THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, -1917. 11 HELP WAWTEIV-MALE WANTED-i-Today. 4 boy ever 1. irith bi cycle; (30 to $90 per month ; steady work; leant trad; advancement L, A, Mollenhour, 253 Oak st. 1VA N T E D J anitoi. Apply Fairmont UiU, 288 11th st HELP WAITED MISC. 4 WANTED -Men. women tor government war positions; thousand needed immediately; good salaries, permanent employment, liberal vacations, other advantage. We prepare you nd eecure a position or we refund your money. Ask for booklet OK, free to citizen. Washington Ciril Service - school. 868 Harden tldg., Washington, D. j& Hawthorne aWoschool 462 Hawthorne ave. The de.aand ia increasing daily for high elaee Bacchantes. Ia this school you learn and be et,m expert fcy actually doing the work. Special training in magneto, batteries, (tarting and lighting systems. Investigate. liOJf't M188TH13 OFFER ISO put you through a complete Conner in automobile, ga tractor, electric and etetlonary engineering, and vulcanising of automobile Urea. Uemphill Trade School. 707 Hawthorne are. corner E. 20U at. KUMBEB young women and men wanted to pre pare for telegraph service to help fill vacan- eia caused by unusual drafting men for war. Position guaranteed. Call or write. Telegraph Dept., room 600 Panama bldg. UNCLE SAM needs 10,000 stenographers. Enroll now for ahoAiand, typewriting, bookkeeping. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE, ltd flA.r Alisky bldg. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL Union are. and Wasco St.. Portland, Or. Call or write for free 60 page catalogue. It telle how we help you to a good position. Day and night clasee. LADIEi) desiring crochet work or hariug tome for sal, send 10a for "Book of Designs" snd detail. Int. .TraU g Crochet Co.. 216 Fidd lier bidg.. 10th and Washington at. SPANISH taughT.-Joe an hour for claa of 6 or more. Marshall 2 20.- East sideTICommercial school. 122 v UKAND AVE. EAST 427. PRIVATE lesson in universal shorthand taught at home. P-605, Journal. WlLL coach teacher for state eiamlnation De- cemher 10. Write Immediately, J-578. Journal. Uncalled tor uuoFlnadn suit $9.20 up. Taylor the Tailor. 289 H Burnside. H E LP WAWTKH-FK.M ALE 1 WANTED 5 models, only those who can travel need arm I v. Call between 10 and 12. Monsieur Marcel. Wheeldon Annex, 10th and Salmon. WANTED Insurance soliasaor; good pay, can work part or all the Ume. Call 350 Morgan bldg.. from 9 to 12 a. m. ANTED A nur firl to cmra for child u vw gMgfaaij vwj v u uuunewuigi. t ' ' Clifton St.. Portland HelghU. Main hi 51 ik . -f.aU sou A aa 4 1 V. FOB Schneider sister cream call Main 4571 morning or evening. WANTET Faung"widdw to keep house, no ob jection to one child. 464 IMrts. ELDEB'.Y woman, companion for old lady; good home; small wagws. Msln UB45. LADIES, take work home, spare time, stamp ing Xmas nolt1es. (1 do. 733 H Wash. 11ELV MAJVTKD HALE AND FEMALE tt Bi t DX bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy salesmanshln. Knelish branches at an ac credited school. Write or phone Main 690 for catalogue; graduates guaranteed positions UEU.NKE-WA1.KEB BUSINESS COLLEGE 167 4th st., nesr Morrison. bllCNOUHAi'lHiKS My railroad course will allow yon to increase your salary in SO to 60 days' time. Nlgbt school. Position secured with rariou B. B. companies. Sherlock billing ami nirtaphone, Worcester bldg. MEN, WOMEN Big money in the barber bua- nes. Own your own shop. Earn tuition while going through the school Position guar anteed. Write for catalogue. Moler Barber College, 234 Bunwtde st, Portland. OUE;ON Barber College will faiach you the barber trade in H weeks; tool free: scholar- snip diplomas giren: paid while learning; post' tlons guaranteed: tuition reduced. 233 Madison. MOULEH BAHHEtt SCHOOL teaches men and women barber trad In 8 weeks, giving diploma, scholarship, tools; py wblte Ixsrning. 234 Couch. W IMKD-AOKSTS g-fiO per weeK earned by each of 6 men aince July 1, selling our guaranteed sliruln. rose, tree and berries; others earning from 125 per week up. No experience necessary. Exclusive territory. Free outfit. Best season for year. Open territory in this and , neighboring state. Wsihlngton Nursery Co., Top'peninh, Wth. " SITUATIONS MALE 8 FOR IlKN'T Electric vacuum- cleaner, 76c a day. Save money and clean the entire bouse in one day. Electric irons for hire, 35c day. Klectno Cleaning Works. East 8174. EXPK R1EN ( TED In milking, dairy work in goneral, capable of managing. Write, call or phone Itroadway 1717, room 333, car Couch hotel. 251 Couch st.. cor. 3d. having bench work for machinist can be done in small shop. I will call for work nd deliver. M-654, Journal. SITUATIONS FEMALE GIIU. want work afternoons and all day Saturdays; experience si bookkeeper. Mar. 8704. between 6 and 7:80 p. nt WO.MAN"oi 40 with 2 children, girl. 8 and 14, wants housekeeping; good home wanted. Mrs. Effie L. Mcl'herson, laurel, Or., R. 2. REHl'ON.SIBi.E woman with S ton truck wants steady work with reliable firm. Refer ences given. I. M Hickey. lntt sts.. Box 175. 1.A-DY wants day work Main 2266. - DU ESSMAK1SO 46 1 MAKE a specialty of children's clothes. Call after 9:80 a. m Tabor, 1422. PUBLISHED BOOMS HOTEL FRANCES -Nlce steam-heated rooms, $2.50 week and p. 10a W. Park (and Morrison). RYAN hotel annex, 269 V 6th. brick, hot. cold water every room, steam heat; transient Opp. City Hall. Main 9375. BY AN hotel annex, 269 W"5th71ick7h"ot71y5d water every room, steam lieatr transient. Opp. City Hall. Main 03 7 5 . Ha U BEL HOTEL ttuom$2 ptr week. Steam beat. Also housekeeping room. Modern. 2D AND YAMHILL 8T8. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Prince Hotel, E. 8d snd Burnside. 60e day up. 82 week up. East 171. HOTEL OCKLKY, Morrison at loth BATES 60o day up; weekly $2.50 up; running water, free phones and bath. ai.O" YVC.EIV up, clean, warm Modern tur rooms, central. The King, 309 Jefferson. THE HAZEL Furnished rooms, running water. 885 3d st steam heat. BOOMS and apartments in modern hotel, $1.73 week and up. 465 Alder. FURNISHED BOOMS PKIVATR FAMII.T VEBY nicely furnished, large, olean, warm front room; modern, dose in; $10 per month. Marh 2662. BOOMS AND BOARD 1J BOOM and hoard for business girls, modern convenience, walking distance. $3.60 week. 12 K. 7th t East 4782. , THE Martha Waahaington. 880 10th, for bUii nesa girl snd student. Marshall 1251. US MANTTOU. 2611 8th. 3ome"like. .team heat.- good board reasonable. Main 2670. BOOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 72 ELEGANT room and A-l meals in modernbous for one or two gentlemen: every convenience. Main 4137. 203 26th st N. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 FUBNISHED AND UNFURNISHED fam Ante bath. hot. cold water. $1 VJClll Mpibi week up. 401 1st st FOB BENT HOUSES UN FUBNISHED It COLLECTIONS O.N RENTAL PKOl'Eit i x- WB WILL LOOK AFTER YOUR INTERESTS FOR A SMALL MONTHLY CHARGE-- J. l HAttTMAN COMPANY NO. 7 CHAMBEB OF COMMERCE BLDG. tn AU BTAHR STS. CAiIFOBNIA BUNGALOW. $9.00 Four rooms, modern and very nifty; also hare 6 room house, with furnace, on E. 80th t. for $12. ired W. German Co., 632 Cham, of Com. - MOVING, PACKING. SHU'PINU STORAGE Cut freight rates to all points on household goods. Manning Warehouse and Transfer Co; vtn ana noyx scs. ruont oawy. ug TWO STOBY building. uitbl for hoarding or rooming souse; aimng room, otnee. kitchen. and 17 rooms. Price $30. 284-286 N. 17th st. rnone- vooaiawu iso. CLEAN 6 room house, choice location. 167 E. 81st corner of Belmont Tabor 1811. 6 BOOM house. 87th and Hawthorne. Phone Sellwood 22 9 FUBNISHED HOUSES tt 6 BOOMS, nicely furnished, adult only; Haw- wonw car. inquire si. r. 4-gtn. $158 room cottage, modern, gas, electricity. 409 JE. 44th rt.. Hawthorn car. APABTMENTS 9 FTRTFISHED ASTD TmFTJRKISHEB YH.LA T. CI 12th and Taylor Modem, completely furnished apartment. Walking distance; reference. PENROSE APARTMENTS Grand avenue between Morrison and Bel- i mont streets ; new 2 and 8 rooms, completely , furnished; solid brick building; white enamel ; ni mahogany finish; walking distance, ; 2 AND 8 ROOM apartment, with heat, light a n.l ar. air 11 4 m ml nr. walkincr clwt M nr rAB. : renient to hipyard- Apply 410 6th t. Phone ; Main 2079. , THE ALCO, E. Couch and Union are. Nicely lurninned 2-room apt., stneuy moaern, rea sonable. East 2408. ArmU flat fnniuhal tr tuiuluwnlnl 112 fl.a I.M. f . fnral.hiwl f i if ll f .1 1 IJtlr KTV. ' ing, 67. 829 Montgomery ft. HOSE FBIE.ND APTS., cor. Broadway and Jef ferson. Elegant unfurnished apt.. Den semce. walking distance. Marshall 14 10. MAGNOLIA APTS.. E. 3d and Belmont. Mod- ern 1 and 2 room apt.. 61.60 per week up; sleeping rooms. East 212. HISLOP HALL, E. th and lUwthorn. Mod ern 1, 2 and 3 room apt.. 612.50 up. walking distance. East 8H2. THE ORMONDE Fire-room, front apartment. 056 Flanders. Nob llilL Main 8251. FOB BEKT FLATS IS L'NFCBNISHED upper or lower flats, 884 E. 42d st.. iiawthome car: strictly modern, o room and screen sleeping porch; nice locality; rent 810; key at corner bouse, owner,' Main 6085. ONLY 811.40 Modern 4 room flat. Dutch kitchen, aleemng porch, built-in buffet, etc. 85 H Fremont.- Marshall 3408. ; 208 14TH, near Taylor, room lower flat. East 2801. (10. 5 ItOOM flat, newly tinted. Boa City Prk. Tabor 2840. 3 BOOM upper. 673 Union are. East 2195. HOTELS M CENTRAL hotel. 84T Alder at Broadway. nuite of large room, with z Deas. suitaoie for 2 or 8 men; also one single room. WAX TED TO 7 WANTED to rent, furnished 4 or 5 room bun- galow on Morrison or Hawthorne line. Call East 7669. WANT 2 furnished housekeeping rooms and gar age. Call Forbes, East 378. WANTED A a mall furnished .house, no chil- dren. L-677, Journal. WANTED 4 or 6 room furnished house. xnod- era. J-S79, Journal. FOB SALE. BUSINESS PROPEBTT FOR SALE Corner 100x125, on Montgomery st., with 4 large houses; all rented. Will sell for less than assessed value. K-937, Journal. FOB SALE HOUSES 1 ROSE CITY PARK Thia bargain will surprise and pleas you: Paved street, full lot, 6 room bungalow, fire place, furnace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, hard wood floor; close to car; quiet atreet; location very best, west of hill. No reasonable offer will be rejected. Terms. A. K. HILL, 419 Henry bldg. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW BABGAd 1 Fine modern house, 6 rooms, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, garage, one block to two carline. faces east. Price $3200, some tertni, HITTER, LOWE A CO., 205-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $2S00 BUNGALOW FOB $1860 5 room thoroughly modern, fireplace, full basement, stationary tubs, on paved street and carline, $300 cash, balance to -suit. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. ATTRACTIVE HOME BARGAIN Good district, clear title; terms. No agents; no incumbrances. X-779. JournaL MODERN 7 room house, lot 76xlOO, cor. 8th and Going it., close to school and car, fin fruit trees. Wdln. 8228. 7 ROOM modern house In Phone owner. Tabor 615 Rose City park. NEW bungalow 2 lots. Make me an offer. Owner, 768 Insley are., Sellwood car. ACBEAGE 67 CHEAP ACREAGE ' Five acres, $260: $10 down, $5 per month buys 6 acre of land between Portland and Centralis, on the main line of 8 railroad. 1H miles from a town of 800 population, sawmills and shinzle mills: soma party cleared and some all cleared, running stream, some bottom snd some bench; can give you any kind of a piece you want. BELT j REAL ESTATE CO.. 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. YOUR chance is in Canada. Bich land and business opportunities offer you independ ence; farm lands $11 to $30 acre; irrigated land $35 to $50; 20 year to pay.. $2000 loan in improvement or redy made farms. Loan of livestock; taxes averag under 20c an acre; no taxes on improvements, personal prop erly or livestock; good markets, churches, schools, roads, telephones; excellent climate crops and livestock prove it. Special homeseek ers' fare certificates. Write for free booklets. Allan Cameron, general superintendent land branch, Canadian Pacific By.. 112 9th are., Calgary, Alberta. J Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close in carline, easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Mar shall 1585 or Sellwood 476. John 1L Gibson, owner. HOMESITE ONLY $350 ONLY 30 MINUTES OUT Adjoins station property, city conveniences, auto road, electric car; terms $5 per month. Call at 600 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark sts. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN ranches near Portland: 3. 5, 10 acre tracts. $t5 to $200 per acre. McFarland. 505 Yeon bldg.. Portland. FOB SALE FABMS 17 FARM FOR RENT STOCK FOR SALE An ideal dairy farm of 300 acres, located near Portland, equipped with a complete set of dairy, buildings, with hot and cold water, electric light and everything absolutely modern; rent $125 per month. Will sell 80 head of good, heavy Holstein cows, registered bull, 3 horses, 75 ton of hay, 20 acres of kale, etc., for $14,000. 372 acres in Marion county, 175 acres in cultivstion, all good buildings, rent $850 per year. Equipment $2600. BITTER. LOWE A CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 10,000 ACBES of farm lands located in Ore gon, Washington, Idaho and Montana; these lands are free of all incumbrance; will sell on easy terms or will exchange tor good, first class city income property, either in Portland, best tie or San Francisco ; would be willing to assume a reasonable amount of incumbrance. Owner, 323 Northwestern Bank bidg.. Port land. Or. WATERFBONT ON THE COLUMBIA BIVEB 125 acres close to Portland, nartlv cleared: will sell as low as 2 acres; can be reached oy auto or Dost; coat lands on property; also have the finest wild duck pond on the Colum bia river back of waterfront for sale cheaD. Will sell 5 acres $10 canh and $5 a month. Land sells from $75 to $125 per acre. HELL KKAL ESTATE CO., 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. AT COST OF FORECLOSURE 40 acre all in cult, rustic los house with fireplace, large living room, casement windows, cost $2000; also an old house of 5 or 6 rooms, large barn and small prune dryer, about o acre bearing orenard. most of which are prnnes; 13 miles from Portland, 3 miles from Tigard. When loan was made this nlace was appraised at $14,000; price now $6500: $1650 cash, balance yearly. Photos at nffica of Fred W. German Co.r 732 Cham, of Com. 20 ACRRE3 near Eagle Creek 8ta., 9 acres"m der plow. Owner, 5C9 Gideon st. Phone Sell. 472. FOR RENT FARMS 14 2 V4 ACRES, close in, with orchard, city water. $10. Tabor 1836. FARMS WANTED KENT OR BUY J9 WILL give $3000 house, clear of incumbrance. as advance payment upon rental of improved farm. Meyer. 201 3d st WANTED To rent small farm close to school, on carline. E-482, Journal. EXCHANGE BEAL ESTATE 84 8080 ACRE stock and wheat ranch, 400 acres of bottom land, 1100 acres wheat land. 1680 bunch grass pasture: all good improvements. This is close to Spokane, Wash. Price $100,000. Mortgage $27,000. To trade for income Port land property. Call at 441 H E. Belmont' st, or phone East 288. FIVE shares in Pacific States Fire Insurance company. Cost $1000. Will trade, for a house and lot, and assume aome. Jordan, 301-2 Lumbermen bldg., 5th and Stark; ti i rp (iQiul i n 9 o i r . i 1 1 n T KUiuUiB ,uuv rvav? aai oow UOU- era e-room bouse, Hawthorne district to trade for lot close in, acreage, or will aell on terms. Owner, Tabor 4299. I WANT to trade my 5 room house and lot, worth $1500. What have you? East 7177. . BOOSTiyq HOUSES ! tl FOR SALE 24 large rooms, mostly housekeep ing or would exchange (or smaller house. 639 Couch St. - -' ' ,- WILL pay cash for snap in rooming house, 12 to 40 rooms.' Phone. Marshall 2890. ta I Hotel Snaps So. 1 $8000. dearlne $360 oer month, r f big mfg. city; only fin elaee hotel in town; , ipart term; dining room leased. I 1 No. 312600; out of city, doing nice bast- I nees; fine furniture: concrete bldg.; always full. No. 8 Country hotel, well furnished, 3 acre i of ground; and: fruit, garden; only place ia city; , eaan and trade, $3000. PACIFIC AGENCY. 614 S wetland. ROOMINO HOtiSES FOB SALE OB BENT 48 room, furnished: restaurant in eonnee- tlon or aeroarafa- for salsv or rent Cheat. COOd location. Money maker. Call 209 2d rt. PBone A-1209. WE guarantee to sell your apartment house or' hotel if price is right, . TATE8 REALTY CO.. 249 4th sr. BUSINESS OTPOBTPyiTIES -g Garages 81200 Repair and machine shop; Camas. 81200 Storage and repairs; city. $1500- Big storage and repairs; eity. 8 1 600 Storage, accessories, repairs; city. . $1X00 Storage, accessories, repairs ; city. $2100 Storage, accessories, repairs; eity. $2600 Storage, accessories,, repairs; city. . 68500 Storage, accessories, repairs; eity. $4260 Storage, accessories, repairs; city. $5000 Storage, accessories, repairs; ralley. $10,000 Ford agency; storage. repair; Talley. $6000 Biggest snap on the coast. $30.000 Agency for Ford; big repairs, ac cessories. - PACIFIC AGENCY, Inc., 612-13-14-15 Swetland Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Pool Rooms IN THE CITY $ 460 Good business; location good. $ 700 Stock good; equipment fine. $1000 Busy corner; good buy. $1600 No competition 10 block. $2000 Best equipped place in city. 2500 la shipyard district. OUT OF CITY $1000 Good steady trade. $ 600 io look; yon will buy. PACIFIC AGENCY. 614 -Swetland bldg. Groceries Snaps No. 1 Invoice about $2000: doina $50 ner day; apt. dist. ; no del.; rent $82.50; living rooms. No. 2 Invoice about $8000; doing $65 per day; S living' rooms; clean itock. No. 8 Invoice about $2b00 doing $60 per day; will take part trade, PACIFIC AGENCY, 614 Swetland. , Property Sacrifice Consisting of 3 store - building with large hall over all; including fine business lot adjoining; good location for grocery; meat market, drug store, and other mercantile lines. I am a non resident and win sacrifice Nor quiak sale. Very little cash will handle. See owner, E. W. Hughe. Gordon hotel. West Park and Yamhill. A BIG SNAP GARAGE $4500 Doing big business; storage, re pairs, accessories, machine shop; clearing $300 a month; will trade for clear property. PACIFIC AGENCY. Inc. 512-13-14-15 Swetland Bldg.. Portland. Oregon. LUNCH and refreshment stand in heart of the city cau be bought cheap if taken before Dec. 15. Rent reasonable. Other business prevents my personal attention. Any fair offer conyiqerea. M-oos. - Journsl. Trades of All Kinds, Talk to me, I get result. ' L. A. HALL, 513 Panama bldg. HOTEL partner wanted for strictly modern 40 room hotel iu the heart of the city; will sell Vt or all. For particulars see K. W. Hifghe. Hotel Gordon, cor. Yamhill and Wf. Park. CAFETERIA for sale cheep, shipyard district; doing good business. Stand investigation. Vain 4 690. WANTED Besponsible party to contract saw ing railroad ties. Mill and timber furnished. L-676. Journal. DON'T WORRY , I can sell or trade anything Layman, 1 45 H Broadway. anywhere. WANTED Partner in abstract business. 896. JournaL Z- DELICATESSEN, bakery and restaurant, cheap, west side. K-938, Journal. FOR SALE Small hospital Inquire of Meyer. zui act st. $1200 BUYS a profitable rooming house, some housekeeping. 201 3d st. IF YOU have $000 to put in a business, answer this ad. N-418, Journal. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 OUR installment plan is the best and aurest ' method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 80 months or $21.24 for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 month, pays $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan' on improved city property Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION ,242 Stark st, Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS Any amount on improved city and farm property; will consider good building loans. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY, Main 6915. 153 4th St. A-2815. $250. $350. $400. $500, d50. $750, $1000 and larger amounts at current rates. Quick action.. . Fred W. German Co., 732 . Chamber of Commerce. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to $6000 on city property. A. H. BELL, 201 Gerlinger Bldg. FOR MORTGAGE LOANS see OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO., Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill sts. $50,000 to loan in amounts to suit on city property at 6 and 7 per cent MKENZIE A CO.. 615 Gerlinger Bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rate of interest. Otto & Harkson Realty Co., 413 Chamber of Commerce. CITY MOBTGAGE LOANS $500 to $6000 6 Per Cent FEED S. WILLIAMS, 02 Vi FIBST STBEET - ...... . ' - . ' . ..... ... u , . i. , . tt,.,. a BUILDING loans on city or suburban property; money advanced as work DroaTesses. W. G. Beck. 216 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 2407, $100 to$1500. consider lots. E. H. Dowlmg, 416 Chamber of Commerce. M. 867. $500 TO $7500 to loan on city or farm security. S-117, JournaL - MORTGAGE loans, 6nd 7 per cent cuis Salomon A Co.. 408 Selling bldg. CASH tor mtgs.. loans, contracts. F. Lewis, R. 4 Lewis bldg. Main 683. IL MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 7 If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loans made to persons on salary or fixed Income, on household furniture, pianos, dia monds aud other personal property; legal rate. Business confidential; private office. POBTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed! 806-307 Dekum Bldg. FUBNITUBE SALARY LOANS . LOANS WE LOAN MONEY On short notice to salaried or worklngmen on their own notes, eaay payment, business strictly confidential. ABSOLUTELY NO 8ECUBITY NO INDOBSEB We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc.. without removal. Call and See U COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. . 317 FAILING BUILDING PORTLAND BEMED1AL LOAN ASSOCIATION Established by Portland business men to protect borrower. C. MYERS HERMAN. Mgr . 394 STARK LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FINANCIAL tl 1ST and 2d mortgage purcnased. also seliera' interest in contracts. Ore. and Wash. U. E. Noble, Lumbermen bldg. HOBSES, VEHICLES, ETC. FOB SALE Team of mares, weizht 2800: both I in foal to Shire stallion, $265. Matched team of iron grays, weight 2500, 4 and 6 years, $155. OmKteam. 5 to 6 years; weight 3000. One team, weight 2800, 5 years old; one bay 6 years old. wt 1260, $40. Call -240 E. 8th and Main. NOTICE 1 NOTICE! We hold auction sales Monday and Thurs day at 2 p. m- Will sell your horses, waaons. L harness, etc., on a commission basis. Star Stables, sun rrom n. main ill. jonn a. wiuiamsoiv, prop. - FOR SALE Team of good fast horses, $25. Inquire at Crystal Lake Dairy, 2 miles east of Milwaukie on Lake ro6V- DEAD stock taken. We pay the most for dead and crippled stock. Tabor 4203. 1ST-Tn . . , j- - . I X,J "TV "". , away ire. u vrvwaaawn a,v, ruruiin ncnaenxLg vo. ALL kinds of horses, buggies, wagon and har pers. 802 Front st HORSE and wagon, $1.23 day; 2 horse and agon, tz.60. 648 Front Mar. 2208. - joaivltai. i pair oi mares, tarm wagon harness, 1967 E. Stark at Trial allowed. LIVESTOCK ss YOT NG family Jersey cow. waa fresh Oct S - extra "rich milker, cheap. Pfcon Wdlit 4852. HOOMIKO HOUSES POTJXTRY. PI6EOKS, PET STOCK 1? FOB SALE i-Year old W. L. bene, also Ply laoutb Kock pullet, ready to lay. 467 E. w" . ... WANTED - T no of White Bock chicken. Call Marshall 840. - DOOR. BIRDS. PETS. ETC 4t V s i - ft 8. E. MAKE home cheerful Thanksgiving day. Beautl ful singing canaries. 991 Bahnont. Tabor 821. FOR SALE Good bulldog, reasonable. Mrs. Bchuits, 410 Goodnough bldg. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 FOUR SPLENDID BARGAIN'S - 1917 Maxwell touring car, almost new, all good tires, look and runs like a new car; $595, terms. Classy 3 passenger Studebaker roadster, runs fine, all good tires, owner lea ring for California and will sell lor $525, terms. 1914 Reo touring car, exceptionally good run-' mug umri, loou line, extra ure ana equipment. $S90, terms. 1916 Dodge touring car, in splendid mechan ical condition, good Urea; will sell for $625, terms. THE USE CAB EXCHANGE. 527 Washington St, Where Washington and Burnside meet. COME AA'D TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE SNAPS 1917 Buick "V roadster Saxon roadster Chevrolet 490, runs fine Cadillac, electric lights and starter. Hupmobile, . a splendid car . .$1,000 ,. 200 400 875 450 OLDSM0BILE COMPANY OF OBEGON Broadway at Couch Broadway 1880. Broadway 1640. WE have the following bargains in used cars , l,iu?- . They U in first class condition: 1917 Dodge touring, almost new $ 825 1916 Dodge touring, first class 625 1917 Elgin Six, almost new... 875 1917 Hudson Super-Six, almost new.... 1600 mio overland ia first class condition. . 500 1916 Chevrolet Baby Grand, A-l condi tion 435 1916 Cadillac Eight, just like new 1850 1916 Ford touring, A-l condition 850 1815 Ford touring, A-l condition. 800 1914 Ford touring. A-l condition 225 1914 Oakland touring. A-l condition... 895 1918 Reo touring, A-l condition 875 1917 Studebaker Six, almost new 1050 And many others from $150 up. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., 2 1st and Washington. Main 6244. DODGE. 5 pas, touring, in first class con dition; cord tires and one extra tire $600 STUDEBAKEB. 1917, touring, like new .$750 VELIE, 6 pass., good mechanical condition $275 HUDSON. 1917, Super-six. ran 3000 miles at a bargain. JEFFERY, 5 pa&s.. electric starter and lights $800 CADILLAC, 1913, 7 pass., excellent condi tion . . $600 FORDS: We have several late model Fords. M1TCHEL Sc. WALT TNGFORD. " Liberty Six and Premier Agency. 522-26 Alder st Main 2493. NOW is the time to buy your automobile for the spring. You can save about 40 to 60 by buying now. It stand to reason every auto mobile ia going to advance. You will find a big, fin bunch of auto just like new, now for sale in our big brick building at CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER, 16 th and Washington eta. Bids Entrance, Phone Main S84S. CHALMERS 1912 Starter, . cutout, electric, markers, storage battery, presto-dimmers, extra tire, gas saver, speedometer, engine snd transmis sion; fine shape, $260. some term. OTHEB GOOD BUYS. SAXON USED CAR DEPT.. 614 ALDER BT. Open evenings and Sundays. Garages $35 Up See Samples, 644 Hood st Phone Mala 1167. Millmade Construction Co. MAXWELLS MAXWELLS . MAXWELLS 1916 MAXWELL TOURING CAR. practi cally brand new, $475. 1917 MAXWELL TOURING CAR, practi cally brand new, $550. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO. East 8770. East 13th and Hawthorne Ave. OAKLAND, 1917 model, touring or roadster, brand new, at $100 discount from list price. Terms if desired. MITCHEL & WALLINGFORD, Liberty Six and Premier Agency. 522-26 Alder it . Main 2492. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN A NUMBER OF CABS TO SELECT FROM OF VARIOUS MAKES. PRICES. $150 UP. MITCHELL. LEWIS STAYER USED CAR DEPT. EAST MORRISON AT FIRST ST7 EAST 7272. B-1216. NEW TIRES What brand of new fTfe do yon prefer? We have them, all makes and sizes and at lower prices than elsewhere in the city. Also we make the famous o- V-C Double Tread, (sewed) tire and do all manner of tire repairing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co., 333-339 Burnside, near Broadway. BIG BARGAIN-" 1917 OVERLAND, model 85, roomy 0 passenger, good aa new, must sell this week, sacrifice for $690 cash. Call 603 Yeon bldg. ' ! STUDEBAKEB 6, 1915 model. 7 passenger, in 18 1 good condition, at 1 bargain. Myers Garage, I'mon ave. ana c st. , TIRES, $2.60 up; tubes. 75c up: vulcanizing. retreading; tire bought. Portland Motor Wrecking Co.. 535 Alder. Main 479. DCBRUILLE V TOP CO., 9th Oak. Broadway 1664. FOB SALE 1917 Dodg car, run 2500 miles, excellent condition. Owner leaving city. $860. Phone East 4211. 850 Wasco st AUTO PARTS tc ACCESSORIES FOR a.ESs" MOTOR PARTS MFG. CO.. 825-27 Burnside st Broadway 3288. 1H TON Federal truck with a good suburban freight business; price (94)0. 621 E. Polk St, St John. AUTO and tire1 repairs, vulcanising, general Bia ehine work. Firestone tire agency. H. B. Black. 614 Alder street. Main 131P, I CAN us your Ford or Liberty bond if you can use my slusvu sswansua mi aadatt Tsbor 630. . DON'T burn gasoline. Fords go 100 mi lea for 60c . 30x3 non-skid tires. $8.95. 857 tinrrunae st. 1918 MAXWELL lor !. cheap. X-406. Journal. 1914 FORD with 1915 motor. J ust overhaiiWV A snap if taken now. W oodlawn 6S59. FOB SALE 1917 Ford, Tabor 4924a SK. I 1 AUTOMOBILES ACCESSOBIE8 41 ram nn -NOMKI USTE1 LOOK AT THESE PRICES. STOP AND CONSIDER WE HAVE TOO MANY CARS ON HAND YOU NEED A CAR; WE NEED THE ROOM. LET 8 GET TOGETHER WHAT DO YOU SAY I PICK OUT TOUR CAB TODAY AND WE WILL ARRANGE EASY PAYMENTS FOB YOU. HEBE ARE A FEW OF THE REAL BAR GAINS WE CAN SHOW YOU. STUDEBAKER, 5 -pas, touring car .$150 1917 1 ton FOD truck 670 2 ton REO truck, in fine shape. 700 600 323 400 650 '700 900 1015 1 ton FORD truck FORD delivery car, in fin condition WARREN, 5-paaa. touring car ... . BRISCOE, 3 -pass, cloverleaf roadster STUDEBAKER. 3-pass. roadster ... JEFFERY light 0, like new DON'T WAIT. COME IN NOW TODAY Each car sold hears a guarantee of 24 hours' free service. Oregon Motor Car Gompany sTUDEBAKEB DISTBIBUTOBS. Broadway 610. Park and Da via. USED CARS Chalmers Chalmers "6,' "6.1 ' 80, 1916, 5 passenger ' 80, 1916, 5" passenger .$ 900 , .$1050 with all-winter top. Studebaker 1917. a bargain Buick roadster, in good condition . . . $ 600 $ 400 over- $ 750 $ 7S Charmers, model 32, S passenger, hauled and painted Hudson light six roadster We also have several Fords. LIBERAL TEBMS WESTEBN MOTOR CAR SALES CO. Broadway at Burnside PALACE GARAGE CO. Authorized Ford Dealer. Sale and Service. 12th and Stark sts. USED FORDS .i hT fr th mort complete t In tne city of used Fords, touring cars, roadsters and deUvene. 1917. 1916. 1915. 1914. 1913 models. I? Jhe. mrk't tor used Ford you can not ait OTU to overlonV ah, 11., T i . . . . us, a iiwi low a aid sold on terms you can meet Call today for a demonstration. Broadway 1672. A-2442 FORDS FOBDS FORDS Ul $825 a a r ara roadster a an roadster 1916 Ford roadster 1916 Ford touring 1916 Ford roadster 1915 Ford roadster 1915 Ford touring 1914 Ford roadster 1913 Ford touring 1913 Ford touring 295 825 826 295 825 285 225 250 xou owe it to yourseir to see these car before you buy. for they are in finest condition, some of them are practically new. and lot of extra equipment, and beside you get a year's free service on all minor adjustments. Term if v- .vTPS13 MOTOR CAR CO.. E. 8770. East 18th and Hawthorne ava. THAYER. SHAVER-GULLY t MACHINE CO. 1 - Ton, $370 ltt Ton, $420 2 Ton. $470 BUILDERS OF EVERYREADY TRUCK ATTACHMENTS Mfg. in Portland Phone East 7487. Capacity 193 E. Water st Mfg. & Repairs, 8000 guaranteed springs In stock, price reduced. 34 N. 16th t 5 PASSENGER FORD $240 1912 Ford in fine condition. Goodyear cord tires, a bargain at $240. SELLWOOD GARAGE & MACHINE SHOP 17th and Spokane. Sellwood 2879 CASH paid for old cars; condition no object' parts for ail makes of ears. Oregon Auto Ex change. 129 Lownsdale st, at 15th and Wash ington. Phone Main 1161. NEW Chandler, 4 pass., clover "leaf with . wheels, very neat ran onlv few miia- mu or sejl cheap for cash. Sea nkeny at Broadway. , loTOBS. gears, bearinas. wtiwls !. -TT wreck all makes of car and sell their 'm it half, price. Anto Wrecking Co.. SO-fil.aa iorth Broadway street , Broadway 196. ilG Used Cars PRICKS RIGHT STOCK COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 21st and Washington sts. Main 6244 1918 FORD touring body Call Tabor 670." AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 PAINT your car. We maze old car. loo lu new at very little coat Marshall 4659 A-l AUTO WORKS at PAIN TING CO. 525 Alder St I WILL PAY YOU SPOT CASH FOB YOUR FORD FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX E. 1199. E. 18th and Hawthorne arc. WANTED 1-500 automobile. Will py you spot cash ior your old automobiles or trucks, re gardless of age, size, weight or condition. 462 Hawthorne ave. East 6840. PAY cash good Ford after 7 p. m. Broadway 2. Room 316, AUTOS FOB HIBE it AUTOS without drivers for hire. City garage. 86 10th st Broadwsy 840. A-4246. MOTOBCJCLES-BICYCLES is MOTOR Bicycle for sale cheap. Wdln. 5353. LAUNXHES AND BOATS (1 VANCOUVER "Boat Work. 210 East 5th 1.', Vancouver. Wash. Trolling boat, work boats. PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTBUMENTS $4 $44. $95 OR $145 CASH Buys $276 small upright; 33o Hamilton up right or 1916 model new piano at Security storage xvw w n. RICCA SON. mahogany, fin tone. $1251 Vos Son. work $300, $187: Hsrold 8. Gilbert, the reliable piano merchants, 384 Yaav- ktll a- . $90 CASH buys $350 Kohler & Camptv-U UD- ngftt piano tomorrow si -neetunty Co.. 109 4th st Storage PHONOGRAPHS records, bought sold. changed. Hall tt Casaiday. 126 1st, 14, 7098. Mu r 15 t PIAKOS, OBOAKS AJfTJ MUSICAL ISSTRITME'ST II A BEAUTIFUL new piano; will sell cheap, m: $7 per moath. Saxon Used Car Dept., 814 Alder rt. Open Evening and Sundays. so Bt 16 flu Gem. $A6-25 duo grapoapttouK and $18 buys $80 cyL Edison talking ma ehine, or buy $5 worth records: Well deliver modal $89 Oraionola to your home. Pay I weekly, no interest, as elsewhere. Schwan "no Co.. in 4th and Wash rt. . REDUCED CHRISTMAS 1ERMS You need not make a monthly payment until after January 1, 1918. 5 sends a piano, $10 a player piano, to your home now ' or on Christ inas evening. Bcli wan Piano Co.. Ill 4th St., t Washington. Phonograph and records bought, sold, exchanged, rented. Expert repairing. 12 H 2d; upstair. $160 CASH Secures $375 new 1916 model upright plana this week at Security Storage Co.. 109 4th at Washington. 1 PAY ca&h for used planus or will trad up date talking machine. Harold 8. Gilbert. 8 94 Yamhill. OlBSON mandolin, artist model, value $S0, beat of condition. $30. Marshall 1165. TYPE WBITEB8 77 NEW REMLNGTON, rental plan, rent applies to purclias. Visible models. BEM1NGTO.N TYPEWRITER CO.. 88 Broadway. Broadway 4 621 WE SAVE you from 60 to 75 per cent, on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illus trated folder. Retail department, .Wholesale Typewriter Co., 821 Washington. RE b LILT typewriters, supplies. Corona dealers. E. W. Pease Co.. 110 6th. WANTED Good typewriter for cash. P-D52. JournaL ALL MAKES typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon Type Co.. 944 6th. Main 3668. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB SALE 5 To Be Sold Steel couches. $2.90; chairs. 40c: cock stoves, $4.50; iron beds, 85c; wood beds, 25c; com modes. 75c; K. tables. 90c: spring. $1: mat tresses, $1.45; ranges, $9.60; roikers, $1.15; new tubs, hoc. and we have heaters, carpets. dressers, dining table, round and suuar. new dishes, grnitewre, and a big yellow tag on eaoh article losses this sale bonaftde. 208 MADISON BABGAIN Fine oak wardrobe, handsome of fice of directors' table 3tt by 7 fL 703 Lewis bldg. BRASS bed, spnngs and mattress, wicker table, 2 chairs, aUo set of historical books. Tabor 2ii. FOB SALE Store fixtures, including show cases, counters, shelving snd luioieum. Phone East 27 S 8. FOR. SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 WE MAKE AND SELL ONLY National Cash Registers and Credit hies Lowest prices. Small monthly payments. No lnten-st charge. Writ ten guarantee. Old registers repaired, re built, bought, sold and exchanged. ' J. R. MUMMA, Agent The National Cash Register Co., ' Phone Broadway 1816. 854 Burnside St FOR SALE " One 18 h. p. steam engine, no boiler. Iln. 1 2 h. n. eaa an tdne. On 25-46 steam traction engine (doable cylinder) . One 25-40 gasoline traction engine. Special price for quick sale. Address L-708. JournaL T tTT T d V OOIT T V :5sSife?. THE MUELLER FURNACE to -am V. .m a SAnnnm ina 1 m rri gfnt- sbla: also all kinds of furnace re pairing and (beet metal work, P. F. M'DONALD. 477 E. 41st St. TaboT 5486. Re. Sellwood 77 mEDAR m Tennessee and Port Orford cedar, copper trimmings; latest design at factory prices. Fac tory between 75th and 76th. E. Glisan. Phone I Tabor 808. ALL machines sold for leas. No agents employed. Renting $8 per month. Sewing Machine tlmpon um, 190 3d, near Yamhill Main 9431, A-8626. C 1 H AH Ten drop head ewing machine 4J I VJilUwith attachments; all are in very good condition. Sewing machines rented it $3 per month. Phone East 2359 or K 3307. E. R. Steen. 152 Grand are., near Belmont. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." "Typewriters' and "Household Goods" are separate cla&wifi cation. All advertisements of these goods are published under their respective classifications. LOOK THEM OVEH Electric Motors 3 Bought old. rented and repali repaired. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burn- aide, cor. 10th. Broadway or A 6674. AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES, LAUNCHES or boat are separate classifications. A large Muting can be found under these different classifications. WHY not a permanent roof? Absolutely the only lasting and reliable process for 11 kinds of leaky roofs. Investigate. 608 Tourney olflg. Mam OKKfj. GOOD second hand lumber and doors. 2x4 shiplap. 2x6 (long length). 2x12, 8x10 and other sizes. East 1 SOO. 787 Oregon st. WAYNE gasoline Dump) for filling stations and' garages. E. IL RUPPELL, 473 WASHING TON ST. MAIN 1BO. BURBANK potatoes, $1.75 snd $1 per 100 pounds. Seed. 75e. 200 .North 13th. cor. Kearney. Bdwy. 8309. JAEGER'S VACUUM CLBanERS $8.00 Guaranteed 6 years. Cash or terms. Telephone Tabor 1275. 500 BOND letter heads, $1.D0; 1000, $2.tt0 500 envelope. H DO; 1000, $2.90. Smith. printer. 204 Stark st Box-Hood River Apples 1 U 110 SECOND STREET. WANTED Cable or wire rope. to 1 innh. Will pay top price. G, L. Schroeder, 91 Gantenbein. W oodlawn 1900. ONIONS for sale; $2. $3, $3.50 per sack Inquire at 401 (rabam ave., after 6 p. m. or Sunday. SLIGHTLY used computing scales, all kinds also cheese cutters, coffee mills and meat sneers; very cheap. Call at BH4 Stark st FERTILIZER for sale, reasonable rate for north and central parts of city. Call Marshall 2024. MOVING PICTURE MACHINE FILMS. LAN TERNS. FOB SALE OR RENT. SERVICE FILM H, 3i3 OAh. sr. CAMERA New 5x7 camera. City View outfit Velostigmst F 6 3 lens. Cost $75. Will sell cheap. Tabor 63 STRi ING rose plants, new and standard vari eties, cheap. labor 4-'13 FOR SALE Antique sterling silver t;a set Phone Broadway: 1512. TRUST-O washing compound delivered. Tabor 2205 or write 7030 SSlh ave. GROCERIES for sale cr trade. Phone Wood lawn 228. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale price. Stark- Davis to.. 81 st. Main 797. VACUUM cleaner sold, repaired, rented, ex changed, Dougiit. uenuey uo Ham H5!2. PRINTING Good Quality, for sample. Main 4833. low price-. Pboue BATHTUBS, sinks, toilet, pipe and fitting'. A. L. Howard, 212 4th st Phone Main 1806 BOTTED manure. Phone Mar. 4055. FIJKTi'ITrEl? WASTED Beior you sell your lurniture, see ua, WE PAY MORE.,nr.nU.tue.r: pets, rugs, office fnrnitor. Call Kar&haU 687. Gevurtz Furniture Store 205-207 FIBST STBEET. Levin Hdwe. & Furniture Co, buys furniture, hotel and restaurant outfit and tools of any description; full value for them assured. 221'T'ront Msin 0072, A-7174. Poll Coot CQ Hlgl.1 price, paid fug VO.11 LOOl UUUiwI rnmitur. WLL1 'mx- Prugs. anything In household good. change your old furniture for new. PHONE K-t 7613 when you want to sell your furniture; we will come at, once and pay yon CASH. M. R. &EATER, 880 Hawthorn ave.. corner Union. WHY not try the "Michigan Furniture Co." be fore dispoiing of your furniture, rugs, stove, etc! They are paying the highest price. . Call Manball 1823 or 164 1st t TAKE tip. Auction Co. Hell your iBnutura to Ford Main b'JtU 74 WE PAYCASH - For wed rags, carpets, storea, range, of floe, restaurant and hotel furniture. Gevurtz Furniture Cq. 18S FIRST. NEAR YAMHILL. MARSHALL 59S1. A-8234 E PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE for used fur niture, carpets, stovoa, eta Call East 294. irann Rnnirte r-iirnitum Cn. h W)ULD like to bnv . . - . 7 hold good; Will pay high price, .rurtlarid I Clearing House. Manball 4783. FURNITURE wanted. Min. 70ftcV. SWAP COLUM1C tt ACHE, ail plowed ell cheap r will Call any week day. trade for a cood Ford. Tbor 2352. EXCHANGE Motorcycle for good typewriter. Z NU3. JournaL NOBDYKE 4 MARMON water cooling flaking roof. 1170 Moore st. ROOM houe for furniture. Broadway 2!17. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS MlFIg JMS II. MAIN 4768. 281' FRONT STREET. HIGHEST PRICES FOB ANY KIND OF UNK. TOOLS, HABDWABE. ETC. uia Mi:ni ffu.i nnriui HIGHEST PBICES PAID FOR YOU K CAST-OFF CLOTHING. SHOES. ETC. 129 N. 6TH BT. CALL BKOADWAY 2845. tv.t'O.M-HANl C L o THIN G WANTED J. MLTEU, THE TAILOB. PATS $7.00 1M) UP FOR 2D HAND SUITS. ILK PAYS MOKE FOB SHOES AND CLOTHING. PHONK MAB- BfUl.l. 1229 TODAY. 229 MADISON 61. WAN 1 ED Th people of Portland to knot i pay the highest cash price for nousenoia goods. Prompt attention. East 6707. N. M. Seater. 143 Russell st lit A BEPA1RS YOUR WATCH 1 Reineold's Jeweler I u 124 6tfi st., near Wellington. u Want Householtt Furniture WILL PAY CASH. Phone Main' $832. I OUl, r Portland Front Ui OlldllN Oregon. Hides Metah--Rubbers. Write for price nd shipping-tags. Main 1699. 1 lvt.l Ali;a int K WA1CU Ai THE CBESCENT JEWELRY CO., 204 WASHINGTON ST.. tPAY ,rABHUUUr"' r""M PIFSR-HMliTON FURNITURE CO. I 90 ;rand avenne. Phone East 7766. ni.MKU (second nana lurniture. ranges anu i stoves, etc. WE PAY THE BEST I'lULtS. MORGAN FUBNITUBE CO.. 800 East Morrison, Phone East 2288. BEST urices Liaid lor used oltice desk. chain and filing cabinet. Pacltio atauonery ft Printing Co. Main 1071. WANTED ITsed gasoline filling pump and tank. Albina Garage, cor. uf Garfield and 8hafer rt Wdln. 1114. IX THE UOUSEKEEl'EB I pay highest prices for junk, rags. bottles. paper, clothes.. Tbor 7289. FITTING up soft drink parlor and card room. Want tables, chairs, showcases, scales, etc Main 4495. 128 1st. near Alder. GOING EAST f Household goods shipped st reduced rates. Pacific Coast Forwarding Go.. 201 Wilcox bldg. Mar. 24 67. WE PAY CASH for diamonds from kt up. Old gold, platinum, silver. 218 Oregonian bing WANTED Secondhand took, bicycles, etc; Bitt- man Uarrfa,. 1 1 a Vrnnt Main Sflll. WANT talking machine and records, full cash valu paid. Main 4400. .in 1st st. PAYS highest prices lot secondhand clothing. tools, etc 273 Front Main 4S03. BOOKS bought told and exchanged. Scandi- navian Book Store, 4 N. 1 st WANTED Rifles, shotguns. cameras. Hochfield. Main 8581. PERSONAL 29 GOITER, eye troubles, eczema, rheumatism, tu mors, cancers, chronic fUseasee of every de scription and kind cured, in the shortest time possible at the least cost. in. , iraew jwww office in tne west, usu anu see ws wuuuonui a,i.r,i No charaa for consults Uon or ex- aminaUon. Dr. W. E. Mailory, 604 Broadway bldg. Main Oiotf. GLASSES AT A SAVING The same service and quality you pay aouoie we money esse- where; correctly iittea gissse as Thousand oi satisfied custom- low as $1.50, era. Chaa. W. Goodman, optometrist. 209 Morrison st DR. LOSER, clenUflo method .of treating tion. rheumatism, indige-tion. etc. No drug. No operation. 606 Swetland bldg. WILL a French lady . that received note from me last Sunday night at ancouver, vt san. write me a letter f J. CorniL Gen. Del,, Port land, Or. BEAMER & CI-ABK'B billiard palace, formerly McCredie. 2d floor x eon oiug.. out ana Alder street. 38 table. Finest equipped parlor in th Northwest Kl'IklTLALIaT Mrs. M. L. IaAMAB. 285 6th t. cor. Main, tear lies pauntstry ana eara reading, also lessons in the sew nee of Health and success. Dally. MILDRED CLARKE mawag. hatlis, slectrto treatment. 211 KoUiotuia wag., iti rk waso. Ooen evening ana Bunaay. Hi PKlliri.l'OI'H hair. mole, wart removed br 10-needi meuioa; trial as. joi siniey. 614 Ellen bldg. M. 0808. SPiniTtTALIST nd MenUl Scientist : teacher of Palmistry and Cartomancy. 314 Panama bids. DR. G. V. KETCH UM, women" maladies and r TJSSSL 0t r"-44l"hmgtP and A LETTER. imuurianL for William Pierce, for merly of Purcellnlle, va.. awaiu WB General Delivery, Portland Postoffic. "THFeR SHOP T. aA a.v ,.mn.lin, Inwatf nv4A 606 o .i.- l,l! Rth Washinsrtnn. ul.iiiTTI-11 IHT arul Mental Bcientut : taavch.v 204 Roth. of Palmistry ami cartomancy. child bUiic. ELECTRO magnetic treatments by trained nurse. 204 Itotncmui oui., etn snq w aan- BEAUTIFUL little hall for private or club dancing parties. IS. M. naiu. VIBRATORY uia.age, tace. walp treatment. 36V Wash., oflice 00. Alarsnall 4727. MADAM G REN ELL, face and scalp treatmeht i 2S0 Fliedner niag. - awy. ipso, I'BOF. SMIDT. steam hath, scientifio 212 Shetland. M. 1941. MISS ANDREWS teache phrenology, palmistry and canl-rtadir.g. Main 7548. VIBRATORY massage. manicuring. Office 49.' I Marshall 145i4 Broadway. SCIENTIFU; ussamge and batua. lxonaule, 327 29 Pittock blocs FUBNITUBE WXXTEIV r777TI ConsulUUun FREE. Mam 4998. I PACKING. kiOV-INli, STORAGE. BtAlVHVSt; . Lawyer,, 012 Sell, hldg. STORAGE TRANSFER,,. 106 Part.. st.-ztt-g;t-a rnnrl Mm 6196. cx-iosl -'- SHAMP(X)ING and electric massage. 188 ft West Park. XOTICER it RECEIVER'S SALE OF LAND Pur-uant to an order of Department 2 of the Circuit Court of Oregen for Multnomah county, duly made and entered, the undersigned will receive sealed bids at the offic of hi attorney. Chester V. Dolph, 303 Mohawk build ing, Portland. Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Monday, December 81, 1917. for the whole or any part of the land owned by th Oregon Inland Development company. situated in Union county, Oregon, then undispisted of. and sell the same to the highest bidder therefor. Terras cash. A certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each ach bid. The highest bidder will be deemed the person bUiding uimii Uie whole, an amount larger than the aggregate of separate bid. Lixts, descriptions and abstracta of title thereto may be seen at office of aald .Chester V. Doaph. UU.OUI-JS IV, A1CU4J, Ben-tver. LUMBERMEN 8 NATIONAL BANK OF Port! IaAND. located at Portland, in the Mate of Oregon, is closing its affair. All not holder and other creditor of tb association are there fore hereby notified to present the Dotes and etuer nanus tot paymeni. E. G. CRAWFORD. President. Dated isovemDer a, mil. fr.t--r.Fir ccinM A I a ivir.1 BUSINESS.PIRECTORYJ ACCORDION PLEATING FLVE hematitciiinJT 6c per yard; pleating in all style; embroidery and gold letter! na : tall. ored buttonhole; buttons covered. Mail . orders promptly filled. Eastern Novelty Mfg. Co.-, Man chester bldg., 85V 6tb st, betweca Stark and uai si. i none nroaaway svuv. K. 8TEPHAN. hemstitching, braiding. - hafa stTtetung, box, accordion; side and unbnrt plaiting, seauoying, button covered. ttced Sngeo. aie i uwis via. sroaowy lUVv. ELITE Hemtitching and Battoa Shoo. H. titehing, button and .pleating; soail orders prompt artenoon. a aiomaoa. Mam 7280. AGATE CUTTING AND WPG. JEWELER AGATES est and polished. Jewelry and- wtoh repairing. Milierrs. 646 Washington st. -- PLANK ROOK WAKER DAVIS A HOLM AM, bid. 108 '4.1 t. biafik - book minufarmren, A-16. Aiaia ISA. PBOFESSIOirAX. AKD BTSI2TES3 PIBECTOBT . - ' HAS AND MACHIMK WORKS) HARPERS BRASS WORKS. aui mm ? wuas79 i "aVLi. m a-- 'iw . and machine work. 106 N. 6th. B'way2S42. CARPKT CLCANINO - " FUflF roi 'From old oarpeu: rag ruga.- '.Carpet cleaning. - e. 8th . , phone. Et 56o, b-i? FLUFF R17GS AND RAG RUGS nN tf I atmkHT PLANTS IN NORTH WKST. tAnf g2a . l.llIUI .1 Aa aaSXaV 111 1. , Mt A Ua CARPET CLEANING, HEFITTINO. ETC. W. F. RUG CO.. PHONE EAST tilt, B-14T5 JOYCE BROS.. Electric Cleaning Work Car pet cleaned and laid: refitting our specialty. East 440. B 1963. - 204 East 19th t N. CHIROPBA0TOR8 CHIUOPRACTIC Beat. Light Violet lUy Specialist in dlsese of women and childreii. Goitres treated with success. North Pact fie Sanatorium Assn.. 4$ PiTTOCK BLDG. Lad pnyMCian if deelrea. - - DR. McMAUON i making good; 31 adjust-. menu, $16; seven, go. Easiest term. COAL AND WOOD 1(0)1Q Keller Fuel Co. BDWY. $363.. A-S2S3 OREGON FUEL CO. Wood lawn 6210. Beech, near Union Ave. - - All kinds of fuel at market ' prices lb wood. $3 75. immediate delivery. NATIONAL t-lihL CO., li. 2d aud orvgus t.. eon l try slab wood, partly dry, 4 re, prx rrpt delivery. Block wood and cord WoSnL Eot 241 ' . MA K ION FUEL CO. Country laba. aailruaj . tie, block, lnsida - and oordwoed. - Mais 2676. A-2862. 262 4th t ALL KINDS of 4 ft fir and hardwood, $6.50 , eord and up. Neer Fan Fuel Coa. A-tas Main 4696. DOQ AND OAT HOSPITAL DR. G. H. liUTHMA-N. VETiiUlN AUU.N, hos pital. 415 E. 7th st East 1847. -ica. DBHMAKIWa - EXPERIENCED drexsmaker. $2.50 per day 1 reference. Woodlkwn 6297. KVK, CAR, N06C, THROAT, LUNtt DT F. F. Caaseday. treatment; glass fitted. 700 E. Burnside. cor 20th. B-1393. B. 4784. KDUCATIOflAL v OAWCIWQ - - - R1NULER Dancing Academy. All braaohe - of modern fancy, stags and ballroom dancing. Class and private lesson for adult and chil dren. Main 8380. Montros Rltigler. director. , MANCHEsTiR Dancing Acaulmy, U 6th Hurk and Oak. 4 P"" " m., p. m., eve.; utevt daneea guaranteeu; elaiM Thorn., Rat. eve.. 26e. Broadway S160. , ... . , ..j,.,-. 1 int. oitai i 1-iih.a iu ovawi. taught in all iu branches. Private, day or evening. Clause Tuea, and Frk. b-iw. A . enibly after. 880 Wash. t Main 06. MRS. FLECK S ACADEMY, 109 SECOND ST. Ballroom and classic' dancing. Private , lew- ions dally. Class Monday and Thursday ve- nlng. 8 to 10.. Ladies free. Main 8100. MISS IRELAND 609 Dekum bldg., 10 priiaie lesson. $5. Hours. 50 a. m. to p, m. LAW OHOOLC OREGON LAW SCHOOL . A thorough, practical course in law Recita tions evenings. Msin 977. Alisky bldg. MUSIO SCHOOLS AND TKAOHERS RICHARD NiTwMASTliR. violin TnsUiicUon with modern conservatory of music -10 18th t Main 6210. ' K. 1'tlIKLHOUN Violin teacher, pupil be tux. 207 Flledner bldg. Broadway 1629. FTToF. L aCLAWii5N7Pino lesson at you home. 60c. Phone Tabor 7206. VIOLIN. Pino. Mmlolln. Guitr. Banjo, Kl- kenbeck. 400 XamhlU. instrument oia. ' L. CARROLL DAY. piano, vocal le-sona, with practice piano. 1 hour day. $5 too. Maw Oa'it; rLurr ruqs and rao ruos NORTHWEST BUG Co. Established A90. Fluff Rugs and Bag Rug woven, all E. 8th and Taylor. East 8580. B-1280. W EST ERN FLUFF BUG CO. PHONK EAST M161. B-1478. FURNACE w.1L.r u.,,.; u7r-in.L.lieL exu. furnace i i m.iw. u tk liki ft n.u tl repairing. P. J. McDonald Tb. 64 88. H. BeU. 7 I. HAIR OOODt AND HAIR DRE6SINQ - zrat-i-r.i .j ..i I mskar. finest stock of human hair goods: I EElUI Bil CgC, liail KKJ A. . IMUIUB WW - -"egw 1 hair dressing, manicuring, face and cl treat-- ment. rtemovea to 34H Aider, near nrusKiway. i I ORIENTAL GOODS ChineM Emporium, 348 Morrison, bis, above Bdwy. Chinese. Jianeee goods ana carina. PAINTINO, TINTING, PAPERHANQINQ I HAVE you en our 6o-wail paper! Lowest price on painting, papering, tuning ta the city. Tabor 7693. C. IL Murk. TOCHLE PAINTING Uo7, intisg. UuUug, - papering. 649 Marsluu st Broadway 4414. 1VIST iTvnssf GOLDBERG. 81 Worcesur bl.1g. Min'2S5.' PHYSICIANS DR. R. i PHILLIPS. 906 Broadway bldg. Nervousness. 1'roststie Trouble. Asthma. PLUM SI HQ SUPPUIES - - J WliOlaESALE 4 RETAIL PLUMBING btP- PLIES, l-leming. 112 4th st Malnr 7800, PRINTING AND BINDING PRINTING indo. BALTES ax CO.. 1st; Oakats. M. 185. A-l 165. PRINTING AND ENGRAVING THE IVY PRESS 882 Stark t Broadway 408. A-4088. I1L I1T1TI DEALERS CARL it- JONES, 404 Wilcox bid.. ' RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS af art krVTstVLCS:. Trade Check. Hrsss Siana. I PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS 68 Brodwy t - Broadway 710. A-2710. I se.lJ- wwwnvaw I Loslt. 810 1st st phone Main 1424. I liEFAIUl.Xjt tin ana giavei won Jacob TOWEL SUPPLY " . pOrTLand Laundry for' prompt, fficin serrlce. Phone nroeowsy 4iu, s-mv, TRAN6PER AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co, . Ertablsbed 1870. Trajurfer and Forwarding Agents. Storage Free Trackage. Office and Storage 474 Giiats t 18th and Olisan. Broadway 1281. A-l 169. ALWAYS "PICK., THE BEST HOUSEHOLD OOODa jrwiAaosi sunn, vmz ma, shipping and moving. Hone or rsutv van,. (J Jl JTlaV. a.aa " ,uaaai MeeoDd and Pine. Broadway 899. A-1996, r lAVOTFACtUptEPtf vr 1 1 a.nnena wuAi ergs a i enei JUDDLfw v t ivubjwc-r.. PLUPP RUGS AND RAO RUGS - Send Us Your Old Carpets.- r imf mu IT Mad from old Ingrains, Brnsaei, Ax minster. Smyrna. Also rag ruga, all auea. - Mali ei der prompt Bend lor booklet. I " x l - I Daf'li' f-A I UBL L Cai 1 K.I fiCIl IL t r 1 11 I 9x12 ruk. tam or elettrto cleaned. . -, ,$.- bxlO rags tem or electric cleaned . . . . v 7 $4 WWIblUI JTLLkir StUU OVL, . ' 64 Union ave. N. Phone East 6161. B-1475. WOOD PIPS PORTLAND WOOTrplPE CO.- -Factory ami Main 8 4 B0. office near 24th and York eta. San Francisco Los Angeles (rWltboat Ckcag; Kb Bote - S.S. BEAVER 8aH From Alngworta Dock V. M., BATL'HDA Y, DEC. 1 Th ttaa FrAnriieo A Portland fiV-S. fo Third and WgchlaEtoa afreet (with O-W. B. 2f. Co.) Tel. Brosd-wa-j- 4i6, A-61J1. v - . Str. GEORGIAN A ASTORIA AJfO WAT XaAJTOIXOS - Leave 7 v m. dsuy. Sundays, Ti30 . m. ' Beiui-ulng, leaver Astoria U a. av.. arrive Portland p. m. - IR ttfitUlf leave 7:46 'a. a. dally. ewpt Sandajr. lteturaing leaves Aitcxla 7 a. iu. MaiU liiO. .Washisgwm SU Dck. AtuX