The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 06, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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Bolshevik! Foreign Minister De
dares Russians Do Not De- "
sire Separate Peace. - 5
chief clrk In the of flee of Sheriff Hurl-
hurt, school for volunteers will be held
five evenings, beginning Monday In the
court bouse.' . . . ' -; -.
volunteers - to. assist , In exemption
board - headquarters ' are , also .wanted.
Towards the end of afternoons exemp-1
tion , board officials , find themselves
overrun with the great number of reg
istrants seeking Information. A call baa
been made for men to assist In this In-1
tormatlv work In headquarters. -: ;
5 Berlin, Tin Loadoa, Bee. -JJ. T.
Arre.ment for ...pea-los M IJjUW"
from . Blaek Sea
alto fa the Taree-BastU. war tteatea la
A . J 7- ?.....iAff totally today.
it w "tatei, will he eo.tla.ed la a tew
dark -- - . -
London. Dec. P.)-
mce.M declared
-There i thre stages to our preaent
fteSations the Maximalist leader as
?1S -nies axe First, suspension
VTSSSPJSS adefinlt. armla.
House Split Forms for or Against
uovernmeni , uperraon oi : ;
CountryY Roads. J
ml and there would be Jess sacruic
of Individual Interests.'. ' . '
Mr. Miller's Idea la that funds thua ad
vanced to the railroad would b m
nature f a loan and wouia vrw
railroads Immediately U obtain more
i . . Ainv,itn this th lnter-
state eommerce commission ehould allow
advance la rate wnicn wou
lt possible for tne roaaa y -
.... Minr. ' " '
very difficult bee use 'of troubl in aa
' tl -.a a a Mann.
Man WithlSheet and Waiting Au
tomobile Figures as Villain in-
- V-" Melodramatic Story.
it' stage the altted peoples wiil
"I. thHir eovernmenta to paruci-
. ' ivJ: Tljfn. P.) Russia
transferred the west front for use
tran? .w.T Foreign Minister
: ow: declared today In a speech,at
' aunced that General
. "rrTr-,i-an Attaehe. had visited
wSP 1 headquarters of the
S"Vi..jti. snrf nclared Colonel KerW
: protest to 'headquarter, had been
understood.' America, according to
. jGeneral Johnson's statement, as repeat
ed by Trotsky, did nor wish him to in-
' terfere with Russia's internalaffairs.
TTd Press dlspatche. from Petro-
. - wn.iv minted Trotsky aa
' fhM.inina'M the aravest complication."
If allied powers Interfered in .Russia.
Inurnal affairs, his Ire being; moused
at Wht he termed -negotlaaona- be
tween Colonel Kerts and General
lavergne. American and French mm-
- tary delegates at the front, and Oen
'eral Dukhonln.
. - - . . v : -;
V f- : . . - . '
Petrograd, Dec. . (U. P.) Germany
made a formal effort to obtain peace
last. August through Spain, according
to revelations in the latest chapter- of
- 'secret diplomatic archives" made pub
lie today by Bolshevik! Foreign Minis-
1" -ter Trotsky..; ' - V
The -evidence consisted of a telegram
' from M. Nabokoff. Russian charge
d'affaires at London, to Foreign Mln-
- Ister' Tereschenko dated in August,
1917. and notifying Russia thai British
- Foreign Minister Balfour had called a
- special meeting of ambassador, of
France, Italy, th United States - and
" i.iuil To thla assembly h aald he had
received information from Madrid that
; f 4 tiiirh nersonajce In Berlin has tn-
. nrmid the -Snanish ambassador that
wtiihed to negotiate.
5" Balfour, aald," according to Nabokoff.
message, that Britain waa ready to re
a.ivj. inv oerman communication re-
11 garding peace and to consider it In con
- Junction with th alllea.. . .
Whether there was any reply from
Germany to thla noncommittal state
ment wa. not Indicated to today
revelation. :". , , , - ':-. -
A number of newspapers, under- ape-
,-ninrion from Trotsky, have been
publishing secret state papers covering
, all the period of the war, Trotsky made
them public on the ground that the
Bolshevik! plan waa to. give th people
.all information of diplomatic dealings.
' 4 ; Roumanians Not for Peace r
JassYr Dec -(U. P.) Enemy at
' fraternise with Roumanian
froorie in the region of Hlhaleaalret
were met with artillery fire, an official
--. statement declared today. In th region
of Baltavadenl enemy batterje. shelled
Russian trenches.
Th Ttnumanien statement Indicate, no
j letup i. ta Roumanla's - fighting, which
. elves the lie to recent German inspired
siones that Roumanla was joining with
Russia In an armistice move.
Washington, r Doc. t.(U. P.) The
railroads of th country .will b operat
ing as a unit soon after th first of th
year. Whether they will b operated
undtr a dictatorship eatabllshed by rail'
road men themselves or under govern
ment control Is yet to be determined.
But sentiment in congress tpday made
it apparent that upon word from Presi
dent Wilson Wednesday's recommenda
tion of the Interstate commerce commis
sion will be acted: upon., . , . :
President Wilson today caned Henry
C. Hall of the interstate com mere com
mission for a conference" at S o'clock.
With tha vnlfieatknt f r11mala it la
Miss Ruth" Cunningham, 15 years old. I believed plans will b developed . for
of th Buena Vista apartments,' believes I greaUr-use. of . the Kwaterways.of the
ah narrowly escaped a well planned plot I Punlr3r reiiev ireight- congestion.
re rinnin net 1 lnrrnnr er rna nnrrmrni 1 -
hot-.; at f Harrun str yesterday
arternoon. it was only by ner quicKMoan of $100,000,000, to th railroads laal-
wlt that sh evaded two'men-who at-lready under, way. ... -, i
interstate commerce committees of the
house and senate will discuss th prob
lem with President Wilson within a few
days, : ; ' Senator - Newlsnds, Nevada!
chairman of th senat committee, will
President - Wilson Monday 1 vnlng
In th mean tiro house and senat com
mittees will consider th Sabath resolu
tlon for government control of mines
and railroads, while th senat Judiciary
committee today takes op th Overman
resolution , to suspend untu January
the portion of the .Clayton act prohibit
lng railroads buying supplies except by
comoetitlv bidding. ' -
No action on th transportation' situ
ation " will ' com bef or th - president
sends congress a special railroad mes-
sax he mentioned in us opening ad
dress.. Acting Chairman 8hnms of the
house Interstate ; commerce committee
said today. -
Hous members, however, already nave
started to spilt along sharp line, strong
sentiment : has - developed for : outright
operation by th president, v i
justing traffic between various roads.
Weather Bureau to -
Discontinue, Maps
On' Monday th local weather bureau 1 -l
. .v- U.IW I rwa
WTO dlsconUnu puDucsuon i I -n0ttno-0v
tempted to throw sheet over her head
as sh ran for th entrance to the build
ing, she says.
Th young ,, worn an. who la .very : at
tractive, left the- house a few minutes
after 5 o'clock to go to 'a nearby gro
cery store. As ah returned, she no
ticed a large automobile in front of
the apartment house with a man at the
wheel aad another standing nearby with
what appeared to b a . sheet thrown
over his arm, ah says.
Becoming suspicious as sh drew near
to , th entrance, she started to run.
When she reached, the steps, the man
ran toward her, making an attempt to
throw the sheets over her head. - By
chance, she pressed a button to an apart
ment and the door latch sprung, allow
ing her to open the door bef or th man
had reached her. She, gained entrance
to the hall and managed to get the door
closed .just as her pursuer reached the
top step. ' . : s - : ' t
Seeing that be had no chance of car
rying out his plan, the man run to the
watting automobile and. drove rapidly
away, the girl avers.
Miss Cunningham Is th daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Allan A. Cunningham. She
Is-a student in the Lincoln high school.
an a clever dancer. Mr, Cunningham
said last night . that he , knew of no
reason for anyone plotting against the
welfare of his daughter. ' but said that
she had been ' followed on the . streets
several times of late by a stranger, of
whom she was able to furnish a good
Mrs. 'Cunningham said this morning
that her daughter, who bad been re
hearsing for her dance at the - Allied
Baaaar at "the Auditorium during the
TWage -Demands Unchanged
Cleveland. Cs. s Dee. .. U. Plm
pending federal action with reference
to railroad, will have no effect on wag
demand, of th trainmen and .the Order
of Railroad Conductor, it waa declared
her today byiallroad brotherhood off!
etais. .
"It makes little difference -to the men
for whom they work," said W. G. Lee,
head of the trainmen. They would as
soon, -.perhaps a little rather, work for
the government. i
Miller. Prefers Loan to Roads
Salem, Or, Dec I. "While It la patent
afternoon, had noticed a rather striking that the railroads, particularly thos of
looking man watching her. intently. She! eastern- states, jesnnot stand-up under
paid little heed, but after her expert-1 present conditions, said Frank J. Miller.
ence on the street said she believed It I chairman -of th Oregan public servioe
was th same man who accosted her. I commission, today. I do not believe
Mrs. Cunningham, however. Is in-1 governmental operation of th railroads.
dined to believe th resemblanc purely
a coincidence. .; -
- "It might have been any other girl
as well as my daughter, she explained.
- Th - police were furnished 7 with as
fuir a description as the girl wa able
to supply and are looking for: th men.
aa, recommended . to congress Wednes
day, Is a solution of th problem,
"I think a better solution .would 'be
for the government -to advance funds
to the railroads and permit the railroads
te mtmie their awn affairs. Th raft
roads would b more economically man-
Five Simultaneous Attacks;"on
- London and Kent ' -' -',
- London, Dec v U. ; P. Twenty
five airplanes of, th enemy mad five
simultaneous bombing. Attacks on Kent
weather map and In Its plac win lasue
a card containing merely the tables ana
forecast Vflom days ago" th' central
offle asked the' local bureau, together
with others,! if n would b practical tp
dispense with . th rpublicauon or , tn
maoa ln ; th Interest of ' war conotny. j
Th reolr from th Vocal offic waa tna
it would.'; But It sems that Seattle,
San Francisco and other big stations
did not take that view., for word comes
that they will continue to publish their
maps.''-" '
Wisconsin Governor
Is Taken to Hospital
Madison, Wlk. Tc L N. 8.)
(Vmrnor E. L FhUlPP. WnO IS IU Wltn I
abdominal - trouble, will pronaoiy d
taken to a hospital today. He spent a
very restless night- -
- Casualties announced by Lord French
late today wer three dead and 1ft in
jured la London and four .dead-and 11
Injured iaowhar. over the raided area.
Two of five or six .machine which
penetrated - defense aad bombarded
eantral city were . forced . to land
their crews were taken alive. .
Th plane also flew over .Kent.
dropping- bombs. - - -.- .
Th nmy raiders cam early la th
soornlng, according to an official state
ment issued by Lord .French, command
er-in-chief of bom , force. . Th air
planes wer ail clearly aadlbl. A heavy
barrag was put up over London against
Two . and a half ' bours si spaed b
tween th first warning and th ail
clear" ' signal announcing th ad of
th raid. . . - . ' -. - a-
Accordlng . U th official ' statament.
th first group of th sky-killers was
sighted ver Kent at 1 :S9 thla morning.
Bombs wer dropped by these machines
at various place. -: -
- Th eeoond group put In an appear
anc at S a. m. and proceeded up th
Kiver Thame, also- Into- Kant- Be
tween 4 and - .4 :10 o'clock - two more
groups crossed' Fssiit. Joined with the
groups passing over Kent and th mar
chines, a converging column, started to
rn ard London.
Lord IYnch announced u eaprura
ews of th ; two Oerman .machines
brought down Included thre men for
ach plan. ' ' ..
Threi mem for eacn macnin wonra in
dicate the Germans cam In th latest
typ of Go tha bombing . and general
utility biplane, (Tbs aiw giant speed
sters, mounting one gun In front, on
behind and a third operated tnrougn a
sort of tunnel In th tail. . . .
.'This' Is the ' first sir, raid over Lon
don sine. 4 October Z. . Twsoty eeve
war - aiuea ana, a injure
that occaaioa, ' . , , ,5
It U also th 'first raid in which
machiaes penetrated London', defense
ilnos It waa authoritatively announced
that . England proposed ' to adopt . aa
ar for - an - are and tooth tor a
tooth" . policy 1 of reprisals dropping
bomb for bomb ' over German town.
dropped " explosive on a train leaving
ther. a British admiralty statement an
nounced- today. KugeJ ammunition damp
was aiso rat.
Thre Oerman airplanes war - de
stroyed. All. the British machines re-
tarned- bom eafelr. , ' i; :
Warren tot Control 'A
- Salmon Industry;
Washington. Dec fC-rWASHZXGTOK
Vf. Warren, who la her conferring with "
Food Administrator Hoover, has been
appointed rasreeentaUv of th food ad- '
ministration la charge of th salmon
canning' industry to enforce price regu-
. - . British' Flyers Bomb vTrala ,
London. Dec , U. P. British air
planes bombed ' Sparappelhoek and
lation, prevent boarding and carry out
other provision of th food -control act.
- Ae
Give s Wa
bra ead frtraea.
practetad. Tba eoat b) ealy ti-K
rartlTvoata im immw, gi
ieoraal baaiMs etflaa. .
TMtf Oaruncate te roar
. aathtaaj osa ke am ap.
4 ta
et Tea
D :
To all our good customers and those
who ar not customers but having good
relerenoes, you are solicited to .com
aad get what wearing apparel yon wish
for .th holidays. either in men s or
ladlea wear, without making- th regu
lar Initial , payment which w usually I
rqulr in opening an aooount. but you
can keep your money to buy your
XMAS. presents ' tor your- friends and
soldier boys and make your first pay
ment January tn rirst.,
Would also add that we havs on sale.
especially in the women s dept. a bean-
tlful line of suiu. of th latest models
and newest materials, which have had
aa alarming reduction all th way from
127.60 and 15ZJ0 to 119.60 and $25.00.
Thes ar all of the best tailoring and
can be relied upon.. In ladles coats all
of th latest that can b found on the 1
best markets. - 80 don't stint , yourself
either for clothe -or preaenta. After
nur first payment (January th ftra ti I
then you can arrange to take car of th I
remainder ox in account oy in week or
month, lust as may b most convenient
tor you. If you hay over -had an ao
oount with -1, you Know run wall that
CHERRY'S always take car of thetr
ocatomers. - Washington Str-Flt-
ock-block. Open-until 4 p. m. Satur
days. Adv. .
- ' re
; Looking for Help!
seres Hmadred "Vlateert Are Wanted
to AstUt la BxBUlnlag Draft aa
, Qm'eiUosaslre v te ' Xeglstraati.
Exemption board headquarters in the
'basement of the court .house is looking
for volunteers to assist In explaining
the draft and' 'questionnaire to regis
' trants.
- Seven hundred ' such -assistants are
wanted for various parts of the city, so
that It will not be necessary for regis
trants to go to; the court house for In
.! tormation. ' A " ; J " -"
Under the instruction of Martin Pratt,
th and oy Sts,
Hear pesots, ,
xvaxza 7 t t-too
Kpeclal'to permanent guesta
5 WW
"Disciples of Dtrwin"
S"Just a Dark Man's foolishness' E
S "A Quality ' Singing tad ; Piano E
s . utienng" t -
5 in: 'The Rainbow Girl"' "
I Week-Dey Mats, ' .
I V 10c ANY SEAT 10c s
' 5 . Including War;.Tax 1 " -
j 5 1 . ' 1 1
Cotainf Sunday t .Gene Knigat
- withW.; ,
7 Portland Symphony BUe -7
.1 . I I I
I U I ' - T
- 1
1,1 i
f - 1
e .
f : - t
" if
rrrr: ygsf.-frryru 1 7 -1 aes-s a :nsr,rz:-?ti. 4
HlBpll m nmiiai 11 f