroTiuai iur ui aairr aviui uvtiiu-
. Let all assistance and accommoda
tlon be rendered C C Colt In his
negotiations for the 'establishment of
an eight-million dollar Industry In
the North Portland district The In
dustry will ' include an export and
import business with raw materials
coming from-the Orient, and there
is nothing' that could help this city
along .the road to expansion more
than the proposed shipping and pay-
"Out the country, we shall -lose this I nearly a million and a half. Our
war.- - To win will require every! navy or something oyer 300 ships is
ounce' of our " strength i and every a navy of 1000 ships, with more than
atom of . our resources. " The- gov-1 300,000 men afloat and on land. -
ernment cannot successfully,, fight j .To arm, munition, equip, clothfl I war. The Journal does not believe
mighty foreign enemies with a pack I and feed these forces, to. train them
of wolves constantly at Its heels. Itlfor their work, to transport them
cannot fight at the front If it must land dispose them for active service j that the Oregon men were no longer
'.continually slop to, ward off attack!
from the rear. "
X There is no certainty that we can
-win this war. We are under a tre
' ra7atnrlif isi - Fi r A 1 a a fi Ir trt I f I cv aiif
lixtiiuvuv - uauuivay a as 0vttuQ v us
- forces- over the, Atlantic Lack of
ships Is" obstructing us at. every
. eventualities . and through divisions
is a task on which the enemy who at Camp Mills.
seeks our destruction, was engaged
I for more than 40. years.
Undoubtedly, there have Jseen slips
and mistakes and emissions and
oversights and blunders. Congress
owes it to itself to ; ascertain ; what
places are weak, what defects exist
marlgolda and panalee are defiant of the
eeaaon. There aro etlll a few roeee
daring the open air aad lawns aro as
green as though tt was April. Truly
there u no place like Oregon.
as as si
KTQEXB RiXJlKTEnr Give the
Korthweet seed and feed, as It aaka. and
It will make good on the loan next year.
Crop failures are too rare out hero to
bo regarded as anything aava accidents.
PKVDLirro? kast'oreqontaj:
The thrift game to one that many older
"children" can play with profit to them
selves aa well as to the country.
LA a RAND 0BSfcRVEH : Tho let
ters of the La Q rand e hospital boys
from the front ara the real thing. They
aro full of interesting ex porta ncaa, raaint
obaervationa and above all a brave,
manly sptrtt. Just what wo expected of
them. They are well worth reading
and a stimulus to our paUiottom. "
wagon, like the automobile, haa proved a
AprU a. waa that tha United States had -section -That tha classification pro- " f?W rteoni. ankiYt ZZZ
declared war on Germany. A universal I fn. mftar mt r.. 1 pmmunltlea. But people ail Ilka It when
sigh of thaakfulneea went op from every (i power site lands. ( 2 timber lands
American in the Orient. As one of the and J -agricultural lands Shan not op
Americans I met a few days later ax- erate to exclude from exploration, entry
pressed It, Thank Ood. our country to m and dlapoaltlon. under the mineral land
at last. The British residents In the Uws of tha United States, any of said
Orient have been polite, but they have lands,, except power sites, which are
not understood why wo did not. get in chiefly valuable for tha mineral deposits
long ago. They and tha French have contained therein, and the general mm
borne the brunt of it for nearly throe eral lawa are hereby extended to ail of
mra. Kmr wa aret a neatrtv handelaan I-..- . . m -m
But; the Ore gonian makes a mis-1 from our British friends where we have J That' any person entering mineral lands
- If the kind f thing that ha. been has been convertedin tne period 12 " the Oregon boys had moved, out MarclJ xoTThVVir word w
done in Portland is practiced through- huge divisions and corps totaling 0f Camp Mills, and now fully exposed when we reached port at Yokohama on aa follows :
iU. aa...Kt..- .... tW 1 AU L ! ataaalae at MaflllAet mA ax .Tleawa I I a KMSI SI lkaa.a O H.UeA 0 Om la aa A I m. ... . . ...
gross exaggeration.
worn out, a duplicate caa ba obtained
without coat. Keep tha card with -you.
sew tt in 'your hat or lining of your
ooat tf yon ara afraid at loatng it from
your pocket. "
tion to tho biggest force in democracy.
In making tha world safe for democracy
we must make it sound in education.
There ara a good many problaraa ta be
faced right now, military aad govern
mental aad aortal. But tha edaeatloaal
problem to far from the leant of taaos,
and It to none too woon for tha whole
world to got down to tha sertons buan-
of its solution.
WESTON LEa5e&: The complacent
Kltlsan who sits back and relies on the
government altogether to win tha war,
may soma day wake up to find that he
will have to rrty upon tha Gorman gov
ernment a a Teutontsod world.
UNIOX SCOUT; IX "the kalaer wias we
would auggeet that a new calendar be
eatabllahed beginning with hla August
birthday. Lot the first month of the
new calendar be named HohensoQern
and all months likewise without any
dividing lines or tntermtostona And. so
oa until tho end of the calendar. Jest
firure tt out andesoa where tt leads to.
Uaele Jeff Knew Says:
X don't calclate" to be takln up no
homeetld Jlst anywheres nigh Jerusalem.'
It don't pear to me to be no cinch that
a feller caa have peace, happiness ana
prosperity thereabouts s'long-a tha kais
er's outer Jail.
Olden Oregon
as a
'. The . Oregonlan . has , shown many
admirable qualities of loyalty and
patriotism since America entered the
the Oregonlan would have printed
the Camp Mills story had It known
. - ...... 1 . ... . - 1 a 11 1. m.nj pvt auu aniinnc rouorai lanas
lake novv Inx upholding the story. btm getting a nod and a rather frosty 0f class two (class two being defined as
a worse mistake in the
timber lands by tha Ch ara berialn-Ferrls
it resorts to In defending "JPn to tremendoSsly prosperous. ,0, m a'hT
It ' makes
tt Thus,
formation as to the gross exaera- hnTa rTar-irirT. - th iam ika 1 hare the right to use so much of the
tlnna In tha nwrnniiti'i . ..n.. . t,.avv AmmA 1 timber thereon as may bo necessary tn
. D - 1 I - "T I" 1 h. .lnliMMnt iul iMiu. f VI.
mine until such, time as such timber to
sold by tha United States." .
Gifts for Fort SteVeas Soldiers
FortStevena, Or, Deo. llu To the
they aet used to It.
ASTORIA BUDORT :- Lax home prod,
uet week' bo made perpetual. If It is a
good thing to adopt for one week. It to
a good thing for every week. In the year
ta reraernber. The process to simple and
It paya. Just aak your dealer for home
grown prod acta, homo made goods, and
see If the quality and price cannot be
compared with the goods.
cheered when he marched away will
stand knee deep la mud; ha will face
poison gas and deadly flame. Ha wlu en
dure all tho terrors of modern battle.
That's his bit. Tour bit. perhaps, to to
save one slice of bread a day In order
that he might not fight in vain.
and what remedies can ha atmlled. I from . former. TVnw.rati cr. I automobiles and telephones. You caa
at home the billions we are spend- Earnest and honest effort in these ernor" . and a : former -Democratle ?!-e: a 1" . i!w
ing and the brave devoted men we J inquiries, with, the probe patriotically I candidate for governor.' It studl-1 are apt to wait three montha. tou take
are sending to France and au tne triored of political and partisan con- louslr avoids te Ulnae Its readera that! down the phone and - say, Mushs,
sacrifices we are making. wiU have jgideraUons in and out of eongres RepubUcan Congressman Slnnott, a mi' iJ?,.0!.!" Editor of The Journav-Thara aro k
"OS!" , wil1 trengthen u. where we highly honorable and trutliful man. I 0"-. I at'oT.0
are weak ana ' mane us everywnere 1 suppues inxormation discrediting the
strong. : VV.W-v" I Camp Mills story. That is to say.
Secretary Baker's statement touch-1 conscious of ' Its blunder and
Ing the inquiry Is manly and Amerl Ibaeked Into the corner-by truthful
can like. And he is right In his In-1 news from Camp Mills, the Ore-
slstence that nothing of miutary gonian hoists the party flag. It S. O. J!ArPt3JiL T210 ic eufWary cr other j-
K 'a Its ramn fnllnucera tt auV. ia J Jl ' I t. . I vrmm. uMin w tTiauw v.nnsx-
Undermining the confidence In
those conducting . the war is
contributary to our defeat The
: reason why we intern pro-Ger
mans is to prevent spread - of pro-
German propaganda. Yet lndiscriml
nate and gross misrepresentation of Uaina'ta neritn should h- made avail.
, war activities is the best' kind Of Lhl. throna-h tha nrohe tn arl
; pro-German propaganda. It is the jcerman agents waiting everywhere
. ata , aa.e IKUat W-aw . waaklak TtNTIIaeM T. . v
aiuu mui - 1 to wireless H to the kaiser.
nopes to aemoraiize, oiviae ana de
feat America, it nas more eneci m n i proposed to disfranchise natu-
undermming tne conriaence or tne lf allied cltlaens who are disloyal dur
. American peopie in ineir own con- mg the 'present crisis. Why not? while this dreadful war. gdes on.
..,--- w...v. ivvuy cunuuuo tueiii as ciuzeus auu
duced by thousand pro-Germans, voters in this country 4f they ar
Y n is tne una 01 inmg ior wmou agaiMt tnig COUntry and for an-
, wuiiam 11 is maintaining a vast j 0tr country? .
espionage ana propaganaa system' in
Joke compared with the excellence of our companies of coast artillery, regular
American service, but It is being tm- army, a quartermaster, an ordnance
VTzJ. ,T7 , . J . I corps, medical department, aad tha band,
e "X traveled tha length of tha main I with a total enlisted personnel of about
Island of Japan on tha government rall-l (oe men. not only from Oregon, but
way, wax w, irom xoaonama to nni-imany other states in tha Union, and for
screen itself by partisan camouflage.
Calamitous times, will fall upon
this nation, upon this people an1
upon devoted Americans la Tnuioe
if ever the party flag is 'generally
placed above the Stars and Stripes
' America and for ' the support ' ot
. 'which he is expending millions on
;mlilions of German money.
If : there ever was a time for con
science and honesty In all . things,
- that time 'Is now;- If there ever waa
"a time for truth and universal q6
' operation, that time is now. Thes4
" things, because of ttie terrible busi
ness before us, we owe to ourselves,
-, to our country and to the brave men
; who are going out to fight and tlio
'heroic women who are making au
" preme sacrifices in order that liberty
- shall not perish from the earth. ' ;
. -0RWAYS situation : during . the
-11 war has been singularly painfuL
iu It is not powerful enough to
. " defend Its own rights. It lies
so near - Germany that it has not
dared to use even the power it pos
se9ses. Living, under constant threat
of Invasion- and not daring to ask
for protection from the allies, it has
been obliged to suffer in silence, or
almost - in silence. Some protests
have been -made, but. they have ef
fected, nothing. X
Tta 'Germans continue ta link Kcr
TWAS the basilisk eye of his tenth
spouse, that put an abrupt period
to . the luxurious . career of . Sam
uel Oakley Crawford.3 Kfcposing in.
the i phllosophio f shades "of the v jail
at Kewburgh, N. and occupying
his versatile mind with ; plans fc
ensnaring an eleventh fair and sus
ceptible bride, Mr. 4 Crawford was
unexpectedly confronted by the living
wraith of bis tenth.? The vision was
too much for Mr.- Crawford at his
ripe age" of 72. He succumbed to the
appiration and expired, rj .; m
We do not quite know what there
was In the tenth Mrs.' Crawford's
countenance to bereave the world In
this; manner.
The lengths to which -the . kaiser's
propaganda system goes Is exempted
In the circulation r throughout ' Ger
many and other European countries,
of reports of the execution by Amer
ica, as a German spy of. a woman
named Anna H. Gitens. There was
no such woman. The United States
has executed no woman as a - Gen
man spy.: The ..kaiser's propaganda
honeycombs the world and is viru
lent and vicious In America. . '
ever you stop to make a purchase al mas cheer.- This communloatlon to
poute nut curious crown gainers, ix a written for tho purpose of extending the
Japanese boy or clerk haa a minute to privilege to tha readers of your ee-
spare ho whips out a book and begins to teemed publication, of. contributing such
study his Japaaeee-Knglish dictionary, gifts aa candy, fruit, nuts, etc which
They are aU studying English. It was will supplement aifta by tha Immediate
explained to mo that prior to tha war relattvee and friends, and of tha Red
tho German language waa studied more Cross society. Gifts of this nature
than tha English, but sines tha breaking should be addrassod to Chaplain A. K.
out or tna war tne stuay or aermaa has I Mathews, U. 8. A care of the T. M. C
been dropped, as the Japanese think I A. Hut. Fort Stevens. Or. Aow dtotrlhu.
English will be tha world language after I tlon and should reach Fort Bteveaa not
tha war.-;. ' - .. , I later than Deoember JO. ,:
t.. " " ; r. rr;TV:: I Camp Sacretary. T. M- C A-
avvt vol asaaaa assay uv ay saaj a, eww WMat Witwxai I
Korean rule it waa tho herralt kingdom."
Tha people were easy going and indolent,
but the Japanese are Intensely active.
They have improved the roads, and ac
tivity to everywhere apparent. For hours
nZTf -CrVM ;i supreme court, of Salem, to a guest at
l.0heoAh' I Corn.l!ua. ' ' " . . .
The' fields" ara cultivated with shaggy
Judge Moreiand In Tevra
Judge J. C. aforalaad. clerk of 'the
How the Columbia River Came by
Its Name.
The ship Columbia, after which the
Columbia river waa named, sailed Into
tho ''Oregon' or Rlrer of the Wear," on
Friday. May 11. 1TM. . It had left Boston
in 1717. The vessel, under command of
Captain Robert Gray, Immediately 00
entering the rlrer. anchored at a pUoe
now known aa Chinook Point., opposite
Astoria. Three daya later they came up
Hoh.-nao.lorn First m 1U cf New TC
Tear, can be celebrated in true bacrhaa- Captain Gray --d the jUer the Col-
UIUUaaTa aXva. mm saea saauaaa a awaaw wm Maj
day they sailed down and put to sea.
Tha Columbia waa built in int.- at
Hobart's Landing. North River, near
Scituate. Jaaaa. She was SI feet tons
I and with a capacity ot 211 ton. Having
allaa faahioa.' There wtU ba no need for
Christmas. Eaatar, St. Fatrtck'a day or
RICHLAND NEWS : If tha kiaer-the
moat fiend lah. murderer and the most bar-
barboua vUUan the world has ever knows awtllved bar ueefulaaea, the veaael was
waa under six feat at earth, the whole broken up ta laOI and too only mem en-
world would utter a prayer of thanks, toes we have are tho worn, wooden shls
EUGENE GUARD! Corn to kin In fJJflJf fran'aUtewto.
Eugene this week. Take staple, which has " Vror'
been raining- in favor with tho WUlara- kU t.Jr
tt. valley farmer tn recant yeara, waa 1
k. firri .muni vcmir-m oompared with those now ta use, ano
Oregon eorn show today. After many
years of arguing and experimenting, tt
haa been demonstrated beyond a ques
tion of a doubt that corn can ba suc
cessfully grown In Western Oregon. The
lesson of tho eorn show to ta emphasise
the value of this crop to the farmer.
More corn means mora fJteetoek, and
mora livestock means mora prosperity
for Oregon.
Caerrkkt. TS1T.
ay J. Eeelaa,
which were the property of a' workmaa
named Pratt, who used them la the
building of the Columbia and a group of
the original d tabes used on tha Co
lumbia, which Mrs. Gertrude peabody of
Boston, great-granddaughter of Captain
Oray. presented to the Oregon Historical
society, after an unheralded visit aha
made to the rooms of tho society to
August, last year. .
Stage and Screen .
Here to Join Colors
little ponies or with oxen.
.Tha acenery . in northern
WATER BHY. Goethe Is said to havo
written a letter to a re la tire admonish
ing him to bathe at laaaw ones a month,
tn our present day appreciation -of the
hygienic, aa well as tha esthetic value
of bathing, this naive reveiauon re
garding Goethe's own bathing habit,
to hardly creditable. Yet, he was noted
for great particularity about his cloth
ing, aa waa necessary for a member of
court Circles. '
TVs can understand why. In the old
days, they ware water shy, eapeclany
whan they knew nothing about tho value
of bathing la preventing disease. Think
of what It must have meant in tha days
of Louie XIV, for Instance, to bathe ta
one of their rooms heated in midwin
ter only T braxlers of glowing coals
like big chafing dlehee aet around. Then
very drop of water bad ta bo brought
from walla at some distance.. This was
tha court supposed to have' been the
most brilliant tn tha history of France,
noted for its splendor of drees, . its
beauty. Its elegance notorious for its
Stench. -
The story goes that aa oriental went
to the public bath and asked tha price of
a ticket. Upon being told that it was
10 cents, ha complained at tha exorbi
tance of the flsrure. "All light." said tho
ticket man. "then X will SaU you IS
ticket for IS. In astonishment tha
oriental repUed. "Bat how do . X know
that Z eh all Uve IS years 7"
Tho skin to constantly changing:
throwing off old particles and making
y E4ae tretes
Tbeda Bars haa discovered that tha
J7U Barry waa a otonee.
Mae Murray to now a regular author
new. This discarded material, with dust I with typewriter and everything,
f.u.t. t.n . . ... vrMH . HMkhut h . - .
forms Into a paste with the product of
tha. sweat and oil gland. This pasts
tntorforwa with tha function ef tho akin
In regulating the body heat and in aa
ststtng tha lungs and the kidneys. Soaa
dissolves the product of the glands and
cold water stimulates akin circulation.
Modern facilities will not Insure daily
baths, unless they are estabUshad aa a
Th. Taiiaw Ticket and S.nnocent"
well-knowa stage success o. are to tx
arenarlotsed for Fannie Ward. -
Olive Thomas w U 1 Chriatmaa with bet
mother in Plttaburg. Her husband, Jack
Ptckiord. wiU accompany lrreeiaUble
Guvs ...
tuatla Vara urn beraa life- in New
England; Has first professional engage-
habit. Even in the cultured state of I ment waa aa a baritone horn player U
Massachusetts there aro colon las of peo-1 th Buckpot bana.
pie wno sew uirmseiTcs wp tor am wia
ter, during which time they never
of bathing. -what's tha ties they
would only get dirty again," they tall
you. - ' . ' '
Another oriental went to bis father
for money to go to the bath. 'The father
waa much -vexed by his son's extrava
gance. After repeated Importunities,
however, tha father yielded, but placed
a warning band on tha boy's arm. "My
son," ha said, -take cars I One can get
accustomed to those things!
win-1 one f Urn expert adjudges "The BlrtJ
think I of A" Nation' "Intolerance," and "Joan
-they I th Woman? aa the three greatest mo
tion pact ares orer prooucoo.
Elsie Fsrguaoa says taa secret ot
good -took to to prevent worrying
Worry makes wrinkle, aad a woroas
.IM eaaa TMSkSS J 111 Ta? lab ex
aay Saver m or arvi w -
When aaked for bis impression of tha
Orand Canyon. - Douclaa Falrbanka
super-athlete of the screen, said. "1 wej
disappointed in It I couldn't jump Itl
Deaths from Home-:
, Next Monday:
sickness. - ., , (
. So another story, "How ' to
foot column eight, this page.
Japan Is
rOTHING provokes smile Quick
er in the" rural districts than t
Reference to 'book firming." Up
to within easy memory the typ
ical farmer was a man who followed
the good old ways his grandfathee
had. mapped out for him and all hi
descendants. If rranddaddr mowed
Vhelh$r her beauty 1 with a tin share and a; yoke of oxen
rapt ner fractional spouse away to
heaven lite "Elijah in his chariot of
fire or her hideousneas turned ' him
to stone like Medusa's head we axe
not told. So we will say it Was her
beauty and eomfort ; ourselves with
so must Silas and Tom down to the
! dorer - would : not grovr in Oregon
ana - mat u , was useless , work to 1
manure the land, so -did Silas and!
1 Tom and so would - Silas and Tom
the belief, that Mr. Crawford, dying j teach their sons.
for; Joy, had a far easier death than I But book farminf is winning bet
he deserved. ' - I ter rennt than it t nrmeri-e an lA-vavt
of Seattle are guests at th Carlton. Mr.
fft... . . MiniumC autnmnplla man ef
Among those registered-at the MulU 1 vj. cjty. a ... -
itnmih wrhUa atari n s- tn Porllaiul a m. ? ... . - -- ww 1 w 1.
beautlfulbelng Quite mountainou. The I n,t in the United States sarrfc are ' -t thanl: .
dominant feature of. Japan to .snow- vr. C. Tallman and Forest Lents of. J2T t.-v e v.iM la
crowned Fujiyama,, tha honorable 1 corvallis. A. J. Moor of WObur. A CLJ "?7 .w. Ur...i-. ... ,
tsw v . . . 1 vr. m iA uM j. nmiiam or iooa
Captain H. 8. Hardy, TJ. a.'A. Is rag-1 Bay.'or, are in Portland for a visit of V
isierea aa ut varnaa ima juaericaa j ssTsrna aays auu. an a u
Laka. - 1 ' . - I Portland hoteL' ' '
A. 8. Clark. ex-Judge of 'Rainier, ton H. P. Ebtnger from TlHameok to'regto
gueet at the Cornelius for a several tared at the Oregon. '
. , " " "r' ' 7 " L7 " .7 J ' 1 . n. I days' visit In Portland. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Nlckelson of
to my" greir dPPinrMr Hoo I Hev.. A. Ros Kltt. tsmporarOy of th. Marahland, Or, are guosto at th Per-
i"!4 DOt SSTivZ curare rM.tlTl. Brown! a promfront real aauta
the Cornelius wme making their home ; man of Astoria, to at tn mm noma n.
Joseph H. Conn, rrom waanmgron. u.
CX. to at tha Oregon.
A. R. Dmikck. from Hubbard, Or to a
goeat at tho Perkins.
WeadaU Grubb. from Albany, Is reg
istered at the Kortonla.
. Mr. and Mra, W. R. Paxtea. of WUa
WaUa. are gaeata at the Multaoroah.
C A. McCrdw, from DaJlaa. Or, to at
the Cornelius. --.-. . "
J. Feeny of Tillamook to at th Oregon,
Mr. and Mra J. G. Uolden. from The
Dalles, are at the Cornelius.
8. A. Dougiaa. of Antelope, to at the
mountain of Japan, and bold la even
greater love and veneration than your
Mt. Hood .is by loyal PorUaaders. I
bought my ticket - from San Francisco
to Boston via Portland, particularly to
sea Mt'Hood and th Columbia liver
highway, two things world tourists are
"Chin caa have six revolutions a year I In Portland.
without disturbing its age-long calm. I Arthur Velguth of Spokane, proa idee t
end Of time. If he believed that I In going to Peking, as the July floods had! ef the California Road Oiling corpora-
submerged tho railroad track, I had to tlon. to in Portland on business aha to
go by tho Tellow seajs -Peking to won- at the Multnomah. ' . -.
dorfully picturesque - and colorful. Its J- A.' Churchill ef Salem, state super
wedding processions . and ' funerals. Its tatendent of public instruction, to a gueet
long tralne of camels with, their loads at the Cornelfua. -
Of tea and other products of tha in- - O. Helm, a prominent cannery man
tetior, lu picturesque rlrer population, of Altoona. Wash, is at tha Oregon.
Its houseboats and Junk . with their Mr. and Mrs. & O. Smith from Med-
Chlnesa smells, lu crowded and narrow ford sr registered at th Portland hotel
HIS career was one . Of the most lleeent ejentS In 'Illinois have given streets, lu . swarming population - with and will be In this dty for aeveral daya
diversified Oft record. Had his vlr- ft a- certain " firestire which It will the Innumerable multitude of grave and WllUara K. Perry of Heppner Is a
tnes snn hHrMW . v7. V t. TT. v . solemn faced babies, aro thin ye that guest at tho Perkins,
tues shone SJ brightly, as his mind be hard, for mos&backs to overcome. aWeU In one's memory. - The Chinese are Mr. and Mra A. M. Stone and family
FTwnelsco. are in Portland for a few
days at the Nortonia. '
. George ST Sardora of McMlaavin to a
guest at the Portland. '
Mrs. George Sigmund of Duf ur to at
th Cornelius. ' i
C F. McAJlan ef Johnsonburg, to a
gueet at tha Washington. -
R. P. Pel ton, a bustneo man from
Ban Joe, to at th Carlton.
Frank-3. Owen of Medfordla at the
Portland. - ' V ' " , :
- A. D. McCuly of Nrwburg Is a guaat
at the Perkins. . .
B. M. - WaihaQV a boaiaeas maa ef
Richmond. Va, to registered at the
Multnomah. " ' - ' i
' A, C Hough of Grants , Pass Is ta
Portland on a business trip and to at
tha Portland hotel. ' ?
X. Wilkes- of Ion to registered at the
Perk tna '-- i
Nixon Battery, from Grants Pane, is
at the Kortonla. ' -
A. H. Turtle, a ' bwstnees man from
Ooldendale, to a guest at th Carlton.
Let the Wind Do It A
rreat the Vow Brete Ceata Catea . !
On way af Joining ta oonservatlon
of resources movement to waiting before
raklnx up .leave until the wind blows
Mr. and Mra. F. A. Anstey, from San them over to your neighbor's lawn.
Learn to Live ":
As .You Should
Know Your Boiy and MiaeJ B
You Should Know Tbsm
Know "How to Uvt-t
ts sow a raaatiaa that I Ski I
lUf artaa abowt tae
of baaaaa aie. 00 tt aoaa aot
tt, raOa. aaMae. aad batter aa eeary wet.
. "Hew to Ue,- tae auot aa raeat paa
Us ef aft aoaafc baoaa. teaeaaa yoe bow to
I ease ray
aa oast
ef year lUa. . Wo eat
sreaesnea ta worth a sowad ef ears. - A
lae eettre werax. jeta at a ay raao
a Sattawia tae bweUeee ta tate
aad yon wtU be a Haw.
aa aaero uataatut Oaaa eeor aefora
The aatben aad eailahneilari erw
deaa thai aas eoalS hardl he af sraetor
sataorky ee taeoutiaai, The LMm Jfta-
eeaatea awotata, Isol. araoas eMaseoea ee
Siilirf aa a am i la prvparlas It, la '
stsaelir the - tit Marine a the eoeatiy .
fcaitne solherwtao se tmna. yiaaaouue I
aa oare of swaaaa. aa aesWa, tor tae t
mars. ' The ;
aielao yea reate, latf 11 a yowl
lee weak, aaaliiafr yea fcatiplaaaa.
the wear oa saaat of year
leaf laiaans te oabaa that
for the
The rrrUa atatae price ta 11.00.
Thteash- the ceoparatjoe of The Jearual
It caa be eblalaa (or Ste at The 1. X. '
U01 Co., um rtaak Co.. UkU. Won
aata kutt. a eoraal hatleat otfVeo, or
to yea tt the hwW aa a avaatk
aaeacnvttoa te I be JouraU. AAl lo aW
' aiiioiiaa oa ail I ardarv