A " 1 - v. K. ; THE ? OREGON DAILY'; JOURNAL, I PORT LAND, : WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1917.t ALBIRT'S AUTQGRAPH- y TO BE SOLD AT' BAZAAR TO PURCHASE PLANT 'Jy0.' Adams Votes Against Proposition,' but Promises to Work for Suc T.! cess of Undertaking. , HIGHWAY COMMISSION FOR asphauic WORK By a vote of two to on the state highway commission Tuesday ordered the purchase of an asphaltic paving -plant. - Commissioner Adams voted against the motion, saying he was opposed to the decided to buy the plant ae would do all , ot Kin Albert of Belgium he could to make a success of its opera tion. He filed for-record a lengthy 'ft? K sent, Samuel Hill and which, will be sold at Allied - Bazaar, ' . - v ' In the midst of the deprivations and alarms of war Adjutant General Tung- . statement of his reasons, based on the , belief, that it would be more expensive for the state to- do the work than let it out hv mntrnntj in rpwnonnthle " eon- - tractors. He . said he favored leasing . mum 01 .Belgium, cniei w we muijary , a plant before buying. j house of the king longs for a pipe, of Secosd.Hand OatfU I American tobacco and some California The plant selected was a second hand i oranges. . : one belonging to the Oregon mdepend- j Writing So Samuel Hill, honorary con sent Paving company, and the price to j Bui general of Belgium for the. Pacific be paid is $13,500, conditioned on the : Northwest, enclosing the autograph of ' promise that it is to be put in first King Albert to be exhibited at the al , class order. ,The original amount asked J Hed bazaar, he naMS : - 'Waa $15,000. - The plant is mounted on j Would it be possible for you to send a railway car and weighs 90 tons, with j trie here a ,1 It tie Porto Rico tobacco for a capacity of 2000 yards per day. I the pipe and some "California oranges -. In addition the commission purchased , of wjlch still retain such a sweet mem ; . two iv ion rouers ai a cosi oi ouw a five ton tandem roller for $1800. , Out , of Its . idle road equipment the commission decided to lend an engine, two miles ct track and 10 cars to the ory. I put the question up to you tor answer." Mr. Hill has answered by Instructing his financial agent In New Tork to end the much longed for articles . by , Hammond " Lumber company, which is ; some one going to Europe. getting out airplane spruce for the gov- The autograph letter has been turned ernment. The monthly rental was fixed over to Dr. Oof fin, leader of the Port land Belgian colony, which will place it on sale In the Belgian booth at the Allied Red Cross bazaar. TATIANA ROMANOFF'S VISIT TO U. S. MERE MYTH, SAYS RUSSIAN I Former Czar's Family so Rigidly Guarded Escape Is Not -Possible, It Is Stated.. ' -at approximately $450 or about half the .,.- cost to the state. ' ' 'Claekantas May Help To complete the grade of the Pa-J clflc - highway m ciacamas coum , between New Era and Oregon City, the commission was tentatively prora Ised by County Commissioner -Knight the sum of $25,000 next April. It Is estimated that the work will cost $35,000. This leaves $10,000 to be raised by the county. " x On a final understanding . with , the 1 county court that the $25,000 can be de- j pended upon next April .the commission j 4 will call for bids for the work. i To. overcome the railway embargo on .cars for shipping road material, the commission decided to purchase its own '' equipment for the transportation, of ma terial for paving next season. Subject i , to approval 19 cars formerly used In the government reclamation service, are to be bought at a cost of $28,000. ' . . Grading Contract Awarded ' county." near lltehell on the Mitchell- ! , San Francisco, Dee. 6. "Americans ' PrlnevUle road, was awarded to the """ura tae no hoc m in. iun ir, 'v United Contracting company for $25,000. .that Tatlami Romanoff, one of the ' To this amount Wheeler county will , daughters of the deposed Csar Nicholas. . appropriate1 $1000. .has escaped from her Siberian prison The state, highway engineer was in-!" nd ,tn Un,tJ , structed to make a survey of th7 Co- States, said V. Baldln of Petrograd and p lumbla -river highway through. GilUam Vladivostok, one of the descendants on county as soon as-practicable. Dr. J. bis mother s side of the former Count W. Donnelly of Arlington, reported that T "JfK who is here. ( . money for construction was available, i Sh couldn t come sway If toe - - tt having been arranged to advance the ; wanted to." continued the visitor. "The money -voted by the road district at a K""sky reg me sent tlw former czar recent special election. The secretary n hl8 fanV, to Tabolsk and estab . . .tha-commteslon was Instructed to tod a. strict guard over the whole notify the county court of Sherman that region, so strict In fact that nobody can , tho Columbia i-lver highway had been com So without encountering a rlgl located along the river and the pleasure Passport system. The new regime of of the. coftnty in preparing the base , ,r " . j . was aWalted. , will strengthen instead of . weaken the . o . watch. ' w 'v " : . " ' -1 T, I "All members of the royal house, ln- la Wasco county It -was decided to duaing the grand dukes and grand duch- locate the highway along the river, esses, who number 46, are closely ' utilizing the old portage railway grade watcheL Kerensky, so am told, traced and tlra canal embankment. This, loca- the former czar's investments In this tlon wOl also elirotnate th controversy country. , with Malcolm Moody .relative to a sand, "Russia-s land evil is this: There are pit near the Desehutes river bridge. 1200,000.000 people and 268,000,000 acres , In; answer to a request from Lane of iancL The nobles - own . 182,000,000 county the state highway engineer was ,'acrea ana the former czar had of the Instructed to make a recognisance sur- ; jatter 80l000,000 acres. Unquestionably vey of. the high pass and Smlthfleld Ttho, greaf landed estates of the former 4 route for the Eugene-Florence road. royai group -vrlll be broken up in some In outlining its paving plans for next way irrespective of who heads the gov year .the commission made the follow- 'ernment. unless Nicholas and -the grand ing allotment of paving? Marion county ; dUkes return to power, which Is hardly 15 miles between Aurora and Salem ; nkelv - ' v. , 1 l. . . 11 J ' . 4 and "Jefferson ; Lane and Benton coun-j ties eigni mues, oeiwcen aionru ana Junction. Polk mad Benton Get Macadam To-Polk. and Benton counties 12 miles of macadam between Independence and ' Corvallls will' be given,-also 15 miles of " - macadam in Josephine and Jackson counties south of Grants Pass. (tt .view of the fact that, the town of Corporations File ' Official Articles Salem, Or., Dec. 6. Permit to' do business was Issued Tuesday by Cor poration' Commissioner Schulderman to Cascade Locfes Is having the Columbia HS.3"""8 J?1????11???? tlon from cltixena, of that place asking ; nomai? diact counties. The as- ht h -tt .tor th wood.n aihj i soclatlon has a capital stock of $100,000. walks: which had Jen damaged by i reason, of road destruction received short shrift. The commission thought .Officers of the association are: Conrad P. Olson, president ; K. J. Kh-kwood, vice president and general manager. W. Centralia Plans to c Entertain Soldiers Tuesday by the following Companies : Centralia, Wash., Dea 5. Asserting ; that v the soldiers from Camp Lewis, ' manyiof whom- are spending the week ; ends ln Centralia, should be ' provided ; wlth amusement, Theodore Hoss at the ...noon luncheon of 'the Commercial club Monday; : urged the appointment , of a committee of about 30 citizens to ar range It. Mr. Hoss also suggested that the duties of the committee,, included the' reporting of all unpatriotic acts to the proper authorities. . n.; The club is expected to take action on Mr, Hoa request Thursday r'ght, among other things throwing the club rooms In the, Hope block open , to visiting sol diers. ,. v,:; 4 . ' . . j; o " ' 1 1 - -' . Cowlitz Grange Has 'Aii All-Day lileetihg . T Castlerock, Washe r Dec 5. Cowlitz County Pomona grange met In Castle rock Friday, holding at 11 day ees alon with an hour of open meeting and a regular session In the evening. - The grange also had an exhibition of agri cultural and fruit products, sewing and fancyt work, which was especially tine. After an Interesting program the fifth degree- was conferred, on several candidates.-., ---? I Liberty Market of Portland ; capital I stock, $5000 ; incorporators, B, Goldberg, j K. D. Gettlemen and J. R. Latourette. I j Silver Lake Mercantile Company, Inc., of Silver Lake ; capital stock, $5000 : incorporators, Louis Bennett, W. E. Cooper and C. H. Metx. Oakland Meat Market company of Oakland : capital stock, $3000 ; incorpor ators,- Kate Schwarts. Frits Glselman and John T. Long. Two Year's Enough, Say Albany Voters Albany, . Or, ; Dee. B. Albany voters by a .majority of 159 turned down the proposed amendment to the city, charter making the terms of the city council men four years instead of two at the special election held Monday, Complete returns from all wards give 27 for the amendment to 186 against. Beginning with the next regular election all mem-1 bers of the council will . retire at the aarna tune. : r- , . . . Three other amendments to the char ier carried, r The amendment fixing the time' for holding city: elections at tlVe same time as the general elections car- rid, as did those fixing " the -. polling places and the hours of ; holding elec- uons4" - - lane County Plants :: 3300 Acres in Beans ' r ff fc? i 1 , Prominent! Cattle- c ManSls) Sentenced . Your Christmas gift to be " ideal mus t " please' the one who gets it. 'To hear or read tie words, "This is the nicest present I've .had," is to receive a compliment on your taste and imagination. ; A , ; :v " 'l v .. " . . ' - -. " , This is what thousands of women say eacK 'Christmas' when they open the box and hold up to delighteoVeyes tho. lustrous, .silky 'garments that make up a Kayser Italian Silk Underwear Christmas set. ' ' " . Never., before have there been so' many 'charming new V styles in Kayser Italian Silk Underwear I You can choose your Kayser ; Christmas' sets from a delightful array of the ' newest VESTS-rTHE KAYSER OPERA Top" KNICKERS r-UNION SOTTSTOMBINATIONSBoDICESPAJAXIASr-" . Night Gowns--Envelope Chemises Camisoles 1 - '-.'r '- .-' . . u " ' Ask to have your selection packed in the dainty box es pecially provided for Kayser Christmas gifts. . -; Look for The Label - : INSIST on seeing the label on every piece of ' - garment plainly marked Kiyt ItaDxn SH ' sUk urjderwerryou purchaseJ The eenuine' . One blue m on the labd indicates the Ughuf ItaEaaSll: Underwear bean a label in every v weieht aUk three sun the- heavier weight. J . t j . Laneview, i w.; : jec e w a. moss. i prominent . cattleman of this city. who f - - 1 " (t past week-was found guilty of the lar- TTtone. Or DecS.--The annn.l .-ceny ox i m caiue, nas received Dort f : J. S. .Robb, couflty agricultural agent hows. Among pther things, an Increase of bean "acreage - from- 600 to 3S0O acres. . . Nine hundred and fifty quarts Of rodent poison, were distributed through the office of - Agent t Robb and much other cooperative work was done. Mr. Robb addressed , 97 meeting, : and 2542 people ealled at his office for ad vice and assistance during the year. an indeterminate sentence of .from one to 10 years in the state, penitentiary. . ; - , ., . ; ; , lHaa. HitbfTrat&pHesv . . :X.mohV Flasher, 4f Linn ton. who was struck by a - North Bank local Monday night at West Oregon crossing, died from his injuries in the Good Samaritan hospital Tuesday evening. $Je was SO years old and unmarried. mum sihii immmmm m