The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 01, 1917, Page 14, Image 14

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    s-u- SfyV5
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"'"""5" ---";'-
&i?'ii&$j5-4Ms!! st--, Eve, V V"?
( ;-'-itf,- louver.
Multnomah Congress Will Con
vene in Y. M. C. A. Auditorium
'; for Cafeteria Supper at 6:30.
W. W. Dillon, Camp Secretary of
Y. Nl . C. A. at Vancouver, , Wi II
Tell of Work for the Army.
The next congress meeting of the
T:$ Multnomah county Christian Endeavor
.:' ?; union will be held Tuesday evening at
t ' -the Y.' M. C, A. auditorium. Cafeteria
.. uyvt tv kit to nrrcu mi v ev.
, tS'fVcW W. pUton, Y. 'SlTc A. camp sec-
, retary at Vancouver Wash., will speak
: ;s on.Y. M. (J A. work and alo Mr. Fleke,
past vice president of the Christian En
deavor union, now in charge of one of
r the army Y. M. C A. buildings at Van-
Pfe : Mr. Howell, of the American 'Bible
- ' society, will take up the matter of
V." placing Bibles in-the hands of .the sol-
-f l-S'. :dlers In service. The state president of
thavOtflfetetlan Endeavorers, Miss Edna
. r Whipple, will also be at the congress
" " meeting and give a short talk on the
? '3 .r'-past and" future work of 'the young
people. ' -
I.' Vj An interesting little dialogue by two
S young people. Miss Emily Paris and
iJijS Master Francis Blttner, will be a part
, of the program. Special music has also
been -planned.
.' . This-congress meeting will be an es-
' peclally interesting affair as it will
i . deal With the war service work of the
'''' union. A report on the past activities
. of' the union in this work will be given.
2'.- T Multnomah county union has-been
'; '.helping to some extent In furnishing lit
tie- home touches and books, curtains,
" ' etc., for Building No. 1 of the army Y,
V. ' M. C. A at Camp Lewis, and has been
. . active in many other ways in the war
. service .work. Reports from all com
.; ". ' . xntttees and the secretary and treasurer
. ;- wilt be read. All societies should be rep
Eev. Mr. Ooe Back
From Idaho Trip
. : - Rev. Mr. Cox, pastor, of First Friends
church, has returned from Idaho -where
v he has been for several days and will
- occupy his pulpit Sunday morning and
, , evening. The congregation is meeting
i iJiK lit Dawleys hall, East Thirty-fourth and
, Tamhill streets.
viiiJ'H Sunday, December 9 will be the fifth
. .- i anniversary of Mr. Cox's pastorate at
tf- which time the usual anniversary ser-
, f mon will be preached and a public wel
come extended -to those who have been
received into membership during the
' '.past quarter. The development of this
congregation has not been a mushroom
growth, but there has been a steady and
v healthy, expansion. With the comple
tion of its plant the congregation is
looking forward to still better days. The
public is invited to all these- services.
Eev. Mr, Beers to
r Continue Kevival
jK-ji ; 'Rev. Alexander Beers, pastor of the
First Free Methodist church. East Ninth
'and East Mill streets, has been con
i ducting a, series of revival meetings
-, during the past week, and the interest
, - has been such that the pastor has de
cided to continue for another week at
least. :
For Sunday morning the pastor has
chosen as his subject, "Is the Present
V- War an Indication of the Breakdown
i;iof Christianity." In this sermon the
pastor will, discuss what he believes to
. be the special significance of this war
ii from a Biblical point of view.
- - At night the pastor will take for his
theme, "Weighed in the Balance, and
, Found Wanting."
First Sunday in Advent
:KJ'."-. ' - i Baptist
. . . Mrtrt Whit Temple 12th aud Taylor eta
-;' "11. praaehinc by Re.. A. Kltt Raw. H, "x
''.A i IUlifloa Which WIU Mot rail T:80, MAatlya-
: -4 insfor Waelpleihip;"
2;i--?ra"at-Sida East 20th and Antfn ahi. Her.
"Ji'W. B. Hinnon. 11. "What Ha Did Wk He
Died. t:80, "Wh.ra u God Today V1
1 . HifhlaBd B. et and alberta. Kt. Charles
k VK.Jite. pastor. 11, T:S0. -
ll -tJnlnitty Parfc11.
Swedish 16th ; and Hort Rev. Gideon
w Molaeoiv paator. 10: SO. 7:30. ' ;
-,. Giaoa MonUTilla Bar. H. TV.Caah, 11.
j:i, t?.'nat Kins rf Christianity Is Touiaf" 7:80.
U ' "What tha Cnnrch Baa to Offer the lies of
Montavilla, .- .
"... s SeUwood He. HT Hayes, paator. 11, T:4B.
it. 'rp'fiift.- Johns Re. B. t. Bortfea. paator, 7:80.
"r. ... Calrary E. tb and Grant Her. J. S-;5ft-l.Ttecaiaa,
paator. 11. 7:80.
at Calvary Eaat Pine and Grand av.
' OI- "cnacea. it, a.
, --T1'', --Knott and .Vancouver av. Her.
: rnnw !W9 rUtli f
. Glencoe E. 45th and Main. 11, 7:80.
arleta (J. Garnet Handler. 11. HnhM v.
5?2''-I!,,,3tio5 2 "ember. - Communion.
7:80. " Brintin Up Father."
HouBt uvee Ke. w. A. Magrett. 11. 8.
, Italian eiissloo 11, 8. '
iiIkGwa"BUl "4 MuIUir Kn,tt"
: Second German- Morris sad
: U. I'M. ,
Bodney see.
v Korth PprUn4 Mission 800 Nlcolal sr., frl
' : KoaaelWIlle MUckm. :.
Tabernacle . 42 Bolgate.
. Oathelie ,
1080 f7Vi!,"L'DURT: P '
" Pro-Catbedral 1Mb and Dale Rrr,r
St. Lawrence 8d and. ShermsnKev. J. o.
TBnusea. a 8:30. 10:80, 7:80 - V
" ..St. Patricks lfltb and 8a Tier Bev. B. p.
MorpbT. S, 10:S0 70.
St. Francis E. 11th and Oak Bar. J. EL
Black. . s, t. 10:80. 7:80.- "
Immacalate Heart of bfary WITUasM sv.
. ;hMr-? ;FK ?! ,.sTV iu
llo'r Uosary 3d and tnaetaroasBev. B,
, B. Olson.- , T S, . 11. T:80. . 7r ,
St. -Boae IS. : 63d aid. iUm4i-.
' OTsnelU.-- Uaa 8 high, masa 10:30, beeedlo
St, Aadrewa B. Pth sad' -aberta Bar. , J.
Klernaa. ft. 10:S. t:ML -,. -
- The MadeWoe B. Mta est Blstriyoq . Br.
Georta fc'. Tbompeon. 70. 9. lOtSo. - - .
Aacenskm B. YatcbUt and EW TOtb rmaels
; eas Fatbera. 8.10:30,. T:S0. - : . i
Blessed Sacrament liarjrlasd aee. fend Bias.
:;., mt, , tt, njara. s, iuau, i:u.
Holy Croat . 774 Boweotn BeT. C rons.
SL' -
m St. lgnstlns-3220 43d st' . 8. JeeoU
Fkibers. 8:30. tOO. ? -
"St. Stephens 2d and E.-Taylof Re. War.
- ran a. -Haltt. a. s:30. 10:30. T:sa
, Holy Betleerner Portland bird, and Vanrotf
ver are. Rev. F. VS. iUle, s. L- 10:80. 7:30.
St. rblllp Neria (Pauliat Fathers B. ltk
e?i nicaory tter. w. . vartwtisnt, pastor
7 w0. 8, 10.30-
Services Will Be in ;
Keeping Witli Advent
Ths services a 1 Sunday 'will In
keeping: with the season of Ad Tent, which
begins on Sunday. In the morning Rev.
Thomas Jenkins, rector, will preach on
"The Service of Little Things.-' No one,
however humble, nor his ability, how
ever small,, is without Importance and
supreme value in the sight of God, and
In the service of mankind. At night the
reetor will begin a new series of Advent
sermons on "The Doctrine of the Last
Things," or the second eoming of Christ.
; On Sunday, December 9, an offering
will be taken for the relief fond of the
Armenians. . ' " - -
On Friday nights during Advent, meet
ings will be held for. further study and
discussion of the subject of the Sunday
night sermons, the second coming; of
our Lord.
Woman's War Work at Home and
Abroad to Be Topic; All
Young Girls ' Invited.'. "
Zi- :..-?:f- ::'
4 '' U
Mrs. William MacMaster -
At the T. W.'C. A. vesper service Sun
day, at 4:30. Mrs. William MacMaster
will speak on the topic,- "Woman's War
Work at Home and Abroad." Mrs. Mac
Master 4s chairman of the war work
council of the northwest field. Includ
ing Oregon. . Washington, Idaho and
Montana, and is. also a member, of the
National War Work council. . Mrs. Mac
Master was in New York in June when
this council was organised, and visited
Plattaburg with Mrs. Robert Speer.
Since her retun she "has visited the
various .cantonments of the northwest,
and lias spoken in Tacoma, Seattle and
Spokane'. ,
Mrs. William C Alyord, chairman of
th ' local war. work committee, will
preside. Mrs. Lulu Dahl Miller will
sing. - Social hour. 5 :30. All girls most
welcome. - - '
1 St dements Smith and Newton Bar. -Je.
eeph Cbapoton, Bev. Thomas Nealoa. assistant. I
S. 10:80. f :307: , - , -
Sacred "Heart B. 11th and Center Ber.' G.
Bobl. 8, 1 0:80, 7:30. ." .
St. Afstba E. 1Mb 'and Miller Bev. J.
Cnomlnsky. 8. 10:80.7:80.
8. Stanlalans PoHsh) Maryland are. sad
railing Bev. F. Matthew, s, 10:80. 7:30.
St. Joseph (German) 15th and Couch Bev.
B Dorrer. 8. 10:80. 7:30. i
St. Mlcbael (Italian) tb and Mill Bet. -Baleatra.
8. 10:30. 7:90. :
U Clares CaptUl HU1 Franciscan rath
a. 7:80. S:1A.
M. Charles 33d and alberta Bev. 0. BaV
derbora. 7. 9:30. 7:80.
1 ;i- Otrlstlaa y, . . '
First Park and Columbia Bev. Harold H.
Qiiffia. 11. preaching br Bit. E. B. Moon,
"My Experiences in Africa." . 7 :30. aafnuta by
pastor. -.The Uplifted. Christ, the World s Up
Ufter. t - . -i . .
. Kera Tark B. A. Moon.' pastor.' 11. 7-.80;
Beat Side Christian B. 12th and E. Taj lor
Bct. R. H. Sawrer. , 11, 7:8. '
Sehwood 13th tad Tenino Bev. 1. B, Johs-
aon. "11. 8. 1 J' ' '
St. Johns Ber. Herbert at. Jose. 11,8.
Bethel E. &2d and Tbomsaoa Re. Aabrar
W. WUaon, 1
MontTllla E. 70th sad Hovt Bar. Btmna
GladMone BeT. Rot U. Deaa. 11, s.
Rodney arenas and , Knott.- Bee. Carlos' 2.
GboraUay. . paator. 11, ".Steadfastness . of , Pur
se." 7:80. "Tha Enpardoaatde Sin." .
Woodlawn ChrlsHao "ith anrl l.lhei I , Res.
Joseph D. Boyd. 11. "Christians' Monument. "
70. 'conacienea.' . , . , . .
Buncalow 17th and Coort Frank E. Jonea.
paator. 11.8.
- .;-J'':.-; tanmiaa etoace -,
Iveasoa Snhject:
Ancient and Modern Necromancy, Alias Masmer
?. meriam and Hypnotism.''
First chnrcb Ererett beiem lath mnJt tatk
sts.- 11. 8. - - . - .
: Second B. 8th snd Hollsday.' 11. S. ' '
Third E. 12th end. Salmon. -11. 8, '
FoOTth Vancoorer atrrx. and Emerson. 11. 8.
Ftb Sixty -second at- and Forty second ae.
Sixth Masoale " Temple. - Weat . Park sad
Tamhtn. ; . . -
. Cbristtaa Science society Holbrook .block,
St.. Johna 11. . . . i . ; , . :
v First Park and Mail farm . sin. T.tK a
ujrm. oemcsa .i:ig, J :0.
antnaoa Memorial ebniea B. Zvtn and Er
erett Bev.. Warren . . Moras. 11. "The Most
Lmreraaiiy iorea book in tne World '7:48.
UnstraMd address, "How Ws Got Oar Bible.
- riret German E. Tth sad Stanton Bee, B.
Willmaa.- .
Pflrrin. Missouri era ' and Sharer at H.
T:80. . .! ', . . ..
VnirardtT Park Hares -st, 1 seat'. Lombard
"V a. aieyer. pastor.-j i. 7 :10. , ,
r, : K'llshts-r, Jl3d and Woodward--
ir. a. u. atosea. pastor. : ii. sermon by Bev
1. K. Brown. D. D. :8d. VUnaaed Power."
!S?"r!'?T'5 end -raytor Hee.' J. J.
Kit UV. 4 ,OU . . .
e- John 11, 1:Stf.
2 Hlshland Edward Constant, atlnbter fl
. inn valjie of a Steadfast Ufa?.. 7:30. "How
to Make a" Happy Home." .. .
i , Korwesiaa Danish Coagreratlofial church B.
It X.r- : ,' ' tv,
I -' - 't v -'-?1
T ' x ft-v
't' -' 'l"1" Z, 11 a,,,,,,..,, I,, " f l tassssa i , ,
I ; l " V f ? U - t;.V - yw..o
Rer; Thoma Jenkins, rector, at left; , Tom G. Taj lory
Muslc of an unusual quality has been
furnished by the youthful songsters
which compose the junior choir at the
;J0 Sunday school services at St- Da
vids church qf which Rev. Thomas Jen
RevE. R. Moon, Native Orego
nian, to Speak at Christian
Rev. E. R. Moon. Christian mission
ary at Bolenge, Africa, who Is In
America on a ' year's furlough, will
speak at the First Christian church
Sunday morning. Rev. Mr. Moon Is
a native. Oregon lan. After his grad
uatlon ' from . the Bible university at
Eugene he was sent to Africa by the
Foreign Christian Missionary society
of the Disciples of Christ, and has had
charge -of the work at Bolenge. an Im
portant post on the Conga.
'In his address Rev. -Mr. Moon will
relate his experiences while engaged In
missionary work among the AT fr lean
people.-' ' ' c
In the evening the pastor; IL If.
Griffls. will have for his subject The
Uplifted , Christ; the Worlds Up
lifter." In keeping with the military spirit,
members of the T. P. S. C E. of this
church are waging war against antip
athy in religious matters; they have
been divided into two sections, one
representing the army, the other the
navy, and each vlelng With the other
for stimulating interest in the society.
The results so far - have been most
Dad's Day to Have
Unusual Features
. . '
' An unusual and interesting feature of
the Sunday services will be the special
men's service at the Arleta Baptist
church at 7 :30 p. m- The sermon will be
"Bringing Up Father." taken from The
Journal's series of comic pictures popu
larly known as "Jiggs." The men will
be separated, from the women and will
occupy 100 reserved seats down the cen
ter aisle. The public is cordially Invited
to take part In "Dad's Day."
S3d and Sumner Her. Morton Olson. 11, 7:30. i
Eton German) E. Sth aad Tremont Ber.
1. H. Bopp. 10:80.
rinnlavb Mission 107 Said mora at. Bar.
Samuel NersU. 7 -JO. '
Laurel wood CoerscaUonal ehnr-a 43th are.
and 5th at. ' -
Ardenwald Ardanwald Station Howard V.
Hopklrk. .
. .. . 7vaagUcal Issoeiatloti
First English E. 6th sad Market Bev. B.
D. Horaarhach. 11. 8. .
First -German KraaieMcal 10th aad Clay
Rev, G. F. Uenlnc 10:43. 8. -
Portland- Misaloa cborch Csreoa Heights
Bee. N. Shapp. paator. 8:30. 6:30. 7:80.
Swedish Mission Tabernacle GBsaa end tt.
17th Her. c. J. Ledla. 11. 7:80.
'-" . Free Methodist .f
Central 3tb tul E. Flanders Ber. W. lt.
Ooflea.- 11. - -.-. . ,
First E. th and MTH - Rev.; Alexander
Beers. 'pastor. . 11, "Is the Psasent War an In
dication, of Breakdown ef - Sanity." 7:80.
"Welshed in the Balance;. Found Waattas.
St. Johns Richmond snd Hndson eta. Mrs.
M. J.'Blslr. pastor. 8. 11.
Alberta Free Methodist Bev. E. I. Barrlas-
Lents Son th Mala at. Bev. A. nu.
tor. ; 8. s ..7; T
. Trieads Chareh
First B. 83th and Vara. Ber. ft. L. fkx.
Worebin- in Dawler'a IlalL Vt Tlrtr.rnuvt.
sad Tamhill sts. Serriees at 11. 7:48.
i Lento Soutb Main at. Ber. John Hlley. '
weat Fledmoat Frleads church Corner
Borthwlck sad Jesses sts. Cheater A. Hadley.
paator. - - .'- .
; ' " '. Jewish ' - - - i : y
Cearrerattee - Beth Israel 12th and ataln
Rabbi Jonah B. Wise., rrida.- is a.
ConsTefa Moo Aharis Shbtoa Park aad Ctay
Streata BabM Ta Asrabamaoa.- -
- . ; , . - ' ' Lataeraa " -St.
Tames. 'r.nrllrt West Park and leffer-
ner. wuuam Bran Brink man. ll. a.
r ImTaasnet lvtb and -lrrlog.- 11. 8.
Weat Side Norwegian Lataeraa 13 W. 11th.
Bev. Wllbelta Pettersoa. 11. S. . -
Bethenla Danish Kvaaaralical Latharan 4rara.
Paloo are- and Martis aU Bev. U P.. Kjolasr.
lo a, m. ens a v. as. , - - . v -
lramansel German Seltwood Bev. Q. C
fcDe'lna. 10:30.-. . '
St. Paol'a German t 13th and Cttntoa
Rer. A. Kraoae. ' 10:80. sanhjes aad holy eoaa-
mumen. . i :s, asnaa eernoaa.
Trtnity German t Mtasoorl tsyaod) Williams
are. and Grahaot Bev. J. A. Bimbaea, 10:15.
7:80. . -,, . . . - -
Grace English fMlaeoori Synod Alblaa are.
ana si aeon au aier.. s- rroeex. uu. wjo,
t-80. -7 1 - '
Brangeliesl Lctheras Btos Mlaaoarl Synod).
Sal moa and Chapman Bee. ' H. . Keopeh mean.
German. 10:13: Kasliaa. 7:44. , -
: St, John's Peatoaalar and Kirkpetrick Bev.
K. O. Haanaann. io:a. iw. - .
SwedUh .Angnataae Bev. H. B Baastedt.
10:43. 7:48. . . . - '
Bethel Norwef !aa Lstberaa free ebarch -
Wytrant Sad Rodney. . Bar. J. A. fltarney.
Irlnlty (Scandinavian). . Sa Lorely Porta
nrouth. Ber. S. A. Stenaetb. 11, 7:30. ea
first Sunday of eacb month only.
Onr Partjr E. 10th aid Grant Bev. Geortre
tienrlksun. n:i.
kins ts rector. "The choir as It stands
has served over a year and constitutes
one of the attractions of the church.
The members are, Marlon and Ruth .Jen
kins, daughters of the rector. Margaret
Special Services,
For Advent Sunday
Sunday St. Stephens Pro-Cathedral
will observe the first Sunday of the
new ecclesiastical year, known as Ad
vent. This season is given over to les
sons of a fundamental character In the
Christian religion. Consequently, Dean
McCollister, will give a special course
of Advent sermons dealing with .the
special lesson Inculcated by the church
for each of the Sundays in this season.
A cordial Invitation is extended to
all persons who may wish to attend.
These addresses will be given at the 11
o'clock service. All seats are free at
St. Stephen's Pro-Cathedral and an ex
cellent choir under the direction of Carl
Denton readers the special music and
leans In the singing. The dean precedes
his sermons with a five minute instruc
tion on some question connected with
church ways or doctrines. He would be
glad to receive questions on which to
base these Introductory remarks.
St. Stephens guild will meet on
Wednesday at 2 o'clock.
A series of program meetings has been
arranged for the woman's auxiliary,
consisting of a missionary review and
a special speaker for each meeting
(fourth Fridays).
The Pro-Cathedral Men's club will
have a program meeting December 11.
Dr. A. J. Browning and Carl Denton
are In charge thereof.
Meeting Place Is
Changed for Time
On account of the building enterprise
in progress, at the Sunnyslde Friends
church, the Friends will change the
place of holding their coming quarterly
meeting next Saturday and Sunday to
the Piedmont Friends church, corner .of
Borthwlck and Jessup streets.
Friday afternoon will be given over
to the meeting on "Ministry and Over
sight," Friday evening will be under the
auspices or the literature department at
which time the subject will receive spe
cial attention. Saturday will be occu
pied with devotional services both fore
noon and afternoon with lunch served
in the basement at noon.
Saturday night will occur the regular
business session and Sunday morning
the meetings will hold their regular ser
vices in the respective churches and
come together In the afternoon for a
union meeting at which time the tem
perance department will give a program.
Zloty LnW bstl. K. 1.1th aea atiaea
Rev. 8. a. Stenaetb, T:30. 11, ea first Senday
of each month only.
German Branrelical Ra formed Lenta Ber.
W. G. Ueokaeaiper. . 11.
V r latter Day Seists
Chnrch ef leans Chrlat of Latter Day Be lata
rkfurmoa) B 2Mb and Madlaoo. Ber. M. i.
Ballard. l:4o. 7:a
The Reorf snlsed Church ef Jeeos Christ of
Latter Pay ctalaU mot Marmos) E. 76tA sad
trTlog sts. c. E. Joaee. paator.'
. , Kathodist Xpiseopal ;
Brentwood Ber. E. B.' Luck hart- Sunday
2:30.' school i end preaching. - . .
Bethel A. M. aV-W. Ii. Prince, pastor. lL
8:13. : .-. - -
rKesdsU Ber. B. C. Toons, Sunday school
and preachlnar at 2:30.
. Central Vancouver are. and Fanro at.
Rer. C. C. Bariek. fl. "The Anchored BouL"
7:80. "Chris, tbe World's Master."
Centenary. Pta and Pine sta 11. address by
Mm. George H. Aldea of Salem. 7:30. Benson
by Dr. J. C KUiott, "Power of Mind Over Body,
and Power of Auto-soaaastion."
Clinton Kelly preaching.- 11; ' Bev. K. B.
uecaaart. naator. ll
- r iret courco aer. jnsana etanerieid. D. V.
11. "The Unsearchable Inohae of Chraa." a firs
miaoto address to children and parents and moth
er. 7:80, f'Germaa irntohaia, Flareeneaa sad
Kwortb Ber, C O. McCulloca, D. D. 11,
Lenta Bev F. at. Jasper. Freaehlaa at 11
and 7UJO. -1 ; .
First i NorwesUn ' Danish lth ' sad " Hoyt.
Ber. Charles Ujerdins. paator. 8. '
Tbe Vaaconrer Are. -Nerwealan Danish M.
B. . Cbarch Skldtanre and Vancoorer areas.
Preaehtns by- Key. AUias Gjerdtn. 11.
Laurelwoud Ber. A. ' Brackeanuvy.
Uncoln Bev. E. B. LockharC Preachmr
f do. 4 . - , . ;
Una ton Ber. B. H. Dewart. D. D. Preach-
tnf at 7:SO. r-.. - '- v ' -
Mount Tabor 81st end Stark sts-Bev. B.
O. Eidrtdre. IX IX 11.7:80.
UontarUla Bor. C. L, 1 am 11 ton. Presehbte
U. a--. . - , - -
l-attoo W. ateagy. rreacblsg at. 11.
' Taylor Street M. B- Circla taeatre. Dr. kL
H. Marrln. pes tor. . ,- .
Bee City para Bev. -A. -A- Heist, , "
1 tiellwood Ber. A. B. McLeeh. 11. , Aa
Boal aaewtlng. W. F. U. Friday. October. 1.
St. Joe so i Bev. J. U. Irrtne. Preacatag 11
sud 1 s. 1 ' - "
Trinity Sunday school, 18: chins. 11.
Sannyslde 8V 33th and E. XamAUl ber. E.
X. Smith. ; -. '
Weatmoreiaao taer. at. m. sewn, nsaea
7:30. - ' -r- : t . .
irersltr Park Ber.' J. T. Abbett. D. n
Preecnins ll.:80. . ' ' "
Weodlawa Bev.; W. B. Kloater. Preacalns
1 1 Weodstoch Ber. L. C Poor. Preaching 1L
-o. .
tiwedlsh Borthwlck and Beech Bev. Jobs
A. WeUmaa. iu:eo, i:o. .
German Bodney ere. end Etna ton Ber. F,
A Krtnmini. 10. 8. -
African Zion iZl " Williams ere. Bev..' W.
W. Herara. 11.
Uriel euixsrmieoaent. aer. William WaJ-
choirmaster, at right. Members of
Jacob!, Gladys Kattelmann. Gladys
Strickland, Margaret Taylor. Agnes
West. Catherine -West, Dorothy
Wiltshire, 'Violet Wiltshire, Dellca
Hlckey, Selwin and . Thomas Jen
Church Membership
Will Get a Boost
Dr. Klnson will preach in the morning
on "What He Did When He Died." After
the sermon the monthly communion
service win be held. All new members
will be welcomed at that time. There
will be baptism before the sermon and
all those baptised will also be received
into the church. It Is the custom of the
East Side Baptist church to receive
members at every communion service,
and many are expected to unite with the
church on Sunday morning.
At the night service or. Hinson wiu
take for his theme "Where Is God 'To
day?" The sermon will move along the
line of the new apologetics which has oc
cupied several previous discourses.
The mid-week services held on
Wednesday night crowded the prayer
meeting room beyond Its capacity and
are now held in the church auditorium.
Unique Series of
Service Going On
The. series of unique Sunday evening
services is still In progress la Piedmont
Presbyterian church. . The next In the
series will be given Sunday night and
will be the story of H. X Williams. At
11 a. m. Dr. Hutchison, pastor of the
church, will speak on "The Mission of
Our Race."
The Thanksgiving service in this
church and district was out of the ordi
nary, being a "platform meeting," in
which Rev. Mr. Kloster of Woodlawn
M. E, church. Rev. Mr. Hutchison of
Piedmont church, and Earl A. Rowell
of Los Angeles were the speakers. Mrs.
Eva Wells Abbett, Mrs. Leila 81usser
Hathaway- and Will Robinson sang ap-
propriata solos. JL substantial contribu
tion to the Bible work for soldiers was
given by the congregation.
Will Take Lone Vacation
Owing to Alness In the family of Rev.
A. H. Miller, pastor of the Wichita
United Evangelical ehurch; Mr. MUler
will take a vacation for several months
and ' visit .Arlsona and Now Mexico.
Mr. Miller will occupy - his pulpit at
Wichita Sunday morning. W. H- Ford
of Portland will have charge of the
evening service. In the absence of Rev.
Mr. Miller, the pulpit of the Wichita
United Evangelical church will be reg
ularly supplied by the presiding elder.
Rev. 8.' 8. Mumey.
lace Tenngaoa. TX D.
83d st. X. Tabor
First German lata ana Herx.
Bev. B4V
a sad B. Hertsler. u. S:o.
Bennett chapel F. M. Jasper. rracalog
St 3:30.
X. Z. Chareh South
First M. E. Chareh Sooth, corner Cakoa are.
Preacalog by Ber. Jassea T. lYenca, 11.
7 JO. ,
' Vasarea
First Pentecostsl E. 7th snd E. Couch eta.
II, 7-.SU
SeUwood . tth aad Spokane Preacaiag
by Bvaagellat B. H. Meraa. 11. 7.8XX
Brentwood oath st. sad Mh are, 8. B.
Be, a U. FowUr. 11. 1 JO, preechias.
aysadiaariaa-k848 Garfield. 11. 7:30. '
Ulsaiasd Park 113S K 14th H. alev. w.l
ts. SweetNtnaa. U. a.
. . Bptoaepal
Trtnity 1B ana areretv Bev. A. A-'Moe
abo. rector. A 11.
Pre-Catnedrsl St. SUpbea the Martyr
13 lb an Clay Bt. ate. W. T. Kemoer
op. Very Be. . H. McColUaUr.
1 :80. or china by beaa MoCoUMter.
at. itarkia a 121 a an feVetntont Bev.
Til i an i Jenkins, reetor. Berriess 740. 840.
11 aad 1..3U, Adrent oanday.
Si. Marks Slat and auraaali Be, t. B. U.
Mlmpsoa, rector. Be.' J. U. Uattua. aaaodaie
rector. - 11, 7:48.
. at. Aeorswo Hereford et-, Portsmouth
Arebdencon Chambers in charaa. a 1 :SO . sa.
Grace Mesnonal weieier aaa SL jTta a.
Be. Oswald W. Taylor, a, 11.
8oe Hhepaere vancoorer an u ran am
Bee. John iMwaoa. It, 7:30.-
- t SkbMh aad 'All Saints B. 484 aad
Broadway, aver. X. b. Bowen. vlcat. S. 10,
11 and Sv - - - f
Chareh of Our Sartor 80th see. and Slat at.
8. K. Arrbdeecon Chambers la ebarg. 11.
- Bishop al orris Memorial chape. Goad Saatar
tUa hoaaital Be. Frederle a, Uwware.. 1,
1:44. . -. '
at. Paaia Wsodmsrs Be. Oawala V Tay
lor. 4. .........
All Saints 83th and Barktr Bev. . Frwderle
K. fctowar. 11.- -
St, Jebae Corasr B. IBtb and Harney. 8C
a ma Artnsaacss Chamber la .rears. - 1L,
t-Ju. .
St. Ma ftaew Corbet t aae Baaerert sts Bev.
W. A. M. Breck. vieac 11. .
, Araasatteal Syaed -
Germae BVansulical Frlendn church TSeossa
are. aaa) E. JAos Stev. sUla M. Uegurt. 19.44,
' ' ;;; leshynatlaa ; ' , ' ;
First lJtb' and 'Aldea eta. Be. Joke H.
Boyd. 10:80. 7:38.
Contnl 18Ub snd Pin sowBoe. Dr.
Edward H. Ponos. 1840. 7:3.
Westminster a. 17ta nod Scaur tar eta Dr.
Edward Pence-. 10:00. 7 JO. -
Arbor. toage Ber. Uevrs X- Oesaley. 11,
' Clr 11th r T fTsr ' rta flirmaai he
Re. Tbounaa a. Andefsou. 1840. We Lire b
Whe We Feed Lpea,"
f:38. "TblnAia aad
kewrta First and Cthhe sta. Rer. H. O
Hsanon. 10 40. "Jehors's Beowabfaaeea aad
Tber Task." . 7:30, lr. Mante ea aarea.
lt Graham and Uantenbein erea. 11,
the choir.
kins, sons of the rector, Ernest Jacob1,
Ferd Kattelmann. Francis West, David
Will lama. Robert Miller. Harold Miller,
Edward Cartwright, Edward Winters.
The cross bearer la Thomas Jenkins.
Social,' Religious and Physical
Welfare of Members Will Be
Promoted by Society.
Several young men of the Vernon
district have gotten together as a result
of attending a class organised In the
Presbyterian Sunday school, and plan
to start a permanent club. The object
of the club or association will be to
promote the social, religious and phy
sieal welfare of tke members. To thts
end.- they win meet each Sunday for
original religious studies, meeting other
days) for social affairs. and for
athletic interests. They will engage In
the season's sports. At present they
are working hard for a good basketball
team and have engaged E. S. Beesoa
as coach and practice twice a week.
The following members are now en
rolled: Walter Malcolm. Francis Sax.
Clarence Opperman. Waliam Stacey,
Lawrence Tyler, Everett Davidson,
Mnton Andrews. Donald Dick. Freder
ick Nichols. William Oroves. Byron
Wallace and George Olander. Other
members will no doubt be enrolled
A meeting win be held Saturday
evening at the gymnasium of the Ver
non Presbyterian church at 7:lS to
decide on a name and perfect the
organisation. Prospective members
should be . present at that time.
Sermons to Men at
Montavilla, Church
Rev. H. T. Cash, at Grace Baptist
church. Montavllta. will continue his
sermons to men 8unday night. His sub
ject will be "What the Church Has to
Offer the Men of Uontavilla." At this
service Professor William Manaell Wil
der will lead the singing and 8. A. Pat
terson. of the Orpheus Male chorus, win
sing. These evening services are creat
ing much Interest In the community.
Keallwarth E. S4th end OUdatoaa Be. K. J
P. lawrenre. II. T.49.
Vernon B. ItHh and Wyeuat sta. Rer. J. B.
LssdeOoroaxk. 1U 748.
Mlapah E. ISth and Dtrtaloa sts. Bev. D.
A. Thoarpsea. 11. 7:30.
Pupa MoeterUla. 18th sad B. Ererett Be.
8, W. feemsss
Mt. Tsbo B. 83th end Belmont sta, Be.
Ward MaeHenry. 11, T40. '
Vnlty 7 let aad Sandy bird. W. La Gray.
11. 1. -
Piedmont Oer eland sad J arret t era. Rer.
A. L. HuteMaaon. 1 1. "The Maaio of Onr
Reos." 7 4S, prearhine- hy ea-C-fcraeJaa Bcen
tmt, "Why I Le(V th Christian 8cieaa FnHh."
Millard Areano 7341 Wtfe Sa. 8. g Bev.
W. U. Amos. 18:30. ,
Bose aty Park B. 43th aad Hancock its.
1 Spoken Arsons B.' 18th sad Spokane Ber.
W. 8. McCnlleush. II, 7 JO. -
MarabaB Street IT tt. aad Marshall eaa-Bev.
A. J Haaoa. 11. 7 40. ....
Trinity Corner Virginia and Mewraafca sta.
Dr. A. J. Metsesry- ll. 1438.
Chtnens ) let st 7.4A- -
Aaabel ta st. sad S7ta are, 8. O-Bev.
Jews K. Watson, 11. 1)30.
- - '
First Oermaa ltth aad Clay Ber. O- Haf
PWetombl err, sad 834 sC Bev. a
A Ti 11. .
Third Fifth ae
lasts Bev. W. O Ue
T .Bef.
' -- n,nM tt'
Bar. F. . ftser. 11. v-sw.
SereaU Say AirontlM
- Kote-Betrmlar an lass e( Otis dsaomlaatloa
gjTseld ea aeturony. '
Central-g. 11th aad aeret-Ckier; r. C
Bay ware, ptor. 11 .
MoaitaTlha E 80t aad . BrureHt-EleVsr
mf RaMttT ' 1U '
lJata--84ta a ssd 88th see. Cloot D. J.
Chitwved. 11. ' - -r .
St. Job ne Central s. sad Charlsetea.
Elder A. B. Foikeuberg. II.
MUTsbor 8, eota lad Bslmseb-Bev. J. M.
WUssoghby. 11.'
ajhtn tCertaaal Skid mora and - MaUory
Mlateaer. A. A. Meyer. ' A. C, Sea 11 tsar, local
cldor. 11J3- .. ....
Scmndteartaa 11. , .
Oaoea hall. .Mlsulsalppt sag 8hssr Bev. O.
E. naailaas 11. .
, ' .-: aWvaUaa Amry ,'. ; .
Corps Ke. 1 248 Ash St. 11. AAiutaat
and Mrs. kraak Geoce. 8:18.8.
Dome N. 4 lnk 1st at, Eaalgs W. H.
awsdtsh c.iie w
Birrlusa fee th
Onltod rveaytortaa Waae and Grand are.
Bee. B. Bnrl lu Bou. 140. 740.
-tew Cherctj Society. BU Jsffereoa at Bar.
WUUaat B. Boaoa. U.S.- - ' .. .
. TJsMaxlaa
rmm. mt dor Pacser atrosdwsr snt Tasa.
hill Rer. W. G. F.!m1 Jt. . 10 40, Cbrtatonin
(MtW. 1100. eienonh 7 : . upeaains by
CosBouauoner Be.vw, -lae of i.',
Women in Charge ; ;
;0n Sunday Mprning
The Sunday, morning sei tiiea at
Centenary Methodist Episcopal church
will be given over to the Woman's
Home Missionary society. It wd be
the occasion . of the annual thank of
fering. - The speaker of the rooming
will be Mrs. George IS. Alden et Salem.
Mrs. Alden is an Interesting -speaker
and will . bring to the congregation
some -'Interesting matters coaeernlng
the home land . and the necessity for
malntatnlna the work of the church
at home la order that the whole world
may . be made safe not only for de
mocracy, but safe for everything that
is pure and . good.
At the evening service the Rev. J.
C Elliott of Loa Angeles wUl speak
on "Power of Mind Over Body and
Power of Auto-Suggestlon." Dr. Elliott
Is conducting the "Chautauqua Health
Feast of Dedication Commemo
rates Victory of Maccabees and
Rededication of Zion.
The midwinter feetlvsl of Judaism Is
Hanukah.- the feast of dedication, which
begins this year on December 10. and
lasts a week. It commemorates the vic
tory of the Maccabees and their rededi
cation of the temple on Mt Zio after
it had been despoiled and defiled by
the supreme tyrant. Antiochus Eplp-
hanea. These events of the second cen
tury before the Christian era are told
In the two books of the Maccabees.
which give a detailed picture of the
time. They narrate that Matttathlaa,
the prleet of -Modtn. refused to sacri
fice to Jupiter, that he and his five sons
took to the hills and conducted a guar'
Ula warfare for years, finally conquered
the enemy In a pitched battle, and thus
won both political and religious f:
dom for their oppressed people. Judas
MaccaDee. tne greatest military leader,
died before the war was ended, but his
example continued to give Inspiration
to the people and the strut gls ended in
the complete victory of the Jews. Hsn
ukah ts the only warlike festival of the
Jewish people, but even In It the sold
iers divide honors with the martyrs,
among whom we may mention Hannah.
a neroto woman who with her seven
sons died rather than desert the faith.
The festival has become symbolised
by the progressive kindling of lights
during the week of celebration one
candle the first evening. Increasing
each successive night to eight the last
evening. It. Is the custom also to give
gifts to the poor, and to exchange them
with one another as tokens of good wllL
White Temple Pulpit
Rev. A. Ross Xitt. who is to fill the
pulpit of the First Baptist ehurch
(White Temple) for the remainder of
the year, will preach Sunday morning
on the topic A Religion Which Win
Not Fan." And in the evening hta sub
ject win be "Qualifying for Dteclple
ship." The celebration of the Lord's Supper
follows the morning service, and new
members win receive the hand of fel
lowship. m
Musical numbers by the Temple
Quartet are The King of Love by
Shelley. "Oh. Ird. How Man ir old Arei
tk- w,v- -tt..- v,vl
Oh. Land (Rogers).
Ministers to Hear Lieut. Darnett
The General Ministerial association
of the city will meet Monday morning
at 10 .10 at the Y. M. C. A-. at which
time the regular business win be con
sidered and an address will be given by
Lieutenant J. R. Burnett of London,
member of the Royal Fuslleers. His
subject wDl be. War Conditions in
England at the Preeent Time.
easat Taxes la Portland.
TX sited Brethren
Atberta 27(h end Summer sta. Bev.
BcU. 11. 8.
First K. 13th aad M arris as)
Boneorske. 11. 8.
B. O.
- Fourth 30th aad 32d ore. B. 3V Mm. C T.
Third 477th sad 33d are. 8. B B. a
herd. 11. 8.
Fourth Be. C. T. Bmncherd, 83d
and 70th st, 11. 740.
TJ sited grssrsllcel
Bedleel Jsmup st. Ber. A- 8.
11. 740.
Manor, Circuit Serriees.
OckW-y Green WUlamelte hied, and Qty
Ber. H. H. Faraham. 11. 8.
First E. lata aad Poplar Ber. 2. A. Oaeda.
U. 8.
3U J nana Rer., A. P. Lsytoa. 11. 74a
Tntsnd PressTtertan
First E. 37th nn Hswtnorue Rer. Bush
Frsser Glrrn. 11. 7:30.
Cborch of the 8'rane-era Wsoee t. and
Grand a 8- Fart DuBom 10.30,
7 40. -riadlnc a Baby,-
. Macty besitis
sale! t tlh -
cotnfort '
cremation) at tlv
' '' Portlaae! .
; Crematoriaai
8 ' -
High Mass of Exposition Will Be
Sung at . 6 oTlock in the
Morning Service in Evening.
Special Mass at Noon on Sunday
With Sermon in Afternoon by
Yery Rev. Prior Olson, 0. P.
The 40 hours' devotion wjll begin at
St. Marys cathedral next Friday and
last until the following Sunday after-
on. Hlth mass of exposition will be
sung on Friday morning at . On FrW '
day evening at 7 :4 there will be a sol-
emn procession of the blessed sacrament -
in which the children of the pariah and
the members of the Cathedral Holy
Names society will take part. Saturday
is the feast of the Immaculate concep
tion, a holy day of obligation and the
patsonal feast of the cathedral church.
There will be masses st the same hours
as en Sundays, with a special mass at
II :I0 noon Instead of the usual mass at
lL High mass will be sung at a.
m. 'The 40 hours win concluds on Bun
day afternoon with a sermon by the"
Very Rev. Prior Olsen. O. P.. and the
solemn procession and benediction of
the blessed sacrament in which the .
members of the Holy Kama societies
from the city parishes will take part.
This Sunday Is the first Sunday of ad
vene the first day of the Christian .
year according to the calendar of the
Catholic church. At the 11 o'clock high
mass at St. Marys cathedral. Father -0Hara
will preach a special sermon on
the subject of The Pope's Plea -for a .
Lasting Christian Peace."
Dr. Stansf ielcT to 4
Discuss Germans
Sunday evening. Rev. Joshua Stana- -field.
D. D.. wiU discuss the Oermaa
Mind and Movement Preceding and
During the War and the Why and 11 oW
of the Hun Today." 'He wUl take up
some peculiar characteristics of German .
fatalism, their fierceness and folly. This
will be a candid study of the why and
how of the Huns life and the grounds
of his fatalism and fierceness and the
foolishness of It all. -
In the morning Dr. Stansfleld will
preach on "Unsearchable Riches of
Christ. The sermon will be preceded
by the first of a series of five mlaute
addresses to children on the "Proverbs
snd Mottoes of Different Lan 4s anrt '
Peoplea" -
One of th boys classes of the Sunday
school has fitted up a repair shop In a
room of the Sunday school temple and.
is asking donations Of broken - toys.'
I which they win repair and five out to
poor children during th Christmas
uun '
Bible Sunday to Be
Observedby Church
The Atkinson Memorial church win
observe Sunday as Bible Sunday. The
morning sermon wUl be devoted to the
greatest of books snd in ths evening
there will be an addreas Illustrated wtth
lantern slides, giving the- Interesting
, K f, " t.,K1- K ' v fc.T
etory of how the BiWe has been kept
through the centuries long before' the
days of printing. hen all copies had
to be made by hand and also th strug- '
gle.- since printing ass Invented to -make
the Bible a book for all people.
This will be In cooperation with the
latest drive in behalf of th army which '
will be mad this corn ice week by- the
American Bible society for th purpose
of furnishing - Bibles and Testaments -for
the men In the war. Ths campaign
has the Indorsement of . President
gsetoe tfnlted, Presbyterian chareh Lam
hard and Charts at a is Ber. J. Q. Csae. sua.
oh.- 11:18. 140.
CWe et th Good Tldlags Broadway sad
B. m,
Y. at. O. T. W. a A. ' -T.
M. C A ta sad Taylor H, W. 8 teas,
0MMfBfaJ Say8WuTwAafe
T. W. a A. Broadway sad Taylor. 4 48.
Mm. wmiaaa MaeMael or will i
Anonr1ste4 BIMe Mmdeuts fl. B. 8. A
W. O. W. haB. B 3th aad E. Able sta 8 43.
lostajre by W. M. Wisdom. "The Uaadwrttlnf eu
the Wall, ra Pliunt Applaoslioa. 8:08. dja
eooras by W. M. Wasdom.
Banal assembly Frtdsy. 8 p. sm. renal 808 '
El We blue.
Psasel Mnsaon 148 1st, 8. 8.
VUtvtla sod Ml tens ry AlUesae B. . eea
aad Clay. Bev. John E. Fee. psstor. 11,
ChHaiadelphlaaa - B. E. earner Beat, lets'
and Wasblnston 4oday. I840 Frldsy. 74.
W1EN wi grow Into tbe hithest
snd truest conception of whtt
It reslly is to be released from the -pfavsicsJ
realm snd eater mxm Tbe
Life 'More Abundinrw-ith Its larger'
development, .and freater, opportsnl-'
ties. Its charms and radiance and hap
piness -then shall w really
live, the faitB of the Christian which
now we profess. - To this result Cre-.
nation is an Immeasurable factor bf
aid snd really one of the. most potent
(actors. '. ... - - - - i
-LtUUa WhlUniuJa 'The World .
i vwt tlv. w
Portland Crematoriunj I
Writ, pbeM sr aliref lVIeV
. 14tk 8ts4 BvWHwoW Car .-' ;
:i .-;' 'VUHors fl U5 .