THE, OREGON' DAILY JOURNAL, PORT LAND, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1917. BUTTER TRADE DOES: NOT FEAR AUSTRALIAN IMPORTATIONS POTATO BUYING HAS CEASED; SHIPPERS OF: SUPPLIES NET-LOSSES' Outside Market so Weak and Dull That Even the Best, Quality ; Available That fcrocn 1 Forward , Does Not Please , the Receirers. : V Potato buying at Willamette valley pmnti baa practically ceased for carload lot, for a fw days a nominal amount of business has baen shown bat daring - tba day practically ail in terests suit buying, y . V : , Iiowcr "tnaxfcetr and axtremelr weak prion at ether, centers together with the fact that tba trad hara haa op to Uua tima baan unable to send anything forward that would meet? tha : approval- of . oubnd buasrs, combined to atop ail trading at country point. . " So far aa can ba aaoartaioad hara not a atn- (la carload that haa boon sent forward from tha Willamette valley during: tha laat month baa Batted tha ahtpper a '- profit. In fact almost .every carload aant forward has' Betted lose to tha ahipper. 1be grower haa ; baan . tha only ana who bae secured anything from .tha ship ments to data but buyer ara wary at further tosses and until they en see their way clear to make a profit will not- operate, v v - - . Tl RST 7f AVE1.R HEPORTED HERE - alrat carload arriral of navel orange of tha ' aeaao Wa repotted la daring the day by the 1 Byan Fruit eompany. The market for orange ; in the couth la again higher. Navels quoted r her at $4.00 to $4.B0 per box. OJTIOK MABKET l SOW LIFELESS ' Market for oniona ia lifalaa here ao far aa the ahrnntnc demand ia concarned. W. 1. Swank. general aelUng reprewntatfre of the Confederate eaaociatlon, report that hla organization i not .offering. CHICKEW TBADE IS IMPBOTED . Improved demand and price with a lack. additional reoeipta daring the teat 48 hour on tha (treat ia .noted by to trade. Sale of heavy hem-ara reported at 20 9 20 H o with ordinary chickan at IS He. , AJDTAJrCB' TOR CA2T3TED 'MILK ' libb. McNeil 4V tfbbjr notified the local . trade of an advance of lSe aVaae In their , canned Hk quotation, which placed the new price" at 15.96, or tha aame price aa Carnation ' prodoot. . ZOO TRADE COJfTIXCES MIXEU . - Market for fraah egga continue mixed along tlm etreet. Sale of caae eoant are ahows at S8 89o a dozen with buyer offering the country S7 He. - Candled are generally at 62a per ordinary qnality. . SRIET 1TOTES OF PRODUCE TK1D8 Lettue market la higher In Loa Angalea; n change her. -Laat ear sweet potatoes at old price la In; text will sell at 4c. Conn try killed meats are showing 4 steady : tone. - Train load of banana unloaded daring the day; sale at SH0flc "". - -.. Turkey demand ia Quiet at former prfcea.: WEATHER- WOTICE FOR SHIPPERS Weather . bureau adviae:' Protect ahipmenta faring the next it hour against the following - minimum temperature: Going north. 40 de- Tea; nortbeaat over S.. P. 4 8. S.'.R. B-, 28 degrees; east to Baker, 24 degrees, and south . to Aaljleiad, -28 degrees, Minimum tampetatura tt I'ortiaud tomorrow, about 40 degree. PRICES IX PORTLAJTD The 'prices are those at wboleaalen tell to retailer, except a otherwise eta ted: , - Dairy Product BDTTEIt Creamery, prints ia paraffins . wrappers, extra. 48c: prim tints, 4Sj; flmt. 44 Mc cubes. 10c leaai csrtona, lo advance; . dairy. 8!c. . UUTTEKrAT PorUand delivery pasia, Ko. r, 1 treara. Me. - CHEESE SaUlng prteei TUlamook fraah Oreson fancy full cream triolet. 25 (9 25 VI e lb. : Young .America, 26 20 Ho lb. Price to jobber. fists. 8e: Toung America. 24e. f. o. b. r xse; xoung America. zee, r. brick, 8De; limbargar, 85c; brick tioia. 89a per I lb. ; Oregon tripleta, 23 H 24c per lb. I KIXJS Selling price:; Caae count. 68a peri doicn, buying price, 00 1 file per docen; selling prsee. candled, 64c;. selected candled,.; 65c; ttorageMr mvc. . . , I.IV POCLTBT Hens, heavy Plymouth I Rock. 2O02OH lb. : ordinary ehicaen. 18 H 0 Ittc lb-.; stags, 13 9140 lb.; small springs, ' ITlc; torsey,. sue per IB. : aresseo, fsney, 2S8e per lb.; culls, LiOo; Kjoabe, 82.60 par doseu; t gee, tiv. 15c; ducks, ' 20022a par uxi pigeon, 61.23 par oosen. t Fresh Fruit and Vaaetablss - FRESH FRUITS Oranges, 84.00 $4.76 per ! vox; Bananas, 0100; jemons, e.iosys.2; California grapefruit, $4.60 1 Florida, $4.7A4p 6.00; pears, $1.600 2J85 per box. r BEaKIJCS Huckleberries, 16 per lb.: eran verriea, loeaJ. pox, $4.00 04.25; eastern. $16.00 ser barrel. APPLES-rOrtley extra fancy, box,, $2.00; Drtley fancy, $ 1.75 ; Winter Banana, - extra lancy, $2.26; Winter Banana, fancy, $2.00; tancv tabl rt)l.'4 tier. 82.00: Hood River Ipitsepburga, fancy, $2.00; Hood Rir fipitsen - kurgs. chore. 61.00 J Baldwins, wrapped, $1.26; Baldwins, not wrapped, 81.00; cooking apples, ttier 81.00: cooking apple. 4H tier, 85e; ney table applaa, 4 H tier. $1.76; Newtown. f ihoice 4 trr 61.25; BpiUenburgs, unwrapped, tx.vv.t -. ... nlllIVILU,t,fii el OR To TK t ft fl.v.- $1.73 02.25 per craU; California Tokay. $1.60 I.UU. ONIOlTS Oregon. $2.76 08.00; garlic. H , 0 So per lb. - -v. .... POTATOES Selling pries: Tsbl stock. local. 81.60 01.75. Buying price: Choice ihipplng. $1.0001.25; wet potatoes. 0e. - t than asck. - -th . a u 1 a Aimonas, ulu, 11 IlUnr almonds. IXT. full sark. Ini n e-i: .Imondt. Ne Plus, leas, than sack, per lb. 21; ussonqs, ens ruu, suit sacs sots, per io , ZUe; Kraslla,. lsaa than sack, per lb . lie; chestnuts, astern, email, per B . 82c; chestnuts. Jap, large, fer lb . 20c; filbervi, lea than sack, per B , ; pecans, large, per lb, 20e: peanut, VBwan' rand, Jap. Single aeck. per. , 18vl peanuts. ''SwsnMt brand, Jap Osck lots, per Jb.. 18e; Manuu. best freah roasted, ft, lSe; walnuts, rrench. les than sack, per lb 18 He; walnuts, Olamond Budded, full ssok, per B , 28 028 He; sslnut, Ncv 1 S. S., lew than ck. per t . tBe: walnnta. No. 1 S. 8, full neks, ft, J So. VEGETABLES Turaipe, $1.25 per sack; mranip, 81.50 per sack; cabbage, local, 82.00 rU; green onion. 26e doses bunch;' pepper, 8 per & ; head lettuce. 8 So per dosen; eel. - iry 86a per dosen; srtiohok, $1 0 1.26 dosen; waumbera. $2.25 per dosen; tomatoes, Califor nia. $1.S 01.8 lug; esrpUnV 16o per lb.; ttripg beans, 10 012 He per lb.': pea ) par b.licanUflower, Oregon, $1.25 01.60 per doa pumpkins, IHcperlb. :. rvSeat, Pith and Provision PRESSED MEATS Selling price, cormtry tilled beat bogs. 18H019O lb.; ordinary 17 0 17 Ho lb.; beat vesL 16H01e lb.: ordinary fesi,. 18H 0140 per. lb ;- rough, heavy, .100 tl per lb : goats. 6 06e per 6 ; lambs, 17 0 10 par m : mutton 1 017 per m: beef, ' 1 010 jpr - - SMQKXO MEATS Hams. , 28 H 0 $4 pet h i breakfast bacon. SieSHc; picnics, 24o par "k.i eottage roll, 28o; short clear. 810 841 Dnigea exports, smoked: 84o per lb. LARD Kettle rendered, tierces, 80 He per h.; standards, SOe: lard ccmponnd. 24a. OTSTERS Olympia, gallon. $4.60; cannid. eastern, 6e par can, IS.5U per dosen; eaaaera S-aten, per gallon, selid pack, (3.50. , FISH Dressed flounders, Cc . altvenide -aab , sioo. 20e. perch, 7 0 8c; . 'soles, - 7e: - mlmon srout..l8c per lb.; halibut, 24c per lb. black !od. 8; herring. 6e lb.; rasor clams, ( ) par rosea;' 'hard shell. 4e per lb., $8.75 pay box; -, Cracert --" v nniTt RnneL IS 73' nwlml ': a an. fruit or berry. 88.00; D yellow, 87.40rgranv lated. 88.00; bee.t, , $8.00; extra O. 67.60; lumen , e l.uv. J ' HONEY New. 84.00 04.60 per ease: KICE Japaa jtyl No. 1. 7Hi New Or. eans. neaa, c; diu rose. ivo. - B5ALT Coarse, half ground. 100. see ton; 60a, $18.00; Ubte dairy. 60a. 819.76: 100. 119.25; baiea. 82.65: fancy tabU sad lalry, $25.76; lump reek, $20.00 per ten. v BEANS Nominal. Small white. 14c larg Stotlc, Boadk. Cottoa. Oralis Etv I If -1 IT Boar ! Trad SiildUg.- Overbeck&CookeCoe DIRECT PiUVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Members Chlcng-o Beard of Trad Correspondents l Lorni t Braaa' : ChlensTO. Sew .. Fork ; Packing Strike Is -i Bad forthe Trade The strlks ansae peeking plant workers I - Paget Bound BiUrUid . daring- the morning. Thia win cause u entire nssis ltiou of burin of livestock by that srade. sod win indirectly affect the astir Pacific northwest situation.' - -ShiDoer ara beina waned to keep all supplies off tba market vBaraTatpeaalbla oa thia account. ' Livestock Trading -;. Is Very Quiet Here : With-Labor Trouble little Activity Shown 'in Yards- Hogs Come in Poor - Shape ;J , -. races Jtioiaing. '' PORTLAND UTE8TOCX BUN; f r v- Hoax ; t Cattle ' V Calve ; Sheep . 1 1171 68 786 f3 12S " ' a a - .85 Thonday. . .... 871 iV 377 , , ,i . Wednesday ... S87 204 ., 3 Tuesday ,.. I'll . 74: .... Mondajr i..,.26S ; SIS . 2$ Saturday .... ISO : , SS4 ': S Friday ....... 5 , 18 ' - IS week ago -Holidar- Tear ago ..... 441 118 3 yeara ago ... S7S 129 S yaara ago v 29' 4 yaara ego . . . 728 ; Condition ia the local hvastoek situation ara extremely quiet aa a result of farther labor tronbles in the Pacific Northwest. There was a fair ran of hoc reported in at North Portland overnight but little of the stuff was available for tha market becsoae of poor UUSUIJ. In ceneral, wnfte quiet, the mark at for swine m eooataered steady at former Prices, General hog market range;- f Prim light ............... $1 S.8 5 1 .00 Prima heavy 16.SffaiS.00 Prima heavy 16.00 1.1 Pis 18.7B16.25 : California Oattia Arri Four carload of California -cattle came for- kward to tha North Portland rard ovamisht. General sentiment in the trade ahows pracO eslly no ohange from the. previous day. au- I though aalas are slow as a result of "the tabor troubles. , 3. . . - -. r.. , - General emttle market rangat Medium to choice (teera. ID.SO01O OO Good to 'medium ateera. ...... v, 8.76 A S.60 Common to good a teera ......... T.260 8.25 Choice cow and heifer. ...... 7.00 7.T6 l ommon to good cow and half era. 6. B0 (9 7.26 Canner .................... 8.00. 6.25 Bulla 4.500 S.75 Calve 7.00 9.60 Biocaer ana reader steers. . .... 4.00 W 7.60 ' ,-r Mutton Demand Absent -. One lone hrul nf nnttMi etravt ! local yard overnight. . Sentiment in' tha trad continues beartah with BtU demand. Prieee were nominally eonUsuad at Wedneaday' fig. ure. , General aheeo and lamb rsnce Western lambs ............. $18.00 1. 60 VaUey lamb ..12.50 18.00 Yearling ....!....... 12.00 012.60 wetnem Jl.75 12.26 Bw 7. 8.00 10.00 Thortday Llveatock Shipper HogvGuTer tt Offield. Midland. 8 keda. . Settle JF. C. Mitchell. Gazelle, Cat. 4 load; i. v. vsvu, KiOgefleU. Wash.. 1 load: O. C. Hoghea, WaahougaL I load; C. a Carter, Myr- ue routi i. ioaa; J. reuu, 41 head. Mixed stuff O. E. Goraline, Joseph. 1 load cattle and hog; H. L. McFaddan. Harriaborg, 1 load cattle and hog ; M, Boszart, Woodland, Wah.. 1 load cattle and hogs; Tillamook Coun ty Warehouse Co.. TUlamook. 3 loads cattle and hogs; Cutford Bra., 1 load cattle, hog and thecp! Jama Hodum. MyrU Point. 1 load cat- ue ana nog. Situation I Mlxd BoDtoe A Clark' asy: 5 A bght run of catti uoaair rouna a reaae euuet at atMiiv nruM A uandful of teera occasionally brings 10c. but BHjpa moss 01 m gooa ones; good steer, S.6O19.OO; medium, rteer. 88.0008.60: common. 87.00 8 00. A good grade of feed ers ia sailing around. 87.00 97.25. It look like cow ought to be worth 68.00 but it is pretty hard to beat 87.00 7.25. a few oeeeainneUv ell higher; common cow. $5.00 A 0.00, and canner from. 88.00 to 84.00. Boll are steady wiiu o.uv rap. uisi Ten, aH.UvajB.ou heavy. 80.00 7.00. - 'M' Labor trouble on the sound have made go ing pretty tough in the hog allers - for tha naat week. With 1600 hog on hand .Monday loa buyer were offered 8500 more. - More cams I Tuesday and still more Wedneaday. So .far they 1 have bought them, but it has been necessary to hold up every ahipmant possible. So far packer have shown - no inclination tn )m,b the market if they can get the hog killed. The going proo true wee naa Been 816.85 to tin. Sheep There is nothing to say about sheep. Occasionally a few sheep arrive and semo-ocea- monsuy aemeooay una s Bayer. Thursday Mornlnf Sale STEERS Price No. Av. Tbs. 87.60 17.... .1000 4-25. 1 600 COWS Jo, Av. lb. i 7...,.101lt 7...,. 688.- Price 87.60. 4.00 1. 6. a. 820 898 26 eio 2.50 . 1..... 610 4.25 8,50 8.2s $8.50 4.. 745 . BULLS $4.00 - HOGS 1 1 200 15.85 1.. 200 290 45A 227 183 1B.90 ... 2...;." 220 B..... 210 7..... 191 . 4...., 820 4.. ... 813 15.00 16.00 J 6.88 15.00 16.00 2.. 1.. 8.. 45.. 16.00 14.85 18.00 16.00 1 PACIFIC COAST BA1TK 8TATE5XE5T , Portland Bank Clearing . Thia week. Monday ....$ 4,628.008.02 Tear saw. 2,884,847.78 2.814.807.85 2.060,768.76 2.407.047.06 H IWednaaida .. 8.01 8.8A2.KA 1 Ty . . S.022,881.60 . eeaiia Hnll I k" 4.125, 662.00 17,974.00 Balance , Taooma Banks Clearings Balance 661,684.00 118.162.00 ' Spokane Bgnkt Clearing Balances $'1,420,674.00 a S0S.76B.W0 San Francisco Banks Clearings V, . ...... . $16,848,828.00 La Anaalaa aaska r - Clearing, ..8 4.872.662.00 . Eattera Grain Market umeaco Jsh eorn. Na a enieari SI TH. w- d Buxeu. fi.ou w j.. oo ; no. O mixed. 81.66 White.- 77 0 77 HCH No. S whiU. . v jm w , , i o n er MO. -i . Ksnss rltT Caeh eorn .t.Hw a v..v Corn closed. December. 81.25 S; Jannar 76 Hr Kay? 74' ' - St. Louis Cora closed. Ma, it in at . rut w -m auy, i 3 cv - -V'-'i- Chlear. Dairy produce Chicago. Dee. 4. (L N. a.1 Rnttm -a. eeipt. 8646 tub creamery extra, 47o; extra urns, eureoc; paejung stock. 82 tsBuHe. ... - . Ess fteeeints.- 1580 - ess: erurant ' v. eeipt. 41047c:' ordinary firsts. 42046ef finra.. 46048a; aztr. 63 064; checks. 26c; dirties. 29 0 80a. . . - 7 7 .' whlt,'l$e; pfuk, 10 Vie; has. 15c; bayous, 10;. red, JOo. : - Hop. Woel end Hide HOPS Nomiaal. 1617 erop. 38080c per Tb. WOOL Willamette valley coarse Cots wo Id. ESa ner lb. I medium Shrooahire. 40c ner lh. .- haatern Oregon. 600 550 per lb. V -. HIDES SalterU 26' Iba aad tip, lSe: ashed stag, 50 lbs. and up, lSe; salted and green kipa,.16 lbs. to 26 lb.. 18o; salted and, green oaU, ap to 15 Iba.. a5o .green hides, 35 lbs. aad up, 16o; -green etaga, 50 lbs. aad ap 12e; dry fUnt hides, SOe: dry flint calf, up to 7 lb., 88c;. dry -salt hide. 25c; dry horse hide. 81.60 to 52.60; salted home hide. $8,000 4.00; horsehair, tail. SOe: horsehair, mane, 16c; dry long wool pelts, 42; dry short wool pelts 26 0 SOe; salted sheep pelts, long wool, each. 84.00 0 5.00; salted lamb pellta, each. 82.0008.00: . salted: abort wool pelts, each. 82.0002.50; dry sheep shearlings, ach, 100 Stfe; aalted heep shearlinga,- aach. 25 0 60c. -- T ALLOW rN o. 1,- I6c; No. 2. 12c; greaaa, CHITTIH OR CASCABA BARK Buying nrioe, per car lots, 8 a pet lb. . MOUAIR 1917. 85e per lb. . y .t nope, Faint, oil . . . . .. ' ROPE Siml. dirk, aac; white. 23 e per Th.: stsndsrd Manila. 82a. ' " LCBE0 OIL Rsw. bbbk. 8 LSI per raV leaa kettle boiled, barrala. 81.38: nVeuI 81.41; boilsd. $i.4S per gailoa; lowTof 360 gallon, less. .. .. . COAL OIL Water whit, ta drum and iron barret, 10 per-gallon. . WurtB LEAD Tos lota. 12c par IVt SOO fha.. 13 e. TURPENTDTE Tank. 65c; pass lots, 1c less. .,, T3c; JO li AUSTRALIAN BUTTER IS Tl Trade Here Does Not Believe That Colonics ' to Affect Trades But terf at Too Scare and . High. Some -of tha brokerage interests ara trying their utmost' to break the aoarkst for butter here. and in fact have bees trying to. Oo aa 10 soma time, a complete change of the previous attitude. They are spree rllng tba report that Jog sup- 1 plies of Australian batter are eoming in- this direction, and tori ma ting that these supplies will com to local ereasseries. So far aa cam be ascertained none of tha local eraamarlee have as yet purchased a stngla cub of Autrliw butter this sesaoaw i t . ,-. ' ..h-f. "'"'" r " Some of thia Australian steel arrived Ui tha California markets a short time ago but nono of baa come in this CttreeUon. It is quite prov able, bowaver. that hmited mmota will arrire stese after awhile, nut tt will not .11 sly se 1 much affect upoet the local demand, or price Btt nation, for the reason that total shipments from the Colonist ara not likely to be heavy, because of tha shortage in freight room and the-difficult! securing transportation era at extreme freight charges. . j With higher prieee fdfteed for butterfat at country pointa by the condense ries interests. which will take further suppues away from tha creameries, tha latter cannot reduce their Quota tion unless they want to go entirely out of tha butinem. . .... , Initial Trade , in : Stocks atjMvancel For the vLeadefs Hew York. Deo. S (I. N. S.) Profit taking in the final trading aa tha siocg market toaay caused a shading off of prieee. United Stale J TiPBji awiii rirwpr raireavaji apap Ym BFapinw f marine areierraei aoims 1 pmns mix, wnite 1 titan Copper, after asllln Up to 78 H. I to 774. . The railraaat Imu war fracUaaally I Sals 488,400 ahar: bonds, M.S4 1100. I Hew York. Dee. 6 L N. ai The railroad (Tn. S.)-rhe raflreed storks ahowed a firm tone St the evening of the rock market today, with initial advance ranging I rem fraction to aver 2 neint. but after the early trading hea Tinea developed which wiped out early gains. Delaware A Hudson opened up 1H to 97. with a reaction to 95 H on tha Bast aeiav Union Pacifia opened ap 1 to 114 H. with a swift de cline to 113 tt. St. PauL after opening m 1.. dropped 2 points. Abd Canadian Pacifia declined point to 132 H. Beading sold aowa la to 69. sad losses of about 1 point tained in th other railroad aharsa, Th general list wa weak. V. S. Steal selling up to 80. declined to 8H. Bethlehem Steel B decllaed to 74. . - Marina preferred sold off IK to 92 H. and General Motor declined to 88. After the advance and decline of the first few minute, the market issmsd to ba established at a new trading level, aad change during tha rest of the forenoon were very narrow. St Paul fell a pointa to 88 91 . aad tba pre. 1 ferred dropped from 74 to tl. Missouri Pacifia dropped from 25 H to 28 , and Erie feu eve 1 point to 14H. x lYalaeaau M. Usala - aaaTaVear BuaMeiai U vwaarTxu gjg niuauB. aivat auMU jaa$i u v a -yg - i moved up to 96, and Utah, which had denrmed over 2-point to 70, rallied to 77. Steel common acad down from 90 to 88 74. Money loaning at 4 per cent. BUGABOO UTILIZED 0 SCARE CREAMERIES Bang of Nw Ton price furniahad by Over beck A Uooke Co., 316-317 Board of Trade building r . - - - DESCRIPTIOX 1 Open! High lam Bid Alaska Gold I 8 HI 1HI 2k 'i Alus-Chalmsr. . lSfc 16 H 17 H 17 Am. Can, e....... S4 84 $8 88 Am, Car Foundry, c . 67 7 66 H 66 H Am, Cotton Oil. a. 26 H 26 H 34 lb 24 M Am. Linseed, c 264 264 26- 244 Am. Loco., c... 611 62 H 61 H 62 Am. Smelter, e. .. . T4 li ,74 72 H 72 Am. Sugar.-, e..... ..... ..... ..... 94 Am. Tel. A Tel... 108 105 108 108 Am. Woolen, c ... 48 48 48 43 Anaconda Mining . 64 67 66 66 Atchison, e ...... 86 88 88 , 83 Baldwin Loco., o. . .65 65 64 54 Baltic A Ohio, c... 49 49 48 48 Brook. Rapid Traav 44 44 44 48 Call. Petroleum, c 12 Canadian Pscifio . 188 188 183 182 Central Leather, c. 68 68 62 62 Cbampeake A Ohio 48 48 47 47 C A G. W e T C M. a St. Paul. 40 40 87 87 0. A N., c. 93 83 93 93 C F. A L. e 88 Consolidated flea 84 84 68 88 Com Products, e. . 28 28 27 28 Crucible Steel, a.. 68 U 63 62 D. A R. O.. e 6 Distiller 84 84 88 82 Erie, e 16 16 18 16 General Electric ..180 180 138 129 General -Motor .. . 88 88 86 84 O. N. Ore Lauds.. 26 26. 35 35 Great Northern, pfd 91 91 90 90 Green Can ... .. 87 87. $7' 86 Hide A-Leather, c. 13 13 13 IS Ice Securttie .... 11. 11 11 10 TJlincia Central .. ,j 94 Industrial Alcohol .109 109 108 106 Tub Mer. Maria.. 38 28 31 31 Kan. City South., a 16 18 17 17 Lackawanna Steel.. 81 81 .79 79 Jvebigh Valley 54 64 68 64 LouiaviTla Nash.. ,. 116 Maxwell Motors, c. . 37 27 37 37 Mex. Petroleum... 76 76 74 TS Miami Copper 37 M. K. A T.. c... 4 4 4 4 Mawouri Pacific . . . SO -25 38 28 National Lead , . ..... ..... 48 Nevada Ceaa. .... 37 17 If' 1T Nw Haven...... SO 80 28 28 N.,T. Air Brake. .. 108 108 105 106 N. T. Central 71 71 69 69 N. T.. Ont. A W.. 19 Norfolk A W., e. . . 101 102 101 100 Northern Pacifle.. 85 85 84 44 Pacific Mail 28 Penn. Ry. ....... 44 46 44 44 Pittsburg Coal. .. . -. 44' Pressed Steel Car. a 61 61 50 61 Ray Con. Copper.. 33 33 38 23 Reading, e. 70 70 69 69 Republic L AX. e. 76 74 74 74 Rook bland....., 19 30 19 19 Sbattnek ........ 18 18 18 16 Studebaker. e. .... 48 43 43 43V Southern Pacific. .. 88 68 81 81 Southern Ry.. C... 35 35 84 34 Tenn. Copper ...u 12 13 13 12 Texaa OU ....... 188 188 186 18$ Union Pacifle, e... 114 114 111 111 IT. 8. Rubber, o... 01 41 60 60 V. 8. Steel, a.... 86 90 87 87 Utah Copper . . . 78 78 78 77 Wabash ........ 8 9 8 S W. U. Telegraph.. 81 81 79 79 ways-Overland .... 19 .19 16 16 Total sales. 456.400 eheres. TTsw Tork Beat Market - - .'-:- .- '-' -,r i... . Rid Atchison, general 4 83 ; Baltimore A Ohio, sold es .... 77 - Bethlehem Steel, ref. 6 891s Central Pacific, first 4 ..,.."79 8t Paul, general 41 .....84 ' Chicago Northweatem. gen'l 4s. 80 H Louisvuls A Nashville, uni. 4a. 66 New Tork Railway. 6s IS"-' Northern pacifia, F. L. 4 .68 v Readlng. gsaeral 4 .. 83 Union Pacific, first 4 1 ... . United States StceL 6 ...... '94 H Union Pacific, first tef. 8e ..-78 Southern Pacific, eoav. 6e .,89 Southern Pacific, epnv. 4 76 PansarrlTania. eceiv. 4 Ha . 'ITU- 76 90 80 88 61 87H 16H 88 88 87 76 ' 78 " Pennsylmnia. first 4H 90 Cheaapeake A Ohio, con v. 6 , 74 Poreira Bead Market "-'--- ' .- A F. 0 Oct1 1820. . ;,' 89 H- V. . K. 6 Sept. 1818., t TT. K. Iii Feb. 1918........ 99 tT. K. 6 Ha Nov. 1919.. V.i. 98 V. K. SH Feb. 1919...,..." 97 V. K. 5 H Nov. -.1981. ...... - 91 A. F. See. 6s Aug. 1919.,..,,,. 98 Sft rJrB6,l!!i'' Paris , Oct, 1621 S1H Marseilles 6a Kce. 1918.,... 61 Russia Xrta. 6HS1921. 40 Ruaaiaa IntL 6H 1924...... 108 Does. 6s Aug. 1919. ......... 94 Pom. hs Apr. 1921......... . 9) Doss, 6e Apr. 1981...;..... 00 . Dom. 6 Apr. 1920. 90 . Argeatm 4 May 1920...... -90 Dom. Canada 6 1987 ....... 93 French 6 Ha 1918..,.,......- 94 89 97 99 H 95 H 7 145 83 83 - 48 113 98 .94 . 96 . ta 95 Swlft v "' Co.-' Shares Chicago, Dec, 8,-rSwirt A Co.. sham, 122. Australian Wheat ; 'On Way to Portland - .. ' . - 1 A cargo of Australia wheat left yeeter day for Portland, the W. H. Manrura briag loaded there for tale port. Kewaiof thai shtpefleeit eeestad mueh intoreet ia tha loesl trade, eepeesally aa Btoeks of wheat St tarmteeJ ara already greater thsa sniUens aaa take cars of, and" mach of the nerthwaat crap saust be shipped by mil to th east. Grows Shorter With ArTi Increasing Call Blinera rnxtblo 'to 'Operate Their 1 Plants to Capacity 0ar v "- ' Grains Firm. , ' - OATS RIOORD BROKIN ' . Oat prto reeord was aaaia brokeei the Pertland Mrohant Ksehsnae shirlng tha eary. iteei aevejiieoa ia to 867X0 a tan, a aw nign KOBTHWEST GBACf RECEIPTS -Cars- Wheat. Barley. Floor. Oats. Hay. Portland. Thur. 1 1 Year ago. ...... 18 1 Seasoa to dste.,467 116 Tee ago. 2948 94 Taooma, Wed. . . S . . Tear ago. 14 8 Seaaoa to data. .81 81 -82- Tear ago. .$189 - 96 Seattle. Wed... S - 2 S S ' T 4 T 9S .874 817 i092 16 S98 888 B e a V a 15S 470 -..." 215 1069 1 T S Tear ago.. . . . 19 ... Sessca to date,. .2862 144 Tear ago... ... .8084 216 4 28 862 74 2008 868 1988 Instead of improving, tb millletuff sttuatlaci is gradually growing won.' Miller have few or der to fill for flour at thia time, end a their grinding operation ara greatly restricted by the food adsaJnxrtratioev they are unable to aid la getting miUstuff to the, trade, v - FTBcdcaJly Bona at the mffls hers have any thing to sell la the mulstnff Una at thia time. Soma ara feeding their resrnlar customer add tots nowtand then at formes prices, but are act accepting any regular bruins. Even the hrokeraaw firma ape m ihIhI scant supply, aad few of these have Anything to OXXIJTa . oats market - coaanuas to how. atreneth at Pacifia Morthareat natata. hot .Btrv hid uavianged for th day. ' Max H. Hmur aaant ml tVa InrJ Aillmr- tion grain eorporstkm. ha sent the following trd: depautmaat inform a that from now . tt at nsneeaary for elevator aad ware- house companies, or opera ton. to aUmp their Ueenae srumber on tha country storage ticket and warehouse receipt as issued. Have a rubber stamp made, reading 'Federal License No. (whatever your heenee and number: Is). Stamp uu piauuy on the lac of the receipt or ticket. . ua any ticket or leeetpta that yea assy before thia stamp obtained, you can write thai raformaOoa oa the receipt or ticket. "Please be guided accordingly,'' nMT Piew crop, b blaster. 12.06; fold. $2.08: club. $2.01; Bumiaa. 81.68; water track baala. forty tide- . FLOCB Selling price; Patent, $16.00; Wil lamette valley, 88.60; local straight. 19.2 0 9.90; bakers' local. 89.80 010.00; Montana spring. 810.600 11.00:-xports. $7.60; whole "beat, 810.40; graham. $10.20;. rye flour. $10.76 per barrel. . . .- HAT Buying price, new crop: WTJlametta timothy, fancy. $17.00 per ton; Eastern Oregoa Waahlngtott fsney timothv. 829.00180.00: alfalfa, 826.001 valley vetch, . ) ; aheat. ( ; , uover. 24.00 per toe; grain. $34,00 0 20.00 per ton. GRAIN SACKS Nominal. No. 1 Calcutta. 18 H 0 20c In car lots; lsaa amounts higher. MILLSTL'FFS Nothing offered br mffks. Prices Dominsl: Bran, 681.00 0 83.00; shorts. ase.vvey ao.uu; "w ''"fj per ROLLED OATS Per ton. SfiS.AO. ' CORN Whole. $83.00; erscked. 88AOO pet ROLLED BARLKT Per ton. 887059. BTE Baying price. 67S OO per ton. . Merchant Kiehange. Deoember bids: ' OATS Trrurs. Wed. Tuea. Mon. Sat. Fr.L isil li - 191T- 6700 8C00 8600 5475 6475 6868 6850 BARLEY rf0 8908 B42S 0400 6400 S40T RSOA Eiewins- - 5650 4050 0550 0000 600 0400 0b0 arurures wero auotee: s OATS I aanary feed .' 5700 BARLET I January feed 6500 January f re-wing , , 6606 aastern 'eats aad eora ta bulk : OAT8 a Deoember No. 8 white 6860 Deoember 88 clipped white 5450 January No. 8 , XJ4J6 Janoary clipped 6500 COB3T Jsausrr No. 8 yellow yt . 6950 I January No. 8 mixed ......... 6H00 February yellow '. 6 HOC FebruAry mixed 6700 sales, iou ton ueeemDer leeo parley at 0130; 100 teas January iea seriey at 6000. New High Record For mats Is Made At Chicago Opening By Joseph Pritchard Chicago, Dee. 6. (L N. S.) Orsin mar- lkt were strrmg aad higher aa the board ef trade today with closing for eora up 4 0 He for the nearby and unchanged for the de ferred fa tors. Oct ahowed gain of la 0 la with the December stronger of tha list, Pre- visicaa ahowed ao great chance, yvt they ruled stronger. por: being 20c . higher, lard t changed to 26c better and rib 0 0 10 higher. Chicago. Dee. C (L N. 8.) Oats again reached a new high level for the oa here to day whan December sold at 70 He at the open ing ef the market. May eats opened at 72 He making a wider Decern berifev spread thaa haa obtained for aeveval week. Corn price, due to a forecast ef unfavorable weather, held withla relatively narrow limits, although opening prieee were ' slightly higher. The bulk' of the trade in both corn aad oatt was of a local character. ' Fiuviaione were sharply higher -cm scattered baying which found offering very ameD. Fork st the top was ap SOe. lard 42 He aad. rib Chiesgo rang ef price furnished by United cotor Open. Riga. Low. ..... ..1244 126 134H CVtea. 125 I January ...121H 121 131 1214 May iiH 119 llt UATS I December 76 -75 72 72 . PORK 4770 4782 LARD 3470 3490 346 2487 RIBS 2570 r257S 2640 T 8570- 74 71. 75 H May ... I leaser '. 73 4743 4743 January , 3453 3460 2643 3645 May 1463 Isnaary ....... 3543 3646 : May , ..-.,. i QTJXCK ' ABTAVCB MADE v :- rug tunuji jlt btakt Vw Tork. Deo." S.IL K. A At the opening of the eotton markets today first prices snswm aavsnoa oi ii is. ax pointa. ant soon sagged eft S or 18 potntav The undertone, how ever, was ateaey. I :. Ooen. High. '. Low. 2875 , 2887 Ctaea. Januaiy ........ 2860 2K54 2639 2923 r ecruary ....... . .... .... March ......... 2848 - 3847 2pOS if. 6 374i 3660 2918 mS1 lit 2830 "'3820' 2799 ...... 2794 Ief usaas .easeee0ff a inly I 278. 2769 2743 2780 2646 3785 2684 1848 August ........ October 3668 December 8918 2926 ., .V .. -".j ; i ss i i. r- 'Mosey asd Xxehaago - Kew Tork. Dee. A (L N. A) Call money ea the floor . ef the Kew Tork etock exchange today ruled at 8 Tee oent: high 4 per eemt; low 8 H do cent. Ttsae snooev was cruiet. Hates were I SO osye, a peg aavat; 90 days. S - pear eeatrHour months. 4 per eemt: five months, 8 pet cent; six ssoatha. S per eemt . The market Tor prima mercantile papas was Quiet. Call atoney ia Loadoa today wa 8 Kr seat. Surfing exehajsee Ha gnie with alsee ta bankers' bm at 84.78 8-14 for deaaendi 54.T1 H for 60 day hill, aad 64.61 roe v oay buss. - - - - 8Ur .New lork. 85; Loadee, 43 A .edited by Hyman H. Cohen LITY: APPLES IN DEMAND BUM OTCAnVTnMCrnD All pILftUI IUI.L IUA MLL Otmeral Trad of th Onvntrr iTon-1 " . I ttnnea SaLUfactorw With . YalBOS I ;Siistalnrd eShipiivents :.' Shotv a Fnrthrp Gain In Northwest. KOBTHWEST APPLB SHIFafZXTS " - - ...... .... .- CnL ' to data ....... 14.99T 1916 18.664I There i no wtup ia tha Aipeub of ppVm f from Paatfia North wee ptAntav la fact, e torthec rraotionsi gam over the eans penoa a yea age la a. Total ahipaaeuu to date this sisina are 14.897 ears, eosmpared with 11.686 aaa tor ta seme period a year ago. . Special advices reeeived frees heeding markets of tha country radioasa a eootteastioa af tha buying in small sots, there being aw heavy sadt vtdssU 3m reported at any point. Thia as em to tae Coveraaoent recuiatloeia wtUca vroaiDU aofcrlng by speeuJassr for aa i tended period. ttnaiity fruit ia ahowiag trarigta. aad there I I a steady tone indicated ia tha prices fee eadiaarjr I tuff. , - Vsrious markets of the eountri: - ' ClevalaBd Washinatdn extra, faiew'Telwiloval I km 11 tnai9ir.d.. n isatuM extra.-fancy Borne, terse. 83 60 . ssedium. I 82.10; fancy Wlnesspa. larg. $2.80; mediusa, I 83.10. New York Auction r rices. Washington rxtrs fancy StdtaesbeTca. 82.01 82.D603.t6t Oregoexfsaey I. SO; Idsha extra fsacy 0: extra,' faocv tmlieious. 82.06 02.46. . Patlss Demand and moviiimit alow. Birmingham North sreet fancy HpiUkanberg. wt 82.16: extra lanes- JonaAhsas.. 82.00: fancy. 81.68. - Cinaanaari Northwest Bcenes. Joaathaaa, smsU to medium. 6X26 0 S.60; large, sweetly $2.60. A action price, car Idaho Jeemthaaa. 791 woxaa. 81.69 2.06: ear Waahlnatoa Jon athan, larbcious. Jumble' asck, 1286 boxes. average, 81.16. Detroit Demand and movement moderate. Aueuoa prtoee, car WaahlngtM extra Koma. $1.84 03.40, average 622. AMERICA LITE9T0CK P&ICK8 Omaha Hot 81 Omaha, Dee. 6. (L "S. S.) Hogs Receipts 8100. 6e higher. Top. 817.46: rang. 617.10 WIT.tft; mixed. 61T.X8 17.85J good chose. it. o: rougn. light. 817.80017.40; bulk. $17.16 Pisa. 617.00018.16. 017.20: 017.80; fattle Reoeipu 6800. steady. Beeves, $7.08 016.00; cows and heifer,- 85.25 010.60; Blockers and feeders, 86.00012. OO; weMera. 810.00018.00: calves, 89.00012.60. Sheep Receipt 12.600. alqa and eteedy. Wether. 811.00012.60; yearlmga. 811.60 0 18.26; tembs. $15.75 016.7; ewes. $9,260 11.60. Ohleaao Heej 81 7 AO Chiesgo. Lwe. 6- (L N. A) Hogs Re ceipt 88.000. strong to 6c higher. Mixed aad butchers. $16.80017.60; good heavy. 616.80; rouga heavy, 61.H0 1T.O0; Bgbt, !12-52fn-"J $101-J bulk. $17.00 017.40. Cattia RecetDts 14.000. steoaar to 10a hah- er. Beeves. 67.85016.25; eewe aad heifers. 56.20011.00; stock ere end feeder. 86.10 0 11.00; Texan. $6.80018.70: aalves. 87.78 014.00. . . Sheen Raaalnt -11 And miA s atimu J.VVT. "I .wesufti, 88.80 012.90; - lam, $13.60 017.00. panver Hoe 81 TAB Denver. Cola. Dee. 4. IU. P. Cattia re- eovm" OiWitoMrZZTn aa zouo. etaady; steers. 88.00 012.00 feeders. I7.UUI1.J; calve. 58.00010.20. Hog Usoaicf. 1200. 60 aeatta hiehar: tana. $17.65: bulk. $17.00 017.40. Sheep Receipt, 1000, steady; grwes, $10.00 011.00; lamb. 814-00 016 T. svanue way flees at '-SB . Kansas Citr. Mo.. Dee. 4. (L M. at TVi. tie Receipts. .7000: needy. - Steer. 810 016; eow end. heifer. 88 0 1 8 : stockers aad feed era, oie; calves, get Hoe Kecelpts. 10.OO0: fi 0 10a kirKav as 817.46; balk. $17017.40; lightt, $16,990 li.tfta' Bb00fj Refer tot. SOOOa tamxfv Aa IFaes ttl-Haw aUnitH. $lls.60e . Saw " ' POTATOES ALOKO THE COAST Seattle. Dec 6. IU. P.I fornia yellow, sound. 8 U. as 8 U e: Takima. . a- - - r - 1-otatoee . locale, new, 682.00 0 85.00; T sk ims Oem. 886.QA0 40.00 per ton. aaa reawcuco marks Ssa Franctseo. Dee. 8. in. P fWm. Per cental, browa or yeuow. UI 0 1.65 for good stock. Fotateee Per centaL Delta. 1 I T! m 1 K fancy, with one or two exsra fancv saarka as M.h a 83.00; do choioe. 81.40 0 1.46; do Sonoma. 81.7601.90: do Satin. 62.6002.86; do Idaho Netted Oem. 6 1.70 s 1.86: da (W. Burbsaka. 81.9003.60; sweets, per 100 pounds. $2.60 0 2.70. ex. ear. Lee as asm Market ' Los Ana ales. Dee. S 1 1 N - ' nurnans. i. Baaaets, 62.100 2.16; loeala, $22002.35; sweets, $2.60 8.00. . . - DALRT PRODUCE OIC THE COAST Seattle tsarist Seattle. Dee. 4. IU. P.) Butta ataMM 1' 111." V7 ' . . fj J ruoi, in; ao enu, esc. r-ggs select rsncn. Bsc; atnesg. 42. Chss Oreson trtnleta. 24Bet assersoa, sec: Okses Bvrsas. ease. STe: f. 4:: da siagi, 8 6c; Washington wrwa, a av a n : sea rrenctaca avert t Baa FTanesseo. Dec B. 1 II. p i, uuas 1S Egg Extra. S2e; extra ftrst. pellets. 48a. fhaeae ralifi.inla fsaev flats. IU. n. li pes ywipt. Lre Angeles. Dee. 4. tl n. a.) i I Per oosen. file. nutter Per pecrnd. 41c Itew York Metal Market New York. Dec 6. Tha Onie. aa in. hid. -.Trr011 Bno DecembsTaauary, 6H 0 4 Ha , Spelter Dull. Fast SL Louis, Dacembe. 7 He; Jasusry. 7H0Se. .tvoppe Market a unchanged. i4verpol Cettea Uteady UrerpooL Dec 8 (L W lfntnei fm. tares opened eteedy. Spot ewOoa was alow of as toaay. wua pnees easier. Bale 8000 1 meaeie aa sawxuusg laiT,; gooa mWITIaar, 1 22.48; addllaa. 23.16: tow mioVUins, 8L68; I goad ordinary, 20.68; eediaary. 30.61. 2Tsw Tork Ssgar aad Coffee raw To.' Dee. S. (C. P.) Fa 7 Bio. 7e; Ha 4 Saatca, 9a Jingsr CantrUngsi. 86.90. . SeatUe Barley Market estue,. Dee. Sv-rlL , a. Al ia, ssaoo. Receipts--. VThett. g ears; barley. ears, SBsSsmssBsaasmasmsssm Walker Pnnoral Friday .Vancouver, Wash. Dee. The fu neral of Mrs. Haxal Walker FJddlnge will be held Friday afternon at 2 o'clock from the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Fl Crawford. 414 West Thirteenth street. The First Church of Christ, Sclentlst, wlll have charge of the services. Inter ment will be in the family plot in the city cemetery. - The body is being; held at Knapp'e undertaking parlors... : . - - Vancourer alarrlage Ucenaes VAnooaver. Waah. Dao. 6 Marrlaara 1 loan sea were Issued Wednesday to the following cou pleat Charles Wallace Van relman, ft, and Mrs. Julia Johnson, zt, Heeds port. Or.; WUllam A. Berieman. 21, Astoria. Or, and Alice M. Naurafel. QUA GOOD 30. Portland; Olen Enaley, 14. Dufsr.lon the ground that deputy sheriffs Oremnd FJslo M. Strong, so, Waahougal iesiieeu. togg. xx, and Irene Conker. zx, Aoruana ; jrrea u. Alius. 24. Neyomla Holt, 32. Portland ; David J.I Cowan, 43. Portland, and Annie J. Low-1 sry, 14, Pendleton, Or. . rttoQ Elected KlnT . Baienrr or- iee. fiai patton was elected King Blng of Salem Cberrlans at the annual alecuon held last night. ITALY OVERJOYED AT U. S. DECISION PemonttratJori Plinned-Aujtrianl Soldters Inforitied Amend Will Declare War. . ".ror T0: r.itaiF ia owar joyaa ust a.meryca ia ta aaeiara war ga AustHa - Ii uu kbtt. - a nationwlda dmor-1 Krmuoa ox trsuioae u osmg pisnnewi, Nwa of Prealdent WUaon-a recommen- Nation t !oriti, traUiaTmlttadlirirrieidl- ataxy to Italian aoldlara at tna front, aaa Daaa aemt rtMm w . tratnjvrm WTT duatrlal aitaatioa la Orssxwa wtth a riauj tha AuatrUna wkoaitamlalitraad thara. to davaiopmantr tho atataa ra Aviatora dropped haatUj Printed mea- mXirtma nnd.ofta Port of PortW aaxea by tha thooaanda over tha Aaa- -K . . ,tAt . r j, Inf orrnln thara f Annica-s decision. A : notable d amonatratlon la bebTsT ! planned la StUan toN mark that city's KraUtada. Home waa also planning; a otmonatra- tlon of studente and otTtllans today. It haa already been dec Med hen, to aarenada American Ambaaaador Paa. Ametica'a dedslcsa i to raaka war on Gannaay'e chief ally waa expected wiT- orooaly to Improve the morale or the Italian armlea and atrenxthen tmmeaa- Inrablr Amaricaa-rtallan undergtandlnx. M -vw ' iru.. - lanTwann trauci ni.iuao Ixmdon. ' Dec. . L K. SL) Lord Tinneni anthor of tha . famous "peaca letter" which raeenuy set Eu- rope aatlr. claimed today that there were paaaagwa In President Wilson's irfbaeatre which supported hla awn dads rations. . "1 hawe wary warm admiration for tha TV II eon ma aaa re," said Lord Lana downa. I am . in a4rraamaat with the policy which he haa enunciated with such eleonenca. In reading' the docu ment X noticed with pleasure that eer- Mt etnrid . wtt h d TaraTions can president coincide with declarations a-S. - - e a - t . - Wass A V A 8 saaal which X made In my letter to tha Daily Telegraph." Tha KrenlngT Star professes to sea a relationship between tha Wilson mea sagre and the Lansdowne tetter. ' In the words of tha Erecting- Star, tha STth. -rT-and n' I other." The Evening- Star con tinues ; "They both want peace, but they want It by victory over the kaiser and tha warlords that surround him. - Neither wants an inoonclualvs peaoa," Coos Bay Grant Land Timber Is to Be Sold Federal lad re Welvortoa Orders Sale FoUowUg Oflalsa at TJalteA SUtoa Sifroaie 'Cearti Subaaquent to an opinion from the United States supreme court. Federal fudge Wolvartoa Wednesday aUrnad an order for the sale of timber from 440 acres of land Included la the Coos Bay wag-on-road grant. Tba timber land Is part ' of a tract now Involved tn a suit for forfeiture Fovernment. The Coos Bay Vam ber company ' asked the gorsmmsnf s permission to buy the timber from the land, and. pending: the suit, to fill out shfp-cons traction contracts. The lumber company baa offered $11. SS7 for the Umber, but It will be sold to tha highest bidder, ao price leas than the offer of the 1 amber company to be accepted. ... Ihlalcolm Johnaojt 'Joins Xavj Vancouver, Waab, Zael ' t. Malcolm Johnson, son of Mrs. Anna B. Johnson, $314 X street, waa recently examined for service in the navy and accepted. He went to Portland this morning to enlist and will leave at once probably for Mare Island for. training. He has enlisted In tha engineer division. John son ls'wau known and will be missed here by a number of friends, whose beat wishes go with him. Baby Wilson Dies Vancouver, Wash, Dec. 6 Th In fant son of Mr.' and Mr. H. D. Wilson died yesterday at 1:10 a. m. at their home, 80S West Sixth street. The baby Is survived by Its parents and a sister. Mary. 10 years of aaa. The funeral Will be held from Umber's undertaking parlors at 3 p. m. today and burial wilt be made la the Wilson Bridge ceme tery Jim O'Leary's Home Sold v Chicago; Pec. 6. (X. n. 8.) Heavy losses sustained In recent city and national elections today are assigned as the on una of financial difficulties of "Jim" C Leery, known as the "King of Gamblers." OXearys magnificent noma here, valued at $100,000, has paused tnte the hands of Moses Puxvin to pay a nvort4Taga of f 19,400. 1 Snow Stops Work; Rain liaises Eiver Woodland. Wash, Dee. 4. The eeld rains of the laat few days ware sup planted by snow tn the hills ty the north and east of Woodland aad meet of. the exposed points were covered by snow, causing a cessation of work In some of the logging camps operat ing oa Itswta .river. SovtnabtJuf r1 1 h dosed down for the winter. This Is probably the only camp en the river that win close for the entire winter. The rains have brought the first rise ofaany tmportsnce in Lerwis river this fall, and the crew of railroad tie drivers have gone back - ap the river to bring out another drive of The rise tn the river has also en- abled 'the steamer La Cents?, nrsmt. ing between Portland,' La Center and I notwithstanding his age. 'The secret hJ Woodland, .te enter the North Porkleald waa taking iron n mated iron had e.r Tnta rivar for- that ftr rtma .t. I filled him with renewed life. At 80 he I tln ZAT ; ' ' 'J: ' . " New Deputy to Irook Alter, Uamaa Strike Camas. Wash, Deo, dThe: tmerlrTs office at Vancouver haa complied with tba request ef a number ef businsss peo ple here and haa appointed W. D. Sap- plngton, a former sheriff of the county. special aeputy to handle the paper strike situation. - t . Zt la reported that a number of bus! neas men refused to sign ths petition ; I brought from outside would be likely to aggravate the sit nation. The unions report financial assistance from organised labor . throughout the state, f s , ' - ' ' - Meto vara the V - by parckaeing thrift snaps at . 28 rent aack Slxteea etaana anil hw e-u-bnr-4 for a war Hvtnss aertllirwto. rade Sam will v-tnre your tweewT with laitrreet am Jarraary 1. 192. Boy iania asa eerwioBias e ine sesrrnas offVce. . . I Finance : Timber : I ndustry Cowb0 of Iectvrss by the City Clob Win rrotrioto th Flnandns; :; of ; Local Indaatries nsnroevd Kxteajriosi Bmall t or to Tear. U. 8. TreaATiry Does Billion .Dollar ButeeWla October. ; : ; '-. XaTMOraUasT . aad XlaaaclaaT ' Vtw Xacal ladastriea-Tha ialtial lectora of a aeriao oa thia aubjaet wag stwaa by Hadnon B. :HaattnKa, profaaaor of aco Botnica, Stead Collwa-a, in. tha story hour room of the Pablie Library- Tuaaday eTwalnx. The lecture will oosar on Tuaaday avenlnsT of each weak, except TO tha wtwaa of Jaavkarr 3 and 8. waaa thar wfll fall oaon wmmmliT Tha Cttr etub to promoUn- thU . laetura coaraa. , laying; tha foundation for tha lndua- tritX dTwlopmnt of PprtlaacL It U tji purpoem of Edcar H. Saaaaalch and bu teUow rnambwra of tha board of roY- tnlob to tUi0 ap Kudy of the ta- jjje, ustA xport buglneaa. Tha- aabject of ' the laetura Tuaerl ay ' arerslrur waa 'New XadiutrVea for the Northwaart." On Deoamber 11 "LocaUon of Plant". wQI ba dlassusaed by Mr. tiaatlnca. Tha bvursVst for tba opea- Ibx ofyfhe lecture la S o clock. Adrnia- u rraa Vr pul a UrTtodT . . puotsu ir vw. KaHread Zxteaeloa Satan far Tear Tha calendar year to aad thia month will make a unique record In tba email amount of new ainxle track railroad ex- tanaten In North America. Ia thia re spect tt will ba the pooreat showing; sinoe tha period of aeUrtty foUowln tha Crvil war started tha upward rnoeaaeatv No Important new railroads were buUt tn tha country during- tha year IS 17. and such new mU eagre aa was added waa rep resented aery larrety tn branch lines ta new agricultural or Industrial mntera. la Canada the total mileage probably ahowed a decrease on account of the many miles of duplicate tracks taken up to provide material tor the troops at the front In France, while In Mexioo con struction was at a standstill.. - V, 8. Treasarys BUllaa Dollar Vesta. -Tha United States treasury paid out a KI. nrtnhar nurir bill Ion dollars during- October, nearly half tha amount, howerer. waa ta loans to the allies, and - consequently relnv bureeable. . It - Is anticipated that .the raU of expenditures will reach . twtoe that amount in no far distant time, per- reoeipta for the second Liberty loan bond W. G. PRESIDENT OR THE Junes J. Padden, Vice President; Secretary and Treasurer to . . Be Appointed Latere t . Vancouver. Wash, Dec 8-At the regular meeting- of the , Chamber ef Commerce last, night Attorney W. O. Drowley was elected president of the Chamber to succeed Tred Brooke. , Jamas. J. Padden . waa . unanimously elected vtee president. ' The position of secretary aad treasurer, is stm ; t( be filled 'by appointment. The term of John McSparren. the prsssnt secretary, expires the first of the year. A vote ef thanks was tandered hlra last night for his services during his tesm of of fice thus far. The only committee appointed last nlsht waa for the purpose of reorgan isation for more efficient work during i the -coming year. - The committee is headed by Ouy Bennett. His assistants are W. B. Du Bo la. Morris Smith, W. J. Kinney and W. MePbaddea. - Will JLrengo Brother . . Chicago, Xec. tj (L Ji. 8.) Peter Wojtalewica- of Chicago has been killed fighting- with the American forces la France, but his brother Edward no pea some day to avenge his death. Peter's name is contained to the list of killed reported by General John J. Pershing. Edward Is now la training; with .the men ef the national army. , . m J Kobbersi Flro on Cltlxens Walnut. Cat, Dec. 4. (L 2t. S.) Two automobile bandits attempted to blow the postofflce safe tn the general store of Welch A Hammersley here early to day and fired en dtlnena attracted to the scene by the explosion. The hlch- waymea eaoapad in a roadster and a poses started In pursuit. ArtiAaas . Dsj8c0 llonday Vancouver. Waah, Dec. sL The Ar tisans win rive a benefit dance In the K. of P. hall next Monday evening-. De oember 10. The proceeds will be given to the local Red Cross chapter. A lunch wDl be served. - . , m-tu-ii, . - Doctor y NuxAted IrorTU mmm mm CHAMBER I Oftsm bicrsssm tha siranrth I ' a? n " I - v-tierVOU follcs 100 P5t I " V I BOSTOV. MA 83 Not long ago a man I came to me who waa nearly halt a I century eld and -asked me to give him a I preliminary examination lor m. lneur- enoa. a was) narunusasH w ui nws wiu, . . . a . . . a I. . i"7, "J.,,CX.a i a vorrTi i.7.. . .mi., n rssiiv na waa in bad health: at 46 be was care- I worn and nearly all la. New at 60 after Itawinw KnxataA Iron a miracle of vital- 1HS bnlldera If people would only uxatad Iron when they feel weak run-down. instead ef dosing them- aalves with habit-forming drugs, stima- n12?b.?,,!0itlfr5 lsnts and alcohol la berv erases I s am eon- vlnced that tn thia way they could ward could ward off disease, preventing n secommgrr gaaic tn thousands of cases and therVoy the lives of thousands might be saved ha now die every rear from paeu- ntUllaiouta. grippe, kidney, liver, heexttrouble SJ1U ouierr oanssrvue m.m . trm , and true cause which started their dla- waa nothing more nor seas xnaa a I weakened condition i brought .on br lack of iron in the blood. Iron is absolutely naceaaara- to enable your blood to change food into living tissue. Without It, no matter how much or what you eat, your food merelv peases tarouara rou witnout doing you any good. Tou don't get the Btrsxigrn out or it ana as a consequence ou become weak, pale and sickly look Jus like a plant trying to grow in a soil deficient in iron. If. you are not strong or well you owe lt to yourself to make the following test: See bow long tou can work or how far tou can wala without becorntng tired. Next take two fire-grain tablets of ordinary auxated iwsToe. by midwinter, fxpendltnrea for tha army and nary. Ui on shipping; board, the alrcrafta preductloa baara. the feed adatrtlatraUoaw tha rasmtenanea of do- . meatia CoewrnmenLal attach toary and all otaar gowernmeatai actlvltlee. retjatred $400,004,000. approxtmataiy la the aame period. Other expandlturea ware acat tarma and abeat aorraat. exoapt that t I1U.I84.I4X for - redemption or oecttft caXae at tndeabcaadaaaa taauad in antsei patioa - of LJberty loan bond aubacrip U6n recetpta far tha aeooad laauav vTerldB Oat pat af GeleWThe total production of gold tn the world laat year amounted to St70.4t8.84a. aaya "The Ea giaeeriatT aad hUnias; Journal."' Thia waa leaa than that of 1JU by $$.110,164. or ' L7 per cent; bat It exceed ad that of 1814 by tJ44.IU. or.S-2 par cent-. Tba moat important grain abeam in tilt, aa compared with 181. waa of about $6,000,000 la tha "Transvaal ; but thia waa orfae by decreaaes of $4,720,000 la the. United States and MS8,00t to. AiMtral- BsTlval ef Bsslaets Activities ta aTsx lea .Tha fejsowtaa- article waa publlahed in a dauy publicatsoa af agie Pass, Texaa, regard ln - business coadi lions with Mexico dartnc September: As art trtdloaUoo af tha feueaeaa acttnty la Mexico the following? Xig-area ahewinff -tba aaJraneata that 'were made to Mex ico by merchants ef the United Stares through the port of Ragle Paaa during- tha month af Septesaber wQI be af In . tweet. These fig-urea ware furnished to Secretary Moss bach ef tha Oramber of Ccanmerce by Mexican Consul Arrwdoado' d shew' that 32 aatcertobuee weca shipped lata Mexico thrwarh Bagja Paaa aad Pled rag N)rras darinr tha past month. Thara was also a heavy ahtp ' ment of aaricultaral tmplementa and mining; machinery, which consist ad of SCI CTatea. Twenty-four carloads at lum ber for build trig purposes constituted one' shipment. Railroad transportation fa cilities are ta ba Improved, for there were 17 of alee. 13 cars aad ana lo ooraotlve among? tha shipments that went ' across - the river tha peat month. Be sides these exports, the list included IL 70 sacks of flour, eacke ef core. $404 cans lard.- 375 serka sugar. 3684 boxes ef aoan, 683 - bundles ef clothing and 1138 bandies of cauaUe soda. - Woman Picket Weds ; .College Swe etheart ; ; Miss Alice Great aad Ckarles Hlades. . Soldier at Casta xms, Art Marries U Kass Both Frem PerUaaa. V , When Miss Alloa' Oram ' sped east : ward to Join the active workers for the Woman's National party In Wash-' IncTton, follawlnc . - bar meeting - hare -with Miss Aane Martin. it develops . that twe - cetteee"' qalckened the pulses af this ardent ' young- diactpie ef suXfraga. One waa that , bar sweet heart of school days was . ta train mT -at Camp Mills, Inr Island. After a thrilllnc- but ' abort lived career tn picketing; the White House, news new ' comes that Miss Gram and Charles (Tod) . Hidden ware man-red Immediately after the release of the hunger striker -from jail laat week. - The wedding- took plaoe al wile Uamsport. Ftv. at the reeidanoe of-a'' married slater of the bride,. Mrs. A- Schaafsr, last . TTUay . af tarnooa as 4 :30 o'clock. - . Mrs.. Hidden : Is., an excepdenally clever and . interesting ; girt, She at- tended the Val varsity of Oregon and ' ( later was a' member-et the Spectator, staff. During the visit here a month or more ago of Miss Anne Martin for ; tha National . Watnaa'a party, - Miss . Oram,, now. Mrs. -Hidden, - was per ' suaded . to retura with Mlas Martin ; to take up the work in Waahlngtoi. city. ;',-.'-.- The brlds Is the daughter of Mr. id Mrs. A. P. Oram, Jt Larrabee street. . Mr. Hidden Is the sob of Mrs. W. 8. Hidden. who resides la Han cock street, lrvlagtoa. Lt. CoovertWeds. Portland Girl: Vancouver, Waah, Dec 8. Mr. and Mrs. M. U Coovert and dabghtar NelUe last night attended the wedding ef Mr. Coovert's - nephew, XJeu tenant Dean .' Coovert, and Mlas Alice Oreen, at the home of Mr. Coovert's rnother. Mrs. E. ' FJL . Coovert Twenty -eighth ' aad Johnson stroets. - ., j ) - j ... r Lseutaaaat ' Coovert la stationed ht Arnericaa Lake. He was nt of the' Reed college students who went to the Presidio of San Francisco and took the examination for. a commission, and was subsequently stationed at Ahaericaa Lake . as aa infantry lieutenant . . -. ' Only Immediate- relatlvea and close friends of tha couple wita earned the ceremony.- which was performed by Dean II H. MeColUster ef St. Stephens pro catherdal. - ". rr.At.8t of aU ttrenrth builder-. arid nrltTranr nf AVirmtm. . tee Cent in two Wgrelu' time, iron three times per isy after meals for two wseaa. Then test your strength again and aee for yourself bow much 4 you have rained. X have seen doaens of aarveua. run-down people who were all-'. ing ail the walls, double their etrsngth -aad endurance and entirely get rid of all symptoms of dyspepsia, liver and other troubles in from 10 ta 14 dare time sim ply by .taking iron in the proper form. And this after they had th some cawte been doctoring for months without ob- talnlng eny benefit. But don't take the . eld forma ef reduced iron, iron acetate or tincture of iron simply ta save a few . eenta.. Ton must take iron tn e form that can be easily absorbed and esslm- -llated like anxated iron tf yon want tt " to do yoa any good, ebterwlse it may prove worse than useless. Many aa ath lete or prisellghter haa wo the day sunpiy cecauae ne anew tna' secret f- freat strength and endurance and filled Is blood with iron before be went Into the affray, while many another haa gene ' down to inglorious defeat simply far the uvea, sm utwt. osusr. at. u. . . - ytyTT Xaxaaed ' In.' reanasw4. aW. ' by Dr. K. Sear. I aa a mxeert mer1rfna sver eervg rmsdy, but awe whana a wu kaewa te , attuggiets aad whoa tree aeeaautuamts are wSde'.y ' prseettoed by emhsent phrssstsa everywhere. . Ualie the etaev teergaaie troa suduets H is . Iv asssmllatee. soae aea latere too t h. . asaka them bieck. near sail th atoesachi m aowtrary, tt is a mast potent leased? ta SMsuiy ul I in sal of tudigastaua aa wu ae (or eMS-veeas. rea- . doera eeasdttseeas. The menu faciei see have -i ' great eemUieaee ra amxsted stvb. that they ojer . te let-felt 6 lee to eay ehamsble tnaUtatlow tf -they eeneet take say mas ef wnmsa aaxW -who sacks iron, sad in cr sees their vSsnh 109 per Feat ever aa few weeks' tima, prertdd they have sse mrkisw erssaie treabia. They swe otiev to retaad yarns SMesey M H Aaee Bet at Use deejOss your strength sad eoinrsnw ia t-s , dars' Uaae. It s sViesisnsi ta u. eity by T - Ow4 Dree ssi miliar aad aa seed Sraga'a A4.