THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORT LAND. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 121917. CONGRESS TOE FIXING XltllD ED PRICE Prominent Sbcietv Girl to Wed r at Y at at at i st . at ' ' at : . at . Engagement Announced Today E Miss Alls . HaeMaster. whose betrothal to Lieutenant '. Reads M. Ireland was made known to their friends at an informal tea at the home of Mrs.' MaeMaster's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William MaeJIaster. Federal Trade Commission . Rec ommends Granting r Greater " Powers Over Business. REPORT .IS SUBMITTED - -1 Investigation of f Trade Associa tions," Suspected of Boosting Prices Advocated. . Washington, Dec 12. .Pries fixing must be 'extended to many other prod ucts than fuel and food, the federal trade commission declared jt Its an nual report submitted to congress to day. Far greater powers over business are necessary If the government Is to act for the, protection of its citizens from profiteering and unfair trade prac tices, the commission, asserted. v It rec ommended also: Ask investigation of "trade associa tions" suspected of promoting - price boosting campaign among members;-a further attempt to unscramble the pe troleum industry; passage by oongre "The commission 'is particularly I of the opinion," the resort read, "that price fixing by authority of law should be exercised with respect to the Iron and steel Industry, for which a bfll has been introduced in the senate. Equally important is the regulation: of the dla tributton of raw materials and Inter mediate products inr the industry af reet ed and of the distribution of the final products to the consumer." , Aatl-Trsit Legislation Urged . The commission declared the purpose of these laws would be defeated, If ex lstlng contracts, largely-based on in flated war prices, were allowed to con- Trade, association are declared 9 "engage In activities tending artificial' ly to control price and channels of distribution." Maki6g,rfubllo all the records and files of these associations is recommended as a. remedy. More effectively to check, the "mo nopolized" petroleum: Industry, the com mission suggests laws to abolish com mon stock , ownership In corporations which have been members of a com bination dissolved under the Sherman anti-trust law, andV legislation which would make the owners - of ' stock In "naturally" or "potentially' competing companies responsible- ror any acts which the various companies which they controlled performed rto prevent ' competition. t Few Control Oil Satinets The petroleum industry at present is declared to be p conducted by number of separate corporations "owned by a small body of capitalists," , which do not compete. A chief difficulty of the coal indus try, the report said, is the ownership by railroads of coal mines to which favoritism la shown in supplying cars. This, it is -declared, accounts for much "car shortage" elsewhere, and .keeps coal production 60 per cent under its capacity production, ss . , J Railroads 'which own anthracite mines ,- are accused of another offense obtain ing from the Interstate commerce com mission "extortionate freight rates" on the coal they ship. Increased costs have passed on to the consumer. Unfair Practices Esstierated On recommendations. , from the . com mission, the Justice department Is run . nlng down evidence on flag manufao . turera who raised prices at the begin ning of the war. Among "unfair practices" the' com mission has discovered the past year are included: Intimidation, refusal to ac cept advertising, price cutting, dlspar agement of. goods, i disparagement of Mrs. Horace Kerr To Return to Oregon Oregon Agricultural College. Deo. 1A Although unable because of Illness to ae oompany the body of her husband. W. Horaoe Kerr, to Corvallie for burial. Mrs. Kerr - will - return' to Oregon soon as her health permits. - She formerly a,, member, of. the art and architecture faculty, and her original on pununii ana arawings navs reoeivea ravorabie recognition in the East, no tably at Washington, D. C. Her sketches from nature are said to be remarkably clever. -. Mrs. Kerr resided In Washington with her husband for several years, removing tp Denver only when ale falling health rendered a change necessary. Her care la nursing him In his last Ulnees and sorrow at the loss undermined her own health, but she is expected to be able to prepare soon for the Journey west. Mr. and Mrs, William MacMaater an nounced today the engagement of their daughter, Mlas Allsa MacMaater, and Lieutenant Reads M. Ireland of the 44th TJ. 'S. Infantry, formerly of De troit. The news was first told this aft ernoon at a tea given by Mrs. MacMaa ter and her daughters. It waa an In formal affair, largely attended by friends of this popular family, at the MacMaater home, Ardgour, near the Waverley Country club. Miss AUs&v MacMaater Is a charming girl and one of the prettiest and most popular in the younger set. As Port land leader for the Portland chapter Girls' National Honor Guard, she has been actively occupied this season i has done much clever and constructive work for that organisation. The engage ment has the usual war interest, and In keeping with the fortunes of war all arrangements for the wedding- are. as yet Indefinite. The bridegroom elect is now stationed at Camp Lewis, American Lake. , EIRE III FACTORY CAUSES QUE DEATH Bethlehem Steel Plant at New Cutle, Del., Scene of Spec- - -.tacular Blaze. - HALIFAX DISASTER COST 1500 LIVES Official Estimate Based on Re covery of Bodies and Thor ough Check. Wilmington. " Del, Deo. - 12. One is known to be dead and a portion of the town of New Castle. Del, was bombarded by exploding sheila the result of a fire which broke out today la the shell room of the Bethle hem Steel plant at New Castle, seven miles from Wilmington. Chief of Guards Jacobson. after direct ing a. acorn of men to remove eases of shells from the burning building, met death when hie bevd waa blown off,by a bursting shell. All -ambulances in Wilmington and other nearby cities were rushed to New Castle. Members of the Wilmington fire department also hastened to the scene. The force of the explosion waa felt for miles. Chester. Pa, reported that win dows were shaken in baildlngs there. Five workmen were Injured. -Becauee of blocked trolley ears hun dreds of workmen who are usually at work at the hour of the explosion had not arrived when the blow-up occurred. .The flames were extinguished at. noon and an Immediate investigation was be gun by Superintendent Harris. The fire occurred during the melting of TNT, a powerful explosive of tar-like Woman Is Murdered; Z , Attacked Germany Pittsburg, ra, Deo. Ik L N. E.) The s wrath of Germaa bate tea upon the, household of Hugo Beyers, a weU known Oermaa electrical - engineer of Edgewood Acres, late Tuesday after noon. His wife, rrama Beyers, a pretty blonde, was found dead la pool of blood flowing from . knife wounds In her left side, throat and wrists, and his homo waa completely destroyed by an explosion, . -. , Autopsy Disoloses Negro Murder Clues As a result of an autopsy held Tuesday. Deputy Coroner Smith has decided that Prtnee Minfllck. Barb does negro. was murdered. -MlnQlck waa found dead la his rooms at ltt North Broadway Monday night. The autopsy disclosed that his skull -was kractured la several planes. Mlnilick waa la the habit of carry Ins; considerable money-on his parson and th theory of robbery Is ad vanced. Detective) Moloney. LaSalle. Ooits and Howell have been assigned to the sufficient causa for arrest and trial. The labor unions approved the ordinance and denounced ' the X. W. W. as having to leanings towards work or labor. . Marshf ield to Jail Members of I. W. W. Hallfax. N. 8, Dee, 1J. U. P.) Fif teen hundred men. women and children died in the Halifax disaster, according to orOdal estimates today, based on recovery of bodies and thorough check' lnr up at all Identification stations. A big percent sge of the recovered dead have not been Identified. Justice Dry ad ale of the supreme court expected to start bis investigation Into causes of the catastrophe today. Wit nesses of the collision between the French munitions ship Mont Blanc and the Belgian relief steamer I mo said the Mont Blano flew no red flag-, as pre scribed by regulations, when she en tared the harbor. Relief work is going ahead rapidly. Threatened distress from lack of food has been averted. The homeless all being sheltered and warmly clothed. Supplies are coming In steadily. Ad dltional surgical volunteers and nurses arrive on every train. Reconstruction of buildings needed for shelter has begun. Military, naval and civilian parties are contlnuVQg the search ror ooaies nut snow is j pering them. The situation In Halifax hospitals is much Improved since many of the Injured have been taken to outside points. The dead wQl be buried next Friday. Scores of the 1500 who perished hae been already identified and Interred. But Friday there will be a general funeral for all bodies taken from the ruins up to that time. Three of the cemeteries In Halifax will be entirely filled with victims by Friday night. Swery minister In Halifax and near by towns will be called Into service. Canadian and American relief workers-estimated today that BOO persons may have been blinded in the explo sion. Two hundred children have been orptfanod. . Marehfleld. Or, Deo. IS. The city consistency that la liquified before being Monday .night passed a drastic nlaoad In shells. It burned SO alowlv . v. . oruinanc. w that most of the workmen escaped be fore the explosion occurred. for the arreet of any L W. W. found In the city. Fines and jail sentences are to be Imposed where convictions are se cured. L W. W. Insignia of ajiy nature la considered, when found upon a person. . , .... - . - : A Time-Tried Blood Tonic r . Pepto-Mangaa has won the reaped and confidence of the medical profession of twit hemispheres by a quarter ' century record of achievement. It rebuilds the blood : by charging it with iron and by creating millions of sturdy, new vitality-maim red blood cella. . "The Red Blod Builder" Have you lost weight f Are worried and irritated t Do you have many off-days"f Are you easily fatigued, and Is your eppetits poor r Are you palp These symptoms Indicate a poiaoxw doff ed system due to alurgish. impover ished blood. Pepto-Mangun enriches end fortifies the blood with the elements that drive out the vitaUtv-dralninf poisons and waste tissue, and keeps them out. Pepto-Mangan inviiee 'the return of health, strength and vigor, -and the Invitation la usually accepted. - Frittdty Warning: Make certain that ' you get genuine Pepto-Mangan Quae's, aanhsre are many counterfeits. True Pepto Mangan is never sold In bullr; It comes only as pictured here. For sals at all drug stores. PassS If las is saede ay f1?;"tm,ZlZ,,Z"rt M. J. BRKITENBACH CO, New York Pepse Manas leese. Massfaetsrlng Chemists . business, false advertising, misbranding, simulation of slogans, use of coupons, use of leaders, cutting off competitors' supplies and credits, bribery and entice ment of employes, use of bogus Inde pendents, enhancing prices of raw mate rials, malicious and vexatious law suits. Inducing breach of contract, use of same or similar trade name, conspiracy to In jure competitors, espionage, exclusive dealing contracts and defamation of name and goods. Lulu Van Ness Seeks Divorce - Lulu Van Ness wants a divorce from Nestor Van Ness. She alleges cruelty. She asks for the custody of two minor children. Scientific Eye Glass Fitting CONTEST FALING VILL HEARING IS RESUMED; T. N. STRONG TESTIFIES England .Sends Relief Fund London. Dec 11. (U. P.) The Brit ish government today eent 1,000.000 pounds to Halifax for relief work and rebuilding of the city. Plummer May Run For State Treasurer Salem. Or- Dee. 12. O. M. Plum mer of Portland, nowngaged In food conservation work under W. B. Ayer, will probably become a candidate for state treasurer, according to remarks Attorney Coy Burnett, Repre- e dropped wine m saiem Tuesday. . ' I He eeld he wae giving some oonsidera- senting Lontestants, to rut in His. Side of Case. tlon to the matter. He la a member of the Portland school board and long haa been active in public affairs. I HI -Ml IffiVT". i t,t j Ml r V! icriopeeeoff if- t-ss f t with work, ae this lBstrament we are -matters ef the sitaatloa. Bslstake the eye has been fitted with the We right ete sea. 9 Anyone cainlgive, you his best. BUT you would rather have the work of the trained expert than the best; work of the tiovice:fi ' " business Q AND, when you get your, glasses at Thompson's you ' have the benefit of the beat-trained expert plus the determination of a firm to give then customers the benefit of all the new scientific advancements made in the optical field. " " ' -' , - We have the equipment that enables us to do high 'class work the most modern lens-grindmg machinery; ' skillful, painstaking workmen, and a sound and varied experience of twenty-six years. s Q These are worthy of your thought and should com mand. your consideration , in determining the source from whence you procure your glasses. THOMPSON 0PTICALINST1TU t E Portland's .Oldest and Largest' Exclusive 'Optical Places-Established 1901 V; i 209-10-1 1 Cdrbett Building; Fifth and Morrison Streets That Mrs. Zarifa Fallng waa mentally Incompetent In October, 1914, and that that fact waa proved by the" power of attorney which she executed on the last day of that month empowering- Thomas N. Strong to transact and attend To the details of a mass of her personal af fairs will be the contention of Coy Bur nett, attorney, for Dr W.' Tyler Smith. contestant of the will, when his side of the case la presented to the'eourt. , After nearly a week'a reoess the hear ing of the Fallng will contest waa re sumed this morning before County Judge TaawelL Thomas N. Strong, one of the two chief beneficiaries. called to the stand under direct exami nation. He Introduced In evidence power of attorney given htm' by Mrs. Paling which authorised him to trans act all her business and personal af fairs, pay bills, engage nurses, doctors, buy or- lease houses or household furni ture in' any way that seemed to him best. The power of attorney waa produced by Strong to show the Intimate relation- '.ship, both or a menxuy ana character, existing; between Mrs. Kalfnar. . Attorney Burnett moved "the court to aooolnt a third executor, to serve with Mead and Strong- until the oonteet Is decided, to protect the Interests of his client. The motion win be argued Fri day morning; at t o'clock. Townsend Left 130,000 .Estate) manager of the Bank oi British Colum bia In early days, waa admitted to pro-1 bate this morning. ' The estate is to he worth S30.0O0. of which 600e was left to the. eon. Robert Townsend. who waa appointed executor. ' The residue of the estate will go to the widow, Jane Townsend. In trust for- the remainder of her life. - . Tanar Murder Trial Begun The selection of the Jury to try Chlnl Jung Hln. for alleged complicity m the murder of Chin Hong m tne tong war of last June waa completed at noon to day In Circuit Judge BagleVs court. Taking of testimony will begin at the afternoon : session. V S650 Damages Awarded ' Herbert C Key obtained a verdict for S650 ' in Circuit " Judge " Gatens court this morning against Harry uurano. who' was being sued for $15,000 dam- axes for Injuries alleged to have been auatalnad- In an automobile-motor cycle accident at Broadway and Grand ave nue last June. Texas Bird Girl Captures Kecord San Francisco, Dec 12. (I. N. 8.) 1 Miss Xatherlhe Sttnson. young Texas bird girl, Tuesday flew from San Diego to San Francisco, a measured distance of MS milea, breaking; the American non stop distance record made by Miss Ruth Law in her famous Chicago to New TorJt flight. Miss Law's measured distance was ISO miles. Her corrected distance waa BIS miles. Miss Stlnson's corrected distance was KS0 miles. This Good Old Remedy isn't just a purgative. Quite the contrary. It makes purgatives un necessary by keeping v the Liver Urerjr. . Take small closes rest" laxly a larger dose only - if TOtt'resare you need it. That's been tfce rule of hearty, sprightly, happy folks for 50 years - rrrva- m Vid3 Trunk Was Traveling Bar : Deputy ; Sheriff - Oeorge ; Hnrlburt seised a trunk containing one keg and four- quart bottles . of whiskey aa It I came off the steamer Beaver at the Alnsworth dock last night. The owner Colorless faces often show the absence of Iron m the blood. . CArnxrrinon pills .will help this condition. Whea wt1t to or eUnf oi ejtutl n I PImm oMBtlna the aeaM ot The Jvaraal. I , -wi0 r l lj ) Ts jsssri VTcter ewaStr. iNwyi lti ler tfx iswuet Cjg I ""t th" VkrMr Telksas MecSf s Ciamy. Who woui&dt he 6ta.d JB) for Cliri feurcly your family will be de lighted to have the world's greatest artists sing and play for them on Christmas morning ! And you can easily give them that pleasure. With a Victrola they can enjoy the magnificent voices of Caruso, Alda, Calvd, Culp, de Gogorza, De Luca, FarTar, Galli-Curci, Gluck, Homer, Journet, Martin elli, McCormack, Melba, Ruffo, Schumann-Heink, Scotti, Sem brich, Tctrnzzini, and other fa mous singers. The exquisite art of Elman, Paderewski, Powell, Zimbalistv and other ' renowned instrumentalists. The' greatest orchestras. ' The greatest bands. The greatest comedians. What a splendid Christmas that will bcl "FT ! 'I i1! mw ' - mm rl VTctreia XVU.electrk, 325 V ; b Mass gear Me ' j !-; (l.iiif i;!ij:!,i.j;i;'ji',-n:IU;:i- :Jn:!.;J.;.!;Mj,ji.;t.lir;:N!;0;;'HM:;.;M;;," :"::'": ! yvC-'4 Victor dealers everywhere. Ash yuxir nenxt d for d em onGtrntzoxu l.'AAr-.jsHt .yvily lHAly,Yi:y of the trunk la not known. - - -