The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 09, 1917, Page 15, Image 15

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Session Declared to Have Been
Largest Attended and One: of
! Most Interesting in Histo.
Gathering Next Year Will Be at
Roseburg, Home of Dr. H. C,
- Bailey, New President
Salem. Or.. Deo. 8. What Is declared
- td .be the largest attended and one of
the jnoit interesting annual sessions of
the Oregon State horticultural society
held 'in 32 rears of tbo society's organi
sation, came to -a close hero this after
noon. The 1918 annual meeting will be
! held at Roseburg, the home town of
' the new president, Dr. H. C. Bailey.
This afternoon the society passed a
resolution indorsing the work being dons
oy county agriculturalists. The resolu
tion is to be presented to Governor
Wlthyeombe. -with the request that he
call the attention of the legislators to
the subject and urge that provision bs
mads for. mains lnmg such agents
s throughout the state. .,
- Marlon Wcsle Abolish Ofliee
-This is in contrast to the movement
started by. a number of, Marlon county
farmers who have petitioned the county
court to abolish, the office of the county
v agriculturalist In. Marlon county. " "'
The committee on - legislation,- Vifh
Robert C. Paulus, retiring president, as
chairman, was appointed to look after
matters of legislation of Interest to
farmers, which will corns before, the next
, legislative session, ' Other members - of
ths committee areNB.-fl. Wosley,5 As
toria; II. B. Miller, Eurene; 1 T. Rey-
nolds. Salem, and Dr. Maecriim. Scaler.
The address which." caused' the most
discussion today, 'was" mad, by Profes
sor H. P. Bars, assistant horticultural
-1st at O, A. C. on prune diseases. Her
tmuuintsil inm.: 1dMl on 'the'affsCtC
of cllmatlo condltUtoaow prune "diseases,
Members vtook OTUoh, interest in discus-1
; sion, of ths-tafitbods. of, combating such
-A dUeasefcsvi,-" "V: I
" . W0lIrr1itpBfelUsis4 v4'
A.' Jjovett-rof ,0. A. . CV, dlspussed
"Woolly- Aphte.-iand U T. Reynolds
gave' a paper on'Commerclal Fertilis
ers and Results; Obtained.' "Observa
: tlong 04 PrOTe'Evaporators,n- was the
subject of am. Interesting discussion by
F. M. ' BroVn. runiy . agriculturist of
Marion comity. '
Other addresses " today Included the
followlngtgw; '
-"PrunlniTHJrie Means of Regulating
the Production of Prune Trees,1 by Pro
fessor J. "R Kreus, O. A. C. ; "Draining
the Orchard1" George H. Htmes, Port
' land ; "Evaporated Fruits and Vegetables
of the Future,'?'. F. J. Norton: "What of
the Future of the Fruit Industry," ty
A. H. Harris. Portland; "Diversified
Industry the Basis of Oregon's Pros-
perity," by H. B. Miller, U. of O. ; and
"Vegetable Growing' as a Business," by
R. W. Gill. Portland.
. i . - , w -;- v
. X - - sf' -
:.- r -: '.V - i , -. ' ' -
t "cr is
Agricultural; Exhibit and Free
Program Will Be Topped Off
1 by Chicken Dinner, ,
., Vancouver, Wash-, Dec t. A first
class agricultural -exhibit, a free pro
gram In the evening and s chicken pie
dinner are features of the annual basaar
to be given by Christ Chapel guild In
I the Orange hall at Orchards Friday aft
ernoon, December ll The bazaar ppens
at '2 pv m. and dinner will be served
from 2:34 to S In the evening.
-Mrs. William Clique,' Mrs. Walter
Wolverton, Mrs. John Kaufman, Mrs. R.
A. Power and Mrs. William Breed will
have charge of the fancy work booth.
Mrs. William Hall and Mary Du Bois
will have charge of the Red Cross booth.
The fish pond will be conducted by the
Misses Helen Du Bois. Laura 8 toll and
Edna Du Bois.- r -
Mrs. Henry Plert will be assisted in
the dining room by Aulga Hilburg, Ruble
Woster, Mrs. Agnes U Lond, Nellie
Kauffman, Miss Smith, Golda Norton
and Florence Denning.. Mrs. McKern
will be in charge of the kitchen.
The men of the community will fur
nish a booth with produce from their
farms. The exhibits will be sold. Mrs.
James Tinker. Mrs. Bert Clark, Mrs.
Corey and Mrs. Woodard will have
charge of this department.
j :. . :-.-.':'
- V' i
i . .
Schollmler Granted lime
Salem, Or.. Dec 8. The state water
board i today-granted H.' Schollmler of
Neaalem an extension -of' time to Octo
ber 1, tSito comjletflt1 the watejp, sys
tem provided for lixhe permit granting
him Mgbts (o the vrers ot Bobs creek.
- Thtftmnrw Nehklem vlcoroualv
tested . against having the extension of
time granted, as the city has spent
about $12,000 in laying, a pipe line .'to
carry water from Bobs creek for munic
ipal use and evidence shows there is
not enough water for. both Schollmler
and, the city. - Schollmler has been
-awarded ft prior right. ' .
" -'IJord Toad .
" ."' .
Dallas, i Or.. Deev, t. Lloyd Coad. a
Dallas boy. Is a member of the United
States battery that fired the first shot
at the 'Germans in France on October
23. Young--Coad enlisted In the regular
army at San Francisco" last April and
was assigned to Battery C, Sixth field
artillery, .'which, had the honor of being
the first to send a shot at the. Boches.
He is a son of Former County-Judge Ed
ward F. Coad of Polk county.
Military Drill at
University to Start
. University of Oregon. Eugene, Dec S.
Drill at the University of Oregon will
be taken up this term under the rules
and regulations of the United States
reserve officers' training camps.
Colonel William H. C. Bowen, tem
porary commandant of the students has
been gtven full authority by the com
mittee on military .'affairs to Institute
such classes and courses as he may
deem necessary. " As the requirements
now stand, drill will be done awaywith
on Saturday mornings, but will be taken
by all students on all five olass days
for SS minutesr-whloh. is the minimum
requirement for the training camps.-.
Ordnance Course Authorized
University of Oregon, Eugene. "Dec
8. Official authorisation of the organi
sation ot the third and fourth courses
in ordinance accounting in the Univer
sity School of Commerce, and further
assurance that men selected for the
ordnance courses would be exempted
from the selective draft law, has been
Vancouver Jeweler Dies
Vancouver, Wash., Deer fc F. ; W.
Wheeler,, who for more 'than 1 years
conducted jewelry store" In this city,
died this morning at t:J0 at his home
at I0 West Fifth street. Death was
due to ohronio nephritis. Mr. Wheeler
has been in 111 health for about a year,
but up to About two months . ago con
ducted his business. - He Is survived by
his wlf ej two daughters. Ella Mae and
I Gladys Wheeler; at son, William, In
5 Florida; 'two sisters, one In Tacoma and
one in' the" east, and five brothers, A.
C Wheeler of Taooma, John and Julio
Wheeler; of Wisconsin. Edward living
in Kansas; and X. H. Wheeler of Salt
lke City.A Deceased was a member of
the Methodist Men's -.Brotherhood. The
body is at Knapp's funeral parlors pend
ing funeral arrangements
Eadio Buzz,er Work",
"Course to Be Given
Agrlcsltsral CeOsge vrm SUrt Classes
Voaday la Kespease te Geverassef
'rvse -le -AM Mta Keeded.
Cregoa Agricultural College. Corval
11s. Deo. Ij The course in radio basse?
work given at this Institution at the
request of the war department to aid
in hastening- the training- of the 15,W
mem needed for service In' t el seraph,
wireless and semaphore work will be
gin Monday morning la the new Feres
try building. The work will be ' given
for . three two hour periods ' a day,
morning, afternoon and evening, for
six days a week.
- Responses rom " men In ail walks
of life throughout the entire state do-
siring- the work have been pouring in
to the registrar's office In a' steady
stream ever since the first announce
ment in regard to the course was
made. It is expected that over a
hundred men will be on hand te start
In .the. course Monday morning.
i i
rruninjE School, Starts Monday .
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval
lis, Deo. I The six dsy . pruning
school, taking the place ef the annual
hortleultural short ocurse, wf)l begin
on Monday morning, being given early
In order that the men uunf ine
course win have aa opportunity .to pat
their newly accumulated knowledge
Into practice on their own orchards
this winter... .
: Miss Fredricn Plgg
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval
lis. Deo. S. Miss Fredrlca Plgg. freeh
maa. from Anaconda, Mont - who died
last Sunday night at Waldo hall ef
odoema of the glottis, was a popular
student. She was a pledge of . Delta
Alpha, and was attended in he - last
Illness by her sorority sisters. Miss
Powell, preceptress of Waldo hall. Miss
Hadwea. both trained nurses, physicians
and other friends.
Miss Plggs ailment was an unusual
one, and started the Wednesday evening
nrevlous with a sore throat.
The body was sent to Missoula, Mont,
for burial.
Khsma Leaves Asylam
Salem, Or., Dec 8. H. Kusma eloped
from the Oregon state hospital- today
while, employed about the barns. He
wan tVkmmittM trt'thn uvlnm rVnm
aatsop county In 191 3 and is not received by Prot C C. Jeremiah from
consiaerea aangerous oy the asylum
officials. He is five feet eight and a
half ' inches tall, weighs ISO pounds. Is
82 years old. has blue eyes,1 dark hair;
and was dressed In overalls and a
brown Jumper.
:'---. . . ' '
Red Cross Plans Auction Bale -Vancouver,,
Wash., 'Dec." 1. A Red
Cross auction sale Is to be held Satur
day, December 15, in the vacant store
building belonging to J. D. Mayer, which
he- has donated for the. purpose.
W. 8. Wood, known all ever the Van
couver country and parts of Oregon as
an auctioneer, has donated his services.
Judge A. X Miller Is chairman and is
assisted by Ed Brown, W. E. Carter,
Mrs. George McCoy, Mrs. J. L. Suther
land, Mrs. M. I Coovert and .Clement
scott. Mr, Scott is In charge of the
advertising end. -?
Extension of Road
Into Spruce Urged
Aberdeen. " Wass., Deci 8. Extension !
of. the Northern Pacific railroad 24
miles north, of Mocilpe, tapping the
Qulnault Raft and Quests River val
leys, wnicn contain the largest stands
of spruce in the world, was recom
mended to the government In resolu
tions adopted by the executive com
mittee of the Aberoeen Chamber of
Commerce. These valleys contain be
tween ,650,000,000 and 750,000.000 feet of
spruce, it Is estimated, which would be
made accessible through such a rail
road extension. If the railroad does
not Itself make the extension, the
government is asked te build the road,
allowing the railway company to re
pay It over a period of years.
the ordnance department at Washington,
f Selection of M men out of some 200
applications for entrance in the second
class will be. made the early part of
next week by Professor Jeremiah. -
Caatlerock Boys Enlist
Castlerock. Wash., Dee. t. During the
last week six-boys' from this place have
enlisted in the service of Uncle Sam.
Claude Breneman and Jason Little en
listed with the -forestry, engineers; Dick
Gase, quartermaster's corps as baker;
Stanley. Dean, engineers corps ; Roy
Houpt and Melvyn Hardy In the navy.
and Wear Diamonds "
14 -
i Si J
Klamath to Fix
County Court House
Klamath Falls, Or Dec 8. That
architects from outside points are ex
pected te make an estimate on the cost
of completing the new courthouse here
and repairing the damage already done
due to Its neglect from standing uncom
pleted, and that In the event of the
figure being considered excessive, fur
ther procedure will be submitted to
vote of the people. Is the Information
given by a county commissioner. ,
It is believed that the Ideas of the
different architects will vary on the
estimated completion of this building,
on which the taxpayers of Klamath
county have already expended nearly
8200.000 ; so it has been decided that
each commissioner should name an
architect to submit figures.
One of the architects. E. E. McClaran
of Portland, is already on the ground,
and has made an examination of the
bulldlnC ..
Will . Improve Bonds
Klamath Falls. Or.. Dec 8. That fan
provement is planned for the county
highways next year is Indicated by the
fact that a big- tractor from Tuba. Cal.,
and four 3 ft ton trucks have been al
ready ordered and will be delivered in
the early spring. -
. The commissioners plan to put gravel
on. the roads in many places where the
repairs are most needed. The sum of
SU.000 Is now declared to. be la the
treasury for this work, and the usual
.amount of 180.000 wlO probably be set
aside In the coming budget for road
work. No statement has been mads as
to what roads repaired first.
Woodland Women
To Help Win War
Woodland, Wash Dec 8. At the reg
ular meeting of the Ladles' Embroidery
club of Woodland, held at the residence 1
of Mrs. Hoffmann, it was unanimously
voted that the club shall disband dur
ing the war, to do away with the social
features, and to organise Instead the
Night Knitting club. The 221 surplus
of the old club goes Into the nsw club.
'' Nature Seems Twisted
. Woodland. "Wash Dec S. WUlard
Strong has a red raspberry bush In his
garden from which he has been exhibit
ing a cluster of eight fine large ripened
berries that he has Just plucked. Many
varieties of garden vegetables that were
somewhat protected have been flourish
ing all fall, and along the river bank
the willows show up in the bud as they
usually do In the spring.
Four. Mora .Enlist..
Oregon Agricultural OdlegswCorval
mt Dec Four more members of the
school of forestry. Joseph Steel of
Portland, R. C Bod Ine of Pasadena.
Earl E. -Hayatlp of .Vancouver, Waatt,
and - Walter Lankenaa of : New - Tort
city, have withdrawn from this insti
tution te enter Into the servtoe ef the
United States, all four ha vine enlisted
in' the Twentieth Engineers, now being
formed for service abroad.
1 : ' Officer Are Installed- . .
Lebanan. Or., Dec tV Achilles lodgC
Knights of Pithlaa, held a meeting and
band wet la Its hall Wednesday evening;
at which s large number of -members
were present and the election and ta
stanatlon of the following officers oc
cur! : . C C N- C Lowe ; V. C A. M.
Sturtevant; prelate." R. W Green; M.
of W-A. 0-Sturm t C ef R. and 8
Chas., Butler ; M.of FvA. C Wilson ; M.
of B. George H. Randle; M. of i
Thocnaa B. Hannah; L. G Taaddeua
Sterling t Ou 2 Roy Gardner: trustee,
B. F. Hmons. The sneetleg was pre
eeded by the banquet which was pro
vided and served by the Knights.:
Opening of the
Holiday Season at
the Portland
KpOOD Cheer" splrfP ef the Christmas
v holidays Is at the Portland. Every,
evening the Joviality ef merry throngs
make oar dinner dances meet popular. As
the evening yeses everything; see
"blend" in making an atmosphere ef
The Portland will be more popular than
ever during the holiday season. Gay
crowds will throne tbevhotel every eve
ning. I
Bang your friends here ire Portland's
social center.
Special Sunday Dinner,
With Music, U
The Portland Hotel
"A Generation ef
Kiel art W. Chile t. Kgr.
Elbert 8. Boss. Asst. Mgr.
eH - -1,.; ,,r Ik .sss -
: i hs-Tra? - s v r x. w ;
I .11 " - I . J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
I I 1 1 If -" I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
I I I Uon fist carefully
1. I ILX . Ibame and Beef Carvers.
I'i fi 1 Vv . Table
rKim 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
i 1 ZZT
m m -mm mk m
i ssi .Kjm.
auggeouono ?i
.. '.i
In making t your .
C h r I stmas seleo- '"'
tions do not ever
look our-soldier ,
' boy even though he
be . but a friend. .
Send blm some-
: thing you know be
.needs, w something- .
that will prove tar
dispensable to bis -comfort,
aad snake .
his Xmas day one
. long te be remem
bered. From a loag
list of articles we,'
have made the fol-
lowing selections
ss more timely and
tiprop rlate for
this year's giving.
Pocket Knives, values from 50e aad up.
OUleOe Safety Rasor Sets at 38.00.
Durham MUitary Safety Rasor Sets at 1.0.
Rasor Strops from ILOf to 83.M.
Bhavtag Brushes from Ste to U0.
Knlft. Fork and Spoon at IUL
Marble's Pocket Compasses from LOO te IL2S.
, Marble's Match Safes at oc
Soldiers' Puttees from 38-00 to 310-80.
All the teed ins; makee of Safety Rasor Blades.
We are prepared as of yore to supply each member of
ine ramuy wim some arune ot useruiBeas
at Xmas
time.. Scan our
Knives and Forks.
Fine Scissors and Shears.
Manicure and Scissor' Sets.
Hand aad Safety Rasors,
Chests ef Tools from 18.00 and up.
Cabinets ef Tools from 820.00 and up.
. Scroll Saws and Turning Lathee.
Work Benches.
Fine Fishing Tackle. , x.
Golf and Tennis Supplies..
Foot aad Basket Balla '
Sweaters and Jsraevs. '
V " ' ' Thermos BotUee.
i Athletle Buppllss' of all Kinds.
Boys Wagons. . -
. Velocipedes.
... Jm Coaster Wsgoaa.
Andirons. Fire Sets, Fire Screens, eta
Honeyman, Hardware Co.'
PortltiKfi Largest Hirdwirs and Sporting 1
- -i Gooda Store
' -I . u
Bay Jewelry for Christmas
Gifts. It's a listing
Reminder of the giver
i-Diamaitds and Jewels "are 1 : I have a wonderful selec
the only gifts whose value tion of Diamonds,- at values
does j not depreciate. Rather,, from $5 to ,$1500, and, I be
under present market condi- lieve, the largest, finest and
tions, their value will in most reasonably priced selec
crease, - . ,' -w' tion of Jewelry in the city.
A Sfftall, Deposit: Will Reserve Your Choice Till Christmas
Liberty Bonds Accepted at Par . .
:. - ' , - ' ' "
Changes in Precincts
Deemed Necessary
' Newberg-, Or4 Dec 8. Changes in
Newbergs voting precincts are impera
tive in order to conform with the new
state election law, which provides for
the holding of cltjr elections at the same
time as the general stats 'elections.-Ths
plan proposed by the city attorney la
to have the county court divide ths
city Into "four voting precincts for stats
and county elections, with First and
School streets as the dividing line, and
the city- can arrange Its precincts.' . It
is planned to nave two councilman from
each precinct or one councilman from
each precinct and one or two at large.
The changes will be made through
amendments to the city charter .by spe
cial election. The city election will be
held next fall at the time ot the stats
and county election. '. -
, , I M I I II I mm V
N. Y. Tug Founders;
11 SailorsTRown
Atlantic City. N.' J, Dec 8. L N. 8.)
SS ( Eleven men were drowned .today la
S 5 the foundering of the tug Eugene F.
Morgan of .Ne.w Tork. off the New Jer
s eey eoeeu . t ;-. . . , -: .-
r in : uanaaian urait
Svlnnloer. Man- Dec 8. CC. P.
Etrht- thousand' men In .'Wmnlpes; are
affected- by- the order .calling all con
scripted men In aaade to the colors on
January , - - i; -
Wilhelm Joins Slnrins) Oorpe
Ths Dalles. Or, 'Deo. 8. J Soger Wfl
helm, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. WH
helm of this city. Is spending several
days with hie parents before leavlnc to
report for service in . the marine corpe.
Mr. Wilhelm was a member of . the
sophomore class of the Oregon Agrtcul
, ImportaEt . Removal AmoiMeMeiio
Please Note the
Change in Address
We Have Moved From East
Third' and East Morrison Streets
to 68-70 Fifth St.. West Side
are the 'first practical improvement
in the form of a-mattres-in a hun
dred years. There are no tufts to
work loose or catch and hold the
dust. It cannot lose its shape or
spread.- It-will always be the exact
size of your bed. Each mattress is
unconditionally guaranteed to
give entire satisfaction.
sULasrr to XAjraia
After 12Va years of pleauant buaineaa dealings
at East Third end Eaut Morrison streets, we aure
pleased to announce to our friend and patrons
that we have moved to the five stories in the
Weinhard Block, numbers 68 and 70 . Fifth
street. West Side. We have secured a lease at
a rental so favorable aa to enable us to ma
the same low prices aa in our old location. You
will be pleased with our new store and we
assure you a hearty welcome.- Our efforts will
be to serve you better in the new store than in
the old. '
; .!.JLUJU V
" .': vf. .-"; . :A"--"
CJ-70 CM
utntD aves-ts
; We Remake Your Old
' 'Silk Floss Mattress
"''' i
into a Roll-Me at small cost.'
' We also renovate your tld
v feather bed and toake it into a
V Roll-Me Mattress, making a de
1 lightfuy, luxurious ' mattress
' that cannot be. surpassed. Come
and 'se them. t .
This PATHEPHONE, with 12
Beautiful Patlie Selections,; for-
S7.S0 Down and S6.00 a Month
. ". ' This is a superb combination for all true music lover. . a
75 Pathcphone in mahogany, fumed oak or golden oak.V. .S75.00
Six Pathe double records, size 10 (your selection) ; 4.50
' - . " : ; . ; ;. $70.50
No needles to change. Perma
nent lifeta the records. - Plays
with" a-rsapphrre,' ball point.
Plays recbrd 1000-times: with
out showing wear. Pathcphone,
plays' every type of disc" records.
This outfit opens to" you the
great Pathe library of records.
"- ' ' " -r s
turai couege. . . 4 - -