THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. . OREGON WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 12, 1917. red CROSS AIDES GET ORGANIZATION VELL UNDER WAY County Chairmen - Rapidly Pre X paring for Drivr for 240,000 1 Oregon Members. ' V APPEAL MADE TO : HOMES Committees Listed for Various " Subdivisions in the Counties and Plans Laid for Canvass. Throughout Oregron, county chairmen of the American Red ; CrotM ChrtBtnoaa 5 "memberehlp drive campaign, by which It 1 expected to enlist 240,000 members Tinder the Red "trosa banner, are pro- ? ceedlng rapidly to organisation. Com plete organisation waa first announced 'br Western Washington county, but . other districts followed in quick succes lon. , " The membership campaign is declared ' to be the most Intensive campaign Ore- - gon has ever faced.' It will require per sonal calls on every home in the state, as the quota to be enlisted under the Red Cross is over 30 per cent of the total population.-- .. B. J. Simpson, campaign manager for Western Washington county, announced bis appointments as follows : - Campaign chairmen; Forest Grove, Professor H. I Bates, 'with: W. H. Hollto for. outside communities ; ? ' secretary, "s Mrfc Merle Reder; treasurer, M. R. Johnson : chair man speakers' committee. Professor R. F. Clark ; "chairman publicity commit tee. Rev. "A. B. Flatten ; captains of teams. 10 members to a team, T- W. Isaacs, H. K. Enlow, Miss Lang-ley. Mrs. Chowning,,W. J, McCready. W. P. Dyke, L. M. Graham and W. A. Chalmers ; chairman enrollment booths '. committee, Mrs. F. S. Wbitehouse. . - v Drive j Starts Monday A 'campaign banquet has .been ar ranged for. Monday to launch the city campaign, at" Forest Grove. - Western V;- Washington headquarters wilt cover. Forest Grove, 'Cbrneliu, Banks. Buxton, Timber, DUleyv Gaston, Gales Creek. Thatcher, Kansas City and Cherry Grove : sections, taking J 000 of the 8000 quota assigned to the whole county. Hlllsboro will take charge of Hlllsboro and all of Wash ington county east of that city. Dr. H. C. Fixott campaign. manager tjfor Multnomah county outlde of Port- " i lan1. nfnuitlajif Ir-.mll v renortmf hla d in- triet in shape. -He will bs the Intention 'of his committees to cover every., home in his district. All districts in Multnom'ah county are cov ered by Dr. Fixott's appointments, save s only those lying east of the city and west of the Rock wood road. . Fol lowing are his appointments: East of Sandy river, H. 'B. . Johnson, Bridal .Veil : west of the Sandy river and east of Rockwood, George ' Honey, Dr. A. Thompson and A. C Ruby, ail of ' Oresham ; west of the Willamette river and south of Portland, Rivers dale district, Ross M. Plummer, care of Plummer Drug company; west of Boone's Ferry road, south of Oregon Electric, West Portland district. Mrs. George Yates, Hillsdale. R. F. D. No. J; north ot the Oregon Electric and south of . the Canyon road. Mrs. Red mond Marshall. Hillsdale, R. F. D. No. 2 ; north of Canyon road and west of the Willamette river. Cv F. Folken berg, Llnnton. R. ' F, D. No, X. ; Otker , Cesatlee Are Beady ' ' Complete organization has already been perfected at Medford. Alfred 8. V Carpenter, Jackson county campaign manager, has telegraphed - Henry E. Reed, state campaign - manager. , Mr. Carpenter, has appointed local cam paign managers a follows: Mrs. C I Sheffelin, Medford; K.-D. Brlgga, Ash land : Mrs. H. W. Davidson. - Central Point ; Mrs. 1 R. C Washburn. Table Rock : Rev. Mr. Gannon. Jacksonville ; Dr. Holt. Eagle Point; Dr. R. P. Kel sey,s Gold Hill ; - O. H. Gilmore. Rogue River i George B. Carpenter, Medford. publicity chairman. , Carlton I Pepper, campaign, man ager Wasco county, has announced his appointments as follows : Antelope, Vivian. Bolten: Dufur. Bert Thomas: Maupin, . Thomas Flanagan : Mosier. J. N. Mosier ; Shaniko. J- W. Hoech : Tygh Valley, J. Harper: Wamic. Lane Mor-J From Hood River county. R. E. Scott has announced the following appoint ment: E. T. Hull. OdeU; A. J. Graff. Pine Grove; Rev. W. H- Boddy, Part dale; Mrs. T. J. KInnlard. Dee; O. M. Uptegrove, Mount Hood ; Lorey Child, west side district; Hood River,- Mrs, J. K. Carson, captain ; Mrs. 8. E. Bart mess, lieutenant, and J. H. Haxlltt. lieutenant. PORTLAND SHOULD LAY PLANS FOR LINE TO HAWAII Walter, Kendall, Who Has-Just Spent a -Month in Honolulu, ' Says Seattle. Making Plans. ; PROSPERITY IS VERY GREAT Sugar Industry Netted Growers Nearly $53,000,000 , This Year; Labor Troubles Possible He's Whip the Hum by trayinc ar fa Tins, eanifiestca. The UnKad States government will pay yoa interest fo tfaia roan and will retvrn yoar mummy em Jaa nary 1. 123. ParebaM your war aaving ear tifieataa and thrift (lamp at Tba Journal boat- ori lea. That Portland should at once begin negotiations for a line of steamers be tween this port and Hawaii Is the opin ion of Walter Kendall of the firm of Clark. Kendall A Co., who has returned from a month's sojourn in the islanda Mr. Kendall states that while he was In Honolulu representatives of Seattle ship pers were there arranging for .the es tablishment of a line of steamers be tween the Islands and Sound ports, to begin running at the termination of the war.' "Since ISIS the Islands have been en Joying a prosperity hitherto unknown In their history.' said Mr. KendalL This Is due to the high prices paid for raw sugar. The normal price of this product Is $ T to-ISO a ton: It has sold as high as 1140 per ton since the wat began and the United States government now guar antees a priee ef IMS per ton. Am the actual cost of raw sugar laid down la New Tork Is ISO a ton, the 00.000 tea crop produced thia year brought a profit of nearly f5J.000.000 to the sugar tndns try la the Hawaiian islands. - Labor Threatens Treacle ' "Second only to the sugar Industry cornea the trade tn pineapples, which Is now greater than at any previous time, and Is rapidly Increasing In volume. The production of rice Is also Important, but is being handicapped at this time by the shortage of Chinese labor. , "Labor troubles threaten the sugar producers. . Japanese are employed al most exclusively on the plantations. Two years ago the planters made an agreement wtth these employes to pay a bonus to be' based upon the price received . for the . raw sugar. The bonus. amounted to more than $7,000,000 thia year, the amount being distributed In cash among the Japanese laborers at the close of the season. In spite of this fat bonus, free house rent, free lights, food furnished at oet, free medical attendance and the operation of a liberal employers' liability law. the Japanese are not satisfied with their wages, which average 945 per month, and are asking a very material increase both tn wages and - bonus. Favor iBipertatlea ef Chinese The f Japanese far outnumber the white population and In view of the fact that those born on United States territory become dtlsene of the coun try and are entitled to the ballot. It Is apparent that la the course of IS or SO years they will be In a position to con trol the political destiny of the. Ha waiian territory, unless the govern- Germans Enemies : UntaNatnifalized . . . - . .. . esnsaesaase "a ' s Beeomtag Cltlseas ef Aay "Katlee X , eeft ratted States 2eet Vet Give Aay ' Sights Vet Held by Kaiser's Sahjeeta, : Oermaaa who hare been' naturalised m any other country are stIU alien enemies of the United States. This ruling waa defined this morning by Assistant United States Attorney Rankin. . rw,rinv ik. fw dava the United States attorney's office baa been be sieged with aliens wno nave received their naturalisation papers In Canada m .tK.r mudut. ajtd be believed therefore that they were not alien ene mies. . urfi.. a tv. mvImuI statute on alien enemies waa read by Attorney Rankin : -A .iun tnanT la a native, a eiusen m mKwt nf tk. fWmftn amDlre. even though he has taken out hie f tret nat uralisation papers la tne unixea eiaiee or haa received naturalisation papers In any outer country ment at Washington Intervenes with special legislation. - "While I waa In Honolulu a party of SO congreeamen and four United 8iates senators were visiting the Islands, their expenses being defrayed by a special appropriation from the territorial treasury. Among other benefits favor ed by the congreeamen is the Importa tion of 10.000 to 40.000 Chinese to woi In the rice fields. It being proposed to register all who corne and prevent their leaving the Islands until the expiration of the term for which they contract their services. Women's PlusK and Velutina Coats Portland Agents for Kayser ItaHan SUk for Women See Ad on Page (7 ) TT.S. War, Savings Certificates and U. S. Thrift Stamps oh sale at our Accommo dation Bureau, . Base ment, Sixth St. O ANT A CLAUS is O here from 10 A. M. to 12 and from 2 to 5 P. M. daily. Bring the children to see him. Sixth Floor. 'A I 1 'J vlst m . 1837 Ofti Xl? T.rf nt-ar rrv Smor or PORTLAND ' a MEIER & FRANK Glove or Merchandise Bond solves the gift problem. Issued in any amount. Redeemable for merchandise in any de partment at any time. Main Floor. TheCfeMstaas if T. nir t Tirfs-Tfiiru vtRrrwy'Tf pars i In 1 150 Misses 9 and Women 's Plain and Fancy Tailored $35.00 Suits $24.50 We have reduced our entire line of $35 suits to 24.50 for this great holiday sale. Materials include serges, poplins, gabar dines and fancy worsteds. Straight line, pleated Norfolk and loose belted models. v Colors are navy, gray, taupe, plum, brown, black and fancy mixtures. Sizes from 16 years to 55 bust. One of these suits would make an excel lent gift for one's self or a well-liked lady Jiriend. On sale tomorrow at 24.50 instead of $35. . Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor. The selection of Christ mas gifts is made very simple by coming to our Needlework Section Hundreds of attractive gifts win be found In our Needlework Sec tion from the most moderately priced articles 'to the exclusive French novelties. Many confined to one of a kind. Early selection is advised. Specials for Thursday Hand-embroidered towels, .some with hand-crocheted edges, spe cially priced at $139. Hand-embroidered doilies, size 6x6, six in set, special at $1.98. Hand-embroidered doilies, size 12x 12, all in dainty individual boxes, special at $1.69. Hand-embroidered pillow tops and - center pieces, values to 6.00, special at $1.98. ' Hand-embroidered gowns, children's dresses and novelties, regularly ' 1.00 to 10.00, all at yi. Needlework Shop, Second Floor. Keeping Upjhe Record-Breaking Values in Our Glove Shop With a Christmas Sale of Famous "Washrite" Gloves For Women at .$2.48 It seems as though more gloves are being purchased far gifts this season than, ever before. This sale will enable many to secure the most desirable of women's gift gloves at a handsome saving. . The assortment includes a discontinued line of the famously serviceable Washrite washable Mocha gloves for wdmen. Every pair beautifully made and finished and perfect in every way. Good assortment of wanted colors. One-clasp style, outseam sewn, variously stitched backs. All sizes. For street and dress wear. These gloves will wash perfectly in soap and water and retain their original softness and good looks. Every pair fitted by our experts. Standard $3.00 quality Washrite gloves on sale at $2.48. . Olove Shop, Main Floor. SLIPPERS 98c Women's "Siesta" felt slip pers in assorted colors and sizes. A gift that is .acceptable to anvone. Wjth chrome leath er soles and wool insoles. Plain and ribbon trimmed effects. Sizes to 8. Shoe Shop, Third Floor. New Georgette Crepe Georgette crepe for- the making of blouses and gowns for Christmas gifts. Dainty pastel shades for evening wear and dark colors for street wear. Yard priced at 1.75, 2,,2.2S. ' Lce- Shop, Main Floor. Women's Soft, Fluffy Blanket Bath Robes FOR GIFTS . " One can make no mis take by choosing a gift robe from this fine assort ment. It will be most ac ceotable at the time it is given and its good quali ties thereafter will serve as a permanent reminder of the donoj. RoBes trimmed with ribbon and cord. A charm ing array of figured and plain colors. In attractive shades of rose, Copen, light blue, pink, brown, gray and navy. . And the very ' finest kind of values at S5.95 $7.50 S6.50 $8.00 Hand-Crocheted ft, uff-Me-Tifflits i and shawls in white with ninkv .A: bAie and lavender trim. Also Jj)t. black and white mixtures with assorted colored trimmings. ttfi At 2.98. 3.S0 4 to S7.50. ? Third Floor, Sixth Street. l 1000 PIECES HAND-P AINTED ..; i - s Nippon China 25c 50c 75c $1 Our annua ,sal of "Factory Ends" of. imported Nippon hand-painted chinaware. Just received in time for Christmas gift choosing. Wonderful values. AT 25c Fancy Bon Bons, Plates, Mustard Pots, Cups and Saucers, Ash Trays, Handled Jelly Dishes. .AT SOc-overed Butters, Sandwich Sets, Plates, Vases, Sugar and Creamer Sets, Whipped Cream Sets, Bon Bon Dishes, etc. t ' AT 75c Celery Trays, Tea Pots, Plates, Trays,v Cracker Jars, etc. AT $1 Large Vases, Salad Bowls. Cake Plates, Sugar and Creamer Sets, Nut Bowls, etc. A few pieces illustrated. .There are many more equally as good values. . No phone orders. - Net more than two pieces of a land to a customer. No deliveries on lees than $1.00 porchaees. jninaware snop, Basement. Scrim Curtains 89c Finely serviceable are these scrim curtains at 89c pair Made with lace edge trimmings. Regulation length. White or ecru color. Supply your curtain needs at, pair 89c Curtain Shop, Seventh Floor. :T ti w ., i - m . si w mm m Your Plain Duty as outlined by the Government is to USE LOCAL PRODUCTS WHENEVER POS SIBLE. No more desirable and useful arti cles are manufactured anywhere than the beautiful, warm, fleece-wool blankets and robes bearing this label WARRANTED TO BE A PENDLETON WOOLEN MILLS PENDLETON, OREGON. I INDIAN ROBES BATHROBES COUCH COVERS FANCY BED ROBES STEAMER RUGS AUTO ROBES INDIAN SHAWLS BED: BLANKETS 4 ' ARMY BLANKETS , These also are Ideally suitable for Christinas gifts. Prices are most moderate. $'.,- Second Floor. Fifth Street. $1630 Seal plush coats with large crush mole colored collars. Fully lined garments. Our "Special $19.50" t coats in ail sizes. Also velutina coats in brown, blue and green. Made in the same style as the plush coats. Earlier in the season these coats sold as hieh as $25.00. All sizes. 8 Dresses for $5.95 Women's and misses' dresses broken lines !'rte 3nd ,iIk popl,n dr"" In g"t many styles. Formerly sold as high as 10.00. Your choice tomorrow at the low price of JS.9S. A Waists $3.49 Georgette crepe and crepe de chine waists In white, cream, flesh, salmon and sky. Tucked and embroidered front models. Lace trimmed styles. Large cape collars. Worth at least M more. Handbags 69c Women's hand bags, back strap purses In sizes from 6 to 8 inches. Values to Si In this lot on sale tomorrow at 69c Sweaters $3.98 Women's wool and wool mixed sweaters in fancy as well as the regulation unit. . Also a lew in Angora finish. Large rolling col- ' lars. Many of the best colors. Values to 15.00. Camisoles 89c Women's flesh colored crepe I de chine camisoles with Cluny, Vat. and Normandy lace trim- -mlng. Good bargains at 89c. In the TOY STORE You will find in our Lower Price Down Stairs. Toy Store hundreds of toys, games and even dolls at these most mod erate prices: 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c Visit this big new interesting toy store and be convinced of our superior values. Almost unlimited selection in inex pensive toys and games. Christmas Two thousand new ties Included at this low rri- Hl.,i: brocades. J.cquards, Roman stripe, and changeable effect, Sm?5J flowing end ties. A multitude of pleasjng colors ,Vl J?frm Tlee, easily worth 75c. Buy now L gift? SZ?n foVrS Shirts Only 95c Men', shirts of fine quality Eercale In novelty stripes and air lint stripes. Soft or stiff cuffs. All sizes. Two Handkerchiefs 25c Men's good quality Irish cambric handkerchiefs In full size. Hemstitched. Good bar gains tomorrow at 2 for 2Sc Night Gowns $1.29 Men's night gowns of extra heavy outing flannel Cot fall and roomy. All sizes to 20. Very special tomorrow at 1.29. Mufflers for 50c Men's mercerized mufflers in white only. Silk fringed ends. These are in a neat Christmas box. Special at 5oc A Table of Gifts for Men 25c A table full of small gifts for men, such as ties, hose, hose sup porters, arm bands, etc. All are In neat Christmas boxes. Won derful values at 25c Give Slippers for Xmas Slippers 39c Regularly 50c. Slip on toe bathroom: slippers, made with carpet soles and uppers of Terry cloth. All sizes for women and men. Supply your own needs as well as for gift purposes. To morrow at 39c Slippers 69c Imitation - Alligator slippers with black or brown vamps and patent backs. Also with em broidered velvet fronts. Sizes 6 to ll. Slippers 98c Men's all felt slippers that are comfortable as 'well good looking. Light in weight, smooth and durable. AH sizes. Special 98c. Moccasins 89c ' Dark brown or slate grey leather moccasins arrow bead and other bead designs on the front Sizes 6 to 10. Sizes it to 2, pair Sizes 3 to 6. pair 11.39. Men's sizes 6 to It, pair 1.69. Miscellaneous Specials STAMPED PILLOW CASES PAIR 49c Stamped pillow cases on a fine quality seamless tubing. Worth 75 c. Very specially priced to morrow at, pair 49c. GOOD QUALITY JAP SILK 25c A very special price tomor row on j this quality of Jap silk. 20 inches wide. All the wanted colors are In the lot. SILK MIXED POPLINS 59c - Silk mixed poplins In hand some If ou lard patterns, dots, rings and stripes. Values to 85c to morrow at only 59c. ROUND TABLE COVERS $1.49 54-Inch round table covers with Torchon lace insertion and lace edge. Indian head flnisH fabric Very special. si. 4 9. SATIN BED SPREADS $3.98 Satin bed spreads in lull size. Many are perfect, while others have sllgnt imperfections. Values to 16.50. BOX OF GOOD STATIONERYr15c'; A number of attractive styles in good quality correspondence paper many are tlnen. ' 24 sheets paper and "24 envelopes to box. . r- , - IVORY ARTICLES SPECIAL AT- 10c - Ivory celluloid picture frames, cream jars, Rowder boxes,, hair receivers, mirrors, dietttr trays, soap boxes, buffers, files, cutlcl. knives, button books, rattles. ROUND f HANDLE I MIRROR . AT 49c Round handle .mirror 5 H Inches. Also It row hair brush; Extra special at, each. 49c. . . Many Other Bargains Tomorrow t - r