THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,. SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2, 1917. ' - ' s Sj-- ,Mfi emuunmnawai 'BUraOBIt Btld8omt W; kaaj all good tifesjjt niip, iJt,- ton ' ; Al A0TO WORKS A FAINTING- CCVA :iTjrpH.:$n. FmtwirKS"K su7. and Wiu JX' ?yVVi:?SrH'yS s?fUBT BB SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. NO i ' 1 i'' " V ,V.. r , , H TRADE. PHONE OWSEB, IABUB j -r 111 1,1 . 1 j "" i ' . j" 1 . -' .'' " 1918 Ford, limousine detachable top ana regu- lay top. fnncenouee, n uki. talng and Sunday. . . , . . . -; . r .; 'i-4Siut Vfr imA trtutot better then ;Kir . .chop new track, sad will frequently give bet t; t and longer wrrie. I ook up aoma of cur '.-pSi' high grade used truck, before yu b"T- i- wentworth a irwin. inc.. . Second, and Taylor. rOBD 1 ton track, hi fine condition, tire naysamta on balance.- Call Mr. Hurley, Broad- TOBDS FORDS POB.DS 1814 Trrarina 1914Toartnc 1910 Runabout 1618 Tern rin 1914 Touring 1914 Chauis f fo ara looking for a tued Ford w baa the a '. car jon want TAtBOT A CABET. Ina., Grand aa. and Ankeny at. . ; If you want to sell your car place It with ua. ;iF Wa will paint it and put the machine In " e : - j 1 . V. a vnn .handle care on (mall conunueien and no atorace barfea. Brins your car in. A-l AtJTO WORK A PAINTDJG CO., fj,!-' 625 Alder it. . PAINT your ear. We make old can look ifce '-."-t- new at Tery little cost. IfanbaU 4609. 1 i ii. A-l AUTO WORKS A PAlNTDil Ctt 525 Alder Bt. t 1 1 wiLL PAt y60 spot cash for youb 'i- . ': FORD V FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX. '. -E. 1199. E. 1 8tk and Hawthorne t. -VTlLT. . pay caah for 1918 or 1917 Maxwell .'. '" body. H. Loewer, aidewalk man, Olds. Wort- -jtaan A King. . . . -- ; '. jiAVB 1600 first mortgage, improved country i property? ccat owner I2T80. Want 1917 light , 8 paengr automobile. C-64 8, Journal. - "-". f WANT, to buy laie model Ford; pay caah. Main 2116. A'ASH FOR IATE MODEL FORD. CONDI 3 TJON NO OBJECT. 204 E. 84th. eor. Taylor. 3 AV ANTED 1 or 2 worn-out Ford cats fU be cheap for cash. Call Wdln. 2889. must S HIGHEST pric. paid for automobiles; condi tion no object 121 N. 3rd st Bdwy. 2629. ATJTOS FOR HIRE kt AUTOS for rent without DRIVERS. - G. I. 'V- v Smith, onrner 3d and Gliaan sts. Phone ltmedway 2629. S- - AUTOS without drirera for hire. City garage. ; 86 10th st Broadway 840. A-4246. -if i MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES 53 BARGAINS IN L'SED MOTORCYCLES. 1-1917 Harley-paridsoa electric, equipped, guaranteed like new... fully. .3275 ' i 1916 Harley electric, equipped and guar- "anteed .., 3250 1'1915 Harley. equipped and guaranteed. .8165 1 1914 Harley. equipped fhd guaranteed 3160 - T 1917 Indian, equipped.. 1 1917 Indian, equipped... 2 1918 Indian electrics .. , .11916 . Excelsior , .3230 ..3233 . .3200 .3176 75 other ranting from $25 up. MOTORCYCLE A SUPPLY CO. Harley Daridson Distributors. 09 4th St. BARGAINS IN USED MOTORCYCLES ' 191ff Indian. 8 90 J.91S Thar . ; . . . v 80 1914 two speed Indian," fully equipped. . 125 1917 Excelsior, side ear 70 1918' tally equipped Excelsior 350 p - Wa hava a large stock of used bteyclea. $10 j UP! also a large stock ot motorcycle and bi Aycle parte. t APEX BICYCLE CO. 2 12th 'at. Mala 2988. BIG SALE NOW ON 1917 Power Pma. latat linn , 17 Pow,r Piua, Utest, 3275. , j" 3!-1917 Power Plus, Presto equipped. 3250. 1 ' : w 18 10 Harley. like new, 3185. i ' ' ; " , 191 Two Speed Indian, 8100. 1912 Indian 860. ' 7 - 1914 Thor 860 r.'i.K.-. It4 Flying Merkle $50 . ii rfeiieison aev. , 1914 Excelsior 875. t ? 1912 Indian single $40. i-5'-:V 1911 Pierce $35. - - Alt the above motorcycle in gooj TuauiBg conditioa, and terms to suit - 7 ... . . INDIAN AGENCY. . jiain B158 v 27S M A CHRISTMAS IS COMING. I V WE CAN SATE .MONET BY BUYING v RJ3B AS YOU PAY. t,,- - EASY TERMS, -r. tTSED MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES. ..-' ' CLEVELAND AGENCY. ti:iXifkt 888 Oak St ' - ,;,t i SED ILtCHTNES j 820 and up. Oa easy , tenaa. Ottteheay Carburetors- etc. Motors. " - " Frying Herbal Parts S i( 1 fJ5. waias and Vvi : ; : ' exce 5 I- .- NEW A? EXCELSIOR AGENCY. ND USED BICYCLES.' LA RdEST EXCLC8IVE BICYCLE DEALERS IN OREGON. - 2ia atii mm .SjLLSZili KtPped with Prea- ;-ir tolite. -speedometer. Dream tandem and kick starter, in, good Jconditioa740 HaiiayfSr B :30; p. m. - - - ; :" . -.- . IXR juick sale. 1813 Twin HarUy-D.rid.on: '.. MiMgneenaU CKA . A at t ej a a.n . " 1 MwMn,r, OOV. . AO Xaia. A VE1 W h Irifn 22TTJ!f. Plica and tarma: Can Monday. Tabor TT8. :m f 1i-TiSSL"HLeTiLe : AWtorcyeta. "TAKES my 1915 - - MOTOKCYCLE for sale or trade. ISO; $20 I down and 610 mo. Tabor 188. ' j $10 OOD 2d hand bicjclea. Jue's Bicycle Ret f pair -Shop. 304 4th st 0.. ;.. , MAN'S AND GIRL'S, bicycle for $7. 669 Ali MOTOBCTCl.Eg.BICTCLBS " 86 Koncic .n rx. r. a. iiMt te luU stock pi Henderson MotcTclaa and nrti. Also a lane and emnnleU m of bicycles. DAYTON PARTS AND REPAIRING. DATTON CYCLE COMPANY. 88 6th st WANTED Motorcycle at a bargain for cash. i-none naat 4 zoo. 1.ATTKCHF AT BOATS a WANTED To rent houseboat, Cafl Treves, room 413- 8 ROOM houseboat for talc; anything will Uka K. Main. 2523. " AUTO or cash for faoimeboaU B-885. Journal. MCSICA ITTSTBITSIEKTft 4 WE hare built up our bualneaa oo eerrice. courteeaaneBa and oVoeadabilltT. - Try ua onea. Fall One of Vktrolaa, Orafooolaa and Ediaonl pnonogTaplM. Eaity term. . HIATT TALKLNtf MACHINE CO.. - ;' " -SI Morrteon. LEFT ON' BALE Fineet 51 100 plamr piano. modern, with unuM ae lection of muaie rolla and bench. Owner called to Europe. No reasonable offer - refused, but moat be eash or nearly all cash. Ask for Mr. Cornell. Euan Mnaae noma. - MEMORT TRAINING: Learn to ear: Tletrolaa. Orafonolaa and Edison Fhonographa. Easy terms. - The House, of Serriee, Courteousnem and Prpeudabflity. - HYATT .TALKING' MACHINE "CO. SSI Morrison. MUSIC teacher mna sell beautiful new How ard mahogany upright; not wed one month; cost 1450. Will sell for SSOO and will in elude ' course of - W sauna. - A wonderful chance for some one. Tabor 1674. HAVE rou heard the 'new e lee trio (irafonoleT Runs 10 hours for one cenC on any cur rent Prices 5110, 5135, 5186, 8240. Easy terms. HTATT TALKING MACHINE CO.. S31 Morrison. $35 HORN! talking machine and 50 splendid seiecTons. Combination, coat new, 60. Our orice. to-close out. S27.50: 82.50 down and 75 centa a week. See Mr. Bayner at Eflers, 14Z Broadway. GRAFON0LA. Just recalTed a shipment of el? gant burl walnut Orafonolaa, prices 8110 to 3215. Bee samplea In our, window. Easy ternw. UV,'fltll tffV.l If. 1 1 Y V7 TJ" , h 831 Morrison. - NEW Player Piano.- 88 not, mahogany ease. standard make. Price will surprise you. Easy terms. PTincehousa, 614 .Alder. Open ere- nlngs and Bundayt . FINE Dictaphone. - transcribing and dictating combined. Electric operated. Prioe 537.50. 87.50 down, 35 monthly. HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO.. 881 Morrison. A DANDY GRAFONOLA, with 48 selections. cost new 340, for 121.60 ; easy .terms. Ex change Dept., Eilera Musie House, 143 Broad way. . ' HEAR tha . new .Edison diae . phonograph, dia- mond point mrodncer. electric stop. New shipment just receired. Easy terms. HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO.. 831 Morrison. 35 SENDS a viano home for Christmas. 810 sends a player piano noma No interest lor Z Vs years, provided you buy before Jan. l, lwis. senwan tuna uo., ill em rt. , at waan. st. YICTROLAS and Grafonolas. Just received new stock ot Vlctrolas and Grafonolas. Easy terms. Let us put one aside for you for Xmas. HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO., 831 Morrison. NOW IS the time to bur that Christmas piano. We nave new pianos from .X2UU up and on easy terms. Frincehouae. 014 Alder. Upen eve nings and Sunday. PATRONIZE an exclusive talking machine store onaa, Iwcott. Bmntjaea UMtn Mfa and aeenre bent service. That's us. Victro- I 9ciha and otisra. Furttiermore we will grant very las. Grafonolas. Edisons. HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO.. 331 Morrison. PRIVATE party having 3 pianos wishes to dispose of one a Clarednn: golden oak finish; used but little; price $250; terms; no dealers. N-414. Journal. FINE 385 hornless grsphophone. guaranteed Eke new. Price 870. 810 down. 35 monthly. HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO.. 831 Morrison. WE HAVE three new pianos on our floor, 8200 and 8210. Can you equal this price any where else? Princehouae, "514 Alder. Open evenings and Sunday. ' - J . , i .i"111 chn? new VtetroU,. Grafonola or nwn uiamona owe puoncamira lot i vtiiAl l : lAiikiu UAinua 831 Morrison. PLAYER PIANO ROLLS. 20c to 85c Perfect condition. Cost new. 60c ao 82. Take them home on approval. Vera L.'Wenger. 142 H 3d (Upstairs.) BUY $5 in records, and we will deliver a $30, 845 or 885 talking machine, and balance 50c, 75c or 31.00 weekly. Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4 th st at Washington st. FIRST class disc Talking Machine and 50 rec ords, 318.50; 17.00 down, az.bO monthly. HTATT TALKLNU MACHINE CO., 831 Morrison. (Exchange Dept) IF YOU want a Player Piano, coma and let us show you what we have before you close that deal. Princehouae. 514 Alder. Open evenings ana Sunday. WE PELL Edison 4 minute wax records for 8 centa each in lots of 23. HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO.. 831 Morrison. A VERY fine toned player piano for rent to reliable people or will sell cheap. Uoing away. Bee Mr. Weaver, 285 Morrison st EDISON 2 minute wax records, 6 centa each in tots or ao or more. HYATT TALKING MACHINE 831 Morrteon. CO.. MAHOGANY Rembrandt piano, 8125 must sail at Leaving Portland and M-6S7, Journal. WOULD like to exchange new Victrola. Gral- onota or jixuson lor Mandolin, Banjo. HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO.. 331 Morrison. IF YOUR player piano needs repairing or tna- ing, write v. hremar. 254 Market, or phone EXCHANGE your Liberty bond for new Vic- troia, tiraronola or Kdison at HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO.. 831 Morrison st WlLL exchange first class, latest model, talk- ing macoine and records for diamond at eaah value, see Mr. I ane. 285 Morrison at. FINE Conn slide trombone and leather Cost 863: price $30. 85 down. 84 monthly. man TAiiiiu aL&utiiise tu., 831 Morrison et. waflir.ii ntno. caan aeat: want bareaii might consider a phonograph also. East 5014: private. ia HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO.. 381 Morrteon st LUDWIG upright, late style, with bench. Just' (tela lor; mnn seu ims wees- saase oiler. toot Miu. usnnail Z34B. KIMBALL upright piano, fine conditioi n 3150 M-687. cash. Used only in private family. Journal CUICKEKINO (Oak ease, like new). 8328. kMAtlE, (dealers price 3300) 8367. HAROLD 8. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill et COLUMBIA cylinder phonograph and 60 dandy recoroa. cuaranxeea. Itnlv IS. vim T . Wenger. 142 H 2d tUpstain). THE nigh cost of Bring baa not yet hit pianos. if Tou come to us for roars. Pniwhrnu Kll ansr. vpen evenings ana sunaey. ax (too oasa we wiu sell a nearly new latest model. , mahoeany Peaaa nnrl.he Storage A Forwarding Dept. 283 Morrison st GOOD 810 mandolin only 83. . ' It I A IT MACHINE CO., 881 Morrison (Exchange Dept V BEAUTIFUL mahogany piano, aliahtlv nJ 8160. Terms 6$ monthly. Soule Bros.. 168 10th st WANT good used piano; can pay cash. A-618. journal. VIOLIN Free lessons; your opportunity. W'bjxv COLUMBIA grafonola! practicallv new. lanvt " ior aeie.- 1 aoor giaa. PHONOGRAPHS. . recorda. bought, aoC cnangeo. nau ek casslday 126 1st M. TOO 8. 11 1 n ' . . exou ouis as modern upright Security storage uo.. log 4th at. at Wash, st K ,rJ. 'J""0- Jnolt...r,Mon,bl terms in Port. " o. uopyr 00 ssmmu ax. PIANO, never usedT cost 3300, take caah; new standard. F-610, JournaL nTSo PLANO Wanted cash- for bargain, no dealers need snswer. 0-808. Journal. PIANO. $100. ooet $450; fine condition. Must Nunn. oroauway 1676. F5?0GRAPrL , lata style, , lika new. witWi orda, cost 8120. take 865. Main Bill. E0 gat new piano at your prioa. s 1 - 1 ' DICTAPHONE for sale. U to U nriea.' SI . .TOrua. oHig. am 4958. COLUMBIA Gratonohv. latest modal, for mwS piano. Tabor aisi 24. " ,,ojaxj! ratonola and , 34. reeorda. 850. oeirwoott l4. ..... .-' . itAKijh. Edison cabinet phonograph, 860. ..runt. in, - i,oor aagz, "ASALE. upright piano, terma given." Aula OROA5S AKS , INSTRUMENTS MCSICAL 81 Sensational i Closing Out of Storage4 and On. Sale Pianos 'AI1-?'GUAII!ANT H. M.; Cable. -1$ 50.00" Haines &V Co., mahogany 50.00 Emerson, rose wood 65.00 Fischer..-.. 75.00 Hallet & Davis. 90.00 Emerson 100.00 Cable 105.00 Hardman 120.00 Keller Bros. ... 125.00 Singer . 130.00 Remington 125.00 Armstrong 140.00 Mathusherc 150.00 Pease 155.00 Kimball 150.00 ! Chickering 175.00 These and many others to be cloeedgjout at once. Remember we overhaul and guarantee each inatrnment. Come and aeey ua if yon east; write us If you can t. Storage & Forwarding Dept.! Upstairs. 151 4th at, 288 Morrison. HAVE you a second-hand piano? Are you using it? If not, why not trade it for any style NEW Victrola and new records? Let us see your piano. G. T, Johnson Piano Co. 149 6th St. Tel. Main 3106 ONLY pirtTh. erP.f U yoxr and thT ca of our stock must be moved by that time. anee Every piano reduced far below regular retail price even in tha face of tha advancing market and any one expecting to buy a piano any time within the next two or three years should take advantage of that opportunity. Ton can now make a saving on strtcuv high grade pianos J. gt c riscner. K. S. Howard. Js French A Sons, Huntington, Brewster. La liberal terms of payment to reliable customers. Come In right away. The store wig soon be closed. We are already dismantling, tha heat has been taken out and ft la necessary that wa dispose of the balance of tha stock as quickly as possible. Reed French Piano Mfg. Co.. 10th and Stark sta. SECOND hand bargains; pianos and organs that have been exchanged recently on aew pianos, during our closing out sale. Wa are now ottering trices at actual caan value: KlmbaD. golden oak ..$247.00 . .3295.00 ..8297.00 ..8185.00 Schubert, pearl ke 7 universal, player piano . . . Hallet A Da vis. Rosewood Durun., . kiuui ............ Fpech 8oM pjeT pUno . Burling, Walnut ..8118.00 ..3498.00 . .8237.00 . .8 22.60 . .8 87.60 Automatic, golden oak MasoriBA Hamlin, organ Estey, organ u- KEncu runu jar a. CO. Tenth and Stark sts. Used Talking Machines Remember I positively hava tha largest stock of high-grade used talking aisrhinea in tha citv. I give a 2 -year written guarantee with every machine. I sell on easy terml I send machines on 3 days' free trial. Vern L, Wenger The Talking Machine Man. 143 H Second (Upstairs.) Main 7244. AT 84 down, balance long time, we now sell a lata model Duotonola and 80 selections of your choice and all sctassiiriss Tula machine will play all max as of records with the same clearness of tone as the beet 8100 msrninoa, No extra cabinet required. Machine and cabi net all In one. All complete for only 349.65. Eilers, Main Floor Entrance 2,14 Broadway. CLOSING OUT THIS WEEK Security Storage Co.. Christmas Pianos 8350 Bur upright piano. 893 cash 3275 Budolr, small upright 846 cash. $476 Decker A Bona upright. 8146 cash. 3660 Gerhard player piano, 8265 cash. $260 Angeles player. $25 cash. $860 Staiuway. old model. 860 caah. $100 Loring A Blake organ. $20 cash. 109 4th St. at Washington st $60 CABINET phonograph. la solid quarter sawed oak. gso. tee diso records. This as a I great bargain. . Gevurtz Furniture Company 188 to 191 1st st. near Yamhill Public Market FINE Ediaon Triumph Phonograph. Diamond puuib ivpiwucvc, iriiw aiwina muvui . iiue wooden horn and 60 indestructible records. Cost 8100.. Price 338.60. 86 down. 82.50 monthly. HTATT TALKLXO MACHTNE CO.. 831 Morrison I Exchange Dept) Edison . Blue Amberol Records Just received, largo shipment of brand new I Edison Blue Amberol records. Call and try them over. 4 for 81. Vera 1- Wenger, 142 m za upstairs, 1 PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. Buy now at old prices. Wa are closing our iSE VelrM tore ana nave a Dig una of phonographs ferent kinda to rtiannaa of. Ton can 1 I buying now. Select one and wa will deliver 1 nnw - or anvtima - nfore I Kristin.. French Piano Mfg. Co.. 10th and Stark. I DON'T forget the three leading Uaea of Vie- trolas. tirafonolaa and Ediaona are carried by oa. We try all of them side by side, la thai manner you hava perfect comparison. Easy HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO aai atomaoa n. JOIN " THE UKULELE BAND. You can now- get a Ukulele, or Uke-Banlo for Just about one half pries. We are dosing tbem out ana nave a tng una to select from; $2.86 and up. Pay a little each week if mora convenient.- Reed-French piaao MIg. Co.. loth and Stark sts. LIBERTY BOND WANTED Wa will exchange yon a new latest stylo vtetrola. Urafonola or Edwoa phonograph for roar Liberty bond aad allow yon full credit. Any bond from $60 np to 3500. XI I ATI TALALVO JLACkLLSSi tU., . 881 Morrisoa st I tfnt.W aT fc - ..1 t , siae, row eajw coiap, ti ami. A TYPE WKITEBS ' 11 I SMITH- . PREMIER VISIBLE Model 10- Used aery tittia. 2 color ribbon, variable Una back spacer and tabulator, take - ao I coat 8110. Only 837.80. 88 down, baL 38 per mo. Vera L. Wenger. 142 2d tupetalra). NEW REMINGTON, rectal plan, real e4toes to purchase. Visible models, REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. 88 Broadway. - ' Broadway 4691 FINE No." 6 Caderwood typewriter, back apaoer, . I lADILUlUJl. VtO a, TJ' anteed. Prioe 353. 810 dowa. 85 monthly. Hyatt Talking 1 Co.. Sal atomeoa. - a 1 Vvfe 4xt-lt - h, kft a. Tk nee at mm all 1 .uka. of tyoewTitera. Bend to our illav F t rated folder. Retail department. W I Typewriter Co. Typewrtter Co.. 821 Washington. REBUILT t-pewritara. supplies, I j. v p Co.. lis ota. 1 FOR SAIJi One No. 8 Oliver typewriter. I . first elase eonditlon. feu wain. nop. AAA. lUAKk tyvewntere rented aad renairea. Oregoa Type Co., 4 aia. . maia aaaa. FIA3TOS, TTFBWBITBS8 THIS WEEK'S SFECTALS: 1 U C Smith. $8I.0 Na. . 5 L. C. BmiLh. , . av.vo ,. 87.6 ,. . ., 27.6 New 5 CndereMd No. 8 L'nderwoad ...... Foe Varibie Na 10 JUsnina-tosi ..... 60.O8 60.80 37.58 87.09 80.O0 28.00 S3.00 o. ii rtesBmgtoa No. ; 1 Bayal . a 8 Biyal No. 18 Herat - a leaver - t . . .v No. Oarer Smith Premier No. 10...... No. T Kemiactoo ....... . Al rebuilt bka aew; terms. BO.OO 1T.50 Wa ro pair ail marts . REcON TTPEWBITEB CXX. . Royal Agaam. 88 A irTll BT- MACI 8688.. criRA'mrr.n RrwrrLT ttpewrtters. MACHINES BOI.D ON EAST TIBUa, VWIMI-B MODtLB RENTED. 82 PER MO.. HW. $5 80. INITIAL. RENT APPLIES ON ITR- I CHASE. BEND FOB NEW ILLCSTBATKD I PBfCE LIST. , Wholesale Typewriter Co. ; 821 WABH ST.". PORTT AJflKOR. Selected Stock Before buying.' get our prtcee ao rebuilt typo I writers from our selected stork ; fully guaraa- Itred. very easy payments. Machines sent oa week's examination frea of charge. RebuUt Deportment REMINGTON TYPEWRITER O.. 88 Broadway. Phone Broadway 821. HOrSEHOLD GOODS FOR BALK 63 Exchanged Furniture Large leather rocker, $16: cook store. 89.50; 6 piece parlor suite, uph. ta tapestry. 833: folding bed. 89.50; dining chairs. 32 each; oak dresner, 313.50: gaa range. 812.50; Iron bod. 82 aad up; springs. 81.00 aad up. Many other bargains la our exchange dept Wm, Gadsby & Sons First and Washington Sta. NEW BOUGHT OLD SOLD 209 2ND ST. Will Be Sold tee couches. $2.90: folding bad with tnfr- r. rockers. 11.19: book shelm. & chain. 45oi tron beds, 85c; springs, 81.48; Ureases. 81.95: east ton bee tin stores. 82: I taoiee, ova; iiaraman piano player. 1 8. au ; a J&l ftS? J"- .? jbea. tunity for you if you need furnishings. A big JfUow u " t, . ssUsmsa. 208 Madisoa st 9x1 2 GRASS Rt'GS.' REGULAR $13,807 rUH 8T.90 We secured a big batch of these slightly damaged in shipment So slightly you caa scarcely una the imperfection. ROOM SUE VELTET BUGS, $18.60. Only about a doaen of those greatly, under- prieed. Also a large stock of used ruga aad carpets. , - Gevurtz Furniture Company 183 to 191 let st. near TamMll Public Market .Owlfurniture Co. Sells for Less all kinds and lengths. Also For sale, a sanitary roll-top, regulation value $48. will eeU for 829.50. OWL FURNITURE CO.. 204 FIRST BT. MAGNIFICENT blrdeeye maple bedroom set com prising fine Napoleon roll edge bed. hie dresser with handsome beveled plkta mirror, lux urious oil tampered coil spring and 45 lb. cot ton felt mattasas. Mattresa ia . bread aew and everything ekes absolutely same aa new. Thta outfit would cost sou at any other store. 11s. uere lor 7o. Terma n desired. Gevurtz Furniture Company 185 to 181 1st. a few steps from Yamhill Kublle Market Wa have diampioo combination range that oaa hardly be told from aew; yea caa cook ' bake' with either gas. wood or coal : oven Is 18x21 Inches: fine fuel -as ring firebox with water- coll. Would cost 885 now; this 349.50 set up and connected. Easy terms. Mish Furniture Co. 164 1st St USED CUTLER TYPEWRITER DESK Xt SWIVEL CHAIR This would cost new. 890. We wta sell for 855. Solid quarter sawed oak with wax finish and sanitary base. This Is 8 fina desk. Wa have a big stock of used office furniture. Boll too and flat top desks and swivel chairs at prices so low they will astonish you, Terma. Gevurtz Furniture Company 188 to 101 let st. near Yamhill PubtVs Market. Bargains in Heaters Coal and wood heaters, steel ranges. Cook stores. All kinds of furniture. Prices H awBsaafL MJtfW PVIMt if iaVtlHctai Hartzell Furniture Co. 83S-S3B FIRST STREET. WILLOW ROCKERS IN"DCHAT1LS FOU sS LESS THAN REGULAR PRICK. Just secured 38 magnlficoat obaln rockers. Slightly Imperfect, bat yva oaaaot nnd tba imparteetlona. 314 . chalta for 89. 817.60 rockers for 812.60. These are wall made and stronger than oak rockers. Gevurtz Furniture Company J 185 to 191 let st. near Yamhill PubHe Market I BEAUTIFtX lady's writing desk, colonial de- aign. ecarcely used, ia genuine maheaanv. It stands 44 inches high. 36 inches wide and has four drawers under writing table. A 843 for only 829.60. Easy terms tf desired. Mish Furniture Co. 184 1st Bt . .BUCK'S1 COMBINATION RANGET For wood, eoal or aaa. Warm ta winter, eoof m rammer. Save apaea aad expense. Wa hava them aa low as- 879. Call and sea them and aava a big . sum of money by buying la tba low rant district Easy terms. Gevurtz Furniture Company ! 186 ta 191 1st st. near YamhiHPubb Market Owl Furniture Co. Belli for leas. kroa beds from 81.36 up. apriags from 75a up. ' Mattreseea from 81 up. A large aaaortmetit dining tables and chairs at low prices. 204 1st rt OWL FURNITURE CO.. 204 FIRST ST. DININO room set la the new finish of Doaaugh gray. Shows no duet Kurt el. entna cabinet. dining room table, ete.. chairs, aa ta seltt oak. This set would coat you. ia tha regular war. over 8100. You can hava it fog $78. Don't miss tbia great bargain. . . Gevurtz i Furniture Company 185 to 191 1st st. near YamhlR PubHo Market MkfcAhrR early English library table, miaeioa atyle. 30x48 Inch top aad 4-inch fega and mada of solid .quarter aawea oaa, A. sw labia for $16. . Mish Furniture Co. ' 184 1st 8f - FINS rotary Binger eewing machine In mission finish, quarter sawed oak eaea. Regular 876, Tor 8B. new noma eewing BBacnnae, e-w big aelertien of need sewing marhtnaa. semi low aa SA60. t Gevurtz! Furniture Company igB to 191 1st at. near Ysmhfll FubHa Market Owl Furniture Co. it V BELL. FOR LESS. t. Wa- havo a large assort .a snt of heating stiiiaa. atther ooal or wood burners, I rem S- ao wrx OWL FTTRN1TURK CO.. 204 FIRST BT, "' 8ECT10NAX. BOOKCASE IJI O.UARTEI ' . SAWED OAB - S sections. Same aa new. Worth $8$. foe $ Gevurtz: Furniture Company 198 to 191 let at. near Yamhill PubHa Market EXCHANGE bias for potetoea oc onioae. J226 Concord. Woodlawa 1678. ' ILL , mnmi HOrSEHOLtf GOOD TOft WAtE 6t j HEATER VEATHER 14 0"A U, Wa still have a few of the haatera froen tba earraga the Portland. Store Works at 40o am tha dollar. For metaace. - . Bbwet tree) bee term, revular 82 36. tot 81.5. Sheet tro heatare with east Iron top aad lag cast trow aoor. ragwiar 36. 6. for .!- j Larger onea, reguia, lea l-s. Also a big stock ot need oaal or wood era at lear prices, aee a and earn aaoary. Gevurtz Furniture Company 188 to 191 let at. wear Yamhill PubHc Market A fHiMT! to -n BoMf . 13 rotia el aeas eooaoleuas. rearalar 00 eeut Baode, at 48 orats pea yara. . Mish Furniture Co.' ' - 184 1st St TOR SALE MlCELLAyr.OC It LET CB INSTALL7 THE IfLlXLXB PX'RNACE fee I abke; aJao ell kaada of furawea re- I pairing aad sheet metal wvrk. P. F. MlMjNskLLV, 411 . 1st Bra. Selhswod TT. FOB BALK Oaa 18 Ik p. steam eagioa. ao VoBec. One It k a su angina. Oaa 83-48 steam uaatiow eoeine laowbte ayannari. Oao 25-48 saaoRao tracttoaj oaglao. Special price for amick aala. Addrom L-708. Journal. fOR SALE Air f"wCi'f w)f wa SSwJW 41 SB. k CawgxV mtea hoist with et- rope. shaft and boxes ; also 13x26 in. Oarre Iroa- works roils, 6 ton kieomotiva crane. 10. too alec trio erane. new 10 stamp mill, land dealing nuu, several h oasts, ball mills, crashers as other machinery. V. 8. IRON WORXS. SEATTLE. WASH. PIPES BTOPPKDI Sara $3 to 8 1 apluaa sing - bills. "Dissolvo" clean sewer dram papea la 20 m taut as; pour it tn. out aha goss: gena rataa 280 degrees heat; worka In hot or eold water. Trial can 73 cents. noatDaid. Write to day. Fleming Phunbiag Hupyiy Uousa. 112 4 Lb sSy. foruaao. w. Tea trimmings; la teat designs at factory prtcee. tory betweea 75th aad 76th. B Utteea, 1 Tabor 80S. ALL maebJaea sold far asm. Re T ageata employed. Renting S3 peg month. Sewing Macalae Kaaport. um. IPO 84. near lamaUL 9431. A 8626. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Bera atde. oat. 10th. , Broadway or A- B6T4. MEMORY trsining; lear a to fix la your mind : "fne Howae of Service. Courteousnem and Dependa bility. HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO.. 831 Morrisee. Ykctrolas, Grafonolas aad Edison pboa- ograpna. $1O,00aTt2 Tea dropbead W4,W .ft. mh ... f - - - II 4 good eoadlUea. Bcvini machines rented at S3 par month. Phone East 3339 or B-8807. K K. 8 teen. 183 Grand are., near Belmont rURa Large mole, ntch and Hudson seal capes. ! oaa genuine surer fox. foxes all colors. High rrado furs at lowest prices The Fur Shop. 606 oweManq oiog. FINE Edison opera phonograph, solid mahogany. upngnt bora, with 24 Indestructible records: east 3102; Just like new. Price 337.50; 87.00 gown, 99 monthly. " HYATT TALKING M CHINE CO.. 331 MorrieoB Exchange Dept I MLSICAL INSTRUMENTS?5 ypewritrrs3 Household Goods are separata claaairV All advertieemeats of these aoods am punmnod under their rvipecttve chusifiostioaa. LOOK THEM OVER EASTMAN kodak, postcard S-A. with trlnod. 810: double barrel hammerleee shot run. 12 gauge. 312: motorcycle tandem. 33.50: box couch. 84; electric fan. 88. Woodlawa 2821-1 at. Mstconcn. im tienn are., w. SUITS preened, 35 cents. French dry or ate cleaned. 81. Why pay mora? Aatos call i deliver free. Unique Tailoring Co.. $09 Stark. Broadway ait. ACTO MOBILES. MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCH! or boats are em rate rlssil firs tl naa A large Bating caa be fouad under these dlflereat claaeifleariona. REMEMBER, we take your Liberty Bond at fu3 value lor new victrola. Edleoa or Grefonok. HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO.. $31 Mor- FINE No. 2 Rudd tnetantaaeoue heater, rune 3 gallona per minute. Priro 650: 810 down. SB outhry. HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO. at Mornsoa. (uenange xsp.) WILL exchange new VWtrole, Grafoaola or Edv sen pbooograph for piano or organ. HTATT isbai.iu w., asi MorrsBOB. F6R SALE Poutoea. carroU. parsnip, and beans br sack. 1070 Sandy W 1 A WV bird, rhoae Tabor 867. FOR SALE Cable and wire rope. la to 1W inch: will sell at bargain. O. L. Schroadar. 448 Flanders. Wood lawn I960 WAYNE gasoline ware for fliilng station, aad garages. E R BUPFELL. 473 WAAHXNG- nii oi. maiis lew. ,fl . Box Hood River Apples 1 U POTATOES. 31.80 sack. 110 2ND BT. JAEGERS VACttil CLRasiERA BOO ouaranteea a years. Telephone Tabor 1278. FOR SALE at sacrifice, medium ataed fireproof sare. aaa otnox oraco equip men L. Helnecke Main 690. HAND-KNIT army (westers. 83: helmets. $4: scarfs. $4; socks. 83: wristlets. 83. Work guaranteed. 1148 Iron st DRT first growth oordwood. 86 cord and up, deli re red. Phono Marshal 4338 from 5 to g o clock evenmgt M6VING FICtRE' MACHINE" FILMS. LAN" TERNS. FOR RlU OR RENT. SERVICE FILM CO.. 898 OAK ST. ART students: have 6 beautiful nkaar .t.L. era. ear. noaa. month, foe, hand XV. 1 1 ii for 8. Tabor 2844. BEAUTIFUL new hand embroidered table linen ..w. Minn. nk(n. a n. . . Ji I diamond, pay caah difference. H-618. JouraaL NUMBER slightly ussd SO, 40 and 60 gallon range boilers, guaranteed tn good eoadltioa- o gallon, aa eacsv l ! a name ec. xaat T a o a. 600 BOND letter beads. $1.30; 1000. 31.96; BOO envelopes. 81.90: 1000. 33.90. Aaaltk prtnter. iu. sarin HJCHTLT Ung i rottee cutters, cot and moat sBeers; Tery cheap. Caa at S84 Stark su. FOR SALE Eating poteteco $1.30 per sack, fnvs oarrota i. aw per io; asm 2 itao Rattan pupa. Tabor 3874. Coma Sunday. ONE 40 II. P. firebox boiler and engine la A-l enndirjon; also small sawmill. J. w. Clark. woodburn. err. iSSOfiTED Burba nk potatoes. 81.76 and t5 per hundred, delivered anywhere tn A lb ina. 848 Fremont Woodlaww 4484 FOR BALE, beautiful set of lynx, one red fan. piece: brand new. Apt 22. Bark ley CARROTS tor stock and table uee. Buy s for winter nee. A. S. Hogg, Jennings I .oris. FOR SAI E One broadcWth coat, satin AuuanC sise o. Msrenau isn. TBC8T-0 waahing rompnond delivered. Tkboc 22a or write i VBOOSLB are. FOR SALE Oenulne Aastrallan Euehaltrvras treea. 3 years ow. 2oc up. can 490 Flint LADIES' fariined coat, its east: flaw diUon. K. is. t ll si. Fa-fMsLNG supplies; wholeaele prlfes. Blark- Darts Co.. 213 8d st Mara 797. fACrYCM cleaners sold, repaired' rented, i a -k. - 4 n,Mtt. i w. I aaae L.tjtihI ,,u. .... A. L. Howard. 218 4th at f none Mala 1808. BOSEBI'HHKS for sale. 81.60 per doaea. Ta- bor 8698. SOLID gold Berk chain of fire Phono Tabor 1 18. wUl RELIABLE gaa range, nearly aew. cheap. Woedt lawn 1 1 ft or ran ioaw r- im st. FOR BALK Singer sewing machine, goad" dttion. 834 4th st iho for iit- 16 Hardwood cab-net ' ehlne. Real eetate office. 829 Salmon. BURBANKS potatoes. 81.73 per 100 The. Call Tabor 7987. PARSNIPS 8130 sack, earrota Tabor 7987. $1.50 cabbage 63 cwt 8120 ENSIGN Reflaa camera outfit aad exehanga for motorcycle. D-766. Joor TOUR. DIAMONDS sold on tng. 346H Akter et Main omatiaaion. nwTX 1692. ' 1 BTF.AM weodaawiag asai liine. Hawthorne are. 816. .Call 429 FOR SALE Cheap, new Gilbert erector est No. S Phono Tabor 178. KEW long ladiee' street coat for sale. 629 Ever- ett MIXED erase seed. 62.76 pound: will trade. What have you. Church co.. 248 Taylor. RRrffliactn. reading limp, nearly Tabor 8486. mBlhn IHIESTS 1 1 aad Port Orford aedar. flSrr EKr-r-l Kt?l EO. 76 Rotary Mimeograph, la gowd eoeitieeT WILL earkange adjnetabte drww' team for reach 8 17 AO. B-3668. 649 K. 87th etreet in pond eeewlttseei. Eeet 471. ' CTeNTLEMAN'S 646 black tailor-asaAe suit, p Li NO. rare it ere end rug", nasnnalils. 1228 cheap. Sine 36 or 40. Marahall 4491. Coorord. Wewdmwn 1878. CANE bottom chairs and tables, cheap. T 69. HAVE a htrgo Jeweler's safe; will vvrhenge fee Journal. an-thtng I can wv. IH47. Jenrnai. FOR BALE Win eamfloa set Alaeka mink ran- WILL tradoT73 rail top desk for chick sen or e-nable. Eeet 361. ...... notatosa. Sellwwod 2332. ' - FOR BALE Becowd band f nrnaoa. c an, 460 8WAP82taAI aww-hina for npright piano. Union avo; N. East 473. 166 10th at. Main 2 420. WATER power weening machine for sale cbpT WlfA. tike gnodarisM peaao aa part par-H-t $7.60. Sellwood ltta. . 1 for 1917 Ovwrland 6 pass. sate. Main Z&29. FOB 8tF M!SCEl.l.A7rEOr . . Extra Quality Roofing rOMPLETB WITH VAILS AND CXJTENT Oeia pay ......... Two ply ..68t 1J 1.48 a area ply ....... -Traps TVtea. New n Cable SECOND HAND CABLE. H to fca laasnha lOO to S5VO feet. Blacksmith Tools aadt Tuyere ivow a mors wow aaa weea blmumh. i Buiuiim, i D1S8TON and ATKINS CROSSCUT SAWS.'ttrtI - 'L. -.UtU 1- an kinds and leactha. tools o aa fciada, BOW CASES, all $ H. P. ELECTRIC MOTOR. A-l aoadlUoa. Levin Hdw. L Furniture Co. 221 front Street, corner salmon. PLUMBING SUPPLIES Would yoa tmprara the looks of pour bath- for 838 Jawt look at what wo will giro you: i a-soot aamtaa. oomateta. I 1 oec or flat-back basin, aompkrto - F. 0. B. Portland All goods new aad guaranteed. We also hava some larorr staas cm to 190 gal lons, sol ta hie for storage tanks, pes ere tanks. Will stead su to S3 aba. pressure. Wa guaraa- tea them and prkcee are away 6s a. PIPEl PIPE! PIPEI New galvaaiaed etna from 4 to 2 Inches at tba lowest possible prioa. We also hava many other bargains that we are offering at a very cheap prioa. Northwestern Pipe Co. 187 FRONT STREET. Meat Slicers Computing Scales Cash Registers Cheese Cutters Electric Coffee Mills Showcases ALL KINDS OF STORE FIXTURES Wilson's Auction House SECOND NEAR YAMHILL STEAM SHOVELS, DERRICKS AND IVO- MOT1TK3 BO U OUT, SOLD AND RENTED 3 ovaraaad electria ttaaea. 48 ft spaa. 8 tan capacity. ta IB and 20 lb. raim, 1 yd. revolving Bncyrna ti action shovaL 1 19x13 Taoseno logging angina. 1 9x10 double drum steam bona. 1 10x6x13 FalrtMnka-Morso fire pnaap. 1 art 10 to attff leg derrick irons. 1 Ohio tractioB steam shovel. 1 yd, 1 Na. 3 Western gyratory crusher. 1 16x34 Erie angina. 3000 ft 1-iaeh galvanlaad sable. 13.040 ft. 1 Sa Inch plow steel cable. WTUAMETTB EXJUTPVENT COl. 29 NORTH FIRST BT. BROADWAY 1049; A-l 04 6. WE UaU and stLL 6nTT I . IrA tn 1 , 11 3X101131 jdLSl neRISXerS I a a amis and Credit hues J. R. MUMMA, Agent Tha National Caah Register Co.. PW Broadway 1816. 884 Barneide St Sewing Machines Clealng oat old machines at oat, Aeek type writer, eowatar boneb, work yaek aad tools toy sale; alee 1 Beeastrtehkeg ma rhino Lease ea- I pares Jaanary 1. Buelnesa disroatlnwad. Bmger I Bewtng Maehina Exehanga. 281 lamnlU I between 2d aad 3d emeu. I FOR SALE BOILERS ROUND AND FLAT TRON SHAFTINGS OCTAGON STXXU ALL KINDS OF CROWBARS ALL SUES CHAP. HOTELS. PICKS WHEELBARROWS. JACKS BLACKSMITH DRILLS, PLANERS ' SIZERS. STICKERS STEAM HOSE AND LARGE RUBBER HOSE. SCALES. Blear artJcisa m to mention: Isaset orVee aad delivery. 8$1 East Oak st East 2089. "LOGGERS AHENTlONF We havo 100.000 ft of cable, atace H to-. In.. 1 tn- 1 tn.. in excellent aoadltlon and will sell at lowest prfceea. Yon ahenld tsvaatieate tbie bwy at eewo. BATEMAN E. CORDAN 204 Fmat at Main 1371. il2 B6LL top dawk far $27.30; like new. Cal at 802 Couch bkdg. WELL rotted maaareT Phono Marahall 40687" I W"EIX rotted manure. Eaet 6169: : fTTK "Xt TTO X WAKTEB 74 WE PAY CASH For need ruga, carpets, stoves, ranges. office. restaurant aad hotel furnltare. Gevurtz Furniture Co. 163 FIRST. NEAR YAMHILL. I umtmiJ. 661. A-S234. I i ' I I J a fr...-U...-. f- :i Levin nuwe. ruuiuuic w. buys fuialtaie. hotel aad leetaarang ewtflts sad af say eteernpoan; roil vaiwa lor wa 321 Frost Male OTl. A-T1T4. Call East tetZZTZZ .TTy.t onTtatag In knemkoH gaoda, WU ax r he new jmt old tarnilnre lor new. i-riik, Ka4 TiTi when yoa mmmr fwrwltweB: wa will na. at to mrnil and pay yen CASH, M. BL SKATER, 860 Haerthorae I are- (aHESf PRICE I. na4 for aitare, earoeU, stoves, eta. Call East 394. Grand Rapids Furniture Co. WCCTfl Uka ta buy aneao sorond hand keaw I hold goods and clothing; win pay high prises. I Pert la wd Cleamg Hfloao. MsrahaU 1410. TAKE a tip. Bell V rarnltnro so fe'ssw Anrejen Ca Maia tl. swap rotm IkAst rapa or peaao lot tjoea stay sot; - i -i i. i glee or take dinerewce. Tabor 284. I CROCHET KD bed epread for (eroUore. hao- Inn er aasatl antumuMle. Wdhm, !. Lowest ariose. Small ZmJ monthly paymenta, Ma Jrm3 tatmat chargea, Writ- Xf t-t a t I tan guarantee. Old Cdwliil I ragistara repaired, re- p-ljaj built, bought, sold aad . V SWAT COLTTSnr 11 gifiVT r v-aWTBYfKTg a n . in, iaiss a V ra u, eeat 81 7 6: will Uka g-xxl thoroughbred beU ta a tats lot. . Fred W. Coraaaa Caw 1 Ckemaac oi t'e Will, ird' tUm aoMrri ' cUiry wagwa. first etasa must aad take, foe furatrawe. or aarythlaa? I oaa naa. fceorga Ersekaoa, Drrwios) ete. - .'. LOT. clat at Ux-aaaoraAoe, to trade lew peal - or btUmrd Ubie. Havo aisar piuporty- to trado for oowity . ta PortlanA bemsa. Jordaa. 301-2 Lombsrmesia bmg-. a aad Stark. 1 ACRE all plowed, will eeU tksep ee rU for a ToreV TiW lll. - - LXPaUiT piaao tuning aad repairing. 32.30. for aarvkioc Weeeter. Takor BTls. XR TRAIk One It 00 lav sound work hoc?; win work any pi a ate. What baea : trade for eayUuaa I youf pbowa Wdm. 1647. POTATOES so tcadaT r-w kaww 2k31. . AC aaakeorica. 1111 ,:aea. W. ' URAPUAPHONK or IsUmb' gold watch U I lag mark ma. ec aau sassg. for aaa i:aa i-orttett s. ciett t - Hratt TaHlnc Machine Co.. aai atosiieoa. TRADE No. 9 Hockey akoes with North aaa tee lor V. f. whatr C-659. Joe real. TWO goad beach Iocs. Beer school. lot pktao or waax aava your - U A. HALL. 613 Panama Bids. WILL buy 1 or 2 di sea, about 63 or 36 serh or will trade. AUiaT 1648.. or after 6. Maa- shall 8633. tO TRAfcE.'aa Aajaea' paoaograok aad' 24 real orda. good aottditioa. for 6 sacks at po tatosa. WILL BTa b. ZHin at.: w-a car. ate new gralooola aad nsorda for Columbia oraphaphowa Co.. 429 Washlagtoa WILL axchaags room teat, furniihed or - - furnished, atagla or bouse keetnng. for tur- wttare. rharkeoa or Ore stock. 826 H N. 17th. pXiStInG. paper ha aging, tinting, for mga, furanura at aaythtag af value. Mala 019. Cau Snaaaya or evenings. LXBfT8 IB iewel watch with 23 year geat's 17 Jewel watch' with 20 year ease. B- Tix. taanrnx. TEN acres la Taloa C. or Ford or tUamoada value 3500. B-7 1 3. Journal. BEAtTIKVL electno eiaeadellere aad drop lamp for gaa ditto. Main 1310. WANTED To trade two fat eowe for two milkers. 34 3 Holmder East B02S PIANO tunning for $2 30 oc aaythlag naefuL Webeter. 1008 H Belmont Tabor 671 a. APPLES. NewUiwn. Bvita, BvUOower for aala or trade. Tabor 8718. Y A 7TTE T Ml CE LL A 5TOm SECOND HAND furniture, rugs, raagea, bed ding, diefaaa. Ws pay tha highest caah p Wilson's Auction House 2d near TamhRL MAIN 4768. 981 FRONT STREET. HIGHEST PRICES FOR ANT KIND OF JUNK. TOOLS. HARDWARE. KTO. . GROCERY stocks and Urtures. TUgfrosl aaah prioat naid. Wilson's Auction Hobse 2d aeax Yamhia. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR YOUB CAST-OFF CLOTHING. SHOES. ETC 139 N. 9TH BT. CALL BROADWAY 3848. OFFICE FURNITURE Wilson's Auction House 2d near Yamhill. uLolHIMo Wanted J METER. THE TAILOR, PAYS $7.69 AND TT FOR 3D HAND SUIT A HE PAYS MORS FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING PHONR MAR SHALL 1229 TODAY. 329 MADISON BT JUNK DEALERS TA A JUNK Co.. 196 uok M. 4T11 Wa buy and saB ob lou or ksaa matin, aarap iron, all kinds machinery, halting, etc, big best WUi call and deliver. MA.MED The people ml Panland to I oar the klatit ah arleee for Prompt sites riosv Kent 0107. JC 143 Rasaell st aVaster. 0 asfaOui i oca watch ai Reingoid's jeweler w U 134 BtS et.near Waarifagtem. U Want Household Furniture WILL PAT CASH. Phone Mara 8333. rn Front L. Shank Co. Oregon. Hides Metals Robbers. Write far prleaa aad ehrpprag tags. Maia 1689. atAA'AiaLa kUCR WAACat THE CRESCENT JEWELRY CO, 294 WASHINGTON ST.. WANTED Second hand furallala. ruge, ranges and stovea PAT CASH. PIFER-HAMILTON IXRNTTTJRR OO. Pboae East 7744. raa4 aveai WASTED Second band fumltare. range, and M E t-AI THE. sui rauxa ausua.i ii,s.iiii,aa v.. 890 East Merrieon. Phono East 339. hkLMT caah oncea aaid for Basel otfteo oeaaa. chairs aad tiling cabtneta. Faatfla Stationery A Printing Co. Man 1971 WANTED Use of dropbead eewing machine lot storaga Fbona uswago avi or see xoung. starter SeTttng bldg. TO THE UOLki.a.kl'E'ir I pay highest prtcee for Jane, paper, clothes, Tabor 7289. iifiivu EAST! Honeehoid aoade ehlpoeal Ted need rates. Padfie Coast Forwarding Co. 301 Wlleoa Mdg. Mar. ISST. TCt PAT diAH In diamonds from U kt n Old gotd. platinum, silver. 919 Oregonlan bidg tflVTtr leconiinsnd taoh, btcoeaee. ete. Bxv man Hsrdwara. si a Front, maia sill TaYI highaat prirwa fog, eeooadhsad eUhTagT toeaa. eto. 17 rronx. ataia eewa. EOOtS ionght sold Aad eieaaaged, aVoandv moetaw rVw Store. 4. W. SS WiS'tCD kiAas. sbitguaaT HocbfWkl Mala 8861. WILL pay cash for one karat diamond, mast bo a pertain, n-oio. intw, f AtftED raed" bathtub toGet, "Tsnor 6421 WiNtED. Seeoad nanl light windows! phone pertleulara. Tenor .re, iFaNtFTS Te"i ay eaah regleter. B-saa. J sraaL PPA'Olfit Fbo. CHIRftP RACTTC BtttEM TT. MeMahon. Maeasey bldg.. chlrupr actor of esperteetea, a lone. CHTROPRACTIO 8P tils heat twsnmrejlale from patlsnm froan Esotsm stataa, famihar with tho best; also frea Wat en and hwal patkeata baring aaf rl was very had Imm than 10O rhlropractie alseuksso, wtta. of course, enrraapoadtag dJeappototmeat la deieyed relief Te different rlasaea of patient are tuny H'f wl h my 10 cbiroprarttie asxlkeaopby . aal wapenor ecu. nati ms. I . ftnellr. me for years. Etghtb year tn thtaeaty xi,.l rw and Weak side offleaa lioo i 1 -.ih -wdtt. sni.1 AO re aaa PERSON I ALL I ruaiaw aaa aojuwiaw aim ' - alatism. - - " ? tl. jr-"r 81 adjaatakgnta. 813. 4th and 31st and Keen home avo. GLASSES AT A SAVXNO Tho earns surilns aad anahty awn nay -aViabas tha wnere: oorreeUy fitted 11 kg. Taooaanda of aaUsfled UtIA. a r reach ladr that rereaveal note I 1 Aoaam niaat at Tseaiaar,.. Waah.. writ mo a letter t i. CoraO. taaav Del, ferv or. BEAM EM A CLARK aninars pa aaa. tormeriy kieCredle s. 24 lean aae Bin ana AkleC streets, 88 fcn the tiorthweet lint A. f. " ileTciiTm. KEtCHtM. badg, 4t " an Ueehkngtenv Mar. 448. . j, jll.. .y7- ink, ris iiHir Fan to eoder, reaaodeting. -ioweet SOS i Swetland seoc ta ana v LlGHT aaaanrtieg and eweai aal ha. trained aarea. .w5 Atothchiid bUav 87 Waaningt n. - - 1IMEDA BALM Fass. for d of Belt 2213. electric treatmenta. 422 tk Waahlngton. Room 6. top ftonr. Hears 10-9. Mm AlavAM tea rliai plsaMOA. - . and cai rrwdmg. Mam 744 8. I'koF. BRIlrT.'etea'm'bath. artootifas 318 Hw-tstaa. m. iai sciENTirUT and sntha. iraneiga, IjjZ 2 PHtork blerk. Lawyer ;-; J C'enanliataan Fni, Aai 4e8 Peruana, a EC Lt LIST.' 'with seriy anuea Bean of I an. 4A E. 334 I : . . j 4. i ill , PW-ae aaoennaga, I OTICE8 U'kUak.v xATld.VAL tiAf Af EoLt: seealed at Portiaad, la tke gsam es agoax a cluaiag its affaire. AS awee k 'gei. aad ouasr cwsian ef tba -f O'TRAWFOBUX Dated KeermW a. sail. UkOrtSSIONAL: AND BUSINE-jS' DIRECTORY OOOMOtfOM sttsnss i 1E UsMlilri isa. aa i r4 : .rrTT : all etekes: i' .f red buttoabotes; buuoaa aoeered. kaT'wLM . .v. r umin aia t . u. . Oak am. Paoao h road way 2908). SIs-PUAN. liai til ng. braa liaav sane and si seallaoW. 219 Pittock blk Bmadwby 1099 EUTK Hem aid Matua buttaa and pUntinai mail prompt ettesmsa. 364 Morrison. Mam T380. AtATr-M cut sad wotiwd. jewn a4 mi rwantrma. Miiler'a. tl Waehragtoo at BLANK BOOK IUIM Iia X u a iiiil u.U rcrr C. 199 2d me aala. A-3I3S. Mara 31. RA8B AND) BSOHist mrnaea BAitl'AK a HULka WURkUL Braes oaeu naa 194 NTAla. B way ltt aad raise CAWPST Clttkttg NORTHWEST RTtp Oik 8h t Pkwnea Eaat 836. B-116 68 JUICE BkiJS.. kleetne d-satag W peia cleaned and mie): rvflttlaa aw aeo. a-i. yat East I9tb at N CM. . StOP It A OTOft tAWSUr-HACTH: Meat. Uwtu. Vaa-M a.. Bpactat la dim i is of woeaan and ahfWliwe- treated with sain a. Kortk raealia ,ssn.. aaa rinuLk - 1 - a If ov-tred. DR. . MdlAUu. aaa aaaa guwdi 31 iiiian 816: as. DOO AM OAT NOPITAL UK. v.. Lt HUlMalAJk. u A Pit at 418 B 7th . I 1447 K-l4 I. . t TOO K. Barnude. I lit a. st-l3A. BV 478 KOUCATICwAt OAkOiaa svA.Va.lw. i.uii A4oavaaj. faary, stage aad aad pnrale Main 8380. far eAitta and chat. RuerWe. etirieSas 1 HknllM e3 1 6i bet Stark and tint: Bu. p. ss.. .km. Tbura.. Bat. ewa., 28a. Broadway 3160. Tilt baXavkri US.A1H ttltaj.laas7 taagkt ka all fea brancaee, Pnrata, day oc oeenlng. Tuea, ead Fri, a-16. Aa. ly aner. 884 H Was, st Mesa : hlatn luakk i , top nax .a na. BeDfooea aad caaasie daaexng. Pnvata se m daily. Camas Maaday aad Taw aay ' se- S to IB. Indies frea Mala 2IOO. - - Mian IHa khi tiraam bldg-. 1 pnvat sesena, 68. a. m- u p a. as. LAW BCMOOt OaAtrUN LAW aCAKKjL tksrongh. praottoal . aoar-s ta saw Berlta- Mala 917. Ala y bmg. BIU6I0 SCHOOLS ANO TSACM8B6 TtUELHUalX . nriia seachee. ymvi neeaaa. 37 Flledner bidg. Broadway 1039. ' IrkoV. L E. UwAonT llano lea bams. 6we- Phone Tennr TIOC ' VluLIN. Piano. Msnrtnila. o tar. Bovo. a -kenbeck. 4Q9 TamkiU. ls-tramrata ll66L OF MUhlC Staff af TAachera. . Ore? gon Conaervetory. 843 H Washington at fLUFfRUBI AMD SB P)W9 t hOHTliMr-tC slUK CO. fcatihinnsd law. FrnM Kugs and Bag Bags woven, an aagea. 6th and Taylor. Eeet 3ts0. B-1160. Sl-a,K LI.' Acta CO. PHONE EAST 6161. B-1476. rVSMACES v--" uiaalltv Pwraaea I .tailed. mXU. Is reaalrmg. P. . McDonald TV. t6 6l SeiL 17 MAIN 4VOOOS AMB MAIK OBBMIB16) . FEB VET A-HAN Eat C T, leeding wig aad I e ck of bamaa knur ao oe; nag, face aad scalp trees. Removed to 849 Aider, awsr Bi ..' ONIIMTAL 6)OO0B Cliinaas Vm(nnam. IK hfr 1 - T Bdwy. Chin A V a; yon a a mmt 6a wall pe-l BTkasa oa 'pain tine, sa paring, tiaimg ta toe city. Tabor 7398. -CL H. Mark. lw PAIMlht Cn papsrtag. 649 aiawhaU et Broadway 4414 PATS NT BTTOBBBV8 trOLDREaMi. ! Were. 4i4g- Maia !, PMT6ICIAM8 17Z" R. A. PHILL1PA 9U4 Drwedwsy badg. Aathma. Wervooaoeea. Proa ta tie Trankle, PtUMBIMB BOP LIB8 UhoIxaaLe A RE 1 AiL PLUAUiUwe a ruu. Flemiag. 113 4th at Maka 73a. PRINTING tf. W. BAL IkA A CAA, 1st and Oaken. M. 166. A-1I4A : iUEivi- PaUA 883 Stark et Broadway 408. A-496 T CaRL k JON 88. 4Q4 Wux btdg ftUBSKBl BTBBIP AnJO BBALS rnlUT BTtNCII TraAe' Cweeaa. Braes FAAlLasU CSAASg .laar wwn 68 Broadway at Broadway TH, A-871. SHEST BfETAL WOBtCS A are eT roofs. Less, 81 let et Phone Mat 141A ClT-J-ftiC at4sra.a . packlngT raralta re Co. Main 1927, ate. Edwwwa AV363A aHsra 8th and Oak. TOW8L SWP-AT p)TLa1R Ul'sLsT r prsmut, ell 41. A-441. mass eerrtoa rhone Kreegway TSAsf'BW A-B BTOftAOS -r Oregon Transfer Co, Eetabisbsd 187. Transfer and Fes ardtng At - Bteragw Free JatiiM. Crieo ana aHorag 474 . ttth and Gnaan. atroadway 1241. ALWAYS -Hlsi IHtTl 6 OOUU6 sra.n'. fa an netatn. n. O. rid TRANSFER A STORAGE1 CCt ' f i and ttna streadwwy 6. A-I4A IaceIng. muvIng. btoragk, ccnitt. VioBAGR A TRAXBFAUt CO 30 Park at Bfeia 6I. A-1031. HANlUf-'ACTlj&.ibS JOBBEQ5 Vr7K)LSALIRa PtwPP WW P)s aiuoa : Send Us Your Old Carpets ; 1FW1F. i . :: ' SUA traea eld laantaa, Bram.hw trmlaatss, Smyrna,- Ala rag ruga, ah ataaa, Ataal anwaea tBiismil 'Bond se tank let. - - v- . - . , Carpet Cleaning, Refitting Etc 9x13 rags, gtaant or atoclrle cleaaad. . . ,. $$. Axl vacs steam or ole-trie alwsoed. . ... 16a WEATE8J4 FLUFF RAO OGL, 64 rnton avo. W. Pnone East 161. 6V14TS. wPOOO P)r - . . , PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Iseaary "a7 ewrtea near 34th and Tarh Mala 8u TBAXSFORTATYOir . 'Sir.' Wapama ; SAIXf TJTRtCT FOR- - SAN. FRANCISCO LOS ANCE1XS SAN DIECO -l8$ r. Mm Af OY- DEC S Baa Franciaoa. IsrtsaaeV A - Leg AagoVea Bteantek! Co. - frank Bellasa. Ageet 14 TVI1B TWTTT A " 1 pr,., " TtOTICTI saaoeSstlon ta lks, " - Fiwnnean, A-l 166. T U4LAaoL. tease en ante vane. Str. GEORGIANA t ' ASTORIA ABD WAY LAETjnr08 - Leavee 7 ml m. Aaiiy. Sunday-, 7:30 a. m." SenrnAng. - Astoria a p. , xrtee portion p. m, BIS, LUnXlaZ Wevre 7:43 a. m. dk!'r. ex cept tMI. - lirnLog Aeaeew AstariS ) rv n. BUas ItAA, Wa-aiagton St. Jeca. A-wI J lFOOT, rH-n aak pedestal dining table, $1 - 419 X. BOth at, - - ;- :':., v .5 v. ... t ": . o ' 'I