V- THE OREGOII DAILY JOURNAL, PORT LAUD, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1917. V INFORMATION 1 ' "8igP DAT OF 1917) J , , COXIHQ E TEXTS -J ' Ortm Poeltr A Pat Steele mwoeUflcn aft ml kor, llnnidpd aaditortuBV. !. I tt I. ' Orrtom IrriuLkw Conrraaa Peruana, -.Jse ttary 8- to !. ;.. - ' - -j awe Ka Croat auui, ncnNr a. a. . TODAY'S FORECAST " . y -Portland sad -tcinitv Toaisbt end Sunder probably rein; gentle eoutherl- -wind, . uregnn Tonixut UM annoa? iut. - probably rmin . aorthweit portion; natoww wiithotlr wlndi. Vaahlnaton Tonlaht And Sunday BMMP1I Tln t (now; Bicxlerat outherly wind. WEATHER CONDITIO V A - anaa.-aT.wt dutrtrhene awrUae the nUnef Zaetera etstee. end higU preeraiw obtains- writ 4 of the Mieaiaiippl TalUy and along the noetn Atlantic roast.- .Precipitation liaa oecurrea ro Western Waahingtotv WaUn Canada, UmUat, M retting. Colorado, Ksaaea, the. Mnuanppi ley end eastward to - the middle Atlantic etut T km Milur U mnfth eonlat in tha alexias .'border MM and northeastward to tha lake region; u M warmer la to AorU.west, aetsaa, Tcnnaaaaa "and . Florida. V Tbi eondiiiona ara becoming unsettled Along that north Pacific coeat and will orobably oaaee rata toolgbt ana Bandar In liaa nanny, wiaa will ha aoutherlj. T(, rranda Drake, MeteoreV OBSEBVATIOXS ' STATIONS Ronton, Buffalo, . Y. , . . . jtaeaito,- iiv, -, . . - le - Uuinea, Is . . , . looge, Kanaaa-,. cwui aiaaaa " 4..aleton, Tuw. i -HOnoiuia, T. II., Jecieoorule,. Fla. , Sanaa City, Ho. . loa anfa.ee, Cai. , . MaraUfiaid, Or. . . . Memphia, Tana, , ; New Orleans. La. , -New York. N- Y.. North Head, Waal. Vttteburg, Pa. ... , : PcwUand. Or. ... .Frfnoe Albert, Saak Koacbnrg, Or. . .. t- Fiuvwim,,, halt Lake. t'Ub. . fan Kranciaco, CaL : tH-etUe, Wain. Bberidail, Wyo. : Spokane. Waah. Walla Walla, Waah "Waanington, D. U. iVu.eratura 11 14 10 10 48 S3 72 16 6ft 84 it 4S 22 4 28 42 -28 S8 28 62 42 Hi 2 42 28 ft S3 u 80'. 24' 24 18 18 -48 10 78 68 18 74 62 84 46 82 48 hi 42 8 84 4 44 12 84 44 8ft 9 m ii 10 14 - 8 M4 48 83 64 64 82 20 42 20 46 28 40 k2 38 18 26 62 40 4 24 88 8 tm Willamette Valley Doctors in Session YARD SAFEGUARDS. TO BE TAKEN UP AT LATER MEETING Deputies From State labor Com missioner' , 'Office' Will - Be Assisted by Officials. v .. , . . - in i iiirm nrrto to HOfF WOULD ENFORCE LAW tLLAnLl : OLLiAO I U AnxioHoerThatoc. AHEAD OF BOARD uon, do i wen to , i men ere V With Program of Construction "Albany, Or- Dec 8. rhylcl.n .from vry part of thexWUlauattft vaUler at tended . tha batnquet and, aeml-annuai maaUns ; of the Central Willamette Valley.. Medical association at Hotel St. Francis Thursday avenlng;. XrA E. Bennett : of Monroe m elected preai- 'dent for the year, Xr.R..O. Lojran of Philomath-. rice president Dr. - K. w. Howard . , of -. Browns-villa, , eacretary treasurer, and Dr. H. S. remit af Cor allls, censor. - Drs. J. KaBoboett and Q. E. Rissa of Albany, retiring presi dent ' and secretary, were -elected dele gates to the national convention. - f - IN HELBER DECISION 22 24 i. 84 18 24 IS 10 22 14 8t .04 .08 .18 0 Anotherroeetlnf will be held in about lft days to decide upon installaUon of safesTuards In local shipyards to comply with provisions of the employers liabil ity law. Meantime, deputies from the state' labor' commissioner's office will be assisted b the shipyard officials in 'mak ing- a . thorough inspection of the ship yards to see what . is being done now in tne way of providing- safeguards. s lakes .Temporary Appointments at Incinerator and Asks for Examinations. : .-. POULTRY ADD PET ( SHOW HAS BEEN SUCCESSFUL STO swlI . Aft.. a a i . - . I " V iuia- was uie oecuion reacnea at tne winiim n tTBiK tmnr -. conference this mornln? at trta immmgi I - - i , T hotel between Ibor CtommisslonerJIoff hctnrator. The dvil service board ex 0 ana supermienaenis ana oniciaia ox. the pcU o give a decision within a few smpyaraa, , . . -i.. . ' dara hut Katlahc nrnnoui to make Harry Expreiiei Alarm luelber's demoUoa conclusive before the The matter was brought to tha. at 1 beard aota, tentlon of Mr. Hoff several days , ago I The civil service board, has already in a letter from O. T. Harry, government I held that Kellahers actions In demoting representative. He expressed . alarm at I Helber from the position of general tore- the number of Accidents and said, that) man to that of a laborer, cleaning out something should be done. PROSPERITY IS. PREDICTED More Than $50 Realized for Red ' Cross' Through Sale of Prize Vuners, : I V - . a ' . Full-throated, lordly "roogters, ambi tious cockerels, chuckling, motherly hens of high degree and the pugnacious ban' tarns, today Joined in a chorus of appre ciation of the reception they have been given by the 15,000 visitors at the Poul try and Pet 'Stock show which ' closes at the audltoruim at 1ft o'clock tonight. xan &euaner, commissioner or nnance, i ,.. w... ... . vT.w i- i i . i.i : ' - - . i" . . -V IT-1 efficiency In breeding, and poultry - v r, J 1 wi ports are optimistlo over the future. High prices of meats has proved ly misunderstood. The Imo rammed the munitions ship, backed away and ran aground on the Dartmouth ahorev At this point there were several ver sions of. the story told. One Is that the munitions ship was on fire before the collision. This' Is not generally be lieved. She was on fire Immediately after the smash, . however. The crew took to the boats. AU hare been ac counted for but on man.' ' riaews Brakes, u MDm Away Twenty minutes - after the collision. It la declared, the munitions ship blew up where- she had grounded at pier (, near the Intercolonial railroad station. The explosive on board the Mont Blano was three times as powerful -as fulmi nate. The powder experts say that. had tha cargo ' a solid foundation be neath. - there would not have) been a rat or a cat left alive In Halifax. Pieces of shells, steel plates - and shrapnel have been found five - miles from Halifax. At Orangedala, Cape Breton, ISO miles distant In an airline, and at Sydney, too miles away, the shock was that of a severe earthquake. At Truro. 2 miles distant, the win dows of the Learmoat hotel were shat tered and the clock was shakeg from the wall of the- train dispatcher's of fice. At Meaghers Grant. S3 miles away, a barn was lifted from Its foun dations as though the work .had been done by an expert housemover. Two American . vessels were making port at the time. One. a cruiser, about 45 miles off Halifax, was so shaken up that the chief officer believed his ship had struck a mine. Then, seeing another craft on the ENEMY ALIEN STOCK ORDER EXPECTED TO AFFECT FEW IN VEST Few Have Not Become Citizens, . Is' View;! Southern Pacific ; ' Ownership Changed. . 20 O 0 1.10 .10 0 .00 o 0 0 ,01 0 0 0t .04 o 0 .00 Judges Have Kind Words' for Ex hibits in Different Classes; Sates Well Up to-the Marki Recent government ' orders . calllns; upon corporations to furnish the names of "alien enemy"- tockholders. that the government may take over. their head ings and administer them until after the war. will have little effect upon Oregon or the Pacific axwast, in the opinion of financiers and corporation iisa . It Is explained that most of the Ger man people la the west, who are of the stock holding class, are already Ameri can citizens. la this they differ from eastern German people. It Is said, who are nearer the fatherland and therefore less often are possessed of fulkcltlsen- ship. - B. 1. Statas la Qae.Ua a Paul 'Wesslnger and Fred A. Ballln, horizon be concluded that he bad been I tola of German origin, hold thai ptn- flred on. He stopped to investigate tha I ,n- "y ssser ina moex me so stranger.' A hospital ship. CO miles off 1 tonic peoples in Portland and Oregon Halifax- felt. the shock and at once I me here with, a view to. permanent concluded that the cruiser., whose loca- reaiaenoe) ana accordingly have severed tion was known to It- was in action. I weir norneiancr ues. - Tidal "Wave 40 Feet Hick, I one or tns points regarding wnicn Tha .Tnin.in . . w... tn I rnucn specuisuon nas arisen is me to pay the Increased prices for feed in I tha harbor that w.nt an ... tv.lsUtss of the Southern Pacific company mw 10 repiaiuBU ana nuunvavin uuclt tracks Of tha International railway and iaau7 vow ovruKia mi. ur- stock and share in the Increased flnan- lifted and swept away loaded freight tnerly owned by the Oregon A Callfor- clal returns promised them. . . , cars. Today the railway loss In rolling nle.. railroad company, originally Oer- Manager Marx predicts that there Is stock was placed at 800 loaded freight Bta1 owned. - a new era ahead for the poultry Industry ears, 100 -passenger cars and 20 8tock records of the Southern Pa in uregon ana ine a'acuia xxoruwest. , I locomotives. - . J cina company are Kept m new lorx V Bales Are Eaeoeraglag . I Survivors tall of feeling two distinct I Snd we know little about them here.- saia svn omciai . cu tne cemnaar uus i boon to the poultry men, who are willing is the Intention to buy riven rpruce.f . romhleted tn lll fcy Xh Nw Trrx h. care la Oregon and 'Washington and EhlpauUdtn. company and w ant i i insoectors wUl be sent from the signal I service last FebrvarK corps upon notice from the owners of I 'She was HO feet long had a draft the liven eprucav speciiioatKins mat i or xeet ana atspiarea lost tens, ixer will settle all the dlsoussroa as to Just j speed was. over "80 knots. now the lot .are to be spilt In order to I The Jacob Jones was en of the rer meet government requirements wiu oeitrpe er ououromr sestrorera and wa Issued within a few days. - . . I propeUed by turbine onglnes. llaita l.rM tm Wo Sa tn S By tneana- of Increased facUlUes. TTflTn fi .Pn.l1hpn,TPrJ spruce productlen is expected - to be 1 T"lv wva w m brought-to TOO.000 to 8.000.000 feet a I , . , TA1 nMM.11 month. The government waaU 10,000,-1 . QT JOllTl . Larr011 vow see a bnou. . ' aaynnd tmnortant announcement from the United States slrnal corni this I The active pallbearers for the funeral morn in a- was that tha Darted States for-J at John F. Carroll, announced today. est service, under . District Forester I are: I R. "Wheeler, Tom Word. A JJ. Oeorge H. Cecil, would take ever the I Bpamawk. H. A. Frederick. Pad Cham nroductloa and delivery contracts for I berlala and David W. Hasen. Honorary Alaska spruce, while the Portland office I pell bearers are: J. K. Wheeler, Eraery of the signal corps will pay the bills and I oimstead. It- X rittock. Li .M- Scott K. handle the shipping of Alaska spruce. I J. Mauta. Henry E. McQtnn. B. a. Joe- The orgaaisaUon of the Lsyal Lteglon I seiya aaa w. h. OalvanL - - of Loggers and Lumbermen, a am aid 1 Funeral Services wUl be held la the to spruce production, has been so sue-1 Scottish Rite cathedral. Morrison and ' eessXul that already lS.froe members have I Ixownsdale streets, Monday at S p. ra. beea eoroUed. it was said this morning. I AJirea -rnorne. c eV, orncutlng. Mill aa. vummuis will sing, concluding servfc Ices wUl be at the Portland crams tor rum. nescrrolr Proposed ia; aalcli Officials of the water bureau are now looking over sites for the construction ' of additional reservoirs on tha west side of the river. Among -the sites being tentatively considered Is the canyon Just wesv of where the playground will be established - In ' Maruaam'a gulch In american destroyer: -. . sunk With loss of 72 (C Hiw nm Ft Om) tal.lua AS JKaJ vlmJia taaa kavaaa aa4 I dVnlASlAAS 0TA laaaaS eaaraa SB Sella- tVIa romnTifnJ. some of the finest spec!- probably being -the blowing. u5 of the morning. -We do know, however, that Compliance with the .liability law. as but Kellaher comes forward now with i rr. . . . . v.. I k..i. w. i . rr-w thm are ham atnKniitara i tha aom. regards the local shipyards hinges tho statement that Helber Is hot under "n. V' 7 " " , . A-T. t r v' n , it i. t hv .hit .na all princlpaUy on the In.taUaUon ot .railing- dVH aervlc - r , ; . - aaT- h . iue slociholdars Iher; ire some all I KltSr"?n-.in cxfi" . : i MthwrnBOlBnrtlfAOon wttt.r to i' I in sji instant Ilallf ax was transformed anemles. . . eTlc I war' '. it1iJ5r. wr" .H1 Jo ""a Judges who officiated this year mar-1 Into a hell spot. Wooden buildings In I Little Effect Zxpectod viion VnT VV-.in -.. Ttr ZZT.: 7 .?Zl ltA the variety of birds shown, tne north end. Including, many old and Richard Koehler. retired, who was ,L ?i '..f,. .JJ. IHiT PP?ln?d. i.L r,1.dman to Judge WUUsm Coats, of Vancouver, B, rickety structures along Water street, general manager of the old Oregon should be done to safeguard the em.-1 position of chief engineer In charge of L Z.m, , .... icoured their wreckan into tha atrMt. I -.iirt. 11 .n ?hayhfwT? it-IVrw fi?tarLw S the plMt and WlUlam O, Helber s fon- .rhe exhibit of high class Barred Ply- Corpees huddled everywhere and fire the stock held by Qermana many of mlrf- i jS rViSi f .w tf P.f114 n mlntUm ! mouth Rocks and Rhode Island Reds completed the destruction. . whom lived la Germany, has loos since n fr,r. irf 5 , J. 1 f"1!!" p.??,lntl.nt 5"! were the finest I have ever seen. Next The worst damage was done over an been taken over by the company. . the railings in many cases would great- be made. Should the civil service board - . .- i ... area of twn aium miiaa in tha mwth u. i- .v. ii .v.. .VT Beaches India at LagU From far ly handicap the .work, and would eh-1 recosmlte KeUaher's contention and hold I -.rrv..- r ur ........ -n. .lend. This is sweet flat ant taaamUaa a .-. viuj report from Admiral Blma. ; It con tained vary few details. The official statement Issued by the naw aanartnant at IS zlS amid : TThe American destroyar JacoD jonee oouu roruanB,nn councu nas ai was torpedoed and sunk Thursday, De- towed' $100,000 in the budget of the camber 0 at t p. m, while on patrol water bureau for the purchase of a site, duty In foreign waters. ' The reservoirs are to augment those al- "Karly reports Indicate that IT sur-1 ready in use on the west side.. vivo re have been picked tip so far. They were on life rafts. . - V - The ' names of ten ' survivors rhave been received up to this time. They are! LIEUT EM AXT (JUNIOR GRADE) JOHN K. RICHARDS. . . ' ES'SIOJi" NELSON N. GATES. ASSISTANT SURGEON I L. ADAM KUCWICZ. ' . ' ' - - JAME3 XL PTERCZI Bremen, nrst clara. TIMOTHT EDWARD TWOMET, TOWN TOPICS .Away India has come a rather striking tail consiaeracie expense. - I the examinations he asks for. Its own testimonial to tne work oi the Oregon i The labor commissioner holds that 1 decision would amount to little, accord' - social nygiene society. Tne manager i the , law- should be enforced fully, but I Ing to those following the case. or an English estate writes from Ram-1 does not want ' to do anything that I At Its 'hearing last Monday night the garh, Kumaun, U. P.. India, asking how would interfere " with or handicaDthe board suarreated to Keltaher that he aak he may obtain circulars on sex hygiene shipbuilders. . . jthe council to recreate the position of arranged Dy mo society ana aaveruseu py it aurmg the first year or tne.so-itlon of conditions in the yards, fol-lpeen vacant since the death of Super- tjeiya eaiaieiice. aiub waa bix jrwa lowed y the coming meeting, WUl DO I intendent David OUa in 1811- bnt Kel ago ana at last tne aavertisement nas i the means of arriving at a satisfactory I laher declined to this. The plan now roavciitna aiiuia, wuero ji, wae aeou.. vr i adjustment Of the matter. i - I nronoaed bv Kellaher is not In accord. bit section stood fifth, with 101 entries." I OT Flanders front, 'only the by alien enemies will have very little ef- More than ISO was realised from theiownouuo even worse, xns ffreatifect as far as the railroad company Is sale of priie-wtnnlng birds for the lene-1 dockyard Is In ruins. - v I concerned. He also behaves the order fit of the Rek Cross fund. I - .Pastor Uvea la Cellar , ' ' I will have little effect In other business Rabbit Fanciers Pleased . .1 Hundreds of ooroeee have been found. 1 en terpneea. notaing in new tnat pracu- m. . a a a . a e a a. a a.a aa. 1 Wnma mT WrSa Mruaagaaa ak aa tpajl-st . Ilwavaa I BH1IT SB. ia aaU-TTlvaanaB ggaTl SrV srsasEa in Dual ngSBaXaV I Is. last 4Vaa.a -4Wi.VasiSsA. l-a M a-- s av ' Lt.W I .KJkDDll ZsQClrsl MX OeUlgTaiM WIX11 IH I "T w " " I I 7 T" . 0n of Tondi' in -Vdr: "1 T7- tV e show and express themselves as gratlflM L what ramau of their home, today, m uu. country arc aaturauseo. FAILURE TO DENT ALLYr . the correspondent. The request "will be compiled with so that the seeker for knowledge from the other side of the world will not be disappointed. Eugene Shelby Recovering Eugene Shelbys formerly. general agent for the Wells Fargo company hv Portland, and later superintendent of the .Northwest I division, with offices in San Francisco, i is improving after a serious- operation say old divisions, decimated bythe Ital to be able to demonstrate the value of J?e Rev. N. Letfcoine . U pastor at St. the rabbit for table. food and fur oar-1 Marks Anglican church In the north poses. The rabbit sandwiches which iuoh b cohtcu w were given away to show visitors proved I rone notning remains out tne cauar or a popular treat. - . . Ihls Sunday school, and thero the pastor m.. -t .... a i. .v. w l la now llvinlr. Half tha members of his vesications that Helber la 1911 was -rrLr-.,. J. narlah are dead. All but two of his choir I I NFS IS AnMITTFn I foreman of the Incinerator and was in I ZZ.T'JZZ ,kI I have perished. Not a single vestryman -' w. ..!., mmmr I t.. n ant ilnHn -K, I ' ' - - " I 1 11 .w. . . m I .VH:.;t -ZlrZ,: ZXrZZ. appearance of th. show room. STf TT.CC. "X.1? V w- aw woar'-'- ' - B" aw - I Btlttrlaw MAaSalttg. Baa 1aaa 1 BNl aaJS m OawOll Ka I BV SVB-JWUtl AWIIeeMB VSkUaVISH lWI ISBIgaa - - . .a-r.a ..a .1 ' MWalVeVI aUVI UUIB aMSJ IW4U Baa a-SB aaj US aW a . .... . 1 (Conthmad Fros Face One) .. - once is.euansr says tnat neioer oia not out by .1- ownru -, Sunday Forty-six children died la the Frotee- i aajttinv . a etiviarint vvsrriTiaaa enn ia wvs - a a aamVaaaava !, ea a aaa snce with the board's suggestlona It was brought out la the board's In- j IMMENSE "CUT-UP" i -PLANT TO BE BUILT (OoaUaetd Frata Pate One) at the Good Samaritan hospital. Mr. Shelby became ill November 28 while i in Portland on a business trip and visit i with his sister, Miss Anna B. Shelby, and his daughter, Mrs. Frank Q. Owen. From all indications he. will be able to i leave the hospital soon. Barwla Wood Sentenced Darwin The machinery has been ordered and is expected to arrive about JaauaryJO. The nlant will be comoleta and 1rmmA-9 occupy a superior position and Is not I ... Itant orshanare with the matron and I rv aamMn t.v tha taat r by Italian aviators. Prisoners just taken j entitled to hold the position of general I J three domestics. Two children survived. J th tint of February, U was announced. J - ' 1 ' I . . . mmrn.m . I TT H Xin Rlwaa niant-ata KETSER TAKES PARK WORK 2000 DEAD IS OFFICIAL Ian defensive fire, have "been re-made. their gaps plugged up with fresh men. Some entirely new divisions have ar- MnnV TtaW Tdra- ntm iveu. .. - : . - - ... - - . . . , , ... Germaas Plaa deliberately. - - s- Apparently the enemy to taking- the fullest, time -necessary to perfect his It la expected to produoe .000.000 feet of Washington, Xeo. fv u. F. Twenty I spruce suitable for sJsplane Up Priyato Position for City's. ? C. P. Keyser is to be superintendent ofy Portland's park bureau after all. TOTAL NOW AT HALIFAX thousand blanket, and 000 or-1 Veaaraeaaa Pajaa, 1 -Mif - fW II RaWWVfr1 ' w - aeray-a MVUS W Vaps BJ (UMS 4e S m0 . ewa v f f aaaa tnat tha Unltad Stataa alamal mrna has aa were today ordered by Secretary of the! t.r been srettinn- out of each aeleetad Navy Daniels sent to relieve the eul-1 -nnica loer onlv about 14 ner carat af desUtute person In Halifax being taken If ering of bUixard -swept Halifax. . I airplane stock. It Is expected that by ( Continued Frasi Page One)' First Presbyterian ' Churcli . Twalfta aa Alder Streets . TOJor OTO, O. O.- JOHN C JOHNSON, seaman. . HENRT A. STUTZKEi chief machln- Ist's mata.- v EDWARD G. GRADT, fireman, second jarwiu oou , . oeawncea varwin i iuii est. time necessary to penect nis r ri rwtnVa. t v. .. r'"".'"' m .... - . av nau awva. (ikwu wu bj Wood, former musician in the Majestic L... 7l..,- 7. no! Lrf.i: '"SS! 5? last night, when it was certain He also dispatched a hospital wilt the use of the plant the split spruce Hot,. i D,t. ... 1 - --..w uu.u.u.v.w w. vu.u., aaath . to . wander thrown tha atorm. I from TProvlneetowa. Jaassu. ana mxormea untimta wrtitoh win Ka VMnri i V. . . . . V. . ..k. . . w. ... I 9 a P. V a mm ama In f n,-ii -it I . . - m.-.w a - . - . . day by Federal Judge Bean to serve 15 riimbu of men and materials trd then ZmJ? " W-D streeU without proper clothing. the Red Cross that everything the navy from the spruce producing- sections nn. iurnxT.iii. i.i, i to strike his supreme blow. - - . I orricer in tne neavy -aruiiery, was se-l lu.. Dt tha refuraeat ara minr aiKit I haa available for relief work la at thai. r.. ...-. .d w..ii-.na wttt months on McNeUl's island for sending j txUt bJ" supreme blow. Many of the refugees are going about I has available for relief work la at the improper letters to his 12-year-old step-l Gn tne lower riave tne Austrians l XZ,K v"' I wrapped In blankets. Their own clothes I disposal of Halifax. daughter. Wood was olaylnr a nlano very nignt uoggeuiy attempt to. tnrow i-'i , A, --;--. I were torn to ahreds. In a theatre in Marshfield. - The girl I onages across tne'nver. - .-very ; aay r .""'-J , "-""r " "" I The wUdest weather, the Atlantic was' living with her mother, who was Italian nd allied artillery destroy them. thework, Msjror aker got him to w- coast can produce has practically ended estranged from her husband, in San I . wa- uurmorn win .. ui m imc, . " V" r. I tne nunt ror. bodies. A. thick pall or : Francisco. Only the previous good rec ord of Wood kept him -from imposing a I greater sentence, Judre Bean' said. CbJcagxf Plana Aid Chicago, Dec 8. (L N. 8.) Chicago heavy concentrations are apparently be-lagreod to recommend an increase tnBnow covers the blackened ruins of the I cltlxens, tn Tesponse to .a proclamation aXa-jjil aaaaaa eTea.Pa.va tVa eainm alArmaaaMaat attaaba received Friday by Dr. Ben N. ' Wade P'lJ" of Portland, who had been commissioned .as a first lieutenant in the medical of fleers' reserve corps a few months ago, to report for Duty December 15 at St. Louis. . Lieutenant Wade will take e pe ine- mada behind the Aslasro nlateau and I salary. Keyser was to accept a position I -,n-K and -m,. . -.. v.ia ,v. ... Monte Grappa the Utter constltuUng paying $225 a month. He received 185 haunted firemen once a aln to subdue DOtn in appearance ana reauiy, a wm- '- I the fires In the wrecka-re. . .. San a -l T a sewu a.is jaiiuiasee guardln the Venetian When Convill waa at the offlcer'a of Oregon and Washington, wilt yield up 80 to 40 per cent or airplane stock. The building's dimensions will approx imate. 400 by 8 SO feet. It will have a saw tooth roof to permit the entrance of plenty of light for the difficult task f working the spruce to grain. BsTlafft to Bo Large Ordlnarty mUla- lack facilities to saw training oamp Keyser was acting super- Thai most remarkable winter weather I intendent.- He was formerly - engineer on record is favoring equally the Austro-1 and assistant . superintendent. Germans and the allies as preparations Issued by Mayor William Hale Thomp son, will assemble at a mass meeting today to discuss relief measures ror the 1 f.n .rft fo .ff ,.-, artokan rttv of Halifax. A. citiaana' I tot raln. but saw for dear stuff, that justice Harris or Halifax, chairman I relief committee, headed by James B. Forgan, will have general charge of the relief work. go forward on both sides for the Im pending impact.. : -. Where a year ago the entire moun- Washington university medical school. He will leave Portland Tuesday, v - Holdup Missed Colsr Ushers R. Thayer, .156 Aineworth, reported th' City Making Serrlce - riae , The city 'is to have its own service flag.-.-The flag will be stretched across the main corridor of the city halL More i and more expect to go. 'There is to j tee reported that whi burled under jalne feet of snow; today the' rocks were bare except the peaks. The air ia clear, as a crystal. The sun shines brightly. The cold is hard 'end . loss -ox in in caso arm a i aiamonu i gry and. intense. pin to the police Friday night, when he I when winter eventually does break, it was held up-in-front of his own rest-1 will be the Austro-Germang who will I ing the flag made. aence. : The roDoer xorcea , Mr. Tnayer i -urf er under the greatest handicap. to disrobe partially to make sure no They must transport supplies for .great valuables were overlooked. Notwlth- j distances over difficult mountainous standing this, a large sum in an inside I res-ions. pocket waa not found. . inspired by knowledge that they are roarresatlon 'Plana " Par-haaa Thn now - fighting over, the same historic congregation of the East Side Christian 1 battlefields where a dosen former otinrxh TT.amt Taralfth anil Fjmt TitIa, FTSnCO afmlM Italy - SnalBM tneiT streets, at a special' -service ' Sunday i greaieB. , u lultim was worse man useless. It was " j.u. . .(...v... v..... I ara takincr un contact with the ' enaiu.- n-. t, mttmm-, tit. jum .. ....... , i . . ... I m . aHFaaiif .antlfiialaam linartiiaiad I i . - 1 11 ... . - . tut; Biuiing in ywnicn wt caurcn - . 3 ' cwnunaie. au w-i udukdi oi was to .located, according to an announcement I ":"-": ' ' : ' . " ,-,;I8;et somewnere away trom tne horror. made this .mornm:. The meetlnar will I ins auies snow an - ever increasing of the dtlsens finance committee. Is sued the following statement today: The committee - of the dtlsens of Halifax was appointed to make a pub lic statement on the damage to the city of Halifax and the town of Dartmouth and after as careful a survey aa pos ts, wood not necessarily straight grained the entire length of the section but clear of defects. .The United Stataa can Use for alrnlanea euruoe that not only la ab solutely free of defects but that la enl Tttrntriara tn TTallfaV ' Rata James R. Kelly, operator "for the 5Jf , ... . . s nsa miaiin war united Jrress at tne roruana oureau. re ceived a telegram from relatives In Eastern Canada Friday afternoon that than 100 employes have already sails ted gible of tha damaged area the commit- .TH.1 I his brother. John Kelly, was at Halifax about M per cent. The average freight The cut-up plant will consist of IS units with 140 saws. The savins; la car and cargo space through its uaw win be be plenty of room on the flag for stars j In Halifax .and Dartmouth was more for all. employes . who leave the city's service. Commissioner Kellaher la hav- ' HUNDREDS OF HALIFAX , VICTIMS WERE AT. DOCK i , -----. (Ooathraed yrern Pass Oaa) or at the time of the dlsastss there, but raU saving - In transcootlaantal T tnrnad into, a narada wsnnnd mam. I of - thalr tamnorarr maintenance will be presided over by the. pastor. Rev. I strtngtn on ths .whole Plave river Une, i blocks from my office to get ray breath I reach v between $25,000,000 . and . $10,- R. -Wi Sawyer, ; Coram bla Blver Hlgaway Stage. Two round trips, Multnomah Falls to Port land dally Leave Multnomah Falls 7 :S0 a. m. and. 1:10 p. m. leave St. Charles notei, jortiana, 10 -a.- m. ana t p. m. a little and then- ran up on top of the hill. This must have been 10 minutes ahltt. damaged, the devastated area la I " :7rTZVT""'rZl I ,T. "T.T,Tn " . . . a a. a. aaw.aa.aa. a0 a-.ala.laa I wTaal3w lSSaVAIl J VAS Vise OS wiaal Saw est w u w- I TfsjsiUI W Ww ewv. m.rw ! r found near fne of tbe sxploslon I IeM opintor on a British destroyer op-1 The HP. S. raUroad baa agreed to r.' J wccu"eratlng out of Halifax. - . I build thO necoeeary tracks to the plant by workers and the poorer classes. . - - ... . 1 9ua lam ."T. nZZT r ZZ. atvaan- X000 and 4000 nf mnnYt I - . . . I ai vdcw. aw dw-lllncr. hin kian Mmnlatalw da I -' XVCUCl Diauou ' I a, roWOT Company Will BTippi mm power, stroved br the exoloston or bv Are. I St. John.' Dee. WL N. a) Word I All ths machinery wIU be electrically The number of those affected is I was received hero early today that the I driven. - . " estimated at 25.000 and while, of course. I Massachusetts relief train, which left I . - laaeifiaaUaag U Be Isgsed v the circumstances of aU or even most I Boston Thursday I or Halifax, had. beea I The plaa for buHdlag tha mill gives at hi aaiuit ISa aarartalnad . nntll I StallM IB OSep BBOWOnrv DBTODa an mm and lnaBarativa BlamlfWnea lo the each case is invesUgated, yet. It U I haret. . Railroad officials announced 1 rtym, r splltUng of spruce logs in tha mat rauH waw, vaau want .ivm i fofata. SO that OWy avauasio poruoas near-by towns. - t- - .. may be transported. Exact specifica tions for riven spruce nave been said First Relief Train Arrirea lap. according to colonel Disque, so that -r..n. ' T-w. T tt? a wam i tne soacii lcauona miroi om aovw k reached hero at noon that the Masaa-1 the retirements of the eutnp plant. It feared that the destitute poor In the area will number upwards of 2000 and their actual loss and the estimated cost 000.000. DaselaUoa'asa Mearalag Everywhere JOHN J. MULVANET. seaman. "BTJtON FLOOD, ataman. The United States ship Jacob Jones did excellent work In October upon ths occasion of the torpedoing of the steam ship Orama at p. ra-. ootooer is. Tne Orama. a former F.sO. vessel, convert ed into aa auxiliary cruiser, was tor pedoed by aa enemy submarine. Ths Orama at tha time was part of a con voy of merchant resells under escort of American destroyers, of which the Jacob Jonea was last. ' The submarine's periscope was seen after the ' explosion. She was Imme diately attacked aad put out of action. The Jacob Jones aad another destroyer were detailed to remain by ths Orama to save life. -It was dark when the Orama began to settle and tha crew abandoned her.; The Jacob Jonea picked lip in ths dark i 80S of the 47$ persons on board. All on board the Orama wars saved by those two veeeels. - The Jacob Joaes was commanded by ZJeutenaat-Commander David Worth Bagley. brother of Mrs. Joseph us Den ials, wife of the secretary of the navy.--f Mrs. Daalels Prettratg Mrs. Daniels was prostrated at her homo by the news. Interviewers who were admitted found her tn-tears, un able to discuss the oaa at the ship and the still unreported fats of her brother. Mrs. Adelaide E. Bagley. mother the destroyer's commander and a guest at the secretary's home, also waa deeply moved, but waa apparently dinging to the hope that Bagley may yet bo re ported saved. - " Secretary Daniels, always 'deeply s. f acted by aay disaster to navy craft. was deeply, moved at this disaster which hit his Immediate family. . Mrs. Daniels lost another brother la the aavy during the 8 pan lab-American war. Ensign Worth Barley, who was the first man killed in that war, was a brother of the cammaader or the Jacob Jones. , He fell at Mstlniss. , The Baxters have, long been proml- neat la the American navy aad his re lationship to them is said to have played a part In the selection of -Mr. Daniaie as head of the aavy department. , - The survivors were rescued by two ships,. ens picking up, seven, the other Secretary Daniels held out the hope this afternoon that other survivors mar have been recovered by , other ships without wireless. . ' The torpedoing was a surprise attack, navy meeaages Indicate. The Jones was operating several hundred miles from lend. t- , This makes the second American war ship sunk by German torpedoes sines the United States enured the war. ' Ths Indicated loss of life la tha dlstaster is the largest of aay American lose at sea except In the submartaing of the army transport Antilles, which carried 07 men down. . - ' - The small patrol boat AJcodo, was tor pedoed November with a toss of 11 of the crew. , --.-...--.-; The Jacob Jones was one of ths M- . class of . destroyers. She - - is ao Aw 1 i HOW TO FEAT IX TIM K "J LUI ' . " , . . , re -T.X8 F. M." Orgaa' Radial Edrar r.tCsarMS , Ceitralte Sete, Mrs. Tlrglsla UsUklsaea, Seraiea ea :i; CHBISTHt - XITHOI1 OP MAKIXO A BET. , TK VrOALU." ' ' 1 THE FIRES OF THE JUDGMENT DAY What they tret wht they contumo Scriptural evidence t hit they ire v., , now baraiflf. : ' , . Heir this timely topic v. .'- ;bj... .;. ' v- . : A. A. Yerex Lectarer for the Associated Bible' -;. : - ., . Students ,, v. ; SuBdij, Dec. 9, it 3 P. M. W. p. W. HALL Ent 6th tni East Aider StK Ail welcome. No collection. "EVERYTHING FOR TOE : :: SHIPILD PipFHUnjrt, VevlyesSteara '- - And Engineers' Supplies, Best Quality; Prompt Service. CenvtnUntty Located - M. L. ICLINE M Tsars Wheleemlhur Fls wVlag, Bootleg aa steasa flappas U FsrUaad; ' S4-88-87-e9 Front St, chusetts relief train bad reached Hail-1 British Back Two Miles Tndnn. nac t. L ..N..-8.V Realign-1 after Uie exploslonbut a big mushroom I Tt ii ta u ciaartv iiBdaratAoA that I fax. This Is the first - reUet train to . tm., - r tha OI srnoke, which was bursting pure white in this esUmate the number of ner-1 arrive In tha stricken city. - . 1 1 1R11 la XJM. - uie awa rWM -.awa vww waa .aav s a, -aa. a a . Aaa.a. -M a a ..a a . I B a , a " V1 lT.Vw, u? to7 0w Km rendered destitute are considered. amoral .-v 1 tne narnor. it was terarymg. hut still I and thi. tm tha nnrtinn of tha tvnuia. iiVlOlf a VI a,(Biiijat d. V - en . aaSa BatfU TJ f a alAe I a, i I , aaa . a I i"' aaw mmm wa-sr my- mvm waa u aw aa earn Saturday and Sunday evening, leave mllea from the German base of Cam-1 one of the most magnificent things J I un of HaUfax and , Dartmouth least Multnomah Falls 0:80 p. m; and Port" I hraL This Is about two mUes further 1 TJSJ!emtm . inf' , -' able to bear the- loss, and which must JiixyPinds Fraser Guilty of Forgery away than when the British were fol- 't0 m ooa wlbe ImmedlaUly relieved by generous aa- lowlng the big drive which General " i'"UK,u - oestrucuon i gigtanco of their fellow cltiseas through- I Julian Byng launched -on November 20. 1 " ' . " , , Twrlout Canada." Dispatches from the front. today said JtT , Z. vi . i Today Halifax is a place of hospitals that the German garrison which 00- j Yr "5 ,,;, ""B?" w" and morguea. of bltur cold, drlying cuoled Bourlon wood, on the northern wooden buildings and the oyer- ul blackened wreckage. . .f. f nmhrii aalianr la h n I "" w Hinu va. airs, i Ti wrtmi -ara nanrrnr tn rrtrnt an I kept wider heavy shell fire. 1 V . -.rf. I of America asking for toforma-1 Fraaier. Indicted for forgery, venued aUiaUVCO . oiMuviwit Va OS. IUOU INUl. I tin. AnMtInSr TVantreVaarisl FkaOil lafiVatarl fl St Wea I a .. . Corvallla, Or,' Deo, t. After deliber ating about' IS hours, the Jury , in the case of ths State of Oregon va, E. J, hall, 128 Fourth street. ; Dr., M. H. Mar vin will preach from the Guarantees," fallowed by at noon. Adv. "Seleatlflc Prayer, a lecture by Agnes M. Lawson, teacher of Divine -Science, woman's ixcnange bidg., 186 Fifth st. Sunday 8 p. m. i morning topic, II a. ra.. "God" . Emerson, class Thursday,: 8 p. m. v'AU welcome. Adv. .Bible Sale-Until disposed of -we will sell the -400 new Bibles In stock at 40 per cent - discount.. Hylanda, Bookstore, 170 Ffth street. -..(Adv.) other parts ot toir-lnvuibi: Jgjfta fhw Mslng-Ln Vaccueri, - dl kr now Sunday school ?lor:. ' . 7$: knew, I think he was probably mls- land It p. m. - " . T . , tAdv.) To Lecture - oa - Criminology. H. W. Wicks will give a free lecture on "So ciety and Crime,? at , the Arion hall. Second and Oak streets, Sunday at $ p. m. The different schools of crimi nology.' wUl he dealt with. Admission w : : . - 1 - --- . . . -v; . -l.tlB-h,.. amnio wi Af m rlm.. I r. - T. T . .. . . : Toylor SUeet Ch.rehSund.y morn- fating r-ST: . . 1 1'?' I from Lane county, rurned a verdict of Ing service at 10 :30 o'clock at Foresters' Pf?" 7" , ' the Mont Blanc had $40 ton. of T. N. ".r..? ZLj.Z1Z rulltr at the ooenlng of court thla mom- a..; va waiu, vui u vmj iv tviu I wrackad with tuifienaa for aama hclovad 1 ing. - Jiun niniuwn am yaae aaniimtie one. The hotel r are thronged with sad-1 onaay moram a. i vuoca.. - . r.nad aaaVara. Rwarw-arhara la daar.la.i- This has been One Of the hardest ,.V.M a ,K. Hm. I . I , W . - . I . n . m m . mmmmm erj wjtr . D.nAi4 --- : i uvu wo um 1 tion. evervwnere mourning. iuii nm - Heavy Fir Keported Ihlll orders' had coma to ha raadw I Il-L .V .v. -.I" w . . ,'lad Awe deva ware consumed In the Paris. Dec. 8.-CU. P.)-Heavy artillery I flood th. naval mas-aslne. " t , I r.T" " v,,. 7.". vT.l " 11 1 tat . 7 ' v -. fire around .hill 344. Bexinvauxv Beau- harbor. . I X... ZZZ ZZJZ:7 ,Z7, JLT-ZZZ a" iUrv has been drawn for the trial mont and other points on the right bank . to taava ' Firat wiai.t I Htx m.Mna for aoma haiowad ana Tha of - Ia Armentrout. tha Albany speed n -l. so-anrelv enourh thera wa. a hotels are thronged with sad-faced seek-1 iramo ouicer. ior, ouae nrririsi KtaiomAnr . .. -. . 1 . . - : .- -- - 1 . - . . . .. oTk s,.h. a iiam, m niiJ iBCTambio to leav. Halifax that night I era, n.verywnere is oeaoiauon. Trf. South of Senonln a German raid failed. A scheduled to leave at C ra where mournln. : , t. . '"- I flnairv amt awav at 11 In and T I a tarn a Tlalaw Ttallaf Trataa MOTle HOUSeS Aid Hedt. CrOSS. j on here as I had Intended to leave on I rha aiaet extent of tha lnita at tnrma 1 city last month. la Oraada Or. Dec The' recelnta I that tiar. -.-" ...I tl-WanaB aaaaaf Wa VnASffll Ta-kX MaVSS A-BI t aswa I ' Steamer Iralda for St Helena and I at the three Laf Grande movie houses! --1 would give It as my oslnlon that I orobahlv never will be known. " Tha I Kits. . It V nnnn Unf Rainier, dally at 2:10 pt u foot of Al-1 Friday afternoon netted the Red Cross j Halifax, la not In such great need of fire which swept the blasted area wiped I lw UllCClO JJUU der street t jsunaay, ; t uaiens , only, l i9u.ov. : xne enure maunee receipts 01 1 1 ooa as one mignt imagine. What she out the wrecks of hundreds of buQdlnga. 1:30 p.m.-.: . (AdvJ I all the snows were oonatea to the Red l needs Is doctors and nurses,: medicine 1 The. storm has greatly delayed trains and carpenters. There are large stores and nrevsnted relief parties from outside of food, blankets and all those things 1 cities from getting to work as early aa S TE R : Steamer Jegsle Harking for Camas, Washougsl and way landings daily, ex cept . Sunday j leaves Washington' street dock at-2 p, m.. - (Adv.) Earle Whitney Belter Earle Whit ney, salesman for the General Electric company of Portland) Is Improving- rap- Idly at the1 Good -Samaritan hospital, Cross. destruc tion of property. He shot through th. tiro Of an automobile which was bringing Senator Chamberlain to this 60 Days in Jail where he was taken to ' be operated upon December .8. His . condition was at first serious, - but according to the latest reports, he will be able to leave the hospital in a short time. - ; The temporary lecatlea of Dr. Geonre Rubensteln, -optician, la at 294 Washing- at Halifax. It la th principal military city of the Dominion and besides there are large wholesale houses thero and at St John and Truro nearby. But ahe needs medical attendance and window glass, I L don't suppose there Is a' whole window In the city nor a whole dish. "With., the bllxaard which has started ton st. near 6th. Phono Main $902.. Adr. Binc I came away the people must be "Oak wood delivered to the customer or suffering terribly with cold and expoo- ln carload lota. Bast Side Slabwood Co. ure, beside, from their hurts and burns.' East 228. " 4 . x; (Adv.) , Asked how many dead . he thought they expected. - When the official government Investi gation of -the munitions ship si plosion I . (i f . Fear that If ho registered la Eastern Oregon , he would miss ths Inspiring claudits of his two o people aa he beg-1ns her. It will be testified that the marched away to war, was the excuse Moat Blanc carried 4000 tons of T, N. T, I Bruce Donaldson, aa Albany youth of ths highest explosive known, and a deck-1 28, gave Assistant United 8 tales Attor- load of bensine. Aa this floating bomb 1 nay Goldstein this mem Ing for his fail came through the narrows there was a 1 ure to sign th. war roll on' registration 1a-ht m lat Tha atnfw af tha w.. I Am - W . to keep to the right and hug the nar-1 . i was tn the eastern part of the state rowa as It went toward Bedford to await I working June a. and didn't know I a convoy. ' - ... I could register tn Albany, although not IRVINGTON'S COMMUNITY CHURCH EAST SEVENTEENTH AND SCHUYLER In the absence of the pastor. Dr. Pence, who Is at Camp ' Lewis, preaching Sunday will be by Rev. Ffinkf Maples, of The Dalles, Oregon ': - - ,. - . ':: Mciiinw Topic -"THE IVIASTER. UUILDER . . At 10J0 o'Qock ; 7 r ' ' !-' ' ' mm a- . " uwaamn nian iwti ami ' ' - atTcning aopio"iniiim.ni'' . , At 70 o'Qoclc ..... ! ' Banee at Greiiam Satsrdav Sraaiaa- 1 there were In the city. Mr. Arbuckle tt The Belgian relief ship Imo waa am- being there. If I left with the quota from ... . v i wm rm itiui. Make it yourself. Bijr runny sack full of the finest cabbage in the land 90 cents. E. 22d and Gladstone. Come out today, Sunday or Mondax- Dec 8. Take car at 1st and Alder, f Adv.i I saw e oeuevea mere were at least 4000 n- r-m. v r.k.4 . a c-i,.-I " w""r a man, ugww. ' a . . . ..Mvavj wa.UA.Kou. yr.i 1 1 i a; hide. . ... - t AAm Ir. Amot, gargfOS. EeUlng bldg AdV tod Eariaga CertUicataa at The ionrnal of.'ioZ Eastern Oregon X wouldn't know any- alleged neither ahip was on Its proper I one and wouldn't 'set any cheers.' said side of the stream. ' I Donaldson. - In order to rectify the mistake they I He was sentenced to servo $0 days In exchanged signals, which were evident-1 the Multnomah county jaiL - t b-e.tiiwi rri r im.T.t caaket. baa, 2 ' ewtee. rabalntlaf anal raJlaae servica for Funerals If desired for tie. $18, $10. Higher priced funerals in pre par ties. We maaufactare casks ta. Ltdr uslstaat " BeiatUiif f BnerU chapel i v I MILLER 6? TR ACEY Kaha letL - TadrfNm'eat Tnaerai IMreetera. A-TT't. 1 WMUarWi at rua at, Batweea saut aad list sVta, West SXa. XaweaaSeal tmam lUtkesMtlaa Qflasa Pfapsisfsfn, fas detailed Mfsrwatiee ssS at ee otss u Si ni li ns. TrarstfUaa al g ii nee, XMr PeeOaad T. K. C. A. Reliable 1 Dentistry rs 10 We gwaraatas aar an. Wa yrtU a ieeta fiea aa ta weal iaej aagasg sas w a a i Vu'7iw4.....tXM u ftn 1 lnaala trewaa. . .. 4 1 t ta4 luiia.....)ISe es4 Vf J Ma( tana l...li , faialiaa IininlMI.,.....Hi V filnaaa. .... -e V 1 gtew ear gioiaal atiasaaae te sal aata, .; . Si. Aawtas dr. n. r. KnrroN; Prep. -. Cras Zastsss Vstd 18 Boston Painless Dentists Sirens t sad its ee VmUhm St STiMUC-DAVIS CO. wngorrsaTH Airo ftr-raxi . yiUM-aiaS BUFPUaA Best material, lowest prloes, Tt - esiimatee Klvea. SIS 3rd Ft Mala T7, JkmATTW ! 5iTi '