THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL 14 SATURDAY, DECEMBER -8,' 1917, PORTLAND. 'OREGON FORmER PASTOR OF , PORTLAND CHURCH IS JO OCCUPY PULPIT ., j. : -: r'.rv "v ,.v ...... .... 1 1 Rev. A. J, Montgomery to Address Congregation of Centra! Pres byterian Church Sunday A. M. i f - ummm . Itei A. J. Montgomery , 1 The con pre gat Ion of Central Presby terian church will have the pleasure of hearing their former pastor. Rev. A. J. - Montgomery, superintendent of Presby terian missions for Oregon, preach at ' the morning service Sunday. Dr. Mont gomery will also baptise his young ? granddaughter on this occasion. ? Op ' portunlty will be given for the baptism . . of other Infants and children by the pas tor, Dr. Arthur F. Bishop. .Superintendent W. D. Dearer ex ' f pressed his satisfaction over, the result v of .the first meeting under the new Sun day school hour which has been changed from 12 o'clock to 9:45 a. m. All the ? T teachers were present and a very satis factory attendance was reported. The men's forum turned out exceptionally ' strong to hear Clarence Steele continue his. talk; on his experiences In Slam. ' It is hoped through this change In . the time of meeting of the Sunday school to greatly add to its membership. Free Methodists to ; Meet Next Friday A. quarterly ; meeting will be held In L the First Free Methodist church. Bast Ninth, and Mill streets, commencing on Friday t night and continuing over the 4 Sabbath. Rev. Frank I Burns, travel ing elder of the district, will be present, and preach both Sunday morning and night. Rev. . Mr. , Burns Is a strong, forceful speaker, and a meeting of spe cial Interest is anticipated. The pastor, Rev Alexander Beers, has - been conducting i. special j evangelistic meetings daring the past two weeks, and It will be determined next Sunday as to whether -these meetings will continue .. longer, or not. "Bible of Today" to ' Be Dean's Subject l ' ---".- Dean McCollteter will continue his Ad ' vent lectures at the morning service at the Pro-Cathedral Sunday, his subject being "The Bible of Today." H will give special attention to the relation be tween the church and the Bible, past and present views of inspiration and the - literary, moral and spiritual value of the book. His subject on the following . Sunday will be "The Ministry and Re ligious Orders." The mission to be conducted by Vie -, Rev. J.. Attwood Stanfleld of New Jer : eey at the Pro-Cathedral will begin on January J and conclude on the II th. ty j f ? , ' ', - 'J I,,, , ,s , , - ; - IS--'; s 1 V Mi- 1 i DIRECTORY OF WEEK'S 1 Second Sunday in Advent ! , ..: asstM'''" Flirt White Tiopl 12 th and Tarter rta IUt. a. Bosi Kltt It, "Th Churoh.and Itt EMHitie Effort." ' T :80. "How Much Sutt r Work Is JuftUiaela - is Proteeuti&s the Wart"-.. ;k ; - - ' - Est' 81d-Et 20th sod Ankny tta.--BT. Vt. B, Hinaoti. 11. "U Any Ot Lesdiat i" 1 T0. ''How um Scarlet I Uad White br the Ited.", , . , , , 'HiahUwi K. 6th and Alberta. Ber. Cbsrlw Mlr. pastor. H. "Chrtat'a Method to Pr- onat ETangUm." T:0. "A Man EqalTaienjt to tb PrMnt Kmercwor." - - o ; Unirmltr Park Cor. Fiike and Dnw eta hot At i.'niac(, puior. ii, bctbob si um PMtor. '7:80. Sermon by tho ceitnr. - : SwcdMi 18th -and Uojrt -Bav. Gideon EioUadcr. paatov 10:80. "7:80. Grace Mo&taTilla Rev. H.. T, Cash. 11. , Setlwood Mf. H. Haras, pastor. ' 11, T:45, St Johns r Kef. K. P. Borden, pastor. 7:30 CalTStx E..thaod Grant -Bt. :J. E. Itinmas. pastor. ,.' 11, T:80. r ; i - Ut Calrsnr Et Pin and - Grand . aa. Rst. A. U. ilscbsock.' 11, 8. ;i. Third Knott and . , VaneonTsr " ara. - Bv, Welbr J. Bearen. lli "Our Present OneoTta- nlty." , . 7:30, - "Jems' Third Temptation." u - . Chinese 809 Deris St. . - : ; ' r Glenooe E. 46th and Main Bar. A. . B. Walta 11 "Tha Eternity ot J eras." 7:80, "Why Does Not Jam Return te Earth?" . - Arleta O. Oaraet Handley. 1 1. "Hope." T :0."A" Good BovA--' -r -:k t Monet OUtet Rt. W.. A. Macrett, ill. 8. , Italian Utasioa 11, 8. - .' - First Oarman 4th sad AOO Ber.'J. Kratt 11,7:80. - . - . ' Second Gatiusu MjiiIs aad Bodasy sre. 11. 7:80. - ... . ,: . .. ...... . North Portland Mission 800 Nieolal at, Er day. 8. ....,:"...-.,-..."'-:-.: RnseeUrUle Mission. . Tabernacle. E. , 2d and ' Bolaate. 19:48, v T;80. . - , - - , v . Oct nolle I St Peters LenU Be. F. BeateaaT . 10 80. 7 :0. ' Pro-Caiijedral lSth and Darts Bar. B. T. OUara. 0. 7:18. 8:80, :4B. 11. 7:45. : St Lawrenoe 8d and flhrrmsn Hstl J. O. Haines. 6. 8:80, 10:80, 7 :S0. - St. Patricks 1 9th and Sarier BeT. B. P. Marpby. ' 8, 10:80. 7:80. St. Franols E. 11th and Oak Bev. J. H. Black. S. 8, V. 1S:S0, 7:10. Immamlate Heart ef Mary WUUaass eev and Btantoa iter. w. A. ueuy. e, s. S. 11. 740. Holy Rosary E. 8d and Cbtekamaa Bev. E. . . Vfawn. t e. i, o. 1, ax, j:mK - , -jw-? at. Bom E. B8d and" Alameda Bar. J. ,-. OTsttsII. Vats 8, hiah mass 10:80. bceadiotbs p. aa, - r;.-.'.'--:-- . -. St. Aadraw g.8th and Alberta Bev. 'J, ' The Msdeleioe -E. 'g4th and gMdyea Bay. Geono F. Thomraon. ;7;80. 0. 1S:S0, :-:- Ascension- K. Tassbill and S. 78th Francav- aauters. - . 7:. Biassed Bscrsment Maryland ave. and Blas- : aerie iter. r. w. niaek. s. 10:30, 7:80 . noiy cross ? 74 tfoedola Ke. C ' 8. 10:80. 7:80. St. Intins 8220 48d st 8. E. Jesuit !. a, iv:ao. e. ; . St. fitepbena 42d and E. TaylopBeT. War- sea a. wane ; , ;su. 10:50, 7:80. MizpaH Choir-Gives S ; It First Concert The- choir - of . th , MUpah : churcB Ear the first secular concert of the season November 28. .. W. F. Down Ins Is the -choir director. Solos were ren dered by Harry Sconffal, the - Misses Xads, and Lillian Downing- and Mr. Downing ' A quartet composed of Mr. Downing, - tenor;. Mrs. Harry Scous-al, soprano; Miss Archibald, also, and Mr. Scougral , were - greatly appreci ated. - Mr. and Mrs. John -Martin and wife rendered- several Hawaiian selec tion. , Miss Helen -- and Jean Harper rendered " ' selections on " violin and piano to'the great delight of the audi ence. , The : choir rave several selec tions. These concerts " will continue occasionally throughout ' the winter, with a sacred concert ' jon " the last evening- of each month. THEIR BIT IN P CONSERVATION PLAN Many Meatless, Wheatless m and Wasteless Days Are Reported by Local Committeemen. :.- Complying with the request of the National food conservation committee, urging the pastors , of all churches to appoint a church conservation- commit tee to assist in the administration's food conservation ; program. Rev. John H Nelson, of the Anabel Presbyterian church, the ; latter part of October named the following committee, which has worked- untiringly at the task of having the members of the congrega tion make reports to the government each week : EUton Shaw, chairman. Miss Rhodes and Miss McKi trick. The first week In November 66 wheatless, 187 meatless and 22S wasteless meals were reported. The committee set as a goal at the beginning 600 wasteless meals. The first week In December 253 wheatless, 441 meatless, and 639 waste less meals were reported. - The greatest gain in the average number of meals reported per family Is in the use of, other bread than that made of white flour. The average number of meals per family, without wheat, having increased from five In the first report to 10 in the last. , Oalns have also been made In the number ; of meatless meals reported. The number of meals at which anything has been wasted Is almost nothing. The reports will be continued through the month of December. Boy Scout Service Is Sunday Feature Rev. W. Garnet Handley of the Arleta Baptist church Is featuring his Sunday night services Into special men's meet ings. ; The sermons and programs are most unusual and his parishoners are enthusiastic over the unique plan. This Sunday the feature Is to be a Boy Scout service. Boy Scouts . from the Arleta district will be present In uniform and will be seated-hv a bodx. Lieutenant J. R. Burnet, a member of the British recruiting mission, and a soldier who has seen three years of ac tive service at the English front, will speak on Incidents and facts of the great war, : .. Rev. Mr. Handley will deliver his ser mon on "A Good . Scout," nd . special music will be given. Rev. J. K. Browne Is To Speak Sunday gregational church. Woodward avenue and East Thirty-third 'street, Sunday morning will be Rev. J. K. Browne D. D.. who was for years a missionary In Turkey. Dr. Browne was announced to fill the pulpit two weeks ago, but was recalled to San Francisco and is now returning. All are Invited to hear him. Holy Redeemer Portland btwL and Taaooa 1 ava -Ber. F. H. Miller, n, 8. 10:80, 740. St PhilUs NerU (Psolist Fathers) E. 16th and Hickory Ret. W. J. Cartwricht, pastor. 7:80, , 10:00. St. Ulementa Smltn ana If setun nav. Jo seph Cbapoton, Rev. Thomas Neales, assistant, B. 10.80. 7:e. sacred Heart B. 11th and Caster Ber. O. Rob I. 8. 10:80. 7:80. ' 8U Asatluv E, 18 th and Mlllsr VLmr. J. Ccmminsky. 8, 19:80, 7:80. - St. Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland are. and Faillne r.t. F. Matthew. 8. 10:80. 7:80. Sr. Joseph (Uennan) 1 itb end Coach Bev. B. Dorrer. 8, 10:80, 740. . St, Michael (Italian) 4th aad MID Bev. M. Balestra. 8. 10:80. 7:80. Sr. CUres Capital Hill Franciscan Fathers. 7:80. 8:16. . t coanea ssa ana aiDerta iter. u. tun derhorm. 7. 8:80, 7:80. - ' ;ohrknia Vint Park and Columbia Bar. Harold H. Griffis. 11, "Tha Creed of tha TJniTenaHrt." 7:80. Missionary Paseant, "The Call of Chriat to Me." ' v.. . - Kent Park R. A. Moon, paster. 11. 7:80. East Side Christian E. 12th and E. Taylor B; B. H. Sawyer. 11. 7:80. Sell wood lltA aad Tenino KT. I. R. John- i. 11, s.-. -. I., i , . . ' St. Johns Rot. Herbert F. Jonea 11. 8. BetheK B. 8 2d and Thompson Bar. Anbrrr W. WUsoa. llontsTflla TTi 7mn and Son Bav. Enaena Burr. 11. - - Gladstone! Rev. Bey I Dana, 11. 8. . Rodney arena and Knots Bar. - Carlaa 2. Ghormley. pastor. 11, 7:80. Wood lawn ChrfsUanTth and LJbertT Rer. Joseph D. Boyd. 11. "The Good CBfessioa. 7 :SU. -unnst. Hts Missionary Proarasa. Bnneakn 17th aad Cosut Frank S. Jones, .11. S. ... . . . OhrtsAlBs SOtsMICat "Lesson 8nb)ect: "God. the Only Canes and Creator." - ' First church Ererett betweea 18th and. 18th ta rll. 8. . - - : - BeeoAd E. 8th and HoUaday. 11, 8. Third E. 18th and Salmon. 11, 8. Fourth Vancouver asa. aad Rum. 1 1 S Ftfth 11 1 tj aec mul st. sad ' Forty aswnd ave. Sixth Maacrnio TsmpX w. Park aad Tasahm 11. 8. . - . ... , Csriatiaa Scienca society Holhrnok HoA. at Johna. .. 11. First ark aad Madison Bev. Lather B. Dyott.., Sermons by Rer. Jamee El Tin ot Balaam. 10:80. 7:48.- - ; - Atkinson Mrmorial cbnrcb E, 28th and Er erett Rer, WarTen Morse. 11. "Christian Laacteraiup in tM ursat Was." , TJ0, Uli trated address en Mexioe. - ' Ftnt Qsrmsa a. 7th aad Stanton Bar. X. O. WUliama. ' . - Pilgrim Mlsanerf are. and Sharer at Bar. W. C Kantner. . 11. "Worship sad the Wor shipper." .-7:80. "HandwritLna oa tha Wall " ' Ualrerstty Park Hares at near Lombard Bev. F. S-. Meyer, castor. - 11. - . 2 Wararhr Heishta E. 8 3d and Woodward xter. a. aaoaea, pastor. 11. T40. U. J&oeea, pastor. ; 11. T40. side E. 82d and Taylor Bev. J. 7. 11. "The Individual's Part in tha retraav" .T40. "Chriata Gnat OH ret . - eannyaia. sunb. Dirine Protram. Xnscounr CHURCHES ARE DOING OOD miooiuimii uuiin TO FEATURE SERVICES Pageant Will Be Presented ' in Evening by . Young Women j Flag Presentation Planned. - Missionary work will be the"predom inatlng-feature "at all services of the First Christian church Sunday. : The Disciples of Christ ' have repre sentation, through the Christian Wom en's .Board of Missions. In 10 countries of the globe and 34 states In the union. The work, which has been achieved through- this organisation, has Inspired the minister. Harold 1C Grlffla. to select for his . subject Sunday morning, "The Creed of the Unlversalist." - The evening hour will be devoted to the presentation of a missionary pageant entitled. "The Call of Christ J to Me," by the young women of the church. In cluded tn this program will be special music, tableaux and features Illustrating scenes . from the missionary fields at home and abroad. During the Bible school hour, there wllle a special flag presentation exer cise by the Loyal Daughters class. This class, under the able leadership of Mrs. im. joanson ana .Mrs. it. A. xouty, are doing some splendid work, espec ially of a philanthropes character. Monday. Eve, . Club Announces Topics The classes of the Monday Evening club will have subjects of great Interest next week. The literature class will have a program " of readings by Mrs. Helen Miller Senn. from two plays of J. M. Barrie. "Pantaloon and "Rosa lind. On the following Monday the art of J. M. Barrie will be discussed by Mrs. Mabel Holmes Parsons. The history class will continue Its studies In History of French Democracy. James F. Ewlng, the leader, will lecture on "France Since 1171." Kstes 8nedecor win have a most Interesting subject for his class In "Law That Every One Should Know." The discussion will be on "Notes and Mortgages." The class In first aid under the leader ship of Dr. I. C. Brill has reached the limit of 25 and no more will be ad mitted. . During the period from 9 to 10 o'clock. Dr. Boyd and other speakers will consider the Question ' "How to Study This Great War." 1 Norwegian Church Has a New Organ At the First Norwegian Danish M. E. church, Hoyt and Eighteenth streets, a new organ will be tried out Sunday eve ning. Some time ago the "Beehive" so ciety decided to work for and donate a new organ to the cburoh. A committee was appointed, to select an Instrument and they have decided upon an organ that was lent to the congregation to try out before the final decision was made. Mrs. C J. Larsen has consented to take charge of the concert; and assisted by able talent. Instrumental and vocal, she assures an evening of enjoyment. There will be no admission charge. Mr. Kitt's Subjects Sunday Announced At the First Baptist church (White Temple) Sunday. Rev. A. Rose Kltt will preach. His .morning topic is "The Church and Its Evangelistic Effort." In the evening he will speak on "How Much Sunday Work Is Justifiable in Prose cuting the War." Mr. Kltt is young, en thusiastic and full of life, and comes with a timely message to all who hear him. He is especially a young people's man and all young people are particu larly Invited. The Temple quartet win render "By the Waters of Babylon" (Ho wells) and "The Billows SjrU by Shelley. 8U Johns 7:80. Seraoa by Bar. W. 3. Mayer. Hlchland Rav. Edward Constant, salnlateT. 11. "Is God Flckls?" 740. "The Cross st the Front" ' - Norwegian Danish Cengrasatlonal ehnreh E. 23d and Sumner Bev. Morton Otooa. 11. 7:80. Eton (German) E. 8th and Tramont Bev. J. H. Hoop. 10:80. Finnish Mission 107 SUdasore st. Bay. Samuel Kerala. 740. . Lenrelwood Consree-atioriel ahareh (Bth st. sad 66Q st Praachint at moraine service by pastor. -, Ardenwald A rd en weld ststlon Howard W. Hopkira. . . ' gaaefleilcei Btaecletlen First EnsHsh E. 8th and Market Bev. E. D. Homsrhach. 11, "The DerU Beend. Spe- vm-i mow. a. - First Gennae E-ranselical 10th end Clay Bar. O. F. IJenins- 10:48. 8. Portland Mission ehnreh Genoa TTrictits mt. n. omppi pasiar. s :aw, e t :su. Swedish Mission Tabernacle Glaaa ai and K. u iter, u J. Lama. n. 740. ;' SsS H8)CIa9sf Central 88th and E. Flanders Bar. tv w Coffee. 11, "The Character and Sicnifloamee or a . xro racx.- J :au, Bemoa by Mrs. C suier ox uuimna, First . SL. Bth and MD1 H. at-. Beers, pastor. Sermons by Rer. Frank - I Barns. 11. 780. St Johns Richmond and flndaia i. w.. M. J. Blair, pastor. 8. 11. . Alberta Free Methodist Bar. B. 1 ton. - 11. 8.. - ..-.'.. . . Lenta South Mala St. Rer. A Bam tor, 8. ; .... 7 . Frteoss Ohureh ' . First E. 8Sth and Wahi-JU, TT T. n Worship In Dawleys Hall. Beat Thirty-foerth aad TamhlU ate. Serrlcaa at 11. 7:4. . Lenta 4ooth Main et. Ber. John BJley. Weat Piadaaont EVUiut.' -h- h Borthwiok aad Jeorop sts. Her. . Chaster A. Hadley, pastor. - . .: . Second 8108 82nd et S, K Faster, atlas Larana M. Terrell. ; Berricea. 11 ' 730. Conareeation Beth Inul titfc i m.m Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Friday. B a. aa. . ConsreeaUon Aharm Bholoea Park aad Oar l Rabbi B. Abrahamaoa. . T ' , ' .- .' Ltrtheres ",' " ' : . 8t James, Entlih West Park and Jeff sr. Rer". William Eraa -Brinkaua. 11 a Im manor! 18 th aad Irrina 11 a West Bid Norwegian Latheran 48 M. 11th Bar. Wilhelm Pottemoa. 11, 8. Betbania Danish Eraaaanasl Tiiiiuii, k uasoa era. ana asms at ate. L- p. a-jt-r iv m. a., ana o p. sa. . - Immaanal. German Sellwood Bev. r H. C Ebelins. 10:30. St Panis. Oarman E. - 12th aad nintrm srr. A. araase. iv:i., t:i. . ' Trinity Genaaa (Maaoort Sraod) Wllnama arm. and Graham i Bev. J. Aw Btmbach. 10:18, :Oraee Engliah (Mleeonri Smodl Albtna -era. and Mason et Bar. E. Probst. 840. 1840. fcrantelirai Tjatheraa Zloa tMlavnnri ' Syaod) Salmon aad Chapman iter. H. Koppehmaaa Uerun. 10:18: Enallsh. 7:4S. St John's Peninsular and K Irk Patrick Rer. Kt. MUBUB. i.:ti. i - 8wedi-h Aaitsttsaa Bar. H. E. 10:48. 7:48. - AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH PORTLAND GLERGYMEN- TO SPEAK 9 ' 'J ' t " ' . ' ' " lfss.sssiiSff mmmmm s HC---1 - 'v.-.'-'-" ; ; "v x' -- -' ""x I A - ' t: 'Vwt , ..Jfj ' " . . . V ' : J f . " i ' ' ? f v ' - - I v., ' : ' .'. ; , . ,", . j ' i ZZZi Bishop M. S. : Hughes, ! ; Vancouver, Wut, Deo. . . A "For ward Movement Service" la to be held at the First Methodist church Sunday, both morning and evening. Bishop Matthew Simpson Hughes will preach at the 11 o'clock service. PRAYERS FOR THE By Walter Taylor Sumner , -Bishop of Oregon. For the Allied Katloats Almighty God. grant that ' we and they who fight at our side may so keep our hands from all dishonor, that we may- dare to ask of Thee the victory ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Fer U Amy i . O Lord .God of Hosts, stretch forth, we pray Thee, Thine almighty arm to strengthen and protect the soldiers of our country ; support them In the day of battle. . and . In time of peace keep them safe from . all evil ; endue them with courage ' and loyalty ; and grant that in all things they .may serve with out reproach, as seeing Thee Who art urrlslble: through Jesus . Christ our Lord. Amen. - v For the Itary and Maria Cersts O most powerful and glorious Lord God, the Lord of hosts, that ruleth and comraandeth all things: vouchsafe, we beeeech Thee to bless the officers and men of the United States navy and Ma- mine corps. Grant that In the midst of dangers and temptations which' bee them, they may fight manfully against the "world, the flesh and the devil, and resisting all evil by the might of Thy ghostly strength, may acquire true courage In the hour of danger and In the day of battle. Prosper them In the maintenance of our country's honor; keep them from being overcome by their enemies, spiritual aad temporal; and may they glorify Thee upon earth. until they are called to rest In the haven of Thy peace, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. World Crisis Topic . For Dr. Stansfield ' la announcing .his .subjects for Bus day, Dr. Joshua Stansfield, pastor of the First Methodist church, says: "In this great world's crisis men and women Instinctively turn to the Great Book for guidance and comfort. It Is said that the great stress ot the war drives men off their mental and spir itual poise, and - that they either be come greatly exhausted or terribly de pressed, and. that this Is the experi ence ot both men and women In war torn Europe today. Tn such times aa these sometimes a passage of scripture seems particularly significant. For instance, it Is said In the scripture. 'He that dashes In pieces is come up before thy face; keep the munition, watch the way. make thy loins . strons. gird thyself mightily." This wlU be the text Sunday - morn ing with a modern application. There will be a presentation and enforcement of America's program and needs of to day." . SERVICES IN CHURCHES Bethel Nonrarian Intharaa Free Wrrsiit and Rodney Ber. J. A. Stayaay. - Trinity (Beaadlnariaa)' ess ioreir, rsra- month Rer. fl, A. Staneeth. 11, 748 en Drat Bandar of eaoh month only. - Onr Barter E. ith ana urea ev. tsearse Henrikson. 1S:1B. 11:18. ' . Zion Landee hall. e. lsta ana am arte Bev. S. A. Bteneeth. 7:80. 11 ea first Baaday of each month only. - German Eranrelical Reformed Leata Rev. W. G. Lienkaemper, 11-; latter Oey Saints Chwrah ef Jems Chrtet ot Latter Day Saints tMormoa) K- 25th and Madison Rer. M. J. T4.u.4 is is v-an - The Beorsaniaed Chorch of Jasea Christ of Latter Day Saints (not Mormon) E. 78th aad Irrlns ata. C E. Jonea. pastor. aatstaattaakafsmdi BP akAaalaBaaaal BbSSbUIsBbB rasa . Sk. fBsSSSSJSaWarSBS Bieulaood Bev E. B. Lacfchart. Baaday. S:8e school snd preachrnc. . Rah.i a. at . w. H. Prince, pastor. 11. "The lsss of Peace." Special arasie, 8, w. . mA Ik. M Kendal) Ber. B. C. Tones Bnnrtay school and praachint- at 2:80. - - Central Vanoonrer sre. end Farte at Bev, C O. RarWk? 11. "The Dread of Beapomd bUtty. . 7:80, "The Doom of . Cetreptioe." ii, i, .Sfh aad Plae ata. Bsr. Tboenai W. Lane, pastor. ' liaemona by Bev. John Par ora. 11. 'God aad the Spirit ta Maa." 7:80. Ths Bod of ooa." - ' .. .. ' " Chaton Kellr Preachlne. 11; Ber.X. B. LaFkbart, pastor. - ' ' First Chutca . aev- Joanne nmranaja. o. D. 10:80. "Aersrloa'i Procram aad Kaeda.". T40, by Bar.- Dr.- Elliott, dmtrict - U . ww, K-iif, W. r mm 1 1 1 . I . saperia. terdecrt. oraaa reeltai. i:im. El U. U. MeVHueea. 1. A 11. T:4 Lenta Ber. F. t i Preaiihlae at 11 d 7:SO. S-lrmt . 1 18th Bar. Cbarlaa Cietdiaa. pastor. 8 11 Bv. as.. S De dal organ recital aad aaered etmoeit: hart ser mon by pastor. "The iniraeoce mt ame.- Tne vaneoarar are. porwecmn taws m. - church Skidmore and Taaeoarar are. Preach. in by Bev. EUae- Gterdlna. 11. "Prepartns the wiT sf toe uora." . ' .. . lanrelwooa aev. a. Braeaanowry. Llnoola Her. E. B. Linnten Bev. B. tt" uewart. rx, n, ins at 1:80. 'i . ; f ' ' ' Moant Taoee eist ana nmn ss, are. U. tldrtdre. IX ix. ii. i :s. MontarUa) Ber. I le uaa 11, S. " - ,j Pattan F. W. ; Keaay. Prraebiaat st -11. T:80. . ' i. -: . " . . Taylor Street Jl. orreewr-s aau, izs 4th ek Preachinc by DC M. UL Marvia. 1840. Bandar ahaol at Boom. ml mm Pit, A - A MaaT- . Bellwood Beev A. B. Mtjlasn '11. 8. -.'is- w. w. m. a., snrsoay. veteoev is. St Johns Boey-J. H..rrlns. Ptaschinc 11 Sad 7:S.. i" - , Trinity Bandar school. 10; preachlas, 11. - Sannrekta E. 88th aad E. Tambiii Bar. E. B. Smith. . Wertmoreland Ber. B.'C t'nirersrty Park Bev. J. T. Abbott, D. D. PnachTiiB 11. T4S. Wood is wa Rer. W. XV Kloeter. " Preachias 11. 740. . " Woodstock Bar. Is C Paoa. ; Preachias 11. 14U. , .. ... '.A Dr Joehna Stansfleld At the evening service at 7 :30- Dr. Joshua Stansfield. pastor of the First Methodist church of Portland, wlU make the address. Many are looking forward to hearing this speaker. J. W. Trop, singing evangelist, will assist the local singers with special numbers. NATION IN WAR Fer Dee to re, Vnrtes aad Drivers ef Asibslaaceii Almighty God. Who dost send Thy servants upon errands of mercy ; bless all who minister to the suffering caused by war; keep them safe In all danger: and gtve them strength and love to heal in . Thy Name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. .Amen. - Fer Atrtaes and ethers la haaardest servrret . O Almighty Ood. Who, sltteet en Thy throne Judging right; we commend to Thy Fatherly Goodness the men senr tng our nation at this time of peril ( particularly our air men and - others In hazardous employ), beseeching Thee to take into Thine own hand both them and the cause which they uphold. Be i Cross at the Front." These gatherings Thou. their tower of strength and give'sre already meeting with appreciation. them courage In peril and danger. Make them bold through life or death to put their trust In Thee. Who art the giver of . an victory ; , through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For If es Is Tralalsg aad Is Csnpi O Lord, our Ood, we ask Thy help and blessing for all who are now being prepared to take their part In the de fense and service of their country. Grant that they may cheerfully per form all necessary duties; preserve them amidst the dangers and tempta tions which beset them ; make them apf and able, that in all things they may quit themselves like men to the honor of their high calling. 1 their country's safety, and Thy glory ; through Him Who suffered, died and rose again for us. Thy Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. Lare Congregation Listens to Speaker At Piedmont Presbyterian church last Sunday evening a large audience heard H. L. Williams. Sunday evening at 7 :J0 Dr. A. L. Hutchison, the pastor, wm ten wherein he agrees with the Seven Dsy Adventlsts and wherein he disagrees with them on Bible grounds. At 11 a. m. the pastor's topto win be "The Invincible Word." Improvements are being made In the lower rooms to better accommodate the Sunday school which is growing in numbers and effi ciency. Gay W. Phillips Is superin tending the school. Union Service) at Lebanon Lebanon. Or.. Dec. I A union meet ing of an the churches of this city will be held tn the Methodist church on the evening of December II. when Gover nor wiuycomoe wiu make the address. A service flag win be unfurled and dedl- catsd to the 21 young men. formariT connected with the Methodist church and Sunday school, who have enlisted. A. WeQmaa. - 10:48. T.-4S.' a J7la Rod!T 8taataa Ber. F. A. Schemaan..- 10. 8. Dmtitct amavteteodeet. Bev. WTaiam WslUos Toanesoe. D. JX 881 E. 814 et M. Tmhar X7. . . First- Gormen 18th and Hart Bar. Xd mand E. Hsrtaler. 11. 8:80. MT "bHi"r". Jmcc- Freaehlns - ' M. t. Okerek Seetk Firs M. ' B. Cbwrch Bosrth Corner TJeloe -, Preachtne by Bev. Jamee T. Preach. 11. 7 4S. v - - First PenteoostaJ E. 7th and E. Coach sta. 11, 7:30. Sellwood E. 8th - aad Spokane Preeahiag by Kranseliet B. H. Moras. 1iTt:80. Brewtwood 88th at and 87th are S. E Ber. C 17. Feeder. 11. 7:80, ptvaefciac. Seandtoarma 84 8 . OerfWld. 11, 7:80. HUhland Park 1188 E. 14th st K. Rer. W. P. Keebaach. 11. 8. ' "'v KslHisal . Trinity 18th and Ererett Bea. A. A. Mer- son. rartor. 8. 11. - Ptw-Catbedral of St Stenaea tha Isarrra 1 1th snd CUT Bt Bev. V. T. Smaner. Mahna. Very Ber. B. H.- McCallieter. deaa. 11, 1 40; preachlne- by Deaa Me2aUater. St Dartds B. 12th aad Belmont Bev. Thomas- Jeneda. reetec.- . Services ,7 40. 840. 11 ass T:s. - . Bt MarksSlat aad Msrahan Ber 1. K H- Simps as. rector. Bar. J. o. Ha Mob. aaso- eiate rector. 11. 7:48. St- Aadrews Hereford ad ' Pormmeerth Aw hdeeuua Cheat hen fas eharsa. S. 7 :SO p. as, Oraeo Mann rte) Weedier aad K.. 17th k. Rer. OeweJd W. Taylor. I, 1L Good Shaiihaid Taaeonret aad Grahess Ber. John Deweoa. 11. 7:80. St Michaels and All Sainta C 414 aad Broadway Bev. ,T.. F. Bewem. ricac 8. 10. 11 aad 8. Ctmrch et Oev BarVr 10th are. aad diet st R. E. Archdescoa tjhamasra ta eharaa. 11. susnoa ssoma mesaorau anapel Ooad Samar Haa beepimi Bar. Froaorta JL. Haemtd, 7. . Bt ' Psnls Woodmera Bev. Oswald W. Tay 1 Saints 28 th sat Sarier Bev. Fredarta tor, An a. Howaro. .11. 8C Johns Comer E. 18th aad Harney, SeO m . Arehdeeeoa Chiasm sb aKaraa. it. I :aw. Ber. W. A. M. Brack, vtcar. 11 ; IrSaasflasI Srsed j Oarman EraneaUcal Frteade ahuh ' re. aad E. 18th- Bev. Eliaa H. Ueeert. 19:4 ft. v:se. . . . t - . ' - . FJrat .12th aad I Alday ata. Bev. Joha H. Boyd. . 1040. 740., Central E. 13th aad Una sea, Bev. Artbar ar. oaoop. - ss. aermoa By Ker. A. J. MoaV Somery; 740, ."The Bejenntt lsmoa of Farth." rrswmiwmsr a . 7ta and Scawriar Dr. Edward Peace. ' 10. 740. Artt I afVI-Tar - jjT P-WaT-lal R fra-l.a 1 II. V hW, tjrary .III aad Clay sta Sermoa by Bev Thomas S. Aaoersosv 1040, "Nevertheless," 740. "He Saw Them Toilias ia BovW" - EPVORTH LEAGUERS WILL MEET IH RALLY : AT DEACONESS HOME Support of Mission Deaconess for Coming Year Will Be Dis-' . cussed by Officers. On Friday evening the Epwortfc Leaguers ef the city are invited to the Deaconees Horn at IIS East Flanders street for a rally with the special ob ject tn view of planning for the support of the Mission Deaconess for the coming year, while the district cabinet is pecfaJly invited. . and the president. third vice president and treasurer of each league, other members wUl be as cordially welcomed. The new worker. Miss Nell Johnson. comes as a graduate from the Chicago Training school, with two years experi ence as the pastor Tf a small church In Idaho. She will give full time for the Mission Instead of half time as was given by Miaa MUllgan. so the leagues are asked to give larger support than before. The roll of leagues will be called that night and It Is expected that every league will have one or more rep-' reeentatlves present. . Song Service to Be Community Sing An arousing song service has been Inaugurated at the Highland Congrega tional church, corner Prescott and Sixth streets, for Sunday nights. It Is really designed to make this song service a community sing, and la that way pro mots sociality and the sense of com munity fellowship. The different exercises will be so ar ranged that they wlU cover Just about an hour, and everything will be done which will tend to create aa atmosphere bright , and cheery. The service will Include an address by the pastor. Ed ward Constant, which wtU be short, snappy and soul-satisfying. The sub ject for Sunday night will be "The Hospital Rendering . Patriotic Service Valuable patriotic service Is being rendered by .the Good Samaritan hos pital. .By throwing open Its wards snd surgeries to young men desiring to en list, but barred by physical defects. It has enabled many of them to pass the tests. Six of the nurses have entered the Red Croea service. Theee are Misses Hasel Ooldsmith and Lola Williams (Presidio), and Misses M on tie Coldwell. Marjorie MacEwan. Louise Summers and Hasel McOulre (Camp' Lewie). Many of the graduate nurses have also Joined Red Cross units. The gifts received by the hospital on and sines Thaskagiv- tng. day, when an appeal was made In behalf of the work for the needy poor. wars tne largest in years. r . New Pastor Will Be Welcomed Sunday Sunday KenOworth Presbyterian church win welcome Its new pastor. Rev. Paul F. Ratsch. formerly of Belgrade, Mont., who will occupy the pulpit both at the morning and eve ning services. Mr. Ratsch, who suc ceeds Rev. Percy E. Lawrence In this pulpit, the latter having for reasons of Ul health to seek a different cli mate, doses a very successful pastor ate ot seven years' duration. Mr. Ratsch Is "a young people's man," te every sense of the word and comas highly recommended. Will Preach at Calvary Rev. Thomas 8. Anderson win next Sabbath. In the mora tng his sub- wt win ts 'MiiiUMa a t. re evening. "He Saw Them Tolling in Rowing." iad Ctbba ata. Bev. H. G. Haneoa. 10 40. 7:80. Forbes Graham and Gaateabsts area II. T:48. KenOworth E. 84th aad Gladetnae Bev. E. P. tawreeea. 11. ftrrssoa by Ber. Psal E. Batscb: 740. Sermoa by Bev. Pa ml E. Batata. Vernon E. 18th aad Wyaaai ata. Rer. J. B. Landboiauh. 11. 7:80. Mtspah E. 18th sad Dirtdoa rts. Ber. W A. Tbampaoa. 11. 7 40. FarvwaU sermoa by pastor lea Tia for Frasce te take ap T. M. C. A. work. Hopej Monterflm. 78th aad E. Ertwtt Bar. Mt. Tabor E. BBth and Biisaont ta Ber. Ward MscUeary. 11, "Balisteaa Caasawfiaea." 7 40. "tnsmlim in Hlatary aad Prophecy." Special atmne. 'The Holy City. Catty 71st aad Seedy bird. W. tee Gray. 11. 7. Piedmont Oerelaad and Jarrett ata Bev. A. L. Hatehiaaoe. 11. "Tha lartedbte Word." 7 40. "A Stady of Sere Iay Aduutwaa." Millard Arwaoe 7241 83lh are. S. K Bar. W. U. Amos. 10.80. Boat Ctty Park E. 43th aad Baseteh sts. 11. t . Spokaaa - Arrwoe C 18th aad Spokaaa Ber. w. S, Meceueaca. ii. 7 ae. MarabaU Buwat 11th aad Marshall Ber. A. X Haaaa. 11. 740. Trinity Corner Yrrsiam and WHirisH Dr. A. J. Moatsotaary. 11. 7 40. Chiapas i 14Bm let et. 7:. aneliai 80th at aad 87th are. S. E Bev. John E. rtsiaoa, 11. 740. First German 12th aad Clay Bev. O. Haf- ear. 10:48. 8. Colambia Sire, aaa s st srr. , alia a u mm mvwm. . mmmaMm .1 . . rw . v. vw- 11. First Chareh MliinmtiU ead AineTrorth-- Ber. F. D. Fraaer. 11, 140. Kate Basramr aerrieae ef this are held aa rmtwrtlay. son. pastor. 11:1a. Taheraacie Wee Bide, K. of P. aaO. llth aad Aktor. 11. MeatartlU E. 80th Sad X. Ererett Elder a. F. Beatty. 1 1. , Lasts 04th St sad BBtS See. SloaV n. J. ilrwoad. 11. . . , . St Johns Cesstral are. aad Chariaatna Eater A. B. Folkanksrs. 11. Mt Tabor k. eota aaa mimosa s assv m. T. Miteert 11.1 - . UUst lUersoaa aanmore aaa mausii Minister, A A. Msyec. A. C. Schwritaer. local 11:18. - . - . - " . - .. - 11. 11. Carpa Ka 1 848 Ash st 11. Adjateat aad Mia, Frank Oeaea. :1S. 8. Corps Mo, 4 12 1st s Elmtea JC. H. 80 United PTesbyteriae Rer. S. Earl De Bom, SaaSs -Wssee aad Grsad are, 10 40. 140. , .', . Bee Cfaarah Society 111 Jefferson it Bar. Debt to Armenians v Subject for Sunday 'V v-;- , . , - 20ur Debt to the ' Persecuted Chris tian of the Far East"- wtU be the sub ject on which Rev. Thomas Jenkins of St. -Davids church, will sneak on Run- day morning.' At the servlcs ail offer ings win . be taken : for the relief ef Armenian aad other persecuted Chris tians of the east. Is the evening Mr. Jenkins will preach the second sormou on "The Last Things" under the theme -The Constant Coming of Christ." In these days many people are asking what the - Scriptures - mean ; . by - the second coming of Jesus Christ. - These sermons are an attempt to give aa answer. ; .' .. - . ; In the morning the choir will . sing Barrere Te Deum." and Noble's tplendld " anthem. . "Thus Salth the Lord." The night service grows la In terest and numbers, a good promise for the- coming mission In January. The people a the East Side wDI' ftnd ot. uavtds a, cheerful church house. East Side Baptist " Church Is Gaining At the East Bide Baptist church. Dr. H In son will preach on the topic, ' "Is Any One Leadlngr The sermon will be of the faith confirming order, and will make evident the fact that If Ood does indeed rule tn heaven, -all must be right with the world. At alght. Dr. Hinson will preach oa "How the Scarlet Is Made White b the Red." There will be baptism at the evening service, at the doss of the ser mon. Last Sunday morning S4 new members were received Into the church. And at the night service four 'others came for ward. The church bids fair to double Its membership during the first year ot r. xunwn s pastorate. Good Fellowship bpciety in Session ssssiMiSMeMS The Good Fellowship society of Trin. Ity Episcopal church held Its monthly social evening at the parish house Tues day. The lecture on vocational suldanea with illustrations, by Professor Morris, the well known phrenologist, was great ly enjoyed, as were the humorous reel tatlonsv by Mrs. Morris. RefreshmeaU were served. - The society meets every Bonder m. ntng between T and at the pariah house. uitinnin uw us vis streets, strangers are Invited. . , 19 of East Side Church in Service xns East Bids Baptist church Is represented at th front br nineteen men who are connected with the church ana congregation. . They are Jack Turner, Irving Turner. Charles Banks, Eldon 8. Reafro, Gordon Manary. Holland Manary, Fred - R. - Berts, Franklin Fowler, Dudley Lapham. Marry smith. Avis Bpringston, wtU werscnxui,v Edwin Woodford. Ed. Greier, 8. Peters. Roy MundeU. Arthur Munaeu, ciaud Harris. John Wood ford. -. Special Sermon on - Identity of Church Of special Interest wCl be the sermon delivered by Pastor L Klaer Dickson. Sunday night, in ths Central Seventh Day Adventlst church, corner Eleventh and East Everett streets. -The subject ss announced la "Ths Identification ot ths True Church. 'A special evangelistic sing win be conducted by Professor L C Coloord ef California- beginning at T M o'clock. Ths public is Invited. . Ad mission win be free. Sixth Sertnon tn Series Ths sixth In ths series ef delivered by Rev. E. D. Hornschuch of ths First Evangelical church, en "The Second Coming of Christ." win be given this Sunday . at ths morning servlcs. These discourses, which srs based upon - ths prophecies " of David and ths Book of Revelations. Ths ser mon for Sunday wUl be "Ths DevU, soona, IN PORTLAND WTHJem B. 11. Key fat Opeav has the Scrtptarea." tlaHertaa Chsrreh of Oar Father Brosdwsy and Taas hlB Ber. W. O. Knot Jr. 11. t:4lT Opes Farsm I Thin. ITIa mm Mr. Ball. 11. a. fins X. llth aad sai - - - s e as B. O. rwtrta 80th aed 824 are. S. K. Mm. C T. Biaachard. Third 47ia sad 83d eve. S. B E. . O. SWaerd. 1 1, S. . . Fh 4J4 ere. aad 70th st Bev. C. T. as, l Ushed Iraaaiflial a e 11. 7 40. Msaar. t-l II flu iln Oekley Gram Wills ssette Med. Bad Car Bar. M. H. Farnhaaa. 11.8. , ,nr " Fopmr Bev. J. A. CemW Jit. Johns Bev.' A, P. Laytea. ll. T48. SJaSL- Bill! Ftrat . STjh aad Hawthorae Bev. Bath lrVr5TJo r .-A. t It'll: I a i i ifC-B--i rarsfje.VBv'r2.T - aftkJ 1 I f r fa ifcl l"h ' ----. . . s - a , , w r a mm. wrap At Portland sn eipcdiHjr compUU and (esutlsl Institstiofi hi been esUblisbed. Flowers ire ererywkere and the baiid . Inf resu ia i park of tereral acres, located on th dopes of banks of the WUUmetU.' v ; t .. . . . . , . - .. ' ';.-.-' ' - ' . - The:sPqrtlandc:matoritwt ; , . -SelrwseMl Csr t.F-vrteenth aael ByUe r. t':'i VWitors t U ft Writs, ... i DPYOH'S CONDITION : TO HIS PARISHIONERS Prominent . Clergyman, Suffering : Nervous J Breakdown, Taking A Rest; Visitors to Supply Pulpit Dr. Lather R. Djott The Qlness of Rev. Dr. Luther - R. Dyott. pastor of the First Congrega tional church. Is the cauae, of much, anxiety on the part of his parishioners. Dr. Dyott has been absent from his pul pit tor two Sundays and Is sufferlns from a nervous breakdown. He Is . at present out of the city for a rest cure and to insure freedom from all care his present location 1 denied his friends in peruana. Ths pulpit t the First Coarreaa- tlona church will be filled for the pres ent y aurerent local or visiting pastors. This Sunday, Rev. James Mvln ot Salem. Or, win preach at both morning and evening services. . - . . The annual meeting of the church will be held on Thursday night, December IS, at o'clock. . . Illustrated Lecture : On Mexico Sunday On Sunday evening at the AUlnsun Memorial church there win be an Il lustrated address oa Mexico as she was yesterday. What shs Is ' today or msy be tomorrow Is bard to say. , Ths pictures cover a wide - range. Mt Popocatepetl Is shown towering up nearly 11.000 feet.' along with other interesting scenery; some of the won derful architecture Including ths larg est church building on the continent l also traces of the oldAstec life, the native heroes such sTsIUdaJgo and Juares ; Illustrations .. of ths recrea tions and social customs of the peopli there today ; soms of the rich natural resources of precious metals, rubbew. pineapples, sugar cans and cofee as they grow ' and are harvested. Far away among the mountains of Chihuahua are shown Indians of un mixed Mood of whom some are stUl cliff d wel era. WlU Conduct Revival Evangelist K. O. Masters f Boise, Idaho, will conduct a revival at the Church of God chapel beginning Sun day morning at 11 o'clock. Mr. Mss ters U a man of abUlty and of wide repute. He will preach upon heart searching themes. Ths meetings wCl continue for several nights, after which will follow aa assembly meet ing of ths Church ef Ood ot Oregon. - , il. a Grand a ray S- Ead DaBom. 18.80. 148. . Kaalea, tatteS nssrermn wsiia aewi hard and Chat hem atav Bev. J. C Gale. pa- C i i:a, ia. , . . nrareh et the Good Tallass Broadway sad 24th. ' " y. 88. c B-y. w. a t. 1. ft. C A. Sth aed Taylor H. V. Stone, f? . . ... , ..A 1. w. a musuesy aaa jajwr.. Mm Ida May DeWrrt wtll eaeak oa her mark es SMpertatiaiint of Portiaad ladaetral Cawtari Mm. ftearsa LiUy ran I a ap-ctal arasSj by Mr. aad Mm. jTb. MemHtoa Sosmi hamr. 8 40. . Imietstii BlotT Stadeeas it B. S. Ai W. O. W. hail. E. 0th Sd E. A WW eta. I Pah He ieetara by A A. leeas. "Tas Flr-e of the Jadrmeea Day." 8 P. av, Waooasse by Cm W leea. ,. .. Bahai a nakly Friday. 8 p. sa, teses SOS EUera bad. . . . . reVetMlarloa 288 let. S. 8. Chratma aad Mswioaerf Amaaae B. ' th ed Car Bev. Jobs B. Fee. Jaarr 11. 8:18. atwarhms by Rev. E. J. Richer. s 740. araaca taf by Bar. Herbert Dyke. M Clrristaaslphisns it. E. earner X. 18th aad WashutaaSaaday. 1048; Friday. )4f. ffva frvAToenOy ssked: What 1 1 i do veoole do with the aaheel I That depends upon their own personal diapoaitlon. - Some people keep these mementoes ot ths . . departed in their earn boms and , from their nree . Amwmm Man ,H Others tmrv them In oarma- tary lota, aithougti the earth no longer has any office to perform, and at 111 others triaee tham In a - niche tn the columbarium or tmr haii at the Creznalorium." Huso - ECrlchsen, U.1 D., . ' nbens mt rail f er lsUei . . IS CAUSE OF WORRY 0 r 4-i