The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 07, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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County Has Too Many on ; Pay
z Roll arid Many Are Paid' Too
': Much, Says Minority Report.
" '"' - , - '''i ; i -
i'... -s j ,r - ... , : . -
Mo Data Found in Support of Plea
: , of Commissioners That Full
'.- Sum Must be Got From Public
-, A revision of th county government
bn "nonpartisan , lines Is recoBirocnded
to. the minority report of the Citizen's
Advisory, budget committee, which has
been filed with the . board of county
commissioners. ' :- -'" - I -
The mtoortty report, which-Is signed
by B. B. MacNeuffhton, J. I. Farrell
and &. X Goldsmith, coneurs- lo - the
recommendations of the majority report
except cue one nine levy lor county
and road expenditures at the maximum
allowed by law. --, w.
: In regard to the levy the minority
report says: . . ' -. .
v"W$s are unable to snake a definite
recommendation as . to the amount of
actual reduction possible in the levy.
There was but. little data available
upon which to base a road .levy and
also an apparent agreement on the part
oi two or the commissioners that a road
budget at this time was not necessary.
The idea was firmly established' with
them- that only the maximum levy -could
fee considered, though no intelligent
data was offered to substantiate the
reauest." - .
- ' Too Many en pay Rett :
The opinion is also expressed that a
proper anvesugauon wovm disclose a
condition of over-employment in many
departments of the , county -govern
ment. 1 a. .
Criticism is directed to the procedure
"of levying money . for road purposes
under the general fund as a lump sum
without submitting a road budget show
ing how it was proposed to expend the
money, it is cbaracterixed as" Irregu
lar and as establishing a precedent
fraught with. danger. . ' . ' -"
After restatement of the recommen
dations of the! majority of the commit
tee which are concurred in, the- minor
ity report continues ; ' , ,
- We are, however, entirely opposed ' to
the recommendation of the majority
that the levy for county and road ex
penditures be fixed at the . maximum
permitted by law. In our opiniouthe
needs of the county do notcau for Such
a tax" in the face of JWTmrdens im
posed by the war.
M oe salary increases wuch have .been
nte or even sow ewirtoved.- It 4s
opinion that an Investigation by tax
payers made under -conditio serait
tag a thorough examination would re
veal a condition of over-employment In
many department. We believe the use
of time clocks and other devices found
acceptable In private business for speed
ing up employes should - be utilized in
all the departments. ; . . .
--Simpler Forts Suggested -.i
W wish also to report te the tax
payer (hat the last session of the leg
islature was made one more the cca
slonby various department head - to
authorize and fix by statute the num
ber and salary of their (deputies, thus
taking control of our situation out of
the hands of the taxDaver. -
It was the opinion of the entire com
mittee that the present county hospital
building with its considerably reduced
number of inmates due te- a change in
the poller or operation could well - be
retained for the time being. It was the
hope, of the minority at least, that the
1100,900 Included in last year's Budget as
an initial appropriation toward a -new
hospital building might ,be used as a
credit balance to reduce this year's
levy. - Under- the majority's' - action
recommending .the maximum legal tax.
no relief from this fund is possible and
it will simply revert -into) the general
fund to be spentand it wUi be spent.
In - our opinion the time has come
when the taxpayers of this district
should seriously undertake a study of
the local city government with the aim
of simplifying its form, centralising
responsibility and placing; it upon a
more efficient basis. The present cum
bersome structure loaded - down , with
many officials ail looking -to the voter
for election on strict partisan -lines,
with a herds of emoloves deoendent for
place, not on efficiency of service, bujJ
uia wnim ox party politics, ass ouui up
a system thatvburden this county with
heavy excess expense. v .
New Organization
"To Combat LW. W.
Isd oi trial Interests of California, Ore
gon, Washington, Idaho and TUtsIs It
"Session Is 8aaFraneli.cs.
, San Francisco, Dec 7. (U. P.) Or-i
ganlzing of the ' industrial interests of
and Nevada to combat I. W. W. and
pro-German activities on the , Pacific
coast was in process here today under
the direction of a representative of the
National Council of Defense. The
executive committee rile t today to work
out definite plans for the organization.
The delegates wilt remain in session
until the association is formed.
Reports .on L W. W. and( disloyal
activities ywere made to, the meeting
from ail parts of the coasv - v
Father Accused of
Marshall Wright Is Editor? Three
Portland Boys Will Assist in '
; Putting Out Classbbok. : J,:
quite generally made are correct in the
percentage ef Increase (aDm-oxlmataiv
10 per cent, which is In keeping with
f eneraf. business conditions) but we feel
hat in many cases the original base on
which the increase was made Is in ex
cess of the prevailing rate of com Den.
eatlon in private business. Illustrating
this, we (irut that practically all th
county sienograpners are now paid 190
. ner- month, while the maximum
: in our local banks and more important
Business iirms tor worn equally as
exacting is but . $16. .. From the vverr
cursory observations made in the . brief
time allowed for Investigation, we sus-
rect that " the situation indicated ' with
; the t stenographic force would find - a
tarallel in many of the other positions,
n - some departments more - employes
are asked for than are allowed by stat-
I not been announced, and the ceremony.
penoxmra ecreuy tast Wednesday, was
a emrprtse. ' Both graduated Xrom this
institution in June, 1J14. , ' ' ;
: k ; ." ". . ;
Oregon Exhibit I Seat
Oregon Agricultural, College. Corval
11s, Dec T. A. consignment of-tfl cans ef
fruit and vegetables, growc In Oregon
snd- canned by Oregon girls, has been
sent te "Washington, D. C by State
Qi Leader Seymour, as the contribu
tion of this state to the great national
exhibit now being stagedthere.
Tfc canned products represented the
work v of five Oregon " girls, Hasel Bur
sell os Uonsnouth. Leta Stevens - ef
Phoenlr. Margaret Jones ef Fab-view.
Alice Collar Gerrais. and ., Helen
Orae of Wilbur. :
lis. Dec 7. Figures compiled at the
registrar's office Wednesday . at the
sod of the forty-fifth day of registra
tion, showed a total enrollment of Sf?
students In the regular college -work.
whU corresponding figures of a year
ago showed an enrollment then ef int.
a decrease of less than a per cent. .
Kidnaping Son
The Dalles, Or Dec. 7. "William D.
Munger. formerly of this city, has been
arrested in North Yakima charged with
kidnaping his 13-year-old son,'1 Alton,
according to word received by Sheriff
Chrlstman of this city, :
fMr. and Mrs. Munger were residents
of The Dalles, and after a divorce some
time ago, trouble arose over the pos
session of the boy. Lest February
Munger kidnaped bun. Munger will be
brought to this city to face the charge.
Orearon Aerlcultnral College. - Cerval-
lis. Dec. T. Members of the 1919 class
who will have charge of getting out
the 1919 Beaver.- annual Junior class
publication, - have been announced.
Marshall "Wright is : editor. Carl U.
Behnke, Whitney Waterman and Buna
Bacon, are assistant editors, and Ruth
Kennedy Is women's editor. " ;
The editorial staff consists of the
editors of the various departments and
their assistants. The administration .
section is edited by Amy Armlstaad. as- j
slated by Arthur Til ton ; the das see-1
Uon by Evangeline Dye assisted -. by
Nichols. J. B. Nevius and B. B. Ahlson ; 1
the Greek letter organisation section by
T. A, Whiter and 0..-D. Dadmasi; that
House club , section by Oeorge Bonner j
and J. I Spriggs; the college organlxa- j
tlon section by Helen Sandoo, assisted
by Oeorge Hunter; the pubucatifn sec
tion by Arthur S. MouitontXhe college
calendar section by Florence Kerch-1
told. Karl Chapman and Howara Mason ;
the home-coming section by Peggy
Walker, assisted by Ruth Kennedy and
Ray Morris; the military section by W.
U. Korton and Charles M. . Truesdall ;
the athletic sectlbn by Butts Heard on
and Oeorge X Dutton; and the photo
graphic section by Clyde D. Horner.
The financial end of the publication la
In charge V. Sydney N 11 son. assisted
by WiUiam Sbepard as advertising
Three members of the staff. Arthur
Tilton of the administration section; J.
Ik Spriggs of the bouse . dub section,
and A. S. Moulton. editor or the publi
cation section. are -Portland boys,
graduates of the Portland high school a
Pig Club , Leader ' Weds
Oregon Agricultural College, Corral
lis, Dec 7. U J. Allen, state leader of
pig club work, was married last week
in Pendleton to Miss lxttle Fay Ment
ser. . Mr. and Mrs. Allen, arm make their
amua at Ainutu Tvsy n (n CUr-
The wedding was ths outcome of a col
lege romance. Plans' for the "marriage!
were known, but the wedding date had
O. A. C Registration Is Less
Oregon 1 Agricultural College. Corval
. Teacher Loses Certifies t
The Dalles, Or., Dec 7. Miss Edith
KUey, a teacher in the Boyd school
near this city, yesterday forfeited her
teacher's certificate, for one year on the
grounds of incompetency, . f alsefying
recommendations and unsseeming conT
duct. - i- ""- t .
Many Accidents in Korember
Salem. Or., Dec 7. The monthly
report , of Oh stat Industrial accident
coramtosioTr-alTOws that NoTember. ex
ceeded all previous records m the num
ber of accidents reported to the ' com
mission.! Accidents reported during
November totaled 1S84, of which 12
were fatal. e
Based Ort
Cost Per
It Saves 9Vs2C
CM RaMdr-l&c for 24 1
void tablets now 3ec for Si tablets
i is srics fer tkU SS-year-
. in 24 boors-
' la dtyUcfcr
IfTt fails.
t soy Dray BMre
i d m lii ill
! " i .
1 W:
VI i
The Gift Supreme
The DUO ART is wonderful beyond description for one who de
sires to make a gift, which will please, throughout a Ufetime, the Duo
Art is the-gift superb. " '
The DUO; ART is the most modern 'of Pianoforte. Briefly, it is a
"regular"; Piano Jo be played by hand it is alsp a . Player Piano
which -you -can play (withoutipedaling it is - operated electrically)
according to your own-ideas of expression and lastly.dt is a Repro
ducing. Piano which brings the great masters, right into- your own
home to play for you. , j ' J-
The DUO ART will pleaseverybody in the family and will be
' " Albany President Speaks "
. Oregon Agricultural College, Corral
1 is. Dec T Rev. Wallace E. Iee. presi
dent of Albany ejollege, addressed the
assembled student body Wednesday on
the subject of The Relation of Words
to Character." -. , ' -
Elsbteen- Otixeos Vote
Morton, Wash Dec. 7. At Tuesday's
election In Morton just It persons voted.
With a registration of 100 odd and a
population of 1200 or so. It voters la the
lowest on record In Morton.
Marion-Polk Ferry :
Goes High and Dry
OK S4 1 CsBlsmsed sat Efforts te
Have JTew One Fat en Xas Keeps as
roar ZxlsUas; Tra.
- Dallas, OrDec A sear serious ac
cident at Independence lata last week
has been the pause of re-opening the old
f ued between Polk and Marlon counties,
which started a year ago over the -efforts
to build an inter-county bridge at
- For several years Polk and Marion
counties have Jointly maintained a tree
ferry across thev Willamette river st
Independence. Lut week the old ferry
broke away fronr the cable and drifted
several hundred feet down stream. On
It at the time wars It peopls, a horse
and buggy, a cow and a calf. The) boat
was finally brought to a landing on the
Marion county side, where receding
water soon left tt high and dry.
Bankers Planning ,
Vigilance Committee
Chicago, Dee. L X. S- Aroused
by the frequency' of bank robberies Is
Chicago and the with which they
have been eornmitted. beads of outlying
banks are planning 'today to organise a
vigilance committee - to protect their
money., A meeting of south side bank
ers has been called for Friday night to
discuss protective measures.
One of the plans suggested "Is that
guards armed with sawed oft shotguns
be stationed at
basks. ,
the various osCying
place in thousands
cf American homes
There's a Reason
a joy
Doferg in Stebtway anj Other Pianos, Pianola Piano,,
Victrola and Record$, Player Masic, Music Cabinet,, et
aixtfe sad Vorrises Streets
(Opposite Peatofflee)
, BesttlsTsesBts-Spekaae
'h mmA Vmvlu. cirs T ' - SF. . ;
V i
i a "i 31
i - -
- - -. ssBsiessssBfew - sT ss as m - - ' - - .HI
1 1 II - : -T: CLx T77. SS '
"Presents That
Please" -
Picture Frames S1J00
'Presents Thai-
Bouare or oval frame
Standard cabinet photo size.
A practical gift.
the picture. Gold or oxidised finish.
Well made finished with metal back.
Marmalade Jars Sc
One of . the patterns shown In the pic
ture. Standard sice, fine glass and care
ful .etching. Silver plats cover snd spoon.
- - - r
Horseradish Jars' 59c
Glass Jars In nickeled holder.
stopper sod epooo.
Mustards Jars, 59 c
lar and cover with
Earthenware l
keied Bolder.
spoon la a nicks
Ramekins 29c
Like the picture en the 'right.
Zndivklnal slas earthen dishes
(with handle) m nickeled holder.
Mahogany finish bowls (4-inch) with center standard for holding
nut cracker and picks, which are included.
The tws gift buying' eeramamd
ments. The arruments ta favor ef Early
Shopping are so well known that they
need not bo repeated.
The necessity for Early Shipping Is
eleariy defined. The Oovemraent most
not and wUi not be hindered by a
congestion of Christmas packages
when transportation facilities are so
much needed.
' If yon are going to send gift out
of town, buy and skip at once. An
ray -ts do your -bit" for the
Metal with a mahogany
finish. Evsry amoker
wants one la every
256 te S1.25
Ebony Military Brushes S2J5Q Pair
Yesi Real Ebony Brushes
in a genuine leather ease see the nietarel
Si?- , Fins Quality bristlss. too 1 A gift that weuld
" please' any asaa. '
?P . Cigar Humidors 75c. UJS0
Various Styles .
Attractive as well as useful. Quantities
noriarge -: Eelecr yours tomorrow. - - -
W it
Make Ideal Christmas Gifts
They appeal to everybody men, women
and children. We have a complete stock
everything from the Cartridge Promo up to
the best products of the famous Eastman
factories. T
"The OwV Developing and
Printing Service Is the Best
t Remember the double slogan
Shop. EarlyShip Early
Read This List of
All of them have earned their popu
larity strictly on merit. The prioss
are interesting:
Tape's Dlspepeta... ........ 454
Fletcher's Casteria. . . . 20a
Is xa tire Bresie Qalalae 25s
Carter's Little Uvsr Fuls........lOs
Catlcsra OlstsieaC 4C
-f. D. D. (fer eMaia)...r ......M74
Keaioa's Catarrh Jelly 2Ts)
MeatheUtasj. 23sTns 4Bs
Maartae 39 e) sad fOs
HataiVs Beaiedy ....22s
Caseareta (tie slss) 22s)
eheaek's Xaacrake Puis 20s)
Lssaclle FDJi '. .45e
wiirs Speeirie 894 S1.60
Foley's XUaey Ptn.... 4Bs
Peecaaai'a Fills 22s
.Use wauve Her Tablets 90s)
CaldwelTs syrup Fry la 45s)
OeU-It fer Coras ., 20s)
Freesoae .30s)
rhOIlp's KBk ef hfagseeU 45s)
AstlkasiBla Tablets 22s)
taarfs Dyipepsia Tablets 45e
rUree'f GeU XsisI Diseerry...98s)
Flsree's Fsrerits Fresrrly ties.. .984
Vnxated Ires., , &Oe)
Plexygea '. 20s)
ysjel T5s)
Osteca O0 M........3S)
Isd sslU....... M 75s)
Cuss's FerWaissfaa 954
Garfield ' Tea , ..204
Xvsris T 224
Wast pole's Cod Liver 00 ZxU...904
Xeksssa's Alterative...... SO 4
Bless Ltalaeat 454
Aspirin Tablets (hex ef 11) 2(4
Grained Ivory
The prices ws quote mean a worth-while
saving- whether yon bur single piece or
an elaborate set. Buy your Ivory st Tbs
9744 Bonnet Mirrors (fO QO
a Special Feature at" Pji
Do You Grasp -the Amount Almost I0JM0
of Them?
Ks wonder w ssa Quote ouch a low price. The mirror la Illustrated
shore, xt Is It teches high and sine Inches wide. The glass Is
heavy beveled plate.
25c to S 125
A wonderful assort-.
ment and interesting":
values. O rained Ivory sf
combe give most sat-
Ufing service. ""V
Hair Brushes $3 JSO
The picture shore shows one of them. The
backs ar heavy and the bristles are hlgh
jrsde this means long service.
Bee thepkrfure. - Two purpeees
ervod. w have others from 50
Tsleseope style thoroughly waterproof.
See the picture. Others up to 504.
Ska via g Stick Cases.... 754
Saavlag Brash Cases. .91.00
Cream aad salve Boxes. 254 to 91
Teeth Powder Boxes 754 to lln
Faff Boxes......
..S04 to I2.RO
Hstr. Receivers. ......604 to 42.00
Dresser Trays.; 254 to 92,50
. Wall Baffera K.n ta si tn
' Wail IU .. o ar m n.
,. Catlel Ralree., ....... .,254 to 544
Catlcie Scissor 91.00
BsR Seises rs .7T;........91.00
Cera Knives 254 to 504
Button Keeks..-. 254 to 504
- She Kens 254 to 754
'.Besset Brashes.... .91.00 to 92.00
,?Cltsl Brasses... .91.50 to 93.50
Hat Fls Helden t ...854
S3JS to S7J50 Pair mSrix::::':iz.
m azs-L'p nexes 92.
Men ICk grained rvorr Just' Pis aad Trlaaet Boxes.. 9 1.25 to
as wall as women. Military Teeth Brash CyUadsn..RKa 1 7
Hah Brushes., are always wei- Teeth Brash Basks .7. 3
soma See our stock. Ivsry Clocks 82.45 to 85. 1
A Special Gift
Stock Is Now
Ready For
You to Select
We offer the best
qualities . la dainty,
sttractlvs packages at
popular price.
25c, 50c,
75c. SUM
no dani
always a
of having
too much.
Self 'Filling Fountain Pens SI JO
A great gift article.
el that gives perfect satlsfactlon.
medium or stub points.
"Todeo" Pans a eelf-fUltas-
Cholc of fine,
$1.25 Puff Boxes or Q
Hair Receivers for . . : O C
- " Grained Ivory
Complete Assortment of Water
man Fountain Pens S2JS0 to S5
A Gift Suggestion for Men
to Consider-
. ' v; AKJf OF TBESEt .. ,
r Red Festher CembUsUea 8l'B.'
...TsJcum. (Perfume and Toilet Water
. - lily, lilac, rose and violet. - -. -.
- -.' ' ' ! - . . - v.'
Red Featker Teuet rrster.81.00
Beautiful frosted "bottle with
ground-glass stopper. .Uly, vlo
letor rose.. v "... -
Teralsp Extras! 82.SO -.N --
An art bottlpj In a slTk-covsred
and lined box. . - - - ' , . . . .
Loose Tenet water. ....81.25
Lees Extrsst. , . ; .. 92.50
Xlximbl LOy Extract. Aai.OO
Mlriasl Teo Wster:.S2.00
An Interesting snd Iraportaht special. A reduced pries on two srtldes
that are very necessary on every dressing tab17-th Puff Box and flair
: We offer regular SI 25 lines for 98c.
The pa" hex Is mastrsted above the hair resetter Is la the same design.
Safety Raxorr SHOO
We hsre fins popular rasors to
offer st this popular pries
ar ail tuns tried snd soo
ssful; each one has Its army of
Auto 'Strop Razors
The only rasor with a blade
stropping srtachnsent. See th spe
cial Auto-Strop for soldiers aad
sailors, . .' , .
Cf7ct Razors S4S7
.Ton know them. Special sets at
treryer fer CiUctte Biases 81.
Metal Mirrors
35c to S2J50
They can be uedtoy soldiers
and at home too. Made of a special
metal, highly polished. .
Terale Tenet Water 94. Ov
. 8ame style bos snd a dlstlnctlvo
- bottle. . ; - . ,
- y '" - r W :
Lees Cesjklastloa 83JW
Extract Toflet Watsr and Com
' . plexion - Powdr.- Spring bloe-
M wor,
Hair "Brushes
Th price la comma
enough, but th valuei
ar most ttnoomiaon.
The backs ar oUher. ts
real ebony or coco bom. p,
another superb hard-
'The bristle sr won
derfully good. Ton may -suit
your fancy. StUx,
soft or medlumv
Th utmost ln vain
for 11-00 you'll sgreo '
when yoa ss them.
. r
Clothes Bratbes fresi.,.,754
Bat Brushes frets ......504 ,
Whisk Broetas frets....... 254 P '
She Brashes 504
Paso Dssurs 154
Rssd Brssss.....l04 to 81.00
A wonderful variety
Tooth brvfkes 254 354 504 T64
The bristlss won l some out.
Tenet .Wster.......
Tales at Kivlir,
. i - ii ii ii r
- Shaving Supplies
IkavUg Sesps S4. 74
hsvlsg. Sticks.. ..204
a saris Creates. ...... ......
Shsrlsg Powders. .i. ........
Talests Pewdev..l54 sd 25s
Shavisg Xysuess at ah rnees
Pocket Combs 35c
Flae Quality Hard-Rubber Combs
la purse styte jesiner
Lather Brushes
Important prioss 254 and up
on brashes of orery grada Ail of
thorn set ts rubber. Quality is an"
Important feature. , . ,-
. .' ' -
Razor Strops
Nam ssy popular prtoe from tto
p aad wo will show yon splendid '
rain. . ' .
Flash Lights
Evtry soldier wants one. W
hare all styles 764 to 83 -
Watches S125 .
Jwo models--'Motor' A "Pocket Ben
vRsdieUte WsUbet 82.2 r Ten
ean tell the thno In the cars.
Rsdleuu Wrist Wsuhss 84.50
For army service.
Ton can best relieve con
stipation by lubrication.
Ameroit is pur paraffin
oil, highly refined. It te
coin ruse, odor 1 s and
tastslese. The system does
not absorb it.
.- 654.,'
......7S4 "