- . ' EIGHTEEN PAGES automorilks; roaikj, , t ; ; fraternal, schools SECTION THREE iZ-- rnOTOPIAYS, dramatic ; music; society, clubs i t PORTLAND, '"OREGON, N SUNDAY; ; MORNING, DECEMBER 2,, 1917. iSl I; - ' 7 - ' " . I DEPOSIT YOUR LIBERTY BOND WITH OUR CREDIT OFFICE SEVENTH FLOORBUY TO ITS FULL AMOUNTNO TIME LIMIT. I Have your Christmas' Photograph anH Printi hand colored now. Our MUs Mvra Helm U the ' most expert oil colorist on the Pacific ' Coast ;i ;; Go to the ALLIED RED CROSS BAZAAR December 5, 6 7, &-at The Auditorium. Inter ltin ttlion! at Booths of Every NaUoiL ; jti-. . 36 HAVE ENL TED Sixteen Thousand dollars Have Been Subscribed for liberty ; Bonds by Bureau Members. WORKING FOR RED CROSS .Time Put In When Off Duty Earning;. Funds, for Contribu- . tidii.to Various War Activities - Tnrt!ni'a flra bureau Is mow than 4olngr tta it Jn the present war. It haa contributed men, nionejr and Christmas presents and subawibed to Uberty bonds and the Reditaroaa.Its members are actusVllr dotns outside work i to jet monev to turn, ever. to. the cause, .Because of the efforts of. the flepart ment, B. F.' Dowell, chief engineer, Is the nroudest man in the city.-r He knews to the penny -what the men are doing; mid is encouraging, them m every possi ble war to continue their efforts. . An example of the spirit In the fire department Is the way the boys In fire enirtne. company No. S are getting money to turn over to the Red Cross and purr chase presents for the soldiers at the front. , . ' . ' . Purlng Iheir leisure moments they are wrecking automobiles in a garage across 'from the fire station at Third and Oll 1 san streets. The men receive $15 for tearing down each old car. To date - they have dismantled four, .receiving $60 if or their work - Ail xne money goes ior i war -purposes and there, is no overhead 'i expense there. 1 .. ' 8 Members" Yolanteer' " The fire - bureau Vhas contributed 38 . men all volunteers and more are going "! into the , army and navy, r Ten others ; have entered other branches of the fed 1 ra! service to do their bit. . Two - men have gone .in for aviation. They are Charles Heveland, hoaeman of Knglnej . 12, now in Krance, and Jesse i Kvaris assistant engineer of Khgine 8. ; , Nine men who . have ,. joined other branches of the army are Ralph Stew ; art hoseman of. Kngine It. Wilfred Mc ' Hugh, hoseman, . Engine . 15 - Lloyd Prideax, truckman, Truck. 1 ; W,, CL Bates, hoseman, Engine 5 : E. 'E. Dan- ills, hoaeman. Engine v 10 ; Oscar Jem- , tegardt. - hoaeman. Engine 28; B. I. ' Boatrtght hoseman,- Engine ; William ., O el van,' hoseman. Engine If H. D. But field. Jhoeeman, Engine 1L - 1 t. Blue Jay. Llnter,, hoseman of Engine 1 ; Lieutenant J. CahUl of Engine 28, J, R. Giltner,. Engine Jtl and Julius Hel berg, "hoaeman Engine 3, have enlisted in the medical corps. '. W. T. Murphy, Jvoeeman Engine Zi, is In the cavalry; W. J. Costello, hoseman. Engine 1, is is the quartermaster's corps and Walter Jt Bray of Fireboat No. 2, is a musician In the Coast -artillery, v , ? . , . Eighteen of the ' boys heard Uncle Sam call them to the sea and they en . listed in the navy. They are Thomas Stohlman, hoseman. Engine 10; O,' J. Enouf. hoseman, - Engine 10; Q. Kauff- man, hoseman. Engine 15; I. IL Gross cup and E. B. French. Jiosemen, Engine 1; Or A, .Osier and Joint Bush, hoseman of Engine I ; E. ConvilL sub.. Engine - SO ; R. F. TUlman. hoaeman. Engine It t ueorge Merrlwell, Doseman, Engine j P. J. Bird, hoseman. Engine IS : John ., Rets,- lieutenants Engine 11 ; A. C. Frel- r belt, hoaeman. Engine 25 ; W. A. Grtn .. Tell, , hoseman, . Engine - 21 ;-. William Oeors, hoseman ; Fireboat ' No. 1 ; Jack Aiattes, hoseman' Fireboat No. S ; F. A, Arndt,' hoseman, Engine 23 and F. iW. -Short, relief engineer. ,. - - , lavests $l,0t ia Boads ' ;.E A. Miller, lieutenant of Engine' 28, : -is now a lieutenant in the army. J. R. Sherwood' ahd R, C. Brautlacht, other . members of the -department, are work ing m tne Bremerton navy yard.' c. W. ... Oberg,. hoseman of Engine 1 3, . joined the navy but was ' discharged on , ac- '.' count of sickness. . f: .... : 1. When the call was- made for Liberty bond subscriptions the men came to the front with t will ingnesa which caused surprise, v They, purchased 118,000 in bonds during , the closing days of the campaign. - . , - ( . i Then a demand came for contribu tions to the Red Cross. The boys .did! m. ncsuaie. incy aug up 1147 In cash : and .several hundred dollars in - pres - ent. , Later came the call for Christmas i ; presents and the men were right on the job. . Individually and collectively . the . men; made up several hundred packages. . ; ' 1 - .. ,. :..:-.. Council May Give : Wiegahd New Off ice s. Caief . Clerk of Bepartmeat of Pablle . U till tie Lose! Potltioa- andHay Be Made City Storekeeper. - Charles . F. Wiegand. chief clerk of the department of public utilities under John M. Mann, was let out Saturday -morning and now the ctty council-pro-poses to create the position of city store ; keeper to be filled-by Wiegand. Th storekeeper- would keep a check on ' all tne ckjts property., and prevent dupll-1 cation ef supplies and materials. ui Commissioner.. Mann notified Wiegand late Friday that his service would be . no longer needed. Mann says he can - get along, without- him in his depart- inent nd ivfr money by having his private secretary do .Wiegand's work. ' Mannr proposed ' this changy several weeks ago - when, he attempted i to , get the council toy increase v his private secretary's , salary,- , The council - at ; the time refused to comply i . with the .- request and provided an - appropriation . U continue " with . Wlegand'a Service. . Wiegand was - chief elerk of - the de- I partment-when Will H.Daly was com I . mlssioner; Previously he was a deputy In Jthe city auditor's office. Wiegand nasv aisa been r curator or '. the' city's ! museum for Ove '-years, -.v .-i:--M-l.;. I . ' The council Monday ,"mornIn4 iwlu I decide what to be done In Wiegand's 1 cue. - , , in 'l ime fqr.Xtnas Uifts ; isite Offered at Very Special Prices Monday NEW COTTON CHALLIE KIMONOS In such wonderful colorings and 1 fright patterns copies of : the wool -'.--kimonos Specialrat $.39. ; - Wool chauje'iomonos t in brilliant, -xayt and dark, coloringSr-r such as could come only from Japan. Special 'at $6.95., r ' ; ' CREPE DE tHINE KIMONOS Excellent quality of cVepe de chine, beautifully embroidered by hand. Co " t pen,' rose, iavender, petunia, yellow :r arid other shades. Special $1 4.45. NEW SHADED SILK KIMONOS ; OldTOsei orange, Copeh and green from the deepest shade to the most - delicafeexqtiisitely gradtrated andem o broidered: Special $ 1 6.95 arid $19.95. China Silk , Kimonos In- regulation . style. Pretty designs and colorings. ? 1 , l, . Special $9.95. COTTON CREPE i - KIMONOS ; ' Lavender; pink, yel- low, bIuer.Copen and rose, -all prettily erri- ' broidered. : , : ' Special $2.95. . . , Fourth, Floor, Upm in,. Wolfe. '& Ck All TOP COATS -.v.- p tn thm.-: , :; ' ' f Cfus torn Tailoring , Departrheiity J AT HALF -r-Handsome model coats just one of a land. v.;-.. t Regularly $6575 to $TS0 AT. HALF- PRICE rNo Phonm Order No Coatt'on Approval, Seventh Floor, Upmtn, Wolfe ot Co. YdrH .Wide SIEKS Fancy " Special ai ' . ' $1 .9 : Yd. New plaids,. new stripes and the very best colors the smartest of the season at very little more than to day's wholesale price 1 An excellent special at $1,391 - Second Floor, Upmsn, Wolfe & Co. e of ' Dainty, reoe de Gh me 3C PractiGal Underwear Thm Newest,-and Damtie$t " Boudoir Cape ; .r ' 59c--98c-fl5, to $4.50 And What Gift Could Be More Practical i ENVELOPE CHEMISE $1.08 . - You couldn't bay your own Crepe de Chine and ' make these dainty farments for such 'a small price! ' There are a number of styles some have armhotes, , others straps and many have dainty yokes of lac All varedalntlly lace edged.. In flesh color. ;t . - . - CREPE DE CHINE GOWNS $4.95 : . Dainty new (owns In flesh colored Crepe de Chine.' In tailored style with hemstitched yokes lrj Empire effect Some with yokes of Wet Jace, ribbon trimmed. CREPE DE CHINE GOWNS $5.05 : Such dainty, attractWe styles plain Vatlored shirred -'and hemstitched, many in Empire style. Practical,': dainty gifts that will be most welcome, ; , CREPE DE CHINE BLOOMERS $2.49 White and flesh colored, reinforced at waist and knee. . - - ..'.'- ' ' ' Fourth Floor, Upraan, Wolfe & Co. HAT SH APES-Monday $ 1 .95 s One large group of smart hat shapes reduced r i . " " . - ' l : tor- quick aisposai i ad assortment 01 coztcci, desirable shapes all of which have been selling for considerably more. Just a.few of each. kind. TRIMMED HATS SPlIAL ; $35 A remarkable opportunity to buy smart hats tailored, semi-dress and the new soft effects at this Jaw price T Large, small and medium shapes , in black and colors. ' Third Floor, Upman, Wolfe tt Ca -A. MEN t - Better Look Into This Saleof 800 Beacon Blanket Bath Robes and 200 Other Robes N'sw cslorlnr and patterns nw In dian 3MrnA Ideal Sifts to officers and boys tn train tne ram pa and lor t ainar ai hotaa. - . LOT Blanket MotvM la sntlltarr eilUr irl in rood variety of colors ana patterns. .; tKUl IS.4S. ; LOT.'t . ":::".'. V Beacon Tlobei In . rkc eolocings - Indian patterns: i cerd trimmed. An atsea. . Asocial IMS. - .ot a nieh Beaean . Robe, with mill. Urr collars t r tm m a ' ItB ; cord and taeaeL ftseclal IMS. U1T - M a v jr welrtt ' Beacon Robes. '. trimmed with 11k braid. . , asocial SaJSj. lot a - ' " II e a v r B eaeoo . Robes. In exctu- - sire sty lea. I ' dun pattema. Hlal Ce. 3 Roiina'&iuows Special v Beautiful 4ready-to-use,, pillows in the -popular round I shape. ; Prettily ' covered, with center pane) in contrast . ing- colored ' cretonne. : The outside is fdrmed by two wide rows of shirring in lovely, brocades and repps. . ; 'Z . i , . COMBINATIONS of BROWN, ' . . rose, blue,' tan - and ; gold filled with floss ' pillows: ; . . y-Flfth Floor, Llpman, Wolfe.'fir Co. f ; ,Soldii. Admitted to Bar ; Salem. ; Or Dec- 1. Linn : W. Nes- mlth, who. recently enlisted to "military service, -ft an Admitted to the bar. under suspension of the rules Wednesday by the supreme court. He had f inlahed fels 5 The greatest achievement of Our House furnishing Section Was attained when we se cured the agency - for the MAYTAG e a i W i ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES ;fe We are privileged to offer these most ' extraordinary terms for the wonderful May;tag Electric,Washing Machine to the i - - ; first fif ty. customers - ! - ; $1.00 Down and $ 1 .00 a Week This Electric Washing Machine will be delivered to your home upon the tirst payment A practical demonstration of your .first washing will be fur nished by an expert trom the factory. ; I -.4 After theirst 60 customers purchase: these famous Washing Machines, our terms will be $5.00 down and $5.00 a month.';-:.ti-' l ' k' One, woman . writes, "I'd rather sell my piano than my Maytag.V r 1 " The Maytag makes wasnfday play-day. It -lightens your. laundry labors!.' Wash-dav worries cease. . ? yf J iX sji w ? --."i. v - . .v.'--rl Let the 'Mqagfaoiim I - ouo man yvoua xkd jcl " Merchandise oCcJ Merit Only" .V -, Practical Xmas Gift? . OF SILVER PLATE At Special Prices' 250 pieces of Silver' Plated Ware in -Apollo, Knicker- -bocker and Middletown designs. ALL ARE USEFUL ESSENTIAL EVERYDAYT ARTICLES artistic in de sign and Shape with our guarantee as to quality. - i PIERCED FRUIT BASKETS, BREAD TRAYS. : BON BON DISHES. OVAL FRUIT BASKETS, V-FLOWER BASKETS, CAKE BASKETS AND : . CASSEROLES AND SETS. . ... - $1.65; $1.85 $2,95 $3.95 $5.50. i.. . Sixth Floor, Llpman, Wolfe & Co. Could You Give Anything More Acceptable This Year . For Choice Photograph Than " Pretty Frames, Sale of 1000 . Handsome Stand Picture , FRAMES 69c-.98cT-$1-484U98 ' For a soldier'a.or sailor's picture for the baby picture or a good friend ; u hat gift could be more practical? " . . . '; r.-.v ;. .-. --' ;- In. this sale practically every style and stxe to be found In stsnd frames Is represented. Antique cold, old blue and cold, silver and old blue and trey-fold. Some hire carved feet. soBd base and others swing. No extra charge for. flttlnf pictures.' Frame 1s complete-. with (lass and back. Sixth Floor, Upman, Wolfe & Co. t y: 'y - Special Prices On . FrencK IVORY for Xmai DU BARRY SETS with one ini tial engraved free. Hair brush, .'" mirror, comb; powder box,' hair; r receiver, '. hook,-, file, cuticle ; knife and buffer $19.499 TOILET SET Hair brash, mlr ; ror. .with Jong, handle. Comb . I engraved . ' with one initial- HAIR BRUSHES I n several , popular stylea and shapes. Spe cial at $1.49 and $2.49; ;V-4bmJTARY BRUSHES-Un-fiat or -5 c6ncave styles. Pair $400, ' -OMEN'S COMBS . Coarse," or : . mixed teeth 25c I " ;; oval sprung MIRRORS Large V. Jlass $4.49., PICTURE FRAMES Square or oval styles--30a J ' ; double sets 69c . - - , . TRATS n fancy shapes for ; 'vr manicure pieces 23c r ,: iKANICURE SCISSORS With ' white enamel handles 89c i -Powder boxes d hair RECEIVERS JEWEL BOXES. PICTURE FRAMES And many ; other articles at $1j00. s ' ' ' -CHILDREN'S ; MANICURE PIECES 3 for 65c ..--'.'. Mala.Floo". -v Llpman, ."Wolfe & Co. Have your eye examined here by Dr. Dallas, graduate optome trist. He will prescribe glasses only if required. Expert workman ship at moderate prices. Lenses replaced from broken pieces. " , ' ? -. " Mesas pine PTeor. MONDAY ONLY 1 Wi omens Glove Sillc Envelope; White and flesh colored envelope chemise, reinforced under the arms. All sizes... De lightfully practical for gifts! Very special Monday only 1 1.6$. No phone or mail orders, v Main Floor, Upman, Wolfe & Co. Milady Dalntv Sham Boo ing, Manicuring and Hair Dress ing quickly, expertly and satis factorily " done. .. ' Appointments made ty telephone if desired. Xtuanlne Floor. Holjt3ay We have 'them , now and. . . watches, are '- hard . to obtain, ::Dd not delay. -. v - ; ' CHILD RENTS WRIST WATCHES'" , Elgin movement with seven Jewels; In nickel casa . with leather strap' . SllJOO. .-1 v ;; AJIIERICAN BRACELET WATCH With gold filled case $14jOQ to t22JS0.3 - - - ; . .'h'".-. -'-, AMERICAN BRACELET WATCIES Tie very small size with 14 kzrit" gold cases S420.' U - I ELGIN UOJTART WRIST WATC3TTS . f ;'' A limited number with radlollte f dials 14J00. V Main Floor, Upmin,-,Wo!fe & Co. c f i c la. course some time ago. " --.;..,.;."..,- ; , . " : - ' ' ' ; , " ..... . - . . .