- i . ' f V BOOMS AX9 BOABT ' ' 71 j - PHI VAT E FAMILY - - i NICiii.Y furnished front room, with or witlvouT S,rrf two tutimiL Reasonable. ! AH horn comforts. Walking dietenc. East 7270, ELEGANT Noa ud 11 meals in - hous (or on or ta geottexoen; eveo eon- - TCTiCTo. nhi 4157. 20$ 2it BOXurTTod room, private family. 1401 Cor 777? ' bcti st $6.50. - ': ' "-- - ' HOME eootini tnd good room lor 1 oe 2 men. Tabor 6690. I ; TTABTEP BOOM ABB BOABP If BOTr ll wuu pile to work (or room and ". - board and attend achool, country preferred. 627 Kcnllworth. - , GOOD horn wanted (or 2 children, boy 10, aid S. - Jewish preferred. Woodlawn 4849. HOUSEKEKFISG BOOMS t ; Tvnxmuv.it ash tjbftjbnished Here Are Some Bargains Newly renorsted. all farnfamed. 1 room,' $2.60 ' f water, eleetrie Hahta. teleuhone. etc 185 Stout at., corner ot Morrison. Gem Apts.tS w4.r-iTtt-'tt-l FUBMSHED howeepln room. Tabor 8 18. J H0USEKEEPIIT6 BOOMS ' 8 ' rrEMSHF.K OR UXFCBSilSHED PBITATEFAMIIT $12 306 -14th St, v Irge. clean room with kitchenette; free fa, i bath. liht. heat, phone. ' TWO room aulto with kitchenette; lighta, bath, cookhic taa. heat furniihed, Beaaonable rest. Eaat 7074. - 410 Two clean, famished front housekeepinc rooma. lu, electric light, phone; ad alt. 03 W? aoih ,n U'uh ft ELPEBLY couple can find a pleaaant home at Hal .Capital are., a rooma. Call morninaa. H-B car. dmlrable nnfnrniahad hoilMkeepinc rootw, $7. Manhall 2816. FOB BEKT HOrSES UNFUBITI8HED 11 MK1ER 9c KRAXK'S . BENTAfc AND LNi'OHiATION BUREAU. 8TH FI-OOR Here yon .hare choice of the combined linta of all desirable vacant honaea, apartment and flat in the4 city, with definite, reliable informa tion pertaining to each. Jlecorda are kept up tt date, nnr liating being added each day. There ia absolutely no obligation or charge . for till aerwioe. It ia maintained aolely aa an accommodation to the public. '' Newcomer in Portland will ' find thi bu reau of treat help in getting properly located . qiuckqj--- Phone Usnhall 4600, A-6101. 1 room hotue. 151 E. 2$th at. T oora hotue, U6H McMillan C . . . . ,'7 room houae, Ml E. Grant it,.... .-8 room eotuge, 668 E. Market at., . , 5 room honae, 413' E. 0th at. ,,4 loom cottage. 1176 Clinton at.. .. f ' THE LAWRENCE CO.. .625.00 .825.00 .815.00 .6 7.50 .8 6.00 .8 8.00 168 Fourth at. Main 6015. A 2815. Powers- Rental -Bureau ? A department operating for the conrenienc ' onr patrons and friends. A ferric absolutely without charge to you. Our listings of houses, bnngalowi and apartments in most complete. YOURS FOR SERVICE Powers Furniture Co. Third and Yamhill Streeta FOR RENT HOUSES I $1$ " $ room modern house. 845 E. Kelly. j ew--o loom moaern oouse, til e arrets mnnt block, " f Union are., opposite Pied- . i. o room moaern nouse, iron it. $86 room modern house, 78th it ' $104 room modern house with sleeping porch. 7624 4 7th are. S. B. 11 l OTTO A HARKSON REAL ESTATE CO.. I 418 Chamber of Commerce. 0UL1.1C0T1ONS ON RENTAL PUOPERTY WE WILL LOOK AFTER YOUR INTERESTS FOR A SMALL MONTHLY CHARGE J. U HARTMAN COMPANY : Sa 7 CHAMBER OP COMMERCE BLDG. - tth AND STARK STS. - ROSE CITY Modern 5 room bungalow, fire : place, furnace, hardwood floor. Dutch kitch en, buffet, gas range, paved street; full lot; shrubbery. 61st st, 1 block north Sandy bird. $22.60. Both phones. ; , . A. K. HILL. 410 Henry bldg. i i CAi IFORNIA BUNGALOW, $97d0 1 ' Four rooms, modern and very nifty; also 'bar 6 room house, with furnace, on E. 80th ft for 812. Fred W. German Co 632 Cham, of Com. , UOVLNG, PACKING, SUIPFLNU ' STORAGE -' Cut freight rates to ail point on household . goods. Manning Warehouse and Transfer Co. i 0th and Hoyt sts. Phone Bdwy. 708. - " Souses, flats and stores i . - J. J. OEDER Real Estate and Rentals - .; s Grand Ave, at E. Ankeny t .$16 -9 rooms, sua room, fruit trees, garden. 3 . ' bedrooms up. K HARTMAN COMPANT. ,,-No.7Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208, $25 IRVINGTON 7 room modern nome", hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch, eto., 684 E. 8th st near Stanton. Main 1 068, MeGutre. FOR RENT 1874 E. Pine. 6 room house fur-- rushed, piano. 1 block Hontavills car and rboel. $18 month to responsible parties. - Xl 46S. GOOD 8 room hoaae. Wet id. corner 2th and Northrop sts., $80 per month. - , BITTER. LOWE A CO.. - 208-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. f ROOM modern up to data home. 1122 East anY!.hiB- 8thi, block south SB. ear. See this fin residence and call Blanch, ard Clemson, 702 Selling bldg. . FIVE room cottage , for rent; wood In base , : merit for sale, reasonable. 875 East 60th Sunday"00" 6647 bfor bP . t FOR RENT 6 room modern bungalow 810 'month. First clam condition, furniture for 2754"P' APP" 1118 or phons 7 ROOM house, 224 Adams at ... s...u eomer, 5 Tabor 8684. 12.50 par month; newly finished. LIST, your property with us for rent and if : you want to rent coma and see us. 606 1?i:iVVT.EB pJitx8 Toomt- b". furnace, 'wi 1.b.,2ck,ro2! Albert car. in Vernon. 1001 Ev t7th St., . Room 506 McKay bids. - 4 ROOM. bath, alaentne .!. .. .. . hardwood floors, built in conveniences, mot rn 268 E. 80th st S. Open. SIX room clean modern house H acre, fruit . bernee. chicken houses, near Woodstock car line. 815-month. 841 E. 89th st A MODERN 4 room bungalow near the" Soath" ern Pactilo ear shops. Inquire 614 Fmnk ford street . Il6 6 ROOM hotue. 1 acre tend, plae for eow and chicken, on P.hIm.1. Phone Co jumow 191 FOR RENT 8 room house, Sunnjtide, is.60 w, ntv &. momson. 7 ROOM modern homa In R City Park. block from car line. Call 657 E. 66th GOOD, comfortable 4 -room house. $5. itvaud ; in water. .Tsaat 7ai r ' ""aui MODERN 6" room DungsJow with aarar. rin 248 E. C2d. Hawth,ornecar. 32tx" ROOMS. East ; 27th and Everett : '. i-none Kast 2 ST. MODERN 6 room houae sod gamgsL' couver avenue. 911 Van; 4l8 Wmt side. 691 V4 Waahingtoa, 6 s newiy renoraiea. t- yo.R.,KS?I ,,.m.. a lot.' - - - ..mwmw VWU ISDOr 111. .12-7 room house on Borthwick . near "SaZ. j, sell. Gas, bath. Main 9486. 12 ROOM house, rent 315: newly painted and 7 .- nanerett. -it STS V mil, rAs uu BtSNt: ro-ra hu. 1 blk. from end of W. W. ear. Inquire at Hunt'a gro., store. ROOM strictly modern, close in; good Iocs" tion; $18. Laymsn. 145 H Broadway SIX room, good, modern nous, reasonable. & ewwi, rwH isoor oo2 - FTJBJnSlTEr HOUSES f , v; FURNISHED 6 room cottage at 941 S. fW ? . dem. corner 81st - -, - . .: S. POUR room furnished houae. 88; alec trio lights. ' - Tabor 1977. t . . . . . . . $15. 3 ROOM oottage, modem, gaa, etectrlcltT 405 E. 44th st. Hawthorns wiciW. v MODERN furnished house with gsrag. Franklia high. Tabor 967. " - ft ROO1 8898 1-XR RENT. . nicely furnished slecDlna - rum ? ' wwk' 8a1 HU west side. 7 S ROOM cottaee. $6 a month, Woodlawa 8098; mimn ivv.. xjngonta sr., xvooqiavm car. , TWO lurnfelied hotuM, 89 and $12-mo.x v ' cant $4 t $10 a month. : Tabor 3020. FTJByiSHEP HOUSES M WILL. Tint n hom of 1 rooms, modern, w . ptetely fnnuriMd, grand piano, mhow for. rdture, Maaonabte to responsible party. -, Tak 7. P fn'0 ' BMW. Kov vt?us Bmu o. -- - - - 4 ROOMS ptnlr fnrniahed for H- E-, all reacted, elect rto light, wood, phone aad water. Main tin 37 37. eonneoa; torn rent. WELL furnished modern T sleeping poreh. r furaae. bungalow. garage. : 650 Waeeo. East 4211.- FOR rent. $ ee 4 room, well furnished, asod "rn: piano, baai. adiUU cily. Maia 418a. 06 Flanders. MODERN home, beautifully furnished, with gar age, Roaa City Park;, adnlta only. - See Mr. Welch. Hotel I,cnox. r call Main 7400. 1RVINGTON, 0 room heme, -modem and com plete. Can Sunday only betwera 0 and 6. 744 Clackamas, cor. 3 2d. Phono Eaat 1674. -BIX room modern completely fxirnishedC player piano and msaae. .v pboa Tabor $260. After Sunday phon Tabor 6200. ' FURNISHED 7 room bouse. 296 Ivy st East 8808. 6 ROOM 'f nralnhcd house, oast aide. MIL 227. APARTMENTS 43 FTTBHI8HED Alf UK FtJBBISHEB WINDSOR APARTMENTS 2. S and 4 room modern fnrnlahed and nn- fnrniabed apart menta, Walkinc distance. Ideal location. Eat 2v07 181 EAST 14TH STREET VILLA ST, CLARA APTS. Modern, completely . fnrniahed apartment! ralking dlatanee; raferencea. M. 2276; A-7061 12th and Taylor Sts. Lucretia Court Lucretla at., between Waahlngton and Ever ett itreeta. Moat beautifully located high claaa apartment. 2,' 8, 4, 0 rooma. All modern con venience, flnt claaa eerrice. Price reasonable. Reference reonired. Manager. Marshall 1616. THXA ST. CLARA 12th aad Taylor Modern, completely furnished apartme Walking distance; refsreneea. New York Apartments Well fnrniahed 2 and 8 room apartments ; desirable location; East 7th and Belmont sta. 2 AND 8 ROOM apartments, with beat, light and water, 812 and up; walking distance, con venient to shipyard. Apply 410 6th st. Phoas Main 2070. COZY 2 ROOM SUITE. 88.50 WEEK Free! heat, hot water, phone, bath, eleetrie light, etc; newly renorated. 165 Stout at. comer ox noillfuu. MODERN apartment. 8 large outside rooms, un furnished, heat, phone, private bath. 828.50. 868 18th tt THE ALCO, E. Couch and Union are. Nicely furnished 2 room apt., strictly modern, rea mnable. East 2408. BRUCE Apta.. 25th and Northnip Modern 6 rooms and aleeping porch; steam heat. Phone Main 4008. HOSR l-nrfvn apt -ba . j t.;1 (arson. Elegant unfurnished apta., best serrioe. waming Qietance. marsnaii If Itl. MAGNOLIA APTS., E. Sd.and Belmont MoC era 1 and 2 room apta.. 81.60 ner weak am- sleeping rooms. East 212. ' U IS LOP HALL, E. 6th and Hawthorne. Mod - ern 1. 2 and 8 room apta.. 812.60 up. w.i. ins auxance. fjasr BBS. JUST completed, 3. 4 rooms, hardwood floora, sleeping porches. Garfield. 861 Failing. 1 "iwi weet, unuHi are. CLEAN, newly furnished steam heated apart- meuu, ea - xo 2u. its snerman at. FOB BEHT FLATS 1$ LOWER fUt of 4 rooms, bath, electricity; wals ins distance, west siri no' 571 6th Ta bor 4668. 6 ROOM upper flat west aide, near Shattuck. i.inooin ana uommerciai scnools, Xey 471 via. or oeuwooa 11D. FIVE room flat between Broadwav and Steel bridges; unobstructed view of. river. Neal nrown, zu ranama bldg. R P(Vlf n n fn.n 1. V. 1 1.. Ok i.1 . . -. side; 3 blocks from river and shipyards: rant 5 ROOM modern flat Flanders and 21st side; rent 618. Phone owner. Main 0041. LIGHT, cheery 5 room upper flat close in. et side. own oxn. ispor otti, si. 310. 5 ROOM, elos in, hot aad cold Water, pnnne. oid aim. 8 ROOM upper. 673 Union av. East 2195, FTJBITISHED FLATS (6 COZY sunny 4 room corner flat porches, lewn. etc.; walking distance, 816, including water and removal garbage. 442 Rodney. Wdln. 124L, $14 DUTCH kitchen, front room and sleep ing porch. 844 V Benton st . . . FURNISHED 5 room upper flat gaa, electricity: 65 H Beech st WANTED TO BEBT WANTED WeU furnished 1 or S room aptaTT clone In. F-557, Journal. FOR SALE. BTJSiyESS FROPEBTT $1 WAREHOUSE MANUFACTURING BLDGS." For lease, sale or trade, downtown locations. RITTER. LOWE A CO 208-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE Corner 100x125. on Montgomery St., witn 4 isrge bouse;: all rented. Will sail for les than Assessed value. K-987, Journal. FOR SALE Corner Broadway and Salmon, clear of incumbrance. 842.600. tlO ononuh balance long time. C-653, JoarnaL FOB SALE HOUSES $1 32800 BUNGALOW FOR $1866 ' 6 rooma thoroughly modern, firwnlaca. fnTI basement, stationary tuba, oa pared street and carline, $800 cash, balanc to suit Fred W. German Co.. 782 Chamber of Commerce. MY 8725 equity in on of th prettiest 4 room bungalow on the peninsula. with 8600 worth of furniture and S cords' of wood, all for $660. BaL easy terms, ,TM is a anas. Woodlawu 8112. FIVE room house, lot 60x100, now rented for 815 month: total mortgage $1000; also 10 acres tend on Eagl creek, partly cleared and clear ef incumbrance. Make offer on both. 211 Alisky bldg. Main 1493. Rex Agency? $1675 BUNGALOW SACRIFICE 8167 Cosy home, modern, large light rooms, near gr, eauy terms, big bargain. Chaa. Bingter. 828 enry bldg. - 1 . . LARGE modern house. 6 rooma and eUerC wv.v.u, wiueu. . 1 1 1 1 1 1 lurnao. lot with tlleyway. doss ia oa east sad. Marshall 2486. . """ "a faragw. Owner. COMFORTABLE horns and full lots, rich aoiL ft K. e fhtA aMa. Tf Ilowith bath; only 81500. See M. T. Daffy. 401 Board of Trad elds. oeaimg Irult FOUR room house. 968 E. 30th st K.. Aibert car to 80th. south 3 block. wieet.. JT ern plumbing;, bargain $823, $226 wUliandla. TACOMA. Was.. raaldeno lo trade tor aato mobila or for good dear lota. Hons has 6 rooms, moaern. corner location. - 715 g. Oak at w v. esmuvna, eioisbb. jt. 6 ROOM bouse, plastered. (uUplumbing. loOO"; - vu. www ava,. a. jc. lit. Seott car to Fern Park. AU.. l?Vin,to"n; will saerifioa my' room unfinished house and 4 lota for asnn .v mortgage 8600. Tabor 507. W-71 1. Journal MODERN 6 room bungalow, corner lot 1 blank to car. 82000. terms, Phon Woodlawa ww, vKvmu imv XT-rang ava, r. LIEUTENANT WiU U .ntifxu lrringtoa mw wuw A VVUMVUWf. OTWlWSr W. ' A " DnAU . W 1 , 4 I . j itVi'v 1 saoxjera. larg lot; nic t'v a iwaisj nice i run. Bio Bias. SKftn til K T.h. . J , swaaw, 6248 67th ava. 8. E. SMALL investment $2400 -for good renting eaa31? 8, om. ; btxaaAhy. Hswthorna, vjt -x ge-s CP tVII ItaVAe 52500 liurwCUw thi 100il66 onr. cooci lr vavma ttuist VaAAATJ, VUIJ 9WV. "sT?aM Zlmmtarmahv ssV 17 ait n-ata bv.j. " ""A W A yvtJV nrNGaVLrOW ft TootnM $ukd bthg lc far, onW a'I"i JLiTRS--.l Sot euarauvev, wa a aruw VCtagX 00 Nioe lot well built 2 room sWV wltT. wa-rea -"f tRosa City) 5 ROOM, house, 2 lotlT aarar. fiirniture. pels, piano. Woodlawa 8878. ' ROflil bnngatow for sate, cash e it .af ROSE CITY PARK bungalow for 'sat.' $2966" Am tearing state. . -670. Jcrarnal. , mil I I 5 Room Plastered . Home : J KA.I41 u . - . . .It, . . . uus mvumm m vim mm, larao light airy roaaaa: pea try. fall floored I attic; .caaaeat haMeuant, paleeit toilet. eiastrM ognm, imcea enicaea rana. acreenag paren, enac front. Worth 6126V. Owner borrowed I "U0. re- oenuy paja. Toe nret to Inapoet' wUl. It. Exeraaivwly handled by FRAME L, MoGnira, AMagtoa bldg. HAUTUORXE DISTRICT,. . Tae wiao are baying now. Terma n room, aew. modern, bangalow. l wnalw......840OO 9 roam, aew, modern 2 atory. ........ .88750 room atrictly modern, 2 atory ...... 8560 ROOM atrictly modern 2 atory , tltOO ROOM, foil atory .......62600 6 room bangalow,. anai-i ....81800 Ooat of baUdinc thee would about eaoal taa prion, aaked. - . e CHAPMAN mSTLEB CO. - 1684 Bawthorna at loth. Opea Bnndaya. The Greatest Bargains OBTAINED THROUGH OrB OFFICE. MAWT SATISFIED ' HOME OWKER8 AS TESTI MONIALS. K. C Park datrict epeciala now 62100. 62500. $8000. $8600.; 6 F. L. McGuIre, Ablngton bldg. "" MtSt SELL T6 PAV bEBti room modern haoae. nicely located, aa car" line, cloa ta. Bewty painted aad tinted throngh- oat; S bedrooma, aleeping aorcb, living ana ain ing raom, fully equipped, bath, electricity, gaa, etc. good baaeiaent. . Price only $2600, raa aonablo terma. - LUEDDEMAXJf COMPANT, : 016 Chamber pf Commerce. $1500 6 rooma and sleeping porch: Dutch kitchen; cement baaemeat: eleetrie light flit urea; 2H block from Sandy bird. 8100 eaah or Liberty bonds, balance 816 per month. Including rnt. SEE i. D. WOODMAN AT 72D AND SAXDT BLVD. AS I am leaving town will aell my new bung a- Iow, 2 lota, gangs, chicken hoaaa, fruit trass, new gaa rang goes with hoaaa. This plae ia 4 block from carline, near Brook land. Will take 81800 for it and tire terms if wanted. Any wanting s boms tt win pay yon to see me at I tola place. 766 laaley are., cor. 22d at Sell. wood ear. EAST SHERMAN and 8 lit. bargain; good 6 room boa, lot 87x116; fruit tree, garage, $2550, $630 down, balance, easy terms; 6 per cent. lam 6 room house, with furnace. lot; can't beat this in Snnnysida; 82500. terma. Tabor 1811. W. U. SawtcU. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW A real bargain. 6 rooms, modern from A to Z. hardwood fmors, fireplace, furnace, built-in convenience, east front, one block from both cars, oa E. 41st st Price $8800. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 208-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ' ROSE CITY BUNGALOW BARGAIN Fin modern he use. 6 rooms, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, garage, on Mock to two earllnse, faces east ' Price 88200. Bom terms. HITTER, LOWE A CO.. 208-6-7 Board of Trad Bldg. BEST BARGAIN YET 1AA.1AA I T ' 1. ...... 1 .1 k .. u- V . w .WVU. 1111 a vnwm w., dose in, must hay some cash; will aell for 81S30. Thai place should bring 83000, K1TTKK. LOWE m CO.; 208-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SIX room house" practically mod era ; coat .to I build 81460 4 years so: lot 50x108: ante 8000: easy Davment. Mv aanitv for IS 00. If renting, better look this up. Main 148. Rex agency. AT H pric. 100x100 business cor. 3 stars rooms, on paved street and carline, worth 88500. 81760 cash takes it If bought at once. Mr. Speculator, better yoa get busy. J. R. Wolff. 018 Chamber of Commeres bldg. $100 B CYS th equity in a 1st claaa house! I Houck. 110 10th st FOB SALE LOTS 16 BROKE AND MUST SELL. 8250 Splendid 60x100 lot; fine location; walking distane of th ship building plants; iv caan, oaianc to suit. COB A. M'KENNA A CO., 727 Chamber of Commerce. FINE rssidsnos lot, Willamette bird., eoOO cash; aU improvemruts in and paid: well worth $1000; owner must has money. .Meal civwn. .vi rsnssis DHia. 6210 TAKES my east front corner lot 40x jvw; stuu a own. tie is nee to suit on 02d at. o. . 1-922, journal. 2 qrJ r $560 IDEAL Laorelhurst tot 63d and irrlna 1st st, room 14. $6 DOWN. 60x100. facing east oa 87th. 166 feet north of Stark. Pric 8250. Maia 1068. 1 8 JI8- S0J. Unlvaraity perk, cost about S9AA W k T tf..n..l. . if -1 .Aeo I 100x100 on Peninsula, H block to car; 800. - rrane ... acuiar., main 1UOS. ACBEAOE YOUR chase ia in Canada. Rich lands and Business opportunities offer voa rndenand ene; farm lands 311 ta 880 sera; irrigated tends 836 to 850; 20 years to pay: 32000 loan ia improvements r mad made fuws Loan ef 11 restock; taxes average uader 20 aa acre; no taxes on improvement, personal prop erty or livestock; good markets, ehareaea. eehools, roads, telephones; excellent elimste 1 crops sad livestock prove ft Special bomeaeek- I -- 1 1 T,Kixe iw irvw oooasvxa. I Altea, Cameron, general superintendent mad 1 branctl. Canadian Paclfio By.. 113 Oth ava, t VmiZhiy, aaVlleFrTesaW CHOICE aereaae. cloea ia Rt n.lu rv3 ramom v,ixy; only so miles to PorUand deep, rich soil, no rock or gravel; vary pro Quctlve ; roads and trananortatinn fseiiliw very best; just off th main Columbia high- I m vav e. A - . it i . , - . I way now Deing paved; walking distance to new shipyards at Columbia City and other big payrolls at St Ha leas, th county aaat; ideal eonditiona and every inducement to aet- uen; any aix tract at low pric and l easy terma. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO.. 224-225 Henry bldg. Producing Place For only 81750. 6 H acres ready to move onto without spending money to gat started. Good houses, chicken house and fencing, bara. good orcnara. ) acres ta cultivation, level rich land. On fine road between Baa Line aad Troutdale, near statloa and ecbooL. J. G, Kainey, 605 i eon ping, stain sou. VERY ATTRACTIVE SUBURBAN HOME" Madera bungalow with S aerea arroand. U block from electric station, close la; house hits gas, electricity, water and furnace; ground well improved: family orchard, berriee, ete., good chicken house sad brooder, nio creek trimiea back end. Pric $8000. terms. $1900 cash. oaianc morTgag. L LED DEM ANN COMPANT. Oil Chamber f CAwtnaVAe . a iriicD 1'irwi-wrt nlmArruvvTi 1 . eore. hiehle enttleeteA ma X.l M soQ, good barn, hone aad ether outbuildings, all fenced, running water aad well: choice lo- fenced, running water aad wen: choice L-1 cation. 16 mites from Portland; raaeiaislils Hcrma. i.Lti.UE.aiaj.- uwam, via x nam oar or xjommare. 12 ACRES aU la eulUvatioa. HT Ti fruit, mostly apples. SO cherry. 30 plums. 20 peach; goad 7 room boas, larg bara aad all other outbulldlnga. AU fenced and cross f need with wovea wire. Oa bard surface road. 6 milae I from Vancouver, Waah. Prio 34600. 814 Lum-1 ber Exebang. , 14 ACRES, all la cul'tiv.tion. rich rivM bot- torn, orchard. S room house, bara, eta. Sid- walk ta town, high sohoot alectrte liim. A I bargain at 83200. 6 acres, riverfront oa Clackamas ante mad. Fin plae for rammer hem. 8460 per acrw. j.srms. tajcar r reyxe. triaostotte, jr. Gibson Half Acres Good soil, etty water, close la carline. ear rma: will build ta suit nurchaser. Phoae Mar shall 1886 or SaUwood 476. Joha H. Oihaoa, BRYANT "ACRES. ' ' AT OSWEGO LAKE, a aa . . ..M . i. t.-.t . moond growth; cloa to statloa. THE ATCHISON-iALLEN CO., - 600 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. 40 ACRES. Baa Line, house, barn, family or- chard, bast bay aa tnat oesxrsbte road. 8260 per sere. . tiood tens, Inlormatioe, 611 Board ot TTao. ' - CLIENT will aacrlOo S acree Tiaard and highway, aboat S aera beaver-da a, aimastl ttmlu. A M. Ire WaA BLIm U.I. I S617 or maia Z3oa eixutday sad after 7 p. m.1 7 ACRES, hone, bam. etc. 600 fruit trees, berries. E. 82d sad Po trail Valler Tnmd- VT" fore sate, home brokea. Fraak L. MeGair. ABtngtoa Mdg, - . FOR SALE 60 acres af Und. 1 mile out of 1 city bmita, 810O per acre; SO scree eaa be plowed- J, i. HAvIik, txesppooa. Or. CHICKEN, FRUIT, Porttead: 8. 6. IO er tract. 866 ta SXOO per acre. McFartend. 403 Teoa bldg.. Portia itd. IF LOOKING for Portland, as my net; a 4o 20 aerea; aoraa great bargain. Iseal Breww, 2T Panama bldg. ONE aera. 3 room hoase. aoavenient. Aldercras. Carver line, 31800. Owner, terms; Oak Grow Xll-ri. CRANBERRY tend, big profits, 6 aerea, Owner, P. O. Box 165. See view, . Wsh, 40 ACRES.$400; Porttead 25 milea? 12$ acre. $7 acre. 422 14 1st. ls ACRES clear, near Pike. Or.. 1700- termsT layman, 146 m Broadway. . ., . TOBj SALE HOrSES T 40 ACRES GOOD SOIL8404 Wear Portmad. atrwam af water, ene kM tillable, balanra ideal fog peitarage ' Tenae to auit. pec aewA 46 ACXXS. AU. TTLtAELE. 81000 - ' - V Free from rock, ear little brwah, atreaea of emit. 1 ' I water. Bieaoy oaaptoymana, Taa ma to 1uih iUaaM.'VMie aaA river tetl m - nrln.. I Rome lead burned gad needed. Law tracts I I for atork rmarhee mm W ae 11 aa ecr. K A , I PPORTTXITIES TO DEVELOP fiOUEA. ! Maia 8818. Addreaa. I PORTLAwn OFFICE.- 1 61T Chamber of Commerce bide I CHEAP ACREAGE Free acres. 6280: 810 dowa. 88 Bar aaaath bays . S acres of mad between Portland aad Oentsatt. on the main lino of S railroad. 1 Bailee how m tnm rj aa imuktlM. eewveflU aad - abiaale mllat! am nartr cleared aad 1 aom all cleared, raaaing stream, acen bottom I roae ovnea; can gars you say una a a i , BKI.t, REAL ESTATE CO.. - 816 Railway Exrhang Bldg. 8120O INVESTED la 40 ar t- a .v. i t." L -V."!"" " "ST". TT" I mm m wwam winnir. m tarn tkhi het inui i and farming wbe. cleared, cord wood, oak and fir. worth aarehaaa Drica, m-evTW I at.. N Portland, Or. srarnmir arnvans ti SACRIFICE 6 . acres ia culavaUoa, does ia. 1 'U4S. . I 8UBUBBAIT HOMES 7t I iiOMESITE.' only 6840 auto road. wat. Ugnta, claaa to electric atatloa. 6t aatnnt out. oaty 86 per month. Call at 800 Coacord PMg.. owner. FOB SALE FABMS 17 Splendid 40 Acres ' This ia a chcaoa 40 acre home, full saahmoeL ngna a atauon. snort no from aerea. 86 aerea hiah atat eoltit nleo timber, bring water, -wovea wire fenees. 10 bara 68x48, Mtbuildinga, Peraooal: Team marea, a cows. Dull, a calvea. chick ana. 20 tone hay, grain, potatoes, wagon, buoy, mower, rake. 1 cultivators, 2 plows. 8 harrows, manure spreader, drill, fanning mill, cream separator, small tools. rno 7 TOO. A complete (arm nam to mar on. Hargrove Realty Co. - 122 N.-Sth at. Broadway 4881. 10,000 ACRES of farm Uada located hi Ore- xarauUr.J?.ru ! aaay xerma or will exenance lor aooa. nret elase city income property, either ia Portland. oaattw er aaa rranciaca; would tt willing t sasum a reasonable amount af liseumbraisM. Owner. 328 Northwestern Bank bktg., Port ia na, tjr. vVJS! lo miles out 8 blocks- from at don; all enlti vated. bo rock: livinr etiwen M,h.M a.v wwuamiow; pnoo oaiy sziou. Hargrove. Realty Co. 122 N. 6th st Phone Broadway 4881. DO YOU WANT A DAIRY FARM! B yoa are a rods of good stock and mad. I her ia on sure to suit you: 80 re to suit you: 80 scree with BO I m oottom. balance aplaad pastur. seeded to clever; large bara with steel stanchions: rood silo fiTled, engine aad ensilage ratter; good 6 room aoasa, au needed machinery; 16 eowa. 6 heifers, (me heavy team, feed and seed. $10.- Chamber of Commeres bug. Main 7102." W n-vT T VAtHnner .aah . r. me iz.wuu, mcmding stock and eouttv I Hint XA lw enlHeerlnit k.lu .11 . I 8 room houae, bara aad outbuildings; good wall and miming stream, oa macadam road. Bear good school; has good orchard; lies 3 mile of Paclfio highway aad railroad. Owner would accept aom trad. . Ayree A . Enclehart, 624 Henry bldg. Main 7266. 16 Acre English Walnut Ranch B$lrilVBT. lrilli nruntBa BXati tnnlt. mm ffTlmrm. TKim TTtlmAm am atrwavm 1naw4-lm sul sail ta4ri au.11 n.X ".iTlwVychaag. at 60 on th 81 aa 1 cannot give th Urn to "'i1."? ABOA.D ... 26 aerea ta eultiratiaBu snwr eeev rl...-i eeoei bntlftlneet femilw Aenkew. SA Amim i lyonnaT stock. 11 hora. team. beea. ehlekeAe s tcmm ' ? klnda term impieaeatts; aick- 1??. . aacnnoa, eTsrytnln goea at building. "rr" at. r. vemn, us atcaay 7 160 elear. anything cash MAumm Wisrv Mr.-, .v.vr I xt7 .Ai r . .V,.r w-".v-" . I it . .. 'T.' 'wTi. . " 1 IV.' L "uaww. Pisea- orchard, county road on two rides, aear Padfie highway withia 14 mil of Taacowvrr, Waah. w eww. EPTON A McCIJCLTAn. Mala 264 1. 812 Chamber of Coo. A-'i t-AJRVI1 kARtlrfk-rt " Her ia a 50 acre fsra. aU lw nlih.MM good baildmga and f encee ; lees than a soils to statloa oa electric, $9 mites to Porttead. Death ot son compel, owner to eelL. Particular, 219 Lumbermena bldg., 6th and Stark sts. a.8 nrtlTD V M MODERN bungalow for grocery star aad Hv- ing rooma. U-.I8. journal. . Alberta Wheat Farm ah . . e-a at. e - . . www aerea, au una larm una. big crvu " o --u.; tood bxUM - inge; intiy squnTpea. Borses and " . t. Price 640 nev aer. gkAOA A k.. twrv-a rn.V. Ti. inn n iTTI - w wwwr wwww A V- a a w FOR SALE by owner Dairy ranch762H acrw. timbar. eraek. nio. kxmtioa. 1 H mile, -nil a room rram Bouse, rair nara aewt K.. . .. .. , - - - y- y. "w. aua r-oruano. . "T1 T? .pp7-u ""T" ,or "OOd lamuy ovcaarm s. xj. riartaeu. ABsnov. waah. - . . 1"'.c.Ml.'w 'or aale at a aaerlfioa. Prio Siouu; 8 acres la eultlTation. all Wvwl, fin land, ao roekt room boose. 1 Vfc stories, 80x33 good bam. good wwQ sad good supply of water, is, mils irom school, m mils from P. O. 8600 down, balanc on tiro. S par cant So owner. 1010 E. 82d N.. Portland. Or. I HAVE, aom fin stock and Improved vellev small country homes. Some bar implements and Stock. Can take gooa city property as I Pt paymeat. T TS lIArSttAAr V A..V.V A'Y' CL'"- . "nam nniwing. 1 . ctor to It. K. station aad school. i. awuee evwxw vs riruMo. a acres xBBvaxwa. rem P"turs; aom. good Umber: I spnng ea bn, nouaa, nara sad othar wot- - buildings: 8125 PW'scra,. Will tak. a hov maa m wtMexina va vrirortymB VVV aa mmn aMrmaVataOa. J. J. 8 AN DSN ESS, Caaby, Or. S aex? chkmLrraach; lowTST tric. 1 cr. elearad.'.-od Srnra bw '. partly furnished: bara. chicks how-s. ibl to imiiiiinilil Electric, I low, tSS?tAa,.K .U !! phoa Seilwwod 2667. nA 'AiMiirh A i j -x I A. it - htmbi. rtxwr hlgbwyr 40 aer W leXwi fen. IaaM . hAi.Ar.L. VLt T5ZLT5 -TT! from small towa: 8750 will handle. REAL BAR- GAIN and opportunity for poor man. 613 Royal bldg., Morrison aad Broadway. lAiua ax uixe oargaux. sa seres, 4 r . i. i i . i. i boas, ban. 10 aerea ia culti ration. 4 ma in 6-year-old Prunaa. 2 mllea from am towa, A mite to good school oa good rock road. flaw spring. Pricak 81850. 8680 rash. BaL a years, . per rent. 1 1 Heary bldg. 120 ACRES, fenced. 60 acre, nearly level, aria rich sandy loam; 40 acre cultivated; good spring, fine creek, eorraty road, telephone, fam- " orchard, anap. 38766 per acre, 10 miles rmrtheaat of Cathlamet, Wash. Mar. 4133. Write 24 s istn ex., rorttand. NOTHING DOWN FOR 4 TEARS Bay 8 acres nic level els red tend, eteaa ta eaaxwry at Graaham, to party wa will baprwv BELL READ ESTATE CO.. 818 Railway Excaaag bldg. eHmr.rr.wnri Urm rnr TreHa I IIIIJIU1vjU ICtllll IVI I IttUQ Talua 64000. Mortgag 31200. WD trade 1 for aaythtng bar ia th way ef real estate orl bwsmeaa, tte my agent at 003 Coach bldg. FOR SIXe 9 acres N. 1 seal, rt rock or ' gravel, 4 mite east f etty Kmits, an ta en. tlvatlow. bwildlngs and fruit, personal property gee witD place, teood roads. AO Tnnnsnramis. Pric 84000.- No trad. Owner. A-619. Jearaal. LARGE - bara, croc sea cabatora, brood hold Twrrnture. for 83600. pel BIG SNAP 315 act alfalfa ranch. Joxajaa ACBEA6B X A . r -i . I . ' ' . ia. a i i m. i , , , T I nu m t .as k a A a. . h1Msj.. aY A I i . i . . . 1 T wres.. i appramva at sie.wuo; pro bow iJr?s5Rn aran1 ""J- " bI:k1U op, I of rred . Qermaa Co.. 733 Cham, af Com. I "N6TtCA acre, 17 utiles from Portland. 00 acres 1 129 A. 00 in cultivation, good T room how, I . If year prcrty, efther etty. fans or screag. , aom bearerdsm. finest of anil- will e-e I bara and awtbafldtngs; garage; family raaardLI has ment sad. m tor xxnang or earn, can r ; good buildings, good waterr 88000 mu " wvH axtd the beet of eotl; ran- I wrtt full parucwiar.- a laiiaaaa Taiaai cooaad- wiU handl tt: bamne good terms. Xtmmr- Bm wxter. mu irom oepot, eowntry towa. I evwu; aw iim v .fT w . L21 Co.. 811 Boa ofTrade. dimmer- l ta Clarke oownty. ) Heary, I2 Heaxy blag. Befi.iaiis, Pwrtlaad 7 room Bouee. 1 acre aoand.- awed I v - ' - - aeeaaaa. 1 wa awaa ra etty. mi he, 100 faU Moad haa. ka- ZTmS xitJ" ."ZZZ CZTJTZZ 2?" I O-PXyT-JO acrm iwr. w nd wcaer eqaipwtent. aaa- 1 rumZi sis. 7 f-.TTT 1 I Waimtebs. Wash.. Is oa eartiao. near etty limits; aU I I"Td- w; r- Btaca. )40S 2d t,. Pwrtiaad. I ... JmmrmU t casn. - J-A74. liwrml. - 4 ACstavs esuavaxed. balaac aw stars, good 6 I elect ne iignta. euy water, 2 eeta f I 7" ; 198 sen in alfalfa. 90 gaort buildings; I rmmdi gtrvei nmnt AI4ak ' - - tight sway terma. B. M. Veward. 629 C heather of Comm. UIWU. BVSaVslvaw B Am SA. a Jeyayawr I ti ACRES, stocked, equipped dairy. .Auto roeet near nortdenarr towa. Fruit vowna arwaa ar - I chard. Ear, m Iowa I view. . Part twtma, 4) a sar. Harry R. Brook. Wsikow!. Waaa. , . FOB SALE FABMS v" ' 40 ACRE FARM FOR $1600 TM place at located nan Cotta Orwve, Or haa 1 6 awrwa owtUvatad. balaaea - timber nam graetng mad; good 6 rwoaa hoaaa and oaa boildlBga. raauly orchard, 0 dowa. 4 -A. 12 ACRE BOMB, 88004 Baa 6 acrea oaterated awd aoraa good tna-I bee. ail eaady loaaa aatl. apnag water. A-l good I bearing arcaard and good batldiaga, located aa I , la CoMmbm highway. MTOCK l 1 M Jf.' S0 ehtekeaa aad Implamanta. Kill take 640O am w a "" " Pwrtlaad a (irat yaymaaU 24-8. .- . . . .... w imiuku vtt uuu, gnoa. . mad ta Uni mooch t r eraM emov, su una ram ami. Tare I Ween. tt-t. RALPH ACXXJET LAXD CXX. 200 ACRES GRAETwa ivn nrrr tivm , 88760. Has 40 aerea oalt- I araVmc mad! I PT'I tnaoer lor wood. A good sr- w wiu sxi ainoe at fratt. a naei k has la raw bara arf .M.iui TT TI I feezed, aad ths foUowtaaT stoak: 2 fc-Z 4 1 ewwa. a Teernei. w a a v . aa i ehlckeoa. 46 aa. .n ."ZZ I . - - - aasmi wuiwayaiBj, a am l " J -,- V..'rtcl" "J ' we-w Lrn ACXXfT LAND CO. I - . ' I a. - I 70 Acres for $4200 Oood farm. 4 . 4 ml gtmd town Tarn-1 bfH county; 70 acres. 26 emlurated 80 .wwrto .Bd; balaac timber and pastur. 4 bar 80x40. oathnildinga, springs, Por- eam, oaraeea, wagoa. unpleaaeats. cream separator, aulk eana. mill iaw t a mt. 7- ooata, hogs. hay. eta. ptiea for au. iiivvj giaw aaah wiu . Hargrove Realty Co. 122 V. 0th rt Phono Broadway- 4881. FARM FOR AALIL" 0 Jl under emltrrauoa with aiwap- tlaa aa skaat a a hving stream aad good WwlL easnfortabWa 41 roam hoaaa. 2 barns, machine shop aad chick ea houses; good family orchard of assorted fruits la fall bearing. Plae traced asm eramf.assd and located oa fta axrto road. 6 mile fr aaeowvwr, 1 sail from electria earha and school advaatages. Pnos for short tisas 66000, m waaa, ewasnrw years. THOMPSON 8 WAN. 6th and Mala sta. Vancoavsr, ' Waah. 271-2 Acres, Paved Road Best farm buy aaat of the city. Jm 10 miles oat. a mile ttus red of breahem; 2T4 acres, ail ia calUvstioa. a better soil ta the state; 6 room bnnaalow. hot and cold water, bath, etc Fine bara and outbuildings; Engllah walnuts ta Dearuay ana una ore nam aad berries, fereonal: Team, harneas. wagoa, tmplemeeta. Prio $8000. ""Targrove Realty Co. 122 N. 6th rt Phone Broadway 4381 A DANDY FARM For a aia who know the WiDamatta van sad farm values: 167 acres cm oa of th I tala hlghwaya, 1 mila from good town: there I le no poor soil on the plae. 120 acre ta I extHiratioo; balanc pasture sad timber for ham ass; aU buildings ia good sbana, $18,600. Lea than aft mllea out aa eleetrie una. wui win aaU stock, machinery, feed sad seed st a sacri fice. Place ta clear of debt sn4 pert act tttla. Terms oa part IX McChasney. Sea ber f Commerc bldg. Main 7102. Modem Country Home This elegant soantry home. 12 mile out. . 1 1 3 .ii eii rainvBieo. Dear sou. roam bunxalow. hardwood floora. crop la; a fireplace, electric lights, cement tmervatrnt, sleep- tag porch, good bam, bearing orcnaro. rnce only 86600. , Ma rnrrriVQ RdqHv P.n I lUIIUlU IIVUIIJ WW. ee . e.v . m. n i . aaat iZ5rjiZ- . i i Tl " - 12V ACUA..1 gooa woeas taon sn s.assia msu, Idaho, 220 la cultivatioa. balance cleared; all fenced with wire fear; hone, cellar aad cav m. wag WlbAS WUw twaw. w, aa sja wwseeaa w.eav- l 680 aa acre. Will tak city property tera; I aa cart payment 140 acre la Jetreraoa Bounty. Or.. 1 from station, towa and storm: shunt loo wb Ti t balaac pastmr; only . ar V wB TTAf TfkCkswr 214-316 Panama Building. ' AT " C08T OF FORECLOSURE 40 aerea all ia oalt. rwetl keg hiiaee wtth fireplace, large nvtag. room, eaeeeaewt wtadowv, oat 82000: ala aa aid houae of 6 or 6 rooma, la raw bara aad amall prune dryer, about 6 acre bearing orchard, moat of which ar primes: 18 mile 'froea Portland. 8 mile from Tigard. Whea loan was mad thi pas. was appraised at 1 4. OOP 66600; Good team aad farm hviplewtewta. Frio 8116 per sere. Terms, Tbts t sar a tsargara. w, W. WQsoa. 611 Wsah. St. Vsnaoavwr. Waah, 4. -.1 I- . ... ZT Bosn stock Sad equipment This ia aa ideal 11 UM horAe. located Bear Newberg. Pric $7600. Be H. at. MaJoaay, BITTER. LOWS A CO.. S08-6-Y Board of Trad 69 ACRES. aU in wultivaxioa. evaded, a prwdtm- lag orchard. 7 room huas.. big bara, garage. elentrln sUtlaa at Ano. 6 hisr.ea 6 aowa. heifers, hogs and all farm tmplimsnta. This fin farm m for sal cheap. Might tak trad, smm eaah aad mortgage back aa mad, 'Oscar Ftwytag. Gladstone. Or. A GOOD TRADE 1 6 it) d 74 acre oa a good toad aboat 18 mllea from Portlaad: 80 acre ia aalttvarjoa: I CTrn: T .Telly ,u.rrf !.r - 'LelS'1 Havssd. bars aad or - i twi. m suw. wwwmvh. vww, .u, n. L7-0.7. I"" " Haeowr. ts a. asawuw, TT ' C-Amoef ot oommer-e. , STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 8456040 seres. 26 mite from Portlaad. Dd. roads doe to transportation. 6 room I tl ZZZt-ZTZZZ T-Zm 'Z7T . uu - . sr . ,i uu u. rw .rM . ewwv i Mm e Ujd for half, balanc to be srraagwd. Go A. I MrKenn Co.. T27 Chamber of Cess mere. I i n.l v. . .. A : I J USUVB2; I 8850016 acre oa th Big Bad Lraa. SO I minutes from th eeater at Porttead: aaly few yards from a new hard surfaced road. All ta cultivation. Term. Co A. MeKeaaa A Co., 717 Chamber of Commirse. $0 ACRES, partly Improved, with log t 1 acres cleared, ecawrtrlsrable enatlr ib at cleared: rteh soU. creek runs through am: m mlilioa ft Umber. T mfte ta towa and eleetrie has; $30 per acre. term. Chspmsi. Wlatlar Co.. 1116 ortk tree era rMas bldg. I $0 ACRES. $ mites from Battl Croaad. Ti mile from Battl Croaad. I mmwmm wader rwlrivwriow. Howsa. ItAvw mmA I mrhA OawA mad Prlaw tltOO gtooa I eaah, batenes terms ta salt w. W. Witeoa I c.. Sll Wsah. St.. Taaceaewr. WaaB. , u A.. AckaVd I. fae- tl. TU. ' 6 I " , , t: : - I ,n ZZ? ZI? mad. Incoos vwr 20 per east aajvaa. uooa 88.00. Terms. Ia W. River. Or. prov- ."W. " ardmwvwT'Sx-t. raa-eliat I ,?2ZZZl Uoa. P-695, JoarnaL FOR SALE 8$ acre (arm. aboat S icr (arm. aboat 6 I ywuag bearing pruwaa. good yrww drvo-r. VJfl' t?"2l T-"-.. 1007. evewiags Tabor 661 S. 4e-680. Jowrwei. I FOR SALE or exchaac. 113 acre farm, aear I Albany: all ta erJUrattoa: good baildiag. I stocked and equipped; partly mil. A Friea $li,- 000. 723 Chamber x vami WHEAT raach fwaate. liowija pteadld state af eultivaxloa. practmalry levai. ta Baser ca t or parucmiars, pne aad Baa Mcaloon. boa 38S. Baker. Or. FOR SALE "maD dairy sad poaltry farm, aaer Huisboro. w. income irwea stock 600 to $400 pet month, laquir at 1171 Albta ave.. roniaao. 13 ACRES, 20 acre ander plow; schoai; i per aera. $50 down, $10 Coratider FOTCiaL."l SiS-r rtsTaTtioa7Ual ted Mauwar. t mi lee vest LAn ton. store, etc ka. B. Heard, at. I. Hill FOR SALE Coait raaeh. good aotl and faa provevAewts. part trade, box 6. Jetfeveon. Or. EofSE. 1 acre groan. "4 bloeka'af' etetioa at Tigard. for sate cheap. CaO Mar. 16. FOB BENT FABMS 14 FOUR mataeaw. lot 125T207. eoeAlrterable tree Trmxa aad Bemea, aear a cartia; 2 ehkAea he as a, stable, 910 month. L'p so 8 acre eaa b rented. Good tor aew, chick era. aroea. Apply naaaay. eor. stn aad Base ia read. Mt Tabor 1st. T. 88th) ear to end. 4 aAtl9aaAt mlM Lfllg 6bJ fjaBwK. I J af aoiL tmaarac spnnc, tmea tor www aaa. t toe ra. at. 3. lArmtea, Or., ar Wdm. 4883. I FOR Uat.N'T. 4 scree with 4 t - imo aad other ot building, good aoll: rwat I PT re "r?i . . Lamti 1 eehoot awmra, a ouBert road. I XL Schw.l.v. I FtntVISHED farm fa of 4 a aaa, ahildraa. St S. baa 143. f 17 I l"FOB BET FARMS 14 ilEi ITOCK a OlOOOi aa lew anaj at 6IOOO. rich aalttV Ka 1 . aviktaaa. rt beat, water aeoed te au seakV rwat 8126 per mo. Oa taa farm are SO fine attaa pyamla aswc, good hnraea. Vail, raarhlaary. gaa eaataa. gas taw. 20 aeraa kale. Pries 814.00O.' 160 aerea. 75 ta eatavetion. fair bkdga..' 46 froea Pwrtlaad; reat 6400; aaaaa eat far earn. 66 acres near Amaay. all ta' svikrvetlem, with kdga.2 aaat $800; wiU sail 4 ires, 4 cows, ail iihtairy. hay. Ttea 6160a. - - I A One valley farm, an at for rent at $600. REE H." M. MALOTET. S08-6-T Board af Trad bldg. FARM for reat. It miles from city, aaxlii Stevens bldg. Iwln - we w e.at ab'wtt e mm a mr.a v v ww APfU! growers, if ywa hat appeaa for aaie. v stwm awn rssuir, aaew 1 1 ataver s h ee a aaaaUty of tbewi waraadiately. WOB Par m . i i ..... CimmAZ: fTZT xTThL rWhm 111 ll.nU WnMlea Or. KlVTSIW-T. mmmt m enO Aelrv nark With waiKHngs aad peraty at water, m so tar pay row r--i rent. F-408. Jearaal. e. ,-w . 1 : . T- 6 V sTel mm I 111! tfawfM US twfyaya. M aajaj laigg aavaaa 20 ta 100 arrea. If vowr farm m vetoed ngwt I can mil It. Have aold evveral la to kaat Ow aaya. Keel Brown. 207 Paaaam btdg. WE have ctieat wuk" orth af rlmr artlaad property aad 81800 la (arm elo t rortmad. IF yoa hav a (arm A aaU know. We may be able t hela yoa. Ce air a eana a Co., tit Cham, at tea. WANTED, to 'reat.' a or 16 acres af be vert dam or Bo. 1 track mad aa goad read, close ia. T. M. Ceafrwy. 4808 48d ava, B. E. Sea 206. WANTED T: wtth las i amsals sal tabes far cluck State cash price. D-74 6. JoarnaL HOMESTBABS ' 47 6EEGON. OA LI FOB Ml A OOYERNMINT LAND, Booklet fras. Jasaph Clark. Sacramea- U. CaL 160 ACRE bnavmtaad. TUmook oaaty; hoaaeC faraitar. tools. 1 sere cleared: 8100. er trad. Call 164 E. 40th N. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 j U ACRES, 14 cultivated, house, barn, creak and anrinc. . Waaatastott Co. o alks. ol ataOoa. Tak bangalow. rloas ia. m acre at Gilbert stsHoa for nght ear. Good equity ta modern suburban borne, cloa to stauon; tak gate and eaah; balaac easy Large, modern. Bos City bungalow for na age or smaller heuss. city bona for equipped ranch. Soma dandy small ranches for sale. GEO. MORSE. 314 Chamber of Commen "WILL t aLktlTO0fiTLAN D H5M 14 m acres, 1 mil from Can by. 1 of nebaat track aad gsrdsa apoat ta Oreaua; all evjti rated. neb black loam sod; 6 room kunaelww. 8 seres bearing fruit, bara aad Packing bowse; mad wa Jaiag nam at aa acre. ins goea .or $ 6000 . aaortgaaw 8 1600. Tak clear property ie evwvv. vi vaeKver m ew w eww ejewe aad mut aaah. a.iiiE.a All .1 cuairaj!. 61$ Ckambwr of Commerc. 881 ACRES. 140 under euldvatioa, 160 ft timber. 60 ecrwa open paeture, axilamrud batld water piped t baildings. good fetaetag. ouarter mil ta school, half tail to rail, o 1 i lies from JeTfsrasm. crop go wua psaoa. will for Portlaad property. r smaller n ir Portland. Joraaa. 8OI-2 I bldg., 6th and Stark WANT COO'TRY 110 ME jj,., m straw farm. 670 acres, extra fin I soil, good tsaproveaseata. woald Ilk highly lss- I provj amall piao Beer Portland. Price 876 per I SOT. l RTTTER, LOWE A CO.. 203-6-7 Board f Trade bldg. Trades of Every Kind Faraat. hoasss. lots, stores, roosaiag and a part eat hoosm. etc We have them. Quick rasult aad sqwar deal gaaranteed. 8HUCE UuPDARD, 503 Coach Bktg. 1 1-2 Acres to Trade WKh goad hrmsa, spplea. eberrtav aad grapes in beartag. chickea heass; ideal for chic rem. 80 mmate from Ooarthi ma. dear of aetata. WIU trade for aaodera cot tare. Tabor 6160. NEW 6 room buasalew. aaodera: 8 -acres of wary choice, aa maia aoaary road, only 13 to Portlaad aad ocuy snort oanaaca xe laetri statloa. WUI trad for land sad iaspeoved city property. 1 disvwAmricaa Realty Co.. 224-226 Realty Board. CTtt LSCOME hOfa CB(.RBAW ACREAGE Bars cloa ta 860 a Bkoath. WUI ex- esaag for ec cease rjos to a good uiwgoa tty. Prtactpaai amly addraaa. Own, 124 Eaott at. f acres uncleared lead for sal er trade for hems aad tot ia Portlaad; acraag mil from Beats! lua ea Caoper meaataia wtth 4 roeaa range ww aad otaer ataad benMlag. Mm. Oria hV Rteaarda. Bavrtoa, Or.. R. F. I D. N. . I 11$ ACRE lanrroved raacb aear Cwagoa City, ea fin road. Buildings, orchard, crash. rwraowal property. $8600. .Might eonakler Brad for a er a aare rabarbaa bal terma. Na taflatloa aa tala. J. R. Wolrf. 616 Chamber ef Cemmswa bidg. JHtY 1 i miss liemilsw" flmiliiis hslhiniiss 1 ss4 mstn. he aad front nisi kes frail qpj sm vet i j wvawsw ; rcu ssa us vtwrot wr- WIU raralsh U oeatreo. Darenxa IOT I or am wary terma. er exahang for I Una. 0-67T. JournaL I go" Wh' Irrmgt-a alotriet $200; am!. I Kowee lot 40x100. arioa 61000a will ssastdir bow-ej 4PX1UO. pnc. .ivoa; u EPTON A McCLXLLAN, i Mem 2941. 613 Chamber ef Com MOO tQUlti ta a room Vraw, lca - trad lor aaaaa pmo larutev wn; waa Ask for Carte. THE BROKO CO- 267 Oak St Maia 174$ Tabor 21$$. ROOMs, strictly rac story garage. trag. large lot, ooat vara $8000. la Winrty of Forest Waat 10 to 26 rhepmaa W tatter Mala $110. 111$ Nortbweaxera bank bldg. "Walited 20 to 80 Acres Ha modern baagalew. valw 68000 t trad; might saiiiasi eoava. Oarar AMerton. 164 E. 6tHh at SEO. well loeaied, aaimarovwd teadT "aart gate at 6160O: t trad for tr: sat f pood -Owner ka towa tht week. A 400. JewraeX 2ACB.E reach, awa Cteckama. oa Carve Zmm i Wan lmptvm9tx. T eve he a w f or 8 to 6 acre CV CowsaswreTbkl U ACRES. eP-mdi I f araowdVot Tar f cteaa k Pwrtlaad. J. R. WailY. 616 Cham- bid .teadid naid ar water rteht: aU LA ttrsass. . Trad To rnlsn p. up.rty or amau at.igw. oroaa. aw l 2. LwsiSi lateral eng.. atn ana amrs. CL04S ta aereaae. , impewved aad aaimpr-ved. far aala ar trade far cttv nratwrtr. ava an. Mvma-Amarteaa Raalry Co.. 224 -ZZ Hamry whtg. THREE Bowee and 1 lets. laats, .to trad Tor ..si uruag l WUI aawai Tabe 4148. Uqb nJkLi trad rwatrartati sot La tmhtead. Cat. for aevwag near Pertiaad. ar atata. Owverr. 1174 Hotgat at ONE lot eoTK-ret taxem t a boat 8000 fee hsmber. $400v Trad for wnisspvwved lead mm ralaa, Jepct llsissnssia. tjregwe) tTty. WH27 trad my soaity ta rosea aafmleaed sad 4 sots for satemebtas; mortgag 8600. T-011, jasrraal. HATE teipvwved cvty property HAVE 6 bast Sahara, lor cteat 4 r-640. J samel. kf irvmgteat Park rwatdeac. 114 E. liatB. tA bteek to Alberta earllae. pteew. Phaa Wasm.es GOOD fait WB1 ef Trad. 10 ACRES U cteared. bara. Tehrd. bora, row. weeomwa 4S. Orchard Tracts, aear tee- Ferttead awtty. D- GOOD Portlaad kstnm. pwAperty. ealaa $80rfS. ta ax eaa a s .or aaasw. scars. hiia 4 1 a newry tug. 1 CLEAR snail ta trad for bowse ra Porttead; I IT'-T'M LrT?' gr4"y- TSUlTJ k batpreeed 16 acree ia Loagte Cat tor wrerc cteve vow 1 tea ia. szs. I WU.L EXCHANCE SeAAd lots fergwed I head tataaieiav F-419. Jshra al I Pa KM TOaV REXT . 1 wvw - Acre atack farm, near aala, i 80 aaaaa; 1H la BltivatloBV . tlaa baObV kaea, aood kaAv ejU bUod: tea arrea; la aero nied mad. baL mad: all oeectrl lag: aaoat O acres la anrlea acres aaatare. rwat la ataybema, loaanrrtas. potatoea; gaosj ta eoaao far - (VII erienimiaa 602 MODERN 0 room bwmgalow,. Eag-a. Or.. $$000: xeeUevjt son tlaa, Trad far ParV Isad r.sldrars Paea East 1974. toad tar aw parse ami; wiu aaaam. .o-.e. Nta atoo.ra bangs low sad saraaa I raaapsg hosne, rpteadidly fenianed. a as Mir good trada. Sll BTCHAXGE BEAT BBTATB t 164 A. STOCK AND T1AIST RANCH. $4600. SO acres cult, aad OO acres Harare mad. 16 acres timber. $0 aerea af thai land m first cmas bnrtem lead, bale ass rothag. Ha aoed aaaaa with hat aad oold . taa Bar aaa cwtlmiktlnca. , 1 acre baarlag aer bsra. Taa se lnatag stack: S aoeeaa. 8 aowa, asm yoaag atorh aad farm room. The tisn wiU tak meet af the pavcaaes prle ta trade. - 14-. 11 ACRE IMPROVED FARM. 88800, lamtid em WUleaaetta river aaewt 24 mlmt aoath af Pwrtlaad. Ilaos m aR eaJtrtakad. ha dark masa ami.- a toad Wmwa. barn aad bwildiaaa. t aerea beaag arebara. mi am. walk to raUread atatloa, Thar ta a Begnr of 406 car tarn tmea, Th awaar wall trad ka oeaity fog a heaee and mt ta Portlaad. 81-. RALPH ACE USX LAND CO. f- i-- . . :' ; ; 80 ACRES, wTOCTC AXD TOOLS. 6I0OO Tarn mad ia all good loam aatl watered by aad ea good aroatrty road. Aow x i mueg from Portlaad. tesag Braah Prairie, dart Co.. Wash, lies 1 sar beartwg sreksra. aeod I na. hoaaa, bara and etanidias. .-- STOCK 1 heree, S waaa. S yr1raa. 1 i aalf , 1 2 ehawp. farm tesk Da wwaac wui take 81600 dowa ar trade fee stwrhaada stock g how aad PorUV. 42-. t . J. B ATKINSO. -Taseuvr. Wash. Firat rawngaa of 6vO. wwu aecareo. tor il... er Wax. i i.i riAxe set him I rwiasi pv cloa ta. claartag $7$ a month ; wiU ascbaag A aweil MtMMlttna. a ma eaa 810 I 826 a day; worth 8X500. Win ex- abeng for beach lota. ..... Wt ant freea 40 t seres. nsve siwww 4 . tots ta Aetorm. Cloa ra. Clear, ta wa- MORRTS. T24 Chamber f Cemsserr. 16 ACRE FARM. Thi farm is S3 mile from Pwrtlaad, tea fVe Urn nmtili 1 U muaa fi mala road, aear grade and high wasam: Mad on a tagmiy kaou wrteoain maay ma terms, beat at hoU. 16 arrva ta ewjtlvexsea. taas- fly rchard aad wood kit; good bara, nvaam 3 cwws, 1 beirer. 3a. eaicaeaa, worse, aad baggy: aU toom, aew mewbet-e; well fenced. 64600. etty OTaperty to 1 . B80O rsrh beJaac tsism. IA mcvaswwwy, a Chamber of Commerc bedg. Mala 7102. -TTFrfcljrtnrTtN house. Up to $4000 as paymeat cm my 2$ acre farm, right at staUoa oa electric : only a hoar wt. hail 210. lwberavras bsdg.. Its aad Stark sts. ESTATE II "WAS'T i ROOM HOUSE. Mast be sbaolute bargam aad rsry easy terms, Xellaa A - Park hill, saute 210 Latavbecmeae wiAm Stt. sm. Bterk eta KixVrft iisot. bwnaaiow. rostrtcted disti trad H far 6 acre home within $0 mile Pectlaad. re. Egg. Jeatnal. WASf a Portlaad aoma'Will tradJa aerea unimproved land. T mllea sowu now wm. Pric$400O. a H. ftkotheit, Eageaa, Of. uivT a i. II e. Ins rloee to atatloa. 16 Ime,. cloa " - T . . ." . Aeee or IB ta Portlaad; pay Vf fti Jew mat ' want kAoW Udbtki 116UIL lUv n-410. Jearaal. buNgaLOw lated. Wifl give Wintea. T psymewt. F-660. JoarnaL a to a BOOMIKO BOCSES 68 Hotel Snaps Na. 1 83000. clearing 8 OOP wreath, big mfg. city; only first taa hotel la tow, part terms: dining room leaasd. . . Na 8 8380O:avat af city dor, w-" . m s... M hide, i always fall. Na. 8 Country isotel. wn furntabed. $ -erry ef grwwnd: rrart, Traea; eauy piece tm w eaah sad trads, 68000. PACirid AGENCY, 616 Swetlsad. 42 Rooms, H. K., $800 rwat Bid, twat 646: clear 8133 per month besides providing good bean: coat $$0OO to fur nish; t Burning pecs; I away ersry day. 602 Coach Mdg. 15 Rooms,.$450, Easy Terms 8200 dowa sad small paywveata bay this sptest- did mosey making waat aid rooming- tr)llAKl, box txmea xttog. Some Real Bargains la rooming how, from 10 ta St l hart locations; terma ta eult L. A. BALL. 813 Panama BMg iO ROOMS. ld buUdiag. ehaap rwat earner lata aaA rviilrnM. RTTTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-6-7 Board of Trad Bldg. WE gvauaate ewT er katal af xii sue I nab. YATES REALTY CXX. 240 4rh . WttL bay roosaiaa Uea aap. li ta $0 rowma. or win teas aafaraaikad. 26 to 100 tests Paoa Mar. 3690. $4 ROOM atrictly aaodera kvsteL beaotifal far- $1786 Laymaa. 146 H Breadwy. FINE APARTMENT HOUSES. Shearlag aoed In rem., rimmsrmaa A Oa. II I l eWiU Eb",BT ROOM howee. mi fall, rant'tlllf. fia lorattea. 43 2 let. Marsnau .... WILT, .pay eaah, for real bargaia la faraished apart aunt houas. B-S41 Jsaraal Jo H. t for ml rheap. 492 Clay. BUSINESS OPPOBTrKITlEB 36 Grocery, Etc., $300 AH stock, rtrtares aad fainltai taehsded hi the reat; S air hving rooma with bath. 603 Coach bldg. WANT parte with 62000 to tevea aaas hi stag saarnta awatweees wnr ye on m iwter ka abort time; a arertnsa t lady of kails em ability; refer rvSOa. Jaarael WiyttTi LW Urxla f a Ue4 eW xa wsated by taaaafaetaters aad paiews offered BOOBS sewa xrea. nr eat adeartteed free Victor J. Evas A l-A. aia Mtath at.. xtwMaits.. I i. lt'T6U6Wl f garage; a good twpair kaateS aaU aupp jee, eta I JTt bargaia at eiTAiv site aw iids i 460. Can 604 MS II!tTTe" as aa bwy weed aod craal ta a al k manse wtth a re Pane Caa clear $160 a fa Can $94 Oak at A CASH , atere located la market dtetrVt; US Ass. all aaaa. aad a ae- Svery; wwfit good aad exr iwns vary ivrht; bargaia. can w t un w. rage, esrwl teat $400 swoney wfa b faBy a- Cn $044 Oak st, in mmm take esavrae m 11 tebte card room ta my oft anna xaraw sss wws vta-b. waa liink Darter as aetsliTlthsi Near 4 lb aad Waah. 614 mm. ewirod. G-416. UA4 w..ted tee meal ger tea's is. Bsjlrm sbilsty aad 910. Casnral glebe age. lata, all clear. 14 H nreaoway. SL-8 IN ESS preperty. uraar. ehoeoe leeataea. srah si I n in tf waated Igruwsryl. ta trad far farm aot to far from Ferttead er raOey tewa. H-414. JowrwaL 1 WsU ttahai L goad towa aoar rorxmaa. Mast sod ea - aaa of be lib, wiu SA 42. Jewraai. i ci-eaSi trr Willi, la email 6 bweiaees; A etert aay-wtaere; partieaiare Ed lteaatey. 906 E. Itafca sc. Su.kv-a. Oat, ktstAtRANf or sate, flmt nriea chah: faraiahed tat; stand fadest ksvetittea; eoatrauy M-446. JarvAtl tXiR SALE Oat ef towa gara aad A.fKi. bop at a bargate; goad f ass ia for gsiAa. EX-641. JoaraaL FlNaT I l .HM. SAW twmplete. ceao rent rtea. Tabwr 1101. LOS T WORRY I aaa eel er trad aaytaami farms. 146 Breadwwy. t UiVa a'iaaair rlog cewferticaerr aad saact ream in th arty, which I will sell st kssu.es sbowt 6I260: B D-767. J wiU tet ywa have . ir toad S80O. iaioraaatsoa. Broadway 1144. 11$ X. d t GROCERY. oVwng ba a 8760; 1464 H y. IF Ttir want at a graeery see Layaaaa. .ItfTS wyWjwr JMe IvWafjV. Wiuadwy, $780 BUYS m ta avmd tntrtftg 700, Jewn A t Ul KIEI fee w. IL Morrw, Brown axe ed. Or. Gt07"tl lor sal o-n7. j Volt At E er trade, (ae real estate I grocery. remArmjei i tj iter, in nivtaerm v. FOR SALE Firat tem Job prtatUs atftea, a rraasaa i i . 1 ea rars ex. ITOdCYSth equity ia rostttd sad yoar eared. 1444 3d et fi tkifcflo oty trop-rt. 8154 mock grooeoa. 4 rosea bus. stor bwtHmg. 10 rend amau twvra. . u. lie 1IA sg. BCil?f ESf. OFFOETrytTlgS t Garages - -y Si JO Bsswdr aad asachm saoa; torag aad twoeirs: cttv. I goo - Him aaA - . a - , ' 1.0 iT,z:?ii: Jwpjmt VrS iiaXl!!-krm ""'aiS revarr; etty.- 88 6416 my. repair.; My. ' 6600O atoeaae, 814JHM r-Zi rexaxar; waOea, waiter. ' ? B-Jewat eaaa ea the www AAwney tor fard; bag ispalr. a. I PACTrtO AGENCY. lat. f 613-13-14-15 Swwttead bZtu. , rvriasq. xjregea. Pool Rooms TsT . $nr diBi a aba " Ua Vll A !, toed; 81600 jr 62000 I equtpwed plsra ta Att y, W 00 la slttpvard dletrk-t. Groceries SnaDS lInste sbowt 82000; 4-lng $i0 Bar teyspt. diet.; ae drt; rear! 811.16; hrtag s,"-.1' ahwwt 680O0: asaag $66 pwr day. $ bring rwraxas: eteaa etArk -Zri bewt 63600 dstag $06 Bar ri rV' P trade. i rAClPKl AiiEXCT. $14 rWettead. A Bt.; SNAP ...a. OARAGE eveww iJosaa St. e i ii u nee. me r Mae ek. $$00 - sw. "ii xraoe rar rlear ntwnerty. PACIFIC ACENCYTfaT $12-13-14-18 Swettead AJd PatvUaA - COR.MUl ww ao.eaee,sag rat for alt. $66 gaa. I hav ta f say heaJth. WUI trada. C. W. MnXERSRIP. 734 Chamber mt Grocery, for $275, Snap vxoea sad fixtures m voire 360O: Outek act low flO: aew; real $lt: im to nra; spew mm. GoDDARD, 602 Cwurh Bids. GREENHOUSE for sate; . n, r . i A th army: prtr earrlfx d ta a . waich; worth a treat deal more: ala T hotmm te Br ta: reat (or all wa)y 813.60 month, wtth a ..tat. ' run 804 Oak at , - ht IUL waat lo get lata a well . aaas aarwer this ad. Will b. nave a cttaace t akuiw sow thai at ta -us rnvoar eaoat . and telght tak TV ,lf tmt xlge) for ettttr sasuwat 1A B2. Jwarnai. ... . "rvaj a tor aale. escellrat toraUoa: lav sua; eompiete marhln aad repair sbsaa. iwj"4" trade raachaaies eaa be badTjIet proF its average 6400 ner ma. Owaor bee sua. Ia. Address Mr. Lipat, after 6 JO eeatee or Panda y ate , . . . . 1141 E. Ltremla eC LAIXES aad rl.llJr ii fraiAing atere, la tew W 4 rooam, 6380O. ta aowd km, clom U -ehaagw far entail bin ka vote 8100. kaugatew WtSaS taOO A. 1, Ia , Porttead. Wsat t ear lata e for ' r 'fi"""p" " ars oaty. PACIFIC AUKNCY. 614 Sowttead'aLia. Grocery and School Supplies neiag rwosas sad bath; app reat: if m me tat. aweu 1- A HALL, 613 Paws esa wdg. I Want Grocery Store Have aome rash and aacwrttiea. ate clear real avtate to give for eaa. Will mnaitir from 6800 up. Call SoUwood 2661. LT"tU aad reTreabmeat staad ia heart wTTee city eaa b bwwakt cheap If tak aa bstem Ewe 18. Beat raaaoaabte. - Otker basle.m P rsv emits my pevermsi attesfUesv, Any fair attar mvwieved. H-4Q9. Jew reel. BCSIJf ESS OPPOETDSITIES WASTED 4$ WANTED T pat tew thousand dollars ta amall mesmfaeturia baatasw that baa a fa. tar and needs good minus marketiag prodart Full particular D-T47. JowraaX . . , Wanted, t bwy barber ahop, flret cava.' traHy loo 'ted. hotel preferred. . D 70 Journal. Wist" kali fa 60 m awed BAlmwrwvw 0 mliee from Prttead: earn aoad tisa. B-709. JearaaL WANTED iO.ioo or 16.469 rapaiiy esw-. mKL Stete fall eartaratera. D-Tlt. JeanteL WANT leratioa for meving pWrtar show. I have all aoaapeaewC B-10$. Jewraai. Co6D S roam cottage and aom cash lot Lvabt MOSKT TO LOAN REAL- ESTATE t? OUR tela lis est ptea te th methed al payiag a mt 612.84 Bay aaaath fa $6 611.34 teg 60 I $16 .17 tar 94 $1606 BQUTtABLB SAVlMteS A LOAB ASSOCUTICW 343 Stark at. Pwrtlaad. Or. - - .AVat.t.At.M Mja. mm Aay at aa tmnr-esil est aad farm ; anil itetiir good Bwhidwtg V a THE 1AHIIMI COUfaXI. ' Mara 6916. 148 4th Bt. A-3618. $144 $1$0. 640O. Ow. 64 it. 6w. ilws irECIAf. mterwat ratea lor Ur 'leaa leal prwwd realty. heemdaye a mysas rwsulree g safe dew ee it hog ; oars er safely. - Lais hai I m Treat Co. 294 Oak. MUEY to Uaa ta say-man 41WW 4 $iww 261 fierlragaw Bldg. 1 $6X te losa la ameaate awt a ,st pwawrty st 6 sad 1 peg eewt - ; M KEMIIE A CO.. 616 Geftlwaer BUM ' MOh ET te baa aa real estate eawwri lf at i AeaUy wi aa snatt geiag rat af aaaxeaat Ots A Mali 418 Cbaaaber af Cissesif.. 2000 KEaDY' tW tmmediai leaa ewd msaritr. farm lead tw-eferied Ka as earn. F-4X. JewrxtAl. FO kShstfTui! MAki aee OlKf.OX tVT. MORTGAGE COL. 84 ad Taaskuil ses. (Itt itoktCAilE LOAki .' 8600 to 84000 Par Ca4 mm S WILLIAMS. 02 H FIRST STREET kit UALmT ea arts eg atsvrsts rV is srtsrk sriigt.ii ts, yv. u. 218 d 216 Falhag bte Maia 8467. 1 4 lw ilkoa. eowevUr teZ K. L D-mteidT 416 Ommbar f Cisswnws M. 667. 66w To 6?60w te teaa ea ty a Urm 117. aewraai. IsORTGAGE loaaa. 6 aad T par a. , Lew 408 6014 bU CA4A for saAa kaat. TT 4 Lewie beag. Mala 448. ' Ik. fibEGOJ fN A MOil A Oil ('A- IiarA E ache ae bldg. 84 aad TarnblU A x., : 1 1 l BO ET TO tOAT CHATTELS. SALARTES 91 If You Need Money See Us SAIAR1XS CHATTTLS . 1. ma rail girama ea eater Hsea. -w kmramawM Imallma. pi ass. "awe am aer Wereawal arawojrryt Siisi wfldsatisl; jprfeatd fV PORTLAND LOAN CO. iU, .644-661 iAskaws Baa. fl'Ix.WlffU . . j .. ... , , ULiSr SAJaVJlB .... IXtAAO - wra tsiabt atrrtrtr - - a tneir arstw exteifWwtwL ; ABSOLCTELT f PrArCWT1 . . KO INDORSKR - T CB aad fi TJ - ' OOtCMSLk Iria-o, rf COMPAJfT. 1 i , ' LICENSED : $IT famjxo Brnnw ' rVSTlAXU AAa1Ax1aL' IA)AA rem a urns aw rerttead pewtert I BEhMA C MYERS Wrr , 894 STAirr. LOAES ON mAMOxttS, JKvrVTJtT. PLtNOS. - - nutitHiim rvstATTa KB - LOANS ea appt seed 104 fshwrk arctr. a mmawdoa. Morrill. fsheTiorh bsdg. 3d ta. . . EOAWS YTABTEP 86 WANT a tdteAa al 1' e. ax Jewntel. 1 1 200 -WANTED. 7 are -at lavteewaT tty. 130 aew d Mad tnbwiary to Porusad: T-I. Joaraal. - . UtE tRiA)N; lA'V. A -.ORf.iAGti CO., ILock esetiaivgw bldg.. 84 and Tambt'J sts. - WAST: a teaa mi $1640 .or swers, f p.f - - - - a- . a - - a- a a I w ' wyra vs-wawavaA wvailt. Iff IS, CBQrTmUa WIU. pay 1 per t foe Vst wfi . 1 Pirtvwt pave. E-671. Ji Loan 00 IfsWAA. izr. T tit li WBM l aa as: Isiallaa amad. f eerwer; goad bus. ea.xaiua IS beaak. aatl. pay Of tW VrSrlag ' f ar mt II eommawlew eAtraeA Mi. t -ro. A-i wrs'iii. $ "... : f A We-Atew. 4$ ktemday