i . .. ' r N , . THE. OREGON ; SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 2, 1917. 13 NORTHWEST IS 1OSING ITS i -: uawaw ' ' . II SHh- h H t e - BBBmBSB BBaBBBB S SUPPLY CEREAL TRADE KOV GENERALLY HIGHER r - - :- - . 0tm Etpeclall Are Keenly Sought ; AVltH Only Limited Unsold Stocks " In.' Pacific -Northwest ?ParmV nsndMillstaff VerjrFlrnu Sharp ndvwiee fat ths prk cfd.ta Q -fcifesl traris dnrinr the week attracted istus at tention trota tli tradelor the reason that laost envthtn evneeted. these dan; - " - " n.t iirl annacaJlv were firmer and higher. "With practically oruy a nominal supply suu um unsold fat Itrom' hand at Pacific Northwest ' points; and with the bulk eft current' requre vnenta bainr taken can : of by cantera .tuff, tha market here i regulated entirely by wba the astern eat cost to land bare. - ; " , -. Barley .market- reflected strength during (he week, bat ther waa Httl activity noted. Soma ftsHfomia end 'Australian stock waa reported In during the week, bnt the high -price baa curtailed the consumptive demand somewuat. ., . Mil In tuffs aontinne in a . Terr - fins Doeitiotv. Ko burin ate we accepted by local miller during tha- week, because they haw a Wg pile of old anion etiU niifUled. Soma of the leading assrted during the week that they did not expert to aeoeptjnew business for at least, two mora week. -Miller ere atiU quoting forme price on a nominal basis- bnt boron jrho need immediate . delivery are- compelled to make their purchases from brokerage - interest, wno ' are- cnerging nremfame at 13 to 14 a ton for their supplies. Hay .trade .continued yry firm during the -. week, according to Harry Spurlock of Everding , as FarrelL - The demand for timothy i eo wrong - that a further advance ws forced in the buying price of Willamette alley offering. Aa Eastern Oregon (took is practically unobtainable, and aa tSa valley quality b excellent, tha trade'a wants - are beinc filled br the latter. - By market U firmer and- higher. Daring the week g small supply earn from Utah to a local .. :-. WHIAT Jfew crop. bluestem. 2.05; fortyy fold. 3.0: club, Kun, l.f. tme- weiter traek basis. ' FLOUH SeUing nrieai Patent. 110.00: W1V lametU valley. 18.80: local straight. l9.2f4 S.BO: bakert loeaL 19.80 A 10.00: Uontana : Spring, tl 0.80 911.00; exports. $7.80; whole wheat, $10.40; graham. 10.20; rya floor. lift K k. 1 - HAT BnTiiur m. bw rroo. Willamefte timothy,' fancy.. $27.00 per ton; Eastern Ore con-W'ashlrrton fancy timothy. . 129.00 & 30.00 alfalfa. 2.0Q - ralley vetch. ( ) I cheat. , ) ; elorer, f 84.00 per ton; grain, 2400 0 2S.00 nrr ton. - GRAIN BAf',K8 Nominal. Ko. 1 caHtttU, West Losing an Opportunity To Increase Sheep Flocks East and Middle West Are AUto to Chinee in SitTjtkm Blatton vnd "Wool of :the; Future to Come From Small Farms Rang Supply Is - Fast Depleted. - - . Bj Hjman H. Cohen Tber never waa g, batter opportunity for tb making of money is tha sheep industry than at thie .time, and conditions are likely to eootiaue eery favorable for a number of yeara, at least. Oregon and. Vi ashin (ton bare many tnoaaandi of aaree of logged ef land which are snitabl for aheep prodoetion. bwt no apeeial effort 1 being mad to ntlllx this land., which 1 now practically waata, ; :.y The old day of tba ones, nag for sheepmen is a condition of tba past, never to return. Many sheepmen are n nab Is even at this lata data to understand tha change In oonditiona, bwt Isadora of tha industry have been watching tba Changs for a rtnmber of yeara.-- : :. ,-.. The big fllock of abaep formerly bald in the interior of tha Padfio Northwest are breaking up. tha land is being cut up in many instances and is being used for agricultural purposes. Sheepman f are finding It more difficult each season to secure pasturage, and gradually ; tba industry is losing ground in thie section. , .-j...-. -- - - . Small Farm th Solution " That it will he tba small farmer witlfa ooemla of doaen or so of sheep that will supply tha saut ton and wool for tha world It tba conclusion that has been reached by those closest In touch with idem developments. The sheep sopply will come just as tha eatue supply is tijlunlisfj to aguie flui tba farms and no tba rangaa. Every farm fas. tha Paeifio North wast abcsjM have abaep, not only for tha profits that wffl eeane aa a result of the sale ait matton and wool. bat ties us of other benefits (bat wUl b a rived" from the raising of mnttcav. In tba grain growing eoantri there la a epeekl need for sheep, and eoa dare why tba indostry ba received swen a srageaaent from that section, In Western Oregon, and to sections of Eastern Oregon and Washington, where tha rainfall ta fairly liberal. the wm of aheep in tha grain field win grad Bally eliminate tha weed nuisance, which la today eoating the PaeUe Northwast state many thoo sanda of dollar annually. ' v Cast to Parlne. Need r -' In tba bast and in tba middle went they are paying heed to tba change in -conditions. Train leads of sheep bar been purchased in tha Pa eifio Northwest to restock tha farms east of the Rockies, and It is stated that the work has Just been started. Tba financial interests of tha east realize that tha sheep industry la n good and are bending -every effort to lnereae tha flocka. There Is world wtd shortage of mutton and wool at this time, and tale condition cannot be remedied for many years at least, if at ail. Bo acute hag become the shortage of weal that for the first Urn the United State government allowing the us of other material aa n mixture with . wool to make clothing for tha I This hv not due to any superior auality of the mixture, for the reverse is the ease, but to fact that virgin wool for clothing la poesfbl to obtain, . . ; v . 1EED HOT FEAR BIG WHEAT OFFERINGS BY RUSSIA AFTER WAR George BiXMtnlutXl, World's Great est Grain Anthoritj', Sees No Caose for Growers Alarm. Eren If War Should End Tomorrow. r oover Says; Raise Hogs Profits Are Assured food administrator, want He has wired Northwest It He in ear lots: less amounts hichar. MIXXSTUFFs N'othln offered by VfeTl. Prices nominal: Bran, SSI. 00 82.00; shorts. IS4.0098S.00 middlings. $42.00 per ton. ROLLXU OATS Per ton, $50.00. C0Ui-:WWe. $85.00; cracked. $84.00 per ton. s ' ' . t - BOT.LED BARLET Per ton. $57 9 50.' RTE Buying price, $73.00 per ton. i aferohsjita Exchange. Ieo bids: - ' - OATS - . -Sat-, Fri. Wed. Toes. Uou. Week ' i ' . ...... ,". .' age. 1817 191$ -4 ; -1?1T . SS50 6S00 0380 5400 BSOO $$25 CtM - reed-" " S400 8T00 - Ttrswirt- $450 8800 S450 8400 -. Futures were quoted: . OATS January feed ............ BARLEY Jfovamber feed ............... annary Brewing . , . Esstarn oats and ern in bulk: ' ' - ... OATS December No. 8 white ........ : I)eoemoer clipped whlu January ,7io, p. ,. .jj, ... ,s , January capped . January Ko. S yeUo $750 January o- nuxeu . 22X ; February yellow 6800 rabruaryvmiaed ' v ....... ........ gooo iOBBIKO PaUCESt IS P OBTLa.3fD 8400 6800 6250 -8280 6280 6350 . 6400 6400 6400 6850 6600 6000 6050 8000 6100 : Herbert Hoover, mora hogs produced. Official: : ' ' "All of tha purposes mentioned are necessary, because we must have mora hog so that tha ultimata consumer shall at all time get an ado quite supply of hogs at tha lowest feasible price, price. " - . 'W sham establish rigid control of thai packer. Pair price to the farmer for hit hogs, we believe, will be brought about by the full control which tha food administration has over tha buying of ths allies, our array and navy, tha Bad Cross, ths Belgian relief, and tha neutral. The first atop a to stop tha sudden brsak la price paid for hog in tha central markets. These price must become stable, so that the farmer knows where ha stand and win feel justified in increasing tha number of bogs for nest winter. The prices, so far aa we ean affect them, win net go below a minimum oi about elo.ao per of' the packers' hundredweight for the average drove on the Chicago market. "We have had and (hall htr the advice board composed of practical hoc grower i experts. That hoard advisee that tha beat yard stick to measure tha coat of production of the hog is the coat of com. "That board further advises that the ratio of com prices to bog prices on the average over core of yeara, baa been about 12 to 1. or a Utile leas. In the past, whan tha ratio has gone lower than 12 to 1. tha atock of hog In the country naa aecreaaea.. 'When it waa higher than 19 tha hog have Increased. That board baa given Its fudgmesrt bat to bring the atock of hog back to normal under present conditions the ratio abonld be about 18. "Therefore, as to ' Ue hogs farrowed next spring, we will try ta stabilize tha prise eo that too farmer ean count on getting for each 100 pound of bog ready for tha market 18 t the average coat par bushel of com fed to the wholesale! stated: - These prices are those at which ean to retailers, except aa otherwise , , Dairy Produce BT?TTER Creamery, prints In paraffins wrappers.. trM. 48c; prims i firsts,4Sc: firsts, 44 He; cubes. 1 less; , cartons, lo ad ranee; datry, $60. - B DTTEB FAT Portland delivery baste, Ko, ' 1 - m 112a. CHEESE Belling price; Tillamook ' fresh Oregon fancy full ieream triplet. 25 25 Ho lb.; 1 euog svmenoa, 20 p 2 s 7 o i. , r w. juuo., fists, 2 So; Young America. 24. f. o. b.; onaa brick. 83a lb.; limbergar, 85o; br Swiss. Sc . , tv.r lh urecon trmieta. zsxu per to.- . EGGS Sailing price: Case count. . 680 par ::. dosea: buying price, 60 9 51a per dose! selling prioe. . candled, 84c; , aeieotod eanaiea, ee; Livk POULTRY Hens, heavy Pljmo-rth Bocks. ,20 per lb ; ordinary chickens, 18 018 rir !. atags, 12914c per lb.; small springs, 7 18c; tutkeys, 21 per lh?; -dreaaed, fanoy, r 28S800 per lb. V culU, 80e; squabs. $2.80 per doaen; geese, live, lbo; aucca, ,zw2U per lb,; pigeousai.ie jwthmm. '.;,- , i -Trash PrulU nnd Veoetables FBESK rKUITS Oranges, ts.6Vt.79 per box; banana. 606tti lemons, $8.76 9 8.25 ; ' California grapefruit. 54.00; kloruia i.75 : e-.iifl. near. 11.60 2.25 per box. BERKlEa Huckleberries, 12t 18c pee lb.; crsnbemee. local, box. 3.U54.60j eastam. at A Aa oar barrel. " APFLEii Cirimes Golden, Bellflower, Win tar Hmnaaaa. -box. 815 t 1.70: fancy Jonathans. lafts, $1.06 per box; fancy Jonathans, 188a, -V, 81.00; fancy Jonathan. 150 and 103s, $1.55; ' fancy Jonawisns, no. i.ov; iaaey- jonatjuas. 188 and 200s, $1.46; king. Fall Pippin, etc. $k.S6:eookins appMe. uer, i.ao; nnlu. lumbla oack. medium size. 31.00. ttlt JLPt-ft Msiua. 8e car lb.: Orecon Tdkav. S1.78 9 a.$ V rto; California. Xoaay. 81.&V as 3 OO. ....- ONIONS Oregon, $2.50 93.00; garlic, t SIB per lb. ' POTATOES Selling ' price: Table stock, local. $1.50 91.75. Buying price: Choice ahinnina. 11.25: sweet Potatoes. 83.00. . J. UTS Almoi-ds, IXU leas than sack, par lb., : - 94 Uevalmanda. vt. full sack lota. Dor lb. S2e: ; aimonds, N a Plus, less than sack, par lb., sic; almonds, Ne plus, JuU sack lota, per Ih 20e; Brsaila. lee than aack. per lb lbc; chestnuts. eastern, smau, ' per to,, - os, auesmu-, jap, larao, r . lb, 20; filherta. less than jack, nee Bx. a8t pecans, large, per lb., 20c; paanuta. 8wan' brand, Jap. aingla sack, per lh 18c; peanuts, "Bw4" brand, Jap, 5sack lota, par lb., r llot paanuta, best fresh ; roasted, lb.. - 16 walnuta. French, lees than sack, per lb 18Hc; - walnuta, P reach, full aack. per lb., 18c: walnuta. V Ka 1 8. Ik. leas wan sac, to., zm; walnut. Ho. r 1.' B. S.. fuu sacs. sec; wamuta. No. 1 IXasohunaa, less than sack, lkw 17 c; .wamuta. Ko. I aUBChurian, fun sacks, lb. lVse; wai. uuU, Na. 1 Budded, tun sack, lb,, sac; walnuts. : .. sjseoiam, douucu. ui . 40., esse . VJtGKTAULES Turnip. $1.85 pgr carrota, 51,8a par aaca; oeeu, bi.bo per sack; parsaipe. $1.05 per sack; caabage, local, t $2.00 awt,; green onions, 2 So doaen bunches; peppersv per: . neaa .senuca,, bjoo ' dose; elry. 85 per doaen; arUchokea, $lj00; doaea: cucumbers. $2.35 per dosea; tomatoes. California, $1.85 93.00 pea box; eggplant, loo per lb.; stria beans. 12 Vk Pr lb. ; peas, C- i - per lb.; cauliflower, Oregon, $1.60 per doaen; - MmU rut sn4 Prevuloiu DRK5SEW MEATS , BeUing price,: uountry ? killed best, hoga, , lo p lb.; ordinary 17 $ Pat lb. i-hest -real. 16 H 9 18o le; ' ordinary veal. 13)e14eper lb.; rough, heavy. i 10911 per ih.; goat. oy ao pbr lb.; lamba, 17920c par lb; mutton, 15 917 per lb. i peet, t f IV9 per id. . . SHUSwJtLi uua.iO nam, ja (184 ner I IK; breakfast bacon, 49See; piemaa, 34c perl lb.; cottage roll. 28c; short clears, , 819 $4c; Canadian Wheat Is Coming; Supply Less Than in 1916 . Sine April of this year wheat and wheat flour have been imported In greatly Increased qnantltiea front - Canada. Thl Is ; attributed principally to the fact that on April 18 Canada removed the duty on wheat imported into that country,... which action antorntfioany admitted Canadian wneaf free of duty into the United State under tha provisions of the tariff law 1 of 1913. ; Aecordine to new statistics furnished -by the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, of the department of commerce, 840,881 bushels of wheat were imported from Canada in Septem ber, of- this year, as compared with 8.268.807 bushels for the whole nine month ended with September. 1018, ror the nine months' ended wltn Bentember of this year, w imported wheat from Canada to the extant of 21.480.280 bush la. over 14.- 000,000 bushels of which came m free after April 18. ; The Import of wheat flour during 1 pine month -totaled 408.270 barrel, of which 207,606 barrels came In free of duty. For the corresponding nine months fa 1816 the total imports were 157,288 barrel and in 1815 only 00.480 barrel.. , Tbta Canadian wheat and near is being re ceived through every customs district en the northern border from the Atlantic to the Pa eifio. Bnffala leedin in Sentomber with 285.- 11 nuanei ana ei,0 rreai w iweir, lot lowed br Duhith. Minnesota, and Superior. Wie- n. wHb 228.8b traebela of - wbeat and 15.761 barrel of flour. Michigan, with 188.881 buahala: of wheat and. 1820 barrels of flour. Ohi with 114,000 bushels of wheat.' Minne sota with 12.148 buahala of wheat, and New York. Rochester, Vermont, Dakota, Montana, and Washington with varying amounta. There h also noticeable movement of Canadian flour to the wast coast. . , Corn and Oats in Bear Position; Loss Shown at Close Chicago, See, 1. (77. P.) Selling by local eomsBJssMu nouses, wgetner wltn tne drying weather, sent com dew to It under , yesterday's desiag in today abort ton. December com opened unchanged at $1.28. but dosed at $1.22 Vi. January opened H lower and closed eft at $1.18 . May opened unchanged - but closed lower at $1.17 . Belling cent cats pricea down H to H cent, - December opened unchanged at 71 but closed off. May opened g lower and closed off at 68 H. Provisions were lower despite a higher hog market, . " If pane were declared tomorrow, would ' the price of wheat drop throughout the woru aa -result r The beootne bothersome to sunny tameta. although eo far aa the ' grain grower I concerned, he I tooted by a flat price named for the ,1818 crop by the government. Bsnatea cock have always been more or leva of n buauboa among the trade, Deflnft Information . recanting these has been unavailable. . Modem Miller of Chhsage has asked George Broom hall of Inwr--poot. the moat prominent grain authority In the world, regarding this. Be write: .v.;'1 Edited by Flyman H. Cohen Session Colorless In'New York With - Week-End Quiet Extreme Wedtkness Derelopa In Few Indirklaal Cas-er. - . . oral list' DuIL Wew Terh. Trk XTening kli . TodaTa short dull to a decree sea In which r. i Sun'B -(TJ.1 T. Tuej'Xeej CAM DEf.lAHD IS QUITE GOOD-QUALITY GENERALLY: aafeu We eulto lrlsag ssl stzeept for - few tad! vidua! prices were bwt fraettimariy sower. - lntiimt aa Ike trading waa perfunctory end rsandsnre sa the aesawiaston 'hewau aa wen a en the floor ot th gtfrrrk TvktrgT Was) little Real Good Staff Enters tfee worth Portland Tarda Dorlnf the Week Price la lifted With Better Demand. Bang of Mew York prieae fumhhaS by Over. Col. 218-211 Beard ot Trad wieiiiis lldlng: a- y - DEftCKtVTlON Op) High Lew By George Broomhall - W her recently had some fresh information renee flng Kusaia' rssirtai and erepsvi - Tba Raav awn rood minister reckon that on Seplem 14 the stock of cM grain In the aoli r the eouivaleat ot 8.000,000 son tons, and I do not aappose that more than S.00O.00O. of tbi wwqla be wheat This ouanttty would be the eryaivaleM of 75.0OO.000 bushels of 60 pounds 1 aa you may. sooooee. thie la uufto a email uantlty for such n huge country a Russia. wttb regard to the crop hamotsd thie year, no ouantative estimates have yet been huued, bwt n port we received said that th erope were eerteinly amaller than those of- 1810, and Uvea gave 1460.OO0.08O bnahela of -wheat and rye tbwabam of 8 pounds). This report In the main agrees with other reeent adrstso even gov eminent repon. hUery have been mnoh lea ep- utosw regardlag the crop ertturn, although a back they resorted that tha harvest waa about an average esse. Wye Oreo I factor Taking an the eJfrumstaneen of the ease Into ration, especially th depletion M agricul tural laborers by the drain of war, I do not think we cm reckon that thl year' harvest of wheat and rye win be more than bushel of 60 pounds. As you are no doubt . aware. roughly speaking, the wheat crop of Bussia is about equal to tne rye crop, the latter, however, usually being rather the larger. 6.tnda to Chance I csa inclined to think that in time of war and social upheaval ouch as Russia ha rprleaoad thie year, there win be a tendency for cultivation on the larger sent to be reduced, whilst peas ants' oultivation anight be more regular, therefore if I wore making aa estimate of the relative Inv Miami Copper II . -I I i oiaeaa utw .. ALiie-ChaisMTB. e. .. Asa, Beet Bug,.. Asa. Can, a. . Am. Oar For., e... Am. Cotton Oil. .. an. I rnmit. .... Am. I ceo,, o..... Am.' Basel tar, . . . . Am. Sugar, o. . . 4 . . Am. TeL Tel.... Am. Woolen. . . . . Anaoooda alia, Co.. Atchison, . unii ... Baltimore A Ohio, II et hi. hem Bteei hi. Brsiklyn B. Butte A Bee Canf, Pstriilasa. 0. Pacifie.. Central leather. Chesapeake A Ohio Chicago A Ct. W- Chicago, M. A Bb PI Cbieago A N, W a. uune vopper., ... cuaraae sr. A, iOo. uaa ...... Com Preduetk, .. Crucible Sua. .. 00 pro, D. A B. O.. .... Erie. a. Ueskseal Kleetrie.. General Holm.,, Oeedrich Ot. hor On Gt. Nor. pfd Hide A Ullnoas Central. . . Industrial Alcohol. Iaepiretien Int. Mer. Marine. K. C Beuthem. k.snnecott Copper Laekawaun Steel Lehigh Valley .,. Louie. A Naab.. Maxwen Moton, e Mexican Petroleum. "x 'ih "iaVi is vi 'ii" 'it" t 28 21 Vk 68 68 68 74 7 14 ioi io7 ios" 67 66v S$ S3 $3 '$ "47" 46" 10 76 76 46 44 44 ... . . ..... isi iii" isi' '6 "47 46 7 t t . 36 36 36 ii'ti iV ii" ii 28 28 2 $$ 04 63 ..... . . . . . .... "ii '14 '14 128 1S0 126 60 00 00 '30 "ti" j$ to 00 00 port no be of wheat and Tye thl year. I should to put the rye crop at 70. 600. 006 I the wheat crop at 606.000.000 bushel. A crop of 600.000.000 bushels of wheat In Buassa is distinctly small, and it eoaa. pane with 806.000.000 buahala. which waa the size of n fuU pre-war crop. . LHUe Wheat to Boom I do not think, then, that Baesta would hav any great quantities of wheat to spare for export. If none were to com tomorrow. There m. tone which would greatly favor the export of grain from Russia, and that the rate of exchange. At present ruble is 1 worth only about 7d of our money, and this of course mccm that we could send a sum of money to Russia and fa every 7d of that sum we could obtain a Russian ruble worth, nominally, 2a. and with this money we oould probably buy wbeat on very aavamtaceoaa term and satp tt provided expert wee not prohibited. The tiou. of course. not quite so simple es it because fa 000 thing the depreciation fa ' th value of toe ruble has been brought about to n great extant by the Issue of very large note circulation, and thl increase ot paper money ha been aoeourpanied by a large appreciation of th vain of all. commodities. Therefore w might find quite poambiy that the prices ot grain would oe eo nign that they venal offset to a great e tent the dapteemtion tn the value of the ruble. of Chicago, range Press 1 v Open. High. . CORN 123 123 January . 120 120 us us ' -' OATS . Tl . 71 V . 60 60 : TOUT .4700 4762 LARD .2478 2477 .2470 2470 RIBS January. ....2545 2562 May ......2586 2540- pricea furnished by TJnBoi Clin. January January January May .. Low. 120 110 11T 00 00 122 110 117 T0 00 4000 4086 n I certainly fact that far quite n long time st suZXiliss of grain at Ruon can. tor have been eery poor, and we know, in tact. that even the army ha had to go short of np puee. Thin aoaaetty ha been, to a great cancan, due to transport difficulties, and recently there some Improvement, this resulting from of tne government to entrust cosamer with the orgsnlaation of 8 system for purchasing grain from producer and distributing to consumers, . But even making all allow ance for transport difficulties, I cannot hut think that the great eearcity of auppba which ha been experienced for quite a long time, must indicate t a plentiful. . , 2448 2426 3826 2816. 2448 242S 2828 261T C0TT03T TRADE PRICES SKAXXt ABE . IRREGTJLAJ AJtE&ICAir XITESTOCK : JBJCES " Omah Hot SIXSO ' Omaha, Deo. 1. (I. N. 8.-r-Hogs Re- eeipts. 6500. market 16o lower: tops. 517.50; rtngs. $178917-60; mixed, $17.55 917.45; good choice, tii.ts0i i.ov-, rouse. .i i. w 17.80: light, 617.40 917.46; bulk. $17,35 9 17.46; pigs. $1 $.00 9 10.00, Cuttle Becerpts, ouy, aiow. . H k08; enlc9- Hot SlY-So Chicago, Dec 1. (L M. &)' Hog-Re- eeiDts. 24.000. slow and loo lower; mixed end DUtcners, lO.ou at .ew, a ' 9 17. SO: rougn neavy, w. Si:' TiT 816.25 917.16: piga, $12.60 915.25; bulk. $16.85 911.23.; . ' v evo Cattle Kecemxa. svi . 914.75; -cowa and Jteirera, o.uoey u.iv; stock era and feeders. .woseiw.w; xexane. $6.00918.50; calves., at.woey ov.- r.w. 4H00. steady:- native and western, $8.76 9 12.00; lambs. $12.60 9 16.00. - Kansas City Moo Sv"-s Kansas City.. Dee. 1 U.;N, a)Cattl-r Beceiptt 8000, trade. . - - Korft Keceijroi zwvv,- jwe.tf. ..ivS $17.26 ; bulk. $17.00 11 .10. naavim. 917. Zf: bmusbb, tii.HeMi . No shecD. "' --.- .:, -A woaneep. It- did AS Seattle. Wash.. Dec, 1. (L K. S.T-Hog a ateadv. Prima light, 816.76 9 itU: medium to cnoice, ia.ou le.ow; smooth -heavies, $16.00 9 16.88: roogb heaviea. $15.60 916.86: aa a. 10.00; medtuin- to choice. 0OJ15 98.76; common to sseaium. .v a.v, . 87.009 B.VWS ensns w nww wmmm, ,,. 46.80: ' bulls, $6.00 9 6.60 i oalres, $6.00 10.00. - ' . - M 817.B0 . - Denver, Dec 1 ( V. P. ) Cattle Receipts nnn . iiiIt. Btesra. 6B.0091z.eo; - cows anu heifers, 36.00 9 8 .60; .." fecdcra. . HoeRecaiu TOO, lower., Top, 81T.60; bulk, OlTp. -, : Sheeu-Becetpta oivw, ateaa.i sm 911.00; lambs. $16.00 917.00. Month January February March . . April .4 May June . . . July ... August October . December Oregon exports, smoked, 84 per lb. . LAUD Settle - rendered, T tietossr-30 ' t .: standard, 80c; hud compound, 24w - OII(an-r viympm, gauoav . lWra,:44o pet-eaa $6,60 per doaen; enters, per gallon, aofid pack, 83.50. . 7 FISH -Br eased flounders, e; ailrertide sal- Plon, 20etprch,. J9 8c;4 sole, Tc; aalman trout. 16 per 10.; nauout, iio per .; black cod. Set herring,' 60 ib.; razor clams, 1 nee doaen; hard shell. 4e per lb., $2.76 per box. cxae i,iiw4.v pw- Cube, 18.75: powdered, $S.$0i $8.00; extra . C. granu- 7.1 60; Or- I freH ot sHtTTy,1 1 j a - 4V t BErt i- -j . , HOV1CT New, $4,0094 SO per case. RlCaVi-Japan tyh Ko, 1, Yc; Kcw leans head. blue rose, , SALTCoarse half grouad. 100a, $18 00 1 00a, 810.2$ balea, 12.45; fancy table and dairy, 326.76; lump lock. $20, 00, per ton. -BAJo JwominaL Smaa white, - lie: -large I wt. 14 e; pinx, lOiae; nmaa, 15ot bayou. J.UVC IW, . ... .. . 4op. Wool And Hide HOPS Nominal. 1817 crop, 28 930c per Ih. WOOL Willamette valley, coarse CotswoM. 58c par IO-S aaeaium ctBraveauw. ewe per Ctrmman. 0t65e Bar U. HIDES Salted. . 26 lb.. and up. 18c; salted etaam. 60 la, and up. goo; euitao and kin. IS lbs, to 85 lbs.. J 801 salted nnd I ralf. no to 15 lba, 26e; green hidea. 26 lb. Pt land up, 15e: green gtagv v u. and up, 12c dry tlint nioea, ewe: ury iiisi eeu. up to 1 al. lie: dry sett, hides. 36c; dry home hidea $1.50 to .: BBrteu noise suocs, ; horsehair, tail. 80c; borsebair, mane, 16c; dry long woo peiw, ww peiis. ze Mtks: saiuo sneeo petie. soae woot.' oscn. it 5i salted lamb pelta, each.. 6293; salted abort woo peits, we,; o.i oxy shaunnga,-:aacn, laeyeve; aaneu anoap -TALlS?oTl 18e; Ho, S 13... 'cHrrrin ok 'cascara fIm. ner car lota. SVe per 1 MOUAIB 1 IT . 4 &e per lb. v - lnt. Oil ROPE BisaL dark. 25e; whitoi. 22 TK stsndsrd manila. 82u . Linseed oil Raw. hN.. $1.31 Ion; ketue ooueo, oejri, ai.a; raw, eases, 81.41; noueo, cases, . es.ao per gauon; lots of 260 gauon. lea. - - CO AH uur water wrma. m snm barrels. 10 Per gallon. . J . Wliiiai I r I) i. en som, i;i per Is. s BOB am, int.. . TVnPi.ii."D lanxa, ui inn. 7e; IS ease iota, ic teas. BARK -Ruylng - Per-gal. New York. Dec 1 ft" K." .) waa mncb smaller at tne opening of tne market today, and price ohaagea war Ir regular. Th ton was steady. Th dose wag barely steady at n net decline of 8 to 16 points. Open. ,. 2850 k 2018 2820 '2002- Rigo, 2068 2625 2620. 2604 Low. 2885 2604 -2630 2877 O-eee"- --,, 2860 2$7L $$JS. 3020' 3020 a. 2888 2811 2008 3868 2687 3860 2854 2824 2708 300 POTATOES A1050 THE COAST -w- - cjaamnusnwavBSmsawgna . Son rrurtcrsce ntartat onionsPer cental, brown or yellow. $1.3$ ai aa mv m.- . j Potatoes Per cental. Delta, 21.86 9 1-Tt for fancy, with a few extra fancy arts . as high aa 12.00; do nonoma, at.BV-e, us osnns. 82.60 92,83; do Idaho Netted uema, 61.76 9 $2.00. repacked. Bweeia i u avw nana e.. lUatlla. Deo. 1. ITJ. " P.) OniosM Ca"- fornia yellow.. pound, S 93 e; TaUaaa. par Deund. 8e Potatoes Locals. , new. $82 9 40; Takima Gems, $309 40 per ton. 1. L'. S-) Potatoea. 82.109S.15t Food Fakers Work In Country,; Hoover Makes a Statement Tbi statement was made br Herbert Crated BUto food administrstof : nso have reporta front varieu part of th .try ot crooks, thieve and oonfldenee opera tor who are going from house to house purport- to no auinonaod oy tne food adntiniatration and other dapertasenta of the government to eol- cnramsnrlssr foodstuffs tor the n m niil or tne army. ; "I wiah to say emnhatioariy that no of th anl he or wiO over make ouch 1 on- hiusiholder. and that all people are petty ftanda, and ahould be held fa tne polioe. Tne government agencies are laveeti- oaring vasioua ease, and tnfermatiou I of nB uch persona by thai department.' Loo Ancelea. Kartbem Burbanka, 83.10 93.161 9 3.00. $3.20. Sweet. $2.00 rACXTIC COAST BAICK 8TATEME2TT Clearing ' Monday ..$ Tuesday ... . Wednesday . ' Thursday ...... Friday .... Saturday . . . Portland Bank s . This week. ' . 4.176.668.74 $ ,808.206.11. 3.068.161 IS ' Holiday 4.416.860.83 8.620.677.01 Tear ecu. 2.468.681.73 2.243.831.62 2.316.042.14 8.667,770.51 84.121.03 Week Clearing Balance $17.66$.433.7S ' Senle BaaU Taosmn Banks Clearing , . . .t . . ........ . . 1 3 .. SnekdM Bank Clearing ..."...'..,......., 12.720.387.03 6.018.476 00 064.064.00 " 686.161.66 - 217.444.00 San Prunohx 1.2 5T.4 11.06 263.080.00 Bank ...322.628.66600 Banks - 4.600.142.00 VAIBT PKOJJTJCE' OJf THE ."COAST Son Pranclea San Franeiaoo, Deo, 1j Extras. 41. ,r -' LL ". - Egg Extraa. Sic; extra pullets, 44a. , Chooss California Onta.. fancy. 22e; 21 net pound, : I -IU. P.) Butter Cists, " Seattle,' Dec . 1. (TJ, P.) Butter Native Washington creamery, cube, die; . do brick, 48e atorage California cube. 4e; do one, eau. r. n.l-v ranch. 68c: storms. 4 2c ' Cheese Oregon -triplets. 824 9 26c; Toung Aasenoa, 26c; black Swisv caaa, 87c; Badger brick, case. $4e; do aingla, S5r Washington triplet. 25c - - , . - Lea aaosfc ert - Lo Angalee. Dec 1. ti. H. Eggs. 68c; butter. 42c ht Ml rale Steel Mnoourl Paclfia National Lead .. Nevada CumoUdal NOJW UetVt a e N. T. Air Brake. N. T. Coataal . . N. Ta A W.. Norfolk A West, wrtbem Paclfia Paeifi Mail ... Peon. Railway . Peoples Uae , Pittsburg uoal. a. Prassiil StaeL Ray Ceoa. Capper R'y. Steal Spring steading, e ..... , R. L A B . . , . . Rock Island B.. R. A Co.. . . . Shatuck -.. Studbskor. o.... Sou thorn Paclfia B author, R'y , Team. Copper . t , Texas Oil Tobacco Products Union Pacific. , U..S. Rubber, e. TJ. S, Steel, e... Utah Copper Virginia Chemical. Wabaab rales. Tel Wrstlngbouse Willys Overland Total aalea aTorttra Bu4. XartBt r. 6 Oct. lofo.... ...... o" X. 6s Sept.. 1618 87 ST. 6 Feb.. 1013 66 K. BHs Nov., 1616 .. 61 X. S Nor, 1631. ...... 01H F. Sec So An.. 1610 1 u Pari 6 Oct., 1831. . . $$ Marseilles 6s Nov. 1616 61 Kite, 6, 1631 6 i Intl. 6 Ha. 1626 16 Dosav 5 iat, 161T 84 Dean, 6s Apr 1031 68 Dean. 6 Apr., 1681 " flu Dee, 6 Apr 1828. .. ....... Ha Argentine Msy. 1020 . Don. Can 6a, 1687 ... 61 0. 1848 04 Jap Rice Crop Is Showing Increase FVuro published by the department of MrleoV tnre and commerce tn th Imperial Japanese awe. emment official Gazette of October S. 1017. as th first official forecast of the rice crop, aire th total for thai year ae 286.888.203 bosh am, Thie axessaa east yeara crop or 3S2.sie.2ia lose by 4.668.060 bnahela. .The average annual ei at 265.121.34S buahala; Which at 81.71. 16 lea than the sari anted crop for this year. The fig ure for the average annual crop are baaed upon the statistic . for the preceding seven . year. Those of the year. of the best crop nnd of the year of the worst crop In th ported nro rejected ; end the average ot the five other years consti pate the of Octal "average annual crop." . . The lopiMta front every part of Japan nro uni formly seed, na the weather thl yea was excep tionally favorable at the critical times of aowt tranaplanung and Dowering, stthough n eon mount of n ia go must have been sanssn by th typoeon of September 30 and October 1. Uruguay Places Tax ; un Wool imports A reeent cablegram free the American oca Law of Kevembe 0 Increased export duties en tne following product to 4 per coat, assess stated vtSnation for Cecal year 1017-10. rig Raw wooL ISO pesos nor 100 kilos: washed weoL 200 peso per 100 kfloa; dry cuttle hidea. 80 peso per 104) kilo; aaltod Battle hidea, 46 peace per lOO kilos ; shserekina, 76 pesos 100 kilos; tallow. 26 pesos per 100 kilos. Pulled wool, valuation fixed later. New rata in effect since November 8. (Uruguayan peso, 31.08 kilo. 2X04 pcMndcl ... Tbo export -dotes eo the above product In fere hitherto are aa fellows: Wool of all kind. 1.86 pesos per 100 kUeej dry cdttl hidea. o. IX peso eacoj eaned cattle nMesr O.Z6 each: shsepskirsi. salted, free; sheepskin, dried. o.o peso per leO alios: tallow. 60 100 kOo. . An unverified report ha oatved stating that corahid wool hue asnptod from duty.) .. . '' Chlcnco Dulry Fred? chics r. Dec l l r a. ecipta, 6406 tubs; rreamery extra, 40H94Te oatoa nrwca, eeeveeme; urn, a Sf 4Bc; tag stoca. aseyac F.gga Reeipta, 446 eases; current ewtpu, 41v47r; ordinary fuvta. 42 9 41 firvta, 4a)4TH; extra, t 68 9 6e; See; diruea, 28.9 iOc, 144.100 21 I 84 16 16 33 33 80 6014 68 68 "B'jf ii 83 "17 'ii 27 28 ,60"" "OO' 10 10 0,0 a . 4 84 l 25 30 88 '64 '64 22 22 40 46 60 76 76 76 18 16 183 136 "iiWei" 06 81 'ii'' 141 142 62 61 118 112 . 61 62 61 63 76 16 a s Wo e o o o - e q o '. 'ii' 'ii' 10 10 ' i 33 1016 31 SO 03 30 10 21 "if 08 10 04 38 46 SB 33 40 06 76 18 W 183 44 00 wee 13 141 BOfa 81 01 16 30 13 13 TV 16 74 ' 86 66 26 26 68 16 66 106 42 6T 38 66 46 18 44 11 66 46 6 36 63 .8 64 38 64 ST S 14 10 86 88 31 00 18 10 8 110 42 24 10 31 00 68 116 88 76 36 43 28 44 47 26 o- 66 18 162 3M8 r.; 48 68 22 41 10 10 16 138 18 46 61 24 13 142 61 III.. 1 63 16 .4 3 38 16 rowTUxo irrerrocsr nrs . Hf-r. Cattle Oaa. Sheep. th age Thl week 604 6400 6114 6531 Add ao"...lll 88Z8 Four. year. ago.... 4686 1864 1662 111V 8818 1816 1416 10X6 1463 08 14) 170 1814 J846 3416 6311 3048 3011 2666 2621 Market for cattle In the North Portland Tor Uttie of th the need quality elaea. but for the th demand waa keen and value h gaoeral were woU maln- a rather good surd during the erf ertaeg earn wnntn wan toebosso steam $B.B91o.ew to urtlam till ........ 0.769 IJJ men so need steirs ........ . i seer e se eowe and killir ., Ill T.T eTaTaald Zmm and nelf era. 0 86 9 1 60 6 16 of Oe rrivtki an th aatUe trade arm the atx dava were of uoor qunnty. lug this, the 11 1 am isl from the yard was General settle market range: M, Goad C- 22Z rs... T S.64 9 Stall. 4.IIS U.1 C Calves 160 9 Btosksc and feeder atoara. . 4-OW 9 Swlno Trede Is Better To aesorsl tnaso wen n better feeling tn am, 11 a sua blartk Pwrtiand aenei To Tope Bold generally at llf .-&e Bztla eg tbm olaaa of Otuft. avail bio. Market for wtn here waa rathe active at the higher figwrea, tn th fane of niliid fc th astern sjauhet lator In th w Hkt 816.10916.28 Prime heavy 16.26916.68 Pigs .. 1A76 915.33 atuttod Trude Very Quiet Tory euiet trad was shown fc the mutton sad lamb alary at North Portland for th euro were eery ill The bask ot feriag waa not felt by the trade generally, the saand being at tow cob. Even the amel of stuff that enme forward waa net eagerly sought by killers. General sheen and lamb rang: ......81B0914 lg.oosy 1 Valley lamb 1.66 Yseruuoa 12,0Owl2 16 17,7691 Wether Itttltt MI6tl4ltt6l6l 3-38 8,06 916.66 Declining -Tendency Shown for Potato -Prices in' Country UTTER FROM FRONT : ; DELETED. BY CENSOR 3 yf; :' T 4. I I . " ' - aJ I ' - I 8 JOURNAL WORilERS - t - ' ' - - NOV IN SERVIC I :e of THE UNITED STATES Nearly Two Score Members cf The Journal Famil Have YoT- nnteered for War. Duty. ' Einer Pettersen, member ot tery D, now tn France. Bat- Klnsr PetrTi. bob T Rot. "W. X. PeUernen. 520 Procolt ntroet. nd a member of Bnttery D. lllet Field nrtfl lerr. Americnn Etpodltlonnry forcoo, bow la Frano. wrltos tonhig tAthcr as toUowas . . . "W are rMisr at anchor ta a pretty an4 qolot Uttie bar aXtor hnvtsx saaty pigana tha rab-tafaotod aa- Thl morv Ins; X went en dock at six and the) oArk. misty lino whlcli w know to bo land brotigrht Joy to tny heart.. Tota 'noo, w nro ooinewhnf foonoorod) and the trio rteok about (cenaxrrod), Uowmr, Z was not at aU sick, and tha socoad dnycmt when MTtrml mem wort) alck I Joy1n - th roll and pitch. It 06 01 00 66 r. it. 64 08 66 lit 08 08 Thp TTnftod Stan ararean of Market reporta for the mill trade of the trii WbOe the etrongly disHntug tendency of the proioua week baa not been eoetnued. the market at f. c b. ahipptng potnta baa appeared ucaetaed. the light volume of trade often giving no definite beam for quota tinea. At come potota holders were reported not ready to sell at the sower prism ruling for the past two weeks, whoa In other eatluna burets were afraid of the market and not ready to take stock eft seed, ruder ouch ?-V. : V?. .- TT ! . , ., JTv? thnt thorn wan nwakenod la mo a straaao tooeat figure iwacbed met week, but ore more I tOVO for the Opera BOA nnd th Bait WUtOT noeainel for J ok of many aotual sales at I on my IlDB. handed down trom BT Via 7T-?rJ?T?r. ,.!pimw.yrf70,T HrTT" I lnr aneedtora, I lonr for a trip on ZTZZtrT: I ri BAU.otiln. lnt aoldjers cf war are sales, although the rather mrg velum of carts I not on pie UTO DOnt- for-1 "wncn wo enxno into tho bat wo cnena many nrziail . boevta, ftohlnar craft, with nrnsul dark colored nulla, and tho At Creed TaaxaVm. hfuv rv. W ml. I "TW .w '."-l7 ptVre. eaggod pawWlr vrbeoar recover!. ouT ICOnBOTOai irom CI6 U. 8. A, TOO had approached the $3.00 gaark. with low point I oanaor la strict. In fact ko baa a crol 11.83 for Round Whiam sacked, con demssrf I nalr of sr1nr arut etaatw. ImallKla l,v . "w wi-m Yammc'- V I but WO wUl noon Man what ta urrfto Bft wtt. - . w w Ml w m U W SUV iou no many nuntaaf rjunrs as pooal Ms. Ono afternoon bofdro wo kit tho danrer Bono ws dropped back (Mrinorwdl for (oerinorod) and tho (censored) of tho Coonoorodl uritk tho (evmnorod) draft of (ccmaorod) ta (eensorod) made na wo war tho man (oo&anrod).' Potattf Cost Great For Off Season in Pacific Northwest Pactrv predwotng aajf imnl kOs yieioa A gioeor of ti ouowlag net of am costal FPaSDrrtJRXS Seed, plant S acres. 3000 fee. at. 83 tal S Plow-harrow IS In. deep............ Darm Cutttns; seed Treat ssed, gastorial mbor Plan ting --. Three kwrrewing to kin weed Tkree cultivatioa Digging by nvachlne Picking up, . eorting, sacking. ....... - 200 saoes at iz eaea The eeet of producing potatoea hi again a w seats n mill mb wttn (he ,.. t- , KorUwest the met Bee on wee n vwrv ncth eee. of atwoing aiwf Wahcr . than - imnl wuflo . the wero tur hue. e M osier aortton dvea the W wteh range light ewmaed at 61.88 9 3.65. for average load bulk n slow, weak market, Wbinna, Michigan and Mluneeota are loadiad shippers ae a soup. Main rolled 36 Oara. loea of 1 ears compared wtth the yririeus wee, ad CcIbtbCb 147 car las than aast week. The Reeky Mountain region nnd tha whole Northwest a seina godortiuo from the hoary skip Is week. eml lei ta, rmAwm tm Of tha abiecsmo - - Thai A-Helee isninwy or oartee ss At Colored tor Wattes dull . nod weak a tho Northwestern primary . markets were very dull f - AXES NOW IN is?H STAMP Tl weak a the bettenv lisho . and I ' mmmm effect; raw ii: Km BUSINESSES ARE HIT Tho Jonrnal Is rtproaontod ta U nation's 6jrylco by tl yountr man from tta varioaa SevjartinoTitB, all of wavotn are orrlrie; la tho different branch en of the army, nary nurd martno corps aa voluu- Ko amonor had tho tint call tor men boon Bounded, last April, tnaa u bctraa to ba aas-worod by then beys wko bow ars ncatttroa tar and wlda en land and eon - Of thooo it -men, aovvm ara front tho bualoooa offleo and advorUalns; dopara meata, oeven from tho odltorlal dotarti- 23 from tha circulation doparv- rxiont and ono from the maillnst roota Thy ara aa foUows; : , - ' . Bs8ta8 Of nro - Phflin Jackson, flrot Uoutonaat, nar tannaator corpa; Will r..Hulaa, sec ond lioutanant, field artUlory ; Jan L Jordan, xnariao : 'WUl Farrow. Cold artlUary J Jrorrtald Cornwall. n14 aru Mry; Track lUrbort, Infanlry j Soon Hoon,' qyirlATTDMMiw corpa. - Xdttortal SartatBt ' r. TX Vcltauchton. field hosrpltai sore ioa Clydo A. Boala, field hompltal -e loo; P. H. McNeUl. ona-tisoora trondl ; Loiand Thlbort, field arUUarr: Bax BUwart. tnarlnos ; Paul D. atnrnhy, Amarlcan field so iloo . Btnart O. Blytha, bureau of public Informatloa. . , i Clroalatloa Dpartaiant Barnard JLndoroon, nary; - Byroa liathewa, navy: Ray Fox. batwi rata Da Clooo, nrUUoa; JUdoa Kally. avta Uoa ; William Farmor, aviation ; Ho aeo Wilson, ordnartro ; Earl UirUra, ordnaaco ; X. J. aUnck, anslnaorq ; Herbert Ooodls, anrinoors ; CArl IVanhr, Jr, anflnoors ; Don McCiailon. aaafltrra arun : Harola Wogt, xnarhlna STtza;' Charloa Herbert, cavalry j BTrank Davla, Infantry ; Wallaco ' Pot tor. tostaritry ; Lawroaoo t1nrtoen. Infantry; CbUro Aldan, field artUlory , Sara jtehon ntela, eoaat artUlory 1 Kunoell KJddor, Hld artUlory i RoUla Ibantrn. coast artilloryi Morlo Brown, eoaat artlfiarrs "Arthur Taraor. eoaat artillery. - Xafilaf Room Clydo Raymond, flold boepltal. In addition tha f oUowlns; $3- roue men, all former mermhora of Tho otirnal Carrora aasoclaiLori. nava aaaworod Cia caul to oolors: - xsvy - : Errol W&lott, Eiwm Woaton. HaUard Ballgy, Stuart Robortaon, Barn rreach. rrank Beach. Ooorro W. BUTOrsoa, Kaymond Weston, Jamas Bow as Lean lvoraaax. Zsrlsaors 'K Varnor AtcCorTnaok. Hustl ColwaS. Wobotor Jonoa, Harold Wobatar, WUllara HannAB, Howard Wood burn, Herbert Poainrig, Walter Oorntel. Harold Farm or. Lland Garner, Arno Baa, HowaUo Dick lnaon, 3 mer H. auCof-maok,- Kortoa Haror, Donald CampboU. Wllfrod P. Watklna. f lafastry. - Harry H oil 1st or. Donald Trmast. Boubon Voas, William O. Oelrcr, AJvah Wastoa, lrrlns; WUry, Prank Rob lnaon, ionoo Holdaa, Aaron Cohan, Uerbort U. Strtcklaod. Don V. Boory. John 1. Polkina, Lauroooo Trowhrtdx. lawry J. Jefferson, Robort Hantroaa, 8tepta A. Church. Magnus Morud. Bon IUchtA-arn, llinot ft. Try. Charloa O. Bluett. Coatt ArtIHry - .' WinUun VfxiCIbben, Harry Korts. War- uwu, jobjt Scott, Xao . Borklor. Oaraneo Btorhenaon. John K. Victors, Alvln P. Potara. Harry W. Moss. Both KrBTon, Xiotcbar lS'ataon, . - i . Cavalry Baltaa A He a! Glen 8. CamsboTL CUrk Wkltd XJoyd Keppy. . Qartrmator Corso tier Holmea, Boa T. Blnahotmor St. . XagklasGsa . lwyqAeo Brown. Avlatlaa I peer ai AFlusted saoefe i in ue nortnera producing oca stock nee found tta way tributtng market. It sou at a of m mdsiubl BUae Traamph and other coed steak aeld at Burion tan, ahfceptng points eeet T f? funeral tang of $292.60 pec 100 Bnv in eacka Aa might hav been cotietpated fsmn T I I 1 behaviac ef the primary nmiAom, price at wading city aarkete in Isbkkug eaters nvor- a weaa tooc, sbsamd few svaaenv but Mountains War Revenue Items Include Even Playing . Card, Which Are Taxed 5 Cent v . Ttold Artillery jrraneia B. ILaindn. AaibmlaBco Berrlco Aibort Oontnor. . , - Badio Aervlo John Wans, Gal lloora. Za tho field of corrogpondonU la TSie eus points la tha Part fid Nottkwast, approilntnloty SO Journal wrtiors bava aft their oocupaUona to on tar tbe fas oral aarvloa, emeus won a sea 6A6S-for boJh -4 .-. - . a pvwvaiting range ease end west - WaahlnrtOO, DC 1 7J. P.) cttamp Jfrdatrukt UX m W rTOD I"- CtlntT ZLoy udk lowtrand toe letlcally all Ilnoa of bualnoaS, want emetdevablo frosted stuff m aw into effect today. Bonds, debontoroo or Hauling potatoes wtag. ruling ae eacn - p.-iim, to market field., S mile 00.00 14.00 s.oo . 4.60 5.00 T.OO O.OO 13. 64 16.66 16.78 34.00 '.'S.00 S.00 24.00 Total cost S RXTCRXS Crop marketshle stock, amoks' 116 Oroo culla, aack I 17,83 iba, Marketable lUi Culla, IS ...8236.78 .. 163 . . . 88 $122.7$ ... 1A00 TgUk receipts I2ST.7S ' BICAPCIJiTlOw. ntudoetloa . ,...$230.1$ xar.ro figure of cost do not tne lode mutest of the land. need or tne oast of Coat of The on the value lb farm New Btatoasout Average' loan, deero stead J - -- lnervaaed. w.w York Bask Statement I art. ilea 1. t. N. a Baa I rive dan) sasd. 818.088,000; de 40.67JO2 Usee de peena. aeevieasd, 531.wo; reserve. Isr g, 85.464.460. . .... . i,vi,vv; no .4B.PVO: 86.8I6.000: B.7SS.700. a.) at of tho Kortbocctsi s aliped to around Boston' Wool; Trade " Would Illiininate FleeceSpeculation P-oetoo, Mass.; Dec 1. The wool toad marking tiase pending eflate action by the eceabtaatioa of the Beaton wool trade nntlsn en tho pvupcoal t baUt apeculstien ta the new Sooth gmprins woeAv la doanota weeaa meet ataantion daring tho week has been given in the fiances and - ' Xoaey asd Zxchanfo - Vew Tork. December j L It. Kxchange waa otoeey waa hankerB' bilsi at 84.7 8 1 fi 84.71 H 9 4.11 for 66-day bill, nnd $4.68 94.68 for 00-day bina. - Bilver New Xerk, 14af. Lsorlso, 43 A , aa?t 8aa " Fraaclsoo Grata start! Baa i ranrwre. Dee, v 1. C. P. ml, z Barley . Per eeotai Feed Ha 1. $2.U ilk; do. shtTWtn. 12.43vk 9 1-4 a t. interior shlrqung Potnta. Oats P cental -Vew red feed, $2,669 2.76; do. aaed grade. $3.10 90-26. Xlw" Trk Ketal Harhei " New Tert. Dae, l.-(I. N. A) Copper. ua 9SMS I salBnil Bpertrr. easy; proaapg wiivitt TqfTl! ina esauary. ii. Sfer " a Co. share closed Swift A Co, Oiieero. Iw. 1 Owift U $LJii bid; $U26 aek. r few sjdvaaeea. Betook Maine Oi at a venae W a a Ban wttb $3 9 2.66 lota shnemg of soBiaaiabio frosted atuff h a, uto erroct today. Bond, debonttxrou or (aktar the awosral ofetioo. noaa I corufirateo of Indebted noon ara tavad S a i f. m. -- . . . I --,. u, .v, mmt n e.vv ww ve-iuw, ncDsw. .ihui ww mi iva s. m mow nsunio noaity ooona ootwoea iioo ana $500 ara taxed 80 confa and aa oqnal gum for each addltlonaO 500, bnt tha tax Is waived whoa tha lnstrumant is sjtraa to aecuro a arr Indemnity and snrroty bonds mttgtnav M cents tax.-. Where a premium is char rod for Ita axecutlon. tho bond la taxed at tho rate of 1 par coat oa oavch sonar or fraction thereof ot the mlura charxad. Ralasuraaoa la aevnptod. xn tax on atock cerUflcatoa ht 6 coat on each $100 of tho iaoua, w bother organ I at ion or -rvmrranlaa tloa. If ths atock la lgeruod -Without face vslaa tha tax shall ba I eoate par snare iinton actual vaJuo la gnora tnaa 1100 par abara, ta wnica aaoo tho tax shall bo S eonta to I on each $100 actual vaiao. A sUnUar tax of X eonta ls-piaoad on atock aaloa or trariafcra. Proxloa must pay 10 eonta and power of attornoy 23 eonta. Drafla or choeka, payabla otherwise than at sight or on demand, and Ld Off laaory rrpiaa, , except bank "notoa for circulatloh. aro taxed 2 cento-If not for mor than lOO..aad S eon to for addJtlonal $100 Kvry aalo of pUybxn- cards Is taxed s eonta la addition to tho proa ant tax. a'BOxaxa rjcxota tor aack Ttsognror rrom taa uaitod Btatas to a port not In tha country,. Canada or Mexico, aro taxed fl If not eoetlax mora than ,& tl it eootlnx btwaa 110 and $$a and lis it over sss. tuatom-oouso soelarauona also carry acalo of taxed ranxrlnx from ti eettta upward. Three Caastit TTlth Lienor , Wnon Deputy Shartfx Parrado otoepel tkroa xnon at tho foot of Bovoatoeatk rtraot Xriday Bight and aakod wfetthar boond. which they could not sxclala gaflsfactOTily. ba aaarenod their arattoaaaa and tinoarlbed 106 pinto of whlaoay. Thy reltard at tho polios station aaC.lL Xlrnaa, T. u. Bchaa and Chrla Lavad. r and. la default ot 1280 baa were locked op. Biihlf Okie grew. Buying of terrnory nd hesf bleed Steady B rough fat atapl Esben eokl ta the about 6JPSJBn8 faj frWSBlavel original bag 10 at 81.80 eloaa. A aeallsmed staad far three elgbth Mood and quarter Mood wniea sor goveramsrH wool m coming .dspltsd tnjsos lean bast of 61.40 to 81.66 for former end about 61-30 tor tne sartor. Choies flue end fine medium tewrttorw vseal 1 ta talriy large suavely, but prkssa ere firmly held. urea values of territory week) r ttaHy use heeded, eartent qnsmMi bel 61.16 to 81.86 fee fkee atas. 61.16 to 81 BO for half Mood staples. $1.46 to 11 64 for three etghtk blood staple. 81.38 to $1.11 tor quarto, blood staples, 11.45 to 51.TO for rrne elotntng. l.aa ae !. tor One gsediaaa sIHtsnr, $1.68 to 6I.TS for 11 mint ha Texas and 31.66 to 61.60 lot rjtt-BOas x MUNIOI ' ,,-, - ,-9 - v4 to ;6-. ivcoxz tax zxxxrr CaII or Phono Capital and Burplua $(60.l6 2C1AT. Pwrttaad, Or. ' ' HoDaad Catno lower The price of eaaew not gfrinsr miA and sold for siauctiter tn lioimnd m now from $60 $116; of n calf, fee reel, from $18 to 333. - A good milch eow osUsOor about 8121. This m a deettn ad 846 or 650 in coanpartson wHh prieae a few wee ago, on Bsuat of searetty -af fodder. There as asrajus talk of ' sxportiug aevevul hundred tl cattle 1 1 es a i at faaatUty to feed L BffidcnUy. . . . ' Bew Trk Snrsr a ad Ceffo Vew Tork. Dee. 1. (U. P ) Coffee: Snot no. lew, -. no.-w, esnee, p . ... traugal, holiday. RoatUg Barley Market - SeetHs. Waan.. Dan. 1. iL X. a) SarWy. 6g.0O. nsesigi. waees, b cars, aarsry ear. . - , When wvttiT to or calling sreuuoa The Journal. oa advertiser c Pigeons to Be Used By the Signal Corps San rranciaoo. Dav mi J. B- Tho ootab liahrrrwn t of a pig-eon auction of tho signal corpa, TJ. 8. A- waa an nounced at Weal era dpartmerit noad aoartors today. Tba work of organ. aatiooi la already ttndor way -and tho habits of carrier ptrona and tho methods of training thorn wUl be r.uid. e . ; Overbecli Cooke & Coe ; Stock, Bond, Cotton, Grain, Etc. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO .ALL J EXCHANGES Af embers Cbieago Board tt Trsia CorroafMri4sTits of !rn Bryxa Chicago, tirw lrx, SlOVdlT Board f Trade r-"