THE WKATHElf ' - -J r rLU. LL.w - - Tonislit ' a tf ; - V- 1 Sv" , strly; wind. V - i "Vf.ll ,K-' J Humidity J. ' :;''l'y5.-'f'"l'-".rri"'-H- Portland; f bREGON THXjRSDAy, evening. December- e, 1917. eighteen gAGES. ..t - - I price rwo cents .v: -rvcrrrr v s. r i i ki i xj i i i 4 ! i i . - . i j ii i .. . t i .- i i , . u M- ii. mnjj ij.i ,1.1. L ,u B ii-i -in ir 1 1 . . i! j 1. 1 1. i- 1 ir -i .r - 11 ' it 1 t t - .1 1 n 1 1 i i '. i i . I . . ji n ri- - i I . ' .. ' T " ' . s - . - all ITillli u Berlin: War Office Also, Reports y t Capture of 60 Guns in Re- pewal of Austro-German Drive . Seven Communes Stormed- Italian Report Says 15,000 Teu ton' Guns Are Concentrated on; v 50Mile Front and B i& Offen sive Is Forecast. BERLIN, via London, 6.(l.. P.) Captui Deci -Capture of 11,008 prisoners and GO guns, . 1 in v th renewed Austro-Ger-.mao , drive' in Italy t was an, nounced by the war -office this' afternoon; ' "Seven communes n the Meletta mountains were -stormed : and. strong positions ' there iroalntained' the state 'ji ment declared. ' . r. - T. ; Capture , - of . Oralncourt, - Anneux, rCantalng and 'Noyel -je8- as wen - as tne; wooaea ? heights rnerth. of 'j.Marcbittgr: - J. torn I British forces' - was "an- V nounced In today's official reportr . : t "Wc" advanced 1 against the : t British- to a- depth .of i four kilometers (about -two and 'ia half miles), and on a width ' of 10 .kilometers." (abont .six and . a quarter -m'.les), the of- v 1 ficial statement declared, t "South of Muevres, English . -V trenches were stormed,- the .' ' ; war . office continued. "Be- tween Mpuevres and Marco- fng, the enemy withdrew from -. the 'heights to the north to . ' - east of -Flesquieres. " . ,"In ' the Cambrai area, our"' prisoners were Increased to ' '' more than 9000 men, ,148 sV guns and 716 machine guns-" . 'Rome, , Dec-. 6 ( U. P. ) ' . Under tremendous pressure from" great masses ot . the en . emy" Italian troops " strongly .' defended positions - - - around Melette until the order came. to . retire, sa today's official , - statement declared. - Wlthv the . Italian Armies. Dec e. U. -i P.) Fifteen thousand Teutonic guns concentrated on a front of over SO miles ; and .-. enormous movements ". of enemy troops aft gave 'indication to day 'that the Austro-German army was preparing its, biggest push. against th plave line. - - i :. The - enemy is - mixing gas - shelU As a Result of Gonessirinal ' Action Washington, Dec . C, (U. P. The senate 'foreign relations committee this afternoon Voted unanimously to report to the senate. . tomorrow : the -resolution declaring war on Austria-Hungary. "An effort will be made to bring the resolu tion up for discussion la the. senate, to morrow. , J "a-1-. - ; f Washington. Dec 6. (U. P.) The res- elutton calling for ra declaration of - a state of war against Austria) was favor ably reported to the house by the foreign relations committee today, f v, - The state of -war between the United States and Austria has been "an actual fact' for many months," the committee's report' declared, "and very, little read justment of , affairs'? between the coun ; tries will 'therefore be Involved, -j WUI Xeeeisltata ' raws ' f . " "Depredations on American Uvea and ; rights by Austrian naval forces have been mall compared ' to tnose or Germany. ' but they have been indulged in to an ex tent to constitute war on Jhia country, the -report declared. . - - --f The senate roreign relations - com mittee , wilt ' consider- the - resolution ASK2LiO(JGEItS TO ABANDON LONG LAYOFF u KAISEA'S XJCKED.t! THIS , .UNIQUE 8WX3AN OF THE UNITED- STAGES SIGNAL CORPS ft THE TEXT OP AN APPeAL ISSUED "TO ALL LOd GERS, EMPLOYERS AND EM PLOYES" TODAY BY COLONEL BRICE P. DISQUE OF THE SIGNAL CORPS.' ASKING THAT CAMPS ABANDOM THIS YEAR THEIR ICUSTOM OF1 CLOSING FOR THE HOLIDAYS,; i ,r "THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT GETTING SO P R CENT OF. THE AIRPLANE STOCK REQUIRED. IS THE DI3CONCERTI NO STATEMENT - WITH WHICH THE APPEAL BEGINS. "IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT CLIMATIC CONDITIONS WILL NATURAL LY yjHTAlL PRODUCTION DURING' DECEMBER AND JANUARY. ;"KNOWING THE SITUATION HER i - AND HAVING IN MIND THE CRITICAL CONDITION . OF OUR WAR PROGRAM FOR -1918, IN SO FAR AS IT RELATES TO AIRCRAFT, I FEEL JUSTIFIED IN ASKING ALL LOGGING CAMPS TO CONTINUE OPERA TIONS THROUGH THE HOU-" DAY PERIOD. CLOSING DOWN ONLY DECEMBER 24, 23 AND 26. THERE, ARE SOM jS TWENTY THOUSAND LOGGERS AT WORK IN WASHINGTON AND OREGON AND HVERY DAY IS VITAL TO OUR MUTUAL NATIONAL .WEL FARE AT THIS TIME. " "WE MUST NOT IX)SEi ONE HOUR.UNNEC - SSARILY IF OUR SLOGAN', 'IF SPRUCE .WILII ,W1N," THE KAISER'S ; LICKED, IS tTBUia ;ONE. TWO KILLED WHEfi . EXPRESS DERAILS Beddins.1 CaL, Dec (U. P.)Two unidntifld men . wer killed and ' ene enginenmn and seven passengers .were injurd at 7 v m. today when train .No. IS, the California express, was wrecked at Upton, two miles "north 'of Sisson. Both locomotives attached to the train Were derailed and the mU, express and bacxace coaches and . on- tourist . car followed them oft the rails. All the cars nemalned uprig-ht. The two men killed were hoboes riding the "blind baggage." : v One passenger, name not yet learned, was seriously hurt. A fireman named Clark was also slightly Injured. - The .cause of . the derailment Is not known- When the train stopped : sud denly, - all passengers - were - severely shaken up and most ox the injuries were the result; of falls. ' A wrecking . tram from Dunsmuir reached the . scene at o'clock and it was expected the -. tracks would - be cleared by noon. The wrecked train Teft Portland at 8:2 Tuesday morning for San Fran cisco. - ' ' ' t. -.:: - Automobile Bandits -Eob Bank of $2800 SU.Louis, Dec 6 (L N. S.)--St. Louis police today were assisting in the search for auto bandits who last night robbed the Bank of Longtown, Mo of $2800, after locking the cashier. Dayton .Thorp, in the vault.--.'.r.--i-r. ,-. in Wasllinfftoii today and j report' It f tomorrow. .A vote' In the senate may not: b reached before Saturday' or Monday. - . - In contrast to the situation that arose when j the resolution for war- on Ger many was presented; Senator Stone df Missouri. Is handling the - declaration against Austria, 4 Stone is for war on Austria or any other nation the presi dent may suggest now that the United States is, inthe eonfIlct;i1..5..jX ? i Declaration of war upon Austria? will make necessary legislation1; fix She status of hundreds of men in the -American army, who owe allegiance to Aus tria. Stone said today. - Ston" referred. : to Poles Bohemians and others who; .while subjects of Aus tria are not ih sympathy with her. Many or these. Stone said, f either " vol unteered vor t were - taken into -- the na tional army ,by the draft. Th .Mis souri senator says he believes congress can, "if. It" sees fit, -declare these men cltisens of the United States. ' Insistence by certain- members oi the, 'senate , foreign relations commit tee that Turkey . and .Bulgaria be In cluded In the - declaration of war pre vented deflnjte action at this morn- PHOTOGRAPH AND ?i ENERAL VIEW OF THE I V iand. : The docks cost - the last of thla month. Halifax is the ideal nlace to ahin b oth ; grajphical location saving from lo to six days, according to the , speed of the boat, in crossing the Atlantic , Fifty vessels of 7500" i tons can dock at the same time there..The map gives a general view of Halifax harbor and the dock system there. l - 1 1 V ; - P- - CRITICISM MADE M i nbrity Report of County B ud ' get Comrnittee Raps. Road "-. -,..' Fund Expenditures. r l : '-A: : "minority. vrebortVaiged'byr' three members of the advisory county budget committee has been filed with the board of : conhty eomTOlsstonerfci'TIioaiv sign lng the minority report are. E. B. Mc Kaughton, J. D. Farrell and X J. Gold smith. --:r;,.-";--'--i.-;,rf r-V..' v5 They concur. with ! the majority of the committee In all" Its - recommendation1! except the one fixing the county levy at the maximum allowed by- law. "In our opinion,, says the report, "the needs of the county do not call for such a tax in face of the burdens Imposed by war. -Regarding the : lumping of the road funds into .the general fund, ; the . mi nority reportsays:.., 1 ' The procedure adopted as a result of the limitations imposed by the 117 road law, - whereby the money : required- for road' purposes is levied under the gen-' eral fund as a lump sum without the submission .-of a - budget- itemising : the contemplated expenditure of this money Is entirely Irregular and -establishes a precedent fraught with serious danger. "In our opinion, the time has come when the taxpayers of this district should seriously undertake . a study of the local , county government- with the aim 'of simplifying Its form, centralising responsibility and placing It on, a more efficient basis." . V :- . .. . , -Whether the. Improvement' shall come through a plan of consolidation of the city and county . or by; means of a, re organisation of .the elements of the county government "under a managerial system and Independent of the city, the report does not- undertake to. say. . But little relief can be had, it says, untn a non-partisan - centralised form of . gov ernment is set op by iaw . 1 , I Citizens venge )M S ; Disloyal jEemarks 1 - St. Louis, Dec -(L N. a)To liell with the - United States. - England and Franee,'' yelled Floyd Bllsa. . - i t ; - He is dying today. . Police, with drawn revolvers and nightsticks, flnalry dis- pscsea. .the moa. -. ;r :i lng-s . session of the. committee.- - The prtppect ' tiiat a . conclusion win be discussion - was resumed later , with reached tonight' as -to the .form of the, resolution ;o. be - Introduced ,lnto the senate. - - - . ' : ,- -. ' wm The committee. . decided to -ask . the state department . for - additional in rormauon' as to the , reasons for i f not Including Turkey and Bulgaria ; be fore the urinal vote. - . .: . . f y Opening debate -clearly showed ' that sentiment in favor of Including Bulgaria and Turkey among the enemies of this country has not cooled, despite Preslr aent wuson s -recommendation.. . Representative . Miller; of , Minnesota, advocating immediate adoption' of the Austrian resolution, t urged , that Turkey and Bulgaria be included. . He scouted the idea that by withholding uch action the- United States . . might "wean these countries from 2erm any. - "The presence, of the BulparUn and Turkish representatives In Washington is a menace,-- Aimer aeoiared. - The Turkish , sultah belongs on the - (Concluded oa rg PUtceo, Colams Six) Today MAP OE HALIFAX NEW, HALIFAX 'dock Vvrtem.' $30,000,000. and ' work was 'i begun on them in -1814. . They , .were, tobe 7 ccanpleted liiv . : !t rr ' ill SEATTLE PACKERS 0NST1 SeatUe.": Dec' t tl. N. S.) Strike of union employes In thre big meat pack ing houses In Seattle went Into effect at t o'clock this morning. - Union lead ers claimed that approximately 700 men answered the first call and predicted that unless the employers yield to the demand for a closed shop, the para mount Issue Involved In the controversy, th ' strike will extend to the - retail butcher shops, and . that 4000 men will be out before Saturday: Officers of. the packing house, com panies declared today that although the strike materially -crippled their, working forces tney wui continue to operate.. That President - Wilson's . mediation commission, now sitting in Seattle on the lumber situation . m the stats ..of Washington.' "Will Immediately endeavor to settle the new strike seemed certain todays '- - ; : -. " ' J.. S. Hoffmanr business agent -or the butch5i. union, said today that nnless; the demands fora closed -shop are met! by. the - employers. - packing : houses In Portland, Spokane and ' 8 an ; Francisco will-feel the effects of the striae, as assurances have .been' received that the union members In ail parts or the coast will fall Into line 'to win tarn ngnt. . -... Demands for a. closed, shop, which are now causing Industrial trouble between meat-packing plants and their employes In Seattle and Tacoma, are having no effect on the Portland situation as yet. according to' CjC. Colt. of .the Union Meat. company. He said: s -- The labor' disturbances on the Sound started last August, and the demands of the organised employes have caused trouble which has not yet been adjusted. The .packers are firm in their refusal to rranC the closed . shop. Soma 8000 men are concerned- In the Sound district. Our distributive branch there Is , not concerned In the -' present demands. At Portland' wo ha v - about (00 men at work, but they have mad no demands on; us." i ..-T - - German Auxiliafy: "jM Craiser; BIoto Up . Copenhagen. Dec V-U. P.) A large German auxiliary cruiser, probably the Russian steamer . Bothnia, which was seised and armed by the German, blew up In Ore sound, according to word re ceived . here today. t ,. IE TODAY D QCKS; GREATEST; IN THE WORLD constructed under the direction of Johnston Porter' of, Port- rrien 'and' EUoolies front North PORTLAND MAN IS Washington, Dec, .sV TJ.j P. Twelve members of the American expeditionary force were; severely wounded and one was slightly .wounded In action Noverr. ber JO. the .war department announced late toda. " ; ; , ,Tha wounded are all engineers. They sri , ' : ;.;'' -Private Willi U Bsraes, fit Kast Broadway, Pertlaai, -Or.-- - . . HeeeeS l.leteat A tile K. Case, Ca - -Hergeast 'raak Haley, New Terk. - Sergeast Patrick A. -lag, Bsysaae, Corporal PhlUy A. Berk, Breoklya, w. T. - , w Cerporal Charles J.' Xrttkeley, , If ew Tsrk city.-, . - Cerporal1 Jsmes -Asgss, Aberdeen, Brotiaaa. ' ' . .. Private t, A. Qrega. Brokrya..3r. T. ravate Taor ZUessigel. Coat- vms .p -. - i -.-z Prtvat jsmet Eagts, Grtat JTsek. . Private Charles A GIgr Ckleag.' "Prtvat (Qtrg E. Jeses, Srrastoa, Pa. -sugntry -woundoa: - u- - - Prtrau ;Loals O. BeklssA, Breoklya, - . - - - ' i wmiara r U. r Barnes, , who has " been wounded whU on duty In France,' Is a member of. the Eleventh Railway. Engi neer corps. He Is 2! years old and. en listed from New Tork two months ago. Ills father.! J. B. Barnes. Is connected with the firm of W. p. Puller a Co. Of Taooma. He - has two sisters . and brother- living at '741 ' East Broadway. Portland. They ar: Maud Bam and Mrs. C B. King and Harry Barnes. His mother la dead. -. .-. The Portland frslatlves hav recetvod a , telegram from the . authorities at Washington, notifying thorn of the newa Denver Dniggist V : Killed;by Bandits Denver. Colo- Dec. TJ. P.V Henrv Morgensott, U, a druggist, wa shot and Instantly killed, and J. W Clark. L jeweler, was wounded when three auto mobile bandit ' attempted ' to hold op Clark's Jewelry -store in the ' heart of the downtown business section bar this afterwxm. . , AMONG WOUNDED -America to Europe, jts eeo- V COAST ARTILLERY Company of 85 Men Reach Port- land - From Ft. -Stevens on , .Request of Max Housed - . - 'i J .j -I .- .A company of coast artiUery, approx imately 85 men,', reached . Portland at noon, today, front fort StsvsnA to begin the task of auardlnjr . the ahinv&nia. docksi warehouses and the . Portland waterfront - generally. Quarters have been assigned to the company at the Armory Curing their guard servto her. It Is understood that the detail la tem porary. - - ... i - - . V - The artillerymen have been ordered to Portland. ', at the request of Max H. House r, federal - grain commissioner, as a measure of precaution against possible nosuie acta directed against the mills, warehouses, and shipbuilding . plants along the river. - - - -Heat Gaard May Be Called v It Is probable that volunteers from the Oregon State Guard, composed ot Spanish-American war veterans, or from the uuitnoraah Homo. Guard, composed of business men of the city, will repine the artiuery company when these force finally have been mustered Into service snd their distinctive duties determined at the adjutant general office. A storm has been brewing in the ranks of the OVecotu State Uuard for n time, it Is learned, smd an ultima- turn has been served on the office of the adjutant general ..and the governor that unless they are mustered Into serr to ' by .Monday, next. or defmlU sten toward ' that end taken. thry ' will dis band their organisation ' and refuse . to ; When It beeam appare that the national 'guard troops, were to bo mus tered Into federal service and sent from Oregon. : Governor .Wltbyoomb ask the . Spanish-American .war. veteran to gather a volunteer organisation for emergency servie. .The proposition was taken up with veterans la. Portland and several companies were , banded to gether. - S l ,- , -.-- Bad Tsp Hampers Orgasliatloa , The Spanish-American veteran SDeci- fied. however, that In case they were mustered into servto a home guards, they were not to be asked to do guard, picket or strike duty. .Hits was agreed to by the governor, and then when the organization was ready for muster. It was- discovered ) that If tb man. took the oath, under- the Dick law. f ederalls- Ing the stat militia, they would be sub ject to Call for foreign service. PUns wer then started-to master the men Into. serVko under the state law, which requires that the mayor or the county Judg 'certify- tb . muster- roll to . the governor, who thareapon Issue his proo . (Obosteded oa Peg rest. Ceianta' roar) Silcor to Head 'New : Nr W. IiaboivBureau . . . V . 1 "ksss ssSBosjrsnn-B Mlsoouks, Mont, Dec -CLS. ls.y-. F. -A-SUcox. former district forester for district Ko.1. United State . forestry service, with headquarters hers -has beea . appointed -xecuUvhed of the federal reorganisation of labor- in 'the Northwest, and has been transferred to -the department oc labor. , . - aicox. ,wlH - assist In solving ; Ubor problems connected with the shipbulld Ing Industry on Puget Sound, at Port land and at Astoria and also will help In the government's drive for 'aircraft spruce.. He will have headquarters la Beattl. '. - i'.5. .., f." Denver's Slackers" ; VivPut inrBull Pens A 1 , '. f ' .. ; ., : ; Denver. Dre. t (L K.a-rifty-two slackers wer In the 'bull pen' of the local Jail today as a result of deter mined effort by police and federal au thorities to gather up those who axe un able to show card registering, undor the draft of June a. WILL GUARD YARDS iijirtiiiiliip III 1 1 fu I II I II II 111 I II 1 1 If II I I I II iinimiuuii uio iiii Buildings Demolished forMaiiy Blocks by f : Terrif ic;losionyepof t Is -TliitlOOO i v Have Beir tojibed and;Dea V r ExceedbOjBodies Litter "the Streets; : r-. ; ''J - -r . Blast Heard 100 Miles ; Rapidly ; Nearby Cities Bush Fire Fight- ing Apparatusand Aidto Stricken Peo- : pie of Canadian City; Flames Unchecked ' AMHERST, N. S., Dec 6-(U. P.) LateHhU afternoon a dispatch from Halifax 'said the fire was under con M1 D:1 I I 1 ttfr .t luvuuiunui s luourn or nuutz, naa oeen com-' pletely wiped out, not a building In the citj escaping damage. Pieces of shrapnel blown from the scene of the explosion " were found three miles away, r ; , ' , . . " Several hundred are reported killed and thousands injured. - St. John, New Brunswick, Dccls6. (U. P.'J iHalff tfi 'ihmk" of Richmond, in Halifax, where 'daze, moaning aad ...hunting for siiu nic was aim sweeping me section wnen Com munication was -established with Halifax this afternoon.1 ;V ; The bodies of.the dcad'c!utter the streeU, while literally hun dreds ;of injured,- arc 'vvanderintrTabotitrtrie' WrttVeA VnK,tVK in ' . . - - .-. I . - ." v - v -. YoPw'-d- N.S.) So fafis could be learned here, the Nieuw Amsterdam, of the HolUnd-American line, was the only mercantile' steamship Jn Halifax harbor at ih. f v.-. explosion." This vessel left New r.6y J. vu.tu, .u.njr VK ucnivuo;es 01 Oermany and Austria-Hungary, returning home by sanction of the British cov ernment. " j -' ..-... Holland-American line officials m touch with Halifax by wire to New Tork. Doe. C tT. P.) A British cruiser., craahlng-into an American mu nitions ship, caused th terrible explo sion In Halifax, according to reports re ceived her this afternoon by cable of- flciala . . 8t. John. .New Brunswick. Dee.' V (tj. P. Halifax, the garrison city of Can ada, to practically In ruin today a th result, of a terrific explosion when --a liner rammed a munition transport a th tatter wa backing from her pier m Bedford Bad a. : j - i When ' direct communication was es tablished between Halifax and thla dry lat .today, reports said hundred prob ably ar dead and it is estimated 1000 are dying or ar terribly Injured. .Tho explosion occurred shortly after o'clock when an American ship loaded with munitions backed out other berth la Bedford Basin. - Sho was rammed by a ship described in reports ber a "a Red cros nner. -' ... . . Blast Beard IN Miles Away ." A score of men working on a lln la Richmond .wer - allied and th track of th Canadian government ralway be tween Richmond and Halifax wer com pletely destroyed, Heavy rail were twisted Ilk bit or lead nip. Immediately after th collision th amm un ltton-lad en ' ship caught fire. Effort of the crew to extinguish th flames and save th ship wer futile. She blew up with a report that shook title 100 mile away. Blazing ammu nition shot into 'the air and sprinkled terminals and boose near by. , Dock shattered. ' Railroad ' cars , wer lifted from their tracks and dashed to splinters. Warehouses wer demolished mmm.A tk mtm atAUA Jjf Sail SI t t 1 si ft . BMHa MISBir f CMUekVlw w SPVJa,aysg A message received In Toronto by an official ) of th Intercolonial railway said every building north of th Queens hotel had been destroyed. - He described the ' wreckage In th north end ef the city as n mas of bodies," : . ; -' Betfltals Ar' Overflewtsg " - - Hospitals are' filled with Injured and Improvised wards hav been hurriedly been set up In corridor, t . : - lat thi afternoon . nurse and doe tors began to arrive on special train from ail - directions and the work of mlnisteriasto th wounded began. 1 Pitiful scene wer enacted la tho sub urb of Richmond, aa th 'wounded be gan to recover from the stunning effects of th Mast. ."'' -.-'- While fir raged through th section where bodies of th dead wer burled la the wreckage and lay in fantastic poeUions. aa they had fallen when the ex plosion cam, cries ot Ut Injured and dying fined the air. - . Sobbing women ran frantically about, searching for their children. . . Kor a time after the explosion the city was practically paralysed with the sud denness of ths disaster. Then slowly and painfully . th work of rescue be gan. ." ' .. " " - ' ' ' "-, . a few bourn a liar ue explosion in jured men were - seen wandering Ilk wrattb about th wreckage. Few knew what had happened, so sudden was th blast and soma wer almost naked. "Ootket Tera, Press Bedle , - 'in a number of Instance th cloth in r ot th dead wa torn front their bodies. Away Flames Spread:7 the munitions ship' exploded this their deacL l: York about a week aeo with 750 wy, they have been unable tocet ascertain the vessel's fate. - - - With th arrival of naree ... ously wounded wer carried to hosTAHals oualy wounded wereearried to hospital in everything from a dum peart to an aotomobU. . . - - - - tml . Many wr givan first aid ml t Aim whil other with the arriral of .sup pile wer abls to drs thir,'ovii wounda : . i . . - . Tb latest rtnrU hM np.v.i. ,i ,,?1rPh opwators .wer killed .when th Sxpioeion wrecked their office. ,, ma,cw the greatest Of life ' Wa UIMf Mvnh and other, working on"th watarFroni wpw. .- - . Building la masr shumm f - wer reduced to matchwood. Plato glaai wuioow wer pulverised and th whole fjtr with the terrif ic eonon when, the biar ems nt mmmtt. . ward. . - " rr y Whoels on freight ears were snapped w,? nttr,1 rron U by-th fore Of th exnlnaLnn XL-V collapaed nd lUappoarwl Into th bar. Par4 cant of th buildings In ths city proper wer damaged. Hollte trt -from ' th 0n-,notl North .Lri?t ! Uon Is a shamble. Every building is u ruin and beneath the wreckag lie the bodlos of .many vletlma, . v . . . '. : '- i i -., -k - ' SUUon .kLaaa of Hoins' . Toronto. Oat, D. U. P.) -Halk fax city-is pn fire.-, said a msg r. celved by D. . Keld,' minister of rail wsys, from Division 8upertntendenl Hayes of th latercolonlal raUwar ai mt Monctoa, X. B, t'.eTha fif" i spreading.", declared th dispatch. " w v are '- sending ' special train out 'of .Moncton. and every elt with fir apparatus Is also being used We are also picking up fire apparatut between Moncton and Sydney. N. 8. and- rashtog It- to Halifax.- Sltuatlos Another message '" reoalved by Raid . - -'- ,- , .-V . - -JSvery buUdlng north of the Queeni hotel to totally wrecked. North streei station to In raiaev s-wU as our plant at Willow Park, .and here is one mas of fire wreckage and dead bodies In th nerth end of the city.- Sped! trslm from Sydney.' with doctors, norsee" an4 hospital supplies, are on their way. An also arranging for food, sup pile end U end coaches to Halifax to take peopli away; .Portland Iaa Built Dock 'Construction on; the great. dock pro act was under the direction of Johnstos Porter, of Portland, a member ofith firm of Porter Bree. " . - It wa said that through the new dock) European mall could have been landH In New Tork' by rail from Halifax 31 hour quicker than by aa all water rouu from, Europe.':.' - - Mr. Porter, who a visited hi horn. In Portland since beginning work on th, project. 1 1. Halifax, where no was su perintending' the last work on the doc) when the disaster. befell. .. .. . s J 1-- V - J