The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 04, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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Paper Expresses Hope U. S. Will
Ascertaiir? Responsibility aid
' Take Action.
Denmark Denies Scandinavian
Conference Was Caused by
' German Threat. '
Jpsephihels Proiid;
Of Fine Courthouse
. -.1 .
Xodera Stricter, Bmllt. oa Plot ; Given
t Jaaataaa Jin, It Dedicated' ax
Fitting- CwnMihfc'vir'-.rj-":-
Grant. Paaa- Or- Decl 4- i Oranta
Pass took a,- half holiday - Monday to
allow her citizens to take, part in-the
stmpie but appropriate ceremonies wiilch
marlc the opening, of Josephine couatya
new ' court house. Stores were ' closed
;The "buUdlns Is a white structure of)
classical lines.- Built on' the site of the!
former court house, a city square do-j
Bourne Jr, It cost approximately 1100,
000, and is of a class A conatruatton,
finished -in marble and oak. ! ,--
, The principal : feature of the 1 dedica-
lion - was - an : aaaresa t oj tvev. i ax.
Booser, in which he 'pointed to the new
building as typifying the t-progress
which the county has experienced since
the early days when the county seat was
first at Waldo and then at Kerby,. now
hamlets or less than a hundred people
, London. Dec. 4. (U. PDThe Danish
press and public Is incensed at raise
' reports circulated i the ; United States
that Germany has - threatened seizure
of a naval base on DarfL3h roil, accord
ing to an Exchange Telegraph company
v dispatch dated Copenhagen.
"The fantastic report of German
threats against Denmark has made the
American presa the laughing stock of
Copenhagen, f the dispatch- asserted.
"While acknowledging America's kindly
sentiment, the-Danish newspapers point
out it would be better if this sentiment
appeared In Danish-American commer-
" ci&l relations. .
" "The newspaper Boersen hopes that
v the American legation will report - the
matter, te the Washington authorities
1 here, ascertain wno is responsible for
the fake and take necessary t action.
The United Press received from the
.'newspaper .Boersen today a request for
the "name bf the news agency or news
paper responsible for publication of
the story of a German threat against
Denmark; when and how it was dated
. and all - pertinent particulars.
Story Printed November 18
The -'Associated Press was credited
. with the story in morning newspapers'
of November 28. The article as print-
ed in several New York newspapers
-. declared that the "Associated Press
learns from a responsible source," etc;
and then related how Germany had
threatened ' seizure of a base in Den
mark If Norway was "impelled either
by excited." public opinion or pressure
from the allies to grant a base
England and the United States.
was this threat, the Associated Press
declared, that led, to the conference
- of Scandinavian kings and premiers at
Christian la last week.
On the morning the Associated Press
. " printed the "story, the United Press
cabled its general European bureau at
London this message :
Denial Is Aathorlzed
"Associated ' Say ' Germany's threat
' - seize base Denmark if Norway grants
base allies, cause. Chrlsttania conference.
Suggest ask Scandinavian premiers for
facts."' "
' : la reply to, this 'message the United
Press,, on December 1 received through
Its London office a formal authorization
from the Danish foreign office to deny
"fantastic rumors that the Christian la
conference was caused by an alleged
German threat to seize a base in Den
mark if Norway grants a base to the
Lord Cecil." British minister of block
? ade who grants an audience to Ameri
can newspapermen ..Friday afternoons
eacheekv5 onl?Novembe30 "also for
mally 1enied. the story, characterizing
it as "German-made."
He said the threat . was not response
ble for the Christlanta conference.
Jurors at Albany Find (Baldwin
Guilty of Deadly Assault
and House. Breaking.
Albany, Or., Dec 4. Jeff Baldwin,
who is now serving time In the Oregon
state ' prison, will probably have addi
tional time at that institution, for- he
was found guilty on . two counts by a j
Jury In Judge P. R. Kelly's court Mon
day.. , After having refused the court s
offer of an attorney to defend . him.
Baldwin was found guilty of assault
with Intent to kill, and In the after
noon another Jury convicted him of, the
charge of larceny from a dwelling. He
will be sentenced1 Saturday.
. Baldwin escaped from the penitentiary ;
on September 20. Two days later the
home of Ray Foster at Tangent was i
robbed and in response to the call Dep- j
uty Sheriff Joe Frum traced the bicycle j
on - which he had escaped, ' to Shedd,
where a gun battle was staged and led
to Baldwin's arrest and return to Salem.
Experts at the Wisconsin state agrl
cultural experiment station have built
a machine for tbabsoIutely uniform
planting that isfjnecesaary . for the de
velopment of high grade grain seed.
Deputy Is "Some Sleuth1
Albany,1- Or., Dec. . 4. A man named 1
Newcome . of Portland. . was - arrested
Sunday evening as the Southern Pa
cific train neared Albany. Deputy Sher
iff i J. R. Frum was returning'- from
Grants Pass with John C. Hewitt, who
was wanted here on larceny charges.
When he got on the train he notlcod a
woman enter the coach, and. sit down
by two men. The deputy and hla pris
oner Bat near the trio and ; soon en-
gagea mem in conversation- - i
By careful work Frum gained the ,
Knowledge irom xsewcome tnai ne was
returning from California on one of his
numerous trips . to that place. Hewitt
learned from the woman that a bottle
of liquor was In Newcome's overcoat
pocket. When the train neared Albany
Frum Investigated: the suit cases and
his suspicions that, they contained whjs-1
key s were .confirmed. Newcome was
placed under arrest and three cases of
whiskey were confiscated. -
You Get Better Cough
Syrup by Making T,
a ut nunii!
What's more, yea save abeat 99 by
It. Basil? made aid costs little. -
Youll never really know what a fine
eough Bvmp you can .make until you
prepare this famous home-made remedy.
You save $2 as compared with the
teady-iriade kind, and you will also have
a more effective remedy in every way.
It overcomes the usual coughs, throat
end chest colds in 24 hours relieves
even whoopinjr cough quickly.
Get.SH ounces of Pinex (60cents
worth irom any pood druir store, pour
it into a pint bottle and fill the bottle
with plain granulated susrar syrup.
Here you have a full ipint a family
upply4-of the most effective cough
syrup that money can. buv at a cost of
onlv 65 cents or less. It never spoils.
The prompt and positive results given
hr this pleasant tastimr couzh svrup
lave caused it to be used in more homes
.than any other remedy. It quickly
loosens adry, hoarse or tight couzh,
lieals the inflamed membranes that line
. the thtoat and bronchial tubes, and re-L
' lief comes almost immediately. Splen-
did foe throat tickle, hoarseness, bron
chitis; croup and bronchial asthma.
Tinex is a highly concentrated com
pound pf Genuine JTorway pine extract,
and has been used for generations for
.throat and chest ailments, y - ;.
Avoid disappointment by asking your
Hruggist for lt V ounces of Pinex", with
lull directions and don't accept any
thing else. A guarantee of absolute sat
isfaction or money promptly refunded
- goes with this preparation. The Pinex
Co, Tt. Wayne. Ind. Adv.
Shortage of Water
WU1 Be Relieved!
With Completion of Hew Pipe . I Joe,
State Hospital for Taberealosls Will j
Have Ample Saspllei for AU Parposet. I
Salem. Or., Dec 4. The work of lay
ing a new pipe line for bringing, water
to the state hospital for i tuberculosis
will be completed this week aad the
Institution will be relieved of a serious
water shortage, according to Dry q. c
Bellinger, superintendent or the hospl
tal. - -
This water. Shortage has occurred'
every summer for a number of years
and because of the long dry season" was
worse than usual this year. .The water j
supply waa ' Inadequate' even to take
care of the domestic needs, and 'caused !
a considerable hardship on the doctors
and nurses and .patients. ,. . - v. j
The domestic supply la obtained from
a -series of springs in 'a ravine back of ,
the hospital and is adequate during the,
rainy season, said Dr. Bellinger. The'
new supply, which - comes from Mill I
creek, ' will be used for -the laundry, '
barn, heating plant and sprmkrung dur
ing, the summer season, - and thereby
will permit a conservation of the spring
water for domestic purposes.
Rub Musterole on Forehead
' and Temples .
1 A ieadache remedy without the dan
cers of ''headache rfledkine." Relieves
I headache and that, miserable feeling
ffroracolds Or congestion. And it apt: at
once I Musterole is a clean, white oint-
: meat, made with oil of mustard. Better
- than a mustard piaster and coes not
blister. Used only cxternslly, and in
i no way can it affect stomach and heart.
as seme internal medicines tux --
ExceUent for ssre throat, bronchitis
,'croun,;4 tiir neck, asthma, neuralgia,
. cngek)n, pleurisy, rheumatism lum
bago, all pains end aches of the back
. or joints, sprains, sore muscleo, braises,'
chilblains,jfrosted feet, colds ot the
K- chest it often prevents pneumonia).
20c and tBOdjars; hospital size $2LS0;
Northwest Strikers .
Delay Phone Peace
' San Francisco, Dec 4.- Wage nego
tiations between; the Pacific Telephone
&r Telegraph company and! the Electrical
workers and operators. ' scheduled to
begin Monday -were -postponed to next
Monday at the request of. the president's
mediation . commission. T" ,
; The' unsettled situation In the North
west, requiring the presence ; of. com
pany and union officials, waa given as
the reason, for delaying the conference,
- Under the terms of the agreement rat
ified by the ' unions, with the exception
of the Seattle and Spokane locals, rep
resentatives ox both sides will confer on
possible v further . wage Incrifcsea. the
question to be submitted to a federal ar
bitrator for final settlement. If they are
Minable to agree. y i :
Seattle strikers registered Monday for
return for worjc They voted to abandon
the strike, following aa - all day session
In Seattle, and other striking unions in
the state are expected to take similar
action ttla week . r t -
.M isrfa t)Ei jsfi
of WbiiliBri'sl!
WithCharge or &
Cash ' Purchases V j
All Over the Store I
s'GrvE v
I . - r
t--1 .
I ' r
BasmeMilBavs v Sale
,j ,
Trading Stamps
T j-King
Double Stamps
With Charge or
Cash : Purchases 4
All Over the Store :
Women's Suits, Coats,; Dresses
'-l-The'freiter.portion of our Basement Stock included in this Clean-up Sile Ah tnott .re-,
rusrkable values in high-class wearing apparel eWer offered in the city. Suits, Coats and
Presses--over. 300 garmefits all told to select '.from This season's best styles and ma
terials, with superior workmanship throughout Any woman "who . has need for a new
suit, coat Or dress' will find this a wonderful opportunity to save. Many larraents tri
this lot worth more than double the sale price.' Your choice at only
Wear Add ar el
Motor Vehicle Fees
This Year Run High
Collection i by Kegistratloa Departmeat '
iu oTenavr a ioi sie,3.v, n
According te Statement Itsaed. . i
Salem, Or,, Dec 4.x-Fees- collected by
the motor vehicle registration depart-',
ment una year, up to November SO, total
$196,542.60,- according to a statement is-!
sued by Secretary of -State DlcotC
With .the increase In .the fees for mo- I
tor vehicle licenses, as provided in the
law passed by the 1917 legislature, it Is
safe to ppedict ' that 'the . fees for 1918
will exceed $400,000. which, will be used
to pay the Interest and create a sink- 1
lng fund for the $6,000,000 highway bond
issue.- . . ' . ' , ' - I
xsurniK noranoer sid were
registered, this being 69 more than were
registered In November of last year.
Dress Skirts
Basement Values In this lot up
to 17.50. Smart tailored styles
trimmed with buttons, also the
popular plaited and gathered ef
fects with novelty belts. Serges,
gabat dines, poplins and fancy
silks. In a wide range IJ
of colors. Basement urxUfJ
$5 Wool Sweaters $3.98
Basement Underprice, Store
Women's and misses' wool sweaters in
a rousing -4-Days' Sate beginning tomorrow
morning in the Basement Store. Splendid
warm wool sweaters, very desirable for gifts
or -for personal use. Various up-to-date
styles to select from. Gray, green, cardinal
tan, purple also -many with collars - ana
cuffs of contrasting colors. Ex- QQ
cellent 15.00 sweaters Special at POei0
Children's Sweaters
Special $225
Basement Fine soft lambs wool sweaters for
-girls. 6 to 12 years of age. Attractive styles,
with roll collars, pockets and belts. Gray, rose,
maroon. Copenhagen blue and J0 Of?
navy.. Basement 4-Days' Sale, onlyPeKJ
Children's Bath Robes
Of Good Heavy Quality Eiderdown at
Most stores ask ft. 50 for robes of this
quality. Good heavy fleeced eiderdown mi
terial In an excellent assortment of patterns
and colors, including blue, gray or pink.
light or dark shades. Sizes S to 14 years
$1.69 Sizes from 2 .to 6 ..years special at
Children's Rain Capes, Special $225 .
Basement UwUrpnc Store Only a limited number of capes in this
assortment. Latest styles with hood Just what the children need for
school. Heavy rubberized material. Sizes from 4 up to 14 years.
I $1.19
Silk Waists
; $2.98
Dainty '' Models ' of
Georgette, Taffetas,
Nets, Laces- -
Basement Sample waists .and odd
lines from regular stock and for
mer sales., Beautiful .models for
street and party wear all this sea
son's styles. Waists, of Georgette
crepe, crepe de chine, taffeta, mes
saline nets, laces, chiffons,! etc, in
black and the wanted' colors. Don't
miss this chance to buy-a dainty
waist Over 300 to se- QQ
lect from. Your choice Ji70
5000 Handkerchiefs
In the Basement Week End .Sale at
Women's and children's handkerchiefs In a great 4-Days'
Sale at 5c each. Good quality cambric and sheef lawn ma
terial plain or embroidered and initialed. Not more than
3 dozen sold to a' customer. Extraordinary values at 5c each.
Supply your Xraas needs! ...
Special Showing Boxed Christmas Kerchiefs-
See special display at the handkerchief booth In the Basement Men's,
women's and children's handkerchiefs put up in attractive- holiday
I boxes- 3 or 6 to the box Get our specif prices.
Special Showing of
In Basement
For ' the convenience of our customers we
have arranged a special booth' devoted to the
sale of Bath Robes for every member of the
family. Visit the Basement and see this splen
did display of robes at special low prices. Pur
chases made now will be held and delivered. at
any time you1 may specify. " - . '
CHILDREN'S BATH ROBES In a great assort
ment of styles prices range up to $2.98
WOMEN'S ROBES at $3.48 to $5.98
MEN'S BATH ROBES at $3.98 to $5.95
Double Stamps With Purchases
5 c
A Bob White crepe toilet"
paper of good quality. Put up in
standard size rolls. ' Oa account of
the ' low price not more than 12
rolls will be sold to a customer, '
and no phone orders will be OK'
accepted, Special at 6 rolls , dU -
1800 Pairs Felt Slippers
Boys' Two-Pant Suits
A SPLENDID opportunity to buy Christmas
slippers at a big tavlng. - Women's and chil
dren's, warm felt slippers women's in black
or graysizes 3 up to 8 Children's In blue or red,
sixes 3 to a. 'Over 1800 pairs in this special offer
ing. Double Stamps with charge or cash purchases.
1ZES for
age. Sturdy,
smart up-to-d;
serviceable materia
ment of patterns,
school wear boys
of pants, on sale in Basement at 4AS
DAINTY Camisoles for Christmas
gifts 500 of them in this notable
sale. Beautiful new styles made
up In crepe de chine, messallne, wash
sOkx, nets, ribbons, laces, etc. Some ex
quisite hand-embroidered camisoles In
assortment Basement sale, each fl.00
Shoe Sale
For Men's, Women's and
Boys Shoes
Several hundred Diirs of worn
n' mens and bovs' dress shoes
i mn xtrsordlnarv sale berlnninr
Wednesday in the Basement Men's
and ooys snoes are oi gunxneiai
ni nitent on broad toe or Eneiish
last. Women's are of vicl, patent
gunmetal or tan calf. High or low
heels. Broad or narrow; (PO IJJT
toe. All sizes. Spec'l pair ? tJ
$6 Boots
Women's $1.85 Union Suits
THIS Is by far the greatest Under
wear bargain of the year.- Fine
white, medium weight anion suits,
high or low neck, long or short sleeves,
ankle length, high neck style in reg
ular and extra sizes low neck style
in regular sizes. Special at 11.29.
Special Sale of Fine Silks
ILK POPLINS in 24-inch width, also 36-
incjt lining silks in a rousing 4-Days' Sale.
In the Basement. PorKns make up beauti
fully for dresses and waists. Full assortment of
the leading colors, black and white. Lining Silks
shown in a great many very fancy patterns.
Double Stamps with charge or cash purchases.
Table Damask
69c Yd.
Baaement Mercerized Table Dam
ask, full 2 yards. wide and beauti
ful patterns. Fine for general use.
Splendid quality. Basement Q
Special at the yard, only UaC
Black and Colored Taffetas
tQvICH, lustrous taffetas for dresses.
JCL waists.
linings, etc Full
inches wide and of dependable
quality. Fine, . heavy grade. Profit
this sale and supply your sUk needs
the Winter season. Black and a good
range of leading colors. Yard $U9
Boudoir Caps
At 25c
Bemnt Scores of pretty styles
made up in dainty, sheer, materials,
manyof silks, nets sod fancy laces.
"Very appropriate for ilfti. OC v
Great values on sale at only iO,
Women's, - Children's Hose
MEN'S- women's and children's hosiery
over 4000 pairs In a phenomenal under-'
. price offering. Men's fine wool socks
in black, gray and mixed boys' heavy black
ribbed stockings girls' fine ribbed, in white
or black, women's In white, lisle finish. Special
In Basement Underprice Store at 25c a pair.
Bath Towels
Men's Night shirts
EAVY. outing flannel sleepinr i arreents
for men in a great 4-Days' Sale in the'
Basement Store. Cut in full standard
sizes and neatly finished. Shown in attractive
stripe patterns. Extraordinary values In this
lot. Basement 4-Days' Sale special at only 85
Double Stamps with charge or cash purchases.
Basement , Millinery . .
Baaement Men's high-top boots
made . especially for shipbuilders,
loggers, and others who need good
heavy footwear. 11 inches high
with extra top soles. Also 8-inch
boots with 2 buckles.
Sizes 6 to 11 16 Boot JrOi7
Slipper Sale
in Basement
Baaammt Women's ', Christmas
slippers 1000 pairs In the Base
ment 4-Days Sale. ,Plush or ribbon
trimmed - styles with leather soles
and heels. Assorted colors. QQf
Special .4-Days' Sale, pair: VO 1
Men's $1, $1.25 Shirts
Baaemmt 20x40-Inch Turkish
bath towels of good heavy quality.
Neat colored stripes and bars, oth
ers with fancy colored AQn
borders. 'Basement Sale
A. NY MAN Inu n"d- o( hirt5 hou,d ee
these we have on sale in the Basement
Store. Great range of neat striped pat
terns In the' best coKjrs. ' Fine quality percales
and madras. .Soft or stiff cuff styles. 'All sizes
from 14, up to 17. Regular 81.00 to 1.25
shirts, priced during this sale at only 79c
Lunch, Clotlis:
incy Japanese Lunch
cloths in attractive blue-and-white
effects. These make very accept
able gifts. Special at 50 to $2.00
Toweling and napkins to match.
Men's, Women's Umbrellas
BE prepared when the rainy days comet
' This . sale ' gives you the opportunity to
choose a .new-umbrella at" a big saving.
Strong steel frame "and rod, rain-proof cover,
plain orfancy handles!. '.Men's and women's
umbrellas in Basement Sale special at only 98c
Heavy Woolnap Blankets
$1.50 Petticoats
Baamt -Women's petticoats of
good . quality black sateen. Full
styles with deep flounces trimmed
with ruffles. Well worth Q-l ftf
11.50.: Sale price only vi-aVIU
FINE white Woolnap blankets in a
rousing 4-Days' Sale. It will pay
you to. buy at least 2 of these.'
Extra heavy-quality, large size and soft
finish. Fancy pink or blue borders. No
telephone or mall orders filled Jor
this speciaL Basement Sale 84.89 pair..
ONLY .100 pairs in this special lot
-and they are such remarkable
i . ' values that they will surely sell
out ". quickly. , Full double-bed - size,
heavy gray cotton blankets with fine1
soft finish. Medium gray. shade, fancy
borders. , Basement Sale at only 82.69
Berlin Kettles
: , - ' . , ; - - .- ' .- - -
: At39c ,
B-M-mt-r&tTt nsmeledJ- Berlin
kettle , in 5 -quart size bail ban
die and tin coyer.1 Priced OQ
very ipedal Wednesday, at "'
Baaemmt Wednesday nly at this
price. Women's felt hatts in large
or small styles..-. Two-tane effects
Also many In- black, yvhite and
other colors. Very desirable for
shopping or rough wear,. QQ
Hals formerly 82.98 for OUC
velvet-felt corduroy gooal range
-of styles and colors, fine i CO
lor school wear. Special tUUC
Hat Shapes
At S1.98
Baaemenft Untrlmmed ' hats of
good grade-velvets AH the very
newest models, including sailors,
turbans, side rolls, etc Black and
a good assortment of the , lead
ing colors, un sate u (?- fju
Basement Wednesday V Ai7Q
Hat Triinrnings
- Half Price
. i -
Baaint riowers ; large ana
small tiny ' roses : and forget-me-jiots
for fancy work. - Also large
velvet roses and sprays for hats
ostnen pompons, bands, etc ALL
Double StxrnpsWith Pnrchases