THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,. FRIDAY, . NOVEMBER -23, 1917. 15 .nOVSEKEKFIVtV BOOMS :, tTRSHKU ASP TJ3F F PB NISTIED Turn. Apartments, Bargains ' 1 email room, $5.25 week,; heated. 1 larger zoom. $2.75, hasted. 2 room, 110; on 7 month. 8 rooms. $12; on $8 mouth.. These rooms are all newly renovated. Bent "include light, hot wster, telephone, bath, etc. "The Ueroed." J 65 Stout st, corner of Mor- rtonnv i ' '' GemApts, Free bath, hot, cold water, 1 week up. 401 lt at. HOU8KKEEPISO ROOMS 7S FUBNISHED OR TJNFUBNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY ,VAN T ED., baby to care (or; hate a nice home. Will aire It good care: not over 6 years old. Phns Columbia 605. FOB RENT HOUSES IS UNFURNISHED COLLECTIONS ON RENTA L PROPERTY WE WILL LOOK AFTER YOUB INTERESTS FOR A. SMALL MONTHLY CTIABOE J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY . NO. 7 CHAMBER Or" COMMERCE BLDO. tth AND STARK STS MOVING. PACKING. SHIPPING STORAGE Cut "freight rate to all point on household rood. Manning Wsrehouse and Transfer Co., 9th and Hoyt sts. Phone MwOJL CATTFOilNIA bung a law, modern, 5 rooms. 193 72d St. Tabor 878. Call at Spencer's gro cery, 60th and Helmnnt MODERN 6 room house at 911 VsncoUTer sve. ' FTJBNISHED HOUSES 98 BEAUTIFUL" newly furnished modern 8 room bungalow with garage, $33. Phone Bdwy. , 4626 or B. 7093. FOR RENT- 5 room house, 4 rooms furnished. Foil RENT Modern 10 room home, $15: at 1328- Burrage. Keys at 1828 Wilbur. SMALL furnished house, garage, 110 mouth, loauire 608 E. 33d L N. MODERX S room bungalow'; block to watr included. Main 14 98. car; APARTMENTS 43 yi'RNisnm and unfurnished VILLA ST. CLARA 12th and Taylor Q Modern, completely furnished apartments. Walking distance; references. I'ENROHE APARTMENTS . Grand ave., between Morrison and Belmont; new 2 snd 8 rooms, completely fur. ; solid brick bldg.; white enamel and mahogany finish; walk ing distance. GARFIELD Just completed, and 4 rooms. sleeping pnrrhas, $18 to $22.60; hardwood floors, 801 Failing, 1 block west Union. Eat 4 276; , - CLEAN, newly furiiinhed. itum heated apart ments, $8 to 820. 186 Sherman st TTTE ALCO, E. Couch and Union are. Nicely furnUbed 2 room apt., strictly modern, rea sonable. East 2408. xlOKE FRIEND AI'TS.. cor. Broadway and Jef ferson. Elegant unfurnished apts., beat service, walking distance. Marshall 1410. MAGNOLIA APTS.. E.-3d sod Belmont. Mod ern 1 and 2 room apts., $1.50 per week up; sleeping room. Est 212. U is i .oFTTvIXr"E7 titb and Hawthorne. Mod ern 1, 2 and 3 room apt,, $12.50 up, .walking distance. East R82. FOR 1IE,T FLATS 13 LOWER flat of 4 rooms, bath, electricity; walk ing distance, west side. $10, 571 6th. Ta bor 4 5.18 ; Light. cheery 5 reotn upper flat, close in. Tabor 4553. $13. went sidn. 668 6th. WANTED iTO RENT WANTED to rtnt, small place outside city, 1 or 2 seres, hou'e water, etc. Will lease. Stat psrtleulsrs. Mr-. M. P. I.inntnn. B. 2, Box 6. W ANTED to rent, small fuminhed house, family of 3, near N. p. college. V-580, Journal. FOR SALE, II US I X E S S PK OPERTY 6$ FOR SALE "CHEAP A little ready cash will go a long way In this dual. My affairs are in such shape that 1 am compelled to sacrifice three store build ing with hall over H1 of them. Location is 653-6-7 Drkum ava., on Woodlawn carline, including big flatiron lot adjoining. Buildings are in good condition. This property is worth and will sell for $16,000 when Portland re turns to her normal condition. I am not able to hold on and will sacrifice for quick sale. The owner, E. W. Hughes, 172 W. Park, Gor don, hotel. FOR HALE HOUSES ei S7"ffl3 CITY PARK BUNGALOW" 3U0 DOWN $20 MONTH 6 BOOMS-ATTIC . 2950 Wisteria ave. ; hardwood floors in the main rooms, white enamel kitchen, 2 corner bed rotinis.ceraent basement, furnace, fireplace, strict ly modern, a great big snap for someone. .1. L. HARTAtA.Y COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Com marc bldg., 4th ami Stark. Main 208. A-2050. hose'cityTpabk'bungalow A real bargain, 0 rooms, modern from A to Z, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace built in conveniences, eant front, one block from both .cars, on E. 4Jist st. Price $3300. BITTER. LOWE & CO.. 207 Board" of Trade JBldg. HOME SNAP Good 8 room house, fine lot with fruit and flowers, clhe in on E. Taylor st Will sacrifice my equity for quick sale. See owner. Mrs. Mc Kerron. room 41, Gordon hotel. COMKORTAB I.L homo and a fine garden, 2 full lots, rich soil, H hearing fruit trees, house with bath, only $1500. Sew M. T. Duffy. 4&1 Bord of Trade bldg. AT ' KACT TVE HOME BARGAIN Oood district, clear title; terms. No agents' no incumJran.X-77il, Journal. B0TEBN 7 room house, lot "7 5x100. cor. 8th and Going st. close to school and car. fine fruit trees.' Wdln. 822. r'l.nLOVV. 8 r.oom" m,ul lth- 8e fre. only ' Bo. Tr-dlTllft. 8" T- I,Uff' 401 " i r : . . I lliXJJt modern house in I'bone owner, Tabor BIS Bos City park. ACREAGE . f TOUR chanc is in Canada. Bich landTTnd - business opportunities offer you independ ence; farm land. $11 to $30 icr.; irrigt?ea lands $35 to $50; 20 year to pay; $"00 1"" ,,1n'p,r,OT;,ne,nU or "ay mad. farm Ixwn of livestock; taxes average under 20c an acr; no taxes on improvements, personal prop erty or livestock ; good markets, churches schools, roads, telephones; excellent climate ' crop, and livetock prove it. Special homesert an.-'",' c"ti,ict8- o free booklets. Allan Cameron, general iiperintendent land $A tisxzr r'cif" "a at" Gibson Half Acres Good sod. city water, close in carlina W'lffi bUUi to '"'t Purchai". Phone' Mar' "wir 8Uwoo1 T8- JohD H. Gibson, K&ESt. Win CJAlt.,KN nr Portland; 8. 6, 10 acre tracts. $U5 to $-00 per acre; easy terms. McFarland. 605 Yeon bldg., Portland. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 76 For Sale Suburban acreage. 2. 4. 7 or 8 acre tracts. 80 minute from center of Portland: paved road nearly all the way, good for chicken ranch or garden truck. Best soiL Will build to suit on terms. W by pay more and be cramped up on a,n v". J1 24 19' owner. eom. to 410 East Burnside. FOB SALE FARMS 17 FOB BIX. DAYS ONLY. ' 13 acres of good land. 18 mile from Port land, in Tualatin valley. One half mile from Oregon Electric. New house, fair barn, good will, lint orchard with all kinds of fruit; about acres cleared, balance good timber and wood, r in spring on .place. I . am here for 6 days on ly and must aelL Price $1800. $1000 down, balance 1 to 2 years. Insurance paid, for three ?',"' Addre Room 1117. Benion loteL Please phone Bdwy. 411. before coming, and aak for auov room. - 10.000 ACRES of farm lends located In Or gon. Washington. Idaho and Montane; these land are free of all incumbrance; will sell on easy term or will exchange for good, first class i city tncomeproperty. either in Portland, Seattle or San Francisco; would be willing to a" a reasonable amount of Incumbrance. Owner. 823 Northwestern Bank bldg.. Portland, , RIVER BOTTOM RANCH " 870 acres, about 4 miles of river front In bend ef river; no better soil in Oregon- stood orchard and building; extra fine fences. Price 75 per sere, clear of incumbrances; will eU on form or take part trade Portland property. . BITTER. LOWE A CO., 207 Board of Trade Bldg. , FOB SALE SO acres, llgood land, some in oultivstioa, all under fence, stream, curing can be piped to house; good buildings, located In gool farming community, $2000, $1000 eaah, balance 6 year st 6 pwr cent D1LI.MAN U HOWLAND. 8th and Main St., Oregan City. Or. Alberta Wheat Farm i "f? improved farm, $30 per acre; wfn onaider part clear property; I have seen this . Ursa, snd "every foot of it is fin farm land. , - CLAUDE COIB. 800 Henry Bldg. 17 FABMS FOB SALE Canadian wheat' iand.' 160 acres, clear title, some improvsments, one mile from station. Am tick.; will sacrifice for cash. 3. C. A., Boom 862 St. Vincent's hospital FOB BENT FARMS 1 chicken, ,Facrr ant daiby ' banches 5 acres, all under high state of cultivation, good buildine. Kiwi ..reliant Mtv rmtr 4del home place, city school, 6 blocks from canine, inside city limits. 20 acres, IS under cult., good bldgs., young orchard, berries, fine water, close to school and all rural advantages, 6 miles out. 40 acres, 80 acres In cult, 15 acres in prune orchard, comfortable bugs., well and running water, S miles out on fine road, sU--rurai advantages. 32 acres, 10 miles out, 18 acres under cult., food bldgs., good orchard, fine well and run ning water, mile from country town. 88 acres, 63 acres under cult, good bam, poor house, fine Hiring water, adjoining coun try town. Bent only 8260 per year, providing gBPys . caith rent and buys 8 hones, 8 cows, 2 2-year-old heifers, 4 steers, and -9 calves, Holstein bull. About 10 tons of hay, some spuds and 18 tons of ensilage, all for only $1650. About $1150 cash will handle the personal property. If interested come and see us, don't wait to writ. THOMPSON A SWAN, oth and Main sts. Vancouver, Wash. 300 ACRE DAIRY FARM Located on the Columbia highway, 10 cent carfare, 75 acres of rich upland, balance fine rich, level bottom land, all fenced, good eight room house, large dairy barn with 150 stanch- Ions, Milwaukee air power water system, all buildings, lighted with electric light,' good milk- I house! a real modern dairy farm, rent 8125 per month. The following for sale: 80 head of large HoL-tein com, registered Holstein bull, 3 homes, hsm-M. all machinery, gas engine, 75 tout of hay, 20 acres of fine large kale. Price $14,000. See If. M. Maloney. BITTEH. LOWE A CO., 207 Board of Trade Bldg. . A GOOD DAI BY PROPOSITION FOB SALE OB KASK A splendid dairy proposition, 5 H miles of Portland. Address Box 85, Portland, Or. FOB BENT 20 acres of No. 1 farming land, situated at Witchazel station. Will rent for cash for the best offer made. For further particulars address Thos. M. 'Hill, Oxnard, Cal. 56 ACRES, 85 in cultivation, 33 miles from Portland, Vi tion. V-0 8 2. Journal. 50 ACItESi 16 cultivation, 4103 54 th st. 8. K. cash or shares, mile from sta- with buildings. FARMS WANTED BENT OB BUY SH WANTED To lease 100 acres with good buildings, within 50 miles of Portland; mil pay cash rent and buy all equipment. Let us know what you have. We have the cash clients, SEE J I. M. MALONEY. BITTER. LOWE & CO.. 205-7 Board of Trade bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 222 ACRES. 160 in cultivation, balance pas ture, some good timber, 25 inches water. Paid-up right for irrigation; water piped to house and barn from spring; 2 acres family orchard, creek on place, 0 room modern houne, fireplace, furnace, patent toilet, bath, electric lights, telephone; 60x100 barn. Pacific highway through place; schoolhouse on place; 6 miles from good town in Southern Oregon. Will exchange for city property or will give away for some cash. Owner. 724 Chamber of Com merce. ;' WILL exchange modern 5 room bungalow. I block from carlim ; eUo 10 acres, el! elearl. with house and running wnler, near electric car line, for 40 acres , or more go.i tou, nut farther than 60 miles from Portland. Owner only. O. Geisi, 827 -Union are. N. Call Wdln. 1745. WILL excliange 21 acres. 15 in orchard, 0 I , years old. for good homo in Portland. Have no mortgages; don't want any. Call Woodlawn 871, from 12 to 6 week days, and Woodlawn j 3768 Sunday. j FOR exchange. 2 5-rooirt modern houses and : lots in Eureka, CaL 5 blocks fm bay front, joining business section, for land habitably im proved. Mortcage $1200 at 7 per rent, equity $2500. 23-J. Journal. Vancouver, Wash. 4 ROOM house with bath room, nearly modern. t trade for acreage. Must be free from debt and must trade even; for information phone Tabor 6410. 120 ACRES land in Grant Co., Wash,, nesr Moses Lake; free from incumbrance. Will exchange? for clear home in Portland. F. F. Strickling. 712 W. 10th St., Vancouver. Wash. HAVE 5 acres; will exchange for equivalent value in Portland real estate. Tabor H86. Tabor 385 after 5 p. m. i LOT Lota Beach, Wash., to trade for roadster, what? Sellwood 2 562. tires, 84x4, or BILLIAllD parlors to trade for honse and lot; will aw-time some. Y-616, Journal. LOTS, 638. mortgage $275; want auto. East 20 ACRES Bsker eounty for lot or equity in hote. B-553, Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 RESIDENCE wanted in Portland, Tacom or Seattle. Will trade 40 acres Hood River, unimproved. clear, at $4000, and assume. O. 11. Skothemi, Eugene. Or. CASH to pay to owner for bargain- in suburban .homo or agreage. M. A. Williams. 1077 j East 'Market t ROOMING HOUSES ss Hotel Snaps No. 1 $3000. clearing $300 per month;; big mtg. city; pniy nrsi ciass uotci in town; , part terms- dining rraim leahed. No. 2 $2800; out of city, doing nice busl- 1 ness; fine furniture: concrete bldg.; always full. ; S.'o. a Country hotcL well furnished: 3 acres of ground, fruit, garden; only place in city; cash and trade. $3000. PACIFIC AGENCY. 514 Swetland bldg. 42. Rooms, $800, Terms Bent $40. This place is full and turning people away every day. Takes in $125 per mouth above every expense, besides giving the home, etc.. free. All apt., west side. GODDARD. 602 Conch bldg. 3-2 ROOMS. BENT $50 Close In on Washington st, all large,, light ,?,iy r.?S' "limonfhW19 V?; good furniture, clear $126 monthly. Price for all $796: term. Peters. 15 N. 5th et BOOMING HOUSES FOB SALE OR RENT 4 8 rooms. lurnisliea: restaurant in connec- Ilin.u f... nr rent rheftn porwt location. Money maker. Call 200 2d st Phone A-l 209. WE guarantee to sell your apartment house or hotel if prioe is right YATES BEALTY CO.. 249 4th St. FOR SALE On account of -illness, a rooming house. Call Marshall 3567. FOR SALE Rooming house, ' excellent location; best of furniture. Main 3400. BOOMING house for sale cheap. 492 Clay. BUSINESS Of POBTUNITIE8 18 A BIO SNAP GARAGE . , $4500 Doing big- business; storage; repairs, accessories; machine shop; clearing $300 per month; will trade for clear property. PACIFIC AGENCY, Inc. 512-13-14-16 Swetland bldg. Pottland Oregon Grocery Store Snap, $350 Stock alone Invoices $400; fixtures and fur niture cost $850. All goes for $850. Must be sold at once. Hurry. Bruce Goddard, 502 Couch bldg. GROCERY BARGAIN In heart of weat side: 4 furnished living rooms; cheap rent; doing $30 daily; fixtures and stock worth $1200. H sold at once, $745; terms. See PETERS. 15N:6Hi rt. $350 BUYS HATjTInTEREST IN GARAGE 180 gallon filling station, vulcanizing outfit, tools, etc ; also accessories. Excellent location. Large storage space. Will trade for Ford or Other light car. Johnson, East 5072. Opea Sundays. m - . i-. equipment. money maker. Must sacrifice, gofhg east; may accept unproved city property for one half, balance cash or best security. Z- XHB. jonrnaL $15 STORE room with all the necessary flit tnres for a iirst. class grocery store, with 4 partly furnished living rooms above, modern. 096 Commercial. Phone Woodlawn 187. i FOB SALE OB TBADE Near market, located in center of city doing a nice business, established 0 years. Apply to WALKER G. HAYES. Fenton bldg. NEW two-story building in fine location with two store, garage, first class apartments; ad ditional space could b fitted into rooms; lrav ing city; mast sacrifice. Call D-1813, wk. days. FANCY dressmaking shop; . monthly receipt over $250; rent $14. Over $100 worth work waiting. . Present owner sick; sacrifice. Tabor 7827 before 6 p. m. FORD agency for sale, large fireproof garage. In town of 5000; large pay roll; out of city. Shop and outfit complete. DX-760, JournaL FINE corner grocery on Alberta st, invoicing about $750. Must sell st once. Sacrifice all for $475. Owner. Woodlawn 1518. FIRST-CLASS ladies' - and men tailor shop, doing $7000 cash business annually. Will sell cheap. Address box 44, Hoquiam, Wash. CAFETERIA for sals cheap, shipyard district; xioing good.; business., Stand: investigation. Main 489Q. . " ; . - - i, - - WANTED Barber and wife to buy lunch and soft drink parlor', barber shop in connection. Price $300, terras if desired. G-897. JournaL DON'T WORRY I can - sell or trade anything anywhere. Layman, 148 fc Broadway. ' CONSOLIDATED aostraot plant for sal. Other business. P-653. JournaL ! - . . GROCERY, living rooms furnished, $350 cash.' ssvmi , East 5S8. FOB SALE FARMS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES it 4 -ii v Garages ; $1200 Repairs and machine shop; Camas. $li!00 Storage end repairs; city. $1500 Big storage and repairs; city. - $ 1 800 Storage, accessories, repairs; . city, $1800 8tora-e, i accessories, repairs; city. $2100 -Storage, accessories, repairs; city. $2500 Storage, accessories, repairs; city. , $3600 Storage, accessories, repairs; city. $4250 Storage, accessories, - repairs; city. $5000 Storage, accessories, repairs ; valley. $10,000 Ford agency; storage, repairs; val ley. ' $5000 Biggest snap on the coast. $80.000 -Agency for ford; big repairs; ac cessories. PACIFIC AGENCY. Inc. 512-18-14-15 Swetland Bldg. Portland Oregon Pool Rooms, IN THE CITY $ 450 Good business; location good. $ 700 Stock' good; equipment fine. $1000 Busy corner; good buy. $1500 No competition 10 blocks. $2000 Best equipped place in city. $2500 In shipyard district OUT OF CITY $1000 Good steady trade. $ 6 (Ml Go look; yod will buy. PACIFIC AGENCY, 614 Swetland bldg. Groceries Snaps No., 1 Invoice about $2000; doing $50 per day; apt. dist; no deL. rent $32.50; living rooms. No. 2 Invoice about $3000: doing $69 per day; 6 living rooms; clean stock. No. 8 Invoice about $2800; doing $60 per day; will take part trade. PACIFIC AGENCY. 814 Swetland bldg. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 97 OUB installment plan is the vest and surest method of paying a loan. $32.28 per month for 30 months or $21.24 for 60 months, or $15.17 for .00 months, pays $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts In proportion. We loan on improved city property Or for building purposes. N'a commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LflAN ASSOCIATION 24 2 Stark st.. rortlana. or. MORTGAGE loans on improved residence prop erty in Portland. Long time if desired. Re payable by installments. No commission. Wm. MauMaJder, 701 Corbett hldg. $250, $350. $400, $500, $050, $750, $1000 and larsier amounts at current rates. Quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of ( omrnerce, MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to $5000 on ritv rroirt-v. A. H. BELL, 201 Gerlinser Bldg. $50,000 to loan in amounts to suit on city property at 6 and 7 per cent M KENZIE A CO.. 515 Gerlinger Bldg. CITY MORTGAGE LOANS S500 to S6000 6 Per Cent. FRED 8. WILLUMS. 92 FIBST STREET BUILDING loans on city or suburban property; money advanced as work progresses, w. . Beck, 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 2407 $100 to $1500, consider lots. E. H. Dowling, 416 Chamber of Commerce. M. 867. $500 TO $7500 to loan on city or farm security. S-117. Journal. MORTGAGE-loans,-6 "and 7 per cent Salomon & Co.. 4 08 Selling bldg. CASH loi mtgs.. loan., contracts. Lewis, R. 4 Lewis bldg. Main B83. Lou F. a MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 7 If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loans made to persons on salary or fixed income, on household furniture, pianos, dia monds and other personal roierty; legal rates. - Business confidential; private offices. ' PORTLAND LOAN CO. ( Licensedl 305-307 Dekum Bldtf. FURNITURE SALARY LOANS LOANS WE LOAN MONEY On short notice to salaried or workingmen on their own notes, easy payments, business strictly confidential. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY NO INDORSER We alo loan on household furniture, pianos. etc, without removal. Call and See us . COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. ' LICENSED. 317 FAILING BUILDTNO PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Established by Portland business men to protect borrower. C. MYERS HERMAN. Mgr., 894 STARK LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE MONEY loaned on pianos and other securities. W. A, Hathaway, room 208 Washington Wdg. , . FINANCIAL SI jst and 2d mortgages purchased, also sellers" interest in contracts. Ore. and Wash. 1L E. Noble. Lumbermens bldg. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. IS i FOR SALf; Team of mottled bays, 5 and 6 f vrv wffifflit SOOO lhs ' sTian nf well m,ud voune mares, both in foal, weight 2750 jb. . teem of broken chunks. 5 year old, weicht 2600 lbs.; team of mares. 6 years old. weight 2850 lbs.; span of dappled roan gray, .ra -nd horse. 5 and 7 vears old. weieht 2400 lbs., price $175; brown team, 2600 lbs., $90; gray horse. 1300 lbs.. $60; big bay, 6 years old. sound and true: weight 1250 lbs.. $80 one A-l saddle mare, 7 years old, 1100 lbs.. $75; one handsome bay mare, with, colt by side, weight 14 50 lbs. Call and sea these bar gains before buying. 240 East 8th and Main. NOTICE I NOTICE I We hold auction sale Monday and Thura- dav at 2 d. m. i ill sell your horses, wagons. harness, etc.. on a commission basis. Star Stables, 308 Front st Main 171. John S. Wil : liamson, prop. liamson, prop. 1 LEFT FOR SALE and must sell at once, good i ik . i n. ..t".,'"'.,n . ''t'tS Front st. ; ... . v-rr.-n i, . resn tested cows. Singer sewing machine, wheelbarrow, double harness. Ap ply Geo. C. Ellison, Conradine hotel, 10th and tsumsiae, Saturday. lTyS SALE $ 6 6. gentle driving and plow horse, harness, light spring wagon, witn top, or exchange for cow, milk goat or chickens. 145 E. 81st st N. Montavilla car. FOR SALE Good cattle horse, is fast driver r will sell reasonable or trad for tsock ; also fresh cow. U. K. Rogers, Phone Wdln. 5858. MUST sell 1200 lb. good gentle chunky farm horse and harness. Cost $105 last May. Make offer. Gubser, 886 Union ave. N. YOUNG team, willwork any place; weight 1850; will sell separate; also small farm for rent East 4401. FOB SALE Small horse, sound, good worker. ir. wain. WILL sell two horses, buggy, single and double harness, all for $60. Call 259 E. 80th st. N DEAD stock taken. We pay the moat for dead andcrippletoca Tj$iDor4208. Ui.A i) norses ana amman named away free- Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. ALL kinds of horses, buggies.-wagons and har ness. 802Frontt ONE riding or driving porse, 950 pounds, $35, 105 Failing tt . FOR SALE OR TBADE, good work bane. 1 uuuv nuwiswii .o-. HORSE and wagon, $1.25 day; 2 horses and wagon. $2.50. 548 Front Mar. 2208. LIVESTOCK - HAVE sold ranch; must sell my stock : 8 160 pound hogs, 3 fine cows, 1 set of heavy work harness, good as new; 1 6-year-old trotting j mare; new a ,,d -iimi. xui sijc 1 must be sold by Monday. Take Ores ham car to Gilbert rtation. Ask for Mr. Lowe. FOR SALE Full blooded Duroc Jersey pig.-6 week old, registered. W. M. Smith. 650 Williams ave. East 4447. FOR SALE, 19 good 6 weeks old pigs, choice $3.50 apiece. 1 Vi miles soutnwest of Oswego, or. f. L,. Emory. 5 YOUNG Holstein dairy cows, calvea by side Jersey, Durham and Brown Swiss; heavy milkers. 71 E. Ash. A FINE young family cow cheap or take horse, wagons, harness in exchange. 302 Front st ONE 3-year-old Jersey heifer, tuberculin test ed; 6 quarts a day. $40. Woodlawn 3722. FOR SALE. 25 Main 95S3. head Shropshire bred ewe. SIX fresh cows. 105 Failing st. Take Mis, car. FOB SALE, a fat cow. 1834 Druids at POULTBY, FIGEONS, FET STOCK S7 FOB SALE Fancy Whits Leghorn laying hens snd pullets, 85c each. Mississippi ave. at Farragnt st Take Kenton car. FLEMISH GIANTS New Zealand, old and young. I1Z7 rs. 2&tn st N Woodlawn 1724. WELL bred White Leghorn hen and pullets for sale. Tabor 880. BOGS, BIRDS, FET8, ETC. 4 FOB SALE New Zealand. Bufus Bed, Utility rabbits. 4280 68th sve. 3. E. Sellwood 3109. WAIN TED A good watch dog. Phone Wood- lawn 8171. BEAUTIFUL choice canary . birds; reasonable! 1161 B. 28th st N. Phone C-2217. FINE Scotch Collie, male, 11 months old. $20. Marshall 8908. or 841 Front st - FOR SALE Pedigreed Phone East 804.0. English : Bull - pupa. DOGS, BIBDS FETSi ETC. 41 A FINE Bhepard, well broke, and a No. 1 female Collie, and one of the beat pointer pupa in city. 802 Front at. ST. AKDBEASBEBG rollers and female. 1010 Kerby st Wdln. 4821. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 PALACE GARAGE COMPANY ATJTHOBIZED FORD AGENTS 12th and Star This is BABGAIX TIME in automobile buy ing. - It's the lull before the raise. That la why yon ahould sea us about your new FORD. Come in and see our large stock of 5EW and USED FOBDS at our remarkably low price. 1917 Ford 1916 Ford 1914 Ford 1913 Ford 1915 Ford Deliver!, touring ear and roadsters.. We also maintain service department, repair de partment and have all .kinds of Ford parts. - TERMS IS DESIRED OPEN SUNDAYS Broadway 1572 A-2442 1916 MAXWELL TOURING, $375 Just overhauled, new tires all around, new top. This is truly a bargain not found every day. Car runs like new. See Mr. Krog. at the POBTLAJj'D MOTOR CAB CO., 10th and Bumside Sta. Broadway 621. 1917 COLE EIGHT SEDAN A wonderful opportunity to purchase a high grade Sedan, almost new; run less than ojnoo miles. Looks like a brand new car. Extra equipment Will sell for $1500. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COl. 10th and Bnrnaida Sta. Broadway 621. BEO TOURING CAR Excellent mechanical eon di tion, ear looks and runs fine; splendid equipment goea with the car. race sou. Terms. Boe it at THE USED CAB EXCHANGE 627 Washington Street Where Washington and Burnside Meet. WE have a Cole 8 and a Beo 6. late models. that are real bargains. Neither car has seen ard service. Their finish and mechanics con dition are such that their value is apparent at a glance. ion a now tne Joie and tna Keo, both leaders in their field. These cars will be soid today at a reduction of several hundred dollars. bee oooaieilow at tne fcORTirWEST AT TO CO.. Broadway at Couch. Garages $35 Up See Samples, 64 4 II o o d st Phone Main 1167. Millmade Construction Co, Good Used Trucks 2 ton Beo. overhauled: nearlv new tires: wood body, good shape; easy terms; priced right 2 ton Vlie. now' beinc overhsnled : extra me. erful ' and strong, Al condition, easy terms, priced so you can make some money on it KOEHRING MACHINE CO.. N. W., 254 Hawthorne are. East 6482. B-2575. NEW TIRES What brand of new tires do yon prefer f W have them. Also we make the famous O-V-O Double Tread (sewed) tires snd do all manner of tin. m. pairing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. 833-335 Burn- sias, near nroaaway. THAYER. BHAYER-GULLT MACHINE CO. Ton. $370 BUILDERS OF EVERYREADY TRUCK ATTACHMENTS Mfg. in Portland 1 14 Ton. $420 2 Ton, $4 70 Capacity 193 E. Water st. Phone East 7437. 1917 SAXON Six touring car. almost new. eat covers, no-zare lens, rood tirm mH lt. other equipment: will tell for $850; $300 down, balance $50 per month. The Used Car .xcnange, bZl Washington st., where Washing ton and Burnside meet Main 5468. Aug. ft Repairs. 8000 guaranteed springs In stock, price reduced. 84 N. 15th st CASH paid for old cars; condition no obiect- parts for all makes of cars. Oreiron sn, t-- change, 129 Lownsdale t. at 15th and Wash ington. 1'hone Main 1161. 8TUDEBAKEB. 1918 aerie, private car lik. new; must sell this week: 8700 vn. 5100. Investigate; no 1918 series ever sold lor this price. OR BENT Entire upper floor garage bldgs.. t,-iZ- zz: -rr. r. i im uvius yuaiteis,- suiiaoie tor auto top or top or Smith, L,,,b Miuy, .i kud, close in. Mr. Main 937. 917 5-PASS. Keo- car, perfect condition, used 3 months, run 5000 miles: must ull .t on account of draft Phone Main 2228. Chas. Fessia. NEW Chandler, 4 pass., clover leaf with wir wheels, very rfeat. ran onlv few mil 0.n.i terms, or will sell cheap for cash. See owner 3d Aruteny, at Broadway. 1918 BABY Grand Chevrolet; am leaving city and am obliged to sacrifice my car; excellent condition; positively the best buy in city will be pleased to demonstrate. I'hone Tabor 7792 uviuna, geara, oeanngs, wneels, axles; we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. Auto Wrecking Co., 89-91-93 isorm pruaaway street. nroanway 186. "i" eoH Pore PRICES STOCK UdUU JU O BIGHT JUV1!.X iiuiuti CAxt CO. 21st and Washington sts. Main 6244 TIRES, $2.60 up; tubes, 75c up; vulcanizing, retreading; tirea bought Portland Motor wrecsing o., oooAiaer. Alain 479. DUBBUILLE TOP CO., 9th tc Oak. 'Broadway 1664 FINE FORD BUG Sacrifice 2116. . for cash; extra. Ge thing. Main FOR SALE 1914 Ford body, fenders, radiator and hood: good condition. Call st 401 Virgo st AUTO PARTS A ACCESSORIES FOB LESS MOTOR PARTS &ISV1 V 325-27 Burnside st Broadway 8238 AUTO and tire repairs, vulcanizing, general ma chine work. Firestone tire agency. H. B iSJacs, 034 'Aider treet Main J319. I CAN use your Ford or Liberty bond if you can use mj iuiwiu auiomouue. Call Adams Tabor 630. 1916 MAXWELL for sale, cheap. X-406, Journal HUDSON BUG gooo. condition, isoscb. iirni- tion. extra tires, oi. r-non lSDOr 6603. 1916 5-PAS3. Ford, new tires, for cash only! mono lanor ia. 1916 CHEVROLET, 8116. new yres, $375. Tabor PA AND MA IN POLITICS The admirers of Pa and Ma, by T. E. Powers, who have missed the cheery camouflage of Pa in evading Ma's orders, or of Ma in hoodwinking Pa, will be relieved to know they will resume Novem ber 27, Mr. Powers having been drafted into, cartoon service dur ing the New York political; cam paign. . ' AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSOBrES '44 FOBDS FORDS FORDS ...$$23 1917 Ford tourinir ST3 850 295 S25 825 295 325 285 23B 250 1917 Font roadster ... 1916 Ford roadster ' . 1916 Ford touring 1.110 Ford roadster ....... 1915 Ford roadster ....... 1915 Ford touring ........ 1914 Ford roadster ....... 1913 Ford touring . 1913 Ford touring ........ Yon owe it to yourself to see these cars before you buy. for they are. in finest condition, tome of -them are practically new. and lots of extra equipment, and besides you get a year's free service on ail minor adjustments, 'aeons u desired, . FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO., E. S770. East 18th and Hawthorn ava. CLASSIEST 3 PASS ROADSTER EC TOWN Beautifully painted, this car looks the same as new. In splendid condition, runs fine, car ries lots of extra equipment, including extra tire and assortment of tools. $525. Am leav ing for California and have left my ear with The Used Car Exchange, 527 Washington st Ask tor Mr. Kerr's car. t COLE bug for sal or trad. Make offer. CoL 4SO evenings. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 I WILL. PAY YOU SPOT CASH FOB YOUB FORD FRANCIS MOTOR OAR EX.. E. 1199. E. 13th and Hawthorns kra. PAINT your car. W mak old car look like new at very little cost A-l AUTO WORKS ft PAINTING CO. 625 Alder St WANT lata Ford touring; win pay cash. 4T3 Main st. WANT Lsts model Ford from owners. Pries right; have the cash. 31 North Oth st AUTOS FOB HIBE (9 FORDS WANTED 6 room home on carline and pared afreet, modern plumbing, mortgage $4 50; also 4 room home close by, mortgage $150. Give one or both for. some used Fords. Owner, Mr. Smith, Main 937. AUTOS for rent ithout DRIVEBS. Glisan sta. Smith, corner 3d ' Broadway 2629. and Phone AUTOS without drivers for hire. City garage, 86 10th t. Broadway 840. .A-4246. LAUNCHES AND BOATS I LAUNCH wanted! Reliable party want use of launch for balance of duck have cabin to accommodate Journal season. Must four. G-613, FOR SALE, houseboat. 5 rooms, modern, good condition, furnished or unfurxushed; terms or cash. Sellwood 986. PIANOS, ORGANS AND INSTRUMENTS MUSICAL 84 JUST RECEIVED 80 LOBOPnONE TALKING MACHINES. They were sold by the railway company for freight and storage charges and ws were ths lucky purchasers. Cabinet machines. In mahogany fumed oak, golden oak and early English finish. These stand on floor and have compartment under neath for records. Regular $59.75 for $35. Begular $40 sir for $19.60. Come early. Gevurtz Furniture Co, 185 to 191 let st., near Yamhill Publio Market Full Value in Cash FOR PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. ALL KINDS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SOLD, RENTED, EXCHANGED. PHONOGRAPH EXCHANGE, Main 4495.' 12 8 1st. near Alder. $5 BUYS $10 Gem, $15-$25 diso grsphaphons snd 418 buys $80 cyl. Edison talking ma chine, or buy $5 worth records. We'll deliver latest model $85 Grafonola to your home. Pay $1 weekly, no intercut, as elsewher. Schwan I'iano Co., Ill 4th and Wash sc. You need not mak a monthly payment until after January 1, 1918. 5 sends a piano. $10 a player piano, to your home now or on Christ mas evening. Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st, at Washington. GENUINE pianola with 80 rolls of good mu sic, $65; will give terms by ths month. 149 6th st J KIMBALL upright pisno. late design, plain saa 1 hogany case, $476. Will sell as a bargain; also give terms. Call 149 OUl MFC IBM n IVIUUUUM It.. UU II Phonographs snd records bought, sold, exchanged, rented. Expert repairing. 142 ha 2d; upstairs. WILL trad even, new Victrola and records of your own selection fox good secoua nana piano. Call 149 tolh st $160 CASH Secures $375 new 1916 model upright piano this week st Security b to rugs Co., 109 4th st WstOiington. $45. $95 OR $145 CASH Buys $275 small upright: $350 Hamilton up right or 1016 model new piano at Security N tors re Co , 109 4Ui st BH'CA & SON, mahogany, fine tone. $125. Vose Son. worb $300. $187: Harold S. Gilbert, the reliable piano merchants, 384 Yam hill st. PLNC) and violin for sale, very reasonable. Dealers please don't answer. Phone Wood lawn 4809. W A N TED Piano, upright, suitabls for ranch; don't need to look extra good: private: canh: cheap. B-552, JournaL PAY cash for used pianos or will trade up date talking machine. Harold S. Gilbert 384 Yamhill. 90 CASH buy $350 Kohler & Campbell up right piano tomorrow at Security Storage Co., 109 4 th st ALBERS BROS.' employers only. Special Sun- day noon. $20 phonograph. $3. 127 West Wygant MOTHER snd daughter wish to keep piano for storage; no children. Marshall 298. WANTED Baby grand or good uprishtTcaahT no dealers need apply. H-WT1. JournaL PIANO. Just paid for. aeU at big hsrgsi. Marshall 2543. PHONOGRAPHS. records. bought sold, ex changed. Hall A Casaiday, 126 1st M- 7098. DICTAPHONE, quarter to half price. Journal bldg. Mar. 4958. 616 TYFEWBITEBS 77 NEW REMINGTON, rental plan, rent applies to purchase. Visible models. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. 88 Broadway. Broadway 4621. WE SAVE you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illus trated folder. Retail department. Wholesale Typewriter Co.. 821 Washington. REBUILT typewriters, supplies, Corona dealers. E. W. Pease Co.. 110 6th. SMITH-PREMIER typewriter, in good order. $15. East 6569. No. 1 E. 10th st ALL MAKES typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon Type Co., 94A. 5th. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE Si Stop and Read Thst ts your privilege. If you sre in need of furnishings cheap, you will not be disappointed in the prices we quote. Range, $11; cook stoves, $4.60; iron beds, 85c; springs, $1; li brary table. $3.86; k. tables. 90c; pillows. 75o psir; chairs , 45c A big stock of dressers, din. tables, rockers, chairs, and the big yellow tag on each articl wit) be the salesman. 208 MADISON ST. COMPLETE household- of 7 rooms cheap, or will sell by piece, leather davenport. rugs, leather rockers, dining set brass beds, bedroom set, kitchen range, gas range, electric washing machine, electric sweeper, etc., all like new. 95 E. Emerson st Woodlawn 8615. FOB SALE Flat top, solid oak, seven drawer office desk. Call Main 866. 719 Dekum building. COMPLETE household goods. 193 Jarre U st FOR SALE 3IISCELLANEOUS. 19 POTATOES $1.75 for 100-lb. sack. 494 Union ave. N Store open 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Grower. WAYNE gasoline pomps for filling stations and. garages. E. li. BuppsU, 413 Washington st Msin 160. u BUBBANK potatoes, $1.75 and $1 per 100 pounds. Seed, 75c. 200 - North 13th. cot, Kearney."' Bdwy. 8309. , GROCERIES for sals or trad. Phons Wood lawn 228. - BEAUTIFUL black fox scarf and muff, $60. Will tak Liberty bond. Main 1443. A MOVING picture outfit For information call u n i kjo PiL'MBL'G supplies, wholesale prices. Btark- Daris Co.. 212 3d st Msin 797. DROP head Singer sewing machine, $16.50; bargain. 191 Park st near YamhiO. .. -. ! VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex- ensngeo, oougnu xMnuey. si am eosz. I'll I' T IXC ( :,wi ti ll. lit V lmm pries. Phons 1 for KsmDle. Main 4335. BATHTUBS, sinks, toilets, ' pip nd fitting. A. L. Howard. 212 4th st "Manure fertilizer- AQ kinds. Phons .14S. C-227- f FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 GRQCERV. .: SPECIAL Good Matches, 4 boss 15 ' lbs. Dependable Coffee ......... .900 Beans, brown, whits or pink. 2 aba. . . . ,25o Rolled Osfl. fresh stock. 4 lbs. for... 25a Standard Tomatoes, Urge cans, 2 for..25 Corn Starch. 20 oa. pkg. ,...10 Seeded; Balaln. fresh stock. 15 as. pkg.lOo Japan Tea, per lb. 85o Gait's Indo Ceylon Tea. lb. 60o Head Ries. S lbs. for 25s Macaroni. 8 lbs. for . ,25, Try our fresh ground Coffee et er Tb.. 20a. All good sdvertised ar guaranteed fresh stock. Ws deliver orders of $5 or over to any part of ths city. Our Store Is Full of Bar gains Cor. 2d and Yamhill Sts. WE MAKE AND SELL ONLY National Cash 'Registers ana Credit Files Lowest prices. Small monthly payments. No interest charges. Writ ten guarantee. Old Tegistsrs repaired, re built, "bought, sold and axchsngsd J. R, MUM MA, Agent Dm National Cash "Register Ox. Phone Broadway 1816. 854 Bnr'nside St ATTENTION. SHIPBUILDERS. CONTRAC- TOUS. M1LLMEN. LOUGER8. FOB SALE AT LOW PRICES BOlLEBS. ROUND AND FI.AT IRON AND SHAFTINGS. HECTAGONAL DRILL STEEL AND CROW BARS., ALL SIZES OF CHAIN. SHOVELS. PICKS. JACKS, BLACKSMITH DKLLL3, PLANERS. 81ZERS. STICKERS. ALL SIZES STEAM HOSE: SCALES Also many other articles too numerous to mention. All for lowest pneee. 351 EAST OAK STREET. FOB SALE Ons 18 h. p. steam engine, no boiler. On 12 h. p. gas engine. One 25-45 (team traction engine (double cylinder). One 25-40 gasoline tree tion engine. Special price for quick sale. Address L-708. JournaL , Tennessee snd fort ortord cedar, copper trimmings; latest designs at factory prices. Fac tory between 75th and 7 Ola. E. Glisan. Phone Tsbor 80V ALL machine sold for less. No stent employed. Renting $8 per month. ; Sewing Machine Empori um, 190 3d, near Yamhill. Main 9431. A-8626. APPLES. . Cut out the middleman's profits. Buy di rect from producer, Jonathans and Baldwins. Write for prices. It M. Kader, ltoute No. 8, Anrora, Or. "MUSICAL IN8TBUMENTS." Typewriters" snd "Household Goods" srs separate classifi cation. All advertisements of these good srs published under their respective classifies Lion. LOOK THEM OVER Electric Motors Bought sold, rented snd repaired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burn side. cor. 10th. Broadway or A 6674. WANTED Fresh tested eows. Singer sewing machine, wheelbarrow, double harness. Apply George C. Ellison. Conradine hotel, 10th at Burnside. Saturday. AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES or boats sre separate classifications. A lsrga listing can b found under the different classifications. $10 TEN drophead sewing machine with at tachments, good condition. Sewing machines rented st $3 per month. East 2350, B 3307. E. R- Steen. 152 Grand ave.. near Belmont SEXTANT for sal. Inquire at new postoffic building, daytime. O, A. Wooster. Vancouver. Wash. 25 THOUSAND feet good lumber cheap: long lengths. 2x1 2s, 8x10; good flooring shiplsp and other lumber. East 1S05. JAEGER'S VACUUM CLEANERS $8.00 Guaranteed 5 years. Cash or terms. Telephone- Tsbor 1275. 50Q BOND letter heads, $1.90; luOO. $2.90; 600 envelope. $1.90; 1000. $2.90. Smith, printer. 204 Stark st Stfl Box Hood River Apples U 110 SECOND STBEET. $25, BEAUTIFUL larg mirrored olid ma hogany dresaing table, cost $65. Office 829, Salmon. WANTED Cable or wire rope. !i to 1 inch. 'Will pay top price. K. L. Schroeder, 914 Gantenbein. Woodlawn 1950. SLIGHTLY used computing scale, all kinds; also cheese cutters, eofiee mills and meat slicers; very cneap. call at 80s Stark st HAY for sale. Tabor 4885. F1IBNITUBE WANTED 74 WE PAY CASH For used rugs, carpets, stovss, ranges, of fie. restaurant ana note! lurmturs. Gevurtz Furniture Co, 185 FIBST. NEAB YAMHILL. MARSHALL 5981. A-8224 Befors you sell your furniture, see 1 WF PAY ynRF'l"'11""'"'"- 1 1 u. 1 i munu stove, range, car pet, rugs, office furniture. Call Marshall 587. GeVurtz Furniture Store 205-207 FIRST STBEET. PHONE East 7816 when you want to sell your furniture. We come at once and psy you cash. M. R. Beater. 880 Hawthorns ava. cor. Union. WE PAY THE HIGHEST PBICE for used fur- niture, carpets, stoves, etc. Call East 294. Grand Rapids Furniture Co. Call East 636 H est prices paid for furniture, stovss. rugs, anything in nousehoid goods. Will ex change your old furniture for WHY not try the "MiehigsB Fumitors Co." be fore disposing of your . furniture, rugs, stove , etc? They srs paying the highest prices. Call Marshall 1822 or 164 1st st Levin Hdwe. & Furniture Co, buys f urniturs. hotel snd restaurant outfit and tool of any daacriptkm; full value for them assured. 221 Front Main 9072. A-7174. WOULD like t$ buy soma second Laud nouse hold good ; 'will pay high price. Portland Clearing House. Msrshsll 4783. TAKE a tip. Auction Co. Sell your furniture to Ford Wain 8931. . SAY I DON 'T SELL , DON'T YOUB FURNITURE 128 1st st until you see us. Main 4495, FURNITURE wanted! Main 7098. swap coimx Heating Stoves to Trade What have you T Main 4495. 128 Ist t WILL trade ons lot with small houss in New- berg, Or., for 5 room hottsebost F-613, JournaL . ' ' PAIR Red Fox furs fos horse, wagoo, cow or pigs: Z-887 JournsL $100 FliJSTmortgag or motsr bicycle for good milch eos r. Msrshsll S206.-v. Tsbor 2879. APPLES snd zoinremeat for sale or trade. Wb ster. Tabor 6716, - TRADE hifr. first calf, and horse- for fresh Pay difference. Woodlavn 2490. PIANO" tuning for $2.50 ec anything . useful Webster, Tsbor 6714. ' ;vi 1ILSI mm WAHrTEP MISCFLLAlTFOrS PAGIFIC'iDIUIiSK:CO.":' MAIN 4768. ' 231 FRONT STBEET. HBiHEST PBICES FOB ANY KIND OF JUNK. TOOLS, HARDWARE, KTO. HIGHEST PBICES PAID FOR TOUR CAST-OFF CLOTHING. SHOES. ETC 129 N. $TH ST. CALk BROADWAY 2845. SECOND-HAND CLOTHINO WANTED J. MEYER. THE TAXLOB, '. PAYS $7.60 AND UP FOB 2D HAND SUITS. HE PAYS MORE FOB SHOES AND 'CLOTHING. MAR. 1229. 329 MADISON. WANTED Ths people of Portland to know I pay ths highest eaah prices, for household goods. Prompt attention. East (707. N. At. Beater, 143 Russell st BEPAUtS TOUB WATCH (M Jll . Reingold's Jeweler 55 H 124 th st. near Washington. - u Want Household Furniture WILL PAY CASH. Phone Main 8882. Front Li Shank Co. Oregon. Hide Metal Rubbers. Writs ' for prices snd shipping tags. Msln 1699. REPAlRa iOUK WA1CU AC - THE CRESCENT JEWELRY CO., 294 WASHINGTON ST.. WANTED Second band fumitura, rugs, rang and stores. PAY CASH. PITER-HAM ILTON FURNITURE CO. 90 Grand avenue. Phone East 7766. LOOK Your old clothe and trunks bought; highest prtessT paid: ws call lmmauisteiy. Broadway 855. WANTED Second hand furniture, ranges snd stoves. Best prices paid. Morgan Furniture Co., SO E. Morrison st . l'bon t 3zas. BEST cash Dries said forStustd office desks. chairs snd filing cabinet. Pacific Stationery k Printing Co. Main 1971. TO THE HOUSEKEEPER I pay highest pries for iunk, rags, bottle, paper, clothes Tbor 7289. ; BIFLE, shotgun, revolver. Sell or swap for chickens or snytmng suitaDi. aaea - irv- ing snd 49th. Moutavilla car. GOING, EAST? Household goods shippsd st reduced rates. Psclfio Coast Forw aroing Co.. 201 WUcox bldg. Mar. 2467. fiEATTNO AND COOK STOVES ! wanted. Also rugs, furniture and sverythlng. Main 4496. 128 1st near. Alder. CHEAP for cash or trads. lady's Persian lamb coat Call before 9 s. m. or aiur 0 p. m.. 430 Stevens st CASH for diamond. VK up; old gold, plati- num, diver. 218 Oregonian bldg. WANTED Secondhand tools, blcyole. ate. Bitt- msn Hardware, 213 Front Main sail BOOKS bought sold snd exchanged. Scaadi- navian Book Store, 4 N. H it WANTED Bin. shotgun. Hochfield. Main 8581. SHOEMAKER'S 1170. swing machine. Call B- PAtS highest price for tools, etc 273 Front secondhand clothing. Main JWJ. PERSONAL ft GOITER, eye truubuss, ecxems, rheumatism, tu mors, cancers, chronic diseases of every de scription and kind cured in th shortest lira possible st ths least cost The finest equipped offc in th west Call snd ses ths wonderful equipment "No charges for consultation or ex amination. Dr. W. E. Mallory, 604 Broadway bldg. Main 6709. GLASSES AT A SAVING Th asm service and Quality you pay double the money else where ; correctly fitted g leases a low as $1.50. Thousand of satisfied elastom ers. Chas. W. Goodman, optometrist, ' 209 Morrison st LOUlaE NETZEL, trained nurse snd masseua. gives treatment for rheumatism, lumbago, neu ralgia, eto., tub bath, maasag and siactris blankets; lady assistant Marshall 603$. 288 13th, near Jefferson. Open Sunday. BEAMEK A CLARK S billiard pao. formerly McCredis's, 2d floor Yeon bldg.. 6th and Alder streets. 83 tables. Finest equipped parlors in ths Northwest DK. LOSER, scientific method of treating chronio diseases, poor circulation, constipa tion, rneumatism, indigestion, etc. No drugs. No operations. 606 Swetland bldg. SPIRITUALIST Mrs. M. L. LAMAR, 235 6th st. cor. Msin. teacnes palmistry and card reading, also lessons in ths soltno of health and success. Daily. . FOR th benefit of s few, I do not pay bllla for Mrs. Rous Downing or any other Down ing. iMvid Downing. SPIRITUALIST and Meutal Scientist teacher of Palmistry and Cartomancy. 814 Panama' bldg. DR. MARIE JOHNSON Chiropodist blanket sweat, bath, slsctric, magnetic. Office 513 Northwest bldg. Open Sundays, evenings. MILDRED CLARK, mfeuage. baths, eleetrie treatment. 211 IioUichUd bldg.. 387 Vs Wash. Open evenings snd Sundsy. S UPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by 10-neeou meinoo; trial si. Josie innisi. 614 Eiler bldg. M. 6868. THE FUR SHOP - Furs to order, remodeling, lowest prices- 406 Swetland bldg. oth and ss ssl-tngton DK. G. V. KETCHUM. women maladiss a scute diseases ol men. Washington slug.. 4u and Vsastungton. Mar. . VIBRATORY mswag. manicuring. Off ics 49 Msr. 2442. 140 Brosdwsy. UAllt colusd with pure cocusvnut oil, a Ila- waiian snrrauia. laoor ooi. PROF. klM. stesm bath, scientiflo maasag.' 212 Swetland. M. 1941. VIBRATORY maasag, face, scalp treatments. 386 V Wash., oifics on. Msr. 4727. MISS ANDREWS teschs phrenology, palmistry and caru-reaoing. - nun loss. SHAMPOOING and slsetrio al ISilf Wast Psrk. SCIENTIFIC toasaags and baths. Ironside. 337- 29 fittock Dioca. Lawyer ConsulUtion FREE. Main 4993. 513 SelUng bldg. ELECTRO magnetic trestmsnts by t reined nun. Sis Fsnama bldg. NOTICES Jt LUMBERMENS NATIONAL BANK OF POKT- . hasp, iocs tea st rortisna. in tbs sUte of Oregon, is closing It affsirs. All note holders snd other creditor of ths association srs there fore nersor notmea to present too notes and other claims ior payment. E. G. CRAWFORD. Prsidnt Dstsd November 8. 1917. ROFESSTONAL AND BUSINESS DlRECTORYj AOOORDIOH FLEATIHQ K. STEl'HAN. hsnvstitching. braidina. chain stitching, box. accordion; aids sad sanburst plaiting, scalloping, buttons covered. Goods sponged, aza snttoeKTut. Broaawsy lOtfg. ELITE Hemstitching snd Button Shop. Hens- titcbing, button snd pleating; aasil order prompt attention. SN4 Morrison. Msin 7230, AOATE OUTTINO AND MFO. JEWELERS AGATES cut snd polished. Jewelry and watch repairing. Miller a, 4 Washington st LANK ROOK MAKERS DAVIS A HOLM AN. U.C.. 109 2d st, blsah book msnufsctursrs. A-8188. Msin 188. BRASS AND MACHINE WORKS HARPER'S BRASS WORKS, Brass eastings and machine work. 106 W. Btn. M'wayaB4Z CARPET CLEANINO Frem eld carpets rag rag. Carpet elesntna. NORTHWEST BUG GO. 188 E. 8th t Phones East 8680. B-1280 Fluff bugs and bag bugs eiiDirii rr VfcVivn uvvtTVivn r "n ONE OF LARGEST PLANTS IN NORTHWEST. W. F. BUG CO.. PHONE EAST. 8161. B-147S JOYCE BROS.. Eleetrie Cleaning Works Car pets cleaned and laid: refitting our specialty. East 440, xwsos. zo r-asx itftn st. t CHIROPRACTORS CHIROPRACTIC Uaet Light Violet Rsv Specialist in diseases of sroxasa and children. Goitres treated with siicc. North Pacific Sanatorium Assn.. 436 PIITOCK BLDO. Lady physician if desired. . DR. McMAHON i waking good; $1 adjust ments, 616; seven, so. Ks.i t terms. COAL AND WOOD Keller Fuel Co BDWY, 3863. -2283 OREGON FUEL CO, Woodlawn 5210. Beach, near Union Ave. All kinds of fuel at market prices; slab- wood, $$-75. immediate delivery. NiiiO.ISL FUs,L UO.. K. 3d sad Oresoc sta mimv swi, iwtu v., j , . . . . . pn tnpt delivery. Block wood and cord wooX Eet 9041 . - ' . . MARION FUEL CO. Country ls, rsilroS I Tie. eiocsSr iiua ae sna ' iwooa. 27S. A-2852. 363 4th st, , . a , Mais ALL KINDS of 4 ft. fi aad hardened, $5.60 cord and no. Nesr A Fan Fuel Oe Uk, A-4 67. assUst saya. wm FBOrESSIONAL AND BTJSINZSS - : . PIBECTOBT .. - OOQ AND OAT HOSPITAL i- bit t. H. HD'f H AN1," VklEBbtABlASr, Tios! pltal. 1S K. 7th at East 1847. B-1982. CVC. CAt. NOSE. THROAT, LUN0S Dr. F. F. 'Caassday.' treatasat; glasses tilted! TOO B. Burnside, cor 20th. B-189S. E. 4 7 $4. CDUCATIONAL 0AN0INO . ' RINULEU Dancing AosdemyT All branohss of modern fane- stasa and ballroom danoiBa. Classes and private lemons for adults and chil dren. . Main 3880. - Montrosa Rinclcr. dirsetor. aLANCIIESTER DsDcing Academy. 85 6 th on. Btarc ana Oak; private isssnns, g m.. p. m., sva.: latest da oca guaranteed; classes Tbnra.. Sat sea., 26a. Broadway 8160. THE BECKETT-IlKATU SCHOOL Dancing" tanght In all its branch. Private, day or evening. Class Tins, and Fri.. 8-10t As sembly after 88$ Vk Waah, t Main 8205. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY. 109 SECOND ST. Ballroom and elaaaic dancing. Private Ms- sons daily. Class Monday "and Thursday svs ntng. 8 to 10. Ladies free. Msin 2100. HELEN E HEWITT, fancy and modern dano- ing. 148 13th. Pbonas M. 6210. Mar. 6516. MISS IB ELAND 609 Dekum bldg.. 10 private . lessons, so. Hours, :au a. m. to p. ra. . LAW SCHOOLS OREGON LAW SCHOOL A thorough, practical course in law Rscita- tion evenings. Msln 977. Alisky bjdg. WlUStO 9QHOOLS AWD TIAOHKHS klCHABD NEWMASTEB, violin Instruction : with modern oonservstory of music 146 18th it, Msln 6210. " K. TiiilCLHOUN Violin tachsrc-tmpil oevcUT 207 Flledoer bldg. Broadway 629. -FEOF. L KTLAWSON. Piano lessons at your bora. 60c Pbon Tsbor 7206. FLUFF WUQ8 AHD HAO SUPS NORTHWEST BUG CO . - Established 1908. Fluff Rugs and Bag Bug woven, all E. 8th snd Taylor. East $580. B-1280. - PENINSULA Bug Works lteg rug and carpel weaving. 1618 Pat ton avs. Woodlawn S686, ' WESTERN FLL'FF BL'U CO. PHONE EAST 8161. B 1475. FURNACES J. C. BAYER FURNACE CO. Ws seU Bjynton and Thatcher fumseas, lfb eral terms. Ws ' carry repairs for Boyntoa, Thatcher. Detroit Jewel and interstate fumaosa. . Main 461. Office Front and Market. Mueller (Juality Furnace installed, ex p. furnace rs pairing. P. J. McDonald. Tb. 6486. it Sell. 71. HA IF) QOOD8 AHD HAIR DWIMIWa FEB VET A HANEUUT. leading wig and toups makers, finest stock of human hair goods j hair dressing, manicuring, fac snd scalp treat ment. Removed to 849 Alder nesr Broadway. OHIIHTAL POOPS ' Chine Emporium, 348 Morrison, blk. above Bdwy. Chinese, Japanese good and curios. FAINTINO, TINTINQ, FAPKHHANQINO HAVE you Ktn our 6a wall usparf Luaest pries on Minting, papering, tinting la tas city. Tsbor 7698. C H. Mnrk TOCHUi PAINTING Co suiuUng timing. papering. 649 Marshall st Msin 4414. , FTIMT ATTORNS VS GOLDBERG, 631 Worcester bldg. Msin 25S51 PHVSIOIANS DK. R. A PHILLIPS, tt5 Broad wy bids. Asthma. Nervouane. Prostatia Trnubi. PLUMBING SUPPLIES WHOLESALE A RETAIL PLUMBING 8 Vf- PLIES. Flemtng, 112 tth st Msln 1 $00. PRINTINQ AND BINDINO ' PRINTING andS BALTES ss CO.. 1st Oak its. M. 165. A-l 166. PRINTINQ AND ENQRAVINO THE IVY PRESS 82 "Stark st Broadway 408. A-408. REAL ESTATE DEALERS CARL 11. JONES. 404 Wilcox bldg. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ? ALSO STENCiXS. Trad Checks, Brass Bixfis. PACIFIC COAST ATAr VVOxtatS " 6$ Broadway st Broadway 71Q. A-74.' SHEET METAL WORKS HEPAIBINO tin and gravel ; roofa. Losll. 810 1st st I'bons Msln la. TOWEL SUPPLY ' ORTLAN'b LaT'NDIIY tor prompt, efficient service. I'hone Brosdwsy 410. A-4410. TRANSFER AND STORAQK Oregon Transfer Co, EstebUhed 1870. t Transfer snd Forwsrdmg Agents. " Htorag Free Trackage. Office and B torses 4 74 4lisaa t ' 13th snd Glisan. Broadwsy IStli. A-11 69.' ALw'AfS "PlChVlHE BEST HOUSEHOLD OUOPB DriA,iu ww,sw, isksuii, . shipping and moving. Horse or. Soto van. Special rates w O. O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. Second nd Pin. Brodwy 690. A-1998. Pihl Transfer & Storage Co, Fiano and Fumltars Moving. Bsggsge Psck Ing and Shipping. 827 lsvis st Phone -nroadwar 1734. A-4368. Be. Phone B. 8690. . PACKrNG. MOV I NG. STORAGE. SECURITY, . ' STORAGE A TRANSFER CO., 106 Park st, - Msin 6195. A-1061. .IQRBE.RS WHOLESALERa FLUFF RUOS AND RAO RUOS Send Us Your 014 Carpets IHyFIF- mm Msds from old Ingrains, Brussels, Axmlnster, . Smyrna. Also rag rugs, all els , ALaU orders ; prompt Send for booklet. Carpet Cleaning, Refitting Etc, 9x12 rugs, steam or eleetrie cleaned. a. .$1.00 . 8x10 rugs steam or ciectno cieanea..... . 1 e - WESTERN FLUFF BUG Oa. 64 Union ave. N. Pbon East 8161. B-1475. WOOD PIPE PORTLAND WOOD-T-rpE CO. Factory an4 ' office nesr 24th and York st. Main $480. ' TBAW8POBTATI03T . Y X l-sv a J a , wwasssi. To Astoria and North Beach arwB$lTATlstp0Ct eta fry. wxerM -' Pat'd'y r S 9-m.t returning Uar Atarta at 7a.m. daily. excwvtSttnda - i scares, etc., at turn aocn, or CTTY TICKET OFFICE JriWa$h!iittoii BotkFhont , feslBs, Wa.SeSrrsw sns ti swv 4 s. v ,sw 7 sf r tt r- Sail Francisco 7 Lois i Angeles (Without Chaaf aim Konte) S.S. ROSE CITY Sails f iroxn Alnsworth Dotk ' -S P. 1, SUNDAY, Not. 1$ Ths Saa rra&cUco p rortlsusd M. tL Co- XHtrd sjsd Wsii-trtom atzeets (wit- O-W. K. $f V. Co.) Tel. BrsMdwsy 4500. A-6121. Str. GEORGI ANA i ASTORIA AKD; WAY LAaTSIXeS .'. I aves 7 a. in. dauy. ' Sattdaya, 7;$0 a, m. BetursiuK. lesves Astoria' a. as., arrives pertland-9 p. &. ., ' - - t SIK. LUsOJhE Ieaea T.-45 a." in. dally. t eept Sands. Ketnrniog lesvrs Astoria I n. m. staa 14a. - Wsiiinsidn at. Deer. A-:. - s 'V BT sasSTer k. tVi2?-:- i. 1-7$ - y ss-3aAVI P l!V :lf ' SaK7 1 - ' ' m B I' s- I'- --. V