a TliE OREGON-. DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY DECEMBER 7. 1917. . n ITER T ST spy piisifliT Attorney ; General "Recommends V "Prison at Hard Labor" ' in Place of "Soft Berths.' -. SPY. TRAPS ARE DISCLOSED .0,, & C Land Grant and Coos Bay Wagon Road Grant Cases ; Touched Upon irv Message,' ; Washington, Deo. T-(U. P.) eteps further to purge this country of Mm .. 'and traitors, based on , President Wll . son's recommendations to congress were ' Advised by Attorney General Gregory In 7 his annual report today. ... . i Gregory recommended la wg to bobble , : the entrance and exit of aliens, to make violation of the president's alien enemy regulations a "prison at sard labor" cf 1 (. 'fens Instead of an "Internment camp and a nice soft berth affair." - ; ' "r " The vast extent and completeness of me spy and traitor traps the depart' f -ment ,. of justice has built up in this . e : country since - war was declared was . f revealed in the report for the first time. F Sit rtha VhIu . V Gregory disclosed that hundreds of expert secret agents from every : ether department ot the government have . mobilised under Justice department of 1 f trials to meet the situation. . The at f torney general paid high tribute to the "very effective work" of the volunteer 1 spy and traitor-detecting organizations I that have sprung up over the country t to help the government wipe out that ' menace. He mentioned: especially the 4 American Protective league, which,' he said, had proven invaluable. BunlAif Haiders fl -Have Coats Heated WithlElectriqity - London, Dec' f L N. R Walet ftoet specially heated with electricity were worn by the crews of two Ger man airplanes that were" shot down' daring th raid over London and the southeastern oast Thursday. . The .electricaUy ' heated garments ijwere mads neoeeaary ey the extreme cold at the altitude at which the airplanes traveled. i--, -aS-.: t -. ; .-. ' It was learned today Chat England had added super-dirigibles, construct ed along the lines of Zeppelins, to the air defense of Lndon. - -; ;. RED CROSS WORKERS GET ACTION Oil SALES Checks Received in Response to Requests Sent pot From Port- p-Jand Headquarters.;-:'."-- - s l i. "'Its membership, said Gregory, "which is .carefully guarded, includes leading men in various localities who have voluntered their . services la se curing any kind : of Information of valuf to the Jiatloh.'t -St Vt?:.-' - Gregory also highly commended ' Che local and district draft boards and the drafted men, declaring the number of defections from - duty at all three groups has been "veryVnalL" Ha rec ommended: .-: ' or " ' - . &eeommenaatloa Are Vase Extension ot the sUtute of limita tions on bankruptcy cases to three years, appointment. xf a priority . fed' eral judge to do Ue work, of judges ; . over to, who refuse to resign bo- I cause the constitution does not com l pet them to if they behave themselves. a law mailing extradition from State! to state unnecessary on federal ; in-1 I dlctments ; : a iaw to prohibit commoa t t carriers transporting materials - mined I or made by themselves, Qd author-1 fry to sue any interstate corporation la ny federal district. ; 4 Completion of factories at i Leaven- worth and Atlanta prisons, payments to prisoners or , their families for their work and sale Of alt products to the 1 government was recommended. I ; O. 4 C Land Great .gslf":C I "In my last annual report, "after fe , I tettlng to the act of Juno 1U (Public I No.' 86), by which oongreeg revested, in I the United State title to eo much of ' the -lands involved as remained unsold 4 prior to July 1, 1913. ' stated that the supremo ooart had granted the govern- menro moUon . to advance the case, and It had been set for .hearing onFebruary it, UUS said 3ngorr --n.i.?:r - .?WhITethe ction. of the' drcult court of - appeals in i certifying ' certain; c.u tions -to the supreme ourt was taken prior to June 9, Wis, and was therefore without reference" to . the act of .that date, the parties to the litigation joined In asking the court to pass upon the validity of the act, and the oourt did so, holding in Its dedsloa of April 2X, 191? 2U U. a. 649), that It was within the power of congress to revest -title to the unsold lands in the United States. "This department is preparing' to 1d stituto proceedings In- thd district court in Oregon fox the -purpose of securing a judicial determlnatton of the amount of money already received by the rail road company on account of the land grant. In aocordaaoo with - the provis ions of section 7 of the act of Juno 9, 19ie. to .tho end that we may ascertain what . further amount should be paid to the comDany. ' When this has been done, the amount due the company will bo paid as rapidly, as the proceeds ac cruing from -the sale of. the lands and timber permit. - : rCoos Bay TTagon Bond Case ' ' "When nr last annual report was sub mitted, the case against 'the Southern Oregon company. Involving what is known as ttie Coos Bay Wagon -Road trrant in the state of Oregon, was pond' lng in the circuit oourt ot appeal for the Ninth circuit on an appeal from a decision of the district court -which sub stantially, followed the decision of the supreme oourt In the case involving the Oregon v & California - Railroad land aranU (238 U. a. 393.) Since then the court of appeals on February 13 of the present, -year- rendered, a decision ar firmlng' tho deereo of the .district -court. (241 Fed '. - "The defendant has taken an appeal to the suDremo eourt. where the case now pending. . In this connection it may be stated that -the defendant baa re- duested a conference with repreeeata- Uvea of this department for the purpose of reaching an agreement : looking to a settlement of the case oh; terms -to bo submitted for the approval of congress. OLD SCIO RESIDENT V : . DIES IN PORTLAND: Hall sale letters as a means of oelUag Rod Cross Christmas seats Is no longer an experiment in Oregon. . It was tried with ncoass last year in Portland ana this year 1300 . letters wera sent oat containing from 31 to 125 worth . oC Stamps. F-'i.',V;! S.y-,j'.j:r.i-rv-j V .V Every , day .brings generous checks in response to those lettersV Tho Thursday mall included a check for 325 from Mrs., Elizabeth, C Good and checks for 120 each from Edward Ceoklngham and W. W. Cook Ingham. Thoso sending checks for $10? were: Thomas Kerr, Standard Oil company, A. C, Anderson Co, W. E. Cotnan, Harry T. - Clark, JanoeS 'A. 1 Cranston, Fred A. Kitohy. Wells Gilbert. Clark, Woodard Drag company. Frank. A, lira, Sarah E. Gainer P.E.,L.& P. Asks ' Grant Land Patent dfcSBJMSSSSBSSSSBSSBBBB- - t f , CoBgretsfliati XaArtksr latrsdoeoo B01 to Fix r Title to Freperty Veeded U Han Xta radtrtaklig. The bUl Introduced la , congress ' by Congressman UcArthar at the request of the Portland, Aght Power.. cbm psny to patent to that comnanv tA acres of O. C grant land In Clacka mas eonnry grows out of the railway company's acquirement of 'what title was bold tn the land by the Orea-on A California railroad through condemn uon prooeeaingn in tho federal eourt tn 1914.. The jury-s award was 1(200, This amount wis put up by the railwav com. m 1 pany and held tn deposit at: n bank at1 1 4 per cent Interest under Judge Bean's oroer to aoios tno -outcome of the O. A C. Utlgatlon. Under the terms of (ho Chamberlain. Ferris bill this money went to the gov ernment when the , supreme court de cided the O. C grant land case In the government's favor.- The railway com-, pany has therefore paid the govern ment $11 an sore for the land. The land Is located on Little Sandy river In Clackamas county and Is being used by the Portland Railway, Light at Power company as part ot the Bull Ran development. , . The fact that the land was needed In this development prompted .the railway turn At Decided Reductionb: :: SOLOMON'S Great Christmas Jewelry SALE Urs. Sarah B. Oalner died la this city in.iunt. .s. m.. , rt t n V r .v. I m h,r hlllU TTT ult MM1WI - - .... - I C.B. Bruno. Portland Flooring Mills, I wovemoer n, a ut age mi u owM The tract eoatalno the reservoir Dr.- A. J. Glesy. R. I Olisan. J. B. I oorn in Anoraw ewwn. which accumulates the supply for Bull Haxemne ot t, J. f. trenen. wuiuuaiuw h miuhiviv- w.- i nun nam. rx; Wheelwright. William A. . McRae. 1" witn ner pexenis. m. uto .vTUl Trv , Use where , : ... i near smsov ni wnw mum Man sales are also to be conducted I -TP . .iT , . . .a . I mnrTSBU mmm srw . usuuoi aa osiew SSsS r.'.r ' Bent, but Not -Broke and King of Gamblers Is , gono out. from the local office Thursday. " "T'Ar of Port- - The Overlook Woman's club and the 1 1. un. naxah Leaver and Lee Oalner Corrlente club were in charge of the I -.k . u four stenchll- ugwnionn wwut bm . annual muu i drn who moarn ner as tasir own mou- Chicago, Don. . T-1. N. s. ) Jlra OXeary. . "King- of Oamblera." , to not close of the day. On Wednesday aZxAi'Zc. Oalner, Port- "7" 3f was reausea xrum mo nusi cunuutioa jan(j . Urs. Eva Davenport, Craotree. .vv.wv wo arw a.w huht a i,vu by the auxiliary . to company Third HamonShelton of Jordan Or, is the fnortgaga. 0Lary aars tftat transaction Oregon infantry. Today the sale is in aurvtvinr brother. Many relaUves wms Just a legal formality in oonneo- the Hands of the Peninsula club with fjn win remember her whom Uon -with the sale ot the property. Mrs. W. W. Pearce, chairman., and kiuv in sds vears a so. I ' folks want to know how much money X have left." said OXeary, "Just tell them I am down to my last million and I hats to break Into It," - Productive Area of WVUUUI a uu.w J U ww WJ mwmm I . ... T aBsoctauon, airs. a. m. i-euii. presi dent. . . . Vdnftatlnaal Wark VntrMuM The educational work, one of the most! TTv-i rn - To Tn ft-Q SOt important phases of the work being I . . UX11UXX XQ XliUl wwuuu done by the Oregon Association for the carried on vigorously In both Port-1 """" land . and ' the state. . Miss . Cartmell. I by Actios of Coaaty Cemmlssiesers m teacher - of : English at the Shattuck I ; crtatlag Oread Bonse DUtrUU .X f a minute and a hairs conversation on I La Grande, Or,' Deo. 7. More . than the cause and cure of tuberculosis. tl tn qqq acres will be added to th pro- Me Win twin the Wer Thervfoce Iom UneW - Its year mrr dot. Too Somt p auaiao teUurt while yea Inb. Bar thrift unntas at Ta itmrmU smbm aad Sanass si etioa, i .. Our personally selected stocks of high-grade Jewelry now on sale. Practically every article in the store is included in this .Great Price Cutting Event 5 pre mium offered on all Liberty Bonds. DIAMONDS t Karat Bias Walts Fer- ;rrr"r.!.. 51000 im x. fuo cuam ecen Cat DUsiead .... OOU 1M X. 1'Ui Clean S A flt Cat Ferfeet Dlasi'4 VW 1 J X. Flae filae Walts' Siamese, TU. e-JCC faey vJOO l-so x nae Ferfeet Diasteag set la f aaey Tit leey $250 r.5220 1JM K. rise Bias white serf set Die: M.1M JU rue Blue C1CC wblte serfeot DUs'iV"' 4.100 K. rtao Beaatlral Celer XtiasioaA, - ioe TUfssy , ".. V- Oer sseelal las Dlasiead Bisgs cant be beaUa, aad new for ear rtattaaa. Die asesd Dlaaer Blaga. ail sew iMirt la seme esaeee, rKCiAX. 10 ueeeaaw assail SwUs..,. V I eOU Hgl Wrist Wltcnes In 20. en sale) at... $13.50 It-Jewel, verr osaaQ Wrist Watefce - C t( at...... VA-WsW WRIST WATCHES a. a k . . . We Lave a very fla aa serUaent tn a3 skipee nm4 olses fas sella geli, geU fUlea, sterQnf effver ene! gnssaeUl in prices tVosn $730 oo4 np. la Men's Wrist Watches with. r Inmlaoms eUala, we kave a very alee assort. $4.50 $35.00 In Men's sad Beys' WatcKeo ww carry most aO the leeeV las; makes el gwar an teed watcaee from 7 to 23 jwweU. . ' Wo nave a very line) assort ment el Csmoo Rings and Broaches, Stene Rmga la aS nlrtnstonesa. Scarf Piaa, Bar Pins and . Breeches. - N. SOLOMON, Jeweler 331 Morrison Street Opposite Portland Hotel W6 - i cash premium paid on all Liberty Bonds :' presented In payment for goods ' ' ptircbased in this sale. Goods - ; up to 75 of the face value of the bond Must be purchased ' literature for which was furnished by-1 dnetlve of Union county oy the VnarU with Ulustratlon. and tt'1' ".J? cSattOran1? caption, concerning , personal hygiene I V, i?.", 1.$. are now in use In 27 counties of thsl w""" rT,I 7.71-. fm stats and the health crusade literature "lln"n 0 l.i . .v- 1 1 flood waters from the Orana Ronae ib ' - wvtuB . w wsr www nan wuo a aa one - -. A ohools. Czernin Predicts Af teivWar Alliance GetTeva. Dee,' T. (I.; N. S.) Count Czernin, the Austrian foreign minister, in an address - to n delegation of Bun garian notables, said he felt sure that the German alliance would continue after the war with both 'Bulgaria and Turkey, ta It, said dispatch from Vienna today. . , ... . ' In reviewing the causes of the war the Austtian foreign minister said that the government recognised the necessity of "preventing -a greater Serbia" ' from springing jafi. 1 ; V ; :.; v-1 - '' N. Yv Women Voters Hold Convention river and its tributary streams. The greater part of this land la already tn a stats -of cultivation, but Is subject to flood about every other year, when thousands of acres of wheat , land are Inundated and the growing crop laid waste.'-. The Improvement entalla the widening of the channel of the river nt certain new x org. use. ijrrr turn rirst time 1 mint. ja tha construction or canais at since - fitw iwk wvinen nave oeeni other points. rK.iik.Bu nm TDie uii new xpra . laty vI?.i.-5.i?uf? Home Gnnrd Equipped and cit Afflem. Wmm Mr o.mt I - t Ofande. Or, Dec t. La Grande SI it.- w I battalion of home smard Is now eoulppea of the credit for the recent suffrage "d ready for service. The MrfM. i. .111 ..t, . w ai I for - s-uns. 100 rifles of the old style hattan norengn convention." Chairman Springfield type, erere dlstribnted to the for the various boroughs of the city will men at regular drill Tuesday night, lack be elected, as well as minor officials, of ammunition for the riflee Is not wor- Later a city convention will be held. It Ting the guardsmen, as the extra long i. .in .rntii rhat thm win k. havonats with which these rifles are opposition to the candidacy of Miss Hay equipped are considered sufficiently tsr- xor reeieciion. . rujun i be eaiiea upon to cope wiuu iq nanuu ot arms will receive most ot .the drill time from now, on. - You have seen 'The Spoilers," The Ne'er Do WeU," and ."The Barrier." 'Hero b the story thai is tllfferent the greatest of them -alii The first time - yeei 'over :aaw a Rex Beech , f r 4 m c ties - at roe ular -- prices.' - Begins tomorrow. ; Starring Rubyo. de Remer,' former stair ' of Ziegfeld Pellies. now known as. Tho Vemi of ths FUma. ' Note: The tact that we offer you this supremo pro-, duetlon, which 'costs ' us a small fortune at regular prices, ; ' Is . further : demonstration of our policy- o( ths biggest v" and best ' that ' money can' buy always. - 'A t t 1 , Fire Hazards Investigated Ia Orands. Or- Dec 7. Deputy Are marshals -are In La Orands this week engaged In a systematic and thorough survey, of the fire situation in this city. Jobbers Must Have " . 'Wholesale License All : retallerg engaged - In s7 Jobbing I business are classed as v wholesalers,' and will, accordingly, have to take out a wholesaler's license, say official In structions received today by W, B. Aver, federal food administrator ' for Oregon, from national headquarters at Washington, D. C. ' ' Applications for licenses-wUl be ra ! celved at the Portland offices- of . the food administrator at 401 Northwest ern Bank building. I ' Because ot uncertainty . as to the classification ot the retailers doing; a Jobbing business,-the Portland admin istrator asked for definite Instructions, The rule as laid down widens the scope ot the foodytdmlnlstretors.- i Aberdeen Postal v . Receipts' Gaining " Aberdeen. Wash. Dec'. T. The re ceipts of the Aberdeen poetoffico for 1 the present fiscal year will show s largo Increase over, the previous rear. accordln to Postmaster Carney, who accounts for the increase oy the fact that ail mills are running, some - of them overtime, and that shipyards havs Increased the poetoff loe business. Post master Carney figures the increase will be t J l- per cent. V - . : . i-uimmiiiiiniiuiuiimminiiiiuuiui - t I wfwr. - W W A w v x w sr m I I! III! J I : If. . III. IL 1 IP WM mi m. dm II i 111, II I 1 - I M 14 it.I ttf wM ' MA r-htxr. rAJ- 9 Ov 6 eicoats at ;. $25. -ceK- , V. B ft PF1IUKU TODAT ; Alt!) BAT t AS AT 11 5 VAUDEVILLE! THRZER1AN0S T)lscipte$ of Darwin' V -CO GET EM ROGERS- , . "J tut 1 Dark Maa'f PoolUhnCM, - CORTY SISTERS . - I - , JCUETTE DAT v -; . j S ; , r to Th iUlabow- Orf 4 . . Week-Dey lists. " SEAT 10c laWing- War Tax UROM Great Coats to Chesteields, every typ ! Jw5and; Style: of overcoat finds representation in I this group of Kirschbaum garments at $25 . . ; Not die slightest dwiation cfe ! standards the same' uhaDmpromising insistence j iipon all-wool, thesame qare.' and T skill focused ,. upon every" detail of. the. making . v . In a time : oi increasing clodimakihg ciate fhis opportunity to 'Seqire'an : overcoat- a ;1 Kfedibaum : tailored overcoat - at; this popular ' old'time'pri' PHEGLEY & CAVENDER C O B. N E R. F O URTH AN D A ID E R' STR E ET S 5 - Cssalag SemJayt G tS". i,; with W fcaigkt e ' 1 ii 7 Pert2ana Sympkecy e e se s-ewe