0 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2, 1317. ' Call Comes To Make More , Knitted W6rk . A N OTHER call bu ben made for the , 13 inch, knit spuares which ars being mad : throughout toe country for the 4 Serbian rellet work to 1m fashioned into pi bedding-. Acknowledgement has I been made of the first shipment made front Portland this fall by Mrs. A. A Morri- son, ' of a collection contributed from ".' women and children in all parts of Ors- Ths squares were received in. "New Tork lust in time to. catch a Serbian -'relief ship sailing- from that port and went directly to their destination in stead of via England as -was originally planned, to be made there into the bed covers. - . - . The plan now is to make a ; second shipment shortly after the first of Jan uary, and Mrs. Morrison, has appealed to all who are interested in this work to finish their, squares and send then in as soon as possibla: - -' . " " - Those ' who ' hava .Tcnlitine units or t nelrhberhood groups that have aocu 1 mulated a number of- the squares are f requested to sew them, together five in' a length i. and four in j width- and thus end them in finished. The Serbian minister at Washington, 1 Mlchailo vital, has written in behalf of his people to the Portland headquar- ' ters of the Serbian relief society and zpressed the deep appreciation of the aood work. The 11 inch squares have carried much more in war spirit to Ser bia than their mere wool warmth to ths striken people. The wool that has gone into these squares has been odds and ends front the work basket accumulated 5 during the last few years or fronlfold woolen garments,! raveled up, washed, even dyed and reknltted into the use ful little squares. One contribution .of 13 squares that went in the last ship- . ment-was sent from a remote corner of ; Oregon by a. woman In the 70's, who . raveled up and dyed old partly worn : and discarded woolen shawls and sllp j'pers to t procure yarn. The" "committee j sent her the wool for the remaining six ; squares that she might have the pleas- ure of knowing she had made an entire k blanket. , I :" ' I : The Thursday Subscription club will j give an informal dance at Murlark hall, i Monday evening, December 10. the . change in the club night having been ; made necessary on account of the big . fsd Cross ball to be held at Murlark f hall, Thursday, December 13. i r laurelhurst club members scored a 'big success Wednesday evening in their t big Annual Thanksgiving ball at the : Multnomah hotel. Both ball rooms, the tea garden and lobby were turned over to the guests at ths dance and a gala evening was enjoyed with five orchestras i rendering continuous music. The affair was only semi-formal, the great body v- of the assemblage attending in smart tailored costumes and dancing in the s lobby. Those who: chose formal attire gathered in the gold ball room. Over 5 1000 guests were assembled. Again on Thursday evening the Mult nomah hotel was the scene of a large f and inost successful dancing party when -the 1917-18 Follies gave their Thanks ; giving ball. They top occupied both ball t rooms and ths entire mezzanine floor tf ths hotel. '' " -: i- ' " - Ths news of the marriage of Miss ; Mary Frances Fox and ' Captain - Daniel J. Coman at Tacoma, Wash., i, Thursday, cams as a surprise to their many Portland friends. The wedding, , Which was a very simple affair, was solemnized at St. Leo church, Rev. Father Dinan officiating': Mrs. George lies Harding attended the bride as matron of honor, and Major D. W. 'i Thiokstun acted as best man. After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at ths Tacoma hotel. The bride, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Fox of Alaska, is a . Red Cross nurse and a graduate of SL Vincent hospital. " " Captain Coman is an officer en the headquarters staff. Ninety-first division. Camp Lewis. Prior to ; entering the service, fas was for years a well known '-employs of the O.-W. R a- N. company. . Captain and 'Mrs. Coman will make . their horns in Tacoma. . - ' , - . . . . ' , " . Mr. and Mrs. George McMath and lit. tie son. Bobble, have taken apartments , . at TCotel Multnomah for the winter. Mrs. . . ' .,-."':.',''':". -" : I A ' ' t". ''''It ffUl ' " 'Sr- k Rf. :: : 1 Jr . . :.--i. :r- tvf: ;.y... : .v. r.v . & ... .A - a . . , fr t V V 9 1 ' t x ' 4T v x i W vt i , - "' 4 ; ' a II Gravelle Dependability It Is , a treat ' aJvantags to selsct yoor -corset from the stock oi this ' specialty ' store- :toQuality i is guaranteed and our fitters v ars proven pscialijts. .-' ; Baek aad Frost Laee Styles V 34ft Wahimgton SQ near BrMway, Benefit Tea By Auxiliary CpiF Monday McMath and Bobbie have just returned from Seaside, where they have passed the past six months. 1 On Nanmbur IS Mr a nil Xfrm TV J. - Van Scyoc of J9S: Russett street ding anniversary at a most enjoyable "inner parxy, given 10 ueir zrienos and relatives by their eldest son, Ken neth, at his home, 1J97 Burrage street. Three generations were present! Miss Gladvs Monr ferMlfft the guest of honor at a dinner given by Mrs. Chester Honktna anH Mm mr t Robinson at . their home. J7 Church street, weanssaay evening. , Th house Models of Tailored frorn the more favored, weaves individ ualized for. you are the garments originat ed by this leading tai iortn g : establishment nORTHWESTtRM BANK was decorated with yellow chrysanthe mums. In the center of ths dlnmg table stood a miniature bride, around which dainty yellow and white flowers were artistically arranged. Covers were laid for eight Miss Moors is the popular daughter of Mrs. Sarah" Moore. 80S Gantenbein avenue, and is being extensively enter tained by her many- friends. 5 , Mrs. W. A. Giles entertained with a charmingly appointed luncheon at Hotel Portland, Monday, at 1 o'clock, In ths blueroom. Sixteen guests surrounded the' table, which was decorated in chrysan themums and ferns. - Women of the Madeleine church in Irvington are making extensive prep arations for their annual Christmas sals beginning December 12. and continuing until ths dose of that week, Decem ber 15. , Christmas greeting cards, 149 10th st. near Morrison. (Adv.) AN XXTERESTIXO affair, scheduled for tomorrow la tK hntt iu by the auxiliary to Company F, Eight eenth Railway Engineers, now la France, at ths Multnomah hotel tes room. .Tea win be served from I until o'clock and ths .proceeds will go to be used for an emergency fund to be placed in the hands of the captain. Kennetn D. Hauser. Ths feature of ths after noon Is the concert- to be given, by members of the Viae Do we 1 1 club under direction" of. Mrs. Thomas Carrick Burke. One or two attractive Inno vations will also be introduced. Mrs. Ferdinand EL Reed of the Laurelhurst club will have charge of the tickets at the entrance to the tea room on the messanlns floor. Borne of the members who will act as hostesses and assist about ths tea room are : Mrs. A. W. Clark. Mrs. Hugh Allison Piatt Mrs. A. van RosendaeL Mrs. C F. Vilas. Mrs. E. B. Porter. Mrs. Andrew R. Porter, Mrs. John R. Bowland. Mrs. McCord. Mrs. Swafford' and others of Oregon City; Mrs. C F. Hartman. Mrs. G. . S. Johnson. Mrs. . Maurice Abraham. Mrs. W. B. Bolton, Mrs. J, A. Clock. Mrs. J. F. .Morrell. Mrs. Frame. Miss Cora Shaver. Miss Irma Austin. Mra Hale, Mrs. Saul. Mrs. A. E. . Porter. Mrs. De J. F. Worcester, miss ure ten en Klosterman. Miss Oer aldlns Course n. Miss Eugenia Calhoun. Miss Margaret Webber, Miss Dorothy Worcester. Miss Mabel Korall. Mrs. C A. Pellettler, Mra Herbert A. Cooke, Mrs. William Richmond. Mrs. Karl Herbrlng. Miss IsabeUe Clark and Mrs. E. R. Root Miss Sarah Pat rick, assisted by Miss Helen Wood. Helen Honeyman. - Mary Wests wav. lvelon Shea, Ruth Shuff. Edna VI la singer. Esther Cloutier. Margaret Por ter and Marguerite Balr. are arrang lng a candy booth. A great many gentlemen will call for tea between 6 and C. The musical program follows : "The Lorelei" (Seeling). Etude in F sharp (Arensky). Miss Evelyn Pad dock; "Land of Hope and Glory (Elgar). -Invictus" (Bruno Huhn), Otto Weldemeyer, Ms Warren E. Thomas accompanist ; flute solo. ."Alle gretto, Opus lis" (Godard). Robert E. Millard. Mordaunt Uoodnough accom panist ; The String of Pearls.' (H. LyaU-Phillips). "It Was the Time .of Lilacs" (James Hathaway), with flute obllgato; By the Waters of Mlnne tonka" (Ueurance). Mrs. Lulu Dahl Miller; "Adoration" (Kelix Borowskl). Llebesfrend" (Krelaler). violin solos. Miss Loris GraUce. Wss Paddock ac companist; "To a Messenger" (Frank La Forge). Psych; U'aladllhs) ; "One Golden Day" (Foster), Mra Henry W. Metiger; "The Star Span gled Banner." Mra Metsger and audi ence. A surprise luncheon was given at ths Methodist Deaconess home. Sift East Flanders street by Mra Esther Wald fogel and her daughter. Mrs. R. M. Gray, last Thursday, in honor of the birthday anniversary of Miss Nellie M. Curtlss. superintendent of the dea coness bona Ths invited guests were the deacon esses and the members of Chanter N. P. E. O. Ths table was tastefully decorated in pink, and the birthday cake was peculiarly appropri ate for Oregon a pile of logs dotted with lighted candles. A box of humorous gifts was opened at ths table, causing much amusement Those present were ths Misses Amy Cardiff. Hattia KlsselL Sadie Smith. Margaret Davies, Delia Minigan and Nellie M. Curtlss. and Meidames Esther WaldfogeL R. M. Gray. J. R. Hulbert Charles A. Rice. Amadee Smith, Q. R. Parks. EL F. AUshaw. M. A. Zollinger, C A. Loucks, L N. Garman and Court land X Booth. ' The announcement of ths second of the Blackstons club dancing parties for next Friday 'eveninr. December T. has been received with much pleasure by the many friends of this popular club. The program for the evsnlng Is in charge of Messrs. Thomas B Collins. Alfred J. Shawcross. Clifford G. 8chnelder. Carl J. Hurley. Russell U. Stephens, John L. uosortR ana Walter . T.. MoQulrk. as slstsd by - the Misses Lydia M Vllle- neuva. Evangeline F. Mcintosh. Alma oruemg. Klta TK Ptcken. Margaret M. O-Shea, Jesselya . C -Pottags and Margaret . GUmora. , 'Her many friends will undoahta?v be interested to leant the announce ment of ths engagement' of Miss Flor- snce Bauer of New Tortt to Henry IL Mandle of that city. Mr. Mandls Is a graduate of Columbia university, be ing one of the class of 1914. As a chemical 'engineers. he' Is representing one of ths largest plants la tho United states turning out dyes and chemicals wessary for ammunition. Miss Bauer formerly resided in -Portland with bar parents, Mr. and . Mrs. Fred Bauer. Mr. Bauer being' appointed New Tor resident buyer for-ths coast stores of the Eastern Outfitting company, caused them to remove . to that city. Miss Bauer is a charming and DODUlar frtrl and has ths -wsU wishes of a host of irienoa - s e A wedding of much Interest both to roruana: ana rondleton people was that of Miss Mildred Allen and Harry M. KrebS. Which. took ttUra Wulnoit. evening. November IL Rev. John H. Boyd read tho ceremony, at tho First Presbyterian - church In tho nrHttv. of a few of .tho relatives and moot in timate friends, and a banquet for 10 guests was later served at the Uuit. nomaa bote. Tho bride la tho daugh ter of O. W. Allen of Pendleton, and Mr. Krebs Is the son of Mra Maflon Wren of WaahougaL Wash. Mrs. w R. Wyrick of Portland attended her xkw. x um vrwt was aturea la a oecocmng gown or blue Georgette crepe with buck hat and wore a nm.. bouquet of pink rosebuds. Mr. and Mrs. Krebs win bo at homo to their inenos ai me Robinson hotel on their return rrom their honeymoon. tends to go to New Tork soon to see nor husband, who is enlisted with tho Unit ed States engines ra ... . Miss1" Emma Morton left Wednesday for Washington. D. C to accept. a gov ernment position. Miss Morton Is ths daughter- of - Mra-Serena C-- Morton, president of tho Daughters of -tho Con Mrs. Eldon J. ' Steele baa returned from a short pleasure trip to Southern California. - She visited relatives and friends la Los Angeles. Pasadena. 8an Francisco and Oakland.- s Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Hinckley. tho latur formerly Miss Rosa Powers, are up from Eugene to spend Thanks giving, and are guests - at Hotel Portland.- . s s . Mr. and Mra F. V. Sanders are re- oelvins oongratolatoins upon tho ar rival m 4mnkw 14 nt m. nitr. Mrs. Banders was. Miss Mary E. Bod- Miss Short to f CongratuUtions and flowers are be ing received by Mr. and Mra lsam v.. sonok on ths arrival of a baby boy born November 17. ; I The Portland Alumnae chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta nn nA Cross tea and sewing party Saturday at ths reeidenoe of Miss Ada Otten. 2ti East Fifteenth street north. Ths af- au- was planned as a courtesy to ths members of ths active chanter at En. sene Alpha Pst who were in tho city for xnanssgiving noudaya Tho oom mlttso in charge of the tea included Mrs. Luther Stasia Miss Ethel Clark, Miss Ada Otten and Miss Ruth Trow bridge. Dr. and Mra Marr BlsaUlon are be showered with congratulations on ths srrival of a little daughter. Mra Victor A Strom and little son of San Francisco were passengers on the Beaver Thursday. While hers she will be the house guest of Mra Sarah Moore, SOS Gantenbein avenue. . She came to attend the wedding of Miss Gladys Moore to Claude M. Vassar of Pomeroy. Wash, which will be an event of the holiday a Mra R. R. Clark (Vera Rlckard) went to Corral! la Tuesday where she will ap pear la a reading on Thanksgiving at ths Oregon Agricultural college. In com pany wiw nor mother Mrs. Clark in- e e . e . Miss Nina Dressel left Thursday for Spokane, where she will visit friends and later will go to Wallace, Idaho, to pass ths holidays with Mies Helen Gardner. . . ' s s Mra Charles A. Murray, wife of tho attorney for. tho Northern Pacific rail way. Is here for a fsw days, and la rag Is tared at Hotel Portland. . s Mr. and. Mra J. 3. CNeill are hers from Eureka for a visit with their son who Is 'attached to -the aviation corps now stationed at Vancouver. " G. Herbert Pslla. well known writer and composer of several popular songs. Is hero from Los Angeles, and Is a guest at Hotel Portland. Mr. .and Mra " Joan Logan left Fri day evening for Tacoma where they will visit the soldier boys at American Lake over ths week end. Mra 8. J. Ornstetn and son are here from Butte to spend Thanksgiving with a son now stationed at Vancouver barracks. AAA Miss Jennie Snedeoor of Eugene has taken apartments at Hotel Portland for tho winter. A Miss Julia Amanda Hantrom and Victor Leonard Carlson were married at ths home of the bride's aunt Mra Mary Pearson, at SwedvCla Sunday at S o'clock. Rev. A. V. Anderson, pastor of the Emmanuel Lutheran church of Portland, road, the ceremony in the pres enoe of about Tl guests. Ths brids was attended by her sister. Mrs. Charles Eastman, and the best man was Akfred E. Rivera Miss Sophls Hoooke played the wedding anarch and, -ust before the service wss read. Mra Oeorgs Alfred Cross sang "O. Perfect Love" and later "O. Promise Ma" She was accompanied by Miss Locile Helmer. The bride was beautifully gowned In white Oeorgette crepe over satin, and carried a- bouquet of Brids roses. Ths matron of honor wss attired In pink chiffon and carried pink roeebuda The house was artistically decorated with flowers snd foliage and mads an ef fective setting for the ceremonr. After the congratulations ths guests were an seated to a wedding supper. Mr. and Mra Carlson will make their borne on a wheat ranch at lone. Or, after their wedding trio. Wed Lieut. Rose This Afternoon ANOTHER war-tlms marriage result ing from a brief . romance will take place this afternoon In the Unitarian . church when Lieu tenant Franklin Orth Rose, graduate of Stanford la tho class of IS 17. weds 'Miss Aileens Marts Short of St Helens hsJL Lieutenant Rose Is a member of tho engineers company which has been In training In Vancouver Barracks - since Septembber. Each member of the company was commissioned on ao esptanco for the period of tntsnslvs training. Lieutenant Rose Is a mem ber of the Sigma Nu fraternity. " Miss Short has 1 been making bar home with hsr mother since she came from Belltngham. Wash-- to enter St Helena halt Her father. Dr. E. A. Short of Bel ling ham. will attend ths ceremony. e ' e e ' ' Visiting card a Wm. Xlumpp'ColIt loth st, near Morrison. . (Adv.) ' MANUFACTURERS IMPORTERS IvURRIERS An Unusual Sale of FURS i FINE yptir Gtft Order for Monogram and Address Stationery? Cards, etc, and Holiday Greeting Cards Should Be Placed With Us Immediately. . - At Prices That Represent Important Savings - Comlnr at this period of the seasonj this Is in ezcptiontI opportanlty for women to procure FINE FURS at a redaction which usually' takes place ' after , tho holidays. The pelts have been carefully selected, perfectly matched; the workmanship is the Yery best; the. linings, -the details leave nothlnf to be desired. . . . . . .-r Not a Sale of Furs of Doubtful Pedigree We sure offering a 20 reduction on all made-up furs To illustrate a few tarments, we are bfferin,. amo.ni. many others :!Cic Fox and Lynx Animal. Scarfs in Taupe, SUte, Black. White Natural Blue, Dyed Blue, Silver Crosa, Genuine wiavci.va uuer, sou many omer snaaes in prices ranging; froi $42.50. '. $.;n - e-rn ;: ete s. eenn Now:20;les--$34.00. $40, $52, $56, $68, $100 laupe wolf 960 carf,, Now 48; $50 Scarfa, 940 - - w . Alo "" nssortment of Scarfs, Muffs and Capelets In Hudson SeaL ' oUnsky Mole, Skunk, Otter, Mink, etc, from to to IS 00. . .. , v CONDITION OP SAT F ' Lfterty Bonds sccots4 at par tsIooi if par. cbaso is less than value of bona, cask eUforooco will bo sivesw Ji small do - - posit will hold any article until desbrod. ' nm on g ar - : . Reliable Furriers . 191 Broadway HeUitr Theatre Bids'. GO I I i i i 4 U Liberty Bends 1 r Accepted THE SMARTEST TAILORED STYLES 1e las ranaerJoa mi ss iOi the swot ss2ss)s Schweitzer & Eagin tsoitr TAILOR 99tVt WesKlesiss. isesr 1S1S !'t f I ' I I I ponrLSNo-s Lisoina LSOISS' TAILOR SufU ts Orw s WEISS 1tt W 10m. sssrVvesMsstse Send for Our "--V lUiutrated Fur Style Book Hudson Bay Fur Co. iVestlsr Fsrrler, III Brea4waj. Christmas Is Near Totill find mtnr sultabls sifts here la the artist lo hand -mads Vurnlturs and Bland Xanana. S. KUGEL & SON ltt Tsath M. : , J. K. STERN juADiEa TAiLoa . . ,. :. . . 441 A14k ftU ' , MIH9 THIS ' SPOKT COAT i5D firm THE BisT TALL'E. Buy Christmas Gifts? Made In Oregon This week given over to Oregon products many ,lovely things that are made in our state.will be dis- played. Note our window today showing the lovely knit things we purchase from the Portland Knitting .Works. Sweaters, Caps, Scarfs more beautifully woven and designed than those of Eastern make and priced just as reasonably. "Try Oregon Products First" Ulany tempting Holiday Values are now displayed throughout the r' store. - Come In and allow us to show you. $25.00 Given Away For Men Only In our-Tcnth Street Men's Clothing Window we have placed 25 $1.00 bills each one in a -different spot more orless visible. Locate a dollar bill and you can have it : Only' one to person and men only. No one in any way connected with, the store is eligible. Come in and claim your dollar when you find it ' :' . K " . ' ;T ' : : ' - ' Your Charge Account - - - Solicited' srank " sssTssTi .4BTaeTSBBBTsTs7BTBBBsTssWsTs tSUXY . Washington i Street 5 - it. is J- Jal. Utii i.a " a -4,.. ia.s. V- - M t ,is h -h! k' --' '4 & -4 1 -4 j f