THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, , PORTJLA ND, SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 2 1317. O J. aiideyillei ;at Portland playhouses 1 Stagelarid "playing in "the flame" U " -: , - wr ysM I I l;:V:.:?iV::.' . ; , - I ' ' 4 tTIPPODROMB The beadltns ttrc v XI , tiotr at the Hlppodrom for Sunday win t n ? operaUo .comedr nUd a s "KantAin Kidder.- A tb curtain rtaea f ther win t ona of tua pretUaat ttlnM that baa avar toae abown nera. It la that of a narbor and water front -wan tk "tli- sqnara Tircwr Ho -i at " tha wharf, Aa the act prograaaea there - miriMi a - danllna' r- thunderatorm witn bllndinr lUHtnina- flaahe . After tha atorm i : over duakr appear twi iitBti i" twinkle over the harbor, while ileania ' xt red and white come forttt from the lUrhthouae on . the promontory. rJt -ia aaid to be wonderfully - realistic--Kap tain Kidder -la discovered aittinr on a clam basket, an pld-tlma weather-Deaien ; aalt water sailor, now fisherman.? mend- Jng" his nets, attired in otlskina. s There i are some very Kood voicer in the crowd an also some very attractive gtrbv Fol- '' lowtaaT hlevctwltt:?-b ,;-ramae ' 9 , dreadnauaht saiUna; under the title of Mary's Day Out" - Two clever woman . are. responsible for the action to this piece and guarftntee howl with every :.t- word they -utter.5 Dan Ahearn. -The r..-. Boy From iToar Neighborhood.? protn--: lse to whistle his way backilnto the heart of . his many ' local irienaa j Ahearn's JrhisUe U s apposed to be full of harmony-and melody ana very mucn T like a flute" and violin. Fisher's Circus will toe a fine; treat for the kiddies. Jt consist of many well trained animals f l dolna all sorts of. clever , little stunts. it Eastman and Moore, a handsome youth and an i unusually i attractive girl, wiU T present a - smart singing ana tawing 7 akit entitled ."Uttle - Miss .Oypsy.- U "Songland'a . Syncopators wOl" he the t title of the offering of "Byrd arid Har- vev. two clever bajrcter dellneatora in nne' . An O. Henry drama, promises t to round out, a very well balanced bill, CTllAftFD--Tn jtaggedy Quee"ithe ohotoDlav feature on the Strand ? theatre's new 4photovnieH. program Uf ii day,-will serve to re-introauce me wu . wim Violet Mersereau to film audiences. , fc Mies Mersereau haa been In retirement f for a number of months, but is once hank amonef that Bluebirdr stars. The 'eighth transcontinental -vaudevlUe -' bill of six acta looks unusually attracUve, i, with the '. entertainment of a dtverslfled p. -character.. Colton and Darrow the trav. - . CSI7 sutr i iuDi ----- tl members of that famous Harry iauder 4;.. road show, are on thefcoast nd-wiU tl thalr Strand debut today. ."The Burtinos have a notelty wire cyclist act , 'which has been meeting with general favoV on the circuit. Shorty McCoy, au C thor of thelAlplne echo aong and a for j mer Iondon music hall v performer . as t mftmber of Honey Boy "Evana niin- U atrels, wUl be heard In. sonar and yodel- r in, v VVancla Scott and . his company ii two men and a irfrl.- are. camouflage narformers - with cards and cabinet : Vl trlrka. Takinc 12 pigeons 'out cf an 4 emptybox is one , of their mystifying ! , stunts. O'toughlin and WUHama'pre-: It sent a mlllUir "novelty act of gun-spin--L nlng, Juggling and bag-punching. Mapes . and Louise, the "Ja Duo." are a tal ented singing and talking pair. ' ' r f "The Raggedy Queen- is a photoplay : r of smiles, tears, love appeal . and ra ti matio incidents. Labor troubles -nd , f love affairs mingle -in vary epieodea of K excitement and tenderness ja t this en- - V gaging photoplay Miss Mersereau plays the role of A rough -and ready, waif . r who has been brought up carefree in t'i h aaarreasive atmosphere Of, a mining J Mmn. The labor troubles Introduce the , t love and in the end reveal to. the weal- 107 funs vnnM uw u his own cniia. " vaiNTArTESlWhlle hieh toricea vaude- i ville offers one teature and Several I acts .of inferior grade,5 Pantagesff ers tl for the week commencing wiux,ue ma? l nmnrrow an, -all-atar ' program it headed by Wlnnifred Gnralne and her : ! wonderful v dancers v In - the eensaUonal S "Back to Nature" ballet i : s -r-h ' This act had been -one -f the aeaaou's hits la the East And It will be seen here li for the first time, supported, by a pror S gram remarkable for its diversity. Miss 3t- ntiratne is a most Artistle rdancer and t, hi atrls are beauties, dancing ; such t nnmfxra as Petite? Muriel,' "On to t! Tlattbtirr" and "A Wee Bit of Scotch." The staging of the act ia wonderful and SU thAiostumes daring.'r - Tee Famous Four Casters come with 1 l their daring mid-air performance m A which they rielt life nd limb to thrill l" " their audiences. t- Paul Pedrinl and his Monks offer the fcne-a lauchinar success. "Fun on a Bat- .tleship.5 Mona. Pedrinrs monkeys are . P weU trained and the act wUl especially E anneal to the youngsters s"' - The TDoria Lester Trio In Harry TJsh- Z. er's delightful comedy, A;Breese That BleW'-wUl provide a hurricane of mirth ? 'while Harry Jolson;, brother ot Al Jol LJ mn. the musical comedy star, offers his t- new blackface, production, "Around the TVorld in 15 Minutes. ' The Strand Trio has atw songs, new ' 5 dances and, new patter that please and . tha thirteenth episode of - the Pathe serial.. "The Fatal Bing" is thHUlng. v The Rlgotetto Brothers will .close their engagement with - the i continuous per- a t onnance toaay irom s to 11 o cioca. HEILIO Richard Walton TuUye . latest aiirrn "Th Flame. will be the attracUon at the Heillg theatre. Broadway at- Taylor, for three nights beginning with a special price matinee Saturday. . Mr. Tully has always been an elaborate producer, aa witness "The Bird of Paradise,. "Omar- the .Tent maker. and "The - Masquerader," In which Guy Bates Poet is now starring in New: York. In -The Flame" it ia said that he has staged a drama which compares 1n Its embellishment with such pieces aa "Ben Hut and The Garden of Allah." , There are -some 40 players In the company, euid a special train is required to transport the company about the eountry. " The scenes ot . "The Flame are laid in Latin America, and . opportunity la thus girea 'or a aeries of stage pictures of striking . novelty' and sumptuous beauty. . Needless ; to say lavish .scenic adornments nave beetf provided, with a prodigality customary. In f Mr., . TuUya prOductlona ' . : m - ' . - The story,- of ' the ' play" concerns' the fort unae of la young American couple who go Into' the Southern land to make their - fortune. They are overwhelmed by the chaos of revolution which besets the land, and their material dreams are destroyed one by - one.' But the .flame of - their love grows ever . brighter and in the and they win the reward, which ia the greatest treasure - of eartha baby in the house. '"The Flame" Is es sentially 'a: drama of love and mother hood, and ; Inspiring. - There are -thrills aplenty In the piece, too, and the scene in the last aurt wherein the revolution ists . corral the . Americana, threatening death and worse to .them all. la well cal culated to. stir the blood of every Ameri can. .Mr. .Tully has had, special -music composed to. follow the story, and it makee a weird and haunting' undertone to the i s tor jr. c Ur. Tally, baa . engaged Martha - McGraw. . June " Hawthorne, Jamea JSeeley,. Godfrey Matthews, . Louia Ancker, Henry Sherwood. Byron If. us ee! 1, . Will TV - Chatterton. -George Le Sotr. William O'Day. Vira RiaU Anice Ives. I J. D. WaUh. and others. ; AKERAJust. a-Woman."'" ir. fcugene Robinson Cnispe Jr.; Uompletes Long lour Tha Wlater Oardea production. Rob lnaoa Crasoe, Jr, dosed a touring sea eon of 11 monthe at Springfield. Maaa, November IT. The members of the com pany returned to New York. At Jolaon wUl go to Aahevtlle. N. C, and the other leading players will remain In the vlcta try of New York. The new Wlater Gar den, shew. In which they-wlll appear. wUl follow "Doing Our Bit" after the bolidaya. Rehearsals will shortly begin. The new production ill probably have the title of "Slnbad the Sailor" . . TICKET OFFICE SALE OPENS TOMORROW iiJ.-;-.,iaJi! " t V y-f.. yy : K Above -Fisher's circus, pony, dog and monkey show,, Hippodrome. Below Olive Finney, prima donna r of the Lyric extravaganxa v' company. , ; opens at the Heillg this afternoon has three head liner a. ' They' are- Harriet Hem pel, who is presented by i Martin Beck- In ' "Just i Around the Corner." a comedy : written especially cfor- her by Tom Barry; Willie Weston, celebrated singer of character songs, and Williams and. Wolf us. in their comedy classic. f"HarkK Hark! Hark!" The aHded at-v traction is Winona5 Winter. The Little Cheer-vp," a musical comedy and vaude ville favorite. This is the first three- headjiner show booked over the Orpheum circuit wis season ana tne out is ex tolled generally as being one of the best thus far this season. : Remaining acta are Ralph Dunbar's "Tennessee .Ten.", in Ethiopian songs. dances . and antics, and its lass band with a dancing director. U. 8. Thomp son, known aa "Slow Kid" ; George and Dick Rath. America s athletes In study of endurance; Haael Moran. the girl with the , lariats the . Orpheum Travel Weekly In an interesting trip in foreign lands, and the Orpheum orches tra in v zO-minute concert preceding every perf ormanoe. . r . rRPHEUMA show, will bepresent- J od by the Orpheum at- the, Heillg next Wednesday night an open date permitting an -extra vaudeville perform ance. Another extra urpneum snow t alao will be presented at the Heillg next ) Tuesday morning lor the Red cross. For the morning show-the curtain will rise : at 10:45 o'clock, and the benefit wilt not Interfere- la any way with the regular matinee or night : snow Tuea - day. i The Orpheum'a new show- which Uses Card . - -. . ) Index to Pick Beauties First rGirls Picked ' lit Unique Manner for Midnight Frolic Company Is Muriel Southerni Beautiful - Los Angeles Blonde. 'I Walter, author of such' other noted successes as "The Easiest -Way,", "Tne Wolf." etc, will make Its first appear ance in , Portland when the --Alcasar Players present' It ; for the' Week open ing "upon his imagination' ta ah owing to intense raaaam in the clap lay of -human emotions, and especially in the draw tng . upon; his Imagination ia showing what extremes a woman will go In the exercise , of mother love. Walter literally "taken the lid -off in "Just a-? Woman," and . the courtroom , scene has a climax as unexpected at it la thrUUng. Perhaps he got the Idea for tha play from the well known episode lnr the life -or a famous steer Una-, for It la the atory of a ptor 'man a worker In a steel -plant who through the hem or an- ambitious ana clever wife rises to great .wealth and power.-only to feel that , his euccees has carried him above his. former helpmate. So- the riches she f onaiy hoped would bring happiness and rest only bring misery and shame a -crucible through which they; pass In the process of purifying and fitting them for :higherand better -things that fol low. -- Thus what might ' have bean tragedy finally leaves them with '.the promise, of the fulfillment of their early a reams.- Aa the wife.-Ruth Gates will bAverthe, beet, role given her since -her return.' and Edward H or ton aa the hus band will doubtless alao gtve a splendid account - of himself. Matinees today, Wednesday ana Saturday. , ; LYRIC--As ' a couple -of raw soldiers. . eornin - fmm nnwfcM - tK. . popular toarnediamr DUkm - and Frank will have abundant opportunity to put ever the laughs in their newest military Duriesque, ,The Recruits.- which opens the week at the Lyric today. It la a bombastic scream la which the heroes don their uniforms, learn the manual of arms, and at -once undertake the most dangerous, and trusted missions In the power - of the old general to give inem, ine array ia surrounded by the enemy' and plenty "'of evidence- la fur nished -to make this apparent. A cun ning female spy Inveigles - the general into, divulging all or bis secrete .which are promptly signaled to the enemy, and other things combine to make, matters as uncomfortable for the army as poe- sidm. Tne idea and situations are ex tremely ludicrous, and there la a laugh every minute. Among the late aong bits wucn will be Interpreted are "After the War Is Over," "What Kind W an American Are You?" "That's a Mother liberty ixaan." and "So This Is Dixie." all with . elaborate chorus effects in gorgeous costumes. There is a Lyric matinee every; day with.: 8unday per formances continuous all afternoon and evening-. Two extra -feature nights are ; - :: : ' . : - AM-T I? :t.r'7 "J:y ' . ' ' -Tv"r.:r-"-rTir.' ' " -'! I I ! ' '... V . v ..T . .Ill-- -..; . ' ll- - -. . ; . .W .. -. W ...-II II ' . - . Xx7m . X : - -v. - . - 7...: .-..--. -. . ' I II e 'N tm - -IK? 'y : y. - I Electrically operated, a rerr.tined brush and vacuum machine has been Invented ' for - rieawtng blackboard HEAR TKZ - - jt j -k ' TODAY 3 P. M. . , AUDITORIUM Prices.. 17c,' 2 8c, 85. 83, 11.10 . Seat Sale Today 10 A. VL . .- AsderwBB . . ' heilig NEXT NIGHTS,DEC.6-7-8 SPECIAL PRICE MATINEE SATURDAY TKj SUnn.Xove 5tory Tropical , w HurncMe Coun i RICHARD WAVTOM TUUY.' Bird V" Peatdi5e r tiryk ib fronvlKe iWaKtJ mm W ' .- ... -- r . Bfarth McGraw; one of the principals of The Flame, spex-tacnlar . I dram, by : Richard 1 Walton Tuny, which, ia its material aspecta, is y an attempt to rriticixe - the attitmler' of the United States toward ' :rl Mexico; bcfOTeyrertihlnfC' chase of , Villa. . y, . The float 6bou5!)t6ttlgj Cwl&fl A l)cvMt4Ntir'Humeawna TheduietpThru k. Jurrjlt FeVitnra A Wonderful avnevrtGrcvo CeW ViSui. eVtifJ iSd ( WMBA DAHCE: S!?fH?5 - 40- PLAYERS IN THE COMPANY V- THKTE CARSr OF 8CENE1CY AND EFI'LC'IS PVF'C Roar $1.80; Balcoay . ClUlJ 11.75c BOc.CaLSOe - , ' Ui 1 e-lllii 1 e f l, 7SC, 60. . CaL 60a Tuesday's- "Country. Store,,' and . Fri day's , chorus girl- contest.- v - ... - ---, . ' With a large -company or excellent New York principals and a chorus that outshines any other coming this season for good 'looks, costumes and ability. Anna Held comes to the HeiHg Decem ber IS for a three-day engagement. Her Broadway musical success. "Fol-1 low, Me." la Said to be-one of the' most pretentious musical comedy ' attractiona sent out of New York . this season. .In cidentally, she la the producer and sole owner of "Follow Me. And etlll more Miss Held Is a scenery and costume designer, for., let It be known, from the ideas alone ef the fair Anna every one of the. three scenes of her production was designed and every costume and gown created. ; - , . -.w. . ' FbUowing- "Just V Voman ' at the Baker : la the - Initial locar.. product! on of Owen, 'fa vis -Sinners." whih opens next . Sunday, In rsinners the .author has departed-"from the usual Conception: of the. girl gone wrong, and made . her not only A really likeable sort Of per son "but has-even given her some of the privileges' of r the opposite . sex in the matter of reforming and even .regain ing -a place In the respectable scheme of living- In .all. this, he has not lost sight of the moral leeeo nor the oppor tunity to play-on the heart strings. -He has handled a delicate subject in a daring - manner without offense and with aa evident purpose. In view. ' - MiaeiifMeaf'ge'anBTaaBTMBBeasiiiMr'aeMa Maud Fealy to Try ;v " ;"l An.O.:HeniBqle Maud Fealy ia returning ' to - vaude ville In a dramatic version of O. Henry's "The Oift of the Magi." Her last appear- anoa in -tha two-a-day was on the Or pheum circuit season before' last. In a Hugh Herbert sketch, . Wben . the Tide Turned. - - , .. Molly Pearson to I Be Seen in Movies eBBrBSMSSBifaeBSss 'Molly Pearson, the delightful Sootch heroine of Bunty Pulls the Strings." is to make her screen debut with r Johnston Forbes-Robertson. In "Thev- Passtnc of the Third Floor Back." Miss Pearson haa Just started her first film work, playing the - role ot the elavey. Stasia, which she created la the original New York production of The Passing of Jhe Third Floor Back." wben It-was presented at Maxlaer Elliott's - theatre, October 4, ..'."' 5 .. . Pa,uliheFredefick, :: ; To Star in 'Jealousy' A' complete departure from her . usual style of photoplay will be found In the forthcoming production of "JeaiotJay, a new allegorical drama written by Oeorge V. Hobart, author of "Experience" and other notable euccsaeea of the stage. In which Pauline Frederick will have the title role. - No production of - rec months, tt Is said, off ers greater oppor tunity, not alone for exceptionally dra matla action, but for striking settings, startling photographic effects and elab orate proa action. p- COMING t& HEILIG TOEATRE- fl ANNAHELD II HI 14 Alt HEK BIO COIIPA5Y C; 1LlVe 15 " THE TfTOSDESFCL MCSICATU COMEDY . ?AV?It ' FOLLOW. MEir S . WATCH BAILY PAfEES FOB PEICEE -y j Mr. Martin Beck , WPresents er Harriet Rempel In 4ast Arewad ae Ceraer" a. Comedy by Tom Barry Willie Weston ; America's Foremost Blager ef CHARACTER ao.i Elsie Janes to Star In London Company Klsie Jan la, who is appearing for brief engagement la vaudeville, haa closed, by cable, a contract with Albert de Courvtlle, the English producer, by which she Is to star In London la a play by Haddon Chambers. Williams Wolf us. la Their : , ' Comedy Classic HAJtKJ HARK! ' HARK! 3nniii!iuiuiiiHiiiinniuiinuiiniiiuis tm 'e ' I a 13 t m m :i STJUniAY, W05TBAY 5 TUESDAY . WED3TE8BAY 3 KAPTAtN KIDDER A CO. An Operatic5 Cemedy. wV m FISHER'S CIRCUS Treat tor the Kiddles. a EASTMAN & MOORE "Little Mlis Gypsy."-' FRANCIS CONLON - f PKESEXTS . ' ; "Mary's JDay OaU" DAN AHEARN Whlstliar Cenediaa. y. - BYRD & HARVEY ; Sosgiasd's Syaeopatert ,. i I O'HENRY DRAMA cosxixrors show sukdays I - ' . I TO 11 P. M. v.:'.imiinmimunnmnnmnniinii::w Hearst-Pathe News OREGON JOURNAL News- pictures - of northwest and national events will appear each week, at leading theatres throuvh- . out ; the : northwest, ' Including" I Uajeatio of Portland. Beware' the Idea of March t Florens Zierfeld Jr.' has upset all stage tradi tions and now picks new additions t his 80 "beauties of the ' 1 "Midnight Frolic", from a card index! Somewhere sequestered iu therarehives of the es tablishment Is a card -index of beau ties.- There are only 200 Cf -them. They represent a. line .drawn from Portland. Me., to Portland, Or, and all intermediary stops. You aee,f Mr. Ziegf eld . haa the reputation of paying the highest stage prices for., beauty, and when "young women 'think they have . beauty, having heard that, the "Midnight Frolic" Is a nation! .insti tution to which' all states, counties, ages and sexes flock when they ; get ths chance; they ; write t td him -rand say. 11'xn -: the , hest ever Jin. all that's worth- whileT In female loveliness.- n on the roof and elevate the. stage.: whereupon word is written for plans and specification and. - having re ceived they are put on. a card index'. Then. when ' new beauties for the ""Frollc't are wanted,-the card i- dex is resorted to and wires are sent to points far and neaf The faculty of" looking at ' a ' woman and deciding in one : look what costume she sha.1 wear is where the card index "comes n. ; . Fakes Oaanot Vaas aKuster t : ' ai a matter or , ract v a . manager aoeanc nave io ;iook at the flesh as such. He Just looks at the card Index, waving , aone so. ne mows .what cos turns to ; fit to - the particular , ca -d. Wires for-It to report and orders ths coatuma-.-vv.,:.'t..:.-.;.w.-v..-.. -j. ne uemana xor a cnance to appear In th ; beauty line - at the "Midnight Frolic, is aa great ai the demand for seats.y A 5 girl in this show must lit erally dance and aing in the-lap of tie auaience. , . . ' No fake or piaster beauty can pass for'coinof the realm. - You must stand and dip and bend strictly on form. It yo .haven'tthe 'ooks.., don't wrie. There are no footlights, everything is slose up; make up shows,- and It" ian t a make up show.- It's th real thing. An engagement to amuse .those wh gather, nightly from all rllmea and trom all countries on, the Frolic Root carries with it the prestige of an en gagement at .the Metropolitan Opera house.'.- - - -. ' .-. . . -v - -.-- . -. "sHaa onthara Xs Tint ' -That this innovation Is a -success haa been proven. - The first girl picked in this manner Is Muriel Southern, who cornea from Los Angeles, Oal. Some months ago Miss Southern made application by letter for a position In the Midnight ; Frolic An application blank was forwarded to her with In structions to fill in the same and' re turn together witn a. photograph, . . Now this application blank not only called lor the coloring-of hair, eves and complexion, but all the measure ments of the body and a description of same. 5MIs Southern's application Dianx and picture were, received and filed away with others And when a vacancy occurred the card Index sys tem was consulted and her photograph Ming- most - strtklnc and her general descriptions and measurements ''being up to the 'requirements. a railroad ticket from Los Angeles to New; York was forwarded to her.- Tea day later a . new beauty became a member cf the Ziegf eld "Midnight FrolM . oata- paay. .---- - . - ; Miss Southern's Index card tells the following tale: . '.-,.-- Age,-II; complexion, fair; eyes. blue-. teeth, . perfect; . hair, brown (reaching to waist); height S feeet; weight, 11 pounds;, bnst, . H Inches;' waist. 31 inches; hlpa. SS Inches; .thigh. SI inches; calf, -II - inches; ankles. 74 inches; foot, SVs AA; hand, (ft; neca. iz inches; wrist. -'inches; bow legged. no; knockOcneed. bo; pigeon toed. no. - . . - , , .. ... THE THEATRE POPULAR III 15c CHILDREN 5c BEGINNING TODAY RALPH DIHHAR1 TEXXEIIEE TEN" In ICthloplaa aong a. daaeee sad antics, introducing their famoaa Jass Band with Its dancing director, V. B. Thompson Slew Kid) - - BCORGT8 A WD PICK RATH. America's athletes In a stsdy ef endurance ' : HAIKL MORAW. the Olrl and the Lariats . -ORFHEtTM TRAVEL WEEKLT .OHPHECM COWCgRT OWCHK1TRA ' - ". J- The Little vi Cheer Up A musical comedy and vaudeville favorite introducing her y.." - latest aong; successes.- I' Vinona Winter RED CROSS BENEFIT SHOW ZrZ'ZMZ?Z En lira Orpheum BUI and Mrs. Rom Coorota Reed, PortlAad's' -I'-' ; Beloved . Contralto. '. y ... Lawcr Flawr and First Flvg Rowg in Bakonj $1; Bcrnsiadcr of ALL RECEIPTS GO TO AMERICAN RED CROSS THE: MOST SENSATIONAL PHOTOPLAY- OF THE SEASON ' - - a BASED ON A T H E M E OF PRE-NATAL.. V INfLUENCE EVERYBODY - SHOULD SEE IT . y 'SEE .- "'.-y: vTHE BIGGEST AND MOST - REAUSTIC COURTROOM SCfiNE - , EVER STAGED. , y - , THE LIFE IN THE UNDERWORLD ' OF A METROPOLITAN CITY, ETC'-.u ;t HATE TEARS APART PARENT AND CHILD -HUSBAND AND W I T E MAN AND MAID" PATRIOT AND COUNTRY. i An f automatic brake haa been In vented to prevent riding plows running forward Into horses when their shares I are lifted from th gtnnd or when they I are being moved from field to field. V COMING v - big bill russell in -" in. . -SNAP JUDGMENT ALSOs - ; .' CHARLIE CHAPLIN - .y- - -' in ' . - BY THE SEA OF COURSE IPS A SCREAM rK rl mm Ponland's Onljr EXCLUSIVE. Homo of Spoken Drama v ; y . . Milton W. Seaman, Mana ger 4, z - - - AAA A - " . THE-. ''X&Xr''-Vflt betihninr; Sunday yyy;:wMM By Eugene Walter, author of TTieWolf," TThe Easiest -3 y Way," "Paid in Full," etc. . f - - -y ; ' A gripping;- emotional "drama of today. ' Evening: . 25c, SOc, 75c. - MaU.t 25c, 50c - N EXT WEE1I "S I N U ERSr